

Benjamin Fulford Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis 2023 March 20th



First ever world revolution about to liberate humanity





What is happening now has never happened before in human history. We are witnessing the first-ever world revolution. The riots in France, the US military disobedience of fake President Joe Biden, the unification of the Muslim people, the collapse of Credit Suisse and many more events around the world are all interconnected signs of this. It is all part of the overthrow of a hidden ruling class that has presided over the planet for thousands if not tens of thousands of years. The final result will be both mind-boggling and liberating for humanity and earth life in general.



Before we go look at all the events unfolding though, let us try to grasp the big picture. My former professor Sa’adullah Ghausy -who was Afghanistan’s Ambassador to Japan before the Russians invaded his country- said the best way to understand international relations is to think of countries as individual people. So, with that in mind, here is the big picture:



An African, a Chinese, a European, an Indian and a Khazarian find themselves stranded on a deserted island. The Khazarian says to the African “You go and collect food, firewood and other resources.” To the Chinese he says “You make tools and build shelter and furniture for us.” To the Indian he says “You cook and clean and take care of the various chores.” To the European he says “You beat up the African, the Chinese and the Indian if they disobey.” To all of them he says, “Once you have finished your tasks go collect sea shells and shiny rocks for me.” Then he says to the group, “After you have prepared everything, I will take the best food and most comfortable furniture and give you what is left over.”



Then one night while the Khazarian is asleep, the other individuals get together and say “the Khazarian does not do anything so why should we work for him?” To the European, the others say “He keeps you drugged and poisoned so that you obey him; if you work with us we will help you detox, give you his sea shell collection and make sure you get a bigger share of the food.”



So, the next morning the others tell the Khazarian he will have to work if he wants to keep eating and sharing the island with the others. When he tells the European to go beat the others up, he is rebuffed. He then threatens to poison everybody, blow up the island etc. but it is a bluff and basically, he is going to have either work or get thrown to the sharks.



That in essence is what is happening in the world now.



In the Middle East, for example, the various countries of the region, including Egypt, Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia have decided to stop handing over their oil to the Khazarian mafia in exchange for numbers on bank computers. That is why fake President Joe Biden has been forced to drain the strategic oil reserve.



No wonder Moussa Ibrahim, former spokesman for Muammar Gaddafi: “What is happening between Saudi Arabia and Iran under Chinese control is not a small thing, it is a change of international power.”



(See attached well-done short interview video)



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The same is happening with China and other Asian countries who are now demanding payment in real things like gold and physical products from the United States and other Western countries.



In Africa, a large group of countries has asked for Russian help to stop the French Rothschilds etc. from stealing their resources.



This alliance between the global south, the global east and Western white hats is leading to an implosion of the Western financial system and regime change in a variety of countries.



The collapse of Credit Suisse is a reflection of this. Notice how none of the so-called mainstream news articles about Credit Suisse talk about the real reason why it is collapsing and why take over by UBS and a Swiss government bail-out will fail. Let there be no doubt, it will fail and bring down with it the Federal Reserve Board, the BIS, the IMF, the World Bank, the UN etc.




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The real story can be gleaned in bits and pieces from news articles appearing here and there in the financial press. For example, as we noted in a previous report, the Perth Mint was caught selling 100 tons of impure gold to the Chinese.



Now The London Metal Exchange has discovered bags of stones instead of the nickel that underpinned its contracts at a warehouse in Rotterdam. This is just the latest revelation that is destroying confidence in the embattled exchange.





In Switzerland, the Geneva-based Commodities trader Trafigura Group will take an almost half a billion dollar charge in the first half of 2023, after discovering that some nickel cargoes it bought didn’t contain the metal they were supposed to.





The recent discovery by the LME and the Swiss of rocks instead of nickel should only serve as another wake-up call that the supply of physical metal is extremely tight. If investors were to do the same due diligence on the Comex they would find an even worse fractional reserve system in the metals market. Note that almost half of all registered silver now sits in JP Morgan vaults… most likely for optics.



So, do not believe it when the Fed says they will create another $2 trillion to help the hundreds of banks that are sitting on massive unrealized losses.



Supposedly in order to prevent these banks from going under, the Fed invented a new facility they’re calling the “Bank Term Funding Program,” or BTFP. “The BTFP is really just an extraordinary lie designed to make you think that the banking system is safe. They might as well have called it: ‘Believe This Fiction, People.’” a Mossad source says.



“The Federal Reserve is technically bankrupt. In 2023 the Fed will post its first annual operating loss of $80 billion since 1915. It will have a negative capital of $38B. This loss does not count the $1.3 trillion unrealized loss on its portfolio,” CIA sources say.






Now the central banks of Canada, England, Switzerland and the EU have announced “dollar swaps will increase from weekly to daily.”





What this means is the big Khazarian Mafia central banks will all be pumping out dollars daily. In other words, the US CORPORATION and their FRB intend to drag the EU, Switzerland, Canada and England central banks down with it.



As the author of Creature from Jekyll Island notes about the FRB: “It’s a cartel. It’s not a government agency, it has the appearance of it being a government agency.”



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The UBS bail-out is not only an attempt to stop dominos from falling until the whole system crashes, but also to cover up other crimes, the head of MI6 says. The “KM at Rothschild in Zug cannibalized Credit Suisse not so much for stability but rather to absorb the accounts of money laundering by The European Union (DVD Dachau) – this relates to the bribery connected to all the British Prime Ministers I fired for the Queen.” The bribery also extends to most other so-called Western leaders.



Oh ,and by the way, the head of Credit Suisse is gender-fluid splitting his time ‘fifty-fifty’ between Pippa and Philip while at work. The bank director as Philip (right) and as Pippa (left).






A senior white hat alliance source says this financial crisis is what he meant by the Ides of March. “This is it and it is spreading around the world. The Federal Reserve is already set to be shuttered by June-July and a new US dollar issued by the Treasury Department will be the replacement. It will be backed by gold, silver, oil and natural resources…Expect hyperinflation to start very soon.”  



The financial crisis is leading to a political crisis in many countries, led by the French and followed closely by the Dutch and the Israelis.



In France, President Emmanuel Macron shunned the Parliament to push the retirement age to 64 from 62 despite opinion polls suggesting anywhere between two-thirds to three-quarters of the French public are against this.





What is not being said is Macron is being forced to squeeze money out of the French people in order to keep his Rothschild masters from going bankrupt.



However, the French have figured this out. Paris is on fire right now, with similar demonstrations taking place throughout the country.



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Also, Paris garbage collectors have been on strike for two weeks with piles of foul-smelling成堆的臭味 rubbish growing daily in the French capital.



In a sign the French are becoming aware, a nationally broadcast TV show started talking about things like the elite using adrenochrome. The author Gérard Fauré has written about massive consumption of drugs (mainly cocaine), sexual abuse, rape, pedophilia, child molestation, child trafficking, murders, and assassinations by the elite. On TV Fauré claimed that several celebrities consume adrenochrome on a regular basis and named Celine Dion as a prime example. When Fauré mentioned the name of France’s President Emmanuel Macron, the TV interview was cut short.





However, now French Protesters are chanting “We beheaded King Lousi XVI, we can do it with Macron.” There is no doubt another French revolution us underway.



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In Holland the farmers’ protest party has stunned Dutch politics by winning seats in Provincial elections and becoming the largest party in the upper house of Parliament.



This is a huge defeat for Mark Rutte and his World Economic Forum puppet masters. 



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Similar things can be seen with other WEF puppet leaders. In Canada the traitor Justin Castrudeau cannot make a public appearance without attracting an angry mob. (This is a very good video).



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In Israel, Mossad workers and elite officers and soldiers who volunteer in Military Intelligence’s Special Operations Division and cyber warfare units are fighting against the attempt by Benyamin Netanyahu to turn that country into a Satanic theocracy.







Dan Halutz, the former IDF chief of staff, is among many calling for a “war of liberation for the State of Israel.” Opposition leader Yair Lapid tweeted: “The government’s incitement against the protests caused this. Violent thugs behaved wildly around the country.” The Jewish people are about to be liberated from millennia of Babylonian slavery.



In the US, meanwhile, the fake Joe Biden cannot appear in public either without shouts of “Let’s go Brandon.”



The legendary investor Carl Icahn reflected the views of many pundits when he said in a recent TV interview “our system is breaking down, I think the whole –the whole economy…is breaking down…The net worth of the median household is basically nothing.”





In the latest sign of societal collapse, a CNN reporter fell victim to a ‘smash-and-grab‘ robbery while reporting on San Francisco’s “rampant street crime.” 





The video below on Bill Gates -with over a million views- shows where American public opinion is headed.



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The situation is such that the highly respected Colonel Doug McGregor says he would be surprised if Biden is still in the White House in 90 days.





Archbishop Carlo Vigano, the former Vatican ambassador the Washington DC reflects a Christian revolt against the Western ruling class with his latest comments:



The present crisis shows us the collapse of a corrupt West… The Russian Federation undeniably stands as the last bastion of civilization against barbarism, and gathers around it all those nations that do not intend to submit to the colonization of NATO, the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and that heap of foundations that have as their purpose the indoctrination of the masses, the manipulation of information, the creation of “colored springs” to destabilize governments legitimately elected and sow chaos, wars and misery as instrumentum regni.



The theorists of this coup have names and faces, starting with George Soros, Klaus Schwab, and Bill Gates. It is the kingdom of the Antichrist.



The white hats in the military and the agencies really are taking action now.



The FBI, The Department of the Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID) and US Marshals Service are working to bring indictments against Ralph Baric, Anthony Fauci and Peter Daszak who collaborated to bring the “Covid19” global pandemic, genocide and bioweapon against all of humanity. Over 14 million dead from the bioweapon vaccines. weaponized a common cold coronavirus that’s been around for thousands of years. They spliced it with an HIV gene making it very highly virulent, highly toxic and highly damaging.



The fully vaccinated accounted for over 9 in every 10 deaths associated with the virus, and mortality rates per 100,000 were lowest among the unvaccinated and highest among the vaccinated in every age group.







The reason China suddenly ended its “zero Covid” policy is because they found out PCR testing was a fraud and a giant bribery scheme aimed at destabilizing the government. What is true of China is true of the rest of the world.



The cornered KM rats are fighting desperately to avoid jail or worse by spitting吐出 out threats and trying to assassinate in all directions.





For example, the head of MI6 reports “The room where I normally read was blown up, the whole place in bits. I had to take all of the collapsed ceiling away. It was bomb site. MI6 will respond accordingly with full thermonuclear. All corners of the country will be involved.”




Now we have the Pentagon threatening terrorist attacks against Europe and Asia as this report shows:



Army Gen. Michael Kurilla, who leads U.S. Central Command, told the Senate Armed Services Committee that the Islamic State’s Khorasan Province, commonly referred to as ISIS-K, is rapidly developing the ability to conduct “external operations” in Europe and Asia.





Since everybody who is even slightly aware knows ISIS is a KM creation, it is clear General Kurilla needs to be arrested.




In addition to threatening terror attacks the KM and their fake law enforcement agencies like the International Criminal Court (ICC) are filing war crimes charges against Russian President Vladimir Putin, threatening to arrest US President Donald Trump etc.



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《我再说一次 —— 一个激进的地方检察官滥用权利,让暴力罪犯逍遥法外,同时对川普总统进行政治报复,我将指示相关委员会立即调查联邦资金是否被用于通过政治动机的起诉,干涉选举来颠覆我们的民主。》










Now the KM are also coming out of the closet about Ukraine too. Jens Stoltenberg, the head of NATO now says “the war started in 2014.”



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“All of them prefer to ignore the brutal violence against innocent civilian population and unarmed and wounded prisoners of war, the use of prohibited warfare methods,” says Gennady Gatilov Russia’s representative to the UN Geneva office.





The Russians are taking their own actions. For example, Moscow has set a $15 million bounty for Italian Defense Minister’s head. That’s just the tip of the iceberg as Russian special forces intensify their hunt of KM Nazi war criminals around the world. 





Speaking about hunted war criminals, last week the Trilateral Commission, set up by David Rockefeller and now headed by his son Jr. had a meeting in New Delhi India where they tried, and failed to get Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s support for their sinking “rules-based world order.”



One of the featured speakers at this meeting was Meghan O’Sullivan, the North American chair of the Trilateral Commission. She has failed to respond to public accusations she was involved in the murder of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. If she is still in India we would like to request that Indian authorities arrest her.  





We would also like Laurence Spelman Rockefeller to prove he is now with the white hats and go public with what he knows about the Project Blue Beam fake alien invasion plan.



With that, here are the latest UFO appearances from around the world.



  1. Very fast-moving UFO Orb
  2. 移动速度非常快的不明飞行物球体


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  1. A project Blue Beam reverse-engineered craft
  2. 一艘“蓝光计划”逆向工程的飞船


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  1. A UAP over Michigan, USA 
  2. 美国密歇根州上空的不明大气现象


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  1. A UFO hovering over water 
  2. 在水面上飞行的不明飞行物


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  1. 3 flashing Orbs over Los Angeles, Ca 2023
  2. 2023年加利佛尼亚州洛杉矶上空的3架闪光球体


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  1. UFO over Salvador. 
  2. 萨尔瓦多上空的不明飞行物


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  1. Ancient UFO petroglyphs
  2. 远古洞穴壁画上的不明飞行物