CN — LARRY ROMANOFF: 生物战在行动 — 第17章——尾声 — Chapter 17 – Epilogue


生物战在行动 — Biological Warfare in Action 

生物战在行动 — Biological Warfare in Action

第17章——尾声 — Chapter 17 – Epilogue


作者:拉里·罗曼诺夫 —By Larry Romanoff








Take a moment to reflect on the events you have read about in these Chapters, and see if you can distinguish any patterns. First in your mind should be that the official stories presented in each case were founded on so-called “facts” that could not possibly have been true. One or two “animal rights activists” walked into a deadly-force military installation and stole “a few vials” of a deadly pathogen and, with that tiny amount, infected millions of animals. Some scientists apparently just poured a deadly pathogen down the drain and that “leaky drain” spread across the entire country and infected millions of animals.  ZIKA was brought to Brazil by an infected traveler to the World Cup, was bitten by hundreds of millions of mosquitoes who then flew thousands of kilometers, including across the Andes, covering about 20 million square kilometers and infecting millions of people in about 20 countries in only a matter of weeks. Bird flu was spread throughout the entire US by wild birds who don’t cover most of that area and who never mix with domestic poultry. Meningitis, polio, EBOLA and AIDS just happened to appear in the precise places where the WHO (or the US military) had conducted vaccination campaigns immediately prior.



Then we have the denials which are also obviously false. American women dying of leukemia and brain cancers were suffering from “housewife syndrome”. The WHO “tetanus” vaccine did not contain the hCG hormone and the millions of miscarriages and 150 million sterilisations were from “natural causes”. Agent Orange does not cause birth defects; those stories are just “anti-Americanism”. The lab-created mycoplasma does not cause birth defects, even though only Gulf War soldiers and their children had the disease. Similarly, depleted uranium does not cause birth defects either. The US did not spread biological-warfare pathogens on China, Cuba, Russia, Ukraine, Japan, the Philippines, Vietnam, Iran, Iraq, Libya or Yugoslavia.



Each example presented in this series contains the same fundamental flaws. A novel pathogen appears to emerge suddenly and inexplicably, in a wide variety of locations with no logical explanation as to how this might have happened. The official story is clearly nonsense but the authorities stonewall and obfuscate, preventing the release of any useful information. In lock-step, the mass media propagate only the official storywhile dismissing all other scientific facts and opinions as “conspiracy theories”and solidly trash the persons and reputations of those attempting to shed light on the events or bring the truth into the open. In some of the events, the official story changes many times as holes and inconsistencies are discovered.




We can be forgiven for cynicism and suspicion because we intuitively know that the stories cannot be true. We know the authorities must be covering up the truth, lying to us. We intuitively know that the mass media must be doing the same, that they either know or strongly suspect, but will nevertheless circle the wagons and protect those in power.



At the time of writing in early 2024, much of the world is suddenly experiencing an outbreak of measles, of all things, and which is already being subjected to a media flood suggesting grave seriousness and another pandemic requiring vaccinations. One hundred years ago, about one person in 1,000 might have died from measles, but over the last 50 or 60 years this has decreased from 1/10th of a person to 1/000 of a person today. In other words, approximately zero, with an infection rate roughly equivalent. Yet recently one Canadian province with a population of about 15 million had screaming headlines recommending that “everyone” – all children and adults – be vaccinated immediately because two cases appeared. One prominent Canadian media source had five articles on measles on the same day, the usual media flood just as with COVID and with the same dismal intent of frightening the population into more unnecessary vaccines. There are only a few hundred cases worldwide, but you need to ask yourself how it is possible that a strain of measles would break out in 50 countries– suddenly and simultaneously. When I was a child, everyone got the measles and we were immune forever. It was considered a nuisance rather than a disease. You need to ask yourself why, with effectively zero infection rates and very small risk, especially among the adult population, we are being presented with yet another “pandemic” and all urged to be vaccinated immediately.



At the risk of boring repetition, please keep in mind the signs that virtually dictate the deliberate use of a biological pathogen:


  • Disease caused by an unusual, rare, or uncommon pathogen, or an unusual strain of a common pathogen, indicating it was potentially genetically engineered = 由一种不寻常、罕见或不寻常的病原体或一种常见病原体的不寻常菌株引起的疾病,表明它可能是经过基因工程改造的
  • Lack of an epidemiological explanation, i.e., no clear idea of source or origin = 缺乏流行病学解释,即没有明确的来源或起源
  • Unusual presentation or manifestation of the disease, i.e., race-specific = 疾病的异常表现或表现,即种族特异性
  • Unusual geographic or seasonal distribution = 不寻常的地理或季节分布
  • Multiple epidemics. Simultaneous outbreaks at different locations with the same organism = 多种流行病。同一生物体在不同地点同时爆发
  • Reverse or simultaneous spread. Diseases typically occur first among a susceptible animal population, then spread to humans. If these two are simultaneous or if the human disease precedes animal infections, we can be suspicious = 反向传播或同时传播。疾病通常首先发生在易感动物群体中,然后传播给人类。如果这两者同时发生,或者人类疾病先于动物感染,我们可能会产生怀疑


This may seem a surprising statement to make, but we are in a class war. Our own governments are waging war on us, and they hold all the cards.Our so-called democracies – “government by the people” is a hoax. We have no power but to protest in the streets, and we now increasingly meet harshness and brutality in doing so. For questioning and protesting against the official narratives of these and other events, we risk fines, imprisonment, confiscation of property, freezing of our bank accounts, unemployability and more.



The events I have described here, with the best evidence I have been able to accumulate, are by no means the entire story.These form only one snapshot of an entire landscape, one which contains many other scenes that are all related. If you try, you may be able to connect many of these dots, all of which lead to a New World Order dominated by fascist dictatorships.The signs are all there, and each is inevitably accompanied by a new harsh and unforgiving nature of our authorities as well as the compliance of the mass media and the methods by which they avoid the facts and truths of events and condemn and ostracize all who disagree.



These include the promotional floods for LGBT+, the sexualisation of children, the slow but assured destruction of the family, and much more.They include the WEF and Klaus Schwab’s “having nothing and being happy”, eating insects and living in 200-square foot homes.They include his ID-2030 by which our bank accounts can be frozen on a whim if we (or our children or grandchildren) refuse to submit to yet another dangerous mRNA vaccine or any other unwelcome instruction coming from our masters. We will face jail time for insulting a person by using an incorrect pronoun. We will, as is already proposed in some countries, be deprived of our citizenship and deported for questioning aspects of Jewish history or indeed even for anything that might be determined as “anti-Semitism. These have already been proposed in Germany and the signs are leading to all European and Western countries, Canada being in the lead in this regard.



There is much to ponder, in all this.




Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chapt. 2 —Dealing with Demons).


His full archive can be seen at

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This article may contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not been specifically authorised by the copyright owner. This content is being made available under the Fair Use doctrine, and is for educational and information purposes only. There is no commercial use of this content.



Copyright © Larry Romanoff, Blue Moon of Shanghai, Moon of Shanghai, 2024

版权所有©Larry Romanoff,上海蓝月亮,上海月亮,2024




Benjamin Fulford Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis 2024 July 15th



In case you missed it, the US now has a military government



First of all this week let me start with a message to the people who broke into my computer and deleted my notes for the week: Any government that is afraid of the truth is doomed. When this is all over, you will either be executed for treason or spend the rest of your life in jail.



Now for the news: The biggest event for the West in the past week was the announcement of a military government in the US on July 9th. This announcement was made during the NATO 75th anniversary summit meeting in Washington DC. In case you missed it, here it is on the official White House website:



To underline this, the actor playing the role of President Joe Biden stood in front of the entire assembled NATO delegations to introduce Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky as “President Putin” and Vice President Kamala Harris as “Vice President Trump.”



You can see from the faces of so-called National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, fake Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Satanic Secretary of State Anthony Blinken in the video below that they were not in on the regime change.


 First video at

To make it more explicit Biden was also told to say he takes orders from his “Commander in Chief, the chief of staff of the military.”




Although the White House Press release does not say who Biden handed power to, it is a safe bet to say General Charles Q. Brown,



Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is now running an emergency military government.



The installation of a military government comes amid huge geopolitical events during the past week involving the emergence of a Eurasian military alliance that dwarfs NATO and is about to absorb NATO. We will look into that further below.



For now though, we note the false flag assassination attempt against Donald Trump over the weekend. The first thing to say is we are all sick and tired of politics being run via street theater staged by Freemasons. A healthy society should have a public discussion based on facts to decide the best course to navigate into the future. If the results are not satisfactory, then we change course accordingly. Having secret societies decide without public input inevitably leads to social decay and inequality.   




OK having said that, it is clear the assassination attempt on Trump was staged to get public opinion to support the arrest of Trump opponents. Here are the signs:



First of all before the event, Biden said “It is time to put Trump in a bullseye.”



Then recall this tweet put out by Alex Soros widely interpreted as offering money for the assassination of Trump.



In addition to this, many political commentators like Rick Wilson on MSNBC called for someone to “put a bullet in Donald Trump.”




Since the would-be assassin was a member of ANTIFA who appeared in Rockefeller-controlled BlackRock commercials, it is likely there was a genuine plot by the Khazarian Mafia to kill Trump.




Thomas Mathew Crooks:




So, the likely scenario is the white hats let the Rockefeller group proceed with this attempt in order to give them enough rope to hang themselves with.



The fact Secret Service snipers were told to stand down even after many people spotted the would-be assassin also indicates the event was orchestrated:



My name is Jonathan Willis, I’m the officer in the famous photo of the two snipers on the roof at Trump’s rally. I came here to inform the public that I had the assassin in my sights for at least 3 minutes, but the head of the secret service refused to give the order to take out the perp. 100% the top brass prevented me from killing the assassin before he took the shots at President Trump.



My overall impression is this event was typical of the KM. Whenever bad news like a record trade deficit comes out, they stage a distraction, like having Britney Spears display a tit in public and then have the media concentrate on that.



The Freemasonic attempted assassination ritual came amid huge geopolitical events and extremely serious fighting in the ongoing secret war for the planet Earth.



During the past week the Russian FSB, the North Koreans, Asian Secret Societies, the Yamaguchi Gumi syndicate, MI6, the CIA and others contacted the White Dragon Society about the intense battles now underway.



As the head of MI6 put it: “The essential movement we see in the geopolitical landscape is a failed US fighting hard but failing and the rest just moving on. The international infighting is an old ruling class decline and a change of regime.” 



One indication of how intense the situation has become is military exercises by Chinese troops on the Polish border and the presence of 120,000 Peoples Liberation Army troops inside the United States.



J.J. Carrell, Former US Border Deputy Patrol Agent speaks on the Chinese Illegal Migrants That Have ALREADY ENTERED America “Military analysts have already determined that at least a 120,000 are PLA soldiers.”



America is in SERIOUS TROUBLE as we already know.




The Russian FSB for its part says the United States and Israel will soon “cease to exist.” The reason is a decision reached at the recent Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit on the 4th of July to replace the US dollar with a BRICS currency this autumn.



This was the result of extremely intense negotiations between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Indian President Narendra Modi at their summit meeting on Moscow last week.



The US dollars held by non-Americans are already the de facto BRICS currency but India has been blocking attempts to rename these dollars as a BRICS currency because it would hand de facto control over China, the largest holder of these dollars.



To mollify Modi, Russia has supplied India with over $ 60 billion worth of oil and weapons and accepted payments in Rupees that Russia is unable to spend. Russia is upping the ante by offering to build a series of nuclear power plants in India and supply them with uranium.



Russia has also persuaded India to go along with the new currency by creating a military alliance between itself, India, Mongolia and North Korea. These countries all share a border with China so clearly this is Russia’s way of promising China will not be allowed to bully its neighbours.



This is why India announced it would be building 12 hydroelectric power dams in Arunachal Pradesh, a region claimed by China. They can do this now because they know Russia has their back.



Of course, this Russian bear hug did not come for free for India. It turns out that as a part of its military alliance with Russia, India has sent troops to Ukraine to fight against the KM puppet regime there.



You can tell from this picture of Modi as he leaves Russia that he has a lot on his mind as a result of his Russia trip.



However, in a sign the Russian Eurasian military alliance is not directed at China, Chinese troops last week carried out military drills in Belarus near NATO member Poland’s border.   



Polish intelligence says the drills started just as the NATO summit meeting began and as a result of this Polish and Ukrainian troops withdrew from the border of Belarus. After this, the Belarussians and Chinese also pulled back from the border. NATO then issued a statement saying “NATO is a defensive Alliance.”



The Polish troops have now been redeployed to the Ukrainian border where they have been spotted executing fleeing Ukrainian soldiers.



In a last desperate attempt to appear relevant, NATO released a new pro-Ukraine video. “Despite the propaganda, they know NATO will be dismantled very soon,” a Pentagon source says.




Behind the scenes, Hungarian President Victor Orban, who is currently the head of the EU, began intensive diplomacy. He visited Ukraine, Russia and China before flying to Mar a Largo to meet Donald Trump after which he tweeted:



“It was an honor to visit President [Donald Trump] at Mar-a-Lago today. We discussed ways to make peace. The good news of the day: he’s going to solve it!”



Notice he did not bother to meet Biden or his handlers and called Trump “President.”



Our sources in the various agencies and secret societies say a deal is being worked out where NATO will join Russia’s Eurasian military alliance. This alliance will then take care of security for the Eurasian landmass.



At the same time, the Anglo-Saxon Five Eyes will take charge of the oceans to ensure the free flow of trade, fight pirates, etc. The Five Eyes is also trying to convince Japan to join it to form a “six-eyes” alliance to watch over the oceans.



However, this will have to wait until a very serious power struggle in Japan comes to a conclusion. Last week there was an attempted military coup d’etat there and the situation has still not been resolved.



As the national broadcaster NHK reports:



“The Japanese Defense Ministry has reprimanded 218 members of the ministry and the Japan Self-Defense Forces, including senior personnel, for misconduct.”



The charges were obviously trumped up and involved things like “eating cafeteria food for free.” Also, the report says Defense Minister Kihara Minoru will replace the head of the Navy, Admiral Sakai Ryo on July 19. The fact he could not fire him immediately shows the battle is far from over.



Our own sources close to the Emperor say the current regime will not be able to fire most of the military command because it is common knowledge among the military they were responsible for the murder of over 500,000 Japanese with vaccines.



As an example of this, former Interior Minister Kazuhiro Haraguchi –who was in charge of all police forces in Japan- has publicly apologized for the mass deaths caused by vaccines.



The Japanese Yamaguchi Gumi syndicate and other members of the underworld, as well as various secret societies, promise they will remove fake US Ambassador Rahm Emmanuel and other Japan handlers in the near future.



They have not done so yet because they have been asked to wait for Emmanuels’ bosses in the US to be removed from power. This is now happening as we noted above. Message to Emmanuel: “Pack your bags and leave while you still have time.”



There are big meetings related to this among secret societies in Taiwan and well as within the Chinese Communist Party this week. We do not know the details of these talks but various sources make it clear some sort of regime change is inevitable.



The North Koreans, for their part, have started negotiations with the white hat alliance. Last week they offered access to the vast mineral wealth of North Korea in exchange for unification of the Korean peninsula, according to a source directly involved in the negotiations.



North Korea has two-thirds of the world’s supply of rare earth metals as well as 20 million tons of gold among other resources. The table below given to us by the North Koreans, (which we will translate later) shows just how much wealth they are sitting on.



The white hat alliance has accepted the North Korean proposal and the head of MI6 issued to following statement in response:



“We wish the Korean people peace and unity and will always support this. Their decision is their own and all of the international community will stand by this.”



Of course, all of these moves will have to wait until the destruction of the current regimes in the US and Israel are completed.



As we noted above, this process is well underway in the US. Hungarian Prime Minister Orban calls Trump president because that is what he is. If you still do not understand the 2020 election was stolen, compare the bottom map showing which states require photo ID to vote and the states that do not with the top map. 




The former handlers of the fake Biden are now staging a desperate rear guard action to stay in power. Here for example you can see Obama’s former chief strategist David Axelrod on CNN trying to toss Biden under the bus saying:



“Biden is *not* winning this race… it’s more likely that he’ll lose by a landslide than win narrowly.”




Now Senator Tommy Tuberville claims Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and Barack Obama have been secretly running the US during Biden’s presidency



“They’ve had total control. Not the president,” he told Fox News.  




The military moved because the KM was planning to use even more illegal voters to stop a greater election theft this year.  



To stop this, the US signed an agreement with Panama this month to “close the passage of illegal migrants” through the Darién Gap. Panama’s President José Raúl Mulino has also vowed to stop the Central American country from being a transit route for migrants. To this end barbed wire is being put up and naval patrols are being intensified.



There is also a backlash against migrants in the UK.



Watch British TV anchor Alex Phillips go off about migrant crime in London. Phillips said she had to hide at a neighbor’s house after a migrant followed her home and she had her phone stolen. She also claims her friend’s teenage daughters have been followed, groped, and sexually assaulted.



“I don’t care if people turn around and go ‘you’re a racist’, because my safety and the safety of women in this country is paramount.”




Our UK sources say a crackdown has begun there but, for operational security reasons, they cannot provide details at this time. However, MI6 confirms they have not received a single paper document signed by “King Charles” and that the king appearing in the media is AI.



They also confirm this new “public appearance” by Kate Middleton is just another body double.



(there are 2 photos of body double Kate in the link below)



Getting back to the US, a big reason the military is taking action is because they know the border is being used for human trafficking of the worst sort as this headline shows:



“Biden admin whistleblowers claim ‘billions of taxpayer dollars’ used by gov contractor to traffic children on the border”



“Children were sent to addresses that were abandoned houses or nonexistent in some cases,” Deborah White, a federal employee detailed to the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Refugee Resettlement, ORR, told Republicans. White said. “In Michigan, a child was sent to an open field, even after we reported making an 911 call after hearing someone screaming for help, yet the child was still sent.”



The agency white hats are also releasing more information on the KM pedophile network:



“Could this be one of the main reasons why the Epstein list has not been released?”



“More on Epstein that seems a little fishy…”




Plus this: 



Antony Blinken Tied To Jeffrey Epstein: Went To School Where He Taught, Family Connected To Epstein’s Mistress



Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s stepfather was a close confidant and lawyer for Ghislaine Maxwell’s father Robert Maxwell.



Samuel Pisar, the stepfather of Biden regime Secretary of State Antony Blinken, was a close confidant and lawyer for Ghislaine Maxwell’s father Robert Maxwell. Blinken’s stepfather was reportedly the last person to speak to Maxwell before he mysteriously fell to his death off the Lady Ghislaine while cruising near Spain’s Canary Islands in 1991.



Most Americans may know Secretary of State Antony Blinken for his major role in the devastating Biden administration Afghanistan Disaster, or perhaps for his warmongering while working for the Bush and Obama administrations.



However, many may not know that he has connections to the convicted pedophile, ritualistic sex predator, and international elite human trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, who was identified as a Mossad agent who blackmailed world leaders with underage sex traps by former high-ranking Israeli intelligence officials



The white hats have also continued to go after the pharmaceutical mafia to counter their planned “bird flu” offensive.



It turns out you can find the “never seen before” H5N2 virus FOR SALE in a catalog. Yes, you read that right. BEI Resources, funded by the NIAID, is selling it. But that’s just the beginning. The Ex-CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield warns, “The recipe for making bird flu highly infectious to humans is already out there.”




The agencies also put out this Simpsons-style cartoon video about the KM and their evil pandemic plans:




We are also now hearing the World Health Organization, in its founding document (1946), EXEMPTED itself from criminal prosecution.



Why would WHO need to give itself exemption from criminal prosecution?



The answer is obvious: “The reason why they wrote that into their founding charter is because they knew they were ALREADY BREAKING the law.”




In a sign the long-awaited crack down on the pharmaceutical mafia has begun we note Pfizer head Albert Bourla has “caught Covid” and is “isolating himself.”



We are also hearing Bill Gates, WHO head Tedros and other top pharmacidical bosses are being taken down. Believe it when you see it though because we have heard this song once too often.



What cannot be doubted though is the head of the snake Israel is being taken down:



Forty-six thousand Israeli businesses have been forced to shut as a result of the ongoing war and its devastating effect on the economy, Hebrew newspaper Maariv reported on 10 July, referring to Israel as a “country in collapse.” 



The report linked below says Israel’s construction, agriculture, tourism, trade and other industries are all shutting down.



Meanwhile in the video below military analyst Scott Ritter explains how the Israeli armed forces are also in a state of collapse and are running out of soldiers and ammunition.




Mossad sources say 2 million out of Israel’s population of 6.5 million Jews have left or are planning to leave the country.



At the end of the day, the sources say Israel will cease to exist and be replaced by the nation of Judea.



Once Israel falls, its US colony will also cease to exist. It will be replaced by the United States of North America, white hat sources say.



Finally this week we will conclude with a call to arms for Europe sent to us by Polish intelligence;



You, the real people of all European countries, continue to ask your craftsmen and farmers in every region to disarm their radio transmitters and ensure that chemtrails from airplanes no longer pollute the air. If necessary, close airports with tractors, trucks and large vehicles that cannot be towed. We do not tolerate sky spectacles, American military outdoor cinema or Vatican sky projects…!! You can save yourself from all the PsyOp soap opera…We are the people of real Europe, not stupid descendants of Hollywood or Chinese plastic! We are very angry about chemtrails and have already had harvest problems in some regions…. the shepherds this year have sheep that suddenly died, as well as more stillbirths and miscarriages than ever before… and this can only be caused by chemical pollution in the air and in the meadows… and by the electrical load in the air, when animals are in an area (largely fenced) with electric fencing. It is an absolute outrage what the Vatican (transmission towers), EU policies and newfangled military policies have done to people, flora and fauna in Europe, as well as newfangled military policies… and these are attacks on health and the supply of agricultural products in Europe. This is artificial weather – i.e. weather manipulation, and thus a war on populations and living creatures of nature! A victim of this stupid military policy is anyone who has had an accident or had bad grades in school due to artificial weather conditions. Many people and companies have already suffered this year due to regional floods and damage to buildings and vehicles. Maybe they weren’t as spectacular as the storms and destruction in America or Asia… but they did happen and were inflicted on peaceful European citizens. Over the past few days, the sky was often so milky that planes could not be seen and therefore it was impossible to tell which planes were releasing more chemtrails. Even though the sky was blue in places, mountains of clouds soon gathered and it was far too cold for July. In some grain fields, the crops lie flat due to water damage… This makes threshing more difficult and produces lower yields, and straw in the dark is less popular than mulch. If it is moldy, it is no longer suitable for straw. In some places, the potatoes rotted a few weeks ago because the weather was too wet. Military people who are so stupid and don’t even know the basics of real life don’t know how to grow your own crops or cook your own food… we don’t want stupid hat-wearing people like the government. We also don’t want to be distracted or exploited by cloned or duplicate actors. How stupid are you… you can save your cartoons and other movies, kitschy wonders and action movies. This isn’t real life and we will not tolerate such nonsense. That’s why every day we tell electricians and electrical engineers to casually look around and then remove the transmitters used to manipulate the skies… and farmers and truck drivers should protect technicians so they can do their jobs with peace of mind. Gentlemen!



A Plane’s passenger took a spectacular video showing a Boeing 787 Dreamliner leaving behind a huge chemtrail 




Benjamin Fulford Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis 2024 July 8th



Stealing elections and installing a fake king does not change reality



The Khazarian Mafia’s “rules-based world order” is staging a desperate offensive to stay in power and avoid war crimes tribunals. To this end they blatantly stole the UK election and installed blackmailed pedophile Keir Starmer as Prime Minister, MI6 sources say. The next phase will be to try to install either Michelle “Big Mike” Obama or Kamala Harris as President in the US, they say.



Here you can read how Barack “Thunder of Satan” Obama mentored the new UK prime minister to help him tell his story





It looks like the memo the media parrots got was:



– throw Biden under the bus



– start preparing the public for Big swinging like a bull Mike





The plan by the KM Zionists is that Obama from his basement will then be able to control both the US and the UK.



As we shall see below, this plan is doomed to fail.



For now though, the KM are on the offensive. In the UK, even official election results show the election was stolen. Starmers’ Labour Party got 412 out of the 650 seats in the UK Parliament with only 33% of the vote. In another sign the election was stolen, Nigel Farage’s Reform party got only 4 seats despite getting 14.3% of the vote while the Liberal Democrats got 71 seats with only 12.3% of the votes. The corporate media is trying to say this was because of the “first past the post” electoral system in the UK, but MI6 confirms the election was stolen outright.



In a sign the KM are playing hardball, our colleague Michael Shrimpton -who provided us with the Starmer KGB file we published last week- has gone missing and it is feared he has been killed. This was to prevent him from writing in detail about how the election was stolen, MI6 says.



In his first speech since becoming the Prime Minister, Starmer fully pledges his allegiance to Ukraine and Zelensky.




Now Starmer is “following the fake Biden show -aka Obama from the basement- by releasing 40,000 criminals on the street to create more crimes and justify martial law down the road. 



The KM need martial law to keep Nigel Farage and his party from power. That is because Farage’s party is the only one to officially call for an investigation into vaccine deaths among other things,



It is also clear most of the British Royal family was killed in order to install a fake King Charles to anoint Starmer.



In France as well, the election on July 7th was stolen to keep Emanuelle Macron Rothschild in power and install a pro-EU, NATO and Ukraine government, French intelligence sources say.



These operations are being run by the Nazi faction of the KM, including most of the surviving members of the Rothschild family. They are now hiding in Holland under the protection of the Dutch Royal family, according to Pentagon sources.



They are going to stage one last and desperate attempt to start World War III or Armageddon, CIA sources say. This is what their big NATO meeting planned in Washington this week is all about, they say.



In preparation for this, Europe is now being heavily sprayed with chemtrails. These are necessary for a major holographic sky event designed to fool the public and cause panic, the sources say.  



As the video below explains, this is supposed to be the grand finale for a plan signed by 160 nations in 1994 to reduce the world’s population by 90% to 800 million by 2030. This was to be accomplished using fluoride, viruses (bioweapons), toxic chemtrails and finally the UFO event. Multiple sources are saying this event is scheduled for August.




This final Hail Mary genocide attempt will fail because most of the world’s military is not going along with the plan, Pentagon sources say. However, they confirm some sort of sky event to scare everyone will take place; just without the mass murder originally planned.



In North America, the white hat military based in Mt. Cheyenne is already taking action on multiple fronts. They have the actor playing “President Joe Biden” on their side. He is deliberately saying things like “I am a black woman” and “I will beat Trump again in 2020.” to discredit the KM who is behind his fake presidency.





Trump has called Biden an “old, broken down pile of crap” and suggested Joe is about to “quit the race”, as he criticized his TV debate performance in a new video.




The election campaign in the United States is a pitiful sight, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov comments. He says “If the system of so-called American democracy produces such results or such a course of the election campaign, everyone could draw their own conclusions about how it’s all orchestrated, how it’s arranged,” he says. He does not seem to fully realize there are two factions fighting to the death behind the scenes.  



In a sign US Commander In Chief Donald Trump is against the Starmer election theft, he said “Congratulations to Nigel Farage on his big WIN of a Parliament Seat Amid Reform UK Election Success…” while ignoring Starmer.



The white hats have also made a big move in Canada. This was seen in the Thursday announcement that David Vigneault, director of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), is resigning from the spy agency’s top job after seven years. CSIS sources tell us he was forced to resign after he was caught “trying to cause a nuclear disaster in Alberta,” in order to declare martial law and keep Justin Castrudeau in power. This plot has been stopped said the sources, who refused to provide more detail.



However, there can be no doubt Vigneault failed in his duty to protect Canada because he allowed fraudulent elections to install actual real-life Nazis into power in Canada. Hopefully, this will all change with his removal and the Canadian military can do their job of defending Canada by going after the criminals who murdered countless Canadians with toxic vaccines.



We also got information from the Japanese royal family about what is really going on in the UK with Starmer and the fake King Charles. Sources close to Emperor Naruhito say the Japanese imperial family visited the UK in late June in order to sign documents related to “a new rainbow currency” the US government hopes to issue. Emperor Naruhito, who personally knew the original Charles, says the person he met in the UK was a fake. The real Charles died two years ago, he says. He also says that during his visit to the UK, he went to a fake Windsor Castle set to sign the documents.



This is the Amero 2.0 plan, and is backed by Obama and the Nazi faction of the KM holding out in Holland, the sources say.

消息人士称,这是Amero 2.0计划,得到了奥巴马和在荷兰坚持的可萨黑手党纳粹派系的支持。


The original Amero plan from 2008 called for every US dollar in the world to be replaced by two Ameros. The Chinese and other creditors to the US Corporation rejected this plan because it would have meant a 50% reduction in the value of their hard-earned dollars. This is why dollars held outside of the United States were quarantined from new dollars issued by the US Corporation since that time.



Under the new plan, the US will issue a rainbow currency of its own, separate from the overseas US dollar. The overseas US dollar, for its part is soon to be renamed the BRICS currency, Asian secret society sources say.



In any case, the new rainbow currency will fail because the US economy, -which used to account for 50% of world GDP- is in fact tiny now. Even though the Western corporate propaganda media says the US has the biggest economy in the world; this is a blatant lie.

无论如何,新的彩虹货币将失败,因为过去占世界GDP 50%的美国经济,现在实际上很小。尽管西方企业宣传媒体称美国是世界上最大的经济体;但这是一个明目张胆的谎言。


Here are some comparisons with China to show why: 以下是美国与中国的一些比较,以说明原因: 

China generates twice as much electricity as the US 中国的发电量是美国的两倍

It produces 12.6 times more steel and 22 times more cement中国生产的钢材是美国的12.6倍,水泥是美国的22倍

It sells 26 million vehicles per year compared to 15.5 million for the US 中国每年销售2600万辆汽车,而美国每年销售1550万辆汽车。

The Chinese buy 434 million smartphones per year, three times the US amount.中国人每年购买4.34亿部智能手机,是美国的三倍。Etc. 等等


The numbers showing US GDP is larger than China’s are fictional numbers inside of bank computers that are not backed by reality. You cannot eat numbers inside computers.



Asian secret society sources confirm the Obama people have tried to seduce them into supporting the new rainbow currency by promising a black woman as US president who would be subservient to China. The sources say that while they were fooled by Obama in 2008, they are not going to be fooled again and will not accept this new currency.



Another problem with the rainbow currency plan is that it will bankrupt the US military.



The military white hats for their part are proposing issuing $100 trillion worth of gold-backed dollars to help support a new multi-polar world system. Under this system, the military-industrial complex would follow the rule of law and act as enforcers for the International Criminal Court.



Big moves towards a new multi-polar system have already started this month as Russia assumed the Presidency of the UN Security Council. Russia promises “to build a fairer and more democratic world order.”



“The world is going through a rapid and irreversible change…a multipolar world is now a reality,” Russian President Vladimir Putin says.




Putin also says Russia is waiting for the power struggle to end before deciding on resuming strategic dialogue with the US. However, he says Russia is taking seriously Donald Trump’s pledge to end the Ukraine conflict. 




The power struggle is coming to a head this summer.



Be prepared, locked and loaded with an extra dry powder keg. The KM are planning to activate the 30 million illegals in America (not counting how many are in Canada). 



In the latest sign the mayhem has already started, a mob of looters ransacked an Oakland gas station convenience store and caused thousands of dollars in damage as the frustrated store manager claimed police took nine hours to respond to his plea for help.



Just look at the state of the Democrat Party. As a Pentagon source writes:



Their candidate is a mumbling meat-puppet who led us into global conflict on the verge of WW3.



Their only policy ideas are killing babies, men in dresses, and open borders.



They resort to violence when they don’t get their way.



They have infiltrated the media, academia, and tech, using their power to lie, censor, omit, deceive, manipulate, and brainwash.



They have weaponized all levers of government and the private sector to go after their political opponents and citizens who oppose their rule.



They actively interfere in elections, encourage illegals to vote, and outright cheat by harvesting mail-in ballots.



They defend and encourage pedophilia and the sexualization of children.



And now they are calling for Biden to go full-totalitarian military dictatorship, and use force to take out Trump and his allies.



We have been told by our contacts on more than one occasion that SCOTUS has already made a decision on the 2020 voter fraud case brought by the Brunson brothers and the announcement of such could come out at any time – which would dissolve the Biden Administration and all of Congress.



That is why the Supreme Court ruled Donald Trump is immune from criminal prosecution when it comes to constitutional powers.



That is why Acting Supreme Court Judge Juan Merchan has vacated Donald Trump’s July 11th sentencing date and will delay it until September 18th “if such is still necessary”



It will probably not be necessary as this news item hints:



Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe is rumored to be President Trump’s top pick for Attorney General. If appointed, Ratcliffe reportedly plans to prosecute CIA contractors and employees who allegedly interfered in the 2020 elections.



“This is all a circus show. Everything has been planned for a very long time. This is to keep the sheeple diverted from what is really going on behind the curtain,” a CIA source comments. 



In any case, while the undeclared Western civil war rages, the rest of the world is moving on. A Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit attended by Chinese leader Xi Jinping and Russian President Putin last week said: “Tectonic shifts are taking place in global politics, economics and other spheres of international relations.”



The group calls for:



A comprehensive reform of the UN involving developing countries in its activities



Unconditional implementation of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC)



Condemnation of the actions that have led to numerous civilian casualties in Gaza



An end to double standards in the fight against terrorism, which cannot be justified by anything.



The group also noted the Taliban in Afghanistan is ready to join the fight against terrorism. While they did not say it explicitly, everybody paying attention knows it is the KM that is responsible for terrorism and war around the world.




Turkish President Recep Erdogan hinted at it when he noted “certain Western powers appear hell-bent on turning the Ukraine conflict into an all-out world war…It is obvious that arms dealers need money. And the market for arms dealers is the West.” He added he hopes peace will prevail in spite of this.



In a sign he is working towards a peace agreement of his own Turkish offices, industrial and military facilities are being stormed across northern Syria and Turkish workers and military personnel are leaving northern Syria in large numbers, according to Polish intelligence sources. Meanwhile, Iraq’s capital Baghdad is set to host upcoming talks between Syria and Turkey aimed at normalizing their bilateral relations, according to Arab sources. The decision to resume dialogue and reach reconciliation between Ankara and Damascus was supported by Russia, China and Iran.



In another sign the Middle East is moving decisively against terrorism, Iran’s  president-elect Masoud Pezeshkian says he will “extend the hand of friendship to everyone.” Our sources say he is working with the white hat alliance.



Of course, the elephant in the room is Israel. To understand why regime change is needed there, take a look at this Al Jazeera video about what it’s like to live in Palestine today.  




Next, listen to Stew Peters explain the secular nation-state called Israel chose that particular name so that Scofield Bible readers would think they are actually the Israel of the Bible.




Our sources tell us that Israel will soon be replaced by the Nation-State of Judea and that peace will be imposed.



Behind the scenes, the US military white hats have reached a deal with the SCO whereby they will take charge of security in Eurasia (including Judea) while the Anglo-Saxons keep the ocean free and open.




This is reflected in a policy brief written by Dr. Sumantra Maitra for the Trump-affiliated Center for Renewing America that calls for Europe to defend itself while the US transforms into an “offshore balancer” vis-à-vis Eurasia and “a logistics provider of last resort” for the EU.



Hungarian President Victor Orban, who took over the presidency of the EU on July 1st, is also clearly on board with this plan. He has flown to Kiev and Russia and now China to negotiate an end to the Ukraine conflict.



Our sources say Germany, Hungary and most of Eastern Europe have agreed to join the new Eurasian security arrangement being proposed by Russia. North Korea, Mongolia and India have also agreed to join, Asian secret society sources say. The untold story here is the Russians are promising to prevent China from bullying its neighbors.



Also, in a clear sign Europe has broken from the Rockefellers, they are now getting most of their gas from special Russian tankers via the Arctic.





China and Russia have also been working together to develop Arctic shipping routes as Russia seeks to deliver more oil and gas to China amid Western sanctions while China seeks an alternative shipping route to reduce its dependence on the Strait of Malacca.



There is also an intensifying move in Asia to unify the Korean Peninsula. “[South Korean President]Yoon Suk Yeol and his gang, who are currently in the worst political crisis, try to find an ‘emergency exit’ in an escalation,” Kim Yo Jong, sister of Kim Jong Un and de facto leader of North Korea said, pointing out that the petition demanding an impeachment of the South Korean president has already accumulated over one million signatures.



The Koreans do not want to join NATO and fight against their fellow Koreans. The Japanese also oppose NATO expansion into Asia.



Of course, NATO is freaking out about this because they want war. Here is NATO Chief Jens Stoltenbergs’ reply to the Hungarian Prime Minister’s moves for the alliance:



Listen to how he nervously stutters as he says Orbán does not represent NATO following his visit to Russia.




The reality is that despite what KM puppet governments in the UK and France say, the Ukraine and NATO are being thrown under the bus. Today, Ukraine has only a quarter of its energy production capacity at its disposal compared to the situation before Russian aggression, according to Polish intelligence. Now the Rothschild-owned Economist magazine is saying Ukraine has one month to reach an agreement with creditors on debt restructuring and avoiding bankruptcy.



While Ukraine goes bankrupt, Vladimir Zelensky’s wife just bought a brand new Bugatti Tourbillon, one of the most expensive cars in the world,



No wonder Ukraine will be told it is currently too corrupt to join NATO.



However, as things stand now, the West is too corrupt to join the rest of the world.



As an example watch senior KM boss Bill Gates say that we must either stop cows from farting or stop eating beef to save the planet.




Less of a joke is that the “Gates Foundation has been funding all sorts of genetic engineering of mosquitoes, and there’s a lot of talk about using mosquitoes and mosquito bites to vaccinate certain populations,” attorney Tom Renz told the Pennsylvania State Senate.



This sort of misconduct is not new. A CIA medical doctor notes “Pfizer was established in 1849 by Jewish German immigrant Charles Pfizer and has been in business for 175 years without curing one single disease.”




Make no mistake, these people are mass murderers. Here is some of the latest evidence:



A bombshell new study from Germany found that “the more vaccinations were administered in a federal state, the greater the increase in excess mortality.”



In Italy, a newly published peer-reviewed study suggests a 37% reduction in life expectancy for people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. 




A peer-reviewed study in Forensic Science International found that 73.9% of post-COVID-19 vaccination deaths were directly caused by or significantly contributed to by the injections.



In the rereleased video below President Trump says he will investigate Big Pharma for the rise in autism and fertility, allergies, and child illness.




Our sources are telling us Trump will ask Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to head the committee that investigates big pharma.



Trump also needs to set up a committee to investigate Big Green.



In the video below a former Australian government official explains how wind turbines are draining $40 billion a year from her country and sending it offshore. She explains power companies get $600,000 per year per turbine but that the turbines do not actually contribute any energy to the power grid.




“This shows how $ billions are laundered globally. Imagine how many countries around the world are doing this. All in the name of Green Energy.  We know the 5 Eyes are all involved,” a Pentagon source comments.


A similar situation exists with agriculture.



UK farmer: “We’ve had enough. For the last 20 years, we have been attacked by the political classes telling us how to farm in the countryside. We’re now being paid to stop growing food and grow wildflowers. It’s insanity.”






Then, of course, there is the still unsolved issue of what to do about all the blackmailed pedophiles running the West.



Elon Musk writes: “Why is there not one – just one – even *attempted* prosecution of that Epstein (Bill Gates & Reid Hoffman come to mind) client list?… Either FBI does their duty or the case for an entire departmental reset or abolishment is strong.”




Since Musk is with the US Space Force, this is a sign military action against the FBI is imminent, It is about time.



Military action against the Vatican is also needed. They just found Archbishop Carlo Vigano guilty of ‘schism’ and excommunicated him from the Church by order of the fake rubber-masked Pope Francis. Viganò says he considers the charges brought against him to be an “honor.”



More than two dozen US bishops issued statements attesting to Vigano’s credibility, including some of the current leadership of the U.S. bishops’ Conference.



Mel Gibson wrote a letter to Archbishop Vigano saying “It’s really a badge of honor that someone kicked you out of a fake, post-conciliar church…I have complete respect for the way you defend Christ and His Church…May God bless you and protect you. If you need anything, just ask, and I will try to help. With admiration and eternal respect.”



We are also expecting real disclosure from the Vatican etc. about aliens. Polish intelligence researched and concluded reptilians, anunaki (also lizardmen, saurians, reptoids, reptilian creatures) are fictional species of humanoid reptiles created by fantasy and science fiction authors. These were then popularized by supporters of conspiracy theories, according to which they are real beings living on earth, endowed with intelligence and the ability to look like humans.



We have personally met people who claimed to be aliens but they certainly looked and acted human.  



However, the Vatican apparently really does have contact with entities from other dimensions they call by names such as angels, devils and Jinn. It would be nice to have full disclosure on this topic.



Finally this week as food for thought, we note Amazon has deployed over 750,000 robots that have replaced over 100,000 people.



Video Player




Clearly AI is a more pressing issue to deal with now than aliens.



However, if there is an alien show this summer, please get out your popcorn and treat it as entertainment.


CN — LARRY ROMANOFF: 生物战在行动 — 第14章——埃博拉病毒


生物战在行动 —Biological Warfare in Action 


生物战在行动 — Biological Warfare in Action

第14章——埃博拉病毒 — Chapter 14 – EBOLA

By Larry Romanoff




Health care workers wearing full body suits burn infected items at the ELWA Hospital in Monrovia on Aug. 30, 2014. Images Dominique Faget/AFP/Getty

2014年8月30日,在蒙罗维亚的ELWA医院,身穿全身防护服的医护人员焚烧受感染的物品。图片Dominique Faget/法新社/盖蒂


There was also the outbreak of the Ebola virus simultaneously in several African countries in the middle of 2014 that at the time of writing had already killed around 1,000 people. It was surprising to learn that the variety of Ebola that appeared was “an especially powerful mutated strain that had no apparent natural origin and immediately raised questions in many minds of having been engineered.” This caught my attention because the circumstances seemed so familiar – (a) a sudden, inexplicable outbreak of a new, unusual, and deadly disease, (b) in dispersed but focused locations, (c) with nobody searching for the origin, (d) claims that the virus was primarily race-specific, affecting primarily Africans, and (e) the WHO once again in full attendance.



埃博拉病毒起源 — Ebola Origin


Ebola virus was first discovered in 1976 near the Ebola River in what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo. Since then, the virus has been infecting people from time to time, leading to outbreaks in several African countries. Source



In June of 2003, the Wall Street Journal ran an interesting article (1) titled, “Scientists Search For Human Hand Behind Jungle Virus”, stating that “Some scientists are turning their attention to a question asked all too infrequently once deadly viral outbreaks have been contained: Where did that come from?” The article provided a long list of mostly new diseases resulting from (probably) manufactured retroviruses like Ebola, Hanta, HIV, HTLV-I, HTLV-II, Lassa, Mad Cow Disease, Monkey Pox, Nipah, SARS, and West Nile Virus, as well as other curiosities like Gulf War Illness and Lyme disease, asking, “Where did the pathogens originate?”



Several physicians wrote an article titled, “There is no natural disease called Ebola”, in which they noted that while the main focus was on treatment, an increasing number of people were questioning the disease’s true origin, a decreasing number of investigators being convinced of the official story of Ebola evolving from “infected fruit bats”and much skepticism about how Ebola traveled 6,000 kilometers across Africa – from the site of one US bio-weapons lab to another – without causing infections in the intermediate areas. (2) (3These physicians and virologists insist there is no such natural disease, and believe it is a weaponised virus created in a US military bio-lab. (4) (5One media report, for which I have not yet seen documentation, claims the US Department of Defense was funding Ebola trials on humans in the weeks preceding the outbreaks in Guinea and Sierra Leone. No word on precisely which organisation was physically conducting the trials, but the DOD apparently had a $140 million contract with the Canadian pharma company Tekmira to conduct Ebola research that included infusing humans with the Ebola virus. (6) (7)

几位医生写了一篇题为《没有一种自然疾病叫埃博拉》的文章,他们在文章中指出,虽然主要关注的是治疗,但越来越多的人质疑这种疾病的真实起源,越来越少的调查人员相信埃博拉病毒是从感染的果蝙蝠”进化而来的官方说法,并对埃博拉病毒如何穿越非洲6000公里——从一个美国生物武器实验室到另一个——而不在中间地区造成感染表示怀疑。2) (3这些医生和病毒学家坚持认为不存在这种自然疾病,并认为这是一种在美国军方生物实验室中制造的武器化病毒。没有确切的消息表明是哪个组织在实际进行试验,但国防部显然与加拿大制药公司Tekmira签订了一份价值1.4亿美元的合同,负责进行埃博拉研究,包括为人类注射埃博拉病毒。(6) (7)


The “virus” transfers human-to-human by way of contact with an infected person’s bodily fluids. Source



In an article in the UK Guardian, the US Department of Defense was named as a collaborator in a “First in Human Ebola clinical trial” immediately before the Ebola epidemic appeared in West. The article also noted warnings that had been issued by top scientists from both Harvard and Yale Universities that US government funding of such “trials” risked “triggering a worldwide pandemic”. Dr. Broderick said “It is most disturbing that the U.S. government has been operating a viral hemorrhagic fever bioterrorism research laboratory in Sierra Leone. Are there others? Wherever they exist, it is time to terminate them.” And of course, Dr. Broderick is correct in his conclusions. (8) And there are indeed many other such bio-weapons labs around the world, prior US Congressional testimony suggesting these number in the hundreds.

在英国《卫报》的一篇文章中,就在埃博拉疫情在西方出现之前,美国国防部被任命为“人类首次埃博拉临床试验”的合作者。文章还指出,哈佛大学和耶鲁大学的顶尖科学家发出警告,称美国政府资助此类“试验”有“引发全球大流行”的风险。布罗德里克博士说:“最令人不安的是,美国政府一直在塞拉利昂运营一个病毒性出血热生物恐怖主义研究实验室。还有其他实验室吗?无论它们在哪里,都是时候终止它们了。”当然,布罗德里克博士的结论是正确的。8) 世界各地确实还有许多其他此类生物武器实验室,此前美国国会的证词表明,这些实验室的数量有数百个。


世界卫生组织疫苗接种计划The WHO Vaccination Programs



I managed to locate some records of the WHO’s vaccination programs for the countries in Africa where this Ebola virus erupted, and was not surprised to learn of the correlation with WHO inoculations since there has been a perfect correlation with other similar incidents to date. (9) (10) (11)Shimatsu noted what he calls “the strange coincidence of the earliest breakout in Guinea with major vaccine campaigns conducted by the WHO and UNICEF. [These involved] a cholera oral vaccine effort by Medicins Sans Frontieres under the WHO, and UNICEF-funded prevention programs against meningitis and polio.

我设法找到了世界卫生组织为埃博拉病毒爆发的非洲国家的疫苗接种计划的一些记录,得知与世界卫生组织疫苗接种的相关性并不感到惊讶,因为迄今为止与其他类似事件有着完美的相关性。(9) (10)(11Shimatsu指出,他所说的“几内亚最早爆发疫情与世界卫生组织和联合国儿童基金会开展的重大疫苗接种活动的奇怪巧合。(这些活动包括)世界卫生组织无国界医生组织的霍乱口服疫苗接种工作,以及联合国儿童卫生组织资助的脑膜炎和脊髓灰质炎预防计划。”。


The reason for suspecting a vaccine campaign rather than an individual carrier is due to the fact that the Ebola contagion did not start at a single geographic center and then spread outward along the roads. Instead, simultaneous outbreaks of multiple cases occurred in widely separated parts of rural Guinea …”. Shimatsu wrote, “How one of the deadliest viral strains in human history could have jumped a distance of 4,000 kilometers undetected from Central to West Africa defies logic.”, and I would certainly have to agree with his assessment.



He notes too that the vaccines were produced by Sanofi Pasteur, a French pharmaceutical controlled by the Rothschilds, and others with funding from the Gates Foundation. For the Gates-funded meningitis vaccine, an earlier UNICEF program with this same vaccine in Chad resulted in dozens of dead children. And in all of this, we seem to have an inclusion of all the usual suspects, namely, the WHO, Doctors without Borders (MSF), UNICEF, Tulane University, the Gates Foundation, USAID, the US-based CDC, Chatham House, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Wellcome Trust, UNAIDS, the US-based NIH, the US military’s Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) from Fort Detrick, and what Shimatsu calls “the rest of the alphabet soup of the hypocritical oafs of pharmaco-witchcraft”USAID has also been implicated in many of these disease outbreaks. He claims that “the herd instinct for self-preservation prevents any honest disclosure” of the facts, and I would have to agree.



It’s also worth noting that MSF itself is nowhere near as angelic as it pretends,being financed by what Shimatsu called “a rogue’s gallery of corporate predators” that include Microsoft (Gates again), Goldman Sachs, AIG, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America, BlackRock and Bloomberg. MSF’s chief aim, if I want to be cynical, appears to be that of facilitator under the auspices of the WHO and UNICEF to promote (occasionally illegal and often useless) mass vaccination programs that produce huge profits for the big pharma companies. And MSF has been under clouds of suspicion before.(12)



More than one writer has categorised the WHO’s vaccination programs as a “mafia-style protection racket” where poor nations are bullied into spending unaffordable sums of money on often useless vaccines. One such example was Donald Rumsfeld’s prior pharma employer who marketed Tamiflu with enormous success in many countries, to the extent of billions of dollars in cost, with panels of health experts later declaring that Tamiflu had been “largely ineffective” and the money wasted. The UK did the same, spending many hundreds of millions of pounds on useless vaccines for non-existent epidemics. The same happened with the Ukraine, spending half the country’s foreign currency reserves on flu vaccines that proved to be both useless and unnecessary. There are many such stories. (13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)



埃博拉作为生物武器 — Ebola as Bioweapon


With this latest move by the Pentagon to help only foreign workers in Liberia, the message from the United States, intended or not, rings loud and clear: African health-care workers and their patients are not our priority. Source



The theory that Ebola is a bioweapon received some media attention when Liberia’s top newspaper, The Liberian Observer, published a report by plant physiologist Dr. Cyril Broderick, who suggested the virus was a genetically modified organism. (19) (20) (21) He quoted Dr. Leonard Horowitz’s book on emerging viruses, in which Horowitz “confirmed the existence of an American military-medical industry that conducts biological weapons tests under the guise of administering vaccinations to control diseases and improve the health of ‘black Africans overseas’.[The] WHO and several other UN agencies have been implicated in selecting and enticing African countries to participate in the testing events, promoting vaccinations, but pursuing various testing programmes.”

当利比里亚顶级报纸《利比里亚观察家报》发表植物生理学家西里尔·布罗德里克博士的一篇报道时,埃博拉病毒是一种生物武器的理论受到了一些媒体的关注,布罗德里克博士认为埃博拉病毒是转基因生物。(19) (20)(21)他引用了Leonard Horowitz博士关于新出现病毒的书,在书中,Horowitz“证实了美国军事医疗行业的存在,该行业以接种疫苗为幌子进行生物武器测试,以控制疾病并改善‘海外非洲黑人’的健康。世界卫生组织和其他几个联合国机构参与了选择和引诱非洲国家参加测试活动,推广疫苗接种,但开展了各种测试计划。”


American law professor Francis A. Boyle claimed the Ebola virus could have originated from American bio-warfare labs in Africa, and revealed that the US had been using West Africa as an offshore bio-weapons lab to circumvent the Convention on Biological Weapons. (22) (23) According to Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, it was Dr. Boyle who drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, the US implementing legislation for the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention. And, according to a map produced by the Center of Disease Controlit does appear the virus victims were located in the same places as the American bio-labs. (24) (25) It is worth noting here that Dr. Boyle is not an easy person to dismiss as a flake or a conspiracy theorist, being a prominent American law professor who was responsible for drafting the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act and other Biological Weapons conventions. He is well-versed in the subject of bio-warfare and has written at least one book on the US military’s dramatic (and illegal) bio-weapons programs.

美国法学教授Francis A.Boyle声称埃博拉病毒可能起源于美国在非洲的生物战实验室,并透露美国一直在利用西非作为离岸生物武器实验室,以规避《生物武器公约》。(22)(23)根据Paul Craig Roberts博士的说法,是Boyle博士起草了1989年《生物武器反恐怖主义法》,这是美国实施1972年生物武器公约的立法。而且,根据疾病控制中心制作的地图,病毒受害者似乎与美国生物实验室位于同一地点。(24)(25)这里值得注意的是,博伊尔博士是一位著名的美国法学教授,负责起草《生物武器反恐法》和其他《生物武器公约》,他不是一个容易被视为怪人或阴谋论者的人。他精通生物战,至少写过一本关于美军戏剧性(和非法)生物武器计划的书。


One of the issues is that the US bullies smaller nations into rejecting international bio-weapons treaties for the purpose of using those same non-signatory nations as locations for its secret bio-warfare labs. This “offshoring” is just a clever way to violate the Biological Weapons Conventions that the US has signed while at the same time being entirely outside the purview and supervision of Congress (and the media). Often, even the host nations have no clear idea of what transpires in these so-called “health facilities” the US military establishes inside their own countries, this condition often being maintained by large cash disbursements.



There was another disturbing aspect to this entire Ebola enterprise, that being a report in the New York Times that the Zaire Ebola strain was identified or created many years ago (26) (27), and that the WHO ordered it shipped to the UK’s bio-weapons facility at Porton Down, from where it was sent to the US-based CDC who do similar work. (28) (29) Dr. Boyle speculated this virus was then exported to the US military’s bio-labs in West Africa where development was continued. Yoichi Shimatsu noted correctly that “the simultaneous eruptions [of this virus] in widely-separated zones” suggest it was introduced as part of the US military-funded bio-weapons research program.

整个埃博拉企业还有另一个令人不安的方面,那就是《纽约时报》的一篇报道,称扎伊尔埃博拉毒株是多年前发现或创造的(26)(27),世界卫生组下令将其运送到位于Porton Down的英国生物武器设施,然后将其送往美国疾病预防控制中心,后者也在做类似的工作。岛津洋一(Yoichi Shimatsu)正确地指出,“这种病毒在大范围隔离的地区同时爆发”表明,它是作为美国军方资助的生物武器研究计划的一部分引入的。


In the article mentioned above, Broderick claimed the epidemic was the result of work done by the US Department of Defense, among others. Apparently a great many readers praised his article, expressing their own sympathetic concerns for the large number of unexplained ‘coincidences’ of disease outbreak overlaid with US military experimentation on biological pathogens and the seemingly ever-present WHO and its vaccination programs. The US mainstream media attempted to dismiss his comments as relying on information from so-called ‘conspiracy websites’, but he appears to have had many legitimate references on which to base his comments and accusations, published reports he stated were ‘unambiguous’. Dr. Broderick’s main concern was that diseases such as Ebola and others were designed “for culling the world’s black population”, a claim that would be much easier to refute or dismiss out of hand if not for the US military’s proven experiments in designing precisely such race-specific pathogens. To dismiss this without careful thought would seem to be reckless indeed.


On July 24, 2014, in Sierra Leone, Sister Nancy Yoko, a nurse, speaks with colleagues in the office of the Ebola virus disease -EVD- treatment center at Kenema Government Hospital. Staff at the center are devastated by the loss of six nurses and one doctor who contracted EVD while caring for patients. The few nurses who remain are exhausted, overworked and demoralized. “We are known as the ‘Ebola nurses,’” says Ms. Yoko. “No one wants to come close to us. The nurses in the general ward won’t talk to us. Even our families are scared they will catch the virus from us.” Source



The statements of US bio-weapons labs dotting Africa are not imagination. In the midst of the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone was privately-owned Tulane University from New Orleans (30) (31) (32), an institution known for conducting bio-weapons research for the US military at USAMRIID. Tulane executives had been boasting of having conducted “the largest and most detailed case [studies] of Ebola patients”, most of whom unfortunately died, and was accused of providing local hospitals with Ebola diagnosis kits that were either useless or fraudulent. (33) (34) In any case, Tulane, the US military, and Doctors without Borders apparently jointly established a hospital at Kenema that provoked local outrage and sent all hospital staff on strike and forcing a government investigation of the nearly 100% death rate. A representative for the group, Dr. Tim Jagatic of Doctors Without Borders, said it was “understandable” that locals believed they would all die if placed in the American hospital: “We created a hospital, and a lot of people [died]. It’s very difficult for them to make a connection that we are here to help”. No kidding. When all the patients die, what is the difference between hospital and no hospital? (35) (36)

美国生物武器实验室散布在非洲的言论并非想象。在塞拉利昂爆发埃博拉疫情期间,新奥尔良私立杜兰大学30)(31)(32是一所以在USAMRIID为美军进行生物武器研究而闻名的机构。杜兰高管一直吹嘘自己对埃博拉患者进行了“最大、最详细的病例[研究]”,其中大多数人不幸死亡,并被指控向当地医院提供无用或欺诈的埃博拉诊断试剂盒。(33)(34)无论如何,杜兰、美国军方和无国界医生组织显然在凯内马联合建立了一家医院,这引起了当地的愤怒,并派遣所有医院工作人员罢工,迫使政府对近100%的死亡率进行调查。该组织的代表、无国界医生组织的Tim Jagatic博士表示,当地人认为如果被安置在美国医院,他们都会死亡,这是“可以理解的”:“我们创建了一家医院,很多人(死亡)。他们很难将我们在这里提供的帮助联系起来”。不开玩笑。当所有的病人都死了,有医院和没有医院有什么区别?(35) (36)


But it wasn’t only the hospital that outraged the locals and caused panic; it was also the fact that the US military was operating a bio-weapons research lab at the same location, with all evidence apparently suggesting a strong connection between that military research lab at Kenema, the Kenema hospital, Tulane’s Ebola research, the Ebola outbreak, and the high death rate. In addition to the closing of the hospital and the ejection of Tulane University, the US military was also forced to shut down its bio-weapons lab in Sierra Leone. The government also ordered the US-based CDC – another bio-weapons-related contractor – to submit all the data from its own labs in Kenema, apparently for a government investigation into this tightly-knit foreign collaboration. Of course the Western media like the Washington Post ignored all of this in their haste to trash anyone who dared contradict the official “Fruit bat – Act of God” theory of origin, dismissing inconvenient truths as “churning out Ebola conspiracy after conspiracy”.



怀疑 — Suspicions




Many nations in Africa, as in South America and Asia, have become increasingly suspicious of US and UN so-called “health” activities within their borders, not forgetting Kissinger’s NSSM paper that said,“The United States economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries.”, and that called for a huge increase in funding for “creating conditions conducive to fertility decline”. They are also aware of the Rumsfeld-Cheney PNAC paper that stated, “Advanced forms of biological warfare that can target specific genotypes, may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.” (37) (38) (39)

许多非洲国家,如南美和亚洲国家,越来越怀疑美国和联合国在其境内的所谓“健康”活动不要忘记基辛格的NSSM论文,该论文称,“美国经济将需要大量且不断增加的外国矿产,尤其是欠发达国家的矿产。”该论文呼吁大幅增加资金,“创造有利于生育率下降的条件”他们还知道Rumsfeld-Cheney PNAC的论文,论文指出,“可以针对特定基因型的先进形式的生物战,可能会将生物战从恐怖领域转变为政治有用的工具。”(37)(38)(39


To accentuate these, in the aftermath of the Ebola outbreaks, US President Obama announced he would send 3,000 troops to Africa, while Cuba, China and other nations were sending doctors, virologists and medications. The US government and military have been rather cagey about the precise qualifications of the troops being sent to Africa, providing only a nonsensically-vague statement of what appears to be cautionary behavior to protect themselves from infection, the troops receiving vaccinations and “training on medical readiness requirements”. But in fact, the US soldiers being sent to Africa “to fight Ebola” were an elite division of combat troops who have no medical or other training that would be of use to anyone, and Dr. Boyle (as well as many Africans) is convinced they have been sent to establish permanent US military bases on the continent. Africans are naturally asking, “What does Africa need today, troops or doctors?”, with many considering the US effort a “sham” that is simply a prelude to military colonisation of Africa under the pretense of medical security.



The serum cures and vaccinations are being withheld from Africa and utilised for whites only. Source



It has not escaped their notice that, while military personnel are being “shared” generously, the serum cures and vaccinations are being withheld from Africa and utilised for whites only. And of course, the US has a long and irrefutable history of intentionally infecting countless thousands of people in the US itself and in many other nations, including the famous Guatemala and Tuskegee syphilis experiments that continued for 40 years, the mass sterilisations of US citizens including indigenous natives and much of the population of Puerto Rico. West Africans are terrified of international aid programs for fear of another genocide campaign, and no one can blame them for their suspicions. The distrust of foreigners, and of Americans especially, has become so intense in some African locations that foreign clinics and hospitals have been attacked and burned, and some foreign aid workers and medical staff assaulted. It isn’t difficult to understand why. Dr. Broderick went so far as to claim there is sufficient evidence and clearly “the need to pursue criminal and civil redress for damages”, against the US government, Tulane University, the WHO, and at least one pharma company.



The disease was surprisingly hyped in the media. Though Ebola can certainly be lethal, the death rate (kill rate) was nowhere near the publicised ratios and, while 1,000 or more people did die from it in the first year, in the same year there were more than 200 million cases of malaria worldwide, with nearly 500,000 deaths, 90% of these in Africaand mostly children. Yet this rated no attention whatever in the Western media. If 500,000 deaths aren’t sufficient for even a mention, much less a declaration of apocalypse, why would 1,000 deaths qualify? Is it possible that part of this reason is that malaria is treated with simple low-cost medications like quinine, with no opportunity to sell billions of doses of yet another hugely profitable vaccine? The same has been true with many other “epidemic” infections including ZIKA, where very few died, a relative handful suffered birth defects of questionable origin, but where the human toll was insignificant compared to malaria, and yet the world media were flooding the ether with hype and dire prognostications.



Some of AFRICOM’s known permanent and semi-permanent military bases on the African continent, 2019. Source



If the real concern of the WHO or MSF were saving human lives, where is the malaria effort? If Obama really wanted to save the world when he vowed that “We will not stop, we will not relent until we halt this epidemic once and for all”, why wouldn’t he send thousands of troops to Africa to save 500,000 lives from malaria instead of 1,000 from Ebola? It hardly qualifies as a conspiracy theory when observers suggest the US military’s commitment is more about population control and military dominance to ensure access to natural resources than about saving livesIn this context, the US military “commitment” to eradicating Ebola qualifies more as a deprecating insult and bad joke than a humanitarian gesture. Ignore the claims and the media hype, and examine the results. Ignoring malaria makes a significant contribution to population reduction, no doubt warming the cockles of hearts of our well-known Malthusians, while providing a convenient platform for the US militarisation of Africa. Whether or not these are the intentions, they are the result and, in foreign affairs, it is usually an error of simplistic naïveté to assume that obtained results were not those intended.



Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chap. 2 — Dealing with Demons).


His full archive can be seen at

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Copyright © Larry Romanoff, Blue Moon of Shanghai, Moon of Shanghai, 2024

版权所有©Larry Romanoff,上海蓝月亮,上海月亮,2024



Benjamin Fulford Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis 2024 July 1st



Biden Trump debate psy-ops causes Kool Aid drinkers’ heads to explode


Videos of this report = 本报告的视频

First four videos already posted below =  前四段视频已发布如下

In a military-grade psychological warfare operation equivalent to a nuclear bomb, the so-called debate between US President Donald Trump and fake President Joe Biden destroyed the entire Democratic Party paradigm. This caused brainwashed Kool-Aid drinkers believing Joe Biden was actually president to freak out big time. Since this is all over the blogosphere we will not delve too deeply into their reaction. Instead, we have inserted a bunch of clips of Khazarian Mafia talking heads exploding on air. My personal favorite is an obviously drunk Nancy Pelosi appearing on TV to cling to the illusion Biden will somehow stay as president.





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We also noticed the New York Times put out a panicked editorial saying basically “We have got to get someone other than Biden to front for us or else Trump is going to have us all killed.”



The debate psy-ops shows the avatar playing the role of “Biden” was likely coopted by the white hats to deliberately show the world he was mentally incompetent and unfit for office.



Here is a typical example of the sort of reaction this debate has provoked:



Now that “Joe Biden” has been revealed as a hoax president, whole legions of public officials appear liable to criminal charges of the most serious degree: sedition, treason, mass murder, fraud, malfeasance, and in the case of the president himself, influence peddling and bribery. They must be desperate to avoid accounting for all that, losing their accrued fortunes to legal fees and going to prison (or worse). For example, outed just this week: news that then-CIA Director in 2020, Gina Haspel, knew about and participated in the infamous operation using 51 former Intel officers to cover up the veracity of Hunter Biden’s laptop days before the election. They knew the laptop was real. Their colleagues over at the FBI knew it was real.



The bigger story is this means a defeat for the Rockefeller/Obama/Hitler bloodline of the KM. That is because anybody who is aware knows “Biden” was a front for Barack “Thunder of Satan” Obama Hitler.





What they do not realize is just how horrific the plans of this Nazi faction of the KM really were. A German whistleblower, Dr, Aysteha Enukuha Dominykas- an engineer involved in building underground bases throughout Germany- reveals part of the story. She says former Chancellor Angela Merkel Hitler had underground bunkers built in each major German city. A bunker she worked on was set up to house 200,000 soldiers and 16,000 support staff including Wahhabi Muslim preachers and sex workers. The facilities were equipped with Mosques but not Churches, she notes.



This is why the KM paid millions of military-aged Muslim males to enter Germany during and after Merkel’s rule. The plan was to use them to “eliminate at least 15 million Germans, predominantly old and economically weak, without mercy,” she says.



It was probably for her role in implementing this plan that Barack Hitler gave his cousin Angela Hitler the Presidential Medal of Freedom; the highest United States medal that can be awarded to non-American civilians.



It is a safe bet that at least 7.4 military-aged foreign illegal immigrants brought in by the Obama/Biden regime were going to implement a similar mass murder and enslavement operation in the United States.



Although this plan was scheduled to start in 2016, it was delayed by the election of Donald Trump and only restarted with the Obiden regime in 2021.



To understand why the people behind the Obiden administration fear execution with the return of Trump, take a look at the expressions of the Obamas and Clintons at the 2018 funeral of George Bush Sr. They had just been given copies of the confession Bush signed before he was executed and given notice to expect the same.



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This is what prompted the massive KM counter-attack that resulted in the Obiden administration, the attempted democide by vaccine and the rush to hire foreign illegal immigrant bodyguards.



In any case, the implosion of Biden at the debate led to a flurry of back-channel negotiations. The KM offered the white hats a proposal to install Gavin Newsom as an alternative to Biden. However, as far as they can tell, Newsom is an AI avatar used by the Silicon Valley branch of the KM and is not seen as acceptable. US public opinion polls also confirm he is a non-starter.



Attempts to offer Michelle “Big Mike” Obama, a “Hillary Clinton” avatar looking 30 years younger, Kamala Harris, etc. as substitutes for Biden were also all nixed. The bottom line was the KM said they would accept anyone but Trump.






In the end they agreed to accept Colonel Douglas MacGregor as interim head of State. MacGregor himself, in the brilliant speech below, calls for new elections to be held immediately. In it, he notes:



destructive executive orders and policy directives, many of which were likely signed when President Biden was in a rapidly diminished state of mind, inflicted tremendous damage on our nation…It is time to ask, who truly governs this country? Is it we, the people, as our founders intended, or have we surrendered control to unelected bureaucrats, sprawling federal agencies, and affluent donors who do not have the best interests of ordinary Americans at heart?



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To secure the blessings of liberty for this generation and those to come, we must reclaim the rightful sovereignty of the American people over a dysfunctional and unresponsive political establishment.



With today, July 1st, being Canada Day or Canada’s Independence Day and with US Independence Day on July 4th, the white hat alliance proposes making MacGregor interim leader of the new nation of the United States of North America.



We note the “Q” site is saying a military lockdown is coming on July 4th so maybe this year finally, there will be a real independence day to celebrate for the first time since 1871. A military lockdown is going to be necessary if the swamp is to be drained and a new Republic to be started. 



Take the example of Chicago to understand why the military is needed. In Chicago in 2023, police were unable to respond to more than half of calls made to 911 of a person being shot.



In related news, the number of homeless Chicagoans tripled between January 2023 and January 2024 due to the huge influx of illegal immigrants.



In other words, only the military can deal with the large numbers of armed foreigners imported by the Obiden regime in an attempt to stay in power.



The “Q” people, of course, say Donald Trump is already Commander in Chief and President because he won the 2020 election. They say they would accept MacGregor as Field Marshall in charge of the US military.



What is clear though is that no matter who takes power, a major Satanic infestation needs to be cleaned up. This is where the sudden “release” of whistleblower Julian Assange may play a role.



We know the original Assange used to appear on the balcony of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London where he was taking shelter. Then he stopped appearing after the actress Pamela Anderson visited him in 2018 with a “birthday cake.” Later a story was concocted that he was grabbed and put in a UK jail. However, we sent people to visit the actual courts in the UK where Assange was supposed to be facing trial and he never appeared.



Some white hat sources connected to “Q” are saying the person killed in 2018 was a body double and the very different-looking Assange now appearing in the media is the real deal.



As a part of this new show Assange’s supposed wife Stella spoke to the BBC in her Barbie pink sweater.



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“Have you ever seen a real human blink that much while talking?” a Canadian intelligence source comments.



Regardless, the important thing is to see if they start using the new Assange to release information to the general public about the KM. In particular, we need to see if he is used to disclose information about the industrial-scale murder and torture of children by the KM elite.



Here as a reminder, is an email from John Podesta Rockefeller saying he plans to heat the pool because “Bonnie will be an Uber service to transport Ruby, Emerson and Maeve Luzzato (11, 9 and almost 7) so you’ll have some further entertainment.”


Then there is the frazzledrip video of Hillary Clinton Rockefeller Hitler torturing a young girl to death by ripping the skin off her face etc. This sort of practice is widespread among the KM.



Next, take a look at the expression of Winfrey Oprah in this recently re-released old video of someone discussing adrenochrome on her show.



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In another example, according to a Pentagon source, the McDonald’s Logo is from the book of Black Magic and the letter ‘M’ in the Logo is a ‘Sigil’ (which is used as a Symbol in Black Magic). 



“The McDonald’s Founder Raymond Albert Kroc was a 33° Freemason. That’s how he got the money to start his business. Kroc was also a High Priest in the Church Of Satan. McDonald’s has always had a close partnership because of the Masonic Brotherhood. Masons are closely connected to all charities involving children. The Golden Arch (in the Logo) itself is Masonic. It also represents the arch of Baal (a Satanic God whom the Cult worships).”


Then of course there is Disney. The Jeffrey Epstein & Disney connection just got more exposed. Here is a picture of a little girl being clutched at Disney next to Epstein who then shows up with Epstein again outside of Disney. Disney staged regular snorkeling trips to Epstein Island and Disney Cruise Ships stopped at Epstein Island



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These examples are just the tip of the iceberg. Since 8 million children disappear worldwide every year, this is a huge problem involving an estimated one million Satanic practitioners.



So, the real reason for the widespread panic among the Obiden supporters is they fear mass execution for these crimes under Trump. That is why they are desperately seeking an alternative like MacGregor who might offer them truth and reconciliation instead of death.



In any case, as Russian President Vladimir Putin notes, the current US Corporate government owes the rest of the world more than $54 trillion. The St. Louis Fed and others also note they owe more than $200 trillion to their own citizens. What it means is the US cannot continue in its current form and must declare bankruptcy and be replaced.



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In a sign of bankruptcy preparations, “Elon Musk’s SpaceX will build a vehicle to tow the International Space Station back through the atmosphere and crash it into the ocean.” What this really means is NASA (Not A Space Agency) is shutting down its fake space travel movie studio and transitioning to “commercially owned space destinations closer to home.” That is because they know they can no longer use debt to finance their fake space program.



Speaking of debt please take notice of the picture below it says USA Treasury not U.S. Treasury. That shows what is bankrupt is not the U.S. Republic but the USA corporation. 



Needless to say, it is not just the US Corporate government that needs to be replaced.



There is also a huge fight underway in the UK. Here the British faction led by Reform Party leader Nigel Farage is fighting against a KM-controlled Keir Starmer. MI5 sent us copies of Starmer’s visa to visit communist-ruled Czechoslovakia in 1986 and say Slovak authorities refuse to disclose what he was doing there. MI5 says if he was not a communist agent, the files would have been released. MI6 for their part says Starmer is being blackmailed over participation in human sacrifice rituals and will take the UK back into the EU if he takes power after the July 4th election.






There was a related incident involving the UK Royal Family. Princess Anne was beaten and sent to the hospital with serious concussions on June 23rd. Princess Anne is known to be associated with the white hat alliance, MI6 sources say. Princess Anne was designated by Queen Elizabeth to act as regent for Prince George, the eldest son of Crown Prince William, according to royal family sources. This was because King Charles is known to be compromised and blackmailed by the Nazi faction of the KM, the sources say. Crown Prince William is also disqualified for participating in the Satanic sacrifice of his wife Kate Middleton, the sources say.



The attack also came as the Japanese Emperor visited the UK to meet with either King Charles or the avatar who was playing his role. Our own Japanese sources close to the Emperor would not talk much about what happened other than to say Naruhito would be inducted into the Order of the Garter established by Queen Elizabeth I.



The Emperor Naruhito himself is also under siege. He bears ultimate responsibility for the murder of 500,000 Japanese by vaccine. Japanese Neuroscientist Dr. Hiroto Komano says that in addition to this, a study of 550,000 people in Japan reveals the vaccines caused Alzheimer’s disease to increase by 20%.



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Asian Secret Society sources say so many people were involved in the vaccine crimes that there will be a total collapse of the social order unless the clean-up is done in stages. That is what is underway now, they say.



Needless to say, the vaccine murderers have not given up on trying to kill us all before we arrest them.



The Russian military says an Obiden-owned company by the name of Metabiota has relocated its bioweapons operations to various African countries after they were shut down in Ukraine. The Russians say these laboratories are preparing a new pandemic in time for the 2024 US elections.



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For an example, as Republic of the Congo leader Denis Sassou-Nguesso met Russian President Vladimir Putin to discuss his country joining the BRICS alliance.



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This news came out: the “most dangerous strain yet” of monkeypox virus is spreading quickly along the eastern border of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the WHO says.



It shows the current leadership of the West spreads disease and threats of disease to try to stay in control.



There is a lot of money at stake. As the First Lady of Sierra Leone notes as things stand her country gets paid $10,000 for every $100 million worth of minerals taken from her country. That is 0.0001%. This is why more and more African countries are kicking out Western oligarchs.



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Overall it has been estimated Africa is looted to the tune of $500 billion a year by KM oligarchs.



The KM are also still trying to kill Western populations in a desperate bid to stay in power. They are now planning to use our food supply to vaccinate us. “The next big product being developed is edible vaccines. These are food products like tomatoes and other things, which can have the effect of a vaccination when you eat them. And now a group of Chinese scientists has found that they can relay mRNA vaccines using cow’s milk,” says Jesse Watters.



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The vaccines may be related to a recent epidemic of fake food in the US. Take a look at the examples in the disturbing video below. We recommend you shop at local farmers’ markets if you can. .



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These criminals are also still trying to push the previous types of vaccines. The paid-off puppets at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on June 27 recommended forthcoming COVID-19 vaccines for virtually all Americans.



This comes as “Five states — Texas, Utah, Kansas, Mississippi, and Louisiana — suing Pfizer for knowing and concealing the vaccine causing myocarditis, pericarditis, failed pregnancies and deaths. That’s 10% of US states…The tide is turning,” US Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy notes.



In another sign the tide is turning, the Ashkenazi Jewish Zionist Sackler family has been stripped by the Supreme Court of immunity related to all the opioid deaths their products have caused. This is a sign they will also strip Pfizer, etc. of their supposed immunity from vaccine lawsuits.



In Canada, the Ontario Court of Justice ruled a PCR test is an instrument that is inserted into the body and therefore contravenes section 14 of the Quarantine Act.



It is only a matter of time before they figure out, like the Chinese already have, the tests themselves are fraudulent.



As this sort of truth comes out New Brunswick MP Wayne Long has joined the chorus openly calling for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to resign,



Canada is also being forced to release people who were unlawfully detained for protesting the fake pandemic and associated martial law. This is happening in the US as well. The Supreme Court ruled on June 28 in effect that hundreds of Jan. 6 defendants would have to be released after being bogusly charged under an accounting law.



There is also an ongoing revolt against the KM in Poland. There, according to Polish intelligence “miners have joined farmers, they are fed up with the idiocracy created by the government regarding burning coal for power plants generating electricity and the Green Deal, as well as importing coal from Russia and blocking Polish mining.”

波兰也有一场反对可萨黑手党的持续叛乱。据波兰情报部门称,在那里,“矿工们加入了农民的行列,他们受够了政府针对火电厂的绿色协议,以及从俄罗斯进口煤炭和阻止波兰采矿方面制造的白痴政治。” –


In a positive sign for Europe, Hungary began its six-month presidency of the European Council. Hungarian President Victor Orban’s motto is “Let’s make Europe great again!,” He wants a prompt end to the conflict in the Ukraine and an end to uncontrolled immigration.



Also, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz have now both publicly declared NATO will not take part in the Ukraine war.



Russian FSB sources say NATO has secretly agreed to join a new security architecture in Eurasia proposed by Russia. This will force external players to curtail their military presence on the continent, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova says.



North Korea has already joined and says it will send troops to Ukraine to fight alongside Russia.



The North Korean News Agency reports “The U.S. strategy for world domination to encircle and contain independent and sovereign states and secure its military hegemony has already crossed the red-line and is bringing about a very negative change in the world security environment and geopolitical mechanical structure.”



India has also joined this Russian military alliance.



With the Obiden regime now collapsing and Europe joining with Russia, the last domino appears to be Israel. However, it looks certain that Israeli Crime Minister Benyamin Satanyahu’s days are numbered. Sarah Netanyahu accuses Israel’s army chiefs of seeking to carry out a coup against her husband.



Also, in what may be the final straw to put an end to Benjamin Satanyahu and his cronies “Israel’s Supreme Court rules that the military must draft ultra-Orthodox men in a decision that could lead to the collapse of Netanyahu’s governing coalition.”



In a desperate last-minute gambit to stay in power, Satanyahu is desperately trying to start a war with Lebanon. As a result, the following countries have begun evacuating their civilians from Lebanon:



1) Canada  

1) 加拿大

2) Kuwait 

2) 科威特

3) Germany  

3) 德国

4) Netherlands 

4) 荷兰

5) Saudi Arabia 

5) 沙特阿拉伯

6) North Macedonia 

6) 北马其顿

7) Russia  

7) 俄罗斯

8) USA  

8) 美国

9) Ireland  

9) 爱尔兰

10) Jordan  

10) 约旦

11) Australia 

11) 澳大利亚


In addition to still trying to start war, the KM is also trying to start cyberwar. That is why the World Economic Forum warns “Cyber Attacks Against Car Dealers and the Federal Reserve Put U.S. Economy at the Brink of Failure.”



It is not just the US Economy that is on the brink of failure. China’s home sales have plunged over 30% in the past five months despite government rescue efforts. Since real estate loans account for approximately 40 percent of total Chinese bank credit over the long term “It will severely impact the entire real estate industry and its 56 related industries.”



What this means is that, while China’s problems are not nearly as huge as those facing the US Corporation, it also needs a financial reboot. Our sources say this is coming.



In Mexico meanwhile, it looks like the KM may be winning there. It turns out President-Elect Claudia Steinbaum is a likely KM agent. Remember this cover story about the year ahead in the Rothschild and Agnelli family-owned Economist Magazine. On the top left you see a profile of a woman. Compare that to this profile picture of Steinbaum. A coincidence? 




Our Mexican sources say Mexico was threatened with earthquake and weather weapons and over 30 politicians were killed before they accepted her as president.



Some sources say she was installed by the white hats to clean up the narco and human trafficking there so we will need to see what she actually does after taking office on October 1st.



Finally, in a sign the rabbit hole runs deep, take a look at this commemorative coin issued in 1932, it has a Star of David, a Swastika and an all-seeing eye all in one.






Hopefully, the truth behind all of this will soon set us free. Certainly, the news shows the white hats are close to winning. However, it is not over until it is over so we must keep fighting until humanity is finally freed from millennia of Satanic slavery. 


CN — LARRY ROMANOFF: — 第13章——中东呼吸综合征 — Chapter 13 – MERS

生物战在行动 —Biological Warfare in Action 

生物战在行动 — Biological Warfare in Action

11——艾滋病 — Chapter 13 – MERS

By Larry Romanoff



Au unidentified student is checked her temperature as a precaution against MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) at Gwanghui Elementary School in Seoul, South Korea, Wednesday, June 17, 2015. The death toll in South Korea’s MERS outbreak increased Tuesday even as schools reopened and people recovered from the virus. (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon). Source


In late 2012, the world experienced the onset of a new mini-epidemic from a novel coronavirus that was named MERS (1) (2) because it supposedly originated in the Middle East, at first infecting small numbers of people in Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Qatar. Then England experienced a few cases where individuals apparently became infected during trips to the Middle East.This new virus was similar to SARS but was accused of having mutated and developed an ability to invade human cells more efficiently and therefore kill about 50% of those infected, compared to only about 10% for SARSThe virus was first seen by an Egyptian virologist in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia while doing tests on a patient with unusual symptoms, with the discovery soon after that this ‘patient zero’ and the Qatari man in the UK had been infected by viruses that were 99.5% identical. (3) There was no vaccine or treatment for the disease, and its fatality rate reached over 40% overall.

2012年末,世界经历了一种新的由新型冠状病毒引起的小型流行病的爆发,该病毒被命名为MERS(1)(2,因为它据称起源于中东,最初感染了沙特阿拉伯、约旦和卡塔尔的少数人。随后,英格兰出现了一些病例,其中一些人显然是在前往中东的途中感染的。这种新病毒与SARS相似,但被指控发生了变异,并发展出更有效地入侵人类细胞的能力,因此杀死了约50%的感染者,而SARS仅杀死了约10%。这种病毒是由沙特阿拉伯吉达的一名埃及病毒学家在对一名症状异常的患者进行测试时首次发现的,不久后发现,这位“零号病人”和英国的卡塔尔男子感染了99.5%相同的病毒。3) 这种疾病没有疫苗或治疗方法,总体死亡率达到40%以上。

South Korea’s President Park Geun-hye postpones US visit over MERS outbreak KIM HONG-JI/REUTERS. Source


By early 2013 there had been nearly 100 cases, mostly centered in the Middle East with the others consisting of infected travelers to those regions (4). But two years later, by June of 2015, almost 2,500 cases of MERS had been reported, most of these being in the Middle East with almost the entire remainder being in Korea, apparently centered on the Gyeonggi provincial district. A small number of cases had been reported in about 25 other countries and, while the virus did not appear to spread easily between humans, it produced a fatality rate in some locations of almost 50% of those infected. South Korea eventually experienced almost 200 cases with about 40 deaths. (5) (6)

截至2013年初,已有近100例病例,其中大部分集中在中东,其他病例由前往这些地区的受感染旅客组成(4)。但两年后,截至2015年6月,报告了近2500例MERS病例,其中大部分在中东,其余几乎全部在韩国,显然集中在京畿道。大约25个其他国家也报告了少量病例尽管这种病毒似乎不容易在人与人之间传播,但在一些地区,它的死亡率几乎为感染者的50%。韩国最终出现了近200例病例,约40人死亡。(5) (6)

The outbreak in Korea was the largest manifestation of MERS outside the Middle East, hitting this country quite hard. The public were of course worried and anxious, thousands of individuals were in quarantine, thousands of schools were closed, mostly in Seoul and surrounding Gyeonggi Province, airline flights to and from Korea had been reduced by about 50%, and tourism and travel had been sharply curtailed. A number of countries issued travel advisories, and Korea ordered the screening of all inbound passengers, dealing further damage to tourism and business travel. The effect on South Korea’s economy was quite serious, with most observers expecting the economic damage to be in the billions. Cinemas, supermarket chains, shopping malls and theme parks suffered huge drops in attendance and sales, as did most tourist-related facilities including hotels and restaurants.


The virus appearing to spread virulently and aggressively in a hospital environment.


According to the official narrative in the Western media, South Korea’s infections were apparently all traced to a patient zero who developed MERS after returning from a trip to the Middle East and who came into contact with others before being diagnosed. All subsequent infections occurred in Korea’s health facilities, the virus appearing to spread virulently and aggressively in a hospital environment, much the same as the SARS virus did in the Prince of Wales Hospital in Hong Kong, where one patient immediately infected more than 100 medical staff. Apparently about 50% of those with patient contact at the Samsung Medical Centre in Seoul contracted the disease.


Margaret Chan and Keiji Fukuda. Source


The astonishing spread of MERS inside several Korean hospitals invoked images of Margaret Chan stubbornly opposing hospital redesign in Hong Kong during the SARS outbreak there. As many observers noted, “the hard-learned lessons from the SARS pandemic in Hong Kong apparently never reached Seoul or Geneva”. WHO Assistant Director-General Keiji Fukuda, in an attempted explanation of the virus’ rapid progress in Korean hospitals, stated that “Infection prevention and control measures were not optimal” in Korean hospitals, with overcrowding and patients sharing rooms. He also mentioned the South Koreans’ habit of visiting several medical facilities and the “Korean custom” of patients having many visitors. (7) (8) His comments may have been true, but there was no evidence Saudi Arabia’s control measures were any more optimal than those in Seoul, and Korea is not the only country where hospital patients have contact with visitors or medical staff.

MERS在几家韩国医院内的惊人传播,让人想起了在SARS爆发期间,陈冯富珍顽固反对香港医院重新设计的画面。正如许多观察人士指出的那样,“香港SARS疫情的来之不易的教训显然从未到达首尔或日内瓦”。世界卫生组织助理总干事福田敬二(Keiji Fukuda)试图解释该病毒在韩国医院的快速发展,他表示,韩国医院“感染预防和控制措施不是最佳的”,医院人满为患,患者共享房间。他还提到了韩国人参观多个医疗设施的习惯,以及病人来访人数众多的“韩国习俗”。(7) (8)他的评论可能是真的,但没有证据表明沙特阿拉伯的控制措施比首尔的控制措施更为优化,韩国并不是唯一一个医院患者与访客或医护人员接触的国家。

Oddly, the WHO appeared quite unconcerned about this new potential epidemic, specifically stating it did not recommend the screening of passengers to or from Korea, and that no travel restrictions should be imposed. The WHO’s Director-General, Margaret Chan, said she believed South Korea could control the spread of the disease without these restrictions. One would have thought that with the worldwide panic still fresh in everyone’s mind from the SARS experience only a few years prior, they would have taken a more cautious approach. But then the WHO wasn’t entirely cautious during the SARS outbreak either; in Hong Kong, Margaret Chan specifically advised against taking many precautions, including screenings, isolations and quarantines, all advice that was later much resented because those precautions would have spared many lives. In fact, it was Margaret Chan’s curious combination of aloofness and what appeared to be outright incompetence that resulted in two politicians resigning (9) (10) and her leaving Hong Kong in disgrace, only to come to rest as head of the WHO.


While the school boards in Seoul and surrounding Gyeonggi Province announced the extension of existing school closures and recommended the temporary closure of many more, on June 11 of 2015 the WHO advised the country to re-open all of them, stating that “Schools had not been linked to the transmission of the virus in Korea or elsewhere”. The WHO also recommended again that Korea lift all travel restrictions, but then suddenly three days later, a team of WHO “experts” surprisingly stated that “The deadly MERS outbreak in South Korea” was “large and complex”, and that “more cases should be anticipated”.And in fact the disease had been spreading at an increasingly rapid pace, with 150 confirmed infections in less than one month. And suddenly, in defiance of Margaret Chan’s “I eat chicken every day” SARS reassurances, the WHO surprisingly stated the Korean government “should remain vigilant” and should continue “intensified disease surveillance and prevention measures”, praising the country for its “strong quarantine measures”. (11) (12)

虽然首尔和周边京畿道的学校董事会宣布延长现有的学校关闭时间,并建议暂时关闭更多学校,但2015年6月11日,世界卫生组织建议该国重新开放所有学校,并表示“学校与病毒在韩国或其他地方的传播无关”。世界卫生组织还再次建议韩国取消所有旅行限制,但三天后突然,世界卫生组织的一个“专家”小组出人意料地表示,“韩国致命的MERS疫情”“规模巨大且复杂”,“应该预计会有更多病例”事实上,这种疾病的传播速度越来越快,在不到一个月的时间里就有150例确诊感染。突然间,世界卫生组织不顾陈冯富珍“我每天都吃鸡肉”的SARS保证,出人意料地表示,韩国政府“应该保持警惕”,应该继续“加强疾病监测和预防措施”,并赞扬该国的“强有力的隔离措施”。(11) (12)

Interestingly, there was rather sparse coverage of MERS in the Middle East and South Korea, certainly compared to SARS in Hong Kong and Mainland China, and no mention of Saudi Arabia, South Korea, or the WHO delaying, covering up, denying infections and fatality rates, while for Mainland China with SARS we were treated to virulent China-bashing 24/7 for most of a year.Saudi Arabia was heavily criticised internally for its flawed response (13) (14), and the doctor who reported the first MERS patient to the government, was sworn to silence then promptly fired, which rated little mention in the Western media. Soon after, when the outbreak became public, the Saudi Health Minister was also fired. (15) (16)

有趣的是,中东和韩国对MERS的报道相当少,当然与香港和中国大陆的SARS相比,也没有提到沙特阿拉伯、韩国或世界卫生组织推迟、掩盖、否认感染率和死亡率,而对于患有SARS的中国大陆,我们在一年的大部分时间里都接受了致命的中国式流感治疗。沙特阿拉伯因其有缺陷的反应而受到内部的严厉批评(13)(14),向政府报告首例MERS患者的医生发誓要保持沉默,然后立即被解雇,西方媒体对此只字未提。不久之后,当疫情公开后,沙特卫生部长也被解雇了。(15) (16)

There was some muted coverage of the virus, but no clamor for investigation of the source, no genuine search for a patient zero, nor any puzzlement about how a never-before-seen bat-cum-camel virus suddenly appeared, and with a strange preference (and appetite) for residents of the Middle EastNor could I find any studies of genome sequencing that would have identified the various strains of MERS that infected the Middle East and South Korea. Given the minor rates of infections and fatalities in the rest of the world, this appeared more than curious. Also, any suggestion (and there were suggestions) by scientists of MERS perhaps having had a human black hand, were considered verboten by the Western media, and squashed. There were reports of various teams, including one from Canada (17), who traveled to Saudi Arabia to study the spread of MERS, but no discoveries were publicised. Overall, MERS simply died a quiet death.


Researchers Scramble to Understand Camel Connection to MERS. Source


As with SARS, and with COVID-19, the Western media staked out the claim of MERS being (in this case) a ‘camel virus’ which camels, after millennia of friendly cohabitation with man, suddenly decided to share their virology with humans. What is needed is an explanation of the actual source of the new virus in terms of its first human infection. To my knowledge, this was never done, nor was any search for a ‘patient zero’ ever conducted. Instead, the first victim diagnosed was designated as patient zero and the matter dropped. This in itself is bizarre, since normally an extensive and vigorous search is made for this individual. I have no explanation for virologists casually identifying a ‘possible’ original animal source, then ceasing further investigation.


Yoichi Shimatsu.Source


But there was more. I have not managed to independently confirm all of these details, but in June of 2015 Yoichi Shimatsu wrote a quite interesting and detailed article (18) (19) that provided a few enlightening additions to the facts of the MERS outbreak in Korea. For one, he reiterated that, according to the Korean Yonhap News Service, at the onset of the outbreak, 100 South Korean military personnel were quarantined at the USAF Osan Air Base, following the MERS infection of servicemen, indicating that this Korean soldier may well have been the actual Patient ZeroFor those unfamiliar with the geography of South Korea, both Seoul, which suffered the bulk of the MERS cases, and the USAF base at Osan, are both in close proximity in Gyeonggi Province, which was also reported as the home of the (undocumented and quite likely imaginary) “infected businessman” who traveled to the Middle East and contracted the virus. According to Shimatsu, the Osan base is home to the Joint US Forces-Korea Portal and Integrated Threat Recognition advanced technology demonstration (JUPITR ATD), a military biological surveillance program that operates its other lab facility at Fort Detrick, MD. It is also reportedly the home of one of the US military’s bio-weapons research labs.

但还有更多。我未能独立证实所有这些细节,但岛津洋一在2015年6月写了一篇非常有趣和详细的文章18)(19),为韩国爆发MERS的事实提供了一些启发性的补充。首先,他重申,据韩国联合通讯社报道,在疫情爆发时,在军人感染MERS后,100名韩国军人在美国空军奥山空军基地被隔离,这表明这名韩国士兵很可能就是真正的零号病人。对于那些不熟悉韩国地理的人来说,MERS病例最多的首尔和位于奥山的美国空军基地都离京畿道很近,据报道,该省也是前往中东并感染病毒的“受感染商人”(无证且很可能是虚构的)的家。据岛津介绍,奥山基地是美军-韩国联合门户网站和综合威胁识别先进技术演示(JUPITR ATD)的所在地,这是一个军事生物监视项目,在马里兰州德特里克堡运营其另一个实验室设施。据报道,该基地也是美军一个生物武器研究实验室的所在地。

Jerome Kim. Source


Shimatsu also noted that the WHO sponsors the secretive International Vaccine Institute (IVI) in Seoul, which is headed by a US military officer named Jerome Kim who was formerly the head of the Molecular Virology and Pathogenesis Department at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in Rockville, Maryland,and that sitting on the Board of Directors of this WHO-IVI chimera is a Dr. Claudio Lanata, the science director of the US Naval “Medical Research Unit 6” in Callao, Peru, which is a leading military center for bioweapons research. It appears that the US military controls the WHO’s main virus laboratory . . . Shimatsu theorised that the MERS outbreak may have been caused by a laboratory accident at the JUPITR biowarfare project which is located very near Seoul. He also quoted the American Forces Press Service as the source of the information that it was a US biological warfare team that deciphered the MERS genetic code, and that this work was supervised by the Pentagon’s top biowarfare laboratory, its Biological Defense Research Directorate at Fort Detrick, Maryland. Certainly there have been numerous independent suggestions that the WHO at least on occasion appears to function as an appendage of the Pentagon.

Shimatsu还指出,世界卫生组织赞助了位于首尔的秘密国际疫苗研究所(IVI),该研究所由一位名叫Jerome Kim的美国军官领导,他曾是马里兰州洛克维尔沃尔特·里德陆军研究所分子病毒学和发病学系主任。看来美国军方控制着世界卫生组织的主要病毒实验室。Shimatsu认为,MERS的爆发可能是由位于首尔附近的JUPITR生物战项目的实验室事故引起的。他还援引美国部队新闻社的消息来源称,是一个美国生物战小组破译了MERS基因密码,这项工作由五角大楼的顶级生物战实验室,即位于马里兰州德特里克堡的生物防御研究局监督。当然,有许多独立的建议认为,世界卫生组织至少有时似乎是五角大楼的附属机构。

Dr. Claudio Lanata. Source


In a thesis on Biological Weapons, Leonard Horowitz and Zygmunt Dembek stated that clear signs of a genetically-engineered bio-warfare agent were (a) a disease caused by an uncommon (unusual, rare, or unique) agent, with (b) lack of an epidemiological explanation, i.e. no clear
idea of source; (c) An “unusual manifestation and/or geographicdistribution”, such as race-specificity; and (d) multiple sources of infection. MERS appeared to satisfy all four criteria. (20)

Leonard HorowitzZygmunt Dembek在一篇关于生物武器的论文中指出,基因工程生物战剂的明显迹象是:(a)由一种不常见(不寻常、罕见或独特)的战剂引起的疾病,(b)缺乏流行病学解释,即不清楚
来源;(c) “不寻常的表现和/或地理分布”,如种族特异性;以及(d)多种感染源。MERS似乎满足所有四个标准。20

I don’t know what conclusions we draw from this assemblage of information, but it appears at least possible there is rather more to this MERS story than the official narrative propagated in the media. One aspect is that MERS fits all the criteria for a biological weapon, and the fact of the explosive outbreak at the US military’s Osan Airbase is not inconsequential. Thus, MERS also qualifies for a forensic investigation as to the source.



Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chap. 2 — Dealing with Demons).


His full archive can be seen at

他的完整档案可以在 +

He can be contacted at:



注释 — Notes 

(1) ;the original link is no longer active.





(6) South Korea president postpones visit to US as 2 more die from MERS; Shanghai Daily | June 11, 2015;

(6) 韩国总统推迟访美,又有2人死于MERS;上海日报| 2015年6月11日;












(18) (Shimatsu is a free-lance journalist based in Hong Kong, a former Editor of the Japan Times Weekly and a former Tsinghua University lecturer).

(18) (岛津是香港的自由职业记者,曾任《日本时代周刊》编辑和清华大学讲师)


(20) Medical Aspects of Biological Warfare;


This article may contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not been specifically authorised by the copyright owner. This content is being made available under the Fair Use doctrine, and is for educational and information purposes only. There is no commercial use of this content.


Copyright © Larry Romanoff, Blue Moon of Shanghai, Moon of Shanghai, 2024

版权所有©Larry Romanoff,上海蓝月亮,上海月亮,2024

Biological Warfare in ActionCHAPTER 13, CHINESE, LARRY ROMANOFFUS NATO War Agenda


CN — LARRY ROMANOFF: 生物战在行动 — 第12章——非典型肺炎

    • 生物战在行动 —Biological Warfare in Action

生物战在行动 — Biological Warfare in Action

11——艾滋病 — Chapter 12 – SARS

By Larry Romanoff



In November of 2002, Hong Kong experienced the onset of an outbreak of what is now called SARS (1) (2), an event that appears to have some serious gaps in the logic of the official narrative as reported in the Western media, some elements of which seem either implausible or impossible, and with many unanswered questions as to the phylogenesis and distribution of this virus. It appears that the first identified case was of a farmer in Guangdong Province in Mainland China, who died from what appeared to be an unremarkable flu-type illness, “one of the unfortunate victims who succumb every flu season”. The farmer died soon after admittance to hospital and, so far as I am aware, no definite diagnosis was made as to the cause of his death. However, he has been catalogued as “patient zero”, marking the beginnings of an epidemic of a new and contagious disease that eventually infected over 8,000 people and killed more than 700. Of these deaths, 300 were in Hong Kong (of a population of 7 million) and about the same number in Mainland China (of a population of 1.4 billion). As a percentage of infections, the death rate in Hong Kong was more than three times that of the Mainland, and statistically SARS was a Hong Kong epidemic rather than a Chinese one.


The Chinese government was criticised at the time for failing to quickly enough publicise the outbreak and spread of the illness, but this is irrelevant in a search for answers. It is true that cases were initially under-reported and that perhaps Guangdong officials wanted to contain publicity to avoid a panic but, contrary to persistent reports in the US, the media in other nations were soon reporting that China appeared to have over-reacted to the problem. Their claim was that Mainland China had incurred less than 300 casualties in a population of 1.4 billion, but was acting as if the losses were in the millions, and even the WHO stated that the information provided by Mainland Chinese authorities had been “very detailed”There had to be more to SARS than combating a contagious virus because, while the Chinese authorities quickly engaged in what, even in retrospect, appears to have been an exceptionally powerful response, going so far as to state that deliberate spreading of this infectious agent would be considered a capital offense. (3) We don’t do that for influenza or measles.

当时,中国政府因未能足够快地公布疾病的爆发和传播而受到批评,但这与寻找答案无关。诚然,病例最初被低估了,也许广东官员希望控制宣传以避免恐慌,但与美国的持续报道相反,其他国家的媒体很快报道称,中国似乎对这个问题反应过度。他们声称中国大陆在14亿人口中造成的伤亡不到300人,但表现得好像损失数以百万计,甚至世界卫生组织也表示中国大陆当局提供的信息“非常详细”。SARS除了对抗一种传染性病毒之外,还有更多的事情要做,因为尽管中国当局迅速采取了一种异常有力的应对措施,甚至在回顾过去时,还表示故意传播这种传染源将被视为死罪3) 我们对流感或麻疹不这么做。

By contrast, the Western media profusely praised Hong Kong, the BBC telling us of Hong Kong’s marvelous “transparency in reporting the spread of the disease, in sharp contrast to the cover-up in China”, and the South China Morning Post was almost effervescent in telling readers that “swift moves to quarantine at-risk residents brought the outbreak under control”. But that story was unforgivable nonsense propagated to trash China by comparison in the eyes of the world. In fact, the Hong Kong government, and Margaret Chan, the HK Chief Medical Officer at the time, were heavily criticised, and even condemned, locally for their handling of the outbreak until the matter became very serious. Even when the Amoy Gardens residential complex became infected and its 20,000 residents had to be evacuated and quarantined, the HK government still refused to inform the public of the severity of the situation. No one in Hong Kong knew how or where the disease was spreading.

相比之下,西方媒体对香港赞不绝口,英国广播公司(BBC)告诉我们香港“在报道疾病传播方面的透明度惊人,与中国的掩盖形成了鲜明对比”《南华早报》(South China Morning Post)几乎兴高采烈地告诉读者,“迅速采取措施隔离高危居民,控制了疫情”但相比之下,在全世界看来,这个故事是为了诋毁中国而传播的不可原谅的无稽之谈。事实上,香港政府和当时的香港首席医疗官陈冯富珍在当地对疫情的处理受到了严厉批评,甚至谴责,直到事情变得非常严重。即使淘大花园住宅区感染病毒,2万名居民不得不疏散和隔离,香港政府仍然拒绝向公众通报情况的严重性。香港没有人知道这种疾病是如何传播或在哪里传播的。

City officials in Hong Kong hand out free protective face masks, March 28, 2003.Christian Keenan / Getty Image. Source


Local citizens became so distressed about inadequate information and legitimate fears of an almost certain government cover-up, they created a citizens’ website named “ (4) in which they independently detailed their own information on the progress of SARS, especially on quarantines and new infections. This was more than nothing. The website was quickly attracting more than 500,000 visitors per day – from a population of about 7 million. It was the acute embarrassment from this public action that eventually forced the Hong Kong government (and Margaret Chan) to provide up-to-date information. (5But the Western media, and especially that in the US, avoided any mention of this, deceiving their readers and slandering Mainland China without justification.


The Western media were unanimous in claiming SARS was carried from Mainland China to Hong Kong by one Liu Jianlun, a 64-year-old Chinese doctor who had treated similar cases in Guangdong and who traveled to Hong Kong to attend a wedding. He apparently stayed at the four-star Metropole Hotel in a room on the 9th floor (Room 911, to be precise), where he infected all the guests and visitors on his floor, who then boarded aircraft and spread the disease to nearly 40 other countries. (1) (6) Wikipedia was so exact as to inform us Liu infected precisely 16 hotel visitors. This claim comprises the first of our gaps in logic, rendering much of the remaining official (Western) story implausible at best, the tale appearing reasonable only until we stop to think about the practical logistics.

西方媒体一致声称,SARS是由一名64岁的中国医生刘建伦从中国大陆带到香港的,他曾在广东治疗过类似病例,并前往香港参加婚礼。他显然住在四星级Metropole酒店9楼的一个房间(准确地说是911房间),在那里他感染了他所在楼层的所有客人和访客,然后他们登上飞机,将疾病传播到近40个其他国家。(1) (6)维基百科准确地告诉我们,刘感染了16名酒店访客。这一说法构成了我们逻辑上的第一个缺口,使剩下的大部分官方(西方)故事充其量都是不可信的,只有在我们停下来思考实际的后勤问题之前,这个故事才显得合理。

For one thing, Hong Kong had three of what virologists call “super-spreading events” whose explanations draw nothing rational from that standard narrative. One of these events (or sites) was the Metropole Hotel itself. (7) (8) The SARS virus was not spread like cold germs, where sneezing in a room might infect a dozen people. The contagion required some extended exposure and perhaps physical contact. None of that occurs in a hotel, where residents of a floor seldom even see each other, much less spend time in each other’s company. If infection transmissions were to occur in a hotel, this would almost certainly take place in the elevators or the lobby where people might be in close proximity for at least a period of minutes, thereby spreading the infection to guests from every floor. To suggest this pathogen could have emanated from one infected individual in a corridor and passed through 16 or more closed doors to infect the guests in every room on the entire floor, and ONLY guests with rooms on that floor, is absurd. Prominent virologists claim the infections that occurred at the Metropole “cannot be explained” by their understanding of the behavior of the SARS Coronavirus, where the guests on one floor became infected, but nobody else except due to subsequent contact with those floors.

一方面,香港发生了三起病毒学家所称的“超级传播事件”,其解释与标准叙事毫无道理。其中一个活动(或地点)是Metropole酒店本身。(7) (8)SARS病毒不像感冒细菌那样传播,在房间里打喷嚏可能会感染十几个人。传染病需要长时间接触,也许还需要身体接触。所有这些都不发生在酒店里,一层楼的居民甚至很少见面,更不用说花时间陪伴对方了。如果感染传播发生在酒店,几乎肯定会发生在电梯或大堂,人们可能会在那里近距离接触至少几分钟,从而将感染传播给每一层的客人。认为这种病原体可能来自走廊上的一个感染者,并通过16扇或更多扇紧闭的门感染整个楼层每个房间的客人,而且只有在该楼层有房间的客人才感染是荒谬的。著名病毒学家声称,Metropole发生的感染“无法用他们对SARS冠状病毒行为的理解来解释”,在这种情况下,一层楼的客人被感染了,但除了随后与这些楼层的接触外,没有其他人被感染。

While SARS was widely described as “extremely contagious” the facts of transmission invariably paint a strangely different story. It is true that the virus was transmitted from person to person, but the new infections were primarily either medical personnel or family or friends visiting patients in hospitals, and those others who were in close contact with the victims for an extended time, like sitting next to an infected person on a long flight. While scientists confirmed that the virus could spread via droplets, they discounted the possibility of it spreading through the air. For the great majority of cases, which were again either medical workers or household and other close contacts, the contagion appeared to spread through droplets and physical contact with either the patient or with clothing or medical equipment, perhaps drinking glasses, that had been in contact with the patient. According to all records I have seen, apart from a few initial infections and the large events in Hong Kong, most of the infections occurred in this direct person-to-person manner. This pattern was true with MERS as well, where more than 25% of all infections were among the medical community. Moreover, virologists and the CDC confirmed that Coronaviruses are able to survive on environmental surfaces for a maximum of perhaps three hours. The short life-span and need for direct contact would seem to discount entirely the possibility of the virus spreading widely of its own accord and surviving long enough to infect all hotel guests on one floor.


Another of these unexplained “super-spreading events” occurred at the Prince of Wales Hospital in Hong Kong, (9) (10) where a young man had apparently visited a friend on the 9th floor of the Metropole Hotel and was shortly thereafter admitted to hospital where he immediately infected more than 100 medical staff. There was no sensible explanation for the logistics of this occurrence. If the SARS virus were really as aggressively contagious as this event would suggest, everyone in the Metropole Hotel would have been infected within days, given that this location was the apparent origin of all infections in and from Hong Kong, and it would certainly have followed the same aggressive infection campaign in Mainland China and the other 40 countries. But it didn’t.


A hospital staff member cares for a suspected SARS victim at the Tan Tock Seng hospital in Singapore, April 14, 2003.Getty Images. Source

2003年4月14日,一名医院工作人员在新加坡Tan Tock Seng医院照顾一名疑似SARS患者。盖蒂图片社。来源

Also, the disease appeared to quickly spread on an international scale, appearing at surprising speed in many parts of the world, yet Mainland China’s cases were limited to a few provinces, with the deaths occurring in primarily only two locations – Guangdong and Beijing. This is not the behavior of an “extremely contagious” virus that otherwise spreads throughout a hospital or, indeed, the world, like wildfire. The disease initially spread by travelers almost exclusively to Beijing, Taipei, Singapore and Toronto in Canada, later emerging to infect small numbers in other nations. About half of Mainland China’s infections and deaths were in Beijing. Toronto, Taiwan and Singapore experienced about 40 deaths each, with only a handful of deaths in the rest of the world.


While SARS did spread around the world, the infections in most countries were few and deaths almost zero. Notable also is that while the SARS virus did spread to about 40 countries, it was almost exclusively Chinese who were infected, those in Hong Kong most seriously, with some parts of Mainland China being next. Taiwan is entirely Chinese, with Singapore composed of Chinese in very large part. And according to my information, the infections and deaths in Toronto affected mostly or entirely the large resident Chinese population. The CDC noted that SARS transmission in Canada appeared to be limited to “a well-defined population of health care workers and close contacts”, i.e. returning Chinese travelers. The SARS virus apparently much preferred Chinese to Caucasians, though it did attack Vietnamese health care workers (who may be similar to Chinese in their genetic susceptibility) in both Vietnam and Canada.


The third “super-spreading event“ was the Amoy Gardens residential complex, (11) home to almost 20,000 people that experienced a massive outbreak of more than 300 cases, and from which all residents had to be removed from the city and placed in quarantine camps, leaving the entire complex a ghost town. Virologists are unanimous in categorising this as “the most spectacular event” of the entire SARS crisis. The official (Western media) narrative tells us the virus was spread through defects in the building complex’s drainage or sewage system, where the S-shaped traps under each of the thousands of sinks or toilets were inexplicably drained of water, the virus then blown into all the apartments through the now-vacant sewage pipes. Wikipedia told us so poetically that the virus “was blown by a gentle maritime breeze” from the toilet sewage pipes into the stairwells and thence to all the homes, but scientists had already discounted the possibility of the virus being airborne. In any case, such an event would be impossible for a multitude of reasons, one being that drainage traps are refilled with water on each use and cannot evaporate unless a home remains vacant and unused, perhaps for years.


The Amoy Gardens was not a place with empty apartments and drained plumbing, but the narrative begs many other important questions, the first being how the SARS virus entered the complex and got itself immersed in the plumbing system in the first instance. The Amoy Gardens is a large complex of 30- and 40-story apartment buildings, with one building suffering about half the infections and the other half spread among four others. How did the SARS virus enter all those buildings? What was the source? There was no immense open sewer full of viruses into which a wind could blow, and how does a wind blowing up through a toilet continue its travel into the corridors and stairwells? A contaminated individual might infect his family, but not 300 families in five different buildings, and to that point Hong Kong didn’t have enough infected individuals to contaminate the entirety of five high-rise buildings. One version was that an infected patient discharged from the Prince of Wales Hospital visited a relative in one of the buildings, bringing the contamination there, but those claims were undocumented and unsubstantiated, becoming increasingly implausible as one examined the precise facts.


Another is the means of locomotion. If a virus is indeed resting in an outdoor sewer somewhere, what is the source of the powerful air currents that would be required to blow it upward throughout the plumbing system of a 40-story apartment complex and enter most or all apartments? There are no air currents blowing upwards through our toilets and sinks, and gravity serves to wash the pipes’ contents down and out of the building, not inward and upward. For another matter, an enormous amount of SARS virus would be necessary, as well as a very powerful magical fan, to blow a sufficient amount of contagion upward through all the drainage pipes and stairwells to reach and contaminate most apartments in a 40-story building. And what would be the source of the required enormous volume of contagion? We would need hundreds of liters of the SARS virus gathering at the (non-existent) sewer entrances of each building, waiting for Wikipedia’s gentle “maritime breeze” to blow them upwards into all the apartments. The virus resides in people and dies quickly without a host.


I am not a plumber, but a “defective sewage system” in a high-end high-rise apartment building does not seem to possess the claimed qualifications to distribute lethal pathogens to all apartments. In any case, aside from the initial – and unsubstantiated – claim, there were no reports either before or after the outbreak to suggest any plumbing defects ever existed, and I was personally told no changes or maintenance of any kind were performed later. Once again, to a casual reader the story sounds plausible until we stop to think about the practical logistics. After all, sewage and drainage pipes are no doubt dirty places which make a happy home for germs of all kinds, but those germs are there because we put them there each time we dispose of waste. They don’t enter a building and seek out the drainage pipes of their own accord, then run around independently like mice looking for a place to hide, and lurking until victims approach. Nor do they spread throughout a building and intentionally enter each home. By whatever method the virus entered the Amoy Gardens and spread throughout the buildings to infect hundreds of individuals, the official story is unlikely to be correct.


In short, the narrative of the progress of the SARS virus from Guangdong to Hong Kong and from there by travelers to other nations appears credible, but support appears to be lacking for other critical portions of the official story, most especially the origin of the virus itself, and its transmission in the hotels, hospitals and building complexes in Hong Kong. Another area with more questions than answers is the contagious aspect of the virus, in part its apparent race selectivity, but also its inexplicably aggressive progress in some circumstances like the Prince of Wales Hospital where it almost immediately infected more than 100 people, or its progress in the Amoy apartment buildings where it quickly infected hundreds, and yet its comparatively selective and almost benign behavior in the Metropole Hotel teeming with travelers where it apparently chose to confine itself to one floor and infect only a handful of people in their rooms instead of lurking in the elevators and lobby that contained hundreds of easily available victims.


SARS was proven to be caused by a strain of the coronavirus, a large family of mostly harmless viruses also responsible for the common cold. Various research studies discovered a similar strain residing in bats, which have been categorised as a kind of warehouse for the virus, with the Western media flogging the undocumented theory that the virus spread from the bats to civets which were then handled and eaten and thus communicated the disease to humans. However, neither the bats nor the civets displayed any sign or symptoms of infection. The Chinese CDC led an investigation that apparently discovered genetic links between the virus strains found in the animals and in humans. This would almost force a conclusion that the virus jumped not only one but two species barriers, but virologists tell us that Coronaviruses do not naturally jump species barriers, and that jumping two barriers would be a rare occurrence indeed. Another immediate problem with the theory is that civets had been handled and eaten in Guangdong for decades prior to the SARS outbreak, and have been handled and eaten subsequent to the outbreak, all with no effect. This doesn’t mean the epidemic couldn’t have occurred this way, but it does mean the simple explanation is not sufficient.


Dr. Alan Cantwell

Alan Cantwell博士

A more serious problem is that the SARS virus exhibited characteristics never before observed in any animal or human virus, did not by any means fully match the animal viruses mentioned above, and contained genetic material that still remains unidentified. Virologist Dr. Alan Cantwell (12) (13) (14) wrote that “the mysterious SARS virus is a new virus never before seen by virologists. The … contagious disease spread by droplets from coughing, is an entirely new illness with devastating effects on the immune system, and there is no known treatment.”

一个更严重的问题是,SARS病毒表现出从未在任何动物或人类病毒中观察到的特征,无论如何都与上述动物病毒不完全匹配,并且含有至今仍未确定的遗传物质。病毒学家Alan Cantwell博士(12)(13)(14)写道:“神秘的SARS病毒是病毒学家从未见过的一种新病毒。这种……通过咳嗽飞沫传播的传染病是一种全新的疾病,对免疫系统具有毁灭性影响,目前还没有已知的治疗方法。”

Dr. Cantwell also noted that the genetic engineering of coronaviruses has been occurring in both medical and military labs for decades. He wrote that when he searched in PubMed for the phrase “coronavirus genetic engineering”, he was referred to 107 scientific experiments dating back to 1987. To quote Dr. Cantwell:


“I quickly confirmed scientists have been genetically engineering animal and human coronaviruses to make disease-producing mutant and recombinant viruses for over a decade. No wonder WHO scientists identified the SARS/coronavirus so quickly. Never emphasised by medical news writers is the fact that for over forty years scientists have been “jumping species” with all sorts of animal and human viruses and creating chimera viruses (viruses composed from viruses of two different species). This unsupervised research produces dangerous man-made viruses, many of which have potential as bioweapons. Certainly SARS has the hallmarks of a bioweapon. After all, aren’t new biological warfare agents designed to produce a new disease with a new infectious agent? As in prior military experiments, all it might take … to spread SARS is an aerosol can or a specially designed suitcase, or a “gloved” box (the type used by anthrax spreaders) to infect an apartment building like the Amoy Gardens or a floor of a hotel likethe Metropole in Hong Kong, which also had a large number of SARS cases.” The easiest way to surreptitiously spread a pathogen in a hotel or apartment building is to don a maintenance uniform and spray each doorknob with an aerosol can.


Dr. Mae-Wan Ho of the Institute for Science in Society cites a Journal of Virology report (Feb 2000) (15) that described a method for inducing desired mutations into coronavirus to create new viruses. “A key feature of the procedure is to make interspecific chimera recombinant viruses. It involves replacing part of the spike protein gene in the feline (cat) infectious peritonitis (corona) virus (FIPV) – which causes invariably fatal infections in cats – with that of the mouse hepatitis (corona) virus. The recombinant mFIPV will no longer infect cat cells, but will infect mouse cells instead, and multiply rapidly in them.”

社会科学研究所的Mae Wan Ho博士引用了《病毒学杂志》的一份报告(2000年2月)(15),该报告描述了一种将所需突变诱导到冠状病毒中以产生新病毒的方法。“这一过程的一个关键特征是制造种间嵌合体重组病毒。它包括用小鼠肝炎病毒替换猫传染性腹膜炎病毒(FIPV)中刺突蛋白基因的一部分,这种病毒会导致猫的致命感染。重组mFIPV不会再感染猫细胞,而是会感染小鼠细胞,并在其中快速繁殖。”

Ho continues: “Manipulating viral genomes is now routine, and it is easy to create new viruses that jump host species in the laboratory in the course of apparently legitimate experiments in genetic engineering. It is not even necessary to intentionally create lethal viruses, if one so wishes. It is actually much faster and much more effective to let random recombination and mutation take place in the test tube. Using a technique called ‘molecular breeding’, millions of recombinants can be generated in a matter of minutes. These can be screened for improved function in the case of enzymes, or increased virulence, in the case of viruses and bacteria. In other words, geneticists can now greatly speed up evolution in the laboratory to create viruses and bacteria that never existed in all the billions of years of evolution on earth.” (16) It wasn’t widely publicised, but Dr. Ho called for a full investigation into the possible genetic engineering and dissemination of the SARS virus. (17)


Dr. Julie Gerberding, then the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, speaks at a news conference about the SARS investigation in Atlanta on April 14, 2003.John Bazemore / AP file. Source

2003年4月14日,时任美国疾病控制与预防中心主任的Julie Gerberding博士在亚特兰大举行的新闻发布会上就SARS调查发表讲话。John Bazemore/美联社文件。来源

And, in a disputation of claims that the SARS virus strain in bats and civets is ‘the same’ as that which infected humans, Dr. Julie Gerberding, Director of the US CDC in Atlanta, Georgia, according to Cantwell, claimed that “the genetic analysis and sequencing of SARS were not helpful in determining the origins of the virus”. Dr. Gerberding wrote further that “Unfortunately the clues from comparing it to the animal viruses have not given us any real leads … We can’t say it’s a mouse virus or a pig virus, or any other animal virus, necessarily, because it just isn’t similar enough to the known species to be able to draw those conclusions.” Dr. Cantwell noted further that “experiments inoculating SARS virus into chickens and pigs were unsuccessful, indicating SARS did not originate in Chinese pigs and chickens, as theorised.”

Cantwell表示,在关于蝙蝠和果子狸中的SARS病毒株与感染人类的病毒株“相同”的说法的争论中,位于佐治亚州亚特兰大的美国疾病控制与预防中心主任Julie Gerberding博士声称,“SARS的基因分析和测序对确定病毒的起源没有帮助”。Gerberding博士进一步写道,“不幸的是,将其与动物病毒进行比较的线索并没有给我们任何真正的线索……我们不能说它一定是小鼠病毒、猪病毒或任何其他动物病毒,因为它与已知物种的相似性不足以得出这些结论。Cantwell博士进一步指出,“将SARS病毒接种到鸡和猪身上的实验没有成功,这表明SARS并非如理论所述起源于中国的猪和鸡。”

To quote Dr. Cantwell again: In 1995, an abstract of an experiment details the species-mixing of mouse coronavirus with cow “mutant” (coronavirus) using these words:


“Targeted RNA recombination was used to construct mouse hepatitis [corona] virus (MHV) mutants containing chimeric nucleocapsid (N) protein genes in which segments of the bovine [cow] coronavirus N gene were substituted in place of their corresponding MHV sequences. Our results demonstrate that targeted recombination can be used to make extensive substitutions in the coronavirus genome and can generate recombinants that could not otherwise be made between two viruses separated by a species barrier.”


In another 1997 gene therapy experiment, scientists mixed cat, human, and pig coronaviruses, and adapted them to human kidney cells. These are just two examples of thousands of gene experiments found on PubMed. One can enter “rat sialoacryoadenitis virus and genetic engineering” and be referred to 1424 experiments. The media constantly associate the SARS virus with a human coronavirus that causes the common cold, apparently in an effort to soothe the public. But they downplay the various coronaviruses which affect different animal and bird species and produce a variety of serious infections and fatal illness in various species of animals and birds. It is mostly these animal coronaviruses that have been genetically engineered.” (18)


Almost immediately upon receiving the genome sequence, several Russian scientists suggested a link between SARS and biowarfare. According to Cantwell and the Washington-based Jamestown Foundation, the Russian Interfax-AVN news service on April 3 quoted Sergei Kolesnikov, a member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, as saying the propagation of the SARS virus might well have been caused by leaking a combat virus grown in bacteriological weapons labs. Kolesnikov claimed that the virus of atypical pneumonia (SARS) was a synthesis of two viruses, the natural compound of which was impossible, that this mix could never appear in nature, stating, “This can be done only in a laboratory.” (19) And Nikolai Filatov, the head of Moscow’s epidemiological services, was quoted in the Gazeta daily as stating he believed SARS was man-made because “there is no vaccine for this virus, its make-up is unclear, it has not been very widespread and the population is not immune to it.” (20) (21)  In response, Dr. Cantwell noted that “This accusation was never reported by the mainstream media, but brings to mind similar accusations Russian scientists made in December 1985 when they concluded the AIDS epidemic was caused by experiments carried out in the USA as part of the development of new biological weapons.”


It wasn’t widely reported, but it seems the final conclusion of the Chinese biochemists was the same, that the SARS virus was man-made. This conclusion wasn’t a secret, but neither was it promoted to the international media since they would simply have used the claim to heap scorn on China, dismissing this as a paranoid conspiracy theory. The Western media totally ignored this aspect, except for ABC news who reported that the SARS “Mystery Virus” was possibly “a Chinese bio-weapon that accidentally escaped the laboratory”. Nice of ABC to notice, but their story, if true, would be the first example of a nation creating and releasing a race-specific biological weapon designed to attack exclusively itself.


In fact, scientists around the world, from Russia to South Africa to Israel, were almost immediately speculating that SARS was a deliberately-seeded bio-weapon. One Israeli doctor, in response to a question, stated (22), “In my heart of hearts I believe that SARS is genetically engineered to target Chinese (Oriental) genetic materials. You may already know that Israel has been working on such a thing, specific to Arab genetic materialKnowing the military-industrial-medical cartel like I do, I would not be surprised if this isn’t a ‘test market’ for something more sinister regarding other populations.”


In a thesis on Biological Weapons, Leonard Horowitz and Zygmunt Dembek stated that one clear sign of a genetically-engineered bio-warfare agent was a disease caused by an uncommon (unusual, rare, or unique) agent, with lack of an epidemiological explanation. I.e. no clear idea of source. They also mentioned an “unusual manifestation and/or geographic distribution”, of which race-specificity would be one. (23)

Leonard HorowitzZygmunt Dembek在一篇关于生物武器的论文中指出,基因工程生物战剂的一个明显迹象是由一种不常见(不寻常、罕见或独特)的战剂引起的疾病,但缺乏流行病学解释。即没有明确的来源。他们还提到了一种不寻常的表现和/或地理分布,种族特异性就是其中之一。(23)

Recent disease outbreaks that would seem to possibly qualify as potential bio-warfare agents are AIDS, SARS, MERS, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, Hantavirus, Lyme Disease, West Nile Virus, Ebola, Polio (Syria), Foot and Mouth Disease, the Gulf War Syndrome and ZIKA. And in fact thousands of prominent scientists, physicians, virologists and epidemiologists on many continents have concurred that all these viruses were lab-created and their release deliberate. The recent swine flu epidemic in China has the hallmarks as well, with circumstantial evidence of the outbreak raising only questions.


At the same time, the Hong Kong newspaper Wenweipo published an article titled, “Earliest SARS outbreak suspected in U.S.” (24), in which the authors wrote of AP and Reuters reports about a 45-year-old woman who became gravely ill on Feb. 9, 2002 (nine months prior to the SARS outbreak in Hong Kong), while taking part in her mortgage company’s annual sales convention near Philadelphia. She had the typical SARS symptoms of headache, fever, chills, vomiting and shortness of breath. After being hospitalized, she died early the next morning. The entire hospital and more than 80 individuals suspected of close contact, were all quarantined. Wenweipo believed the event had been covered up by authorities and suggested this was actually the original occurrence of SARS, speculating the virus had originated in a US research lab. There were also published reports that Chinese researchers and military experts reached the same conclusions as the Russian virologists, namely that the virus was necessarily man-made and almost certainly originated in a US military lab and subsequently released into China.


It is true that SARS appeared to be tightly-focused to Chinese. We might in other circumstances pass this off as an unfortunate coincidence but for some major circumstantial events that serve to alter our focus. One of these is the history of American universities and NGOs having come into China in years prior to SARS to conduct biological experiments that were so illegal as to leave the Chinese authorities enraged. This was particularly true when it became known that Harvard University had surreptitiously proceeded with experiments in China that had been forbidden by the authorities years earlier, where they collected many hundreds of thousands of Chinese DNA samples and then left the country. (25) (26) (27) (28) (29)

诚然,非典型肺炎似乎紧紧地集中在中国人身上。在其他情况下,我们可能会认为这是一个不幸的巧合,但一些重大的间接事件会改变我们的关注点。其中之一是美国大学和非政府组织在SARS之前几年进入中国进行生物实验的历史,这些实验是如此非法,以至于让中国当局感到愤怒。当人们知道哈佛大学在中国秘密进行了几年前被当局禁止的实验时,情况尤其如此,他们在那里收集了数十万中国人的DNA样本,然后离开了中国。(25) (26) (27) (28) (29)

The Chinese were furious to learn that Americans were collecting Chinese DNA. The government intervened and prohibited the further export of any of the data. The conclusion at the time was that the ‘research’ had been commissioned by the US military with the DNA samples destined for race-specific bio-weapons research.


Also, a Chinese lawyer named Tong Zeng who had participated in various US genetic research programs in China, published a book in which he noted that US researchers in the 1990s had collected hundreds of thousands of samples of blood and DNA from mainland Chinese which were all sent to the US (30) (31), and which could have been used in the development of biological weapons. This would be one explanation for the SARS virus being Chinese-specific.


It seems that Chinese virologists did ascertain that the SARS virus did exist, or could exist, in civets, and indeed they were given a prize in recognition of their work. (32) But if we are examining all possibilities, this isn’t the real issue. There are probably thousands of viruses and other pathogens that might be usefully employed as low-level biological weapons, and none of these are created from whole cloth, that is to say they aren’t created from nothing. Each is separated from a natural host and methods used to encourage it to adapt to humans. We therefore need to ‘work backward’, to ignore initially the ‘animal reservoir’ and focus on locating our true patient zero and determining the method by which he was infected.That, and only that, is the crux of the matter. The specific source animal is of little consequence to us at the initial stage. We must determine precisely how the virus managed to infect our patient zero, and whether it had outside assistance. This is intelligence work; the remainder is basic science.


Nevertheless, the Western media immediately and unanimously staked out the claim about the SARS virus having been traced to bats in China’s Yunnan province, then worked its way to civets as the “natural reservoir”, then infected people in a wet market, although no documentation was ever presented in evidence of the precise transmission method of a virus jumping two species barriers. Nevertheless no other claims or theories were permissible, and the media strenuously avoided discussing the apparent outbreak in the US and the wide speculation that SARS was extracted by the US military in a lab and engineered to prefer Chinese DNA.


Dr. Cantwell stated that we are repeatedly reminded about bioterrorists and bioweapons in the most innocuous situations, yet with SARS there was not a word about terrorists or biowarfare, that entire subject being 100% censored by the Western media. Cantwell concluded this was “Certainly proof the media are controlled by powerful forces that refuse to recognise what many citizens are thinking privately, and posting on the Internet.”


My conclusion at the time was that SARS was intended for China, and it was only an accident of fate that sent patient zero to Hong Kong to do most of his damage there, leaving Mainland China with relatively small remnants to deal with. A serious disruption of China’s economy would be one certain motive.


I have no firm conclusions as to where this confusion of information leaves us. As I wrote at the beginning, portions of the official story seem either implausible or impossible, but without a clear trail in any particular direction. It is distressing that the entire Western media ignored in total the testimony of highly-credible Russian and Chinese scientists that the SARS virus could not have occurred in nature but created only in a lab. This one case would not prove a point, but there have been many of these in the past, where the US government and military have made claims that were overwhelmingly proven false by the Russians, yet flatly ignored by the Western media.


One such case was in Libya where the US repeatedly flooded the media with claims that Khadaffi was waging war against his own civilians, destroying large sections of cities with bombs and artillery and leaving huge numbers of dead bodies everywhere. In that event, Russia produced volumes of high-resolution satellite photos of the affected areas that clearly displayed no damage of any kind whatever and no evidence of either battles or bodies. Following TV reports of the American claims, the Russians produced all their irrefutable evidence to the BBC and other Western media newswires, only to have their evidence ignored.


This is a consistent and provable pattern which has persisted for decades: any evidence contradicting the official (Western) narrative on any topic is thoroughly censored. If the evidence is debatable, it is presented and ridiculed in the media as Communist propaganda or a conspiracy theory. If irrefutable, it is totally censored and appears no place. What then do we do with testimony from world-class virologists who tell us SARS was a man-made chimera, a mixture of pathogens impossible in nature and most likely of military origin? How then do we interpret the events at the Metropole Hotel and the Amoy Gardens in Hong Kong?


My view of this matter is that, even despite the passage of time, the entire SARS event deserves an international forensic investigation.



Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chap. 2 — Dealing with Demons).


His full archive can be seen at

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(19) The original links are no longer active.原始链接不再处于活动状态


(22) The original links are no longer active.


(23) Medical Aspects of Biological Warfare; 生物战的医学方面

(24) The original links are no longer active. An archive search would be necessary to locate the Wenweipo, AP and Reuters articles.


(25) The Harvard case of Xu Xiping: exploitation of the people, scientific advance, or genetic theft?  Margaret Sleeboom; Amsterdam School of Social Science Research, University of Amsterdam and International Institute for Asian Studies, University of Leiden, The Netherlands;  Routlege; Taylor & Francis group; New Genetics and Society, Vol. 24, No. 1, April 2005

(25)哈佛徐希平案:剥削人民,科学进步,还是基因盗窃?Margaret Sleboom;阿姆斯特丹大学阿姆斯特丹社会科学研究学院和荷兰莱顿大学国际亚洲研究所;Routlege;Taylor&Francis集团;《新遗传学与社会》,第24卷,第1期,2005年4月





(30) The original links are no longer active.





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Copyright © Larry Romanoff, Blue Moon of Shanghai, Moon of Shanghai, 2024

版权所有©Larry Romanoff,上海蓝月亮,上海月亮,2024

CN — LARRY ROMANOFF: 生物战在行动 — 第11章——艾滋病


生物战在行动 —Biological Warfare in Action 

第1章—— 引言 — Chapter 1  — Introduction

生物战在行动 — Biological Warfare in Action

11——艾滋病 — Chapter 11 – AIDS

By Larry Romanoff




Biological Warfare in Action


目录 — Contents

11. 1. 一些背景 — Some Background
11. 2. Fredrick
癌症研究中心——美国中央情报局、NIH、美国疾病预防控制中心/Fredrick Cancer Research Center – CIA, NIH, CDC
11. 3. 
罗伯特·斯特雷克尔博士 — Dr. Robert Strecker
11. 4. 
莱昂纳多·霍洛维茨博士 — Dr. Leonard Horowitz
11. 5. 
霍洛维茨博士谈雅各布·西格尔教授 — Dr. Horowitz on Professor Jakob Segal
11. 6. 
博伊德·格雷伍斯博士 — Dr. Boyd Graves
11. 7.
 阿兰·坎特威尔博士 — Dr. Alan Cantwell
11. 8. 世界卫生组织 — The WHO
11.9 . 世界卫生组织的疫苗接种计划 — The WHO Vaccination Programs
11.10. 在美国散播艾滋病 — Spread of AIDS in the US
11.11. 后记 — Epilogue

US President George W. Bush (R) announces a new $500-million USD International Mother and Child HIV Prevention Initiative as US Secretary of State Colin Powell (L) looks on 19 June 2002 at the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, DC. Through a combination of improving care and drug treatment the program seeks to prevent the transmission of HIV/AIDS from mother to infants and to improve health care delivery in Africa and the Caribbean. AFP PHOTO/Paul J. RICHARDS (Photo by PAUL J. RICHARDS / AFP) (Photo by PAUL J. RICHARDS/AFP via Getty Images)

2002年6月19日,美国国务卿科林·鲍威尔(左)在华盛顿特区白宫玫瑰园观看时,美国总统乔治·W·布什(右)宣布了一项新的5亿美元的国际母婴艾滋病毒预防倡议。通过改善护理和药物治疗相结合,该方案力求防止艾滋病毒/艾滋病从母亲传染给婴儿,并改善非洲和加勒比地区的医疗保健服务。法新社照片/Paul J.RICHARDS(Paul J.RICHARDS/AFP拍摄)(Paul J.Richard/法新社通过盖蒂图片社拍摄)

If we want to engage ourselves in a conspiracy theory worthy of the name, what would it take to convince us that HIV was a man-made virus developed as a biological weapon by the US Defense Department? What kind of proof would we want?


Would it help if we had evidence that a medical researcher from the Defense Department appeared before the Senate Defense Appropriations Committee, where he requested (and received) $10 million to fund the research and development of a human immuno-deficiency virus (HIV)?


Conveniently for us, this is precisely what we have. On Tuesday, July 1, 1969, a Dr. Donald MacArthur, representing the US Department of Defense, did indeed appear before the Senate Defense Appropriations Committee, and made precisely such a request. The context was a presentation to Congress on the creation and development of “Synthetic Biological Agents”, i.e., man-made biological weapons.


The full title of the Session was: Department of Defense Appropriations for 1970. Hearings before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations; House of Representatives, 91st Congress, First Session, Subcommittee on Department of Defense Appropriations; Part 5: Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (of synthetic biological agents). The Session was chaired by Rep. George H. Mahon. [1]


Another document of value is this one: From the Official U.S. Govt. Documents House of Rep. Department of Defense Appropriations for 1970; H.B. 15090; “The transcript that follows is taken from the June 9, 1969 Senate testimony of Dr. Donald MacArthur, a high-level Defense Department biological research administrator. Funding was approved in 1970 – $10 million to the DOD.” [3]


Following is a summary of the official transcript for House Bill 15090 that approved the funding. Dr. MacArthur was waxing eloquent about the development of biological weapons:


“There are two things about the biological agent field I would like to mention. One is the possibility of technological surprise. Molecular biology is a field that is advancing very rapidly and eminent biologists believe that within a period of 5 to 10 years it would be possible to produce a synthetic biological agent, an agent that does not naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired.”


Committee member Rep. Robert L.F. Sikes asked, Are we doing any work in that field?, to which Dr. MacArthur replied, “We are not.” Mr. Sikes asked whether this were due to “Lack of money or lack of interest?, to which Dr. MacArthur replied, “Certainly not lack of interest.” Upon request from Mr. Sikes as to the “advantages of such a program”, the time frame and cost, Dr. MacArthur stated the US military had been examining this attractive possibility for years, and provided the following information:

委员会成员、众议员罗伯特·L·F·赛克斯(Robert L.F.Sikes)问道:我们在这方面做什么工作吗?麦克阿瑟博士回答说:“我们没有。”赛克斯先生问到:“这是否是因为缺乏资金或缺乏利益驱动?”麦克阿瑟博士回答说:“当然不缺乏利益驱动。”应赛克斯先生关于“此类计划的优势”、时间框架和成本的要求,麦克阿瑟博士表示,美国军方多年来一直在研究这种有吸引力的可能性,并提供了以下信息:

“We will be very happy to (provide this information). The dramatic progress being made in the field of molecular biology led us to investigate the relevance of this field of science to biological warfare. A small group of experts considered this matter and provided the following observations: Within the next 5 to 10 years, it would probably be possible to make a new infective microorganism which could differ in certain important aspects from any known disease-causing organisms. Most important of these is that it might be refractory [i.e. resistant and immune to cures, and will not respond to treatment] to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease. A research program to explore the feasibility of this could be completed in approximately 5 years at a total cost of $10 million.” His testimony was clearly about the potential development of an AIDS-like-virus as a biological weapon, especially with this pathogen being “a synthetic biological agent that does not naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired”.


MacArthur then decried the lack of resources and enthusiasm for this biological weapons program, stating “There are not many highly competent scientists in the field, almost all are in university laboratories, and they are generally adequately supported from sources other than DOD.” He also wasn’t blind to the human and ethical implications of such a program. He confided to the Congressional committee the “growing criticism” in scientific circles of the military’s “tentative plans” for such a program, noting also that It is a highly controversial issue and there are many who believe such research should not be undertaken lest it lead to yet another method of massive killing of large populations.” However, Dr. MacArthur dismissed these humanitarian concerns by informing the Committee that this matter of developing an immuno-deficiency biological weapon was an important area of potential military technological inferiority on the part of the US.


MacArthur continued to testify about the disappointing lack of enthusiasm for this bio-warfare program, informing the Congressional Committee that “… it was considered possible to initiate an adequate program through the National Academy of Sciences – National Research Council (NAS-NRC). The matter was discussed with the NAS-NRC and tentative plans were made to initiate the program. However, … growing criticism of the CB program, and our [resulting subsequent] reluctance to involve the NAS-NRC in such a controversial endeavor have led us to postpone it for the last 2 years.”


MacArthur was informing Congress that neither the National Academy of Sciences nor the National Research Council could be trusted to participate enthusiastically or in secrecy, and the DOD therefore considered them undependable collaborators. Dr. MacArthur ended with the observation that without full knowledge of how to construct such a biological weapon, there was “little that can be done to devise defensive measures”. Some observers have used this last comment as proof that the US military’s intent in this field was entirely defensive in nature. However, I wouldn’t put too much stock in such a claim since, as we have seen, the US military’s bio-warfare research has been far from ‘defensive’.


Nevertheless, an appropriation was made by the Committee, the money granted, and ten years later the first cases of AIDS emerged. The theory that the AIDS virus arose from US Defense Department experiments became difficult to refute.


11.1. 一些背景 — Some Background


While hosting Defense Secretary Robert McNamara at the LBJ Ranch on 22 Dec 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson reacts to news of new problems in Vietnam. (Corbis). Source


It is not news that the US military had for many decades been pursuing the development of biological pathogens for use against mass populations, including race-specific pathogens. It is also not news that HIV had been strongly suspected from the beginning as originating from this source. Here is a brief summary of the evidence.


The story begins in earnest when Robert McNamara was the US Secretary of Defense. McNamara was the man who engineered the extensive biological weapons programs in the US[4] and the North Korean genocide[5] the biological warfare on China and North Korea, the vast Project Phoenix death-torture program in Vietnam, the man who approved sending about 500,000 retarded young men to battle in Vietnam[6] then poured millions of liters of dioxins on the country’s agricultural land. [7]


Immediately prior to the time of our HIV story, McNamara engineered what must surely have been the largest program of biological weapons development and testing that has ever existed, an umbrella scheme consisting of more than 150 separate projects involving every branch of the US military and many other government agencies and Departments, all of which were secretly conducted on a massive scale and which were intended to destroy all plant, animal and human life in any region the US chose to attack. I covered this in a 3-part series titled “The US Government Declares War on America.” [8][9][10] Even reading those few references above, which provide an incomplete catalogue of McNamara’s sins, it is almost impossible to avoid the conclusion that McNamara was criminally insane.


McNamara ordered the military Joint Chiefs of Staff “to consider all possible applications” of these agents to produce a “total biological and chemical deterrent capability”, the plan approved by then-President Kennedy in National Security Action Memorandum 235 (NSAM 235)which meant it was a secret and highly-classified program directed to total biological and chemical warfare against humans, animals, and plants. You can find this evidence in the JFK Presidential library[11] among other places. [12]

麦克纳马拉命令军事参谋长联席会议“考虑所有可能的应用”这些制剂,以产生“全面的生物和化学威慑能力”,这是时任总统肯尼迪在《国家安全行动备忘录235》(NSAM 235)中批准的计划,这意味着这是一个秘密和高度机密的计划,旨在针对人类、动物和植物的全面生物和化学战。你可以在肯尼迪总统图书馆等地找到这些证据[12]

It is also relevant that McNamara had always been active as a staunch supporter of population control, a eugenicist taken with the prospect of exterminating large portions of the world’s peoples and propagating sterility to prevent their re-breedingThis applied especially to blacks, and generally to the world’s surplus poor. When he later became President of the World Bank, one of his first speeches was to a group of international bankers in which he deplored the world’s increasing population and in which he stated, “Either the current birth rates must come down more quickly or the current death rates must go up. There is no other way.” His statements, clearly referring to genocide and sterilisation, were so outrageous that even his own staff believed he was crazy, but his convictions were couched in humanitarian terms, McNamara making the extraordinary statement that “(those) who were dying were fortunate, for the millions of those who lived languidly on were stunted in their bodies and cripples in their minds.” (See Epilogue)


Our HIV story begins immediately prior to McNamara leaving his position as US Secretary of Defense to move to the World Bank in 1968, since one of his last acts before leaving was to put into motion the funding and development of a human immuno-deficiency virus, the plague we would later come to know as HIV. The thoughts of this plague, and its planning and basic research, had been in his mind and in the minds of the US military for some time, and which culminated in the public request by Dr. Donald MacArthur for Congressional funding to develop precisely this pathogen.


But let’s go back a few steps. This was by no means the first time the US government and military had held such attitudes or conceived such notions. You will recall that in 1948, George Kennan, Director of the US State Department’s Policy Planning Staff, published a then top-secret document (PPS 23, February 24, 1948), [13] in which he outlined America’s need to dispense with the “luxuries of altruism and world-benefaction” and “unreal objectives such as human rights” in its quest for world domination. Kennan’s philosophy has been one of America’s guiding principles ever since.

但让我们回到前几步。这绝不是美国政府和军方第一次持有这样的态度或构想这样的概念。你会记得,1948年,美国国务院政策规划办公室主任乔治·凯南发表了一份当时的绝密文件(PPS 232948年2月24日),[13]在其中他概述了美国在寻求统治世界的过程中需要摒弃“利他主义和世界慈善的奢侈品”和“人权等不真实的目标”。从那以后,凯南的哲学一直是美国的指导原则之一。

We can go back even farther than this, and refer to an approving article about the prospect of deadly biological weapons in Time magazine from June 3, 1946, titled “Better Than The Bomb”[14] reporting on the details of the US Senate Military Appropriation Hearings of May 1946where the discussion is on the allocation of funds for the creation of a secret biological warfare agent.


And what were they discussing? Well, it would appear that the US military, courtesy of George Merck, the President of the pharma company then known as Merck, Sharp & Dohme, had succeeded in “a very significant discovery” which was the crystallisation of the disease agent mycoplasma – which we know today as the cause of the Gulf War Syndrome that infects hundreds of thousands of US military servicemen and millions of Iraqis. This was a milestone in bio-weapons research because it meant the pathogen could now be indefinitely “stored, transported and deployed without deteriorating” and could be “be delivered by other vectors such as insects, aerosol or the food chain”.


Donald W. Scott wrote an excellent and authoritative article on mycoplasma [15] in which he stated that “Researchers extracted this mycoplasma from the Brucella bacterium and actually reduced the disease to a crystalline form that was now effectively a useful battlefield weapon.” I would note it was researchers at Rockefeller University who first resolved that virus particles were protein crystals, among many other bio-warfare and battlefield-useful discoveries. The US military isolated and weaponised their Gulf War mycoplasma more than 40 years before they had an opportunity to use it on a wholesale basis, unless of course they applied it in Korea and Vietnam – which they may have done. According to Dr. Scott, “Brucella is a disease agent that doesn’t kill people; it disables them.

唐纳德·W·斯科特(Donald W.Scott)写了一篇关于支原体的优秀而权威的文章[15]他在文章中表示,“研究人员从布鲁氏菌中提取了这种支原体,并实际上将疾病还原为晶体形式,现在它实际上是一种有用的战场武器。”。40多年前,美国军方隔离并武器化了他们的海湾战争支原体,才有机会大规模使用它,当然,除非他们在韩国和越南应用它——他们可能已经这样做了。斯科特博士说:“布鲁氏菌是一种不会杀死人的病原体,它会使人致残。

Dr. Donald MacArthur, referred to above, made his own valuable contribution to this development, as also discussed in his appearance before the Congressional Committee in 1969. MacArthur testified that researchers had “found that if they had mycoplasma at a certain strength … it would develop into an incurable disease for which the body has no natural immunity [like AIDS], and the person would die … because it could bypass the natural human defenses.” He claimed that researchers discovered that if the pathogen were weaker (less concentrated), the person would manifest with chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia. He further testified that if the pathogen were weaker, the victims would not die but would become severely disabled and lose all interest in living, that Brucella (the source of the original mycoplasma) was “a disease agent that doesn’t kill people; it disables them”. They would present as wasting; they wouldn’t die and they wouldn’t be disabled, but they would not be very interested in life; they would waste away.” [16] But his proposal before Congress was that he and his scientists could re-work this disabling pathogen and weaponise it so it would quickly kill.

如上所述,唐纳德·麦克阿瑟博士为这一发展做出了自己的宝贵贡献,1969年他在国会委员会露面时也谈到了这一点。麦克阿瑟作证说,研究人员“发现,如果他们的支原体达到一定的浓度……它会发展成一种不治之症,身体对这种疾病没有自然免疫力[如艾滋病],这个人就会死亡……因为它可以绕过人类的自然防御。”他声称,研究人员发现,如果病原体较弱(浓度较低),这个人会表现为慢性疲劳综合征或纤维肌痛。他进一步证实,如果病原体较弱,受害者不会死亡,而是会严重残疾,并失去所有生活兴趣,布鲁氏菌(原始支原体的来源)是“一种不会杀死人的病原体;它会使人残疾”。他们会表现为浪费;他们不会死,也不会残疾,但他们对生活不太感兴趣;他们会浪费掉。”[16] 但他向国会提出的建议是,他和他的科学家可以重新研究这种致残病原体,并将其武器化,使其迅速死亡。

And of course, from Dr. MacArthur’s stellar testimony, the US Congress eagerly allocated the requested $10 million and indeed “a disease-causing organism … refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease” (HIV) appeared within the stated “5 to 10 years”, then found itself suddenly dispersed into the human population simultaneously on three different continents.


MacArthur not only received his Congressional funding and succeeded in creating the HIV virus, but the US government obtained a patent for “a method of (the) continuous production of retroviruses (HIV) …”. The patent number was 4647773, patent application number 06/602,946, filed on April 23, 1984 and issued on March 3, 1987. The creators were listed as Drs. Robert C. Gallo and Mikulas Popovic, both of Bethesda, MD, and assigned to “the Government of the United States of America as represented by the Department of Health (Washington, DC)”. We might ask ourselves why the US military would be interested in creating and patenting a method for producing HIV in large continuous volumes.

麦克阿瑟不仅获得了国会的资助,成功地制造了艾滋病毒,而且美国政府还获得了“一种连续生产逆转录病毒的方法……”的专利。专利号为464773,专利申请号为06/60946,于1984年4月23日提交并于1987年3月3日发布。创作者被列为医学博士贝塞斯达的Robert C.GalloMikulas Popovic博士,并被分配到“以卫生部(华盛顿特区)为代表的美利坚合众国政府”。我们可能会问自己,为什么美国军方会有兴趣创造一种连续大量生产艾滋病毒的方法并申请专利。

It was at about the same time, in the late 1960s, that a group of bio-warfare experts testified to a UN panel that “large-scale killing operations of a general population” would cost $2,000 per square kilometer with conventional weapons, $800 with nuclear weapons, and $1.00 with biological weapons. As Dr. Alan Cantwell wrote, “Governments are always seeking new biological warfare agents, just as they are always seeking more powerful military weapons. Bioweapons are indeed the cheapest form of warfare. They kill yet they maintain the infrastructure …

大约在同一时间,在20世纪60年代末,一群生物战专家向联合国小组作证称,“对普通民众的大规模杀伤行动”使用常规武器每平方公里将花费2000美元,使用核武器将花费800美元,使用生物武器将花费1.00美元正如Alan Cantwell博士所写,“政府总是在寻找新的生物战剂,就像他们总是在寻找更强大的军事武器一样生物武器确实是最便宜的战争形式。它们杀人,但维护基础设施……”…

11.2. Fredrick癌症研究中心——CIANIHCDC – Fredrick Cancer Research Center – CIA, NIH, CDC



As noted, Congressional funding was approved for the development of an HIV virus, under H.R. 15090. Interestingly, the project was under the supervision of the CIA, while being developed by the military in its top-secret biological weapons facility, the Army’s Special Operations Division at Fort Detrick. But both the science and politics were rather more complicated. For one, it was necessary to combine the best of American innovative ability and criminal ingenuity in one place and, for another, the HIV was actually a cancer-causing virus that had been under simultaneous development by the US National Cancer Institute (NCI). In fact, it was at the NCI that a special program had already been initiated by the US Navy to develop cancer-causing viruses which included the precursor to HIV. We normally imagine that a National Cancer Institute would be involved in searching for a cure for the disease, but this is America and things are different here.


This was why, on October 19, 1971, then-President Nixon issued an order to merge the US military’s biological warfare facilities at Fort Detrick with the cancer research branch of the National Health Service and the facilities and functioning of the National Cancer Institute into a new unit named the ‘Fredrick Cancer Research Facilities’. So most everything was then at Fort Detrick, but pretending to involve itself in research on the causes, treatment and prevention of cancer, and was publicised in the media as the country’s “War on Cancer”. If that doesn’t qualify as a “false-flag operation”, I can’t imagine what would. Of course, since the US military launched its war on cancer, the number of annual cancer deaths has more than doubled.


“One of the cooperative activities at Fort Detrick’s Biological Warfare Division since early 1962 had been a top-secret project named the “US Special Virus program“, one in which the US military had been researching what was called a “virus particle” into which they could splice DNA from another virus, and which would then work to destroy the natural defense mechanisms of the human immune system. In particular, the researchers had been attempting to modify the genome of an HIV-related animal disease called Visna that appeared also to have been man-made but that existed only in sheep to that point. Many observers, including many prominent medical authorities, believed that this “declaration of war on cancer” was merely a cover for a new biological weapons program, and several researchers have claimed this effort was an integral part of what was known as the military’s Project MK-NAOMI.”


“The 1971 annual report of Nixon’s so-called War on Cancer noted that one of the primary tasks of the now jointly connected National Cancer Institute-Frederick Cancer Research Center was “the large-scale production of oncogenic (cancer-causing) and suspected oncogenic viruses to meet research needs on a continuing basis.” Special attention was given to primate viruses and “The successful propagation of significant amounts of human candidate viruses.” In simpler terms, this new “research center” was tasked with the “large-scale production” of cancer-causing viruses with special attention to primate viruses that could be adapted to human cells. This Special Virus Cancer Project (SCVP) was the birthplace of genetic engineering, molecular biology, and the human genome project. This was essentially a new field of species-jumping immuno-suppressive animal retrovirology, and pioneering the field of genetic engineering which allows scientists to insert genes into bacteria and viruses, infect bacteria with viruses, and to efficiently transfer genes in both directions among animals, humans, and plants, and between animals, humans and plants.”


“When the explosive content of this SCVP program was revealed, the CIA immediately destroyed most of the records; the first seven volumes were apparently shredded in their entirety but a few copies of volumes 8 and 9 survived, and it was these that contained the flow chart discovered by Dr. Boyd Graves. The surviving documents also provided solid evidence that US military scientists had been working on pathogenic retroviruses as early as the 1960s.”


In Peter Grose‘s 1994 book, “Gentleman Spy, The Life of Allen Dulles“, [17] he wrote:


“Helms sought Allen’s approval for a major project ‘to develop a capability in the covert use of biological and chemical materials, . . . . From the start . . . CIA officers made no pretense that this project would be an innocuous matter of pure science. The research would have to proceed ‘without the establishment of formal contractual relations,’ Helms advised Allen; the existence of signed contracts would reveal the government’s sponsorship. Moreover, the scientists qualified to do research in this field ‘are most reluctant to enter into signed agreements of any sort which connect them with this activity, since such a connection would jeopardize their professional reputations.”


“. . . five years later a CIA audit justified the extraordinary secrecy of the project: ‘Precautions must be taken not only to protect operations from exposure to enemy forces but also to conceal these activities from the American public in general. The knowledge that the Agency is engaging in unethical and illicit activities would have serious repercussions in political and diplomatic circles.’ For years to come CIA auditors defended the absence of normal accountability on grounds of professional discretion within the scientific community, dubious legality, and the dangers of public disclosure. Neither Congress nor the president was informed. . .



There was more. At the same time, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) entered a long-term contract with this new Harry Potter Cancer Institute, to participate fully in the new Special Virus Cancer Program. MIT’s Project Director for this program was Dr. David Baltimore[18] touted as “the nation’s leading expert in biological warfare using immune suppressive viruses”, with many medical experts stating the MIT studies were mostly done with AIDS-like viruses.

还有更多。与此同时,麻省理工学院(MIT)与这家新的哈利波特癌症研究所签订了长期合同,全面参与新的特殊病毒癌症计划。麻省理工学院该项目的项目主任是David Baltimore博士,[18]吹捧为“使用免疫抑制病毒的生物战方面的全国领先专家”,许多医学专家表示,麻省理工大学的研究大多是针对艾滋病样病毒进行的。

Then we have a firm named Litton Bionetics Research Laboratories[19] who, during the 1960s, conducted “fourteen biological-weapons-testing contracts” for the DOD. The firm later signed another long-term contract with the NIH to supply “Support Services for the Special Virus Cancer Program”. Also, at around the same time, Litton were conducting what they called “Primate Inoculation and Disease Induction Studies”, which involved the mass propagation of various infectious agents and recombinant lab-created viruses. It is of more than minor importance that Litton’s research involved the methods of “causing diseases by inoculation”, i.e. injection or vaccination. And in 1972, Litton Bionetics entered into another six-year contract with the NCI to develop and test AIDS-like-viruses under the direction of NCI’s Project Officer, Dr. Robert Gallowho would later be credited for the discovery (and the patent) of HIV.

然后我们有一家名为Litton Bionetics Research Laboratories[19]的公司,在20世纪60年代,该公司为国防部签订了“14份生物武器测试合同”该公司后来与美国国立卫生研究院签署了另一份长期合同,提供“特殊病毒癌症计划支持服务”。此外,大约在同一时间,利顿正在进行他们所称的“灵长类动物接种和疾病诱导研究”,该研究涉及各种传染源和实验室制造的重组病毒的大规模传播。重要的是,利顿的研究涉及“通过接种引起疾病”的方法,即注射或接种疫苗。1972年,Litton Bionetics与NCI签订了另一份为期六年的合同,在NCI项目官Robert Gallo博士的指导下开发和测试类似艾滋病病毒,Robert Gallo后来被认为是HIV的发现(和专利)者。

During this period as well (late 1970s), Pfizer PharmaceuticalOver “28,000 liters of virus harvest fluids” were produced in 1977, and which were apparently shipped to “approximately 140 laboratories throughout the world”. There were also many American universities involved in the overall HIV development process, most of whom have deleted this participation from their official histories. The New York University Medical Center was named several times in the New England Journal of Medicine reports on the vaccine trials, as a biological weapons contractor to the US Army, and included in a list of approved contractors to a Congressional Appropriations Subcommittee.



11.3.罗伯特·斯崔克博士 — Dr. Robert Strecker



Dr. Robert Strecker, a practicing gastroenterologist with a Ph.D. in pharmacology, studied this issue and stated “I don’t think there is any doubt that AIDS is a man-made problem. The question is whether it was created either accidentally or intentionally. I believe the AIDS virus was requested, predicted, produced, and deployed.” According to one detailed report:

拥有药理学博士学位的执业胃肠病学家Robert Strecker士研究了这个问题,并表示“我认为毫无疑问,艾滋病是一个人为的问题。问题是它是意外还是故意产生的。我相信艾滋病病毒是被请求、预测、产生和部署的。”根据一份详细报告:

“Strecker’s research indicated the AIDS virus was developed by the National Cancer Institute, in cooperation with the WHO, in their laboratories at Fort Detrick, in the US Army’s germ warfare unit, known as the Army Infectious Disease Unit, by combining bovine leukemia virus and Visna sheep virus, and injecting them into human tissue cultures. The Bovine Leukemia virus is lethal to cows but not to humans; the Visna virus is deadly to sheep but not to man. However, when combined, they produce a retro-virus that can change the genetic composition of the cells they enter. He said, “If one analyses the genes to the human AIDS virus and the genes of the Bovine Leukemia virus of cattle and the Visna virus of sheep, and compares them, the genes appear related.” He asked how it was possible that this combined virus that produced an AIDS-like disease in 1971 or 1972 was never analysed until 1987, when it was so closely related to AIDS that it must almost have been its precursor.” [20][21][22]


11.4. LeonardHorowitz博士 — Dr. Leonard Horowitz

Documentary: Emerging Viruses and Vaccines by Dr. Leonard Horowitz


Dr. Horowitz has written extensively on this topic, providing much additional and circumstantial detail to the story. Two of his articles can be accessed here [23] and here [24] He writes, “Claims that these “emerging viruses” naturally evolved and then jumped species from monkey to man seem grossly unfounded in light of the compelling evidence … Alternatively, the possibility that these bizarre germs were laboratory creations, accidentally or intentionally transmitted via tainted vaccines in the U.S. and Africa-as numerous authorities have alleged – is investigated herein.” Dr. Horowitz is the author of “Emerging viruses : AIDS and Ebola : nature, accident, or intentional?“, which examines the emergence of these two biological elements and the role played by vaccines in their distribution. His book can be accessed at [25]


Another longer article published in August of 2000 on this matter of engineered bio-weapons that was titled, “The CIA and the West Nile Virus“, [26] had a section by Dr. Horowitz on the possibility of AIDS having been made in a lab. According to Dr. Horowitz:


“The theory that AIDS originated in the laboratory has been circulating in Europe, particularly in West Germany, since late 1986The theory hinges on the claim that the AIDS virus (HIV) is virtually identical to two other viruses: Visna, which causes a fatal disease in sheep but does not infect humans, and HTLV-I (Human T-Cell Leukemia Virus), which infects humans but is seldom fatal.”5.


11.5. Horowitz博士谈Jakob Segal教授 — Dr. Horowitz on Professor Jakob Segal

Professor Jakob Segal

Jakob Segal教授

Prof. Jakob Segal[27] the author of the [above] theory, says that structural analysis using genome mapping proves that HIV is more similar to Visna than to any other retrovirus. The portion (about three percent) of the HIV genome which does not correspond structurally to Visna corresponds exactly to part of the HTLV-I genome. This similarity, says Segal, cannot be explained by a natural process of evolution and mutation. It can only have resulted from an artificial combination of the two viruses.”

上述理论的作者Jakob Segal教授[27]说,使用基因组图谱进行的结构分析证明,HIV与Visna比任何其他逆转录病毒都更相似。HIV基因组中在结构上与Visna不对应的部分(约3%)正好对应于HTLV-I基因组的一部分。Segal说,这种相似性不能用进化和突变的自然过程来解释。它只能由这两种病毒的人工组合产生。”

“He notes that the symptoms of AIDS are consistent with the complementary effects of two different viruses. AIDS patients who do not die of the consequences of immune deficiency show the same damage to the brain, lungs, intestines, and kidneys that occurs in sheep affected with Visna. Combining Visna with HTLV-I would allow the virus to enter not only the macrophages of the inner organs but also the T4 lymphocytes and thus cause immune deficiency, which is exactly what AIDS does. As further evidence that HIV is a construct of Visna and HTLV- I, Segal cites studies which show that the reverse transcription process in HIV has two discrete points of peak activity which correspond, respectively, to those of Visna and HTLV-I. Thus, according to Segal, AIDS is essentially a variety of Visna.” “Scientific journals, Segal says, have refused to publish or discuss his theory. This is difficult to understand. If he is wrong, he should certainly be refuted. The cornerstone of the theory is that HIV is a combination of Visna and HTLV-I. Segal claims that any trained laboratory technician could produce AIDS from these components, today, in less than two weeks. If this is true, it should be demonstrable by experiment.


In fact, Segal’s position was quite simple. “He concluded that since Visna was already known and understood, military scientists needed to find a human retrovirus which, when combined with Visna, would enable it to infect humans. Segal says scrutiny of the literature revealed that Dr. Robert Gallo isolated such a virus, HTLV-I, by 1975.” In 1985, Science Magazine published an article stating that Visna and HTLV-1 were “very similar, indicating a close taxonomic and evolutionary relationship”. And according to the National Academy of Sciences, HIV and VISNA are highly similar and share all structural elements except for a small segment which is nearly identical to HTLV-1, all of which naturally led to speculation that HTLV and VISNA were combined to produce a new retrovirus to which no natural immunity existed. And in 1987, the Journal of the American Medical Association published a paper concluding that HIV/AIDS had indeed evolved from Visna.

事实上,西格尔的立场很简单。“他得出的结论是,由于Visna已经为人所知和了解,军事科学家需要找到一种人类逆转录病毒,当它与Visna结合时,将使其能够感染人类。Segal说,对文献的审查表明,Robert Gallo博士在1975年分离出了这样一种病毒,HTLV-I。”1985年,《科学》杂志发表了一篇文章,称Visna和HTLV-1“非常相似,表明了密切的分类学和进化关系”。根据美国国家科学院的说法,HIV和VISNA高度相似,除了一个与HTLV-1几乎相同的小片段外,其他所有结构元素都相同,所有这些自然导致了人们的猜测,即HTLV和VISNA结合产生了一种新的逆转录病毒,而这种病毒不存在天然免疫力。1987年,《美国医学会杂志》发表了一篇论文,得出结论认为艾滋病毒/艾滋病确实是由Visna进化而来的。

In researching Segal’s position, Michael Morrissey made some interesting observations and, in a long article, details some of the difficulty in approaching the issue, since contradictory claims of almost every nature are seemingly not in short supply. The true origin of AIDS is not a topic by which we win friends.


According to Morrissey: “The theory of the African origin of AIDS, that it developed in African monkeys and was transferred to man, has been abandoned by most researchers.  All of the known varieties of SIV (Simian Immunodeficiency Virus) are structurally so dissimilar to HIV (much less similar than HIV and Visna) that a common origin is out of the question.  Furthermore, even if such a development by natural mutation were possible, it would not explain the sudden outbreak of AIDS in the early 1980s, since monkeys and men have been living together in Africa since the beginning of human history. The “Africa Legend,” as it is called in a 1988 West German (Westdeutscher Rundfunk) television documentary, is further debunked by the epidemiological history of AIDS. There is no solid evidence of AIDS in Africa before 1983. The earliest documented cases of AIDS date from 1979 in New York. It would not be surprising if the government wanted to keep this quiet, but what about the press?  I could find only two references to MacArthur’s testimony, in a book by Robert Harris and Jeremy Paxman (A Higher Form of Killing: The Secret Story of Chemical & Biological Warfare_, NY: Hill & Wang, 1982), [27a] and in a couple of articles by Robert Lederer and Nathaniel S. Lehrman in _Covert Action Information Bulletin (28, summer 1987, and 29, winter 1988).” [28]

莫里西说:“艾滋病起源于非洲的理论,即它是在非洲猴子身上发展并传播给人类的,已经被大多数研究人员抛弃了。所有已知的SIV变种(猿猴免疫缺陷病毒)在结构上都与HIV非常不同(远不如HIV和Visna相似),因此不可能有共同的起源。此外,即使这种自然突变的发展是可能的,也无法解释20世纪80年代初艾滋病的突然爆发,因为自人类历史开始以来,猴子和人类就一直生活在非洲。1988年西德电视纪录片《非洲传奇》称之为进一步被艾滋病的流行病学史所揭穿。在1983年之前,非洲没有艾滋病的确凿证据。最早记录在案的艾滋病病例发生在1979年的纽约。如果政府想保持沉默,这并不奇怪,但媒体呢?我只能在Robert Harris和Jeremy Paxman的一本书中找到两篇关于麦克阿瑟证词的参考文献(a Higher Form of Killing:The Secret Story of Chemical&Biological Warfare_,NY:Hill&Wang,1982),[27a]以及Robert LedererNathaniel s.Lehrman_Covert Action Information Bulletin上的几篇文章(1987年夏天28日和1988年冬天29日)。”[28]

Even the WHO appears to confirm the relationship. This from a WHO article in 2021: “HTLV-1 is a retrovirus which causes a chronic lifelong infection in humans. Its transmission happens through breast feeding, sexual contact and blood transfusions and is similar to the HIV virus.” [29]



11.6. Boyd Graves博士 — Boyd Graves

See it in normal size by clicking ref. [30]


One of the more prominent, and perhaps the most damaging, discoveries was by Dr. Boyd Graves, who obtained a copy of the now-famous flow chart of the entire development process for HIV, in fact the blueprint for its creation. Dr. Boyd Graves was a virologist, and a graduate of the Annapolis US Naval Academy and law school, who became suspicious of the nature of the origin and apparently simultaneous distribution of the HIV virus on several continents and for years diligently researched the matter, repeatedly using the US courts to pressure the government to release various documents on military viral research activity. In most instances he was stonewalled by the government in his search for several tens of thousands of documents he believed could reveal important truths. One of the documents he did obtain, very likely by accident, contained a five-page fold-out flow chart that appeared to completely document all the steps and stages of the engineering of the HIV virus, a document he claims (as do others) “provides absolute proof of the true laboratory origin of HIV, as a ‘synthetic biological agent‘”. This flow chart is a very large document, consisting of five full pages. You can download it here. [30]

博伊德·格雷夫斯博士的一个更突出的发现,也许也是最具破坏性的发现,他获得了一份现在著名的艾滋病毒整个发展过程的流程图,事实上是其产生的蓝图。Boyd Graves博士是一名病毒学家,毕业于安纳波利斯美国海军学院和法学院,他对艾滋病毒的起源性质以及在几个大洲的同时传播产生了怀疑,多年来一直在努力研究此事,多次利用美国法院向政府施压,要求其公布有关军事病毒研究活动的各种文件。在大多数情况下,他在寻找数万份他认为可以揭示重要真相的文件时受到了政府的阻挠。他获得的一份文件很可能是偶然获得的,其中包含份五页的折叠流程图,似乎完全记录了艾滋病毒工程的所有步骤和阶段,他声称(和其他人一样)这份文件“提供了艾滋病毒作为一种‘合成生物制剂’的真实实验室来源的绝对证据”。这个流程图是一个很大的文件,由五整页组成。你可以在这里下载。[30]

He says the flow chart proves that HIV was not an accident but resulted from the intentional development of a military pathogen, and further that the continuing “progress reports” issued by the developers detail each step taken and the results. Graves claims the evidence is compelling that HIV arose as a “designer by-product” of the US military’s Special Virus Program. He notes that the flow chart – which remained “missing” until 1999 – “links every scientific paper, medical experiment and military contract”. This flow chart was contained in “Progress Report #8”, the first 60 pages of which detail the progress to date and the specific goals of the entire HIV program, and of which Page 61 contains the flow chart itself.


Phase V of the flowchart documents that this new pathogen would soon be used in “clinical trials” by vaccinationwhich Graves claims is proof that the vaccines were “complemented, not contaminated”, that the HIV was added by Merck to the experimental hepatitis B vaccines given to gay men in New York City, Los Angeles and San Fransisco, and to the smallpox vaccines administered on a massive scale – by the WHO – to blacks in central Africa, during the late 1970’s and early 1980’s. Graves claims that by 1977 the Special Virus Program had succeeded in producing 15,000 gallons of HIV fluid, which was then added to vaccines in Africa and the US.


In one of his legal cases seeking a court order for the release of further documentation, Graves apparently presented the court not only with the flow chart but with a letter dated May 15, 2000, from Dr. Victoria Cargill who was the medical officer of the Office of AIDS Research at the National Institute of Health. In that letter, Dr. Cargill apparently declared that the flowchart was indeed the flowchart of the HIV virus – which would appear to be an official document from the US government admitting to the creation of HIV. The evidence is that Dr. Cargill “located the flowchart, as well as some of the Progress Reports of the Special Virus Program from the archives of the National Cancer Institute and wrote a letter to that effect.” Graves claims she referred all this evidence to Dr. Allen S. Rabsona Director at the National Cancer Institute, who immediately destroyed all of it. According to Graves, the reason was that Rabson was on the 1971 HIV/AIDS developmental committee and his name appeared in the Progress Reports.

在他的一个寻求法院命令公布进一步文件的法律案件中,格雷夫斯显然不仅向法院提交了流程图,还提交了2000年5月15日维多利亚·卡吉尔医生的一封信,她是国家卫生研究所艾滋病研究室的医务官。在那封信中,Cargill博士显然宣称,该流程图确实是HIV病毒的流程图——这似乎是美国政府承认HIV病毒产生的官方文件。有证据表明,Cargill博士“找到了流程图,以及国家癌症研究所档案中的一些特殊病毒计划的进展报告,并为此写了一封信。”Graves声称,她将所有这些证据交给了国家癌症研究所所长Allen S.Rabson博士,后者立即销毁了所有证据。Graves,原因是Rabson是1971年艾滋病毒/艾滋病发展委员会的成员,他的名字出现在了进展报告中。

11.7. Alan Cantwell

Dr. Cantwell has written extensively about the manufacture and distribution of HIV. He is the author of Queer blood : the secret AIDS genocide plot[31] as well as a book titled “AIDS and the Doctors of Death”, which can be accessed at [32] There are also two videos available. ; Part 1 [33] and Part 2. [34] Here are a few of his observations:


There is no proof that AIDS, which first appeared exclusively in young, primarily white, gay men in Manhattan, came from Africa. This is yet another myth about AIDS. How could a supposed black heterosexual African epidemic transform itself into an exclusively white young gay men’s disease in Manhattan? In my opinion this is biologically impossible. Furthermore, there was no “incubation period” for HIV in America. As soon as the government-sponsored gay hepatitis B experiment (1978-1981) ended in Manhattan in 1981 the epidemic became official. The first cases of AIDS in gay men appeared in Manhattan in 1979, soon after the vaccination experiment began.”


Before the U.S. government took an interest in the health of gay men, there were no “strange fatal diseases” of obscure origin found in homosexuals. As soon as they signed up for government-sponsored gay vaccine experiments, the community was doomed and ravaged with the AIDS epidemic and the concomitant Karposis sarcoma epidemic. And recall that for the first few years the U.S. government basically ignored the disease, except to gather statistics. I honestly believe the release of HIV via vaccine programs was an experiment using gays and African blacks as testers, and that the disease was allowed to spread intentionally.” [35]


He also states there were no proven cases of AIDS in Africa prior to 1979, and that from the very beginning the standard narrative was that HIV originated with primates in Africa and the entire thrust of the media and government-paid investigation consisted of an attempt to “prove” this origin. Cantwell claims correctly that this is not at all the same as a sincere search for the true origin. To quote Cantwell: “There has never been a serious discussion of man-made AIDS in the New York Times or in any other major media outlet, except to refer to the theory as paranoia and conspiracy theory. As I said, the man-made theory of AIDS has remained taboo for more than a quarter-century, and it is likely to remain in the closet because the true history of AIDS is so incriminating.”


“Cantwell further made the substantial point that the extremely high statistical correlation between the locations of vaccinations in both Africa and the US and the locations of outbreaks of HIV, were dismissed entirely by the media and US authorities as “insufficient evidence” and perhaps a minor “contamination problem”, whereas a questionable test on a dried-up blood sample taken from an unknown person in the Congo in 1959 constituted “absolute proof” that human HIV existed prior to the US military’s research. Another medical researcher, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, has advanced essentially the same theory of the true origin of HIV in two books he has written that question the accidental appearance of both HIV and Ebola.

坎特威尔进一步提出了实质性的观点,即非洲和美国的疫苗接种地点与艾滋病毒爆发地点之间极高的统计相关性,被媒体和美国当局完全认为是“证据不足”可能是一个轻微的“污染问题”,而1959年对刚果一名未知人员的干血样本进行的一项可疑测试构成了“绝对证据”证明在美军进行研究之前,人类艾滋病毒就已经存在。另一位医学研究人员Leonard Horowitz博士在他写的两本书中提出了基本上相同的关于艾滋病毒真正起源的理论,这两本书都质疑艾滋病毒和埃博拉病毒的意外出现。

11.8. 世界卫生组织 — The WHO

Geneva, Switzerland. Source


To further our conspiracy theory, what would it take to convince us that the WHO was not only an interested partner in the development of HIV but knowingly distributed hundreds of millions of vaccine doses that were contaminated with HIV and was responsible for the rapid spread of HIV in Africa? What kind of evidence would we want?


Would it help if we had documentation of the WHO’s declared interest in developing an HIV virus, and overwhelming circumstantial evidence that the distribution of AIDS in Africa closely matched various WHO vaccination campaigns? Again, fortunately for us, this is precisely what we have.


It is important to our story that it wasn’t only the US military that was interested in the potential of an immuno-deficient retro-virus. Another criminal conspirator, the UN’s World Health Organisation –the WHO – also exhibited a drooling fascination with the possibilities, perhaps as a population control measure. From the WHO, we have the following: “An attempt should be made to see if viruses can in fact exert selective effects on immune function. The possibility should be looked into that the immune response to the virus itself may be impaired if the inflicting virus damages, more or less selectively, the cell responding to the virus.”[36][37] This is certainly a clear reference to an HIV-type pathogen, and we need to ask ourselves why the WHO would have such an interest in viruses designed to kill the human immune system.


As Dr. Alan Cantwell noted, this was a rather “diabolical experiment” for the WHO to conceive:


“The [UN] report indicates that infection with certain retroviruses could result in “selective damage” to the immune system, particularly to white blood cells known as “T-cells”This immune system damage could also lead to cancer. The WHO recommended a “systematic evaluation” of these immunosuppressive retroviruses. Part Two of the memorandum reviews the results of previous animal experiments which have “serious implications for human disease and clinical research”. In the same year (1972) a document published in the Federation Proceedings proposed the further study of bacterial and virus “antigens” that selectively kill T-cells in the blood. The scientific committee “visualized” human vaccination experiments conducted on [siblings] “during preventive vaccination”. In plainer English, the word … refers to children of the same family; “during preventive vaccination” means children would be covertly given “experimental” infectious agents (i.e., “bacterial and viral antigens”) at the time of routine vaccinations. The WHO officials stressed the need for the proper “choice of an appropriate control population”. Within a few years of these suggested experiments, a new and mysterious immunosuppressive disease began killing millions of African Blacks.”


If this isn’t clear, the WHO was recommending the development of a retrovirus, HIV or similar,  that would kill the human immune system, then to test it on “an appropriate control population” (i.e., poor blacks) during routine vaccination programs. Absent from these reports is any mention that these experiments would be done with either the knowledge or the consent of those vaccinated.


Life expectancy in South Africa is no more than 45 years. Many people do not see or know their grandparents. Source


Dr. William Campbell Douglass wrote a well-known report titled “W. H .O. Murdered Africa“. [38] In that report, he states that HIV was finally produced (genetically engineered) in 1974, after having been predicted and requested. He states that the AIDS virus distribution by the WHO, was not just a diabolical scientific exercise that got out of hand; it was a cold-blooded successful attempt to create a killer virus which was then used in a successful experiment in Africa. African AIDS was the result of the smallpox eradication vaccine program conducted by the World Health Organization during the 1970s. It was not an accident. It was deliberate!

William Campbell Douglass博士撰写了一份著名的报告,题为“W.H.O.谋杀非洲”[38]在该报告中,他指出在预测和要求之后艾滋病毒终于在1974年产生(基因工程)。他说,艾滋病毒被世界卫生组织散播,这不仅仅是一场失控的科学实验;这是一场非常冷血的尝试,去创造出一种杀手病毒,用来在非洲成功地进行实验。非洲的艾滋病,是世界卫生组织在1970年在非洲进行根除天花疫苗项目的结果。这不是一场医疗事故。这是故意的!

11.9. 世界卫生组织疫苗接种计划 — The WHO Vaccination Programs

In 1975, a man named Nathan Gordon, who had been Chief of the CIA’s Chemistry Branch, testified before a US Congressional Committee on the “Unauthorized Stockpiling of Toxic Agents”, and stated that in his view the only certain method of killing large numbers of people would be to vaccinate themto “put some of them in one long line and inoculate each and every one”. Here is some of his testimony: [39]

1975年,曾任中央情报局化学处处长的Nathan Gordon在美国国会“未经授权储存有毒制剂”委员会作证,并表示在他看来,杀死大量人的唯一确定方法是为他们接种疫苗,“把他们中的一些人排成一长队,每一个人都接种”。以下是他的一些证词:[39]

Africa was the center of several ambitious campaigns to rid that part of the world of various diseases. Two of these campaigns which are of interest include massive polio vaccination in the 1950s and 1960s, and a similar one for smallpox that began in the late 1970s and ended in the late 1980s. More than 20 African nations were included, but the vaccination programs were also conducted in South America and other areas, all under the jurisdiction and planning of the WHO but included participation and support from USAID, the CDC, the NCI and, of course, from Merck who manufactured the vaccines. Records indicate that in the early years of the program, 200 to 250 million doses of vaccine were administered annually, and that these same nations participating in the WHO’s vaccination campaigns were almost exclusively those experiencing the massive outbreaks of HIVBrazil, the only South American country covered in the eradication campaign, had the highest incidence of Aids in that region.



In South Africa, the number of people living with AIDS and HIV has increased by almost 4 million in 17 years. Source


It is not for nothing that many prominent scientific groups, scientists, and researchers have independently concluded that HIV was deliberately created in a US military lab as a biological weapon and a tool of population control. Kenyan ecologist Wangari Maathai, the first African woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize, made an outright claim that the AIDS virus was a deliberately created biological agent. The UK Guardian seemed to agree with her. [40]

许多著名的科学团体、科学家和研究人员独立得出结论,认为艾滋病毒是在美国军事实验室故意制造的,是作为一种生物武器和人口控制工具肯尼亚生态学家Wangari Maathai是第一位获得诺贝尔和平奖的非洲女性,她直截了当地宣称艾滋病病毒是一种故意制造的生物制剂。英国《卫报》似乎同意她的观点。[40]

There is a great deal of history and detail attached to this topic but, for the cynics, the most startling circumstantial proof of not only the military development of the AIDS virus but of its almost-certainly deliberate release into the world, emerged from the activity of the WHO. The WHO were conducting large-scale smallpox vaccination programs in Africa and South America, these activities highly correlated with the places and times when the HIV virus emerged in the populations. The concern is that one such occasion would be a coincidence, but this would be neither the first nor the last time the WHO would be implicated in a deliberate outbreak of disease and epidemics.


The London Times linked these WHO vaccine programs to the outbreak of AIDS, claiming the AIDS epidemics were likely “triggered by the mass vaccination campaign”. It was a WHO advisor who disclosed the linkage. In an article on May 11, 1987, the London Times[41][42][43] confirmed the linkage of the WHO vaccines to the outbreak of AIDS, writing that “The Aids epidemic may have been triggered by the [WHO] mass [smallpox] vaccination campaign.” The impetus for the article was an adviser to the WHO, who disclosed the correlation between the vaccination locations and the outbreaks of HIV. The Times quoted him as saying:


“I thought it was just a coincidence until we studied the latest findings about the reactions which can be caused by vaccinia. Now I believe the smallpox vaccine theory is the explanation to the explosion of Aids. The greatest spread of HIV infection coincides with the most intense [WHO] immunization programmes”.



Immediately after this Smallpox-HIV vaccine story appeared on the front-page of The London Times, it was killed and never appeared again in any of the world major media.


11.10. 艾滋病在美国的传播 — Spread of AIDS in the US

ACT UP members march in the Gay Pride Parade, New York, June 1989. Source

1989年6月,纽约,ACT UP成员在同性恋骄傲游行中游行。来源

The same was true in the US where HIV exploded suddenly in the precise locations where the military and the CDC conducted their experimental Hepatitis B vaccination program. Let’s look at some of the details.


In 1978, the US military, fronted by the CDC, began what it called “experimental Hepatitis B vaccine trials” in New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. The advertisements for participants in these trials, specifically requested only homosexual men who were “not monogamous”, and only sexually “promiscuous males between the ages of 20 and 40”. The participants were all white, well-educated and perfectly healthy but, as Dr. Alan Cantwell wrote, “As soon as homosexuals signed up as guinea pigs for the government-sponsored hepatitis B vaccine experiments, they began to die with a strange virus of unknown origin. The hepatitis B experiments began in Manhattan in the fall of 1978; the first few cases of AIDS (all young gays from Manhattan) were reported to the CDC in 1979. My research clearly supports the outbreak of AIDS cases in Los Angeles and San Francisco shortly after the experiment began in those cities. Not surprisingly, the government has refused to release data on the number of AIDS deaths that have occurred in the large group of gay men who initially volunteered for the vaccine experiment.”

1978年,美国军方在疾病预防控制中心的领导下,在纽约、洛杉矶和旧金山开始了所谓的“实验性乙型肝炎疫苗试验”。这些试验参与者的广告专门要求“非一夫一妻制”的同性恋男性,以及“20至40岁的滥交男性”参与者都是白人,受过良好教育,非常健康,但正如Alan Cantwell博士所写,“同性恋者一报名成为政府资助的乙型肝炎疫苗实验的豚鼠,他们就开始死于一种来源不明的奇怪病毒。乙型肝炎实验于1978年秋天在曼哈顿开始;1979年,美国疾病控制与预防中心报告了首批艾滋病病例(均为来自曼哈顿的年轻同性恋)我的研究清楚地支持了在洛杉矶和旧金山实验开始后不久艾滋病病例的爆发。毫不奇怪,政府拒绝公布最初自愿参加疫苗实验的一大群男同性恋中艾滋病死亡人数的数据。

“It appears that hesitant, small-scale trials with this “experimental Hepatitis vaccine” were begun in 1970 and lasted for about four years, but the US military refuses to disclose where these trials were conducted or to provide information about the number of participants. And in 1974, Saul Krugman published statements from Dr. Maurice R. Hilleman that “4 lots of [experimental hepatitis B] vaccine”, approximately 200,000 doses, were ready for “initial limited clinical tests“, begging the important question of who were to be the 200,000 victims of a “limited initial” test. Again, the authorities have stonewalled all investigations into these human experiments, refusing to release any documentation on the makeup of the vaccine or the fate of all those unwitting victims.


And it was yet another two years later, in 1976, that “Phase I and II” of the administration of this experimental hepatitis B vaccine were conducted on homosexual men in New York City, by the above-referenced Saul Krugman and his colleagues, the results of which apparently led to the widespread full-blown campaign in 1978. The later trials in New York City were apparently under the direction of a Dr. Wolf Szmuness, involving some 1,100 gay men. In any case, shortly after the initiation of these experimental trials, the first cases of HIV were confirmed in homosexual men in the three cities and the precise locations where the Hepatitis B vaccine was administered.

又过了两年,也就是1976年,索尔·克鲁格曼和他的同事在纽约市对同性恋男性进行了这种实验性乙型肝炎疫苗的“第一阶段和第二阶段”给药,其结果显然导致了1978年广泛而全面的运动。后来在纽约市进行的审判显然是在Wolf Szmuness博士的指导下进行的,涉及大约1100名男同性恋。无论如何,在这些实验试验开始后不久,在三个城市和接种乙肝疫苗的确切地点,同性恋男性中确诊了第一例艾滋病毒病例。


Dr. Cantwell says there is no question that HIV was introduced into the homosexual communities via the Hepatitis vaccine “experiment”. And, given the circumstances and extraordinary secrecy surrounding all of this, and the fact that it was entirely a military endeavor, that “introduction” of HIV was unlikely to have been accidental. It seems especially incriminating that the US military and the entire US government apparatus have refused for more than 40 years to disclose the data on the thousands of gay men subjected to the so-called Hepatitis vaccine, and the numbers of those who contracted HIV.


There were many articles in the popular media and in respected medical journals that were desperately (I would say ‘too desperately’) devoted to creating an official narrative “proving” that HIV originated with monkeys in Africa and that its rapid and widespread transmission throughout Africa and transfer to other countries and continents was simply an accident of fate. Numerous researchers and commentators, many of dubious credentials, claimed HIV “probably” originated in the 1940s, and many repeated a claim (since proved false) that proof was found in 1959 of man dying of HIV, his blood samples having been conveniently preserved for 50 years in a hut in Africa. One of the main difficulties was in accounting for the species jump from primates to humans, but the wordsmiths at the CIA were nothing if not creative.


One of my favorite stories, heavily promulgated by CNN and much of the Western media, attributed the transfer of HIV (from African primates to North American whites) to a homosexual Air Canada flight attendant named Gaëtan Dugas, who has been catalogued by AIDS researchers as “patient zero”. The story is that Dugas was on a “long layover” in Africa and apparently spent all his free time having sex with monkeys, thereby contracting the HIV virus and bringing it to North America. There was no mention of Dugas infecting anyone in his home town of Montreal, but CNN told us “The Canadian flight attendant was linked sexually to dozens of the first AIDS cases identified among gay men in the United States.”

我最喜欢的一个故事由美国有线电视新闻网和许多西方媒体大量报道,它将艾滋病毒(从非洲灵长类动物传播到北美白人)的传播归因于一位名叫Gaëtan Dugas的同性恋加拿大航空公司乘务员,他被艾滋病研究人员列为“零号病人”故事是这样的,Dugas在非洲“长时间停留”,显然他把所有的空闲时间都花在了与猴子发生性关系上,从而感染了艾滋病毒并将其带到了北美。没有提到杜加斯在他的家乡蒙特利尔感染了任何人,但美国有线电视新闻网告诉我们:“这名加拿大空姐与美国第一批在男同性恋中发现的数十例艾滋病病例有性关系。

If true, that would constitute promiscuity with a capital “P”, but for many reasons the tale is on the cusp of unbelievable and impossible. First, if the story were true and the man were real, and he was as promiscuous as we are told, he would almost certainly have infected half of Montreal before reaching San Francisco and New York. For another, for the man to be personally linked to dozens of the first HIV cases, would indicate a single source which the facts clearly refute. Also, since even CNN admitted Dugas was by no means linked to all initial HIV cases, there had to be another source or sources. As well, nobody promulgating this tale cared to deal with the virtual impossibility of the species jump and consequent mutations of such a virus necessary to infect humans. However, after more sane people brought the facts to light, even Wikipedia has admitted the claims against Dugas were false[44] while CNN now purports to tell us “The truth about ‘patient zero’ and HIV’s origins” [45] and Canada’s CBC claims the man has been “exonerated”. [46]


But in any case, to suggest a man would want to run around Africa having sex with monkeys is merely stupid, though the potential risk might form a cautionary tale for sheep ranchers in Australia.


As well, many publications produced a version of “Scientists have pinpointed what is believed to be the earliest known case of AIDS …”, all differing in facts and details, but all attempting to prove the virus crossed from African monkeys to humans of its own accord. Another CNN version told us that “Researchers at the University of Alabama report they have traced the source of HIV to a type of chimpanzee in West Central Africa.” Some imaginative British researchers even discovered a sailor from Manchester who also died in 1959 and whose blood samples – also conveniently preserved for 50 years – proved that he died of HIV. Unfortunately, it was quickly discovered that his supposed blood sample had been only recently contaminated with HIV, either accidentally or deliberately. Nevertheless, all these stories, and there were many, were claimed by authorities to definitively refute the various “conspiracy theories” about the origin of HIV.


Dr. Alan Cantwell related the story of Dr. David Heymann, who was the Executive Director of the WHO’s Communicable Disease Program and who, in a 1992 interview on the topic of HIV having been spread through contaminated experimental polio vaccines, was quoted as having said, “The origin of the AIDS virus is of no importance to science today. Any speculation on how it arose is of no importance.” Dr. Cantwell asked how this could possibly not be of vast importance when it might suggest a deliberate mass culling of human populations and genocide. For a man in Dr. Heymann’s position to make such a statement borders on being bizarre, and with the strong smell of a man saying, “Don’t go there.” As a point of interest, Heymann, “led the WHO’s global response to the SARS epidemic.” [47] I don’t find that comforting. And the Rothschild’s Chatham House calls Heymann “a distinguished fellow” and “one of our people”[48] I find that even less comforting.


Cantwell added further that:


“Government health agencies have little interest in uncovering possible man-made origins of any emerging disease because such an investigation could compromise covert biowarfare activities. The WHO is no exception. In reality, the WHO (according to its own mission statement) “cooperates” with government agencies like the US Department of Defense, which funds the US biological warfare program. It is easy to understand why researchers might want to obscure the man-made origin for AIDS and blame primates. It is now apparent that most of the major researchers promoting the African primate origin of AIDS were connected with the largely secret Special Virus Cancer Program, or are scientists involved in the transfer of viruses in animal research, particularly primate research.”


I would add that the Western media and a great many writers and columnists, to say nothing of a virtual flood of pseudo-scientists, made an immense effort to bury the average reader in an avalanche of irrelevancies and trivia, listing all the kinds of monkeys or primates that might have been involved, all the possible transmission media imaginable, interminable if questionable genetic “facts” and theories, sufficient to render it almost impossible to focus on the core issues. One of those issues of course is the simultaneous emergence of HIV in Africa, North America, and South America, with North America experiencing simultaneity in New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco and that of Africa in more than 20 nations.


I will repeat here an extract from the Chapters on Biological Weapons, where Leonard Horowitz and Zygmunt Dembek identified some signs of a bio-warfare agent:

我将在这里重复《生物武器章节》的摘录,Leonard Horowitz和Zygmunt Dembek在其中发现了一些生物战剂的迹象

Disease caused by an uncommon agent, with lack of an epidemiological explanation. i.e. no clear idea of source.



An unusual, rare, (probably) genetically engineered strain of an agent.



Unusual manifestation and/or geographic distribution.



Multiple epidemics. If simultaneous epidemics occur at different locations with the same organism, it is highly suspect.


And again, recent disease outbreaks that would seem to properly qualify as potential bio-warfare agents are AIDS, SARS, MERS, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, Hantavirus, Lyme Disease, West Nile Virus, Ebola, Polio (Syria), Foot and Mouth Disease, the Gulf War Syndrome and ZIKA. And in fact thousands of prominent scientists, physicians, virologists and epidemiologists on many continents have concurred that all these viruses were lab-created and their release deliberate.


In March of 1996, Scientific American published an article titled, “The African AIDS Epidemic”, in which they stated “One frequently mentioned explanation for the severe epidemic in the AIDS belt is that the virus originated here and continues to move outward from an epicenter of disease. But AIDS cases appeared in hospitals in Uganda and Rwanda at the same time they did in the West, and no stored human-tissue samples taken from Africans during the 1970s are HIV-positive.” A further issue, which the article also addressed, was that “HIV in Africa was entirely a heterosexual disease, affecting everyone equally. Prior to 1978, there was no sign of the AIDS virus, yet it struck [only] the US gay community with a vengeance.” None of the articles adhering to the standard monkey narrative were able to satisfactorily explain these latter points, and indeed for such simultaneous events to occur in places so far distant, and to infect very different kinds of individuals, would of necessity suggest deliberation and planning rather than randomness.


“The most common theory that appears to explain the outbreaks of HIV in Africa relates to vaccine contamination, which has been a persistent concern almost since the beginning of the process. Today, many vaccines are prepared from common bases, all of which appear to contain contaminants and which have managed in turn to contaminate the entire blood supply of the Western world and, according to virologists, have altered human DNA in ways not understood.” I have mentioned elsewhere that a common monkey virus, SV40, found its way into the US blood supply and into the national vaccine base, and that more than 100 million Americans were infected with SV40, the eventual results being still unknown but probably including increased rates of cancer.


Perhaps the most important issue is that it was the WHO’s smallpox vaccination campaigns in the 1970s and 1980 that appear to have triggered the vast outbreaks of HIV. The relationship between the WHO smallpox campaigns and the sudden appearance of HIV appears irrefutable, simply from the coincidence of location as revealed in the London Times article, where it appears evident that every place subjected to smallpox vaccines also quickly developed an HIV epidemic. The questions then revolved around the content of these later vaccines and whether the HIV infections were accidental or deliberate. This portion of the debate rages on even today, with strong convictions on both sides of the argument.


The portion of the argument made by the prosecution against the WHO that claims the use of infected vaccines is probably very strong and is supported by a great deal of practical and circumstantial evidence. The second portion of the argument, the ‘conspiracy’ part, that proposes deliberate intent on the part of the WHO to infect populations with a pathogen is the one creating all the heat. It would be easier to dismiss the conspiracy portion of this theory if there were not such an abundance of evidence that the WHO really is a criminal organisation dedicated to world population reduction and the sales of billions of doses of vaccines manufactured by its masters. Even a quick glance at the historical record will indicate a surprising correlation between most, or even all, of the WHO vaccination campaigns and the outbreak of yet another disease epidemic. As with most other kinds of repeated events, one is unfortunate, two is bad luck, three might be carelessness, but twenty-five is a plan. Even worse, the WHO has been caught in circumstances of astonishing deceit and enormous criminal intent in some of its vaccination programs, as you have already seen, the massive sterilization campaign masked as tetanus vaccinations being one example.


On June 5, 1981, the CDC published the first documentation of AIDS. Source


It is this weight of evidence that bears so heavily on the HIV epidemics. And of course, the outbreaks of HIV in the US correlated almost perfectly with the Hepatitis B vaccination campaigns conducted by the NHS. When you launch a Hepatitis vaccination campaign involving thousands of healthy homosexual men and most of those are quickly discovered to have contracted HIV, simple denials are insufficient and, when the official story clearly does not make sense and does not serve to explain the phenomena we witness, our instinctive conclusion is that someone is lying to us.That conclusion becomes conviction when the authorities adamantly refuse to release details of the vaccination campaigns.


And, just as with the WHO, the authorities, the pharma companies, and vaccine makers, have been caught lying to us too many times in the past for us to accept their stories this time. This is where the matter rests today, with a great many people deeply suspicious of both the WHO and the health authorities. And of course, it is of no help that the volume of evidence appears to strongly support the theory that HIV was indeed created by the US military as a biological weapon, and also that active population reduction has in fact for many decades now been one of the pillars of existence of some very influential institutions, the Rockefeller group and various UN segments including our favorite WHO among these, and including our perhaps too-active philanthropist Bill Gates and his Foundation. Given all the factual and circumstantial evidence, it is not at all difficult to imagine the deliberate creation and dispersal of lethal pathogens by those who believe the world is theirs to control.


11.10 . 后记 — Epilogue

…and logic would seem to indicate that the planning for all these travesties emanates from The City of London.


I have not conclusively proven the thesis proposed at the beginning of this article. We have voluminous (and powerful) circumstantial evidence, but the remainder lies in the sphere of conjecture and hypothesis. The facts presented are still facts, and they definitely justify suspicionbut they are not of themselves proof of the US government and military involved in a massive conspiracy with the WHO, and all orchestrated by the European Khazar mafia in The City of London. Nevertheless, this essay may provide food for thought and perhaps provoke other minds to contribute to the process. The object is to uncover and document the whole truth, whatever that might be. And perhaps a caution to avoid both the WHO and vaccines.


It may not be so difficult for us to concede that the US government and military have indeed done all the evil deeds these articles have exposedbut it may be more difficult for us to accept that the United Nations and its various organisations like the WHOUNICEFUNFPA, the IMF, the World Bankand many more, are all cut from the same cloth. And yet the evidence is irrefutable.


Surprising as it may seem, Robert McNamara‘s efforts described earlier, were merely one small part of an American program of human experimentation, torture, sterilisation and much more, an overall program staggering in its enormity, its depravity, and its callous disregard for human life. The CIA’s MK-ULTRA program was almost infinitely larger than MacNamara’s programs. I discussed it in detail in an earlier essay which you can access here. [49] I also provided summaries of some of the fiendish human experimentation conducted by the US authorities over decades, in an earlier essay titled “The Dark Side of America: Human Experimentation”. You can access it here. [50]


The Wall Street Journal published an article titled “Poisoner in Chief” on Sidney Gottlieb, the mastermind behind MK-ULTRA[51], and the New York Times published an article where William Colby of the CIA describes the CIA’s “poison work”[52] and the NYT also published an article on a Congressional Hearing where Senators were informed (as one example) of how the CIA prepared a poison to kill Patrice Lumumba, the Congolese Prime Minister who was becoming troublesome to the US. [53] All of these, and very much more, are pieces of a gigantic worldwide network of atrocities.

《华尔街日报》发表了一篇关于MK-ULTRA幕后主谋西德尼·戈特利布(Sidney Gottlieb)的题为《毒枭》的文章[51],《纽约时报》发表了中央情报局的威廉·科尔比(William Colby)描述中央情报局“毒枭工作”的文章[52],《纽约邮报》也在国会听证会上发表了一文章,参议员们在听证会上获悉(作为一个例子)中央情报局如何准备毒药杀死刚果总理帕特里斯·卢蒙巴(Patrice Lumunba),后者正成为美国的麻烦[53所有这些,以及更多,都是庞大的全球暴行网络的一部分。

And, surprising as it may seem, those activities above form only a small part of the entire worldwide picture of planned travesties that include human experimentation, torture, sterilisation, biological warfare, impoverishment, and depopulation. The US may be the largest and most visible participant in this picture, but Americans are by no means the only players in this game, and logic would seem to indicate that the planning for all these travesties emanates from The City of London. Nothing is what it appears to be. These groups are criminal organisations following an agenda that is in no way in the best interest of the peoples of the world.



Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chap. 2 — Dealing with Demons).


His full archive can be seen at

他的完整档案可以在 +

He can be contacted at:



注释 – NOTES



[1] Department of Defense – Congressional Testimony On AIDS

[1] 国防部-国会关于艾滋病证词

[3] From the Official U.S. Govt. Documents House of Rep. Department of Defense Appropriations for 1970; H.B. 15090

[3] 来自美国政府官方文件众议院1970年国防部拨款;H.B.15090

[4] The US Government Declares War on America

[4] 美国政府向美国宣战rica

[5] The US in Korea

[5] 美国在韩国

[6] Robert McNamara’s Infamous “Project 100,000” and the Vietnam War

[6] 罗伯特·麦克纳马臭名昭著的“十万计划”与越南战争

[7] The US in Vietnam

[7] 美国在越南

[8] The US Government Declares War on America

[8] 美国政府向美国宣战

[9] The US Government Declares War on America — Part 2 — Biological Warfare

[9] 美国政府向美国宣战——下——生物战争

[10] The US Government Declares War on America — Part 3 – The US Declares War on its own Military

[10] 美国政府向美国宣战——第三部分——美国向自己军队宣战

[11] John F. Kennedy Presidential Library; NATIONAL SECURITY ACTION MEMORANDA [NSAM]: NSAM 235,

[11] 约翰·肯尼迪总统图书馆;国家安全行动备忘录:NSAM 235

[12] National Security Action Memorandum 235

[12] 国家安全行动备忘录235

[13] Memo PPS23 by George Kennan


[14] Science: Better than the Bomb

[14] 科学:比炸弹更好,33009,797850,00.html

[15] BioWarfare: Mycoplasma – The Linking Pathogen in Neurosystemic Diseases

[15] 生物战:支原体——神经系统疾病相关病原体

[16] Common Mycoplasmas – Now Weaponized, Pathogenic & Deadly; By Donald W. Scott, MA, MSc © 2001

[16] 常见支原体——现已武器化,致病且致命;作者:Donald W.Scott,文学硕士,理学硕士©2001

[17] Gentleman spy : the life of Allen Dulles

[17] 绅士间谍:杜的一生

[18] David Baltimore

[18] 大卫·巴尔蒂

[19] Litton to Run Cancer Research Lab

[19] 利顿负责癌症研究


[20] 调查传递信服的备忘录



[22] The Story of Robert Strecker


[23] A Chapter Summary of ‘Emerging Viruses’ for Reporters; Overview Reconciling the origin of AIDS and Ebola


[24] AIDS and Ebola – Where Did They Really Come From? by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz

[24]艾滋病和埃博拉病毒——它们真正来自哪里?作者Leonard G.Horo博士witz

[25] Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola


[26] The CIA and the West Nile Virus


[27] Jakob Segal


[27a] A higher form of killing : the secret story of chemical and biological warfare


[28] Michael Morrissey: Was There an AIDS Contract?


[29] New WHO report on Human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 highlights strategies for its prevention and control


[30] Dr. Boyd Graves’ Research and Flowchart Proof of Intentional Development of a Virus that Kills.

[30]Boyd Graves博士的研究和流程证明致命病毒的故意发展。

[31] Queer blood : the secret AIDS genocide plot


[32] Dr. Alan Cantwell – AIDS and the Doctors of Death

[32]Alan Cantwell博士——艾滋病与D医生eath

[33] Dr. Alan Cantwell – AIDS and the Doctors of Death – Part 1

[33]Alan Cantwell博士——艾滋病与死亡医生——1部分

[34] Dr. Alan Cantwell – AIDS and the Doctors of Death – Part 2

[34]Alan Cantwell博士——艾滋病与死亡医生——2部分

[35] Alan Cantwell On The Origin Of AIDS


[36] WHO 1972 Bulletin, volume 47, page 251; Virus-associated immunopathology: animal models


[37] WHO Bulletin; Volume 46(2); 1972


[38] Dr. William Campbell Douglass “W. H .O. Murdered Africa”


[39] Testimony of Nathan Gordon, former chief, Chemistry Branch, Technical Services Division, CIA

[39]美国中央情局技术服务部化学处前处长Nathan Gordon的证词 (from the bottom of page 54 till page 96)

[40] How Aids was unleashed upon Africa


[41] London Times; Edition 1 MON 11 MAY 1987; Smallpox vaccine ‘triggered Aids virus’; BY PEARCE WRIGHT, SCIENCE EDITOR


[42] 1987, the London Times – AIDS epidemics caused by WHO vaccinations


[43] 1987: WHO Admits Its Smallpox Vaccine Caused AIDS – WHO Omits That It Requested The Virus


[44] Gaëtan Dugas

[45] The truth about ‘patient zero’ and HIV’s origins


[46] Killing Patient Zero: How a Quebec flight attendant was falsely accused of bringing AIDS to America


[47] David Heymann


[48] Professor David Heymann


[49] CIA Project MK-ULTRA Updated


[50] The Dark Side of America: Human Experimentation


[51] ‘Poisoner in Chief’ Review: Chemistry Lessons




[53] Senators Hear C.I.A. Sent A Poison to Kill Lumumba



This article may contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not been specifically authorised by the copyright owner. This content is being made available under the Fair Use doctrine, and is for educational and information purposes only. There is no commercial use of this content.


Copyright © Larry Romanoff, Blue Moon of Shanghai, Moon of Shanghai, 2024

版权所有©Larry Romanoff,上海蓝月亮,上海月亮,2024



  Benjamin Fulford Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis 2024 June 24th



This autumn it will be either world war or world government



True to its promise, the Black Sun organization is increasing mayhem worldwide. They promise that if a World Federation is not announced this autumn, there will be a world war.



The signs are everywhere that major and simultaneous military moves are planned against the Khazarian Mafia-controlled countries. “The current regimes in the United States, NATO, South Korea, Japan and Israel will be dismantled,” a North Korean representative promises.



The Anglo-Saxon Five Eyes military alliance will not use nuclear weapons to protect these entities, the head of MI6 promises. They say the current Khazarian Mafia (what they call DVD) controlled governments need to be removed before new global arrangements, including a new financial system, can begin.



Regime change has already begun in the UK, France and Japan where summer elections are expected to overthrow KM-controlled governments.



OK, let us look at the war scenario in detail now. Multiple information sources make it clear it will start with simultaneous military moves by Serbia against NATO, North Korea against South Korea and Turkey plus Egypt and Iran against Israel.



At the same time, some very nasty events are expected inside the US.



Let us start with the US. As we and others have previously reported, at least 7.4 million military-aged, male illegal immigrants have entered the US since the Rockefeller run Biden administration seized power in 2021. We also note that containers filled with weapons have been stashed all over the US.



Now, the US government says:



…all immigrant males between the ages of 18 and 25 are required by law to register with the Selective Service System (SSS) within 30 days of arriving in the United States. This includes naturalized citizens, parolees, undocumented immigrants, legal permanent residents, asylum seekers, refugees, and all males with visas more than 30 days expired.



These are not political or economic refugees. Ryanair CEO Michael O’Leary says the asylum system is “a complete scam” and that such individuals “are not refugees” because they are arriving from safe countries and then flushing their passports down the toilet.



No wonder 62% of registered voters favor “a new national program to deport all undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. illegally.”  



Now Former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell -who headed the intelligence agency under the Obama administration- and Graham Allison, the former U.S. assistant secretary of defense for policy and plans during the Clinton administration, are saying a major terrorist incident is likely to take place at the US/Mexico border in the near future. This warning came in the Rockefeller-controlled Foreign Affairs magazine, indicating the Rockefellers and their KM cohorts are hoping to stage a huge holocaust (sacrifice to Satan) in order to have an excuse to mobilize and arm the illegal foreign immigrants to round up US patriots and send them to concentration camps.



Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) agent J.J. Carrell says FEMA is constructing a huge network of internment camps in all 50 states that will be used to house political dissidents, not illegal aliens as seems to be the claim.



Here, for example, you can see their list of facilities for the State of Texas.



Needless to say, the white hat military will have to decapitate the Rockefeller network in the US to prevent this from happening.



In any case, while the US is distracted by an undeclared civil war, this will be seen by the rest of the world as an opportunity to remove Satanic regimes in many parts of the world.



In Europe, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has placed the country’s army on full combat alert and ordered its units to move closer to the border with Kosovo.



The Train has Left the Station and No One Can Stop It,” Europe Will be at War with Russia, Vucic says.



Serbia is seeking revenge for the destruction of Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia was destroyed by Bill Clinton Rockefeller in order to create the criminal state of Kosovo and steal the mineral resources there.



Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping both recently visited Serbia to offer their public support.



After promising to support Serbia, Putin went to North Korea to re-establish a military alliance.




In an article published in North Korea, Putin said Russia is ready to:



to confront the ambition of the collective West to prevent the emergence of a multipolar world order…[and fight the US-led] “rules-based order”, which is essentially nothing more than a global neo-colonial dictatorship relying on double standards [and will] will support the DPRK and the heroic Korean people in their struggle against the treacherous, dangerous and aggressive enemy, in their fight for independence,



The official Tass News Agency reports Russia and North Korea “consistently defend the idea of building a fairer and more democratic multipolar world order” based on international law and cultural and civilizational diversity.



The North Korean representative says his country now has 200 nuclear weapons capable of hitting the US mainland so they no longer fear US nuclear retaliation for any attempt to reunify Korea. They say the US will not trade Washington, New York, Los Angeles and Chicago for Pyongyang.



Russian FSB sources say military moves against Kosovo (ie NATO) and South Korea would take place at the same time as Turkey, Iran and Egypt move on Israel.



Turkey, which has the largest NATO army after the US, has already said it wants to join the BRICS alliance. Egypt has also warned it is going to end its peace treaty with Israel. Iran, of course is already on the warpath against Israeli dictator Benyamin Satanyahu.



If war starts in the Autumn, there can be no doubt the fascist KM controlled “rules based world order” will lose. Pentagon sources say Russia, China North Korea, Iran and other allies have more than 10 million soldiers with 20 million in reserve and up to 30 million more available via emergency conscript military operations. By contrast NATO (excluding Turkey) can field a maximum of 3 million soldiers.



Needless to say, facing these odds, the collective West is suing for peace. There are high-level negotiations taking place for some sort of announcement this fall of a replacement of the post-war international system based on the UN, the BIS, the World Bank the IMF etc.



However, before we get into that, we would like to offer a chance to all those investors who bought the Iraqi Dinar, the Zimbabwe Dollar and the Vietnamese Dong in expectation these currencies would be revalued as part of the new financial system. The people pushing them have been saying for decades “These currencies are about to revalue next week and make you $ billions so, in the meanwhile could you please send a few thousand dollars?” This is not going to happen. However, investors can get in on the ground floor of a $10 trillion bonanza by buying Bougainville Kina. The Kina is backed by the Panguna mine containing one billion tons of copper and 12 million ounces of gold, worth respectively about $10 trillion and $30 billion.



As background, Rothschild-owned companies started operating the Panguna mine in 1972 until they were forced by the local people to shut it down in 1989. The people of Bougainville or The Kingdom of Papaala as they call it, fought against the Rothschilds because the mine was polluting local rivers with arsenic and destroying the agriculture and livelihoods of the locals.



Now King David Pee II of Papaala is asking for people to support a reopening of the mine using ecologically friendly techniques by investing in their non-Rothschild controlled currency the Kina.



This is how people may invest:



Note that account opening deposit for internationals is K1,000 PGK ($300 USD). Minimum is $20 USD cash but transfer protocols puts it at $100 USD. Whatever amount you deposit is your money anyway which you can withdraw anytime at your pleasure. 

请注意,国际投资者的开户存款为K1000 PGK(300美元)。最低为20美元现金,但转账协议规定为100美元。不管你存多少钱,都是你的钱,你可以随时提取。


To open your new IBOM Account send the deposit to the following account in Bank of South Pacific (BSP):



ACCOUNT NUMBER:  7008953817 = 账号:7008953817

ACCOUNT NAME:  WNBRC Services = 账户名称:WNBRC服务

BANK NAME:  Bank South Pacific (BSP) = 银行名称:南太平洋银行(BSP)

BRANCH: Kimbe, WNB = 分支机构:金贝,WNB


ACCT HOLDER’S ADD:  PO Box 841, Kimbe, WNBP =账户持有人地址:WNBP金贝841号邮政信箱


As a matter of disclosure, the only financial interest your correspondent has in this matter is ownership of a 100 Kina bill given to him by His Majesty when he visited in 2017.


Also, nvestors need to be aware this money will only rise in value if enough funds are gathered for the people of Papaala to hire technicians and buy equipment needed to reopen the mine, so it is a high-risk, high-return proposition.



Meanwhile, back at the Rothschild-controlled financial system, we are seeing more signs of some sort of jubilee and financial reset. We have been told there is agreement to set up a meritocratically staffed future planning organization and stage a worldwide jubilee in 2025.



As a part of this, the Japanese emperor is visiting the UK this week in part to discuss the nationalization of the Bank of Japan, right-wing sources close to the Emperor say. The Rothschild owners of the BOJ will be discussing this with the Emperor, they say.



This coincides with the announcement Baron Nathaniel has taken over control of Rothschild and Company Bank. Nathaniel has made it clear he wants to cooperate with the white hat alliance



In a related move, Chinese Vice Premier Ding Xuexiang went to Luxembourg last week to meet Grand Duke of Luxembourg Henri. The two sides agreed to deepen cooperation in various fields including finance.



This is interesting in light of the fact the Luxembourg based private bank Edmund de Rothschild partially owns the Bank of Japan.



We also note that foreigners -ie BlackRock, Vanguard and other fronts for the Rothschilds and Rockefellers- have been dumping their Japanese stock holdings to try to repatriate as much money as possible before the BOJ is nationalized and their illegally acquired Japanese shareholdings are confiscated. That is the real reason the yen is so weak these days.

我们还注意到,外国人——即黑石贝莱德金融集团(BlackRock)、罗斯柴尔德先锋集团(Vanguard)和罗斯柴尔德家族(Rothschilds)和洛克菲勒家族(Rockefellers)的其他前台机构 —— 一直在抛售他们持有的日本股票,试图在日本央行被国有化和他们非法获得的日本股票被没收之前,尽可能多地套现资金。这就是日元目前如此疲软的真正原因。


As evidence of this, the Japanese Finance Ministry is making moves against Mitsubishi UFJ Bank, Morgan Stanley and others, Asian Secret Society sources say.



There is also an operation underway to end the fake government in Japan, cancel the Treaty of San Francisco and turn Japan into an independent nation again. For reasons of operational security, we cannot get into details at this moment.



The other owners of the BOJ, the Vatican bank and their Black Sun overlords for their part are holding back until they see the announcement of a multi-polar world federation, P3 Freemason sources say.



In a sign something is also going to happen with the Federal Reserve Board in the US, President and Commander in Chief Donald Trump is proposing “repealing the income tax and replacing it with tariffs and deep spending cuts on our regulatory state, which severely retards innovation and wealth creation.”



This would bring the US financial system back into line with what was declared by the founding fathers.



However, other military white hat sources say a government owned Federal Bank reporting to Congress would be a better alternative. In other words, the debate continues. Of course the Biden regime and its’ owners will have to be removed first, which we will discuss further below.



It looks like regime change will come to the UK first with a Fourth of July election.



Early polls indicate Nigel Farage of the Reform Party is going to destroy traditional political parties; he has a massive 27-point lead over other parties in the district of Clacton.



MI5 meanwhile reports Labor Party leader presumptive poll winner  Keir Starmer is being outed as a former Soviet agent and will be forced to resign.



To understand what a Reform party victory would look like, here are key points of their manifesto:


REJECT the WEF agenda = 拒绝世界经济论坛议程

Cancel WHO membership = 取消世界卫生组织成员资格

REJECT cashless agenda = 拒绝无现金议程 

Laws to stop woke ideology = 阻止政治正确意识形态的法律

Free speech bill = 《言论自由条例草案》

Stop cancel culture = 阻止政治正确势力摧毁反对者们的现实生活

SCRAP Net Zero = 废除动态清零政策

Fast-track nuclear energy = 快速批准核电站建设 

Support farmers = 支持农民

SCRAP bans on fossil fuel cars = 废除禁止燃油车的法律 

Tax system to support marriage = 用税收政策来支持婚姻

Opposed to CBDCs = 反对中央银行数字货币


Nigel Farage also wants to end the war in Ukraine and investigate vaccine crimes.



A similar change is expected in France after their June 30th and July 7th Parliamentary elections.



In a sign these elections are a preliminary to ousting President Emanuelle Macron Rothschild, he is being outed for marrying a man pretending to be a woman.



Watch King Charles Kiss the hand of every woman he’s introduced to as per Royal Custom. Then why does he shake the hand of Brigitte Macron?



French sources meanwhile claim to have tracked Jean Michel Henri Trogneux alias Brigitte Macron to Toulon in 1973, when he was the owner of a jewelry store, before changing sex and identity toward the end of the 1980s. In the picture below on the left he is a little boy; on the right when he was teaching college and calling himself “Brigitte.”



The point in the outing is that because Brigitte publicly denies being a man, it opens Macron to blackmail.



On a policy level, Macron has driven France to bankruptcy, especially after the loss of much of France’s revenue from its African colonies.



In the latest on that front, Niger has revoked the operating license of French nuclear fuel producer Orano at the Imouraren uranium mine, amid tensions with France. 



Since Nuclear energy accounts for 70% of France’s electricity, this is a mortal blow for the French economy.



Emmanuel Macron has driven his country to the brink of a “Frexit” moment where it will leave the EU, the EU’s chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier says.



As touched on above, there will also be regime change in Israel if that country hopes to survive. The regime of Satanyahu is being cut off to this end.



According to Mossad sources, Satanyahu Netanyahu says the U.S. is withholding military aid to Israel. (See attached video of Satanyahu whining like a baby). “He knows his days are fast coming to an end. This ties in with what we discussed a month ago regarding Israel being tossed under the bus…. While The Military White Hat Alliance quietly joins Iran,” the source says.



This comes as real numbers show 70,000 Israeli soldiers have been disabled and countless thousands more wounded in the Gaza war. The death toll is still being kept secret.



The Israeli military is now revolting against Netanyahu and his aim to “destroy Hamas.” “To say that we are going to make Hamas disappear is to throw sand in people’s eyes. If we don’t provide an alternative, in the end, we will have Hamas,” Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari told Israel’s Channel 13 broadcaster.



The Israeli press meanwhile is now openly saying the military knew all about Hamas’s October 7 plans long before the attack.



The military knows they have to negotiate peace because they cannot win militarily. In a sign it is the endgame for the Netanyahu regime, Yemen’s Houthis have just attacked four commercial vessels in the Israeli port city of Haifa. This means Israel is now under a total blockade.



Lebanons’ Hezbollah meanwhile, issued video footage showing Israel’s main airport and one of its nuclear bases with targets focused above them.



While Israel collapses, the fake Biden regime implodes. In the latest Joe Biden stutters uncontrollably while giving a speech. Nothing new here folks 




Meanwhile, an episode of ‘Queers Matter’ is going on at the White House. You have to see the video to believe it…..




In another example of the degeneracy of those in power in the US now, Maine is reportedly now handing out free “boofing” kits to residents so they can inject Fentanyl and other drugs through their rectums.




The situation has gotten so bad that “they will try to replace the fake masked Biden with another fake, the AI avatar Gavin Newson. It won’t work in my humble opinion,” a CIA source says. 



So who is running this dystopian reality show? It is the Rothchilds, Rockefeller etc. Khazarian Mafia owners of the mega-corporations who use funds like BlackRock to hide their power. The videos below tell you about how BlackRock controls things but, shy away from discussing who owns it.



Dr Malone explains how Blackrock and massive Wall Street firms are the true overlords of Pfizer and the pharma industry.



Who is BlackRock??



The company that quietly owns everything you hear and read…




Blackrock, the company that owns the world 




In an example of their power, four days before Hillary Clinton Rockefeller was to be indicted in the Whitewater scandal, the documents pertaining to the case were destroyed in the Oklahoma City Bombing. Who was the DA placed in charge of the investigation? Merrick Garland.  



(The AG for The Biden circus show)




Next, the photograph below shows the One World Government run by the oligarchy is more or less a reality now. The guy in the background is Jens Stoltenberg the ex-director of GATES funded Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI). He is currently the Secretary General of NATO


We are taxed again and again on the same money we already paid tax on by these oligarchs. 



They have been caught trying to murder us with vaccines. According to a now censored tweet by Dr. Peter McCullough, Bill Gates gave $9.5 million to the University of Wisconsin-Madison and principal investigator Yoshihiro Kawaoka to modify H5N1 viruses so they could infect humans and other mammals. “This indicates that the Gates Foundation has funded bioterrorist-like activities involving H5N1, providing blueprints for other bad actors who may want to create biological weapons,” he wrote.



They are doubling down on their threats.



Former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Robert Redfield says the next scamdemic will be the Bird Flu with a mortality rate of 50%.




Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla says “I truly think that the best days of Pfizer are ahead of us, because COVID was for me was like a rehearsal.”



They are making these threats because a legal dragnet is closing in on them.



The state of Kansas filed a lawsuit against Pfizer, Inc. for alleged consumer protection violations related to the company’s manufacturing of the COVID-19 vaccine,



The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals meanwhile has ruled COVID “vaccines” aren’t vaccines after all. Dr. David Martin says this paves the way for sweeping lawsuits because the manufacturers “willfully misled the public.”



Evidence of their guilt in mass murder is piling up day by day.



Mainstream media like the Telegraph are reporting COVID-19 vaccines are linked to 3 million excess deaths. The point about it being in mainstream media is these companies are prepared to defend the truth of what they say in a court of law.



It also now turns out excess deaths are up a staggering 22% among 1 to 14-year-olds in the UK almost certainly as a result of the vaccines.




In Toronto, Canada meanwhile, they are trying to normalize heart attacks in kids and babies caused by the fake vaccines that are gene therapy 




The Pentagon for its part is saying it did not keep adequate track of funds awarded to Chinese research labs or other countries that could have been to disperse bio-weapons.



We also know one purpose of the vaccine murder was to herd us into digital prisons. For a good example listen to MEP Christine Anderson talk about the intended results of 15 minute city prisons.




In addition to the vaccine crimes becoming public knowledge, more and more people are becoming aware of the mass kidnapping of children for nefarious purposes.



From Polish intelligence:



Australia 20,000 missing children



Canada 45,000 missing children



 Germany 100,000 missing children



India 96,000 missing children



Jamaica 2,000 missing children



Russia 45,000 missing children



Spain 20,000 missing children



The United Kingdom 112,000 missing children



United States 800,000 missing children



Worldwide 8 million missing children



This has been going on for a long time and often it is hidden in plain sight, As an example, look at the Alfa Romeo symbol of child-eating reptiles.







There is a crackdown underway, Again from Polish intelligence:



Visitors to Disneyland Paris were amazed to see an unprecedented number of “Aircraft trails that stretched across the entire sky and hung all day…It looked like the planes were spraying straight from the wings – when it started we noticed people coughing and sneezing. A Disney park employee commented: “I always thought chemtrails were just a crazy conspiracy,




Our sources say the spraying was connected to a white hat operation to take out the Adrenochrome harvesting child torture centers under Paris Disneyland.



More and more people are also now exposing crimes in the Ukraine. In the video below Clayton Morris from Redacted confirms what we have already reported: Body parts are being stolen and sold from Ukrainian soldiers.




In a desperate attempt to avoid being arrested for these and other crimes, the KM are also still trying to starve us to death.



Under the guise of reducing “methane emissions,” thirteen nations have signed the pledge to engineer global famine by gutting agricultural production and shutting down farms. Those nations are:



Argentina 阿根廷


Australia 澳大利亚


Brazil 巴西


Burkina Faso 布基纳法索


Chile 智利


Czech Republic 捷克共和国


Ecuador 厄瓜多尔


Germany 德国


Panama 巴拿马


Peru 秘鲁


Spain 西班牙


The United States 美国


Uruguay. 乌拉圭。


German farmer Anthony Lee says: “In Germany, we have a farming minister who’s telling us we should only eat 10 grams meat per day…” Jordan Peterson: “When the politicians start telling you what you can and can’t eat, we’ve crossed the line. You don’t get to tell me where I set my thermostat, you don’t get to tell me what I can drive and when and you certainly bloody well don’t get to tell me what I can eat. Like fundamentally and seriously to hell with you.”



In Idaho meanwhile, funds supposedly meant for the Ukraine are being used to cut off water to 500,000 acres of farmland and redirect it to a high water use cobalt mine.




The Russian government is insisting law enforcement agencies must assist in “investigation of crimes of the neo-Nazis and punishers, who must be brought to responsibility for their atrocities.”



“We all need to understand this and assist the alliance to end it once and for all,” a Pentagon white hat source says. Amen to that.



CN — LARRY ROMANOFF: 王位背后的权力 (重新审查)


May 11, 2023


The Power Behind the Throne


By Larry Romanoff






上海的藍月亮檔案館 拉里·羅曼諾夫(Larry Romanoff)的相關文章




























































This may be a surprise to many readers, but Jews are in a position of virtually total control of all important facets of the US government, a control that includes both domestic legislation and foreign policy. This is so true that it is not possible to separate actions or policies initiated by “Americans” from those imposed by their Jewish overlords, and in fact there is little policy emanating from the US that could be considered “American” in content. However startling this may seem, the truth of it is easily provable.


When the government of Ukraine was overthrown and the country’s elected President replaced by a Jew who would instigate a war with Russia, it was another Jew, Victoria Nuland, in the State Department, who was making the selection of the President and pulling all the strings. The US White House and Congress were uninvolved and meekly silent while all this was happening. The “Americans” will suffer the blame for the ensuing chaos, but Americans had no part of this; the US is merely a tool for the Khazar Jews to achieve their aims, functioning primarily as The Bankers Private Army. When Israel wanted the latest version of US military aircraft, US Generals declined, saying they needed the aircraft and that Congress would never approve the transfer. Israel’s President Benjamin Netanyahu is quoted as saying, “Just get the aircraft ready. I’ll take care of Congress.”


Jews are not hesitant about openly demanding obedience from members of the US Congress, nor do they shrink from punishing the disobedient. As I noted in a previous essay on the Deep State,[1] US Congressmen and Senators are literally forced to sign an oath of allegiance to Israel and the Jews at the risk of losing the next election. It is hardly a secret that today the main prerequisite for election to any US government position is a firm public commitment to the Jews’ agenda, whatever that may include.

 犹太人对公开要求美国国会议员服从并不犹豫不决,对惩罚不服从的人也不退缩。正如我在上一篇关于深层次国家的文章中指出的那样,[1] 美国国会议员和参议员实际上被迫签署效忠以色列和犹太人的誓言,冒着失去下一次选举的风险。如今,当选任何美国政府职位的主要先决条件都是对犹太人议程的坚定公开承诺,这几乎不是什么秘密,不管其中可能包括什么。

We can easily identify the same patterns in finance and banking, in corporate legislation, in social policies dealing especially with abortion, education, gender and sexual matters, in food safety legislation, in the pharmaceutical world, and much more. In all these areas, there are Jews leading the process, very often from behind the scenes but increasingly done in the open. The Jews’ absolute domination of all mainstream media, social media, Internet searching, book and magazine publishing, and advertising, ensures their total information control and thus public perceptions.


These statements are equally true, at least in significant part, for all Western countries and many others as well, like South Africa and Japan. The percentage of Jews in the governments of other nations may not be as dramatically high as in the US, but Jewish domination and control exist nevertheless. Many Western nations, Germany being one especially notable example, are in practical terms Jewish colonies. Canada, France, England, Italy, Holland, are not better. It doesn’t seem to be widely-known, but this is precisely the reason democracy was created as a form of government;[2] it is the only system of government that permits alien outsiders to take total control from behind the scenes.


Jews hold an enormous, and enormously disproportionate, number of positions in the US government at all levels from Secretary of State to a communications clerk. A large number of these people have dual Israeli-US citizenship with clearly concomitant loyalties, almost all being Zionists as well. This essay presents some accumulated evidence garnered from various publicly-available sources. It is by no means complete; a full list would contain many thousands of names.


In reviewing the lists below, a few points should be kept in mind. One is that each name is just the apex of a Jewish pyramid. Since these individuals are almost all in executive positions with large departments under their reign, they will appoint many other Jews in turn. A Jewish Secretary of State will appoint many Jews to various State Department offices and many Jewish US ambassadors. Similar with Defense, Treasury, Commerce, and so on. If we add in all the handlers, aides, assistants, deputies, lawyers, advisors, and the multitude of high and middle-level bureaucrats and policy-makers, the number of ethnic Jews in a typical American administration would likely be 40% to 50%. This is a fact recognised and admitted by American Jews themselves, one prominent Jewish publication stating, “The US has no longer a government of Goyim [Gentiles], but an administration in which the Jews are full partners in the decision making at all levels.”[2a]


According to the Jewish Forward,[3]when John Deutch was appointed Director of the CIA, he immediately “made a series of personnel changes”, appointing David Cohen as Deputy Director and Nora Slatkin as Executive Director, giving her “broad, unprecedented authority over the deputy directors”. Jews also filled four of the CIA’s seven directorates, with another Jew, Arlen Specter, being appointed around the same time as Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, giving Jews a virtual stranglehold on the workings of the CIA. It was the Jew Sydney Gottlieb who was appointed head of the CIA’s inhuman MK-ULTRA program, with other Jews put in positions of worldwide political murders and assassination projects.[4] One such person, Samuel Halpern, was the “executive officer of Task Force W” which was established to kill Cuba’s Fidel Castro[5][6][7] – primarily in retribution for Castro’s expulsion of the Jews after the Revolution, with “Americans” being blamed for all the failed attempts on Castro’s life.

据《犹太前锋报》(Jewish Forward)报道,[3]当约翰-德奇( John Deutch)被任命为中情局局长时,他立即 “进行了一系列人事变动”,任命大卫-科恩(David Cohen)为副局长,任命诺拉-斯拉特金(Nora Slatkin)为执行局长,赋予她 “对副局长前所未有的广泛权力”。犹太人还充实了中情局7个局中的4个,另一个犹太人阿伦-斯佩克特(Arlen Specter)大约在同一时间被任命为参议院情报委员会主席,使犹太人实际上扼杀了中情局的工作。犹太人悉尼-戈特利布( Sydney Gottlieb )被任命为中情局惨无人道的MK-ULTRA项目的负责人,其他犹太人则被安排在全球政治谋杀和暗杀项目的岗位上。[4]其中一个叫塞缪尔-哈尔彭(Samuel Halpern)的人是 “W特遣部队的执行官”(”Executive officer of Task Force W”),该特遣部队的成立是为了杀死古巴的菲德尔-卡斯特罗(Fidel Castro)[5][6][7]–主要是为了报复卡斯特罗在革命后驱逐犹太人,而 “美国人 “则被归咎于对卡斯特罗的所有未遂谋杀。

Similarly, when Madeleine Albright was appointed US Secretary of State, she immediately organised a slate of candidates for all the top positions in the State Department, which consisted entirely of Jews. She immediately appointed Dennis Ross, Stuart Eizenstadt, Mark Grossman, Princeton Lyman, Howard Wolpe, Stanley Roth, Jeff Davidow, Martin Indyk. Indyk had his security clearance suspended by the State Department for “suspected violations” of security norms, “over a long period of time”, but that didn’t stop Albright from clearing him anyway. In related news, something similar occurred with Donald Trump’s handler and bearer of instructions from his masters in The City of London – his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who apparently failed every category of security examination but was appointed anyway.

同样,当 Madeleine Albright马德琳-奥尔布赖特被任命为美国国务卿时,她立即组织了一个完全由犹太人组成的国务院所有高级职位的候选人名单。她立即任命了丹尼斯-罗斯( Dennis Ross),斯图尔特-艾森斯塔特(Stuart Eizenstadt),马克-格罗斯曼(Mark Grossman),普林斯顿-莱曼(Princeton Lyman),霍华德-沃尔普(Howard Wolpe),斯坦利-罗斯(Stanley Roth),杰夫-戴维奥( Jeff Davidow),马丁-因迪克 (Martin Indyk)。马丁-因迪克(Martin Indyk)因 “长期涉嫌违反 “安全规范而被国务院暂停安全许可,但这并没有阻止马德琳-奥尔布赖特对他的许可。在相关的新闻中,类似的情况发生在Donald Trump的处理者和他在伦敦城的主人的指示者–他的女婿Jared Kushner身上,他显然没有通过每一类安全审查,但还是被任命了。

Even when appointees are not Jewish, the Jewish lobby usually has much to celebrate. Early in Clinton’s first term in 1993, the MetroWest Jewish News boasted that “The new [Clinton] administration will also have the added strength of two very strong [non-Jewish] supporters of Israel as Secretary of Defense Les Aspin, and Central Intelligence Agency Director James Woolsey. Aspin, as Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, has been an architect of – and key figure in – U.S.-Israel strategic relations. Both men are members of the board of advisors of JINSA, the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs.”

即使被任命者不是犹太人,犹太游说团体通常也有很多值得庆祝的地方。在1993年(克林顿)第一个任期的早期,”大西区犹太新闻 “吹嘘说:”新的[克林顿]政府还将有两个非常强大的[非犹太人]的以色列支持者 国防部长 Les Aspin (Secretary of Defense Les Aspin) 和  中央情报局局长(James Woolsey)(Central Intelligence Agency Director James Woolsey)的额外力量。阿斯平(Aspin),作为众议院军事委员会的主席,一直是美以战略关系的设计师和关键人物。两人都是犹太国家安全事务研究所(JINSA)的顾问委员会成员”。

Since Jews comprise only about 1.5% of the US population, we can legitimately ask why they should expect to be “full partners” in “all levels” of the US government, and I think we could all wish we had “as little influence” as they do. Another factor is that many if not most have Israeli citizenship or otherwise deep connections to Israel, with their prime loyalties generally in that direction. As well, most of these people are avowed Zionists and unlikely to miss an opportunity to further that agenda which will seldom be compatible with US interests. Finally, most of these individuals have deep contacts with AIPAC, the Rothschild Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, many of the prominent so-called Think Tanks and Foundations, as well as related organisations like the RAND Corporation, and will not only be taking instruction but acting in behalf of the varied agendas of these groups – all of which are staunchly Zionist, and all instruction and control emanating from the cabal of Jewish bankers in The City of London.

由于犹太人只占美国人口的1.5%左右,我们可以合理地问,为什么他们应该期望成为美国政府 “各级 “的 “全面合作伙伴”,我想我们都可以希望我们像他们那样 “影响力小”。另一个因素是,许多人(如果不是大多数)都有以色列公民身份,或以其他方式与以色列(Israel)有很深的联系,他们的主要忠诚度一般都在这个方向。此外,这些人中的大多数都是公开的犹太复国主义分子,不太可能错过推进与美国利益极不相符的议程的机会。最后,这些人中的大多数都与AIPAC、罗斯柴尔德外交关系委员会(Rothschild Council on Foreign Relations)、三边委员会(the Trilateral Commission)、许多著名的所谓智囊团和基金会(Think Tanks and Foundations)有着深厚的联系、 以及兰德公司(RAND Corporation)等相关组织,并将不仅接受指示,而且代表这些团体的各种议程行事–所有这些团体都是坚定的犹太复国主义(Zionist),所有指示和控制都来自伦敦城(City of London)的犹太银行家集团。

How Sweet it is to be Jewish


On October 3, 2001, the Israeli Press Agency reported on a Kol Yisrael radio program where Shimon Peres warned Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon that refusing to heed incessant American requests for a cease-fire with the Palestinians would endanger Israeli interests and “turn the US against us.” At this point, a furious Sharon reportedly turned toward Peres, saying “Every time we do something you tell me Americans will do this and will do that. I want to tell you something very clear, don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it.” [7a]


The confidence and boasting about the influence and power of Jews in the world go much farther than this. In October of 1998, Alain Finkielkraut, a professor of philosophy at France’s elite Ecole Polytechnique, had an article published in the French daily Le Monde, titled “Mgr Stepinac et les deux douleurs de l’Europe”[8] in which he stated:

 对犹太人在世界上的影响力和力量的自信和吹嘘远不止于此。1998年10月,法国精英大学理工学院的哲学教授阿兰·芬基尔克劳特在法国《世界报》上发表了一篇题为《Stepinac et les deux douleurs de l‘Europe》的文章,他在文章中说:[8]

“Ah, how sweet it is to be Jewish at the end of this 20th century! We are no longer History’s accused, but its darlings. The spirit of the times loves, honors, and defends us, watches over our interests; it even needs our imprimatur.*[8] Journalists draw up ruthless indictments against all that Europe still has in the way of Nazi collaborators or those nostalgic for the Nazi era. Churches repent, states do penance, Switzerland no longer knows where to stand …”. * An “imprimatur” is official permission to do something, given by a group of people in a position of power. Finkielkraut is reveling in the thought that Jews have so much power and influence today that much of the current events of the world require Jewish sanction or acquiescence to proceed.

 啊,在这个20世纪末成为犹太人是多么甜蜜啊!我们不再是历史的被告,而是历史的宠儿。时代精神热爱、尊重和捍卫我们,关注我们的利益;它甚至需要我们的印记。*[8] 记者们对欧洲仍有的所有纳粹(Nazi)合作者或怀念纳粹时代的人提出了无情的指控。教会在忏悔,国家在忏悔,瑞士已经不知道该站在哪里……”。* “印记 “是指由一群有权力的人给予的官方许可,可以做一些事情。芬基尔克劳特(Finkielkraut)陶醉于这样的想法:犹太人今天拥有如此大的权力和影响力,以至于目前世界上的许多事件都需要犹太人 的认可或默许才能进行。

But this attitude was by no means a recent development. The Jewish Daily Bulletin stated in its publication on July 27th, 1935, “There is only one power which really counts. The power of political pressure. We Jews are the most powerful people on earth, because we have this power, and we know how to apply it.” Israeli commentator Israel Shahak says Jewish influence on governments, the US in this case, “is due to their great political influence in general and their predominance in the media in particular” and the ability of the “organised American Jews” to use their power for their own interests.

但这种态度绝不是最近才出现的。1935年7月27日出版的《犹太日报》上写道、”只有一种力量是真正重要的。政治压力的力量。我们犹太人是世界上最有力量的人,因为我们拥有这种力量,而且我们知道如何运用这种力量”。以色列评论家以色列-沙哈克(Israel Shahak)说,犹太人对美国政府的影响,”一般是由于他们巨大的政治影响力,特别是他们在媒体中的主导地位”,以及 “有组织的美国犹太人 “利用他们的权力为自己谋利益的能力。

Many of the Jews who have obtained positions of power in the US government are also officials of AIPAC and other Jewish pressure groups such as the ADL. When you add in the almost total control of all forms of mainstream and social media, especially including newspapers and television, of most magazines and all of Hollywood, of most of the book publishers and book sellers, of most of the major international advertising agency conglomerates, of all the large banks and the banking system, the so-called “merchant banks”, the hedge funds, the large M&A groups, and the beneficial ownership and control of a majority of the multi-national corporations, to say nothing of their presence in higher education, the extent of Jewish influence and control is impressive indeed. And none of this latter is part of what we call the ‘deep state’ or the ‘hidden government’. These are just the people who support it and benefit from it.


This overload of Jews in all US Administrations seriously affects the US position in all foreign relations, not the least of which involves the 70-year-long Jewish atrocity in Palestine. The Jerusalem Post wrote that with so many Jews in the upper echelons of American government, “Arabs have repeatedly complained that the United States has not acted as an honest broker” in Middle East peace negotiations. Israeli commentator Meron Benevenisti described an Israeli newspaper’s depiction of the 4-member Clinton “peace mission” as “the mission of four Jews”, the paper “gloating with pride while talking about the Jewish roots of all its members.”


These conditions hold true for what appears to the public as “the American position” on all consequential foreign circumstances, specifically including Iraq, Libya, Syria, Russia, China, Cuba, Iran, Somalia, Venezuela, and others. But because of the almost total control of the US Congress and White House by Jews, as well as virtual total control of all the media, what the world sees emanating from the White House is the Jewish position on all these nations, a policy dictated by the Jewish Bankers (led by the Rothschilds) from The City of London.


This is so true that there is really no such thing as “a US position” on anything involving foreign nations or policies. The fact that so many US Ambassadors are also Jewish, that Jews have a stranglehold on both the State Department and the US Defense Department, is a powerful negative for other nations. At one point, James Zogby, head of the Arab American Institute, wrote with alarm in an article entitled “A Dangerous Appointment”, that more than two-thirds of all the work done by or for the US Defense Department involved representing Israeli interests.[9]

 这是事实,在任何涉及外国或政策的事情上,都不存在所谓的“美国立场”。这么多美国大使也是犹太人,犹太人对国务院和美国国防部都有牵制力,这对其他国家来说是一个强大的负面影响。阿拉伯裔美国人研究所所长詹姆斯·佐格比曾在一篇题为《一个危险的任命》的文章中惊慌失措地写道,美国国防部或为国防部做的所有工作中,有三分之二以上涉及代表以色列利益 [9]

“In 1997 Jewish American journalist J. J. Goldberg gave a lecture to the Labor Zionist Alliance of Canada. The Canadian Jewish News reported on the talk, noting that Goldberg proclaimed that “Jews are the “players” in the modern world, not “victims”.” “[Goldberg] went on to give many examples of American Jewry’s influential role in American politics. ‘We Jews run American Middle East policy.” This is so true that when Israeli President Ezer Weizman traveled to the US, community leaders were invited to the White House for lunch and to discuss American Middle-East policy, and the only non-Jews in the room were Bill and Hillary Clinton.

“1997年美国犹太记者J.J.戈德堡(J. J. Goldberg)为加拿大劳工犹太复国主义联盟做了一次讲座。加拿大犹太新闻报道了这次讲座,指出戈德堡宣称 “犹太人是现代世界的 “参与者”,而不是 “受害者”。”[Goldberg]戈德堡]接着举了许多例子,说明美国犹太人在美国政治中的影响作用。’我们犹太人掌管着美国的中东政策”。这句话非常正确,当以色列总统埃泽尔-魏茨曼到美国旅行时,社区领导人被邀请到白宫吃午饭并讨论美国的中东政策,而房间里唯一的非犹太人是比尔和希拉里-克林顿(Bill and Hillary Clinton.)

Connecting Some Dots


A major portion of this essay is a list of Jews holding important positions in the US federal government, which positions collectively give them as a group enormous power over the government, its domestic activities and, most importantly, over all America’s foreign affairs policies and enterprises. The positions recorded in the lists below are mostly quite recent, but I have included some appointments from the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s to demonstrate that Jewish control of the US government has existed for decades but has been increasing at an alarming rate in recent years.


In examining the distribution in the US government, Jews concentrate heavily in the White House to control the President, in the State Department (including Ambassadors and Consuls-General) for control of all US foreign policy, in the Treasury Department and financial areas for control of the economy and spending priorities in the US Federal budget, in the military areas of Defense and Intelligence to control the wars and color revolutions, and in the Judiciary. Their control of Congress is already legendary, with many observers stating that the US Congress is “Israeli-occupied territory”.


This is partly an aside, but it is not a secret that every “Congressional Investigation” in living memory has been widely denigrated as “a whitewash”. This includes everything from the 1929 stock market crash, the 1934 Jewish attempted fascist coup on the US government,[9a] the JFK assassination, the various “investigations” on US torture practices, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, to the incredibly distorted series of hearings on 9-11. Indeed, I cannot recall a single Congressional investigation ever being held that was not immediately categorised as “a sham”, “a fraud” and “a whitewash”, with the Jewish-controlled mass media unanimously denigrating all doubters as “conspiracy theorists”. Unquestionably, some of these obviously false investigations were heavily controlled by Jews in the background because Jews were primarily responsible for the event concerned. Proof is certainly available, but can gain no traction because of media censorship.

这部分是题外话,但众所周知,人们记忆中的每一次 “国会调查”(Congressional Investigation)都被广泛诋毁为 “粉饰”。这包括从1929年股市崩盘、1934年犹太人企图对美国政府发动法西斯政变、[9a]肯尼迪遇刺、对美国酷刑行为的各种 “调查”、日本偷袭珍珠港(Pearl Harbour)),到令人难以置信的9-11事件系列听证会。事实上,在我的记忆中,没有一次国会调查不是被立即归类为 “骗局”、”欺诈 “和 “粉饰”,而犹太人控制的大众媒体则一致将所有质疑者诋毁为 “阴谋论者”。毫无疑问,在这些明显虚假的调查中,有一些是由犹太人在幕后操纵的,因为犹太人是相关事件的主要责任人。证据当然是有的,但由于媒体的审查制度而无法得到证实。。

A noteworthy phenomenon is that Jews from Germany and Eastern Europe, primarily Russia and Ukraine, tend strongly to head for the US government. But the infiltration into the US government of Jews from the rest of Europe, from Italy, France, the Netherlands, the Nordic countries, is almost zero. It seems to be mostly German and Russian/Ukrainian Jews who have taken control of the US government.


Another interesting distribution is that if we look at lists of Jews in the US where the occupations are also listed, the overwhelming majority are in the performing arts – actors and actresses, singers, songwriters, musicians, playwrights, comedians, movie directors or producers. The next category, much smaller, is law, followed by an alarming number of Jewish university presidents and department heads. The next most populous category is banking and finance, followed by medicine and the sciences, with little else of consequence; three economists, two philosophers, one pastry chef.


In a broad category related to performing arts, there is very much media involvement – many journalists, novelists and writers of fiction, some Jewish so-called “historians” who re-write history to fit the Jewish narrative – and which can also be categorised as fiction. Then there is the mass media including most newspapers and magazines, radio and TV networks, the book publishers and sellers, all the social media, Internet search engines, information platforms like Wikipedia, the so-called “fact-checkers” like Poynter, Snopes, and, most of the advertising industry – especially the international giants, and of course Hollywood. All of these are almost entirely under Jewish control, not only feeding the Jewish narrative to the world’s publics but increasingly enacting severe censorship and content restriction to ensure almost total information control. We are at the point where any information or opinions contradicting the Jewish agenda is categorised as “misinformation” and is blocked, censored, or banned.


“Conspiracy” may not be the most appropriate label to apply to this concerted effort, but it is very apparent that all participants are reading from the same script and are all on the same page.


In a current real-life example, the City of London will issue an edict that LGBTQ+ and trans-sexuality are the “new normal” for Gentiles. The Jewish-controlled media will immediately flood the airwaves and print with the philosophy of beneficial incest, bestiality and homosexual necrophilia, and the Jewish Hollywood studios will produce excellent movies proselytising the subject. Following in lock-step, the Jewish-controlled social media will ban or delete any contradictory opinions or facts as “misinformation”. White House “advisors” will parrot the media position to the President, instructing him to get onside lest he have a palace revolt and his ratings fall to jeopardise his chances of re-election. The Cabinet, being mostly Jewish, is already onside. Jewish lawyers will file multiple briefs to the courts in support of this new agenda, and Jewish judges will rule in favor.


In the meantime, America’s Jewish Ambassadors and Consulate staff will be proselytising this agenda in countries around the world, again heavily supported by the Jewish-controlled media in those countries. The Israeli Embassies and Consulates will be doing the same things, but they have little power around the world and can’t do much by themselves. They need the diplomatic and extortion power of the US to help them further their agendas. And in short order, all the cities, at least in the Western world, will have “rainbow pedestrian crosswalks” at their street intersections to celebrate Jewish sexual perversions.


And nobody will even know what happened. The Jews did it for abortions in exactly the same way. They did it for COVID in exactly the same way, and for ZIKA. They are doing it again today for many more agenda items, including Klaus Schwab’s WEF and his “You will have nothing and you will be happy” agenda.

甚至没有人会知道发生了什么。犹太人用同样的方式堕胎。他们以完全相同的方式为COVID(科维德)和ZIKA(齐卡)这样做。今天,他们为更多的议程项目再次这样做,包括克劳斯-施瓦布的世界经济论坛(Klaus Schwab’s WEF)和他的 “你将一无所有,你将快乐 “议程。

It is crucially important for the world to identify Jews as Jews, not in a general widespread sense, but with those individuals active in government, finance, education, social policy, the media, and in foreign affairs. As in the above example, we are generally aware of the flood of media attention suddenly being paid to LGBTQ+ and trans-sexuality as well as renewed attention to free abortion policies. But our perceptions are altered and our understanding of the forces shaping our social society is greatly improved when we can see that virtually all those individuals proselytising these social changes are Jews. It is almost entirely Jewish academics, activists and others who create the public pressure for this sexual social upheaval, and it is entirely Jews who exert pressure on governments to adhere to this agenda, all heavily supported by the Jewish-controlled media. It now becomes obvious that what appeared to be a “natural” social change or evolution is in fact the result of a tightly-coordinated plan being executed by one race of people. It seems that the “sexologists” are all Jewish. [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17]


There is one other part to this business of the Jews’ control of the US government. It is of considerable importance to understand that US government departments do not function in a vacuum, and neither do their staff. The Jews who hold these government posts are also generally intertwined with many other sectors and institutions, greatly magnifying their influence. In addition to their federal posts, these Jews very often have teaching positions at prominent universities and are frequently members of the so-called neocon “think tanks” like the Rothschild Council on Foreign Relations. Many are active in AIPAC or the ADL and other powerful Jewish lobby groups. They also have many corporate board memberships, are on the current lists of authors for much of the Jewish media newspapers and magazines. Many of them frequently appear on TV news programs.

犹太人控制美国政府这件事还有另外一个部分。重要的是要明白,美国政府部门不是在真空中运作的,他们的工作人员也不是。担任这些政府职务的犹太人通常还与许多其他部门和机构有千丝万缕的联系,从而极大地扩大了他们的影响力。除了联邦职位外,这些犹太人还经常在著名大学担任教职,并经常是所谓的新保守派 “智库 “成员,如罗斯柴尔德对外关系委员会(Rothschild Council on Foreign Relations)。许多人活跃在AIPAC或ADL和其他强大的犹太游说团体中。他们还拥有许多公司的董事会成员资格,是目前许多犹太媒体报纸和杂志的作者名单上的一员。他们中的许多人经常出现在电视新闻节目中。

As well, Jewish lobby groups have enormous additional influence on US government policy. The Jewish Standard published an article boasting of the power and influence of AIPAC, “shaping how Congress and others” affect the White House administration. “AIPAC has tremendous reach”.[18] The Jerusalem Post boasted that the major Jewish organisations “have the ear of the president, senior administration officials, and federal and state government officeholders across the United States.”[19]

 此外,犹太游说团体对美国政府的政策也有巨大的额外影响。《犹太标准报》发表了一篇文章,夸耀AIPAC的权力和影响力,题为《塑造国会和其他机构如何影响白宫政府》。 “AIPAC拥有巨大的影响力。”。[18]《耶路撒冷邮报》吹嘘说,主要的犹太组织“得到了总统、高级政府官员、以及美国各地的联邦和州政府官员的倾听[19]

Denials and “anti-Semitism”


When writing of Jewish influence and control of a society’s segments, most especially those in the US like Hollywood or the media, or the ownership of the FED, there is always a flurry of denial and often vicious personal attacks even though the Jews like to boast in private of their control of these same segments.


When William Cash wrote an article on the Jews’ nearly total (more than 80% by content and revenue), control of Hollywood, the Jewish defense machine went immediately into action. “Fifteen leading Hollywood personalities, including Kevin Costner, Tom Cruise, Kirk Douglas and Barbra Streisand, signed a letter to the Spectator accusing Cash of advancing “anti-Semitic stereotypes” and “racist cant.” Leon Wieseltier, literary editor of the New Republic, wrote to the Spectator’s editor hinting at retribution and said: “You run a filthy magazine”.”[20] And there was retribution indeed; the publishing company immediately lost advertisers and circulation. Jewish publications on both sides of the Atlantic pilloried the company and its publications.[21] [22] The dirty part is that the article had nothing to do with “anti-Semitism”; it simply discussed a fact already widely-known but that cannot be discussed in polite company. The Jews will viciously attack anyone shining a light on their pervasive power and influence in any sector.

当威廉-卡什(William Cash)写了一篇关于犹太人几乎完全(按内容和收入计算超过80%)控制好莱坞的文章后,犹太人的辩护机器立即行动起来。”包括凯文-科斯特纳(Kevin Costner)、汤姆-克鲁斯(Tom Cruise)、柯克-道格拉斯(Kirk Douglas)和芭芭拉-史翠珊(Barbra Streisand)在内的15位好莱坞知名人士联名致信《旁观者》(Spectator),指责卡什(Cash)宣扬 “反犹成见 “和 “种族主义言论”。新共和》的文学编辑莱昂-维塞尔蒂尔(Leon Wieseltier)写信给《旁观者》的编辑,暗示要进行报复,并说:”你办了一本肮脏的杂志”: “你办了一本肮脏的杂志”。”[20] 报复确实发生了;出版公司立即失去了广告客户和发行量。[21][22]肮脏的是,这篇文章与 “反犹太主义”(”anti-Semitism”)毫无关系;它只是讨论了一个早已广为人知但却不能在礼貌场合讨论的事实。犹太人会恶毒地攻击任何揭露他们在任何领域无处不在的权力和影响力的人。。

Anticipating this same response (as well as the usual charges of anti-Semitism) to claims of the Jews controlling Washington, we can expect the multitude of Jewish organisations to emerge with strident defense denials, but those denials are false.


The Jewish magazine Mosaic equates any mention of Jewish control, especially of the US State Department, to anti-Semitism, stating “Stigmatization by overt anti-Semites magnifies the extent to which discussions surrounding the American Jewish diplomats can easily descend into nose-counting and age-old racial slurs. Conversely, it is extremely difficult for the American Jewish community to discuss such matters in a comfortable, open, and critical manner … Mindful of this concern, one would hardly want to spur public awareness and inadvertently damage Jewish interests.”


It should be obvious that such statements are grossly dishonest. Mentioning all the famous Jewish actors like Harrison Ford or Kirk Douglas meets with smiles and praise, but any mention of Jews in government, Hollywood, universities, finance, or the media inevitably result in dirty denunciations of “anti-Semitism”.

显而易见,这种说法是极不诚实的。提到哈里森-福特(Harrison Ford)或柯克-道格拉斯(Kirk Douglas)等所有著名犹太演员,人们都会报以微笑和赞美,但只要提到政府、好莱坞、大学、金融或媒体中的犹太人,就不可避免地会遭到 “反犹太主义”(“anti-Semitism”)的肮脏谴责。

In terms of diluting the public consciousness of the overwhelming presence of Jews in the US government, I found this Jewish tactic reprehensibly dishonest: The Times of Israel published an article headlined “White House slams ‘spurious’ attacks on Jewish, Palestinian staff picks.”[23] The purpose of the article was to discourage the public from identifying Jews in the US government, doing so by relying on guilt, an assumed morality, and American ignorance. Briefly, the American public had been too vocal in identifying Jews in powerful government positions, so the Jews crafted a solution: the Jewish News Syndicate identified the single Palestinian (Maher Bitar)[24] holding a position in the entire US government, and published an attack on that person, very obviously according to plan. The Times of Israel then produced this article with a composite photo of a Jew and the Palestinian, denouncing imaginary public identification of government officials by race, clearly suggesting that both Jews and Palestinians were being morally undermined by this racial identification. To further the deception, the composite photo of the Jew and the Palestinian side by side suggested these two races were really good friends who were “partners in oppression”. Of course, this was merely a clever and gigantic fraud. It was Jews who were being outed by the public; nobody noticed or mentioned the single Palestinian, but the Jews remedied that by outing and attacking him.

在淡化公众对犹太人在美国政府中的压倒性存在的意识方面,我发现犹太人的这一策略应受到谴责,是不诚实的:《以色列时报》(The Times of Israel)发表了一篇文章,标题是 “白宫抨击对犹太人、巴勒斯坦(Palestinian)工作人员人选的’虚假’攻击”[23]。 这篇文章的目的是阻止公众识别美国政府中的犹太人,这样做的依据是内疚、假定的道德和美国人的无知。简而言之,美国公众在指认担任政府要职的犹太人方面呼声过高,因此犹太人精心设计了一个解决方案:犹太新闻辛迪加(Jews News Syndicate)指认了在整个美国政府中担任要职的唯一一名巴勒斯坦人(Maher Bitar)[24],并发表了一篇攻击此人的文章,这显然是按照计划进行的。随后,《以色列时报》用一张犹太人和巴勒斯坦人的合成照片发表了这篇文章,谴责公众对政府官员种族身份的假想,明确暗示犹太人和巴勒斯坦人在道德上都受到了这种种族身份的损害。为了进一步掩人耳目,犹太人和巴勒斯坦人并排的合成照片暗示这两个种族是真正的好朋友,是 “压迫中的伙伴”。当然,这只是一个巧妙而巨大的骗局。被公众揭露的是犹太人;没有人注意到或提到那个单身的巴勒斯坦人,但犹太人通过揭露和攻击他来弥补这一点。

Anne Neuberger, new director of cybersecurity at the US National Security Agency and Maher Bitar, NSC senior director for intelligence programs. (Screen captures/YouTube)


If you are so bold as to even mention Jewish control over any sector of anything, you will be immediately denounced as a conspiracy theorist, an anti-Semite and a holocaust-denying Nazi Jew-hater. Of course, that’s all rubbish, and very nasty rubbish, but it’s also successful rubbish, most people being too intimidated to dare mention the Jews in anything but a fawning context. And Jews can be astonishingly vicious, savage even, in their attacks on anyone daring to expose their control. They will without hesitation completely destroy a person’s career, reputation, and bank accounts. Here is an essay containing a few startling examples of this.[25]


The profoundly disproportionate – and quite dominating – presence of Jews in critical US government positions, and the disturbing implications of this, is apparently entirely unnoticed by the (Jewish) mass media. Yet privately the Jews revel in their power and influence. The Jerusalem Post gloated in providing this information: “This completes the 15 Jews in senior positions in the Biden administration. And, just for interest, here are the 10 Catholics among Biden’s appointees.”[26] The Jewish News of Northern California published an article positively beaming in pride about the large number of Jews “flocking to foreign-service careers” in the US government.[27]


Matthew Dorf, a reporter and columnist for the Jewish Telegraphic agency, wrote the following in a book: “Worried about publicity about the presence of so many Jews in the upper echelons of the American government, one “senior official” in the State Department refused to be interviewed for an article about the subject by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, saying, “No good can come from this. Especially because there are so many of us.” It is a matter of legend that on Jewish holidays virtually the entire State Department is barren of people. Interestingly, the same is reportedly true of the Pentagon, not of the actual military staff who are almost entirely Gentile, but of all their civilian superiors and staff who are largely Jewish (and who actually control the military).

犹太通讯社的记者和专栏作家马修-多夫(Matthew Dorf)在一本书中写道: “国务院的一位 “高级官员 “担心美国政府高层中存在如此多的犹太人而被曝光,因此拒绝接受犹太通讯社关于这一主题的一篇文章的采访,他说:”这不会带来任何好处。特别是因为我们有这么多人”。据传说,每逢犹太节日,几乎整个国务院都没有人。有趣的是,据说五角大楼也是如此,不是实际的军事人员,他们几乎都是外邦人,而是他们所有的文职上司和工作人员,他们大部分都是犹太人(他们实际控制着军队)。

Censorship of Jewish names


In an earlier article on doing historical research,[28] I wrote the following:

在之前一篇关于做历史研究的文章中,[28] 我写道:

There is no question that it is more difficult to search the Internet today than was the case 15 or 20 years ago. Especially on the English-language Internet, information control is much more apparent and effective, and censorship is now fully in the open with little or no pretense or disguise. Many web pages or documents which would always appear on the first page of a search in the past, cannot now be accessed by normal means, and many sources have been deleted. Many links to historical documents that I saved 15 or 20 years ago, are still active, and the documents can still be accessed, but they will no longer appear on a search with any terms. It is now often true that even if you know the complete title of a document, the search engines – especially Google – will refuse to produce it. This is so true that Google (particularly) no longer functions as a useful search engine; it is instead a “gate-keeper” with two main functions. One is to feed you information it wants you to have (or things it wants you to think), and the second is to ensure you never find information it doesn’t want you to have (or things it doesn’t want you to think).

毫无疑问,与15年或20年前相比,今天的互联网搜索更加困难。特别是在英文互联网上,信息控制更加明显和有效,审查制度现在完全公开,几乎没有任何掩饰或伪装。许多过去总是出现在搜索首页的网页或文件,现在无法通过正常途径访问,许多来源已被删除。我在15年或20年前保存的许多历史文件的链接仍然有效,文件仍然可以访问,但它们不再出现在任何条件的搜索中。现在的情况是,即使您知道文档的完整标题,搜索引擎–尤其是谷歌–也会拒绝提供。事实就是如此,谷歌(尤其是)不再是一个有用的搜索引擎,而是一个 “看门人”,它有两个主要功能。其一是向您提供它希望您获得的信息(或它希望您思考的问题),其二是确保您永远找不到它不希望您获得的信息(或它不希望您思考的问题)。

As one concrete example, it is not widely known that after World War II the Allies and Jewish industrialists stripped Germany of most of her useful remaining factories, removing all machinery and equipment to the US, Russia and other countries, simply confiscating all of it as “reparations”. Fifteen years ago, it was easily possible to find hundreds of photos on the Internet of German factories having their machinery removed, being loaded onto train cars, and carried away. Today, it is impossible to find any. Either all the photos (and the evidence) have been deleted from the Internet, or the search engines simply refuse to produce them.


This is a very serious matter. There exists today literally an army of people scouring the Internet for historical and political content that is criminally incriminating, and making strenuous efforts to have all that content deleted. And, from my experience, I would say they are achieving considerable success. These efforts can apply to a wide range of historical and political events and circumstances, but I find the concentration in two main areas, both involving the Jews. One area seems to be a determined effort to erase any identification of individuals as being Jews, especially those involved in serious crimes or atrocities. The evidence of this is everywhere. Consider the recent scandal involving Jeffrey Epstein; of the hundreds of articles in the media about this case, I cannot recall seeing a single one that mentioned Epstein[29] and Ghislaine Maxwell[30] were Jews. That cannot possibly be an accident; the mass media, being almost entirely Jewish-owned or controlled, do not want such associations made in the public mind, and the censorship is severe.

这是一个非常严重的问题。今天,实际上有一大批人在互联网上搜索具有刑事犯罪性质的历史和政治内容,并竭力删除所有这些内容。根据我的经验,我认为他们取得了相当大的成功。这些努力可以适用于广泛的历史和政治事件和情况,但我发现主要集中在两个领域,都涉及犹太人。其中一个领域似乎是坚决抹杀任何被认定为犹太人的个人,特别是那些参与严重犯罪或暴行的人。这方面的证据随处可见。想想最近涉及杰弗里-爱泼斯坦(Jeffrey Epstein)的丑闻;在媒体关于此案的数百篇文章中,我不记得看到过一篇提到爱泼斯坦(Epstein)[29] 和吉斯兰-马克斯韦尔(Ghislaine Maxwell)[30] 是犹太人的文章。这不可能是偶然的;几乎完全由犹太人拥有或控制的大众媒体不希望在公众心目中产生这样的联想,而且审查非常严格。[30]

Wikipedia appears to be systematically deleting all references to individuals being Jewish. I have Wiki pages on individuals which I saved some years ago, which specifically identify those individuals as Jewish, in some cases discussing many details of their Jewish background. But those same pages today have had all those references deleted. And not only Wikipedia. But it’s even worse than this. In researching lists of names and Jewish identifications for this essay, the search engines – Google and Bing – cut me off entirely. I had been searching for Jewish names in various categories of government, but then my requests were all suddenly blocked. Searching for a list of CIA Directors, I received this result:


Reverting to another browser and search engine, and searching from another country, I received the results without difficulty. The information was still there, but Google and Bing were obviously programmed to refuse to produce certain results, this being consistent for all searching done for US government departments, lists of staff, and anything involving Jews. I was completely blocked in those areas. I was permitted to search for the weather in Southern Italy or the making of a Caesar salad, but all useful research was totally censored. At first, I was confused, but then I realised that the actual pages appeared on my computer screen for a fraction of a second but were then quickly replaced with the “sorry, no information” page. This clearly was deliberate and planned; searching for the identification of Jews is being not only restricted but prohibited – by the Jews.


Who is a Jew?


Given a series of contrived complications and what appears to be a general unwillingness among many Jews to reveal their ethnicity, it can be extremely difficult to identify those Jews active in our societies. In a recent article on Jewish assimilation,[31] Dr. Kevin MacDonald wrote the following: “But typically, in the absence of evidence of explicit Jewish activism . . . one must pore over detailed biographies that include, e.g., accounts of private conversations and letters. Freud, for example, left behind a great deal of evidence of his Jewish identity and his sense of Jewish interests. Others did not, so one is forced to piece together an account on relatively scant evidence.” It is not always simple to identify Jewish ethnicity with absolute certainty, and many Jews prefer to not be so identified – one reason they change their names.

由于一系列人为的复杂因素以及许多犹太人似乎普遍不愿意透露自己的种族,要识别那些活跃在我们社会中的犹太人可能非常困难。凯文-麦克唐纳 [31](Kevin MacDonald)博士在最近一篇关于犹太人同化的文章中写道: “但通常情况下,在没有明确的犹太活动证据的情况下,……人们必须仔细阅读详细的传记,其中包括私人谈话和信件等。例如,弗洛伊德留下了大量有关其犹太人身份和犹太利益的证据。而其他人则没有,因此我们不得不根据相对较少的证据来拼凑叙述”。要绝对确定犹太人的身份并不容易,许多犹太人宁愿不被确定身份–这也是他们改名的原因之一。

Who is a Jew? This question is neither as simple – nor as complicated – as the Jews present it. The original, official version was that if your mother was a Jew, then you are a Jew. Period. No apparent room for discussion here.


“The Code of Jewish Law clearly states that a child of a Jewish mother is Jewish, regardless of the father’s lineage (or whatever else may show up in a DNA test), while the child of a non-Jewish mother is not Jewish. Matrilineal descent has been a fundamental principle of Torah since the Jewish people came into existence.”[32]


However, the Jews themselves regularly fail to adhere to the rules. In a Wikipedia article on Frank Damrosch Jr., we read, “[He] was an American Episcopal priest, author, and writer, the son of noted composer Frank Damrosch, [who] served as a leader of the Anglo-Catholicism movement in the US [and who] also authored three books and penned articles for [Catholic] magazines.[33] [34] Yet Wikipedia (an entirely Jewish platform) lists this person as a Jew, clearly disregarding the change of religion.

然而,犹太人自己却经常不遵守规则。在维基百科关于小弗兰克-达姆罗什(Frank Damrosch Jr.)的文章中,我们读到:”[他]是美国圣公会牧师、作家,著名作曲家弗兰克-达姆罗什(Frank Damrosch)之子,[他]是美国盎格鲁天主教运动的领袖,[他]还著有三本书,并为[天主教]杂志撰写文章。[33] [34] 然而,维基百科(Wikipedia)(完全是一个犹太平台)却将此人列为犹太人,显然无视宗教信仰的改变。

In another article discussing Arthur Schlesinger,[35] [36] Wikipedia tells us, “His paternal grandfather was a Prussian Jew who converted to Protestantism and then married an Austrian Catholic. His mother . . . was of German and New England ancestry . . . His family practiced Unitarianism.” But Wikipedia classifies Schlesinger as a Jew. In the matter of John Kerry,[37] former US Secretary of State, we are told, “His father was raised Catholic. John’s paternal grandparents were Austro-Hungarian Jewish immigrants who converted to Catholicism, and his mother was Episcopalian. The children were raised in their father’s Catholic faith, and John served as an altar boy.” But John Kerry is claimed as Jewish.

在另一篇讨论亚瑟-施莱辛格(Arthur Schlesinger)的文章中,[35] [36] 维基百科告诉我们:”他的祖父是普鲁士犹太人,皈依新教后与奥地利天主教徒结婚。他的母亲有德国和新英格兰血统……。他的家族信奉一神论。” 但维基百科将施莱辛格归类为犹太人。在美国前国务卿约翰-克里(John Kerry)[37] 的问题上,我们被告知:”他的父亲是天主教徒。约翰的祖父母是改信天主教的奥匈帝国犹太移民,母亲是圣公会教徒。孩子们在父亲的天主教信仰中长大,约翰曾担任祭坛侍童”。但约翰-克里声称自己是犹太人。

In another example, this concerning the US astronaut Jessica Meir, the Jerusalem Post headlines an article with “Will Jewish astronaut Jessica Meir be NASA’s first woman on the moon?”[38] Yet the same article tells us Jessica was “Born in Maine to a Swedish mother and an Israeli-Jewish father . . .” The article claims she identifies as Jewish and is therefore a Jew. Still with Jessica Meir, the Jewish Kveller website tells us,[39] “Jessica Meir is a 44-year-old astronaut from Caribou, Maine. Meir’s mother is Swedish, and her father is Israeli of Iraqi Sephardi heritage. And yes, she’s Jewish.” (emphasis mine). In another case, on the same Kveller website celebrating “Jewish astronauts”, we are told “Mark Polansky grew up in Paterson, New Jersey, the son of a Jewish father and a Hawaiian mother of Korean descent.” And Polansky is also claimed as Jewish.

另一个例子是,关于美国宇航员杰西卡-梅厄(Jessica Meir),《耶路撒冷邮报》(Jerusalem Post)的一篇文章的标题是 “犹太宇航员杰西卡-梅厄(Jessica Meir)会成为NASA第一位登上月球的女性吗?”[38]然而,同一篇文章告诉我们杰西卡 “出生于缅因州,母亲是瑞典人,父亲是以色列犹太人……”。文章称她的身份是犹太人,因此她是犹太人。还是杰西卡-梅厄(Jessica Meir),犹太Kveller网站告诉我们,[39]“杰西卡-梅厄(jessica Meir)是一名来自缅因州卡里布(Caribou, Maine)的44岁宇航员。梅厄的母亲是瑞典人,父亲是以色列人,拥有伊拉克塞法迪血统。是的,她是犹太人。(强调是我的)。在另一个案例中,在同一个庆祝 “犹太宇航员 “的Kveller网站上,我们被告知 “马克-波兰斯基(Mark Polansky)在新泽西州帕特森(Paterson, New Jersey)长大,父亲是犹太人,母亲是夏威夷韩裔。而波兰斯基(Polansky)也被称为犹太人。

And it’s even worse than this. Jews themselves often disagree as to whether a person is a Jew, to the point of selectively choosing or ignoring various indications. As one example, several “official” Jewish websites state categorically that the former Beatle Paul McCartney is a Jew, listing his Jewish wives and other evidence. But other also “official” Jewish websites just as categorically deny that McCartney is a Jew. If even Jews are in dispute about certain individuals, Gentiles can be forgiven in these occasions. There even appears to be substantial incontrovertible evidence that Stalin was a Jew, though most Jews will want to heatedly deny this.

比这更糟糕的是。犹太人自己也经常对一个人是否是犹太人产生分歧,甚至选择性地选择或忽略各种迹象。例如,一些 “官方 “犹太网站明确指出,前披头士乐队成员保罗-麦卡特尼(Paul McCartney)是犹太人,并列举了他的犹太妻子和其他证据。但其他同样是 “官方 “的犹太人网站也断然否认麦卡特尼(McCartney)是犹太人。如果连犹太人都对某些人有争议,那么外邦人在这种情况下就可以被原谅了。甚至似乎有大量无可争议的证据表明斯大林是犹太人,尽管大多数犹太人会激烈地否认这一点。

But let’s try to illustrate the intentional duplicity pervading this entire matter. To further other aspects of their agenda, the Jews have confused and confounded this to the point where there may be no resolution.


One aspect of this confusion is the position that “being Jewish is just a religion”. This is clearly nonsense for more reasons than I have space to list, but let’s deal with one obvious and irrefutable contradiction: If being a Jew merely reflects membership in a religion, how is it that I – and millions of others – can look at a face and tell you instantly that person is a Jew? It would be a mighty powerful religion if it can alter the facial features of its adherents.

这种混淆的一个方面是 “作为犹太人只是一种宗教 “的立场。这显然是无稽之谈,原因很多,我没有篇幅一一列举,但让我们来讨论一个明显的、无可辩驳的矛盾:如果身为犹太人只是反映了一种宗教的成员身份,那么我–以及数百万其他人–怎么会看着一张脸就能立刻告诉你这个人是犹太人呢? 如果宗教可以改变信徒的面部特征,那么它将是一个强大的宗教。


Sheldon Lavin (; zuma press photo); Sheldon Adelson ( photo); Madeleine Albright (AP photo)

谢尔顿-拉文(Sheldon Lavin)(; zuma press photo);谢尔顿-阿德尔森(Sheldon Adelson)( photo); Madeleine Albright(马德琳-奥尔布赖特)(美联社照片)(AP photo)。

This is nonsense (a huge lie, actually) on another basis too: the “Jew as religion” theory implies that if a Jew abandons Judaism and adopts Christianity, that person is no longer a Jew. Well, he would be what, then? Nothing?


Many Jews further complicate this by claiming (as does Elon Musk, for e.g.) to be atheists, this refutation of all religion apparently negating the possibility of the person being a Jew. And that is also foolish. Refutation of religion is not the same as refutation of racial heritage. If Elon Musk – a Jew See below reference [40] – abandons Judaism and professes atheism, then what is he? He can’t claim to be American because that’s not a race; it’s a passport. And he cannot – as many Jews try to do – claim his race as “White”; that is obviously a skin color, not an ethnic group. Consider this in terms of other nationalities. If a Catholic Italian abandons Catholicism and adopts Islam, or claims to be an atheist, does he stop being Italian? Of course not. That’s foolish. His religion is unrelated to his racial or ethnic roots, and irrelevant.

许多犹太人声称自己是无神论者(如埃隆-马斯克(Elon Musk)),从而使问题进一步复杂化,这种对所有宗教的驳斥显然否定了此人是犹太人的可能性。这也是愚蠢的。驳斥宗教并不等于驳斥种族遗产。如果埃隆-马斯克(Elon Musk)–一个犹太人[40]–放弃犹太教而信奉无神论,那么他是什么呢?他不能声称自己是美国人,因为这不是种族,而是护照。他也不能–就像许多犹太人试图做的那样–声称自己的种族是 “白人”(”White”);这显然是一种肤色,而不是一个民族。从其他民族的角度考虑这个问题。如果一个信奉天主教的意大利人放弃天主教而信奉伊斯兰教,或者声称自己是无神论者,那么他就不再是意大利人了吗?当然不会。这太愚蠢了。他的宗教信仰与他的种族或民族根源无关,也不相关。

The salient point is that every individual must, by definition, belong to some race, to some ethnic group. It is not possible to be nothing. Yet International Jewry (the Khazar Talmudist Mafia again) are now claiming there is no such thing as race, a position that is worthy only of ridicule and deep suspicion as to their intent. And the intent of this nonsense claim appears to be solely to permit Jews to avoid identification as Jews. It serves no other purpose.


This issue has a prime cause in that, with Jews amassing increasing amounts of power and influence over Western societies, many have become increasingly reluctant to be identified as Jews. The Khazar Talmudists (Benjamin Freedman’s “so-called Jews”)[41] [42] in The City of London, saw this problem arising decades ago, when they launched a two-step solution. The first step was to heavily promote the idea that being a Jew is merely the practice of a religion. The second was to force the passage of laws throughout the US that made illegal any request to disclose a person’s religion (as for employment, for e.g.). But this was unrelated to religion, as should be obvious, since the only significant result was to make it illegal to ask a person if he is a Jew. And, in real life, no employment application form for any company anywhere ever asked a person’s religion; at least, I have never heard of such a thing, and I don’t know anyone who has.

 这个问题的一个主要原因是,随着犹太人对西方社会积聚越来越多的权力和影响力,许多人越来越不愿意被认定为犹太人。伦敦金融城的哈扎尔·塔木德主义者(Benjamin Freedman的“所谓犹太人”)[41] [42] 几十年前就看到了这个问题的出现,当时他们推出了一个分两步走的解决方案。第一步是大力宣传犹太人只是一种宗教信仰的观念。第二种是迫使美国各地通过法律,禁止任何披露个人宗教信仰的请求(比如就业)。但这与宗教无关,这一点应该是显而易见的,因为唯一重要的结果是,将询问一个人是否是犹太人的行为定为非法。而且在现实生活中,没有任何公司的就业申请表询问过一个人的宗教信仰;至少,我从来没有听说过这样的事情,我也不知道有谁听说过。

There is another complicating factor driving the “no such thing as race” theory, in that the Jews themselves are two races.[43] [44] There are Semitic Jews from the Middle East, and the Ashkenazi Jews originally from Khazaria who are genetically European and who have had absolutely no contact with, nor any claim to, The Holy Land. Most Jews today, more than 95% by Jewish estimates, are European Khazars, a distinct race who consider themselves Jews and who still use the old (sexually-perverted) Babylonian Talmud as their bible. As an example, one notable portion of the Jewish Talmud is a discussion of whether one must wait until a girl is “three years plus a day” old before it’s appropriate to use her for sexual intercourse. In fact, I am told by those who should know that the Khazarian Mafia (and not only in The City of London) are Satanists who privately admit that Satan is their god.

犹太人本身是两个种族。 [43] [44]有来自中东的闪米特犹太人,也有最初来自卡扎利亚的阿什肯纳兹犹太人,他们的基因是欧洲人,与圣地完全没有接触,也没有任何权利主张。据犹太人估计,今天的大多数犹太人(95%以上)都是欧洲的哈扎尔人,他们是一个独特的种族,自认为是犹太人,并且仍然使用古老的(被性侵蚀的)巴比伦塔木德经作为他们的圣经。例如,《犹太塔木德经》中一个值得注意的部分是关于是否必须等到女孩 “三岁加一天 “时才适合与之性交的讨论。事实上,有知情人告诉我,卡扎利亚黑手党(不仅在伦敦市)是撒旦崇拜者,他们私下承认撒旦是他们的神。

However, it very much serves their purpose to be considered by Gentiles as one race or, in their fantasy, no race, and thus we have the deliberate, planned, and organised duplicity attempting to deny this separation. We have no trouble in finding multiple “official” genetic “studies”, each as dishonest as the last, attempting to prove either that Khazaria has never existed or that Jews have no common DNA, or that Judaism is all one religion which it patently is not. So, a Jew born in Germany is really a pure genetic German who just happens to adhere to the Judaic religion and, if that person instead adopts Christianity, he is no longer a Jew. But since there is no such thing as race, he cannot be a pure ethnic German and is therefore nothing. Yet German Jews identify as Jews, not as ethnic Germans. If that doesn’t serve to complicate the picture irrevocably, I don’t know what would.


Jews in recent White House Administrations:


Below is a brief series of bulk lists of Jews appointed to significant positions in the US government, in recent administrations. Confirmation of these individuals as Jews is contained both in the bulk references and in the individual links in the sections that follow.


Biden Administration – Partial List of Jewish Appointments[45] [46]

拜登政府——部分犹太人任命名单[45] [46]

Michael Adler – U.S. Ambassador to Belgium; Antony Blinken – Secretary of State; Jared Bernstein – Council of Economic Advisors; David S. Cohen – Deputy CIA Director; David L. Cohen – Ambassador to Canada; Steven Dettelbach – Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives; Stuart Eizenstat – Special Adviser on Holocaust Issues; Rahm Emanuel – U.S. Ambassador to Japan; Genine Macks Fidler – National Council on the Humanities; Eric Garcetti – U.S. Ambassador to India; Merrick Garland – Attorney-General; Gary Gensler – Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairman; Ellen Germain – U.S. Special Envoy for Holocaust Issues; Mark Gitenstein – U.S. Ambassador to the European Union; Shelley Greenspan – White House liaison to the Jewish community; Amy Gutmann – U.S. Ambassador to Germany; Avril Haines – Director of National Intelligence; Amos Hochstein – Bureau of Energy Resources Special Envoy; Roberta Jacobson – National Security Council “border czar”; Jonathan Kanter – Assistant Attorney General Department of Justice Antitrust Division; Jonathan Kaplan – U.S. Ambassador to Singapore; David Kessler – Co-chair of the COVID-19 Advisory Board; Aaron Keyak – Deputy Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism; Ron Klain – Chief of Staff; Jennifer Klein – Co-chair Council on Gender Policy; Sharon Kleinbaum – Commissioner of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom; Jed Kolko – Under Secretary for Economic Affairs Department of Commerce; Eric Lander – Director Office of Science & Technology Policy; Alan Leventhal – U.S. Ambassador to Denmark; Rachel Levine – Deputy Secretary Health and Human Services; Deborah Lipstadt – Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism; Alejandro Mayorkas – Secretary of Homeland Security; Anne Neuberger – NSA Director of Cybersecurity; Thomas Nides – U.S. Ambassador to Israel; Stephanie Pollack -Deputy Administrator of the Federal Highway Administration; Ned Price – State Department Spokesperson; Mira Resnick – State Department Deputy Assistant Secretary for Regional Security; Jessica Rosenworcel – Chairman Federal Communications Commission; Dan Shapiro – Adviser on Iran; Wendy Sherman – Deputy Secretary of State; Marc Stanley – U.S. Ambassador to Argentina; Michèle Taylor – U.S. Representative to the United Nations Human Rights Council; Polly Trottenberg – Deputy Secretary of Transportation; Rochelle Walensky – Director CDC; Janet Yellen – Secretary of the Treasury; Jeffrey Zients – COVID-19 Coordinator.

迈克尔-阿德勒(Michael Adler)–美国驻比利时大使; 安东尼-布林肯(Antony Blinken)–美国国务卿; 贾里德-伯恩斯坦(Jared Bernstein)–经济顾问委员会; 大卫-科恩(David S. Cohen)–中央情报局副局长; David L. Cohen – 驻加拿大大使; 史蒂文-德特尔巴赫(Steven Dettelbach)–酒精、烟草、火器和爆炸物局局长; Stuart Eizenstat–大屠杀问题特别顾问; Rahm Emanuel – 美国驻日本大使; Genine Macks Fidler – 美国国家人文理事会; Eric Garcetti – 美国驻印度大使; Merrick Garland – 总检察长; Gary Gensler – 美国证券交易委员会(SEC)主席; Ellen Germain – 美国大屠杀问题特使; Mark Gitenstein – 美国驻欧盟大使; Shelley Greenspan – 白宫犹太社区联络人; 艾米-古特曼(Amy Gutmann)–美国驻德国大使; Avril Haines – 美国国家情报局局长; Amos Hochstein – 能源资源局特使; 罗伯塔-雅各布森(Roberta Jacobson)–国家安全委员会 “边境沙皇”; 乔纳森-坎特(Jonathan Kanter)–司法部反垄断司助理司法部长; Jonathan Kaplan – 美国驻新加坡大使; David Kessler – COVID-19顾问委员会联合主席; Aaron Keyak – 监督和打击反犹太主义副特使; Ron Klain – 办公室主任; Jennifer Klein – 性别政策委员会联合主席; Sharon Kleinbaum – 美国国际宗教自由委员会专员; Jed Kolko – 美国商务部负责经济事务的副部长; Eric Lander – 科技政策办公室主任; Alan Leventhal – 美国驻丹麦大使; Rachel Levine – 卫生与公众服务部副部长; Deborah Lipstadt – 监督和打击反犹太主义特使; Alejandro Mayorkas – 国土安全部部长; Anne Neuberger – 美国国家安全局网络安全总监; Thomas Nides – 美国驻以色列大使; 联邦公路管理局副局长Stephanie Pollack; 内德-普赖斯(Ned Price)–国务院发言人; 米拉-雷斯尼克(Mira Resnick)–国务院负责地区安全的副助理国务卿; 杰西卡-罗森沃塞尔(Jessica Rosenworcel)–联邦通信委员会主席; 丹-夏皮罗(Dan Shapiro)–伊朗问题顾问; 温迪-谢尔曼(Wendy Sherman)–副国务卿; 马克-斯坦利(Marc Stanley)–美国驻阿根廷大使; Michèle Taylor – 美国驻联合国人权理事会代表; Polly Trottenberg – 美国运输部副部长; Rochelle Walensky – CDC主任; 珍妮特-耶伦(Janet Yellen)–财政部长; Jeffrey Zients – COVID-19协调员。

Trump Administration – Partial List of Jewish Appointments[47]


Elliott Abrams – Special representative for Venezuela, then Iran; Avrahm Berkowitz – Deputy Advisor to the President; Elan Carr – Special Envoy to monitor and combat antisemitism; Ezra Cohen-Watnick – Acting Under-Secretary of Defense for Intelligence; Gary Cohn – Director National Economic Council; Ellie Cohanim – Deputy Special Envoy to monitor and combat antisemitism; Reed Cordish – Assistant to the President, John Eisenberg – National Security Council Intragovernmental and Technology Initiatives; David Friedman – Ambassador to Israel; David Greenblatt – Special Representative for Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Negotiations; Len Khodorkovsky – Deputy Secretary of State and Senior Advisor to the US Special Representative for Iran;  Lawrence Kudlow – Director National Economic Council; Jared Kushner – son-in-law and senior advisor; Stephen Miller – Senior Advisor, Policy; Steve Mnuchin – Secretary of the Treasury; Morgan Ortagus – State Department Spokesperson; Jeffrey Rosen – Attorney General; Rod Rosenstein – Deputy Attorney General; David Shulkin – Secretary of Veterans Affairs; Ivanka Trump – daughter and Advisor to the President.

埃利奥特-艾布拉姆斯(Elliott Abrams)–委内瑞拉问题特别代表,后任伊朗问题特别代表; Avrahm Berkowitz – 总统副顾问; 埃兰-卡尔(Elan Carr)–监督和打击反犹太主义特使; 埃兹拉-科恩-瓦特尼克(Ezra Cohen-Watnick)–国防部负责情报事务的代理副部长; 加里-科恩(Gary Cohn)–国家经济委员会主任; Ellie Cohanim – 负责监督和打击反犹太主义的副特使; 里德-科迪什(Reed Cordish)–总统助理、 约翰-艾森伯格(John Eisenberg)–国家安全委员会政府间和技术倡议; 大卫-弗里德曼(David Friedman)–驻以色列大使; 大卫-格林布拉特(David Greenblatt)–巴以冲突谈判特别代表; Len Khodorkovsky – 美国副国务卿兼美国伊朗问题特别代表高级顾问; 劳伦斯-库德洛(Lawrence Kudlov)–国家经济委员会主任; 贾里德-库什纳(Jared Kushner)–女婿兼高级顾问; 斯蒂芬-米勒(Stephen Miller)–政策高级顾问; 史蒂夫-姆努钦(Steve Mnuchin)–财政部长; 摩根-奥塔格斯(Morgan Ortagus)–国务院发言人; 杰弗里-罗森(Jeffrey Rosen)–司法部长; 罗德-罗森斯坦(Rod Rosenstein)–司法部副部长; 大卫-舒尔金(David Shulkin)–退伍军人事务部部长; 伊万卡-特朗普(Ivanka Trump)–女儿和总统顾问。

Obama Administration – Partial List of Jewish Appointments[48] [49] [50] [51]


David Axelrod – Senior Advisor to the President; Ben Bernanke – FED Chairman; Jared Bernstein – Chief Economist/Economic Policy Advisor to the Vice President; Tony Blinken – Deputy National Security Advisor; Danielle Borrin – Director Intergovernmental Affairs and Deputy Director of Public Engagement; David Cohen – Deputy Director, CIA; Rahm Emanuel – Chief of Staff to the President; Lee Feinstein – Campaign Foreign Policy Advisor; Raffi Freedman-Gurspan – Liaison to the LGBT Community; Jason Furman – Chairman Council of Economic Advisers; Gary Gensler – Chairman Commodity Futures Trading Commission; Jonathan Greenblatt – Special Assistant to the President and Director Domestic Policy Council; Elena Kagan – Solicitor General; Ronald Klain – Chief of Staff to the Vice President; Jack Lew – Secretary of the Treasury; Eric Lynn – Middle East Policy Adviser; Thomas Nides – Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources; Matt Nosanchuk – Associate Director Office of Public Engagement for Jewish Outreach; Peter Orszag – Director of the Office of Management and Budget; David Plouffe – Senior Advisor to the President; Amy Rosenbaum – Director of Legislative Affairs; Dennis Ross –  Special Assistant to the President; Daniel Rubenstein – Ambassador to Syria; Mara Rudman – Foreign Policy Advisor; David Saperstein – Ambassador for Religious Freedom; Mary Schapiro – Chairman, Securities and Exchange Commission; Dan Shapiro – Ambassador to Israel; Susan Sher – Chief of Staff to the First Lady; Wendy Sherman – Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs; Steven Simon – Senior Director National Security Council; Gene Sperling – Director National Economic Council; James Steinberg – Deputy Secretary of State; Aviva Sufian – Special Envoy Holocaust Survivor Services; Lawrence Summers – Director National Economic Council; Mona Sutphen – Deputy White House Chief of Staff; Adam Szubin – Director Office of Foreign Assets Control (Treasury); Janet Yellen – Chairman Federal Reserve.

大卫-阿克塞尔罗德(David Axelrod)–总统高级顾问;

本-伯南克(Ben Bernanke)–美联储主席;

贾里德-伯恩斯坦(Jared Bernstein)–首席经济学家/副总统经济政策顾问;

托尼-布林肯(Tony Blinken)–副国家安全顾问;

丹妮尔-博林(Danielle Borrin)–政府间事务主任兼公共参与副主任;

大卫-科恩(David Cohen)–中央情报局副局长;

拉姆-伊曼纽尔(Rahm Emanuel)–总统办公厅主任;

李-范斯坦(Lee Feinstein)–竞选外交政策顾问;

拉菲-弗里德曼-古尔斯潘(Raffi Freedman-Gurspan)–LGBT社区联络人;

贾森-富尔曼(Jason Furman)–经济顾问委员会主席;

加里-根斯勒(Gary Gensler)–商品期货交易委员会主席;

乔纳森-格林布拉特(Jonathan Greenblatt)–总统特别助理兼国内政策委员会主任;

埃琳娜-卡根(Elena Kagan)–副检察长;

罗纳德-克莱恩(Ronald Klain)–副总统办公室主任;

杰克-卢(Jack Lew)–财政部长;

埃里克-林恩(Eric Lynn)–中东政策顾问;

托马斯-尼德斯(Thomas Nides)–负责管理和资源的副国务卿;

马特-诺桑丘克(Matt Nosanchuk)–犹太外联公共参与办公室副主任;

Peter Orszag–管理和预算办公室主任;

David Plouffe–总统高级顾问;

Amy Rosenbaum–立法事务主任;

Dennis Ross–总统特别助理;

Daniel Rubenstein–驻叙利亚大使;

Mara Rudman–外交政策顾问;

David Saperstein–宗教自由大使;

Mary Schapiro–证券交易委员会主席;

Dan Shapiro–驻以色列大使;

Susan Sher–第一夫人办公室主任;

 温迪-谢尔曼(Wendy Sherman)–负责政治事务的副国务卿;

史蒂文-西蒙(Steven Simon)–国家安全委员会高级主任;

吉恩-斯珀林(Gene Sperling)–国家经济委员会主任;

詹姆斯-斯坦伯格(James Steinberg)–副国务卿;

阿维瓦-苏菲安(Aviva Sufian)–大屠杀幸存者服务特使;

劳伦斯-萨默斯(Lawrence Summers)–国家经济委员会主任;

莫娜-苏特芬(Mona Sutphen)–白宫办公厅副主任;

亚当-苏宾(Adam Szubin)–外国资产控制办公室(财政部)主任;

珍妮特-耶伦(Janet Yellen)–美联储主席。

Clinton Administration – Partial List of Jewish Appointments[52] [53] [54] [55]


Madeline Albright – Secretary of State; Charlene Barshefsky – Special Trade Representative; Sandy Berger – Deputy Chairman of the National Security Council (NSC); William Cohen – Secretary of Defense; Jeffrey Davidow – Assistant State Secretary; John Deutch – Director of the CIA; Stuart Eisenstat – Undersecretary of State; Rahm Emmanuel – Senior Advisor for coordinating White House Special Projects; Dan Glickman – Secretary of Agriculture; Jamie Gorelick – Assistant Attorney General; Stanley Greenberg – Clinton’s pollster; Alan Greenspan – Chairman of the Federal Reserve; Marc Grossman – Assistant State Secretary; Martin Indyk – (NSC) Middle East and South Asia; Mickey Kantor – Secretary of Commerce and National Advisory Council for AIPAC; Daniel Kurtzer – Ambassador to Egypt; Arthur Levitt – Chairman of the SEC; Jack Lew – Director OMB; Evelyn Lieberman – Director of the VOA; Princeton Lyman – Assistant State Secretary; Ira Magaziner – Health Programs; Abner Mikva – Presidential Schedule and Programs Manager; Aaron Miller – Deputy Middle East Coordinator; Bernard Nussbaum – White House Counsel; Robert Reich – Secretary of Labor; Dennis Ross – (NSC) Asia; James Rubin – Assistant State Secretary; Robert Rubin – Secretary of the Treasury; Robert Rubin – Chairman of the National Economic Council; Richard Schifter – (NSC) Western Europe; Eli Segal – Volunteer Programs; Ricki Seidman – Deputy Chief of Staff; Gene Sperling – Chairman of the National Economic Council; Donald Steinberg – (NSC) Africa.

 国务卿马德琳·奥尔布赖特;夏琳·巴尔舍夫斯基——特别贸易代表;桑迪·伯杰——国家安全委员会副主席;国防部长威廉·科恩;助理国务卿杰弗里·戴维多;约翰·多伊奇——中央情报局局长;斯图尔特·艾森斯塔——副国务卿;拉姆·伊曼纽尔——白宫特别项目协调高级顾问;农业部长丹·格利克曼;杰米·戈雷利克——助理司法部长;斯坦利·格林伯格——克林顿的民调专家;艾伦·格林斯潘——美联储主席;助理国务卿马克·格罗斯曼;Martin Indyk(NSC)中东和南亚;米奇·坎特——AIPAC商务和国家咨询委员会秘书;驻埃及大使丹尼尔·库尔泽;美国证券交易委员会主席阿瑟·莱维特;杰克·卢——OMB总监;伊芙琳·利伯曼——美国之音主任;普林斯顿-莱曼——助理国务卿;Ira Magaziner——健康项目;Abner Mikva——总统日程和项目经理;阿伦·米勒——中东事务副协调员;伯纳德·努斯鲍姆——白宫法律顾问;劳工部长罗伯特·里奇;丹尼斯·罗斯(NSC)亚洲;助理国务卿詹姆斯·鲁宾;财政部长罗伯特·鲁宾;罗伯特·鲁宾——美国国家经济委员会主席;理查德·希夫特(NSC)西欧;Eli Segal——志愿者项目;副参谋长里基·塞德曼;吉恩·斯珀林——国家经济委员会主席;唐纳德·斯坦伯格(Donald Steinberg,NSC)非洲。

Listings by Government Department


The sections below contain lists of Jews in the US government, denoting the positions held, and sorted by government department. The lists are far from complete. The allocation to Department is occasionally arbitrary. Note that some names are repeated, occasionally several times, because some individuals have held positions in different Departments or in several administrations at different times.




Of the nearly 1,000 names in the lists below, all but a few were drawn from Jewish websites, mostly boasting of the control and influence Jews now have over the US government. Each of the names contains a live link to a Jewish source confirming that person’s identity as a Jew. Bulk references are also included at the end of this essay. No persons have been included if their Jewish ethnicity were not confirmed by either a Jewish publication, a reputable (also Jewish) media source like the NYT or Washington Post, an NGO or think-tank, or a US government website.

在以下名单中的近1000个名字中,除少数人外,其余均来自犹太网站,这些网站大多吹嘘犹太人目前对美国政府的控制和影响。每个名字都包含一个犹太来源的实时链接,以证实此人的犹太人身份。本文末尾还附有大量参考资料。没有被列入的人 如果他们的犹太裔身份没有得到犹太出版物、纽约时报或华盛顿邮报等知名媒体(也是犹太媒体)、非政府组织或智囊团或美国政府网站的证实,则不包括在内。

Referring again to the censorship of Jewish names, while preparing the lists for inclusion in this essay, I was surprised to discover literally hundreds of individuals holding prominent positions in the US government, individuals who are obviously Jews from their names, activities and associations, and whose biographies appear on Jewish websites, yet which all of the sources avoided specifically identifying as Jews. Thus, there are many more hundreds of Jews who should be included in the following lists, but are not, people with names such as:


Aaronson, Abelman, Apfel, Appelbaum, Cohen, Eisner, Epstein, Fleischman, Glaser, Goldstein, Goldwyn, Green, Greenburg, Greenstein, Heymann, Kleinman, Laub, Loeb, Leibowitz, Libin, Miller, Paster, Posner, Rappaport, Render, Roisman, Rosenthal, Ross, Schapiro, Shapiro, Sherman, Shier, Silber, Silberman, Silverberg, Spector, Spiegel, Susskind, Taubman, Weiner, Weisberger.


Primary Sources


Wikipedia, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Ha’aretz, the Jerusalem Post, the Jewish Virtual Library, the Times of Israel, the Jewish Chronicle, Jewage, YNet News, Jew or not Jew, the Jewish Forward, the Jewish Journal, the Jewish Womens Archive, the Jewish Communal Fund, the Jewish, Jewish Business News, the Leo Baeck Institute New York and Berlin, Atlanta Jewish Times, The Jewish Tablet, New Jersey Jewish News, Cleveland Jewish News, Cleveland Jewish History, Jewish Chicago, Tampa Jewish Community Centers, Jewish Contributions, The National Library of Israel, Shalvi/Hyman Encyclopedia of Jewish Women, the Israeli American Council, the Jewish Agency for Israel, Jewish News of Northern California, Jewish Contributions, the Washington Post, the New York Times, Forbes, Britannica, the History News Network, the Wilson Center, Association for Diplomatic Studies, National Committee on American Foreign Policy, NNDB, the, and various US Embassies.


Part 1 – Control of the President


Presidential Baby-Sitters


Despite the apparently flippant heading, this is a crucial category. To explain properly, we need a comparison.


I have been a senior executive in international consulting firms. I obtained those positions through merit. I was a professional in the industry and I knew the job very well. I was competent and able and had the necessary knowledge and experience. I deserved to fill those positions. I am not indulging in self-praise here; I am trying to make an important point, as you will see in a moment.


From my earliest days as a Head of Office, I said to all prospective new hires, “This is where we are going, and how we are going to get there. If you want to participate in this voyage and are willing to commit yourself to the destination, you are welcome to come aboard. If not, you are looking for a job in the wrong place.” The point is that I had a mission, and their job, if hired, was to help me fulfill that mission. I had assistants of course, and advisors or sources of advice, but they didn’t tell me what to do; I told them what to do. The most important thing is that my staff, assistants, and advisors did not have their own agenda. They were hired to help fulfill my agenda, not theirs. If any of them became politically or otherwise ambitious and tried to influence my thinking or actions to match their agenda, they would soon be gone.


Nobody wrote my speeches or articles for me. If I wanted to give a talk, only I knew what I wanted to say and how I wanted to say it. While I was always open to ideas, nobody told me what to think, or how to think. I set my own routine and planned my own activities hour by hour throughout the day. Except for my personal secretary, there were no “gate-keepers”. I established our priorities according to the needs of the mission, and my staff followed through on those. I had superiors of course but, aside from general guidance, their only job was to give me the tools to accomplish my mission. All of the above can be filed under the heading of “Leadership”.


Now let’s contrast this with the election of a President in a democracy like the United States. First, no one in recent memory who has filled that position did so on merit. No candidate was qualified in the least to be the CEO of such a huge country. None had the knowledge, the experience, the education, or the intelligence to do so – my points amply illustrated by the examples of Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Joe Biden and others. And we won’t even bother to discuss qualifications of character or morality. It would help you to read one of the Chapters in my E-book series on Democracy, specifically Chapter 5 on Choosing Government Leaders.[56] It will tell you things you don’t know, and will help to open your eyes and waken you.


In a typical US Presidential election, it is a naïve fallacy to imagine that the candidates, being fully qualified and capable, decided on their own to pursue that appointment and planned their campaign. They were neither qualified nor capable, and did not choose. Instead, they were chosen. Even worse, they were chosen primarily because they were neither qualified nor capable. In fact, the primary feature of a “democracy” is that the more ignorant and unqualified a person, the more attractive he is as a candidate. I will explain.


Presidential candidates are not selected off the shelf at the moment of election. They will have been groomed for years, sometimes for decades, in case they are needed to fill this position. Obama was “mentored” by Jews, mostly radical Zionists, for about 20 years before he was deemed ready to be a Presidential candidate. The Jewish Kingmakers in the political parties will select an appropriate candidate and have him nominated. From this point on, the future is fixed. No person campaigning for the Presidency of the US (at least for the first time) has any idea about conducting a campaign or what is necessary to win an election. But no problem; the Kingmakers have been here before. They take complete charge of the election campaign, they design all the strategy, they obtain all the funding, arrange for all the media coverage and photo-ops. The Presidential candidate is an ignorant observer in this process. He is riding on a very powerful train, but he is not the engineer; he is merely a passenger. He is told where to go, and when. All his speeches are written for him. He is told what to say and when and how to say it. He is also told what he must never say.


With luck, our candidate is elected, and he suddenly finds himself in the Oval Office of the White House as the President of the United States of America. Given his lack of credentials, the only thought in his mind is one of despair: “Oh my God. What do I do now?”


But that’s not a problem because the (Jewish) Kingmakers have already handed off the puppet to his (Jewish) handlers and baby-sitters. “Mr. President, the first thing you must do is to appoint a cabinet. We have suggestions prepared here for all positions. Also, you will need Assistants, Advisors, Counsel, and Staff Managers; we have suggestions prepared here for all these positions as well.” You can already see where this is going. Few US Presidents in the past 75 years have personally chosen their cabinet members or staff; it is almost all done by the handlers.


The salient point in all of this is that the Kingmakers in the parties (primarily Jewish), the handlers, baby-sitters, assistants, advisors, counsel, staff (also primarily Jewish) are in charge. The selections they offer to fill all important positions have been carefully vetted for compatibility with the Jews’ agenda. It is a matter of public record that anyone who has ever expressed in the past the slightest antipathy for the Jews or Israel or the Zionist agenda, will be publicly smeared as an “anti-Semite” and therefore unsuitable for all but laundry and janitorial positions. I am not aware of any prospective appointee who has passed this test.


The President’s White House staff are his immediate managers. They are his gate-keepers. They decide who speaks to him and on what subjects. They control the paper flow and all the information. Nothing reaches the President without first going through their hands and obtaining their approval. The President’s speeches are programmed, and written by his appointed speech-writers. Even brief comments are made from a teleprompter. Everything is micro-managed. It is true the President will have free time, but generally only when he is isolated and can’t cause trouble.


This is not fantasy. There is a multitude of articles, documents, information easily available on the power of the White House staff over the President. One article claims that ” Good White House Chiefs of Staff Have Made Presidencies”.[57] The Smithsonian claims more modestly that they “help the President to govern”.[58] The Jerusalem Post, in an article on the 50 Most Influential Jews in the world,[59] [60] put the Jew Ron Klain, the White House Chief of Staff, at number 16, stating that all of COVID-19 (and everything else) first “goes through Ron Klain”, calling him “Joe Biden’s alter ego”. When James Baker was Regan’s Chief of Staff, he stationed Richard Darman (a Jew) right outside the Oval Office where “he controlled all the President’s paper flow, and with it, much of the Federal government”. Darman is quoted as saying, “Reagan’s IN box was my outbox, and vice-versa.”[61] The New York Post ran an article headlined, “The man in charge at the White House isn’t Joe Biden”.[62]

这并非天方夜谭。关于白宫幕僚对总统的影响力,有大量文章、文件和信息可以轻易获得。一篇文章称,”优秀的白宫幕僚长造就了总统”。[57] 《史密森尼学会》更谦虚地称,他们 “帮助总统施政”。.[58] 《耶路撒冷邮报》在一篇关于世界上50位最有影响力的犹太人的文章中,[59] [60] 将犹太人、白宫幕僚长罗恩-克莱恩(Ron Klain)排在第16位,称所有COVID-19(以及其他一切)都首先 “经过罗恩-克莱恩”,称他是 “乔-拜登的另一个自我”。当詹姆斯-贝克(James Baker)担任里根的参谋长时,他让理查德-达曼(Richard Darman,犹太人)驻扎在椭圆形办公室外,在那里 “他控制着总统的所有文件流程,并随之控制着联邦政府的大部分部门”。达曼被引述说:”里根的IN箱就是我的Out箱,反之亦然。”[61] 《纽约邮报》刊登了一篇文章,标题是:”白宫的负责人不是乔-拜登”。[62]

If you were paying attention during the initial COVID scene, you may recall the TV briefing where Mike Pompeo stated that they were running COVID as “a live exercise”, with Donald Trump – the US PRESIDENT – hovering at Pompeo’s side like a waiter, and mumbling “I wish you would have told us”.[63] You can still see a video clip of it.[64] It was obvious Trump had no idea what was going on, because the gate-keepers failed to tell him what they deemed he didn’t need to know. Or what they didn’t want him to know.

如果你在最初的COVID现场有留意,你可能还记得迈克-蓬佩奥(Mike Pompeo)在电视简报会上说,他们正在将COVID作为 “现场演习 “来运行,而唐纳德-特朗普(Donald Trump)–美国总统–则像侍者一样徘徊在蓬佩奥身边,嘴里嘟囔着 “我希望你能告诉我们”。[63]你仍然可以看到一段视频剪辑。[64]很明显,特朗普(Trump)不知道发生了什么,因为把关人没有告诉他他们认为他不需要知道的事情。或者说,他们不想让他知道什么。

In fact, the White House Chief of Staff is the ultimate power broker, the man who decides who can see the President of the US and who cannot. Or whose telephone calls will be put through or whose letters will be delivered. When H.R. Haldeman was Chief of Staff, his single most important concern was that no one could do an “end-run” around him, that there would never be “private meetings between an agenda-driven individual and the president”. Haldeman’s order to the entire White House staff: “That is the principal occupation of 98% of the people in the bureaucracy. Do not permit anyone to end-run you or any of the rest of us. Don’t become a source of end-running yourself, or we’ll miss you at the White House.”[65] As a point of interest, it should be clearly understood that the President has no way to know of the people and information that have been blocked. He is entirely at the mercy of his handlers and baby-sitters, virtually all of whom were hand-picked by the King-makers and selected primarily for (1) their controllability and (2) their commitment to the Jews’ agenda.


Jeffrey Berkowitz – Associate Director office of presidential scheduling


Brad Blakeman – White House Director of Scheduling


Joshua Bolten – White House Chief of Staff for Policy


Joshua Bolten – White House Chief of Staff


Richard Darman – White House Chief of Staff


Richard Darman – White House Staff Secretary


Kenneth Duberstein – White House Chief of Staff


Rahm Israel Emanuel – White House Chief of Staff


Blake Gottesman – President’s personal aide


Joel Kaplan – Deputy White House Chief of Staff


Ron Klain, White House Chief of Staff


Ron Klain – Vice President Chief of Staff


Frank Lavin – White House Director of Political Affairs


Jack Lew – White House Chief of Staff


Monica Lewinski – Special Services


Lewis “Scooter” Libby – Vice President Chief of Staff


Evelyn Lieberman – Deputy Chief of Staff


Maxwell M. Rabb – White House Cabinet Secretary


Ricki Seidman – Deputy Chief of Staff


Susan Sher – Chief of Staff to the First Lady


Todd Stern – Deputy Staff Secretary


Mona Sutphen – Deputy White House Chief of Staff


Jared Weinstein – Personal Aide to the President


Jeffrey Zients – White House Chief of Staff


Presidential Assistants


This group of people “assist” the President in his understanding of the Jews’ agenda, help him to meet their requirements, and ensure he doesn’t go off course. They do much of the planning and much of the thinking, that occurs in the White House.


Elliott Abrams – Special Assistant to the President


Bernard W. Aronson – Deputy Assistant to the President


Avraham Berkowitz – Special Assistant to Jared Kushner


Reed Cordish – Assistant to the President, Intragovernmental and Technology Initiatives


Richard Darman – Assistant to the President


Ezekiel Emanuel – White House Medical Director


Rahm Israel Emanuel – Presidential Assistant for Political Affairs


Boris Epshteyn – Special Assistant to President


Jonathan Greenblatt – Special Presidential Assistant, Director Domestic Policy Council


Richard N. Haass – Special Assistant to President


Morton Halperin – Special Assistant to the President


Seth D. Harris – Deputy Assistant to the President for Labor and Economy


Martin Indyk – Special Assistant to the President


Joel Kaplan – Assistant to the President for Policy


Jennifer Klein – Assistant to the President


Jay Lefkowitz – Deputy Assistant to the President


Marne Levine – Special Assistant to President for Economic Policy


Jack Lew – Special Assistant to the President


Robert Malley – Special Assistant to President for Arab-Israeli Affairs


Ken Mehlman – White House Political Director


Peter R. Orszag – Special Presidential Assistant for Economic Policy


Ned Price – Special Assistant to the President


Dennis Ross – Special Assistant to the President


Robert Rubin – Assistant to the President for Economic Policy


Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. – Special Assistant to the President


Eli Segal – Assistant to the President


Ricki Seidman – Assistant to the President


Dan Shapiro – White House Middle East staff


Todd Stern – Assistant to the President


Tevi Troy – Assistant to the President


Tevi Troy – Senior White House aide


Sheila Rabb Weidenfeld – Special Assistant to President


Neal S. Wolin – Deputy Assistant to the President


Presidential Advisors


Then we have dozens of Presidential Advisors who “guide” the President in his thinking, ensure that he adopts the current agenda, explain why the CIA and Military must overthrow various helpless governments, and especially stoke his understanding of all the “special needs” of Israel. They also deliver orders to the President and Cabinet from their superiors in The City of London. Presidential Advisors include:

然后,我们还有几十位总统顾问,他们 “指导 “总统思考,确保他采纳当前的议程,解释为什么中央情报局(CIA)和军方(Military)必须推翻各种无助的政府,特别是激发他对以色列所有 “特殊需求 “的理解。他们还向总统和内阁传达伦敦金融城(The City of London)上级的命令。总统顾问包括

David Axelrod – Senior Presidential Advisor


Zoë Baird (Gerwitz) – President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board


Samuel Berger – Presidential Advisor


Avrahm Berkowitz – Deputy Advisor to the President


Avrahm Berkowitz – Deputy Advisor to Jared Kushner


Antony Blinken – National Security Advisor to Vice-President


Ron Bloom – Senior Presidential Advisor


Sidney Blumenthal – Senior Advisor to the President


Arthur F. Burns – Counselor to the President


Debra Cagan – Presidential Advisor


Lynn Cutler – Vice-Chairman Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations


Norm Eisen – Special Counsel for Ethics and Government Reform


Stuart Eizenstat – President’s Chief Domestic Policy Adviser


Stuart Eizenstat – Executive Director White House Domestic Policy Staff


Rahm Israel Emanuel – Presidential Secretary & Policy Advisor


Lee Feinstein – Campaign Foreign Policy Advisor


Martin Feldstein – President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board


Felix Frankfurter – Presidential Advisor


Stephen Friedman – Chairman President’s Intelligence Advisory Board


Steve Goldsmith – Senior Advisor to the President


Stanley Greenberg – White House Pollster


Mandy Grunwald – White House advisor


Avril Haines – Deputy Counsel to the President for National Security


Martin Indyk – Principal Adviser to the President


Valerie B. Jarrett – Senior Advisor to the President


Benjamin J. Kallos – Executive Office of the President US Digital Service


Samuel David Kass – Senior Policy Advisor


Jared Kushner – Senior Advisor to the President


Eric Lander – Chairman President’s Council of Advisers


Eric Lander – Science Advisor to the President


Ann Lewis – Counselor to the President


Ira Magaziner – Presidential Advisor


Michael Mandelbaum – Presidential Advisor


Abner Mikva – Presidential Schedule and Programs Manager, mentor to President Obama


Stephen Miller – Senior Advisor, Policy


Victoria Nuland – Foreign Policy Adviser to Vice President


Mark Penn – Presidential Pollster


David Plouffe – Senior Presidential Advisor


Robert Reich – Director Policy Planning Staff


David Rubenstein – Deputy Domestic Policy Advisor


Mara Rudman – Foreign Policy Advisor


Richard Schifter – Special Adviser to the president


Robert J. Shapiro – Presidential Advisor


Halie Soifer – National Security Advisor to Kamala Harris


Gene Sperling – Senior Advisor to the President


Michael Steinhardt – Senior Presidential Advisor


Ivanka Trump – Advisor to the President


Herbie Ziskend – Senior Communications Advisor for Vice President


Presidential Mouth-Pieces


Here we have a grab bag of what we might loosely term “Communications Aides”, whose job is to control the narrative emanating from the White House.


Bernard W. Aronson – Speechwriter to Vice President


Daniel Benjamin – Foreign Policy Speech Writer


Boris Epshteyn – Assistant Communications Director


Ari Fleischer – White House Press Secretary


David Frum – White House Speechwriter


Mandy Grunwald – Press Conferences Consultant


Stephen Harmelin – White House Director of Speechwriting


Ann Lewis – White House Communications Director


Noam Neusner – Presidential Speechwriter


Pierre Salinger – Presidential press secretary


Ricki Seidman – Deputy Communications Director


Theodore Sorensen – Presidential speechwriter


Benjamin Jeremy Stein – Presidential Speech Writer


Donald Steinberg – White House deputy press secretary


Cass Sunstein – Administrator White House Information and Regulatory Affairs Office


Sheila Rabb Weidenfeld – Press Secretary to First Lady


Herbie Ziskend – White House Deputy Communications Director


Keeping the President out of Jail


Robert Bauer – White House Counsel


Lanny A. Breuer – Special Counsel to the President


Lanny Davis – White House Special Counsel


John Eisenberg – Deputy Counsel to the President


Myer (Mike) Feldman – Special Presidential Counsel


Myer Feldman – White House Counsel


Sally Katzen – President’s Legal adviser


Ron Klain – White House Counsel


Joel Klein – White House Counsel


Robert Lipshutz – White House Counsel


Abner Mikva – White House Counsel


Bernard Nussbaum – White House Counsel


Jay Sekulow – President’s Personal Attorney


Nicole K. Seligman – White House Legal Counsel


Theodore C. Sorensen – White House Counsel


Ross Weinberger – White House Associate General Counsel


Part 2 – Control of the Jewish Narrative


Coddling the “Victims”


Unlike any other government, the White House has created many unique positions just to keep in touch with all its handlers at AIPAC and the ADL, the Israeli Embassy, and The City of London, with a Special White House Liaison to the Jewish Community, an even more special “Liaison with Jewish Leaders”, and we even have a “Special Envoy for US Holocaust Survivor Services”.

与其他任何政府不同,白宫设立了许多独特的职位,以便与AIPAC和ADL的所有上司保持联系、以色列使馆(Israeli Embassy)和伦敦金融城(The City of London),有一个白宫与犹太社区(Jewish Community)的特别联络员(Special White House Liaison),一个更特别的 “与犹太领袖联络员”(“Liaison with Jewish Leaders”),我们甚至有一个 “美国大屠杀幸存者服务特使”(“Special Envoy for US Holocaust Survivor Services”)。

Sadly, the White House has no special liaison for survivors of Vietnam, Yugoslavia, Iraq or Libya, and none for the few civilians who escaped the CIA’s death squads in Central and South America. And it goes without saying there is no “Special Liaison” for either Muslim leaders or survivors of the atrocities in Palestine. And of course, there are no “special liaisons” or an “outreach program” for American Chinese or Russians to offset the hate campaigns being conducted against these peoples in the Jewish media.


Karen Adler – Liaison to Jewish Community


Scott Arogeti – Liaison to Jewish Community


Jeffrey Berkowitz – Liaison to Jewish Community


Jarrod Bernstein – Liaison to Jewish Community


Marshall Breger – Liaison to Jewish Community


Lanny A. Breuer – US Holocaust Memorial Council


Elan Carr – Special Envoy to monitor and combat anti-Semitism


Ellie Cohanim – Deputy Special Envoy to monitor and combat antisemitism


Douglas Davidson – US Special Envoy, Holocaust


Stuart E. Eizenstat – Special Advisor for Holocaust Issues


Jeanne Ellinport – Liaison to Jewish Community


Lee A. Feinstein – US Holocaust Memorial Council


Jay Footlik – Special Liaison to Jewish Community


Ira Forman – Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism


Ellen Germain – Special Envoy for Holocaust Issues


Michael Glassner – US Holocaust Memorial Council


Adam Goldman – Liaison to Jewish Community


Shelley Greenspan – Liaison to Jewish Community


Stephen Herbits – President’s Advisory Commission on Holocaust Assets


Mickey Kantor – National Advisory Council for AIPAC


Jeremy L. Katz – Liaison to Jewish Community


Aaron Keyak – Deputy Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism


Len Khodorkovsky – Deputy Special Envoy to monitor and combat anti-Semitism


Deborah Lipstadt – Special State Department Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism


Sigal Mandelker – Member US Holocaust Memorial Museum Council


Aaron David Miller – US Holocaust Memorial Museum Council


Deborah Mohile – Liaison to Jewish Community


Noam Neusner – Liaison to Jewish Community


Matt Nosanchuk – Liaison to Jewish Community


Matt Nosanchuk – Associate Director Office of Public Engagement for Jewish Outreach


Gregg Rickman – Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism


Hannah Rosenthal – Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism


Arthur Louis Schechter – US Holocaust Memorial Museum Council


Mark Siegel – Liaison to Jewish Community


Cliff Sobel – US Holocaust Memorial Council


Sigmund Strochlitz – US Holocaust Memorial Council


Aviva Sufian – Special Envoy U.S. Holocaust Survivor Services


Tevi Troy – Liaison to Jewish Community


Chanan Weissman – Liaison to Jewish Community


Neal S. Wolin – President’s Commission on Holocaust Assets


Jay Zeidman – Liaison to Jewish Community


Amy Zisook – Liaison to Jewish Community


Converting Perversion to “Preference”


Raffi Freedman-Gurspan – Liaison to the LGBT Community


Jennifer Klein – Co-chair on Gender Policy


How did it happen that the Federal Government of the United States needs a “Department of Gender Policy”? Whose agenda is being followed here?

美国联邦政府怎么会需要一个 “性别政策部”(”Department of Gender Policy”)?这里遵循的是谁的议程?

Part 3 – Control of the Economy and Federal Budget


Ensuring Adherence to the Jewish Agenda for the Economy


Jared Bernstein – Chairman Council of Economic Advisers


Jared Bernstein – Chief Economist, Presidential Economic Policy Advisor


Alan Blinder – President’s Council of Economic Advisers


Gary Cohn – Director, Biden White House National Economic Council


Gary Cohn – Director, Trump White House National Economic Council


Martin Feldstein – Chairman Council of Economic Advisers


Larry Fink – President’s Economic Advisory Board, BlackRock CEO


Stephen Friedman – Chairman National Economic Council


Leon Fuerth – Member National Economic Council


Jason Furman – Chairman Council of Economic Advisers


Jason Furman – Deputy Director National Economic Council


Alan Greenspan – Chairman Council of Economic Advisers


Robert Iger – President’s Economic Advisory Board, Disney CEO


Sally Katzen – Deputy Director National Economic Council


Randall S. Kroszner – President’s Council of Economic Advisers


Alan Krueger – Chairman Council of Economic Advisers


Lawrence Kudlow – Director National Economic Council


Marne Levine – Chief of Staff National Economic Council


Peter R. Orszag – Senior Adviser Council of Economic Advisers


Robert Reich – Presidential Economic Advisor


Alice Rivlin – Member Economic Advisory Board


Robert Rubin – Presidential Economic adviser


Robert Rubin – Chairman National Economic Council


James R. Schlesinger – Assistant Director Budget Bureau


Stephen Schwarzman – Chairman President’s Economic Advisory Board


William Seidman – Economic Adviser to Presidents Ford, Reagan and H. W. Bush


Gene Sperling – Director National Economic Council


Joseph Stiglitz – Chairman Council of Economic Advisers


Lawrence Summers – Director National Economic Council


Harold Varmus – Chairman President’s Council of Advisers


Kevin Warsh – President’s Economic Advisory Board


Mark Weinberger – President’s Economic Advisory Board


Neal S. Wolin – Deputy Counsel to the President for Economic Policy


Janet Yellen – Head Council of Economic Advisors


Daniel Yergin – President’s Economic Advisory Board


Jeff Zients – Director National Economic Council


Setting the Budget – Assuring Adherence to the Jews’ Spending Priorities


”The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is the largest office within the executive branch of the U.S. federal government. The OMB is tasked with implementing the commitments and priorities of the US Government.” The OMB oversees the federal budget and its implementation. It also determines the overall economic policy of the country, and ensures the constantly-increasing military budgets to ensure that “The Bankers’ Private Army” will always be in a position of assumed superiority – without which the Khazar Jews in The City of London cannot accomplish their worldwide ambitions.

“管理和预算办公室(OMB)是美国联邦政府行政部门中最大的办公室。OMB的任务是落实美国政府的承诺和优先事项。OMB负责监督联邦预算及其执行情况。它还决定国家的整体经济政策,并确保不断增加的军事预算,以确保 “银行家的私人军队”(”The Bankers’ Private Army”)始终处于假定的优势地位–没有这种优势,伦敦金融城(The City of London)的哈扎尔犹太人(Khazar Jews)就无法实现他们的全球野心。

Jared Bernstein – Advisory Committee Congressional Budget Office


Alan Blinder – Deputy Assistant Director Congressional Budget Office


Joshua Bolten – Director OMB


Richard Darman – Director OMB


Joel Kaplan – Deputy Director OMB


Sally Katzen – Deputy Director for Management OMB


Jack Lew – Director OMB


Peter Orszag – Director OMB


Alice Rivlin – Director OMB


Alice Rivlin – Director Congressional Budget Office


Cass Sunstein – Director Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, OMB


Caspar Weinberger – Director OMB


Jeffrey Zients – Chief Performance Officer, Office of Management and Budget


Part 4 – Control of the Money


Next, we have control of the currency, the money supply, and thus the economy, through the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department.


The Jewish-owned (Rothschild et al) US FEDERAL RESERVE

犹太人拥有美联储(Rothschild et al)

When discussing “control of the money”, we can’t ignore the fact that the US FED is a private Central Bank owned by one of the Rothschilds and other Jewish European banking families in The City of London. And through this ownership, they have total control of the US currency and the US economy, including the money supply, interest rates, the values of the stock and bond markets, the housing market, and much more. It is their application of this control which creates all the economic booms and busts, like the 1929 crash and subsequent depression, the 2008 “financial meltdown”, and all the others. You may enjoy reading this related article as a reference: “Let’s Have a Financial Crisis: First, We Need a Central Bank.”[66]

在讨论 “货币控制 “时,我们不能忽视这样一个事实,即美国联邦储备委员会(US FED)是一家私人中央银行,由罗斯柴尔德家族(Rothschilds)之一和伦敦金融城(City of London)的其他欧洲犹太银行家族所拥有。通过这种所有权,他们完全控制了美元和美国经济,包括货币供应量、利率、股票和债券市场的价值、房地产市场等等。正是他们对这种控制的运用创造了所有的经济繁荣和萧条,比如1929年的大崩盘和随后的大萧条,2008年的“金融崩溃”,以及所有其他的。你可能会喜欢阅读这篇相关文章作为参考:“让我们面对一场金融危机吧:首先,我们需要一家央行。[66]

For the record, the ultimate beneficial owners of the US Federal Reserve have been reliably documented as follows: the Jewish owners of the Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin, the Warburg Banks of Hamburg and Amsterdam, Lehman Brothers of New York, Lazard Brothers of Paris, Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York, Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy, Goldman Sachs and the Chase Manhattan Bank.

有据可查,美国联邦储备局的最终实益拥有人如下:伦敦和柏林罗斯柴尔德银行(Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin)、汉堡和阿姆斯特丹沃伯格银行(Warburg Banks of Hamburg and Amsterdam)、纽约雷曼兄弟公司(Lehman Brothers of New York)、巴黎拉扎德兄弟公司(Lazard Brothers of Paris)、纽约库恩-勒布银行(Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York)、意大利以色列摩西-塞夫银行(Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy)、高盛集团(Goldman Sachs)和大通曼哈顿银行(Chase Manattan Bank)的犹太所有者。

Ben Shalom Bernanke – Chairman of the Federal Reserve


Alan Blinder – Vice Chairman FED Board of Governors


Arthur F. Burns – Chairman of the Federal Reserve


Stephen Friedman – Chairman New York Federal Reserve


Alan Greenspan – Chairman of the Federal Reserve


Robert Steven Kaplan – President Dallas FED


Donald Kohn – Vice-Chairman Federal Reserve


Donald Kohn – FED Board of Governors


Randall S. Kroszner – FED Board of Governors


Fred Mishkin – FED Board of Governors


Frederic Mishkin – FED Executive Vice President and Director of Research


Sarah Bloom Raskin – Federal Reserve Board of Governors


Alice Rivlin – FED Budget Officer


Alice Rivlin – FED Vice Chairman


Alice Rivlin – Member FED Board of Governors


Douglas W. Shorenstein – Director FED


Kevin Warsh – FED Board of Governors


Janet Yellen – Chairman Federal Reserve Board of Governors


Control of the Treasury and Financial Institutions


Michael Barr – Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions


Michael Blumenthal – Treasury Secretary


Samuel Wright Bodman – Deputy Treasury Secretary


Lael Brainard – Under Secretary for International Affairs


Michael H. Cardozo – Exchange Commission Legal Staff


Jay Clayton – Chairman Securities and Exchange Commission


David S. Cohen – Treasury Under Secretary


David S. Cohen – Assistant Treasury Secretary for Terrorist Financing


Richard Darman – Deputy Treasury Secretary


Stuart Eizenstat – Deputy Treasury Secretary


Myer (Mike) Feldman – Securities and Exchange Commission


Jerome Frank – Chairman Securities and Exchange Commission


Michael Froman – Chief of Staff Treasury Department


Gary Gensler – Chairman Securities and Exchange Commission


Gary Gensler – Chairman Commodity Futures Trading Commission


Fred Goldberg – Assistant Secretary Department of the Treasury


Fred Goldberg – Chief Counsel Internal Revenue Service


Fred Goldberg – Commissioner of Internal Revenue


Roberta Karmel – Commissioner Securities and Exchange Commission


Alan Krueger – Assistant Treasury Secretary


Stuart A. Levey – Treasury Secretary


Marne Levine – US Treasury Department


Arthur Levitt – Chairman Securities and Exchange Commission


Jack Lew – Treasury Secretary


Sigal Mandelker – Deputy Treasury Secretary


Sigal Mandelker – Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence


Henry Morgenthau, Jr. – Treasury Secretary


Steven Mnuchin – Treasury Secretary


Morgan Ortagus – Intelligence Analyst US Treasury


Morgan Ortagus – Deputy Treasury Attaché


Sarah Bloom Raskin – Deputy Treasury Secretary


Steven Rattner – Counselor to Secretary of the Treasury


Robert Rubin – Treasury Secretary


Mary Schapiro – Chairman, Securities and Exchange Commission


William Seidman – Chairman Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation


Lawrence Summers – Deputy Treasury Secretary


Lawrence Summers – Treasury Under Secretary for International Affairs


Lawrence Summers – Treasury Secretary


Adam Szubin – Acting Secretary of the Treasury


Adam Szubin – Treasury Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence


Adam Szubin – Director Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control


Mark Weinberger – Assistant Treasury Secretary


Ross Weinberger – Executive Secretary Treasury Department


Neal S. Wolin – Deputy Secretary Treasury Department


Neal S. Wolin – Acting Treasury Secretary


Neal S. Wolin – Deputy General Counsel Treasury Department


Janet Yellen – Treasury Secretary


Part 5 – Control of Trade and Commerce:


Then, we have a group that worries about trade, designing and implementing the (outrageous and illegal) TPP, planning protectionist legislation, the emasculation of US labor, designing the vicious and aggressive IP stance to further enhance their friends’ corporate domination, planning and pushing through the neoliberal capitalist travesties of offshoring, privatisation, deregulation, and more.


Charlene Barshefsky – US Trade Representative


Michael Blumenthal – US Trade Ambassador


Samuel Wright Bodman – Deputy Secretary of Commerce


Joshua Bolten – Counsel to Office of the US Trade Representative


Richard Darman – Assistant Secretary of Commerce


Stuart Eizenstat – Under Secretary of Commerce


Michael Froman – US Trade Representative


Jeffrey Garten – Undersecretary of Commerce


Mickey Kantor – WTO Trade Representative


Mickey Kantor – Secretary of Commerce


Philip Klutznick – Secretary of Commerce


Jed Kolko – Under Secretary of Commerce for Economic Affairs


Frank Lavin – Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade


Jon Leibowitz – Chairman Federal Trade Commission


Emil Mosbacher – Secretary of Commerce


Robert Mosbacher Sr. – Secretary of Commerce


Robert Adam Mosbacher Jr. – CEO  Overseas Private Investment Corporation


Penny Pritzker – Secretary of Commerce


Robert Reich – Director Policy Planning Federal Trade Commission


David Rothkopf – Deputy Under Secretary of Commerce


Mel Sembler – President US Export-Import Bank


Lewis Strauss – Secretary of Commerce


Robert Strauss – US Trade Representative


Caspar Weinberger – Chairman Federal Trade Commission


Ross Weinberger – Executive Secretary on trade


Part 6 – Control of Health, Education and Welfare




This category helps to ensure that the US will never have a universal health care system like all other civilised nations, and will also ensure that privately-owned health care facilities (Jewish-owned in very large part) can continue to loot the public while selected citizens lacking a VISA card die in the parking lot. It is this group that forced through the legislation prohibiting the US government from negotiating volume discounts for its multi-billion-dollar annual expense on medications. In this section of the economy, as in no other, “privatisation” is paramount.


Nancy Brinker – National Cancer Advisory Board


Mandy Cohen – Chief of Staff at the Centers for Medicare


Mandy Cohen – Deputy Director Women’s Health Services Veterans Affairs


Wilbur J. Cohen – Under Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare


Wilbur J. Cohen – Executive Secretary Social Security Board


Lynn Cutler – Director National Health Policy Council


Peter Edelman – Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services


Scott Gottlieb – Commissioner FDA


Ruth L. Kirschstein – Administrator National Institutes of Health (NIH)


Judith Feder – Director Bipartisan Commission on Comprehensive Health Care


Judith Feder – Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Department of Health


Genine Macks Fidler – National Council on the Humanities


Thomas R. Frieden – Director CDC


Chris Gersten – Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary HHS


Judith E. Heumann – Special Advisor for International Disability Rights


Judith E. Heumann – Assistant Secretary of Education


David A. Kessler – FDA Commissioner


Jeffrey Koplan – Director CDC


Madeleine Kunin – Deputy Secretary of Education


Michael Lauer – Deputy Research Director NIH


Mark Levin – Deputy Assistant Secretary Department of Education


Rachel Levine – Deputy Health Secretary


Catherine E. Lhamon – Assistant Secretary of Education


Nancy Messonnier – Director CDC for Respiratory Diseases


Abraham Ribicoff – Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare


Andrew Saul – Commissioner of the Social Security Administration


Andrew Saul – Chairman Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board


Jesse Leonard Steinfeld – US Surgeon General


Tevi Troy – Deputy Secretary HHS


Rochelle Walensky – Director CDC


Caspar Weinberger – Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare


Control of COVID and vaccines


I am by no means the first, nor the only person who noticed that COVID-19 was firmly under the control of the Jewish-dominated US health services, which category includes the vaccine manufacturers.


COVID-19, based on circumstantial evidence alone, had to have been a Jewish program. The most damning evidence is the one that is most obvious – the mass media which worldwide is almost entirely controlled by Jews. The entire Western media and also in much of the rest of the world, were all onside, pushing precisely the same agenda, with the same daily floods of doomsday news, of magnificent falsehoods, tales of death and depression everywhere, with the psychological manipulation for which these people are famous, and the intense push to manipulate everyone to accept the genetic spike injections disguised as vaccines.


There is no Gentile organisation anywhere with the power to assemble and energise the Jewish media as a group to do anything, and certainly nothing of this scale. Logic alone tells us this had to be a Jewish agenda. There is no other possibility that fits all the facts. As others have noted, a “normal” epidemic does not require all the media to flood every nation with doomsday reports 24/7, especially not from a mild pathogen. But a propaganda campaign does require it, especially if the underlying purpose is the vaccinations.


Also, the major pharmaceutical companies are all Jewish, and certainly the makers of the vaccines. A Rothschild owns the huge conglomerate Sanofi, the world’s largest vaccine manufacturer, and both Pfizer and Moderna are Jewish companies. As well, the largest apparent shareholders of Pfizer, Moderna and Gilead stock are Blackrock, Blackstone, and Vanguard, themselves Jewish companies. I use the word “apparent” because often shares are held in trust for the actual beneficial owners to shield them from public scrutiny.

此外,主要的制药公司都是犹太人,当然也包括疫苗制造商。罗斯柴尔德家族(Rothschild)拥有世界上最大的疫苗制造商赛诺菲(Sanofi)这个巨大的企业集团,辉瑞(Pfizer)和Moderna都是犹太人公司。此外,辉瑞、Moderna和吉利德股票的最大表面股东是Blackrock、Blackstone和Vanguard,它们本身也是犹太公司。我之所以使用 “表面 “一词,是因为股票通常由实际受益人托管,以避免他们受到公众监督。

Sherrie Berger – CDC Chief of Staff


David A. Kessler – Co-chair COVID-19 Advisory Board


Rachel Levine – HHS Asst. Secretary


Nancy Messonnier – Leader COVID-19 Response


Anne Schuchat – Principal Deputy Director CDC


Rochelle Walensky – CDC Director


Jeffrey Zients – CDC Czar, COVID-19 Response Coordinator


Albert Bourla – Pfizer CEO


Michael Dolsten – Pfizer Chief Scientist


Larry Fink – CEO BlackRock


Jonathan D. Gray – Blackstone


Robert S. Kapito – Blackrock


Yifat Oron – Senior Managing Director Blackstone


Stephen Schwarzman – CEO of Blackstone


Tal Zaks – Moderna Chief Scientist and Medical Officer


Part 7 – Control of Justice and Injustice


The US Justice Department


Jews holding senior positions in the US Justice Department do the normal things you might expect, enforcing laws, issuing judgments, and so on, but they also do things you wouldn’t expect – or even imagine. One such activity already mentioned, and almost certainly coordinated from The City of London is the joint proselytising of new gender and sexual norms and obtaining judicial sanctions for them.

在美国司法部担任高级职务的犹太人会做一些你可能会想到的正常事情,如执行法律、发布判决等,但他们也会做一些你想不到甚至想象不到的事情。已经提到的、几乎可以肯定是由伦敦金融城(City of London)协调的此类活动之一,就是共同宣传新的性别和性规范,并为此获得司法制裁。

But there are many other activities, all done covertly, that are in no way American government policy but are instead the furthering of the Jewish (Khazar Mafia) agenda. One such is the continued persecution of Germans. For more than a decade the Jew Neal Sher headed the Office of Special Investigations (OSI), which was the US Justice Department’s “Nazi prosecution unit”, where he “oversaw the denaturalization and deportation of dozens of onetime Nazi war criminals.”[67] “Denaturalization” is the stripping of a person’s citizenship, effectively leaving them stateless. This is something these Jews apparently intend to continue in perpetuity.

但还有许多其他活动,都是秘密进行的,它们绝不是美国政府的政策,而是推进犹太人(卡扎尔黑手党)议程的活动。其中之一就是对德国人的持续迫害。十多年来,犹太人尼尔-谢尔(Neal Sher)领导着特别调查办公室(OSI),这是美国司法部的 “纳粹起诉部门”(“Nazi prosecution unit”),在那里他 “监督了数十名曾经的纳粹战犯的剥夺国籍和驱逐出境”[67]。”剥夺国籍”(“Denaturalization”)是剥夺一个人的公民身份,实际上使他们成为无国籍人。这些犹太人显然打算永远这样做下去。

It is not the American government who has a “Nazi prosecution unit”; it is the Jews who have a “German persecution unit” . It is they who will persecute Germans and Germany in perpetuity, and who had this department created in 1979 to “identify and expel from the United States, those who assisted Nazis in persecuting “any person because of race, religion, national origin, or political opinion (i.e., Jews).”[68]In other words, hunt down, strip of citizenship, and deport any German who in the past 75 years might have indicated the slightest possible disaffection for Jews. This is not about hunting “Nazis” or “war criminals”; it is entirely about retaliation for what is very loosely termed “anti-Semitism” by destroying the lives of any and all suspects, and by intimidating everyone else into submission.

不是美国政府有一个 “纳粹起诉部门”(“Nazi prosecution unit”),而是犹太人有一个 “德国迫害部门”(“German persecution unit”)。正是他们将永远迫害德国人和德国,是他们在1979年设立了这个部门,以 “查明那些协助纳粹迫害’任何因种族、宗教、民族血统或政治观点(即犹太人)的人’并将其驱逐出美国”[68]。换句话说,追捕、剥夺国籍并驱逐任何在过去75年中可能对犹太人表示过丝毫不满的德国人。这不是为了追捕 “纳粹 “或 “战犯”;这完全是为了通过摧毁所有嫌疑犯的生命,并通过恐吓其他人使其屈服,对被非常粗略地称为 “反犹太主义”(”anti-Semitism”)的行为进行报复。

Neal prepared a 200+ page “report” on UN Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim ,[69] and placed him on a “watch list” of persons no longer able to enter the US, for the crime of being German. Sher was also the head of an international Holocaust restitution commission which sought to also continue to loot Germans and Germany in perpetuity for crimes their ancestors may or may not have committed, and pursued those activities through the US Justice Department. Sher was eventually banned and disbarred for theft of funds,[70] but that didn’t negate his persecution of Germans.

尼尔编写了一份200多页的关于联合国秘书长库尔特-瓦尔德海姆(Kurt Waldheim)的 “报告”,,[69]并将他列入了一份 “观察名单”(’watch list’),因其身为德国人的罪行而不能再进入美国。谢尔(Sher)还是一个国际大屠杀赔偿委员会的负责人,该委员会还试图继续掠夺德国人和德国,为他们的祖先可能犯下或可能没有犯下的罪行而永久地掠夺,并通过美国司法部开展这些活动。谢尔(Sher)最终因盗窃资金而被取缔并取消了律师资格,[70] 但这并不能否定他对德国人的迫害。

Eli Rosenbaum was another Jew holding the same position as Sher.[71] According to Wikipedia, Rosenbaum was “a legendary Nazi hunter”, hardly an American interest 75 years after the events. But in fact, the creation of the Office of Special Investigations in the US Justice Department was entirely a Jewish construct for the purpose of “identifying, denaturalizing, and deporting” almost any German they could find in the US.[72]

伊莱·罗森鲍姆(Eli Rosenbaum)是另一位与谢尔地位相同的犹太人。 [71] 根据维基百科的说法,罗森鲍姆(Rosenbaum)是“一位传奇的纳粹猎人”,事件发生 75 年后,美国人对他的兴趣几乎没有了。 但事实上,美国司法部特别调查办公室的设立完全是犹太人的产物,目的是“识别、取消国籍和驱逐”他们在美国能找到的几乎所有德国人。 [72]

Too obvious to mention but too important to be ignored is that not everyone German was a “Nazi” and not every Nazi was a “war criminal”, not even an imaginary one. The Jews apparently fail to make these distinctions. This is one place where historians deliberately mislead us; a “Nazi” was simply a member of Germany’s National Socialist German Workers’ Party, not different from an ordinary citizen being a member of a Liberal or Conservative political party in any country. But the term has been appropriated by the Jews and re-defined as “evil incarnate” when it was absolutely no such thing.


It is also noteworthy that, during a war, most citizens of all countries will be at least partially sympathetic to their government. That is not a crime, certainly not one justifying “identifying, denaturalizing, and deporting” all the citizens. But if the Jews are correct and justified in this, then how do they account for the hundred years of opium in China, which was entirely  a Jewish operation? Surely if all Germans are guilty in perpetuity of being “Nazis” and “war criminals”, even third-generation descendants, then surely all Jews are guilty in perpetuity of being drug dealers and mass murderers, and all Jews should likewise be subject to “identifying, denaturalizing, and deporting”.

 同样值得注意的是,在战争期间,所有国家的大多数公民至少会部分同情本国政府。这不是犯罪,当然也不能成为“识别、变性和驱逐”所有公民的理由。但如果犹太人在这一点上是正确的和正当的,那么他们如何解释鸦片在中国的百年历史呢?这完全是犹太人的行为?当然,如果所有德国人都永远是“纳粹”和“战犯”,甚至是第三代后代,所有犹太人也应同样受到 “识别、剥夺公民权和驱逐出境 “的制裁。

These people, once in position, have the power – and the will – to search out and identify anyone of German heritage who might in the past have said or done anything that could be construed as “anti-Semitic”, strip them of their nationality, relieve them of their assets, and deport them. This Department functions as the worst kind of gangster.


The US foreign Embassy staff also, with the assistance of the Israeli Embassy and Consulate staff in other nations, assembles lists of anyone they can categorise as “anti-Semitic” and prevent their entrance into the US and, if possible, preventing their flying on any airline anywhere. If they can do it to someone as high as Kurt Waldheim, they can do it to anyone. And you will never know, because the Jewish-controlled media would never touch such stories. This happens more often than you might imagine. Who do you think is on the US “no-fly” list with its one million names? Terrorists? There aren’t that many terrorists in the entire world. And why do you suppose the US refuses to divulge the names on that no-fly list or the purpose of their inclusion? It isn’t for reasons of “national security” but to obscure the Jews’ agenda. And they don’t need proof to present to the public, if the public becomes aware of it. All that is necessary is to tar those individuals with labels like “Nazi”, “anti-Semitic”, “domestic terrorist”, “white supremacist”, and that will justify their actions. Nobody will be demanding evidence to defend undesirables. It is so easy.

美国驻外使馆的工作人员也在以色列驻其他国家使领馆工作人员的协助下,收集他们可以归类为 “反犹太 “的任何人的名单,并阻止他们进入美国,如果可能的话,阻止他们乘坐任何地方的任何航空公司的飞机。如果他们能对库尔特-瓦尔德海姆(Kurt Waldheim)这样的大人物这样做,他们就能对任何人这样做。你永远不会知道,因为犹太人控制的媒体永远不会触及这些新闻。这种情况比你想象的要经常发生。你认为美国的 “禁飞 “名单上有一百万个名字,谁是其中之一?恐怖分子?全世界没有那么多恐怖分子。你认为美国为什么拒绝透露禁飞名单上的名字或列入名单的目的?这不是出于 “国家安全 “的原因,而是为了掩盖犹太人的目的。他们不需要向公众提供证据,如果公众意识到这一点的话。只需给这些人贴上 “纳粹”、”反犹太”、”国内恐怖分子”、”白人至上主义者 “等标签,就能为他们的行为辩护。没有人会要求提供证据来为不受欢迎的人辩护。就这么简单。

As an aside, the US no-fly list has been hacked and the names revealed. The article states there are “very clear trends towards almost exclusively Arabic and Russian-sounding names throughout the million entries”.[73] You may draw whatever conclusions you deem appropriate.


Morton I. Abramowitz – Assistant to Attorney General


Robert Bauer – Co-Chair Presidential Commission Supreme Court


Lanny A. Breuer – Assistant Attorney General


Charles Breyer – Vice Chair US Sentencing Commission


Michael R. Bromwich – Inspector General Department of Justice


Michael H. Cardozo – Department of Justice Legal Staff


Michael Chertoff – Assistant Attorney General


Michael Chertoff – Head Justice Department Criminal Division


Makan Delrahim – Assistant Attorney General


Norm Eisen – Consultant to Committee on the Judiciary


Glenn Fine – Inspector General Department of Justice


Charles Fried – US Solicitor General


Merrick Garland – Attorney-General


Douglas H. Ginsburg – Assistant Attorney General


Jamie Gorelick – Assistant Attorney General


Elena Kagan – Solicitor General


Jonathan Kanter – Assistant Attorney General Antitrust Division


Pamela S. Karlan – Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General


Ron Klain – Chief of Staff to A-G Janet Reno


Joel Klein – Assistant Attorney General


Stuart Levey – Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General


Stuart Levey – Chief of Staff to Deputy Attorney General


Edward H. Levi – US Attorney General


Edward Levi – Special Assistant to the Attorney General


Edward H. Levi – Chief Counsel House Judiciary Subcommittee on Monopoly Power


Mark Levin – Chief of Staff to Attorney General


Alejandro Mayorkas – US Attorney for California


Alejandro Mayorkas – Chief Office’s General Crimes Section


Michael Mukasey – US Attorney General


Bernard Nussbaum – Assistant US Attorney New York


Eric Posner – Counsel for the Department of Justice


Jeffrey A. Rosen – US Attorney General


Eli Rosenbaum – Director Department of Justice Office of Special Investigations


Eli Rosenbaum – Human Rights Enforcement Department of Justice


Rod Rosenstein – Deputy Attorney General


Brian Schwalb – DC Attorney General


Ricki Seidman – Deputy Associate Attorney General Department of Justice


Neal Sher – Special Investigations Department of Justice – Hunting Germans


Laurence Silberman – Acting Attorney General


Laurence Silberman – Deputy Attorney General


Barbara Underwood – US Solicitor General


Seth P. Waxman – US  Solicitor General


Seth P. Waxman – Associate Deputy Attorney General Department of Justice


Andrew Weissmann – Chief of the Criminal Fraud Section Department of Justice


Converting the Jewish Agenda to Judicial Precedent


Beth Bloom – Judge of the United States District Court


Louis Brandeis – Supreme Court Justice


Charles Breyer – Senior Judge US District Court


Stephen Breyer – Associate Justice US Supreme Court


Stephen Breyer – Chief Judge US Court of Appeals


Stephen Breyer – Supreme Court Justice


Stephen Breyer – Chief Judge US Court of Appeals


Benjamin N. Cardozo – Associate Justice of the Supreme Court


Michael Chertoff – Judge US Court of Appeals


Abe Fortas – Associate Justice Supreme Court


Jerome Frank – Judge US Court of Appeals


Felix Frankfurter – Associate Justice of the Supreme Court


Beth Labson Freeman – Judge US District Court


Merrick Garland – Judge US Court of Appeals


Richard Gergel – Judge US District Court


Nina Gershon – Senior Judge US District Court


Douglas H. Ginsburg – Senior Judge US Court of Appeals


Ruth Bader Ginsberg – Supreme Court Justice


Ruth Bader Ginsburg – Judge of the US Court of Appeals


Arthur Goldberg – Associate Justice of the Supreme Court


Ronald M. Gould – Judge US Court of Appeals


Susan P. Graber – Senior Judge US Court of Appeals


Amy Sauber Berman Jackson – Judge US District Court


Elena Kagan – US Supreme Court Justice


Irving Kaufman – Chief Judge US Court of Appeals


Alex Kozinski – Chief Judge US Court of Appeals


Ken Kramer – Chief Judge US Court of Appeals


David F. Levi – Chief Judge US District Court


Abner Mikva – Chief Justice US Court of Appeals


Michael Mukasey – Chief Judge District Court Southern New York


Veronica S. Rossman – Judge US Court of Appeals


Norma Levy Shapiro – Senior Judge US District Court


Laurence Silberman – Senior Judge US Court of Appeals


Laurence Silberman – Judge US Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court


David Stras – Judge US Court of Appeals


Part 8 – Control of US Global Hegemony Strategy


The US National Security Council


“The United States National Security Council (NSC)[74] is the principal forum used by the president of the United States for consideration of national security, military, and foreign policy matters. Based in the White House, it is part of the Executive Office of the President of the United States, and composed of senior national security advisors and Cabinet officials.”


“Since its inception in 1947 by President Harry S. Truman, the function of the Council has been to advise and assist the president on national security and foreign policies. It also serves as the president’s principal arm for coordinating these policies among various government agencies. The Council has subsequently played a key role in most major events in U.S. foreign policy, from the Korean War to the War on Terror.”

“自1947年由哈里·S·杜鲁门总统(President Harry S. Truman)创立以来,该委员会的职能一直是就国家安全和外交政策向总统提供建议和协助。 它还充当总统在各政府机构之间协调这些政策的主要机构。 该委员会随后在美国外交政策的大多数重大事件中发挥了关键作用,从朝鲜战争(Korean War)到反恐战争(War on Terror)。”

However, it should be noted that the US has no particular security issues. This Department functions mostly to remove the security of other nations, most particularly the disobedient ones. But perhaps its primary purpose is the “security of Israel”, preventing Jewish atrocities emanating from Tel Aviv in resulting in attacks on that nation by victimised Arab states.


Elliott Abrams – Senior Director National Security Council


Elliott Abrams – Deputy National Security Advisor


Madeleine Albright (Marie Jana Körbelová) – National Security Council

马德琳·奥尔布赖特(Marie Jana Körbelová)-国家安全委员会

Jeffrey A. Bader – Director National Security Council


Zoë Baird (Gerwitz) – Asst. National Security Advisor


Daniel Benjamin – Coordinator for Counterterrorism


Daniel Benjamin – Member National Security Council


Antony Blinken – Member National Security Council


Samuel (Sandy) Berger – National security policy board NSC


Samuel Berger – National Security Advisor


Samuel Berger – Head National Security Council


Tony Blinken – Deputy National Security Advisor


Debra Cagan – Advisor for National Security Policy


Ivo Daalder – NSC Director for European Affairs


John Eisenberg – National Security Council Legal Advisor


Michael Froman – Deputy National Security Advisor


Leon Fuerth – Vice-President National Security Adviser


Leon Fuerth – Member National Security Council


Richard N. Haass – Senior Director National Security Council


Avril Haines – Deputy National Security Advisor


Morton Halperin – Director of Policy Planning NSC


Morton Halperin – Senior Director NSC


Martin Indyk – Director NSC


Roberta Jacobson – National Security Council border czar


Henry Kissinger – National Security Advisor


Anthony Lake – US National Security Advisor


Stuart A. Levey – Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence


Edward Lutwak – National Security Study Group


Robert Malley – Director National Security Council


Ned Price – Spokesman NSC


Uri Ra’anan – Policy and Defense Advisor


Mira Resnick – Director Office of Security Assistance


Mira Resnick – Director Office of Regional Security and Arms Transfers


Benjamin J. Rhodes – Deputy National Security Advisor


Walter Rostow – National Security Advisor


Walter Rostow – Deputy National Security Advisor


Richard Schifter – Special Adviser to National Security Council


Dan Shapiro – Senior Middle East Director NSC


Laurence Silberman – Chairman Iraq Intelligence Commission


Steven Simon – Senior Director National Security Council


Richard H. Solomon – Member US National Security Council


Donald Steinberg – Director National Security Council


James Steinberg – Deputy National Security Advisor


Alexander Vershbow – Senior Director National Security Council


Chanan Weissman – Director National Security Council


Neal S. Wolin – National Security Council


Homeland Security


This department carries responsibility for the identification (and crushing) of domestic “terrorists”, i.e., anyone objecting to US domestic policies or disbelieving the official story on anything. Part of this program involved hiring Craft International to provide snipers to kill the leaders of the “Occupy Wall Street” protests – a contract the FBI and CIA did not deny.[75] [76] [77]

该部门负责识别和打击国内的“恐怖分子”,即任何反对美国国内政策或不相信任何官方说法的人。该计划的一部分内容是雇佣Craft International提供狙击手,杀死“占领华尔街”抗议活动的领导人——FBI和CIA没有否认这份合同。[75][76][77]

Alan Bersin – Assistant Secretary Department of Homeland Security


Michael Chertoff – Secretary of Homeland Security


Sigal Mandelker – Counselor to the Secretary of Homeland Security


Alejandro Mayorkas – Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security


Alejandro Mayorkas – Secretary of Homeland Security


David Pressman – Assistant Secretary Department of Homeland Security


International Bullying Under the Guise of Democracy


The NED (National Endowment for Democracy) is essentially a “Color Revolution” company, specialising in the infiltration and overthrow of governments. China’s 1989 Tiananmen Square protests were by the end entirely under the control of the NED and the CIA.[78] Similarly,  USAID is not at all as presented, nor as the general public perceive it to be. I would estimate that 80% of its activities are criminal and anti-human. It appears to be primarily a tool of the Jewish determination for population control and reduction. In one celebrated case, the US refused food and other aid to India during a famine until the Indian Government agreed to permit USAID to open centers to sterilise local women.[79] [80] [81] [82] If I recall correctly, about 50,000 locations were set up in India to forcibly sterilise women. Countless victims died. If any of this is news to you, you really should read this article “The Pleasures of Depopulating the Earth[83]

NED(美国国家民主基金会)本质上是一个“颜色革命”公司,专门从事渗透和推翻政府。 中国 1989 年的天安门抗议活动最终完全处于 NED 和 CIA 的控制之下。 [78] 同样,美国国际开发署根本不是所呈现的那样,也不是公众所认为的那样。 我估计它80%的活动都是犯罪和反人类的。 它似乎主要是犹太人控制和减少人口的决心的工具。 在一个著名的案例中,美国在印度饥荒期间拒绝向印度提供粮食和其他援助,直到印度政府同意美国国际开发署(USAID)开设中心对当地妇女进行绝育手术。 [79] [80] [81] [82] 如果我没记错的话,印度大约设立了5万个地点对妇女进行强制绝育。 无数受害者死亡。 如果这些对您来说是新闻,您真的应该阅读这篇文章“减少地球人口的乐趣”[83]

The Voice of America is of course merely a propaganda machine, and Human Rights Watch watches all human rights atrocities except those committed by the Americans everywhere and Jews especially in Palestine, all on direction from The City of London.

美国之音”(Voice of America)当然只是一个宣传机器,而 “人权观察”(Human Rights Watch)监视着所有的人权暴行,除了美国人在各地和犹太人(Jews)特别是在巴勒斯坦(Palestine)犯下的暴行,所有这些都是根据伦敦金融城(City of London)的指示进行的。

Lynn Cutler – Director NED


Tom Dine – Assistant Administrator USAID, Executive Director AIPAC


Bonnie Glick – Deputy Administrator USAID


Sharon Kleinbaum – Commissioner of US Commission on International Religious Freedom


Melvyn Levitsky – Deputy Director Voice of America


Evelyn Lieberman – Director Voice of America


Morgan Ortagus – USAID Baghdad


Kenneth Roth – Executive Director Human Rights Watch


David Saperstein – Ambassador for Religious Freedom


Richard Schifter – Envoy to UN Commission on Human Rights


Donald Steinberg – Deputy Administrator USAID


Tamara Cofman Wittes – Assistant Administrator USAID


Part 9 – Control of Spying and Color Revolutions:


Intelligence and Espionage


From an earlier essay on The City of London:[84] I have a copy of a document that was released by the CIA under a FOIA request. It is not a CIA document and it is not clear why it would have been in the possession of the CIA. The document is not redacted, but the original author is not identified. The salient point of this document indicates the existence of a group somewhere within the CIA that operates independently, acting under the auspices and authority of the CIA but with its own purpose and agenda unrelated to the remainder of the organisation. The document maddeningly lacks precise details but the implication is that this group does not report to any part of the CIA and that its activities may not even be known by the CIA executive. I had read of, or heard rumors about, such a group before, but this was the first bit of documented evidence of it.


Edward Snowden, in an article titled “The CIA is not your friend“,[85] made reference to this as well. He wrote that after the creation of the CIA, “Within a year, the young agency had already slipped the leash of its intended role of intelligence collection and analysis to establish a covert operations division. Within a decade, the CIA was directing the coverage of American news organizations, overthrowing democratically elected governments (at times merely to benefit a favored corporation), establishing propaganda outfits to manipulate public sentiment, launching a long-running series of mind-control experiments on unwitting human subjects . . . and interfering with foreign elections.”[86]

爱德华-斯诺登(Edward Snowden)在一篇题为《中情局不是你的朋友》(The CIA is not your friend)的文章[85]中也提到了这一点。他写道,中情局成立后,”不到一年,这个年轻的机构就已经摆脱了收集和分析情报的本职工作,成立了一个秘密行动部门。在十年内,中情局(CIA)指挥了美国新闻机构的报道,推翻了民选政府(有时仅仅是为了使自己喜欢的公司受益),建立了操纵公众情绪的宣传机构,对不知情的人进行了一系列长期的精神控制实验……并干涉了外国选举”[86]。

Morton I. Abramowitz – Director Bureau of Intelligence and Research


Zoë Baird (Gerwitz) – Commission on Roles and Capabilities of US Intelligence


Jeremy Bash – CIA Chief of Staff


David S. Cohen – CIA Deputy Director (Obama)


David S. Cohen – CIA Deputy Director (Biden)


John Deutch – Director of Central Intelligence (CIA)


Jeffrey Epstein – City of London Special Attaché to the CIA for Sexual Entrapment


Dan Glickman – Chair of the House Intelligence Committee


Howard Gutman – Special Assistant to FBI Director


Avril Haines – Deputy Director CIA


Avril Haines – Director National Intelligence


Anne Neuberger – NSA Deputy National Security Adviser for Cybersecurity


Anne Neuberger – Deputy National Manager NSA


Anne Neuberger – Director of Cybersecurity NSA


Valerie Plame – CIA Officer


Ned Price – CIA Intelligence Analyst


Warren Rudman – Chairman Intelligence Oversight Board


James R. Schlesinger – Director of Central Intelligence (CIA)


Andrew Weissmann – FBI General Counsel


Neal S. Wolin – Special Assistant to Directors of Central Intelligence


Part 10 – Defense Department. Control of Bullying, War, Plundering


Following this, we have the Military, mostly to put into motion the Jewish State Department’s plans for war, plundering, removing disobedient national leaders by assassination to free their nations for open plundering.


It should be noted that the US “Defense Department” is in no way related to anything that might be considered “defense”. There is no one who is seriously (except in imagination) contemplating attacking the US or any part of it. The US Defense Department should be re-christened “American Department of Military Aggression”. John F. Kennedy(John F. Kennedy) was famous for stating that “As the world knows, the US will never start a war”, leading us to believe that the approximately 200 wars the US has launched against scores of nations were in “self-defense” where all those nations from Haiti and Nicaragua to Iraq and Libya attacked the US first and the Americans were “just defending themselves”. In this context it should be noted that in its approximately 245 years as a nation, the US has been at war for approximately 235 of those years. If this doesn’t make Americans a “victim of foreign aggression”, I don’t know what would.’


Kenneth Adelman – Pentagon Defense Policy Board


Kenneth Adelman – Director Arms Control and Disarmament Agency


Kenneth Adolman, assistant to Defense Secretary


Zoë Baird (Gerwitz) – Department of Defense Advisory Committee


Jeremy Bash – Department of Defense Chief of Staff


Harold Brown – Secretary of Defense


Debra Cagan – Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense


Joseph Churba – Policy and Defense Advisor


William Cohen – Secretary of Defense


William Sebastian Cohen – Secretary of Defense


Ezra Cohen-Watnick – Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence


Ezra Cohen-Watnick – Assistant Secretary of Defense


John Deutch – Deputy Secretary of Defense


John Deutch – Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology


Eric S. Edelman – Under Secretary of Defense for Policy


Lee A. Feinstein – Special Assistant Secretary of Defense


Douglas Feith – Under Secretary of Defense for Policy


Martin Feldstein – Consultant Department of Defense


Glenn Fine – Acting Inspector General Department of Defense


Nathan Glazer – Policy and Defense Advisor


Richard N. Haass – Department of Defense


Walter Hahn – Defense Analyst


Morton Halperin – Asst. Secretary of Defense


Morton Halperin – Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security


Stephen Herbits – Consultant to Secretary of Defense


Ken Kramer – Assistant Secretary of the Army


Charles Kupperman – Defense Analyst


Ronald S. Lauder – Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for European and NATO Affairs


Dr. John Lehman – Policy and Defense Advisor


Richard Perle – Chairman Defense Policy Board


Richard Perle – 1st Assistant Secretary of Defense


Michael Schiffer – Deputy Assistant Defense Secretary


James R. Schlesinger – Secretary of Defense


General Norton A. Schwartz – Chief of Staff of the US Air Force


Alexander Vershbow – Assistant Secretary of Defense


Alexander Vershbow – Deputy Secretary General of NATO


Caspar Weinberger – Secretary of Defense


Aharon Wildavsky – Policy and Defense Advisor


Paul Wolfowitz – Deputy Secretary of Defense


Paul Wolfowitz – Undersecretary of Defense for Policy


Dov Zakheim – Undersecretary of Defense


Dov Zakheim – Consultant to the Office of the Secretary of Defense


Dov Zakheim – Comptroller of Defense Department


Part 11 – Control of the World


The US State Department


First, the official version:


“The United States Department of State is an executive department of the federal government responsible for the country’s foreign policy and relations. Equivalent to the ministry of foreign affairs of other nations, its primary duties are advising the US president on international relations, administering diplomatic missions, negotiating international treaties and agreements, and representing the US at the United Nations.”[87]


The State Department actually does all of those things, but the official statement contains one huge lie – the part about these activities being its “primary duties”. There is little point in disputing the assertion that the primary activities of the State Department are: the overthrow of governments (Ukraine, Venezuela et al); the use of “diplomacy” to bring nations to the point of revolution or war; to cooperate with Gene Sharp at Harvard’s Einstein Institute to foster Color Revolutions; to bully nations into accepting US hegemony, US military bases and US bio-warfare labs; to threaten and bully nations to hate Russia, China and Iran; to bully international corporations to refuse to do business with disfavored countries; to arrange financial sanctions and other punishment for disobedient countries; to further the financial interests of American and Jewish multinationals in other countries; to generally further the interests of Israel and the international agenda of the Khazar Mafia Jews in The City of London.

国务院实际上做了所有这些事情,但官方声明中有一个巨大的谎言–关于这些活动是其 “主要职责 “的部分。国务院的主要活动是:推翻政府(乌克兰、委内瑞拉等);使用 “外交手段”: 推翻政府(乌克兰、委内瑞拉等);利用 “外交 “将国家推向革命或战争的边缘;与哈佛大学爱因斯坦研究所的吉恩-夏普(Gene Sharp)合作推动 “颜色革命”;欺压各国接受美国的霸权、美国的军事基地和美国的生物战实验室;威胁和欺压各国仇恨俄罗斯、中国和伊朗; 欺负国际公司拒绝与不喜欢的国家做生意;安排对不听话的国家进行金融制裁和其他惩罚;促进美国和犹太跨国公司在其他国家的金融利益;总体上促进以色列的利益和伦敦金融城(The City of London)的黑手党犹太人(Khazar Mafia Jews)的国际议程。

This again is not fantasy. Think of the overthrow of the legitimate government of the Ukraine in 2014, to be replaced by a Jew who would foster a war with Russia. It was a Jew, Victoria Nuland in the US State Department, running that entire show. Think of the stillborn attempted “Jasmine Revolution” in China, where calls “mysteriously” flooded the social media in the US and China, asking all Chinese to gather at specified points in all major cities to protest against their “dictatorial government”. It was a Jew, Jared Cohen, from the US State Department who spear-headed that effort. The idea wasn’t his, but the execution was. I could list 25 other such efforts. Remember also that it was another Jew, Madeleine Albright as US Secretary of State, who crafted the 78-day bombing of Serbia – the longest bombing campaign in the history of the world. Remember too that it was Madeleine Albright who engineered the destruction of Iraq’s water infrastructure. For this, Albright earned fame as the world’s most prolific baby-killer, this deranged psychopath directly responsible for the deaths of more than 500,000 infants in Iraq, and who then said “Yes, it was worth it”; – for which Obama awarded her the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award of the United States.

这同样不是幻想。想想2014年乌克兰合法政府被推翻,取而代之的是一个犹太人,他将助长与俄罗斯的战争。美国国务院的维多利亚-努兰(Victoria Nuland)就是一个犹太人,她主持了整场演出。想想中国那场胎死腹中的 “茉莉花革命”(”Jasmine Revolution”),美国和中国的社交媒体上 “神秘 “地充斥着各种呼吁,要求所有中国人在各大城市的指定地点集合,抗议他们的 “独裁政府”。美国国务院的犹太人贾里德-科恩(Jared Cohen)是这一行动的带头人。想法不是他的,但执行是他的。我还可以列举出其他25起类似事件。还请记住,正是另一位犹太人马德琳-奥尔布赖特(Madeleine Albright)作为美国国务卿,策划了对塞尔维亚长达78天的轰炸–这是世界历史上持续时间最长的轰炸行动。还请记住,正是马德琳-奥尔布赖特(Madeleine Albright)策划了对伊拉克水利基础设施的破坏。为此,奥尔布赖特赢得了世界上最多产的婴儿杀手的名声,这个丧心病狂的精神病患者对伊拉克50多万婴儿的死亡负有直接责任,然后她说 “是的,值得”;–为此,奥巴马(Obama)授予她美国最高平民奖–总统自由勋章(Presidential Medal of Freedom)。

It was Jews like Madeleine Albright with Yugoslavia and Iraq, Henry Kissinger with Vietnam, and Paul Wolfowitz with Iraq, who used the power and influence of their positions to drive US foreign policy where they and their handlers wanted it to go. Kissinger helped create and supervised all the US atrocities in Vietnam and many in Central and South America. Wolfowitz was an extreme hawk on Iraq and was apparently pushing to invade a few days after 9-11, using that as an excuse. These don’t exactly fit into “administering diplomatic missions” and “negotiating international agreements”.

正是像马德琳-奥尔布赖特(Madeleine Albright)这样的犹太人在南斯拉夫和伊拉克问题上、亨利-基辛格(Henry Kissinger)在越南问题上、保罗-沃尔福威茨(Paul Wolfowitz)在伊拉克问题上,利用他们职位的权力和影响力将美国的外交政策推向了他们和他们的幕后操纵者所希望的方向。基辛格帮助制造并监督了美国在越南的所有暴行以及在中美洲和南美洲的许多暴行。沃尔福威茨(Wolfowitz)在伊拉克问题上是一个极端的鹰派,在事件发生几天后,他显然就以9-11事件为借口推动入侵伊拉克。这些并不完全符合 “管理外交使团 “和 “谈判国际协议”。

There is on record an interesting message exchange from Henry Kissinger when he was US Secretary of State. David Popper was the Jewish Ambassador to Chile during the reign of Pinochet after the US State Department executed the overthrew the democratically elected president Salvador Allende and Pinochet launched his volley of atrocities against his own people. Popper was human enough to communicate his concerns about the atrocities to the State Department. Kissinger replied with an indirect message to the Embassy that said, “Tell Popper to cut out the political science lectures”.[88] That also doesn’t fit with creating good relations and working for peace.

亨利-基辛格(Henry Kissinger)在担任美国国务卿时曾有过一次有趣的信息交流记录。大卫-波普尔(David Popper)是皮诺切特(Pinochet)统治时期的犹太驻智利大使,当时美国国务院执行了推翻民选总统萨尔瓦多-阿连德(Salvador Allende)的任务,皮诺切特(Pinochet)对自己的人民发动了一系列暴行。波普尔(Popper)很有人情味地向美国国务院表达了他对这些暴行的担忧。基辛格(Kissinger)间接地回复大使馆说:”告诉波普尔(Popper)不要再讲政治学了。.[88] 这也不符合建立良好关系和为和平而努力的原则。

The US State Department is also permanently involved in persecuting little Cuba, in retribution for Castro’s expulsion of all the Jews after the revolution. One article from the Voice of America was titled, “Blocking Cuba’s Regime from Exploiting Cuban People”.[89] That was interesting, since the sanctions the US has continuously applied to Cuba for the past 70 years has condemned that little country to abject poverty, lack of medicines and technology, and general misery, not to mention the 638 fumbled attempts to kill Castro.[90] [91] This wouldn’t seem, at least on the surface, to support the thesis that the US State Department is much concerned about “Exploiting Cuban People”.

美国国务院也永久参与迫害小古巴,以报复卡斯特罗(Castro)在革命后驱逐所有犹太人。 美国之音(Voice of America)的一篇文章的标题是“阻止古巴政权剥削古巴人民”。[89] 这很有趣,因为美国在过去 70 年来不断对古巴实施制裁,让这个小国家陷入赤贫、缺乏药品和技术以及普遍的苦难,更不用说 638 次失败的刺杀卡斯特罗企图了。 [90] [91] 至少从表面上看,这似乎并不支持美国国务院非常关心“剥削古巴人民”的论点。

In a similar vein, you may be aware that the US State Department and Military installed and supported Anastasio Somoza and his family as brutal dictators of Nicaragua. It is interesting that when I do a search for “dictators of Nicaragua”, Google and Bing headline the results with articles on Daniel Ortega – the man who overthrew the US-backed Somozas and held free elections. It seems that one man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist (or dictator). In response, the US State Department levied the most brutal sanctions possible on that little country, so savage that living standards reportedly decreased by about 90%. The State Department then told Ortega his country would return to normal in an instant if only he would resign and hold elections with two US-selected individuals as the only candidates. Ortega had no choice. Wikipedia’s article on this event told us “Nicaragua had held its first democratic elections ousting the [Ortega] dictatorship”,[92] apparently confusing Ortega with Somoza. However, not to lose the main point which is that, when we look past the propaganda and psycho-babble this is the typical daily activity of the US State Department in real life.

同样,你可能知道美国国务院和军方扶植并支持阿纳斯塔西奥·索摩查(Anastasio Somoza)及其家人作为尼加拉瓜的残暴独裁者。 有趣的是,当我搜索“尼加拉瓜独裁者”时,谷歌和必应的搜索结果标题都是关于丹尼尔·奥尔特加(Daniel Ortega)的文章——他推翻了美国支持的索摩萨并举行了自由选举。 似乎一个人的自由斗士是另一个人的恐怖分子(或独裁者)。 作为回应,美国国务院对这个小国实施了最残酷的制裁,据报道,制裁的残酷程度导致其生活水平下降了约 90%。 美国国务院随后告诉奥尔特加(Ortega),只要他辞职并举行由美国选出的两名个人作为唯一候选人的选举,他的国家就会立即恢复正常。 奥尔特加别无选择。 维基百科关于这一事件的文章告诉我们“尼加拉瓜举行了第一次民主选举,推翻了[奥尔特加]独裁统治”,[92] 显然将奥尔特加与索摩查混淆了。 然而,不要忘记要点,当我们抛开宣传和心理胡言乱语时,这就是现实生活中美国国务院的典型日常活动。

There seems little reason to doubt that the US Department of State receives its marching orders from The City of London, since most of its activities are of little or no benefit to the US but of huge benefit to Israel and the Jewish agenda. Remember that the State Department is in control of all foreign affairs, almost everything not domestic, at least until they can turn over their projects to the US Military for a final conclusion. From the list below, you can see that this critical Department is overwhelmingly Jewish, and thus responsible for virtually all the world’s serious political troubles. And this is by no means the first time. You may care to read “The Cause of World Unrest”[93] by Howell Arthur Gwynne, the Editor of London’s Morning Post, written in 1920. Nothing has changed since then.

似乎没有理由怀疑美国国务院收到了伦敦金融城的行军命令,因为其大部分活动对美国几乎没有好处或根本没有好处,但对以色列和犹太议程却有巨大好处。 请记住,国务院控制着所有外交事务,几乎所有非国内事务,至少在他们将项目移交给美国军方得出最终结论之前是这样。 从下面的列表中,您可以看到这个关键部门绝大多数是犹太人,因此几乎要为世界上所有严重的政治问题负责。 这绝不是第一次。你可能有兴趣读一下伦敦《晨报》编辑豪厄尔·阿瑟·格温 (Howell Arthur Gwynne) 于 1920 年写的《世界动荡的原因》(The Cause of World Unrest)[93]。从那时起,一切都没有改变。

It doesn’t appear to be a secret any longer that the Khazar (so-called) Jews in The City of London want to start World War III to complete their plans.[94] The purpose is to finally destroy Russia, China,[95] and Iran, to remove the final obstacles to their fantasy of a Jewish One-World government, and this is being done in exactly the same way as they engineered the first two World Wars.[96] [97] [98] All that is occurring today with Russia, China, and Iran, is entirely Jewish policies emanating from this source. All the provocations being made today by the US State Department and Military are directed by the Jews who totally control the US State Department.

伦敦金融城的卡扎尔(所谓的)犹太人想要发动第三次世界大战来完成他们的计划,这似乎已经不再是秘密了。[94] 其目的是最终摧毁俄罗斯、中国[95]和伊朗,为他们建立犹太一统世界政府的幻想扫除最后的障碍,其方式与他们策划前两次世界大战的方式如出一辙[96][97][98] 。今天在俄罗斯、中国和伊朗发生的一切,完全是犹太政策的源头。今天美国国务院和军方的所有挑衅行为都是由完全控制美国国务院的犹太人指挥的。

There is something else the US State Department does, that you might have suspected, but had no concrete information: employing the benefits of diplomatic privilege and using the staff of its Embassies and Consulates, it spies on the host countries. You might enjoy reading this: “If You Do It, it’s Spying. If I Do It, it’s Research”.[99] Much of this activity involves identifying Americans working in China and various disaffected Chinese grunts who might be willing “gather research” for the US government. This costs money, which must be paid in cash and paid “under the table”. How to finance this?

 美国国务院还做了其他一些事情,你可能会怀疑,但没有具体的信息:利用外交特权的好处,利用其使领馆的工作人员,对东道国进行间谍活动。你可能会喜欢读这篇文章:如果你这么做,那就是间谍活动,如果我这么做,那就是研究。[99] 这项活动的大部分内容都涉及确定在中国工作的美国人和各种不满的中国人,他们可能愿意为美国政府“收集研究”。这需要钱,必须用现金支付,而且必须“私下”支付。如何为这项工作提供资金?

In a sample year (2014) the American consulates in China received about 1.8 million visa applications from Chinese citizens,[100] mostly for studying or tourism. The US Embassy and consulates charged a non-refundable fee of 1,000 RMB (about $150) for each application, with a stipulation that the fee be paid only in cash. To save you the math, that’s about US$270 million that totally by-passes the banking system and is available for black ops.

 在2014年的抽样调查中,美国驻华领事馆收到了约180万份中国公民的签证申请,其中有[100] 份主要用于学习或旅游。美国大使馆和领事馆对每一份申请收取1000元人民币(约合150美元)的不可退还费用,并规定费用只能用现金支付。为了省去你的数学计算,这大约是2.7亿美元,完全绕过了银行系统,可以用于黑色行动。

The US Embassy in Beijing, suffering from repeated attacks for this policy, attempted some damage control by inserting a new page on their website assuring Chinese that they didn’t really need cash for their black operations, evidenced by the fact that they suddenly would also accept credit cards – VISA, MasterCard, AMEX and Diners Club. That was cute. The number of Chinese holding AMEX or Diners Club cards would be about the same as the number of Americans holding credit cards from the Bank of China – in other words, approximately zero. Why didn’t the US Embassy in Beijing accept Chinese credit cards? Because they really did need the cash for their black operations.

 美国驻北京大使馆因这项政策多次遭到攻击,试图通过在其网站上插入一个新页面来控制损失,向中国人保证,他们的黑色业务并不真的需要现金。事实证明,他们突然也会接受信用卡——VISA卡、万事达卡、美国运通和Diners Club。这很可爱。持有美国运通或Diners Club卡的中国人的数量与持有中国银行信用卡的美国人的数量大致相同——换句话说,大约为零。为什么美国驻北京大使馆不接受中国的信用卡?因为他们确实需要资金来开展黑人业务。

You really need to read this article about Pfizer: “Pfizer’s Perfectly-Timed Epidemic”.[100a] These are the same people who produced the bulk of the COVID-19 “vaccines”. I won’t provide much detail here, but basically Pfizer created a new meningitis drug that the FDA refused to approve due to its severe dangers, so Pfizer took it to Nigeria where a sudden meningitis outbreak occurred (very possibly caused by the WHO). Pfizer apparently forged letters of authority and backdated them to a date prior to their “trial”. They also lied about obtaining parental approvals to administer an experimental drug to small children, the use of which not only left many children dead but others with brain damage, paralysis or slurred speech. Nigeria filed multiple lawsuits and Pfizer eventually agreed to pay $75m in damages and to create a fund of $35m to compensate the victims.


But Pfizer resorted to extortion and blackmail of Nigerian government officials in attempts to avoid making any payments to the families of the tiny victims of its illegal drug trial. The UK Guardian reported that leaked US government diplomatic cables revealed that “Pfizer hired investigators to look for evidence of corruption against the Nigerian attorney general in an effort to persuade him to drop the legal action”, with the apparent full knowledge and assistance of the US State Department. Not only that, but when Nigeria attempted to file lawsuits in the US, the American courts oddly claimed they had “no jurisdiction” to handle such claims. This isn’t the first time the US government, the State Department and the US courts have circled the wagons to protect a Jewish multinational. And, as almost always occurs, the Jews had articles published to tell us that “the Nigerian government’s motives (in condemning Pfizer) have been questioned”.[100b] So now it isn’t a matter of a Jewish company deliberately risking lives and killing small (non-Jewish) children, but a government with questionable motives. And thus do these Jews alwaya manage to twist the story and blame the victim. But again not to lose the main point which is that protecting Jewish multi-nationals worldwide is one of the main functions of the US State Department.


From the lists below, you can see the overwhelming Jewish control of the US Department of State:


Elliott Abrams – Special Representative for Venezuela and Iran


Elliott Abrams – Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs


Elliott Abrams – Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights


Elliott Abrams – Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization


Madeleine Albright – Secretary of State


Bernard W. Aronson – Assistant Secretary of State


Bernard W. Aronson – Special Envoy to the Colombian Peace Process


Daniel Benjamin – State Department Coordinator for Counterterrorism


Antony Blinken – Secretary of State


Michael Blumenthal – Deputy Assistant Secretary of State


Nancy Brinker – State Department Chief of protocol


Debra Cagan – State Department Director of Policy and Regional Affairs


Debra Cagan – State Department Director of European and Eurasian Affairs


Michael H. Cardozo – State Department Legal Staff


David S. Cohen – Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence


Eliot Cohen – State Department Counselor


Jonathan R. Cohen – Deputy Assistant Secretary of State


Jared Cohen –  Secretary of State Policy Planning Staff


Jeffrey Davidow – Assistant Secretary of State, Chief Policy Maker


Stuart Eizenstat – Assistant Secretary of State


Stuart Eizenstat – Under Secretary of State


Harvey Feldman – State Department Policy Planning Staff


Jeffrey D. Feltman – Assistant Secretary of State


Daniel Fried – State Department Coordinator for Sanctions Policy


Daniel Fried – Assistant Secretary of State


Daniel Fried – State Department Economic Bureau


Bonnie Glick –  Foreign Service Officer Department of State


Philip S. Goldberg – Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence


Jason Greenblatt – Special Representative for Israeli-Palestinian Conflict


Marc Grossman – Assistant Secretary of State for European and Canadian Affairs


Marc Grossman – Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs


Marc Grossman – Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan


Marc Grossman – Director General of the United States Foreign Service


Richard N. Haass – Special Envoy for Northern Ireland


Richard N. Haass – State Department Director of Policy Planning


Avril Haines – Office of Legal Adviser State Department


Morton Halperin – State Department Director of Policy Planning


Rita Hauser – Representative to the UN Commission


Richard Holbrooke – Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan


Richard Holbrooke – Assistant Secretary of State


Robert D. Hormats – Under Secretary of State for Economic Growth and Energy


Roberta S. Jacobson – Assistant Secretary of State


John Kerry – Secretary of State


Henry Kissinger – Secretary of State


Melvyn Levitsky – Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics


Melvyn Levitsky – State Department Executive Secretary


Melvyn Levitsky – Deputy Assistant Secretary of State


Jack Lew – Deputy Secretary of State


Jack Lew – Head of State Department Budget Office


Samuel W. Lewis – State Department Director of Policy Planning


Samuel W. Lewis – Assistant Secretary of State


Samuel W. Lewis – State Department Head Italian Affairs


Samuel W. Lewis – Special Assistant to Under Secretary of State


Samuel W. Lewis – Special Assistant Policy Planning Inter-American Affairs


Aryeh Lightstone – Senior Adviser to US Ambassador to Israel


Deborah Lipstadt – Special State Department Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism


Princeton Lyman – Assistant Secretary of State


Eric Lynn – Middle East Policy Adviser


Michael Mandelbaum – Department of State Security Issues


Aaron Miller – Deputy Middle East Coordinator


Aaron Miller – Historian Department of State


Aaron Miller – State Department Analyst Bureau of Intelligence and Research


Aaron Miller – Secretary of State Policy Planning Staff


John Miller – State Department Office for Human Trafficking


Ronald E. Neumann – Foreign Service Officer


Thomas Nides – Deputy Secretary of State


Matt Nosanchuk – Senior Adviser Religion and Global Affairs


Suzanne Nossel – US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State


Victoria Nuland – Secretary of State for Political Affairs


Victoria Nuland – Assistant Secretary of State


Morgan Ortagus – Spokesperson, State Department


David H. Popper – Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization


Ned Price – State Department Spokesperson


Arnold Lewis Raphel – Special Assistant to Secretary of State


Mira Resnick – State Department Deputy Assistant Secretary


Dennis Ross – Director, Policy Planning State Department


Walter Rostow – State Department Counselor


Walter Rostow – State Department Director of Policy Planning


James Rubin – Special Envoy State Department


James Rubin – Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs


James Rubin – Diplomatic Counselor to OECD Secretary General


Daniel Rubinstein – Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Bureau of Intelligence


Richard Schifter – Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights


Richard Schifter – Deputy Representative to UN Security Council


Dan Senor – Spokesman for Paul Bremer’s “Provisional Government” in Iraq


Dan Shapiro – Adviser on Iran


Dan Shapiro – Special Liaison to Israel on Iran


Wendy Sherman – Deputy Secretary of State


Wendy Sherman – Assistant Secretary for legislative affairs Secretary of State


Wendy Sherman – Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs


Richard H. Solomon – Assistant Secretary of State


Richard H. Solomon – State Department Director of Policy Planning


Donald Steinberg – Director State Department Joint Policy Council


James B. Steinberg – Director of Policy Planning State Department


James B. Steinberg – Principal Deputy to Secretary of State


James B. Steinberg – Deputy Secretary of State


Robert S. Strauss – Special Envoy for the Middle East


Peter Tarnoff – Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs


Peter Tarnoff – Executive Secretary State Department


Chanan Weissman – State Department Spokesman


Tamara Cofman Wittes – Deputy Assistant Secretary State Department


Paul Wolfowitz – Director of Policy Planning Department of State


Paul Wolfowitz – State Department Assistant Secretary East Asia and Pacific


Howard Wolpe – Presidential Special Envoy to Africa


Howard Wolpe – Assistant Secretary of State


David Wurmser – Middle East Advisor, State Department Special Assistant


America’s Jewish Ambassadors


Of course, a Jewish State Department cannot function in an international vacuum and, just as with the military, they require “boots on the ground” in many countries.

当然,犹太国务院不可能在国际真空中运作,就像军队一样,他们需要在许多国家 “脚踏实地”(boots on the ground)。

First, the official version: “The primary role of an ambassador is to establish and maintain diplomatic relations between the two countries, facilitate trade and commerce, and promote cultural and educational exchange programs.”


According to Wikipedia, “One of the cornerstones of foreign diplomatic missions (Embassies) is to work for peace”. I laughed out loud when I saw that. The reality is somewhat different. US embassies are famous around the world, not for peace or good relations, but primarily for their “greedy bullying” of all other nations, friends and enemies alike. An important reality is that Ambassador positions seldom are given to professional or career diplomats; most are the result of bribery, usually through campaign contributions but sometimes directly, and to Jews in very large numbers.[101]


Aside from all the violence engineered by the State Department and heavily supported by US Embassies, American Embassies and Consulates engage in many other activities, not exactly “diplomatic”, and which might not occur to you. All of these are part of the Jewish agenda and fulfilling Jewish interests.


For example, Madeleine Kunin, the Jewish US Ambassador to Switzerland, was not spending her time establishing good relations or making peace, but was instead “doggedly pursuing the Swiss on the issue of gold for holocaust survivors”.[102] That wouldn’t seem to fit into the proper activities or agenda for an American diplomat.

例如,犹太裔美国驻瑞士大使马德琳-库宁(Madeleine Kunin)没有把时间花在建立良好关系或实现和平上,而是 “在为大屠杀幸存者提供黄金的问题上顽固地追问瑞士人”[102]。这似乎不符合一个美国外交官应有的活动或议程。

In a similar example, Paul Packer was the Chairman of the Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad. That sounds good, except that Packer worked very closely with various Jewish US Ambassadors on things other than peace, friendship, and American heritage. According to the Jerusalem Post, Packer spent three years pressuring various countries to “preserve Jewish heritage sites within their borders”, things like resurrecting and renovating ancient Jewish cemetaries. He also spent those years pressuring Eastern European countries to adopt “Holocaust studies curricula” in their schools. And he most especially pressured them to adopt the Jews’ definition of “anti-Semitism” which is that anything anti-Israel, anti-Zionist, or anti-human-atrocity constitutes “veiled antisemitism”.[103] These also don’t seem representative of the normal functions of American Embassies, nor is it immediately apparent how these activities are in the US interest.

一个类似的例子是,保罗-帕克(Paul Parker)是国外美国遗产保护委员会(American Heritage Preservation Committee)的主席。这听起来不错,只是帕克与美国犹太裔大使在和平、友谊和美国遗产以外的事务上进行了密切合作。据《耶路撒冷邮报》报道,帕克花了三年时间向各国施压,要求它们“保护境内的犹太遗产”,比如复兴和翻修古代犹太墓地。这些年来,他还向东欧国家施压,要求它们在学校采用“大屠杀研究课程”。他还特别向他们施压,要求他们采纳犹太人对“反犹太主义”的定义,即任何反以色列、反犹太复国主义或反人类暴行都构成了“隐蔽的反犹太主义”。[103]这些似乎也不能代表美国大使馆的正常职能,也不能立即看出这些活动如何符合美国的利益。

There are other similar activities not apparently fitting into the function of a US Embassy. One such is the apparently perpetual looting of artwork in Germany on the basis that those artworks “must have” belonged to Jews at some time in the past and therefore must be returned. A German man had a collection of around 1,500 pieces of art which the Jews discovered recently.[104] Their approach, heavily supported by the US State Department,[105] [106] was essentially that if the man cannot irrefutably prove that all those artworks had never belonged to a Jew, they would all be confiscated and given to German Jews or, if no proper recipients could be located, they would be placed in a Jewish museum. This also doesn’t seem to fit the proper activities of a US Embassy.


There is very much more. Brazil is the largest country in South America with a powerful economy, and Jews have large investments there. The main function of the US Embassy in Brazil is to protect those investments. The State Department will tell us they are “protecting American interests”, but that is an outright lie. Similarly, Bolivia and various African states are blessed with natural resources vital to many industries like arms manufacturing and which are primarily owned by Jews. The US Embassies and their Jewish Ambassadors in this case do function to negotiate and obtain agreements.


The US foreign missions in South Africa, Belgium and Holland are closely related because Jews control all the gold and diamond mining in South Africa, as well as controlling the ruling government party, and Belgium and Holland are diamond capitals of the world, as is Israel. The US Embassies work closely together to ensure a continuation of this happiness. They would seem to have succeeded only in part. I received this message from a reader in South Africa:


Hello Mr. Romanoff.


My name is ——–. I am 71 years old and was born in South Africa in the “Apartheid era” Have been a research scientist but with an intense interest in international politics. So here go.


In South Africa a different agenda was used by the City of London by vilifying the first world white controlled country with “Apartheid” scam. Today my country is captured by controlled so called black leaders and all institutions are systematically being destroyed except the mines of critical and Jewish enterprises like De Beers and Anglo America (That are held by De Beers.) The rail system was decimated except the high-speed rail system running from critical ore mines to the harbors. All law and order have been destroyed and the court system is a joke. Electricity supply is on its knees with all the knock-on effects like water treatment and health care. The whole place is falling apart except mines like platinum, diamonds, chrome etc. with the bought politicians as junior directors to smooth the process. This is different from your “Spreading Democracy, the American Way”[107] but worked just as well. So, this was the power hub in the City Of London’s way of getting to the same results.

在南非,伦敦金融城(City of London)利用 “种族隔离 “的骗局诋毁第一世界白人控制的国家,从而达到了不同的目的。今天,我的国家被所谓的黑人领袖控制,所有的机构都被系统性地摧毁,除了关键的矿山和犹太企业,如De Beers和Anglo America(由De Beers控股)。除了从重要矿山到港口的高速铁路系统外,铁路系统被摧毁。所有的法律和秩序都被摧毁,法院系统成了一个笑话。电力供应岌岌可危,水处理和医疗保健也受到影响。除了铂金、钻石、铬等矿山外,整个地方都在分崩离析。这与您的 “传播民主,美国之道”(““Spreading Democracy, the American Way”)[107] 不同。但效果一样好。因此,这就是伦敦金融城的权力中心达到同样效果的方式。



Dr. ——–, BSc, MSc,, MCB, PhD


The US Ambassadors are also active in distributing American “aid” to foreign countries, for example Egypt. The word on the street is that American aid is used to purchase an exemption of hostility to Israel as part of American diplomacy. They are also used to bully nations into accepting US military bases, US biological warfare labs, and to ensure total immunity for Americans in all other nations by making Americans exempt from all the domestic laws of other nations.

美国大使还积极向外国(如埃及)分发美国 “援助”。有消息称,作为美国外交的一部分,美国的援助被用来购买对以色列敌意的豁免权。它们还被用来欺压各国接受美国的军事基地(US military bases)、美国的生物战实验室(US biological warfare labs),并确保美国人在所有其他国家的完全豁免权,使美国人免受其他国家所有国内法律的约束。

As with the list of Jewish names in the US State Department, you can see that the list of Jews in US Embassies is also extraordinary for a race of people forming little over 1% of the US population.


The appointment of Jewish ambassadors is not a simple matter of racial nepotism. It is never done without a reason. They are selected to further the Jewish agenda either for the “victim” country or for a select group of Jews. In that position, they use the power of the US State Department to push all nations to build “Holocaust Museums” (, to campaign and exert pressure to relax abortion laws, to legalise sodomy, to campaign for increasing LGBTQ+ legislation, to increase immigration so as to pollute the national populations. They use it to exert pressure for the WHO’s sterility vaccines. They are used politically to pressure foreign governments to adopt the Jewish agenda in multiple social policies.

任命犹太人大使并非简单的种族裙带关系。这样做绝非毫无理由。他们被选中是为了推进犹太人的议程,要么是为了 “受害 “国家,要么是为了一个特定的犹太人团体。在这个位置上,他们利用美国国务院(US State Department)的权力推动所有国家建立 “大屠杀博物馆”(”Holocaust Museums”),开展运动并施加压力,以放宽堕胎法,使鸡奸合法化,开展运动以增加LGBTQ+立法(LGBTQ+立法),增加移民以污染国家人口。他们为世卫组织的不育疫苗施加压力。他们在政治上向外国政府施压,迫使其在多项社会政策中采纳犹太人的议程。

Most importantly, they also use the power of the US State Department to pressure all countries to make “anti-Semitism” illegal – as a felony crime. What this means is that any expression of criticism of anything related to the Jews or Israel, will constitute a felony punishable by years in prison. This is not fantasy; the Jews in Germany recently floated proposed legislation where any criticism of Israel or the Jews would be punished by “denaturalization”: this means that anyone guilty of criticising the Jews would have his citizenship revoked, becoming a stateless person having his assets confiscated and then deported. This is beyond belief, yet the Jewish-owned media didn’t even murmur at this revelation. And there is more: the Jewish media have been conducting hate campaigns against Russia, China and Iran for years, the media filled daily with vicious slander. The world should be asking why it is okay for the Jews to freely provoke hatred against other peoples and nations but where even mild criticism of the Jews will send a man to prison. Who is the victim here?

最重要的是,他们还利用美国国务院的权力向所有国家施压,要求将 “反犹主义 “定为非法–重罪。这意味着,任何批评犹太人或以色列的言论都将构成重罪,可判处数年监禁。这并非天方夜谭;德国的犹太人最近提出立法建议,任何对以色列或犹太人的批评都将受到 “剥夺国籍 “的惩罚:这意味着任何犯有批评犹太人罪的人都将被取消国籍,成为无国籍人士,其财产将被没收,然后被驱逐出境。这简直是匪夷所思,但犹太人拥有的媒体对这一消息却连吭声都没有。还有:犹太媒体多年来一直在对俄罗斯(Russia)、中国(China)和伊朗(Iran)进行仇恨宣传,媒体上每天都充斥着恶毒的诽谤。全世界都应该问一问,为什么犹太人可以随意挑起对其他民族和国家的仇恨,而对犹太人的轻微批评就会把人送进监狱?谁是受害者?

There are multiple commercial interests at work as well, like reducing spending on health care and opening the market to privately-owned Jewish hospitals and pave the way for the exorbitant profits of the (almost entirely) Jewish-owned pharmaceutical companies. The Embassies and Consulates will be used to further the reach of Jewish-owned multi-national corporations. A Jewish Ambassador friendly to Nestle will exert pressure on a government to relax the health regulations on artificial baby milk.


Here is a (quite incomplete) list of Jewish US Ambassadors:


Morton I. Abramowitz – Ambassador to Turkey


Morton I. Abramowitz – Ambassador to Thailand


David Isaac Adelman – Ambassador to Singapore


Michael Adler – Ambassador to Belgium


Madeleine Albright (Marie Jana Körbelová) – Ambassador to the UN

马德琳·奥尔布赖特(Marie Jana Körbelová)-驻联合国大使

Jeffrey A. Bader – Ambassador to Namibia


Stuart Bernstein – Ambassador to Denmark


Alan Blinken – Ambassador to Belgium


Donald Mayer Blinken – Ambassador to Hungary


Steven C. Bondy – Ambassador to Bahrain


Nancy Brinker – Ambassador to Hungary


Arthur F. Burns – Ambassador to Germany


David L. Cohen – Ambassador to Canada


Jonathan R. Cohen – Ambassador to Egypt


Jonathan R. Cohen – Ambassador to the UN


David B. Cornstein – Ambassador to Hungary


Ivo Daalder – Ambassador to NATO


Jeffrey Davidow – Ambassador to Mexico


Jeffrey Davidow – Ambassador to Zambia


Jeffrey Davidow – Ambassador to Venezuela


John Gunther Dean – Ambassador to India


John Gunther Dean – Ambassador to Thailand


John Gunther Dean – Ambassador to Lebanon


John Gunther Dean – Ambassador to Denmark


John Gunther Dean – Ambassador to the Khmer Republic


Eric S. Edelman – Ambassador to Turkey


Eric S. Edelman – Ambassador to Finland


Norm Eisen – Ambassador to the Czech Republic


Lewis Eisenberg – Ambassador to Italy


Stuart Eizenstat – Ambassador to the European Union


Edward E. Elson – Ambassador to Denmark


Rahm Israel Emanuel – Ambassador to Japan


Lee A. Feinstein – Ambassador to Poland


Harvey Feldman – Ambassador to Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands


Harvey Feldman – US representative to the UN


Jeffrey D. Feltman – Ambassador to Lebanon


Jeffrey D. Feltman – US Consul General in Jerusalem


Jeffrey D. Feltman – Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa


Daniel Fried – Ambassador to Poland


David Melech Friedman – Ambassador to Israel


Eric Garcetti – Ambassador to India


Mark D. Gilbert – Ambassador to New Zealand


Mark D. Gilbert – Ambassador to Samoa


Joseph Gildenhorn – Ambassador to Switzerland


Marc Ginsberg – Ambassador to Morocco


Mark Gitenstein – Ambassador to the European Union


Arthur Goldberg – Ambassador to the UN


Philip S. Goldberg – Ambassador to Colombia


Philip S. Goldberg – Ambassador to Cuba


Philip S. Goldberg – Ambassador to the Philippines


Philip S. Goldberg – Ambassador to South Korea


Marc Grossman – Ambassador to Turkey


Amy Gutmann – Ambassador to Germany


Howard Gutman – Ambassador to Belgium


Rita Hauser – Ambassador to the UN


Mayer Jacob Hecht – Ambassador to the Bahamas


David Hermelin – Ambassador to Norway


Al Hoffman Jr. – Ambassador to Portugal


Richard Holbrooke – Ambassador to Germany


Richard Holbrooke – Ambassador to the UN


Herbert E. Horowitz – Ambassador to the Gambia


Martin Indyk – Ambassador to Israel


David C. Jacobson – Ambassador to Canada


Roberta S. Jacobson – Ambassador to Mexico


Geri M. Joseph – Ambassador to the Netherlands


Jonathan Kaplan – Ambassador to Singapore


Samuel L. Kaplan – Ambassador to Morocco


Allan J. Katz – Ambassador to Portugal


Philip Klutznick – US Representative (Ambassador) to UN Economic Council


Madeleine Kunin – Ambassador to Switzerland and Liechtenstein


Daniel Kurtzer – Ambassador to Israel


Daniel Kurtzer – Ambassador to Egypt


Ronald S. Lauder – ambassador to Austria


Frank Lavin – Ambassador to Singapore


Larry Lawrence – Ambassador to Switzerland and Liechtenstein


Alan Leventhal – Ambassador to Denmark


Randi Levine – Ambassador to Portugal


Melvyn Levitsky – Ambassador to Brazil


Melvyn Levitsky – Ambassador to Bulgaria


Samuel W. Lewis – Ambassador to Israel


Princeton Lyman – Ambassador to South Africa


Princeton Lyman – Ambassador to Nigeria


Earle I. Mack – Ambassador to Finland


Robert Malley – Special Envoy for Iran


Noah Mamet – Ambassador to Argentina


Jack Markell – Ambassador to the OECD


Edward Mezvinsky – Ambassador to the UN


Newton N. Minow – Honorary Consul General to Singapore


Alfred Moses – Ambassador to Romania


Marc B. Nathanson – Ambassador to Norway


Ronald E. Neumann – Ambassador to Afghanistan


Ronald E. Neumann – Ambassador to Bahrain


Ronald E. Neumann – Ambassador to Algeria


Thomas Nides – Ambassador to Israel


Suzanne Nossel – Deputy to the US Ambassador to the UN


Victoria Nuland – Ambassador to NATO


James D. Pettit – Ambassador to Moldova


James D. Pettit – Consul General US Embassy in Moscow


Nancy B. Pettit – Ambassador to Latvia


David H. Popper – Ambassador to Cyprus


David H. Popper – Ambassador to Chile


David Pressman – Ambassador to Hungary


David Pressman – Ambassador to the UN


John Price – Ambassador to Mauritius


John Price – Ambassador to the Seychelles


Maxwell M. Rabb – Ambassador to Italy


Arnold Lewis Raphel – Ambassador to Pakistan


Felix Rohatyn – Ambassador to France


Alina Romanowski – Ambassador to Iraq


Alina Romanowski – Ambassador to Kuwait


Daniel N. Rosenblum – Ambassador to Kazakhstan


Daniel N. Rosenblum – Ambassador to Uzbekistan


Daniel Rubenstein – Ambassador to Syria


Daniel Rubenstein – Ambassador to Tunisia


Daniel Rubenstein – Jerusalem Consul General


Daniel Rubinstein – Director Office of Israel and Palestinian Affairs


Daniel Rubinstein – Special Envoy for Syria


Andrew H. Schapiro – Ambassador to the Czech Republic


Arthur Louis Schechter – Ambassador to the Bahamas


Mel Sembler – Ambassador to Italy


Mel Sembler – Ambassador to Australia


Dan Shapiro – Ambassador to Israel


Ned Siegel – Ambassador to the Bahamas


Ned Siegel – US Representative to the UN


Laurence Silberman – Ambassador to Yugoslavia


Martin Silverstein – Ambassador to Uruguay


Cliff Sobel – Ambassador to the Netherlands


Cliff Sobel – Ambassador to Brazil


Richard H. Solomon – Ambassador to the Philippines


Alan Solomont – Ambassador to Spain


Alan Solomont – Ambassador to Andorra


Gordon Sondland – Ambassador to the EU


Marc Stanley – Ambassador to Argentina


Donald Steinberg – Ambassador to Angola


Richard Stone – Ambassador to Denmark


Richard Stone – Ambassador to Central America


Robert S. Strauss – Ambassador to Russia


Robert S. Strauss – Ambassador to the Soviet Union


Peter Tarnoff – Deputy Chief of Mission US Embassy Luxembourg


Peter Tarnoff – Special Assistant to US Ambassadors in Germany, Vietnam, Nigeria


Michèle Taylor – Ambassador to UN Human Rights Council


Nicholas F. Taubman – Ambassador to Romania


Alexander Vershbow – Ambassador to Russia


Alexander Vershbow – Ambassador to South Korea


Alexander Vershbow – Ambassador to NATO


Ron Weiser – Ambassador to Slovakia


Seymour Weiss – Ambassador to the Bahamas


Paul Wolfowitz – Ambassador to Indonesia


Kenneth S. Yalowitz – US Ambassador to Belarus


Kenneth S. Yalowitz – US Ambassador to Georgia


Kenneth S. Yalowitz – US Ambassador to The Hague


Kenneth S. Yalowitz – US Ambassador to NATO


Part 12 – Control of Almost Everything Else


And finally, a grab bag of executives who specialise in everything from flooding the nation with GM food to negotiating high profits and criminal immunity for the pharmaceutical industry, gutting social security, killing food stamps and, perhaps most importantly, ensuring the criminalisation of dissent and finding the money for DHS to buy its 3 billion bullets and staff its 800 internment camps. It is of course also responsible for gutting the education system, killing medical care, bullying other UN members into submission and deciding which political or anti-capitalist actions should be criminalised and prosecuted. This group cuts a very large swath through all of American society. Little remains untouched.


Roberta Achtenberg – Assistant Secretary for the Office of Fair Housing


Jonathan Adelstein – Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission


Jonathan Adelstein – Administrator, Department of Agriculture


Karen Adler – Regional Administrator General Services Administration


Manson Benedict – Advisory Chairman US Atomic Energy Commission.


Jared Bernstein – Chief Economist Department of Labor


Alan Bersin – Commissioner of US Customs and Border Protection


Samuel Bodman – Energy Secretary


Danielle Borrin – Deputy Director Public Engagement


Danielle Borrin – Director of Intergovernmental Affairs


Peter A. Bradford – Nuclear Regulatory Commission


Lynn Cutler – Vice Chairman Democratic National Committee


Lanny Davis – Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board


Steven Dettelbach – Director Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives


Robert J. Einhorn – Special Advisor for Nonproliferation and Arms Control


Rahm Israel Emanuel – Board of Directors of Freddie Mac


Rahm Israel Emanuel – House Ways and Means Committee


Kenneth Feinberg – TARP Executive Compensation Director


Daniel Fried – Special Envoy for Closure of Guantanamo Bay


Dan Glickman – Agriculture Secretary


Arthur Goldberg – Secretary of Labor


Daniel Goldin – Head US Space Agency NASA


Neil Goldschmidt – Secretary of Transportation


Isabel Guzman – Small Business Administration


Avril Haines – Deputy Chief Counsel Senate Committee on Foreign Relations


Morton Halperin – Director Millennium Challenge Corporation


Cheryl Halpern – Broadcasting Board of Governors


Seth Harris – Secretary of Labor


Fred Hochberg – Chairman and President Export-Import Bank


Fred Hochberg – Deputy Administrator Small Business Administration


Amos Hochstein – Special Envoy Bureau of Energy Resources


John Kerry – Special Presidential Envoy for Climate


Alan Krueger – Chief Economist Department of Labor


Jared Kushner – Director of the Office of American Innovation


Eric Lander – Director Office of Science and Technology Policy


Eric Lander – Adviser Science and Technology Policy


Jay Lefkowitz – Director of the Domestic Policy Council


John G. Levi – Chairman US Legal Services Corporation


Mark Levin – Deputy Solicitor Department of the Interior


Catherine E. Lhamon – Chairman US Commission on Civil Rights


Alejandro Mayorkas – Director Citizenship and Immigration Services


Jessica Meir – NASA Astronaut


Shelley H. Metzenbaum – Associate Administrator EPA


Newton N. Minow – Chairman Federal Communications Commission


Emil Mosbacher – Chief of Protocol of the United States


Marc B. Nathanson – Chairman Broadcasting Board of Governors


Paul Packer – Chairman Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad


Nancy B. Pettit – Director Office of Policy Planning International Narcotics


Stephanie Pollack – Deputy Administrator Federal Highway Administration


Alvin Radkowsky – Chief Scientist US Navy nuclear propulsion program


Robert Reich – Secretary of Labor


Admiral Hyman G. Rickover (Chaim Gdala Rykower)– Admiral of Navy’s nuclear power program

海军上将海曼·G·里科弗(Chaim Gdala Rykower)-海军核动力计划的海军上将

Jeffrey Rosen – Deputy Secretary of Transportation


Amy Rosenbaum – Director of Legislative Affairs


Jessica Rosenworcel  – Chairman Federal Communications Commission


Richard Schifter – Envoy UNESCO Committee on Conventions


James R. Schlesinger – Chairman Atomic Energy Commission


James R. Schlesinger – United States Secretary of Energy


Alan Schriesheim – CEO Argonne National Laboratory


Eli Segal – CEO Office of National Service (AmeriCorps)


Eli Segal – CEO Welfare to Work Partnership


Natan Sharansky – Chairman Jewish Agency for Israel


David Shulkin – Secretary of Veterans Affairs


Halie Soifer – Senior Policy Adviser to Ambassador Samantha Power


Susan Solomon – National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Keith Sonderling – Vice Chair Equal Employment Opportunity Commission


Keith Sonderling – Deputy Administrator Department of Labor


Joyce Starr – Co-chair US Global Strategy Council


Todd Stern – Special Envoy for climate change


Lewis Lichtenstein Strauss – Chairman Atomic Energy Commission


Polly Trottenberg – Deputy Secretary of Transportation


Mark D. Weinberg – Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development


Sheila Rabb Weidenfeld – Advisory Committee Foreign Service Institute


Part 13 – Jewish members of the US Congress[108] [109] [110] [111] [112] [113]




Michael Bennet, Richard Blumenthal, Rudy Boschwitz, Barbara Boxer, Ben Cardin, William Cohen, Norm Coleman, Russ Feingold, Dianne Feinstein, Al Franken, Ernest Gruening, Michael Hahn, Chic Hecht, Jacob K. Javits, Herb Kohl, Frank Lautenberg, Carl Levin, Joe Lieberman, Howard Metzenbaum, Jon Ossoff, Abraham A. Ribicoff, Jacky Rosen, Warren Rudman, Bernie Sanders, Brian Schatz, Chuck Schumer, Arlen Specter, Richard Stone, Paul Wellstone, Ron Wyden, Edward Zorinsky


House of Representatives


Bella Abzug, Gary Ackerman, John Adler, Jake Auchincloss, Becca Balint, Anthony Beilenson, Shelley Berkley, Howard Berman, Suzanne Bonamici, Barbara Boxer, Sala Burton, Eric Cantor, Ben Cardin, Jason Chaffetz, David Cicilline, Steve Cohen, William Cohen, Sam Coppersmith, Irwin D. Davidson, Susan Davis, Peter Deutsch, Ted Deutch, Mickey Edwards, Joshua Eilberg, Rahm Emanuel, Eliot Engel, Ben Erdreich, Leonard Farbstein, Bobbi Fiedler, Bob Filner, Sidney A. Fine, Eric Fingerhut, Jon D. Fox, Barney Frank, Lois Frankel, Samuel Friedel, Martin Frost, Sam Gejdenson, Gabby Giffords, Jacob H. Gilbert, Benjamin Gilman, Dan Glickman, Daniel Goldman, Josh Gottheimer, Bill Gradison, Alan Grayson, Bill Green, Seymour Halpern, Daniel Hamburg, Jane Harman, Louis B. Heller, Paul Hodes, Elizabeth Holtzman, Lester Holtzman, Steve Israel, Sara Jacobs, Charles Samuel Joelson, Steve Kagen, Herb Klein, Ron Klein, Ed Koch, Ken Kramer, John Hans Krebs, David Kustoff, Greg Landsman, Tom Lantos, William Lehman, Andy Levin, Mike Levin, Sander Levin, Mel Levine, Elliott H. Levitas, David A. Levy, Allard K. Lowenstein, Alan Lowenthal, Nita Lowey, Elaine Luria, Seth Magaziner, Kathy Manning, Marjorie Margolies, Marc L. Marks, Edward Mezvinsky, Abner J. Mikva, John Miller, Max Miller, Jared Moskowitz, Jerrold Nadler, Richard Ottinger, Dean Phillips, Bertram L. Podell, Jared Polis, Jamie Raskin, Joseph Y. Resnick, Fred Richmond, Max Rose, Jacky Rosen, Benjamin Stanley Rosenthal, Steve Rothman, Bernie Sanders, Jan Schakowsky, Lynn Schenk, James H. Scheuer, Adam Schiff, Steven Schiff, Brad Schneider, Kim Schrier, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Chuck Schumer, Allyson Schwartz, Bob Shamansky, Brad Sherman, Norman Sisisky, Elissa Slotkin, Stephen Solarz, Lawrence J. Smith, Gladys Spellman, Sam Steiger, Ludwig Teller, Herbert Tenzer, Herman Toll, Henry Waxman, Anthony Weiner, Ted Weiss, Robert Wexler, Susan Wild, Lester L. Wolff, Howard Wolpe, Ron Wyden, John Yarmuth, Lee Zeldin, Herbert Zelenko, Dick Zimmer.


Part 14 – Jews in State and Municipal Governments


The above data represent only the US Federal Government. We could make very long lists of current and former State Governors and members of State Senates and Legislatures, as well as members of the bureaucracy controlling policy at all levels of municipal government, including local mayors and civic administrations.


Jews in State Governments


Here is a brief listing of some Jews holding important executive positions in State governments: Governors or Lieutenant Governors, Attorneys General, Secretaries of State, Treasurers. This is a very abbreviated list, and these names again are only the apex of a Jewish pyramid. I am not providing separate links for these individuals, but Wikipedia and other Jewish websites have certified all these people as being Jews.[114]


Robert Abrams, Jerry Abramson, Richard Blumenthal, Buddy Caldwell, Jay Dardenne, Matthew Denn, Jerome Diamond, George Fingold, George Firestone, Lee Fisher, Brian Frosh, Doug Gansler, Deb Goldberg, Neil Goldschmidt, Josh Green, Eric Greitens, Jena Griswold, Steve Grossman, Ernest Gruening, Tom Horne, Richard Israel, Jacob Javits, Robert Jubelirer, Jason Kander, Oliver Koppell, Madeleine Kunin, Louis Lefkowitz, Frank Licht, Richard Licht, Joe Lieberman, Linda Lingle, Carlos Lopez-Cantera, Seth Magaziner, Josh Mandel, Marvin Mandel, Jack Markell, Deborah Markowitz, Nancy Mayer, Julius Michaelson, Jonathan Miller, Stanley Mosk, Dana Nessel, Sam Olens, Jeffrey Pine, Jared Polis, Deborah Poritz, Jay Pritzker, Stuart Rabner, Richard Ravitch, Ed Rendell, Abe Ribicoff, Ellen Rosenblum, Ken Rothman, Warren Rudman, Stephen Sachs, David Sampson, Brian Schatz, Josh Shapiro, Eric Schneiderman, Samuel Shapiro, Brian Schwalb, Dan Schwartz, Milton Shapp, Robert Shevin, Peter Shumlin, Eliot Spitzer, Josh Stein, Melvin Steinberg, Richard Stone, Bruce Sundlun, Phil Weiser, Harriett Woods, Nancy Wyman, David Zuckerman.


Part 15 – Some Jewish Mayors of American Cities


Here again, this is a partial list obtained exclusively from Jewish sources, certifying these individuals as Jews.[115] [116] [117] [118] [119] [120]



Jerry Abramson, Steve Adler, Walt Bachrach, Abraham Beame, Andy Berke, Richard Berkley, Ethan Berkowitz, Bruce Blakeman, Michael Bloomberg, David Cicilline, Josh Cohen, Larry Cohen, Norm Coleman, Rahm Emanuel, Dianne Feinstein, Bob Filner, Lois Frankel, Sandra Freedman, Jeffrey Friedman, Jacob Frey, Steven Fulop, Eva Galambos, Eric Garcetti, Carolyn Goodman, Susan Golding, Neil Goldschmidt, Stephen Goldsmith, Oscar Goodman, Phil Gordon, Bill Gradison, Robert Harris, Adlene Harrison, Vera Katz, Ed Koch, Rick Kriseman, Joseph Lazarow, Henry Loeb, Sophie Masloff, Sam Massell, Laura Miller, Arthur Naftalin, Ron Nirenberg, Meyera Oberndorf, Ed Rendell, Jonathan Rothschild, Bernie Sanders, Kel Seliger, Libby Schaaf, Florence Shapiro, Paul Soglin, Jerry Springer, Sam Steiger, Darrell Steinberg, Annette Strauss, Miro Weinberger, Susan Weiner, Edward Zorinsky.




From the listings, you can see the intense concentration of Jews in the White House. It is also apparent from the listing of Jewish liaison personnel that a small army of Jews have been conscripted to collect opinions and demands from various segments of the American Jewish population and to feed these directly to the gate-keepers in the White House and Cabinet. This quasi-department in fact functions as a powerful Jewish lobby group in direct and often daily contact with the President and other high-ranking officials. No other ethnic group has any such contact or influence. This group has been created on the false and fictitious presumptions that (1) Jews are “victims” and desperately need this special coddling and protection, and (2) that “anti-Semitism is rampant and Jews need protection emanating directly from the President.


The Jews’ control of finance, money, debt, the treasury and the economy, as well as the US national budget itself, is also apparent from the listing. You can see the extensive control over national security and the espionage areas, and the heavy concentration in all matters related to the use of the US military.


The most striking of all is the alarming concentration of Jews in the State Department which, working together with the military and the CIA, gives Jews a virtual stranglehold on the entire foreign policy of the United States. It is this that permits the Jews to perpetuate their atrocities in Palestine and to dream of a “Greater Israel” that will subjugate the entire Middle East as well as exterminating the original Arab population. It is this that permits Jews to use the US military to hijack Iraq and Libya and confiscate the oil of those nations without payment, on a permanent basis. If this is a surprise, you might care to read this: “Humanity at the Crossroads — Connecting the Dots to Our Brave New World“.[121] It exposes the truth of Iraq and Libya in a way never done before.


The pervasive alien control of US domestic policies is sufficiently disturbing, but the most serious concern is in the area of foreign affairs where the Jewish bankers in the City of London are literally using the US military, espionage agencies, and the State Department as The Bankers Private Army to plunder and, in a sense, to enslave, the world. And so few seem to have any idea that this is occurring. This is the factor underlying the third World War which is now inevitable and could come at any time. It isn’t the “Americans” who want World War III; it is the Jewish bankers in the City of London who need this final holocaust to fulfill their world agenda. They can do nothing by themselves; they need the powerful US as the puppet whose strings they control, to accomplish this for them. And they have the power to do it because all the significant parts of the US machine are firmly in their hands.


This last item below is included because it illustrates in a peculiarly dramatic way the utter contempt these Jews have for their puppet nation. This is what “American Democracy” has produced.


Christmas in the White House


This serves to illustrate both the extent of Jewish content in the White House and the contempt these Jews hold for their Gentile servants – and for the Gentile Christian religion.


For the past numerous Christmases, it was reported that the White House had difficulty finding any Christians to erect and decorate the traditional Christmas tree. The Jewish Exponent wrote an article stating “There are uncounted dozens of Jewish White House staffers”, adding that Ira Forman, director of the National Jewish Democratic organization, “tells of one Jewish staffer who balked at handling the White House Christmas decorations but was told he had to do it because everyone else here is Jewish too.” Hyman Bookbinder, the former Washington representative of the American Jewish Committee, said “We’ve stopped counting the number of Jews in key places in the [US government] because there are so many of them.”

据报道,在过去的无数个圣诞节里,白宫很难找到任何基督徒来树立和装饰传统的圣诞树。The Jewish Exponent》撰文称,”白宫的犹太裔工作人员不计其数,有数十人之多”,并补充说,全国犹太民主组织主任艾拉-福曼(Ira Forman) “讲述了一名犹太裔工作人员在处理白宫圣诞装饰时逡巡不前,但被告知他必须这样做,因为这里的其他人也都是犹太人”。美国犹太人委员会前华盛顿代表海曼-布克宾德(Hyman Bookbinder)说:”我们已经停止统计犹太人在[美国政府]关键部门的人数,因为他们的人数实在太多了”。

A Jewish menorah is now part of the White House’s “American-Christian” Christmas decorations, while Christmas trees, nativity scenes, and Christmas carols are increasingly forbidden in American schools because the Jews object to them.


Gary Aldrich was an FBI agent for 26 years who spent the latter part of his career investigating security clearances to White House staff during the George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton administrations.[122] In 1996 he wrote a book titled “Unlimited Access: An FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House”.[123] [124] Aldrich and other authors including Besser, Gross and Matusow, have commented on the Christmas decorations at the “Christian” White House. It is instructive (and I will deal with this at length in another article) to understand the contempt that Jews hold for Christianity in general and Jesus Christ in particular.

加里-奥尔德里奇(Gary Aldrich)曾任联邦调查局探员26年,在其职业生涯的后半段,他负责调查乔治-H-W-布什和比尔-克林顿政府期间白宫工作人员的安全许可[122]。1996年,他写了一本名为《无限接触》(Unlimited Access:An FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House” 。[123] [124] 奥尔德里奇(Aldrich)和包括贝瑟(Besser)、格罗斯(Gross)和马图索(Matusow)在内的其他作者对 “基督教 “白宫的圣诞装饰发表了评论。了解犹太人对基督教(Christianity)尤其是耶稣基督(Jesus Christ)的蔑视是很有启发性的(我将在另一篇文章中详细论述)。

In his book, Aldrich tells what it was like decorating Hilary Clinton’s White House Christmas Tree, with ornaments created by various Jewish artists, featuring pornography, “sex toys and self-mutilation devices”. Aldrich wrote, “I couldn’t believe the disrespect that these ornaments represented. Many of the Jewish artists invited to make and send something to hang on the tree must have had nothing but disgust, hatred, and disrespect for the White House and the citizens of this country, a disgust obviously encouraged by [Hillary Clinton] in the name of artistic freedom … Here was another five golden rings ornament — five gold-wrapped condoms. I threw it in the trash. There were other condom ornaments, some still in the wrapper, some not.[125] Of course, as soon as the book was published, The Washington Post published an article by another Jew, Howard Kurtz, that “debunked” Aldrich’s “defamatory statements”.[126] But not really.

奥尔德里奇(Aldrich)在书中讲述了用各种犹太艺术家创作的装饰品装饰希拉里-克林顿(Hillary Clinton)的白宫圣诞树的情景,这些装饰品以色情、”性玩具和自残装置 “为特色。奥尔德里奇(Aldrich)写道:”我简直不敢相信这些装饰品所代表的不尊重。许多受邀制作并送去挂在树上的东西的犹太艺术家肯定对白宫和这个国家的公民只有厌恶、憎恨和不尊重,这种厌恶显然是[希拉里-克林顿](Hillary Clinton)以艺术自由的名义鼓励的……这里还有一个五枚金戒指装饰品–五个用金子包裹的避孕套。我把它扔进了垃圾桶。还有其他一些避孕套装饰品,有的还在包装纸里,有的则没有。[125] 当然,这本书一出版,《华盛顿邮报》(The Washington Post)就发表了另一位犹太人霍华德-库尔茨(Howard Kurtz)的文章,”揭穿 “了奥尔德里奇(Aldrich)的 “诽谤言论”。[126]

I am astonished that the Christians aren’t screaming “anti-Christianity”. Instead, they meekly remain silent. The worst part is that if you expose this religious atrocity performed by Jews, you will be mercilessly attacked and accused of anti-Semitism. But this isn’t “anti-Semitism”. It has nothing to do with Christians hating Jews, but has everything to do with Jews hating Jesus and despising Christianity. It is so clever of the Jews to commit yet another atrocity and twist it into making themselves the “victim”. As someone noted so well, “The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you”.


I wonder if it would be a good idea for the Christians in the White House to commission Christian artists to design some Jewish holiday ornaments, perhaps a menorah where the candles are all shaped like phalluses, and deliver it to the White House as a kind of “cultural exchange”.



Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chapt. 2 — Dealing with Demons)


His full archive can be seen at

他的完整文章库可在以下看到  +

He can be contacted at:





[1] America’s Deep State

[1] 美国的深层状态

EN — LARRY ROMANOFF — America’s Deep State

[2] Democracy, The Most Dangerous Religion — Part 7 — The Jewish Origin

[2] 民主是最危险的宗教——第七部分——犹太人的起源

[2a] Full text of “Chuck Censored History: Britain Put Jews In Concentration Camp During WWII” ([2a]《查克审查历史》全文在集中营二战(

[3] FORWARD, September 29, 1995

[3] 转发,1995年9月29日

[4] A view to a kill

[4] 杀戮的视角

[5] Whiteout : the CIA, drugs, and the press; Alexander Cockburn, Jeffrey St. Clair

[5] 白名单:CIA、毒品和媒体;亚历山大·科伯恩,杰弗里·圣克莱尔

[6] CIA Report on Castro Plots

[6] 中情局关于卡斯特罗阴谋的报告

[7] Seymour Hersh: The CIA Is Filled with Criminals

[7] 西摩·赫什:CIA里到处都是罪犯

Seymour Hersh: The CIA Is Filled with Criminals


[8] ‘Ah, How Sweet It Is To Be Jewish …’

[8] “啊,身为犹太人是多么甜蜜啊…

[9] James Zogby, Arab Voices, 4-16-01

[9] 詹姆斯·佐格比,阿拉伯之声,4-16-01

[9a] The Attempted 1933 Jewish Fascist Coup in America[9a]1933年美国犹太法西斯未遂政变

EN — LARRY ROMANOFF — The Attempted 1933 Jewish Fascist Coup in America

[10] Nona Willis Aronowitz is a New York-based Jewish writer and editor, whose work focuses on “women, sex, politics, and the economy”. As of December 2022, she was writing an advice column on sex and love for Teen Vogue, serving as an editor for Splinter, and writing the “F*cking Through the Apocalypse”

[10] 诺娜·威利斯·阿罗诺维茨是一名驻纽约的犹太作家和编辑,她的作品主要关注“女性、性、政治和经济”。截至2022年12月,她正在为《青少年时尚》撰写一篇关于性与爱的建议专栏,担任Splitter杂志的编辑,并撰写了《F*cking穿越启示录》

[11] Erica Jong

[11] 埃里卡·钟

Erica Jong is an American novelist, satirist, and poet, known particularly for her 1973 novel Fear of Flying. The book became famously controversial for its attitudes towards female sexuality and figured prominently in the development of second-wave feminism.


[12] Leora Tanenbaum

[12] 莱奥拉·塔内鲍姆

Tanenbaum came to public attention with the publication of her 1999 book Slut!: Growing Up Female With a Bad Reputation.


[13] Bella Savitzky Abzug

[13] 贝拉·萨维茨基·阿布祖格

“Battling Bella”, was an American lawyer, politician, social activist, and a leader in the women’s movement. In 1971, Abzug joined other leading feminists such as Gloria Steinem, Shirley Chisholm, and Betty Friedan to found the National Women’s Political Caucus. She was a leading figure in what came to be known as eco-feminism.


[14] Pornography films – Steven Hirsch

[14] 色情电影——史蒂文·赫希

Steven Hirsch is the founder and co-chairman of the adult entertainment company Vivid Entertainment, which he founded in 1984. It has been estimated to be the world’s largest pornography company. Pornhub, also Jewish, might be a close second.

史蒂文·赫希是成人娱乐公司Vivid entertainment的创始人兼联合主席。他于1984年创立了Vivid entertainment。据估计,它是世界上最大的色情公司。同样是犹太人的Pornhub可能紧随其后。

[15] Lillian Faderman

[15] 莉莲·法德曼

Lillian Faderman (born July 18, 1940) is an American historian whose books on lesbian history and LGBT history have earned critical praise and awards. The New York Times named three of her books on its “Notable Books of the Year” list. In addition, The Guardian named her book, Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers, one of the Top 10 Books of Radical History.

莉莲·法德曼(Lillian Faderman,生于1940年7月18日)是一名美国历史学家,她关于女同性恋历史和LGBT历史的著作赢得了评论界的赞扬和奖项。《纽约时报》将她的三本书列入了《年度杰出图书》名单。此外,《卫报》还将她的书《古怪女孩与暮光之城恋人》列为激进历史十大著作之一。

[16] Connie Kurtz

[16] 康妮·库尔茨

The LGBTQ activist was best known for her lawsuit against the New York City Board of Education, which established domestic partner benefits for all city employees in 1994.


[17] Ordering LGBTQ protections By Emily Newburger

[17] 艾米莉·纽伯格订购LGBTQ保护

[18] Iran deadline approaches

[18] 伊朗的最后期限即将到来

[19] Most influential in Jewish World

[19] 在犹太世界最有影响力


[20] 英国一篇关于好莱坞犹太人的文章引发争议

[21] Hollywood and Anti-Semitism


[22] William Cash’s article about Jewish influence in Hollywood has caused a great deal of offence and outrage.


[23] White House slams ‘spurious’ attacks on Jewish, Palestinian staff picks


[24] Maher Bitar


[25] Propaganda and the Media — Part 6 — Censorship, or Burning the History Books


EN — LARRY ROMANOFF — Propaganda and the Media — Part 6 — Censorship, or Burning the History Books — June 18, 2021

[26] Joe Biden’s A-Team of Jewish Advisors


[27] Jews now flocking to foreign-service careers in U.S.


[28] Researching, Searching, Sources and References


EN — LARRY ROMANOFF — Researching, Searching, Sources and References

[29] Jeffrey Epstein


[30] Ghlislane’s father, Ian Robert Maxwell, (Ján Ludvík Hyman Binyamin Hoch) was a Czechoslovak-born Jew.

[30]格利斯兰的父亲伊恩·罗伯特·马克斯韦尔(Ian Robert Maxwell,Ján Ludvík Hyman Binyamin Hoch)是出生于捷克斯洛伐克的犹太人。

[31] Jewish Assimilation by Kevin Macdonald


[32] Why Is Jewishness Matrilineal?


[33] Frank Damrosch Jr.


[34] American people of German-Jewish descent


[35] Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr.


[36 ] American people of German-Jewish descent


[37] John Kerry


[38] Will Jewish astronaut Jessica Meir be NASA’s first woman on the moon?


[39] 9 Jewish Astronauts Who Have Boldly Gone to Space


[40] Some claim that Elon Musk is not a Jew. Elon (אֵילוֹן), or Alon (אַלוֹן) is a Hebrew masculine name that would not occur on a list of Gentile names. Musk attended Jewish schools in South Africa. His mother, Maye Haldeman, is Jewish but listed as “Canadian”, which is hardly an ethnic group. There are Jewish family and other relations (Elon’s brother married Jen Lewin), and more. Musk’s connections with Israel and powerful Jews have a long history. Tesla’s closet relationship with Israeli tech spans many years and its self-driving technology is 100% Jewish, originating from the Israeli company Mobileye. Musk has close and high-level contacts in Israel, having met with Netanyahu at his private residence on more than one occasion.


[41] The Truth about Khazars (Facts are Facts) Benjamin H. Freedman


[45] Jews in the Biden Administration


[46] Joe Biden’s A-Team of Jewish advisers, cabinet members and staff


[42] ZIONISM — THE HIDDEN TIRANNY by Benjamin H. Freedman


[43] Benjamin H. Freedman – 1961 Speech




[47] Joe Biden’s A-Team of Jewish advisers, cabinet members and staff


[48] Jews in the Obama Administration:


[49] Barack Obama Administration: Jews in the Administration


[50] Barack Obama: America’s First Jewish President!


[51] Meet the Jewish Bulwark of Obama’s Administration


[52] The Clinton appointments were drawn from a wide variety of sources, too many to list here, so references for these are included in the list of individual names.


[53] Bill Clinton, ‘America’s first Jewish president’


[54] Hillary Clinton and her enduring ties to Jews


[55] Jew of the Week: Jack Lew


[56] Democracy, the Most Dangerous Religion


[57] Good White House Chiefs of Staff Have Made Presidencies


[58] How White House Chiefs of Staff Help Govern




[60] Who is Joe Biden’s political alter ego?


[61] Remembering Richard Darman


[62] The man in charge at the White House isn’t Joe Biden


[63] Mike Pompeo Admits COVID-19 Is a “Live Exercise”




[65] How White House Chiefs of Staff Help Govern


[66] Let’s Have a Financial Crisis: First, We Need a Central Bank


[67] Neal Sher


[68] Office of Special Investigations (United States Department of Justice)


[69] In the Matter of Kurt Waldheim


[70] Restitution Leader Disbarred by Court After Investigation Of Job Misconduct


[71] Eli Rosenbaum


[72] Harvard Law Bulletin, Summer 2002 – “Never Forget: Eli Rosenbaum ’80 is driven to bring Nazis to justice before it’s too late”.


[73] Entire US “no fly list” leaked online after being left on an unsecured server


[74] US National Security Council


[75] Released FBI documents reveal plans to assassinate Occupy Wall Street Leaders With Snipers


[76] Revealed: how the FBI coordinated the crackdown on Occupy


[77] Plots To Kill Occupy Leaders by Sniper Rifles


[78] Tiananmen Square: The Failure of an American-instigated 1989 Color Revolution


[79] Foreign Aid Tied to Sterilization in India


[80] USAID Funding of Sterilization Camps in India


[81] USAID is orchestrating sterilization campaign in India: part two


[82] USAID has been the driving force behind India’s brutal sterilization camps


[83] The Pleasures of Depopulating the Earth


[84] The City of London


[85] The CIA is not your friend


[86] America’s Open Wound: The CIA is not your friend


[87] United States Department of State


[88] David H. Popper –


[89] Blocking Cuba’s Regime from Exploiting Cuban People


[90] 638 ways to kill Castro


[91] Fidel Castro: Dodging exploding seashells, poison pens and ex-lovers


[92] Nicaragua had held its first democratic elections ousting the Sandinista dictatorship




[94] What part will your country play in World War III?


[95] The Jews’ Anger Campaign Against China


[96] Bernays and Propaganda — The Marketing of War


[97] The Jewish Betrayal of Germany and the Cause of World War II


[98] Jewish Responsibility for Both World Wars: Benjamin Freedman


Jewish Responsibility for Both World Wars — A Speech by Benjamin Freedman

[99] If  You Do It, It’s Spying. If I Do It, It’s Research




[100a] Pfizer’s Perfectly-Timed Epidemic


[100b] UK Telegraph – Pfizer Nigerian Trovan trials – “the Nigerian government’s motives have also been questioned”


[101] Wealthy donors often get ambassadorships in Democratic and Republican administrations alike.


[102] Ambassador Madeleine M. Kunin “doggedly pursues the Swiss on the issue of gold for holocaust survivors.”


New York Times Oct. 4, 1997, Madeleine Kunin


[103] Jewish figures pave the way behind the scenes in Trump’s staff


[104] Holocaust Restitution: Recovering Stolen Art


[105] Should Nazi-Looted Art Works Be Returned? The View From the State Department


[106] US presses Germany on restitution of Jewish-owned art looted by Nazis


[107] Spreading Democracy, the American Way




[109] List of Jewish members of the United States Congress


[110] Jewish Members of the 118th Congress


[111] Jewish Members of the 117th Congress


[112] Jewish Members of the 116th Congress


[113] List of Jewish American politicians


[114] List of Jewish American politicians


[115] List of Jewish American politicians


[116] Category:Jewish mayors of places in the United States


[117] Jewish mayors


[118] List of mayors of the 50 largest cities in the United States


[119] By July, The Three Biggest U.S. Cities Will Have Jewish Mayors


[120] The Jews who run America


[121] Humanity at the Crossroads — Connecting the Dots to Our Brave New World


[122] Gary Aldrich


[123] Unlimited access : an FBI agent inside the Clinton White House


[124] FBI embarrassed by former agent’s book


[125] Unlimited access : an FBI agent inside the Clinton White House; p. 105-106

[125]无限访问权:克林顿白宫内的一名FBI特工;p、 105-106



Additional Useful References:


List of Jewish heads of state and government


List of Jewish members of the United States Congress


List of Jewish American politicians


Jewish American government officials


Here are the 37 Jewish members of Congress


Joe Biden’s A-Team of Jewish advisers, cabinet members and staff


Jews in the Biden Administration


President Biden Announces Key Nominees


Jews in the Barack Obama Administration


Reagan Names 11 Jews Among His 68 Foreign Policy and Defense Advisors


White House Jewish Liaison


Jewish White House Advisers You May Not Know About


Lists of American Jews


List of Jewish American businesspeople in finance


List of Jewish American business people in media


List of Jewish American journalists


List of Jewish newspapers


Jewish White House Advisors








The Jerusalem Post’s 50 most influential Jews


Most influential in Jewish World


Most influential Jewish innovators, entrepreneurs


Jewish Last Names


American people of Ukrainian-Jewish descent


American people of Russian-Jewish descent


American people of German-Jewish descent


American people of Swiss-Jewish descent


20th-century American Jews


21st-century American Jews


American Ashkenazi Jews


List of Jewish American attorneys


List of Jewish American jurists


Jewish American military personnel


United States Secretary of the Treasury


White House Press Secretary


White House Counsel


Council of Economic Advisers


Ambassadors of the United States


List of ambassadors of the United States to Germany


Director of the Central Intelligence Agency


List of Central Intelligence Agency directors


Jewish emigrants from Nazi Germany to the United States


Copyright © Larry RomanoffBlue Moon of ShanghaiMoon of Shanghai, 2023
