

Benjamin Fulford Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis 2024 June 17th


Octagon group, G7 sue for peace but, very nasty surprise still possible


Octagon group, G7 sue for peace but, very nasty surprise still possible

A series of public and private meetings last week confirmed the Swiss-based Octagon group and their G7 subsidiary are suing for peace. This is along the lines –as previously reported here- of a seven-region world council and a future planning organization to take over the functions of the UN, BIS, World Bank, IMF, etc.


However, before this happens there is still the risk of some very nasty Satanic surprises, multiple agency sources agree.


For example, the Black Sun organization is saying they will continue to increase mayhem and threaten an all-out thermo-nuclear war unless a world federation is announced. That is why Russian nuclear-armed submarines, warships and missiles have been stationed in Cuba, Venezuela and Mexico, they say. “The majority of the Russian people want to restrain the US by repeating the Cuban Missile Crisis,” a Russian FSB source confirms.


At the same time, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said member states have started consultations on the need to put nuclear weapons on alert.



In addition to the ongoing threat of nuclear war, the summer solstice will take place on Friday of this week. The Satan worshippers always stage some sort of massive fire sacrifice or holocaust to Satan on or around that June 21st date. Not only that, messianic fanatics in Israel promised to sacrifice a red heifer before June 22nd in order to start the process of building the third temple. Since these fanatics want to provoke “god” into appearing. Mossad sources say some sort of very nasty surprise is in the works but they say they do not know the details.


However in a sign it will not be nice, Denmark’s government is asking citizens to prepare for an attack or other potential crisis by stockpiling supplies of water, food and medicine, and keeping iodine tablets at home.



Secret Space Force sources for their part say Operation Blue Beam has begun with a hologram projection of Jesus Christ



There will be more such appearances culminating with “an alien visitation before August 15.  Thousands will see the ships in the Midwest area of the States. The MSM cannot cover this one…. Photos and videos will be all over the internet and this will go viral,” they say. We shall see, keep your eyes on the sky.


In the meantime, if you look at peace proposals put out by Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Octagon group in Switzerland last week you can see the outlines of peace in the Ukraine. Peace in Ukraine would signify an end to the secret war for the planet Earth that has been raging for decades.


Putin’s proposal calls for Ukraine to pull all its forces to the West of the Dnieper River and cede the regions to the East of it to Russia. It also wants Ukraine to be neutral and nuclear-free and for all sanctions against Russia to be lifted. Russia also proposed a new security framework for Eurasia that would include NATO.



Meanwhile, the Octagon group and their 78 client states just finished a big Ukraine peace conference in Switzerland. If you look at their manifesto it basically asked for control of the Zaporizhye Nuclear Power Plant and access to Black Sea ports for exports. In other words, they will surrender but are asking for the lights to be turned back on and for port access.


These proposals show both groups are going along with a secret agreement reached months ago between the Five Eyes and Russia. According to this agreement, Russia will take responsibility for European security. Also, Odessa will be turned into a free port to allow Ukraine to export and import via the Black Sea.


There were related back-channel communications last week between MI6 and the Russian FSB over the situation in Ukraine. As a result of these talks, five-eyes special forces were sent to Ukraine to CLIFFHANGER to shut down forced human breeding facilities, forced organ removal, weapons, narcotics and child trafficking along with other criminal activities in Kyiv.


The forces were deployed in reaction to the following information sent by the FSB:


Ukraine has baby factories and Ukrainian women are forced to give birth to babies to hand over to a Swiss biotech company. One example is the BiotexCom clinic in Kyiv where a child can be bought for $43,000. It is one of 20 such facilities in Kyiv. Some women are forced to give birth to three babies in a row, one after the other.


At the link below you can see the babies are being offered to LGTBQ etc. people and anyone else, no questions asked.



Older children are also being taken from orphanages and off the street and sold for an average price of $150,000. Since over 700,000 Ukrainian children have gone missing since the war began, if they were all sold it means the gangsters in Ukraine earned $105 billion from selling them.


The Russians estimate the criminal regime is also earning $2 billion a year by selling organs. Vladimir Zelensky signed a law that organs could be harvested without consent.



“Organs are being harvested not only from dead Ukrainian soldiers but from those who are still alive to sell on the black market,” an FSB source says.


Here you can watch Ukrainian men being dragged off the street for this purpose.


The FSB adds that all the money sent by the Rockefeller-run Biden regime to Ukraine is laundered by Zelensky and sent to the private bank accounts of Biden, his son and others.


Here are some headlines to back up their claims:


“Ukraine-based hardcore child pornography website founder pleads guilty”



“Ukrainian children are taken abroad to orphanages, sold to British nationals.” 



“Inside the Fight Against the Human Trafficking ‘Sweet Shop’ on Ukraine’s Border” 



“British pedophiles traveling to Poland to provide ‘humanitarian assistance’ to Ukrainian refugees”



As a reminder, you can watch Pedo Joe in action in the video below. Share this with everyone you know so we can get these pedophiles convicted. 


Also, remember that any so-called Western leader who is sending hard-earned tax dollars to Ukraine is financing this Satanic pedophile mafia and belongs in jail.


Warmonger Senator Lindsey Graham reveals another reason why Ukraine must fight to the last Ukranian; so that the Khazarian Mafia can steal “10-12 trillion dollars in critical mineral resources.” As you can see it has nothing to do with ‘fighting for democracy’.


Ukraine at present “cannot exist without huge external borrowings. This is actually a bankrupt country, a black hole for the Western economy, it is a concentration camp for the Ukrainian people, with everyone wanting to flee except the gang that is criminally reigning,” Ukrainian opposition leader Viktor Medvedchuk says.



The Russians are also demanding de-Nazification not only of the Ukraine but of the collective West. As evidence of this infection, French journalist Thierry Meyssan notes the D-day memorial event in France where “Biden” took a dump in public was a disgrace. The real victors of World War II, the Russians -who lost over 27 million people- were not invited but representatives of Ukrainian Nazi groups who murdered over 1.6 million Jews, Slavs, Gypsies etc. were invited.



In any case, the fake Biden show and their Ukraine Nazi money laundry is about to end. These two videos show whoever is playing the role of Biden is either completely senile or deliberately acting that way.


Also, the US Corporation is definitely bankrupt now. Here is a photo of The Treasury Building from last week. It is boarded up and fenced off.  Where did the employees go?  


Here in Japan, fake US Ambassador Rahm Emmanuel, -who has a bounty on his head for the murder of 500,000 Japanese citizens- is begging the Japanese slave government to hand over their patriot missiles so he can sell them on the black market to finance his fake government.


Similar begging is taking place at other Western-controlled capitals, multiple sources confirm.


In another desperate attempt to stay in business, immediately after Saudi Arabia ended the petrodollar, the fake Biden administration announced $50 billion for Ukraine (ie themselves). The problem is, to do this they promised to use Russian money that did not belong to them as collateral for a loan by the Europeans. The Europeans said no.


“What Washington is proposing is, ‘We [the US] take a loan, Europe takes all the risk, you [Europe] pay the interest, and we [the US] use the money for a US-Ukraine fund,’” said one senior European diplomat. “We might be stupid but we’re not that stupid.”



The imminent bankruptcy of the US Corporation was the subject of a high-level meeting of bankers presided over by the Rothschild agent pretending to be Pope Francis last week. At this meeting, they agreed the current UN, IMF, World Bank, etc. international financial architecture was dysfunctional. They agreed to create a future planning organization to take over the functional parts of the post-war system. They also agreed that “the debt crisis may be beyond current solutions.” For this reason, they called for a world debt jubilee in 2025. This was reported in the paper version of the New York Times but not online (at least as far as Google is concerned).


What this really means is the collective West is bankrupt, has lost its ability to steal resources from the world and so is asking for debt forgiveness.


Asian Secret Society sources say they do not trust the West and will wait and see before they decide what to do. That is the real reason why the P3 is threatening an all-out nuclear war: “Either finance us or we blow the world up.”


Western white hats for their part agree that no debt forgiveness for the West – or the rest of the world- should take place until the criminals are removed from power. That process is now well underway.


Our CIA sources say Barack Obama has now been taken to Guantanamo Bay and is no longer in control of the Biden show. John Desouza, a former FBI special agent with 25 years under his belt, explains why Obama was arrested in the video below.


(See detailed video)


The removal of Obama is why the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) has ended diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) positions, stopped paying for gender transition surgeries and hormone treatments, as well as stopped unscientific “climate change” policies.



The act also includes an amendment to automatically register all U.S. males aged 18-26 for a potential draft. This is to back up the P3 threat to start World War III if a world federation is not announced, CIA sources explain.


We also note the guilty verdict for Hunter Biden is a small step. However, he needs to be found guilty of child rape etc, and not just gun charges.


We further note district attorneys in Louisiana have filed criminal referral requests, including for murder against Dr. Anthony Dr. Fauci and other public health officials.


In the video below you can watch the avatar Fauci get busted as an audio of Fauci is being played back to him at the hearing. He can’t talk his way out of this one


The public attacks on Fauci (or his avatar according to the CIA) are part of an ongoing war against the pharmacidical mafia.


The criminals are still at work. The video below shows Bill Gates releasing a swarm of his genetically modified mosquitoes from hell in Florida, according to Pentagon sources.


Meanwhile, the European Union will sign a contract to secure over 40 million doses of a bird flu vaccine for 15 countries.



It turns out these vaccine crimes have been going on for a long time. The video below describes the vaccine mafia at work in 1885; it’s all about money


The KM Zionists have been killing off humanity for a very long time with their “cure,” a Pentagon medical doctor notes.


(See attached video)


As the next video demonstrates, the corporate attack on humanity is so bad that 287 toxic chemicals are now found in a typical baby’s blood.


This is possible because Pharmaceutical companies pay the FDA to approve their products, according to this investigation by Project Veritas.

根据Project Veritas的调查,这是可能的,因为制药公司付钱给美国食品药品监督管理局批准他们的产品。

In an example the toxic vaccines the FDA was bribed to approve at work, you can watch below a silent kill on a targeted vaccinated (nano-chipped) person via 5G frequencies with focused beams of energy which cause heart failure (the red beam of light is added for dramatization as this energy beam is not visible to the naked eye).


They are also using this technology to kill livestock.


“Through microscopic examination, we discovered nanographene structures in livestock (cattle) vaccines. This is probably the reason for the sudden and massive death of large numbers of livestock worldwide,” says Ricardo Delgado of La Quinta Columna.

“通过显微镜检查,我们在牲畜(牛)疫苗中发现了纳米氧化石墨烯结构。这可能是全球大量牲畜突然大规模死亡的原因,”La Quinta Columna的Ricardo Delgado说。

Next, watch all the government officials -who pushed these vaccines on their own people- all calling them “safe and effective.”


Now the political criminals who forced everyone to take the COVID Jab are trying to say “No-one forced anyone to get the COVID jab.”


As pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole says “We’ve seen death from all causes increase around the world after the rollout of these genetic injections that were never a vaccine.”


Next watch how Dr Rashid Buttar’s “disinformation” turned out to be spot on. He was one of the first doctors to call the fake scamdemic and the “not” vaccines. He told CNN’s Drew Griffin the vaccine he got was a time bomb. He was spot on: Drew Griffin of CNN died of ‘cancer’ on December 17, 2022.


As you can imagine, people are getting very angry about this. In the next video, Dr. Roger Hodkinson says “It’s Not a Time to Say ‘I’m Sorry’ – It’s a Time to Put These Bastards in Jail”.


India may be the first country to sue “experts” for advising against the use of ivermectin against CV-19. The Bar Association of India initiated proceedings against WHO Chief Scientist Soumya Swaminathan. She may get the death penalty.  



A power shift in the West means a similar proceeding will take place in other countries.


Evidence of this power shift came with the release of the footage below showing Nancy Pelosi taking the blame for the January 6th events in Washington DC.


Further footage from J6 shows Capitol Police cuff a protestor, then bring him to a side room where they un-cuffed him, and fist-bumped him.


We also have someone pretending to be the disgraced actor Kevin Spacey. (he looks very different than the original) tell Piers Morgan that he and members of the Clinton Foundation flew on Jeffrey Epstein’s planes with “young girls.”


In Canada MPs mentioned in a classified version of a national-security watchdog’s report into foreign interference are traitors to Canada, NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh said in an explosive press conference, in which he also accused the Prime Minister of allowing malign states to infest domestic politics. They are indeed traitors to the country.”


The NDP Leader criticized Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for failing to act despite having the classified report since March. And he accused Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre of turning a blind eye by declining to read the report.



The Canadian media establishment itself is compromised which is why don’t they mention it was Davos young leaders like Chrystia Freeland and Justin Castrudeau paid by the likes of Klaus Schwab and Alex Soros. However, the intelligence services are aware.


In England meanwhile, the Reform Party led by Nigel Farage has 19% of voter support, compared to 18% for the Conservatives and 37% for the Labour Party. Farage –who favors criminal investigation into the mRNA vaccines- may well take power because he is offering an alliance with the conservatives. Meanwhile, Labour leader Keir Starmer is expected to be removed soon because of his involvement in the Satanic sacrifice of Madeleine McCann, MI6 sources say.



Speaking about Satanic sacrifices, we note Kate Middleton, Charles and family together made their “first public appearance since Christmas.”


The pictures Britain has been longing to see:


Frame-by-frame, the glorious images of Kate as she makes her return to public life as she continues her brave battle against cancer



“This is not the real Kate Middleton or Charles, it is avatars or body doubles. Notice the term frame by frame…this is 100% CGI and AI. Look at the background,” a Pentagon source comments.


For comparison, they sent out an AI-generated Kate Middleton video.  


Video Player

Media error: Format(s) not supported or source(s) not found

Download File: https://benjaminfulford.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Shes-gone-goodbye-Kate-Middleton-.mp4?_=22




MI6 will not comment but we know that a major purge of the British Royal family would start if it turns out Kate Middleton was really sacrificed to Satan.


In Japan a major purge of the criminals responsible for the murder of 500,000 people by vaccine is already underway, Japanese right-wing sources close to the Emperor say. However, because so many government officials took vaccine bribes, arresting everyone involved would lead to a collapse in government function. For this reason, the operation is being carried out in stages, the sources say.


There is also a revolt underway in Germany. The Germans are refusing to buy any more expensive Rockefeller gas and oil and have instead agreed to the Dnieper River boundary deal with Russia, German sources say. The German business lobby insisted on this.


In a viral speech, Theodor Weimer CEO of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange etc, says “I have now had my 18th meeting with our Vice-Chancellor and Minister of Economic Affairs Robert Habeck, and I can tell you, it’s a sheer catastrophe…our reputation in the world has never been as bad as it is now.”


Weimer also notes stock markets around the world no longer operate according to fundamentals but instead speculation, momentum and other factors.



He was also critical of the chaotic immigration policies that have allowed millions of military-aged males, many of them criminals, into the country.


In an example from the US, a 25-page report from the Bureau of Justice Statistics shows that non-citizens accounted for 64 percent of arrests for federal offenses in 2018.



Illegal immigrants are now being signed up to vote and are also being hired by police forces. This is the result of the Obama-run Biden show. 


In a sign of how Orwellian the US has become, the FBI just announced that crime has plummeted in the first quarter of 2024, The reason is 40% of police forces have stopped reporting crimes to the FBI because they do not trust it.



The FBI is widely viewed as the enforcement arm of the Khazarian Mafia in the US. The photograph of the Boy Bride Ritual seen below is the sort of thing they cover up, Mossad sources say. “The ritual is recorded and performed in the open.


The member, who is likely a person of great status in life, will live with the fear of his family and the public finding it out, should he try to leave the cult or refuse to perform any asked tasks to complete in the future. Every single one of the politicians has been through many of the rituals and has to perform more when asked to. These are the characters who make decisions on our lives. And as you can see, it’s nothing but more chaos and misery they cause,” they say.


The chaos and misery they are causing in Gaza may be about to end. The Israeli Army announced a “pause” in military actions in Gaza, to allow food supplies to reach the Palestinians. This decision was made by the military themselves, independently of Netanyahu or other Israeli political leaders.


This is a major rift in the power structure of Zionist-controlled Israel, which means a de facto military coup has literally taken place.



Presumably, the Israeli military removed Benyamin Satanyahu and his war criminal Hamas buddies because Israel is facing an extinction-level event.


Yemen’s Houthis have attacked 145 ships linked to Israel, the US and UK as part of their retaliation for the Israeli Genocide in Gaza. They have shut down 90% of container traffic in the Red Sea.


Bryan Clark, a former Navy submariner and a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, told the AP, “This is the most sustained combat that the US Navy has seen since World War II.”



Israel’s land borders have also been de facto sealed. Hopefully, soon Satanyahu will be publicly tried for war crimes.


This news comes as Millions of Muslim pilgrims from around the globe start the annual Hajj pilgrimage in the sacred city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia.


“The pilgrimage involves significant physical exertion, as pilgrims have to move on foot between five to 15 kilometers per day on average to perform the rituals of various sites. It serves as a test of patience and presents challenges on spiritual, emotional, and physical levels. Adequate preparation is often necessary, as for many, it represents a unique, once-in-a-lifetime experience.”



As noted in the report above Israel and the US Corporate government are not likely to survive in their current state.


Another country that may soon vanish is South Korea. North Korea has just supplied Russia with 10,000 containers with 5 million artillery shells…


In exchange for the ammunition, Russia reportedly provided North Korea with technology to help it deploy spy satellites as well as tanks and aircraft.



North Korea’s military has been building roads and walls inside the Demilitarized Zone that separates it from the South, the Yonhap news agency reported Saturday.



Our own North Korean sources say they are preparing to “liberate” South Korea and know the US will not use nuclear weapons to stop them. That is because they know the North Koreans and their Russian allies will destroy many large US cities in retaliation for any US nuclear attack on North Korea. However, the “liberation” of South Korea is likely to happen in the form of peaceful reunification, Asian secret society sources say.


Finally, this week here are a couple of items of interest.


The first shows your Tesla or other EV is doing diddly squat for the environment. Don’t be an idiot by buying into this BS.


Next, in a sign there are white hats at work in the digital world, today for the first time I can remember, my junk mail folder was completely empty, not a single new item of junk mail came in.


Maybe there is hope for us after all. First, though, let’s see what the summer solstice brings.




Benjamin Fulford Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis 2024 June 10th


Secret war intensifies in anticipation of financial black swan event



The secret battle for the planet earth is intensifying as the white hats and the remaining Satanists struggle over the control of an upcoming financial black swan event. Asian Secret Society and Western military/intelligence white hat sources say no new system will be possible until the Satanists behind the fake Biden regime are removed. The Satanists for their part are trying both to assassinate opponents and sugarcoat their financial system reboot with bribes. 


Regardless of this, the evidence of a coming financial anomaly is overwhelming. First of all, as of last Sunday, June 9th, 2024 Saudi Arabia ended the 50 year old petro-dollar agreement. This agreement came after US President Richard Nixon took the US dollar off the gold standard in 1971 and forced the rest of the world to buy US dollars.


Now Saudi Arabia has joined a China-dominated central bank digital currency project using the code China’s e-yuan is built on.



This means the US Corporation lost a power struggle in Saudi Arabia that saw the death of at least ten princes. The missile attack that crippled the USS Eisenhower also contributed to the Corporation losing control over the oil market. The Houthi forces behind the attack say “Its unprecedented targeting by the Yemeni Armed Forces signifies the end of American military dominance over the seas, representing a significant geopolitical fall for the American ‘empire’.”



In a sign the Russians might be involved, President Vladimir Putin said ‘Russia can supply long-range missiles to countries that can strike sensitive targets of those countries that supply such weapons to Ukraine.”



Russia also sent nuclear-armed submarines and ships to Cuba. Russian FSB sources explain “A majority of the Russian people want to restrain the US by repeating the Cuban missile crisis.”


Immediately after this, fake US President Joe Biden did a 180-degree turnaround and said “The United States does not support the idea of using American weapons for strikes against Moscow or the Kremlin.”



The US is reacting to this defeat the same way the Japanese acted after their loss of four aircraft carriers during the Battle of Midway: by hiding the truth from the public. In other words, there is a massive cover-up of the biggest US military defeat since Vietnam.


However, in a sign the US knows it is game over for their control of world finance, the US Supreme Court just gave the green light to the 40 US States who plan to issue their own gold and silver-backed currencies. The court ruled: “The United States maintains a dual system of banking, made up of parallel federal and state banking systems. That dual system allows privately owned banks to choose whether to obtain a charter from the Federal Government or from a state government.”



That is why FRB-linked US banks closed 79 branches in just six weeks making the total so far for 2024 above 400.


The fall of the Federal Reserve Board and its’ US corporation is why the secret war over what to replace it with has intensified.


One faction is the GESARA group whose plans are, as David Wilcock reports on his Telegram channel, as follows:


GESARA (Global Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act) was voted to be implemented by all 209 sovereign nations of the world, per the signed 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change, starting with the restored Republic of the United States, known as NESARA (National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act).


NESARA cancels all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. Many refer to this as a “jubilee” or complete forgiveness of debt. Abolishes Federal Income Taxes in the U.S. Creates a 17% flat rate for non-essential new items only sales tax revenue for the government… Abolishes the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), with employees of the IRS will be transferred into the US Treasury…. Restores Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters in the Republic of the United States of America. Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law. Removes all dark cabal agents, admin officials and all members of the U.S. Congress from their positions due to their continuous unconstitutional actions.


However, Pentagon sources report a “Rainbow US Note that is ready to be circulated for the US economy to ride the storm of the end of the US Dollar.  It’s backed by gold and assets seized from child sex traffickers like the Vatican and European royals and British royals whose assets were seized.  It is also backed by Taiwan’s gold and gold loaned by the Chinese Elders of the Philippines who own 90% of the world’s gold to have a Jubilee and pay off debts worldwide.”


Meanwhile, the BIS controllers of the current financial system say “Roughly 135 countries and currency unions, representing 98% of global GDP, are exploring central bank digital currencies, or CBDCs.”



The head of MI6 for his part says the plan is to join “all FIAT and Crypto Currencies into one single secure electronic unit using an exchange rate mechanism then simply back to back all the various balances against the new unit. Similar to when the EURO came into existence. The new currency is called The Sovereign.”


Japanese right-wingers close to the Emperor add that under this system all current crypto-currencies will be wiped out of existence.


The White Dragon Society and its allies for their part, want to return control of the financial system to the elected representatives of the people and their public servants.


The Satanists are making their own move as well. Remember how they installed “King Charles” 6 months, 6 weeks and 6 days after Queen Elizabeth was murdered? As the picture below illustrates now we know why.


By issuing bank notes with Charles’ picture on it, the group including former MI6 head John Scarlett hopes to bribe enough people to stay in control. This is the group that includes the Rockefellers, Barack “Thunder of Satan” Obama Hitler, etc.



The current head of MI6 says “The problem for us is this pseudo DVD dictatorship out of an organ of the London administration called ‘The Cabinet Office’ so we have to keep on with turning Simon Case but ideally Sir John Scarlet and ultimately you would come up against the DVD so it will take a lot of work in the background. Simon Case appears to have turned under MI5 but the other one will need more kinetic encouragement.”


In a sign the fake Charles is being taken down, the National Examiner had a front page article on May 20th saying “Dying King Charles Plans His Own Funeral’” He even looks dead in the photo.


Then there is the widespread knowledge Charles participated in the Satanic sacrifice of his daughter-in-law Catherine, Princess of Wales. Now they are spinning the story with headlines like “She may Never Come Back as Cancer Could Stop Return to Royal Role.”



The key to overthrowing this group is likely to be the Madeleine McCann case, MI6 says.



MI6 says this three-year-old girl was killed in a Satanic sacrificial ritual attended by the who’s who of the Satanic elite. Among people hunted down or being hunted down for participation in this ritual are former German Chancellor Angela Merkel Hitler, former UK Prime Minister Theresa May Hitler, “Kier Starmer, Tony Blair and that other monster Gordon Brown a rampant monster,” the Vatican, “various Portuguese,” “the EU and all the usuals, the King of Morocco, Australia, SAS and the usual sad sorry lot. Shame on them all.”


So as you can see, the network of Satanic compromise and blackmail runs deep and needs to be rooted out before any new financial system controlled by the people can start in the West.


The battle is raging and it looks like the WHO, the fake Biden Regime, Satanyahu’s Israel, etc. are about to fall.


Let’s start with the WHO because this was the vehicle the Satanists hoped to use to enslave humanity.


First, we note that Tedros Ghebreyesus of the WHO is not a doctor but rather a communist terrorist responsible for over 2 million deaths in his own country of Ethiopia.


The terrorist Tedros will not fire 83 WHO staff engaged in crimes like rape and forced abortions, with one victim 13, claiming rape and forced abortion. He says they did not violate WHO’s policies because the victims were not receiving WHO aid.


Dr. David Martin points out that Tedros is just a puppet with a “giant stick up his ass… but who’s moving the stick for the puppet?” 


The answer is The Global Preparedness Monitoring Board:


  • Bill Gates
  • 比尔·盖茨
  • The Wellcome Trust
  • 维亚康姆信托
  • The Rockefeller Foundation
  • 洛克菲勒基金会

Dr. Martins says “By 2023, which is kind of where we are right now, Gates represents 88% of the donations to the World Health Organization from donor organizations and agencies. By any definition, that’s a controlling interest.”


Bill Gates donated over $300M to the BBC where he was allowed to go on about his ‘jabs’…” Below you can watch UK MP Andrew Bridgen on how Bill Gates was able to commit MASS GENOCIDE with murderous misinformation.  


WHO is hoaxing the world again this time with a bird flu pandemic to lock down and vaccinate the world again. They already have the mRNA vaccine ready.


This is what is behind fear porn headlines like:


“Girl in Australia, 2, struck with H5N1 bird flu: WHO”





“Scientists Preparing Bird Flu Vaccines For Humans in Case of Pandemic.”



Former coronavirus coordinator Deborah Birx now wants to test millions of US cows every week and screen dairy workers for “asymptomatic” cases of bird flu. “This woman is completely MK Ultra mind-controlled. They want to try and pull the same asymptomatic by again with more fraudulent PCR tests,” a CIA medical doctor says.

前冠状病毒协调员德埃博拉·布里克斯,现在希望每周对数百万头美国奶牛进行检测,并对奶制品工人进行“无症状”禽流感病例筛查。美国中央情报局的一名医生说:“这个女人完全是被MK Ultra项目精神控制的人。他们想通过更多的欺诈性核酸检测再次尝试摆脱同样的困境。”

Now the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says avian influenza may have no symptoms, but the illness can be fatal. “We’ve already gone through this, haven’t we?! Symptomless but fatal! OMG! These people are evil. The fear-mongering is relentless,” the doctor comments. 





NASA (Not A Space Agency) is doing its part by spreading fear about little green germs about to invade from outer space.



To try to figure out how to convince more people to get vaxxed, the Public Health Agency of Canada is distributing mail-outs to conduct a large-scale study aimed at determining whether citizens have become more vaccine hesitant after the COVID-19 vaccine mandates. Do NOT reply, it’s a setup to get your data. You “will be marked,” Pentagon sources warn.




    The fact is the medical mafia have cried pandemic wolf too often and people have woken up. The latest report from UK Health Security Agency confirms that 70% of Frontline healthcare workers REFUSED the COVID-19 booster vaccine in 2023/24.


Politicians are also waking up. “We were told take the vaccine, the so-called “vaccine” and you won’t catch Covid, take the vaccine and you won’t pass Covid on, both of those things were totally, completely untrue. We were told the vaccine was safe in every way; frankly, it had not been through anything like the normal testing… So I do think there needs to be a massive investigation not just into harms that were caused by the vaccines, all vaccines cause side effects., but there does seem to be an alarming number of people, young men in particular, who have developed myocarditis and other heart conditions,” says UK politician Nigel Farage



“The mRNA injections may have very well killed 17 millon+ people around the World. So there is nothing safe and effective about it. They never even tested that stuff,” says German MP Christine Anderson.


Now the UN, WHO, and WEF Have Just Been Declared Terrorist Organizations by a Republican County Assembly in Florida



Oklahoma, for its part, will not enforce any mandates from the World Health Organization, the United Nations and the World Economic Forum under a bill signed by Gov. Kevin Stitt.



They are also publicly roasting US vaccine tsar Anthony Fauci (or an avatar). Fauci has now confessed he “made up” COVID rules including 6 feet of social distancing and masking kids.


The Guy sitting behind Fauci at his televised hearings is going Viral. We can see why. 


Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene spoke for most Americans last week when she said Fauci must be tried for crimes against humanity


The management of Google also needs to face trial for its censorship about vaccine truth.


In a sign that Google is still under Satanic control, they have started censoring Google Translate.


In one example they translated this: The rulers who are with the dark forces on the four continents do not want to give up, their plan is strengthening. Every baptized person has a slave number, written down with them (the dark ones) into repetitions of the sentence “I am a young man.”


In another example, Google mistranslated an email from Polish activists saying their CitizenGO Freedom Bus was blocked in the middle of the road in Geneva and surrounded by police. “The police told us that they had received a call from the UN security office that a bus was driving around the city ‘spreading propaganda’ and that it needed to be inspected…they are afraid of our message, they will do anything to silence us. So I ask myself – what are they so afraid of?”


When I put this Polish information into Google Translate it came back with just the repetition of “I am a scientist, I am a scientist.”


This group is in Geneva to protest WHOs attempt to impose a worldwide totalitarian dictatorship using a “pandemic” as justification.


In a sign the Swiss are renouncing these medical criminals, Switzerland became the first country in the world to ban Mammography. Screening services are also suspended in parts of Canada, Italy, Scotland, and Australia, It turns out 50-60% of “positive” results are incorrect. In a mammography, the breast is compressed with a large weight and then a healthy, very sensitive mammary tissue is bombarded with radiation. A study of 690,000 records shows mammography is a leading cause of breast cancer.


Of course, there is still a huge nest of evil to be cleaned out there. “By joining the unilateral anti-Russian sanctions, Switzerland has lost its neutrality,” Russian media note.



Satanic Nazi leader Vladimir Zelensky is trying to organize a big Ukraine summit in Switzerland next weekend. The plans are imploding. He sent out invitations to 160 countries but only 70 responded and most of them are sending junior delegations. Fake US President Joe Biden, Chinese President Xi Jinping, the leaders of India, Brazil, Saudi Arabia and South Africa, etc. will all be absent.


Knowledge of the evil and corruption in Ukraine is becoming widespread. In the latest, Zelensky is under fire for allegedly spending $200 million to buy a luxurious five-star hotel, casino, and resort through his company “Film Heritage Inc.”


A lot of this money came from stealing organs. As actor Steven Seagal declares Ukraine is “known for organ trafficking, child sex trafficking and Nazism.”



Here you can watch a Russian government spokeswoman say the Coca-Cola Company is implicated in the purchase of children from Ukraine. We’re talking black market organ harvesting. Remember that Vanguard, Blackrock, State Street and Berkshire Hathaway are the largest shareholders.


In a desperate bid to stay in power, the Ukrainian government has compiled an “enemies list” and has added certain members of the U.S. Congress and certain American citizens. The list has organizations such as Codepink and Rage Against the War Machine, the Cato Institute, the Heritage Foundation, and Turning Point USA. The list includes the Daily Wire hosts such as Ben Shapiro and Michael Knowles, the linguist Noam Chomsky, the economist Jeffrey D. Sachs, Dr. Ron Paul, and RFK Jr. 

为了继续掌权,乌克兰政府编制了一份“敌人名单”,并增加了某些美国国会议员和某些美国公民。该名单包括Codepink和Rage Against The War Machine、卡托研究所、传统基金会和Turning Point USA等组织。该名单包括《每日电讯报》主持人本·夏皮罗和迈克尔·诺尔斯、语言学家诺姆·乔姆斯基、经济学家杰弗里·D·萨克斯、罗恩·保罗博士和小RFK。

The list also includes dozens of sitting American politicians, like Senators J.D. Vance (R-OH), Rand Paul (R-KY), Ron Johnson (R-WI) and Josh Hawley (R-MO), Eric Schmitt (R-MO), as well as the former President Donald Trump, Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis, and Representatives Bob Good (R-VA), Jim Jordan (R-OH), and Jim Banks (R-IN). 



Zelensky will not last long. One of his main backers, French President Emmanuelle Macron Rothschild, has called a Parliamentary election after his party was trounced in EU elections. Good bye Macron Rothschild. The military tribunals are waiting for you. 



Another supporter has also fallen as this news item shows:


Cause of Death News : BREAKING: Belgium’s political landscape was shaken today as Prime Minister Alexander De Croo announced his resignation following the surprising gains made by right-wing parties in the EU Elections.



The big Kahuna, the fake Joe Biden, is also not likely to last long. Here you can watch Senator Joni Ernst caught with the microphone turned on saying “Bottom line: Never trust a man whose uncle was eaten by cannibals” (a reference to Biden)


Also, Social media users think ‘Biden pooped his pants’ in front of the world at the D-Day Celebration 


In a desperate attempt to restore popularity, the fake Biden promised a border “clamp down.” At the border, a reporter says ‘There is no fear of this new executive order.” More talking with no action, as usual with the fake Biden show 


Now even corporate media outlets like CBS News are targeting the fake Biden Show by reporting such things as “A single anonymous donation of $64,000,000 that helped Joe Biden get elected in 2020”.


Next Marco Polo founder Garrett Ziegler has put out a huge dossier on Hunter Biden:


 “We reached out to every single pimp, hooker, drug dealer, and business partner on Hunter Biden’s laptop…We put all of his emails and photos online… You have FARA violations, money laundering, sex trafficking, and conspiracy to commit bribery…In total, it documents 140 business crimes, 191 sex crimes and 128 drug crimes committed by the Bidens.


Free Copy: 




Photos found on Hunter’s laptop allegedly show him with one of Obama’s daughters, her face is not visible but her credit card (dusty with cocaine) and her dog (or an identical one) and a skin mark on her leg seem to suggest it is her. Why would Hunter have a photo of her credit card in his laptop? 



James Kunstler reflects the prevailing view on Biden as follows:


The most astounding part of America’s “Joe Biden” three-plus-year thrill ride is that the Party of Chaos and Hoaxes was able to pretend until just a few days ago that this political phantasm could run for re-election. Now, regime insiders are forced to confess that they can’t hide it anymore. They spilled the beans as “unnamed sources” this week in a huge Wall Street Journal article. The president is going necrotic in full view of the whole world. His mind is gone. He looks ridiculous when he shuffles in front of the cameras. He utters obvious absurdities and lies. His wife has to lead him around like a dog on a leash. Everyone can see it. He’s got to go. ASAP.



In a sign the fake Biden show is about to end, the fake White House in Silicon Valley is now for sale.



After Biden, Israel will be next. The criminal nature of Israel’s control of the US political system is now being widely exposed. In the latest, Rep Thomas Massie explains every Republican congressional member has an “AIPAC babysitter”, who helps sway voting in favor of Israel.



In a sign of how extreme and evil this support is “Israel has a right to try and target those civilians,” says US State Department Spokesman Matthew Miller about US policy towards Gaza.


Israel will not last long. Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan told the D-8 Council of Foreign Ministers that there is no doubt those who perpetrated the massacre in Gaza will eventually be held accountable. The organization brings together Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Türkiye, totaling 1.2 billion people and a combined gross domestic product of up to $5 trillion.



Also, Iranian sources confirmed to us they are not going to be fooled into starting a nuclear holocaust by invading Israel. “Today, the Iranian Guardian Council rejected Mr. Ahmadinejad’s candidacy for the presidency of Iran. Ahmadinejad has been an advocate of the battle of Armageddon for a long time,” an Iranian source informs us. Instead, they will wait for war crimes tribunals.


The rats are bailing the Benyamin Netanyahu ship. War Cabinet Minister Benny Gantz, a former defense minister and former IDF chief of staff Gadi Eisenkot and Yechiel Tropper, a member of the Knesset & a close confidant of Gantz all just resigned from the Satanyahu regime.



Soon the truth of the crimes of the Synagogue of Satan will be known to all.


For example, at the funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben-Iudah in 1869 Rabbi Reichorn delivered the following statement: “Thanks to the terrible power of our international banks, we have forced Christians into numerous wars. Wars have a special value for Jews because Christians sacrifice themselves to each other and make more space for us, Jews. Wars are the Jewish harvest, and Jewish banks are fattened by Christian wars. Over 100,000,000 Christians have been wiped out from the face of the earth by war, and it is not over yet.” Synagogue of Satan p. 37


The reeducation of the people will follow the fall of the Satanists, As the clip below illustrates the US school system has been owned by bankers like the Rothschilds, JP Morgan and the Rockefellers for over a century.


The truth is about to set the sheeple free.


As an example of what free people do instead of wage useless wars, take a look at the massive tree-planting movement taking root in Africa. Thousands of farmers are ditching barren fields for lush, diverse forest gardens that feed families, improve the soil, and expand tree cover. This is part of the African Union’s Great Green Wall initiative, an epic 8,000-kilometer (roughly 5,000-mile) barrier of vegetation that holds back the encroaching desert. According to the Guardian, “This will be the largest natural structure on the planet.”



That is just a small taste of the sort of things humans will be doing once they are allowed to plan their own future instead of being herded into oblivion by Satanists.


Once the West is cured of its Satanic infection, it will make up for all evil done in its name. We will soon be reaching for the stars.



CN — LARRY ROMANOFF: 美国-世界上的恶霸


America – The World’s Bully


作者:拉里·罗曼诺夫 /By Larry Romanoff



中文        英语      罗马尼亚


伊朗石油与美国银行体系/Iranian Oil & The US Banking System 

瑞士银行体系/The Swiss Banking System

日元与广场协议/The Japanese Yen and The Plaza Accord

人民币汇率/The RMB Exchange Rate

国际融资/International Financing

金融评级机构/The Financial Rating Agencies

银行卡支付系统/Bank Card Payment Systems

俄罗斯艺术/Russian Art

欧洲伽利略全球定位系统/Europe’s Galileo GPS System

你的是我的/What’s Yours is Mine

加拿大软木木材工业/Canada’s Softwood Lumber Industry

加拿大西北通道/Canada’s Northwest Passage

美国式大米营销/Rice Marketing, American Style

冲绳美军基地/US Military Bases in Okinawa

我可以起诉你,但你不能起诉我/I Can Sue You, But You Can’t Sue Me

会计准则和程序/Accounting Standards and Procedures

法国驻贝尔格莱德大使馆/French Embassy in Belgrade

航空公司乘客信息/Airline passenger information

美英引渡条约/US-UK Extradition Treaty

如果你不和我们在一起,你就反对我们/If You’re Not With us, You’re Against us



美国-世界上的恶霸 /America – The World’s Bully



In an article in the Dallas Morning News, Robert Jensen wrote, “In the debate about US war, the question often pops up: Should the United States be the world’s policeman? This is a case where the answer doesn’t matter, because it is the wrong question. The United States isn’t offering to be the world’s cop; US officials are acting as the world’s bully. The role of police is to uphold the law, but police don’t boast that they will respect only those laws they decide to respect. All this talk about being the world’s policeman helps obscure a simple reality: US policy-makers routinely ignore international law and act as rogues”.

罗伯特·詹森(Robert Jensen)在《达拉斯晨报》(Dallas Morning News)的一篇文章中写道,“在关于美国战争的辩论中,经常会出现这样一个问题:美国应该成为世界警察吗?在这种情况下,答案并不重要,因为这是一个错误的问题。美国没有提出要成为世界警察;美国官员充当世界恶霸。警察的角色是维护法律,但警察不会吹嘘他们只会尊重他们决定尊重的法律。所有这些关于成为世界警察的言论都掩盖了一个简单的现实:美国决策者经常无视国际法,充当无赖”。  

America has always been a bully, realising its expansionist and commercial achievements by force or threats of force. When settlers first arrived in the Americas, they began by exterminating the indigenous populations, and continued to take whatever they wanted from that time on. The US fabricated excuses for wars with Mexico and Spain, and claimed half of Mexico, including what are now the states of California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Texas, and New Mexico. From Spain, they took Cuba, Puerto Rico, The Philippines, Guam and the Caroline Islands. “Americans appear convinced that they have a God-given right, a destiny granted to them by their God, to simply take by threat or force whatever it is they desire.” This accurately describes US foreign policy since the days of the founding of the Republic, with no change for 200 years. Even worse, the Americans have always been afraid to attack strong nations, typically attacking only those with no ability to defend themselves, or states like Iraq which were weakened by decades of sanctions.


Americans are viewed as arrogant, selfish bullies…



A majority of the world’s people regard America as a bully. In an international poll conducted in 2013, 20 nations representing two-thirds of the world’s population were strongly anti-American. The majority of the population in 15 of 19 nations saw the US as constantly bullying nations with military threats and the majority of people in 17 of 19 nations saw the US as totally ignoring international law. As one American wrote, “America wants to run the world. America will decide who lives and who dies, who rules and who is ruled, which regimes shall stand and which shall be changed. Not surprisingly, a lot of people aren’t too happy about this. The US is an international bully who cares only about its ‘national interest’ and couldn’t care less who gets hurt in the process. We are viewed as arrogant, selfish bullies.” Another American offered this gem: “everyone you trash on the way up will be waiting for you on the way down”. And they will indeed. When airliners crashed into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on 9-11, people in many countries cheered and in some nations were dancing in the streets. Many felt “it’s about time someone gave the US a taste of their own medicine”. The American media totally censored all such sentiments.



News reporters claim it is not unusual today for Americans to be booed at conferences of many kinds. In a major international conference in Australia, China’s President Xi Jinping was heavily applauded while US President Obama received only loud boos and jeering. A journalist with the state TV network in South Africa spoke for many when he said of the US: “I think a lot of people just see a greedy bully”. When ABC News consulted journalists around the world about the way the United States is perceived, the theme repeatedly stated was that the US is concerned only by its own narrow interests and has no consideration for other nations. US State Department officials were sufficiently concerned about growing anti-American sentiment worldwide that they held a private conference to discuss the topic, but it was clear the Americans wanted only to manage public perception, with no intention of changing their underlying behavior.



The range of circumstances where the Americans threaten and bully other nations is virtually all-encompassing. US accounting “standards” are the only sensible ones, so the entire world should be bullied into adopting them. The US judicial and legal systems, the unregulated and destructive financial system, US-designed regulations in food additives and labeling, are all increasingly being forced upon the world. The US government has been bullying and threatening nations in Europe and Asia for decades now to accept US-produced GM seed. Aggressive American IP standards, unacceptable to many other nations in their format and details, form a major portion of the recently-proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership, and were a clear attempt to bully Pacific nations into accepting a colonial master’s control of this entire vital area with no concern for the standards of other nations, intended only to enshrine into treaties the vast tapestry of American violations of the IP of others.



All of these areas are part of a widespread attempt to forcibly impose American so-called standards upon the world. The US comprises only about 4% of the world’s population, but increasingly American products, standards, regulations, systems, so-called “values”, and ways of doing things, are being forced onto the remaining 96% of the world that does not want them, using diplomatic and financial pressure and even threats of military force. And, as we will see, the Americans are not at all reluctant to bully other nations into do their bullying for them.



America has no ‘friends’ in the common usage of that word, and will bully and threaten friends and enemies equally. There is no safety in being a ‘friend’ of the US, as Canada, the UK, Germany and Japan and many other non-Western nations have learned. The only operating concept is what the Americans define as their “national interest”. We have not yet had an instance of the US launching a military invasion against a Western so-called friend, but that is only because bullying has so far been sufficient. It may not always be so.



伊朗石油与美国银行体系/Iranian Oil & The US Banking System


Jask Port, Iran.



In 2012, US President Obama signed into law a new provision that the US must cut off a country’s financial institutions from the American banking system if that country continues to purchase crude oil from Iran. Some countries were offered a waiver from these measures because they had, as a result of prior American bullying, “significantly reduced” their oil purchases from Iran. The US has no hesitation in dictating to the nations of the world a list of the countries with which they are “permitted” to do business.



One recent example relates to the sudden frenzied attacks in 2013 and 2014 by the US Justice Department on foreign banks operating in the US, on the pretext of financing terrorism or encouraging “tax evasion”. These banks may or may not have assisted American citizens in avoiding tax but there was absolutely no evidence of involvement in financing terrorism. The truth was rather different and, while the US media refused to touch the issue, it was only foreign banks that were being targeted while Citibank and Goldman Sachs were outstandingly conspicuous by their absence in this frenzy, and indeed many politicians and others questioned the peculiar selection of banking victims. The truth emerged, though again the US government and media totally censored the facts, when documents were discovered to prove that US officials, working through the New York prosecutor’s office, had begun moves to cancel Standard Chartered’s US business license, an act which would have been potentially fatal to the bank’s survival. The reason was Iran, specifically that the US government, following its instructions from Israel and the Jewish lobby, wanted to financially isolate and bankrupt Iran in preparation for another US-sponsored revolution, an agenda some foreign banks, including Standard Chartered, did not share.



To give you an appreciation of how reporters spin events and the media create history that never existed, both parties covering up government crimes in the process, we can consider the article The Financial Times’ Andrew Hill wrote on the Standard Chartered issue. At the time, he was writing on the apology given by Apple’s Tim Cook to China for violating laws and cheating customers, acts Hill dismissed as a clever non-apology. Hill began his commentary with this statement:



“For a better example of contrition in the face of government pressure, take a look at the abject statement of apology the Chairman of Standard Chartered had to write after making remarks relating to the bank’s breaches of US sanctions rules that he admitted were “both legally and factually incorrect”.



Hill then printed the abject apology in full, in which the bank official admitted to willfully avoiding US financial sanctions on Iran. The conclusion we are to draw from Hill’s article is that the Chairman of Standard Chartered sincerely apologised for deliberate great wrongs of the bank while Tim Cook apologised insincerely for no wrongs committed by Apple. However, the truth was rather different. Tim Cook did indeed apologise insincerely for genuine wrongs and illegal acts committed by Apple, while the bank apologised very sincerely (and fearfully, I would add) for having done nothing wrong. Why would the bank do that? Well, here is the story behind the story, the part the Financial Times and Andrew Hill did not want to tell you:



Benjamin Lawsky. Source



Benjamin Lawsky, the Jew at the head of America’s New York Financial Services division claimed that when warned to cease dealings with Iran, a Standard Chartered executive replied: You f—ing Americans. Who are you to tell us, the rest of the world, that we’re not going to deal with Iranians.” That was when Lawsky decided, entirely outside the law, to revoke the bank’s business license, and it was only from extensive pleadings at the highest government levels that the bank was saved. And, of course, by the “abject apology” issued by the bank’s Chairman. This is a perfect example of how freely the Americans will bully anyone, with no regard whatever for law or justice, or even reason. But it is also a perfect example of how the public are duped by the media, with government crimes, atrocities, bullying, all manner of illegal acts buried in articles containing false statements or false impressions while omitting the crucial details. And, in so many cases, blaming the victim. According to Hill and the Financial Times, Apple was angelic while Standard Chartered was bad, but the truth was entirely the opposite of the spin. And I would repeat yet again that the only value in freedom of speech depends on having control of the microphone.

美国纽约金融服务部门负责人、犹太人本杰明·劳斯基(Benjamin Lawsky)声称,当被警告停止与伊朗的交易时,渣打银行一名高管回答说:你们这些美国人。你们是谁告诉我们世界其他地方我们不会与伊朗交道。在那时,劳斯基完全在法律之外决定吊销该银行的营业执照,只有在政府最高级别的广泛恳求下,该银行才得以挽救当然,还有该银行董事长发表的“卑鄙的道歉”这是一个完美的例子,表明美国人会多么自由地欺负任何人,而不考虑法律、正义,甚至理由但这也是一个完美的例子,说明公众是如何被媒体欺骗的,政府犯罪、暴行、欺凌,以及各种非法行为都隐藏在包含虚假陈述或虚假印象的文章中,而忽略了关键细节。而且,在很多情况下,指责受害者。根据希尔和英国《金融时报》的报道,苹果是天使般的,而渣打银行则是糟糕的,但事实恰恰相反。我要再次重申,言论自由的唯一价值取决于对麦克风的控制。


One happy postscript to these events resulted from a UK courtroom. The Americans weren’t satisfied with their own leverage in bullying Iran with financial sanctions, but bullied the UK government to adopt the same illegal tactics. In the event, the Iranians sued the UK government in the European Court of Justice, claiming that sanctions employed against them by the UK were ‘wrongly imposed‘, and the court agreed, leaving the UK facing a potential bill of $4bn in damages for being the Americans’ poodle once too often. A few more of these, and the British might learn their lesson and begin ignoring the Americans – who absolutely will not pay their court bill for them. But then the Americans had to pay their own damages for this one illegality since Iran also sued the US government. In the Autumn of 2016, it was revealed that Iran had succeeded in its lawsuit against the US for the illegal confiscation and freezing of Iranian bank assets in the US, with reports that planeloads of cash totaling nearly $2 billion had been flown to Iran from the US in settlement of Iran’s claims. Officials of the Treasury Department attempted to put the best light on these refunds, stating they were “necessitated by the effectiveness of U.S. and international sanctions regimes over the last several years in isolating Iran from the international financial system. In other words, our great success in stealing your money made it necessary for us to return it. Does that make sense to you? No, me neither, but then this is America and things are different here. However, the real issue was that Obama and other White House officials admitted they were on the verge of losing the lawsuit and would have been liable for as much as $10 billion to Iran because of accrued interest, so they panicked and filled airplanes with cash in the hopes of appeasing Iran.



The US also applied so-called “sanctions” against Iran for blocking seditious US broadcasts into the country, freezing or confiscating all of Iran’s assets in Western countries, obviously with the compliance of its Western allies. But in their vindictiveness the Americans extend a much longer reach that includes any nations, persons or corporations dealing with Iran. The US threatened to apply financial sanctions against China for purchasing Iranian oil, including cutting off access to the US financial system by the Chinese government and all Chinese corporations, and levied fines against a Chinese bank for having transactions with Iran. Any corporations anywhere in the world that do business with Iran are automatically targeted for “punishment”, as are their respective governments. If an African firm engages in commerce with Iran, the US will attempt to seize that firm’s assets anywhere in the world, in complete violation of all laws, and will threaten economic sanctions against that firm’s government as well. If any of these firms have operations, staff or assets in the US, the Americans will simply seize the assets and file criminal charges against the staff on some fabricated basis of ‘trading with the enemy’. If assets exist in other Western nations, the US will bully those countries to freeze or seize all assets, simply on the basis that the US wants to starve Iran into submission and expects compliant assistance from the rest of the world.


In fact, the US tried for years to force foreign banks to assist in its efforts to throttle Iran’s economy, but the banks were loath to abandon profitable business solely for US political objectives and with no benefit to them. Finally, the US government abandoned all pretense at playing by any rules or following any suggestion of law, by arbitrarily levying billions of dollars in “fines” for those banks refusing to sever all ties with Iran. Lloyds Bank was fined almost US$350 million, and Deutsche Bank and one or two others paid US$620 million, to be followed by a long list of others. A Chinese bank was included with a so-called “fine” of about US$150 million, followed by threats that all Chinese firms especially including the major Chinese oil companies would be barred from any access to the US banking system. And in fact, the US government made many prior attempts in secret to bully its banks into refusing to deal with Chinese companies.


瑞士银行体系/The Swiss Banking System


For decades, the US has refused to accept rules or laws of any nation that didn’t correspond to the American best interest or didn’t permit Americans full access to whatever they wanted. One of these areas was Switzerland’s banking system and related laws that were founded on privacy and security. The US without success bullied Switzerland and its banks for years, demanding access to account information, and finally discovered an approach that worked. Under a pretense of (a) seeking those avoiding US income taxes and (b) locating those who fund “terrorism“, the Americans began a coordinated prosecutorial and judicial offensive, targeting Swiss banks resident in the US, levying huge fines and threatening their entire investment base in the US. Under the onslaught, and to shield the remainder of its 300 or so banks from US prosecution, the Swiss government was finally forced to amend its secrecy laws to permit US government agencies full access to account data. Those who believe the US has an “independent judiciary” might care to re-think that position.


日元与广场协议/The Japanese Yen and The Plaza Accord


In 1985, cabinet-level financial officials from several countries fashioned the Plaza Accord to moderate currency movements. From left, Gerhard Stoltenberg of West Germany, Pierre Beregovoy of France, James A. Baker of the United States, Nigel Lawson of Britain and Noboru Takeshita of Japan. CreditFred R. Conrad/The New York Times. Source



By the 1980s, Japan had become a severe concern to US commerce, having entered most US industrial sectors with higher quality, better design and engineering and often more attractive prices. Many major US corporations were losing market share and hemorrhaging red ink with no sign of relief, and the US was running high trade deficits as well. After years of exerting mostly unsuccessful bullying pressure on Japan for export restraints, the US turned its attention to prying open what it viewed as a closed Japanese market. Largely failing here as well, the US then directed its focus on forcing Japan to renovate its economy on a macro level, including extortionate attempts to affect Japanese domestic savings and investment balances. Failing in these efforts as well, the US eventually found an ideal solution: The Americans forced Japan to accept a revaluation of the Japanese Yen – the famous “Plaza Accord”as a result of which the Yen nearly tripled in only a few years, crippling Japan’s economy – a condition from which it has never recovered.



人民币汇率/The RMB Exchange Rate



As with Japan, when the US found itself hopelessly outclassed by China’s manufacturing efficiency and prices and, experiencing increasing trade deficits with China, it mounted an almost overwhelming campaign of pressure and propaganda in attempts to force China to revalue the RMB upward, by at least 25% to 40%. US politicians and officials from the President and State Department to the US Embassies and MNCs, AmCham and many other American groups all jumped onto this same wagon and rode it for years. The US media continued an incessant onslaught of carping criticism of China’s currency policies, noting in detail all manner of economic and political threats the US government held in hand to force China to effectively commit economic suicide in order to preserve US economic supremacy. The volume and strength of the pressure was truly astonishing, as was its consistency and duration. It continued without letup for years, with a concerted and coordinated effort by all US newspapers, columnists, reporters and others, all working to pressure China into relenting. Possibly the worst of this emanated from the Jew Paul Krugman, the fake Nobel Economics prize winner, the NYT’s “Renminbi Rambo”. Among his many flagrantly dishonest articles, Krugman claimed at one point that China was executing “the greatest currency manipulation in history”, or words to that effect – while the US was engaged in its QE1, 2 and 3, which was in reality “the greatest currency manipulation in history”.


It is a great tribute to the strength and maturity of China’s Central Government that it did not capitulate to the Americans in this years-long dishonest and repugnant bullying crusade to derail China’s economy and development. And in the end, the Americans were forced by circumstances to admit that China’s RMB had never been substantially over-valued. A continued effort would have served only to further discredit US politicians and officials as it did so many American economists like Krugman – one of the more foolishly vocal proponents of this insane policy.



国际融资/International Financing



In 2016, Russia planned to issue about $3 billion in foreign bonds, its first international issue in several years, and invited a flock of European and Chinese banks to bid on the bonds. But at the time, the Jews controlling the White House were irritated at Russia for frustrating their recent attempts to take over the government of the Ukraine and Russia’s Crimean military base. Therefore, the State Department servants went immediately to work, warning American banks against participating in Russia’s “politically risky” bond deal, with implied threats that failure to comply could be dangerous to their health. But the commissions on $3 billion are much more than nothing, and the American banks were reported to be “weighing their options” in spite of the threats. Of course, the US attempted to put pressure on the European banks as well, with the same veiled threats to their financial health in the US market if they dared disobey the Imperial Master. The State Department also issued an additional warning of reputational risks to any bank daring to return to business as usual with Russia”.


A bit earlier, in 2014, all foreign banks were ordered! to cooperate with the US Treasury department – in any way demanded, even if that cooperation were against the laws of their own country – to help identify foreigners with large amounts of cash. The pretense was that some of these individuals might owe taxes to the US, but there was no documentation to support that claim, nor would such evidence be presented due to concerns of “privacy and national security”. The US Treasury was simply on a fishing trip, for reasons unclear at the time. For the foreign banks, failure to comply – with actions that were in most cases clearly illegal – would result in an arbitrary 30% withholding tax on all their banking profits in the US. A French official said, “That’s shocking, how can they do that?” One foreign banker said, “There is no reciprocity, it’s a one-way street. It really is financial imperialism on the part of the USA”. The US simply passed a law stating that about 100,000 foreign financial institutions in more than 100 countries were “required to report” to the US Treasury whatever information was requested. But of course, as with virtually all actions by the Americans, this one is also a one-way street; the US has very firm laws that prohibit US banks from providing any information to foreign governments, even on their own foreign citizens.


Perhaps the best example was in 2015 when Britain (and almost everybody else) rushed to sign up as founding members of the new China-sponsored Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). In the event, every country of consequence signed up – except for the Americans, who would self-immolate before joining anything where China was leading, leaving the US out in the cold. The Americans, in a public statement that must surely have had thousands of government officials all over the world rolling on the floor in laughter, raised concerns about whether this China-led body “would meet the standards of the World Bank”. From the UK Guardian: “The US administration made clear in no uncertain terms its displeasure about Osborne’s decision to join the AIIB. A US official told the Financial Times: “We are wary about a trend toward constant accommodation of China, which is not the best way to engage a rising power.” Naturally, the American way of dealing with “a rising power” is to attempt to destroy it, but here are the British eager to join the club. The US also fretted that China might have some control over the bank’s activities, a reasonable assumption since China was making by far the largest investment, but the Americans failed to mention the control stranglehold they have on the World Bank. For those who don’t know, the World Bank’s regulations require an 85% majority to permit changes, but the US holds a 17% stake, meaning it has an absolute veto and full control, in spite of the fact that its financial contribution is limited. The Americans did launch a frantic worldwide campaign (that included veiled threats) to discourage all countries from participating, but to no avail. In the end, the best they could do was make pathetic, miffed noises about how this new institution should “incorporate the high standards of the World Bank“, a vain hope since the World Bank’s only standard is the bleeding of underdeveloped countries.


金融评级机构/The Financial Rating Agencies



Another favorite US method of bullying nations financially to ensure compliance with the Imperial Prerogative is by using the American securities rating agencies like Moody’s as tools of extortion, to the point where these rating agencies have lost all reliability in their field and are seen primarily as extortion tools of the US State Department to ensure American political domination. Moody’s, Fitch, and Standard & Poor, most often coordinate their activities, often to the chagrin of weaker nations. One of their methods, whenever a country – friend or foe – dares disobey the imperial hegemon – that country will suddenly discover its securities have suddenly fallen several categories in the financial rankings, and downgraded from positive or stable to negative, thereby increasing their financing costs – often from US banks, by significant margins. Since these three firms control about 95% of the international ratings markets, their influence is substantial, even though their methods and ethics have become increasingly questionable.


To say these firms operate with a double standard is to badly underestimate the frauds involved. When Enron and other US firms were only days from bankruptcy, their ratings were still high, serving only to eviscerate all the trusting small investors who believed what they were told. Prior to the 2008 financial collapse, Moody’s rated the weakest and most dangerous American firms and securities at the highest levels, maintaining those ratings right through the collapse. More recently, Moody’s rated Greece at a level that was truly laughable, given that Greece was a financial basket case, at the time possibly only weeks from bankruptcy and an exit from the Euro. Yet in early 2016, Moody’s suddenly downgraded China’s debt ratings while reducing its category from stable to negative – at the same time having done precisely the opposite for Greece, apparently claiming that country’s economy was much more stable and reliable than was China’s. However, in this case, Moody’s wasted their time. China’s Finance Minister shrugged off both Moody’s and their ratings, stating that “We don’t care much about the ratings”, and noting that both the international and domestic financial markets ignored Moody’s completely. The impetus for the change in rankings was the insistence of the Jews controlling the White House to force China to carry out huge economic reforms that would both benefit American (and Jewish) firms and destroy China’s economy, such measures including the disposition of the assets of all Chinese state-owned companies to US firms, and a permanent closure of much of China’s development infrastructure including steel mills, aluminum smelters and more. When China once again refused to commit economic suicide to please the Americans, they employed Moody’s as a tool in the hope of damaging China’s international financial reputation and greatly increasing China’s financing costs. Fortunately, they failed.


Moody’s is also not beyond serious criminal extortion, accompanied by the full protection of the US State Department. At one point, according to an article in Huanqiu, “Moody’s once bullied a German insurance giant, Hannover Re, by offering free rating services and seeking future paid services. When Hannover Re refused, Moody’s rated the company anyway and kept the rating very low for two years in a row. As Hannover Re continued refusing to pay, Moody’s suddenly downgraded Hannover Re to the lowest rating, causing a massive stock dump and forcing the company to sign a contract with Moody’s and accept its rating services.”



银行卡支付系统/Bank Card Payment Systems



The issue here is that China has developed a national system to facilitate the use of bank-issued debit and credit cards, unsurprisingly a system designed to reflect China’s standards. Also unsurprisingly, China’s UnionPay network was designed to operate according to these national requirements. These standards govern the methods and the electronic language by which these cards function, including the encryption methods and proprietary standards as well as the rapid development of chip-enhanced smart cards which are much safer for consumers than are the magnetic-strip cards used in the US. Naturally, the Americans are displeased that China should be so bold as to dare to define the standards to be used within its own banking system, and are demanding that China “open up” its clearing service market to American banks, meaning that China should abandon its clearing systems in their entirety and adopt the American version.


In an article in late 2014, Caixin, the China mouthpiece of the US Chamber of Commerce (AmCham), wrote a long article ostensibly by staff reporters Li Xiaoxiao and Zhang Yuzhe, indirectly condemning China for this apparent anti-world progress attitude and gleefully suggesting China might experience “the sting of a legal slap from the WTO“. Caixin whines that while China’s standards are used by UnionPay, they are “incompatible” with those of VISA and MasterCard, which is of course contrary to the will of God and therefore an abomination. According to Caixin, Critics of the standards have accused the government of using the standards as technical barriers designed to protect UnionPay’s market position”, quietly forgetting that precisely the same environment exists in the US where American standards are in fact “technical barriers” that function primarily to protect US businesses from competition.


One (probably non-existent) “VISA technician” who naturally “asked to remain anonymous“, said “Ideally there should be one unified standard“, without noting that this ‘standard’ should of course be the American one, the systems of all other nations being replaced with the American system to facilitate their financial colonisation. Another (probably fictitious) source, this one at MasterCard, apparently said “When various interests have different interests, the government needs to find a balance“, again without noting that this ‘balance‘ would be the adoption of the US system. According to Caixin, “another source at MasterCard who also asked not to be named, said industry standards in every country should treat all companies with impartiality“. Caixin tells us that “MasterCard officials have no problem with the Chinese government’s interest in developing standards of its own“, but what isn’t fair is that the Chinese standards match what UnionPay uses instead of what VISA and MasterCard use. Therefore, by using its own standards and systems, China is “giving Chinese competitors a clear advantage“, and of course this isn’t “fair“. Unspoken in all of this is of course the clear fact that any foreign company wanting to enter the US must entirely adopt the American systems. The US would never consider revamping its banking or any other systems or regulations to ease the entry of foreign firms. None of these media commenters care to point out that if you want to do business in the US, you do it their way or not at all, but this rule is apparently automatically voided when the Americans want to come to your country.


In real life, there is nothing either sinister or unfair about China’s actions with respect to bank cards, nor are preference or protection being given to either UnionPay or other Chinese firms. Li Xiaofeng, a central bank official, said “Any company that issues bank cards denominated in yuan should be required to follow China’s standards for the industry. Opening up the clearing service market does not mean we have to give up self-developed, proprietary standards or cater to foreign bank card companies by using their standards. All foreign and domestic card organizations will be treated the same (in China). There will be no separate standards for foreign companies“. An official at China’s central bank said, “Every country has its own clearing system, and China should have its own. It does not have to follow the standards of Visa and MasterCard.” But according to our AmCham apologist Caixin, “non-Chinese bank card companies are hitting bumps” while trying to expand their international reach into China, because they must adapt to China’s systems and base their clearing facilities inside the country – the same requirements as exist in the US, though we don’t hear Caixin sobbing for the fate of Chinese companies trying to operate in America. It would be appropriate to wonder why not. And in fact, UnionPay has been treated unfairly outside China. In one case, Visa ordered all merchants using its POS card machines outside China to stop routing transactions through UnionPay, meaning that all Visa and MasterCard cards issued in China must be cleared in US dollars rather than yuan.



欧洲伽利略全球定位系统/Europe’s Galileo GPS System


Another key feature is a service allowing rescuers to locate people lost at sea or in the mountains much faster than before. Currently, satnav technology can take up to three hours to track a person to within a 10-kilometre (six-mile) range. “With Galileo’s Search and Rescue Service, the detection time is reduced to 10 minutes and the localisation is reduced to less than five kilometres,” Caudet told AFP. Source



GPS was very much a war-based technology. The original US GPS was designed as a two-tier military system that would provide high-precision location signals to US military users, and be made available at a degraded capacity for civilian and foreign military use. It was designed with the capability to limit signal strength or completely block transmission while still supplying precise signals to the US military, and also with a clever feature whereby GPS position information could be made significantly inaccurate at will, thereby eliminating its value to anyone but the US military. Therefore, in 1999, the European Union devised plans for an independent European system – Galileo – a new generation of technology, far more precise and accurate than the American technology and that would be not be subject to the vagaries of US military and political control. The EU’s position was that Galileo was a neutral technology, not military, and would be made available equally to all nations and users. EU officials fought hard against American demands to change their original plans for the system.


The Americans’ prime concern was to maintain GPS capability while denying it to other nations but Galileo would have rendered this impossible. It would not only have been better than the US system in all respects, but the US would have lost not only global dominance but the invaluable battlefield advantage of denying GPS signals to the enemy. Being determined to “level the playing field” by having sole military control of all GPS signals in the world, and faced with European refusal to budge, the Americans informed the EU that if they launched any GPS satellites under the Galileo system, the US would shoot them all down. And, the Europeans, cowardly and unwilling to call the bully’s bluff, capitulated, and agreed to a different modulation and frequency that would permit the US total control over both systems. It will forever be a shameful blot on the European escutcheon that they so weakly submitted to the Americans and killed one of the most socially useful projects of the century, solely to maintain American military supremacy. When completed, Galileo was two generations old and essentially useless. Not long after the EU capitulation to Washington, China severed its relationship with Galileo and decided to build its own Beidou GPS system which the Americans cannot control.


俄罗斯艺术/Russian Art



Russia has a collection of ancient Jewish religious literature that once belonged to a now-deceased rabbi with no heirs, and that has been in Russia’s possession for more than 100 years. But an unrelated Jewish organisation in the US wanted this collection and filed suit in a US court for its possession. The American court was happy to oblige, issuing a judgment that ordered Russia to surrender the literature forthwith, and further ordering Russia to pay this Jewish organisation $50,000 a day until the collection is received in the US. Russia has failed to comply, this failure of course providing justification for the Americans to ‘legally’ seize Russian assets in the US at the same rate of $50,000 a day.


Of course, the US has no legal jurisdiction whatever over Russia, but laws have never been of much concern to the Americans. The Magnitsky Act passed by Congress authorised US authorities to arrest and seize the assets of any Russian they place on a “We Don’t Like Him” list, without recourse to a court or indeed any law at all.



塞浦路斯银行存款/Bank Deposits in Cyprus



St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox church in Limassol. The Cypriot city is home to about 50,000 Russian speakers. Image: Kostas Pikoulas/NurPhoto via Getty Images. Source

利马索尔的圣尼古拉俄罗斯东正教教堂。塞浦路斯城市居住着大约50000名讲俄语的人。图片:Kostas Pikoulas/NurPhoto通过盖蒂图片社。来源


One example of this supra-national arrogance was in evidence during the financial crisis in Cyprus, where the international Jewish bankers seized billions in assets owned by the Russian state and Russian citizens, on a flimsy and illegal basis and without recourse. Cyprus was a favorite country for Russians to hold bank deposits, for various reasons, and this was one of the most astonishing asset seizures in history. The Cyprus government was indebted to a level where it was simply unable to repay its loans but instead of negotiating a compromise, the Jewish bankers, determined to obtain their pound of flesh, forced the government of Cyprus to cover its debt by raiding the personal bank accounts of its citizens, depleting them in amounts ranging from 30% to 80%. The bankers then used that agreement to further push the Cyprus government to raid all the bank accounts held in Cyprus by the Russian state and by Russian citizens, illegally seizing billions of dollars of Russian funds, and without recourse.


你的是我的/What’s Yours is Mine



In a surprising number of situations, the US government will simply ignore applicable law and seize any assets as either a negotiating tool or as extra-judicial punishment where it has no legal basis to resort to the courts. Several branches of the US government commonly resort to this seizure action to force cooperation, which is often successful since after the seizure, a defendant has no available assets to pay for legal counsel and risks total loss and imprisonment. Perhaps more damning, and certainly dirtier, the US government will often attempt to escape direct liability for its criminal activity by forcing American banks and foreign banks in the US to do their dirty work of this illegal sequestration or seizure. Many banks have complained of extortionate threats by various elements of the White House, compelling them to freeze or seize foreign-owned assets under the pretense of unspecified commercial justification. One might expect these actions would occasionally place the banks in a vulnerable legal position, but things are different in America: for one, no lawyers will accept these cases, especially not after receiving visits from either the Treasury Department or the FBI, and in any case the ‘independent‘ US judiciary will almost inevitably refuse to hear any cases involving seizures of foreign assets. This is called ‘rule of law’ in America.




One bullying tactic the US government increasingly displays in frightening amount is the extra-judicial seizure of the US assets of any company or nation it doesn’t like, without resort to criminal or civil judgments where such asset seizures might be legal. The US increasingly uses this pre-emptive illegal negotiating tool, (euphemistically called “sanctions”), often claiming with no substantiating evidence that the owner supports terrorism or “illegally” does business with countries the US doesn’t like. The US also bullies other nations into doing the same. When targeting a nation for regime change, the US will seize all that government’s assets in the US (and anywhere else) and provide them to the nation’s US-supported “insurgent group” which it magically recognises as “the real government“. Venezuela was one recent example where the US simply seized all that nation’s reserves on deposit, and other national assets, and pretended to give them to their choice of Venezuela’s fake “President”, a man not elected and not accepted by his own country. According to the US State Department, the effort to locate and freeze these assets is done with the intention of “draining the financial lifeblood” of individuals, companies or small nations that meet with Imperial disapproval. Many countries, like Canada and the UK, have been bullied into US-drafted legislation that directs them to freeze assets “upon the request of a foreign state” (read US). Both Canada and the UK tell us that “for reasons of privacy and commercial confidentiality“, they cannot provide details.


This is actually a much larger issue than appears above. The American Empire may be lacking in scruples, but certainly not in imagination or shame. In one recent case, the UK Guardian was compelled to sadly report that “A ‘Deeply concerned’ Obama imposed sanctions on Venezuelan officials” – by ordering the seizure of all assets in the US and anywhere else of a list of officials and legislators in Venezuela. Their sin? Officials of the Venezuelan government, with open defiance, were frustrating American attempts to destabilise and overthrow their government. They brazenly arrested US-sponsored agents and CIA operatives who were causing violence and political unrest. Even more recklessly, Venezuela dared to reveal the names of those individuals and document publicly their connections to the CIA and the State Department. Since most of this extraterritorial criminality and offense of sovereignty operated out of the US Embassy in Caracas on diplomatic passports, Venezuela also demanded the US reduce its diplomatic staff in the country by more than 80%, and gave the Americans only two weeks to comply. That was brave of them. In retaliation, the US State Department immediately (1) issued a travel ban on all officials of the government of Venezuela, forbidding them even to travel to the US to appear at UN meetings which are normally sacrosanct and protected from such cheap political interference; (2) Ordered the seizure of all assets held in the US – and elsewhere – by any and all officials and members of the government of Venezuela, whether personal, corporate or government. The official reason issued from the White House through Jacob Lew, Obama’s Jewish treasury secretary, was that Venezuela was “squandering financial resources by chasing American criminals“, wasting money “that could be invested in the Venezuelan people“. More than this, these actions of Venezuelan officials “undermine public trust in democratic institutions” and were of course “a violation of the human rights to which Venezuelan citizens are entitled“. No idea how, since Venezuela was ‘violating‘ only Americans. If you need a translation, this means the US has a right to freely interfere in the internal governmental and political affairs of any nation, to the extent of inciting violence and overthrowing the government, and any such victim government frustrating this Imperial interference is, at least according to the Americans, violating the human rights of its own citizens. And the Americans, protectors of the Venezuelan people by divine appointment, were compelled to take action by illegally seizing the total personal assets of every person in the Venezuelan government and preventing them from purchasing a ticket on any airline anywhere in the world. American rule of law at its finest.

这实际上是一个比上面看起来更大的问题。美利坚帝国可能缺乏顾忌,但肯定没有想象力或羞耻感。在最近的一个案例中,英国《卫报》不得不悲伤地报道称,“‘深切关注的奥巴马对委内瑞拉官员实施了制裁下令扣押委内瑞拉官员和立法者名单中在美国和其他任何地方的所有资产。他们的罪?委内瑞拉政府的官员公然反抗,挫败了美国破坏和推翻其政府的企图。他们明目张胆地逮捕了造成暴力和政治动荡的美国资助的特工和中央情报局特工。更为鲁莽的是,委内瑞拉敢于透露这些人的姓名,并公开记录他们与中央情报局和国务院的关系。由于大多数域外犯罪和主权侵犯行为都是在美国驻加拉加斯大使馆使用外交护照进行的,委内瑞拉还要求美国将其在该国的外交人员减少80%以上,并只给美国人两周的时间来遵守。他们真勇敢。作为报复,美国国务院立即(1)对委内瑞拉政府的所有官员发布了旅行禁令,甚至禁止他们前往美国出席联合国会议,这些会议通常是神圣不可侵犯的,受到保护,不受这种廉价政治干预;(2) 下令扣押委内瑞拉政府的任何官员和成员在美国和其他地方持有的所有资产,无论是个人、公司还是政府。白宫通过奥巴马的犹太财政部长雅各布·卢发布的官方理由是,委内瑞拉“通过追捕美国罪犯来浪费财政资源”,浪费了“可以投资于委内瑞拉人民的钱”。除此之外,委内瑞拉官员的这些行为“破坏了公众对民主机构的信任”,当然也是“侵犯委内瑞拉公民应有的人权”。不知道是怎么回事,因为委内瑞拉只“侵犯”了美国人。如果你需要翻译,这意味着美国有权自由干涉任何国家的政府内部和政治事务,甚至煽动暴力和推翻政府,而任何挫败帝国干涉的受害者政府,至少在美国人看来,都侵犯了本国公民的人权。美国人是委内瑞拉人民的神圣保护者,他们被迫采取行动,非法扣押委内瑞拉政府中每个人的全部个人资产,并阻止他们在世界任何地方购买任何航空公司的机票。美国最完善的法治。  

Following from the above, the US frequently resorts to rather childish and petty obstruction in the cause of its Imperial majesty. It will often refuse entry to the US for individuals travelling from disfavored nations to attend sessions of the United Nations or other such international obligations. The US frequently bullies many other nations to refuse travel visas for foreign officials from nations that transgress Imperial Directives, in all cases attempting to create a worldwide net of punishment. This is not a minor point. The State Department will use the facilities of the CIA to identify not only government officials but the members of their families, all relatives, and even personal friends, subjecting all to the same travel bans as well as credit card, banking, and other restrictions. The US media are generally aware of these practices but the topic is heavily censored and will appear nowhere. This is one of the prime sources of content for the Americans’ “no-fly” list, and why they refuse to release any information of the names on that list; the international political fallout would be fatal. Americans (and others) seem to believe the no-fly list contains only the names of American citizens who are potential terrorists presenting a danger to the flying public. You needn’t be very smart to realise this cannot possibly be true. Credible reports suggest that list contains more than one million names rather more than the number of terrorists in the US, who probably number between three and five on any given day, and all of which are resident in the White House.


The US has bullied many countries into refusing to host websites that are politically disagreeable to American ideology or that disclose embarrassing information. It bullied companies in all Western nations to refuse payment mechanisms that fund these websites, and pressured financial firms like PayPal, VISA and Mastercard to refuse to process payments.


The Americans bullied the UK government into demanding the Guardian newspaper destroy all its hard drives containing information leaked by Edward Snowden, and delivered open political and military threats to all nations likely to consider granting him asylum. In an almost surreal demonstration of aggressive stupidity, authoritative sources documented that US Vice-President Kerry issued a threat to Central and South American nations that if any of them did grant Snowden asylum, the US federal courts would file charges of drug trafficking against that nation’s consular officials in the US, and further that all petroleum deliveries to their nation would be halted. It bullied the Austrian government to force the emergency landing of a diplomatic aircraft in which it believed Snowden to be a passenger, in a blatant violation of all international law. In March of 2015, Glenn Greenwald wrote of the then-continuing saga of Edward Snowden, relating that at the time Germany’s Vice-Chancellor was asked publicly why Germany didn’t permit Snowden (who is dearly loved in Germany for revealing the extensive NSA espionage in their country) to obtain political asylum in Germany. According to international law, the act of granting asylum would automatically negate Snowden’s status as a fugitive from US justice, leaving him safe. But the Vice-Chancellor replied that the US had threatened Germany with various retaliations if they dared do such a thing. Germany backed down. The US has done this many times, mostly to nations that are seen as friends.

美国人胁迫英国政府要求报》销毁其所有包含爱德华·斯诺登泄露信息的硬盘,并向所有可能考虑给予他庇护的国家发出公开的政治和军事威胁。权威消息人士记录称,美国副总统克里向中美洲和南美洲国家发出威胁,如果其中任何国家真的给予斯诺登庇护,美国联邦法院将对该国驻美领事官员提起贩毒指控,并进一步停止向其国家运送所有石油。它胁迫奥地利政府强迫一架外交飞机紧急降落,并认为斯诺登是该飞机的乘客,这公然违反了所有国际法。2015年3月,格伦·格林沃尔德(Glenn Greenwald)写到了爱德华·斯诺登(Edward Snowden)当时仍在继续的传奇故事,称当时德国副总理被公开问及为什么德国不允许斯诺登(因揭露了美国国家安全局在德国的广泛间谍活动而深受德国爱戴)在德国获得政治庇护。根据国际法,给予庇护的行为将自动否定斯诺登作为美国司法逃犯的身份,使他安全无虞。但副总理回答说,如果德国胆敢这样做,美国已经威胁要进行各种报复。德国让步了。美国已经多次这样做,主要是针对被视为朋友的国家。  

加拿大软木木材工业/Canada’s Softwood Lumber Industry



There is another, and rather more disturbing, category of US bullying, that consists of deliberately attacking a nation’s companies to punish their government for refusing to comply with American colonial demands on virtually any issue. We have read of the US-engineered financial devastation of Canada’s softwood lumber industry, where the real issue was government-levied charges for timber rights. When offering lumber harvesting rights to an area of forest, the US government operates an auction where lumber companies bid for those rights. Canada follows a different pattern and levies an independently-decided flat fee. Because of this, the US charges are higher than those in Canada, raising US lumber costs and rendering the US lumber industry less competitive. When the US failed in its attempts to force Canada to adopt the American auction system, the Americans arbitrarily levied the massive and illegal “import duties” against the Canadian lumber firms, in fact punishing the firms for their government’s refusal to comply with American political demands. Moreover, the duties were paid not to the US government but to the American lumber companies, in fact and reality to “reimburse” them for their loss of profits “caused” by Canada having a different lumber fee system. Of course, all these actions were illegal as determined by the WTO and other trade organisations, and the WTO ruled that the US must refund to Canada more than $5 billion in fees. But the Americans refused, stating they would “negotiate” the refund with Canada. The Americans simply ignore any law that proves inconvenient.


加拿大西北通道/Canada’s Northwest Passage



The Northwest Passage is a sea route through the Arctic Ocean connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans along the northern coast of Canada through internal waterways among Canadian Arctic islands. Transit through this passage could save thousands of miles of travel for ships that are too large to transit the Panama Canal and must travel around the Southern tip of South America. The Canadian government, and all other nations, have always considered this passage and its waterways and islands as part of Canada’s internal waters, but the US has recently refused to accept Canada’s position, claiming the passage is an international waterway. A few years ago, Canada was outraged to discover that the US had sent its nuclear submarines through Canada’s Northern waters, even being so bold as to publish photos of the USS Charlotte surfaced at the North Pole. The American version of events is that Canada’s claims can be ignored unless Canada is prepared to invest heavily to defend its waters with military hardware. If you need a translation, this means Our warships will continue to violate your territory and sovereignty at will, unless and until you can build up a military infrastructure powerful enough to stop us.” With friends like this, Canada doesn’t need enemies.


美国式大米营销/Rice Marketing, American Style



I once saw part of an agreement presented to Japan by the US government for the purchase of 100,000 tons of American rice. In itself, this might not be unusual, but the contract had a provision prohibiting Japan from re-selling this rice on the open market. You didn’t need much of an imagination to connect the dots. The Japanese do not like American rice. They don’t care for the smell and they don’t like the taste. They won’t buy it, and they won’t eat it. On a prior occasion the US bullied Japan into purchasing a similar amount of American rice and, since it was worthless to the Japanese, they just quietly sold it off on the world markets – effectively competing with the US on their own product. This time the Americans were a bit smarter, inserting the prohibition against resale. Since the Japanese wouldn’t eat it, they could toss it into the ocean or feed it to the pigs, but the Americans would have their sale. State-sponsored marketing at its finest.


I have seen literally hundreds of examples of US trade bullying that cover most of the spectrum of human existence, many involving American-style marketing, but most of which fail to reach the eyes and ears of the media. The rice is actually a minor item compared to most. The US has bullied Japan on everything from aircraft purchases to banking – and not only Japan; the US bullies every nation. Without these gangster tactics, American exports might well fall to zero.


冲绳美军基地/US Military Bases in Okinawa



Japan has been bullied into accepting 50 military bases and about 50,000 US troops on Okinawa, which have been a constant source of friction for decades. Okinawa has threatened to secede more than once, because of the devastation to the islands. The residents also deeply resent the high crime rate of US troops and their immunity to local laws. More than one Japanese Prime Minister has come to power with a promise to mitigate the situation and remove some of the US bases, but in each case, he discovered himself quietly removed from power a short time later. Bullying at its finest, with little apparent concern for ‘democracy‘ or the will of the people, either.


The Japanese government has for years faced bitter complaints from the residents of the destructive effect of these bases to their environment and way of life. The problems have involved extreme noise pollution, contamination, huge areas littered with unexploded munitions from years of live-fire artillery practice, and the many complaints of rapes and murders by American servicemen. The problems are exacerbated by the base agreement that renders Americans immune to local laws, which means effective police action is almost never taken and that Okinawa officials have no more power to affect these matters than does the Japanese government itself.

多年来,日本政府一直面临着居民对这些基地对环境和生活方式的破坏性影响的强烈抱怨。这些问题涉及极端的噪音污染、污染、多年实弹射击练习中散落的大片未爆炸弹药,以及许多关于美国军人强奸和谋杀的投诉。基地协议使美国人不受当地法律的约束,这加剧了问题,这意味着几乎从未采取有效的警察行动,冲绳官员没有比日本政府本身更大的权力来影响这些事情。   我可以起诉你,但你不能起诉我/I Can Sue You, But You Can’t Sue Me  


At the time of writing, the European Union was negotiating an understanding with the US about the NSA’s surveillance, in part about stopping the spying but in part about the US complying with EU law and enabling legal redress in the US courts for Europeans whose rights may have been infringed. Viviane Reding, the EU’s justice and rights commissioner stressed that US concessions on legal redress were central to Brussels’ demands because Americans can go to the European courts if they feel their rights are infringed, but Europeans cannot do this in America.For two years I have asked for reciprocity,” said Reding. “I couldn’t get that. It needs a change of US legislation and the administration has always told me they couldn’t get that through.” The US has bullied all European nations to permit American citizens to use European courts for redress against European companies or governments, but has steadfastly refused to grant European citizens the right to sue American firms or the US government in America. Once again, as President Obama so clearly stated, “So long as the playing field is level, America will always win.

在撰写本文时,欧盟正在与美国谈判一项关于美国国家安全局监视的谅解,部分是关于停止间谍活动,但部分是关于美国遵守欧盟法律,并使权利可能受到侵犯的欧洲人能够在美国法院获得法律补救。欧盟司法和权利专员维维安·雷丁强调,美国在法律补救方面的让步是布鲁塞尔要求的核心,因为如果美国人觉得自己的权利受到侵犯,他们可以诉诸欧洲法院,但欧洲人不能在美国这样做。雷丁说:“两年来,我一直要求互惠互利。”。“我无法理解。这需要修改美国立法,而政府一直告诉我,他们无法通过。”美国一直欺负所有欧洲国家,允许美国公民利用欧洲法院对欧洲公司或政府进行赔偿,但一直拒绝授予欧洲公民起诉美国公司或美国政府的权利。正如奥巴马总统再次明确指出的那样,“只要竞争环境是公平的,美国将永远获胜。”   会计准则和程序/Accounting Standards and Procedures  


China has had a long-running dispute with the US over access to audit documents, where US regulators have been looking to forcibly export their accounting standards and regulations worldwide, the temperature escalating considerably in early 2014 when a US judge ruled that the Chinese sections of the Big Four accounting firms should be suspended from practicing in the United States, as punishment for lack of cooperation. In effect, the judge is bullying the Chinese accounting firms into compliance by threatening to remove their ability to sign off US audit reports, thereby eliminating their value to their clients and imposing potentially destructive losses of income, with the added pressure of causing grave difficulty for clients.


It is true that several Chinese companies listed on US stock exchanges have been embroiled in accounting scandals, and we cannot fault the SEC for wanting to delist troubled firms, but nations can have widely divergent laws and accounting regulations which require diplomatic rather than legal solutions. What is standard in one country may be unacceptable in another and, while the Americans are the leaders in vocal protestations about openness and transparency when it pleases them, they are also the leaders in invoking privacy or national security concerns in limiting precisely such transparency when it becomes inconvenient. It is absolutely true that if China demanded these documents whose release were illegal in the US, the Americans would tell China to go fly a kite. In particular with this accounting dispute is the SECs demand for working papers that are confidential under Chinese law, and with good reason. The information contained in those working papers involves rather more than supporting lists of numbers; full access to this content could be virtually priceless to a competitor and, hypocritical protestations notwithstanding, this book contains ample evidence that the US government has never held itself above such cheap tricks to aid the commercial success of its large firms. The SEC didn’t disclose the names of the firms in which it had an interest, but court documents revealed the nature of the businesses involved which, for example, included a Chinese solar panel manufacturer. The US government has made no secret of its intention to never yield solar cell supremacy to China, and access to the full range of audit work papers from Chinese manufacturers would be invaluable to an American firm.


Paul Gillis, yet another unbiased American Professor at Peking University, wrote “Ultimately, the only way this gets settled is if China agrees that companies that list in the US are subject to all US securities laws”. Maybe, but the question is not about US-listed companies being subject to all US laws, but about the US forcing their standards on other nations without regard for their position. And it must be said that this process should work in reverse; all US companies listed in or operating in China must then be subject to all Chinese law, but unfortunately they often decline, citing their primary obligation to American law. Gillis added, “For those companies that are too sensitive for that, like some large SOEs, China should pull their US listings”. In this case, I concur. Chinese firms should resist the temptation to list on US exchanges so long as Imperial Obeisance is part of the listing fee. There is no advantage to China to be bullied into colonisation. Why go where you’re not wanted?

北京大学另一位不偏不倚的美国教授保罗·吉利斯写道:“最终,解决这一问题的唯一途径是,中国同意在美国上市的公司必须遵守所有美国证券法。也许吧,但问题不在于美国上市公司受所有美国法律的约束,而在于美国不顾其他国家的立场,将其标准强加给其他国家。必须指出的是,这一过程应该反过来进行;所有在中国上市或在中国经营的美国公司都必须遵守所有中国法律,但不幸的是,它们经常拒绝,理由是它们对美国法律负有主要义务。Gillis补充道,对于那些对此过于敏感的公司比如一些大型国有企业中国应该取消在美国的上市。在这种情况下,我同意。只要帝国礼遇是上市费用的一部分,中国公司就应该抵制在美国交易所上市的诱惑。被胁迫去殖民对中国没有好处。为什么要去不需要你的地方?   中国驻贝尔格莱德大使馆/Chinese Embassy in Belgrade    

When President Reagan launched his 1986 bombing raid on Libya, France refused the use of its airspace to what was clearly an unjustified aggression, and forced the Americans to take a much longer route from airfields in the UK. When the US planes reached Libya, they made a point of dropping bombs so close to the French Embassy that the building was damaged, all windows blown out and all communications disabled. Just a friendly reminder. The US did the same with the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade as punishment for a lack of enthusiasm for the destruction of Yugoslavia.

里根总统1986年对利比亚发动轰炸时,法国拒绝使用其领空,这显然是一种不合理的侵略,并迫使美国人从英国的机场走更长的路线。当美国飞机抵达利比亚时,他们特意在离法国大使馆如此近的地方投掷炸弹,导致大楼受损,所有窗户都被炸飞,所有通信都被切断。只是一个友好的提醒。美国对中国驻贝尔格莱德大使馆也采取了同样的行动,作为对破坏南斯拉夫缺乏热情的惩罚。   航空公司乘客信息/Airline passenger information    

In its bid to own and control all information about every living person on earth, and under the pretense of looking for terrorists, the US demanded that all European nations provide data about passengers on flights originating in the European Union – which was against all European and international law. After a decade of bullying and refusals, the European Union finally relented and passed new laws to permit this invasion of privacy of their citizens. The US now receives 19 pieces of information on each passenger, including name, citizenship, passport, contact information, payment details, credit-card numbers, travel agency, itinerary and baggage information, and can retain them for up to 15 years.


And there’s more. Any airline flight passing over – or near – the US, even if not destined for America, must still hand over that same volume of information on every passenger or be refused transit through US-controlled airspace. It is also a certainty that compliant nations like Canada and Australia already provide this information without the knowledge of their citizens. The US is in the process of solidifying a database containing all details of all passengers flying every day on every airline in the world – and coordinating it with all data otherwise collected by the NSA, the CIA, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, mobile phones and more.


Even worse for some nations with servile Right-Wing governments like Canada and the UK, the US will have the power to determine the status of purely domestic passengers as well. This infringement on their sovereignty gives the United States unprecedented power about who can board planes, through a program that was never even discussed with, much less approved, by the Canadian or UK governments and which transfers the authority of screening passengers from domestic airlines directly to the US Department of Homeland Security. Canadian airlines were already checking their flight manifests against the US no-fly list, but now transfer all travelers’ personal information to US Homeland Security 72 hours before takeoff. The no-fly list is compiled by the FBI and contains the names of unknown hundreds of thousands of people the US government says should be denied flight privileges, in almost no cases due to concerns of terrorism. The US refuses to disclose either the names or the causes for inclusion on this list, as always claiming reasons of national security.” The danger now is that unknown persons in the DHS or other US agencies can maliciously place on their list anyone from any country, and prevent that person from ever boarding an airline again, even to fly within or leave his own country. In practice, it has proven virtually impossible to get one’s name removed from that list even in cases of simple error.

更糟糕的是,对于加拿大和英国等右翼政府卑躬屈膝的国家来说,美国也将有权决定纯国内乘客的身份。这种对其主权的侵犯赋予了美国前所未有的权力,决定谁可以登机,通过一项从未与加拿大或英国政府讨论过、更不用说批准过的计划,该计划将对国内航空公司乘客进行筛查的权力直接移交给美国国土安全部。加拿大航空公司已经根据美国禁飞名单检查了他们的航班清单,但现在在起飞前72小时将所有旅客的个人信息转移到美国国土安全部。禁飞名单由美国联邦调查局编制,其中包含数十万未知人员的姓名。美国政府表示,在几乎所有情况下,由于担心恐怖主义,这些人都应该被剥夺飞行特权美国拒绝透露名单上的姓名或原因,一如既往地声称是出于“国家安全”的原因。现在的危险是,国土安全部或其他美国机构中的不明身份者可能会恶意将任何国家的任何人列入名单,并阻止该人再次登上航空公司,甚至在自己的国家境内飞行或离开自己的国家。事实证明,即使在出现简单错误的情况下,也几乎不可能将自己的名字从名单中删除。   美英引渡条约/US-UK Extradition Treaty  

Demonstrators marked five years since the arrest of Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, last month outside Belmarsh Prison in London.Credit…David Cliff/Associated Press. Source

示威者纪念维基解密创始人朱利安·阿桑奇上个月在伦敦贝尔马什监狱外被捕五周年。信用David Cliff/美联社。来源


In the recent past, the UK was bullied by the Americans into executing an extradition treaty in which it agreed to extradite anyone from that country simply on the request of the US, with no evidence or documentation necessary, an agreement which had the direct effect of extending US legal jurisdiction into the UK. However, extradition in the reverse direction was much more complicated, requiring documented evidence of crimes. It seems that American lawyers drafted the agreement and simply forced their UK poodles to sign it. The UK is now experiencing deep regrets over the treaty, and wants to renege; the US objects. This will increasingly involve all nations, with or without extradition agreements which in any case are increasingly ignored. It is not comforting that US Justice Department’s Richard Downing recently warned that desired individuals (he claimed “international cyber-criminals”) are becoming more difficult to grab, claiming that “extradition difficulties and evidence-gathering are obstacles” to stopping them, “particularly in less technically-advanced countries“. What that means, is that the US will soon openly ignore all international rule of law and simply send in agents to surreptitiously kidnap and export anyone in any nation. All the signs point in this direction, and the US has no reputation for backing off such policies once implemented.

最近,美国胁迫英国签署了一项引渡条约,在该条约中,英国同意仅应美国的要求,在没有必要证据或文件的情况下,从该国引渡任何人,该协议具有将美国法律管辖权扩大到英国的直接效果。然而,反向引渡要复杂得多,需要有犯罪证据的文件。看来,美国律师起草了该协议,只是强迫他们的英国贵宾犬签署。英国现在对该条约深感遗憾,并想食言;美国反对。这将越来越多地涉及所有国家,无论是否有引渡协议,这些协议在任何情况下都越来越被忽视。令人不安的是,美国司法部的理查德·唐宁最近警告称,想要抓住的个人(他声称是“国际网络罪犯”)越来越难,并声称“引渡困难和证据收集是阻止他们的障碍”,“尤其是在技术不太先进的国家”。这意味着,美国很快将公开无视所有国际法治,只是派遣特工秘密绑架和出口任何国家的任何人。所有迹象都指向这个方向,而美国一旦实施此类政策,就没有退缩的名声。   如果你不和我们在一起,你就反对我们/If You’re Not With us, You’re Against us  


When the US doesn’t like someone, you aren’t permitted to like them either. When the US put Iran onto its list of countries slated for regime change, nobody was permitted to do business with Iran. Nobody. American firms and citizens of course would be fined and imprisoned since they were within easy reach. US firms operating outside the US were subject to the same restrictions. But the US also bullied European nations and corporations into avoiding Iran, threatening to seize their assets in the US and to file criminal charges against their US subsidiaries or preventing access to the US market for their products. With China, the US went an extra step and threatened to shut down all Chinese banks operating in the US and deny access to any part of the US financial system if China continued to buy oil from Iran. Of course, all these actions violate international law, but US legislators gave themselves permission to do so.


The US also imposed “sanctions” against several energy companies, including a Chinese firm, for selling refined petroleum products to Iran, and brought a criminal action against Chinese firm ZTE for selling telecom hardware to Iran. Even more, US government officials bullied an American law firm for defending ZTE in the US court, claiming the US firm valued money more than the “legitimate security concerns of the US government“, and demanded the law firm drop ZTE as a client, leaving us with a position where rapists, murderers, bank robbers and even US bankers and politicians are entitled to legal representation when charged with an offense, but Chinese firms have no such right. Of course, the US has no direct jurisdiction over Chinese companies, but will exploit any possible weakness to bully the firms into submission. And in practice, the more seriously the American government violates the legal rights of foreign companies or governments, the more intense the pressure they will place on lawyers to refrain from defending these cases. And, it appears, the more intense the pressures on the judges and courts to refuse to hear the cases. We can think back to Citibank’s gold robbery in China, and the concerted efforts by the White House, the Treasury, the US FED, and the courts, to ensure Citibank would never be called to account for its crimes. This is the same quality of fascist fear that existed during the McCarthy era, with a helpless public subjected to lawlessness, intimidation and extortion.


The Americans are notorious for gathering the support of allies in their constant petty political squabbles with other nations and also to support their bullying efforts against other nations. From a fear that China was taking over the world of communications and internet infrastructure, the US government, largely through Gary Locke, who was US Commerce Minister before being sent to China as US Ambassador, bullied the American Internet firms and ISPs to do no business with Huawei and ZTE. The American government also bullied Australia into rejecting Huawei’s participation in the country’s new Internet infrastructure, and exerted extreme political pressure on South Korea to avoid Huawei. The US bullied the European Union in the same way, threatening various reprisals if the Europeans disobeyed. When the US government banned all products from Chinese electronics firm Huawei, the Australian government concurrently announced a ban on Huawei participating in its proposed $36 billion high-speed Internet network, claiming a responsibility to “protect its integrity” from Chinese cyber-attacks. Australia reported considerable US political pressure to make this decision, as did many European nations. But they don’t stop there. When the Americans cannot compete with China, which today is almost all of the time, they turn their attention to spitefully damaging China’s international position and commercial products in any nation where they can exert diplomatic or military pressure to bully the local government. In Europe in 2016, the US bullied local governments and paid labor unions to conduct an anti-China street protest, hoping to have 5,000 people demonstrating against Chinese steel simply because Chinese firms can produce at lower cost.

美国人因在与其他国家不断的小政治争吵中获得盟友的支持,并支持他们对其他国家的欺凌行为而臭名昭著。由于担心中国正在接管世界的通信和互联网基础设施,美国政府主要通过骆家辉(Gary Locke)胁迫美国互联网公司和互联网服务提供商不与华为和中兴做生意。骆家辉在被派往中国担任美国大使之前曾任美国商务部长。美国政府还胁迫澳大利亚拒绝华为参与该国新的互联网基础设施建设,并向韩国施加极端政治压力,要求其避开华为。美国以同样的方式欺负欧盟,威胁如果欧洲人不服从,将进行各种报复。当美国政府禁止中国电子公司华为的所有产品时,澳大利亚政府同时宣布禁止华为参与其拟议的360亿美元高速互联网网络,声称有责任“保护其完整性”免受中国网络攻击。澳大利亚和许多欧洲国家一样,报告称美国施加了巨大的政治压力,要求做出这一决定。但它们并不止于此。当美国人无法与中国竞争时(今天几乎所有时候都是这样),他们会将注意力转向恶意损害中国在任何国家的国际地位和商业产品,在这些国家,他们可以施加外交或军事压力来欺负当地政府。2016年,在欧洲,美国欺负地方政府,并付钱给工会进行反华街头抗议,希望有5000人示威反对中国钢铁,因为中国公司可以以更低的成本生产。

They did the same with solar (photo-voltaic) panels, bullying all US firms to reject Chinese products and levying punitive tariffs on imports, then proceeded to bully the Europeans into doing the same, again threatening reprisals if the Europeans failed to obey, in a pathetic and juvenile attempt to damage China’s worldwide supremacy in solar energy. The US levied enormous and unconscionable duties of nearly 350% on Chinese solar panels, in clear violation of all international rules, then bullied the EU and other Western nations to do the same. Almost inevitably the Americans will attempt to bully all the Western countries, and many undeveloped nations as well, to initiate similar tariffs, in clearly deliberate attempts to completely destroy industries in other nations that are more efficient than American firms. They have done the same for decades in attempting to control the exports to China of any technology by any country in the world. Exports to China of even simple PC micro-processors were banned for many years. The products or materials needn’t be for military use in China, the Americans have simply been determined to keep China in the high-tech dark by any means possible. US restrictions on high-tech exports to China are “strict and extensive“, and have exacerbated trade imbalances between China and the US. They also damage China’s trade relations with other nations because the US State Department exerts substantial diplomatic and even military pressure (or threats) on the Europeans and other nations to follow the US lead.


In December of 2015, US President Obama publicly scolded Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull for his government’s agreement to lease to a Chinese firm the usage of part of the Australian port of Darwin, without first obtaining permission from the US government! The Australian media were replete with reports of the country’s Prime Minister being berated by US President Obama for not having obtained prior permission from the Imperial Master before doing business with China. Then in late 2016, Australia’s government suddenly decided to block the sale of the country’s largest energy grid to a group of Chinese firms, a blatant protectionist move that would certainly harm relations between the two countries, this decision closely following the refusal of another purchase by a Chinese consortium to purchase the country’s largest agricultural land owner, cattle company Kidman & Co. These actions were not entirely a surprise since there was hell to pay a year earlier when Australia granted the Chinese lease on port Darwin. The US Ambassador to Australia John Berry said “The US fully respects the process and decisions on foreign investment made by the Australian government”, while simultaneously informing that same Australian government that the decision-making process was based entirely on obtaining prior US approval. Berry also noted that “national security” must always be taken into account in cases of foreign direct investment, without specifying the precise security risks to Australia in the selling of a cattle ranch. Nor did he bother stating precisely how or why it was any of the Americans’ damned business what Australia did.

2015年12月,美国总统奥巴马公开斥责澳大利亚总理马尔科姆·特恩布尔(Malcolm Turnbull),因为他的政府同意在未事先获得美国政府许可的情况下,将澳大利亚达尔文港的部分使用权租给一家中国公司!澳大利亚媒体充斥着该国总理因在与中国做生意之前没有事先获得帝国大师的许可而受到美国总统奥巴马斥责的报道。然后在2016年末,澳大利亚政府突然决定阻止将该国最大的电网出售给一群中国公司,这是一个公然的保护主义举动,肯定会损害两国关系。这一决定紧跟着一个中国财团拒绝购买该国最大农业用地所有者基德曼公司的另一笔购买。这些行为并不完全令人惊讶,因为一年前澳大利亚批准中国对达尔文港的租赁时,付出了巨大的代价。美国驻澳大利亚大使约翰·贝里表示,“美国完全尊重澳大利亚政府对外国投资的程序和决定”同时告知同一澳大利亚政府,决策过程完全基于事先获得美国批准贝里还指出,在外国直接投资的情况下,必须始终考虑“国家安全”,但没有具体说明澳大利亚在出售牧场时面临的确切安全风险。他也没有详细说明澳大利亚的所作所为是如何或为什么与美国人有关的。



Similarly, in the middle of 2016, British PM Theresa May suddenly announced a delay in the signing of a contract to commence construction of the Hinkley Point nuclear reactor project, the announcement coming on the very evening prior to the signing, with widespread complaints of American pressure to remove China from the project on the imaginary basis of Britain’s ‘national security‘. The Americans were miffed because the prior UK government had made serious efforts to solicit Chinese investment in the British economy and, to the great dismay of the White House, agreed at the same time to join the Chinese-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. To the chagrin of the Americans, the nuclear project was eventually approved, but they at least had the satisfaction of upsetting China and knowing they could bully the UK Prime Minister. A bit earlier, the Dutch company Philips had agreed to sell its lighting components business to a Chinese firm, but the Americans exerted enormous political pressure to block the sale because Philips had some R&D operations and a large portfolio of patents in a US company, which the Americans did not want China to obtain. Philips could probably have pulled those operations out of the US and then proceeded with the sale, but the US would have retaliated in dozens of other ways and shut Philips products out of the US market. Both the Europeans and the Chinese are expressing strong resentment against this blatantly political interference that has as its only purpose an American determination to control access to technology by other countries. In other words, the Americans have assumed the authority to tell a Dutch company it cannot sell technology to a Chinese company, resorting to bullying threats of losing access to the American market.


All the tales we hear about the US promoting fair trade or a level playing field are fairy stories for children; the reality is very different. Whenever the Americans find themselves falling behind in some area of technology, as they do with increasing frequency, they not only bully their own companies to avoid competitive foreign goods, but will mount a campaign to bully the rest of the world into doing the same. This process occurs equally as often to prevent other nations from challenging American dominance in any field or to prevent other nations from progressing. The US bullied all Western nations into levying extremely high duties on Chinese solar panels, not because American companies were competitive but to prevent China from taking the lead in a high-technology area. It often occurs as well with minor political disputes where the Americans will try to enlist the cooperation of all other nations to bully and punish Venezuela or Peru for disobedience to the imperial master. Typical of the “If you aren’t with us, you’re against us” pathology, any nation wanting to be part of the American camp must accept most portions of US foreign policy which includes a huge commercial element. Bullying all other nations to accept Monsanto’s Frankenstein GM seed is another similar category.

我们听到的所有关于美国促进公平贸易或公平竞争环境的故事都是儿童的童话故事;现实情况却大不相同。每当美国人发现自己在某些技术领域落后时,就像他们越来越频繁地做的那样,他们不仅会欺负自己的公司以避免竞争性的外国商品,还会发起一场运动,欺负世界其他地区也这样做。这一过程同样频繁地发生,以防止其他国家挑战美国在任何领域的主导地位,或阻止其他国家取得进展。美国胁迫所有西方国家对中国的太阳能电池板征收极高的关税,不是因为美国公司有竞争力,而是为了阻止中国在高科技领域领先。这种情况也经常发生在小的政治争端中,在这些争端中,美国人会试图争取所有其他国家的合作,以欺负和惩罚委内瑞拉或秘鲁不服从帝国统治者。典型的“如果你不支持我们,你就反对我们”的病态,任何想成为美国阵营一部分的国家都必须接受美国外交政策的大部分,其中包括巨大的商业因素。胁迫所有其他国家接受孟山都的弗兰肯斯坦转基因种子是另一个类似的类别。   治外法权/Extra-territorialism  

Japanese troops parading inside Shanghai’s French Concession in 1937. Image from Wikimedia Commons. Source

1937年,日本军队在上海法租界内游行。图片来自Wikimedia Commons。来源


The concept of extra-territorialism, extending one’s reach beyond one’s own borders, is a specialty of the Americans, sometimes leaving the rest of the world marveling at their capacity for self-delusion. In one case that truly staggers the imagination with the depth of American arrogance was an occasion when the US government disagreed with a decision made by a Scottish court. In that case, several US senators contacted the Scottish government to demand the arrangement of sessions where American senators would fly to Scotland to interrogate the Scottish court as to the reasons for its decision. In another celebrated case involving Conrad Black, the former head of the Hollinger newspaper empire, the US court’s main victory was to convict Black for an action that occurred in Canada and would have been well outside US jurisdiction. US military vessels will stop and search any ships in international waters, on any pretense, in complete disregard of international law and where they have no jurisdiction.


A portrait of Ma Xiaohong, the founder and owner of Dandong Hongxiang Industrial Development. Co., as published in a corporate publication. Photo: Chun Han Wong/The Wall Street Journal. Source



In another similar case, the US White House arranged to have a US court file criminal indictments against a Chinese businesswoman for allegedly doing business with and having financial ties to North Korea, as well as announcing “sanctions” against her and the trading company for doing business with a country the Americans have placed on their black list. The Chinese Foreign Ministry voiced its disapproval of the US attempting to use its domestic laws “to impose ‘long-arm jurisdiction’ over Chinese entities or individuals“, but the Americans pay no notice and do this with increasing regularity. In this case, the White House is experiencing difficulty in destroying North Korea without China’s assistance, these ‘long-arm’ actions intended to increase pressure on China to cooperate with US ambitions to destabilise North Korea, by attacking innocent Chinese citizens. In this case, the Americans claimed, with no evidence whatever, that this woman had masked hundreds of millions of dollars of transactions” to help develop North Korea’s ballistic-missile capabilities. Of course, the greatest problem the US has with North Korea is in the fact that Pyongyang has working nuclear missiles that very effectively prevent their launching another Korean war, and they want China to pressure the North Koreans to surrender their missiles in exchange for nothing. Those missiles are the only thing that has prevented Korea from being obliterated, as Iraq and Libya discovered. Given that the Americans are cowards and will never attack a country that can defend itself, many more nations need nuclear missiles, and quickly.


The US uses all its political, diplomatic and military muscle to browbeat other countries into accepting worldwide jurisdiction for all US laws. US lawyers have told me with gleeful approval that their government is rushing to set precedents for many moves of this kind in an attempt to establish US law as the prevailing jurisdictional force in all countries. Increasingly, US courts are affirming their jurisdiction over events and people outside the US, and the US government will then use its muscle to force extradition and to seize foreign assets in the US or force foreign government allies to do the same. There is no legal justification or precedent for most of these actions that appear based only on a disregard for any inconvenient law, domestic or foreign. It is simply an attitude of “if we want you, we’ll get you”. Through widespread bullying and an illegal assumption of powers, the US is extending worldwide not only its legal jurisdiction but the capriciousness of its civil courts and the virtually total lack of protection of rights due to the Patriot Act and other legislation. This is so true today that many parties resort to the US courts for claims totally unconnected with the US in any way but where US courts will claim jurisdiction and grant judgments in areas where they have no legal jurisdiction. All this is an attempt to forcibly export American laws and jurisdiction into all nations, to function as the world’s court and legal system.




As well, the US has a disturbing tendency to feel free to simply enter any sovereign nation to execute the forcible seizure any person of interest to them, without experiencing the inconveniences of local laws. In too many instances the Americans act as the bounty hunters did in their own land in the past, in a time when there were no laws and success was the only judge of propriety. In fact, more than 20 years ago, the US Supreme Court ruled that it was perfectly lawful for Americans to kidnap citizens on foreign soil and “deport” them anywhere, even in situations where the US had an extradition treaty. However, as the BBC pointed out, “the accepted route for bringing to court suspects who are living outside of the jurisdiction of the requesting state is extradition, not kidnapping, a distinction the Americans appear not to appreciate. At the time of writing, court judgments are outstanding in Germany and Italy against many Americans, many of them employed by the CIA, for kidnapping and other crimes committed on European soil. The US of course refuses to extradite its own citizens to other nations, especially in circumstances where the crimes they committed were ordered and planned by the US government itself. If these actions don’t fit the definition of ‘rogue state’, I can’t imagine what would.


The government seized majority control of the energy company YPF in 2012, claiming underinvestment. PHOTO: MATIAS BAGLIETTO/REUTERS.Source

政府在2012年夺取了能源公司YPF的多数控制权,声称投资不足。照片:MATIAS BAGLIETTO/路透社。来源


In March of 2014, US courts ordered the Government of Argentina to pay US$185 million to a British company, BG Group, for forgone profits arising from the country’s economic crisis in 2001. The Argentinian government changed the basis of its gas prices from US dollars to Argentinian pesos and froze gas prices during the crisis, in an attempt to bring stability to its economy. According to the Americans, no foreign government has the right to take any actions that might affect the profits of an American multinational company, regardless of circumstances. In this case, the US government has absolutely no jurisdiction over the actions of a foreign government, nor any responsibility for the losses of a foreign company, but the US courts simply assumed jurisdiction, claimed to have arbitrated the dispute according to Argentinian law, and left the matter with an American court to assess damages. If Argentina refuses to comply, the US will simply confiscate any of Argentina’s assets in the US. This issue was appealed to the US Supreme Court which determined that “the arbitrators’ determinations were lawful“.


Rolls-Royce reaches £671m agreement to settle corruption probes. Source



In another case, the US Department of Justice launched an investigation of Rolls-Royce following allegations that its executives bribed officials in Indonesia to win aircraft engine contracts. Rolls-Royce is a foreign company, not an American one, and the US has no jurisdiction over that company’s actions that occurred entirely in another foreign country. These events or actions are entirely outside not only US jurisdiction, but outside of US concern; it is not America’s business to oversee or control what Rolls-Royce does in Indonesia, but the Americans disagree. According to US law, the paying of bribes to foreign officials is illegal, and the US Department of Justice will now investigate whether a British company is in violation of US law. Rolls-Royce will be forced to pay the entire costs of this probe and investigation and could potentially be fined many hundreds of millions of dollars by US courts, as well as other penalties, criminal prosecution, commercial litigation by GE, Boeing and other American aviation firms, and restrictions on future business contracts within the US. What better way to eliminate the main competitor for US manufacturers of aircraft engines? And of course, all US aviation companies are renowned for the bribes and other considerations they have paid for decades in precisely the same context. The only new development is that the US government now pays the bribes on behalf of these firms, sometimes disguised as military aid and sometimes not disguised at all.


The US is presuming to dictate to foreign governments the content of their commercial rules, laws and regulations, demanding they adopt US practices. Those nations refusing to comply with the Imperial Master, like the UK, will find their multinational corporations, like Rolls-Royce, financially crippled or bankrupt. Those nations – virtually all, in the case of banking – refusing to adopt US regulations and permit free US extraterritorial reach, will find their banks financially crippled or bankrupt. When Canada refused to adopt the US standard for forest leases, the US acted to financially cripple or bankrupt all Canadian forest industry firms. When China refused to cease its commerce with Iran, the US trumped up a charge to financially cripple a Chinese bank in the US. When China took action to stabilise its OTC vitamin market, the US immediately fabricated charges and levied outrageous and illegal fines intended to bankrupt a Chinese medical firm. When China refused a wholesale adoption of US accounting methods and standards, the US attacked the Big Four accounting firms, exposing them to financially crippling sanctions.


These events are not isolated instances of inappropriate actions on the parts of the companies themselves, but of their national governments in refusing to be forcibly colonised by the US. All US extraterritorial actions are related and stem from the same causeworld domination and colonisation – a blatant attempt to forcibly impose US regulations on all the world’s nations and achieve the surrender of national sovereignty to the European Zionists behind the US. This is the case with all the rhetoric on IP protection, banking, accounting standards, takeover regulations, the TPP, and all examples listed above. There are hundreds more. It is a pattern that has been playing out for years and is becoming more viciously intense each year. Evidence is especially clear within China, with enormous pressure exerted by the US State Department, diplomatic staff, AmCham, US multinationals and many more players, in clear attempts to force China’s entire legal, commercial – and political – standards into the US mold.


I could provide hundreds of examples of the US government attempting to universalise all of its commercial and legal practices, acting to forcibly impose them on other nations with scant regard for law or ethics. All the claims about the US playing fair, following a rule of law, wanting a level playing field, are fabricated propaganda without a shred of truth. The US government is in every sense the world’s bully, an essentially lawless organisation bent only on domination. In actions that are not only irrational but often illegal, American courts often presume imaginary jurisdiction in extending their reach to levy fines on companies in any nation, for actions that did not occur in the US and which were legal in the countries where they occurred.


With Canada’s software lumber, what was being protected was the “right” of American firms to make a desired level of profit, and when Canada’s government refused to amend its domestic commercial policies to correspond, the US used its power to plunder the Canadian firms and forward the funds to the US lumber companies. In order to pretend to a “rule of law” in these situations, the US government often uses its courts to levy the “fines” or other political punishment, thereby claiming all was done according to the law. Unfortunately for many firms and governments, US financial awards are not only irrational but often illegal, the American courts presuming imaginary jurisdiction in extending their reach to levy fines on companies in any nation, for actions that did not occur in the US and which were legal in the countries where they occurred.


This is precisely the same pattern the US followed with its pressure program on international banking, done under the pretense of searching for American tax evaders. But tax evasion was never the issue; the real intent was to extend the extra-territorial reach of US financial legislation into all nations. After years of effort, the US finally broke Switzerland’s banking secrecy provisions and obtained “legal” right to all Swiss banking records by attacking Swiss banks with resident US operations and fining them hundreds of millions of dollars each on the fabricated pretense of their foreign branches or head offices conspiring to defraud the IRS. Since the foreign governments resisted to the end the US pressure to adopt American methods, laws and “rules of the game”, the US government extorted billions of dollars from their US operations disguised as legal penalties. The message was clear: either all nations adopt US financial regulations and permit an American reach directly into their financial system – over-riding each country’s national sovereignty – or the US government would bankrupt every foreign bank operating in the US.


Paul Craig Roberts, a former high-level US Treasury official and widely-read author, wrote an article stating that the US Government is the most complete criminal organization in human history. Listen to Dr. Roberts:


“Unique among the countries on earth, the US government insists that its laws and dictates take precedence over the sovereignty of nations. Washington asserts the power of US courts over foreign nationals and claims extra-territorial jurisdiction of US courts over foreign activities of which Washington or American interest groups disapprove. Perhaps the worst results of Washington’s disregard for the sovereignty of countries are the power Washington has exercised over foreign nationals solely on the basis of terrorism charges devoid of any evidence.



Consider a few examples. Washington first forced the Swiss government to violate its own banking laws. Then Washington forced Switzerland to repeal its bank secrecy laws. Allegedly, Switzerland is a democracy, but the country’s laws are determined in Washington by people not elected by the Swiss to represent them. Consider the “soccer scandal” that Washington concocted, apparently for the purpose of embarrassing Russia. The soccer organization’s home is Switzerland, but this did not stop Washington from sending FBI agents into Switzerland to arrest Swiss citizens. Try to imagine Switzerland sending Swiss federal agents into the US to arrest Americans. Consider the $9 billion fine that Washington imposed on a French bank for failure to fully comply with Washington’s sanctions against Iran. This assertion of Washington’s control over a foreign financial institution is even more audaciously illegal in view of the fact that the sanctions Washington imposed on Iran and requires other sovereign countries to obey are themselves strictly illegal. Indeed, in this case we have a case of triple illegality as the sanctions were imposed on the basis of concocted and fabricated charges that were lies. Or consider that Washington asserted its authority over the contract between a French shipbuilder and the Russian government and forced the French company to violate a contract at the expense of billions of dollars to the French company and a large number of jobs to the French economy. This was a part of Washington teaching the Russians a lesson for not following Washington’s orders in Crimea.


Try to imagine a world in which every country asserted the extra-territoriality of its law. The planet would be in permanent chaos with world GDP expended in legal and military battles. Neo-conned Washington claims that as History chose America to exercise its hegemony over the world, no other law is relevant. Only Washington’s will counts. Law itself is not even needed as Washington often substitutes orders for laws as when Richard Armitage, Deputy Secretary of State (an unelected position) told the President of Pakistan to do as he is told or “we will bomb you into the stone age.” [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/5369198.stm]. Try to image the Presidents of Russia or China giving such an order to a sovereign nation. In fact, Washington did bomb large areas of Pakistan, murdering thousands of women, children, and village elders. Washington’s justification was the assertion of the extra-territoriality of US military actions in other countries with which Washington is not at war.”

试着想象一个世界,在这个世界里,每个国家都主张其法律的域外管辖权。随着世界GDP在法律和军事斗争中的支出,地球将永远处于混乱之中。新欺骗的华盛顿声称,由于历史选择了美国来行使其对世界的霸权,因此没有其他法律是相关的。只有华盛顿的意志才重要。法律本身甚至不需要,因为华盛顿经常用命令代替法律,就像副国务卿理查德·阿米蒂奇(一个未经选举的职位)告诉巴基斯坦总统按照他的指示行事,否则我们会把你炸到石器时代。[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/5369198.stm]. 试着想象一下俄罗斯或中国的总统对一个主权国家下达这样的命令。事实上,华盛顿确实轰炸了巴基斯坦的大片地区,杀害了数千名妇女、儿童和村里的老人。华盛顿的理由是声称美国在其他国家的军事行动具有域外管辖权,而华盛顿并没有与之交战。”  

Howard Zinn: Americans have no way of knowing what they don’t know. Source


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I would add here the observation that Americans are almost never aware of these or any similar events. They have no access to this information because the US media are heavily censored for political content. Americans are subjected on a daily basis to a literal flood of fabricated stories and misinformation about nations the US government and its puppet-handlers want to disparage, but nowhere will we ever find the truths about the behavior of the US government, its agencies, and its MNCs in other countries. The censorship is virtually total on these matters and, to paraphrase Howard Zinn, if the media and history books delete all such events, Americans have no way of knowing what they don’t know.



Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chapt. 2 — Dealing with Demons).



His full archive can be seen at



He can be contacted at:




This article may contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not been specifically authorised by the copyright owner. This content is being made available under the Fair Use doctrine, and is for educational and information purposes only. There is no commercial use of this content.



Copyright © Larry RomanoffBlue Moon of ShanghaiMoon of Shanghai, 2023

版权所有©Larry Romanoff上海蓝月亮上海之月,2023





Benjamin Fulford Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis 2024 June 3rd


Donald Trump and Alex Soros fight to the death as US Corporation and Israel implode


Donald Trump and Alex Soros fight to the death as US Corporation and Israel implode

In what looks like a fight to the death over deck chairs on a sinking Titanic, Donald Trump and Alex Soros are now in a state of open warfare against each other. It is a good bet Soros, his Barack Obama house slave and their entire faction will lose the war. However, this will not stop the fact the US Corporation owes its’ people $200 trillion and the rest of the world $53.4 trillion and so will not be able to continue as is. Israel, meanwhile, is about to be taken over by Egypt and Turkey.


In any case, while the US public was distracted by this fight, the US military, the Russians, the British Empire and the Asian secret societies agreed at emergency Bilderberg plus US/Chinese military meetings last weekend to start a future planning organization. They also agreed the US Corporation will be replaced by the United States of North America.


Anyway, let us start with the US political theater because it shows US and Western political infighting is headed for some sort of climax. US Space Force sources are now telling us Commander-in-Chief Donald Trump is still at the Mt. Cheyenne military base. They claim he is the one who controls the US nuclear arsenal. This was proven by the fact that when so-called US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was hospitalized with cancer in January, nobody in the “Biden administration” knew about it. If “Biden” controlled the US nuclear arsenal this would have been impossible.


In any case, the Space Force sources say the real Trump is now running two different Trump avatars. One is located at Mar A Largo and is running the election campaign against the fake Joe Biden. The other is located in New York and participating in all the legal drama there (We would appreciate it if readers in New York and Florida could investigate these allegations). The source also claims Biden is also controlled by the white hats and is being told to deliberately act the way he does in order to help wake up more sheeple.


According to this source, allowing Trump to be convicted as a felon on what should be minor misdemeanors -while the people against him get away with torturing and murdering children- is part of a psyops to wake up the still sleeping part of the population.


Certainly, it appears to be having that effect, boosting Trump’s popularity and causing a huge influx of donations.


The drama will continue. Alex Soros has now taken over the left-wing propaganda machine and is fighting to avenge the execution of his father George Soros by Donald Trump. He showed that when he tweeted to his servants that “Democrats should refer to Trump as a convicted felon at every opportunity. Repetition is the key…” This is straight from the playbook of Nazi propaganda Chief Joseph Goebbels.



The white hat alliance responded with a barrage of leaks about George Soros and the evil he has been responsible for. The videos below tell us the following things:


In 1993 Soros recommended NATO wage war against Russia using Eastern European populations.


Soros is behind the global illegal immigrant invasion.


Elon Musk says George Soros “fundamentally hates humanity” and that he’s doing things that “erode the fabric of civilization.”


George Soros financed the revolution in the Ukraine and numerous other color revolutions.


Leaked documents from his Open Society Foundation explain how he controlled elections and foreign governments in Europe and elsewhere. His plan was to wreck Europe with his open borders as well as destroy Europe and the USA.


It is Soros and his Khazarian Mafia handlers who are paying all the military-age foreign men to flood Europe and the US.


The alliance has also released previously suppressed emails about Barack “Thunder of Satan” Obama including this one:


“A young boy the age of 5. He will make the perfect catamite for the president. He will arrive from Romania on Tuesday. I’m sure the president will be pleased.” The names listed in the report are nothing short of a who’s who in American politics and Hollywood:


  • Bill Clinton = 比尔·克林顿
  • Hillary Clinton = 希拉里·克林顿
  • Tim Kaine = 提姆·凯恩
  • Elizabeth Warren = 伊丽莎白·沃伦
  • Jimmy Carter = 吉米·卡特
  • Harry Reid = 哈里·里德
  • Ben Affleck = 本·阿弗莱克
  • Cory Booker = 科里·布克
  • Al Franken = 阿尔·弗兰肯
  • Nancy Pelosi = 南希·佩洛西


Exposure of the torture and murder of children is why the KM leaders are literally fighting for their lives. Robert de Niro is a case in point. “He is scared shitless of what’s coming for him and his pedophile buddies,” a CIA source says. According to the BBC, De Niro was detained and questioned by French authorities in 1998, after he was found in the “little black book” and list of customers of Jean-Pierre Bourgeois, the leader of an international human/child trafficking operation. The case uncovered the brutal methods used to snare young women, some as young as 15. De Niro admitted to fornicating with the women Bourgeois introduced him to.


That is why two months ago he said that if Trump wins he will “come looking for me.”



Now he is saying the “government will perish from the earth” if Trump gets re-elected as US President.



The Asian Secret Societies will play a major role in this. A major group with tens of millions of members and hundreds of thousands of professional assassins has come under new leadership. This group now says they will get justice for the 500,000 Japanese who were murdered by vaccination since 2021. The Japanese underworld is also in on this. Top yakuza bosses met last week with Western white hat representatives and agreed to cooperate in the worldwide takedown of the Khazarian Mafia, They promised to take action on a list of hundreds of names they were given.


Among those being actively targeted are fake US Ambassador Rahm Emanuel and top Satanist Richard Armitage, the underworld sources say.


In a sign of desperation, the US embassy is embarking on a major bribery scam in order to stay in control in Japan, according to Japanese right-wingers who were offered the bribes. Under this scheme, Japan will buy US weapons and the Japanese side will get a kickback of 60% of the cost of the weapons. The other 40% will go to the US side. In other words, it is money laundering Fed funny money using overpriced weapons to try to hire bodyguards. It won’t work.


In a sign the current Japanese government is doomed, tens of thousands of Japanese demonstrated in front of the Health and Welfare Ministry on May 31st accusing them of mass murder.



Speaker after speaker warned the Japanese government was planning to introduce a “replicon vaccine” in September that would cause each person vaccinated to infect people around them. This operation is being run by Fuji Film, a company affiliated with the Rockefellers’ Trilateral Commission, according to Richard Koshimizu of the Japan Independence Party.


At the demonstration, Kazuhiro Haraguchi, the former Japanese Minister for Internal Affairs, became the latest major politician to apologize for the tsunami of deaths among the vaccinated population. The Japanese police and military are aware of this as well. Justice will be done.



This will happen in other countries as well. This Australian politician is a case in point. Look at the picture of him getting vaccinated and then look at the result.


Now an Australian court has ordered the government of Victoria to reveal to the public all “secret” documents that were used in making and formulating COVID-19 policy decisions.



Needless to say, the Khazarian Mafia will keep trying to release more bio-weapons to kill off humanity before they themselves are hung.


This is getting personal for this writer. A female acquaintance was recently diagnosed with an unknown type of tuberculosis and placed in an isolation ward. Health and Welfare Ministry officials then tried to persuade her to say I was also infected in order to give them an excuse to force me into a hospital. This is exactly how they killed Robert David Steele. Needless to say, the people responsible for this attempt are being hunted down.


The Asian societies are also going to remove all KM-affiliated or compromised politicians in South Korea, Taiwan, China and elsewhere the secret society sources say.


The Asians are also certain that even without assassinations, the entire KM control grid will collapse.


The United States is a case in point. In a sign of just how desperate the situation there is, Mexico has deported 240,000 American economic refugees in the past 60 days. Think about it: AMERICANS FLEEING TO MEXICO. Mexican government sources say the American refugees are causing inflation by spending US dollars created out of thin air to buy real stuff. These dollars are no longer accepted by the rest of the world; only Canada and Mexico. They are also being used to goose the stock market to hallucinatory levels.


As a reminder, the US dollars being printed in the US now have been quarantined from the $53.4 trillion held by the rest of the world. These dollars are going to be converted into a BRICS currency soon, according to Russian FSB and other sources.


Biden’s funny money is also causing problems in Canada as well. One in four Canadians does not have enough food and the Canadian food bank system is on the verge of collapse. Since Canada is one of the largest food exporters in the world, this is a clear sign the government of Justin Castrudeau is criminally incompetent.



It is just a matter of time before the whole system implodes. Soon “500 to 1,000 smaller banks are likely to disappear because of insolvency or consolidation,” says Scott Rechler, CEO of RXR. As we have previously shown, the big banks are also de facto insolvent because their bond and loan holdings have lost 50% of their value and commercial real estate prices have evaporated. They are all frozen like deer in the headlights now but it is only a matter of time before a vicious cycle of selling implodes the entire system. This chart shows part of the picture:


The rest of the world has promised to provide financing for the Republic of North America to replace the current corrupt and incompetent regimes in the USA and Canada as soon as the collapse takes place.


The trigger for the collapse is likely to be the fall of the Satanic regime now in place in Israel. Israel’s days are definitely numbered.


Turkish President Recep Erdogan has issued a call to arms saying “’Israel is not just a threat to Gaza but to all of humanity.” He adds “No state is safe as long as Israel does not follow international law and does not feel bound by international law.”


Both Turkey and Egypt have promised to support the International Court of Justices’ genocide case against Israel.



To make things worse, Israel just broke the Camp Peace accords with Egypt by taking control of the Rafah-Egypt border post without crossing the Gaza Strip, by invading the Philadelphia corridor. “Cairo, however, immediately considered that Tel Aviv had declared war on it. If Egypt defends itself, a regional war will ensue that Israel cannot win,” says French journalist Thierry Meyssan.


“Israeli general Yitzhak Brik says the Egyptian army is one of the most powerful in the Middle East boasting around 4,000 tanks, including 2,000 modern ones, as well as powerful ships and fighter planes: breaking the peace with the Egyptians would be a catastrophe for the security of Israel in all respects and, in the event of a conflict, Israel would have no other recourse than to pray to God.”



Mossad sources, however, say before it goes under “Israel plans to set off a major black swan event to distract the world’s attention later this month.”


This is a sign of desperation because Israel is also now under a complete land and sea blockade. In the latest development, the Yemeni Houthis claim to have hit and badly damaged, perhaps even sunk a US aircraft carrier. These photos sent to us by Pentagon sources appear to show the USS Eisenhower being hit by a missile and burning uncontrollably.


There is an attempted news blackout on this but military experts have long said US aircraft carriers are militarily obsolete and indefensible against hypersonic missiles.


Also, according to the Turks, the Russians hit the Yavorovsky training ground in western Ukraine with a hypersonic Kinzhal missile last week killing at least 300 people, including NATO personnel.



Pentagon sources say these strikes may have been retaliation for recent missile strikes inside of Russia. This is a sign that Russia will not use KM provocations to start an out nuclear war but instead will retaliate in ways that hurt but do not start an all-out war.


The Russians also just captured another US Patriot missile system and decided to hand it over to China. Since the US has sold lots of Patriot missiles at great expense to Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, this is bound to hurt.



The Russians also have an interest in shutting down commerce between Europe and Asia via the Middle East. The Houthis’ Red Sea blockade has made Russia’s Northern Sea Route attractive to a desperate West. Russian officials and media have been saying for years the 5,600 km Northern Sea Route is the shortest maritime route between Europe and Asia, and can shave 8,000 km or more of distance, and 40-60 percent in time, off shipments, compared to traditional Europe-Asia routes through the currently troubled waters in the Middle East. Virtually the entire length of the Arctic portion of the route passes through Russian waters. The Russians are keeping it open with a fleet of icebreakers and hope to charge transit fees.


The Russians are also upping the ante in Africa. In the latest development there, Wagner Chief Yevgeny Prigozhin has just shown up in the Central African Republic and Chad. Russian FSB sources say Prigozhin was not in fact killed last year as has been reported in the world’s media.


It seems Wagner has just taken over Gold, Diamond, Uranium and other resources in these countries from the French.


Meanwhile, a few countries away, US troops are being forced out of Niger and Joe Biden is leaving behind a $100 million US airbase to the pro-Russian regime.



We also suspect (but cannot prove) a Russian hand behind the recent troubles in the French territory of New Caledonia. New Caledonia’s main source of wealth is nickel mining, vital for electric vehicles. Until legal changes hiding ownership were passed in 1988 the sector was entirely controlled by the Rothschilds, former employers of Emmanuelle Macron.


This nickel medal, issued by SLN in the 1960s, features images of French, Dutch and Greek coins on one side and the company logo on the other. 



The loss of colonial resources is one of the reasons why Standard & Poor’s just downgraded France’s credit rating from AA to AA-.



This helps explain why French President Emmanuelle Macron Rothschild is trying so hard to push NATO into war with Russia.


The Germans, however, are having none of it because they are too busy rebuilding the German Empire in Eastern Europe. Polish intelligence sources inform us that in his first weeks in office German agent and Polish President Donald Tusk illegally took over public media and the prosecutor’s office. He also canceled or postponed all Polish investment projects that reduced the countries’ dependence on Germany. The current Polish government plans to transfer the remnants of Polish sovereignty into Germany’s hands, the sources say.


The resurgent German empire is also moving to secure energy independence. Germany’s cabinet approved on Wednesday a bill to fast-track the construction of hydrogen infrastructure, import and production facilities as Berlin bets on the fuel to help decarbonize Europe’s biggest economy, government sources said…The Hydrogen Acceleration Law will give infrastructure an “overriding public interest” status, meaning authorities will prioritize it in the approval process.



The Germans are also trying to reverse Brexit and take control of the UK again, MI6 sources say. The sudden resignation of UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and his suicidal election campaign strategy seems designed to hand over control to Labour Party leader Keir Starmer. As the video below shows, Starmer does not stand for anything and just says what he is told to say even if it completely contradicts what he said before. In a sign of who his real bosses are, when given the choice between Westminster and Davos, his answer was unequivocally “Davos.”



MI6 sources say Starmer will be “aiming for two terms, moving closer to the EU in the first term and then re-joining in the second, risking a civil war.”


A decapitation of the German operations in the UK is more likely. When a bounty was put on Chief Cabinet Secretary Simon Case by the white hat alliance, Case contacted MI6 to say the problem was former MI6 head, John Scarlett. When a bounty was placed on Scarlett, he turned around and said the problem was European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.


German media report von der Leyen is a deeply corrupt politician. The latest of many scandals surrounding her is that she used her influence to help the Russian company “Krasniy Oktyabr” evade sanctions imposed by the European Union after the Russian special operation began in Ukraine. “Krasnij Oktyabr” produces 40 percent of stainless steel in Russia and supplies the German auto industry.




In any case, a bounty has now been placed on her head by the white hat alliance. Not because she helps Germany but because:


The Geneva International Peace Research Institute (GIPRI) has accused the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, of complicity in war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by Israel against Palestinians in Gaza. The complaint was filed by GIPRI against the European Commission head at the International Criminal Court (ICC) on 22 May. The complaint, supported by various human rights groups and prominent scholars and experts in international criminal law, urges the ICC prosecutor to initiate investigations based on the information provided against von der Leyen.



Behind the scenes, the Davos faction behind von der Leyen is trying to surrender. This was made clear from the discussions at the Bilderberg conference in Spain that just ended.


The reason is that after two years of negotiations, the effort by the World Health Organization to impose a global pandemic treaty has failed. Here you can watch WHO Director-General Tedros announce the failure of the Pandemic Agreement/Treaty.


The treaty was meant to use an artificially created pandemic or crisis to give the WHO power to control governments, force people to take vaccines and place them in concentration camps.


“Goodbye Terrorist Tedros. You and your Zionist buddies have lost. The military tribunals will be coming for you soon enough,” comments a CIA source. 


Long-term Bilderberg reporter Daniel Estulin tells Alex Jones some of the things discussed at the recent Bilderberg in the video at the link below.



He says Bilderberg is a place where mid-level people are told what high-level people have decided.


He talks about how the elite have a plan for total control of humanity via technological slavery. “The Bilderbergers have a dream of creating a new synthetic human. Harari and Soros talked about it. You create an artificial uterus and incubate it the same way you incubate chickens. You have artificial insemination and you genetically shorten the gestation period. Then you can make as many human slaves with limited consciousness as you need,” he says.


However, Estulin says that with the failure of this plan, the elite who gathered there were scared and did not know what to do next.


“One of the reasons we are seeing the resistance against Trump is the fact they know if Trump wins a lot of them are going to be killed and most of them are going to be in prison so it’s them or us they are saying,” he notes.


Also, Estulin says:


“What we are seeing right now has only happened twice in the past 2000 years. The first was around the fourth and fifth centuries when the Roman empire collapsed and feudalism came about. And then about a thousand years later between the 16th and the 17th centuries feudalism collapsed and was replaced with modern-day capitalism which today in its current form is on its deathbed so the problem is they don’t know what to replace it with. There is no one in the West who can explain what the model is going to look like.”


The fact is though, our own sources in Asian Secret Societies, the Pentagon, the Russian FSB, MI6 etc. know what it will look like. They all say a decision has been made to replace the five permanent members of the UN Security Council with a council representing seven regions. There was also a decision to create a future planning organization to take over the functional parts of the BIS, the World Bank, the IMF, etc.


As Estulin notes, the director of the Russian central bank works directly for the IMF. The IMF has agreed to the new plan, multiple sources, including the head of MI6 say.


There was a similar agreement at the Shangri La meeting in Singapore last week between military delegates from 45 countries, Pentagon sources say. First though, the current corrupt system needs to finish imploding. That is why we are definitely heading into a summer of discontent.


本杰明-富尔福德每周报告 2024年5月27日


Khazarian Mafia murder spree triggers bounties for top Satanists


Khazarian Mafia murder spree triggers bounties for top Satanists

The Khazarian Mafia is going on a worldwide murder spree directed at top government leaders in a desperate attempt to avoid war crimes tribunals. This has triggered a white hat response that includes bounties being placed on dozens of top KM war criminals.


The $1 billion bounty placed on fake US Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel set off a secret firestorm that led to the issuing of more bounties. The bounty on Emanuel was placed because, as a so-called US Ambassador, he is the highest-ranking official responsible for the murder by vaccine of over 500,000 Japanese citizens. Emanuel freaked out and called MI6 asking for protection and blaming his boss Barack “thunder of Satan” Obama. Emanuel was then informed the bounty on him would be lifted as soon as he publicly announced his resignation as ambassador. MI6 also informed the white hats that $1 billion was too large a bounty for a lower-level functionary like Emanuel. As a result, a ten-ton gold (about US$750 million) bounty has now been placed on Obama.


Furthermore, a bounty of one metric ton of gold (about US$75 million) payable in a certain East Asian country has been placed on each of the following individuals who have been charged with war crimes by the International Criminal Court:


Benyamin Netanyahu =  本雅明·内塔尼亚胡

Yoav Galant = 以色列国防部长约阿夫·加兰特

Yahya Sinwar = 哈马斯领导人叶海亚·辛瓦尔,

Mohammed Deif = 巴勒斯坦卡桑旅领导人默罕默德·戴夫

Ismail Haniyeh = 巴勒斯坦伊斯兰抵抗运动领导人伊斯梅尔·哈尼亚,

In addition to this, the alliance has placed the same bounty on the 16 US government officials listed below. They are charged with publicly supporting genocide in Gaza.


In a sign he is afraid an arrest warrant will be issued for him, Senator Lindsey Graham says the US should sanction the International Criminal Court.


Also, International Criminal Court prosecutor Karim Khan says he received threats while conducting investigations against top Israeli officials. Don’t worry Karim, we’ve got your back.



So far 124 governments worldwide have promised to act on the arrest warrants issued by the ICC. Top EU diplomat Josep Borrell said, “All states that have ratified the ICC statutes are bound to execute the Court’s decisions.” The leaders of Germany, France and other ICC signatories also promised to enforce the arrest warrants. 




A nervous looking Netanyahu can be seen here saying: “Charging me for crimes in Gaza is like charging George Bush for 911”. Guess what Satanyahu? Bush was executed for 911.


The people who ordered Bush’s execution have also forced UK puppet Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to dissolve his government and call a general election after he refused to endorse his country’s legal obligation to enforce the arrest warrants. Opinion polls show his party is certain to be trounced on the July 4th election.


British MP Andrew Bridgen says “The whole thing’s a pantomime in Parliament… It’s not a race between the blue and red team to see who crosses the finish line. This is a baton handover on all the big issues: Net Zero, Covid response, the WHO, the trans agenda.” In other words, the next government is likely to be composed of people who are still labeled as “conspiracy theorists” in the corporate media.


However, it is clear something else is brewing there. The Royal Family announced they are postponing all engagements so they do not interfere with the General Election. At the same time, the UK government launched a “Prepare” website calling on all citizens to prepare for a major emergency.



This emergency will be a coup attempt by German DVD forces, MI6 warns. As evidence of this, former Prime Minister Boris Johnson hosted a Ukrainian neo-Nazi unit in parliament. Johnson said:


“Thank you to the heroes from the Azov Brigade who have honoured us with their presence tonight.”


Former leader of the unit Andriy Biletsky said in 2010 that Ukraine’s purpose was to “lead the white races of the world in a final crusade… against Semite-led Untermenschen [subhumans].”


At the meeting in parliament, Johnson was pictured holding an Azov banner that shows the neo-Nazi Wolfsangel symbol.


In parliament, Johnson continued:


“Give them the weapons. Give them the authorization to use those weapons outside their own borders.”



In a sign the UK Nazis are planning war; Sunak said he did not want to be a “wartime Prime Minister” (By the way Rishi Sunak has a cushy job in San Diego, California awaiting him apparently, according to Pentagon sources).


MI6 sources say top UK Satanist Simon Case is the person who is trying to drive the country into war in order to prevent a new government from forming. For this reason, a one-ton gold bounty has also been placed on Case.


The issuing of bounties for top Western Satanists led to a meeting last Sunday between Western white hat representatives with representatives of the Japanese underworld and the leaders of Asian secret societies. Much of what was discussed at the three-hour meeting remains classified in order to protect ongoing operations.


However, the Asians were told the $100 trillion proposal for a future planning agency was supported by the Rothschilds, the Black Sun, the Pentagon and the British Commonwealth. The Asians were skeptical at first -saying they do not trust Westerners- but agreed to support the plan as soon as they do their due diligence on the gold.


The Asians were also made aware the only opposition to this plan now came from the Rockefeller/Obama Nazi group. This is why their demonic-looking Treasury Janet Yellen is threatening sanctions against the European banks who now support the white hat plan.  


The Asians admitted they had been fooled back in 2008 into handing over $23 billion to keep the KM in business with the promise of a Black Communist President. They did not realize at the time Obama was a grandson of Adolf Hitler.


The Asians also said the head of the Red and Green secret society with its’ millions of members and hundreds of thousands of assassins had recently passed away of natural causes. The new head (whose name we cannot disclose) is believed to be more friendly to the white hats. This means it is only a matter of time before China, Taiwan, Japan and Korea along with ASEAN put an end to military rivalry and focus instead on friendly relations. It was also agreed the Treaty of San Francisco signed after the Japanese surrender at the end of World War II would become null and void.


A list of names of people responsible for vaccine murders was also handed over to the secret societies. In a sign action is being taken, they are now openly talking on TV about the harms of the COVID-19 injections.



The other thing that came of the meeting was an East-West agreement to set up a polycentric world system to replace UN-centered KM hegemony.


Needless to say, the remaining KM leaders will fight to the last to start World War III to kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest.


That’s why US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, NATO head Jens Stoltenberg and others are calling for US weapons to be used to attack targets deep inside Russian territory. Anybody making such a call has self-identified as a Satanist and will have to be removed.  




By the way, speaking about Satanists, the Pentagon sent us a link to a conversation about them between the evangelist Billy Graham and Richard Nixon recorded in 1972 and 1973. To paraphrase him; Graham said the Bible makes a distinction between two groups of Jews. One is called the Synagogue of Satan. The others are the remnants of God’s people and they are the real Jews. The members of the Synagogue of Satan are energized by a supernatural power called the devil. They have a strange brilliance about them. They are smart and they are energized in my judgment by a supernatural power. They have a stranglehold on banking and the media and everything. This stranglehold has got to be broken or this country will go down the drain.


Nixon answered, “I can’t ever say it but I believe it.” 


This writer -who is Jewish and was brought up as an atheist- has seen people actually hijacked by this entity. Their voices and personality change and their pupils turn black when remote-controlled by it.


This is becoming widely known now. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova described US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s recent trip to Kyiv as “Satan’s visit.” The lyrics of the song he performed in a Nazi-themed bar included “’We got a kinder, gentler machine gun hand,’” Zakharova said. Look at Blinken’s eyes in the video, they are black.




Next, look at his eyes when he is being called a war criminal. They are not black and he looks scared. He knows the jig is up.



He knows the Biden show is coming to an end. Take a look at the pathetic and apathetic crowd at a recent Biden event in New Hampshire last week.



Compare this to the 100,000 or more Trump gets.


This Italian TV shows how the rest of the world views Biden and his administration.


Since they are likely to face the death penalty, the KM will keep fighting to the bitter end.


Here, for example, they just put a very fake-looking former FBI head James Comey on Rockefeller TV to warn “Trump is coming for [the FBI & DoJ].”


Another fake still on the loose is Justin Castrudeau. Compare Castrudeau in 2010 vs gun-grabbing Trudeau now.  It’s obvious these are different Castrudeaus.


This sort of fakery is not working anymore. In the real world, the KM has already lost the Ukrainian war and will soon lose Israel and the US Corporation.


In a sign the war is over, Russian President Vladimir Putin told Reuters he is ready to halt the war in Ukraine with a negotiated ceasefire that recognizes the current battlefield lines,



This confirms Russia is going along with the deal reached with the gnostic Illuminati to make the Dnieper River the border between Eastern and Western Europe.


There is also a revolt against the war in most of Europe. In Germany, Chancellor Olaf Scholz still has repudiated NATO calls for attacks deep inside Russia.



Hungary is also unwilling to take part in NATO’s military mission in Ukraine and instead, Budapest is reassessing its role in the organization, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban says.



It also turns out Russian jamming is preventing 90% of US Weapons from hitting their targets.



With the Ukraine war over, Israel is next. In a sign it will soon cease to exist and be replaced by the nation-state of Judea (Palestine) Ireland, Spain and Norway have announced their decision to recognize Palestine as an independent state. Here you can watch Spain’s Deputy Premier Yolanda Diaz say: “Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea.”


This means 146 out of 193 UN member nations, including Russia, recognize Palestine. Only 9 countries are against it.



The Israeli people are also demonstrating daily against their war criminal government and thugs on horseback are not able to put them down.


“Zionist Israel is being dismantled step by step, as we know. The world has definitely had enough of their satanic genocide. It’s time for a global cleansing,” a Mossad source says. 


However, the cornered Zionists are in the midst of a very dangerous last-gasp attack in Iran and Saudi Arabia.


The Murder of President Ebrahim Raisi is a case in point. Iran is fully aware that this was a deliberate assassination of President Raisi and his team by the Mossad. Out of 3 helicopters, only “his” crashed due to…fog. This is sounding more and more like a planned operation and most likely an inside job. Also, all of the satellite weather data for the day of the Iranian president’s crash has been removed.


“These are Mossad hits. They are going all out now as they know what is coming for all of them (A hint, it’s not Hanukkah gifts),” a Mossad source says. 


Just after Raisi died, the chief of the Iranian Police, Ahmad-Reza Radan and the head of the Iranian intelligence service of Lorestan province in Iran were assassinated.



Also, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov says he finds it hard to believe US Secretary of State Antony Blinken would publicly say the Iranian people are “better off” after the death of Raisi.



Iranian sources contacted us to say supreme leader Khameini was not responsible for Raisi’s death noting “Mr. Khamenei said the old days of the bloodline dynasties are over and his son will not succeed him. My prediction for the next leader of Iran will be the former president of Iran, Mr. Mohammad Khatami.”


Even though Iran will not officially blame Israel for the murder -because they don’t want the give the KM an excuse to start WWIII- it does not mean action will not be taken.


IRGC Chief Commander Hossein Salami and Quds Force Chief Esmaeil Qa’ani met the leaders and representatives of Iran’s proxy groups including Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, PFLP, Ansarullah (Houthis), and Iraqi militant groups on the sidelines of Raisi’s funeral. The funeral was attended by more than 7 million people.


During the meeting, the participants “reviewed the latest regional developments and emphasized the continuation of jihad until victory in Gaza is achieved,” according to IRGC-affiliated media outlets.



Following this, the Houthis announced they had destroyed 3 Israeli-linked ships with missiles, including one in the Mediterranean.


Also, last week for the first time Egypt’s Ministry of Defense declassified hundreds of materials and documents dating back to the October 1973 War. Mossad sources say the documents make it clear Egypt won that war and that they are ready to join Turkey to attack again unless Netanyahu and his cronies are arrested.



These attacks on Iran may have been aimed at stopping Iran from working with Russia to create an alternative to the US dollar in a Gaddafi 2.0, operation.


There seems to be a similar motive at work in Saudi Arabia. French intelligence informs us that 10 Saudi Princes have been killed recently. Also, their leader Mohammed Bin Salman cancelled at the last minute a plan to visit Japan because his long dead father “was ill.” “We know that King Salman has been dead for like 2 years. They keep the spin going as long as possible,” a CIA source says. They will probably officially announce the death of the king soon.


There is a serious intelligence blackout on this whole issue -with most sources refusing to comment- but clearly a power struggle is underway for control of Saudi oil and the petrodollar.


Alex Jones says this is all part of “the attempted assassination of all leaders supporting Russia’s war in Ukraine. A week ago they shot Fico five times now the Iranian president is dead. This is not a coincidence and more action will come. This is shadow war plunging us towards world war.”



There is already an undeclared war being raged by the Black Dragon Society in Africa and Oceania against the KM, especially its French branch. That is why New Caledonia is on fire and why France has been tossed out of many of the African States with more to come.  


Here’s why…There exists a “colonial tax” in 14 African countries, which were formerly French colonies, resulting in substantial annual payments to France, amounting to around $500 billion.


These countries were under French oppression until 1958, after which they gained independence. However, nations such as Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, and Gabon are still burdened with paying colonial taxes.


These 14 countries have a combined population of 174 million and a nominal total GDP of $196 billion, with a PPP GDP of $411 billion.


Formally, France has halted its colonization policy, but its economic colonization of these African states persists. A portion of the colonies’ budget continues to flow to the French central bank under various names and categories.


This process allows France to appropriate approximately 85 percent of the former colonies’ annual income. As a result, African countries face financial difficulties, and they are forced to borrow back their own money from the French central bank as debts.


To reclaim their funds, African countries are limited to applying for no more than 20 percent of the transferred amount. If they seek a larger sum, the former colonizer has the authority to veto it. France argues that it is merely repaying the money it spent on buildings and infrastructure constructed over a century ago. Any refusal by an African ruler to pay the colonial tax often leads to a France-instigated coup.


The latest coup in Niger is different, the coup ousted the France-friendly president…Africans have had enough.


These are the coups that have occurred in French colonies just in the last three years:


GABON – August 2023 = 加蓬-2023年8月

NIGER – July 2023 = 尼日尔-2023年7月

BURKINA FASO – January 2022 = 布基纳法索-2022年1月

GUINEA – September 2021 = 几内亚——2021年9月

CHAD – April 2021 = 乍得–2021年4月

MALI – August 2020 = 马里–2020年8月

There are another 8 to go within the 14 that form the sphere of French control in Africa…



In the most recent development, an attempted attempted coup involving US citizens was just stopped in the Congo by the Black Dragon.



All of these actions around the world should bring down the big Kahuna, the US Corporation. China has just dumped most of its US Treasury holdings to help speed that up.


The end is near. For the first seven months of fiscal year 2024, which began last October, net interest payments totaled $514 billion, outpacing defense by $20 billion. That is why rats are bailing the ship, in the latest Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) chairman Martin Gruenberg just quit.


Others are fighting to the bitter end. The report linked below says Google cut a check to the US Justice Department to get prosecutors to strike their antitrust damages claim.



So that’s what they did with the $125 billion in Australian pension money they “accidentally deleted.”


The owners of Google are being hunted by white hats and will soon join Klaus Schwab on the other side.


Speaking about Schwab: before he was eliminated and journeyed over the rainbow, Klaus Schwab Rothschild declared himself to be the earth’s “trustee of the future.” Why didn’t the media show this on the news? Now he is dead and his human animal farm future has been cancelled. The people will decide their own future.


However, some of his minions are still trying to carry out his plans. That may be why Boeing is under attack. In the latest “300 Boeing planes used by United and American Airlines have a potentially fatal fault that could cause jets to explode mid-air – in the latest blow for the scandal-hit company.” 



Probably this is all part of the bigger plan. First, it was no pilots due to the jabs and now no planes due to defective materials during manufacturing. Now we get headlines like:


“Summer holiday travel chaos warning after Boeing safety crisis leads to plane shortages.”



Maybe they’re just trying to stop people traveling. They want us restricted to 15-minute cities according to the WEF Agenda 2030 plan.


It won’t happen, but the KM Zionists will keep going until they are permanently removed and placed in front of military tribunals 


They are also still trying to attack farmers. In the latest, the governments of Australia and New Zealand are burning bee farms after it’s claimed traces of Foulbrood disease were found. No bees. No food. No life.


The Australians also put out some of the most laughable fear porn yet. It is a new Covid mutation sweeping the country – called the FliRT variant (Flirt you read it correctly). Whoever falls for this BS is beyond salvation and they’ll keep taking boosters! 


The news video is pure Fear Porn well worth watching.  Run and get your booster.  This man has had 7 shots, why is he catching Covid? 


Sorry, don’t ask. 


This sort of propaganda is not deflecting the truth. Renowned American attorney Tom Renz testified before the Ohio Senate, alleging hospitals and doctors were “incentivized” to “murder” their patients to create the illusion that COVID-19 was a significant threat to public health.


According to Renz, hospitals and doctors were “incentivized” to “murder” their patients to create the illusion that COVID-19 was a significant threat to public health.


During his testimony, Renz revealed that hospitals received more money from the government for every patient who tested positive for COVID-19. They received additional funding for treating patients for COVID-19 and even more when the virus was listed as the cause of their death. Renz notes that this system encouraged hospitals to inflate COVID numbers and even “murder” patients.


“If you go to the hospital and you get a positive Covid test, then the hospital gets more money,” Renz told lawmakers during the hearing,” If you get put on remdesivir, the hospital gets more money. “If you get put on a vent, the hospital gets more money.” “Instead of saying, ‘You get more money when this patient’s healthy,’ we said, ‘You get more money when they die.’”



If readers want to help, they can support organizations like @JCCFCanada. They defend free speech for healthcare professionals and stand by individuals facing vaccine mandates. It was one of the first non-profits in Canada to call for an end to lockdowns.


Subscribe to https://t.me/inquirycanada

There are also more and more calls to end uncontrolled immigration. The viral video below shows young people singing “Germany for the Germans, foreigners out, foreigners out” on the island of Sylt in northern Germany.


The German government is scared. Listen to Chancellor Scholz, he looks worried.



In a sign Obama may be involved in the immigration campaign, guess which countries get lectured about “having fewer kids for the climate?” Hint: Not the ones with high fertility. 


Finally, in a sign the space force may come to the rescue, the Pentagon has refused delivery of so many F-35s that Lockheed Martin is running out of places to put them, according to a government watchdog agency.



The real reason the F35s are piling up is because they are completely obsolete. It seems the Pentagon is now about to come out of the closet with an anti-gravity craft known as the B21. According to Wikipedia


B-21’s technical details and specifications, such as speed, enabling systems, “size, required stealth, structure, number and type of engines, projected weapons, and onboard sensors remain classified”



Look at the photo they have released. Do you see any jet engines? Anti-gravity any-one?




Benjamin Fulford Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis 2024 May 20th


Paper work for new international system being drawn up as Satanic rule implodes



Lawyers and bankers are drawing up documents for a new international system that will be phased in starting this autumn and going into 2025. This work is necessary because, if the details are not worked out properly, huge problems will emerge as things snowball into massive world changes. This fine-tuning requires time. What needs to be made clear though is that this is not going to be a transfer of power from one secret group to another, The new system will be handed over to the people so that “the meek shall inherit the earth.”


In the meantime, the Satanic “rules-based world order” will continue to implode. This means were are going to experience a lot of turbulence as the last of the Satanists struggle desperately to keep control of the planet and avoid war crimes tribunals.


The latest sign of this was the murder of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his companions. Multiple Israeli accounts & other well-known accounts now report it was an assassination done by Israeli Mossad.



Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei says that “if we find evidence that Israel is involved in the helicopter crash of the President of Iran, we will respond beyond the imagination of Israel and its allies.”




With Raisi dead, Iranian sources say the next Supreme Leader is most likely Ali Khamenei’s son, Mojtaba Khamenei. This means a return to dynastic rule in Persia. Whose dynastic rule is yet to be decided though.



What is clear is this is yet another desperate attempt by the Satanic Zionists to start World War III in order to murder most of humanity. Remember, Khameini was installed by the Rothschilds to play his role in their planned Gog (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) versus Magog (G7) Armageddon war.


As a part of this planned show, Brigadier General Esmail Qa’ani, commander of the Quds Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) sent a warning to the UK, Germany, and France after the trio deployed their warplanes to defend the Israeli regime against a retaliatory operation staged by Iran last month. In other words, since Israel has been stopped from starting an all-out war with Iran, they will try to use European countries instead.



Planetary liberation alliance sources in the Pentagon say what will happen instead is Israel will cease to be a State and Israeli puppets will be removed. “We are in the end game now for Netanyahu and his close associates,” the source says adding “Persia may return to the Pahlavi dynasty.  Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi is being groomed. He is working with the WH Alliance.” Here you can watch his father King Pahlavi try to enlighten the American people about their Zionist controllers.


“The Persian people are definitely shifting away from the current rulers,” the source says


A shift away from current leaders is needed in most Western countries as well. This means is the white hat military still has a lot of house cleaning to do before the new financial system and new international architecture start.


This cannot be done under current Western leadership. In an example of this, fake Canadian opposition leader Pierre Poilievre can be seen lying below about Israel. How about his statement that the Jews have lived there for 3,000 years? It is a lie. This is the land of Judea. Remember, Poilievre has been bribed with money stolen from Canadians via fraudulent PRC tests. It is a safe bet he is also being blackmailed. The same of course is true of vaccine mass murderer Justin Castrudeau.


What people in the West need to realize is that the holocaust was a mass sacrifice to Satan in order to initiate Satanic rule over the world. The Temple the Satanists planned to build was to be a place of human and animal sacrifice. As a part of their plan, the Satanists forced brainwashed Europeans into Israel and convinced them to expropriate and murder the Judeans, whom they misleadingly call Palestinians.   


This press release from the US military central command shows this is no longer going to be tolerated. It says that -with the backing of US troops- an international relief effort has begun to support the Judeans.



In Israel and the US meanwhile, the Jews have begun to wake up. Lily Greenberg Call, a Jewish staffer in the Department of Interior, resigned saying Biden “has the blood of innocent people on his hands….What I have learned from my Jewish tradition is that every life is precious. That we are obligated to stand up for those facing violence and oppression and to question authority in the face of injustice,” she said.



Awakened Jews like her are staging massive daily demonstrations to call for the removal of would-be dictator Benyamin Satanyahu. The provocation against Iran will not stop his removal from this earth.


His removal will be part of a lot of removal work to be done in the West before it is completely cured of its Satanic infestation.


One example is the revealing of a portrait of King Charles that set the internet on fire with its’ Satanic images. 


Charles was installed 6 months, 6 weeks and 6 days after the murder of Queen Elizabeth. This satirical video of him unveiling the portrait is basically true. Even though we have been told repeatedly the original Charles is dead; as long as avatars or CGs are presented to the world’s media, the fight is not over.


BBC also reports King Charles has handed over a prestigious army role to his son Prince William in “a symbolic handing over of the baton.” This is a German attempt to take control of the UK military and it will fail, MI6 warns.



Meanwhile, Kate Middleton, who friends of Princess Diana say was sacrificed to Satan, will not be appearing at Charles’ Wimbledon parade. She has not been seen in public since Christmas.



MI6 sources say they are fighting hard to remove the German-linked Satanists from power in England and Ireland and that it will happen sooner, rather than later.


There is also a crisis in Australia where the government has just passed a Satanic mark of the beast digital ID law. Labor Minister Stephen Jones says it’s completely “optional,” but then inadvertently reveals that businesses could “mandate” it.


In what was likely a related move, “Google Cloud ‘accidentally deleted’ the private cloud account of the Australian pension fund worth $125 billion…Although service restoration commenced on Thursday, it may take some time for investment balances to reflect accurate figures. (translation: the money is gone).”



Looks like the Rockefellers are looting Australian pensions in addition to Japanese pensions to try to stay in business.


This is linked to vaccine passports and COVID-19 shots. The government knows the vaccines are killing people, and they are “deliberately suppressing doctors” from reporting vaccine deaths, warns Senator Malcolm Roberts.


MI6 informs us a top Satanist in Australia and a high-priority white hat target is former Treasurer Peter Costello.


Costello was rewarded with a cushy World Bank job for betraying an attempt by Australian special forces to rescue Madeleine McCann


from a Satanic sacrifice ritual, MI6 says. McCann was the biological daughter of George Soros who was brought up as a special sacrificial “bride” to Satan. EU Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso and Belgian royals were involved in the sacrifice ritual along with many other Western elites, they say.


The Biden administration in the US is now basically admitting they are involved in child trafficking for the purposes of torture and sacrifice. Guatemalan Secretary General Ángel Pineda is leading an investigation into child trafficking at the border, which led to a raid on the Save The Children charity formerly chaired by First Lady Jill Biden. Pineda claims the Biden administration is threatening him, saying he is “playing with fire.”



The US government admits 85,000 unaccompanied minors went missing since the Biden administration started and now they are threatening government officials investigating this. This is the same as admitting they mass murder children.


This once-taboo subject is now becoming mainstream knowledge. In a reflection of this, Aaron Rodgers and Tucker remind everyone that Ghislaine Maxwell was indicted for trafficking children to no one and likely worked for the Mossad, Epstein didn’t kill himself in Federal Prison, and talk about the Bohemian Grove and secret societies blackmailing elites in our society. Normalize exposing the elite who commit crimes against children. Boom!


People are also waking up to the fact many of their so-called leaders are fake. In a clumsy attempt to cover this up, fake President Biden is using executive privilege to block the release of audio recordings of his own interviews with special counsel Robert Hur. This is because the interviews proved whoever is playing the role of “Biden” is too senile to qualify for prison. 



Despite this, the criminal US government is still pretending an election will pit Biden against Donald Trump in November.


They just announced CNN will host a 2024 Presidential Debate between Biden and Trump in Atlanta, GA. The debate will air live on 6/27 at 9pm ET on  @CNN, CNN Max and without a cable login on http://CNN.com.

他们刚刚宣布,美国有线电视新闻网将在佐治亚州亚特兰大主办2024年拜登和川普的总统辩论。辩论将于美国东部时间2024年6月27日晚9点在@CNN、CNN Max上直播,无需有线电视登录http://CNN.com.


If you look at the details you will realize there will be no live audience for this debate. In other words, it is likely to be a fake CG show using actors and AI.


This is all probably meant to distract people while the Khazarian Mafia prepares for some “emergency” black swan event, CIA sources say. 


In addition to some sort of black swan event, it looks like the KM is also planning some sort of pink swan event. The US State Department just issued a worldwide travel warning for terrorist-inspired “violence against LGBTQI+ persons and events.” So stay away from big LGBTQ etc. events if you want to avoid becoming collateral damage.



The black swan event is likely to be some sort of pandemic used as an excuse to impose totalitarian rule on Americans. Greg Reese among others reports the Federal government has been conducting a wide-scale criminal operation of flooding the country with unvetted foreigners, distributing them across the United States, and providing them with homes and financial support. They are also being supplied with weapons to enforce the United Nations plan for Disease X lockdowns



Donald Trump warns the Democrats want to use bird flu to rig the 2024 elections.


These elites will keep releasing bio-weapons and planning to enslave us until they are neutralized.


The planned pandemic for the US is just part of a Satanic WHO plot to use “Disease X” to try to seize totalitarian world control. Here, for example, you can watch their slave Mitt Romney call for more government overreach, including vaccines for bird flu.


Fortunately, the WHO pandemic treaty talks in Switzerland are going nowhere because a critical mass of governments and people are on to their plot. For example here, Japan’s most senior cancer doctor Dr. Masanori Fukushima says COVID shots are “essentially murder.” He adds “Slovakia, the US, Holland, the UK & Japan are just some of the nations objecting strongly to the WHO Globalist Pandemic Accord…We hope to bring awareness to the Japanese people & the rest of the World…The construction of a Totalitarian framework for the Global Vaccine Business leveraging the pandemic agreement”.


His warnings have triggered massive demonstrations in Japan. The Japanese underworld is also now actively hunting down the vaccinators.



In a sign he is getting nervous, here you can watch WHO owner Bill Gates worry about “vaccine conspiracy theorists.” It is a shame this mass murderer is still free but rest assured it will not be for long.


The crimes he and his KM overlords are responsible for run deep. For example, here you can watch Dr. Zach Bush explain how pharmacidical companies stop life-saving cancer cures with “blocking patents” so they can continue to profit from expensive and ineffective treatments. Basically, they keep cancer patients alive long enough to take all their money. In the 19th century, less than one in 20 people ever got cancer; now it is one in two.


These criminals and their political puppets are also still trying to start a out nuclear war. Here, for example, you can watch Senator Lindsey Graham call for Israel to use nukes.  


They also trotted out a CG version of Victoria Nuland to call for missile attacks on Russia. These attacks and retaliation have already started.


There are huge chemical plant fires, rivers running red and other strange things going on in Germany that are not being reported.



We assume it is Russian retaliation for German attacks inside Russia.


“Any use of Western weapons against peaceful Russian cities may trigger the use of more powerful weapons to protect Russian citizens,” State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin warns. “Western politicians have to realize their responsibility and do everything to prevent the situation from escalating to a world-scale catastrophe,” he emphasized.



There may also be tit-for-tat assassinations of politicians as a part of this struggle. Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk shares he’s been receiving death threats online since the assassination attempt against Slovakia’s Robert Fico.


What Khazarian mafia puppet leaders need to understand is that if they kill politicians who oppose them, there will be 100-fold retaliation. The days of terrorizing world leaders into submission with threats of murder are over. Things will escalate.


The escalation is coming as the Ukrainian regime collapses. President Vladimir Zelenskys term of office ended today (May 20th) meaning he is no longer an official head of state. That means that under international law Russia can now act on the arrest warrant it has issued for him. CIA sources say: “Zelensky is afraid to leave wherever he is hiding because he knows there is an active contract in place.” This headline is supporting evidence:


“Ukraine’s President Zelensky cancels all upcoming foreign trips as Russia advances in Kharkiv region.”



The collapse of the Ukrainian regime is now visible to all. “There was no first line of defense. We saw it. The Russians just walked in. They just walked in, without any minefields” Denys Yaroslavskyi Commander of a Ukrainian Special Reconnaissance Unit says.



Why was there no defense? The Head of the Mezha Anti-Corruption Center, Martyna Bohuslavets reports millions of dollars intended for construction of fortifications in Ukraine were instead “transferred to front companies of avatars.”



In other words Zelensky and his henchmen are engaged in last minute looting.


Now that the Ukrainian war is over, revenge for the destruction of Yugoslavia is next. Last week Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Serbia where he said “China supports Serbia’s efforts to safeguard sovereignty and territorial integrity on the Kosovo issue.”



Then Tass reports “Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has thanked the Russian authorities for supporting his country’s territorial integrity and respecting its sovereignty.” In a hint that Serbia is about to go to war, Vucic said “the path our country has chosen…is not easy but we expect to get full support from all of Serbia’s true friends.”



As background, Yugoslavia was destroyed by Bill Clinton Rockefeller so they could create the criminal rump state of Kosovo to loot the huge mineral resources located there.  


In a sign a revived Austro-Hungarian Empire is involved in this move, when Xi went to Hungary the following statement was issued:


“China and Hungary will work together to advance the China-CEEC (Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, and the three Baltic States: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) cooperation in broader scope…resolutely uphold international fairness and justice, and advance the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.”



This is part of a much bigger move by the Chinese to end US hegemony. As a part of this, China sold off a record $53.3 billion of Treasury and agency bonds in the first quarter of 2024 and bought gold instead. Gold has outperformed US dollars bonds by 75% since 2020.



China is also engaged in some serious financial house cleaning. China has arrested dozens of state regulators, bankers and finance bosses in a corruption net this year. Our Asian secret society sources say it is part of a clean-up of Rockefeller and Rothschild agents.



There is also a fierce and under-reported battle taking place in Taiwan.


Taiwanese lawmakers are “shoving, tackling, and hitting each other.” This is because President-elect Lai Ching-te is set to take office without a legislative majority. The parliament is demanding oversight powers over the government, including a controversial proposal to criminalize officials who make false statements in parliament.



Asian royals say this battle in Taiwan is linked to a dispute over whether the replacement for the UN should be located in Japan and not Laos as proposed by the Chinese.


The Chinese are also trying to do something about their imploding housing market and have announced a slew of measures to boost the property market. They are spending over $40 billion to supply affordable housing and pledging to deliver unfinished homes. This is definitely too little too late and a lot more will have to be done.



In another too little too late move, Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY) announces the introduction of H.R. 8421, the Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act. Rep. Massie’s legislation abolishes the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve and the Federal Reserve banks. It also repeals the Federal Reserve Act, the 1913 law that created the Federal Reserve System.


“Americans are suffering under crippling inflation, and the Federal Reserve is to blame,” said Rep. Massie. “During COVID, the Federal Reserve created trillions of dollars out of thin air and loaned it to the Treasury Department to enable unprecedented deficit spending. By monetizing the debt, the Federal Reserve devalued the dollar and enabled free money policies that caused the high inflation we see today.”



In a related move Fed Chair Jerome Powell tested positive for Covid AGAIN (1/18/2023 was his first positive test)! “Who gets tested for Covid these days? A: The ones getting GITMOED!! Enjoy your orange onesie and complimentary meals in a guard gated community Jerome,” Polish intelligence sources comment.



Of course, the US cannot act alone because it is bankrupt vis a vis the rest of the world. They will have no choice but to accept the multipolar world being built by the BRICS.


“It is highly likely that the BRICS Pay blockchain payment system, which does not fall under the control of the United States, settlements in digital currencies, as well as the creation of new channels for payments between Russian and Chinese legal entities will be agreed upon. Business – both Russian and Chinese – needs urgent solutions, here and now,” Vice President of the National Coordination Center for International Business Cooperation Pavel Kuznetsov told Izvestia.



In addition to this, the Russians have also agreed to join the gold-backed $100 trillion future planning organization initiative agreed upon by Asian and Western white hats, Russian FSB sources say.


The Russians also agree on the plan to replace the UN Security council with a seven-region world council, the sources say. This was clear from the various reports about the big Putin and Xi summit meeting last week.


Russia and China are working toward “a fairer democratic…world order that would reflect the real weight of states and their associations,” says Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov



President Putin described Russian-Chinese cooperation in world affairs as “one of the main stabilizing factors in the international arena” after his meeting with President Xi Jinping, emphasizing that the two countries jointly uphold the principles of a fair and democratic world order that reflects the rise of global multi-polarity.


The Chinese leader pointed to Beijing and Moscow’s joint commitment to “fairness and justice” in relations and cited the “Cold War mentality…unilateralism, hegemonism, bloc confrontation and power politics” pursued by some nations today as threats to peace and international security.



Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent visit to China is set to determine the future of the world, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said. “These are momentous steps that will determine the future not only of our region, but also of the entire planet,” the diplomat said.



There is a widespread agreement with this sentiment in the West.


“The rise of multi-alignment necessitates a fundamental shift in how international relations are conducted. Major powers must transition from a zero-sum competition mindset to one that fosters more agile frameworks that address the concerns of a wider range of actors, not just traditional allies,” says Professor Andrew Latham reflecting such views.



In yet another sign of the fall of the “rules-based world order” we noted the Nigerian government put out a full-page ad in the New York Times today announcing an auction of its oil resources in a way that would benefit the Nigerian people. It looks like Nigeria has kicked out the Rockefellers and nationalized its oil.


There is also a battle for control of Brazil and its vast resources.


We were told last week that Brazil was hit with floods caused by weather weapons. Now we hear “a group of volunteers working to save people from the floods in southern Brazil claim they were misled into participating in an operation to remove several thousand firearms from the airport of Rio Grande do Sul state’s capital Porto Alegre.”



Unfortunately for us, we are unlikely to find out more because weathermen are forbidden from talking about weather weapons. This Weatherman has not been able to work again in the news media after this report. This is what happens when you tell the truth and expose the KM Deep State’s activities


On a final note this week we note a flying spy bug has been caught. Is this related to all those Cicadas we are hearing about?





Benjamin Fulford Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis 2024 May 13th


Failure of WHO Pandemic Treaty Means the Sheeple Will Soon Be Released From the Human Animal Farm



The white hat victory in the battle for the planet Earth is now becoming obvious in multiple ways. For example, as Reuters reports: “Talks to draw up a global pact to help fight future pandemics have ended without a draft agreement by the expected deadline…the World Health Organization said on Friday.”



We also now confirmed from Pentagon sources that the millions of military-age male illegal immigrants who came into the US since 2021 were brought in to enforce the planned implementation of the (now failed) Khazarian Mafia WHO pandemic treaty. These men will now be rounded up and sent home.  


There are many other signs of KM defeat we will discuss below. The implications of this are far bigger than most people realize. A good metaphor for what is about to happen is the movie “The Island.” In this movie, people were living in an underground bunker and were told they were sheltering from a natural disaster. However, lucky people would be allowed to go soon to an “Island paradise.” The reality is these people were clones whose purpose was to supply organs to rich clientele. Traveling to “The Island” meant organ removal and death. At the end of the movie, the clones were set free to live out their natural lives.


The equivalent is about to happen to all of us. We now live short, miserable lives and are literally worked to death far before our natural lifespans. Soon we will all be free, work 20 hours per week or less and live like millionaires for thousands of years.


If it sounds improbable consider the implications of this following news item:


A British girl has had her hearing restored after becoming the first person worldwide to take part in a pioneering new gene therapy trial.



This was accomplished by adding a few genes to the region of her ear. This is just one proof of the fact we have the ability to edit our genes in any way we want. It means we can change the genes that shorten our lifespans. We can also add superpowers such as the radar abilities of a bat or the eyes of an eagle.


Until now, the controllers of the planet forbade medicine from being used to enhance people. The only thing the medical community is allowed to do is to cure illness. The result was that pharmaceutical companies were given multi-trillion-dollar incentives to create illnesses in order to make money by curing them.


The Rockefellers and other owners of the privately owned non-governmental organization WHO have created cancer, HIV and countless other diseases in order to do just that. Imagine if they could instead make trillions of dollars by enhancing humans.


The old establishment put out all sorts of lame excuses as to why we must prohibit people from enhancing their genes. They are also spurious. For example, they say it would create genetic gaps between the rich and the poor. The answer to that is to make this technology available to anyone who wants it. They say it could cause permanent genetic changes that would be passed on to children. That’s a lie because we have the ability to undo these changes if we want. The only legitimate argument they make is that we need to make sure it doesn’t have unexpected side effects. This means careful testing is needed.


Also, it will be entirely a question of free choice. For sure, just like the Amish chose to stick with 19th-century technology, many people will choose to continue to live short, genetically un-enhanced lives. That would be their choice and who knows, maybe evolution will prove them right.


However, many of us will want to become virtually immortal super-humans. My own wish is to someday be able to convert my body into something like a dolphin so that I can explore the ocean. When I am finished exploring I can revert to human form. This is literally technically possible now.


The Khazarian Mafia owners of the WHO had very different plans. They wanted us to become genetically unable to resist their rule. Their plans called for the murder of 90% of humanity. All the survivors (except for KM members) would be given digital IDs that would link their access to food and everything else needed for survival to an obedience (social credit) score. They also had human breeding farms in the Ukraine and elsewhere. Here human females would be kept as sex slaves until disposal at around age 25. They would give birth to infants to be tortured for adrenochrome and used as meat. They would also breed obedient supersoldiers to enforce their rule.


The secret battle for the planet Earth was between these two alternative timelines for the future. One was the release of humanity to evolve as it chooses and thus start off a new Cambrian explosion. The other was the permanent enslavement of humanity at the service of a self-declared Nazi super race.


The Nazis have now been comprehensively defeated. The death of Klaus Schwab Rothschild, Bill Gates, Hillary Clinton Rockefeller and others ensured that. There will be more KM dominoes falling soon.


With that in mind, let us look at the geopolitical news of the past week because it is a snapshot of the shifting timelines.


The biggest change there came with the ongoing collapse of the Khazarian Mafia states of Israel, Ukraine and the US.


This is thanks to the planetary liberation alliance led by Russia, China and the Western military-industrial complex white hats.


Russia’s contributions were especially notable last week. In a sign of how free people can decide their own future, Russia just announced its goals for 2030. The 82 targets include “upholding traditional moral and spiritual values,” making Russia the fourth largest economy in the world, increasing population, becoming a high-tech super-power, creating a “comfortable and safe living environment,” promoting “environmental welfare, etc”



Sovereign nations like Russia plan their own future. Slave states like the US are forced into wars, not in the national interest that impoverish their own people.


By the way, this is Mikhail Mishustin, Chairman of the Russian Government and real ruler of Russia.



He is not a dictator but rather the head of a committee that uses Putin as its’ PR avatar.



With its plan in motion, Russia has now begun a massive offensive against Ukraine on all fronts. Ukrainian resistance has collapsed and the war there is effectively over, Polish intelligence, CIA and Russian FSB sources agree.


The US military has agreed to this. Pentagon sources also tell us that even though the fake Joe Biden signed a bill offering $61 billion in weapons supplies to Ukraine the reality is nothing has been or will be sent.


The Russians note Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s term ends on May 21 and no election has been called to appoint his successor. “Zelensky’s popularity is in free fall. The population blames him for the war that is dragging on as well as his postponement of the presidential election. Ukrainian politicians are reportedly holding consultations to determine who will be the next president and how to legitimize him,” reports French journalist Thierry Meyssan.



With the Ukrainian war just about over, the next move will be revenge for the destruction of Yugoslavia, Serbian intelligence sources say. Chinese President  Xi Jinping was in Serbia last week where he said “China supports the Serbian government in its measures to protect the country’s territorial integrity on the Kosovo issue.”



As background, Bill Clinton Rockefeller destroyed Yugoslavia to seize the vast resources of strategic minerals located in Kosovo. To do that, they destroyed Yugoslavia and turned the area around the mines into the criminal rump state of Kosovo. That is now ending.


After the Ukraine and Kosovo, the next domino to fall will be Israel. Last week the UN General Assembly voted overwhelmingly in favor of Judean (Palestine) membership: 143-9, with 25 abstentions. This prompted the Israeli ambassador to the UN to shred the UN charter with a paper shredder in front of the assembly.


This time the US is not going to stop the world from forcing Israel to end its genocidal behavior. The white hat alliance forced US presidential avatar Joe Biden to say “I’ve made it clear to Bibi and the war cabinet, they’re not going to get our support.”


This prompted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to say Israel was prepared to “stand-alone” in its war in Gaza and “fight with our fingernails.”



“The noose is tightening around Zionist Israel. Avatar Zionist Netanyahu must be getting really nervous or is already in hiding,” a Mossad source comments. 


It is likely to be a literal noose for many. Colombian President Gustavo Petro on Friday called for the International Criminal Court (ICC) to issue an arrest warrant for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whose government he has described as “genocidal” in its war in Gaza.



The United Nations Security Council has called for an immediate and independent investigation into reported mass graves containing hundreds of Palestinian dead bodies near hospitals in the Gaza Strip amid the Israeli regime’s months-long aggression on the besieged territory.



The Israeli people agree. Riots are taking place in Israel, demanding the resignation of Benjamin Netanyahu.


The fact this headline: “In a 2018 letter, Netanyahu asks Qatar to fund Hamas” appeared in Israeli news is a sign the KM avatar Benyamin Netanyahu is finished.



One-sided coverage in favor of Israel has also ended on US corporate media. For example in the video below Piers Morgan had Israeli government spokesperson Avi Hyman squirming when he pressed for an answer on how many civilian deaths it was responsible for, despite also having exact figures for Hamas ‘terrorists’ it had killed.


Israel has been run by a gang of criminals since 1948, unbeknownst to its population, says Thierry Meyssan. He notes Israel enables the most extensive money-laundering operations and serves as a haven for some of the world’s greatest criminals…An official of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) told me…he witnessed the group of diamond dealers, who had arrived without passing through customs and were being escorted by the military. These men and a few customers exchanged diamonds and cash, then left incognito. This kind of deal could not take place in any other state.



In an example, Jared Kushner has been revealed as supporting plans to redevelop Gaza into the next Dubai including an international airport and a duty-free zone as soon as they finish genociding the Judeans (Palestinians). Jared Kushner is now a high-priority target He is a dead man walking.



The reality is the attacks on Gaza have been stopped. “The Israeli Palestine conflict is now a nothing burger. It is at a standstill. Thanks to Iran and Russia. All the alleged attacks on the fridges of Rafah are CGI and old videos,” a Mossad source says. 


Of course, many KM slaves of Israel will go down with the Satanic ship. In the video below you can watch KM Secretary of State Anthony Blinken tell Mitt Romney that Israel’s PR is failing because social media allows people a direct look at what’s happening and it lands with emotional resonance. 


Romney then says yes, that’s why we moved to ban TikTok!


The reality is that the US corporation will collapse along with Israel. The white hats are taking over.


Pentagon sources say the US really could really be under a continuity of government with CIC Trump in charge. Pascal Najadi has released video footage of the military landing at Guantanamo Bay (Gitmo), of Hillary Clinton being arrested and executed and of martial law in the US.



The news video is old but why would Najadi put it out now? This has been totally erased from the MSM. “These appear to be on ABC News with George Stephanopoulos and Fox News. Wild for sure,” a CIA source comments. 


Of course, the battle is still raging. As soon as this video was rereleased, a fake masked Hillary Clinton was trotted out to say 2024 might be the last election ever. “This is a wild interview on CNBC’s Morning Joe. You can see the line of her mask on her neck. Very obvious,” a Pentagon source comments.


Our own sources say the Hillary stuff is being put out again in preparation for an official public announcement of her death. In a sign they may be preparing for this, many sources sent us old incriminating material about Hillary. For example, this video shows how guilty Hillary Clinton was as US Secretary of State, under President Barack Obama. 


The KM also trotted out former US Joint Chief of Staff Traitor Mark Milley to say the US killed a great number of innocent people so it has no right to slam Israel for its actions in Gaza.  “Look at Milley, this is not the real one. This is an avatar/ double. As we know, the real Mark Milley is in GITMO,” a Pentagon source comments. 


There are other signs something is changing in the US. For example Judge Cannon has indefinitely postponed Donald Trump’s classified documents trial in Florida. Maybe he realized he was being duped into staging a fake political reality TV show.



Then we saw this item appear via the State Department-run Epoch Times. Trump Allegedly Has Secret Plans to Federalize the Federal Reserve


The Federal Reserve may soon be federalized—if an alleged plan by former President Donald Trump and his allies turns out to be true. Allegations are rife that a secret 10-page document has been circulating among a small group in President Trump’s team, and that it outlines changes to the Federal Reserve that could significantly alter financial policy in the United States.


It may be too late. Nebraska has joined dozens of US states designating gold and silver as money and passing laws saying “money does not include central bank digital currency.”



Also, nationalizing the FRB would not alter the fact the US is bankrupt vis a vis the rest of the world.


International Monetary Fund Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva warns servicing the U.S debt — now roughly $34 trillion — consumes more than 17% of federal revenue, compared to under 7% in 2015. “It cannot go like this forever, because the … burden on the U.S. is going to cripple spending that is necessary to make for servicing the debt,” Georgieva said. “There is an opportunity cost to this money … it doesn’t go to emerging markets where it can finance jobs and business opportunities for American companies.”



In a sign of how all this debt is being wasted, in November 2021 “Biden” allocated $7.5 billion for EV charging, Today, there’s seven chargers with a total of just 38 parking spots.



This headline is another example of a completely wasteful and dysfunctional government:


“Chicago Mayor Wants $1 Billion More For Schools Even Though 43% Of Teachers Are Chronically Absent.”



The trillions spent on the medical industry also went almost entirely to pharmacidical companies and middlemen and not doctors. A survey conducted by AMN Healthcare in 2022 of 15 large metro markets revealed the average time to see a physician was 26 days. Almost 50 percent of doctors report that they feel burned out, according to a 2024 Medscape report



Here in Japan, the waiting time is often zero minutes.


A lot of the trillions of Biden debt money ended up in the hands of the usual suspects like BlackRock and Vanguard who have been using it to buy up private homes all over the US. In the video below you can see new homes only available for rent in Las Vegas, Nevada 


It is a sign the KM wants to eliminate home ownership and turn everyone into “own nothing and be happy” debt slaves.


The video below is an example of how the KM hid their plans with predictive programming hidden in plain sight with the “conspiracy theory” label. That script was greenlit on a comedy show, they knew they could flaunt it, and nobody would believe it. You can hear the canned laughter being inserted into the show.


The fact is though, the rest of the world has woken up and stopped financing this corruption and insanity. The whole rotten structure is imploding before our eyes.


Even the Europeans have dumped the Rockefellers and the KM. As a sign of this, the IMF is warning against US attempts to seize Russian assets, most of which are in Europe.



Europe has its own problems of course. In November 2023, Members of the European Parliament voted for the liquidation of nations, the removal of borders, the abolition of property, the nationalization of industry and…replacing democracy with the dictatorship of a European party warns Jerzy Kwaśniewski – President of Polands’ Ordo Iuris Institute for Legal Culture.


A big fight back against this came last week in Belgium at a conference (NatCon) organized by European conservative circles. When Nigel Farage, the architect of the Brexit movement, entered the stage…the police suddenly burst in and announced an immediate end to the event.


The organizers of the event sued and got a Belgian administrative court to order the end of the police blockade the next morning. It turns out the police intervention took place on the orders of Emir Kir, the mayor of this district of Brussels, who claimed that the conference was hosting personalities from the “conservative, religious right.” He also added that the organizers’ vision is “not only conservative, but also hostile to the legalization of abortion, same-sex relationships, etc., and supports national sovereignty.”


One of the top Euro fascists, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, told reporters following a trilateral meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron and Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday. “The world cannot absorb China’s surplus production.”

欧洲顶级法西斯份子之一 ——欧洲理事会主席冯德莱恩,在周一与马克龙和习近平进行了一场三方会议后,告诉记者说:“世界无法消费完中国过剩产能的商品。”


The truth is China has a better system and unless the West revamps its’ own systems it will just be a matter of time before we all end up working for the Chinese.


Before that can happen though, there are still pockets of KM resistance to be rounded up. Here, for example, you can see Alex Soros with Cindy McCain, plotting against Trump. 


John McCain who was executed for treason, has his daughter following in his footsteps. 


Alex Soros, via the Soros Foundation, pays protesters to burn the American flag.


As this example from Penn State University shows, they are also paying for the ongoing campus riots across the US. These aren’t students. They’re professional activists paid for by Alex Soros and the Rockefeller Foundation. 


Next, you can watch Massachusetts Democrats tell you ILLEGALS take a PRIORITY over our VETERANS.


Also, to make it easier for underage children to disappear and be trafficked, the Biden administration is seeking an end to special court oversight of child migrants.



Another sign of a desperate last-minute power grab by the KM came from Justin Castrudeau in Canada. He is trying to pass an “Online Harms Bill,” that calls for such things as:


Life sentences for speech /无期徒刑

Pre-crime detention / 犯罪前拘留

Ex post facto law / 事后法律

Anonymous accusers etc./ 匿名指控者等。


Castrudeau is also trying to tax people fleeing his tyranny.






However, do not count of fake opposition leader Pierre Poillevre to help. His wife in 2020 was CEO of SWITCH HEALTH leading supplier of fraudulent Covid test kits for air travel.

不过,不要指望假反对派领袖皮埃尔•波列夫尔来帮忙。2020年,他的妻子是SWITCH HEALTH的首席执行官,该公司是航班旅行欺诈性新冠肺炎检测试剂盒的主要供应商。


The desperate and cornered KM Satanists are also still plotting a global pandemic as a Hail Mary move to avoid being arrested as war criminals.


Here you can watch former CDC Director, Dr. Robert Redfield state the primary threat of H5N1 Bird Flu stems from US labs. “In the laboratory, I could make it highly infectious for humans in months … that’s the real threat … Bird Flu, I think, is gonna be the cause of the Great Pandemic.”


They are simultaneously trying to blame China. “The letters from Congress below are part of an attempt by the KM to blame China for Covid. We know that it came from Ukraine originally and was then possibly sent to Wuhan and “leaked” from there, maybe. This whole scamdemic was a KM Plan designed decades ago. This is the continuation of the circus show for the sheeple. The audience is becoming smaller and smaller as they ‘wake up’ to reality,” a CIA medical doctor says.  


These are just signs the KM is freaking out about the ongoing reaction to their vaccine mass murder attempt.


The pharmacidical companies are in full retreat on this front.


For example, AstraZeneca just withdrew its Covid vaccine Vaxzevria “for commercial reasons.” 




Pfizer meanwhile, has agreed to settle over 10K lawsuits linking Zantac to cancer



If Pfizer admits that Zantac causes cancer…do you honestly believe that they didn’t inject the World with cancer with their “Covid Vaccine”?


If they didn’t know, why did they offer their employees different vaccines and or placebos?



The Australian government has already paid out millions of dollars of vaccine injury claims since the COVID-19 pandemic…it covers vaccines approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), including AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna, and Novavax COVID-19 vaccines.


However, paying trivial compensation is way too little, too late. War crimes tribunals are inevitable for these people.


The rest of the world meanwhile is shifting towards a new age of peace. Negotiations for a multipolar world federation of independent states are well underway. A new UN headquarters is being readied in Laos. Work on releasing hundreds of trillions of dollars to launch the new age is also progressing smoothly. Don’t expect anything until after the summer though, sources close to the white hat leadership say.


The big question is what will be unveiled to us once world peace is established.


We are still waiting for anti-gravity, med-bed, etc. technology to be made available for the general public.


Even more startling news is possible. In a sign reality itself could change; did you know they’ve recently discovered dozens of new types of cloud? I wonder what they’ve called the perfectly square thin right angled type of cloud?


We also note the Vatican is preparing to release a document giving guidance on how to discern supernatural phenomena. 



“The real meaning is to get prepared for off-world extraterrestrials to be visiting Earth. It is allegedly going to take place in Mid-July or August and thousands will witness it,” a secret space program source says.


Is this a Project Blue Beam event or will it be a Beyond Blue Beam ‘real deal’?  We shall soon see.


CN — LARRY ROMANOFF: 生物战在行动 — 第10章——最近的生物武器袭击


生物战在行动 —Biological Warfare in Action 

生物战在行动 — Biological Warfare in Action

第10章——最近的生物武器袭击 — Chapter 10 – Recent Bio-Weapons Attacks

By Larry Romanoff




内容 — Content

10.1. 目录. 中国的6次生物攻击 10. 1. China’s 6 Bio-attacks

10.2. 中国爆发禽流感10. 2. China’s Bird Flu Outbreaks

10.3. 中国的猪肉投机者” — 10. 3. China’s “Pork Speculators”

10.4. 中国瞄准的生物武器10. 4. China-Targeted Bio-Weapons

10.5. 中国新冠肺炎10. 5. China COVID-19

10.6. 北京新冠肺炎10. 6. Beijing COVID-1

10.7. 中国第二次新冠肺炎疫情;2022 — 10. 7. China’s Second COVID Attack; 2022

10.8. 香港新冠肺炎10. 8. Hong Kong COVID-19

10.9. SARSMERS、寨卡病毒、埃博拉病毒 — 10.9. SARS, MERS, ZIKA,  EBOLA

10.9.1. 让我们看看SARS — 10.9.1. Let’s Look at SARS

10.9.2. 让我们看看MERS — 10.9.2.  Let’s Look at MERS

10.9.3. 让我们看看ZIKA — 10.9.3. Let’s Look at ZIKA

10.9.4. 让我们看看EBOLA — 10.9.4. Let’s Look at EBOLA


I have assembled here a brief collection of recent events that meet all the criteria for biological weapons attacks, including the astonishing dissembling in the mass media. If we examine the detail, none of these events could possibly have been accidental or occurred within the realm of nature.


10.1. 目录. 中国的6次生物攻击 — 10. 1. China’s 6 Bio-attacks

Shanghai Coronavirus Lockdown 2022


It wasn’t reported in the West, but China suffered a total of 6 serious biological attacks within two years – 2020 and 2021, COVID-19 being one of these. There were a deadly variant of swine flu, various concentrated outbreaks of bird flu, some of very deadly pathogens, with simultaneous outbreaks of unusual pathogens all exhibiting an unusual manifestation, and none of which had a clear natural source or origin. The question is, why China? The media propaganda narrative implied that China (or China’s vegetable markets) lacked sanitary cohesion, but the truth is that China is well above most countries in Asia in sanitation, India being perhaps the worst example. Logic encourages us to ask why India doesn’t have dozens of pathogen outbreaks, and why all these epidemics occurred only in China, and why all at the same timeAnd of course logic also induces us to ask who has around 100 biological weapons labs surrounding China and Russia.


10.2. 中国爆发禽流感10. 2. China’s Bird Flu Outbreaks


Workers inoculate the newborn chickens with avian flu vaccines at a chicken hatchery in Shandong province. Photographer: Chu Baorui/Feature China/Future Publishing/Getty Images. Source


China was hit with virtually simultaneous eruptions of several variants of bird flu during these two years. H5N6 was almost unheard of in China but is a virus with a high mortality rate. According to Reutersthese infections “show the risk of fast-changing variants”[1] Reuters also reported that “The number of people in China infected with H5N6 bird flu this year has jumped, raising concern among some experts, who say a previously-circulating strain appears to have changed and may be more infectious to people.” [2] No information on where the strain was “previously circulating”, nor how it managed to change into something more lethal.


Then the UK Guardian [3] and the BBC informed us that “China confirms first human case of H10N3 bird flu strain”. The WHO and FAO noted that this is “not a very common virus”, with no information as to its origin or source. The BBC informed us that “China sees first human case of rare H10N3 strain”, with no indication of how a human in China managed to become infected. [4] There was also an eruption of the H9N2 variant, which was a milder form, with mortality not a serious risk. It was fortunate indeed that the Chinese authorities managed to identify these outbreaks and corral them immediately, before they were able to do any harm.


10.3. 中国的猪肉投机者” — 10.3. China’s “Pork Speculators”


People shop for meat at a new supermarket in Binzhou in China’s Shandong province. Pork prices have soared this year as an outbreak of African swine fever decimates hog herds. (AFP/Getty Images). Source


In 2019 and 2020, right in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, China was hit almost simultaneously with several biological attacks, one being a nation-wide wave of deadly swine flu, necessitating the culling of around 100 hundred million pigs – China’s main meat source. This was a new strain, the disease first detected in China near its border with Russia, who had also experienced the same kind of outbreak from the same strain of the virus, the Russians claiming with some certainty the pathogen had been deliberately released from the US Lugar military biological weapons lab in Georgia. In China, the pathogen was distributed with small drones flying over countless thousands of farms while spraying something. [5] [6] This was a well-organised effort, since there many of these drones reported. One large farm was so inundated with these drones that the owner set up a jamming system to upset their navigation systems. In this case, he had to desist because his jamming systems were interfering with aircraft landings at a nearby airport. [7] [8]

2019年和2020就在新冠肺炎大流行期间中国几乎同时遭受了几次生物袭击其中一次是全国范围内的致命猪流感需要扑杀约1亿头猪——中国的主要肉类来源。这是一种新的毒株,这种疾病首次在中国与俄罗斯边境附近发现,中国也经历过同一毒株的类似爆发,俄罗斯人肯定地声称,病原体是故意从格鲁吉亚的美国卢格军事生物武器实验室释放的。在中国,这种病原体是通过小型无人机在成千上万的农场上空喷洒某种东西来传播的。[5][6]这是一次精心组织的努力,因为据报道,有许多这样的无人机。一个大农场被这些无人机淹没了,主人设置了一个干扰系统来干扰他们的导航系统。在这种情况下,他不得不停止,因为他的干扰系统干扰了附近机场的飞机降落。 [7] [8]

When news of this epidemic emerged, much of the Western media, including Hong Kong, immediately flooded their pages with claims that Chinese “pork speculators” or possibly “Chinese gangs” were responsible for this. The explanation was that they could then buy (diseased) pigs cheaply, with no detailed analysis offered for their subsequent disposal. [9]  It is of interest that only two years ago there were literally dozens of US news media reports about this, but a search today produces zero results for “pork speculators“, which cannot possibly be an accident. But let’s ignore the media claims for a moment and try to apply some logic.


First, many laboratories in many countries research such pathogens as swine flu, but the amounts necessary for research typically are a cupful. The volume of pathogen necessary to infect and\or kill 100 million pigs would be at least tens of thousands of liters. Where would our ‘pork speculators’ obtain such a volume of a deadly pathogen? The nearest 7-11? Wal-Mart? The only source of any pathogen in that volume would be a military bio-weapons lab where it was created for use. There is no evidence that China has any such labs but for the moment let’s assume they do have. How would the “pork speculators” gain access to it? What do you suppose would happen if you and I went to such a military installation and said, “Good morning. We would like to buy 5,000 liters of anthrax, please.” Exactly. And if the Chinese did have such a facility, they would be unlikely to supply people wanting to kill most or all of their own country’s meat supply.


Perhaps more to the point, in any country, WHO would have access to these facilities and the pathogens contained therein? Only agencies of that government. Nobody else. And certainly not civilian “pork speculators”. Logic permits us to dismiss the possibility of the pathogen arising from a Chinese facility, so what would be the source? We don’t have a smoking gun, but China and Russia are surrounded by about 100 American military bio-weapons labs. There is no other likely source for such a volume of pathogen, and no other country with a likely motive or with ample experience in this area, which means the swine flu epidemic in China was almost certainly a US biological weapons attack. And the media flood about “pork speculators” was merely a supporting propaganda effort meant to pre-empt rational thought on the part of readers and lead everyone down the wrong path.


The New York Times then told us that, however it happened, it was all China’s fault. According to an article ostensibly written by a Mr. Yanzhong Huang, self-styled as “a global-health expert specializing in China”, Swine fever devastated China’s stock “because with unsound governance, even sound regulations have perverse effects”. [10] Mr. Huang did not elaborate on how an American bio-weapons attack would constitute “unsound governance” on the part of China, but then this is the New York Times we are reading. Worthy of note is that two years prior, Russia was hit with an outbreak of the same pathogen, the first time such a thing had ever occurred in the Southern Caucasus regionand the Russians apparently had much circumstantial evidence that this pathogen was released from the Lugar US biological warfare lab in Georgia.


In a Western country, with 50% of the livestock slaughtered, American Big Agra firms would have had an open door to take control of the nation’s pork supply. But the Chinese government, not being a party to the pathogen, immediately provided financing and other assistance for the small farmers to rebuild their herds. The event did, of course, inflict a significant financial blow to the Chinese economy already suffering from the COVID slowdown, and I assume this was the purpose. However, if the multiple pathogen outbreaks had succeeded in escaping confinement, the entire country would have been devastated. No government can deal with the unknown prospects of COVID-19, the swine flu and multiple outbreaks of various strains of deadly bird flu all at the same time. The Chinese government deserves enormous credit for having contained all of these at the same time. There is no other government in the world that could have done this.


China-Targeted Bio is worrying that there have been persistent claims arising from scientific sources in many countries that the US has been collecting Chinese genes for incorporation into a gene-specific bio-weapon. As we will see, there is much justification for suspicion on this matter, including strong evidence that various recent diseases appearing in China appeared almost certainly to have had a laboratory origin, with one Chinese Air Force official flatly stating that several diseases, including the H7N9 Flu outbreak, were engineered by the US as a gene-specific bio-weapon. Given the strong evidence, it is difficult to dismiss these claims out of hand, and there certainly is no shortage of evidence of large-scale American efforts to collect Chinese DNA.


The British Medical Association, in an article on Biotechnology, weapons and humanity, [11] revealed that FBI crime labs in the US, while doing routine work, “have stumbled across genetic markers specific to blacks, whites, Hispanics and native Americans; (and that) the same markers have been discovered in Palestinians, setting them apart from Israelis. And in an article on the bird flu virus in August of 2013, Susanne Posel [12] [13] wrote that British and Chinese researchers discovered a genetic variant common to the Chinese that make them more susceptible to swine flu, apparently some 25% of Chinese having this gene variant which is also common to Japanese and Koreans. [14]

英国医学会在一篇关于生物技术、武器和人类的文章中[11]透露,美国联邦调查局的犯罪实验室在进行日常工作时,“偶然发现了黑人、白人、西班牙裔和美洲原住民特有的基因标记;(而且)在巴勒斯坦人身上也发现了相同的标记,使他们与以色列人不同。在2013年8月的一篇关于禽流感病毒的文章中,苏珊·波塞尔[12] [13]写道,英国和中国的研究人员发现了一种中国人常见的基因变体,使他们更容易感染猪流感,显然大约25%的中国人有这种基因变体,日本人和韩国人也有这种基因。[14]

In 2012, The PLA Daily, China National Defense, published an article revealing a strong suspicion that American universities and scientific researchers were collecting the genes of ethnic Chinese for the purpose of developing ethnic-specific bio-weapons, discussing some evidence of a Top-Secret military project involving the participation of large numbers of American non-military NGOs and other American organisations in China, largely on the pretense of “assisting” in medical research or helping to control AIDS. And we do have incontrovertible proof of American universities Harvard [15] [16] and Tufts [17] coming into China on precisely such missions for the US military, performing “studies” and “experiments” that were later uncovered and universally condemned as illegal and fraudulent. Even the Washington Post agreed that “This was no ordinary blood drive. It was genetic research.” [18]

2012年,《解放军报》、《中国国防报》发表了一篇文章,强烈怀疑美国大学和科研人员正在收集华裔基因,以开发针对特定族裔的生物武器,讨论了一些证据,证明一个绝密军事项目涉及大量美国非军事非政府组织和其他美国组织在中国的参与,主要是以“协助”医学研究或帮助控制艾滋病为借口。我们确实有确凿的证据表明,美国哈佛大学[15] [16]和塔夫茨大学[17]正是为美国军方执行这样的任务而进入中国,进行“研究”和“实验”,这些研究和实验后来被发现,并被普遍谴责为非法和欺诈。甚至《华盛顿邮报》也同意“这不是普通的血液驱动。这是基因研究。”[18]

10.4. 中国瞄准的生物武器 10.4. China-Targeted Bio-Weapons

American scientists may be collecting the genes of ethnic Chinese people for the purpose of developing genetically engineered bioweapons, reports China National Defence, a military newspaper sponsored by the PLA Daily of the People’s Liberation Army. Source


It was outrageous and infuriating that as soon as these clandestine, illegal, dishonest – and definitely criminal – events were revealed, the Jewish US media, ignoring the actual facts, went into full attack mode with a flurry of news releases and articles claiming that it was China that was attempting to collect DNA on Americans. The New York Times led the parade (as always), telling us “U.S. Warns of Efforts by China to Collect Genetic Data.” [19] The NPR was right behind them, claiming, “China Wants Your Data — And May Already Have It.” [20] The Business Insider claimed, “China is scooping up DNA data to target … you, the US government says.” [21] But not a mention anywhere of the massive frauds that the US military, universities, and pharma companies, had recently committed in China.


The fear of course is that the US military, which has never hidden its desire for such weapons, hopes to develop pathogens and GM seeds that will mutate the genetic structure of certain racial groups – of which the Chinese is definitely one. The report stated evidence that the US had already developed some genetic weapons directed to African and Middle Eastern races, which used viruses implanted in winemaking yeast that would infect specific populations.


10.5. 中国新冠肺炎10.5. China COVID-19


Distribution of Patients with Covid-19 across Mainland China. Source


I will dwell here on only one segment of this topic, that of the source and distribution of COVID-19 in China. The Western media, beginning with Radio Free Asia, were at first unanimous that the virus emerged from the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan. When this was proven an impossibility since many infected persons had had no contact with the market, then the new Western narrative was that the outbreak resulted from a “leak” at the biological labs at Wuhan University. But when China counter-attacked with Fort Detrick as the most likely source, the media narrative quickly changed to bats, and even the CIA suddenly agreed there was no sign of a lab leak.


But  the greatest leap of all in the logic of the entire COVID affair was the timing and location of the outbreak, the idea that either a natural occurrence or an accidental escape of a pathogen would occur in one of China’s main transportation hubs on the eve of Chinese New Year, when literally tens of millions of travelers would be  leaving or passing through that precise location. This is China’s annual migration – the world’s largest – where several hundred million people would be traveling home for Chinese New Year. If I were a pathogen wanting to escape confinement, I couldn’t do better. Utilising this one location at that specific time would virtually guarantee an instant nationwide epidemic of biblical proportion, spreading the infection throughout the entire country within 24 hours, with the potential to set China’s economy back 30 years in one swoop. That is simply too much of a coincidence for any thinking person to accept.



10.6. 北京新冠肺炎 10.6. Beijing COVID-19

Distribution of COVID-19 infections, fatalities and mortality rates (fatalities/infections * 100) across the prefectures of China (updated on 23 May 2020), and the distribution of the tropospheric column amounts of three representative air pollutants derived from the 2019 averaged satellite measures of: Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Carbon Monoxide (CO), and Formaldehyde (HCHO). The values in the square brackets show the COVID-19 cases’ counts of administrative units.Source


By late May of 2020, Beijing had been virus-free for nearly 60 days. I recall having an uncomfortable feeling that this wasn’t the end, my fears justified when Beijing experienced a new outbreak in the Xinfadi market. [22] The media immediately hit us with a small flood of propaganda that Beijing was experiencing its “second wave” – a characteristic of COVID-19 that had been heavily promulgated by the media in spite of the clear fact that no epidemic in history has ever exhibited second and third or fourth natural ‘waves’. And yes, I’m aware of the 1918 pandemic, but that was a special circumstance and unrelated to what happened with COVID. We were also hit with repeated claims that “China’s wet markets” were a natural breeding ground for pathogens, and that this latest outbreak “showed how the virus can still come back as restrictions are eased”.


But the media went silent rather quickly from an announcement of “a groundbreaking virus tracing discovery” in China, [23] which was that the strain of the new virus in Beijing was the same as that in much of Europe, that this variety had never before been detected in China and was clearly an import. Dr. Daniel Lucey confirmed a Reuters report [24] [25] on the genetic sequencing that “the virus is from a different continent”, and thus was clearly imported. It was also much more contagious – and more deadly – than previous varieties. The China Daily also confirmed studies that the virus likely came to China from Europe. [26] PubMed confirmed the outbreak [27] and Science Magazine stated “Source of Beijing’s big new COVID-19 outbreak is still a mystery” [28]

但媒体很快就沉默了,因为中国宣布了“一项突破性的病毒追踪发现”,[23]即北京的新病毒株与欧洲大部分地区的毒株相同,这种变种以前从未在中国被检测到,显然是进口的。DrDaniel Lucey证实了路透社关于基因测序的报道[24] [25],即“病毒来自不同的大陆”,因此显然是输入的。它也比以前的变种更具传染性,更致命。《中国日报》还证实了有关病毒可能从欧洲传入中国的研究。[26]PubMed证实了疫情[27],《科学》杂志称“北京新的新冠肺炎疫情的源头仍然是个谜” [28]

Xinfadi is the largest fresh-food market in all of Asia, equivalent to nearly 160 football fields, with many thousands of shops. According to reports in China, the entire market was “severely contaminated” “from head to foot” while nothing in the surrounding area was touched. It was obvious the contamination entered the market – and only the market – from a source external to China. This was an entirely new version of the virus (Type A) that had not been in China before, a much more virulent strain (at least to ethnic Chinese) and one which, had it escaped confinement, might have created a humanitarian disaster. Fortunately, the authorities had not relaxed their vigilance and discovered the infections almost immediately, shutting down the market, locking down the neighborhood, tracing all the contacts, and killing it dead within two weeks with only a handful of infections.


The question is how a new variety of a virus could travel from another continent to Beijing without leaving infections along the way. And this new virus was traveling with friends if it could infect 160 football fields in a couple of days. Virus outbreaks always begin on a very small scale, and then expand, so what would be the source of such an enormous amount of pathogen released in one place at one time? Consider the astonishing coincidence of a new strain of a virus migrating from Europe, crossing half of China without leaving a trace, then choosing to land on and infect only that one location in Beijing, the largest market in all of Asia with hundreds of thousands of visitors each day, while not leaving a trace anywhere else, and sparing every other possible victim, even avoiding shops literally across the street. That would almost require an intelligence. And a large pail. To forestall such conclusions, the Western media placed a news embargo on this topic immediately upon the facts being released.


In this context, recall the information about a natural epidemic starting small, gaining traction while infecting a core group, then expanding. But the Xinfadi market started with totally infecting 160 football fields of shop space. This isn’t done by a “patient zero”, but rather by a large group carrying perhaps 1,000 liters of pathogen. How can it be otherwise?


10.7. 中国第二次新冠肺炎疫情;2022 — 10.7. China’s Second COVID Attack 2022


A patient with Covid-19 lays on a bed in a hallway at Tangshan Gongren hospital in north-east China. Photograph: Noel Celis/AFP. Source

一名新冠肺炎患者躺在中国东北部唐山职工医院走廊的床上。照片:Noel Celis/法新社。来源

China had been virus-free for a long time, with all segments of life having returned to normal, but then the country began to experience persistent attempts at outbreaks in various provinces, all of which the Chinese medical authorities quickly quashed. Those cases at first appeared to be ‘local’ domestic infections that were minor but that seemingly appeared from nowhere, with no clear source, and no patient zero located. At first, the infections appeared in only one or two provinces in very small numbers, but it seemed that as the authorities quashed one eruption in one location, others would appear simultaneously in several other locations. It was a constant battle, with new outbreaks in previously clean provinces, the number of these independent and unrelated outbreaks continually increasing. Then China was hit suddenly with new infection outbreaks in half its provinces, the numbers suddenly jumping from a mere handful to nearly 3,500 new infections on one day, this huge spike described as “complicated and severe”. [29] Again, no clear epidemiology, no identifiable source(s), and no patients zero[30] If you look at the graphic below, China went from around zero to this in literally a week. Note the vertical spike at the right of the graph, something natural virus outbreaks cannot do.


China Mainland subsequent COVID outbreaks. Source


When watching these developments live from day to day, it became obvious quite quickly that something abnormal was taking place. Again, China had been completely free of the COVID virus and life had returned to normal. There was no sensible reason for these outbreaks in areas that had been clean for many months. As one fire was extinguished, several others would break out, always in different provinces, and sometimes different strains, which would indicate independent outbreaks with no relation to each other. This was not a pattern of a natural spread of an infection, but clearly the repeated imposition of an infection of various strains in locations far distant from each other, and all happening simultaneously. The Chinese authorities were certainly aware of this; if it was obvious to me that China was under attack, it was much more obvious to them. When we examine all the details of this series of events, the  only possible explanation is of an organized biological weapons attack on China. In the end, this persistent series of outbreaks covered all provinces and overwhelmed the system, and the virus spread until it naturally died out.


10.8. 香港新冠肺炎 10. 8. Hong Kong COVID-19

Hong Kong, like mainland China, had been pursuing a “zero-tolerance” COVID strategy that sought to curb infections with strict control measures. The city was at the end of its virus epidemic with only small numbers of new daily infections, then – and more or less simultaneously with the sudden increases in the Mainland – Hong Kong was blasted with an enormous epidemic, suddenly and inexplicably reaching nearly 60,000 cases in one day. That was more than in the entire US, and with only 2% of America’s population. [31] [32] [33] The outbreak was so sudden and so widespread Hong Kong recorded nearly 700,000 COVID-19 infections in about two weeks. And again, no identification of the source of this massive infection spike and obviously no hope of finding a “patient zero”.

与中国大陆一样,香港一直在推行“零容忍”新冠肺炎战略,寻求通过严格的控制措施来遏制感染。这座城市的病毒疫情已经结束,每日新增感染人数很少,然后——或多或少与内地的突然增加同时——香港爆发了一场巨大的疫情,一天内突然莫名其妙地达到近6万例。这一数字超过了整个美国,而且只占美国人口的2%。[31] [32] [33]疫情如此突然,如此广泛,香港在大约两周内记录了近70万例新冠肺炎感染病例。同样,没有确定这种大规模感染激增的来源,显然也没有希望找到“零号病人”。

That astonishing explosion of COVID-19 could not possibly have resulted from any combination of natural events. A natural pathogen outbreak begins with a single source, essentially a patient zero, and progresses from this, according to its infectiousness and other factorsAccording to all of science, an outbreak of a pathogen begins from a single central source, infects a core group, slowly gains some traction, then expands rapidly, reaches a peak, then slowly tails off and dies, essentially following a skewed Bell curve as in the diagram below.


Look at the chart below. The numbers of infections in Hong Kong were approximately zero until February of 2022 when an epidemic exploded. The city had been virtually free of the virus but then it suddenly exploded to infect nearly 60,000 people on one day.



Hong Kong COVID-19 Infections. Source



No natural outbreak of an infectious disease can suddenly explode and infect tens or even hundreds of thousands of people simultaneously. The reason is that the pathogen is “infectious”; it can spread only by infecting people who then infect others. It is not possible to infect huge numbers of people simultaneously, yet this is precisely what happened to Hong Kong. Further, the infections were not localized; it wasn’t as if 75,000 people were in the same football stadium and all sprayed with a contagion. The infections occurred simultaneously in multiple locations, and there is no natural process that can account for this.



Such a violent and widespread outbreak can occur only through the coordinated distribution of a pathogen by a large number of individuals infecting many locations simultaneously. There is no other possible explanation. Hong Kong has open borders, making this kind of infiltration rather easy.




10.9. SARSMERS、寨卡病毒、埃博拉病毒 — 10.9. SARS, MERS, ZIKA,  EBOLA


I will cover these individually in more detail in later Chapters of this series, but will make a quick summary here.


10.9.1. 让我们看看SARS — 10.9.1. Let’s Look at SARS

How SARS terrified the world in 2003, infecting more than 8,000 people and killing 774. Source


We don’t know how SARS was created and released, but we do know the official narrative as presented in the Western media was false from beginning to end. And if the media are promulgating a lie, we know they are covering for those responsible. Why else would they do it? Let’s look at only one part of the SARS epidemic, the “super-spreading event” at the Amoy Gardens residential complex of 30 and 40-story buildings, home to almost 20,000 people that experienced a massive outbreak and had to be evacuated. Virologists were unanimous in categorising this as “the most spectacular event” of the entire SARS crisis.


The official (Western media) narrative flood told us the virus was spread through defects in the building complex’s drainage or sewage system, Wikipedia adding poetically that the virus “was blown by a gentle maritime breeze” from the toilet sewage pipes into the stairwells and thence to all the apartments. We don’t need facts here; we just need to use our heads.


What would be the source of the huge amount of SARS pathogen required to infect all those buildings, and what would be its means of locomotion? Why would it choose to gather in volume in that one location, and how could it do so? Do SARS viruses form flocks? By what means would such a huge amount of this coronavirus enter the sewage systems in the first place? The sewers are all underground; there is no entry point. How could a breeze, ‘gentle maritime’ or otherwise, possibly enter the sewage system of a huge apartment complex? Is there a hole in the external wall where all the toilet pipes emerge? Next, to blow air and pathogen from an underground sewer upwards to infect all apartments on 40 floors of 10 buildings would require more than a gentle breeze – more likely a hurricane.


I am not a plumber, but a “defective sewage system” in a high-end high-rise apartment building does not seem to possess the claimed qualifications to distribute lethal pathogens to all apartments. In any case, aside from the initial – and unsubstantiated – claim, there were no reports either before or after the outbreak to suggest any plumbing defects ever existed. The story sounds plausible to a casual reader until we stop to think about the practical logistics. After all, sewage and drainage pipes are no doubt dirty places which make a happy home for germs of all kinds, but those germs are there because we put them there each time we dispose of waste. They don’t enter a building and seek out the drainage pipes of their own accord, then run around independently like mice looking for a place to hide, and lurking until victims approach. Nor do they spread throughout a building and intentionally enter each home. Either case would require an intelligence. And a large pail.


Upon the outbreak of SARS, the immediate conclusion by Russian virologists that the SARS virus “absolutely” originated in a lab. It was interesting that while SARS emerged first in Guangdong Province, fate led the infected persons to travel to Hong Kong where the virus spread. The health officials in the Chinese Mainland snuffed it out immediately while Hong Kong took the hit, and SARS was statistically a Hong Kong epidemic rather than Mainland Chinese. That almost sounds like an attempt that failed.


10.9.2. 让我们看看MERS — 10.9.2. Let’s Look at MERS

Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) is a lethal zoonosis that causes death in 35·7% of cases. The Lancet


In late 2012, the world experienced the onset of a new mini-epidemic from a novel coronavirus that was named MERS because it supposedly originated in the Middle East, infecting small numbers of people in Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Qatar. The virus was blamed on camels which, after millennia of friendly cohabitation with man, suddenly decided to share their virology with humans.


The outbreak in Korea was the largest manifestation of MERS outside the Middle East, hitting that country with economic damage in the billions. According to the official narrative in the Western media, South Korea’s infections were apparently traced to an (unidentified and almost certainly fictitious) “businessman” who developed MERS after returning from a trip to the Middle East.


One item neglected by the media was the massive outbreak of MERS at the US Osan Air Base in Korea, which conveniently was very near the home of the likely-imaginary ‘infected businessman’. The Osan airbase is the home of the US JUPITR ATD, a military biological program that operates its other lab facility at Fort Detrick, MD, as well as home to one of the US military’s bio-weapons production labs and a very secretive WHO bio-lab operated by the US military. The theory most closely fitting the facts is that the MERS outbreak in Korea may have been caused by a laboratory accident at the JUPITR biowarfare project.

有一件事被媒体忽视了,那就是在韩国的美国奥山空军基地大规模爆发的MERS,该基地很方便地离可能想象中的“受感染商人”的家很近。奥桑空军基地是美国JUPITR ATD的基地,这是一个军事生物项目,在马里兰州德特里克堡运营其另一个实验室设施,也是美军一个生物武器生产实验室和一个由美军运营的非常秘密的世界卫生组织生物实验室的基地。最符合事实的理论是,韩国爆发的MERS可能是由JUPITR生物战项目的实验室事故引起的。

Interestingly, there was sparse Western media coverage of the MERS outbreak in South Korea, certainly compared to SARS, where we were treated to virulent China-bashing 24/7 for most of a year.


10.9.3. 让我们看看ZIKA — 10.9.3. Let’s Look at ZIKA


Cumulative suspected and confirmed cases of Zika virus disease per 100,000 population — Region of the Americas,* October 2015, January 2016, and December 2016. Source


An unremarkable little virus so mild most people don’t even know they have it, and one that had never done any harm to anyone. ZIKA is spread only by mosquitos and never traveled anywhere in its entire life, remaining sequestered in a forest in Uganda where it was discoveredBut then one day ZIKA developed a kind of viral wanderlust and traveled 12,000 kilometers or so, crossing the Pacific Ocean, the US and Mexico, all of Central America and the Caribbean, and finally traversing all of South America to land on the Atlantic side in Rio and São Paulo. From there, it almost instantaneously radiated outward 4,000 or 5,000 kilometers in all directions to cover most of Brazil, then spread to all of South and Central America and the Caribbean, flooding more than 20 countries within a few months, voyaging as far as Mexico and Puerto Rico.


How did this happen? Well, according to the WHO and the Western media, ZIKA was brought to Brazil by an infected traveler from Micronesia who had come to watch the World Cup. Here once again, we don’t need facts; we just need to use our heads. ZIKA is not a contagious disease; it is spread only when bitten by an infected mosquito. If the (fictional) traveler had indeed been infected, how many millions of clean local mosquitos would have had to bite this unfortunate Micronesian, to become infected themselves, and then infect millions throughout Latin America? And they would have to do all of that within a very short time because a mosquito’s life is measured in days and they had thousands of kilometers to travelTo cause such a rapid outbreak would require hundreds of millions of infected mosquitosEven more, how could infected mosquitos traverse all of South America? Can mosquitos fly over the Andes? How could they travel 10,000 or more Kms. to flood 20 countries in a few months? How did they travel the 12,000 Kms. to Brazil in the first place? You know the official story cannot possibly be true.


ZIKA was given massive prime time Western media coverage, replete with photos of graveyards, tombstones, urns filled with wilting flowers. Why? The number of people who had experienced even mild illness from ZIKA was perilously close to zero, and no person had ever died from it. What was happening? Two things. First, something that was heavily censored in the Western media: a UK company named Oxitec had for several years been conducting “transgenic mosquito trials” throughout Latin America, pretending to mate their mosquitoes with the local variety to produce sterile offspring, releasing hundreds of millions of mosquitoes in all countriesIt was after this that the outbreak of ZIKA occurred.


The second thing was that ZIKA was being tarnished with tales of brain damage to infants, tales entirely lacking medical or logical foundation, but propagated nonetheless. On the heels of these tales, and interspersed with them, was the sudden awakening or resurrection of literally hundreds of US-based and funded NGOs all campaigning loudly – with massive media support – for all of Latin America to abandon its laws against abortion – for the sake of all these ZIKA-infected mothers who would now give birth to infants with “devastated brains”. But in fact there was never any connection made between ZIKA and microcephaly.


And that is the entire story. The pro-abortionist NGOs are primarily Jewishas are the media, and as is Oxitec with its funding and connections naturally including the usual group of suspects. The only conclusion that fits all the known facts is that ZIKA was deliberately unleashed, using pre-infected mosquitoes, as part of a plan to eliminate the anti-abortion laws in Latin America – the world’s only holdout.


10.9.4. 让我们看看EBOLA — 10.9.4.  Let’s Look at EBOLA

A woman crawls toward the body of her sister as a burial team takes her away for cremation on October 10 in Monrovia, Liberia. The sister had died from Ebola earlier in the morning while trying to walk to a treatment center, according to her relatives. (John Moore/Getty Images) . Source


There was also the outbreak of the Ebola virus simultaneously in several African countries in the middle of 2014 that at the time of writing had already killed around 1,000 people. It was surprising to learn that the variety of Ebola that appeared was “an especially powerful mutated strain that had no apparent natural origin and immediately raised questions in many minds of having been engineered. This caught my attention because the circumstances seemed so familiar – (a) a sudden, inexplicable outbreak of a new, unusual, and deadly disease, (b) in dispersed but focused locations, (c) with nobody searching for the origin, (d) claims that the virus was primarily race-specific, affecting primarily Africans, and (e) the WHO once again in full attendance.


In June of 2003, the Wall Street Journal had an interesting article [34] titled, “Scientists Search For Human Hand Behind Jungle Virus”, stating that “Some scientists are turning their attention to a question asked all too infrequently once deadly viral outbreaks have been contained: Where did that come from?” The article provided a long list of mostly new diseases resulting from (probably) manufactured retroviruses like Ebola, Hantavirus, HIV, HTLV-I, HTLV-II, Lassa, Mad Cow Disease, Monkey Pox, Nipah, SARS, and West Nile Virus, as well as other curiosities like Gulf War Illness and Lyme disease, asking, “Where did the pathogens originate?”


Several physicians wrote an article titled, “There is no natural disease called Ebola”, [35] in which they noted that while the main focus was on treatment, an increasing number of people were questioning the disease’s true origin, a decreasing number of investigators being convinced of the official story of Ebola evolving from “infected fruit bats”, and much skepticism about how Ebola traveled 6,000 kilometers across Africa – from the site of one US bio-weapons lab to another – without causing infections in the intermediate areas. The Washington Post tells us these statements “may plant further seeds of mistrust and suspicion” on the authorities. [36] However, these physicians and virologists insist there is no such natural disease, and believe it is a weaponised virus created in a US military bio-lab. [37] [38] One media report, for which I have not yet seen documentation, claims the US Department of Defense was funding Ebola trials on humans in the weeks preceding the outbreaks in Guinea and Sierra Leone. No word on precisely which organisation was physically conducting the trials, but the DOD apparently had a $140 million contract with the Canadian pharma company Tekmira to conduct Ebola research that included infusing humans with the Ebola virus. [39] The Liberian Observer ran a rather stinging editorial on this matter, but the article appears to have been deleted or suppressed.


Further, I managed to locate some records of the WHO’s vaccination programs for the countries in Africa where this Ebola virus erupted, and was not surprised to learn of the correlation with WHO inoculations since there has been a perfect correlation with other similar incidents to date. [40] [41] [42] Yoichi Shimatsu noted what he calls “the strange coincidence of the earliest breakout in Guinea with major vaccine campaigns conducted by the WHO and UNICEF. [These involved] a cholera oral vaccine effort by Médecins Sans Frontières under the WHO, and UNICEF-funded prevention programs against meningitis and polio. The reason for suspecting a vaccine campaign rather than an individual carrier is due to the fact that the Ebola contagion did not start at a single geographic center and then spread outward along the roads. Instead, simultaneous outbreaks of multiple cases occurred in widely separated parts of rural Guinea …”. Shimatsu wrote, “How one of the deadliest viral strains in human history could have jumped a distance of 4,000 kilometers undetected from Central to West Africa defies logic.”, and I would certainly have to agree with his assessment.

此外,我设法找到了世界卫生组织为埃博拉病毒爆发的非洲国家的疫苗接种计划的一些记录,得知与世界卫生组织疫苗接种的相关性并不感到惊讶,因为迄今为止与其他类似事件有着完美的相关性。[40][41][42]Yoichi Shimatsu指出,他所说的“几内亚最早爆发疫情与世界卫生组织和联合国儿童基金会开展的大规模疫苗接种活动之间的奇怪巧合。(这些活动涉及)世界卫生组织领导的无国界医生组织的霍乱口服疫苗接种工作,以及联合国儿童卫生组织资助的脑膜炎和小儿麻痹症预防项目。之所以怀疑疫苗接种活动而不是单个携带者,是因为埃博拉传染病并不是从一个地理中心开始,然后沿着道路向外传播。相反,多个病例同时发生在几内亚农村地区。”。岛津写道,“人类历史上最致命的病毒株之一如何在未被发现的情况下从中非跳到西非4000公里,这是不合逻辑的。”我当然同意他的评估。

There was another disturbing aspect to this entire Ebola enterprise, that being a report in the New York Times that the Zaire Ebola strain was identified or created many years ago[43] [44] and that the WHO ordered it shipped to the UK’s bio-weapons facility at Porton Downfrom where it was sent to the US-based CDC who do similar work. [45] [46] Dr. Boyle speculated this virus was then exported to the US military’s bio-labs in West Africa where development was continued. Yoichi Shimatsu noted correctly that “the simultaneous eruptions [of this virus] in widely-separated zones” suggest it was introduced as part of the US military-funded bio-weapons research program.

整个埃博拉企业还有另一个令人不安的方面,那就是《纽约时报》的一篇报道,称扎伊尔埃博拉毒株是多年前发现的,[43][44],世界卫生组织下令将其运送到英国Porton Down的生物武器设施,然后将其送往美国疾控中心,后者也在做类似的工作。博伊尔推测,这种病毒随后被出口到美国军方在西非的生物实验室,在那里继续开发。岛津洋一(Yoichi Shimatsu)正确地指出,“这种病毒在大范围隔离的地区同时爆发”表明,它是作为美国军方资助的生物武器研究计划的一部分引入的。



Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chap. 2 — Dealing with Demons).


His full archive can be seen at


https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/ + https://www.moonofshanghai.com/


He can be contacted at:







NOTES – Ch. 10


[1] Rise in human bird flu cases in China shows risk of fast-changing variants: experts

[1] 专家表示,中国人类禽流感病例的增加显示出变异毒株快速变化的风险 https://www.reuters.com/business/environment/rise-human-bird-flu-cases-china-shows-risk-fast-changing-variants-health-experts-2021-10-26/

[2] China’s Guangdong reports human infection of H5N6 bird flu

[2] 中国广东报告人类感染H5N6禽流感 https://www.reuters.com/world/china/chinas-guangdong-reports-human-infection-h5n6-bird-flu-2021-12-11/

[3] Bird flu: China sees first human case of rare H10N3 strain

[3] 禽流感:中国出现首例罕见H10N3毒株人类病例 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jun/01/china-confirms-first-human-case-h10n3-bird-flu-strain-man-jiangsu

[4] “H10N3 Bird flu” Avia influenza: China report first human case of ‘H10N3 bird flu’

[4] “H10N3禽流感”阿维亚流感:中国报告首例人类感染“H10N2禽流感”病例 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-57326075

[5] Chinese gangs use drones to spread African swine fever

[5] 中国黑帮利用无人机传播非洲猪瘟 https://www.fox5ny.com/news/chinese-gangs-use-drones-to-spread-african-swine-fever

[6] The Chinese gangsters using drones to spread African swine fever

[6] 中国黑帮利用无人机传播非洲猪瘟 https://thechinaproject.com/2019/12/16/the-chinese-gangsters-using-drones-to-spread-african-swine-fever/

[7] Chinese pig farm jams drone of crooks spreading African swine fever

[7] 中国养猪场堵塞骗子传播非洲猪瘟的无人机 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/china/chinese-pig-farm-jams-drone-crooks-spreading-african-swine-fever-n1105631

[8] Roast Pig Tuan Drone Launches Non Plague Virus, but Da Bei Nong Disturbs Civil Aviation GPS to Prevent It

[8] 炒猪团无人机投放非瘟病毒,大北农为防范却干扰了民航GPS


[9] Chinese criminal gangs spreading African swine fever to force farmers to sell pigs cheaply so they can profit

[9] 中国犯罪团伙传播非洲猪瘟,迫使农民廉价出售猪以获利 https://www.scmp.com/news/china/politics/article/3042122/chinese-criminal-gangs-spreading-african-swine-fever-force

[10] Why Did One-Quarter of the World’s Pigs Die in a Year?

[10] 为什么世界上四分之一的猪在一年内死亡? https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/01/opinion/china-swine-fever.html

[11] Biotechnology, weapons and humanity II

[11] 生物技术、武器与人类II https://www.reteccp.org/primepage/2020/virus20/weaponsnhumanity.pdf

[12] Study: Chinese Genetics Cause Them to Become Susceptible to Swine Flu

[12] 研究:中国人的遗传学导致他们易患猪流感 https://www.badpolitics.ro/study-chinese-genetics-cause-them-to-become-susceptible-to-swine-flu/

[13] Genetic variant linked to swine flu

[13] 与猪流感相关的基因变异 https://www.bostonglobe.com/news/science/2013/01/30/genetics-may-explain-severe-flu-chinese-people/aEFGtc4hzp55JEULEORAgK/story.html

[14] Scientists Identify Gene Variant Linked To Swine Flu In Han Chinese

[14] 科学家鉴定与中国汉族猪流感相关的基因变异 https://www.asianscientist.com/2013/02/health/gene-variant-linked-to-severe-flu-han-chinese-022013/

[15] Harvard University’s Fraudulent Chinese DNA Exploitation

[15] 哈佛大学对中国DNA的欺诈性利用 https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/politics/4252/

[16] Genetic Research and U.S. Bio-Agents: Harvard Team Collected and Transferred China Blood and DNA Samples Back to the U.S.

[16] 基因研究和美国生物制剂:哈佛大学团队收集并将中国的血液和DNA样本运回美国。 https://www.globalresearch.ca/genetic-research-and-u-s-bio-agents-harvard-team-collected-and-transferred-china-blood-and-dna-samples-back-to-the-u-s/5704728

[17] Tufts University’s Fraudulent China Golden Rice “Experiment”

[17] 塔夫茨大学欺诈中国黄金大米“实验” https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/politics/4517/

[18] An Isolated Region’s Genetic Mother Lode

[18] 一个孤立区域的遗传母带 https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/2000/12/20/an-isolated-regions-genetic-mother-lode/4280cf1f-ae9c-42f7-b132-9ddbe26e502f/

[19] U.S. Warns of Efforts by China to Collect Genetic Data

[19] 美国警告中国努力收集基因数据 https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/22/us/politics/china-genetic-data-collection.html

[20] China Wants Your Data — And May Already Have It

[20] 中国想要你的数据——而且可能已经有了 https://www.npr.org/2021/02/24/969532277/china-wants-your-data-and-may-already-have-it

[21] China is scooping up DNA data to target foreign spies — and you, the US government says

[21]美国政府称,中国正在窃取DNA数据,以针对外国间谍——还有你 https://www.businessinsider.com/chinas-dna-data-could-allow-targeting-spies-dissidents-citizens-2021-3?r=US&IR=T

[22] Beijing closes market, locks down area in new virus outbreak

[22]北京关闭市场,封锁新冠病毒爆发地区 https://news.yahoo.com/beijing-closes-market-locks-down-113540088.html

[23] China’s CDC experts investigate Xinfadi market three times, announce groundbreaking virus tracing discovery

[23]中国疾控中心专家三次调查新发地市场,宣布突破性病毒追踪发现 https://www.moonofshanghai.com/2020/06/covid-19-china-reseeded-with-covid 20.html

[24] Beijing imposes curbs as coronavirus returns to Chinese capital

[24]随着冠状病毒重返中国首都,北京实施限制措施 https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-china-idUSKBN23M0A8

[25] Beijing steps up coronavirus measures as dozens of cases emerge from a food market

[25]随着食品市场出现数十例病例,北京加强了冠状病毒措施 https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-china-cases-idUSKBN23L01I

[26] Salmon called unlikely virus source

[26]三文鱼被称为不太可能的病毒来源 http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202006/15/WS5ee6b33da310834817252ec9.html

[27] Coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak in Beijing’s Xinfadi Market, China

[27]2019冠状病毒病在中国北京新发地市场爆发 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33962683/

[28] Source of Beijing’s big new COVID-19 outbreak is still a mystery

[28]北京新增新冠肺炎疫情源头仍是个谜 https://www.science.org/content/article/source-beijing-s-big-new-covid-19-outbreak-still-mystery

[29] China hit by its biggest Covid-19 outbreak

[29]中国遭受最大规模新冠肺炎疫情冲击 https://www.rt.com/news/551797-china-biggest-covid-outbreak/

[30] Chinese mainland reports 1,337 new local COVID-19 cases

[30]中国大陆报告新增1337例本地新冠肺炎病例 https://www.shine.cn/news/nation/2203143079/

[31] Hong Kong reports 32,430 COVID cases, 264 deaths

[31]香港报告32430例新冠肺炎病例,264例死亡 https://www.astroawani.com/berita-dunia/hong-kong-reports-32430-covid-cases-264-deaths-351673

[32] Coronavirus case numbers won’t be coming down any time soon: Hong Kong experts

[32]香港专家:冠状病毒病例数不会很快下降 https://www.scmp.com/topics/coronavirus-hong-kong

[33] Coronavirus: 1,337 new local cases recorded in China’s ‘difficult moment’ of pandemic

[33]冠状病毒:中国疫情“艰难时刻”新增1337例本土病例 https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3170366/covid-19-china-reports-1337-locally-transmitted-cases-895-new

[34] Wall Street Journal – Scientists Search For Human Hand Behind Jungle Virus

[34]《华尔街日报》-科学家在丛林病毒背后寻找人手 https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10559743167269800

[35] ‘There is no natural disease called Ebola’

[35]“没有一种自然疾病叫埃博拉” http://www.finalcall.com/artman/publish/National_News_2/article_101807.shtml

[36] A professor in U.S. is telling Liberians that the Defense Department ‘manufactured’ Ebola

[36]美国一位教授告诉利比里亚人,国防部“制造”了埃博拉病毒 https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/09/26/an-american-professor-is-telling-liberians-that-the-u-s-manufactured-ebola-outbreak/

[37] U.S. is Responsible for the Ebola Outbreak in West Africa: Liberian Scientist

[37]美国应对西非埃博拉疫情负责:利比里亚科学家 https://www.globalresearch.ca/a-liberian-scientist-claims-the-u-s-is-responsible-for-the-ebola-outbreak-in-west-africa/5408459

[38] Federal Funding in Support of Ebola Medical Countermeasures R&D

[38]支持埃博拉医疗对策研发的联邦资金 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4389695/

[39] https://www.thestandard.co.zw/2017/08/05/usa-epidemic-spreading-africa/ https://www.thestandard.co.zw/2017/08/05/usa-epidemic-spreading-africa/

[40] The Ebola Breakout Coincided With UN Vaccine Campaigns

[40]埃博拉疫情爆发恰逢联合国疫苗运动 https://rense.com/general96/ebobreakout.html

[41] Ebola Made by Pharma & DOD, Injected by UN – Dr. Broderick

[41]埃博拉病毒由制药公司和国防部制造,由联合国注射——Broderick博士 https://eclinik.net/ebola-made-in-the-usa-by-big-pharma-dept-of-defense/

[42] Rebirth of Empire & The American Role: The Global Biowarfare and Ebola Serum

[42]帝国的重生与美国的角色:全球生物战与埃博拉血清 https://www.21cir.com/rebirth-of-empire-the-american-role-the-biowar-ebola-serum/

[43] There Before Ebola Had a Name

[43]在埃博拉病毒有名字之前 https://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/07/health/there-before-ebola-had-a-name.html

[44] Ebola Poses High Risk in Congo, W.H.O. Says

[44]世界卫生组织称埃博拉病毒在刚果构成高风险 https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/03/world/africa/ebola-congo-outbreak.html

[45] How Ebola went from killing 11,000 people in one year to being on the verge of a cure

[45]埃博拉病毒是如何从一年内导致11000人死亡到濒临治愈的 https://www.businessinsider.com/ebola-virus-timeline-possible-cure-2019-8

[46] Ebola given to more than 250 mice and monkeys at Porton Down weapons research centre in effort to understand deadly virus

[46]波顿唐武器研究中心向250多只老鼠和猴子注射埃博拉病毒,以了解致命病毒 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2827505/Belfast-patient-tested-Ebola.html


This article may contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not been specifically authorised by the copyright owner. This content is being made available under the Fair Use doctrine, and is for educational and information purposes only. There is no commercial use of this content.


Copyright © Larry Romanoff, Blue Moon of Shanghai, Moon of Shanghai, 2024

版权所有©Larry Romanoff,上海蓝月亮,上海月亮,2024

Tags: Biological Warfare in ActionCHAPTER 10LARRY ROMANOFFRecent Bio-Weapons Attacks



CN — LARRY ROMANOFF: 生物战在行动 — 第9章—— 意大利的橄榄树

January 29, 2024


生物战在行动 —Biological Warfare in Action 


生物战在行动 — Biological Warfare in Action

第9章—— 意大利的橄榄树 — Chapter 9 — Italy’s Olive Trees

By Larry Romanoff



1,000-year-old olive tree at Taurino’s farm. Source



On February 27, 2015, the London Telegraph ran an article by Nick Squires [1] detailing the danger to olive trees in Italy and potentially all of Europe, caused by a deadly bacterium brought to Italy from the US, and that was destroying centuries-old olive trees. He wrote that the disease was first detected in Italy in the fall of 2013 and had already affected almost a quarter of a million hectares of olive groves. Many trees that were hundreds of years old, and some 1,000 years old, would all have to be cut down to prevent further contamination. The cause appears to be a bacterium named Xylella fastidiosa, which attacks olive and citrus trees, and some grape vines, causing them to become desiccated and preventing the formation of fruit.



The BBC covered the story with comments that this disease could cost billions; [2] Bloomberg advised travelers to “see Italy’s olive trees while you can”[3] and Scientific American is asking if Italy’s olive trees really need to be burned to the ground. [4]

英国广播公司报道了这个故事评论说这种疾病可能会花费数十亿美元[2]彭博社建议旅行者尽可能地去看看意大利的橄榄树”;[3]《科学美国人》正在询问意大利的橄榄树是否真的需要被烧毁。 [4]


But it seems the problem may be more complex (or convoluted) than first assumed. In August of the same year, Ruben Rosenberg Colorni wrote an article for Global Research in which he speculated that the biotech industry – GM seeds and plants – might be responsible for the destruction of Italy’s olive trees, and that the primary underlying cause may have been the use of chemicals selected for certain species of insects. It seems the authorities drastically over-simplified the problem “in order to present a threat that might not even have existed”, blaming a bacterium for the excessive use of GM chemicals. The article further informs us that “[The] commander in charge of containing the outbreak … stated that simply turning the ground around the olive trees “has been successful in eradicating 90 percent of the population of insects vector of the bacteria”.”

但这个问题似乎比最初设想的更复杂(或更复杂)。同年8月,Ruben Rosenberg Colorni《全球研究》撰写了一篇文章,他在文章中推测,生物技术行业——转基因种子和植物——可能对意大利橄榄树的破坏负有责任,而主要的根本原因可能是使用了为某些昆虫物种选择的化学物质。当局似乎大大简化了这个问题,“以造成一种甚至可能不存在的威胁”,将过度使用转基因化学品归咎于一种细菌。这篇文章进一步告诉我们,“负责控制疫情的指挥官……表示,简单地翻一翻橄榄树“就成功地根除了90%的昆虫——细菌的媒介”


Nevertheless, rather than investigate and first attempt less drastic and permanent measures, the Italian Agriculture Minister inexplicably decided to eradicate all trees suspected of being infected and all trees in their vicinity. Further, according to Colorni, the ministry claimed it had received orders from the EU to carry out the eradication, a claim that was flatly denied by European officials. We can see that something is already very wrong here. Italian agronomists claim the bacterial agent is being wrongly blamed and that there is no conclusive scientific evidence of its guilt in the matter, while farmers and others have become naturally suspicious since the proposed solution seems excessively radical. Colorni then states the obvious – that the natural next question is whether the disease is a natural occurrence, something precipitated by human action, or the result of “foul play”.



Olive plantation with old olive tree in the Apulia Region. Source



Yes, a conspiracy theory. And with apparent good reason.



Colorni notes that in 2010 a group of plant pathologists attended a meeting in Italy where some American individuals had brought “samples” of the Xylella pathogen from California “for the purposes of scientific research”. Colorni’s further comments:



“During the meeting, a hypothetical scenario was discussed in which the Xylella bacteria would be released in parts of Europe as part of an effort to determine how the countries would react to a “bio-terrorist attack”. This is a bizarre scenario to imagine … They claim to have disposed of the pathogen, and that the bacteria present in Italy are of a different variety than the one they had brought. This could not be known for sure, however, since the lead investigator … has refused to do a genetic comparison of the allegedly introduced bacteria to those involved in the current infections.”



In Puglia and in the Mediterranean area, working with olive trees is a thousand-year-old tradition, still animated today by legends passed down from the region’s ancient inhabitants.According to one story, a group of farmers challenged the nymphs to a dance competition. As a punishment for their arrogance, they were transformed into olive trees. There are still those today who swear they can spot the farmers’ faces in the tree trunks. Source



What do we do with this information? Italy’s olive trees, some being 1,000 years old, are apparently – but by no means conclusively – being attacked by a bacterium which was transported to Italy’s olive-bearing areas from the US on the truly unbelievable pretense of planning reactions to a bio-terrorist attack in which this specific bacterium would be released all over Europe. This is not only bizarre, as Colorni pointed out, but impossible to be true. The very concept of “terrorists” attacking olive trees is quite absurd, and planning for such a fantastic event would not possibly involve importing and releasing the pathogen in the very areas the planning was intended to protect. If true, this would become an instant classic – the world’s first self-inflicted terrorist attack. This would be precisely analogous to saying, “Let’s plan a defense against an anthrax attack by terrorists, by we ourselves spraying anthrax all over our own country, and seeing how we deal with it”Does that make sense to you? Of course not.




So why would ‘scientists’ import a pathogen from the US that apparently (and suddenly) is found attacking Italian trees, and why are Italian authorities refusing to do a genetic comparison of the Italian variety with the American one? And why are Italian authorities apparently determined to destroy millions of Italian olive trees without even performing such a basic investigation? Given the lack of evidence of the real cause of this agricultural disease and the proven existence of what Colorni called “effective alternative policies”, the government’s claims and actions appear both bizarre and suspicious. You cannot deny this is beginning to stink, because the facts as presented simply do not correlate and therefore much of the official story cannot possibly be true.



The Italian police appear to agree, and have apparently begun aggressively confiscating files and computer hard drives from the national Ministry of Agriculture and various other so-called ‘institutions’ involved in this fiasco, and regional authorities have placed a freeze on the cutting down of trees while their investigation continues. Oddly, bizarrely, and quite suspiciously, the Italian National Minister of Agriculture, the man who appears desperate to cut down all of Italy’s olive trees, has vowed to file court appeals against these delays.




The plot thickens. Colorni then tells us that critics have good reason for “pointing their fingers” at the biotech industry because the institution that brought this pathogen into Italy is funded by biotech companies. To quote further:



“Furthermore the biotech giant Monsanto, known for its predatory practices, owns Allelyx, a company entirely devoted to the creation of GMO (olive) strains resistant to the bacteria, and the name of which – what an irony – is Xylella spelled backwards. Given these links … and the unwillingness of the government to conduct a thorough investigation, many have alleged that there is collusion between the government and the biotech industry. The popular belief is that this crisis could have been engineered for the purpose of eradicating local olive trees. The reasons for this are still debated, but the dominant hypothesis is to force local cultivators to switch to GMO varieties resistant to the disease.”



I cannot know how this story will appear to outside readers, but I have lived in Italy for an extended period and had developed an appreciation of the depth of corruption that pervades Italian politics and industry. With this, it is very easy indeed for me to imagine a handful of corrupt Italian politicians and authorities accepting huge bribes from Companies like Monsanto in return for engineering the destruction of an irreplaceable portion of their own country’s heritage. And it is even easier for me to imagine Monsanto imagining such a project. A final thought – which I agree may be a red herring – is that this destruction of olive-producing capacity in Europe would be a gift from heaven for the American olive industry which produces an inferior product and has been floundering for a century, and would constitute a similar gift to Israel’s takeover of Palestine’s West Bank olive production.



Note to Readers: When I first wrote this article some years ago, one could still find much information on the Internet. However, since then the Internet appears to have been scrubbed clean of all incriminating information, and no mention can be found of either Monsanto or Allelyx. This has become increasingly true for so many vital topics in recent years. One website, the Genetic Literacy Projectstates that scientists and GMOs are responsible for causing the death of Italy’s iconic Olive trees, but the article now seems to display a “Forbidden” sign. [5]




Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chap. 2 — Dealing with Demons).


His full archive can be seen at


https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/ + https://www.moonofshanghai.com/


He can be contacted at:







[1] Dog detectives to the rescue as Italy battles to save its olive trees

[1] 意大利奋力拯救橄榄树,狗侦探出手相救


[2] Deadly olive tree disease across Europe ‘could cost billions’

[2] 欧洲各地致命的橄榄树疾病“可能耗资数十亿”


[3] As Eager Travelers Return, Italy Is Losing Its Prized Olive Trees

[3] 随着热切的旅行者归来,意大利正在失去其获奖的橄榄树


[4] Should Italy’s Prized Olive Groves Be Burned to the Ground?

[4] 意大利的Prized Olive Groves应该被烧成灰烬吗?


[5] Activists blame scientists, GMOs for dying iconic Italian

[5] 活动人士指责科学家和转基因生物导致标志性意大利人死亡



This article may contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not been specifically authorised by the copyright owner. This content is being made available under the Fair Use doctrine, and is for educational and information purposes only. There is no commercial use of this content.



Copyright © Larry Romanoff, Blue Moon of Shanghai, Moon of Shanghai, 2024

版权所有©Larry Romanoff,上海蓝月亮,上海月亮,2024

Benjamin Fulford Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis 2024 May 6th — 本杰明•富尔福德每周地缘政治与分析的新闻通讯2024年5月6日

The White Hats Have Won: The United States and Israel Will Cease To Exist; World Peace Will Begin


The White Hats Have Won: The United States and Israel Will Cease To Exist; World Peace Will Begin

The white hats have won the secret war for the planet Earth. We are now in an interregnum. However, not much will be visible to the public until preparatory work for new institutions and world norms is finished. Public announcements are likely in the autumn.


Nonetheless here are the rough outlines of what is about to happen: The United States of America Corporation will officially declare bankruptcy. The Republic of the United States of North America will replace it. It will build a new capital, possibly in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The state of Israel will also cease to exist. It will be replaced by the state of Judea. The original Judeans (misleadingly called Palestinians) will manage the new state together with the European immigrants. Both peoples will have equal rights and guarantees of religious and personal freedom.


The United Nations Security Council will be replaced with a seven-member World Council. It will probably be headquartered in Laos. The members will be representatives from Africa, the Americas, China, and East Asia excluding China (but including Oceania), Europe (including Russia), India and the Muslim world. Decisions on issues affecting the entire planet will be reached by a majority vote. Each region will have a veto only applicable to that region. With the two exceptions mentioned above, existing nation-states and corporations will continue business as usual.


The transition process to the new system will start with a jubilee. This will involve a one-time cancellation of all debts, public and private. It will also involve a redistribution of assets. The details will be worked out in public with feedback from the people, the private sector, governments and other interested parties.


There will also be war crimes tribunals together with a truth and reconciliation process to ensure the criminality that infested so many governments and institutions is removed root and branch.


The functional parts of the World Bank, the IMF, the BIS, etc. will be taken over by a newly established meritocratically staffed Future Planning Organization. Each region will have its own separate future planning systems.


The Western military-industrial complex will be given a new mission. Instead of stealing resources for oligarchs, they will be protecting earth life, including human life. This means they will be using force, if necessary, to stop things like the destruction of rainforests and overfishing. They will also hunt down and destroy transnational criminal organizations, in particular the global slave traders. They will be subject to international law and act as the enforcement arm of the International Criminal Court.


The decisions mentioned above are the result of years of negotiations between representatives of the East, West, North and South.


A hundred trillion dollars’ worth of gold-backed dollars will be issued to make all these changes possible. Also, as soon as the systems are in place, more funding will be made available to start a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and then massively increase the amount and variety of life.


The big breakthrough that made all this possible came last week when Russia and Persia gave the US military an ultimatum:


Either abandon Israel or watch it be annihilated by nuclear warheads delivered by hypersonic missiles.


Here is what a US Space Force Commander had to say about the situation:


“Persia has more than 30 nuclear active warheads. Persia and Russia are the only nations that have hypersonic missiles with a speed over Mach 20. The Israelis and the Americans don’t have the technology to detect it, let alone intercept them. 


This advanced technology from Persia to the US military alliance scientists (under CIC Trump) will be given in exchange for peace in the region.


The US government has agreed to throw Israel under the bus in exchange for this technology.


The US government has sold out Israel, but they have to keep face to the rest of the world.


Israel will pay a heavy price once the situation is sorted out. An independent Palestinian State will be approved within the United Nations, which is going to be done sooner rather than later. It is most likely that the State of Israel will cease to exist and all of Palestine [Judea]: will be restored again. 


Israel will have to pay war damages to the Palestinian [Judean] Nation and will have to rebuild the whole Nation free for the Palestinian [Judean] people which means what is left of the Zionist Deep State will have to pay for the reconstruction.


If he does not have a fatal accident first, Netanyahu will be in the Hague to face war crimes. He will be found guilty and publicly executed.  


There are some news items to back up these assertions.


For example, CIA Director William Burns flew to Qatar to deal with “a situation that demands immediate action.”



Also, for the first time since the October 7 genocide started, the Biden administration has stopped weapons shipments to the Israeli military.



For his part, Iran’s foreign minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian says international pressure on Israel to end its genocidal war on the Gaza Strip has increased, meaning the rights of Judeans (Palestinians) will be upheld and that the Israeli genocide in the besieged Gaza will stop.



The International Criminal Court is also publicly preparing to file war crimes charges against the Israeli government. The ICC has also warned Israel not to threaten its staff.



Here is what a Mossad source had to say about the situation:


“The Avatar Zionist Netanyahu who is not of Hebrew descent but a Zionist Khazar, sings their favorite song …. anti-semitism. 


Netanyahu says that because he’s Jewish, the International Criminal Court (ICC) CANNOT issue an arrest warrant against him because that would be ‘Anti-Semitism.’


In making this claim, he just inadvertently suggested that every criminal in America simply convert to Judaism, and then when they carry out rapes, murders, carjackings, home invasions and child trafficking, they can simply tell the police, ‘You can’t arrest me! That would be anti-Semitic!’”


Polish intelligence agency sources confirm “sufficient evidence to issue an arrest warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu for war crimes and genocide against the Palestinians was transmitted to the ICC on a confidential basis. The USA has been forced not to intervene in what is happening.”


Another war criminal is House Speaker Mike Johnson who just condemned himself to death on charges of inciting genocide by saying “The calls for a [Gaza] ceasefire are outrageous.”


Most other US politicians are also likely to face war crimes charges related to KM controlled Israel and Ukraine.


Only 7 out of 100 senators have not taken any money from AIPAC:


Tommy Tuberville- Alabama


Alex Padilla & Laphonza Butler- California


Maxie Hirono- Hawaii


Rand Paul- Kentucky


Bernie Sanders- Vermont


Cynthia Lumis- West Virginia


Amazing how the Zionists control the government. Not for much longer. 


Turkey is also forcing Israel to hand over Netanyahu and his fellow Satanists by cutting off all trade. Forty Percent of Israel’s annual oil consumption is piped to the Turkish oil hub port of Ceyhan and then shipped to Israel. Oil and other shipments from the Red Sea to Israel have also been cut off by the Houthis.



The Houthis are now also going to cut Israel off from the Mediterranean. “We will target any ship heading to Israeli ports in the Mediterranean, in any area we are able to reach,” says Houthi spokesperson Yahya Saree. 




Israel will now have no choice but to surrender, just like the Ukraine.


The ICC will also definitely be issuing war crimes indictments against the criminal regime of Vladimir Zelensky in Ukraine. Polish intelligence notes they are now rounding up “mentally disabled people, alcoholics and drug addicts, schizophrenics and epileptics,” for slaughter. This won’t last long because only 15 percent of conscripts are currently fighting, the sources say.


By the way, even though the fake Trump being shown on most US screens is a Zionist slave mouthing support of Israel and Ukraine, the real CIC Trump is throwing both under the bus as the source above notes. For confirmation there is more than one Trump, look at the photo below and decide for yourself.


This is what Polish intelligence sources had to say about the actions of the real Trump:


“Around the world, special operations teams composed of elite military units and top-secret intelligence units are conducting risky raids aimed at dismantling Biden’s network of actors and clones. From hidden facilities in European warehouses to secret underground complexes in Asia, these teams storm bastions of deception and uncover the grotesque truth, one clone at a time.”


Field Marshal Douglas Macgregor is also rallying US forces against the satanic globalists. 


The 4th Psychological Operations Group is basically telling us that the world in which we live in is a digital battlefield filled with psychological warfare in every corner and every sector within society… aka The Matrix. They are now working for the white hats to take down the KM.


Also, even though KM controlled media reports Russian troops have entered an airbase in Niger occupied by US troops make it seem some sort of fight is brewing; The truth is the opposite as the video of Russian and US troops dancing there linked below shows.



The US military white hats are working with the Russians to take down the KM.


In a visible manifestation of this international take down, El Salvador’s Predident Nayib Bukele announces that he is investigating every single official in the executive branch of his government for bribery. 


A similar process will happen throughout the West as the white hat military end state capture by criminals, the head of MI6 promises.


The pharmacidical corporations are a case in point as these news items show:


Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer reportedly “chose not to” inform Health Canada, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and other regulatory agencies that the cancer-linked Polyomavirus Simian Virus 40 (SV40) DNA sequence was in their widely distributed COVID-19 vaccine. 



This corroborates the evidence Bill Gates deliberately injected tens of millions of people with cancer causing vaccines.


They have also been trying to cause heart problems:


AstraZeneca faces up to £255million compensation bill for ‘defective’ Covid vaccine after pharma titan admitted it DOES cause ultra-rare blood clot side effect.



A Pentagon medical doctor says “When this is finally exposed globally, all of the pharmaceutical CEO’s and their cohorts will be tried and executed for crimes against humanity including attempted Genocide.” 


In any case the Zionist US Corporation behind these crimes is visibly ending.


The Federal Reserve Board, owners of the US Corporation just released numbers showing they have just $51 billion in capital versus $948 billion in losses. This means the Fed is insolvent 19 times over.




They are trying to cover this up with funny money and outright fraud. For example last week they yet again used “seasonal adjustment (=fake data)” to turn a $37 billion bank deposit outflow into a $126 billion inflow.



In the hilarious clip below Jared Bernstein, the Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers -the main agency advising Biden on economic policy- is forced to spout nonsense as FRB fraud is exposed.



The fraud is leading to hyper-inflation. If you add up the various subcategories in this Gallup Poll linked below you will find 81% of Americans think inflation and dropping living standards are their main worry.



In yet another sign the corporation is bankrupt, the Ludwig Institute used government data to show the real unemployment rate is 24.2% and not the 3.5% the government says.



The situation is so bad that in April, 43 percent of all small business renters in the United States were not able to pay their rent. 


The years of Fed fraud means more than 40 percent of the total population fall in the category of ALICE — Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed earning above the poverty line but less than what’s needed to get by or else live in poverty.



Speaking about fraud; here you can watch the director of NASA basically admitting the lunar missions were fake when he said “we don’t know” what is on the far side of the moon.


Of course the Rockefellers are trying to keep their fraudulent corporation in business by stealing from soon to be former allies like Japan, the EU and Canada.


Japan and the EU have now revolted by refusing to pay through the nose for Rockefeller oil or buy more US debt.


Americans are still paying the price though. Canada in March posted the largest trade deficit since June 2023 following unplanned shutdowns at refineries in the US Midwest — an important destination for Canadian crude oil. This was the Rockefellers forcing Americans to buy expensive oil they control instead of cheap Canadian oil they don’t.



Of course Canada has its’ own problems under the incompetent Castrudeau. He lets in more than a million immigrants per year even though there is no housing for them. This is creating an unprecedented housing crisis. Also Canada’s low labor productivity level means it is losing to Mexico. 



Canada has low productivity because Castrudeau created too many government jobs to enforce things like LGTBQ etc. ideology. It reminds of the joke: “How does a bureaucrat wink?”


“He opens one eye.”


Canadians spend 46% of their money on taxes to support this.


Castrudeau’s government is definitely going to be forced to back down from its bureaucratic push to promote anal sex etc. though as Scottlands’ example shows. Scotland’s leader Humza Yousaf resigned last Monday after the Scottish public flooded law enforcement agencies with fake calls accusing various trans activists and even political leaders of various hate crimes following the enactment of his wildly unpopular “Hate Crime Act.” 



Speaking about trans, look at this picture of the Macrons of France and the Scholzes of Germany at the “Sausage Fest 2024.”


Another fake leader, the rubber masked “Pope Francis” meanwhile has given explicit approval for transgender godparents and blessings of same-sex couples.


He is also hosting about a hundred transvestite prostitutes in the Vatican. 



These self-appointed perverts are increasingly resorting to violence to stay in power. In the video below you can watch opposition leader Pierre Poilievre being removed from the House of Commons for calling Justin Castrudeau a wacko. He should have called him a mass murderer. Take note the Speaker of The House of Commons is Castrudeau’s secret boyfriend


Next you can watch MEP Christine Anderson expose Ursula Von der Leyden before having her microphone cut:


“We must show Von der Leyen the Red Card – now the public prosecutor’s office is investigating her for corruption… Von der Leyen negotiated a €35 billion vaccine contract with Pfizer CEO by SMS text messages.”


Watch how they cut her off while others want to hear her message.  


Getting your mike cut off is lenient for these people. “The collective West, led by the United States, is practicing violence and murder of opponents as a routine political process,” says Viktor Medvedchuk, leader of the Other Ukraine movement.



Here is an example. Popular actress Anne Heche was alive and tried to get out the body bag on a stretcher after her crash.  She was later pronounced dead. They killed her because she made a movie on child trafficking


They have been doing this sort of thing all over the world.


Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi says “The United States has sought to overthrow more than 50 foreign governments, blatantly interfered in the elections of at least 30 countries, and attempted to assassinate more than 50 foreign leaders.”


It looks like China is making a move to stop this. The number of Chinese nationals illegally crossing the US southern border is up by 7,000% since 2021, and at the current pace will be 14,000% by the end of the fiscal year.



They are part of a 20 million man army of military aged foreign men that has moved into the US since 2021. You can be sure these men are there to help take down the US Corporation.


A takedown of the UK is also underway. In just the last 20 years, the number of Christians in the country has dropped from 81% to 48%. And the number of pure Muslims increased from 3% to 18%, i.e. sixfold. Based on demographic data, it is easy to calculate that within 20 years, Muslims will overtake Christians in terms of numbers.


In Germany Christian schoolchildren are converting to Islam out of fear & desperation to fit in since migrant influx, per new survey. In several schools in large cities like Berlin or Frankfurt, Muslim children make up more than 80 per cent of the student body, due to the strong immigration in the last eight years. Now 67.8% of students believe the Koran is ‘more important’ than the laws in Germany; 45.6% think that ‘Islamic Theocracy is the best form of government’ and 35.3% said that they can understand violence against people who insult Allah or the prophet Mohammed.



Regime change is coming to the UK and Germany soon and native born Europeans will once again increase in number.


Europe as a whole is not going to be under Khazarian Mafia control much longer. Chinese President Xi Jinping is in Europe this week to confirm this. He says China is working in “close coordination and cooperation on climate response, biodiversity protection and global governance.”

欧洲作为一个整体将不会在可萨黑手党的控制下太久。 他说,中国正在“在气候应对、生物多样性保护和全球治理方面进行密切协调与合作”


“France is advancing re-industrialization based on green innovation, whereas China is accelerating the development of new quality productive forces. Our two countries can deepen cooperation on innovation and jointly promote green development,” he said.


French intelligence sources for their part say Emmanuelle Macron has been replaced with an avatar who will support the plan to unite the EU with Russia as a part of the move to a polycentric world with 7 big divisions.


The Paris Olympics are scheduled to showcase this. As French journalist Thierry Meyssan reports:


In Macrons’ mind, the forthcoming Olympic Games will be an opportunity to manipulate the masses into magnifying the “United States of Europe”, so that they will be spontaneously ready for the dissolution of the EU member states…remember there will be Russian athletes, but no Russian anthem, and every time a member state wins, the European anthem will be played…the war in Ukraine is the pretext for gigantic arms transfers, so that today no member state has the means to defend itself for more than two days if attacked conventionally by a developed state [Russia]…Its supporters tell us that they want to create an entity capable of competing with the United States of America and China. [They have] laid the foundations for greater technological and industrial sovereignty (with Germany in the battery sector, then in hydrogen, electronics and healthcare),



This confirms Polish sources who say Germany is about to unleash the hydrogen genie.


Hopeful as all this sounds, the war is not over yet. The WEF Satanists just had a big meeting in Saudi Arabia to rally their forces. Notice Klaus Schwab Rothschild was not there. Oops, I forgot, he is dead BlackRock head Larry Fink was there though and confirmed he works for a rogue AI when he said “substituting humans for machines is going to be far easier in those countries that have declining populations.”


Fink will not be with us much longer, Mexican cartel sources promise.


We also saw climate doomsday preacher, Al Gore, speaking at the WEF saying: “[Greenhouse gases are] now trapping as much extra heat as would be released by 600,000 Hiroshima-class atomic bombs exploding every single day.” We hear he has made lots of money from Algoreisms of this sort.


The KM attempt to starve us into submission is also continuing. “Four years ago, a farmer had to sell 171 tons of wheat to buy a tractor. Now he has to sell almost 500 tons. These data confirm the shocking scale of the crisis in agriculture, especially since purchase prices were lower then,” says Dr. Arkadiusz Zalewski from the Polish Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics.


One of the master minds of this, Bill Gates said at COP 28: “The issue of food systems and how with climate change, a lot of farmers aren’t able to grow their crops, which is a tragedy for them. We’ll talk about using innovation to absolutely solve that problem.”


Globalist doublespeak translation: Due to our deliberate war on agriculture, a lot of farmers aren’t able to grow their crops, which is a blessing for us because it allows us to replace traditional agriculture with insect farms and fake meat laboratories, in order to assume absolute control of the global food supply, under the guise of “saving the planet “


The video below shows how they are using 3d printers to create meat made from stem cells.


The Chinese are taking it further. You have heard of fake news, well now they have fake food. This video shows they are using plastic to create all kinds of fake food that finds its’ way into the super markets.


A reaction to this is under way. In Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed SB 1084 to prohibit the sale of lab-grown meat in the state of Florida. Florida is taking action to stop the World Economic Forum’s goal of forcing the world to eat lab-grown meat and insects,

对这种情况的反击正在进行中。佛罗里达州州长罗恩·德桑蒂斯签署了SB 1084法案,禁止在佛罗里达州销售实验室培育的肉类。佛罗里达州正在采取行动阻止世界经济论坛强迫全世界食用实验室培育的肉和昆虫等目标,


Of course in the future we are being told food will be made inside digital replicators completely eliminating the need to kill animals. Presumably traditional agriculture will also continue to supply people who want “real food.” All I can say for sure is we are definitely entering uncharted territory.
