History of America’s Dark Side


By Larry Romanoff, March 13, 2023


There are several aspects to what we can term “America’s Dark Side”: these are civilian slaughter (“pacification”), torture, and human experimentation. This essay deals only with the first – civilian pacification by slaughter. These programs are conceived and implemented by military officers and elected officials, but are executed by average Americans. It is almost unthinkable that people exist who will execute such inhuman atrocities against other human beings, but there seem to be many of them.


In an historically-enlightening article titled “A Long History of America’s Dark Side”, American authors Peter Dale Scott and Robert Parry draw a stunning, if depressing, picture of the pattern of US military atrocities that formed the basic philosophy of US colonisation.[1] The site’s editor noted, “Many Americans view their country and its soldiers as the good guys spreading democracy and liberty around the world, and when the US inflicts death and destruction, it’s viewed as a mistake or an aberration“. The authors provide extensive documentation that American atrocities have never been mistakes but instead were part of a carefully-planned policy to perform what was called “the pacification” of native populations that resisted US colonisation.


I urge you to read the above article by Scott and Parry. It also is only “a scratch on the surface” of a huge topic, but provides more detail on a travesty of immense proportion. They point out that there is a very dark but seldom acknowledged thread running through US military tradition that has always explicitly used brutal violence and terror to suppress local populations, whether native Indians in the US or “protecting US interests” in the Philippines, Vietnam or Central and South America. “The American people are largely oblivious to this hidden tradition because most of the literature advocating state-sponsored terror is carefully confined to national security circles and rarely spills out into the public debate, which is instead dominated by feel-good messages about well-intentioned US interventions abroad.” Over the decades, congressional and journalistic investigations have exposed some of these abuses. But when that does happen, the cases are usually deemed anomalies or excesses by out-of-control soldiers. But the historical record shows that terror tactics have long been a dark side of U.S. military doctrine. The theories survive today in textbooks on counterinsurgency warfare, “low-intensity” conflict and “counter-terrorism.”


The United States has a very long history of acts of unconscionable brutality against the populations of other nations. The record that suggests these are neither a “mistake” nor an “aberration” but rather conscious counterinsurgency doctrine . There is a dark – seldom acknowledged – thread that runs through U.S. military doctrine, dating back to the early days of the Republic. This military tradition has explicitly defended the selective use of terror, whether in suppressing Native American resistance on the frontiers in the 19th Century or in protecting U.S. interests abroad in the 20th Century or fighting the “war on terror” over recent decades.


“The policy began with battles during the Northern and Southern US states, evolving into a concept of “total war” which meant devastating attacks on civilians and the economic infrastructure became an integral part of the subjugation process. When US General Sherman was battling the South, his troops burned homes, left fields and plantations in flames and engaged in widespread rapes and murders of civilians, as a means to destroy their will to fight. Essentially the same tactics were used against the native Indians, where violence and terrorism became the basis of a victorious US colonisation strategy. With the natives, the authors quote in part from the US Congressional Record, “They were scalped; their brains knocked out; the men used their knives, ripped open women, clubbed little children, knocked them in the head with their guns, beat their brains out, mutilated their bodies in every sense of the word”. Slaughter became the American way to bring peace.”


The bodies of Moro insurgents and civilians killed by US troops during the Battle of Bud Dajo in the Philippines, March 7, 1906.Source


“When the Americans moved outside their own borders to create military colonies in much of the undeveloped world, these so-called “pacification” policies accompanied them. When the US invaded the Philippines, it followed these policies to the letter, burning homes, massacring civilians, killing children, torturing and mutilating bodies, all to “pacify” the people – to brutalise them into accepting their new position as an American colony. Hundreds of thousands of civilians were herded onto bridges, killed and thrown overboard, so the rivers flowed with dead bodies. One news correspondent reflected the Americans’ deep racism when he described scenes where “American soldiers killed men, women, children … from lads of 10 and up, … the Filipino, as such, was little better than a dog. It is not civilized warfare, but we are not dealing with a civilized people. The only thing they know and fear is force, violence, and brutality.” A US Army war document praised this “exemplary criminal violence – the murder and mutilation of captives and the display of their bodies”. These atrocities were widely regarded in military circles as “pacification in its most perfected form”.


According to Scott and Parry:


“When the United States claimed the Philippines as a prize in the Spanish-American War, Filipino insurgents resisted. In 1900, the U.S. commander, Gen. J. Franklin Bell, consciously modeled his brutal counterinsurgency campaign after the Indian wars and Sherman’s “march to the sea.” Bell believed that by punishing the wealthier Filipinos through destruction of their homes — much as Sherman had done in the South — they would be coerced into helping convince their countrymen to submit. Learning from the Indian wars, he also isolated the guerrillas by forcing Filipinos into tightly controlled zones where schools were built and other social amenities were provided. “The entire population outside of the major cities in Batangas was herded into concentration camps,” wrote historian Stuart Creighton Miller. “Bell’s main target was the wealthier and better-educated classes. … Adding insult to injury, Bell made these people carry the petrol used to burn their own country homes.”


For those outside protected areas, there was terror. A supportive news correspondent described one scene in which American soldiers killed “men, women, children … from lads of 10 and up, an idea prevailing that the Filipino, as such, was little better than a dog. … “Our soldiers have pumped salt water into men to ‘make them talk,’ have taken prisoner people who held up their hands and peacefully surrendered, and an hour later, without an atom of evidence to show they were even insurrectos, stood them on a bridge and shot them down one by one, to drop into the water below and float down as an example to those who found their bullet-riddled corpses.” Defending the tactics, the correspondent noted that “it is not civilized warfare, but we are not dealing with a civilized people. The only thing they know and fear is force, violence, and brutality.” [Philadelphia Ledger, Nov. 19, 1900]


“In 1901, anti-imperialists in Congress exposed and denounced Bell’s brutal tactics. Nevertheless, Bell’s strategies won military acclaim as a refined method of pacification. In a 1973 book, one pro-Bell military historian, John Morgan Gates, termed reports of U.S. atrocities “exaggerated” and hailed Bell’s “excellent understanding of the role of benevolence in pacification.” Gates recalled that Bell’s campaign in Batanga was regarded by military strategists as “pacification in its most perfected form.” [See Gates’s Schoolbooks and Krags: The United States Army in the Philippines, 1898-1902.] “The campaign against the Huk movement in the Philippines … greatly resembled the American campaign of almost 50 years earlier,” historian Gates observed. “The American approach to the problem of pacification had been a studied one.” But the war against the Huks had some new wrinkles, particularly the modern concept of psychological warfare or psy-war.”


 My Lai massacre victims photo by U. S. Army photographer Ronald L. Haeberle. Capt. Colin Powell in Vietnam, prior to his promotion. Source


The US copied its successes into Vietnam. US General Colin Powell, who later served as US Secretary of State, endorsed the routine practice of murdering Vietnamese males as a necessary part of the counterinsurgency effort. “Counterinsurgency” in US military-speak means killing all the people who resist your invasion of their country; they are the “insurgents” who must be eliminated. In Vietnam, the US destroyed all the dams and water supplies, much of the farmland and crops, destroyed entire towns and massacred all inhabitants. The American “pacification” of Vietnam and neighboring countries in the end claimed millions of lives, and these were not primarily military casualties but the organised murder of civilians meant to terrorise the entire population into accepting permanent US occupation. Fortunately for the Vietnamese, it failed.


Indonesia was the same. The CIA overthrew the existing government to install a dictator more compliant to US military colonisation and, in an effort to “pacify” the population, rounded up and hacked to death with machetes more than 3 million Indonesian peasants, in what was the greatest human slaughter in recent history. Hundreds of thousands of bodies were dumped in rivers, impaled on bamboo stakes so they wouldn’t sink, and many mutilated bodies were put on display to serve as a warning to others. By all accounts, Indonesian rivers were blood-red for weeks.[2]We saw with our own eyes the massacre of the people who were surrendering: all dead, even women and children, even the littlest ones. Not even pregnant women were spared: they were cut open. They did what they had done to small children the previous year, grabbing them by the legs and smashing their heads against rocks.” One American military leader boasted, “We did the same thing in Java, in Borneo, in the Celebes, in Irian Jaya. It worked”.

印尼也一样。中情局推翻了现有政府,任命了一个更顺从美国军事殖民统治的独裁者,为了“安抚”民众,中情局围捕了300多万印尼农民,并用砍刀砍死了他们,这是近代史上最大的一次屠杀。数十万具尸体被扔进河里,钉在竹竿上以免沉入水中,许多残缺不全的尸体被展示出来,作为对其他人的警告。据所有人说,印尼的河流数周来都是血红色的。[2] “我们亲眼目睹了对投降者的屠杀:所有人都死了,包括妇女和儿童,甚至是最小的孩子。甚至连孕妇都没有幸免:她们被割开了身体。她们做了前一年对年幼儿童所做的事情,抓住他们的腿,用石头砸碎他们的头。”一名美国军方领导人夸口说,“我们在爪哇、婆罗洲、西里伯斯、伊里安贾亚也做了同样的事情。它奏效了。”。


New York Times columnist James Reston spoke approvingly of the bloody massacres as “a gleam of light in Asia”. US Embassy officer Robert Martens who was in charge of compiling the lists of Indonesians selected for the slaughter, told the media, “I probably have a lot of blood on my hands, but that’s not all bad. There’s a time when you have to strike hard at a decisive moment”, the victims of course being blamed for their own misfortune. And the New York Times had the gall to publish an article titled: “U.S. Stood By as Indonesia Killed a Half-Million People, Papers Show”.[3] How can you tell a bigger lie than that?


And as usual, the Americans then re-wrote the history books to eliminate any record of their immense human slaughter. Bonnie Triyana, an Indonesian historian, said, “Ours is an oblivious society. Almost no one knows that millions were killed.


And this surprisingly (partially) honest entry in Wikipedia:[4] “Robert J. Martens, political officer at the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta from 1963 to 1966, told journalist Kathy Kadane in 1990 that he led a group of State Department and CIA officials who drew up the lists of roughly 5,000 Communist Party operatives, which he provided to an Army intermediary. Kadane asserts that approval for the release of names came from top U.S. Embassy officials, including U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia Marshall Green, deputy chief of mission Jack Lydman who later denied all involvement. The State Department volume Foreign Relations of the United States, 1964–1968, which the CIA attempted to suppress in 2001, acknowledges that the U.S. Embassy provided lists of communist leaders to Indonesians involved in the purges. U.S. government officials, among them Marshall Green, “published memoirs and articles that sought to divert attention from any possible U.S. role, while questioning the integrity and political loyalties of scholars who disagreed with them”.”

 维基百科上的这条出人意料地(部分地)诚实的条目是:1963年至1966年期间,美国驻雅加达大使馆的政治官员罗伯特·马滕斯在1990年告诉记者凯西·卡丹,他领导了一个由国务院和中央情报局官员组成的小组,起草了大约5000名共产党特工的名单,并将名单提供给了一名军方中间人。  卡丹称,批准公布姓名的是美国大使馆的高级官员,包括美国驻印度尼西亚大使马歇尔·格林、美国驻印尼大使馆副馆长杰克·莱德曼。莱德曼后来否认与此事有关。美国国务院出版的《1964年至1968年美国外交关系》一书承认,美国大使馆向参与清洗行动的印尼人提供了共产党领导人的名单。CIA曾在2001年试图压制该书。包括马歇尔·格林在内的美国政府官员“发表了回忆录和文章,试图转移人们对美国可能扮演的任何角色的注意力,同时质疑那些不同意他们观点的学者的正直和政治忠诚”。[4]

Washington Post senior editor Stephen Rosenfeld justified these mass killings as “the grim but earned fate of a conspiratorial revolutionary party”. So, the Indonesian peasants that were mercilessly slaughtered were part of a “conspiracy” that was plotting a “revolution” against the US invaders, and therefore deserved their fate. He also boasted that due to the massacres, the US could now “enjoy the fruits in the geopolitical stability of that important part of Asia”.


Scott and Parry again:


“In 1965, the U.S. intelligence community formalized its hard-learned counterinsurgency lessons by commissioning a top-secret program called Project X. Based at the U.S. Army Intelligence Center and School at Fort Holabird, Maryland, the project drew from field experience and developed teaching plans to “provide intelligence training to friendly foreign countries,” according to a Pentagon history prepared in 1991 and released in 1997. Called “a guide for the conduct of clandestine operations,” Project X “was first used by the U.S. Intelligence School on Okinawa to train Vietnamese and, presumably, other foreign nationals,” the history stated. Linda Matthews of the Pentagon’s Counterintelligence Division recalled that in 1967-68, some of the Project X training material was prepared by officers connected to the Phoenix program. “She suggested the possibility that some offending material from the Phoenix program may have found its way into the Project X materials at that time,” the Pentagon report said.”


“In the 1970s, the U.S. Army Intelligence Center and School moved to Fort Huachuca in Arizona and began exporting Project X material to U.S. military assistance groups working with “friendly foreign countries.” By the mid-1970s, the Project X material was going to armies all over the world. In its 1992 review, the Pentagon acknowledged that Project X was the source for some of the “objectionable” lessons at the School of the Americas where Latin American officers were trained in blackmail, kidnapping, torture, murder and spying on non-violent political opponents. But disclosure of the full story was blocked near the end of the first Bush administration when senior Pentagon officials working for then-Defense Secretary Dick Cheney ordered the destruction of most Project X records.


Few people, and even fewer Americans, seem to recognise the boldly dishonest propaganda that accompanies every US military incursion. It is always the same: while the Americans are the aggressors in nations like the Philippines, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and so many more, the standard narrative of the US government and the media is that the locals are “rebels”, “insurgents” or “terrorists”. Fabricated for a gullible public, this presentation leads readers to believe the Americans are nobly and selflessly putting down a rebellion for the cause of democracy and justice, which they of course are not. People are defending their country and their lives against a brutal invader, but are demonised in the American media as terrorist renegades. It is not easy for us to accept the truth that it is the “rebels and insurgents” in places like Iraq and Afghanistan who are inevitably the good guys in these invasions.


FILE – In this Dec.26, 1969, file photo, LT. Gen William R. Peers, head of the Army panel flying to Vietnam to investigate the initial probe into the alleged My Lay massacre, sights along his cigar during a preflight news conference in the Pentagon. On March 16, 1968, U.S. soldiers of Charlie Company sent on whatthey were told was a mission to confront a crack outfit of their Vietcong enemies, met no resistance, but over the course of three or four hours Killed 504 unarmed civilians, mostly women, children and the elderly, in My Lay and a neighboring community. (AP Photo/File) Source


The Vietnam War was the first time Americans learned of the horrors inflicted by their own government, when live film of the war was broadcast on US television. They were able to actually see the widespread destruction of villages, the brutal interrogations and executions, and see the live results of dropping napalm onto schools and hospitals. The realisations resulting from witnessing their nation’s “pacification” strategies in real life led to drastic upheavals that threatened to tear apart American society, and led to the ending of the war. From that, the US government understood that graphic images would destroy public support for its wars, and created a new PR field called “perception management” where the media were forced to report only sanitised versions of US foreign military adventures, and where great effort was focused not on eliminating barbaric and reprehensible behavior, but on managing.


Scott and Parry again:


“Reagan also added an important new component to the mix. Recognizing how graphic images and honest reporting from the war zone had undercut public support for the counterinsurgency in Vietnam, Reagan authorized an aggressive domestic “public diplomacy” operation which practiced what was called “perception management” — in effect, intimidating journalists to ensure that only sanitized information would reach the American people. Reporters who disclosed atrocities by U.S.-trained forces, such as the El Mozote massacre by El Salvador’s Atlacatl battalion in 1981, came under harsh criticism and saw their careers damaged. Some Reagan operatives were not shy about their defense of political terror as a necessity of the Cold War. Neil Livingstone, a counter-terrorism consultant to the National Security Council, called death squads “an extremely effective tool, however odious, in combatting terrorism and revolutionary challenges.” In this context, they referenced Michael McClintock’s “Instruments of Statecraft”.[5][6]


“When Democrats in Congress objected to excesses of Reagan’s interventions in Central America, the administration responded with more public relations and political pressure, questioning the patriotism of the critics. For instance, Reagan’s United Nations Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick accused anyone who took note of U.S.-backed war crimes of “blaming America first.” Many Democrats in Congress and journalists in the Washington press corps buckled under the attacks, giving the Reagan administration much freer rein to carry out brutal “death squad” strategies in El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala and Nicaragua. What is clear from these experiences in Indonesia, Vietnam, Central America and elsewhere is that the United States, for generations, has sustained two parallel but opposed states of mind about military atrocities and human rights: one of U.S. benevolence, generally held by the public, and the other of ends-justify-the-means brutality embraced by counterinsurgency specialists.”


Mrs. Nguyễn Thị Tẩu (Chín Tẩu) killed by US soldiers, part of her brain is lying nearby. Source

Nguy夫人nị Tẩu(ChíTẩu) 被美军杀死的她部分大脑就在附近。来源

“Normally the specialists carry out their actions in remote locations with little notice in the national press. But sometimes the two competing visions – of a just America and a ruthless one – clash in the open, as they did in Vietnam. Or the dark side of U.S. security policy is thrown into the light by unauthorized leaks, such as the photos of abused detainees at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq or by revelations about waterboarding and other torture authorized by George W. Bush’s White House as part of the “war on terror.” Only then does the public get a glimpse of the grim reality, the bloody and brutal tactics that have been deemed “necessary” for more than two centuries in the defense of the purported “national interests.”



Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chapt. 2 — Dealing with Demons).

罗曼诺夫的作品 他的文章被翻译成32种语言,发表在30多个国家的150多个外语新闻和政治网站上,以及100多个英语平台上。拉里·罗曼诺夫是一名退休的管理顾问和商人。他曾在国际咨询公司担任高级管理职位,并拥有国际进出口业务。他曾在上海复旦大学担任客座教授,向EMBA高级班讲授国际事务方面的案例研究。罗曼诺夫住在上海,目前正在撰写一系列十本书,这些书通常与中国和西方有关。他是辛西娅·麦金尼新书集的撰稿人之一。(第二章)。当中国打喷嚏的时候对付恶魔


His full archive can be seen at


https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/and https://www.moonofshanghai.com/

He can be contacted at:







[1] A Long History of America’s Dark Side   美国黑暗面的悠久历史


[2] The True Story of Indonesia’s US-Backed Anti-Communist Bloodbath   美国支持的印尼反共大屠杀的真实故事


[3] U.S. Stood By as Indonesia Killed a Half-Million People, Papers Show     文件显示,印尼导致50万人死亡,美国袖手旁观


[4] Indonesian mass killings of 1965–66    1965年至1966年的印度尼西亚大屠杀


[5] Instruments of Statecraft: U.S. Guerilla Warfare, Counter-Insurgency, Counter-Terrorism, 1940-1990    治国手段:1940年至1990年的美国游击战、反叛乱、反恐

[6] Instruments of statecraft    治国手段


Copyright © Larry RomanoffBlue Moon of ShanghaiMoon of Shanghai, 2023


CN — LARRY ROMANOFF: 美国政府向美国宣战 — 第三部分——美国对自己的军队宣战


The US Government Declares War on America



Part 3 – The US Declares War on its own Military



By Larry Romanoff, March 11, 2023


(Left) A portrait of Louis Bessho from 1969. (Right) Military orders from April 1944 for Japanese-American soldiers, including Bessho, who were part of the military’s mustard gas testing at Edgewood Arsenal in Maryland.

Left: Courtesy of David Bessho / Right: Army Service Forces, Headquarters Camp Wolters Texas, Courtesy of Marc Bessho. Source



Covert experiments by the US government on its own military personnel are not new. For at least the past 70 years, the US military has used its servicemen as laboratory animals in conducting illegal and inhumane experiments.[1] From at least the 1940s until today, ex-military patients in US Veterans Administration hospitals were used as test subjects under many circumstances, without their knowledge or consent. Millions of US servicemen have been deliberately exposed to biological pathogens, nuclear radiation of various forms, medical substances and other procedures, all without their knowledge or consent. The admission of these appears only after many decades of secrecy and some are still denied. With the extensive destruction of records, much of the truth will never be known. Among the experiments conducted are the withholding of necessary treatment to see what happens. In order to disguise what is being done to these American veterans, authorities were ordered to substitute the words “investigation” or “observation” for “experiment” when reporting the results.

 美国政府对自己的军事人员进行秘密实验并不新鲜。至少在过去70年里,美国军方一直把军人当作实验动物,进行非法和不人道的实验。[1] 至少从20世纪40年代到今天,美国退伍军人管理局医院的退伍军人在很多情况下被用作测试对象,他们不知道也不同意。数以百万计的美国军人被故意暴露在生物病原体、各种形式的核辐射、医疗物质和其他程序之下,所有这些都是在他们不知情或不同意的情况下发生的。直到几十年的保密之后,才有人承认这一点,其中一些仍然被否认。随着记录被广泛销毁,许多真相将永远无法得知。进行的实验包括不进行必要的治疗以观察会发生什么。为了掩盖正在对这些美国退伍军人采取的行动,当局奉命在报告结果时用“调查”或“观察”代替“实验”。

In the 1940s, about 60,000 military personnel were used as human subjects in chemical tests of mustard gas and blister gas.[2][3][4] These subjects were not informed of the nature of the experiments and never received medical treatment. For fear of publicity and a public outcry, these victims were threatened with imprisonment if they discussed the experiments with anyone, including their wives, parents, and especially forbidding mention to family doctors. For decades, the Pentagon denied that the research had taken place, resulting in decades of suffering for many veterans who subsequently developed long-term illnesses. In the 1950s, the US Military conducted chemical warfare experiments on more than 7,000 soldiers at its Edgewood Arsenal in Maryland. [5][6][7][8][9]


For 20 years or more, the US military ordered about 250,000 servicemen into very near ground zero to observe nuclear explosions, in addition to another 200,000 who were part of the US occupation force in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. [10][11][12] In all cases, men were ordered into the area almost immediately after the blast, the men receiving assurance the radiation was not harmful. In some tests, the soldiers were exposed in small bunkers only one mile from the actual blast, some observers reporting the odor of burning flesh, and certainly some died. These tests were much more powerful than those at Hiroshima, and even at several Kms from the target everyone would receive third-degree burns and there would be almost no survivors, yet US military reports claimed “the observers suffered no adverse effects”, while refusing to release any documentation on the tests. There was no scientific, or even military, justification for the forced exposure of these men, especially in such large numbers. The Defense Department was simply sacrificing soldiers in dozens of attempts to learn the incidence of illness or death from exposure to nuclear explosions.


00 The US military did the same repeatedly with flight crews and aircraft, ordering the men to fly through the mushroom clouds within minutes after an explosion. [13][14][15] By the time the full mushroom cloud was formed after a blast, the aircraft were already in position to penetrate it, and were flown through both the ‘heads’ of the mushroom cloud and the ‘stems’, simply in attempts to determine the amounts of radiation exposure and the effects. As a measure of the danger, the maximum annual dose of radiation was considered to be about the equivalent of 250 chest x-rays, but the men flying through the mushroom clouds received more than three times this amount in the space of a few minutes. Moreover, this recorded radiation level was the maximum the mens’ radiation badges could register; the actual radiation in the blast clouds was measured at levels 50 times higher than that recorded on the badges, yet the military reported no medical follow-up on the exposed aircrews. We can assume they didn’t want to know. In some cases, the total radiation levels in the clouds were reported to have been 800 times greater than that recorded on the badges.



By late 2013, crew members from the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan were suffering serious radiation-related illnesses after conducting operations off the coast of Japan in 2011. The crew members were apparently drinking and bathing in heavily radioactive desalinated water with no warning and no protection. Former Navy Quartermaster Maurice Enis said it was after more than a month of radiation exposure that the ship was scrubbed down and sailors offered radiation protection, but that the officers had received protective iodine much earlier. In an interview with the Huffington Post he also claimed “They had us sign off that we were medically fine, had no sickness, and that we couldn’t sue the US government”, even though many displayed alarming signs of radiation poisoning. The attorney representing these men says more than 75 sailors have testicular and thyroid cancers, leukemias, rectal and gynecological bleeding, brain tumors, and some who had perfect eyesight are now going blind. Some crew members have already died, and females have given birth to infants with multiple genetic defects. The article claimed both the US and Japanese governments are in a major conspiracy to conceal the true facts.


From the 1960s onward, as part of Project Shipboard Hazard and Defense (SHAD), the US Military sprayed naval vessels with various biological and chemical warfare agents, while thousands of US military personnel were aboard the ships. [16][17] The personnel were not notified of the tests, and were not given any protective clothing. Chemicals tested on them included the nerve gases VX and Sarin, toxic chemicals such as zinc cadmium sulfide and sulfur dioxide, and a variety of biological agents. In 1950, the CIA initiated Project Bluebird, later renamed Project Artichoke, whose stated purpose was to develop “the means to control individuals through special interrogation techniques”. Project Bluebird researchers in Maryland fed doses of LSD to more than 7,000 US military personnel without their knowledge, with more than 1,000 of these developing various psychiatric illnesses and epilepsy as a result, and many committing suicide.


In Vietnam, the US military, in full possession of documented evidence of the toxic nature of the chemical, exposed hundreds of thousands of its own soldiers to the lethal dioxins of Agent Orange, persuading them it was harmless to humans. [18][19][20][21] Being a liquid, soldiers would spray each other with it to cool off on hot days. Countless thousands of American soldiers returned from Vietnam suffering horribly from the effects, with so many wives experiencing miscarriages and children born with birth defects. True to form, the US government denied everything for two decades and, when proof was irrefutable, offered these crippled and deformed survivors $100 per month for ten years – or until they died. Widows would receive a maximum of $3,700. Monsanto spokesman Jill Montgomery, a lovely and sincere lady to be sure, claimed Monsanto carried no liability for these casualties, saying “We are sympathetic with people who believe they have been injured and understand their concern to find the cause, but reliable scientific evidence indicates that Agent Orange is not the cause of serious long-term health effects.” And US judge Jack B. Weinstein dismissed a class-action lawsuit on the multiple grounds that there was no basis for any claims and that the US government had “sovereign immunity” in any case. To add insult to injury, the same court ruled that the Chemical companies, primarily Monsanto and DuPont, were contractors of the US government and therefore shared their immunity.


The US military also subjected many war veterans to undergo forced lobotomies in experimental attempts to control what is today considered the psychological trauma of war, many of these victims being very young men who were having trouble dealing with the horrors they experienced. [22][23][24][25][26] In each case, the US government assured the families these men would be returned to ‘normal’ behavior but who instead became vegetables, leading to generations of recriminations and regrets. Lawsuits are still pending in many of these cases. For the record, this wasn’t the first or last time the US government attempted this procedure. As we will see later, lobotomies were a favorite method use by the FBI for neutralising political dissidents in America in the 1970s and 1980s.


The US government has for many decades used the “state secrets” excuse to cover itself from liability for its mistakes. In one famous case in 1953, some widows whose husbands had died in a military aircraft crash sued the government for negligence, but met a stone wall when the government refused to release the accident report on the grounds that it would disclose vital information about secret military equipment. When the report was declassified 50 years later, it contained no mention of any military equipment, secret or otherwise. There are many hundreds of these cases spanning 80 years or more, each involving a cover-up of, occasionally, error, but most often to hide negligence or criminality. There were also major issues when both military parents had died, leaving orphaned children, who, to the US military, were now “free” test subjects and who were often used in cruel medical experiments. Most of these small, helpless, and already badly traumtised children were callously employed as laboratory material by people completely devoid of a sense of either ethics or humanity. Many of these children died, or committed suicide later in life.


Declaring War on the Gulf Warriors


Since the first Gulf War in Kuwait, hundreds of thousands of US troops have suffered from exposure to various nuclear waste that was used against Iraq, resulting in widespread cancers and leukemia, badly-deformed childbirths and a variety of other illnesses resulting from the American use of biological and chemical weapons. At a cancer center in Houston, Texas, a Dr. Garth Nicholson discovered that many of these returning soldiers were infected with a genetically-altered strain of Mycoplasma that was clearly man-made and commonly used in the production of biological weapons. In spite of this, and other overwhelming evidence, the US government denied the use of any of these war materials, and refused either medical treatment or compensation to its soldiers. There appears to be little question that the severely debilitating illnesses and cancers these men experienced, were a direct result of this exposure, but the US military denied not only responsibility but the existence of the diseases themselves. The Internet has been totally scrubbed on information on this issue. According to Google, Bing, and other search engines, this never existed.


US soldiers during the Gulf Wars were forced under federal law to take experimental vaccines, the law stipulating that soldiers cannot refuse participation in the military’s medical experiments. Jessica Horjus, a member of the US Air Force, refused to take an anthrax vaccine before being sent to Kuwait, because the vaccine had accumulated thousands of reports of adverse reactions ranging from headaches and vomiting to severe autoimmune and neurological problems. [27][28][29] Despite this and despite four years’ service and commendations and Good Conduct Medals, her commander demoted her and cut her pay in half. When she refused additional orders to take the vaccine, she was dishonorably discharged from the US military. Others who have refused the vaccinations have been imprisoned, and many threatened with up to 10 years in prison. Soldiers, citizen groups and members of Congress have demanded that Defense Department officials cease the vaccinations, but to no avail. The US military is determined to accumulate statistical and biological experience with its weaponised anthrax, and requires test subjects, both for the disease and for various treatments or immunisations.


The US is infinitely the worst country at using its own population, and especially its military personnel for lethal experiments on humans, and has exhibited little hesitation in “out-sourcing” these experiments to other nations. In early 2014 the US (Jewish-owned) media totally suppressed reports of the end of a long battle in which Jewish soldiers in Israel finally won compensation from the courts for having been deliberately exposed to anthrax in military tests. [30]  Between 1999-2005, the Israeli Defense Ministry and the chemical and biological weapons institute at Nes Ziona collaborated with their American counterparts who apparently were unwilling to do live tests but found their Israeli colleagues more than happy to oblige. The experiments were considered so sensitive that the supposed volunteers, many of whom claimed to have been pressured into participating, were not told what they were being injected with, nor warned of the many side effects that included kidney failure. They were further threatened with punishment for speaking about the project. The Israeli Medical Association issued a scathing report of these violations, which it claimed were done to serve US interests. According to foreign reports, Israel shared the findings from these experiments with the US military in return for hundreds of millions in additional “research” funding.


The recent American wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have also taken their toll in other ways. Since the US entered these wars, more than two million US troops have been deployed. The reporting of American war deaths is now illegal, as is all video showing American bodies returning home, and deaths are under-reported. In addition to the deaths, more than 100,000 have been wounded with another 1.5 million requiring medical care. And while 400,000 veterans have sought mental assistance, more than 200,000 are living with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.[31][32][33] Over two million veterans are eligible for benefits with 600,000 already receiving federal disability. The savage barbarity that has engulfed American soldiers has also led to a massive increase in suicidal tendencies. The US government claims to have rescued 20,000 suicidal veterans, while thousands of others have committed suicide from their inability to live with the atrocities they committed at the instruction of their own government.


In spite of the number of American soldiers receiving treatment, many hundreds of thousands more have been studiously ignored, the US government steadfastly refusing to recognise their illnesses or even admit the existence of them. This applies to the severe mental and emotional disturbances resulting not from battle stress but from atrocities committed. As well, the many victims, certainly numbering in the hundreds of thousands, suffering from exposure to depleted uranium, are not only ignored but the US government flatly denies having used such munitions in the face of overwhelming evidence of their guilt. Countless thousands of American soldiers have experienced the same tragic birth defects in their own children as seen by people in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait, but are left to their own devices to cope.


The US fired millions of artillery and other rounds in Iraq that were made of depleted uranium (DU). I won’t go into details here, but one effect of DU is that since then about 25% of all births in Iraq exhibit the most horrible deformities, babies born with no head, one head, two heads, or three heads. Many infants are born with most of their internal organs outside the torso, and many with the brain entirely outside the cranial cavity. Many have any number of limbs emanating from any part of the body, and many with no limbs at all. Some have no eyes; some have only one large eye in the center of their foreheads, if the nose isn’t already there.


A UN report described many emerging fetuses as “unidentifiable lumps of flesh“. It was so bad that the midwives who still at that time delivered most births in Iraq, were refusing to assist at birthing because “We don’t know what will come out.”


Life Magazine ran an article titled, detailing how many American soldiers returned home with the same radioactive contamination and whose wives experienced similar defective births. [34][35] The article was touching, and focused on the fact that the US military adamantly refused to admit that its DU munitions were responsible, and disclaimed any responsibility for the welfare of these soldiers. But the real point is that Life was somehow unaware of the hundreds of thousands of similar frightening births in Iraq, focusing only on a few treasured American lives. The article, and the issue, have since been deleted from Life’s archive and totally scrubbed from the internet, as have photo images of the cover.


American servicemen who served in Afghanistan, and during the Gulf War in Kuwait and later in Iraq, have consistently and in very large numbers claimed to have been unknowingly exposed to large amounts of chemical and biological pathogens as well as lethal radioactive dust from depleted-uranium munitions. In spite of an enormous amount of direct and circumstantial evidence, the US military continues to steadfastly deny having employed any of these munitions or materials and has refused almost all medical care or disability pensions, or indeed any compensation, to these people. One problem in receiving treatment is that these veterans all claim, “We were lined up in front of the medical facility and made to sign waivers attesting to “not having been exposed to anything harmful” and these papers were PART of and KEY TO out-processing that base, i.e., going home.”. In other words, the US military not only forced each soldier to ingest unknown medications, but to sign a legal waiver of any government liability as a condition for ending a tour of duty and being able to return home. That constitutes coercion and extortion on a grand scale, and leaves war veterans with no recourse.


This large collection of illnesses has been collectively catalogued as “Gulf War Illnesses”, which the US military attributes entirely to “stress” or “battle fatigue”, implying these are simply psychological disorders experienced by the less than mentally fit. But the symptoms, according to the best medical minds in America, do not fit any such categorisation and would in fact be impossible as the results of stress. As well, virtually to a man, these soldiers deny that their participation in these wars was at all stressful, and refuse to accept that stress in any form played a part in their conditions. To further underscore these claims, a great many of these Gulf War veterans have transmitted their symptoms and illnesses to their immediate family members, to the workplace, and to other civilians as well. Moreover, treatments with medications that address exposure to chemical and biological agents have proven successful in a large number of cases in eliminating the symptoms and the illnesses, a result which would be impossible if the conditions were merely stress-induced.


The symptoms, such as chronic fatigue, Fibromyalgia, and chemical sensitivities appear to conform to chronic illnesses caused by exposure to various chemical and biological agents. “In addition to chronic fatigue, the soldiers have suffered headaches, memory loss, muscle pain, nausea, gastrointestinal problems, severe pain in joints and lymph nodes, memory loss, and other symptoms that included heightened sensitivities to various environmental agents as well as enhanced allergic responses. None of these are typically recognisable as stress-related symptoms, and none would be infectious or transmittable to others if they lacked a physical and medical basis.” The US military flatly denies that any symptoms have been transmitted to others, yet a US Senate investigative report concluded that a large number of Gulf War veterans do indeed have transmittable infections and that the families of these veterans have developed the same chronic infections in about 45% of all cases.


The US sent nearly two million soldiers to the Persian Gulf for the Gulf Wars, with a large percentage subjected to an experimental nerve agent which is later believed to be one of the causes of Gulf War Syndrome. The Defense Department at first attempted to lay the blame on Iraq’s chemical and biological facilities which were destroyed during the wars and which, it was claimed, released these toxins. However, it was later easily proven that Iraq had no such facilities of any consequence and, in any case, more than a third of all US soldiers suffering from these disabling illnesses had never left the US during either war, leaving the entire liability resting on the medications and vaccinations administered to the troops. Civilian medical investigators are unanimous in concluding these Gulf War illnesses are the result of exposure to multiple toxins from chemical, radiological and biological sources, which category would include the forced experimental vaccinations applied to these servicemen prior to their tours of duty. In fact, many servicemen who would not have been in position to be exposed to the other toxins or pathogens, are convinced it was the vaccinations themselves that induced the illnesses they now face. The US military refuses to discuss this matter as well.


In spite of the military’s consistent denials, it is an established fact not in dispute by the servicemen or the medical profession that vast numbers of chemical and biological exposures occurred during the Gulf War, and that the chronic and systemic conditions existing today are the natural result of these exposures. One such agent consists of a group of intracellular pathogens like mycoplasmas that affect a person’s immune system and trigger unusual auto-immune effects very much like the Gulf War symptoms, and it is precisely the mycoplasmas that the military is accused of having employed and dispersed in large amounts. Medical experts believe the proven existence of large-scale mycoplasma blood infections in these veterans, would explain most of their symptoms and illnesses. Certainly, the US military had been working on enhanced mycoplasma strains for many years, and clearly achieved some success since the US Armed Forces Institute of Pathology obtained a patent on mycoplasmas in June 1991. And as early as 1975 or 1976, the city of Huntsville, Texas experienced a serious outbreak of an apparently altered form of mycoplasma, that many observers concluded had resulted from a covert government experiment originating at a Texas military installation.


Dr. Garth Nicolson is one of the medical experts testifying in this arena. He is the Chief Scientific Officer and Research Professor at the Institute for Molecular Medicine in Huntington Beach, California, with a CV of credentials too extensive to list here. It was primarily his testimony that opened this matter to public debate, since his qualifications essentially placed him beyond impeachment. In November of 1998, Dr. Nicolson testified before a Congressional Committee on the matter of the Defense Department’s treatment of the Gulf War Illnesses. It was Dr. Nicholson’s work that discovered perhaps half of Gulf War veterans had been infected with “an altered strain of Mycoplasma incognitus”, one that was commonly used in the production of biological weapons, and whose molecular structure contained portions of an HIV protein coat, proving irrefutably that it had been made in a lab and was part of a genetically-engineered bio-warfare agent.


And this was where the lies began in earnest. The Defense Department testified to Congress and stated to the media that this type of mycoplasma infection was very common, not at all dangerous and would not even qualify as a human pathogen. Dr. Nicholson stated that “These statements could not be further from the truth”, that the US military Health Sciences “had been teaching its medical students for years that this type of infection is very dangerous and can progress to system-wide organ failure and death”, and that “the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP) has been publishing for years that this type of infection can result in death …”.


Dr. Nicholson documented his success in treating these illnesses, stating it was only those antibiotics active against mycoplasmas that produced positive results, producing prima facie evidence that these biological organisms were the source of the Gulf War illnesses. Dr. Nicholson stated flatly that the “DoD is still trying to bury the issue of infectious diseases and GWI”, repeatedly referring to military statements with comments such as : “This is not the truth.”; “These are complete distortions and untruths.”. He also made the point, as have many others that, during the rather brief Gulf War offensive, chemical weapons alarms sounded more than 14,000 times, the military later dismissing this with a claim that the equipment “produced many false positives” and that no chemical or biological weapons were used.


Nicholson also discussed the vaccinations, testifying that soldiers were given “multiple inoculations, in some cases with experimental vaccines in unproved immunization schemes”, stating that the untested and unproven vaccines given simultaneously could easily result in immunosuppression. He further noted that these “experimental” vaccines were contaminated (whether accidentally or deliberately, he did not specify) and that many lots of these vaccines had to be destroyed due to the “microorganism contamination”.


Five years later, Dr. Nicolson uncovered evidence proving that the biological agents used during the Gulf War, and to which hundreds of thousands of soldiers were exposed, had been manufactured in Houston, TX and Boca Raton, Fl and tested on prisoners in the Texas Department of Corrections. Finally in 1996 the Department of Defense admitted that Desert Storm soldiers had been exposed to chemical agents dispersed by the US military, stating the US FDA (Food and Drug Administration) had granted the US military a “waiver of the Nuremberg Code”, thereby permitting the use of unapproved drugs (and weapons) and vaccines that were used in Desert Shield. This was an astonishingly ludicrous claim, since the FDA has no authority to waive international treaties. A year later, about 100 members of the US Congress presented a demand for an investigation into Gulf War Syndrome and the US military’s bio-weapons use, a demand which produced no result of which I am aware.

 五年后,尼科尔森博士发现了证据,证明在海湾战争期间使用的生物制剂是在德克萨斯州休斯顿和佛罗里达州博卡拉顿制造的,并在德克萨斯州惩教部的囚犯身上进行了测试。最后,1996年,美国国防部承认,沙漠风暴士兵曾接触过美军散布的化学制剂,称美国食品和药品管理局(FDA,Food and Drug Administration,简称FDA)已授予美军“纽伦堡法规豁免权”,从而允许使用沙漠之盾中使用的未经批准的药物(和武器)和疫苗。这是一个极其荒谬的说法,因为FDA无权放弃国际条约。一年后,大约100名美国国会议员提出了对海湾战争综合症和美军使用生物武器进行调查的要求,但这一要求没有产生我所知的任何结果。

But even with the revelations and admitted complicity of the US government, the military and CIA, and hundreds of prominent American hospitals and universities, the victims have largely been left to fend for themselves without treatment or compensation, the US courts generally ruling that the government and all its agencies are immune to prosecution. And even to this date, not a single individual has been prosecuted for participation in this immense travesty of human rights violations.


There is one more aspect of this matter that the Western media have taken extraordinary pains to bury, to prevent the topic from even entering public consciousness. And this issue is the devastating horrors visited on the citizens of those nations listed above, since it wasn’t only US servicemen who were exposed to depleted uranium, dioxins and all the chemical and biological pathogens. Iraq alone has millions of civilians who were exposed to a wide range of these horrors, quite apart from the tragedy of the war itself, with the US government and the entire Western world pretending this matter doesn’t exist. But it does exist, even though the New York Times doesn’t care to tell you about it. Once again, the value of free speech depends entirely on who controls the microphone.


Not only have the victims not received compensation or treatment, in almost all instances the government has refused to even acknowledge what was done to them. This applies perhaps especially to members of the US Armed Services who were not only used as unwitting subjects in an enormous variety of chemical, biological and radioactive experimentation, but were knowingly subjected – en masse – to debilitating and often lethal doses of chemicals and radiation on the battlefield. This occurred after Hiroshima and Nagasaki as well as during the hundreds of nuclear test explosions conducted by the US military on American soil and around the world, when American soldiers were repeatedly sent in immediately following a nuclear test, without protection or warning. The same occurred during the war in Vietnam where government and military authorities were fully aware of the lethality and genetic horrors from exposure to dioxins like Agent Orange, exposing potentially millions of soldiers to these deadly poisons.


It occurred again in Operation Desert Storm and the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Yugoslavia, where soldiers were widely exposed to the effects of depleted uranium and various biological agents that were proven to have been man-made. In all the above cases, the cancers, multiple other serious illnesses, hideous birth defects and much more, are simply denied even today, the military refusing even to admit its use of depleted uranium in spite of the overwhelming evidence.


Researchers using military patients in veterans’ hospitals as test subjects for human medical experiments, were ordered to never use the word “experiments”, but to describe their activities as “investigations” or “observations” in all medical reports, to avoid future public recriminations. One document classified as “Secret”, stated, “It is desired that no document be released which refers to experiments with humans that might have an adverse reaction on public opinion or result in legal suits.”, leaving no doubt the government was aware of the risks to both military personnel and civilians. This is a pattern to which the US government has steadfastly – and inexplicably – adhered for many decades.


A great many US war veterans still suffer from various cancers caused by the dioxins in Agent Orange that was used so freely in Vietnam, many even becoming ill long after the war from flying in aircraft still contaminated with heavy traces of the chemical. Most are still battling the US military and government for treatment and compensation, which the authorities refuse to provide. For Vietnam veterans, the Huffington Post reported in 2015 that of 900,000 Vietnam soldiers who applied for health care, about 300,000 have already died without receiving any assistance.


In 1994 Senator John D. Rockefeller issued a report revealing that for at least 50 years the Department of Defense had used hundreds of thousands of military personnel in human experiments, with intentional exposure to a vast array of dangerous substances that included mustard and nerve gas, nuclear radiation, psycho-chemicals, hallucinogens, as well as drugs and vaccines used during the Gulf War. Yet it was only in the late 1990s that the military admitted, under enormous pressure from Congress and after substantial public exposure in the media, that “maybe 20,000” Gulf War veterans “may have been exposed” to chemical and biological weapons in Kuwait and Iraq, but that belated recognition did not lead to either further disclosure or to medical treatment or compensation. At the time, Congress demanded of the White House and military a full public investigation into bioweapons used and the multiple resulting illnesses of Gulf War Syndrome; Congress was ignored.


It was not only the US military’s use of biological and chemical weapons in the Gulf, but of proven claims that the medications and vaccines administered to hundreds of thousands of soldiers were responsible for much of the epidemic of illnesses. But the military’s refusal to even admit, much less accept liability, was based in part of a claim that the FDA had approved military use of unapproved drugs and vaccines, and had “waived the Nuremberg Code” for the US military during the Gulf Wars. This is one branch of the US government disabling hundreds of thousands of its servicemen with biological, chemical and radioactive material, then disclaiming liability on the grounds that another branch of the same government gave it permission to do so. It would be difficult to uncover a more perfect example of specious and deceitful reasoning.


And this wasn’t the first time. In 1942, the US military developed a vaccine for yellow fever that was also meant to protect soldiers against smallpox, tetanus and typhoid. The vaccine was untested, unlicensed for use, and a safe version of this vaccine would prove to be more than ten years in the future. Moreover, the vaccine had been reported to cause jaundice and other medical problems, but the military decided to use it anyway, unleashing the largest single outbreak of Hepatitis B ever recorded, infecting hundreds of thousands of soldiers.


The US government’s position on compensation and medical treatment since the 1940s has been one of denying, ignoring, resisting and stonewalling until all the claimants eventually die, and this has been as true with civilian casualties as with military. Even in cases where virtually the entire medical community has documented the causes and origins of these illnesses, and where Congressional investigations have confirmed the liability, the White House and military refuse to cooperate. Instead, they present innumerable roadblocks and delaying tactics, often resorting to pressuring the judiciary and Department of Justice to refuse claims. The White House and the military have relied heavily on the judicial system to avoid liability. In one case, a US Army sergeant sued the military for subjecting him to drugs without his consent or even his knowledge, and the great US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia wrote the final ruling that no serviceman had a right to sue the US military on the grounds that these illnesses or injuries were “service-related”. This was essentially the same excuse the military used after sending thousands of soldiers directly into ground zero immediately after a nuclear blast. The servicemen were being used in an abominable experiment to discover the radiation effects on humans of a nuclear blast, but they did so in the line of duty as a soldier.



Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology When China Sneezes’. (Chapt. 2 — Dealing with Demons).

罗曼诺夫的作品 他的文章被翻译成32种语言,发表在30多个国家的150多个外语新闻和政治网站上,以及100多个英语平台上。拉里·罗曼诺夫是一名退休的管理顾问和商人。他曾在国际咨询公司担任高级管理职位,并拥有国际进出口业务。他曾在上海复旦大学担任客座教授,向EMBA高级班讲授国际事务方面的案例研究。罗曼诺夫住在上海,目前正在撰写一系列十本书,这些书通常与中国和西方有关。他是辛西娅·麦金尼新书集的撰稿人之一。(第二章)。中国打喷嚏的时候对付恶魔


His full archive can be seen at


https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/and https://www.moonofshanghai.com/

He can be contacted at:






[1] Veterans Used In Secret Experiments Sue Military For Answers  参与秘密实验的老兵起诉军方寻求答案 https://www.npr.org/2015/09/05/437555125/veterans-used-in-secret-experiments-sue-military-for-answers

[2] US admits guilt over mustard gas tests  美国承认对芥子气测试有罪 https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg13718561-000-us-admits-guilt-over-mustard-gas-tests/

[3] Why the U.S. military exposed minority soldiers to toxic mustard gas  为什么美国军方让少数族裔士兵接触有毒的芥子气 https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/u-s-military-exposed-minority-soldiers-toxic-mustard-gas

[4] The Tragic Aftermath of Mustard Gas Experiments in World War II. An NPR investigation is looking for victims of the U.S. military tests  第二次世界大战芥子气实验的悲惨后果。NPR的一项调查正在寻找美国军事试验的受害者 https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/americans-who-were-exposed-mustard-gas-wwii-experiments-180957152/

[5] Edgewood/Aberdeen Experiments   dgewood/Aberdeen实验 https://www.publichealth.va.gov/exposures/edgewood-aberdeen/index.asp

[6] Edgewood Arsenal human experiments  埃奇伍德兵工厂人体实验 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edgewood_Arsenal_human_experiments

[7] Secrets of Edgewood  埃奇伍德的秘密 https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/secrets-of-edgewood

[8] Meet the Veterans Who Survived the Army’s Edgewood Experiments  见见在陆军埃奇伍德试验中幸存下来的老兵 https://www.military.com/off-duty/television/2022/06/07/meet-veterans-who-survived-armys-edgewood-experiments.html

[9] How Edgewood Arsenal Carried Out Biological Warfare Experiments On Unknowing US Soldiers  埃奇伍德兵工厂如何对不知情的美国士兵进行生物战实验 https://www.ranker.com/list/edgewood-arsenal-human-experiments/melissa-sartore

[10] Atomic Veterans Were Silenced for 50 Years. Now, They’re Talking. (Article and video)  原子弹老兵沉默了50年。现在,他们在交谈。( https://www.theatlantic.com/video/index/590299/atomic-soldiers/

[11] America’s atomic vets: ‘We were used as guinea pigs – every one of us’  美国的原子能兽医们说:我们被当成了实验品——我们每个人都是这样 https://revealnews.org/article/us-veterans-in-secretive-nuclear-tests-still-fighting-for-recognition/

[12] The Atomic Soldiers  原子兵 https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/12/opinion/atomic-soldiers.html

[13] Air Crews Measured Radiation By Flying Into A-Bomb Clouds   飞行员通过飞入原子弹云层来测量辐射 https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1985/11/14/air-crews-measured-radiation-by-flying-into-a-bomb-clouds/144332d9-bb86-4845-b4f0-db08a1ab48b6/

[14] Widow Claims RAF Pilot Husband Was Ordered To Fly Through Thermonuclear Cloud  寡妇称,英国皇家空军飞行员丈夫被命令飞越热核云 https://www.forces.net/news/widow-claims-secret-documents-show-nuclear-radiation-experiments

[15] What the mushroom cloud from 1952 hydrogen bomb test revealed   1952年氢弹试验的蘑菇云揭示了什么 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/04/what-the-mushroom-cloud-from-1952-hydrogen-bomb-test-ivy-mike-revealed

[16] Project SHAD  沙德项目 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_SHAD

[17] Exposure through Project 112 or Project SHAD   通过Project112或ProjectShad曝光 https://www.va.gov/disability/eligibility/hazardous-materials-exposure/project-112-shad/

[18] The Shocking Health Effects Of Agent Orange Now A Legacy Of Military Death  令人震惊的健康影响现在是军人死亡的遗产 https://www.forbes.com/sites/nicolefisher/2018/05/28/the-shocking-health-effects-of-agent-orange-now-a-legacy-of-military-death/

[19] Veterans’ Diseases Associated with Agent Orange  与橙剂有关的退伍军人疾病 https://www.publichealth.va.gov/exposures/agentorange/conditions/

[20] The Victims of Agent Orange the U.S. Has Never Acknowledged  美国从未承认橙的受害者 https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/16/magazine/laos-agent-orange-vietnam-war.html

[21] Fifty Years Later, Agent Orange Still Kills in Vietnam  50年后,橙仍在越南杀人 https://nationalinterest.org/blog/reboot/fifty-years-later-agent-orange-still-kills-vietnam-173463

[22] The VA’s sad record of lobotomies  弗吉尼亚州进行脑叶切除的悲惨记录 https://www.mprnews.org/story/2014/01/10/daily-circuit-lobotomy-veterans

[23] After WWII, The Outdated Medical Practice Of Lobotomy Permanently Damaged Thousands Of Horrifically Traumatized American Veterans  第二次世界大战后,过时的脑叶切除术永久性地伤害了数千名遭受严重创伤的美国退伍军人 https://www.warhistoryonline.com/instant-articles/soldiers-wwii-trauma.html?edg-c=1

[24] The ‘forgotten’ lobotomies on World War II vets  二战老兵的“被遗忘的”脑叶切除术 https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/the-forgotten-lobotomies-on-world-war-ii-vets

[25] Congress Looks Into Surviving Veterans Lobotomized After World War II  国会调查二战后被切除脑叶的幸存老兵二 https://www.medicaldaily.com/congress-looks-surviving-veterans-lobotomized-after-world-war-ii-265634

[26] Thousands of military veterans were lobotomized after WWII  成千上万的退伍军人在二战后被切除了脑叶 https://www.advisory.com/Daily-Briefing/2013/12/13/Thousands-of-military-veterans-were-lobotomized-after-WWII

[27] Disability among US Army Veterans vaccinated against anthrax  接种炭疽疫苗的美国退伍军人的残疾情况 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22874851/

[28] Court ruling again stops anthrax shots for US soldiers  法庭裁决再次阻止美国士兵接种炭疽疫苗 https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/anthrax/court-ruling-again-stops-anthrax-shots-us-soldiers

[29] GAO: Military anthrax shots caused many reactions, prompted some pilots to quit  高:军方的炭疽疫苗引发了很多反应,促使一些飞行员辞职 https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/anthrax/gao-military-anthrax-shots-caused-many-reactions-prompted-some-pilots-quit

[30] Israeli Soldiers Felled by Secret Anthrax Vaccine Experiment   以色列士兵被秘密炭疽疫苗试验击倒 https://www.wired.com/2007/05/israeli-soldier/

[31] Statistics on PTSD in Veterans  退伍军人创伤后应激障碍统计 https://health.usnews.com/conditions/mental-health/ptsd/articles/ptsd-veterans-statistics

[32] The Connection Between PTSD and Military Service   创伤后应激障碍与服兵役的关系 https://www.verywellmind.com/overview-of-ptsd-and-the-military-2797443

[33] Post-traumatic stress disorder in U.S. soldiers with post-traumatic headache    患有创伤后头痛的美国士兵的创伤后应激障碍 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24001181/

[34] Government Muzzled Media on Birth Defects in Children of Gulf War Veterans For more than 25 years, the VA and DOD have refused to acknowledge the abnormally high rates of birth defects among children of Gulf War veterans.   25年多来,弗吉尼亚州和国防部一直拒绝承认海湾战争退伍军人子女的出生缺陷率异常高。政府压制了媒体对海湾战争退伍军人子女出生缺陷的报道 https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/birth-defects-children-gulf-war-veterans/

[35] The Tiny Victims of Desert Storm https://www.bellaciao.org/en/The-Tiny-Victims-of-Desert-Storm沙漠风暴的小受害者

Copyright © Larry RomanoffBlue Moon of ShanghaiMoon of Shanghai, 2023




Benjamin Fulford Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis 2023 March 20th



First ever world revolution about to liberate humanity





What is happening now has never happened before in human history. We are witnessing the first-ever world revolution. The riots in France, the US military disobedience of fake President Joe Biden, the unification of the Muslim people, the collapse of Credit Suisse and many more events around the world are all interconnected signs of this. It is all part of the overthrow of a hidden ruling class that has presided over the planet for thousands if not tens of thousands of years. The final result will be both mind-boggling and liberating for humanity and earth life in general.



Before we go look at all the events unfolding though, let us try to grasp the big picture. My former professor Sa’adullah Ghausy -who was Afghanistan’s Ambassador to Japan before the Russians invaded his country- said the best way to understand international relations is to think of countries as individual people. So, with that in mind, here is the big picture:



An African, a Chinese, a European, an Indian and a Khazarian find themselves stranded on a deserted island. The Khazarian says to the African “You go and collect food, firewood and other resources.” To the Chinese he says “You make tools and build shelter and furniture for us.” To the Indian he says “You cook and clean and take care of the various chores.” To the European he says “You beat up the African, the Chinese and the Indian if they disobey.” To all of them he says, “Once you have finished your tasks go collect sea shells and shiny rocks for me.” Then he says to the group, “After you have prepared everything, I will take the best food and most comfortable furniture and give you what is left over.”



Then one night while the Khazarian is asleep, the other individuals get together and say “the Khazarian does not do anything so why should we work for him?” To the European, the others say “He keeps you drugged and poisoned so that you obey him; if you work with us we will help you detox, give you his sea shell collection and make sure you get a bigger share of the food.”



So, the next morning the others tell the Khazarian he will have to work if he wants to keep eating and sharing the island with the others. When he tells the European to go beat the others up, he is rebuffed. He then threatens to poison everybody, blow up the island etc. but it is a bluff and basically, he is going to have either work or get thrown to the sharks.



That in essence is what is happening in the world now.



In the Middle East, for example, the various countries of the region, including Egypt, Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia have decided to stop handing over their oil to the Khazarian mafia in exchange for numbers on bank computers. That is why fake President Joe Biden has been forced to drain the strategic oil reserve.



No wonder Moussa Ibrahim, former spokesman for Muammar Gaddafi: “What is happening between Saudi Arabia and Iran under Chinese control is not a small thing, it is a change of international power.”



(See attached well-done short interview video)



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The same is happening with China and other Asian countries who are now demanding payment in real things like gold and physical products from the United States and other Western countries.



In Africa, a large group of countries has asked for Russian help to stop the French Rothschilds etc. from stealing their resources.



This alliance between the global south, the global east and Western white hats is leading to an implosion of the Western financial system and regime change in a variety of countries.



The collapse of Credit Suisse is a reflection of this. Notice how none of the so-called mainstream news articles about Credit Suisse talk about the real reason why it is collapsing and why take over by UBS and a Swiss government bail-out will fail. Let there be no doubt, it will fail and bring down with it the Federal Reserve Board, the BIS, the IMF, the World Bank, the UN etc.




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The real story can be gleaned in bits and pieces from news articles appearing here and there in the financial press. For example, as we noted in a previous report, the Perth Mint was caught selling 100 tons of impure gold to the Chinese.



Now The London Metal Exchange has discovered bags of stones instead of the nickel that underpinned its contracts at a warehouse in Rotterdam. This is just the latest revelation that is destroying confidence in the embattled exchange.





In Switzerland, the Geneva-based Commodities trader Trafigura Group will take an almost half a billion dollar charge in the first half of 2023, after discovering that some nickel cargoes it bought didn’t contain the metal they were supposed to.





The recent discovery by the LME and the Swiss of rocks instead of nickel should only serve as another wake-up call that the supply of physical metal is extremely tight. If investors were to do the same due diligence on the Comex they would find an even worse fractional reserve system in the metals market. Note that almost half of all registered silver now sits in JP Morgan vaults… most likely for optics.



So, do not believe it when the Fed says they will create another $2 trillion to help the hundreds of banks that are sitting on massive unrealized losses.



Supposedly in order to prevent these banks from going under, the Fed invented a new facility they’re calling the “Bank Term Funding Program,” or BTFP. “The BTFP is really just an extraordinary lie designed to make you think that the banking system is safe. They might as well have called it: ‘Believe This Fiction, People.’” a Mossad source says.



“The Federal Reserve is technically bankrupt. In 2023 the Fed will post its first annual operating loss of $80 billion since 1915. It will have a negative capital of $38B. This loss does not count the $1.3 trillion unrealized loss on its portfolio,” CIA sources say.






Now the central banks of Canada, England, Switzerland and the EU have announced “dollar swaps will increase from weekly to daily.”





What this means is the big Khazarian Mafia central banks will all be pumping out dollars daily. In other words, the US CORPORATION and their FRB intend to drag the EU, Switzerland, Canada and England central banks down with it.



As the author of Creature from Jekyll Island notes about the FRB: “It’s a cartel. It’s not a government agency, it has the appearance of it being a government agency.”



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The UBS bail-out is not only an attempt to stop dominos from falling until the whole system crashes, but also to cover up other crimes, the head of MI6 says. The “KM at Rothschild in Zug cannibalized Credit Suisse not so much for stability but rather to absorb the accounts of money laundering by The European Union (DVD Dachau) – this relates to the bribery connected to all the British Prime Ministers I fired for the Queen.” The bribery also extends to most other so-called Western leaders.



Oh ,and by the way, the head of Credit Suisse is gender-fluid splitting his time ‘fifty-fifty’ between Pippa and Philip while at work. The bank director as Philip (right) and as Pippa (left).






A senior white hat alliance source says this financial crisis is what he meant by the Ides of March. “This is it and it is spreading around the world. The Federal Reserve is already set to be shuttered by June-July and a new US dollar issued by the Treasury Department will be the replacement. It will be backed by gold, silver, oil and natural resources…Expect hyperinflation to start very soon.”  



The financial crisis is leading to a political crisis in many countries, led by the French and followed closely by the Dutch and the Israelis.



In France, President Emmanuel Macron shunned the Parliament to push the retirement age to 64 from 62 despite opinion polls suggesting anywhere between two-thirds to three-quarters of the French public are against this.





What is not being said is Macron is being forced to squeeze money out of the French people in order to keep his Rothschild masters from going bankrupt.



However, the French have figured this out. Paris is on fire right now, with similar demonstrations taking place throughout the country.



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Also, Paris garbage collectors have been on strike for two weeks with piles of foul-smelling成堆的臭味 rubbish growing daily in the French capital.



In a sign the French are becoming aware, a nationally broadcast TV show started talking about things like the elite using adrenochrome. The author Gérard Fauré has written about massive consumption of drugs (mainly cocaine), sexual abuse, rape, pedophilia, child molestation, child trafficking, murders, and assassinations by the elite. On TV Fauré claimed that several celebrities consume adrenochrome on a regular basis and named Celine Dion as a prime example. When Fauré mentioned the name of France’s President Emmanuel Macron, the TV interview was cut short.





However, now French Protesters are chanting “We beheaded King Lousi XVI, we can do it with Macron.” There is no doubt another French revolution us underway.



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In Holland the farmers’ protest party has stunned Dutch politics by winning seats in Provincial elections and becoming the largest party in the upper house of Parliament.



This is a huge defeat for Mark Rutte and his World Economic Forum puppet masters. 



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Similar things can be seen with other WEF puppet leaders. In Canada the traitor Justin Castrudeau cannot make a public appearance without attracting an angry mob. (This is a very good video).



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In Israel, Mossad workers and elite officers and soldiers who volunteer in Military Intelligence’s Special Operations Division and cyber warfare units are fighting against the attempt by Benyamin Netanyahu to turn that country into a Satanic theocracy.







Dan Halutz, the former IDF chief of staff, is among many calling for a “war of liberation for the State of Israel.” Opposition leader Yair Lapid tweeted: “The government’s incitement against the protests caused this. Violent thugs behaved wildly around the country.” The Jewish people are about to be liberated from millennia of Babylonian slavery.



In the US, meanwhile, the fake Joe Biden cannot appear in public either without shouts of “Let’s go Brandon.”



The legendary investor Carl Icahn reflected the views of many pundits when he said in a recent TV interview “our system is breaking down, I think the whole –the whole economy…is breaking down…The net worth of the median household is basically nothing.”





In the latest sign of societal collapse, a CNN reporter fell victim to a ‘smash-and-grab‘ robbery while reporting on San Francisco’s “rampant street crime.” 





The video below on Bill Gates -with over a million views- shows where American public opinion is headed.



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The situation is such that the highly respected Colonel Doug McGregor says he would be surprised if Biden is still in the White House in 90 days.





Archbishop Carlo Vigano, the former Vatican ambassador the Washington DC reflects a Christian revolt against the Western ruling class with his latest comments:



The present crisis shows us the collapse of a corrupt West… The Russian Federation undeniably stands as the last bastion of civilization against barbarism, and gathers around it all those nations that do not intend to submit to the colonization of NATO, the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and that heap of foundations that have as their purpose the indoctrination of the masses, the manipulation of information, the creation of “colored springs” to destabilize governments legitimately elected and sow chaos, wars and misery as instrumentum regni.



The theorists of this coup have names and faces, starting with George Soros, Klaus Schwab, and Bill Gates. It is the kingdom of the Antichrist.



The white hats in the military and the agencies really are taking action now.



The FBI, The Department of the Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID) and US Marshals Service are working to bring indictments against Ralph Baric, Anthony Fauci and Peter Daszak who collaborated to bring the “Covid19” global pandemic, genocide and bioweapon against all of humanity. Over 14 million dead from the bioweapon vaccines. weaponized a common cold coronavirus that’s been around for thousands of years. They spliced it with an HIV gene making it very highly virulent, highly toxic and highly damaging.



The fully vaccinated accounted for over 9 in every 10 deaths associated with the virus, and mortality rates per 100,000 were lowest among the unvaccinated and highest among the vaccinated in every age group.







The reason China suddenly ended its “zero Covid” policy is because they found out PCR testing was a fraud and a giant bribery scheme aimed at destabilizing the government. What is true of China is true of the rest of the world.



The cornered KM rats are fighting desperately to avoid jail or worse by spitting吐出 out threats and trying to assassinate in all directions.





For example, the head of MI6 reports “The room where I normally read was blown up, the whole place in bits. I had to take all of the collapsed ceiling away. It was bomb site. MI6 will respond accordingly with full thermonuclear. All corners of the country will be involved.”




Now we have the Pentagon threatening terrorist attacks against Europe and Asia as this report shows:



Army Gen. Michael Kurilla, who leads U.S. Central Command, told the Senate Armed Services Committee that the Islamic State’s Khorasan Province, commonly referred to as ISIS-K, is rapidly developing the ability to conduct “external operations” in Europe and Asia.





Since everybody who is even slightly aware knows ISIS is a KM creation, it is clear General Kurilla needs to be arrested.




In addition to threatening terror attacks the KM and their fake law enforcement agencies like the International Criminal Court (ICC) are filing war crimes charges against Russian President Vladimir Putin, threatening to arrest US President Donald Trump etc.



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《我再说一次 —— 一个激进的地方检察官滥用权利,让暴力罪犯逍遥法外,同时对川普总统进行政治报复,我将指示相关委员会立即调查联邦资金是否被用于通过政治动机的起诉,干涉选举来颠覆我们的民主。》










Now the KM are also coming out of the closet about Ukraine too. Jens Stoltenberg, the head of NATO now says “the war started in 2014.”



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“All of them prefer to ignore the brutal violence against innocent civilian population and unarmed and wounded prisoners of war, the use of prohibited warfare methods,” says Gennady Gatilov Russia’s representative to the UN Geneva office.





The Russians are taking their own actions. For example, Moscow has set a $15 million bounty for Italian Defense Minister’s head. That’s just the tip of the iceberg as Russian special forces intensify their hunt of KM Nazi war criminals around the world. 





Speaking about hunted war criminals, last week the Trilateral Commission, set up by David Rockefeller and now headed by his son Jr. had a meeting in New Delhi India where they tried, and failed to get Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s support for their sinking “rules-based world order.”



One of the featured speakers at this meeting was Meghan O’Sullivan, the North American chair of the Trilateral Commission. She has failed to respond to public accusations she was involved in the murder of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. If she is still in India we would like to request that Indian authorities arrest her.  





We would also like Laurence Spelman Rockefeller to prove he is now with the white hats and go public with what he knows about the Project Blue Beam fake alien invasion plan.



With that, here are the latest UFO appearances from around the world.



  1. Very fast-moving UFO Orb
  2. 移动速度非常快的不明飞行物球体


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  1. A project Blue Beam reverse-engineered craft
  2. 一艘“蓝光计划”逆向工程的飞船


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  1. A UAP over Michigan, USA 
  2. 美国密歇根州上空的不明大气现象


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  1. A UFO hovering over water 
  2. 在水面上飞行的不明飞行物


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  1. 3 flashing Orbs over Los Angeles, Ca 2023
  2. 2023年加利佛尼亚州洛杉矶上空的3架闪光球体


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  1. UFO over Salvador. 
  2. 萨尔瓦多上空的不明飞行物


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  1. Ancient UFO petroglyphs
  2. 远古洞穴壁画上的不明飞行物





March madness begins as Rockefeller/Biden horror show implodes


Don’t be fooled by the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) sideshow, what is really happening is the Rockefeller/Biden horror show is imploding. Let’s be clear, so-called President Joe Biden, Janet Yellen, the Rockefellers etc. are all criminals who are about to face justice. To see what a joke this regime is, watch the so-called “leader of the free world” say “they had to take the top of my head off a couple of times to see if I had a brain…”. 


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No wonder Russian dementia care facilities are using Biden on their posters 



Do you think these guys are going to stay in control by bailing themselves out with their own money? No, they are all going to be bankrupted and sent to jail. Just watch and see.


What happened with the $209 billion SVB is insiders withdrew all their money from the bank only to have Janet Yellen step in to replenish their funds. Canadian Intelligence sources say it was just a massive bribery operation that will not fool anybody. Ponder this: The CFO of SVB bank is none other than the former CFO of Lehman Brothers.










《3月10日上午11:02:02 北美中部时区(夏令时间) 单位:美元 纽约证券交易所 免责声明



This whole sideshow was meant to divert attention from much bigger news of the bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION and with it the entire Khazarian mafia control grid.


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That is why the head of the Nazi EU Ursula von der Leyen met on March 10th with the fake “President” Joe Biden to “start talks on establishing a global critical raw materials club.” In other words, they are “starting talks,” after already being cut off from stealing raw materials from the rest of the world.


In a clear sign of this, Australia’s government-owned Perth Mint was caught last week selling 100 tons of impure gold bars in Shanghai in a desperate attempt to get funding for the FRB.



This is just the tip of the iceberg. The BIS and the Swiss central bank gold vaults are empty and no explanation has been given as to where the gold went. At the highest level of the world financial system, only real stuff like gold is accepted, so if they have no gold, they have no mojo.



They are cut off not just from gold but from oil too. That is what was behind the announcement by Iran and Saudi Arabia that they were going to start a military alliance in cooperation with China.


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Iranian sources tell us that a secret clause to this agreement is that Iran has been recognized as a nuclear power and that Saudi Arabia will also have a nuclear deterrent to stave off KM nuclear blackmail. The Iranian Monitor News agency says “Today arrogance knows it has no other option than diplomacy and they have accepted Iran as a nuclear country.”



After this announcement, the head of the Iran/China Chamber of Commerce tweeted “Comrades pour whatever dollars you have saved into the market.”


This means the Rockefeller petro-dollar has been consigned to the dustbin of history.


The US dollar is now officially the UN dollar and is no longer controlled by the UNITED STATES CORPORATION. The UN dollar is backed by gold and commodities but not controlled any longer by the Khazarian Mafia.


In other words, all those “dollars” Janet Yellen is doling out to her co-criminals are not backed by reality. This is going to be obvious to everybody sooner rather than later. The KM financial system is going to implode, that is a mathematical certainty.


The SVB bankruptcy is just a distraction from the now-confirmed much bigger collapse of Credit Suisse which, according to the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC), will be shutting down accounts as of March 24th.



Credit Suisse will just be the first big domino. “The banking collapse in the US has already begun. There is no turning back. The KM can’t stop what’s coming. I was advised to watch Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank,” a Mossad source says.


In a sign the whole house of cards is about to collapse, Hal Turner reports


Word from money giant VANGUARD is that people with 401-k’s who have been trying to make “Hardship withdrawals” for the past two months have been stymied by VANGUARD.



Something big is going to give, likely in the short term. And likely it’s going to get combined with some sort of show, (geo) politically. Think China. Cyber attacks, something like that. Could well turn out to be the end of the Biden Admin. We’ll have to wait and see, but things are going to get crazy,” says Anthony Migchels



“All central banks around the world are bankrupted now — it is just not revealed to the public yet, and maybe it’s a good thing. This is the WH Military Alliance’s ‘Softest Landing’ approach to avoid maximum tragedies, suffering & casualties for all citizens,” a Canadian intelligence source says.


“The bankruptcy reveal will be done publicly in phases to ensure not creating a full meltdown of citizens all over the world, all at once,” he says.


“As more & more people figure out what is truly going on inside the matrix financial systems & government, it is not going to be fun. It will be more intense than the last 3 years of dealing with the CONvid agenda,” he adds.


For the rest of the world, this is long overdue. China’s Foreign Minister Qin Gang explains developing countries account for more than 80 percent of the global population and more than 70 percent of global economic growth and are “entitled to…a louder voice in international affairs.” He adds the world wants peaceful development that “is not pursued through war, colonization or plunder,”



Russia agrees saying “it requires African, Asian and Latin American developing countries being more involved” in the UN Security Council. 



If you recall UN vetoes by the United States on behalf of Israel over the past many decades you can see KM-controlled Israel is the elephant in the living room here.


That country is now headed for revolution. Contacts in Israel say within the next 2 weeks, the country most likely will be in total chaos. “Every day more real Judaic people are demonstrating against the non-legitimate Netanyahu government. Even top commanders in the military and Mossad are not with Netanyahu’s agenda. The people have had enough. Something big is about to take place there,” a Mossad source says. 


Here is some of what Netanyahu, who is allied with KM arch criminals like Elliot Abrams and Victoria Nuland, is trying to impose on Israel:

-Allow openly racist parties to run for office

-Remove basic secular subjects like math and English from schools

-Put control of food stamp distribution in the hands of fascists

-Eliminate the standard of reasonableness for judicial decisions;

-State that for religious reasons, the United States and Israel should not be subject to any international law.








No wonder as many as 500,000 pro-democracy protestors took to the streets nationwide on Saturday, in what the Israeli Haaretz daily dubbed “the largest demonstration in the country’s history”.


Opposition leader Yair Lapid told crowds the country was facing “the greatest crisis in its history…but the only thing this government cares about is crushing Israeli democracy.”



Netanyahu is now openly saying he is a Satanist and not a Jew. Here you can watch him tell former US President Barack Obama “you are the great Satan and we are the little Satan.”



The KM colony of the United States is also in open revolt. For example, Arizona Governor Kari Lake had a meeting with Mel Gibson to discuss the new American Revolution.


Mel Gibson tells her he is currently working on a movie about the Rothschilds and a sequel to The Passion of The Christ.


Speaking of Kari Lake and the rigged election against her: 


A $38 million payout was made from the CDC to Maricopa County for super important “workforce and foundational capabilities” three weeks after they rigged it against Kari Lake in the midterm election. 


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This is just a part of an avalanche of revelations. We also found out nine more boxes of incriminating Biden documents were found in Boston.


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There is a lot of other infighting going on as the KM tries to cover its tracks or the White Hats try to get justice.


For example, Dana Hyde, a prominent official in the Clinton and Obama administrations, who served on the 911 Commission died suddenly due to “severe turbulence.”



Then Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell was hospitalized ‘for a Few Days’ after falling during a private dinner event on Wednesday.



“McTurtle’s wife is connected to TRIADs in China so I think his ‘fall’ was to give him a warning. Her family is in the global shipping business and one of their ships was caught with many tons of cocaine-in the news and then nothing more was said,” according to a Canadian intelligence source.


Now California Avatar Governor Gavin Newson has been arrested by the WH military alliance. The official story is he “tested positive for COVID-19” and “will work remotely.”



There are signs other fake leaders are trying to flee. In Canada, this means Justin Castrudeau and fake opposition leader Pierre Poilievre. Check out their positions. They are the same. 


We are getting reports Castrudeau has already bolted as a man who looked exactly like him was seen in Costa Rica last week. Castrudeau wants to avoid arrest and trial for his vaccine crimes and fake pandemic show.


Now the entire January 6th “insurrection” show is falling apart too. “The KM-controlled Dems are furious and going crazy. Zionist Chabad member Chuck Schumer pleads with Fox to stop releasing footage proving the January 6 commission is a giant Orwellian psyops,” a CIA source says. 


(See video in the article)



“The Unselect Committee of political Hacks & Thugs has been totally discredited. They knowingly refused to show the Videos that mattered. They should be tried for Fraud and Treason, and those imprisoned and being persecuted should be exonerated and released, NOW,” he says.



Instead, the entire KM leadership is going to jail. Pascal Najadi of Switzerland -working with the WH Military Alliance- issued a warrant to the police authorities in all 194 member states of Interpol calling for the arrest for vaccine and bio-weapon war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity for the following people and organizations:


Bill and Melinda Gates individually and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. World Health Organization (WHO) and Officers, Directors, Employees, and Agents Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus WHO Director General, Anthony Stephen Fauci.


World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab and Officers, Directors, Employees, and Agents. Michael Bloomberg, David Rockefeller Jr, Warren Buffett, George Soros, Ted Turner, Oprah Winfrey, Rockefeller Foundation, Global Business Network (GBN), Peter Schwartz, Chairman GBN, Xi JinPing, General Secretary of the Communist Party. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, President of the Russian Federation. Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America. Joseph R. Biden 46th President of the United States of America. Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the UK. Matt Hancock, UK Secretary of State for Health. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada. Scott Morrison, Prime Minister of Australia. Jacinda Arden, Prime Minister of New Zealand etc.



As evidence the vaccine crimes go back a long way, a Danish study that looked at thirty years of records found recipients of Bill Gates’ favorite vaccine die 10 times more often than unvaccinated children, Polish intelligence sources note. The recent vaccines are even worse. Here is a dramatic example of what is being called a vaccident. These are happening all over the US as well on a daily basis. 


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Vaccines are the least of the medical crimes committed by these monsters. Polish intelligence sources say miners discovered “at least half a thousand” bodies of men in Ukranian military uniforms in the Bogdanka mine located about 40 kilometers from the Ukranian border. Locals say the bodies found have been disemboweled, and they are sure that they are wounded Ukrainian soldiers who, under the guise of treatment, were brought to Poland by “black transplantologists.”


This is just a part of the Satanic Nazi horror unfolding there. Colonel Douglas McGregor, points out the staggering losses of the Kiev regime forces, is “now approaching 200,000”. Satanic President Volodymyr Zelensky is essentially admitting defeat and taunting the political West, specifically the US, to “come here and win the war for us,” otherwise, “it’s over”.



In another sign it’s over, last week a salvo of unstoppable Russian hypersonic missiles destroyed control and planning centers, air defenses and radars. Insiders reported heavy losses among the officers, including American ones. “It seems that the ‘shadow General Staff’ of the proxy-NATO got a lot,” Polish intelligence reports. They add that it turns out that the inhabitants of Bahamut do not want to be evacuated to Ukraine because… they are waiting for liberation by Russian soldiers.


The desperate KM are not planning to go quietly into the night. In a stunning denial of reality combined with a veiled threat Pfizer CEO Albert Burla says “I really believe that better days are ahead because Covid was a rehearsal for us.”


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Remember former Pfizer employee Karen Kingston says products of the US pharmaceutical company “by definition, are biological weapons.”



These threats will not save the KM. “Nuremberg 2.0 is scheduled to begin in June. The military tribunals will proceed against those who were involved in crimes against humanity,” a senior WH Pentagon source says.


The source says this is possible because of an alliance made between China, Russia and the Secret Space force.


In a sign the Chinese are looking to the heavens, General Li Shangfu, a Chinese aerospace engineer was confirmed as the new Defense Minister. This signals to the world that, against the backdrop of increasingly intensified China-US technological competition, China will continue to prioritize aerospace in its defense modernization



With that mention of space, let us turn to the latest on project blue beam. On this front, the head of the Pentagon’s UFO investigative unit, the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), and a Harvard astrophysicist claim in a new research paper that alien “motherships” could be flying through our solar system.



Finally, here are the SSP/Blue Beam visuals for this week. 


A cloaked mother ship 


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  1. Cloaked UFO over Cincinnati, Ohio 11-01-22
  2. 2022年11月1日,俄亥俄州辛辛那提上空的一艘隐形不明飞行物

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  1. UFO over Itaipava, Brazil 
  2. 巴西伊泰帕瓦上空的不明飞行物

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  1. UFO with flashing lights over Brazil 
  2. 巴西上空的闪光不明飞行物

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  1. UFO hovering over Brazil 
  2. 巴西上空翱翔的不明飞行物

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Let us see if that “mothership” finally reveals itself to us all. In the meantime, we recommend you buy gold, silver, preserved food and other here/now real things in preparation for the ongoing turbulence on the planet’s visible “surface.”


End of this report

CN — LARRY ROMANOFF — 美国深层国家派系


America’s Deep State



By Larry Romanoff, February 24, 2023


Under the guidance of the invisible people, many members of the establishment’s think-tanks are increasingly, and openly, arguing that US democracy today is “incapable of meeting the challenges facing the country”, concluding that the US needs a new “top down” solution that would be exercised by executive power independent of the elected Congress. Several people including NYT columnist Thomas Friedman have argued that “power should shift from contentious, ideologically diverse elected bodies subject to pressure from the ‘lower orders’, toward credentialed “experts” operating in Washington, Brussels or the United Nations.” Perhaps it needs to be stated clearly that the “contentious, ideologically diverse bodies” are the elected Congress and lower house, and the “lower orders” being dismissed with a whiff of contempt are of course the people. The secret government now openly promotes that the elected government be sidelined as contentious and irrelevant, with power transferred to the same Zionist European bankers – the ‘credentialed experts’ – who already control much of the world behind the scenes. We have now become so bold that democracy is being openly dismissed while the de facto government slowly emerges from the shadows as an authoritarian dictatorship controlled from Europe.

 在隐形人的指导下,许多建制派智囊团成员越来越公开地认为,今天的美国民主“无法应对国家面临的挑战”,认为美国需要一个新的“自上而下”解决方案,由独立于民选国会的行政权力行使。包括《纽约时报》专栏作家托马斯·弗里德曼(Thomas Friedman)在内的几位人士认为,“权力应该从饱受‘下级’压力的、有争议的、意识形态多样的民选机构转向在华盛顿、布鲁塞尔或联合国运作的有资格的“专家”。也许需要明确指出的是,意识形态多元化的机构”是民选的国会和下议院,以及“下级”“当然,被轻蔑地解雇的是人民。秘密政府现在公开主张将民选政府视为有争议和无关的政府,将权力移交给已经在幕后控制世界大部分地区的犹太复国主义欧洲银行家——“有资格的专家”我们现在变得如此大胆,以至于民主正在被公开解雇而事实上的政府作为一个由欧洲控制的专制独裁政权,慢慢地从阴影中浮现出来

If you recall, these are precisely the sentiments voiced by Lippman and Bernays almost 100 years earlier, claiming the ‘bewildered herd’ needed guidance and engineered consent from the “intelligent few”. This also mirrors the conclusions from the Trilateral Commission’s report on its crisis of democracy, again boldly stating that Americans needed to be “properly indoctrinated” so as to limit (or eliminate) public involvement in political democracy. As to the foolish nonsense about American-style democracy requiring a highly-educated population, I believe it was Andrew Bacevich who wrote in ‘The Limits of Power: The End of American Exceptionalism’: “For US-style democracy it is important that the candidates be not only incompetent but as uninformed as the voters. It is only from this fundamental ignorance that the ‘wise men’, the policy intellectuals that form the secret government, are able to control the White House and Congress.”

 如果你还记得,这些正是李普曼伯纳斯在近100年前所表达的观点,他们声称“困惑的群体”需要“聪明的少数人”的指导和精心设计的同意这也反映了三边委员会关于其民主危机的报告中的结论,再次大胆地指出,美国人需要“适当地灌输”,以限制(或消除)公众参与政治民主。关于美国式民主需要受过高等教育的人口的愚蠢谬论,我相信是安德鲁·巴切维奇(Andrew Bacevich)在《权力的极限:美国例外主义的终结》(The Limits of Power:The End of American Exceptionalism)一书中写道:“对于美国式的民主,重要的是候选人不仅不能胜任,而且要像选民一样无知。正是由于这种根本的无知,组成秘密政府的‘智者’,即政策知识分子,才能够控制白宫和国会。”

Bernays’ secret government and the European bankers have cherished this plan of an American fascist dictatorship for many decades, a plan that almost succeeded when a group of Jewish financiers and George H. W. Bush‘s father made their abortive attempt at a military coup in 1934. Nevertheless, clandestine control of the US government is already fact, even in the absence of a formal proclamation. The plan has been developing in the dark for decades by the bankers, the Foundations and think-tanks and the Bilderberg Group, and is increasingly coming into the open. The American people have no more authentic control over their government than do people in countries we call dictatorships, neither on foreign policy nor on domestic economic and social issues. The truth is that America’s elected politicians have no influence over most important activities of the secret government that runs America today. Those who control the executive branch often operate not only entirely outside the law but in many cases entirely outside the very constitution of the United States. Kanya D’Almeida wrote that “the richest one percent has hijacked the very foundations of democracy”, that corporate capital had infected the body politic despite the constitution and separation of powers. And in fact, they have taken advantage of the separation of powers by focusing their efforts on the enormous transfer of power to the White House which they control. As stated earlier, one of the tools has been the use of Presidential Directives, creating a vast network of secret and private law and policy under the guise of national security imperatives.

 几十年来,伯纳斯的秘密政府欧洲银行家一直珍视美国法西斯独裁政权的这一计划,当一群犹太金融家乔治·H·W·布什的父亲在1934年发动军事政变时,这一计划几乎成功了尽管如此,即使在没有正式公告的情况下,美国政府的秘密控制已经成为事实。几十年来,银行家、基金会、智囊团和比尔德伯格集团一直在暗中制定这项计划,并且越来越多地公开。美国人民对他们的政府没有比我们称之为独裁国家的人民更可靠的控制,无论是在外交政策上还是在国内经济和社会问题上。事实是,美国当选的政客对当今管理美国的秘密政府的大多数重要活动没有影响力。那些控制行政部门的人往往不仅完全在法律之外,而且在许多情况下完全在美国宪法之外。坎娅·德阿尔梅达(Kanya D’Almeida)写道,“最富有的百分之一的人劫持了民主的基础”,尽管宪法和权力分立,但公司资本已经感染了整个国家。事实上,他们利用了权力分立的优势,将精力集中在将权力移交给他们控制的白宫上如前所述,其中一个工具是使用总统指令,以国家安全的必要性为幌子,建立了一个庞大的秘密和私人法律和政策网络。

One news article reported statements from a former high-level Department of Justice official that Congress was aware the powers behind the White House had revised their social control programs and implemented many illegal practices after 9-11, and that Congress had tried and failed to learn how extreme were these programs and how serious was the lawbreaking. It stated the White House insisted on maintaining secrecy, in fact on hiding from the elected Congress most information related to dozens of presidential directives that dictated not only US national security policy but most foreign policy. The content and substance of these presidential directives, which have the force of law, are still unknown, the White House simply defying Congress and refusing to reveal its actions. It was in this context that Thomas Drake wrote “Since the government unchained itself from the constitution after 9/11, it has been eating our democracy alive from the inside out. The rulers of America are despotic elites who are living in fear and trepidation of their own people and of people power around the world rising in rebellion against the misrule of capitalism.” New York Mayor John Hylan stated a bit earlier, “The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both political parties”.

 一篇新闻报道了前司法部高级官员的声明,称国会意识到白宫背后的权力在9月11日之后修改了他们的社会控制计划,并实施了许多非法行为,国会曾尝试但未能了解这些计划有多极端,法行为有多严重。声明称,白宫坚持保守秘密,事实上,向当选的国会隐瞒了与数十项总统指示有关的大部分信息,这些指示不仅决定了美国的国家安全政策,也决定了大多数外交政策。这些具有法律效力的总统指令的内容和实质仍然未知,白宫只是藐视国会,拒绝透露其行动。正是在这种背景下,托马斯·德雷克写道:“自从911事件后,政府解除了对宪法的约束,它一直在从内到外地蚕食我们的民主。美国的统治者是专制的精英,他们生活在对自己人民和世界各地人民力量的恐惧和恐惧中,反抗资本主义的暴政。”。纽约市长约翰·海兰(John Hylan)稍早表示,“有权势的国际银行家组成的小圈子实际上是为了自己的私利而管理美国政府。”。他们实际上控制了两个政党”。

In his book The New Freedom, written in 1913, Woodrow Wilson wrote “Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the Field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” Senator William Jenner wrote in 1954, “Today the path of total dictatorship in the United States can be laid by strictly legal means, unseen and unheard by the Congress, the President, or the people. Outwardly we have a Constitutional government. We have operating within our government and political system, another body representing another form of government – a bureaucratic elite.”

 在1913年出版的《新自由》一书中,伍德罗·威尔逊写道“自从我从政以来,我主要是私下向我倾诉男人的观点。美国商业和制造业领域的一些大人物害怕某些东西。他们知道,在某个地方,有一种力量是如此有组织、如此微妙、如此警觉、如此相互关联、如此完整、如此普遍,以至于他们在发表谴责言论时最好不要声嘶力竭。”参议员威廉·詹纳(William Jenner)在1954年写道:“今天,美国的完全独裁之路可以通过严格的法律手段铺设,国会、总统或人民都看不见也听不到表面上,我们有一个宪政政府。我们在我们的政府和政治体系中运作,这是代表另一种政府形式的另一个机构——官僚精英。”

President Theodore Roosevelt wrote in 1913, “These International bankers and Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests control the majority of newspapers and the columns of these papers to club into submission or rive out of public office officials who refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which compose the invisible government.” Congressman Louis McFadden, Chairman of the Banking and Currency Committee from 1920 to 1931, wrote in 1932: “When the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the people of these United States did not perceive that a world banking system was being set up here – a super-state controlled by international bankers and international industrialists acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure. Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers but the truth is – the Fed has usurped the government.” US Senator Daniel Inouye, said at the end of the Iran-Contra hearings, “There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.”

 西奥多·罗斯福(Theodore Roosevelt)总统在1913年写道:“这些国际银行家和洛克菲勒标准石油公司(Rockefeller Standard Oil)的利益集团控制着大多数报纸和这些报纸的专栏,迫使那些拒绝服从组成隐形政府的强大腐败集团的命令的公职人员屈服或被赶下台。”,1920年至1931年担任银行和货币委员会主席,1932年写道:“当《联邦储备法》通过时,这些美国人民并没有意识到这里正在建立一个世界银行体系——一个由国际银行家和国际实业家共同控制的超级国家,他们为了自己的利益而奴役世界。美联储已尽一切努力隐藏自己的权力,但事实是——美联储篡夺了政府的权力。政府。美国参议员丹尼尔·伊努伊伊朗反对派听证会结束时表示,“存在一个影子政府,拥有自己的空军、自己的海军、自己的筹资机制,有能力追求自己的国家利益理念,不受任何制衡,不受法律约束。。”

I have written elsewhere of the White House using the Justice Department to extort compliance from the banks in imposing illegal economic sanctions on political enemies, and the Department claiming it had no obligation to divulge anything to the elected government. The entire Justice Department has been hijacked, and no longer reports to Congress. The Commerce Department, the State Department, the CIA, NSA, FBI, and the military, all report to the secret government through the White House.


A recent US media article on NSA spying stated: “An attempt to cut off funding for the NSA’s collection of phone data suffered a surprisingly narrow defeat, 217 to 205. The amendment was in no danger of becoming law – the Senate would have killed it and, if all else failed, President Obama would have vetoed it. But it put the intelligence establishment on notice: The spooks don’t decide how far is too far. We do. An online reader produced an excellent summation of what he called “this gem of reasoning”. His comment:


“The NSA has for years operated a massive, secret, worldwide data-vacuuming system, against all domestic and international law. When discovered, US legislators presented a bill to cut off NSA funding. The bill failed, but no matter, because even if it had passed the House, the Senate would have killed it. And if the Senate didn’t kill it, the White House would have vetoed it. The Legislative Branch quite evidently has no remaining control over even such politically serious issues that affect the fundamentals of personal rights, privacy, law-breaking on a massive scale, the creation of a police-state system, international relations and, of course, expense. This outstanding example of the total and frightening absence of legislative control proves that “the people are in charge”. Got it.”


In March of 2012 Kenneth Lieberthal and Wang Jisi published an important position paper for the Brookings Institute on the topic of US-China “strategic distrust”, for which they claimed input from many “top American leaders”, but which omitted the elected representatives of the US government, rendering Congress pointedly conspicuous by its absence, at least from the definition of ‘top leaders’. The paper’s most telling point in this context was a statement by Lieberthal that in the most vital issues affecting not only the US but the world, Congress played no active part but was “able to make its concerns felt” about activities undertaken by the White House and the real government. So, in an imaginary “democracy” where the elected representatives of the people are supposedly supreme, the best they can do is ‘make their concerns felt’ to those who really control the country.

 2012年3月,肯尼斯·李侃如(Kenneth Lieberthal)和王缉思(Wang Jisi)为布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institute)发表了一篇关于美中“战略不信任”主题的重要立场论文,他们要求许多“美国最高领导人”提供意见,但却忽略了美国政府的民选代表,这使得国会因其缺席而显得格外显眼,至少在“最高领导人”的定义上是如此。在这方面,该报最具说服力的一点是李侃如(Lieberthal)的一份声明,即在不仅影响美国,而且影响世界的最重要问题上,国会没有发挥积极作用,但“能够表达出对白宫和真实政府所开展活动的担忧”。因此,在一个假想的“民主”中,民选的人民代表被认为是至高无上的,他们所能做的就是让真正控制国家的人“感受到他们的担忧”。

What greater admission could we have of an emasculated Congress that has virtually been stripped of its functions, forcibly pushed to the side as a kind of nuisance advisory body? Items like the budget and trade are insignificant here; what matters in this context are the CIA, the NSA, the military, the Libyas and Iraqs and Irans, the FED and the bankers, and the judiciary, and in these matters, Congress has apparently become irrelevant. Again, these are not the signs of a democracy, not even a fairy-tale one. Americans fervently boast of the many checks and balances in their vaunted democracy, but this myth was never real and certainly isn’t real today. We maintain the pretense of a democracy by conducting elections for a Congress that no longer retains any real power, but the people continue to preach the religion while God is already dead. Only the church has been preserved to maintain the illusion.


A striking example is the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) being promoted today. The US Congress has exclusive authority over trade policy, but the secret government drafted documents and commissioned the conducting of negotiations not only in secret but with a refusal to even let Congress have knowledge of the contents. One congressman was permitted to see only a few sections of this trade agreement, and only then in an isolated room without camera, computer or even a pencil. There are many legitimate fears of the illegality of much of this legislation and of its attempts to emasculate the national sovereignty of all participating nations, yet the White House claims national security as a basis for demanding that Congress pass this massive legislation without information as to its contents. The concentration of power in the White House and the simultaneous rendering of Congress to irrelevancy have reached an extent that would be the envy of most dictators.


Consider again the TPP. This vastly ambitious program of imperial over-reach was not conceived by either Obama or the Commerce Department but by the invisible people who pull the puppet strings and who are using the White House and Cabinet as a false front to achieve their commercial objectives. Neither Obama nor his Commerce Secretary have the imagination or belligerent greed to have concocted such a scheme, nor the hubris to assume they could bully Congress into passing the bill without knowledge of its contents. Neither Obama nor the Commerce Department are such pathological bullies as to demand that the Pacific nations sign the agreement sight unseen. No, this was entirely conceived by the puppet-masters using the White House and government structure as tools to further their own personal hegemonic ambitions. This was not the result of a strong President dictating to a weak Congress and boldly assuming powers forbidden to him by the Constitution, but a weak and ambitious President being willingly manipulated by the power behind the throne and a Congress threatened, bullied and bribed into obedience.


Similarly, we did not have “Bush’s war” or “Obama’s war” but rather the secret government’s war conducted through the White House without reference to Congress, having used the White House as a front and the US military as a tool to achieve their commercial and political objectives. Considering only Iraq and Libya, the secret government used the US military as a personal army to conduct a private war against two innocent nations from which more than $100 billion was plundered for the personal profit of a few powerful bankers and corporate owners, in a place far enough away that nobody knew what was happening, and with no oversight, no reporting to Congress and no accounting to the world for the death and destruction.


No president has authority to undertake such devastating military adventures on his whim but, when Obama was pushed to launch his months-long military destruction of Libya, that travesty was planned and launched entirely without reference to Congress, an open admission of its irrelevance. Only Congress has authority to declare war or to permit belligerent military engagements, but in each case the power behind the White House simply re-wrote the rules and re-defined the terms. Those in the secret government then proceeded to fulfil their agenda without a whimper of objection from Congress, a silent testimony to the power of AIPAC and the Jewish lobby that not only wanted the wars and arranged their financing but indirectly provided the financing of the election campaigns of most Senators and Congressmen. Even more, during a time when the US government was placing staff on forced unpaid vacations and tourist attractions across the country were all closed for lack of funds, the secret government had no difficulty in finding the cash to destroy Libya and another $100 billion for its attempt on Syria.


Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt, Kiev, 10 December

Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt together toured the opposition camp in Kiev in December 2013


In similar vein, we can recall State Department employee Victoria Nuland boasting of the $5 billion spent on destabilising Ukraine and overthrowing its government during this same time of empty bank accounts. We also have her conversation on Ukraine that was posted online for the world, where she famously dismissed Europe’s objections to the forcible and violent overthrow of Ukraine’s government by saying, “Fuck the EU”, and continued to decide the new puppet rulers of that country. Note that it wasn’t the White House deciding who would be acceptable as new leaders of the Ukraine, nor was it the US Congress, and certainly not the Ukrainian people whose so-called ‘democracy’ doesn’t even qualify as farce. Nuland’s husband is Robert Kagan, who is active in the Brookings Institute and the Carnegie Endowment for Perpetual War, both of whom are neocon Zionist Jews playing Monopoly with real countries, and it was Nuland making those decisions, one sign of where the real power lies.

 同样,我们可以回忆起国务院雇员维多利亚·纽兰(Victoria Nuland)在银行账户空虚的同时,吹嘘自己花了50亿美元来破坏乌克兰的稳定并推翻其政府。我们还看到了她在网上为全世界发布的关于乌克兰的对话,她以“操欧盟”这句话驳斥了欧洲反对强行和暴力推翻乌克兰政府的意见,并继续决定该国的新傀儡统治者。请注意,不是白宫决定谁可以被接受为乌克兰的新领导人,也不是美国国会,当然也不是乌克兰人民,他们所谓的“民主”甚至不符合闹剧的资格。努兰的丈夫是罗伯特·卡根(Robert Kagan),他活跃于布鲁金斯研究所(Brookings Institute)和卡内基永久战争基金会(Carnegie Endowment for Perpetual War),两人都是新保守主义犹太复国主义者,与真实国家玩垄断游戏,而正是努兰做出了这些决定,这标志着真正的权力所在。

It has been similarly true with the multitude of corporate crimes committed by the same invisible people, the same suspects that populate every such list, all too big to fail and too powerful to prosecute. Their political immunity and legal impunity are so entrenched today as to be almost unassailable. The 2008 financial devastation was not an accident but a boldly-planned felonious wealth transfer of such magnitude as to deserve reclassification as treason, yet only the innocent victims will pay. Relatively minor and easily-recovered fines levied against the banks will do nothing but punish innocent shareholders. The tens of millions who lost their homes will receive nothing, while the perpetrators bask with their hundreds of billions in profits and bonuses. Once again, not a whimper of objection from the elected members of the People’s Congress. The executives of the financial and other giant corporations have de facto criminal immunity for all their actions. In what other sphere do criminals redefine laws to exclude their illegal acts while the authorities watch silently and helplessly, and when it occurs that the criminals have the power to define legality as they do today in the US, is it not the criminals who are now in charge?



Some years back, Paul Findley wrote a book titled ‘They Dare to Speak Out’, detailing the Jewish influence and control of the US government. In his book, Findley quoted US Senator William Fulbright, then the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, who had conducted investigations into foreign control of his nation’s government, and who wrote in 1973,

 几年前,保罗·芬德利(Paul Findley)写了一本名为《他们敢于发声》的详细描述了犹太人对美国政府的影响和控制。芬德利在书中引用了时任参议院外交关系委员会主席的美国参议员威廉·富布赖特(William Fulbright)的话,他曾对美国政府的外国控制进行调查,并于1973年写道:,

“Israel controls the Senate … around 80% (of US Senators) are completely in support of Israel, and Jewish influence in the House of Representatives is even greater. Anything Israel wants (Israel will get). …[Israel] is able to stifle free speech, control our Congress, and even dictate our foreign policy”. In a CBS TV interview, Fulbright stated further, “The Israelis control the policy in the Congress and the Senate. I am aware how almost impossible it is in this country to carry out a foreign policy [in the Middle East] not approved by the Jews … terrific control the Jews have over the news media and the barrage the Jews have built up on congressmen … I am very much concerned over the fact that the Jewish influence here is completely dominating the scene and making it almost impossible to get Congress to do anything they don’t approve of. The Israeli embassy is practically dictating to the congress through influential Jewish people in the country.”


Fulbright stated repeatedly that the US Senate was “subservient” to Israel and the Jews, which prevented the government from applying any pressure on Israel in its atrocities toward the Palestinian people. He claimed the US possessed sufficient leverage on Israel because “we supply all the wherewithal – or a major part of the wherewithal – to finance or to pay for everything Israel does”, but he added that the leverage couldn’t be applied because “Israel controls the Senate“. He also stated “The Senate is subservient to Israel, in my opinion much too much. We should be more concerned about the United States interest rather than doing the bidding of Israel. This is a most unusual development. The great majority of the Senate of the United States – somewhere around 80 percent – are completely in support of Israel. This has been demonstrated time and again and this has made it difficult for our government.”


Several authors have written that the Congress’ constant display of allegiance to the Jews and Israel instead of to the US was both embarrassing and unpatriotic, especially considering that Israel is almost totally dependent on American financial and military aid. Many have further noted that the Jewish-controlled media present such a “biased and sympathetic portrayal” of Israel, and further prevent any opposing views or truths of the Palestinians’ bitter suffering, that apparently only 4% of Americans are at all aware of the Jews’ 70-year long brutal military occupation of the Palestinian people. The long history of US Congressional support for Israel led former Secretary of State James Baker to call the Congress “The Little Knesset” after Israel’s Knesset (parliament) in Jerusalem. One US Senator lamented that he had the right to criticise his own government, but no such right to criticise the government of Israel even if its actions were against the US national interest. Paul Craig Roberts wrote “When the world looks at America, what it sees is an Israeli colony”, and former Presidential candidate Pat Buchanan described Capitol Hill as “Israeli-occupied territory”.

几位作者写道,国会不断地对犹太人和以色列而不是美国表示效忠,这既令人尴尬又不爱国,特别是考虑到以色列几乎完全依赖美国的财政和军事援助。许多人进一步指出,犹太人控制的媒体对以色列进行了这样一种“有偏见和同情的描述”,并进一步阻止了对巴勒斯坦人苦难的任何对立观点或真相,显然只有4%的美国人知道犹太人对巴勒斯坦人民长达70年的残酷军事占领。美国国会支持以色列的历史悠久,导致前国务卿詹姆斯·贝克在耶路撒冷以色列议会之后称国会为“小以色列议会”。一位美国参议员哀叹,他有权批评自己的政府,但无权批评以色列政府,即使以色列政府的行为违背了美国的国家利益。保罗·克雷格·罗伯茨(Paul Craig Roberts)写道:“当世界看美国时,它看到的是以色列的殖民地”,前总统候选人帕特·布坎南(Pat Buchanan)将国会山描述为以色列占领的领土”。

In this context, and in a stunning combination of utopian pathology, propaganda, boldness, and irony, the US media produced a small flurry of noise in the person of Jewish-American Senator Barbara Boxer who obediently proclaimed she had been warned by the FBI that “Chinese citizens or government officials might try to contact her office ‘in an effort to influence U.S. foreign policy'”. ‘Chinese officials’ might try to influence US foreign policy? And what of the Jews’ efforts to influence US foreign policy? Not a peep from her. As one writer pointed out, “That such double standard material can be published without ironic intent is a blazing indictment of the American mass media and current political system.”

 在这种背景下,在乌托邦病理、宣传、大胆和讽刺的惊人组合中,美国媒体对犹太裔美国参议员芭芭拉·鲍克瑟(Barbara Boxer)发出了一小阵噪音,她顺从地宣布,联邦调查局警告她,“中国公民或政府官员可能试图联系她的办公室,’以影响美国的外交政策‘”中国官员可能试图影响美国的外交政策?犹太人影响美国外交政策的努力如何?她一点也不偷看。正如一位作家所指出的那样,“这种双重标准的材料能够在没有讽刺意味的情况下出版,是对美国大众媒体和当前政治制度的强烈控诉。”

Admiral Thomas Moorer, who was Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, said in 1983 “I’ve never seen a President stand up to the Jews. They always get what they want. If the American people understood what a grip those people have got on our government, they would rise up in arms.” It was the same Admiral Moorer, America’s highest ranking military officer, who could not get an honest investigation of the 1967 Israeli attack on the USS Liberty. For background, the Jewish military attacked an unarmed US espionage vessel in international waters, hoping to destroy it and lay the blame on Iran. The Liberty was attacked repeatedly over a span of several hours by jet aircraft and torpedo boats, killing 34 Americans and wounding another 174, but failed to sink the vessel. The Israelis attributed the failed attack to accidental mis-identification, but all the survivors claimed that US flags were clearly flying on the ship during the attack and that in radio contact the Israelis had identified the Liberty as a US vessel. This was clearly another false-flag operation that failed in its mission by leaving survivors to testify to the truth. But the White House, on the demand of its Jewish handlers, swept the affair under the carpet to the extent that all survivors were forbidden to ever discuss the matter under pain of criminal sanction, and most were too afraid to talk even after they had retired from the US military. At the time, a White House spokesman stated that “(President) Johnson isn’t going to start a war over a few dead sailors”.


An Unnecessary War


Walt and Mearsheimer wrote a definitive paper on the Iraq war, documenting that it was, in their words, “the Jewish lobby” that wanted – and got – the war. Libya was the same, and it is only the Jews who want the invasion and destruction of Syria and Iran, and most likely supplied the chemical weapons to the so-called Syrian rebels and provided the photo shoots as proof. Obama tried his best to oblige his handlers with an invasion of Syria even though his own military leaders disparaged the idea as crazy. Then, to save face when the plot had clearly failed, he proposed to put the matter to a vote of Congress which was where it died. It was already well-known that Congress was 80% against and that a vote would never pass, just as with the UK. All of these military engagements were not only based on preposterous lies but were reprehensibly illegal and immoral, but neither the puppets nor the puppet-masters were held to account. Moreover, the names of the puppet-masters will be nowhere recorded, a true invisible government.


In this July 22, 2016, file photo, convicted spy Jonathan Pollard, left, with his lawyer, Eliot Lauer, leaves federal court in New York following a hearing.

Convicted spy Jonathan Pollard (left) leaves federal court in 2016 with his lawyer, Eliot Lauer. Pollard was arrested in 1985. | AP Photo/Larry Neumeister

被定罪的间谍乔纳森·波拉德(左)于2016年与律师艾略特·劳尔离开联邦法院。波拉德于1985年被捕。|美联社照片/Larry Neumeister

In 2001, an Israeli cabinet meeting was broadcast on Israel Radio, during which a disagreement arose between Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his Foreign Minister Shimon Peres. Peres was warning Sharon that Israel should heed American demands in their dealings with the Palestinians and that Sharon’s obstinacy would endanger Israeli interests and “turn the US against us.” Sharon replied to Peres, “Every time we do something you tell me Americans will do this and will do that. I want to tell you something very clear, don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.” Also in 2001, the Jewish Prime Minister Netanyahu openly mocked the US on Israeli television, saying “I know what America is. America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right direction. They won’t get in the way.” And we have Netanyahu again when he was visiting Jonathan Pollard, the American Jew who was convicted as a traitor and spy for leaking volumes of US military secrets to Israel. On leaving Pollard’s prison cell, Netanyahu was quoted as having said, “Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away”.

 2001年,以色列广播电台播放了一次以色列内阁会议,期间以色列总理阿里尔·沙龙与其外交部长希蒙·佩雷斯发生了分歧。佩雷斯警告沙龙,以色列在与巴勒斯坦人打交道时应注意美国的要求,沙龙的顽固将危及以色列的利益,并“使美国反对我们”。沙龙回答佩雷斯,“每次我们做一些事情,你都告诉我,美国人会这样做,也会那样做。我想告诉你一些非常清楚的事情,不要担心美国对以色列的压力。我们,犹太人民,控制着美国,美国人知道这一点。”同样在2001年,犹太总理内塔尼亚胡在以色列电视上公开嘲笑美国,说我知道美国是什么。”。美国是一个你可以很容易移动的东西,朝着正确的方向移动。他们不会碍事的。“当内塔尼亚胡访问美国犹太人乔纳森·波拉德(Jonathan Pollard)时,我们再次看到了他。波拉德因向以色列泄露大量美国军事机密而被判叛国和间谍罪。在离开波拉德的牢房时,内塔尼亚胡曾说过,“一旦我们将所有可能的东西挤出美国,它就会干涸并被吹走”。

In July and August of 2014, when Israel was conducting yet another savage offensive against the Palestinians, the Wall Street Journal reported that White House and State Department officials were taken by surprise to learn that the Israeli military had been securing large supplies of weapons and ammunition directly from their friends in the Pentagon, without the knowledge or approval of the White House. Both Jewish and American officials said this was yet one more indication of how little influence the White House and State Department had in terms of extractions the Jews can make from the US, the President and his White House staff essentially finding themselves on the outside looking in. The Journal reported that Israeli officials considered Obama to be weak and naive, and were just bypassing him to deal directly with the Pentagon and Congress to satisfy their wishes. They apparently said they weren’t concerned about tensions with the White House or a failure to obtain Obama’s approval for anything because he would soon be gone anyway, and they could just outwait him. There have been other incidents of this kind, one where the Jewish lobby managed to get possession of the only squadron of American’s most highly developed aircraft which had been obtained for the US military at great expense and internal lobbying. A Defense Department official apparently told the Israelis that to ship those aircraft to Israel would be politically impossible, given the very difficult circumstances of their purchase. He claimed the Israeli response was to say, “Just get the aircraft ready. We’ll take care of Congress.” And they did. The aircraft were shipped to Israel, and the Americans did without.


3/29/1979-New York, NY: Senators Daniel P. Moynihan (l) and Jacob Javits look on as Israel Prime Minister Menachem Begin acknowledges applause 3/28 before addressing a gathering of Jewish leaders.

1979年3月29日,纽约:参议员丹尼尔·P·莫伊尼汉(左)和雅各布·贾维茨(Jacob Javits)在以色列总理梅纳赫姆·贝京(Menachem Begin)于3月28日在一次犹太领导人集会上发表讲话前,向掌声致意。

On November 25, 1977 the Jewish Press ran an article titled ‘US foreign policy is now based on how foreign countries treat their native Jews’. For background, a Russian Jew named had become seditious and troublesome to the Russian government and had been imprisoned. The Jews were crying for his release. The article noted that US Senators Moynihan and Javits of New York, two ardent Zionists, notified the Soviet Government that grain shipments from the US would be cancelled if the Russians failed to release Sharansky. He was released and deported to Israel. Consider for a moment the depth of the Jewish influence that would result in two Senators taking upon themselves the authority to decide and dictate a serious US foreign policy mandate to another nation on a trivial matter, and without legislative or executive authorisation.


Helen Thomas (right) walks behind President Richar Nixon and a large group in China on Feburary 1, 1972.


US Journalist Helen Thomas, who covered the White House for more than six decades, was forced to resign from her position at Hearst News after saying in an interview that Jews should “get the hell out of Palestine”. In a published interview, Thomas said that Jews have “total control” over the White House and US Congress, that “it’s not a secret. It’s very open … Everybody is in the pocket of the Israeli lobbies, which are funded by wealthy supporters, including those from Hollywood. Same thing with the financial markets. There’s total control. We are owned by the propagandists against the Arabs. There’s no question about that. Congress, the White House and Hollywood, Wall Street, are owned by the Zionists. We’re being pushed into a wrong direction in every way.”

 在白宫采访了60多年的美国记者海伦·托马斯(Helen Thomas)在接受采访时表示,犹太人应该“离开巴勒斯坦”,她被迫辞去赫斯特新闻的职务。托马斯在一次公开采访中表示,犹太人对白宫和美国国会拥有“完全控制权”,那个“这不是秘密。这是非常公开的……每个人都在以色列游说团的口袋里,这些游说团由富有的支持者资助,包括来自好莱坞的支持者。金融市场也是如此。我们拥有完全的控制权。我们由反对阿拉伯人的宣传者拥有。这是毫无疑问的。国会、白宫和好莱坞、华尔街都是犹太复国主义者的。我们是在各个方面都被推向了错误的方向。”

It is even much worse than the above paragraphs suggest. Today, it is virtually impossible for a politician to be elected in the US without first declaring his (or her) undying allegiance to Israel and the Jews, and certainly any suggestion of a criticism of either Israel or the Jews will guarantee the end of a political career. I am unaware of any US Senator or Congressman in recent times who has been elected without first proclaiming an unconditional support for, and loyalty to, not the US, but Israel. This is so true that in the last US Presidential election, the candidates for the American presidency were campaigning not in the US but in Israel. Mitt Romney was campaigning heavily in Israel, hoping to win the US election that way, and other US politicians have done the same.

这比上面几段所说的还要糟糕得多。今天,一个政治家在美国当选时,如果不首先宣布他(或她)对以色列和犹太人的永久忠诚,几乎是不可能的。当然,任何批评以色列或犹太人的建议都将保证政治生涯的结束。我不知道最近有哪位美国参议员或国会议员在当选时没有首先宣布无条件支持和效忠美国,而是以色列。这是如此真实,以至于在上一届美国总统选举中,美国总统候选人不是在美国而是在以色列进行竞选。米特·罗姆尼(Mitt Romney曾在以色列大力竞选,希望以此方式赢得美国大选,其他美国政客也曾这样做。

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during the AIPAC Policy Conference in Washington on March, 2016. (Jim Watson / AFP/Getty Images)


Similarly, Hillary Clinton who harbored hopes of becoming US President, began her preparatory campaigning at the American Jewish Committee and AIPAC, where she presented as credentials her past efforts to assist Israel in protecting its military supremacy in the Middle East, and by her apparent willingness to start World War Three by attacking Iran to remove Israel’s last stumbling block to military supremacy.

同样,怀有成为美国总统希望的希拉里·克林顿开始了她在美国犹太委员会(American Jewish Committee)和AIPAC的预备竞选活动,她在会上介绍了她过去为帮助以色列保护其在中东的军事霸权所作的努力,她显然愿意发动第三次世界大战,攻击伊朗,以消除以色列军事霸权的最后绊脚石。

President Shimon Peres awarded  President Obama with the Presidential Medal of Distinction for his unique contribution to the security of the State of Israel.


In March of 2013, in an astonishing display of arrogant power, Israel’s President Shimon Peres presented the country’s highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Distinction, to US President Obama for being a good boy. And every US President must appear for the obligatory photo-shoot while wearing a yarmulke at the wailing wall, being humiliatingly paraded like a performing monkey for the amusement of the Emperor.

2013年3月,以色列总统西蒙·佩雷斯(Shimon Peres)向美国总统奥巴马(Obama)颁发了该国最高的平民荣誉——总统杰出勋章,以表彰他是一个好孩子。每一位美国总统都必须出现在强制性的拍照现场,同时在哭墙前戴着yarmulke,像表演猴子一样被羞辱地游行,以取悦皇帝。

In early 2014 Jeff Blankfort wrote an article titled ‘Rendering Unto AIPAC, in which he included this paragraph:

2014年初,杰夫·布兰克福特(Jeff Blankfort)写了一篇题为《呈现给AIPAC》的文章,其中包括以下段落:

“Early in their campaigns, every viable candidate on the Democratic or Republican ticket will receive a visit from an AIPAC staff member requesting a statement describing his or her current position on the US-Israel relationship. For those who are short on words, AIPAC will gladly provide assistance. These statements are then made available to pro-Israel donors in the candidate’s district as well as to a long list of donors throughout the country. In exchange for what is invariably a pledge of loyalty to Israel, AIPAC will see that the candidate will have no shortage of volunteers and funds, although these will not come directly from AIPAC. It was, however, the spectacle of watching Obama, Hillary Clinton, and McCain, the three individuals who were vying to become the leader of the world’s only superpower, joined by House and Senate leaders of both parties, humbling themselves before the AIPAC audience, that led veteran journalist, Arnaud de Borchgrave, to reveal to readers an elemental truth about the US political process and the decision-making parameters available to the next American president.”

 “在竞选初期,民主党或共和党候选人中的每一位候选人都会收到AIPAC工作人员的访问,要求其发表声明,说明其当前对美以关系的立场。对于那些缺乏言辞的人,AIPAC将很乐意提供帮助。然后,这些声明将提供给候选人所在地区的亲以色列捐助者,我们我还要感谢全国各地的一长串捐助者。作为对以色列忠诚承诺的交换,AIPAC将确保候选人不会缺少志愿者和资金,尽管这些不会直接来自AIPAC。然而,正是观看了奥巴马、希拉里·克林顿和麦凯恩这三位角逐成为世界上唯一超级大国领导人的人,以及两党的参众两院领导人,在AIPAC观众面前卑躬屈膝的场面,才让资深记者阿诺德·德·博尔奇格雷夫(Arnaud de Borchgrave),向读者揭示美国政治进程和下一任美国总统可用的决策参数的基本真相。”

Arnaud de Borchgrave’struth” in the Times article, was this: “Once a year, the Israel lobby in Washington known as AIPAC holds its annual convention where anyone who is anyone in the political world comes to render fealty, rather than homage. (For those who don’t know, ‘fealty’ is subservient obedience and loyalty of a peasant to his feudal lord and master: Ed) It has become a political rite of passage, like a medieval contract … Anyone who doesn’t pass the litmus test can forget about becoming president of the United States, or senator or even congressman.”

 Arnaud de Borchgrave在《泰晤士报》文章中的“真相”,这是这样的:“华盛顿的以色列游说团体AIPAC每年都会举行一次年度大会,在大会上,任何政治世界中的人都会表示效忠,而不是表示敬意。(对于那些不知道的人来说,’效忠’是指农民对其封建领主和主人的顺从和忠诚:Ed)它已经成为一种政治仪式,就像中世纪的契约……任何人如果没有通过试金石测试,都可以忘记成为美国总统、参议员甚至国会议员。”

Blankfort also detailed how, in another flashy display of Jewish political power and control of American politics, the Jewish billionaire casino owner Sheldon Adelson “summoned” the several most likely candidates for the next Presidential election, in order to “,” one of them. Blankfort noted that all obeyed the summons and groveled before their lord, “doing their best to sell themselves like applicants at a job interview“. Adelson apparently interrogated each ambitious candidate and demanded from each “First of all and above everything else, blind and unconditional obedience to the government of another state: Israel”.

 布兰克福特还详细介绍了犹太亿万富翁赌场老板谢尔顿·阿德尔森(Sheldon Adelson)是如何“召集”下一届总统选举的几位最有可能的候选人,以“选出”其中一位候选人的,这是另一次炫耀犹太政治权力和控制美国政治的华丽表演。布兰克福特注意到,所有人都听从了传票,在主人面前卑躬屈膝,“在求职面试中尽最大努力像求职者一样推销自己”。阿德尔森显然审问了每一位雄心勃勃的候选人,并要求他们“首先,最重要的是,盲目无条件地服从另一个国家的政府:以色列”

This again brings us back to Bernays who, in his book ‘Propaganda‘, wrote almost 100 years ago, “… it is well-known that (a Presidential candidate) may be decided upon by half a dozen men sitting around a table in a hotel room”. The bald truth is that ‘the people’ in America have never had any useful influence on their precious democratic process, due to the power of the political parties which are controlled by the same secret government. As I mentioned elsewhere, voting by itself is irrelevant because all the power resides in those who select the candidates who are in turn pre-selected for their ideology and their willingness to be controlled. It should be clear that if I have the power to select the candidates, your votes will be inconsequential in terms of the final result for either domestic or foreign policy. Americans live in an illusion of mythology stoked by generations of extensive propaganda, firmly believing in the supremacy of a political system that is little more than a poorly-managed stage play dependent for its success on an unthinking and ignorant population. It isn’t the smart people who revere the Western multi-party political system, but the unintelligent and uninformed, the ignorant and simple-minded, who have been overwhelmed by propaganda and terminally infected with a false theology.


It is not only the ultimate selection of candidates and the necessary material assistance and financial support to ensure election that are contained in this; perhaps even more important are the ability – and vicious determination – to ensure election losses and the removal of elected candidates who fail to please their Jewish masters. Any elected member of Congress who dares to speak out against Israel’s brutal policies, who brings unfavorable attention to the Jews, or who challenges Israel’s noose around Washington’s neck will, as Blankfort noted, be either intimidated into silence or reversing their positions or will be invariably picked off in the next election. Senator Fulbright, whom I’ve mentioned above, attracted unfavorable attention with his testimony and statements about Jewish control of the US elected representatives, being described by AIPAC as “consistently unkind to Israel and our supporters in this country”, and was defeated in the next election when his AIPAC-selected opponent garnered overwhelming attention from the Jewish media as well as campaign cash. There are other notable examples of US politicians incurring AIPAC’s wrath for failure to heed the wishes of the Jews, and being subsequently “targeted by AIPAC and defeated in the next election”. So many Americans live under the delusion that they, and they alone, decide who wins and who loses when in fact they are pitifully irrelevant to the process. Then we have the media, virtually entirely under Jewish control and which, except in extreme cases, can of itself determine the result of any election and the fate of any politician. As Ben Bagdikian noted, media power is political power in that only a few individuals totally control how politicians will be presented – or NOT presented – to the voting public. It therefore becomes almost impossible for electoral candidates to survive if their agenda and ideology do not conform to those of the Jews.

 这不仅是候选人的最终选择以及确保选举所需的物质援助和财政支持;也许更重要的是确保选举失败的能力和恶毒的决心,以及那些未能取悦他们的犹太主人的当选候选人的下台。正如布兰克福所指出的,任何敢于公开反对以色列残暴政策、对犹太人造成不利关注、或挑战以色列在华盛顿脖子上的套索的当选国会议员,要么被吓倒沉默,要么改变立场,要么在下一次选举中总是被挑中。我在上文提到的富布赖特参议员,因其关于犹太人控制美国民选代表的证词和言论而引起了不利的关注,AIPAC称其“一贯对以色列和我们在这个国家的支持者不友善”,他在下一次选举中被击败,当时他的AIPAC选中的对手获得了犹太媒体的压倒性关注和竞选资金。还有其他值得注意的例子,美国政客因未能听从犹太人的意愿而招致AIPAC的愤怒,并随后“被AIPAC盯上,在下次选举中击败”。许多美国人生活在这样一种错觉中,他们自己决定谁赢谁输,而事实上他们与这个过程毫不相干。然后,我们有了几乎完全由犹太人控制的媒体,除极端情况外,媒体本身可以决定任何选举的结果和任何政治家的命运。正如本·巴格基安(Ben Bagdikian)所指出的那样,媒体权力是政治权力,因为只有少数人能够完全控制政治人物如何向投票公众展示或不展示。因此,如果候选人的议程和意识形态与犹太人的不一致,他们几乎不可能生存下去。

Blankfort related that just a few months after becoming President, Obama received letters that had been circulated by AIPAC and that had been signed by about three-fourths of all Congressmen and Senators, advising him to accommodate himself to the wishes of Israel and the Jews. The letter, apparently containing an AIPAC tag on it to reveal its true origin, “was clearly designed to send a message to the president that, as far as Congress is concerned, Israel’s desires trump those of the United States.” According to Blankfort, all the media were provided with copies of the letter and all chose to ignore it. Many US Presidents, Senators and Congressmen have received such communications which ultimately persuaded them to ‘reassess’ their positions and select a policy position more favorable to the Jews. Being a “Friend of Israel” is a necessary prerequisite to political office in most Western nations, including not only the US but Canada, the UK, Australia and more. It is neither a secret nor a surprise that Jews, Zionist zealots, and other supporters of Israel are “deeply embedded at all levels in the fabric of political life” and consequently function at the hearts of these governments. This is so true that Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper foolishly snubbed an appearance at the UN for the sake of appearing at a meeting of some nondescript Jewish group in the US to receive a “Man of the Year” award for his undying allegiance to Israel and the Jews.


The Jews boast openly about their political influence and power, Jewish publications bragging that they made Obama what he is, and one Jewish Zionist famously claiming Barack Obama is the first Jewish President”. James Petras wrote a useful article in which he quoted a Chicago Jewish News article claiming Obama had been “discovered” by a Jewish Zionist professor at Harvard when he was still studying law there, and decided he was “recruitable”. She recounted how she enlisted the aid of family, friends, financiers, and helped obtain prestigious employment for him, followed by introductions to a wide array of Jewish Zionists, including financial supporters, all of whom worked to ensure Obama would be permanently “embedded” in their network. Petras also noted that as a senator, Obama shared an office with a fanatical Jewish Zionist named Ira Silverstein, who later boasted of his role in ‘educating’ Obama about Jews and Israel. Obama did not appear out of the blue sky as a breath of fresh air for America; he had been specifically selected, assiduously cultivated and carefully groomed by the Jews for two decades before he was presented as a ‘choice’ to the country, and by that time it was already much too late for the people.

 犹太人公开吹嘘自己的政治影响力和权力,犹太出版物吹嘘他们造就了奥巴马,一位犹太复国主义者以巴拉克·奥巴马是第一犹太总统”著称詹姆斯·佩特拉斯(James Petras)写了一篇有用的文章,他在文章中引用了《芝加哥犹太新闻》(Chicago Jewish News)的一篇文章,称奥巴马在哈佛大学攻读法律时被一位犹太犹太复国主义教授“发现”,并认定他是“可招募的”。她讲述了她如何寻求家人、朋友、金融家的帮助,并帮助他获得了有声望的工作,随后介绍了一大批犹太犹太复国主义者,包括金融支持者,所有这些人都致力于确保奥巴马永久“嵌入”他们的网络佩特拉斯还指出,作为参议员,奥巴马与一位狂热的犹太犹太复国主义者伊拉·西尔弗斯坦(Ira Silverstein)共用一个办公室,后者后来吹嘘自己在“教育”奥巴马有关犹太人和以色列方面的作用。奥巴马并不是凭空出现的美国新鲜空气;20年来,他一直是犹太人精心挑选、精心培养和精心打扮的,后来才被视为国家的“选择”,那时对人民来说已经太晚了。

Mark Dubowitz


It is to these people that Obama owes his allegiance, and his first acts in office were to fill the White House and many important agencies with radical Zionists, most of whom were Jewish, and also to purge these agencies of any who failed to please AIPAC. The process is very broad and deep, and includes most visible politicians and government officials. In referring to Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Petras noted they are so deeply infused with Israel-First ideology that they were “Zionized Zombies“. I would concur. Truly, few people realise the depth of Jewish influence and control in Washington, especially on US foreign policy. Israel not only badly wants to destroy Iran militarily so as to eliminate a threat to its military supremacy, but it wants the US to destroy its enemies for it and, through its US lobbying power, is in fact dictating the terms under which the US military will do so. It was the radical Jewish Zionist Mark Dubowitz, who is neither an elected nor appointed government official, who wrote much of the legislation relating to sanctions on Iran.

 正是因为这些人,奥巴马才应该效忠于他们。他上任后的第一件事就是用激进的犹太复国主义者填补白宫和许多重要机构,其中大多数是犹太人,并清除这些机构中任何未能取悦AIPAC的人这一过程非常广泛和深入,包括最引人注目的政治家和政府官员。在提到奥巴马、国务卿希拉里·克林顿和国防部长罗伯特·盖茨时,佩特拉斯指出,他们深深地融入了以色列第一的意识形态,以至于他们是“Zionized Zombies”。我同意。的确,很少有人意识到犹太人在华盛顿的影响力和控制力,尤其是在美国外交政策上。以色列不仅强烈希望在军事上摧毁伊朗,以消除对其军事霸主地位的威胁,而且还希望美国为其摧毁敌人,通过美国的游说力量,事实上,它正在决定美军将根据什么样的条件来这样做,他撰写了许多有关制裁伊朗的立法。

It is not the elected Congress and not the White House, but the secret government mostly represented by its friends in AIPAC, that determines and dictates US policy for Israel and the Middle East, and for much of the world, certainly toward Eastern Europe and especially Russia and the Ukraine. AIPAC is not the power behind the throne; rather it is the public face of that power, doing the bidding of names that will never be mentioned. In this sense, it is not different from what is loosely called ‘the Jewish lobby’, being only one arrow in a quiver that includes the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Rockefeller, Carnegie and Ford Foundations, the US FED and the Bank of England along with other bankers, financiers like George Soros, the Hollywood studio and mass media owners, sundry other so-called NGOs, and many multi-national corporations. They are all members of the same choir and are all singing the same song, with both lyrics and melody written by the international Jewish financiers in Europe.

决定和支配美国对以色列和中东,以及对世界大部分地区,当然是对东欧,特别是俄罗斯和乌克兰的政策的,不是民选国会,也不是白宫,而是主要由其在AIPAC中的朋友代表的秘密政府。AIPAC不是王位背后的权力;更确切地说,这是该权力的公众形象,它在呼唤永远不会被提及的名字。从这个意义上说,它与被松散地称为“犹太游说团”没有什么不同,只是箭矢中的一支箭,包括外交关系委员会、三边委员会、洛克菲勒基金会、卡内基基金会和福特基金会、美联储和英格兰银行,以及其他银行家、乔治·索罗斯(George Soros)等金融家、好莱坞工作室和大众媒体所有者,其他各种所谓的非政府组织和许多跨国公司。他们都是同一个合唱团的成员,都在唱同一首歌,歌词和旋律都由欧洲的国际犹太金融家创作。



President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, joined by the Presidential Cabinet members, pose for a Cabinet portrait Thursday, April 1, 2021, in the Grand Foyer of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz).

2021 4月1日,星期四,总统乔·拜登和副总统卡马拉·哈里斯在白宫大堂与总统内阁成员合影留念。(亚当·舒尔茨拍摄的白宫官方照片)

An important part of this political landscape consists of organisations like the already-mentioned Trilateral Commission, which is an offshoot of the also US-based ‘Council on Foreign Relations’ (CFR) that the European Rothschilds created as the American version of their UK-based ‘Round Table’. The CFR was created in the US for the Rothschilds by our old friend Lippman, and by Colonel Edward Mandell House who was a member of Bernays’ secret government and the Jewish puppet-master of Presidents Wilson and Roosevelt. The CFR consists largely of members of America’s elite ruling class and the secret government, and exerts a staggering influence over almost all aspects of American life, to say nothing of a pervasive and pernicious influence on American politics. This is so true that virtually all American presidential candidates are members of the CFR, and in fact their membership and overall approval are prerequisites for presidential candidacy. No US president will be elected, nor in fact permitted to run, without CFR permission. One US Congressman stated,


“The CFR is the establishment. Not only does it have influence and power in key decision-making positions at the highest levels of government to apply pressure from above, but it also finances and uses individuals and groups to bring pressure from below, to justify the high-level decisions for converting the US from a sovereign Constitutional Republic into a servile member of New World Order dictatorship.”


This so-called council is still a subsidiary of the European Rothschild’s Round Table, which was originally created by Cecil Rhodes as a mechanism for world domination, and given to Rothschild to continue, and is still controlled by the same Zionist European bankers with their “pernicious and pervasive” influence on Europe as much as on the US.

 这个所谓的理事会仍然是欧洲罗斯柴尔德圆桌会议的附属机构,该圆桌会议最初由塞西尔·罗兹(Cecil Rhodes)创建,作为世界统治的机制,并赋予罗斯柴尔德继续下去的权利,并且仍然由同一批犹太复国主义欧洲银行家控制,他们对欧洲和美国都有“有害和普遍”的影响。

According to an official statement, The Trilateral Commission was formed in 1973 by private citizens of Western Europe, Japan and North America to foster closer cooperation among these three regions on common problems. It seeks to improve public understanding of such problems, to support proposals for handling them jointly, and to nurture habits and practices of working together among these regions.That sounds good, but the ‘private citizens’ were a secret group of seventeen very powerful people that included David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, McGeorge Bundy and others from the New World Order Bilderberg Group who met at Rockefeller’s New York estate to plan this monster. The Commission wasn’t created in any sense to ‘solve problems’ but to do heavy social and political engineering, dealing with the ‘crisis of democracy’ and preparing a move to authoritarian fascism. The US media, again almost entirely Jewish-owned, are silent on the CFR and the Trilateral Commission and their influence and power in the nation.


Not long ago, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu attempted to increase the pressure on Obama to deal harshly with Iran by bypassing the White House and the US government altogether, and appearing on a Sunday TV talk show to appeal directly to the American public. Inserting himself directly into US politics while claiming he didn’t want to insert himself into US politics, Netanyahu insisted the Americans must act quickly and forcibly to eliminate all threats to Jewish military supremacy in the Middle East. Iran, of course, is one of those threats, with Israel having been claiming for ten years that Iran was two days away from having nuclear weapons. The Jewish-controlled US media are of course silent on the one essential point which is to ask why it is okay for Israel to have nuclear weapons and be an existential threat to Iran, but it is not okay for Iran to possess the only suitable deterrent of its own weapons. Netanyahu spoke eloquently about the security of Israel but ignored the fact that Israel’s military presence and extreme belligerence threaten the security of every other nation in the Middle East. The Jewish lobby has sufficient influence that Netanyahu has on occasion demanded, and received, permission to bypass the White House and address the US Congress directly, to make more clear his expectations of them. This was neither the first nor last time an Israeli prime minister had gone over a president’s head and appealed directly to Congress or the American people.


None of this is new. Jewish influence on American politicians and in particular on the White House has existed for at least most of the last century. There is no shortage of documentation of various US presidents confiding to their staff that their Jewish handlers would shortly be informing them of the appropriate decisions and courses of action to be taken. Another quote from Findley‘s book:


“When I lived in America, I learned that Jewish personalities, most of them rich donors for the parties, had easy access to the President. They used to contact him over the head of the Foreign Secretary and the representative at the United Nations and other officials. They were often in a position to alter the entire political line by a single telephone conversation…”


Given all of this, it is long past time for everyone to stop pretending that the Jews do not control the US government, notwithstanding the inevitable condemnation as an anti-Semite for doing so. Any examination of the American political scene is obliged to recognise that the US is closer to being a Jewish state than an American one, especially considering, but by no means limited to, the treasonous allegiance by the US congress sworn to Israel and the Jews. A dog doesn’t serve two masters.


Financial power is crucial to the success of this influence. A recent article noted that in the 2012 election about 30% – nearly one-third of all ‘disclosed’ political contributions came from only 31,000 donors, or 0.0001 of the population, less than one ten-thousandth. It further noted that not a single member of the House or Senate was elected without financial assistance from this group, and about 85% of these politicians received more money from this tiny group than from all their small donors combined. This tiny, but rich and powerful minority of people are “the political gatekeepers of American politics”. They decide which candidates are acceptable to them, which hold the ‘correct’ opinions and ideologies, and which will vote the way the elite want them to vote. It is not the American public who are selecting candidates to represent their interests, but this small clique buying politicians who can be trusted to carry out their agenda. The American people can do no better than vote for one of two pre-selected clones, with their choices being both inconsequential and irrelevant. By any definition of the word, democracy in America is a myth.


This influence has for long extended to appointments to a vast selection of important executive posts within many departments of government and, more often than we want to know or admit, involves elements of extortion or blackmail. Few Americans, and even fewer others, are familiar with the appointment of Louis Brandeis to the US Supreme Court, an event privately hailed by the Jews as ‘their’ first Supreme Court judge. President Wilson was approached by a Jewish lawyer, Samuel Untermeyer, who claimed to have a female client who badly needed $40,000 and who possessed a collection of passionate and indiscreet love letters sent to her by Wilson when they were illicit lovers, and was threatening to make the letters public. Untermeyer, knowing Wilson had no access to a sum that large, offered to pay the $40,000 out of his own pocket in return for a favor: Wilson would agree to recommend a person of Untermeyer’s choosing to the next opening on the Supreme Court. That person was Brandeis and, above strenuous public objection, Wilson pushed forcefully until the appointment was confirmed. Untermeyer kept the Wilson love letters “to ensure they would never fall into the wrong hands”, but also to ensure his future control over Wilson. It is probably true that the appointment of many Jews to government posts have been made willingly or on merit alone, but it is also true there have been many of the other kind.

 长期以来,这种影响一直延伸到许多政府部门内的大量重要行政职位的任命,而且,比我们想知道或承认的更多情况下,涉及敲诈勒索或勒索的因素。很少有美国人,甚至更少的人,对路易斯·布兰迪斯(Louis Brandeis)被任命为美国最高法院法官感到熟悉。这一事件被犹太人私下誉为“他们”的第一位最高法院法官。威尔逊总统被一位犹太律师塞缪尔·翁特迈尔(Samuel Untermeyer)找到他声称有一位急需4万美元的女性客户,她拥有威尔逊在两人是非法恋人时寄给她的一系列激情奔放的情书,并威胁要公开这些信。Untermeyer知道威尔逊无法获得如此巨额的款项,于是提出自掏腰包支付40000美元作为回报:威尔逊将同意推荐Untermeye选择的人参加最高法院的下一次开庭。那个人就是布兰迪斯,尽管公众强烈反对,威尔逊还是极力推动,直到任命得到确认。Untermeyer保留了威尔逊的情书“以确保它们不会落入坏人手中”,同时也确保了他未来对威尔逊的控制权。许多犹太人被任命为政府职位可能是自愿的,或者仅仅是凭功绩,但也确实存在许多其他类型的人。

Mike Lofgren


Mike Lofgren was a high-level US congressional staff member who spent 28 years on Capitol Hill, serving on both the House and Senate budget committees, and who wrote in early 2014 a brief paper titled  ‘Anatomy of the Deep State’, revealing his accumulated observations about the power behind the throne of the US government. There are many names for this secret entity that has existed for at least the past 100 years. I have followed Bernays’ lead in calling it the ‘Secret Government‘; Lofgren uses the term ‘Deep State‘; they are the same. He began by stating, “I use the term to mean a hybrid association of elements of government and parts of top-level finance and industry that is effectively able to govern the United States without reference to the consent of the governed as expressed through the formal political process”. I include below a few of Lofgren’s comments, edited for brevity. His intent and content are unchanged.

 迈克·洛夫格伦(Mike Lofgren)是一名美国国会高级职员,在国会山度过了28年,在众议院和参议院预算委员会任职,并于2014年初撰写了一篇题为《深层州剖析》(Anatomy of the Deep State)的简短论文揭示了他对美国政府宝座背后权力的累积观察。这个秘密实体的名字有很多,至少在过去100年里已经存在了。我效仿伯纳斯的做法,称其为“秘密政府”;Lofgren使用术语“深层状态”;它们是相同的。他首先指出,“我用这个词来指政府部门和部分顶级金融和工业部门的混合协会,它能够有效地管理美国,而无需通过正式政治程序表达的被统治者的同意”。我在下面附上了洛夫格伦的一些评论,为简洁起见进行了编辑。他的意图和内容没有改变。

“There is the visible government in Washington, and then there is another, more shadowy, more indefinable government that is not explained in Civics 101 or observable to tourists at the Capitol. The former is traditional Washington partisan politics: the tip of the iceberg which is theoretically controllable via elections. The subsurface part of the iceberg I call the Deep State, which operates according to its own compass heading. (It) is another government concealed behind the one that is visible, a hybrid entity of public and private institutions ruling the country, connected to, but only intermittently controlled by, the visible state whose leaders we choose. My analysis of this phenomenon is not an exposé of a secret, conspiratorial cabal; the state within a state is hiding mostly in plain sight, and its operators mainly act in the light of day. In terms of its scope, financial resources and sheer global reach, the American hybrid state, the Deep State, is in a class by itself, (and its) protectiveness towards its higher-ranking personnel allows them to escape the consequences (of their actions).”

 “华盛顿有一个看得见的政府,然后是另一个更模糊、更难以界定的政府,《公民101》中没有解释,也没有国会大厦游客可以看到。前者是传统的华盛顿党派政治:理论上可以通过选举控制的冰山一角。冰山的地下部分我称之为深层国家派系根据它自己的罗盘航向。(它)是隐藏在可见政府背后的另一个政府,它是一个由公共和私人机构组成的混合实体,统治着这个国家,与我们选择的可见国家的领导人相连,但只是偶尔受其控制。我对这一现象的分析并不是对秘密阴谋集团的揭露;一个州内的州大多隐藏在明处,其运营商主要在白天行动。就其范围、财政资源和纯粹的全球影响力而言,美国的混合州“深层国家派系”(Deep state)本身就属于一个等级,对其高级人员的保护性使他们能够逃避(其行为的)后果。”

The Deep State does not consist of the entire government. It is a hybrid of national security and law enforcement agencies: the Department of Defense, the Department of State, Homeland Security, the CIA, the Justice Department, certain key areas of the judiciary and a kind of rump Congress consisting of the congressional leadership and some of the defense and intelligence committees. All these agencies are coordinated by the Executive Office of the President via the National Security Council. The Deep State does not consist only of government agencies. What is euphemistically called “private enterprise” is an integral part of its operations. Invisible threads of money and ambition connect (Washington) to other nodes. One is Wall Street, which supplies the cash that keeps the political machine quiescent and operating as a diversionary marionette theater. Should the politicians forget their lines and threaten the status quo, Wall Street floods the town with cash and lawyers to help the hired hands remember their own best interests.”


Lofgren included the Treasury Department in the Deep State because of its jurisdiction over financial flows, its enforcement of international sanctions and its organic symbiosis with Wall Street. He went on to write, “It is not too much to say that Wall Street may be the ultimate owner of the Deep State and its strategies.” And here, of course, he had it absolutely right; it is the domestic and foreign bankers who are indeed the “ultimate owners” of the Deep State, but in this he failed to include the US FED and its European owners who determine and dictate both financial and political policy to the rest.


Chinese journalist Lee Fang produced some stunning facts for a research report in which he documented that individuals often receive multi-million-dollar bonuses when they leave secretive Wall Street to enter the active, visible government. According to Fang, many large corporations who want to influence public policy give executives huge bonuses if they take jobs within the government. Among them are Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan Chase, the Blackstone Group, Fannie Mae, Northern Trust. Citigroup even awards additional retirement pay upon leaving to take a “full-time high-level position with the US government or regulatory body”. The Bank of America gave Stefan Seelig more than $9 million in bonus pay when he was nominated to become the Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade, and Michael Froman received over $4 million when he left Citigroup to become the current US trade representative. “The fox is groomed for the chicken coop, and the Deep State grows fat on its prey.”

 中国记者李方在一份研究报告中提出了一些惊人的事实,他在报告中记录了个人离开秘密的华尔街进入活跃的、可见的政府时,往往会获得数百万美元的奖金。根据方的说法,许多想影响公共政策的大公司如果在政府内部工作,会给高管们巨额奖金。其中包括高盛、摩根士丹利、摩根大通、黑石集团、房利美、北方信托。花旗集团甚至在离职后发放额外的退休工资,以“在美国政府或监管机构担任全职高级职位”。Stefan Seelig被提名担任商务部负责国际贸易的副部长时,美国银行给了他900多万美元的奖金,而Michael Froman在离开花旗集团成为现任美国贸易代表时,获得了400万美元。“狐狸是为鸡笼而训练的,深层国家派系会在猎物身上长胖。”

Sir Montagu Norman, a Rothschild agent and Governor of the Bank of England for many years, was considered the single most influential banker in the world. In 1924, he said this in a speech to bankers in New York city: “Capital must protect itself in every possible way, both by combination and legislation. Debts must be collected, mortgages foreclosed as rapidly as possible. When, through process of law, the common people lose their homes, they will become more docile and more easily governed through the strong arm of the government applied by a central power of wealth under leading financiers. These truths are well known among our principal men, who are now engaged in forming an imperialism to govern the world.

 蒙塔古·诺曼爵士(Sir Montagu Norman)是罗斯柴尔德银行(Rothschild)的代理人和英格兰银行(Bank of England)多年的行长,被认为是世界上最有影响力的银行家。1924年,他在纽约市对银行家的演讲中这样说道:“资本必须以各种可能的方式保护自己,包括通过组合和立法。必须尽快收回债务,取消抵押贷款赎回权。当通过法律程序,普通人失去家园时,他们将变得更加温顺,更容易通过由主要金融家领导的中央财富权力所运用的政府强有力的力量来管理。这些事实是在我们的主要人物中很有名,他们现在正在组建一个帝国主义来统治世界。

Lofgren was correct in claiming the Deep State is an ideology that is a kind of corporatism, but in categorising it as nameless, he didn’t quite connect all the dots. It does indeed have a name – the New World Order. The Deep State is extremely Right-Wing, primarily Jewish, and fervently Zionist. Many people have described portions of it, but approach from too many points of view: corporate domination, human rights, banking, surveillance, politics. It is all of these, and none of them. It is as much about the Bush’s enormous landholdings in Brazil or the Rothschilds setting up a new bank to hold lands extorted from developing countries as it is about health care or the housing crisis or the NSA and DHS. This is about a small group of powerful individuals working steadily to build a farm where the people of the world are the cattle. The Deep State, the Secret Government, the New World Order, are all names and faces of the same entity which is at its core an international fascist dictatorship, with the security state and its internment camps forming an increasingly integral part.


Lofgren wrote, “Now, the actors in this drama tend to steer clear of social issues. They pretend to be merrily neutral servants of the state, giving the best advice possible on national security or financial matters. Their preferred pose is that of the politically neutral technocrat offering well considered advice based on profound expertise (but) that is nonsense (since) they are deeply dyed in the hue of the official ideology of the governing class.” Consider his words adjacent to those quoted earlier which argued that “power should shift from contentious, ideologically diverse elected bodies subject to pressure from the ‘lower orders’, toward credentialed “experts” operating in Washington, Brussels or the United Nations.” Different words, same meaning. Lofgren stated further that these individuals possess a deep ideology which he called “the red thread” that runs through both the Washington consensus and the war on terror, embracing the financialisation and de-industrialisation of the US economy, outsourcing, deregulation and privatisation, the commoditisation of labor and “American exceptionalism abroad, which is boots on the ground everywhere; it’s our right to meddle everywhere in the world. And the result of that is perpetual war”. He also noted that it included the rise of a plutocratic social structure and political dysfunction, and I would add the security state and its brutal suppression of political dissent, as well as the perpetual ‘war on terror’ to increasingly justify the withdrawal of all civil rights.


“The Deep State is the big story of our time. (It) is a government within a government that operates off the visible government and operates off the taxpayers. But it doesn’t seem to be constrained in a constitutional sense by the government. The Deep State, based on the twin pillars of national security imperative and corporate hegemony, has until recently seemed unshakable. It is so heavily entrenched, so well protected by surveillance, firepower, money and its ability to co-opt resistance that it is almost impervious to change.”


Lofgren went on to say that the Deep State’s physical expansion and consolidation of power “would seem to make a mockery of the frequent pronouncement that governance in Washington is dysfunctional and broken”. While the US government was laying off staff, forcing unpaid vacations, closing all tourist facilities for lack of funds, there was no shortage of cash to destroy Libya or attempt the destruction of Syria, nor the $2 billion to build the NSA data storage center. He wrote “That the secret and unaccountable Deep State floats freely above the gridlock … is the paradox of American government in the 21st century: drone strikes, data mining, secret prisons and Panopticon-like control on the one hand; and on the other, the visible parliamentary institutions of self-government declining to the status of a banana republic amid the gradual collapse of public infrastructure.” He said it is true that US government is dysfunctional and broken, that it no longer works, “but somehow Obama can go into Libya. He can assassinate US citizens. He can collect all our phone records. He can even bring down a jet carrying a president of a sovereign country without asking anyone’s permission. And no one seems to connect the two, the failure of our visible constitutional state and this other government that operates according to no constitutional rules or any constraint by the governed.”



But these people are not interested in either government or governing, in the traditional sense of meaning of these words. They are instead arranging the parasitic extraction of wealth from the population, and want the people to remain under control. Beyond that, they have little interest. These people are vampires. They are parasites. They are venal and extractive. Lofgren again:


“The Deep State has been extracting value from the American people in vampire-like fashion. While it seems to float above the constitutional state, its essentially parasitic, extractive nature means that it is still tethered to the formal proceedings of governance. They are extracting revenue from the American people everywhere they can find a revenue stream: public schools, housing, prisons, infrastructure, pipelines, fracking, oil and gas exploration, Social Security, privatization of health insurance and health care.”


We should not proceed further without noting here that this Deep State or Secret Government is the source of the destruction of the social contract that governed the US after the Second World War. It is these people who are responsible for the gutting of the American economy, for outsourcing, deindustrialisation, the destruction of labor, the evisceration of the middle class, and so much more. It is they who have been responsible, through their ownership of the US FED (and other nations’ central banks) for all the economic booms and busts during the past more than 100 years, extracting enormous wealth from the population at each cycle. It is they who have launched the class war on all but the elites in the US, Canada and all of Western Europe. It is they who arranged the US$5 billion investment in overthrowing successive governments in Ukraine, and it is they who want yet again the destruction of Russia. They are also responsible for virtually all the interference in China’s internal affairs and the efforts to derail China’s progress. There are dangers lurking here so great as to be almost impossible to overestimate, and to ignore or dismiss them would be foolhardy in the extreme.


The Power of Lobbie


Frederic Bastiat wrote “When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it”, a statement perfectly describing the US today. Not so many years ago, appeals to government to oppose, propose, or amend legislation or regulations, were public matters conducted openly and on the record. Clandestine visits to elected members of a government or its senior civil servants with the intention of swaying legislation and regulations in terms favorable to the visitor were termed “influence-peddling” and considered a felony generally rewarded by a prison sentence. No longer. Today, influence-peddling is the fastest-growing industry in America, and is no longer a crime but a profession with high salaries that has changed its name to ‘lobbying’.

弗雷德里克·巴斯蒂亚特(Frederic Bastiat)写道:“当掠夺成为一群共同生活在社会中的人的一种生活方式时,他们在一段时间内为自己创造了一个授权它的法律体系和一个美化它的道德准则”,这一声明完美地描述了当今的美国。就在几年前,向政府提出反对、建议或修改立法或法规的呼吁,都是公开和公开的公共事务。秘密访问政府当选成员或其高级公务员,意图以有利于来访者的方式改变立法和法规,被称为“影响力兜售”,通常被视为重罪,可判处监禁。不再今天,影响力兜售是美国增长最快的行业,它不再是犯罪,而是一个高薪职业,并更名为“游说”。


Jack Abramoff


One of America’s most powerful political game-makers and lobbyists, Jack Abramoff, was eventually sent to prison for his imaginative lobbying activities, one of which involved collecting about $80 million in lobbying fees from American Indian tribes while collecting other fees on opposite sides of the same issues, cheating all his clients equally. A recent news article noted that most American lobbying firms employ family members of US Senators and Congressmen to increase their success ratio, and almost half of all politicians who fail re-election become lobbyists. As someone so nicely wrote, “This means the wife is lobbying the husband, the father is lobbying his son, and the hooker is lobbying her customer.” This is one of the true faces of democracy in all Western nations today.

 美国最有权势的政治游戏制作者和说客之一杰克·阿布拉莫夫(Jack Abramoff)最终因其富有想象力的游说活动而被送进监狱,其中一项活动涉及向美国印第安部落收取约8000万美元的游说费,同时在同一问题的对立方面收取其他费用,同样欺骗了所有客户。最近的一篇新闻文章指出,大多数美国游说公司雇佣美国参议员和国会议员的家庭成员来提高他们的成功率,而所有连任失败的政客中,几乎一半都成为了游说者。正如有人很好地写道,“这意味着妻子在游说丈夫,父亲在游说儿子,妓女在游说她的客户。”这是当今所有西方国家民主的真实面貌之一。

The legalisation of lobbying was meant only to simplify the process of influencing and corrupting US elected officials, permitting corruptive influences to function openly in the light. Few seem to recognise that this has been a substantial degenerative influence on all levels of government in America, corrupting not only the White House and the politicians in Congress but most officials at the State level and virtually all regulatory bodies, the FDA certainly among them. The secret government, with its army of lobbyists carrying their armloads of cash, have succeeded in subverting almost every meaningful department of the US government. Monsanto’s paid lobbyists succeeded in Congress creating legislation prohibiting information on GM food content on consumer packaging. The powerful lobbyists of General Motors and some major oil companies succeeded in George Bush’s White House joining their lawsuit against the State of California to destroy the future of electric automobiles in the US.

 游说合法化只是为了简化影响和腐败美国民选官员的过程,允许腐败影响在阳光下公开发挥作用。似乎很少有人认识到,这对美国各级政府造成了严重的退化影响,不仅腐蚀了白宫和国会的政客,而且腐蚀了州一级的大多数官员和几乎所有的监管机构,FDA当然也在其中。秘密政府的说客大军携带着大量现金,成功地颠覆了美国政府几乎所有有意义的部门。孟山都的付费游说者成功地在国会制定了禁止消费者包装上转基因食品含量信息的立法。通用汽车(General Motors)和一些大型石油公司的强大说客成功地让乔治·布什(George Bush)的白宫加入了他们对加利福尼亚州的诉讼,以摧毁美国电动汽车的未来。

Through this same lobbying network, the FED and the bankers succeeded in having Clinton and the Congress remove all banking regulations, resulting in not only obscene profits being vacuumed from the public but permitting them to profit to the extent of trillions of dollars from the 2008 financial crisis as well as the bailout. It was Robert Rubin, Clinton’s Jewish-American Treasury Secretary who was instrumental in abolishing the Glass Steagal act which allowed commercial and investment banks to merge. One of the biggest beneficiaries of this change was CitiGroup, which promptly entered investment banking and hired Rubin as an ‘advisor’, paying him more than $125 million for his sterling efforts on their behalf. The same lobbyists, with the same ready cash and political influence, then succeeded in obtaining $7.7 trillion to bail out the banks after the implosion, leaving the people to fend for themselves.


The same secret government and their corporate lobbyists obtained the tax concessions that permitted them to offshore and outsource most of US industry, profiting hugely themselves while hollowing out the entire nation and permanently dislodging tens of millions of jobs. These same people acted with astonishing vengeance and lust to destroy what may have been the last hope of a universal healthcare plan for Americans, solely to fill their own pockets. This is the reason public corporations are now classed as people who will take the blame and pay the penalties (if any) for white-collar crime, excusing the elites and their corporate managers who should all be hung for felonies and treason. It is primarily due to the powerful lobby of the NRA that the US is the most heavily-armed society in the world with the most abominable tally of gun crimes. These same lobbyists have succeeded in freeing the pharmaceutical industry from any liability, even for what amounts to mass murder, and even when their drug trials are proven to have been totally fabricated.


The US Food and Drug Administration has been totally corrupted by the lobbyists and their masters, as have most all regulatory bodies with responsibility for everything from auto safety to banking, from the stock exchanges to agriculture, from drugs and medications to building standards and airports. The US Agriculture Department has abandoned virtually all responsibility for public safety, and nobody is any longer watchful of the chemical contamination of ground water in the East or the reckless and soon-fatal destruction of the aquifers in the arid US Southwest. Most industries, not only banking but more importantly food and medications, are now ‘self-regulated’, which means no regulation whatever and with the freedom to commit crimes and plunder society without the nuisance of laws or moral restraint.

 美国食品和药物管理局(Food and Drug Administration)完全被说客和他们的主人所腐化,从汽车安全到银行业,从证券交易所到农业,从药品和药物到建筑标准和机场,几乎所有监管机构都负有责任。美国农业部已经放弃了对公共安全的几乎所有责任,没有人再对东部地下水的化学污染或干旱的美国西南部含水层的鲁莽破坏感到警惕。大多数行业,不仅是银行业,更重要的是食品和药品业,现在都是“自我监管”的,这意味着没有任何监管,可以在没有法律或道德约束的情况下自由犯罪和掠夺社会。

Of course, the Jewish lobby is widely recognised as being the most pervasive and powerful in the US, with by far the most influence on not only the White House and Congress, but in the military and espionage communities, the judiciary and other areas. The Jewish lobby not only controls US foreign policy in the Middle East, but ensures Israel’s continued receipt of more than $3 billion each year in cash and military grants. This last alone serves to ensure Israel’s pervasive military threat over the entire Middle East as well as a rich supply of the latest in American weapons technology. Without this enormous sum of money, Israel would be of no more political consequence than Dubai. The Jewish lobby, combined with its friends at the FED, the mostly-Jewish American bankers and industrialists, has likely contributed most to the outsourcing and hollowing-out of American business, and certainly for the financial disaster in 2008. It has been adequately documented that this Jewish lobby was entirely responsible for the US military destruction of both Iraq and Libya, the US military being used as a private army for this lobby group and the secret government.


AIPAC has been mentioned earlier as the largest and most visible of the Jewish lobby groups but there are many dozens, if not hundreds, in the US, operating at all levels of the country. It is due to the lobbying of one or another Jewish group that all traces of Christmas, including even a Christmas tree, are being removed from American public schools on the basis that Jews are “offended” by the celebration of Christian festivals. Given the extensive penetration into every aspect of American government and regulatory body, and its progress over generations, it is probably impossible to trace the total effects of this one group on the nation. Certainly, much of this influence has been both expensive and disastrous for the US and the people, the wars and debts alone justifying condemnation, to say nothing of the fact that, through this powerful lobby, the US is financing and providing the weapons for the immense tragedy in Palestine. Americans have no cause for pride in supporting this thoroughly evil hijacking of a nation and the slow genocide of its people simply to please the Jews who form less than 2% of the US population.


There is no way to argue that this development of secret lobbying and even more secret cash is of any benefit to the US as a nation, because it effectively prevents any consideration of the good of the country or its people. Others have written that the US government is virtually paralysed by all the pressure and payments from this lobbying culture, increasingly directing itself only to the benefit of a relatively few bankers and industrialists who are becoming wealthy beyond the dreams of avarice while destroying the goose that is laying the golden eggs. Many writers, myself included, argue that the US today has the most dysfunctional government in the world, but that accusation is not strictly accurate. Writing of the death of Trayvon Martin, Robin Kelley said that justice was always going to elude Martin, not because the system failed, but because it worked, and Bonnie Kerness made precisely the same point in writing of the private prison system. Similarly, it is not that the US system of government doesn’t work; the problem is that it is working exactly as intended. The intent, from the late 1970s, was to concentrate power in the White House while emasculating Congress, then take full control of the White House and therefore the entire government system. The secret government simultaneously created two sets of laws – one for themselves and the other for society, while freeing themselves of all tax, legal and moral liability. The overall objective was to plunder the American economy and the American people, avariciously draining the public trough and the assets of the citizens, without apparent limit or restraint.

 毫无疑问,这种秘密游说和更多秘密现金的发展对美国这个国家有任何好处,因为它有效地阻止了对国家或人民利益的任何考虑。其他人写道,美国政府几乎被这种游说文化的所有压力和付出所瘫痪,越来越多地只为少数银行家和实业家的利益而努力,这些银行家和实业家正在超越贪婪的梦想变得富有,同时摧毁了正在下金蛋的鹅。包括我在内的许多作家都认为,当今的美国政府是世界上功能最不健全的政府,但这一指控并不严格准确。罗宾·凯利(Robin Kelley)在谈到特雷·冯·马丁(Trayvon Martin)之死时表示,正义总是会逃避马丁,不是因为系统失败,而是因为它奏效了。邦妮·克内斯(Bonnie Kerness)在谈到私人监狱系统时也提出了同样的观点。同样,这并不是美国政府体系不起作用;问题是它的工作完全符合预期。从20世纪70年代末开始,其目的是在削弱国会的同时,集中白宫权力,然后全面控制白宫,从而控制整个政府系统秘密政府同时制定了两套法律——一套是为自己制定的,另一套是为了社会制定的,同时免除了所有税收、法律和道德责任。总的目标是掠夺美国经济和美国人民,贪婪地榨干公众的财富和公民的资产,没有明显的限制或限制。

To be even more clear, the intent, from the very beginning, was to drain both the US government and the American people to the point of bankruptcy, to the stage where there was nothing more to steal. It was not precisely an attempt to eviscerate the American middle class but to gut all of America. The only survivors will be the relative handful of elites and the small educated management group who function as their lieutenants – the MBAs and lawyers at Monsanto and the young Ph.Ds. at the Carnegie and Ford Foundations or the Rand Corporation. The rest of the nation is disposable. Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu said, “Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away”. The word “suck” would have been more appropriate than “squeeze”, but the result is probably the same. In this matter as in so many others, the public are blind, not so much to the causes of their nation’s manifold miseries, but to the intent. It isn’t so much that people cannot see, as that they don’t want to believe what they see. As Hitler said so correctly when commenting on the big lies being told about the German people by the Jews, people don’t want to believe that others could do these things and, even when faced with incontrovertible facts, will still doubt and waver and continue to think there may be some other explanation.


No American wants to believe that a morally-righteous American corporation like Mattel or Apple, GM or P&G, would deliberately lobby the government for an offshore tax break while secretly planning to destroy millions of jobs in the US, trashing their own country for the sake of their own profits. But that is precisely what happened. The offshoring and outsourcing of American jobs were not an accident; they were the plan. If we only think, it could not have been otherwise. The 2008 financial crisis was similarly not an accident but a plan, with the evidence in the open wherever we care to look. For Americans, the problem is a compound one in that they must not only realise that their own famous corporations in which they take such patriotic pride, have in fact betrayed them, and that this betrayal was part of a deliberate plan, but also that the plan was conceived and executed in cooperation with their own government. Few Americans have the insight or courage to face this most difficult of realisations – that their government conspired to betray them and has in fact been doing so for many decades. It was not for nothing that George Bush Sr. said, “If the people knew what we were doing, they would hang us in the streets.


The propaganda machine has so successfully instilled the foolishness of a morally-sanctified “democracy” so deeply into the American psyche that it has become a virtual self-definition of the concept of American identity, with this silly faith forming life’s only anchor. To now face a reality where democracy of the people equals betrayal of the people, is an existential threat, a collapse of the American identity. The entire narrative has been based on this hysterical political religion which has always been a lie, with the proof in overwhelming evidence no more so than today. David Brooks wrote in the NYT that “Americans have lost faith in the credibility of their political system, which is the one resource the entire regime is predicated upon. The people are anxious, pessimistic, ashamed, helpless and defensive.” Of course. The question is why this process took so long.

 宣传机器如此成功地将道德上神圣的“民主”的愚蠢深深地灌输到了美国人的心理中,以至于它成为了美国身份概念的虚拟自我定义,这种愚蠢的信念构成了生活的唯一支柱。现在面对这样一个现实:人民的民主等于人民的背叛,这是一种生存威胁,是美国身份的崩溃。整个故事都是建立在这种歇斯底里的政治宗教之上的,而这种宗教一直是一种谎言,压倒性的证据也证明了这一点。大卫·布鲁克斯(David Brooks)在《纽约时报》(NYT)上写道,“美国人已经对他们的政治体系的可信度失去了信心,这是整个政权赖以生存的唯一资源。人们焦虑、悲观、羞愧、无助和防御。”当然。问题是为什么这个过程需要这么长时间。


Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chapt. 2 — Dealing with Demons).

罗曼诺夫的作品已被翻译成32种语言,他的文章发表在30多个国家的150多个外语新闻和政治网站上,以及100多个英语平台上。拉里·罗曼诺夫是一位退休的管理顾问和商人。他曾在国际咨询公司担任高级管理职务,并拥有国际进出口业务。他是上海复旦大学的客座教授,向EMBA高级班讲授国际事务的案例研究。罗曼诺夫先生住在上海,目前正在撰写一系列与中国和西方有关的十本书。他是辛西娅·麦金尼(Cynthia McKinney)新文集当中国打喷》(When China Sneezes)撰稿人之一。(第二章——对付恶魔


His full archive can be seen at:


https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/and https://www.moonofshanghai.com/

He can be contacted at:





Benjamin Fulford Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis 2023 March 6th



Entire KM financial system about to collapse with Credit Suisse the likely first domino





The collapse of the Khazarian Mafia financial system is looking imminent with Credit Suisse the likely first domino. If it falls it will trigger a process that would lead to the collapse of multiple major banks and then after that the World Bank, the IMF and the big Kahuna, the UNITED STATES CORPORATION.



A full-fledged bank run on Credit Suisse is now underway as customers withdrew $120 billion last month alone. Now the New York Post reports sensitive personal information including social security identification, employment information, and contact details of customers who keep $50 million or more in the bank has been compromised.





Yes, the Credit Suisse matter is very serious, think how many accounts are linked to every known elite criminal in the world, a CIA source chimes in.



This Suisse Secrets report from a year ago just touches the tip of the iceberg.





Suisse most likely will be the first major KM-controlled bank to be let goThis smells like end game, a Mossad source says.



The head of MI6 agrees saying: Credit Suisse is indeed implicated in international criminal fraud, in this case, the money laundry in Geneva of The Europe Union paying bribery to all of The Queens Prime Ministers to commit high treason. We have all the evidence. This is why I keep firing prime ministers in London. The Queen and Her Majestys husband were both murdered because of this among so many.



The shoot-to-kill licenses 001 and 002 are now in full play, he adds.



This implosion is not just about high-level gangsters but is likely to lead to the removal of most of the so-called leaders in the world, White Dragon Society sources say.



The revelations of Vatican bank bribery accounts below from the Obama administration are a sample of systematic KM bribery that could be reproduced across most of the Western-controlled countries of the world. 


《奥巴马总统                梵蒂冈银行                  10亿美元

奥巴马总统                西班牙桑坦德国际银行        10亿美元

副总统约瑟夫·拜登        梵蒂冈银行                  1000亿美元

蒂姆·盖特纳              梵蒂冈银行                  7000亿美元

小布什                    梵蒂冈银行                  7000亿美元

老布什                    梵蒂冈银行                  2000亿美元

阿兰·格林斯潘            梵蒂冈银行                  5000亿美元

米特·罗姆尼              梵蒂冈银行                  4000亿美元

保罗·格内特              梵蒂冈银行                  7000亿美元

迈克尔·赫尔佐格          梵蒂冈银行                  5000亿美元

比尔·克林顿夫妇          梵蒂冈银行                  4000亿美元》


Because banks all lend to the same people if one bank falls and pulls its loans, then the borrowers cannot pay other loans either so, the whole system comes tumbling down.



I know from very credible sources that Bank of America, Wells Fargo and JP Morgan Chase are insolvent and have bankruptcy proceedings active. They are sealed from the publics view, the Mossad source adds. 



Despite the attempt to cover this up, bits and pieces are leaking. Chinese real estate developers have stopped about USD 53.6 Billion in loans to Western banks, Blackstone defaulted $580 million on a Manhattan building (40% vacancy); the second default on Nordic REIT (46% vacancy) totaling $2.1 BillionPIMCO defaulted on $1.7 Billion and Brookfield defaulted on 2 Los Angeles bldgs with $783 million in mortgages.





This is expected to pull down the Swiss Octagon group and with it, their control over the G7 countries and various slave states around the world.



The big question is where is all the physical gold the Swiss have been storing in their vaults for more than 50 years? They have so far refused to honor legitimate requests to return either Chinese or Japanese imperial gold. If they no longer have the gold, this is very important because at the very top of the financial system, only real assets like gold are accepted: paper is not.



The Khazarian Mafia has been reduced to threatening to use earthquake weapons to force countries to hand over gold. Indonesian authorities tell us they are being told to hand over gold and other natural resources, or a very large earthquake will occur later this month. The threats came from the Dutch embassy in Jakarta. It was passed on to a high-level official in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia in Jakarta, Indonesian intelligence sources say.



That explains why Dutch seismologist Frank Hoogerbeets -who rose to international prominence after predicting the devastating earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria- predicts a mega-earthquake with a magnitude of 8.5 or higher due to the special position of the Earth, Mercury and Saturn. This pseudo-science is nothing other than a thinly veiled threat.



This is a message from the WDS to the Dutch: People who live below sea level shouldnt throw tsunamis.



Indonesia is not alone. The KM is also trying to intimidate the Philippines into handing over its gold and other resources. The Philippine people are fighting back.



A Philippines court has issued an international arrest warrant for Bill Gates, who as the founder of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, is wanted in connection with hundreds of thousands of deaths, a number which cannot be estimated at present and is certain to increase exponentially in time.





This arrest warrant is connected to the murder of Negros Oriental Governor Roel Degamo which you can see in the link below.





A Philippine government source said Bill Gates and David Rockefeller Jr. are involved. More threats/assassination attempts are being planned. The KM cabal is desperate for control of the Philippines. Neither Mr, Gates nor Mr. Rockefeller were available for comment by the time this report went live.



In any case, this financial turmoil and the accompanying threats were visible at last weeks G20 foreign ministers meeting which broke up without issuing a communique. This is highly unusual because usually, such meetings will paper over cracks by at least issuing a bland statement.



Some Western delegations turned the G20 agenda into a farce, trying to blame Moscow for their own economic failures, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.



At the G20 countries like Brazil, India, China, Mexico, South Africa and Turkey asked for the elimination of the Western monopoly in international organizations. The Western countries responded with blow-below-the-belt tactics by threatening to punish countries that disobey, Lavrov said.





That would explain the tsunami threats against Indonesia etc..



The head of Russias Security Council, Nikolay Patrushev went further saying Washington and its allies resort to political pressure, military blackmail, financial enslavement, economic sanctions and, of course, deceitful propaganda,





This video below of slave camp conditions at a cobalt mine (needed to make mobile phones etc.) shows the kind of economic management the rest of the world is sick of.



If the Western leadership was competent, people might be more willing to overlook their bullying but they are not. Their paranoid leadership has been repeatedly proven to spread disease, cause environmental disasters, and promote war.



Just last Tuesday a Russian commander warned a train carrying a cargo of poisonous chemicals arrived in the city of Kramatorsk and that the United States is planning to use the highly toxic and banned substances in it to stage a false flag operation in Ukraine to blame on Moscow,





Now we have Israel -that for 30 years has been saying Iran will get a nuclear bomb within three months- screaming It would now take Iran just 12 days to produce a bombs worth of missile material.,





Their KM refrain is attack Russia, attack Iran, attack China etc.



Not only do they keep trying to start an all-out nuclear war, but they have also been caught red-handed trying to kill most of the worlds population with toxic vaccines. Official data from the UK government shows that vaccines killed 24 times more people than the so-called pandemic they were supposed to protect them from.





If you think this wasnt premeditated, ask yourself why the exact authorities and manufacturers who mandated the Covid vaccine were never required to get the jab! 



Now UK Health Minister Matt Hancock has been caught asking newspapers to spread panic to artificially increase Covid testing numbers. In December 2020 he asks When do we deploy the new variant?



Here is a British scientist who changed his public opinion from stating that Covid looked lab made to naturally occurring after Fauci gave him a 1.88 million dollar grant..and additional 16.5 million in funding..the covid science was 100% bought and paid for..everyone knew from day one covid came from a lab..and millions of dollars was spent getting scientists to deliberately lie to the public..if they are doing this with covid scientists..just think how much they are spending on climate change scientists..science is 100% for sale.. the highest price tag wins


The sheer evil and incompetence of this leadership has caused more and more formerly mainstream public figures to go against the KM.



Here you can watch Woody Harrelson host Saturday Night Live and use his opening monologue to criticize Big Pharmas response to COVID-19:



The biggest drug cartels in the world get together and buy up all the media and all the politicians and force all the people in the world to stay locked in their homes, and people can only come out if they take the cartels drugs and keep taking them over and over. 


The KMs response is now to desperately try to blame the whole thing on China. Their hope seems to be not only to escape justice but to start their long-planned World War III.





The problem is the G7 slave leaders have lied so repeatedly and often that almost nobody believes them anymore.



As an example, you can see a younger, thinner version of Canadas Castrudeau being caught in a lie. The video seems to imply the actor now playing Trudeau was not fully briefed. 



His so-called regime is also now turning Canada into a major world money laundering operation with legalized drug dealing. Perfect timing as Ukraine goes down the drain: 



Sunshine Earth Labs said in a statement it received permission from Health Canada to legally possess, produce, sell and distribute coca leaf and cocaine, as well as morphine, MDMA (ecstasy) and heroin.







It will not be long before the plug is pulled on KM stooges like Castrudeau in Canada.



Benyamin Netanyahu is also not likely to be around much longer as a massive Jewish revolt against the KM is well underway. As a sign of this, the use of the Ukrainian flag has been banned in Israel. The display of Ukrainian flags is prohibited in houses on the street, and in all public places, with a fine of 10,000 shekels (about $3,000).



The process of KM removal is already well underway in the US. The latest was Mayor Lori Lightfoot being ousted in the Chicago mayoral election. She was Chicagos first Black female and first openly gay mayor as well as the first sitting Chicago mayor to lose in four decades.




More importantly, her loss in Barack Obamas home base means Obama himself has probably been removed from pulling the puppet strings of the various actors pretending to be President Joe Biden.



Something big is brewing in Florida too. The Sunshine State now has power over the formerly self-governing, special tax-exempt district encompassing the entire Walt Disney World Resort. Disney loses self-governing status, the State of Florida is the new sheriff in town, Governor Ron de Santis said at a press briefing Monday. Buckle up theres a lot to get done. 





Lets see if Florida police raid the place and reveal the adrenochrome factories that are allegedly传说 under Disney Land.



Governor de Santis, a Christian, knows he is fighting Satanic forces.



So said Our Lady of Akita, Japan, to Sister Agnes Sasagawa on October 13, 1973.



The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops.



At the entrance to Stellenbohm University in South Africa hangs a sign that explains how this came about:



It doesnt take atomic bombs or long-range rockets to destroy any nation in the world. Its enough to lower the quality of education and let students cheat in exams. Patients die at the hands of such doctors. Buildings collapse at the hands of such engineers and architects. Money is lost by such doctors and economists. Justice disappears at the hands of such lawyers and judges. The collapse of education is the collapse of the nation.



While the West continues to implode, China is showing what a government that actually serves its people tries to do.



At their latest big meeting, the Chinese government laid out the following plans and goals:



Pursuing high-quality development is the first and foremost task in China boosting R&D spending, expanding clean energy production, and nurturing growth poles with regional development strategiesChinas modernization drive brings science fiction closer to the publicChina has sought to streamline administration, delegate power, improve regulation, and upgrade services while nurturing a market environment featuring fair competitionChina has built the worlds largest high-speed railway network, expressway network, and world-class port clusters. It has opened air and sea routes that reach all parts of the world harmony between humanity and nature The idea that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets has become a consensusnarrowing the income gapthe index of Chinese peoples sense of security reached 98.62 percent.





If the West had meritocratic government, it would once again leave China behind in the dust. For example, think what wonders could be done if the over 6000 patents withheld for national security reasons were made available to the public in a responsible manner. At the very least we would all have anti-gravity vehicles and virtually free energy. As things stand though, the longer the West stays under KM dictatorship, the more China will surpass us.



The big question mark though still remains when the West will reveal more of its secrets to the rest of the world.



On that front, notice how Senator John Nealy Kennedy recently put in a few words about aliens. They are pushing project Blue Beam as much as they can.



There are also signs the US secret space program is revealing itself as this video from Hawaii hints.



See attached photo as well with all the Space Force bases, including Thule and Cheyenne Mountain.




With that, here are this weeks off-world visuals.



  1. UFO orb over Manhattan, New York 
  2. 纽约曼哈顿上空的球形不明飞行物


  1. UFOs over Phoenix, Arizona 
  2. 亚利桑那州凤凰城上空的不明飞行物


  1. UFO over San Antonio, Texas
  2. 得克萨斯州圣安东尼奥上空的不明飞行物


  1. UFO over Sydney, Australia
  2. 澳大利亚悉尼上空的不明飞行物


  1. A cluster of off-world UFOs 
  2. 一些外星不明飞行物


  1. UFO over Serbia 
  2. 塞尔维亚上空的不明飞行物


  1. Sky anomaly in Australia
  2. 澳大利亚的天空异常现象


All we can do is keep our eyes on the sky and our feet on the ground as we continue to fight for planetary liberation.




Benjamin Fulford Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis 2023 February 27th



China calls for end of World War III after massive DEW attack on Western country





Last week China reacted to a massive directed energy weapons (DEW) duel by proposing peace talks to end the undeclared but ongoing, hybrid World War III. The call came after a devastating Tsunami and earthquake hit a UN military base in a Western country in an apparent reaction to the recent earthquake attack on Turkey.



The destruction of a Western city is subject to a complete news black-out (see below for details and evidence) but it was almost certainly caused by DEWs on par with anything the United States can wield.



The Chinese are trying to de-escalate the situation by saying East and West must now choose between mutually assured destruction or mutually assured love.



Let us recall what has just happened:



On January 28, Western embassies sent warnings to their citizens about a possible terrorist attack.



February 1-2, the embassies of the United States, Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Denmark, Holland, Switzerland, Sweden and Belgium are closed in Istanbul



February 3, the USS Nitze equipped with HAARP Systems enters Istanbul harbor.



February 3, Turkish interior minister Suleyman Soylu launches an attack on the American ambassador to his country, saying: “Take your dirty hands off of Turkey. I’m being very clear. I very well know how you would like to create strife in Turkey. Take your grinning face off from Turkey.”



From February 5 to February 6, an earthquake occurs with an epicenter on the same tectonic fault as Istanbul.






To understand just how powerful these weapons are, the coastline in most countries in the Eastern Mediterranean increased by 7 meters or more and the canals of Venice dried up. The corporate media is trying to cover this up with tales of drought and low tides but these stories do not hold water (pardon the pun).





Now the Turkish earthquake has been followed by a devastating counter-attack and threats to destroy Switzerland and Israel. Faced with the prospect of total annihilation, the Rothschild family has already agreed to negotiate peace.





However, the Rockefeller-controlled fake Biden administration and the Khazarian mafia headquarters in Switzerland are still aiming to start a total nuclear Armageddon by 2025. That means they are the last barriers to world peace.





These events, by the way, were portrayed in the corporate propaganda media as a Chinese peace proposal for Ukraine supported by the French and Ukrainian Presidents (Rothschild slaves) Macron and Zelensky and opposed by Rockefeller’s fake President Joe Biden.



It should be clear by now to all thinking humans that the so-called US government needs to be shut down and replaced if we are to have world peace. As the official Chinese Xinhua News Agency points out:



Since it gained independence in 1776, the United States has constantly sought expansion by force: it slaughtered Indians, invaded Canada, waged a war against Mexico, instigated the American-Spanish War, and annexed Hawaii. After World War II, the wars either provoked or launched by the United States included the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, the Kosovo War, the War in Afghanistan, the Iraq War, the Libyan War and the Syrian War, abusing its military hegemony to pave the way for expansionist objectives. In recent years, the U.S. average annual military budget has exceeded 700 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for 40 percent of the world’s total, more than the 15 countries behind it combined. The United States has about 800 overseas military bases, with 173,000 troops deployed in 159 countries.



During the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, the Kosovo War, the War in Afghanistan and the Iraq War, the United States used massive quantities of chemical and biological weapons as well as cluster bombs, fuel-air bombs, graphite bombs and depleted uranium bombs, causing enormous damage on civilian facilities, countless civilian casualties and lasting environmental pollution.



The United States has also established institutional hegemony in the international economic and financial sector by manipulating the weighted voting systems, rules and arrangements of international organizations…it costs only about 17 cents to produce a 100 dollar bill, but other countries had to pony up 100 dollar of actual goods in order to obtain one.



During the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States abused its global financial hegemony and injected trillions of dollars into the global market, leaving other countries, especially emerging economies, to pay the price.



U.S. sanctions against foreign entities increased by 933 percent from 2000 to 2021.



The United States must conduct serious soul-searching. It must critically examine what it has done, let go of its arrogance and prejudice, and quit its hegemonic, domineering and bullying practices.





The Chinese came out with this strong indictment as the US –teetering on the verge of bankruptcy- threatened China with DEWs, Asian secret society sources say.



The Chinese, to show they were not going to back down this time, appear to have been connected to the massive tsunami and earthquake that utterly destroyed the city of Napier, New Zealand. The photos below are evidence of this attack sent to us by Chinese-linked sources.



Witnesses from Hawke’s bay in New Zealand says there are hundreds dead just there. “Nobody can get a dentist appointment because all the dentists are busy identifying bodies. There is a closed military facility with hundreds dead there as well. During the Covid lockdown, there were hundreds of police and food packages, Now there are no police and no aid during a real emergency…The adrenalin has stopped but the tears are starting,” a local witness says.



There also appears to be an unprecedented information blackout on this attack. Most of our Western sources were tight-lipped but, Australian intelligence sources did admit a DEW was used.



A source in New Zealand says the place attacked was a secret UN base “where all the renta cops came from during the confrontation on the last day of parliament occupation. They also used Antifa to infiltrate and kick off the violence and the cops had been training with fire hoses leading up to this.”



MI6 notes the evidence “Looks patchy with the dates not matching what I know went on in the background…the New Zealand Prime Minister was flung out for her part in the Draconian measures of recent years so there are various ways to see this.”



Also, Riccardo Bosi, a former lieutenant colonel in the Australian Army Special Forces, tells us that the war is actually being waged against the Khazarian mafia.





We also know the KM built an extensive network of bases in the Southern Hemisphere in preparation for their planned nuclear Armageddon. In other words, it may have been a Western white hat operation against a KM base in New Zealand and not a Chinese operation.



In any case, there can be no doubt the Rockefeller and KM-controlled UN needs to be dealt with and their plans stopped. The WHO is still pushing the fake pandemic as an excuse for complete totalitarian rule.



There are also “plans to block food supplies and replace them with insect products. Factories have been built for insects that feed on feces, waste and harmful molds. They will be ground or added live to food without labeling…all for depopulation,” Polish intelligence sources warn. David Rockefeller Jr. has publicly said he is promoting insect food and is making factories for such food in the Philippines.



Also, it now turns out Bill Gates’ lab-grown meat causes cancer in humans who consume it, according to a disturbing new study. “The problem is that the materials used to make the product – ‘immortalized cell lines’ – replicate forever, just like cancer.





We are also now finding out that “you will own nothing and be happy” Klaus Schwab is a descendant of Karl Marx. Marx in turn is from an ancient Satanic bloodline.





The Satanism is now completely out of the closet. Here you can see Satan being publicly paraded at the Carnival in Satanist Lula’s Brazil as an example.


As Archbishop Carlo Vigano recently noted:



In the name of the globalist religion, it is not allowed to contest the psycho-pandemic, criticize the vaccination campaign, argue the groundlessness of climate alarms, oppose the evidence of NATO’s provocation of the Russian Federation with the Ukrainian crisis, ask for investigations into Hunter Biden’s laptop or the electoral fraud that prevented President Trump from remaining in the White House, or refuse to stand by as children are corrupted with LGBTQ obscenities…Satan worshippers to erect a blasphemous monument to Baphomet in front of the Arkansas State Capitol in Little Rock or a statue of a demon on the façade of the New York Courthouse to celebrate an abortionist Supreme Court judge; while in New Mexico the Satanic Temple inaugurates a clinic that performs ritual abortions and benefits from state recognition.



Meanwhile, the Secret Service of the Biden Administration has nothing better to do than profile traditional Catholics as if they represented a threat to the established order Vigano is also saying on the record John Podesta, a son of Laurence Rockefeller, “himself led the coordinated action that led to the resignation of Benedict XVI and the election of Bergoglio.”



The original Pope Francis went off the reservation though and has now been replaced by a rubber-masked Rockefeller lackey.



Another lackey is the widely despised Justin Castrudeau. Trudeau wants MPs to take an oath of secrecy before viewing COVID vaccine contracts with Rockefeller-controlled vaccine manufacturers AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Medicago, Moderna, Novavax, Pfizer and Sanofi.



Trudeau is a criminal pedophile traitor to Canada who profits off of big pharma death jabs and wants to enslave each and every one of us through digital ID.







Here you can watch what Canadians think of him.





Maybe these MPs could also ask Trudeau about all the missing kids in Canada and their connection with adrenochrome manufacturing while they are at it. If you still don’t believe in adrenochrome, check out this patent from 1982 from the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Corporation (3M) for manufacturing it.






In a possibly related move, US Judge Julie Sneed ruled that Scientology leader David Miscavige “is actively concealing his whereabouts” as he faces human trafficking charges





“This will open a pandora’s box,” a CIA source says. 



In any case, following the failure of its vaccine and pandemic money laundering scheme in places like Canada, the US Corporation is now stealing Russian money.



An NSA source says “The US has used $1.14 trillion of seized Russian assets as collateral to leverage 1000 times over to borrow $1,300 trillion from the Swiss Federal Reserve Bank. The Swiss were ordered to lend this money by the Federal Reserve System, which in turn was ordered to do this by the Biden Administration…They seize assets and borrow against these assets to keep the US Corporation .. and their wars .. going.”



“Western countries are facing existentialist issues…and are facing an urgent necessity to replenish essential resources that have been lost as a result of the anti-Russia line,” Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov commented.





In the US, these same criminals “spill chemicals, seize the contaminated farms, freeze the assets, place assets in Switzerland and borrow on them to keep the US Empire afloat,” the NSA source continues.



Now we know why environmental scientists heading to Ohio were killed in a plane crash. Everyone on the plane, including the pilot, worked at the Center for Toxicology and Environmental Health, and were en route to a fatal explosion that occurred earlier this week at a Bedford, Ohio metal manufacturing plant.







Apparently, the US Corporation didn’t want the fake contamination and related asset seizures to be exposed.



The Russians also caught the US Corporation once again trying to stage a massive radioactive contamination event in Ukraine. The Russian military informed the world community that:



“Several containers with radioactive substances were delivered to Ukraine via Europe without passing through customs inspection. The plan was to stage a contamination event close to one of the radiation-hazardous facilities controlled by the Kyiv regime and blame it on the Russian Armed Forces.”



The US Corporation is also continuing its money laundering in Ukraine. Polish intelligence reports Military units in Ukraine are being sent “cartridges and ammunition that are useless for operation. More than half of them are covered with corrosion.”



In other words, they are buying obsolete military junk at high prices in order to launder Ukrainian aid money to themselves.



They are also killing many of their flunkies in an apparent attempt to seize their money as well. That may be why the death of a Clinton (Rockefeller) aid with Epstein ties was ruled a suicide despite the fact he was tied to a tree, shot in the chest and no gun was found at the scene.





The US military looks like it is finally going to do something about this. The journalist Seymour Hersh -whose exposes are usually followed by military white hat clean-ups- now says US President Joe Biden basically “blew off NATO in Europe” by telling allies that he is backing Ukraine with its “totally corrupt government.” The journalist also said Kyiv glorifies Stepan Bandera, “the great pro-Nazi who killed Jews like crazy during World War II.”





In a clear sign, the Biden show does not have US military support “Biden did not dare to visit Kyiv without warning Russia and without asking the Russian side to ensure his safety,” Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said. She added “the US leader’s visit …resembled a failed stage of in a provincial theater.”





She was not kidding, as Zelensky appeared together with a body double during a live broadcast. This put to question the reality of his heroic visits to the Bakhmut and Kherson warzones. The former actor/comedian’s several performances before the green screen don’t leave us with too many doubts.






CIA sources tell us “the CGI avatar Zelensky is in danger. He is going to disappear soon. A cover story for his exit is being prepared now.” 



Biden will no doubt follow soon after. Biden was caught on a hot mic in Poland after commenting on 3 UFOs shot down…



Biden: “You think any of these guys bought that bullshit?”



Aide: “Totally”



Biden: “They’ll buy anything…Let’s get outta here.”





With that, let us look at the latest project Bluebeam visuals.



  1. Bird ”frozen in the air,” in Vancouver, Canada
  2. 在加麻大温哥华,鸟类“被冻结在天空中”。




  1. A Delta SSP ship 
  2. 美国秘密太空项目的三角形飞船




  1. UFOs over Palm Springs, California January 31, 2023
  2. 2023131日,美国加利福尼亚州棕榈泉上空的不明飞行物




  1. A SSP craft over Nevada, USA
  2. 美国内华达州上空的一架秘密太空项目飞船




  1. A UFO over Japan 
  2. 日本上空的一架不明飞行物




6 . A pyramid-shaped UFO over Mexico

  1. 墨西哥上空的金字塔型不明飞行物




How about getting Laurence Spelman Rockefeller to testify about all this? Maybe we can find out what really happened to all the missing trillions of dollars from the US defense budget. If that money went to buying flying saucers, those are the property of the tax-payers and must be handed over to them.



Benjamin Fulford Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis 2023 February 20th 本杰明·富尔福德每周地缘政治与分析的新闻通讯2023年2月20 Are they about to announce a world government?


https://benjaminfulford.net/2023/02/20/are-they-about-to-announce-a-world-government/ We are hearing from multiple sources that they (=not us) are planning to announce a world government in the near future. Sources in the intelligence community and secret societies say that to accomplish this, humanity is being put through an initiation ceremony. So -according to them- the pandemic and vaccine campaign, the Ukrainian war, the UFOs and toxic accidents are all just theater designed to force the masses into submission to a world authority. 我们从多方消息来源那里听说,他们(而不是我们这些消息来源)正在计划在不久的将来宣布成立一个世界政府。世界各国情报机构社区和秘密社团的消息来源说,为了实现这一点,人类正在被安排经历一场启蒙仪式。因此,——根据他们的说法——所为的新冠疫情大流行、微芯片转基因绝育“疫苗”强制接种运动、乌克兰战争、不明飞行物、俄克拉荷马州化学品列车脱轨爆炸事故等等,都仅仅是人为设计出来的小计俩,目的是为了强迫人民大众向一个世界级的权威屈服。 This sounds like an excuse to avoid Nuremberg-style war crimes tribunals because there can be no doubt large amounts of people have been murdered as a part of this “initiation ceremony.” 这听起来就像是一个借口,目的是为了逃避纽伦堡式的战争罪法庭,因为毫无疑问,已经有大量的人死于这场“启蒙仪式”。 There is also plenty of evidence the Khazarian Mafia who have hijacked most Western governments really have been trying to kill 90% of the world’s population. They have been caught multiple times trying to start a nuclear war, spread diseases, cause mass starvation etc. 同样也有大量证据显示,已经劫持了大多数西方政府的高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党,真的已经正在试图杀死90%的世界人口。他们已经多次被抓现行试图发动核战争、散播病毒瘟疫、引发大规模饥荒等等。 They have also been trying to impose a mark of the beast central control over all money, food etc. with their digital IDs and centrally controlled digital currency. 他们同样也正在试图强加给人类《圣经启示录》当中所说的“兽的印记”——植入人体的芯片,来使那些不接收电子脑控的人类,无法使用电子身份证和中央银行数字加密货币购买食物。 In a sign this process is well underway, the other day when asking why the bank stopped a colleague from sending money overseas, a Canadian banker told him he had “failed their screening process.” He also used the phrase “UN dollar,” to refer to what we know of as the “US dollar.” 有一个迹象显示出这场行动正在进行,有一天我的一位同事问银行工作人员,为什么银行阻止他向海外汇款时,一名加麻大银行经历告诉他说,他“未能通过银行的反洗钱筛选程序。”那名银行经理还把“美元”这个词汇说成是“联合国元”。 In places like Brazil, they are now linking vaccination status to welfare payments etc. even though the vaccines have now been proven toxic. Here is why: This Pfizer patent application -approved on August 31st, 2021- is for the purpose of remote contact tracing of all vaccinated humans worldwide. They will be or are now connected to the “internet of things” by a quantum link of pulsating microwave frequencies of 2.4 gHz or higher from cell towers and satellites directly to the graphene oxide held in the fatty tissues of all persons who’ve had the death shot. Read that AGAIN! 在巴西这种地方,他们现在把是否接种微芯片转基因绝育“疫苗”来当做是否发放社保的标准,即便“疫苗”现在被证明有毒。以下是原因:以下这个辉瑞公司的专利申请——批准时间是2021年8月31日——用于远程追踪所有接种了“疫苗”的人。现在,所有那些接种过“疫苗”的人的脂肪组织内将会有氧化石墨烯,通过手机信号塔或卫星发射出来的2.4Ghz或更高频率的量子加密信号,连接到“互联网区块链等乱七八糟的东西”。亲爱的读者朋友们,请再次仔细读读以下这个专利申请。     《左边是真拜登,他的左胳膊上毛发很少,有纹身。右边这个“拜登”左胳膊上毛发很多没有纹身。》 So, there can be no doubt we really are dealing with a Satanic attempt to take over the planet by forcing us to obey or starve with a mark of the beast financial control system. 因此,毫无疑问,我们真的正在受到撒旦教为了接管地球的计划,强迫我们要么服从要么挨饿,植入微芯片,只能用微芯片来购买食物。 Not only are they trying to enslave us, but they are also still trying to kill most of us. We’re getting information about a major new push to start real World War III involving tank battles bigger than any seen in World War II. 他们不仅想要奴役我们,他们还想要杀掉我们大部分人。我们收到消息,他们正在准备发起新一轮挑衅活动,试图发动一场真正的第3次世界大战,战斗的激烈程度,很可能连二战中最惨烈的库尔斯克战役坦克坟场都比不上。 Russian news reports say “the American ship Arc Integrity arrived in the port of Gdynia [in Northern Poland], carrying as many as 700 units of various military equipment, including Abrams tanks and Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, which will be used by the legendary American 1st Infantry Division, the oldest American division known as the Big Red One…this is the twentieth transport of this type.” In other words, a full-strength US tank army with 140,000 units of military equipment has already been deployed. 俄罗斯新闻报道说:“美国滚装船‘电弧完整号’抵达了[波兰北部港口]格丁尼亚,装载有至少700个各种军事装备,包括美国M1艾布拉姆斯坦克、布莱德利步兵战车等。这些装备将被配发给美国第一机械化步兵师,被称为美国历史最悠久的部队‘大红一师’……‘电弧完整号’滚装船是已经运输完成的第20船军事装备。”换句话说,一支完整建制的美国坦克部队已经被部署完毕,包括14万件各类军事装备。 https://anna-news.info/uslovnaya_yadernaya_bezopasnost_v_evrope/ Then, at last week’s Munich Security Conference, attended by politicians and experts from nearly 100 countries, speaker after speaker hysterically attacked Russia. For example, the masked actor playing US Vice-President Kamala Harris said: “The United States has formally established that Russia has committed crimes against humanity.” Next, German Defense Minister Pistorius says “Ukraine must win the war.” Then UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak chimes in “we must help Ukraine to shield its cities from Russian bombs and Iranian drones”. He also joined the US in calling out Russia’s “sickening war crimes.” 然后,在上周的慕尼黑安全会议上,来自大约100个国家的政客们和专家们一个接一个的发言,用恶毒的语言歇斯底里地攻击俄罗斯。比如,饰演美国副总统卡马拉·哈里斯的带着口罩的演员说:“美国已经正式认定俄罗斯犯下的反人类罪。”接下来,德国国防部长皮斯托瑞斯说:“乌克兰必须赢得战争。”然后,英国首相李希·苏纳克也应和说:“我们必须帮助乌克兰的城市抵挡俄罗斯的炸弹和伊朗的无人机,和其它令人发指的战争罪行。” Video Player 00:00 01:18 We got birds in Rome and Kiev and now they have descended on Mexico. What are they trying to tell us? 我们看到罗马、基辅、墨西哥等地有鸟类在大规模成群结队的低空飞行。他们到底想要告诉我们什么? Video Player 00:00 00:09 We are also getting reports from Polish intelligence and other sources that an invasion by a 500,000-man Russian army “is coming from five directions.” 我们同样也从波兰情报机构和其他消息来源那里得到报告,新一波50万人的俄罗斯军队,“正在从5个方向朝乌克兰扑过来。” The problem with this hysteria is that it does not fit with events on the ground. As Polish intelligence notes, “publicly everyone is with the Ukrainian government but, behind the scenes it has already been dealt with.” 慕尼黑安全会议上,尽管各方政客们和军人们都在歇斯底里,但是在现实生活中和战场上发生的事情却截然不同。正如波兰情报机构所指出的那样:“在公开场合上,每个人都支持乌克兰政府,但是在幕后背地里,两面三刀的人可多了去了,都不知道有谁其实是支持俄罗斯。” The real figures of the war in Ukraine, established by Mossad and published by Hürseda Haber  [4] show the balance of power is 8 to 1 in favor of Russia. There are 18,480 dead on the Russian side, against 157,000 on the Ukrainian side. 乌克兰战场上的真实伤亡数字,已经被以色列摩萨德统计出来,并且被土耳其媒体《胡尔色达消息》报道了出来,数据显示出俄罗斯的兵力是乌克兰的8倍。俄罗斯的死亡人数是18480,乌克兰的死亡人数是157000。 Italian P3 Freemason sources add Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelinsky was recently killed on their orders. Mossad sources agree saying “The real Zelensky is gone. The one appearing in photo ops and videos is an avatar or CGI. The P3 is correct.” 意大利P3共济会的消息来源补充说,他们最近下令杀掉了乌克兰总统泽连斯基。以色列摩萨德的消息来源同意说:“真正的泽连斯基已经死了。出现在电视屏幕前的,要么是一个替身,要么是捏造而成的电脑特效。意大利P3共济会是对的。” Since the Ukraine war is basically over, all this exaggerated anti-Russian hysteria is looking like a campaign of misdirection. MI6 sources say the giant US tank army is actually in Russia and is joining the Russian army for a massive campaign against communist China. In other words, the George Bush Sr. plan to start a new cold war and make Russia seem like a Chinese ally -only to turn against them at the last minute- is being activated. 既然乌克兰战争已经基本上结束了,那么所有这些夸张的反俄歇斯底里看起来就像是为了转移注意力。英国军情6处的消息来源说,庞大的美国坦克部队实际上已经抵达了俄罗斯境内,并且正在与俄罗斯军队汇合,准备对共产主义中国发动一场巨大的战役。换句话说,老布什当初的计划现在正在进行,准备发动一场新冷战,先让俄罗斯看起来像是中国的盟友,然后俄罗斯在最后1分钟倒戈。 “We do not want to replace US hegemony with Chinese communist hegemony,” a Russian FSB source explains. 一位俄罗斯联邦安全局的消息来源解释说:“我们不希望美国霸权被中国共产主义霸权所取代。” However, Russia still seems to be playing both sides since Tass reports: 然而,俄罗斯似乎把中国和美国双方都给耍了: Moscow and Beijing will soon hold a series of high-level talks, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told the State Duma。He said the Americans are now starting to play games again, trying to return to a bipolar world order, this time with China,.. “The United States and their allies have been maniacally striving to plunder the world and collect tribute from humanity.” 俄罗斯外交部长谢尔盖·拉夫罗夫在国家杜马会议上说,莫斯科和北京将很快举行一系列高级别对话。他说美国人现在又开始玩游戏了,试图再次把世界割裂成两极格局,而这一次,美国的对手是中国……“美国和他们的盟友早已疯狂地掠夺全世界,从人类收集贡品。” https://tass.com/politics/1576891 The real story is that the Russians, together with the Western and Asian white hats, want a multi-polar world and do not want to replace US hegemony with Chinese communist hegemony. 真正的故事是,俄罗斯、西方、亚洲的白帽子地球解放联盟,想要一个多极化的世界,并不想要中国共产主义霸权代替美国霸权。 The use of an earthquake weapon against Turkey was meant to warn China the West possessed such weapons and would use them against China if forced to, a Pentagon source says. 五角大楼的消息来源说,土耳其所遭到的地震武器袭击,其实是在警告中国,西方国家拥有此类武器,并且在迫不得已的情况下,将会毫不犹豫地使用这种武器。 《以下清单列出了在土耳其地震24小时前撤离大使的国家: 加麻大 美国 英国 德国 比利时 意大利 荷兰 法国 这里没有什么可疑的 ——仅仅是阴谋论的一些黑色幽默而已》 CIA sources add “You cannot even imagine the full power of Russia’s non-nuclear weapons. One Pantsyr installation is capable of turning an area of 100 football fields into a dead desert – leaving the enemy without tanks, manpower, aircraft and without UAVs – IN ONE BLOW! Russia’s vacuum bomb has no equal in terms of power in the world. It sweeps away absolutely everything – everything falls into the ground on an area of 300 meters in a radius! And Russia has a lot more. It just doesn’t make sense to show everything at once.” 美国中央情报局的消来源补充说:“你甚至无法想象俄罗斯的非核武器战斗力有多强。仅仅一套铠甲S2防空系统,就能够将100个足球场大小的区域,变成飞行员的死亡沙漠。俄罗斯的真空温压云爆炸弹,比世界上任何同类武器都要强大,仅仅一发就可以扫清一个区域内的一切活物,半径300米范围内的一切低空飞机、无人机都会摔下来粉身碎骨。并且俄罗斯还有许多其它可怕的玩意儿。但是我想不通,为什么俄罗斯在战争前中期就开始使用这种武器。” The huge, and hitherto hidden, move against China comes as the US Corporation teeters on the brink of bankruptcy and social collapse. 这场巨大的,迄今为止仍在暗中进行的针对中国的战役行动,发生的原因,是美利坚合众国企业公司正在破产边缘摇摇欲坠,正在面临全面的社会崩溃。 The US government missed an international payments deadline on January 31st and has been cut off since February 17th. The Port of Los Angeles confirms “a significant volume decline” in February. 美国政府错过了2023年1月31日美国国债的国际债务支付期限,并且自从2023年2月17日以来,就被切断了一切资金来源。美国洛杉矶港口确认说:“在2023年2月份,集装箱吞吐量发生了断崖式下跌。” https://www.freightwaves.com/news/beleaguered-los-angeles-port-pins-hopes-on-2nd-half-rebound The bankrupt Biden regime meanwhile is stringing things along by selling off strategic petroleum and weapons reserves while stealing pensions, Medicaid and whatever else it can get its hands on, It is also cutting back on food stamps etc. These “extraordinary measures,” can keep the regime going until about July, according to the Congressional Budget Office. 与此同时,破产的拜登政权,正在通过一些非常时期的措施,来试图杯水车薪,包括贩卖美国国家战略石油储备、贩卖美国国家武器储备、盗窃养老金、盗窃医疗补助、削减食品券和其它任何可以得到的东西。根据美国国会预算办公室的消息来源说,这些“非常时期的措施”可以暂时使拜登政权坚持到2023年7月份。 https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/biden-administration-allowing-states-spend-medicaid-money-food-housing There is also an ongoing societal collapse in the US. A friend who recently visited Seattle says the downtown was abandoned, stores were closed and the only thing open was a marijuana dispensary. This sort of scene is repeated across most US cities. 美国也正在发生一场社会崩溃。笔者本人的一位朋友最近去了美国西雅图,他说西雅图的市中心已经被当地政府放弃了,商店都关门了,唯一开着的是一家大麻商店。这种剧本在美国大部分城市都在上演。 In Los Angeles, crime is so bad the mayor is warning people not to leave water bottles in cars because people might smash the windows just to grab them. 在洛杉矶,犯罪率已经到了随处可见的地步,洛杉矶市长警告市民说,不要把矿泉水瓶留在车里,因为很可能有人仅仅会为了得到一点破烂,而打碎车窗。 https://www.dailynews.com/2023/02/16/can-lapd-chief-michel-moore-finally-get-serious-about-crime-in-los-angeles/ The whole so-called Presidency of Joe Biden has also degenerated to pure farce. Watch below as “Biden” tells reporters, “give me a break, man” then walks out without answering a single question after his remarks on “aerial objects” over the US and his family business ties to China. Take note of the fake White House.  整个所谓的乔·拜登总统任期,也已经退化成了一场闹剧。请看以下这个视频,在谈到“美国上空的不明飞行物”以及“拜登家族与中国的商业往来”等话题时,“拜登”告诉记者们:“让我休息一下,兄弟。”然后他直接就走了,没有回答记者的任何问题。请看看以下这张照片中的假白宫。 Video Player 00:00 00:40 This is why many in the old regime leadership see war as a way out. As a top Pentagon general once told me, “we would rather start World War III than become unemployed.” 这就是为什么旧政权的领导层已经看清楚:战争才是出路的原因。正如一位美国顶级将军曾经告诉我的那样:“我们宁愿发动第3次世界大战也不想失业。” However, China is well aware of these plans and has been preparing surprises of its own. A Canadian Secret Intelligence Service source says a massive Chinese army has been secretly gathered by the communist traitor Justin Castrudeau at underground bases around Canada for a move on the US. Military sources in Arizona also say there has been a huge influx涌入 of military-age Chinese men infiltrating the US. This headline seems to confirm that: 然而,中国早就已经充分意识到了这场美国和俄罗斯联合绞杀中国的计划,并且中国也在准备一个惊喜。加麻大秘密情报局的一名消息来源说,一支规模庞大的中国军队,已经被加麻大共产主义叛徒贾斯汀·特鲁多·卡斯特罗,秘密安排集结在加麻大境内的地下基地里,准备对美国发动一场行动。美国亚利桑那州国民警卫队的消息来源也说,海量的适龄中国男青年正在渗透美国。以下这个头版头条似乎确认了这一点: “Arrests of Chinese immigrants illegally crossing US-Mexico border jumps 1,230% in January.” “穿越美国墨西哥后被逮捕的中国非法移民,在2023年1月暴涨了1230%。” https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/immigration/arrests-of-chinese-citizens-illegally-crossing-us-mexico-border-jumps-1-230-in-january This war talk may well be high-level brinkmanship as negotiations for a world government near their conclusion. 这些关于战争的话题,很可能是高级别政治领导层之间的边缘政策游戏,原因很可能是:关于组建一个世界政府的谈判已经接近尾声了。 Furthermore, there can no doubt much of what we are seeing is just fear pornography. For example, I have been unable to confirm through direct analog reporting that the train derailments with toxic clouds spreading in all directions are real. We know there was a train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio and that it was a deliberate false flag. It took place right where a Netflix show about such a disaster was filmed. The top 10 owners of the Norfolk Southern Corp rail transportation company include Rockefeller subsidiaries like: 此外,毫无疑问,我们所看到的许多事情仅仅是恐怖色情片。比如,我现在已经无法通过直接模拟报告,来确认化学物列车脱轨起火,向四面八方释放有毒云雾的事情到底是不是真的。我们当然知道有一列火车在俄亥俄州东部脱轨了,并且这是一场故意制造的假旗行动。这场事故刚好被美国网飞影视公司的设置组拍摄了下来,并且他们正在那里拍摄的影视剧刚好就是一场火车脱轨、有毒化学物质泄漏、劫后余生的剧情。诺夫尔克南方铁路运输公司的前十大股东包括洛克菲勒的子公司,如: Vanguard 先锋集团 JPMorgan 摩根大通集团 BlackRock 黑石贝莱德金融投资集团 Video Player 00:00 01:29 《值得思考的问题——<2030年议程>土地开发相关法律,允许政府没收受污染的土地,并将其居民迁入智慧城市。 “重要的是要注意——如果你周围的土地和水完全被污染了,你没有权利选择退出即将到来的‘智慧城市’模式。你开始明白了吗?”》 《五列火车出轨,一辆卡车泄漏,现在弗罗里达州发生了一场5英亩的工业大火,燃烧了大量塑料。 不到两周内发生了7起生态灾难。其后果将在未来几十年内影响美国人的食物、水和健康。我们遭到了人为攻击!》 Video Player 00:00 01:51 movie-about-train-derailment-had-extras-from-eastern-palestine.html https://pepelivesmatter.substack.com/p/ohio-chemical-train-derailment-movie What seems to be going on is that real train derailments are taking place but that these are followed with exaggerated reports of toxic fumes etc. This is the pattern that was seen in Fukushima where a real detonation and real tsunami were followed up with extremely exaggerated reports about “the entire Pacific Ocean” being radioactive. The Rockefellers have a long history of this sort of operation. 正在发生的似乎是,火车出轨是真的,但是紧随其后的却是对有毒烟雾的夸张报道等。这跟福岛海啸核泄漏事件简直如出一辙,阴谋集团用偷来的核武器在日本海床引爆,随后就是真实的海啸以及极度夸大的新闻报道说“整个太平洋海域”都将充满放射性。洛克菲勒家族在干这种事情上已经有悠久的历史了。 《印第安纳州和肯塔基州的自来水供应现在受到了污染》 《俄亥俄州“东巴勒斯坦地区”417号F&AM州会议将在第2个星期3的下午7点半召开。》 Also, the Rockefeller-owned WHO (World Harm Organization) is telling people to stock up on anti-radiation medicine. This means like some toxic nuclear accident (real or fake) is next on their agenda. The Russian government has been repeatedly warning about just such a plan.  同样,洛克菲勒家族所拥有的世界卫生组织(世界伤害组织)要求民众囤积抗辐射药物。这意味他们的下一步计划,是某种核辐射事故(无论真假)。俄罗斯政府已经多次警告过这种计划。 The recent shooting down of multiple UFOs reported by the US and Canadian authorities is another example. The Russians seem to be in on this with the official Tass News agency warning “The American wave of panic and making noise, scrambling fighter jets and firing missiles means someone will hit a target that should not be attacked, which will raise the likelihood of tragic incidents.”  另外一个例子是,最近美国和加麻大当局报告说,多个不明飞行物被击落。俄罗斯人似乎也参与其中,俄罗斯官方塔斯通讯社警告说:“美国人陷入恐慌的浪潮以及制造噪音、尖叫着说着喷气式战斗机的和发射导弹等事情,意味着有人将会击中一个本不该被击中的目标,然后增加第3次世界大战悲剧发生的可能性。” https://tass.com/pressreview/1575937 “In the coming weeks, maybe even months, be prepared for a great and varied program of fear to be carried out against you,” a Polish intelligence source says. “However, none of what they will scare you with will translate into action on the physical plane,” the source adds. 一位波兰情报机构的消息来源说:“在下个星期,或下个月,你们这些人民大众请做好准备,迎接各种各样重大的恐怖节目,这些节目都是专门为你们准备的。然而,他们用来吓唬你的任何事情,都不会转化为对一架真实客机采取行动。” Confirmation of this fear pornography meant to start a world government came from a Panel面板 at the 2023 World Government Summit saying a “certain shock” will happen to transition the “international order” into one world government. 对这场恐怖色情片的确认,意味着要想成立一个世界政府,就需要在2023年世界政府峰会上说:“某种冲击”将会发生,把“国际秩序”转变成单一世界政府。 Video Player 00:00 01:09 Just like the boy who cried wolf though, people have stopped believing the constant hysterical flood of fear pornography coming from the corporate media. Even with a question designed to manipulate people such as “Do you agree…that national news organizations do not intend to mislead,” 50% said they disagreed. Only 25% agreed, the study found. If they asked “do news organizations deliberately mislead people?” they would have gotten closer to 70% agreeing.  就像《狼来了》的故事一样,人民大众已经不再相信企业宣传媒体如洪水一般不断倾泻而出的歇斯底里恐怖色情片。民意调查机构为了操纵人民大众,设计出了一个问题:“你是否同意……国家新闻机构无意误导人民大众?”50%的人说他们不同意。结果进一步调查发现,只有25%的人同意这个问题。如果他们问:“国家新闻机构是否故意误导民众?”他们将会得到70%同意的调查结果。 https://knightfoundation.org/reports/american-views-2023-part-2/ The failure of the UFO campaign to scare people (so far) is an example of how people do not believe the corporate government announcements anymore. The government has now been forced to back off and say they had just shot down $14 hobby balloons. (到目前为止)用不明飞行物吓唬民众的运动的失败,是一个例子,说明民众到底有多么不再相信企业政府所宣称的事情了。政府现在被迫退一步说,他们仅仅击落了一个14美元的业余爱好高空气球,而不是中国的高空探测气球。 The recent failed alien invasion scare attempt though did flush out an interesting cabal character. It turns out much of the UFO and “alien disclosure” has been sourced to Laurence Spelman Rockefeller Jr. Here is what a CIA source had to say about this: 最近失败的外星人入侵恐吓尝试,让高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党的一个有趣的角色浮出了水面。原来,许多不明飞行物和“外星人揭露”都被追溯到劳伦斯·斯佩尔曼·小洛克菲勒。以下是美国中央情报局的消息来源对此的评论: “Laurence Rockefeller senior [the original UFO/alien disclosure sponsor] is out of the picture since around 2004. His son took over. His unofficial son – John Podesta- was taken out at Gitmo. There is a clone/double who is seen in public. These two work within a larger group that run the Project Blue Book Op. They are involved in the recent sightings. They are the ‘money handlers’. There will be several more sightings as they prepare for the big alien invasion.” “劳伦斯·老洛克菲勒[最初的不明飞行物/外星人揭秘资助者],自从2004年开始就不再参与其中了。他的儿子接管了这项业务。他的私生子——约翰·波德斯塔——死在了关塔那摩监狱。有一个克隆人/替身用来在公开场合露面。他们是‘金钱的操纵者’。随着他们准备巨大的虚假外星人入侵事件,未来还会有几场不明飞行物目击事件。” Video Player 00:00 00:09 With that, let us look at the most recent otherworldly sightings. 在知道了以上这些故事背景后,接下来让我们看看最近的天外来客目击事件。
  1. UFO in the Andes, Santiago City, Chile 13.02.23
  2. 2023年2月13日,智利圣地亚哥市安第斯山脉
  1. Texas, USA 02.03.2021 Alien drones
  2. 美国得克萨斯州2021年2月3日外星无人机
Video Player 00:00 00:56
  1. Numerous drones over China 14.02.2023
  2. 2023年2月14日中国上空多架无人机
Video Player 00:00 00:15
  1. UFOs in Spain 2.15.2021
  2. 2021年2月15日西班牙不明飞行物
Video Player 00:00 01:00
  1. Alien spherical drone over Jerusalem, Israel
  2. 以色列耶路撒冷上空外星球型无人机
Video Player 00:00 00:34
  1. Project Bluebeam projection in the sky over the Ukraine.
  2. 乌克兰上空的“蓝光计划”天空全息投影
Bear in mind though, that this is not the end of the world so much as the end of the Rockefeller world theater. When it ends, humanity will be freed. 请牢记,这不是世界末日,都是洛克菲勒家族在世界上播放的影视剧。当那结束的时候,人类将会自由。

CN — LARRY ROMANOFF — 美国最肮脏的秘密




2013年3月21日,美国总统奥巴马在耶路撒冷会议中心就美国、以色列和中东关系发表讲话,这是他对以色列和巴勒斯坦领土进行为期三天访问的第二天。AFP照片/SAUL LOEB


  End game nears as Khazarian Mafia pulls fake invasion card 高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党即将游戏结束,他们现在正在试图打出虚假外星人入侵的牌
End game nears as Khazarian Mafia pulls fake invasion card
It looks like the Khazarian Mafia is finally launching their project Bluebeam fake alien invasion with all these public “UFO shoot downs.” This is just part of an ongoing space opera in the KM-controlled media. You can see 10 videos that are part of this show at the link below. 看起来,高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党,现在终于开始启动他们的“蓝光计划”虚假外星人入侵天空全息投影,“把他们故意击落民航客机的行为嫁祸给不明飞行物。”这只是正在表演的太空歌剧的一部分,这种表演现在充斥着高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党控制的媒体。在以下链接中,你可以看到10个视频,这些视频都是这场太空歌剧的一部分。   http://themostimportantnews.com/archives/10-videos-that-prove-that-things-just-got-quite-a-bit-weirder/   It would be funny except that the KM’s track record means they are likely planning to blame mass murders of civilians on “aliens.” 高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党上演的这场太空歌剧,原本是很好笑的,但是由于他们在过去上演的戏码太过残忍,因此人们有理由相信,他们正在计划中的这场太空歌剧,很有可能会先进行大规模谋杀,然后再将这些大规模谋杀嫁祸给“外星人”。比如,一边利用地震武器在一个地方引发地震,然后再在发生地震的地方上空播放飞碟的全息投影。   The only aliens we need to fight are demonically possessed “leaders” like the fake Joe Biden (even his granddaughter Ashley Biden is now saying he is dead), Justin Castrudeau, Benyamin Netanyahu and Emmanuelle Macron. That is why the arrest of these criminals is necessary to prevent further mass murder. 我们需要与之战斗的为一个外星人,是那些和恶魔做了交易个撒旦教徒,比如虚假的乔·拜登(真正的乔·拜登的孙女说乔·拜登已经死了,现在这个美国总统是乔·拜登的双胞胎)、贾斯汀·特鲁多·卡斯特罗、本雅明·内塔尼亚胡、艾曼纽埃尔·马克龙。那就是为什么逮捕这些罪犯们,对于阻止他们进一步犯下大规模谋杀行动,是非常必要的原因。   Video Player 00:00 00:45   As a reminder to readers, I first started fighting the Khazarian mafia because they murdered many of my colleagues and tried to murder me to stop us from telling the truth. Now, they are trying to murder you and your families with vaccines etc. Do you get it now? Either we get them or they get us. It is perfectly legal to arrest on sight someone like Justin Castrudeau because he is a proven mass murderer who is actively trying to kill you and your family. Neutralizing these people is justifiable self-defense. 我们想要提醒读者朋友们,我开始第一次跟高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党战斗,是因为他们谋杀了许多我的同事,并且是图谋杀我本人,以便阻止我们的团队传播真相。而现在,他们现在正在试图用微芯片转基因绝育“疫苗”等东西谋杀你和你的家人们。你们现在明白了吗?不是他们死就是我们亡。对于贾斯汀       ·特鲁多·卡斯特罗等人,立刻逮捕他们现在是完全合法的,因为铁一般的证据证明他是一个大规模谋杀犯,他正在积极地杀死你和你的家人。清除掉这些人是正当防卫。   If you are still not convinced, look at all these patents for the diseases they have been trying to kill us with. 如果你们还不相信我说的话,就请看看以下这些疾病的患者,这些疾病都是他们用来杀我们的工具。

《‘是自然发生的还是人为的’ 艾滋病 美国专利号5676977 H1N1 美国专利号8835624 埃博拉 美国专利号20120251502 禽流感 美国专利号CA2741523A1 疯牛病 美国专利号0070031450A1 寨卡病毒 美国专利号ATTC VR-84 (洛克菲勒基金会研制) 旧冠状病毒 美国专利号7897744 和 8506968 新冠病毒 美国专利号10130701》   These criminals are especially dangerous now because they are facing the bankruptcy of their main enforcement tool, the United States of America Corporation. 这些罪犯们在此时此刻尤其危险,因为他们的主要执法工具兼世界警察——美利坚合众国企业公司,现在正在面临破产。   This is now coming out in public. Brian Moynihan, the Chairman of Bank of America told CNN: “We have to be prepared for [a US sovereign debt default]” 这场破产现在越来越无法掩盖了。美国第一大商业银行——美利坚银行总裁布莱恩·莫伊尼汉告诉美国国家有线电视新闻网说:“我们不得不做好准备迎接[一场美国国债违约]。”   https://edition.cnn.com/2023/02/06/investing/bank-of-america-ceo-brian-moynihan-debt-default/index.html#:~:text=The%20CEO%20of%20Bank%20of,possibility%20that%20cannot%20be%20ignored.   BOA is one of the top shareholders of the Federal Reserve Board and its’ US Corporation subsidiary so, he has inside knowledge. 首先,我们来旅顺一下关系:美国联邦储备委员会拥有并掌管着美国和美利坚合众国企业公司,而美利坚银行又是美国联邦储备委员会的其中一个顶级大股东,因此,美利坚银行总裁布莱恩·莫伊尼汉所说的话,是绝对不能不重视起来的,他有内幕消息。   Another group of insiders, the Rothschild family, also made a move by delisting Rothschild & Co. “This was a compromise to keep what is occurring within The Family a private matter. There is serious reconstruction taking place and it is being overseen by the white hat alliance. It looks like a mutual agreement has been reached,” a Mossad source says. He notes “the Rothschilds said in their press release that Macron is ‘their boy.’” 另一个内部团体——罗斯柴尔德家族,同样也采取了行动,把罗斯柴尔德家族的所有企业从股市上退市了。一名以色列摩萨德的消息来源说:“这是一种以退为进的妥协,目的是确保家丑不会外扬。罗斯柴尔德家族内部,正在白帽子地球解放联盟的监督下,发生一场严重的重组和重建。看起来像是达成了一项双边协议。罗斯柴尔德家族在他们控制的新闻媒体上说,法国总统艾曼纽埃尔·马克龙是他们的前台代理人。”   https://nypost.com/2023/02/06/rothschild-family-to-take-paris-listed-investment-bank-private/   An objective look at the facts, however, shows that what is really happening is that the Rothschilds are bankrupt and facing lynch mobs. The entire nation of France is in open revolt with demonstrations in over 300 locations after their puppet Macron announced he was stealing people’s pensions. 从客观的角度上来看的话,事实并非如此,反而事实上真正发生的是,罗斯柴尔德家族已经破产了,并且正在面临私刑暴徒们把他们吊死在路灯柱上。当马克龙总统宣布他要偷走法国人民的养老金时,整个法国已经进入公开反叛状态,抗议示威浪潮已经在法国300多个城市和乡镇爆发。   In Paris alone, 500,000 demonstrators marched against Macron. 仅仅巴黎一个城市,就有50万名抗议示威人群上街反对马克龙。   Video Player 00:00 00:17   The Rothschilds are also facing daily demonstrations of hundreds of thousands of people in their colony Israel as the Jews rebel against the Satanic KM overlords. 随着犹太人开始反抗他们的高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党领主,罗斯柴尔德家族的殖民地以色列,同样也正在面临每天成百上千抗议示威人群。   Video Player 00:00 00:49   They have also been systematically kicked out of Africa, meaning they can no longer plunder that continent. Malian Foreign Minister Abdoulaye Diop, speaking for many African countries, said his country replaced French troops with Russian private security because: “As for France, we have come to all the conclusions,” he said. “This cooperation failed to meet the aspirations of the Malian people,” he added. 他们同样也正在被系统地赶出非洲,这意味着他们再也不能掠夺非洲了。西非马里共和国的外交部长阿卜杜拉耶·迪奥普,代表非洲许多国家发言说,他的国家把法国军队替换成了俄罗斯雇佣兵,因为:“对于法国这个国家,我们已经得出了结论,法国这家流氓公司未能帮助实现马里人民的愿景。”   https://tass.com/world/1572851   The Rothschilds and their partners in crime the Rockefellers, are also being kicked out of the Middle East and elsewhere. 罗斯柴尔德家族和他们的犯罪合作伙伴洛克菲勒家族,同样也正在被赶出中东和其它地方。   In the Middle East, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has been creating a massive anti-KM alliance, that now includes Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. 在中东,俄罗斯外交部长谢尔盖·拉夫罗夫,已经在建立一个广泛的反高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党联盟,现在这个联盟包括土耳其、伊朗、伊拉克、叙利亚、埃及、沙特阿拉伯。   Just last Sunday, February 12th, Russian Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Serge Kozlov announced “Russia and Saudi Arabia have stepped up efforts to expand military-technical cooperation.” 就在上周六,2023年2月12日,俄罗斯驻沙特阿拉伯大使谢尔盖·科兹洛夫宣布:“俄罗斯和沙特阿拉伯已经在加紧努力,扩展在军事科技方面的合作。”   https://www.theinteldrop.org/2023/02/12/russia-and-saudi-arabia-to-pen-defense-pact/   Saudi Arabia’s former rival Iran, whose country was just simultaneously attacked by Azerbaijan, Israel and Ukraine, is now part of the planetary liberation alliance. Their President just went to China. “The Governor General of the Central Bank will accompany him with the aim of strengthening cooperation between the two countries in the banking field and negotiations in line with the opening of foreign exchange,” an Iranian source says. 沙特阿拉伯以前的宿敌伊朗,最近刚刚遭受到了阿塞拜疆、以色列、乌克兰的袭击,而现在,伊朗已经成为了白帽子地球解放联盟的成员国。他们的总统刚刚去过中国。“中央银行行长将陪同他,目的是加强两国在银行领域的合作,并就关于外汇开放等问题进行谈判。”   KM slave driver Netanyahu “actually linked the topic of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and the current aggravation of Israeli-Iranian relations,” Russian government sources say. 高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党的奴才本雅明·内塔尼亚胡“实际上深度介入了俄乌冲突,并且也使以色列和伊朗的关系在目前恶化。”   You can be sure he has knowledge of the KM attack on Turkey with scalar earthquake weapons that killed over 50,000 innocent civilians. This was part of a failed attempt to intimidate Turkey back into obedience to the KM. 高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党,使用标量波地震武器袭击了土耳其,并杀死了5万多无辜的人。你可以肯定他知道一些关于这件事的内幕。这场地震袭击是一场失败尝试的一部分,为的是恐吓土耳其继续服从高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党。   Video Player 00:00 00:21   Video Player 00:00 00:57   Russia also has such weapons but, unlike KM-controlled countries, they do not carry out mass murders of civilians. However, any further such attacks are likely to force them to retaliate by simultaneously destroying Tel Aviv and Geneva, FSB sources warn. 尽管俄罗斯也有这种武器,但是俄罗斯并不像高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党所控制的那些国家一样,俄罗斯不会对平民进行大规模谋杀。然而,俄罗斯联邦安全局的消息来源警告说,如果这种标量波地震武器被再次使用的话,俄罗斯将不得不进行报复,同时摧毁以色列首都特拉维夫和瑞士日内瓦。   All this turmoil is taking place because the US Corporation missed a January 31st payment deadline and was given until this week to come up with the funds or be cut off. What this means for the financial markets is that some sort of mega black swan event is likely. This may well involve a complete shutdown of the stock and bond markets as well as of the US government. This would be followed by a chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization of the United States. Bankruptcy usually leads to a change in management. Also, the US may well be merged with Canada and Latin America as a result of this reorganization. 所有这些动荡发生的原因,是美利坚合众国企业公司未能在2023年1月31日的最后期限前付清国际债务,然后他们的最后期限被宽限到了本周来补交欠款,否则他们将被切断一切资金来源和美国国债。这对于金融市场来说,意味着很可能会发生史无前例的超级黑天鹅事件。一旦这种情况发生,将很可能导致美国甚至全世界的股票市场和证券市场关闭、以及美国政府的关门大吉。这也会导致美国不得不按照《美国宪法第11章》进行破产清算,甚至可能导致美国分裂和解体。一般来说,无论是对于一家公司而言还是对于一个国家而言,破产重组就意味着管理层和领导层的大换血。同样,美国的破产重组,很可能导致美国、加拿大、拉丁美洲合并成一个国家。   However, different sources had different views of what will happen. A Secret Space Program source says “You will know by the Ides of March.” Asian Royal family and Polish intelligence sources also expect some sort of major announcement in March. A Canadian Secret Intelligence Service source expects something radical to happen on February 17th. Meanwhile, the head of MI6 is keeping radio silence. 然而,对于即将发生的事情来说,不同的消息来源会有不同的看法。一名美国秘密太空项目的消息来源说:“在3月15日就会真相大白。”亚洲皇室家族和波兰情报机构的消息来源,同样也预计在2023年的3月将会有某种重大的宣布。一名加麻大秘密情报局的消息来源预测,在2023年的2月17日,会发生某种根本性的事件。与此同时,英国军情6处处长并没有做出任何预测。   We can be sure though that China is definitely not planning to finance the US any longer. Their government just put out a list of 20 countries the US has invaded since World War II ended. China urges all countries to “Never forget who is the real threat to the world. Was there outrage in the Western community about the United States? Were there loud cries of accusation? Have sanctions been imposed on the United States at least once?” 但是我们可以确定,中国绝不会再有继续资助美国的计划了。中国政府刚刚列出了一份清单,显示出自从二战结束以来,美国所入侵过的20个国家。中国敦促国际社会“永远不要忘记谁才是世界真正的威胁。西方互联网上难道有对美国的愤怒吗?有人大声哭诉过美国的暴行吗?美国是否遭受过哪怕一次制裁?”   The Chinese have refused money-begging visits from US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. They are also not taking phone calls from Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. 中国人已经拒绝了美国财政部张珍妮特·耶伦和美国国务卿安东尼·布林肯的乞讨访问。中国人同样也拒绝接听美国国防部张劳埃德·奥斯汀的电话。   Even without Chinese money though, we must keep in mind the KM has also been very good at kicking the can down the road in the past. They may well have been able to access some funds from the Red Cross for “Turkey earthquake disaster relief.” Remember Haiti? The Clintons raised 500 Million and only built 6 homes. 尽管高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党失去了中国人的资助,但是我们仍然必须牢记,高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党在历史上非常擅长缓兵之计。他们很可能从“救济土耳其受灾群众”的红十字会那里获得了一些钱。还记得海地吗?克林顿家族众筹了5亿美元,但是却只给海地重建了6栋房屋。   https://www.propublica.org/article/how-the-red-cross-raised-half-a-billion-dollars-for-haiti-and-built-6-homes   Also, these clowns have already been faking things for a long time. Take a look at the 2 attached photos of Kamala Harris, her mask and the fake CGI Biden from the State of the Union speech last week. I wonder where it was really held? The capital building is completely fenced off with a 10-foot high fence. 此外,这些小丑们长久以来都在伪造中生活。请看以下两张美国副总统卡马拉·哈里斯的照片,她的面具和虚假的电脑特效拜登,在上周的美国国情咨文中漏了馅。我不得不怀疑美国国情咨文到底是在哪里召开的?美国首都华盛顿特区的所有政府机关建筑,都已经被3米高的围墙围起来了,他们是怎么进去的?   In any case, we shall just have to wait and see how and when the US financial system implodes I guess. Implode it will though; that is a mathematical certainty. 无论如何,我觉得我们还是应该耐心等待,看看美国金融系统到底会在什么时候内爆,如何内爆。美国金融系统在数学上是注定要内爆的。   However, what we do not have to wait and see for is the ongoing and very visible takedown of the KM power structures worldwide. 然而,我们不需要等待,并且立刻就能看见的,是高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党的权力体系,正在非常明显的在全世界范围内击败。   Here for example you can watch GOP Congressman Clay Higgins warn Twitter executives they may be arrested for interfering in the 2020 election. 在以下这个视频中,你可以看到共和党议员克莱·希金斯警告推特的高管们,他们可能会因为干涉2020年美国大选而被捕。   Video Player 00:00 00:58   In Denmark, over 50,000 people came out to protest the government increasing the defense budget so they can pump more weapons into Ukraine. 在丹麦,5万名示威者在政府前游行,抗议丹麦政府增加军费开支,把更多的武器送到乌克兰。   In the Netherlands, the office of the national broadcaster NOS was pasted over with stickers with the names of those who died from anti-coronavirus vaccines. 在荷兰,全国广播公司办公室的墙上和窗户上,被贴满了死于新冠病毒微芯片转基因绝育疫苗的人的名字。   In Switzerland, activists forced the government to hold a national referendum to protect the use of cash. “Getting rid of cash…also carries a huge danger of totalitarian surveillance,” FBS (Free Switzerland Movement) president Richard Koller said. 在瑞士,社会活动家们迫使瑞士政府举行全民公决,决定是否保护使用纸币现金的权利。自由瑞士运动组织的首脑理查德·科勒说:“取消纸币现金的使用……会导致国家权威机构变成一个巨大、危险的集权主义监控反乌托邦。”   https://www.lbcgroup.tv/news/world/686020/swiss-to-vote-on-preventing-cashless-society/en   Similar mass demonstrations are taking place in Spain, Peru, England etc. It is a full-blown slave revolt. 类似的抗议示威游行活动,也在西班牙、秘鲁、英国等地发生。这是一场奴隶的全面反抗。   Of course, the KM is not going quietly into the night. They are still trying to start World War III. They used Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh to provide detailed proof US Navy divers laid bombs that destroyed the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline under the Baltic Sea last September. 当然,高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党不会善罢甘休。他们仍然在试图发动第3次世界大战。他们用获得了普利策新闻奖的记者西莫·赫许,提供了详细的证据,证明美国海军潜水员在2022年9月,将炸弹安放在了波罗的海底,炸毁了北溪2号天然气管道。   https://nypost.com/2023/02/08/seymour-hersh-claims-us-navy-behind-nord-stream-2-pipeline-explosion/#:~:text=WASHINGTON%20%E2%80%94%20Pulitzer%20Prize-winning%20journalist%20Seymour%20Hersh%20has,September%2C%20drawing%20a%20denial%20from%20the%20Pentagon%20Wednesday   This was an obvious attempt to give Russia an excuse to start World War III. However, it will fail because the Russian, US and Chinese militaries have agreed not to start all-out thermonuclear war no matter what provocations the KM comes up with. 这是一个明显的尝试,给俄罗斯一个发动第3次世界大战的理由。然而,这个尝试将会失败,因为俄罗斯、美国、中国的军方都已经达成了默契,不会开始热核战争,无论高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党如何挑衅。   However, more limited war is a certainty. On that front Polish PM Morawiecki says “Poland is ready to take joint responsibility for the formation of a New World Order. Poland is ready to become one of the key links of a post-Imperial Europe.” 然而,更多的有限战争还是会发生的。在这方面,波兰总理马泰乌什·莫拉维茨基说:“波兰已经准备好承担起共同的责任,去帮助建立世界新秩序。波兰愿意成为一个关键的桥梁,连接起后封建君主制时代的欧洲。”   Video Player 00:00 01:16   Polish intelligence sources say the country has closed its border with Belorussia and that Polish troops are fighting Ukrainian troops inside Ukraine. This means the partition of Ukraine has begun in earnest. 波兰情报机构的消息来源说,波兰已经关闭了与白俄罗斯的边境,并且波兰军队正在攻击乌克兰境内的乌克兰军队。这意味着瓜分乌克兰的行动已经开始了。   There is also a war brewing in Australia. A source there reports: 同样也有一场战争正在澳大利亚酝酿。一名澳大利亚消息来源报告说:   “The situation in Australia is very bad now. Prices for food, petrol, and household supplies are going up weekly. The citizens are losing their minds. All the vaxxed people have lost control. They are causing fights in supermarkets for no apparent reason. The police stand by and watch. There are car accidents every day in Melbourne.” He calls these incidents “vaxidents.” “澳大利亚的情况现在非常糟糕。食品、汽油、日用品的价格每周都在暴涨。澳大利亚居民现在正在越发失去理智。所有接种了新冠病毒微芯片转基因绝育疫苗的人已经失去了控制。他们在超市毫无理由的相互打架。警察只会在旁边袖手旁观。在墨尔本,每天都有交通事故发生。我把这些事故称之为‘医疗事故’。”   He believes that there will be a revolution soon as the citizens can’t endure much more of the “turning of the screws against the people”. 他相信,随着澳大利亚居民越来越无法忍受“政府的不作为和被政府欺负”,很快将会有一场革命发生。   He adds “Australia may be the catalyst that starts the worldwide revolution. Housing is at a standstill as the interest rates went from 3 % to 6% and people cannot make ends meet anymore. So banks are not making housing loans.” 他接着说:“澳大利亚可能会成为引发世界革命的导火索。由于住房贷款的利率从3%飙升到6%,民众已无力负担,因此住房市场陷入了冷清。因此银行已经不再提供住房贷款业务了。”   To understand what kind of government the Australians are dealing with take a look at this video from the KM-controlled Australian government as usual. Is this a real person? Looks and sounds like a demonically possessed human robot. 要想理解在澳大利亚人民头上作威作福的,到底是什么样的政府的话,就请看看以下这个视频,视频中显示的是,被高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党控制的澳大利亚政府的日常。这是一个真正的人吗?外貌和声音就像是一个和恶魔做了交易的撒旦教徒人类机器人。   Video Player 00:00 01:11   The demon-possessed people are in other Western governments as well. Maria Leptin, president of the European Research Council, told the WEF that efforts to vaccinate the entire population should not be regarded as a scientific endeavor but as a war. WEF slave Castrudeau is thus still trying to force vaccines on Canadians. 这些和恶魔做了交易的人,在其他西方政府中也存在。欧洲研究委理事会主席玛利亚·丽普婷告诉世界经济论坛说,为全人类接种疫苗不应该被看作一项科学努力,而应该被看做一场战争。世界经济论坛的奴才贾斯汀·特鲁多·卡斯特罗,仍然试图强迫加麻大人接种疫苗。   《我们的计划就是,人民不能武装起来》   Their Satanic servant Lula for his part says Brazilian citizens can only get financial assistance from the government if they are vaccinated. 他们的撒旦教仆人,巴西总统卢拉说,只有接种过微芯片转基因绝育“疫苗”的人才能得到政府的财务救济。   This comes even as evidence the vaccines are harmful has become undeniable. That is why we need to take these people down. 即便有证据证明微芯片转基因绝育“疫苗”对人的伤害是不可否认的,这些强制接种疫苗的政策还是出台了。那就是为什么我们需要干掉这些人的原因。   If you are religiously inclined, it seems the KM in Brazil has provoked divine intervention because the statue of Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro was struck by lightning multiple times, after Lula’s vaccine announcement. 如果你有宗教信仰,那么高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党的强制接种疫苗政策,似乎招来了天罚,因为当卢拉宣布强制接种微芯片转基因绝育“疫苗”后,里约热内卢的基督雕像多次被闪电击中。 Okay, with that mention of otherworldly stuff, let us end with another look at project blue beam. We note this old article about the 1965 Gemini IV mission capturing a mystery white cylindrical-shaped object. Just in time for all the reports about cylinder-shaped UFOs being shot down. 好的,既然我们已经谈到了超自然事件,那么现在就让我们用其它“蓝光计划”的目击证据来结束本周的新闻通讯。我们注意到以下这篇古老的文章,文章中说,在1965年美国首次完成太空行走的“双子座4号”太空任务中,他们抓拍到了一个白色圆柱形物体。正好赶上所有关于圆柱形不明飞行物被击落的报道。   https://knowledge-time.com/this-is-the-famous-recording-of-the-gemini-iv-its-the-clearest-extraterrestrial-ufo-recording-in-history-8305/   Now China is in on the Blue Beam propaganda. As per China’s state mouthpiece The Global Times, their government is about to shoot down a UFO in eastern Shandong Province on Sunday. 而现在,中国也加入到了“蓝光计划”的相关报道中来。正如中国官方喉舌《环球时报》所说,中国政府即将在周六的山东省东部击落一个不明飞行物。   https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1733892/china-UFO-beijing-airspace-US-warplane-shoots-down   This is what one of our UFO sources had to say about the recent rash of space news: 我们的一位不明飞行物消息来源,对于最近大量的太空新闻这样说:   “The MSM and governments are making an effort to let us know about it, indicating that it benefits them to let us know about it. They are definitely covering up something very big that is about to happen.” “主流媒体们和政府们正在努力使我们知道不明飞行物的事情,这表明让老百姓知道这件事对他们有好处。他们绝对正在掩盖某种即将发生的非常大的事情。” 《实际上,所有的宗教都是在崇拜外星人或相信外星人》   This “very big thing” may involve the religion card being played. Virtually all religions either worship aliens or believe in aliens and they don’t even know it: 这场即将发生的“非常巨大的事件”可能是《光明会纸牌:世界新秩序》当中的宗教牌即将被打出来。实际上,所有宗教要么是在崇拜外星人要么是在相信外星人的存在,只不过那些宗教信徒们早就已经忘了宗教的内涵,只知道照本宣科那些宗教的仪式和节日,走上了形式主义的道路:   Christianity – Worship Jesus – John8:23: “I am not of this world. 基督教——崇拜耶稣——约翰8:23: “我不是来自这个世界。”   Islam -The Prophet Muhammad was meditating in the cave of Hira by himself when the angel Gibreel (not from earth) descended (came down from above) to him and told him to “recite” or ‘Iqraa” the words of Allah (God). 伊斯兰教——先知默罕默德独自在希拉山洞中冥想时,(并不是来自地球的)大天使加百列降低维度现身(从天而降)到他面前,告诉他要“背诵”或“牢记”一个词语——安拉(上帝)。   Hinduism – Hindus hold that the cosmos is populated by numerous deities and spiritual beings — gods and goddesses, or devas [aliens] — who actively influence the world and who interact with humans. 印度教——印度教徒认为,宇宙中有许多神灵和精神生物——神和女神,或湿婆(外星人)——他们积极影响世界并与人类互动。   So, on that note, here are the latest sightings of angels, djins, devas or UFOs, depending on your worldview: 那么,关于这一点,以下是对那些天使、神灵、天人、或不明飞行物的最新目击证据,这取决于你的世界观:  
  1. Strange UAPS over Germany and Switzerland
  2. 德国和瑞士上空奇怪的不明大气现象
  Video Player 00:00 00:36  
  1. A very fast-moving UFO
  2. 一个移动速度非常快的不明飞行物
  Video Player 00:00 00:27  
  1. UFO drone over Wichita, Kansas 1-4-23
  2. 2023年1月4日堪萨斯州威奇塔上空的不明飞行物
  Video Player 00:00 00:18  
  1. UFO over the Gulf of Mexico 12-29-2020
  2. 2020年12月29日墨西哥湾上空的不明飞行物
  Video Player 00:00 02:21  
  1. Similar Craft seen over Alaska and Columbia
  2. 阿拉斯加和哥伦比亚上空的相似不明飞行物
  Video Player 00:00 02:15   Just remember this though folks, pie on your table is much more important than pie in the sky. 耳听为虚、眼见为实,切记伙计们。