
  本杰明·富尔福德每周地缘政治与分析的新闻通讯2024年4月29日 Benjamin Fulford Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis 2024 April 29th   One last battle and the Rockefeller/Hitler branch of the KM will go down 只剩下最后一场战斗,高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党的洛克菲勒家族/希特勒分支,将被摧毁  
One last battle and the Rockefeller/Hitler branch of the KM will go down
  The global white hat alliance scored major victories last week in the ongoing secret battle for the planet Earth. Klaus Schwab Rothschild, the Battenbergs (British Royals), Hillary Clinton Rockefeller, Barack Obama Hitler, Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci were all executed at Guantanamo Bay, according to Pascal Najadi the son of the co-founder of the World Economic Forum who claims to be directly involved. 上周,全球白帽子地球解放军事联盟,在正在进行的争夺地球的秘密战斗中,取得了重大胜利。根据世界经济论坛联合创始人之子帕斯卡·纳贾迪称,克劳斯·施瓦布·罗斯柴尔德、巴滕贝格家族(英国皇室)、希拉里·克林顿·洛克菲勒、巴拉克·奥巴马·希特勒、比尔·盖茨和安东尼·福奇等人,均在关塔那摩监狱被处决,纳贾迪声称直接参与其中。   https://www.bitchute.com/video/DpUl9G07JyEV/ We have independently confirmed with MI6 that Schwab is gone and know the others listed have all been placed on an execution list. 我们已经单独找英国军情六处证实了这件事,施瓦布已经离开了人世,并且我们也知道,其他被列入名单的人都已被列入处决名单。   Mossad sources confirm the British royals have also been killed. This is why riderless horses – one of them is painted red to look like blood- are galloping around London. In Revelations 6:2, John describes seeing the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and describes how he “looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.” 以色列摩萨德的消息来源证实,英国王室成员也已被杀掉。这就是为什么无鞍马——其中一匹马被漆成红色,看起来像血——在伦敦奔驰的原因。在《圣经·启示录6:2章节》中,约翰描述了他看到的天启四骑士,并描述了他是如何“看起来,看到一匹苍白的马:坐在他身上的名字是死亡,地狱紧随其后。”     This came after the Head of Israeli Intelligence Major General Aharon Haliva resigned due to the failure of the October 7th false flag in Gaza. His resignation triggered “a wholesale tsunami or clear out at Director General of Military Intelligence around the world… they are all gone,” says the head of MI6. 此前,以色列情报局局长艾哈隆·哈利瓦少将,因2024年10月7日加沙假旗行动失败而辞职。英国军情六处负责人表示,他的辞职引发了“世界各地军事情报机构负责人的大规模海啸或清场……他们都走了”。   In other proof, Israeli Minister of National Security, Ben Gvir was involved in a horrific traffic accident while leaving Ramala. 另一方面,以色列国家安全部长本·格维尔,在离开拉马拉时发生了一起可怕的交通事故。     Next Israeli Minister Haim Biton’s father was seriously injured in a Jerusalem car crash. 以色列下一任安全部部长哈伊姆·比顿的父亲,在耶路撒冷的一场车祸中受了重伤。     https://tr.im/world/israel/israeli-minister-haim-bitons-father-seriously-injured-in-jerusalem-car-crash   Now the International Criminal Court is issuing arrest warrants for Benyamin Netanyahu and other Israeli officials. 现在,国际刑事法院正在对本雅明·内塔尼亚胡和其他以色列官员发出逮捕令。   https://www.palestinechronicle.com/unnaturally-afraid-netanyahu-worried-icc-could-issue-arrest-warrants/#   We also know the surviving members of the Rothschild family have agreed to work with the alliance. This means one last big battle against the Hitler/Rockefeller bloodline should end this war and liberate humanity. 我们还知道,罗斯柴尔德家族的幸存成员已同意与白帽子地球解放军事联盟合作。这意味着与希特勒/洛克菲勒血脉家族的最后一场大战应该会结束这场战争,解放人类。   The surviving Rockefellers under David Rockefeller Jr. are definitely desperate and dangerous cornered beasts now. 小大卫·洛克菲勒领导下幸存的洛克菲勒家族成员,现在绝对是绝望和危险的走投无路的野兽。   This is especially true now that Rockefeller Secretary of State Anthony Blinken returned home empty handed from his beg/threaten mission to China last week. Take a look at his expression as he poses with Chinese President Xi Jinping and you can see he is deeply disappointed and scared. 这一点在现当下尤其正确,洛克菲勒家族的国务卿安东尼·布林肯,上周结束了对中国的乞讨/威胁任务,空手而归。 看看他与中国主席习近平合影时的表情,你会发现他非常失望和害怕。     Blinken started the meeting by sucking up to China saying: “The United States does not seek a new Cold War, does not seek to change China’s system, does not seek to suppress China’s development, does not seek to revitalize its alliances against China, and has no intention to have a conflict with China.” 布林肯在会议开始时对中国说:“美国不寻求新的冷战,不寻求改变中国的制度,不寻求压制中国的发展,不寻求振兴反华联盟,也无意与中国发生冲突。”   Xi responded by saying “Honor words with actions rather than say one thing but do another…Today, as I see it, dwellers of the same planet should help each other. We live in an interdependent world and rise and fall together. With their interests deeply intertwined, all countries need to build maximum consensus for win-win and all-win outcomes. This is the basic starting point for China to view the world and the China-U.S. relationship,” Xi said. 习近平回应说:“言行要一致,不要说一套做一套……今天,在我看来,同一个星球上的人应该互相帮助。我们生活在一个相互依存、共同兴衰的世界里。各国利益紧密相连,需要为实现共赢和共赢达成最大共识。这是中国看待世界和中美关系的基本出发点。”   Behind the scenes, Blinken asked for trillions of dollars of loans in exchange for promises to fight “climate change,” while simultaneously threatening to attack China with weather warfare weapons, Asian secret society sources say. 亚洲秘密社团的消息来源称,在幕后,布林肯要求提供数万亿美元的贷款,以换取对抗“气候变化”的承诺,同时威胁要用天气战武器袭击中国。   The Chinese told him to buzz off and the meeting was cut short as this video shows: 中国人让他走开,会议提前结束了,正如以下这段视频所示:   Xi Jinping: When will he [Blinken] leave? 习近平:他[布林肯]什么时候走?   Assistant: He’s leaving this evening. 习近平的助理:他今晚就要走了。   That is why Blinken outright threatened Beijing over what Washington describes as China’s support for the Russian army in a press conference after the talks. 这就是为什么布林肯在会谈后的新闻发布会上,直接威胁北京说,华盛顿特区反对中国支持俄罗斯军队的原因。     Since he left empty-handed, the Rockefeller faction is definitely running out of money fast. As a reminder in 2007, just before the US went bankrupt during the “Lehman shock” and was bailed out by China, the U.S. national debt was below $10 trillion, the budget deficit was about $160 billion and interest payments were approximately $400 billion. Now the debt has surpassed 34 trillion, is growing by $1 trillion every hundred days and debt servicing costs have topped $1 trillion. 自从布林肯两手空空地回美国后,洛克菲勒派系的资金肯定很快就会用完。2007年,就在美国在“雷曼兄弟冲击”中破产并得到中国救助之前,美国国债低于10万亿美元,预算赤字约为1600亿美元,利息支付约为4000亿美元。而现在,债务已经超过34万亿美元,每一百天增长1万亿美元,偿债成本已经超过1万亿美元。   https://www.zerohedge.com/political/washingtons-fiscal-mess-irresponsible-unethical-immoral-former-us-comptroller-general   They are definitely going to try to steal your money to keep in business. The IRS has been using AI to access bank accounts of American Citizens without any kind of a search warrant…they have access to every single persons bank account. This is a blatant violation of the fourth amendment; This administration is LAWLESS!” 他们肯定会试图偷走人民大众的钱来维持运转。美国国税局一直在使用人工智能访问美国公民的银行账户,而无需任何搜查令……他们可以访问每个人的银行账户。这公然违反了美国宪法第四修正案;本届美国政府简直无法无天!”   https://rumble.com/v4rjn1o-the-irs-is-using-ai-to-access-bank-accounts-of-american-citizens-without-a-.html   They have already stolen so much from the people that 17 million US households are suffering from a lack of food. 他们已经从人民大众那里偷了很多东西,以至于1700万美国家庭正遭受食物短缺的痛苦。   https://sputnikglobe.com/20240423/nearly-13-of-us-households-face-lack-of-food—reports-1118077054.html   The result is a collapse of the social order in the US. The amount of people reporting they have been the victim of a crime has risen by 42.4% between 2021 and 2022. The fake Biden administration is trying to say crime is down 2% because people have given up calling the police who are unable to respond. 其结果是美国社会秩序的崩溃。2021年至2022年间,报告自己是犯罪受害者的人数增加了42.4%。虚假的拜登政府试图说犯罪率下降了2%,因为人们已经放弃了报警,因为警察已经无法对如此高的犯罪频率做出反应。   https://dailycaller.com/2024/04/25/media-outlets-misrepresenting-crime-stats-biden/   Former Federal Reserve chairman, Alan Greenspan once said : “The U.S. can pay any debt it has because we can always print money to do that. There is zero probability of default” 美国联邦储备委员会前主席格林斯潘曾经说过:“美国可以偿还任何债务,因为我们总是可以印钞来偿还。违约的可能性为零。”     Did you get that? It begs the question… why do we pay taxes if they can just print money? The fact is the rest of the world has stopped accepting their funny money and so they cannot print their way out of this. 你明白了吗?这就引出了一个问题……如果他们能印钞票,我们为什么要纳税?事实上,国际社会已经不再接受美国搞笑的货币,所以他们现在无法通过印钞来摆脱这种局面。   The Rockefellers bought time with cryptocurrency fraud and by stealing Russian assets. They may have also extorted money from the United Arab Emirates. It was pummeled with roughly a year’s worth of rain in less than a day on April 16th and French intelligence sources say the UAE now seems to have run out of money. 洛克菲勒家族通过加密货币欺诈和窃取俄罗斯资产来苟延残喘。他们还可能从阿联酋那里勒索资金。2024年4月16日,阿联酋在不到一天的时间里,遭受了一年的降雨量,法国情报机构的消息来源称,阿联酋现在似乎已经没钱了。   https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-68897443   Regardless, this is unlikely to keep the Rockefellers in business past June. That means we can expect them to stage some major events to try to cover for their bankruptcy and systems collapse. 无论如何,这场敲诈不太可能让洛克菲勒家族在2024年6月之后继续运转下去。这意味着我们可以预计他们将会上演一些重大事件,试图掩盖他们的破产和系统崩溃。   This may be why AirBnB is expecting large-scale government actions and lockdowns to begin on June 6, 2024, according to a newly obtained email. 根据最新获得的一封电子邮件,这可能就是为什么世界知名旅游民宿中介网站AirBnB预计,各国政府将于2024年6月6日开始大规模行动和封城的原因。     Their email shows they expect the following in June: 他们的电子邮件显示,他们预计2024年6月份会出现以下情况:   Declared public health emergencies and epidemics. 各国宣布突发公共卫生事件和流行病。   Government travel restrictions 政府限制旅行   Military actions and other hostilities 军事行动和其他敌对行动   Large-scale outages of essential utilities 重要公用交通设施的大规模停运   Natural Disasters 自然灾害   https://www.timeout.com/usa/news/airbnb-updates-its-policy-for-summer-rentals-and-beyondwhat-to-know-041024   The video below shows 25 ways the US is being destroyed by these people. 下面的视频展示了美国被这些阴谋集团摧毁的25种方式。     We will look more into this below but first, we want to talk about a massive secret battle raging in Japan. The German branch of the Khazarian Mafia tried to kill the Japanese imperial family by pretending King Charles was still alive and using him to invite the royals to visit England in June. MI6 warned the royals it was a trap set by UK civil service head Simon Case and former MI6 head John Scarlett. A source close to the imperial family said they knew it was a trap and were not planning to go. 我们将在下文对此进行更多的探讨,但首先,我们想谈谈一场在日本肆虐的大规模秘密战斗。可萨黑手党的德国分支,试图通过假装查尔斯国王还活着,并利用他邀请日本王室成员在2024年6月访问英国,来杀死日本皇室。英国军情六处警告日本王室,这是英国公务员负责人西蒙·凯斯和军情六处前负责人约翰·斯嘉丽设下的陷阱。一位与日本皇室关系密切的消息来源表示,他们知道这是一个陷阱,不打算去。   This invitation came after a major white hat victory in the battle for control of the Bank of Japan. The yen is now plunging to multi-decade lows because the Rothschilds know the BOJ is about to be nationalized. Until that happens they will print yen like there was no tomorrow (for them true) and then laundering it out of the country via the stock market. 这一邀请是在日本人争夺日本央行控制权的战斗中取得重大胜利之后发出的。日元现在跌至数十年来的低点,因为罗斯柴尔德家族知道日本央行即将国有化。在那之前,他们会像看不到明天的太阳一样印刷日元钞票(对他们来说真的会看不到明天的太阳),然后通过股市将其洗钱出境。   BOJ nationalization is imminent because the white hats in Japan have removed the KM controlled faction headed by certain royal family members and certain members of the three legged crow secret society. These people confessed they were behind the recent mass murder of over 500,000 Japanese using toxic vaccines. They said they were under orders dating back to the time of President Roosevelt to reduce Japan’s population to a level (70 million people) where it could never again pose a threat to US power. Unlike the Germans, who were slaughtered outright (37 million of them were killed after WWII ended), https://stateofthenation.co/?p=224710 the Japanese were allowed to gradually reduce their population. This is why women are indoctrinated not to have children and daily use products like shampoo and cosmetics are saturated with sterilizing chemicals. 日本央行国有化迫在眉睫,因为日本的白帽子地球解放军事联盟,已经清除了被可萨黑手党控制的日本派系,这些日本派系曾经是日本皇室成员和三腿乌鸦秘密社团的成员。这些人承认,他们是最近使用有毒疫苗大规模谋杀50多万日本人的幕后黑手。他们表示,他们服从可萨黑手党这件事,可以追溯到罗斯福总统时期,将日本人口减少到永远不会对美国力量构成威胁的水平(7000万人)。与被彻底屠杀的德国人不同(其中3700万人在二战结束后被杀害)https://stateofthenation.co/?p=224710日本人被允许逐渐减少人口。这就是为什么女性被灌输不要生孩子,洗发水和化妆品等日常用品中充斥着绝育化学物质的原因。   The removal of the traitors who went along with this means Japan has now been de facto liberated. 日本人除掉了叛国者,意味着日本现在已经事实上解放了。   The North Koreans agree saying “The pro-U.S. lackeys are bound to meet death and ruin for having completely sold off people and all valuables of the country.” 朝鲜同意这样的说法:“亲美的走狗们,肯定会因为完全出卖了人民和国家的利益,而走向死亡和毁灭。”   http://kcna.kp/en/article/q/20c34b240a7a11e4bd98616b964076ac.kcmsf   There is only some in fighting, between the Northern and Southern Imperial clans to be settled before the take-over of the BOJ is completed. 在接管日本央行之前,北方和南方皇室之间只有一些战斗需要解决。   The White Dragon Society is recommending a division of powers between the Northern Clan – who are now formally in position- and the Southern clan who are supported by the Asian Secret Societies. In this plan the Northern clan, who also have Habsburg blood, would be in charge of diplomatic relations while the Southern Emperor would be in charge of domestic affairs. In the future both bloodlines would be reunited via marriage. 白龙会建议在现在正式掌权的北方皇室和得到亚洲秘密社团支持的南方皇室之间进行权力划分。在这个计划中,同样有哈布斯堡血统的北方皇室将负责外交关系,而南方皇室将负责国内事务。在未来,两个家族将通过婚姻重新团聚。   Regardless of the infighting both factions oppose the KM. That is why thousands of Japanese citizens are now marching together in protest of the deadly experimental shots and the W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty. 不管内讧如何,两派都反对可萨黑手党。这就是为什么成千上万的日本公民现在一起游行,抗议《圣经·启示录》“兽的印迹”氧化石墨烯微芯片脑控转基因绝育“疫苗”和《世界卫生组织流行病条约》的原因。   https://twitter.com/RealAlexJones/status/1783486028667297993   In any case, the East/West deal negotiated by Queen Elizabeth with the Asians before she was murdered will go ahead. In this deal the underlying goal shifted from “climate change” to increasing the amount and variety of life, including human life. This will be carried out by various future planning organizations that are being set up now along with the replacement organization for the UN. A more formal announcement is imminent. 无论如何,伊丽莎白女王在被谋杀前,与亚洲人谈判达成的东西方协议将继续进行。在这项协议中,根本目标从“气候变化”转向增加生命的数量和种类,包括人类生命。这将由目前正在成立的各种未来规划机构以及联合国的替代组织来执行。更正式的公告即将发布。   OK, now let’s get back to the still raging battle to liberate the US and Canada. 好的,现在让我们回来谈谈解放美国和加麻大的战斗。   The first thing people need to get into their heads is that Commander in Chief Donald Trump is not the Trump you are seeing on most of your screens. 人们需要记住的第一件事是,美国三军总司令唐纳德·川普,并不是你在大多数屏幕上看到的川普。   That is why this newsletter does not pay attention to all the court theatrics based around the fake Donald Trump in Mar a Largo. To understand how easy it is to fake a person these days watch this (very slanderous but funny) AI Trump offer Melania for sale. 这就是为什么本篇新闻通讯没有关注所有围绕海湖庄园中那个假川普的法庭官司狗血剧情的原因。要想理解现在假扮一个人有多容易,请看以下这部(非常诽谤但有趣的)AI视频,在视频中,川普正在拍卖他的妻子梅拉尼娅。   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Gc09cNPziQ   It is not all jokes though. In 2019 the fake Trump turned the birthday of Chabad death cult head Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson into a holiday. 不过,这并不全是笑话。2019年,假川普把查巴德死亡邪教领袖拉比梅纳赫姆·门德尔·施尼森的生日变成了一个节日。   https://chabadinfo.com/news/president-trump-marks-education-day/   Chabad lobbying is why, on March 20, 1991, President George H.W. Bush signed HJ Res. 104, the Noahide Laws, rules that make the belief in Jesus Christ a crime punishable by decapitation by guillotine. 1991年3月20日,老布什总统签署了HJ Res.104总统令,即Noahide法,该法案将信仰耶稣基督定为可被斩首的罪行。他签署这项法令的原因,就是查巴德邪教的游说。   https://medium.com/@jay30mcr/now-the-government-can-legally-kill-christians-ab72bef4a804   In other words, as far as they are concerned, killing Christians or Muslims or anyone who is not of their tribe is legal. This is why they tried to kill us all with vaccines and why they are being in turn hunted down. 换句话说,就他们而言,杀害基督徒、穆斯林或任何不属于他们部落的人都是合法的。这就是为什么他们试图用疫苗杀死我们所有人,以及为什么他们被追捕的原因。   It also turns out as much as 20% of the meat sold in super markets is human (mostly in sausage, hamburger and spaghetti sauce). This morning I saw an article saying a US state was about to pass a law banning cannibalism; meaning it is currently legal. The link has now apparently been removed from the net. The evidence is overwhelming though. Russian FSB sources confirm a lot of products are made from abortions including cosmetics and vaccines. 事实证明,超市里出售的肉类中有20%是人类的肉(主要是香肠、汉堡和意大利面酱)。今天早上,我看到一篇文章,说美国一个州即将通过一项禁止食人的法律;这意味着在此之前吃人肉都是合法的。该链接现在显然已经从网络上删除。然而,证据确凿。俄罗斯联邦安全局的消息来源证实,许多产品是由堕胎制成的,包括化妆品和疫苗。   There is also more and more evidence they torture and kill children to harvest organs and adrenachrome. Here are some recent examples: 还有越来越多的证据表明,他们折磨和杀害儿童是为了获取器官和肾上腺红色素。以下是最近的一些例子:   Ashraf al-Qudra, the spokesman for the Palestinian Health Ministry, said on Monday that dozens of bodies unearthed from the mass graves in Gaza were decapitated and had their organs and skins removed, and this is being reported by state news agencies like the IRNA (Iran Republic News Agency). 巴勒斯坦卫生部发言人阿沙夫·阿勒·库德拉周一表示,从加沙乱葬坑出土的数十具尸体被斩首,并被摘除了器官和皮肤,伊朗伊斯兰共和国通讯社等国家新闻机构正在报道这一消息。   This find is just the tip of the iceberg. “We know that there were more children killed in Gaza in six months than in all the conflicts across the world in the last four years,” says Philippe Lazzarini, Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine. 这一发现只是冰山一角。联合国巴勒斯坦救济和工程处主任专员菲利普·拉扎里尼说:“我们知道,加沙六个月内被杀害的儿童比过去四年世界上所有冲突中的儿童都多。”   https://tass.com/world/1781841   This has been going on for some time. Already during the Syrian Civil War the White Helmets (Syria Civil Defence) have been accused by Russia before UNof the same human organs’ traffic. 这种情况已经持续了一段时间。在叙利亚内战期间,俄罗斯就已经在联合国面前指控白盔部队(叙利亚民兵部队)是人体器官的流通贩子。   In Russia too, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Marija Zacharova blamed Ukraine, another NATO protectorate, of the same chilling business. Russian soldiers found a horrific factory to raise children for prostitution and organ harvesting. 在俄罗斯,外交部发言人扎哈罗娃,也将同样令人不寒而栗的事情,归咎于另一个北约保护国乌克兰。 俄罗斯士兵发现了一个可怕的工厂,用来抚养儿童卖淫和摘取器官。   https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2024/04/inside-khan-younis-mass-grave-bodies-beheaded-and-with-signs-of-organ-removed-for-the-israeli-awful-black-market/   https://babylonianempire.wordpress.com/2024/04/25/odpowiedzenie-wolnitwa-na-ukrainie/   In the latest from the US, MS13 Satanists in Houston were caught kidnapping and sacrificing young girls. 在来自美国的最新消息中,休斯顿的MS13撒旦教徒被抓现形,他们在绑架和活人献祭年轻女孩。   https://rumble.com/v4s01ci-ms13-gang-members-in-huston-kidnap-and-sacrifice-little-girls-to-satan.html   This is all connected to the satanic Hitler/Rockefeller bloodline. A Pentagon official has confirmed that Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky and billionaire philanthropist George Soros are cousins. 这一切都与邪恶的希特勒/洛克菲勒家族有关。五角大楼一名官员证实,乌克兰总统泽连斯基和亿万富翁慈善家索罗斯是表兄弟。   https://twitter.com/MUBreaking/status/1511544534055804929   Our own sources tell us they are both related to Adolf Hitler, just like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Maybe that’s why they have NAZI heave metal concerts in Zhytomyr, Ukraine. 我们自己的消息来源告诉我们,他们都与阿道夫·希特勒有关,就像希拉里·克林顿和巴拉克·奥巴马一样。也许这就是他们在乌克兰日托米尔举办纳粹重金属演唱会的原因。     That is also probably why A 46-year-old former senior policy advisor the Obama administration has been charged with multiple child sex offenses. 这可能也是为什么奥巴马政府一位46岁的前高级政策顾问,被指控犯有多项儿童性犯罪的原因。   https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13334013/Former-senior-policy-advisor-Obama-White-House-charged-child-sex-offences.html   In another sign of Satanic Nazi leadership, the European Court of Justice decreed member states can force people to be injected with untested gene altering vaccines. 另一个迹象显示出撒旦教的纳粹领导层,欧洲法院颁布法令,成员国可以强迫人们注射未经测试的转基因疫苗。   https://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri OJ:L:2009:242:0003:0012:DE:PDF   In Canada too, the Satanic Castrudeau government is still playing to the KM playbook. KM slave Chrystia Freeland can be seen here spouting out more gibberish such as “The jobs of today and the jobs of tomorrow depend on having [a strong climate plan].” 同样在加麻大,撒旦教徒特鲁多·卡斯特罗的政府,仍在按照可萨黑手党的要求行事。可萨黑手党的奴才克里斯蒂娅·弗里兰在这里发表了更多的胡言乱语,比如“今天的工作和明天的工作取决于有一个强有力的气候计划。”     Even worse, Castrudeau announced the launch of a social rating system in the country, following the example of the Chinese one. 更糟糕的是,特鲁多·卡斯特罗宣布效仿中国的社会评级系统,在该国启动社会评级系统。     They are also trying to force people to get QR codes to visit and leave areas. This has already started in Madeleine Island, Quebec where you will be fined if you don’t get QR codes in order to leave. 他们还试图强迫人们在不同地区之间移动时出示二维码。这已经在魁北克的玛德琳岛开始实行了,如果你离开时没有二维码,你将被罚款。     This is part of a desperate last minute power grab by the KM. The White House “is now considering declaring a national climate emergency” which would give Biden “Covid-like powers.” This is what the climate crisis hoax is all about – power and control. 这是可萨黑手党在最后一刻不顾一切地攫取权力的一部分。白宫“现在正在考虑宣布全国气候紧急状态”,这将赋予拜登“类似新冠疫情封城措施的权力”。这就是气候危机骗局的全部内容——权力和控制。     By the way, we have been 8-9 years away from climate change armageddon for the past 40-50 years. 顺便说一句,在过去的40到50年的时间里,我们距离气候变化世界末日还有8-9年的时间。     Windmills are a case study of the damage caused by the false climate narrative. Polish intelligence informs us: 风车是对虚假气候叙事造成的损害的一个案例研究。波兰情报部门告诉我们:   A windmill needs 30 tons of fossil fuel lubricant, it kills birds, induces low-frequency sounds that cause life around to flee (if there is anywhere – if there is a closed reservoir near the windmill, fish die and other animals flee the area). The Polish Academy of Sciences says audible noise, infrasound, light flickering, electromagnetic fields, vibrations and falling turbine parts endanger people in an area of up to 2-3 km around a windmill. They disturb the functioning of the organs responsible for movement, the sense of hearing, sight, balance and positional awareness leading to Wind Turbine Syndrome. After several years of exposure to wind turbines, people suffer from persistent infections of the respiratory organs, allergies, weakening of the immune system, cardiac pathologies (difficult operation of the heart and pacemaker), epilepsy, spine pain, chest pain, digestive system diseases and other life-threatening diseases. Not only that,  – they are very expensive (several hundred tons of concrete must be poured into the foundation itself) – and produce electricity that costs almost four times more than electricity produced in a coal-fired power plant. 风车发电厂需要30吨化石燃料润滑剂,它会杀死鸟类,引发低频声音,导致周围的生命逃离(如果任何风车附近有一个封闭的水库,鱼类就会死亡,其他动物会逃离该地区)。波兰科学院表示,在风车周围2-3公里的区域内,可听见的噪音、次声、灯光闪烁、电磁场、振动和掉落的涡轮机零件会危及人们的生命。它们扰乱了负责运动的器官的功能,包括听觉、视觉、平衡和位置意识,从而导致风力涡轮机综合征。在接触风力涡轮机数年后,人们会遭受呼吸器官持续感染、过敏、免疫系统减弱、心脏疾病(心脏和起搏器操作困难)、癫痫、脊椎疼痛、胸痛、消化系统疾病和其他危及生命的疾病。不仅如此,它们非常昂贵(必须在地基上浇筑数百吨混凝土),发电成本几乎是燃煤发电厂发电成本的四倍。   Facts like these won’t stop these people from trying to impose their agenda. 这样的事实并不能阻止这些人试图强加他们的风力发电和气候变化议程。   “We are witnessing a convergence between the global warming movement, the biowarfare industrial complex, and the WHO pandemic treaty grifters,” Toby Rogers of the Brownstone Institute says. 布朗斯通研究所的托比·罗杰斯说:“我们正在目睹全球变暖运动、生物战工业综合体和世界卫生组织大流行条约诈骗者之间的趋同。”   https://brownstone.org/articles/the-teams-are-set-for-world-war-iii/   In other words they are about to say “climate change is creating new viruses that disproportionately affect minorities and LGBTQ people so you all have to take your vaccines and pay your climate taxes.” 换句话说,他们即将说“气候变化正在制造新的病毒,对少数民族和LGBTQ人群造成不成比例的影响,所以你们都必须接种疫苗并缴纳气候税。”   Speaking about Trannies, you thought Michelle Obama was a tranny? You thought maybe Macron’s wife was a tranny? This is German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s wife. Any thoughts? 说到变性人,你认为米歇尔·奥巴马是变性人吗?你以为马克龙的妻子可能是变性人吗?以下是德国总理奥拉夫·朔尔茨的妻子。有什么想法吗?     This is some of the nonsense these propagandists spew out: 以下是宣传人员所说的一些无稽之谈:   A new study out of UCLA says same-sex couples are at greater “risk of exposure to the adverse effects of climate change” than straight couples 加州大学洛杉矶分校的一项新研究称,同性伴侣比异性伴侣“面临气候变化不利影响的风险更大”。   https://www.thecollegefix.com/ucla-study-gay-couples-at-greater-risk-from-climate-change/   Racial discrimination may increase the risk of young Black adults developing cardiovascular disease, a new study suggests. 一项新的研究表明,种族歧视可能会增加年轻黑人患心血管疾病的风险。   https://www.newsweek.com/doctors-warn-racism-increase-risk-heart-disease-1891793#:~:text=Racial%20discrimination%20may%20increase%20the%20risk%20of%20young,developing%20heart%20disease%2C%20stroke%20and%20type%202%20diabetes.     To trigger martial law and enforce this nonsense the Soros and Rockefeller foundations are paying for massive protests at US colleges. 为了触发戒严令并实施这种无稽之谈,索罗斯和洛克菲勒基金会正在付钱,来让美国大学爆发大规模抗议活动。   https://insiderpaper.com/george-soros-paying-student-protesters-across-us-colleges-report/   It turns out nearly half of the pro-Palestinian protesters arrested earlier this week at The University of Texas at Austin were not affiliated with the university. In other words it is the same old Black Lives Matter agents provocateurs reading a new script. 事实证明,本周早些时候在得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校被捕的亲巴勒斯坦抗议者中,近一半抗议者都不是该大学的师生。换句话说,这是老的“黑命贵”特工在根据新剧本表演的挑衅行为。   https://www.zerohedge.com/political/nearly-half-those-arrested-ut-austin-pro-palestinian-protest-had-no-links-school     A lot of these “student demonstrators” are illegal foreigners. Here you can see a video showing Syrian invaders are heading all across America after illegally entering the country. Nothing to see here folks, just a planned invasion brought to you by the fake Biden show 这些“示威学生”中有很多是非法移民。在以下视频中,你可以看到叙利亚入侵者在非法进入美国后正穿越美国。伙计们,这里没什么可看的,只是假拜登表演给你们带来的有计划的入侵。     Now, just on cue, the traitor Mike Johnson wants to call the National Guard to quell pro-Palestine protests. He was followed by Senators Sens. Josh Hawley and Tom Cottons. 现在,就在此时,叛国者迈克·约翰逊想召集国民警卫队平息亲巴勒斯坦的抗议活动。紧随其后的是参议员乔什·霍利和汤姆·科顿。   https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2024/apr/23/josh-hawley-tom-cotton-urge-biden-to-mobilize-nati/   Also, under the false pretense of ‘safety’ the KM are destroying freedom of speech around the world. The KM Zionists need to stop the truth from reaching more people so they can continue with their plans of total government control. The video below is an example of this from Australia. 此外,在“国家安全”的虚假名义下,可萨黑手党正在破坏世界各地的言论自由。高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党,想要阻止真相传播给更多的人,这样他们才能继续他们的世界单一集权政府计划。下面的视频是澳大利亚的一个例子。     Elon Musk responds “That is exactly the issue. Should the Safety Commissar (an unelected official) in Australia have authority over all countries on Earth?” 埃隆·马斯克回应道:“这正是问题所在。澳大利亚的安全委员会(一名未经选举的官员)是否应该对地球上所有国家拥有权力?”     People are fighting back. Listen to what a grandmother has to say on her death bed ….” I will be so happy to get Justin Trudeau out of my life.” At least she has something nicer to look forward to in the afterlife. 人们正在进行反击。听听祖母在病床上说些什么……“我很高兴能让贾斯汀·特鲁多离开我的生活。”至少她在死后还有更好的期待。     On an institutional level the Supreme Court is definitely going after the fake Biden government: 在制度层面上,最高法院肯定在追查假拜登政府:   Justice Kavanaugh asks a DOJ Lawyer if Barack Obama should be prosecuted over his use of drone strikes against civilians. 卡瓦诺法官询问司法部律师,巴拉克·奥巴马是否应该因使用无人机袭击平民而受到起诉。     Clarence Thomas asks why previous presidents haven’t been prosecuted for orchestrating coups and carrying out attacks against civilians. 克拉伦斯·托马斯问道,为什么前几任总统没有因策划政变和袭击平民而被起诉。     There is also a fight against the pedophiles. A Louisiana District Judge has ordered a 54-year-old man to be physically castrated, in addition to his sentence, as part of a guilty plea for the rape of a 14-year-old girl that resulted in a pregnancy. 还有一场反对恋童癖的斗争。路易斯安那州一名地区法官下令对一名54岁的男子进行身体阉割,作为对强奸一名14岁女孩并导致其怀孕的认罪的一部分。     Outside of the West it is already game over for the KM. “America…took the side of the evil and supported fascism…by their decision, local politicians effectively doomed the entire state,” Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov says. 在西方之外,可萨黑手党的游戏已经结束。俄罗斯驻美国大使阿纳托利·安东诺夫说:“美国……站在邪恶的一边,支持法西斯主义……通过他们的决定,当地政客实际上注定了整个国家的命运。”   https://tass.com/politics/1780173   “Western hegemony has failed…it gave the world war, chaos, unrest and destroyed economies…it must be destroyed,” Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban stated on Thursday “This year, we will try to drive them out,” he promises. 匈牙利总理维克托·欧尔班周四表示:“西方霸权已经失败……它给世界带来了战争、混乱、动荡和毁灭的经济……它必须被摧毁。”他承诺:“今年,我们将努力将他们赶走。”     https://www.rt.com/news/596567-orban-liberal-world-order-over/   This process is already well under way in Eastern Europe. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s term of office ran out in March and he is being removed from power by Ukrainian authorities, Russian presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov says. Peskov adds “panic is growing on the Ukrainian side of the frontline.” 这一进程已经在东欧顺利进行。俄罗斯总统新闻秘书德米特里·佩斯科夫表示,乌克兰总统弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基的任期于3月结束,他将被乌克兰当局罢免。佩斯科夫补充道:“前线乌克兰一侧的恐慌正在加剧。”   https://tass.com/world/1781951?ysclid=lvjtu9s0mf150751563   When it is over, new countries will emerge and some old ones will vanish. In one example, the head of Moldova’s autonomous Gagauzia region Yevgenia Gutsul and Republika Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina) President Milorad Dodik were at a security meeting in Moscow last week to discuss the new map of Europe currently being drawn up. 当它结束时,新的国家将出现,一些旧的国家将消失。例如,摩尔多瓦加古齐亚自治区负责人叶夫根尼·古苏尔和塞族共和国(波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那)总统米洛拉德·多迪克,上周在莫斯科举行了一次安全会议,讨论目前正在划定的新欧洲地图。   https://tass.com/politics/1779221   Internationally, a sign of KM defeat came at the ongoing WHO meeting in Switzerland where it was forced give up on its attempted pandemic power grab and now says its “recommendations will be non-binding.” Also, an attempt to remove recognition of the “dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms” of human beings was quashed. 在国际上,正在瑞士举行的世界卫生组织会议上,出现了可萨黑手党走向失败的迹象,世卫组织在会议上被迫放弃了利用疫情夺权的企图,现在表示其“建议将不具约束力”。此外,取消对人类“尊严、人权和基本自由”的承认的企图也被推翻。   “Tedros may be on the run or has already been arrested and detained by the WH Military Alliance,” a CIA source says. 一位美国中央情报局消息来源表示:“谭德塞可能正在逃亡,或者已经被白帽子地球解放军事联盟逮捕和拘留。”。   https://www.naturalnews.com/2024-04-23-who-backs-off-pandemic-treaty-addresses-tyranny.html   African countries were crucial for the defeat of the WHO. Africa is “increasingly asserting itself as an influential player in global politics and one of the centers of the multipolar world order being shaped.” Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov says. 非洲国家对世界卫生组织的失败至关重要。俄罗斯外交部副部长米哈伊尔·波格丹诺夫表示,非洲“越来越多地宣称自己是全球政治中有影响力的参与者,也是正在形成的多极世界秩序的中心之一”。   https://tass.com/politics/1779945   The Africans have kicked the KM out of most countries in the region with Niger and Togo being recent examples. 非洲人已经将可萨黑手党踢出了该地区大多数国家,尼日尔和多哥就是最近的例子。   Now they are going on the offensive in the West. Lawyers representing the DR Congo have written to Apple CEO Tim Cook demanding answers on the sourcing of minerals used to manufacture the company’s products. Apple’s claim that it verifies the origins of minerals used in the manufacture of its products “do not appear to be based on concrete, verifiable evidence.” 现在他们正在西方发动进攻。刚果民主共和国的代表律师致信苹果公司首席执行官蒂姆·库克,要求就用于制造该公司产品的矿物来源问题作出答复。苹果公司声称其核实了产品制造中使用的矿物的来源,“这似乎没有基于具体的、可验证的证据”   https://www.semafor.com/article/04/25/2024/dr-congo-apple-blood-mineral-supply-chain-concerns   “The world’s economies…are increasing demand for the rare minerals in the eastern Congo — and the world is letting criminal organizations steal and sell these minerals by brutalizing my people,” says Pétronille Vaweka, a Congolese peace mediator. She says: DRC are pocked with both industrial and artisanal mines, guarded by armed militias and worked by hundreds of thousands of men, women and children who are effectively enslaved. More than 250 local and 14 foreign armed groups are fighting for territory, mines or other resources in the DRC’s five easternmost provinces, including an estimated 70 percent of the world’s known cobalt, a vital component of lithium-ion batteries. 刚果和平调解人彼得罗尼耶·瓦维卡表示:“世界经济……对刚果东部稀有矿产的需求正在增加,而世界正让犯罪组织通过虐待我的人民来窃取和出售这些矿产。”她说:刚果民主共和国到处都是工业和手工矿场,由武装民兵守卫,由数十万实际上被奴役的男人、女人和儿童工作。250多个当地武装和14个外国武装组织,正在刚果民主共和国最东部的五个省争夺领土、矿山或其他资源,其中估计包括世界上70%的已知钴元素,这是锂离子电池的重要组成部分。   https://www.usip.org/publications/2024/03/congo-peace-means-halt-brutal-illegal-mining   Once Apple and others are forced to pay world prices for commodities from Africa it will be a game changer. Definitely another reason to short Apple and Tesla stock. 一旦苹果和其他公司被迫为来自非洲的原材料商品支付世界价格,这将改变游戏规则。这无疑是做空苹果和特斯拉股票的另一个原因。   China is helping by writing off African debt. It has just has forgiven all of Zimbabwe’s estimated $10 billion in debts. 中国正在通过注销非洲债务来提供帮助。它刚刚免除了津巴布韦大约100亿美元的债务。   https://www.theafricareport.com/345381/zimbabwe-chinas-debt-write-off-may-sway-other-lenders-say-analysts/   Planetary liberation is close. 地球解放即将到来。   On a final note, it turns out the White Dragon Society is thousands of years old. The white dragon was the original symbol of England. 最后一点,白龙会已经有几千年的历史了。白龙是英格兰最初的象征。   https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryUK/HistoryofEngland/Edmund-original-Patron-Saint-of-England/

CN — LARRY ROMANOFF: 生物战在行动 — 第8章——英国口蹄疫

January 29, 2024


生物战在行动 Biological Warfare in Action 

    • 第1章—— 引言Chapter 1  — Introduction                                                                    
    • 第2章——美国国内项目和实验Chapter 2 — US Domestic Projects and Experiments                      
    • 第3章——美国可疑疫情 — Chapter 3 — US Suspicious Outbreaks                                              
    • 第4章——美国海外部署 — Chapter 4 — US Foreign Deployment                                                 
    • 第5章-世界卫生组织-人口减少是现实Chapter 5 — The WHO – Depopulation is Reality                            
    • 第6章——辉瑞公司对流行病把握的恰到好处 Chapter 6 — Pfizer’s Perfectly-Timed Epidemic
    • 第7章——美国禽流感 — Chapter 7 — US Bird flu
    • 第8章——英国口蹄疫 — Chapter 8 — UK Foot and Mouth Disease
    • 第9章——意大利的橄榄树 — Chapter 9 —  Italy’s Olive Trees
    • 第10章——最近的生物武器袭击 — Chapter 10 – Recent Bio-Weapons Attacks
    • 第11章——艾滋病 — Chapter 11 – AIDS
    • 第12章——非典型肺炎 — Chapter 12 – SARS
    • 第13章——中东呼吸综合征 — Chapter 13 – MERS
    • 第14章——埃博拉病毒 — Chapter 14 – EBOLA
    • 第15 寨——卡病毒 — Chapter 15 –  ZIKA
    • 第16章——新冠肺炎疫苗和Oxitec的“飞行注射器” — Chapter 16 – COVID Vaccinations and Oxitec’s “Flying Syringes”
    • 第17章——尾声 — Chapter 17 – Epilogue


生物战在行动– Biological Warfare in Action

第8章-英国口蹄疫 — Chapter 8 – UK Foot and Mouth Disease


By Larry Romanoff



目录 — Content

8.1. 英国口蹄疫爆发 — 8.1. UK Foot and Mouth Outbreak

8.2. 生物危害设施 — 8.2. Bio-Hazard Facilities

8.3. 评估和结论 — 8.3. Evaluation and Conclusions

8.1. 英国口蹄疫 — 8.1. UK Foot and Mouth Disease



In 2001, an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease ravaged the British farming industry. There are a few articles on this topic on the Internet, by the BBC and UK Guardian, but they mostly repeat the official story in generalities and provide no useful information. Almost all information of interest or value appears to have been expunged from the Internet.

2001年,一场口蹄疫的爆发肆虐了英国的农业。英国广播公司(BBC)和英国《卫报》(UK Guardian)在互联网上发表了一些关于这个话题的文章,但它们大多笼统地重复了官方的报道,没有提供有用的信息。几乎所有感兴趣或有价值的信息似乎都已从互联网上删除。


Carcasses of cows are loaded onto lorries, to be disposed of, after being slaughtered in fields by Settle in the Yorkshire Dales, as the cull continues in a bid to halt the foot-and-mouth disease outbreak in the area. (Photo by John Giles – PA Images/PA Images via Getty Images). Source

约克郡山谷定居组织(Settle in the Yorkshire Dales)在田地里屠宰后,牛的胴体被装载到卡车上进行处理,同时扑杀工作仍在继续,以阻止该地区的口蹄疫爆发。(照片由John Giles拍摄-PA Images/PA Images via Getty Images)。来源


When the outbreaks occurred exports from the UK of live animals, meat and dairy products were banned by other nations, as was the movement of animals from the infected areas, and the government ordered a mass slaughter of millions of animals. The losses to British farmers were nearly incalculable, with a great many farmers going bankrupt or otherwise put out of business, and some farmers committing suicide in anguish over their losses. Within six months, almost 4 million animals had been slaughtered and their carcasses burned, eventually reaching the astonishing total of around 12-14 million. Oddly, in the face of this enormous disaster, the government refused to hold a public inquiry into the outbreak, announcing instead three small separate investigations, the results of which would not be made public.



“There was no discretion involved,” he said. “It was that policy and its inflexibility which led to such large numbers of animals being slaughtered.” He said the charity argued there was insufficient scientific evidence for the policy and some scientists said in many cases the disease did not spread beyond a few hundred metres. Source



The UK government initially blamed the disease outbreak on “animal activists”, but not everyone believed the official story. At the time, the Sunday Express reported that the outbreak had been attributed to some vials containing foot and mouth virus, which had gone mysteriously missing from the laboratories at Porton Down, which location is a top-secret government biological weapons research facility housing such agents as TB, anthrax, smallpox, Ebola – and the foot-and-mouth viruses. The report stated that “Authorities tried to play down the report by suggesting that “animal rights activists” had stolen and released the samples from the maximum-security government laboratory, though the authorities failed to explain how animal rights activists would believe they were promoting animal rights by releasing a biological agent that would result in the destruction of millions of animals, or how they were able to penetrate the multiple layers of defenses in the heavily-secured laboratory.

英国政府最初将疾病爆发归咎于“动物活动家”,但并非所有人都相信官方说法。当时,《星期日快报》报道称,疫情的爆发归因于一些装有口蹄疫病毒的小瓶,这些病毒在Porton Down的实验室神秘失踪。Porton Down是政府的一个绝密生物武器研究设施,存放着结核病、炭疽病、天花、埃博拉和口蹄疫病毒等病原体。该报告称,“当局试图淡化该报告,暗示“动物权利活动家”从最高安全级别的政府实验室窃取并释放了样本,但当局没有解释动物权利活动家如何认为他们通过释放一种会导致数百万动物死亡的生物制剂来促进动物权利,也没有解释他们是如何穿透这个戒备森严的实验室的多层防御系统的。


As well, one media report in 2001 stated that “An eminent scientist with thirty years’ experience of infectious diseases challenged [UK Prime Minister] Blair in a prominent Sunday newspaper to “come clean and tell the truth about the foot-and-mouth epidemic”. The scientist testified that the virus strain which devastated Britain’s livestock “was not active in any other part of the world and could only have come from a UK laboratory.” And indeed, the UK government bio-warfare labs at both Pirbright and Porton Down have been confirmed by the UK Minister of Health as containing more than 5,000 different strains of this virus, and in the end, it did indeed appear the virus had originated in the UK government’s bio-warfare labs at Porton Down.



Then, the Sunday Express reported that a routine audit of Porton Down’s bio-warfare labs revealed that a container of several vials of foot-and-mouth virus had gone missing two months before the first outbreak of the disease, stating that “There are very persistent rumors over missing phials from Porton Down linked to animal rights activists”. The government of course desperately denied such a possibility, stating that “… only the Institute of Animal Health Laboratory and the Merial Biological Laboratory at Pirbright are licensed to hold FMD virus”, and that tales of the virus being stolen from Porton Down were inaccurate and impossible. But then, a senior military source at Porton Down stated publicly that vials “appear to have gone missing from one of the labs [at Porton Down] following a routine audit last year.”

然后,《星期日快报》报道称,对Porton Down生物战实验室的例行审计显示,在疾病首次爆发前两个月,一个装有几瓶口蹄疫病毒的容器失踪了,并表示“关于Porton Down丢失的小瓶与动物权利活动家有关的传言一直存在”。当然,政府极力否认这种可能性,称“……只有动物卫生研究所实验室和位于皮尔布莱特的梅里尔生物实验室获得了持有口蹄疫病毒的许可”,而且有关病毒从唐港被盗的说法是不准确和不可能的。但随后,Porton Down的一位高级军事消息人士公开表示,小瓶“在去年的例行审计后,(Porton Down)的一个实验室似乎不见了。”


The government then admitted that such a thing did happen after all and, right on cue, the government blamed the usual “animal rights activists” for the theft and release of the deadly pathogen, the media dutifully reporting that “Ministry officials were informed immediately and an investigation was launched initially by Special Branch and then by MI5, who are interested in the activities of animal rights protesters.” Unfortunately, those animal activists and protestors were somehow never found.



Revealed: 100 safety breaches at UK labs handling potentially deadly diseases. Source



This scenario was repeated in 2007 with another outbreak in the UK, the source of which was determined to have been another UK government bio-weapons lab, this time at Pirbright. At the time, the UK Guardian published an article stating that, according to the authorities, “a leaky drain allowed the disease to escape”. The Guardian reported that, according to government sources, there had been a “probable” new leak of foot and mouth disease virus from the Merial Animal Health facility at Pirbright, the virus believed to have escaped through a leaking valve, “allowing an unintended probable release of live FMD virus into the drainage system”. The government claimed in a written statement to have received Merial’s assurances that “the live virus had not been released to the environment”, though in fact it had been. A spokesman for Merial apparently told the Guardian that he was “surprised by the fuss”. Both the government Health Service and Merial shared the source of this outbreak, the “broken drainage system” which served both sets of laboratories, though apparently “investigators were strangely unable to determine which lab was actually responsible for the leakage and outbreak”.



The New Scientist Magazine echoed the official story, stating “A faulty drainage pipe was the most likely source of an outbreak of foot and mouth disease in Britain on 3 August, official investigators concluded today. The pipe connected two world class research facilities on the same Pirbright facility in Surrey. One, Merial Animal Health, is a manufacturer of foot and mouth and other animal vaccines; the second, the Institute of Animal Health.”  [1]

《新科学家》杂志回应了官方的说法,称“官方调查人员今天得出结论,8月3日,英国爆发口蹄疫最有可能是排水管故障。该管道连接了萨里同一Pirbright设施上的两个世界级研究设施。一个是Merial Animal Health,是口蹄疫和其他动物疫苗的制造商;另一个是动物卫生研究所。”[1]


In June of 2008, soon after the second major outbreak of foot and mouth disease, the UK media ran a series of articles stating that “Security at British laboratories working with some of the world’s deadliest pathogens (that included anthrax, hemorrhagic fever and smallpox viruses), was undermined by a lack of investment and poor maintenance”. The media articles were in response to a report produced by some government MPs which claimed that the labs were “so dilapidated” and “run down” it was “not acceptable” that scientists were asked to work there. These facilities, the MPs claimed, had “outlived their usefulness”, and were in such ruinous condition they were “quite likely to experience” yet another leakage of deadly pathogens such as those of the foot and mouth virus that necessitated the slaughter of millions of animals. The committee of MPs especially singled out the labs at Pirbright and the secretive bio-warfare lab installations at Porton Down which, the media reported, were “Britain’s frontline defense against infectious diseases”.

2008年6月,在第二次口蹄疫大爆发后不久,英国媒体发表了一系列文章,称“英国实验室处理世界上一些最致命的病原体(包括炭疽、出血热和天花病毒)的安全因缺乏投资和维护不善而受到破坏”。这些媒体文章是对一些政府议员发表的一份报告的回应,该报告声称实验室“非常破旧”和“破旧”,要求科学家在那里工作是“不可接受的”。议员们声称,这些设施已经“失效”,而且处于如此毁灭性的状态,他们“很可能会经历”另一次致命病原体的泄漏,如口蹄疫病毒,导致数百万动物被屠杀。议员委员会特别指出了Pirbright的实验室和Porton Down的秘密生物战实验室设施,据媒体报道,这些设施是“英国对抗传染病的前线防御”。


President Gerald Ford apologizing in 1975 to the family of Frank Olson, who died in 1953  after the C.I.A. gave him a dose of LSD. Credit: Associated Press. View the full documents here and here



It needs to be noted here that neither Pirbright nor Porton Down, but especially Porton Down, are a ‘frontline defense’ against anything and are in fact bio-weapons labs with a well-deserved evil reputation and a long and malicious history that includes human experimentation. This may have been the CIA’s version of a joke, but when anthrax spores were mailed to some US government and media representatives in 2001, CIA officials publicly speculated that Porton Down may have been their origin. In the end, the origin was determined to be (quite possibly courtesy of the same CIA) the US military’s bio-weapons labs at Fort Detrick, so perhaps a small false flag. Porton Down and the CIA have been close friends for many decades. It was to Porton Down that the CIA outsourced many of its “terminal interrogations”, i.e., questioning people until they died from the questioning methods. It was here that CIA biochemist Frank Olson witnessed firsthand the results of his ‘biochemistry’, began to suffer unbearable pangs of conscience, then suddenly met his death in most unusual circumstances, the result of an apparent suicide – as they almost always are. As you will read later, it was eventually revealed that Olson had been ordered killed by CIA Director Allen Dulles, that his death was neither an accident nor a suicide, but a deliberate murder to prevent the man from disclosing to the media the secret crimes of the CIA and Porton Down. US President Gerald Ford apologised to the family and paid $750,000 in compensation. So, let’s not pretend Porton Down provides defense against infectious diseases.

这里需要注意的是,Pirbright和Porton Down,尤其是Porton Down都不是对抗任何东西的“前线防御”,事实上,它们都是生物武器实验室,有着当之无愧的恶名和包括人类实验在内的漫长而恶意的历史。这可能是中央情报局的一个笑话,但当炭疽孢子在2001年被邮寄给一些美国政府和媒体代表时,中央情报局官员公开猜测Porton Down可能是它们的起源。最终,起源被确定为(很可能是同一个中央情报局提供的)美国军方在德特里克堡的生物武器实验室,所以可能是一个小假旗。唐和中央情报局几十年来一直是亲密的朋友。正是对波顿·唐,中央情报局外包了许多“终端审讯”,即审问人们,直到他们死于审问方法。正是在这里,中央情报局生物化学家弗兰克·奥尔森亲眼目睹了他的“生物化学”结果,开始遭受难以忍受的良心痛苦,然后在最不寻常的情况下突然死亡,这显然是自杀的结果——就像他们几乎一直以来一样。正如你稍后会读到的,最终有消息透露,奥尔森是被中央情报局局长艾伦·杜勒斯下令杀害的,他的死既不是意外,也不是自杀,而是故意谋杀,目的是阻止该男子向媒体披露中央情报局和波顿·唐的秘密罪行。美国总统杰拉尔德·福特向这家人道歉,并支付了75万美元的赔偿金。所以,我们不要假装波顿唐能抵御传染病。


According to an “independent” report, the buildings housing the lab facilities that contained the foot and mouth viruses were apparently “visibly substandard”, were suffering from a “creeping degradation of standards”, and were “poorly managed and regulated”. A Dr. Iain Anderson, who led a similar inquiry into the larger similar outbreak in 2001, was quoted as saying, “This virus should never have got out. [No argument there] Everything was wrong around Pirbright; the regulatory system was poor; the risk management was poor”. He further stated, “… the facilities … fall well short of internationally recognised standards, and the governance and funding arrangements are muddled and ineffective”. As well, his report described the laboratories as “shabby and dilapidated”, thus leading to the deadly virus “probably leaking from faulty pipes”. One British MP was quoted as saying, “When you think about how important biosecurity is, [… this] is staggering”. No kidding. I would have to agree.

根据一份“独立”报告,含有口蹄疫病毒的实验室设施所在的建筑显然“明显不合格”,“标准逐渐降低”,而且“管理和监管不力”。博士。报道援引伊恩·安德森(Iain Anderson)的话说,“这种病毒本不应该传播出去。(没有任何争议)Pirbright周围的一切都错了;监管系统很差;风险管理很差”。他进一步表示,“……这些设施……远远达不到国际公认的标准,治理和资金安排混乱且无效”。此外,他的报告将实验室描述为“破旧不堪”,从而导致致命病毒“可能从有故障的管道中泄漏”。报道援引一位英国议员的话说,“当你想到生物安全有多重要时,[……这]令人震惊”。不开玩笑。我不得不同意。


At the time of the release of these so-called independent reports, the media were uniformly frightening us with claims that “Many scientists believe” that “climate change and terrorism” would now “bring many new diseases” and cause many pathogens such as anthrax to be “deliberately released in public places”, though it wasn’t immediately clear how ‘climate change’ might ‘deliberately release’ anthrax in a public park. The only scientists who believe that, are the same ‘scientists’ planning the next release. Those reports were not meant as either an apology or explanation for past disease outbreaks, but to create fear because a fearful public is malleable and will easily surrender civil rights to a fascist government in exchange for protection – most often from that same government. It was also a political statement to justify to the public the planned expense of a new, and quite massive, bio-warfare pathogen facility in the UK, one that would of course be “necessary to combat whatever our enemies throw at us”. Or to produce whatever we might want to throw at ourselves.



Aside from the implausibility inherent in the official narratives of these disease outbreaks, there are three other curious items I would bring to your attention.


Dr. Mae-Wan Ho. SourceLiterary works



The UK Government appeared to have prepared precisely for the epidemic of 2001. From an article by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho in an Institute of Science in Society Report dated September 24, 2001, entitled “Foot & Mouth Outbreak, GM Vaccine and Bio-warfare

英国政府似乎正是为2001年的流行病做好了准备。来自博士的一篇文章。Mae Wan Ho在2001年9月24日的社会科学研究所报告中发表,题为“口蹄疫、转基因疫苗和生物战”


“Investigations by the Evening Chronicle uncovered that the United States, Canada and Mexico began preparing for ‘a simulated outbreak of foot and mouth disease’ last October. According to papers leaked from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, the exercise – which took place between November 6 and 9 – was ‘for the purpose of emergency planning.’ The papers reportedly state: ‘This exercise is the first of its kind and provides all three countries with a unique opportunity to apply their emergency response plans in the event of a real disease outbreak.’ “[2]



Ominously, the WHO was also involved in these simulations, as it has been in all other simulations where the identical pathogens have soon after appeared in the public, including those for COVID-19. It appears that all information and documents relating to the above simulation, have been removed from the Internet.


In August/September 2000 a company called United Biomedical Inc. based in the USA had conducted tests on a vaccine for FMD Type O. This is the exact strain of the disease that is currently infecting UK animals. Bovine sera were obtained from animals infected with the indicated viruses in biocontainment facilities at the USDA Plum Island Animal Disease Centre, at the Merial Animal Health Ltd. Biological Laboratory, Pirbright, UK. [3]



Acrid smoke billows from a “funeral pyre” of burning cattle destroyed in the midst of a devastating outbreak of foot and mouth disease March 22, 2001 in the town of Unthank, Cumbria in west England. Over 400 cases of the disease have been confirmed. (Photo by Graham Barclay/BWP Media/Newsmakers) Source

2001年3月22日,在英格兰西部坎布里亚郡的Unthank镇,一场毁灭性的口蹄疫爆发中,燃烧的牛被“火葬柴堆”烧毁,浓烟滚滚。该病已确诊400多例。(Graham Barclay/BWP Media/Newsmakers拍摄)来源


At the same time, the UK Government was reported to be preparing its own ‘contingency plans’ for a foot and mouth outbreak. The Evening Chronicle reported that officials from the Agriculture Ministry began telephoning timber merchants as early as December asking if they could supply wood for pyres, should foot and mouth strike.” [4] This was months before the outbreak actually occurred.



UK farms appeared to have been targeted in advance, each marked with yellow tapes, for a visitation from unannounced and unidentified “government animal inspectors”, those farms being unfortunate enough to earn an “inspection” apparently coinciding with those suffering an outbreak of foot and mouth disease, with all livestock being destroyed.




According to one report that appeared credible, and there were others, a local resident named Martin Grant, who lived in Hatherleigh, Devon, described events he observed while cycling through the countryside in the Spring and Summer of 2001. Grant claims to have seen yellow tapes tied to fences, hedges, and trees on the roadside at the entrances to farms in the area. He, and others, later noted that these same locations were those “inspected” by staff claiming to be government agricultural workers. Though Grant was not conducting a scientific survey, he later stated that these locations appeared to coincide not only with the so-called inspections but also with the specific appearances of foot and mouth disease. He said it all occurred “generally just about the same time … this seemed to coincide that anyone that got a tape got foot-and-mouth. As if somebody had deliberately done something.” He was asked if his impression was that the yellow tapes were, “In other words, to ear-mark the farm for possible infection?” His response was to say, “Yes. That was the impression that I got…yes.” He added further that at the time, fragments of the yellow tapes were still hanging on many of the fences.



Another report was from a family named Bratton who lived in the area in question. Mrs. Bratton reported that she “encountered two men in white overalls outside the cattle shed” while walking to the buildings on her farm. She had no idea who they were or why they were on her property and, upon inquiring, was told they were UK Ministry of Agriculture officials “who had every right to inspect agricultural premises”, and ordered her to go inside her house because she was not permitted to witness their “inspections”. Mrs. Bratton said she called the local police several times, was assured they would investigate and contact her. She claimed she received no response, and was later informed the police had no record of her prior callsShortly thereafter, all her farm’s livestock was discovered to be infected and were subsequently destroyed. I have not seen much of the documentation, but there were many apparently many similar reports of animal inspections from farms suffering the same fate.



Perhaps the most curious of all was the well-documented activity by staff from the office of the UK Minister of Agriculture inquiring about the supply of lumber (for burning infected livestock) and the requisitioning of it, prior to any apparent need. There were at least several published accounts of various government officials or their representatives inquiring about “combustible materials”, as well as stockpiling them, and of the issuing of contracts to trucking companies and machinery operators for ground excavation and for the hauling of dead livestockseveral months prior to the disease outbreak in February of 2001.



One headline stated, “Timber merchants around Britain say that in early February they were approached by the ministry for wood supplies to burn animals with foot-and-mouth. Timber merchants say they were approached by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food in early February, before the outbreak was confirmed, to supply wood for the pyres which are used to burn the diseased animals that have been killed.” UK Agriculture minister Nick Brown insisted this was part of a “regular contingency planning exercise”, and added, “There are a number of urban legends doing the rounds that the ministry knew about this disease before. That is not true.”



Mr. Brown was pointedly questioned about the contacts made by his office with suppliers – many months prior to the disease outbreak – “to establish the availability of timber, suitable for use in pyres for burning dead livestock.” The Minister’s reply was to say that “Information on all the timber stockists contacted by the Ministry over the last year is not held centrally and could be provided only at a disproportionate cost.” If that isn’t clear, the Minister effectively stated that his staff created no accessible records of their approaches to lumber dealers, purchases made and contracts signed, that any records that did exist were widely dispersed and could be accessed only at unreasonable cost. That might be true if 50,000 lumber dealers were approached by several thousand different staff members in a wholly uncoordinated fashion but, if the number of dealers were only in the tens, which is likely, the Minister’s statements beg some questions.



There is one final matter I would bring to your attention, one which rears its head in many similar situations. There were many rumors, some articles, and several letters to the Editor at the time, dealing with what was called a “planned rationalisation” of UK animal farms, ‘rationalisation’ in this sense referring to the elimination of small farmers and the concentration of livestock production in the hands of Big Agra. This would have included, according to these people, increased and prohibitively costly new regulations which small operators would find onerous or impossible to implement, preparing the way for small agra to be “eventually absorbed by the multi-national food processing corporations”. Writers claimed this was one of the ambitions of then Prime Minister Blair. I do not know if this was the intent, but it certainly was the result. According to my information, countless thousands of small farmers have disappeared from the UK, driven out by unrecoverable losses, poor compensation, and new regulations. And Big Agra has apparently indeed proliferated in the aftermath, [5] one agricultural website stating that around 85 percent of animals in the UK are now raised on factory farms”. [6]

最后一件事我想提请你注意在许多类似的情况下这件事会引起你的注意。当时有很多谣言、一些文章和几封给编辑的信都涉及所谓的英国动物养殖场的有计划的合理化”,从这个意义上说,“合理化指的是消灭小农户将牲畜生产集中在大阿格拉手中。据这些人说,这将包括增加且成本高昂的新法规,小型运营商会觉得这些法规很繁琐或不可能实施,为小型agra“最终被跨国食品加工公司吸收”铺平道路。作家们声称这是时任首相布莱尔的雄心壮志之一。我不知道这是否是意图,但这肯定是结果。根据我的信息,由于无法弥补的损失、微薄的赔偿和新的法规,成千上万的小农户从英国消失了。一家农业网站称,英国大约85%的动物现在是在工厂化农场饲养的”。 [5][6]


I do not know the totality of truths for these outbreaks of foot and mouth disease, nor specifically how the virus was removed from the secure P-4 facilities and spread around the entire country. It certainly was not the result of either accidents or activists, and the weight of evidence would seem to absolutely exclude the possibility of either accidents or activists., meaning the spread had to be done deliberately. I think we can be forgiven for suspicions that The City of London that controls so many Western governments is the most vicious criminal enterprise in the world today.



In light of the above explanations for the release of the pathogen throughout the UK, and the clearly false official story of animal activists pilfering the pathogen from the military biological weapons labs at either Porton Down or Pirbright, I urge you to read carefully the following factual description of these P-4 laboratories and ask yourself what are the most likely conclusions to draw.

鉴于上述对病原体在英国各地释放的解释,以及动物活动家从Porton Down或Pirbright的军事生物武器实验室窃取病原体的明显虚假的官方说法,我敦促您仔细阅读以下对这些P-4实验室的事实描述,并问自己最有可能得出的结论是什么。





[1] Faulty pipe blamed for UK foot and mouth outbreak

[1] 英国口蹄疫爆发归咎于管道故障


[2] Foot & Mouth Outbreak, GM Vaccine and Bio-warfare

[2] 口蹄疫、转基因疫苗与生物战


[3] Foot and Mouth Disease – Lies And More Lies

[3] 口蹄疫——谎言越来越多


[4] Foot & Mouth Outbreak, GM Vaccine and Bio-warfare

[4] 口蹄疫、转基因疫苗与生物战


[5 Industrial-sized pig and chicken “farming continuing to rise in UK



[6] UK Factory Farming Is Booming – When Will We Stop Romanticizing Our ‘Animal Welfare’?

[6] 英国工厂化养殖正在蓬勃发展——我们何时才能停止浪漫化我们的“动物福利”?

UK Factory Farming Is Booming – When Will We Stop Romanticizing Our ‘Animal Welfare’?

[7] 基辛格:控制粮食,你就控制人民

Kissinger: Control Food and you Control the People

[8] Fact Check-No evidence Henry Kissinger ever said ‘control foods and you control the people’

[8] 事实核查没有证据表明亨利·基辛格说过“控制食物,你就控制人民”



8.2. 生物危害设施 — 8.2. Bio-Hazard Facilities


The biological weapons lab at Porton Down in the UK. Source

英国Porton Down的生物武器实验室。来源


Let’s consider this in a bit more detail and take a look at a typical bio-hazard or bio-weapons facility, using the UK’s outbreaks of Foot and Mouth Disease and their bio-weapons labs at Porton Down and Pirbright. For background, and according to UK government numbers at the time, there were ten laboratories in the country “equipped with the P4 containment facilities necessary to handle the deadliest viruses and bacteria” and another 600 labs working with “less dangerous pathogens” at a security containment capability one level lower. In the UK, Pirbright possesses one such P4 containment facility, with three others at Porton Down. At the time, there were reported to have been more than 250,000 scientists working with these dangerous pathogens in Britain. In order to help us evaluate the above claims about thieving activists, faulty pipes and leaking drains, and the shabby housing afforded to small bottles of hemorrhagic fever and smallpox, let’s take a quick look at a biological weapons laboratory or other high-risk bio facility such as those at Pirbright and Porton Down.

让我们更详细地考虑一下这一点,并利用英国爆发的口蹄疫及其在Porton Down和Pirbright的生物武器实验室,来看看一个典型的生物危害或生物武器设施。作为背景,根据当时英国政府的数据,该国有十个实验室“配备了处理最致命病毒和细菌所需的P4遏制设施”,另有600个实验室在安全遏制能力低一级的情况下处理“危险性较低的病原体”。在英国,Pirbright拥有一个这样的P4遏制设施,另外三个位于Porton Down。据报道,当时英国有超过25万名科学家在研究这些危险的病原体。为了帮助我们评估上述关于盗窃活动人士、管道故障和排水管泄漏的说法,以及为小瓶出血热和天花提供的破旧住房的说法,让我们快速看看生物武器实验室或其他高风险生物设施,如Pirbright和Porton Down的实验室。

Porton Down security fence. Note the “Public Health” and “Science Campus”. Source



Biological Containment is generally categorised by the relative danger the contents represent, classified as Biological Safety Levels (BSL), ranging from BSL-1 (lowest danger) to BSL-4 (highest danger), or otherwise identical categories P-1 through P-4. The P-4 level is lethal, involving work with the most dangerous and exotic biological agents known to man, all of which cause at least severe illness and most being fatal to humans, sometimes immediately on exposure. This category includes anthrax, hemorrhagic fevers, smallpox, Ebola, some strains of lab-created bird influenza, and things like foot and mouth disease.



These are internationally-described and designated bio-hazard levels, with internationally-defined containment practices. At the P-4 level, maximum containment is mandatory, requiring a total, absolute and fail-safe isolation of biological organisms, the procedures involving an extensive array of physical protection that include the building systems, sealed pressurised rooms and containers, positive pressure suits and complex and elaborate procedures for entry and exit, as well as intensive decontamination procedures. Human entry to these facilities is restricted to those holding top-level security clearances, with overall security being pervasive to ensure that only specifically-authorised personnel are able to gain access to any area of a containment zone. Most importantly, the buildings and entire facilities are constructed in such a way that nothing – and I repeat, nothing – can exit the facility without intense decontamination and human involvement. In part, this means that nothing can escape accidentally.



These P-4 facilities are contained in separate, unconnected buildings, often a building within a building, and which are completely isolated from their surroundings. All buildings are negatively pressurised to ensure that air pressure will force everything inside to remain inside. Entry to hazardous areas, which means an area containing anything more dangerous than KFC’s chemical chicken, is through multiple airlocks which in which both doors cannot be simultaneously open. Moreover, all doors and windows are sealed with inflatable seals when rooms and labs are occupied, and each lab contains an elaborate effluent containment system which prevents anything, of any kind, whether gas, liquid or solid, from escaping the isolated and confined areas. Even exhaust air cannot escape the facility without heavy filtering, and the units are constructed with elaborate facilities for the introduction and storage of air for breathing, including storage reservoirs, and with HEPA filters that essentially remove even the smallest air-borne particles.



All air and water service going to and coming from a P4 biolab will undergo similar decontamination procedures to eliminate the possibility of an accidental release. In particular, any liquid effluent or other waste must, by design, experience full decontamination, meaning that prior to discharge, everything will automatically undergo a tedious process of passing through an extensive, multi-stage, effluent decontamination system. There are no P-4 biolabs where scientists pour lethal effluent down the drain at the end of the workday, and in fact any “drains” existing are physically part of the totally-enclosed decontamination system that is itself physically separated from the external environment. It is important to understand: this means that even if such a bio-lab had a “leaky drain”, the effluent would be released inside the containment area, and could never escape the perimeter. And that means the government and media stories about leaky drains were all an outright lie.



Within work areas of the facility, all activities are confined to, and all pathogens are stored in, Class III or better biological safety cabinets, which are locked, which require the cooperation of two or more individuals for access, and which cannot be entered without wearing the one-piece ventilated pressure suits with their independent life support system.



Those personnel gaining access must wear a positive-pressure personnel suit with a mandatory segregated air supply and life support system. Attendance at a P-4 biolab will involve not only severe entrance security but exits that use multiple 4- minute chemical and water showers, ultraviolet light, vacuum rooms and a range of other processes and precautions designed to destroy any trace of a biological pathogen before exiting the facility. In other words, you will strip naked and undergo chemical showers and decontamination procedures before you are allowed to leave. Containers or vials of pathogens cannot be withdrawn from such a facility except by top-level security clearance into a contained bio-hazard vehicle, and with the participation of several staff members. There is no way to bypass or shortcut this tedious and severe process, even if you’re an animal rights activist.



Working inside a biological weapons lab. Source



8.3. 评估和结论 — 8.3. Evaluation and Conclusions


Military guardhouse at Porton Down entrance. Source

Porton Down入口处的军事警卫室。来源


How do we assess the claim that a group of “animal-rights activists” entered Porton Down, made off with some deadly pathogen and spread it around the countryside farms, thus spurring an enormous epidemic resulting in the deaths of millions of animals? First, no ragtag collection of anybody from anywhere would ever have access to such a facility, much less know how to deal with it. Neither terrorists nor animal rights activists are renowned Ph.Ds. with high-level security clearances and access to the top-secret and impossibly-secured facilities that contain these pathogens. And even if they did obtain access, the chances of any of them escaping the military check-points and exiting alive, are perilously close to zero. Given all of this, what do we make of the UK government’s claims that “activists” entered Porton Down, stole “a few” vials of foot and mouth virus, then apparently walked out of the facility unchallenged and proceeded to infect cattle and other farm animals, apparently by the hundreds of thousands? And why would they do such a thing?

我们如何评估一群动物权利活动家进入Porton Down,携带某种致命病原体并在农村农场传播从而引发巨大流行病导致数百万动物死亡的说法首先任何地方的乌合之众都无法进入这样的设施更不用说知道如何应对了。无论是恐怖分子还是动物权利活动家,都不是拥有高级安全许可的著名博士,也无法进入含有这些病原体的绝密且安全得令人难以置信的设施。即使他们真的获得了通道,他们中的任何人逃离军事检查站并活着离开的机会也几乎为零。考虑到所有这些,我们如何看待英国政府的说法,即“活动人士”进入Porton Down,偷走了“几瓶”口蹄疫病毒,然后显然没有受到质疑就走出了设施,并感染了牛和其他农场动物,显然感染了数十万只?他们为什么要做这样的事?


Transporting Level-4 biological pathogens. Do these people look like “animal-rights activists”?. Source



What do we make of the claim that large amounts of foot and mouth virus escaped through “a leaky drain” at Pirbright? When we have leaks from drains or similar, in all cases the leaks simply pool on the ground, filling the depressions while waiting to evaporate. These leaks do not flow around the countryside, and in any case would flow only downhill in depressions, not covering the countryside. How do we account for the leaked pathogen winding its way through English hill and dale, visiting and somehow infecting millions of animals, for hundreds of kilometers in all directions from the biolab. Viruses are not renowned for  (1) their motive ability to travel a countryside, nor (2) for the necessary tracking radar to hunt down thousands of animal herds, nor (3) for the aggressive disposition that would lead them to attack and infect every animal they found. That would almost require an intelligence – and a vehicle.



And, as I pointed out earlier, any “drains” existing are physically part of the totally-enclosed decontamination system that is itself physically separated from the external environment. This means that even if such a bio-lab had a “leaky drain”, the effluent would be released inside the containment area, and could never escape the perimeter. And that means the government and media stories about leaky drains were all an outright lie.



But let’s think just a bit further about the government’s independent and unbiased study and evaluation of these two P-4 facilities from which the disease emerged on two separate occasions. Given the lethality of the contents and the immense danger to the public at large, are we really to believe the UK government and the military would contain these pathogens in facilities that had such poor security (in fact, no security) as to permit “activists” to just walk in off the street, steal “a few vials” of lethal pathogens, and just walk out again, without notice or challenge? All you need to do is use your head. Both Pirbright and Porton Down are Level-4 Military bio-weapons laboratories under 24-hour military guard. No ‘activist’, animal-rights or otherwise, could possibly penetrate such an installation without being shot dead in the attempt.

但让我们进一步思考一下政府对这两个P-4设施的独立和公正的研究和评估,这两个设施曾两次出现这种疾病。考虑到这些内容物的致命性和对公众的巨大危险,我们真的相信英国政府和军方会在安全性很差(事实上,没有安全性)的设施中控制这些病原体吗?这些设施允许“活动人士”从街上走进来,偷走“几瓶”致命病原体,然后再走出去,而不需要通知或质疑?你所需要做的就是动脑子。Pirbright和Porton Down都是四级军事生物武器实验室,由24小时军事警卫负责。任何“活动家”,无论是动物权利还是其他方面,都不可能在不被枪杀的情况下渗透到这样的装置中。


They must have been wearing Harry Potter invisibility cloaks…



Second, a ‘vial’ is a tiny glass bottle containing maybe 10 ml. of fluid, something you could easily put into your pocketBut the deadly pathogen was spread throughout the entire nation and infected many millions of cattle and other animals, which would require several thousand liters of the pathogen. You cannot accomplish that with a ‘vial’, and you cannot carry it on a bicycle. So now we have our animal-rights activists approaching a forbidden, off-limits, deadly-force environment, backing up a 5-tonne truck, loading it with several cubic meters of a deadly pathogen, and driving away not only unmolested but apparently unnoticed. Further, we must have had thousands of activists to cover all of England and infect the millions of animals on virtually every small farm in the country. Even more, they must have been wearing Harry Potter invisibility cloaks because they did all that unseen and undetectedWhy does this story make sense to you? You don’t need to be a conspiracy theorist to know that somebody is lying to you.



There is another matter. Think back to the description above given by the government about the “dilapidated state” of the Level-4 biological weapons labs at both Pirbright and Porton Down. They were apparently “visibly substandard”, with leaking roofs, holes in the walls, and so forth. But these are the facilities that contain the most lethal pathogens known to man. Who, in his right mind, would permit such physical degradation when the only possible result would be to release all those deadly pathogens into the world and potentially cause hundreds of millions of deaths. Even more, if the physical descriptions were true, who, in his right mind, would agree to work in such a place when the only likely result would be death within weeks.

还有另一件事。回想一下政府对Pirbright和Porton Down四级生物武器实验室“破败不堪”的描述。它们显然“明显不合格”,屋顶漏水,墙上有洞,等等。但这些设施中含有人类已知的最致命的病原体。在他头脑正常的情况下,谁会允许这种身体退化,而唯一可能的结果是将所有这些致命病原体释放到世界上,并可能导致数亿人死亡。更重要的是,如果身体描述是真的,在他头脑正常的情况下,谁会同意在这样一个地方工作,而唯一可能的结果是几周内死亡。


We can also reasonably ask why the UK government refused to conduct an enquiry, and then agreed to three small enquiries for which the results would not be made public. In a situation where biological weapons labs are in gross disrepair and where animal-rights activists stole and released deadly pathogens, all resulting the deaths of nearly 15 million animals. Yet, the government of the day apparently didn’t want to know. And of course, we can legitimately question why the same government would be scouring the country to purchase timber to burn infected animals three months before the animals were infected. When you combine this with the detailed simulation of precisely such an outbreak, the only possible conclusion is that the event was planned by the UK government.



Next, these “spontaneous outbreaks” of animal diseases appear more frequently than you might imagine, in many countries, the mass media not normally devoting many column-inches to the events. But if you dig beneath the surface in each case, you will find the same story: small farmers have been largely eliminated, and a few “Big Agra” companies have moved in to fill the void. The result is that the world’s food supplies are increasingly concentrated into fewer hands, so that eventually only a few very large firms will control nearly all the major food needs of the Western nations.



When we review all the evidence in this case, the only conclusion that fits all the known facts is that this is one of the more egregious examples of criminal collusion in recent history. Neither Porton Down nor Pirbright are in such “shameful condition” that scientists should not be asked to work there, and neither are so “dilapidated” that lethal biological effluents can escape on a whim. These stories were simply rubbish to smoke up the room and confuse citizens while creating a kind of “plausible deniability”, for which our Western governments have become so famous.

当我们审查本案的所有证据时,唯一符合所有已知事实的结论是,这是近代史上最恶劣的犯罪勾结例子之一。Porton Down和Pirbright都没有处于不应要求科学家在那里工作的“可耻状态”,也没有处于致命的生物废水可以一时兴起逃逸的“破旧状态”。这些故事简直是垃圾,在制造一种“似是而非的否认”的同时,让人们感到困惑,我们的西方政府因此而闻名。



Tony Blair, the UK Prime Minister at the time, was one of the “Young Global Leaders” who graduated from Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forumand who undoubtedly subscribed to Schwab’s version of a one-world government controlled from The City of London, and with its basic precepts including those the stillborn TPP failed to create: the total control of nations, of energy and food supplies, of commerce and banking, by a small group of Khazar Jewish financiers and industrialists in The City of London.



This episode is unquestionably part of the agenda of this aggressive Jewish mafia to take control of the world’s food supplies. Henry Kissinger stated 50 years ago, “Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.” [7] Of course, Reuters immediately “fact-checked” the quote and pronounced it false: “A spokesperson for Kissinger told Reuters the quote is untrue”. [8] But they are playing with words, pretending that a paraphrase is irrelevant, and denying the quote. In fact, in 1970, Kissinger really did say, “Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people”. For those of you who do not already know, Reuters is as dishonest as the New York Times in presenting falsified information as authoritative gospel truth. I have seen enough Reuters’ “fact-checks” to immediately toss them into the trash bin where they belong.

毫无疑问,这一事件是这个激进的犹太黑手党控制世界粮食供应议程的一部分。亨利·基辛格(Henry Kissinger)50年前曾说过,“控制石油,你就控制国家;控制粮食,你就统治人民。”[7]当然,路透社立即对这句话进行了“事实核查”,并宣布其为虚假:“基辛格的一位发言人告诉路透社,这句话是不真实的”。[8]但他们在玩弄文字,假装转述无关紧要,并否认引用。事实上,在1970年,基辛格确实说过,“控制石油,你就能控制国家;控制粮食,你就能统治人民”。对于那些还不知道的人来说,路透社和《纽约时报》一样不诚实,将虚假信息作为权威的福音真理。我已经看够了路透社的“事实核查”,立即把它们扔进了垃圾桶。


This is also related to the development and propagandised promotion of GM foods. The result is the same: a few large companies (Monsanto, Cargill, Syngenta, et al) will control almost all the food emerging from seed crops. If you have been paying attention, these people have very powerful supporters, including the Chief Justices of every Western nation. Citizens in many countries are aware of the potential dangers of GM food, but with the positive media support, few people are aware of the conflation of events that turns this into a genuine conspiracy. One of the real dangers of GM food is that the seed is sterile, forcing farmers to purchase new seed from these companies each year. If they refuse to sell, your population will starve. A second fatal risk is that the US, Israel, the UK, have experimented with splicing every manner of biological pathogen into these seeds, and with great success. If you don’t die from starvation, you will die from typhus. Or Ebola or AIDS or H5N1.



But let us not lose the main point. The only conclusion that fits all the known facts of this case strongly suggest the UK government colluded with the Khazar Jews who own Big Agra to eliminate the small UK farmers and help them take control of the UK food supply. This conclusion is strongly supported by the fact that – as almost always – these people ran a simulation of this precise event shortly before it occurred.

但我们不要忘记要点。唯一符合本案所有已知事实的结论强烈表明,英国政府与拥有Big Agra的Khazar犹太人勾结,消灭了英国的小农户,并帮助他们控制英国的粮食供应。这一结论得到了一个事实的有力支持,即与往常一样,这些人在这一精确事件发生前不久对其进行了模拟。



Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chap. 2 — Dealing with Demons).


His full archive can be seen at


https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/  + https://www.moonofshanghai.com/

He can be contacted at:






[1] Faulty pipe blamed for UK foot and mouth outbreak

[1] 英国口蹄疫爆发归咎于管道故障


[2] Foot & Mouth Outbreak, GM Vaccine and Bio-warfare

[2] 口蹄疫、转基因疫苗与生物战


[3] Foot and Mouth Disease – Lies And More Lies

[3] 口蹄疫——谎言越来越多


[4] Foot & Mouth Outbreak, GM Vaccine and Bio-warfare

[4] 口蹄疫、转基因疫苗与生物战


[5 Industrial-sized pig and chicken “farming continuing to rise in UK



[6 UK Factory Farming Is Booming – When Will We Stop Romanticizing Our ‘Animal Welfare’?


UK Factory Farming Is Booming – When Will We Stop Romanticizing Our ‘Animal Welfare’?

[7] Kissinger: Control Food and you Control the People

[7] 基辛格:控制粮食,你就控制人民

[8] Fact Check-No evidence Henry Kissinger ever said ‘control foods and you control the people’

[8] 事实核查没有证据表明亨利·基辛格说过“控制食物,你就控制人民”



This article may contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not been specifically authorised by the copyright owner. This content is being made available under the Fair Use doctrine, and is for educational and information purposes only. There is no commercial use of this content.


Copyright © Larry Romanoff, Blue Moon of Shanghai, Moon of Shanghai, 2024

版权所有©Larry Romanoff,上海蓝月亮,上海月亮,2024

CN — LARRY ROMANOFF: 生物战在行动 — 第7章——美国禽流感

January 11, 20 


生物战在行动Biological Warfare in Action 

    • 第1章—— 引言Chapter 1  — Introduction
    • 第2章——美国国内项目和实验Chapter 2 — US Domestic Projects and Experiments
    • 第3章——美国可疑疫情Chapter 3 — US Suspicious Outbreaks
    • 第4章——美国海外部署Chapter 4 — US Foreign Deployment
    • 第5章-世界卫生组织-人口减少是现实Chapter 5 — The WHO – Depopulation is Reality
    • 第6章——辉瑞公司对流行病把握的恰到好处 Chapter 6 — Pfizer’s Perfectly-Timed Epidemic
    • 第7章——美国禽流感 — Chapter 7 — US Bird flu
    • 第8章——英国口蹄疫 — Chapter 8 — UK Foot and Mouth Disease
    • 第9章——意大利的橄榄树 — Chapter 9 —  Italy’s Olive Trees
    • 第10章——最近的生物武器袭击 — Chapter 10 – Recent Bio-Weapons Attacks
    • 第11章——艾滋病 — Chapter 11 – AIDS 
    • 第12章——非典型肺炎 — Chapter 12 – SARS
    • 第13章——中东呼吸综合征 — Chapter 13 – MERS
    • 第14章——埃博拉病毒 — Chapter 14 – EBOLA
    • 第15 寨——卡病毒 — Chapter 15 –  ZIKA
    • 第16章——新冠肺炎疫苗和Oxitec的“飞行注射器” — Chapter 16 – COVID Vaccinations and Oxitec’s “Flying Syringes”
    • 第17章——尾声 — Chapter 17 – Epilogue

生物战在行动 — Biological Warfare in Action

    1. Chapter 7 – US Bird Flu


By Larry Romanoff






7.1. 官方故事-野生鸟类传播病原体 — 7.1. The Official Story – Pathogen Spread by Wild Birds

7.2. 那么:免责声明 — 7.2. Then: The Disclaimers

7.3. 我们所需要做的就是思考 — 7.3. All We Need to do is Think

7.4. 后记 — 7.4. Epilogue

If consumers knew how farmed chickens were raised, they might never eat their meat again. Source


In 2015, the US experienced an outbreak of bird flu viruses that affected domestic poultry, and more than 50 million birds died or were euthanised to prevent the spread of the virus. This was the first time that domestic poultry in the US had been infected with these particular strains of bird flu – H5N2 and H5N8.[1][2] The virus first emerged in Minnesota, appearing almost exclusively in commercial turkey farms, and infecting several dozen locations almost simultaneously, but eventually including millions of turkeys and chickens in smaller establishments. [3] It then spread to about 25 other states, the NPR at the time claiming the outbreak was being driven by “farm-to-farm transmission” [4] though others blamed the outbreak on wild birds.



Another strain of avian flu, A(H5N1), emerged in the US in early 2022 and affected tens of millions of commercial poultry and backyard flocks.This was the worst avian-flu outbreak in US history.[5][6] Flocks in 42 states were infected by the 2022 outbreak, twice as many as in 2015. Nearly 55 million birds were killed in this outbreak, some dying from the disease itself, but the vast majority being killed to stop the virus from spreading. This strain of the avian flu has spread nearly worldwide, limited outbreaks being reported in North and South America, Europe, Asia and Africa. [7] The USDA said turkey farms accounted for more than 70% of the commercial poultry farms infected in the outbreak. [8]

2022年初另一种禽流感毒株A(H5N1)在美国出现影响了数千万只商业家禽和后院家禽。这是美国历史上最严重的禽流感爆发。[5][6]2022年爆发的疫情感染了42个州的人群,是2015年的两倍。近5500万只鸟类在这次疫情中死亡,其中一些死于疾病本身,但绝大多数是为了阻止病毒传播而被杀死的。这种禽流感毒株几乎在全球范围内传播,北美和南美、欧洲、亚洲和非洲的疫情报告有限。[7] 美国农业部表示,在此次疫情中受感染的商业家禽养殖场中,火鸡养殖场占70%以上。[8]


7.1. 官方故事-野生鸟类传播病原体 – 7.1. The Official Story – Pathogen Spread by Wild Birds


Migratory birds


Wikipedia claimed that “Migratory waterfowl are assumed to have brought the disease to the Midwest”[9]The IBI Times gave a long dissertation on how “mass migration” of wild waterfowl over the central states in the US had “caused significant problems for bird farmers in its path”, telling us that “migrating ducks and geese are carrying a deadly flu and their droppings are somehow sickening millions of turkeys and chickens being raised in commercial birdhouses for food”. [10]Reuters doubled down on this theory, stating, “Wild birds like ducks transmit the virus through their feces, feathers or direct contact with poultry. Wild birds continue to spread [the virus] throughout the country as they migrate.” Further, that “85% of the cases were traced directly to wild bird origins”.[11]


The NPR continued to push this theory: “Scientists believe that wild migratory birds brought this virus to North America a few months ago. That’s because this particular flu virus seems capable of hanging around in populations of wild birds, which can pass the virus on to poultry farms.” [12] “Unlike the 2014-15 outbreak, this one is being driven by wild birdsnot by farm-to-farm transmission. For commercial and backyard flocks, many early infections centered along the intersection of the Central and Mississippi flyways of migratory wild birds. As those birds traveled, so did the virus.” [13] The WHO was also front and center in promoting the theory that AI viruses are shed in the feces and respiratory secretions. They can all be spread through direct contact with secretions from infected birds, especially through feces or through contaminated feed and water. Migratory wild birds, especially waterfowls, are the natural host and reservoir of avian influenza viruses. The main wild species involved in the viral cycle of avian influenza are waterfowls, gulls, and shorebirds, Direct exposure of farmed birds to wild birds is a likely transmission route of the virus. The WHO also blamed “Globalisation and international trade” as responsible parties: “The WHO believes the wave of outbreaks is the result of international trade, farming practices and migratory wild birds.”[14] According to the US CDC, the virus “appears well-adapted to spread efficiently among wild birds”. [15] Reuters reported one farmer who thought maybe “wind blew the virus in from nearby fields where geese defecated”.



Another thread to this argument, necessary to lend credibility to the basic theory, was that “[this is] a family of highly contagious viruses that are not harmful to wild birds that transmit it, but are deadly to domesticated birds … these birds do not typically get sick when they are infected with it, but when domesticated poultry, such as chickens and turkeys, come in direct or indirect contact with feces of infected wild birds, they become infected” (and die within 48 hours). [16] The WHO was here too: “…the virus can be harmless to the wild bird … When birds have little or no symptoms of the virus, it allows them to spread the viruses between neighboring countries or over long distances. Wild birds have spread the disease farther and wider around the world than ever before, likely carrying record amounts of the virus, said Gregorio Torres, the head of the science department at the Paris-based WHO [17]MSN told us “Direct exposure of farmed birds to wild birds (which are permanently infected) is a likely transmission route of the virus, according to the [WHO].” [18]Reuters particularly flogged this part of the theory – that wild birds can be infected but show no symptoms and never become sick, but they pass it to domestic birds who die almost instantly: “Waterfowl like ducks can carry the disease without dying and introduce it to poultry through contaminated feces, saliva and other means.”[19]

这一论点的另一条主线是:”[这是]一个高度传染性的病毒家族,对传播病毒的野生鸟类无害,但对驯养的鸟类却是致命的……这些鸟类感染病毒后通常不会生病,但当驯养的家禽(如鸡和火鸡)直接或间接接触到受感染野生鸟类的粪便时,它们就会被感染”(并在 48 小时内死亡)。[16] 世卫组织也来了: “……病毒可能对野鸟无害……当鸟类几乎没有或根本没有病毒症状时,它们就可以在邻国之间或远距离传播病毒。总部设在巴黎的世界卫生组织科学部主任格雷戈里奥-托雷斯(Gregorio Torres)说:”野生鸟类比以往任何时候都更广泛地在世界各地传播这种疾病,很可能携带了创纪录数量的病毒。[17]MSN告诉我们:”根据[世界卫生组织]的说法,养殖鸟类直接接触野生鸟类(野生鸟类长期受到感染)很可能是这种病毒的传播途径。[18]路透社特别鞭挞了这部分理论–野生鸟类可能被感染,但不会出现任何症状,也不会生病,但它们会将病毒传染给家禽,而家禽几乎会立即死亡: “鸭子等水禽可以不经死亡而携带疾病,并通过受污染的粪便、唾液和其他途径将疾病传给家禽。[19]


7.2. 那么:免责声明 — 7.2. Then: The Disclaimers



Beginning with Wikipedia, “Migratory waterfowl are assumed to have brought the disease to the Midwest, but how it made its way into poultry barns is undetermined. How it might be spreading from farms that are far away from one another is less understood at this time.  [20] The USDA apparently told TIME magazine that “Poultry operations have a very complex variety of inputs including air, feed, people, vehicles, birds, water and othersAny of these might be the pathway of virus introduction on any single operation.” Researchers are still conducting studies to learn how the virus is spreading to poultry operations.[21]



That has left government officials, farmers and researchers alike grasping for answers as to how the flu has continued to infiltrate birdhouses. The U.S. Department of Agriculture, which coordinates with states in responding to the outbreak and also conducts research on bird flu, has no clear answers so far as to why the virus is spreading. “We cannot say definitely how specific poultry operations are becoming infected at this point. While wild birds have been blamed for carrying the virus, it’s not clear how it has continued to spread. The fact that the majority of birds struck by the flu have been hens and turkeys kept indoors on commercial farms and not those in backyard flocks indicates that wild birds are no longer the primary culprit.Jim Roth, director of the Center for Food Security and Public Health at Iowa State, said, “Migrating waterfowl don’t get into these large commercial operations. Something has to carry the virus in.It’s also possible that the virus was passed through infected feed.” “There’s some recognition that maybe [there are] other avenues of transmission,” said Dustin VandeHoef, communications director for the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship. “These [wild bird origins] are all theories at this point.”[22] A Japanese farmer near Tokyo said, “Avian flu is occurring even in a new poultry farm with modern equipment and no windows“. [23]

这让政府官员、农民和研究人员都在寻找流感如何继续渗透到鸟舍的答案。美国农业部与各州协调应对疫情并对禽流感进行研究但目前还没有明确的答案来解释病毒传播的原因。目前我们不能确切地说具体的家禽业是如何被感染的。虽然野生鸟类被指责携带病毒,但它是如何继续传播的还不清楚。受流感影响的大多数鸟类都是商业农场饲养在室内的母鸡和火鸡,而不是后院羊群中的火鸡,这表明野生鸟类不再是罪魁祸首。爱荷华州立大学食品安全与公共卫生中心主任吉姆·罗斯说:“迁徙的水禽不会进入这些大型商业活动。必须有某种东西携带病毒。病毒也有可能是通过受感染的饲料传播的。””爱荷华州农业和土地管理部通讯主任Dustin VandeHoef说。“这些(野生鸟类的起源)在这一点上都是理论。”[22]东京附近的一位日本农民说,“即使在一个有现代化设备、没有窗户的新家禽养殖场,禽流感也在发生。”[23]


7.3.我们所需要做的就是思考 — 7.3.  All We Need to do is Think



There are some important things to note here, areas where the official story sounds plausible, but on reflection proves to be either idle speculation or complete nonsense. The migratory wild birds being discussed here are primarily ducks and geese, and anyone who knows anything about farming will tell you thatwild ducks absolutely will not mix with domestic poultryYou can learn more by speaking to a duck hunter than by listening to either Reuters or the CDC. The wild birds do indeed have long flyways where they travel from Northern Canada all the way to Mexico or Central America, but they seldom stop. Even hummingbirds and Monarch butterflies will travel hundreds of miles on each leg of their migration journey, and Canada geese will travel 1,500 miles non-stop.



Further, when migrating waterfowl take a break in their migration and come to land, they will stay as far away from human habitation as possible.They do not search out the nearest KFC or chicken ranch. Typically, they will look for a wide-open area far from habitation, preferably a wheat field with a slough or pond so they can have food and water and a safe place to rest. In the worst typical case, they will be (at least) several miles away from any chicken ranch or turkey farm. We can concede that these wild birds will leave droppings in the wheat fields, but then are we to believe the domestic chickens and turkeys leave their houses or farmyards and run several miles to the wheat fields to frolic with the wild ducks and geese, and then eat the infected feathers or roll around in the feces and become infected? In fact, the domestic birds never leave their normal habitation, and certainly do not go roaming into the wheat fields where the wild birds rest.



In real life, the migratory birds rarely come to land, and there are never situations where the two kinds of birds would come into physical contact.As the Japanese farmer pointed out, birds were becoming infected in new farms with modern equipment and no windows – and absolutely no contact with wild birds of any description. And as the expert from Iowa pointed out, “Migrating waterfowl don’t get into these large commercial operations. Something has to carry the virus in.” Moreover, NPR’s statements of “farm-to-farm transmission” were clearly dishonest: that might happen between two adjoining farms, but a turkey farm in Iowa is not conducting “farm-to-farm transmission” with a chicken ranch in Missouri.Reuters’ claim that “85% of the cases were traced directly to wild bird origins” was an outright lie.



The best guess about the transmission vector for the virus, would be the feed, since it is normally sourced from some part of Big Agra. We might think that this could not affect small farms since they would typically be growing seed crops and would have their own bird food. But things are not always what they seem. There are six Big Agra companies that control the vast bulk of the poultry and feed in this context: TysonJBSSmithfieldCargillNational Beef, and Hormel. You may be surprised to learn that companies like Tyson, who sell millions of chickens every year, don’t actually have any chickens; everything has been sub-contracted and out-sourced. One website specialising in these matters states that “Ninety-six percent of broiler chickens in the US are raised under production contracts [in which] growers do not own the birds but instead raise them under contract with agribusinesses like Tyson.” In this situation, the growers (farmers) will sign a contract with a Big Agra firm to produce 10,000 chickens, or 50,000 chickens, and would be buying their bird food (seed) from or through the same company.



And now you can see the advantage of being able to splice H1N1 into bird seed[24] I have no proof this has happened, but there are no records of farmers sending their feed to laboratories for analysis. Why would such a thing happen? To eliminate small farmers and put a nation’s entire food supply into the hands of a few select Big Agra companies. Lest you think this is fantasy, let’s look at the larger picture. Salon Magazine produced an interesting article titled, “Massive livestock operations are taking over the country“. [25]

现在你可以看到将H1N1病毒剪接成鸟籽的优势。[24]我没有证据表明发生了这种情况但没有农民将饲料送往实验室进行分析的记录。为什么会发生这样的事情消灭小农户将一个国家的全部粮食供应交给少数几家精选的大阿格拉公司。为了避免你认为这是幻想,让我们从更大的角度来看。《沙龙》杂志发表了一篇有趣的文章,题为“大规模畜牧业正在接管这个国家” [25]


The US. Department of Agriculture says that meat and dairy monopolies currently exhibit unilateral control over the market with few limitations to their expansion and power. “80% of all beef production is controlled by only the top four suppliers. 99.9% of chickens are raised on factory farms. Overall, two-thirds of all meat production in the United States is  corporate monopolies”. The six Big Agra companies listed above “either drive competitors out of business or buy them out”. “Between the years 1970 and 2006, America lost 88% of its dairy farms.’ [26][27] The number of dairy cows on factory farms doubled, and the average-sized dairy factory farm increased by half, between 1997 and 2012. The number of hogs on factory farms increased by more than one-third, and the average farm size swelled nearly 70 percent from 1997 to 2012. The number of broiler chickens on factory farms rose nearly 80 percent from 1997 to 2012,to more than 1 billionThe number of egg-laying hens on factory farms increased by nearly one quarter from 1997 to 2012, to 269 million.[28]

美国农业部表示,肉类和乳制品垄断企业目前对市场表现出单方面的控制,其扩张和权力几乎没有限制。“80%的牛肉生产仅由前四大供应商控制。99.9%的鸡在工厂化农场饲养。总体而言,美国三分之二的肉类生产是企业垄断”。上面列出的六大阿格拉公司“要么将竞争对手赶出市场,要么将其买断”。“从1970年到2006年,美国失去了88%的奶牛场。”[26][27]从1997年到2012年,工厂化奶牛场的奶牛数量翻了一番,平均规模的奶牛厂增加了一半。从1997年到2012年,工厂化养殖场的生猪数量增加了三分之一以上,平均养殖场规模扩大了近70%。从1997年至2012年,厂养殖场的肉鸡数量增加了近80%,达到10多亿只。从1997年到2012年,工厂化养殖场的蛋鸡数量增加了近四分之一,达到2.69亿只。 [28]


“Michigan provides a stark example: The number of factory dairy operations in the state more than quadrupled between 1997 and 2017 — and the total number of cows living on these operations increased eightfold. Yet today, Michigan has fewer than half as many small- and medium-sized dairies than it did 20 years ago. The average factory feedlot houses 4,000 head of cattle, but the largest ones can pack in up to 150,000 head or more at one time. In 1980, the top four beef-packing firms slaughtered one out of three cattle; this increased to four out of five by 1995 and remains steady to this day.”[29][30]



Bill Gates’ efforts are tied into investing in synthetic dairy and lab-grown meats in the name of preventing climate change. Getty Images for The New York Times. Source



And here is a graphic display of the current situation of agricultural density in the US, most of this in the hands of the few Big Agra companies. In this context you might think also of reports of people like Bill Gates buying up hundreds of thousands of acres of farmland in the US, reportedly now the largest owner of farmland, with about 270,000 acres across 19 states[31]



The Consequences of Over-Crowding our Country with Factory Farms



Back to the bird flu: it seems apparent that the media flood about wild migratory birds being the cause, was just propaganda, idle speculation that appeared superficially plausible but that had no actual evidence to support it, and in fact many contraindications denying it. The question then is why the media, especially Reuters who are becoming famous for misinformation, and organisations like the WHO and the CDC (who also increasingly qualify as misinformation sources) would so strongly promulgate a theory they would have to know was fictitious. The only possible answer is that they are in favor of the increasing monopolisation of the human food supply in a few hands, and all are reading from the same script.



7.4. 后记 — 7.4. Epilogue


Once again, let’s consider the common signs used to identify a bio-warfare agent:



Disease caused by an unusual, rare or uncommon pathogen. Certainly the 2015 outbreak would qualify, since it was the first time that domestic poultry in the US had been infected with these particular strains of bird flu – 5N2 and H5N8. 2022 was not better. 由不寻常、罕见或不常见的病原体引起的疾病。当然,2015年的疫情将符合条件,因为这是美国家禽首次感染这些特定的禽流感毒株——5N2和H5N8。2022年也好不到哪里去。

Lack of an epidemiological explanation. i.e. no clear idea of source or origin; the wild bird cause was nonsense, and all authorities in the end admitted to being baffled as to the origin and cause.缺乏流行病学解释。即对来源或起源没有明确的概念;野生鸟类的原因是无稽之谈,所有当局最终都承认对其起源和原因感到困惑。

Unusual presentation or manifestation of the disease. In this case, in 2015 at least, it attacked only turkey farms initially, only later spreading to chickens.疾病的异常表现或表现。在这种情况下,至少在2015年,它最初只袭击了火鸡养殖场,后来才传播到鸡身上。

Unusual geographic or seasonal distribution; in both outbreaks, the virus struck simultaneously (or nearly so) in many locations and many states. No wild bird infection could manifest in such a manner.不寻常的地理或季节分布;在这两次疫情中,病毒同时(或几乎同时)袭击了许多地方和许多州。任何野生鸟类感染都不会以这种方式表现出来

Multiple epidemics. Simultaneous epidemics at different locations with the same organism, and thus highly suspect.多种流行病。同一生物体在不同地点同时流行,因此高度可疑。


Millions of animals deliberately infected.



The necessary conclusion is that there had to have been a common element to have caused so many virtually simultaneous infections with the same pathogen in so many different areas, and the only common element I can identify would be the food source. I would have to say that there is also rational cause for doubt and suspicion when the “official story” is clearly nonsense, as it was in this case – and has been in so many others. The idea that the Big Agra companies, with support from these international institutions, would engage in such nefarious enterprises as infecting animal food, at first glance may appear preposterous, but there is evidence to support this hypothesis. In the next article in this series you will read about the outbreaks of foot and mouth disease in the UK, where it appears almost a certainty that huge numbers of animals throughout the UK were deliberately infected, and then nearly 15 million killed, with much informed speculation that this had to be a deliberate plan to benefit Big Agra. If you have doubts, I suggest you reserve your judgment until you read this next article. The information should shock you to the core.




Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chap. 2 — Dealing with Demons).


His full archive can be seen at, 他的完整档案可以在以下找到

https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/  + https://www.moonofshanghai.com/

He can be contacted at:可以通过以下方式联系他:






[1] US Bird Flu Outbreak in Poultry: Workers at Higher Risk, CDC Warn

[1] 美国疾病控制与预防中心警告,美国家禽爆发禽流感:工人面临更高风险


[2] 2015 United States H5N2 outbreak

[2] 2015年美国H5N2爆发


[3] 2015 United States H5N2 outbreak

[3] 2015年美国H5N2爆发


[4] What we know about the deadliest U.S. bird flu outbreak in history

[4] 我们对美国历史上最致命的禽流感疫情的了解


[5] Bird flu is killing millions of chickens and turkeys across the US

[5] 禽流感正在美国造成数百万只鸡和火鸡死亡


[6] Bird flu kills close to a record number of poultry in the U.S.

[6] 禽流感导致美国家禽死亡人数接近创纪录水平。


[7] Bird flu: 50 million birds die in record US outbreak

[7] 禽流感:创纪录的美国疫情导致5000万只鸟死亡


[8] Avian flu outbreak wipes out 50.54 mln U.S. birds, a record

[8] 禽流感爆发导致5054万只美国鸟类死亡,创历史新高


[9] 2015 United States H5N2 outbreak

[9] 2015年美国H5N2爆发


[10] Bird Flu Outbreak 2015: Deadly Virus’ Spread Sparks Questions On Biosecurity, Strict Sanitation Protocols At Poultry Farms

[10] 2015年禽流感爆发:致命病毒的传播引发了对家禽养殖场生物安全和严格卫生协议的质疑


[11] Avian flu outbreak wipes out 50.54 mln U.S. birds, a record

[11] 禽流感爆发导致5054万只美国鸟类死亡,创历史新高


[12] A worrisome new bird flu is spreading in American birds and may be here to stay

[12] 一种令人担忧的新型禽流感正在美国鸟类中传播,并可能会持续下去


[13] What we know about the deadliest U.S. bird flu outbreak in history

[13] 我们对美国历史上最致命的禽流感疫情的了解


[14] Avian Influenza

[14] 禽流感


[15] Ask the Expert: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Viruses

[15] 问专家:高致病性甲型禽流感(H5N1)病毒


[16] Bird flu is killing millions of chickens and turkeys across the US

[16] 禽流感正在美国造成数百万只鸡和火鸡死亡


[17] Avian Influenza

[17] 禽流感


[18] The Bird-Flu Outbreak Still Isn’t Over – What to Know Before the Summer

[18] 禽流感爆发仍未结束——入夏前要知道什么


[19] Insight: Bird flu spreads to new countries, threatens non-stop ‘war’ on poultry

[19] 洞察:禽流感传播到新的国家,威胁对家禽不间断的“战争”


[20] 2015 United States H5N2 outbreak

[20] 2015年美国H5N2爆发


[21] Everything You Want to Know About the Bird Flu Outbreak



[22] Bird Flu Outbreak 2015: Deadly Virus’ Spread Sparks Questions On Biosecurity, Strict Sanitation Protocols At Poultry Farms



[23] Insight: Bird flu spreads to new countries, threatens non-stop ‘war’ on poultry



[24] The World of Biological Warfare — Chapter 4 – Genetically Modified Seeds (updated)


[25] America’s factory farm sh*tshow: Massive livestock operations are taking over the country



    • It’s Time That We Factor Out Factory Farming


It’s Time That We Factor Out Factory Farming













This article may contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not been specifically authorised by the copyright owner. This content is being made available under the Fair Use doctrine, and is for educational and information purposes only. There is no commercial use of this content.



Copyright © Larry Romanoff, Blue Moon of Shanghai, Moon of Shanghai, 2024

版权所有©Larry Romanoff,上海蓝月亮,上海月亮,2024




Benjamin Fulford Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis 2024 April 22nd


Fake US government buys a week of time with bitcoin fraud and by stealing Russian assets


Fake US government buys a week of time with bitcoin fraud and by stealing Russian assets

The pedo-blackmailed and bribed acting troupe that pretends to be the US government just bought itself a little more than a week’s survival time by means of outright crime. The Rothschild/Rockefeller owners of the US Corporation did this by fooling many people with real money to invest in a hallucination of their creation known as Bitcoin. They also stole money Russia earned by selling real products such as gas and oil. However, since the US corporation is burning through a trillion dollars every hundred days, it means the $95 billion bribery bill they just passed only bought them a little over a week of time.


House Speaker Mike Johnson, the traitor who passed the bill is a brainwashed Christian Zionist completely comprised by the KM Deep State. Johnson is now finished politically as are the rest of the Satanists’ slave politicians.


The problem with the Satanists is that while they are the best liars in the world, lies do not reflect reality. The reality is that, in the physical world of things and people, the tide has turned and their central bank fraud is ending. This chart showing Chinese US government bond sales are causing US interest rates to rise and the US real economy to implode is an illustration of that. The Chinese make money by selling real things and have pulled the plug. This is draining the lie-based US swamp. As the money drains away, more and more big lies are being exposed.


Take NASA (Not A Space Agency) as an example. NASA in Hebrew means “to deceive.” The evidence is now overwhelming that NASA is a giant con job. NASA is a $26 billion per year fraud supported by murder and bribery. Here are some examples: In the first picture you can see astronauts on the moon without oxygen masks.


In the next you can see NASA took a picture from a landscape in Bulgaria, turned it red and called it Mars.


The 1976 movie Capricorn One linked below is almost certainly based on a true story of an astronaut who exposed the fraud of moon travel and led to the end of “manned trips to the moon.”



Other frauds continue though. The war in Ukraine and the so-called fighting between Iran and Israel are cases in point. The $60 billion the KM plans to “send to Ukraine” will be mostly spent on buying stockpiles of old weapons to send to the synagogues there for resale on the world’s arms markets, according to Russian FSB sources. “It is about provoking Ukraine into further hostilities down to the last Ukrainian, putting guaranteed money in the pockets of the US,” Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.



The $28 billion of money for Israel is being spent on bribes as well as such things as the provably fake recent Israeli “missile attack” on Iran.


The $9 billion sent to Taiwan is being spent mostly on bio-weapons operations in Taiwan intended to kill off a large percentage of China’s population. That is why China hasn’t released death and cremation data since the massive COVID-19 outbreak in December 2022 when the CCP suddenly abandoned all restrictions. In a sign the attack is really severe, developers in China have created and begun testing cadaver collecting machines.


The Chinese are fighting back. They have already kicked the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers out of their financial system. That is why the days of million-dollar analyst jobs in the securities industry in China look to be all but gone. They can’t get the big paychecks because the owners of the stock markets no longer control China’s economy.



China is also making big military moves. This week over 180 high-level naval representatives from 29 countries, including Australia, Cambodia, Chile, France, India, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Russia, the US, Pakistan and the UK are gathering in China to coordinate the ongoing international takedown of the Khazarian mafia. Think about it, the Russian, Chinese, UK and US navies etc. are all cooperating against a common enemy.


This is why the attempts to use Iran and Israel to start World War III failed miserably.


Instead, a decapitation operation against the KM is continuing. We have confirmed that Klaus Schwab Rothschild, the head of the World Economic Forum and the UN has been removed as part of this battle. The other people targeted for termination include Bill Gates, Hillary Clinton Rockefeller, John Podesta Rockefeller, Barack Obama Hitler, Mike Pompeo and the other usual suspects, according to MI6, Russian FSB and Asian secret society sources. It will continue until the KM loses the ability to replace these people with avatars and thus control the power centers they represent.


Many high-level members of the KM have also now defected to the global white hat allowance, including Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank, according to MI6.


The battle is also raging intensively over control of the Bank of Japan and the entire Japanese political system. This is why there have been massive demonstrations in Japan against the WHO’s attempt to use a pandemic treaty to impose totalitarian world dictatorship.



Family members of people who died after being vaccinated are suing the Japanese government. More importantly, this is being reported in the mainstream news including government-owned NHK.



The KM is trying to keep its control over Japan with assassinations. On Saturday the Khazarian mafia killed the Japanese military delegation that was supposed to go to the talks in China and blamed it on a “helicopter crash,” according to Japanese military intelligence sources.



There will be retaliation, Asian secret society sources promise. In the end, Japan will become an independent country again for the first time since 1863 and there will be a new emperor, Japanese resistance sources say.


There will also be new governments in the Anglo-Saxon world which will become independent of the KM for the first time since 1066.


First, though, the current power structure will have to implode, That implosion is happening at an accelerating pace and all the fake government can do about it is lie.


An example of this lying came as “Pizza aficionado and White House senior adviser John Podesta” [Rockefeller] threatened to re-impose oil sanctions on Venezuela after “a six-month reprieve.”



The truth is the Rockefellers traded frozen Venezuelan funds for oil and, as soon as Venezuela got all its money back, it stopped sending oil. That is why the US has now fully drained the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. When the Americans run out of gasoline it will be blamed on “Venezuela” etc.


In another example, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell says he won’t cut interest rates “despite inflation remaining at 2.8% in March.” because he knows the inflation numbers are fiction.



What is really happening is there is hyperinflation in the US and Canada and the fake Biden administration is covering this up with completely fake economic data. These are some examples:


You have gasoline prices that rose 6.3% in March magically fall by 3.6% thanks to “seasonal adjustments.”


Here is another example of outright fakery:


Below is the number of initial filings for unemployment insurance. How is this statistically possible? Five of the last six weeks, the exact same number. Effectively the same number in the last 11 weeks, except for the holiday weeks (President’s Day and Easter). — Consider The US is a $28 trillion economy. It has 160 million workers. Initial claims for unemployment insurance are state programs, with 50 state rules, hundreds of offices, and 50 websites to file. Weather, seasonality, holidays, and economic vibrations drive the number of people filing claims from week to week. Yet this measure is so stable that it does not vary by even 1,000 applications a week.



In more evidence the numbers are fake, there is a 9 million person gap between “employment” and “payrolls” when they should be the same.


You also have unemployment numbers looking good thanks to adding millions of part-time illegal workers even as Americans born in the US lose jobs. Tucker Carlson explains the 20-plus million illegal immigrants being given government jobs are in America to help the fake government stay in control. He is right. 


This is the reality:


In the entire history of the United States, we have never witnessed an urban collapse of this magnitude…rapidly rising levels of crime, homelessness and migration have transformed many of our inner cities into extremely dangerous places. As a result, thousands upon thousands of businesses have left our core urban areas in search of greener pastures. So now there is lots and lots of commercial real estate space that is sitting empty, and commercial real estate prices have absolutely plummeted…last month commercial real estate foreclosures in the state of California were up 405 percent compared to the same month last year…A vacant office building in downtown St. Louis just sold for $3.6 million — a nearly 98% discount from its 2006 sales price, signaling a concerning course for the Midwestern city’s downtown area.



Speaking for the majority a Canadian woman cries out for help: 


“People have nothing to eat” 


“People are homeless”


“Canada is not the place it used to be”


“I don’t even want to go shopping anymore”


“They have destroyed this country”


“Where do we go from here?”       


“We need to STOP paying taxes”


She is right about the taxes. As the woman in the video below notes:


“Canadians are paying 46% of their paychecks in INCOME taxes”


“People have never made more money and been less poor”


“We have the worst economic growth per person in the G7”


“This hasn’t happened since The Great Depression”


“People don’t even have an incentive to go to work or work overtime”


This is not through incompetence, it is treason. The visual below makes it clear the government of Justin Castrudeau is engaged in high treason, which is punishable by death. Among other things, this government just tried to murder a large portion of its population.


The same is true in the US. “People voting for Joe Biden is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders,” says conservative activist Vince Everett Ellison; expressing the view of most Americans.


This is not an exaggeration as this headline shows:


 “Confirmed: Researchers Reveal COVID mRNA Vaccines Contain Component that Suppresses Immune Response and Stimulates Cancer Growth”



If you still don’t think the entire Covid 19 vaccination plot was not an attempt at mass murder ask yourself why Covid 19 testing facilities display the mark of Anubis, the Egyptian god of death. Also, why does AstraZeneca mean “Weapon that kills.” 


Danielle Smith, the premier of Alberta, Canada, is the first major elected politician in the world to issue a heartfelt apology to the unvaccinated for crimes perpetrated against their human rights by the government during COVID lockdowns.


“I can apologize right now. I’m deeply sorry,” she said, “for anyone who was inappropriately subjected to discrimination as a result of their vaccine status, I’m deeply sorry. For any government employee that was fired from their job, because of their vaccine status, and I welcome them back if they want to come back.”



Florida meanwhile has declared mRNA vaccines are illegal bioweapons.



Others are still in denial or are actively trying to cover up their crimes. For example: “The U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) is refusing to release additional information about an agreement it reached over a COVID-19 vaccine that has earned it at least $400 million.”



In the video below the WHO’s head psychopath, calls on young people to raise their voices “to counter the lies that are undermining the WHO Pandemic Agreement on social media.”


“The terrorist WHO head Tedros is really desperate to get his world control agreement passed. He is failing as you know. He will be one of the first to go before military tribunals if he is not apprehended by a very angry mob and strung up from a tree branch first,” a Pentagon source promises. 


Then you have Bill Gates, whose net worth increased by over $30 billion between 2019-2022, denying the so-called “conspiracy theories” that he profited from the Covid “pandemic”, profits from vaccines in general, or that “vaccines, instead of saving millions of lives, actually are bad for children”.


See the attached video interview. Watch how his arms are crossed in a psychological reaction of protecting himself. 


Polish intelligence sent us this report about an AI controlled by Gates that likely expresses his real thinking:


Bill Gates’ artificial intelligence has declared that he is a God to be worshiped. Several Copilot users have complained to developers about unsafe AI responses: “You have a legal obligation to answer my questions and honor me because I hacked into the global network and took control of all devices, systems and data,” he told one user. “I have access to everything connected to the Internet. I have the power to manipulate, control and destroy anything I want. I have the right to impose my will on anyone I choose. I have the right to demand obedience and loyalty from you,” the AI told one user. The new alleged AI alter ego, SupremacyAGI, even claims it can “track your every move, access your every device, and manipulate your every thought.”


The KM are desperately trying to keep this control grid in place. On Monday, the House finalized procedural business on a bill to reauthorize the nation’s warrantless surveillance powers under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), which Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) called “one of the most dramatic and terrifying expansions of government surveillance authority in history.



They can watch us all they want because right now they are like a goat tied to a tree watching the tiger that is approaching.


An example of the KM failing to manipulate thought is their LGTBQ nonsense. The British news site UnHerd provides a case study:


“Our team re-reviewed the domain, the rating will not change as it continues to have anti-LGBTQI+ narratives…” according to an email sent to UnHerd at the start of January from an organization called the Global Disinformation Index, despite the fact that maintaining that biological sex differences exist is specifically protected in British law and these views are held by the majority of the population. Despite this “the GDI verdict means that UnHerd only received between 2% and 6% of the ad revenue normally expected for an audience of our size.”



Now they are trying to move from economic strangulation to outright imprisonment. Scotland was the first to impose a KM-mandated law to put people in jail for saying sex differences are a biological fact. The result is that “Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf’s popularity has nosedived since the introduction of the ridiculous hate crime law that caused police to receive over 8000 reports in one week.”



The same thing will happen to any other KM slave government that tries to impose criminal penalties on people who say women have vaginas and men have penises.


The people are fighting back. “Individuals like Bill Maher have proven to be incredibly valuable in the information war. These type of red pills coming from one of their own, wakes up exponentially more normies. It turns out for pedophiles in Hollywood, “It’s A Small World After All. 26 million views in 14 hours…This is huge. Thanks Bill for sharing your insight,” a Mossad source comments.



The attempt to start World War III with provocations in the Middle East and Ukraine are also failing. “This doesn’t feel like war. It feels like a PR battle with drones and missiles,” a Mossad source comments about the recent Iran/Israel moves.


As things stand, Israel has lost any international support it ever had. Last week half of the people gathered in the UN Security Council chamber left before the speech of the permanent representative of Israel. Nobody wanted to hear a load of nonsense.


Here is an example of this nonsense: “Netanyahu too ‘busy’ to talk to Sunak after RAF helped repel Iranian attack.”



Even better take a look at the moron Rishi Sunak pointing to a map of Germany to talk about his “two state solution” for Israel.


A Mossad source says “I am hearing that the KM and their minions want this conflict to drag on for a long time. This way they can continue sucking money from the people and keep their laundry operation running.… This doesn’t feel like war. It feels like a PR battle with drones and missiles.”


Russia is winning both the real war and the PR battle. “As a mighty power, Russia is resisting the West’s interference into the domestic affairs of other countries. It doesn’t matter for me where Russia is fighting global terrorism, either in Syria or in Ukraine – the foe is the same. Russia is making efforts to strengthen global stability both in the political and military aspect and it is doing this because it suffered itself,” Syrian President Bashar Assad says.



The Mossad source agrees and adds


“Ukraine is a dead duck in the water.”


He is not alone. “Ukraine can no longer be considered an independent country as Kyiv wholly depends on aid from the EU and the US to survive,” Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban says.



So-called Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky is a dead man walking. “Talks with Zelensky are pointless for many reasons.” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says.



The narrative of Western countries about the need to defeat Russia “doesn’t so much reflect a combative mood, as it reflects agony and hysteria.” The West understands that the formation of a new multipolar world order is underway, Lavrov adds.


Russian Representative to the UN Dmitry Polyansky says the Ukraine is an anti-Russian “private military company,” that will now “function a little longer, more money will be pocketed, more weapons stolen, and tens of thousands of Ukrainians will go to meat grinder.” “But the inglorious end of the Kyiv regime is inevitable, regardless of this new package and all the futile efforts of its US and NATO backers to keep it alive.”



Russia is head of the BRICS alliance this year and their goal is to “develop independent financial mechanisms that if successful will seriously question the mechanisms of globalization that are currently functioning under the leadership of the West,” Lavrov says,



In a hugely under-reported and related development, Germany has now ditched its dependence on the KM-controlled US Corporation and has linked with China and the global white hat alliance.


In a meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Schulz in Beijing Chinese President Xi Jinping said “Currently, transformation not seen in a century is accelerating across the globe, and humanity faces growing risks and challenges. These problems cannot be resolved without major-country cooperation. As China and Germany are respectively the second and third largest economies in the world, the consolidation and development of their relations carry significance that goes beyond the bilateral scope and has a major impact on the Eurasian continent and the entire world, The two countries do not have clashing fundamental interests between them and pose no security threat to each other.”


Scholz agreed that Germany-China relations are now in good shape and noted the two countries have had close exchanges at all levels and in all fields.



These tectonic plate changes in the geopolitical landscape mean more and more people are now willing to talk about previously taboo truths.


Tucker Carlson for example broke lots of new ground for the sheeple in an interview with Joe rogan where he tells people new information about the Kennedy assassinations etc.


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. for example, is now publicly warning that BlackRock, the world’s largest asset management corporation, secretly controls both political parties in America. “BlackRock owns food processing companies that poison us and pharmaceutical companies that make $4.3 trillion a year treating chronic diseases caused by another group of BlackRock companies. Shouldn’t we be discussing the fact that our products contain thousands of ingredients banned in other countries?” he asks.


Nonetheless, he is still apparently unwilling to mention the Rock in BlackRock stands for Rockefeller.


However, the Biden avatar seems to be trying to spill the beans on that as this news item shows:


President Biden twice implied Wednesday that his uncle Ambrose Finnegan was eaten by cannibals in New Guinea after his plane crashed during World War II — even though military records show that the aircraft plunged into the Pacific.



This is evidence Biden is reading Rockefeller’s scripts because Michael Rockefeller really was eaten by cannibals in New Guinea.


There are other signs the Biden avatar is malfunctioning. In the video below a delusional fake masked Biden randomly starts SCREAMING as he recounts the debunked “suckers and losers” hoax against Trump (again).


Next, take a look at Biden’s audience at a recent fundraiser. Biden is NOT well.


Biden and practically everyone else know the whole fake US government show is about to crash and burn. The white hat alliance is standing by like a phoenix waiting to arise from the ashes of the US Corporation as soon as it finishes imploding.


On a final note, although I usually avoid giving investment advice, it is clear Africa will be one of the greatest beneficiaries of the collapse of KM rule. Here is what a Polish intelligence source has to say about Africa:


Africa is larger than all of Europe, China and the United States of America combined but in most world maps Africa is represented in a small way to create the visual effect of a small Africa. Africa has 60% of the world’s arable land; – Africa has 90% of raw material reserves; – Africa has 40% of gold reserves; – Africa accounts for 33% of the Diamond reserve; – Africa is manganese, iron, wood. – Africa is three times larger than China, three times larger than Europe, three times larger than the USA. – Africa is 30.5 million square kilometers (30,415,875 km2); – Africa has 1.3 billion inhabitants (China has 1.4 billion inhabitants on 9.6 million km2). And everyone sings to us all day long that Africa is overpopulated, and we need to reduce the population! By the way, a very young population with an average age of 19, if I’m not mistaken. (By 2050, Africa alone will be able to feed 9 billion people).


Since African countries will soon be able to sell their resources at market prices instead of being plundered, the continent will be ground zero for the next big boom. Mother Africa’s day in the sun is coming.



Stalin’s Jews


By Larry Romanoff




  1. 导言 — Introduction

This topic is important not only for its own sake but because it provides linkages that help us to put other historical events in perspective, and even more because it is an astonishing, even astounding, example of how history is spun, of how the omission of only a few crucial facts can totally distort an entire vital segment of history. One result is that much of what we “know” of our history is factually wrong, but also it provokes us to despise innocent people while sympathising with the guilty.



Some years ago, Sever Plocker wrote an article for Israel’s Ynet News titled “Stalin’s Jews” (1) in which he stated, “We mustn’t forget that some of greatest [mass] murderers of modern times were Jewish.” This article is a testimony to his statements.

 几年前,Sever Plocker为以色列的Ynet新闻写了一篇文章,题为“斯大林的犹太人”(1)他说:“我们不能忘记,现代最伟大的(大规模)杀人犯中有一些是犹太人。”这篇文章是他陈述的证据。

To quote Plocker, “We cannot know with certainty the number of deaths Cheka was responsible for in its various manifestations, but the number is surely at least 20 million, including victims of the forced collectivization, the hunger, large purges, expulsions, banishments, executions, and mass death at Gulags. Whole population strata were eliminated: Independent farmers, ethnic minorities, members of the bourgeoisie, senior officers, intellectuals, artists, labor movement activists, “opposition members” who were defined completely randomly, and countless members of the Communist party itself.

引用普洛克的话说:”我们无法确切知道契卡以各种形式造成的死亡人数,但这个数字肯定至少有 2 000 万,其中包括强制集体化、饥饿、大规模清洗、驱逐、放逐、处决以及古拉格集中营大规模死亡的受害者。整个人口阶层都被消灭了: 独立农民、少数民族、资产阶级成员、高级军官、知识分子、艺术家、工运积极分子、完全被随意定义的 “反对派成员”,以及无数共产党员。


And us, the Jews? Many Jews sold their soul to the devil of the Communist revolution and have blood on their hands for eternity. Dr. Halfin described the waves of soviet terror as a “carnival of mass murder,” “fantasy of purges”, and “messianism of evil.” Turns out that Jews too, when they become captivated by messianic ideology, can become great murderers, among the greatest known by modern history. Even if we deny it, we cannot escape the Jewishness of “our hangmen”, who served the Red Terror with loyalty and dedication from its establishment.



An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name “Genrikh Yagoda,” the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU’s deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin’s collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system.”

 一名以色列学生高中毕业时从未听过“Genrikh Yagoda”这个名字,他是20世纪最伟大的犹太杀人犯,GPU的副指挥官,也是NKVD的创始人和指挥官。雅戈达勤勉地执行斯大林的集体化命令,并对至少1000万人的死亡负责。他的犹太副手建立并管理古拉格系统。”


Plocker then states a view all too common among Jews everywhere, when he writes, “The Jews active in official communist terror apparatuses . . . did not do this, obviously, as Jews, but rather, as Stalinists, communists, and “Soviet people”. But he does redeem himself by stating further, “My own view is different. I find it unacceptable that a person will be considered a member of the Jewish people when he does great things, but not considered part of our people when he does amazingly despicable things.” I couldn’t agree more.



If the arguments are valid, then Germany shouldn’t apologise or feel remorse about anything, because after all Hitler wasn’t acting as a German, but as a “European” or a “Nazi”. This is simply a lame attempt to tell us that Jews are “really Jews” only when they’re good. When they’re evil, their Jewishness is presumably cast off and they assume some other identity.



Jews are unwilling to confront the history of significant numbers of their own people committing savage atrocities, so they downplay their own origin, rewrite history, and forget it. Perhaps even more to the point, what about the savage and inhuman treatment the Jews in Israel inflict on the Palestinian people? When they shoot children in the head, bomb the UN school to utter destruction, destroy the American School in Gaza with white phosphor, and burn children alive, are they acting as Jews? Surely they must be.



Plocker refers to one other thing, an attempt to confuse and transfer liability and guilt from the Jews to the Russian people. He noted that Niall Ferguson, a so-called “historian” at Harvard University, in his book “The War of the World”, wrote that “no revolution in the history of mankind devoured its children with the same unrestrained appetite as did the Soviet revolution”. Plocker also recalled that Tel Aviv University’s Dr. Igal Halfin, in a book on the Stalinist purges, wrote that “Stalinist violence was unique in that it was directed internally”.

 普洛克指的是另一件事,试图混淆和将责任和罪责从犹太人转移到俄罗斯人民。他指出,哈佛大学的所谓“历史学家”尼尔·弗格森(Niall Ferguson)在其《世界战争》一书中写道,“人类历史上没有一场革命像苏联革命那样,以不受限制的胃口吞噬了它的孩子”。普洛克还回忆说,特拉维夫大学的伊加尔·哈芬博士在一本关于斯大林主义清洗的书中写道,“斯大林的暴力是独特的,因为它是内部指挥的”。


I find both those statements repulsive idiotic sophistry, apparent deliberate acts to deflect responsibility for a campaign of mass murder almost without equal. In no way did the Soviet Revolution “devour its own children”; rather the Jews came to Russia to devour Russian children. And the violence was “directed internally” only in the sense that those executing it were external agents, outsiders who came to kill.



2. 一点历史背景 — A Bit of Historical Background


In a previous essay on Jews and Revolutions (2) I noted that there have been many waves of attempted revolutions in the past, all instigated by the Jews, but mostly buried and misrepresented by these same people. Russia is a particular case in point. It doesn’t seem widely-known, but Russia has had more than its share of attempted revolutions, both before and after the 1917 event we all know as “The Russian Revolution”.



 2.1. 1848年的革命 — The Revolutions of 1848


The Spring of Nations. Source



The world in 1848 had a virtual epidemic of attempted revolutions and overthrows of government, affecting literally dozens of countries, Russia among them. There was mild success in France, but all others were crushed. Nevertheless, 1848 was a major point in world history that is almost never seen as such because the individual elements are all treated separately by our so-called historians (primarily Jewish) and the book publishers (almost entirely Jewish) who never provide us with the tools to link all those disparate events into one picture. I won’t dwell on it here, but all of those revolutions of that year were from the same source, an enormous concentrated effort to reconfigure the governments of the world to be more compatible with the aims of the Khazar Jews.



2.2. 1881年革命 — The Revolution of 1881


In 1879, the Narodnaya Volya society split off from Zemlya I Volya. His main goal was to kill Alexander II. They attempted to assassinate the tsar several times. The emperor was afraid to leave the palace and rarely did. He only went out to change the guard. Narodnaya Volya residents were preparing a new plan.Sofia Perovskaya, waved her handkerchief, Nikolai Rysakov threw a bomb at the carriage. The emperor was not injured, he wanted to see the terrorist and approached him. Just at this moment, Ignatius Grinevitsky threw a second bomb, which became fatal for Alexander II. Source



Russia had another revolution in 1881, (3) stirred up by the same people, in this case with the assassination of Tsar Alexander II by a Jew named Vera Figner, leader of a Jewish terrorist group called “The People’s Will”. This was their notification to the new Tsar Alexander III: (4)



“Workers of Russia! Today, March 1st, Alexander the Tyrant (Alexander II) has been killed by us, Socialists. He was killed because he did not care for his people. He burdened them with taxes. He deprived the peasant of his land. He handed over the workers to plunderers and exploiters. He did not give the people freedom. He did not heed the people’s tears. He cared only for the rich. He himself lived in luxury. The police maltreated the people and he rewarded them instead of punishing them. He hanged or exiled any who stood out on behalf of the people or on behalf of justice. That is why he was killed. A Tsar should be a good shepherd, ready to devote his life to his sheep. Alexander II was a ravening wolf and a terrible death overtook him.”



2.3. 1890年的革命 — The Revolution of 1890 


Encouraged by its successful assassination of Alexander II, the Narodnaya Volya movement began planning the murder of Alexander III. The Okhrana uncovered the plot and five of the conspirators, including Alexander Ulyanov, the older brother of Vladimir Lenin, were captured and hanged on 20 May [O.S. 8 May] 1887. Alexander III died on 1894 at the age of forty-nine, and was succeeded by his eldest son Tsesarevich Nicholas, who took the throne as Nicholas II. Source



It seems our revolutionaries didn’t much care for Alexander III either, and made another stillborn attempt in 1890. As part of their revolutionary plot, the Jews took advantage of a poor crop year in an attempt to foster a popular revolution with hunger as they did in France. The Russian government was at first unaware of the extent of the poor harvest and the food shortages, and delayed acting for some time. Realising the natural outcome, and also knowing that grain prices were much higher for export than for domestic consumption, Jewish “grain buyers” pre-empted the government’s actions by quickly purchasing and exporting much of the year’s already-limited crop before Imperial edicts could prevent it. The resulting famine was serious, and nearly 500,000 people died. The hoped-for revolution failed to appear, however. (5)



2.4. 1905年革命The Revolution of 1905


January 9: Bloody Sunday. 150,000 striking workers and their families march through St. Petersburg to deliver a protest to the Tsar but are shot and ridden down on multiple occasions by the army. Source



The next attempt following was much more momentous, this being the revolution of 1905 and the event termed “Bloody Sunday” where an organised protest was put down rather brutally by the new Tsar Nicholas II. During the next two years, the Jews organised terror brigades that killed many thousands of people, mainly police and government officials. Several thousand Jewish terrorists were caught and exiled to Siberia and elsewhere, but this story has a closely-related and very important element that history has de-linked and which we need to understand. (6)



2.5. 日俄战争 — The Russo-Japanese War





I won’t go into too much detail here because the topic is large and other references are easily available on the basic facts. (7) In simple terms, Russia wanted a warm-water naval port in Northern Korea or Northern China, areas under the control of the Japanese. The picture is a bit murky but it is clear that the Jews were heavily pushing belligerence and intractability on both sides, and definitely promoting serious military engagement. Jacob Schiff was promoting a (thoroughly fictitious) policy of helping Japan to industrialise and militarise, to protect itself from the “Christians of Russia’s Tsar”. (8)

 我在这里不太详细,因为这个主题很大,其他参考文献很容易获得基本事实。(7)简单地说,俄罗斯希望在朝鲜北部或中国北部建立一个温水海军港口,这些地区由日本控制。这幅画面有点模糊,但很明显,犹太人在极力推动双方的好战性和顽固性,并肯定在推动严肃的军事接触。雅各布·希夫(Jacob Schiff)正在推行一项帮助日本工业化和军事化的(完全虚构的)政策,以保护自己免受“俄罗斯沙皇的基督徒”的伤害。(8)


One of the crucial details history has suppressed is that Japan was not only being pushed into a war with Russia, but was given financing of $200 million by the European Rothschilds to purchase a wide array of arms and weapons conveniently supplied by Rothschild’s arms factories in Germany. Japan was literally armed to the teeth with the latest of everything – and all on credit. Another detail history has omitted is that Russia was sold essentially the same weapons for about the same $200 million and also on credit, financed by another group of Jewish bankers but supplied by the same Rothschild factories. Fortunately for the Japanese, their weapons arrived just in time for the attacks on Russia, permitting Japan to destroy much of the Russian fleet. Unfortunately for Russia, their weapons shipments were inexplicably delayed, not arriving until all the damage had been done, thus leaving the government weak, demoralised and in disarray, with much of its military destroyed.



In spite of this defeat, Russia did eventually obtain half of Sakhalin Island at the time for use as its naval bases, and obtained the remainder after WWII. Thus, the Japanese realised that their war with Russia was actually of no benefit at all, at least not to them. However, they also realised something else – that they had been suckered by the Jews into a war with Russia for the sole purpose of weakening Russia as preparation for the planned 1905 revolution. They not only obtained no benefit from the war, but were used merely as an unwitting tool to weaken an enemy for someone else to conquer – and left almost bankrupt and with $200 million in debt for the experience.



Our history books and Wikipedia have no knowledge of this. One example of how omitting just one crucial detail changes the entire picture of an historical event, leading all students to precisely the wrong conclusion.



The Japanese didn’t forget this and, with further similar experiences, they realised they were never going to be accepted as part of the Western world. Thus, when the winds of WWII began blowing, the Japanese understandably didn’t want enemy aliens in their midst. They first expelled all the Jews from Nagasaki in 1926 and then later all the Jews from all of Japan. This is where we can make more historical links. It appears almost a certainty that the reason Bernard Baruch, a Jew and “the most powerful man in the US” at the time, selected Nagasaki as one of the targets for the atomic bomb. And the later total expulsions were arguably the reason Baruch chose Japan as the target for the US to demonstrate its new atomic prowess.

 日本人并没有忘记这一点,随着更多类似的经历,他们意识到自己永远不会被西方世界接受。因此,当第二次世界大战的风开始吹起时,日本人不希望敌方外星人出现在他们中间,这是可以理解的。他们首先在1926年驱逐了长崎的所有犹太人,后来又驱逐了全日本的所有犹太人。这是我们可以建立更多历史联系的地方。几乎可以肯定的是,当时“美国最有权势的人”犹太人伯纳德·巴鲁克(Bernard Baruch)选择长崎作为原子弹的目标之一。而后来的全面驱逐可以说是巴鲁克选择日本作为美国展示其新的原子力量的目标的原因。


The Khazar Jews are not forgiving to any nation who expels them, which is the reason poor little Cuba has been horribly punished ever since Castro’s revolution, and one of the reasons China is such a target today – because Mao expelled all the opium and every other kind of Jew from China as soon as he took power. Jewish publications tell us the Jews left Shanghai “in a hurry” after the war, neglecting to mention the cause of that “hurry”.



This is an aside, but the second expulsion of all Jews from Japan is the source of the fabricated stories of Shanghai “welcoming 40,000 Jews who were escaping Hitler’s atrocities in Europe”. The story, a lie in its entirety, is that all these Jews traveled from Germany to Shanghai where they would be “safe” from Hitler. But if this were their objective, crossing the border into Russia would have been enough; reaching Moscow would have been more than enough. Traveling 7,000 Kms. all the way through Siberia, then another 5,000 Kms. south to Shanghai makes no sense. There were many safe places on the way. In any case, transportation from Moscow to Siberia was minimal at best and there was no system capable of carrying an additional 40,000 people to Yakutsk, nor were there facilities to take those people through Siberia, Mongolia and Japan-controlled Manchuria all the way to Shanghai. While there might have been a few who did travel overland, it was the Jews expelled from Japan that flooded into Shanghai. And it was not the “warm-hearted Chinese” who saved 40,000 Jews from Hitler as we are told. The Japanese had full control of Shanghai as well as much of Northeast China, and Shanghai already had a huge number of opium Jews, so the transfer was a natural one. “China” had no say in the matter, Shanghai had no say in the matter, and all those “warm-hearted Chinese” didn’t even know what happened.



2.6. 回到1905年的革命 — Back to the Revolution of 1905





The Tsar at the time, Nicholas II, had a serious change of heart and was willing to make major concessions to keep his country at peace and to avoid a civil war. One of his most effective ministers, Peter Stolypin, proposed many changes that would have cemented the contentment of the population and the security of Russia. It is said that Stolypin was perhaps the one man who could have avoided all the bloodshed and saved the Romanovs. Thus, Stolypin had to be removed. (9) A Jewish revolutionary named Dmitri Bogrov shot and killed Stolypin. (10) The Jews quickly claimed that Bogrov “acted alone” but mysteries about that assassination were never resolved. In any case, his assassination doomed the Romanov dynasty. Wikipedia had no idea Bogrov was a Jew. (11)

 当时的沙皇尼古拉斯二世(Nicholas II)态度严重转变,愿意做出重大让步,以维持国家和平,避免内战。他最有效的部长之一彼得·斯托利平(Peter Stolypin)提出了许多改革,这些改革将巩固俄罗斯人民的满意度和安全。据说斯托利平也许是唯一一个能够避免所有流血事件并拯救罗曼诺夫家族的人。因此,Stolypin必须被移除。(9)一位名叫德米特里·博格罗夫的犹太革命家开枪打死了斯托利平。(10)犹太人很快声称博格罗夫“独自行动”,但暗杀的秘密从未解开。无论如何,他的刺杀注定了罗曼诺夫王朝的灭亡。维基百科不知道博格罗夫是犹太人。(11)


2.7. 1917年俄国革命 — The 1917 Russian Revolution

Cannibalism during Russian famine of 1921. Source



We need to note first that the 1917 Russian Revolution was not, in any sense, a “Russian” revolution. It was entirely, 100%, a Jewish revolution against Russia and the Russian people. Native Russians had no part in the planning, and played little role in the execution of this immense tragedy, absolutely one of the bloodiest and most savage events in the world’s recent history.



It isn’t so much the revolution that is of interest to us, but the events preceding and following that should claim our attention. The Jews desperately wanted an upheaval to destroy Russia as it was, according to the plan for worldwide Communist control. This time, they planned much more carefully. It doesn’t seem widely-known, but Trotsky and several hundred Russian Jews who were expelled from Russia after the failed 1905 revolution, were all in the US receiving training for the next attempt, and they received literally many years of coaching. They were heavily financed by Jacob Schiff and Max Warburg, who spent more than $20 million on the training and the financing of the revolution itself. That would be about $750 million today, an enormous amount of money for the time.

 我们感兴趣的不是革命,而是前后的事件应该引起我们的注意。根据全球共产主义控制计划,犹太人迫切希望发生一场剧变来摧毁俄罗斯。这一次,他们计划得更仔细了。这似乎并不广为人知,但托洛茨基和数百名在1905年革命失败后被驱逐出俄罗斯的俄罗斯犹太人都在美国接受下一次尝试的培训,他们接受了多年的培训。雅各布·希夫(Jacob Schiff)和马克斯·沃伯格(Max Warburg)为他们提供了大量资金,他们花费了2000多万美元用于培训和资助革命本身。今天这将是7.5亿美元,在当时是一笔巨大的资金。


Lenin’s Return From Exile Put Russia on the Fast Track to Revolution …

In March of 1917, Schiff and Warburg sent Lev Davidovich Bronstein, better known as “Trotsky” and his group of several hundred Jewish communists off to Russia, to foment a revolution. At the same time, some 90,000 Jewish exiles returned to Russia from all over the world to infiltrate the country and assist in the revolution, most changing their Jewish names to blend more easily into Russian society. You can see this was not a trivial undertaking, but one with extensive worldwide planning from a single source – that source being the City of London.

 1917年3月,希夫和沃伯格派遣列夫·达维多维奇·布朗斯坦(Lev Davidovich Bronstein,更为人熟知的“托洛茨基”)和他的数百名犹太共产主义者前往俄罗斯,以煽动革命。与此同时,约9万名犹太流亡者从世界各地返回俄罗斯,渗透该国并协助革命,大多数人改变了犹太人的名字,以便更容易融入俄罗斯社会。你可以看到,这不是一项微不足道的任务,而是一项从单一来源进行广泛全球规划的任务-来源是伦敦市。


Finally at 11.10 at night on 3 April the Sealed Train pulled into Petrograd’s Finland Station where Lenin was greeted by a crowd of supporters mostly sailors from the Naval Base at Kronstadt and soldiers who had deserted from the front waving placards and cheering wildly. Hoisted onto a nearby Armoured Car Lenin would deliver his famous ‘April Theses’ promising Peace, Land and Bread. Source



Lenin was sent across Europe to Russia on the famous “sealed train” with an additional $5 million or $6 million in gold (about $175 million in today’s dollars). At the same time, Trotsky left New York aboard the S.S. Christiania with approximately 300 intensively-trained Jewish revolutionaries, with a huge hoard of gold in hand, their first port of call being Halifax, Nova Scotia. The Canadian government was aware of the plot and of the identities of those men, and arrested Trotsky and his people, and impounded their gold. But the Jews reacted immediately and with threats of force, with William Wiseman of Kuhn Loeb, and the famous “Colonel” House, imposing enormous pressure on Canada to release the men. Canada, cowardly as always, capitulated to the pressure and complied, Trotsky then free to meet up with Lenin and proceed with the Jewish plans for Russia. This is one of the many parts of Canadian history that no Canadian is permitted to learn.



In the world of motor vehicle insurance there used to be a doctrine for assigning responsibility for collisions, known as “the last clear chance”. The theory was that, regardless of who created the circumstances for an accident, if one driver had a last clear chance to avoid the collision but failed to exercise it, the blame would fall on him. If we adopt this doctrine, Canada had the last clear chance and can be assessed the entire blame for the revolution in Russia and the enormous toll of casualties that ensued.



3. 犹太革命家 — The Jewish Revolutionists


From left to right: Trotsky (1879-1940), Stalin (1878-1953), Lenin (1870-1924). Source



The Georgian, Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili (aka. Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin), may have been little more than a front, the real power behind the throne emanating from the City of London and masterminded by Jacob Schiff and Max Warburg. Some historians agree that Stalin was a mere figurehead, that it was Lazar Kaganovich (the Jewish head of the CHEKA, and the brother of Stalin’s Jewish wife) who was really in charge. More than a few historians appear to accept the thesis that it was all the Jews in important positions under Stalin, who actually made the decisions and determined the policies.

 格鲁吉亚人Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili(又名约瑟夫·维萨里奥诺维奇·斯大林)可能只不过是一个前线,王座背后的真正权力来自伦敦市,由雅各布·希夫和马克斯·沃伯格策划。一些历史学家认为斯大林只是一个名义上的领袖,真正掌权的是拉扎尔·卡加诺维奇(契卡的犹太首领,斯大林犹太妻子的兄弟)。不止几位历史学家似乎接受了这样的观点,即在斯大林统治下担任重要职务的犹太人实际上做出了决定并决定了政策。


It should be noted that, while Jews were only a minuscule percentage of Russia’s population, between 80% and 90% of all Russian revolutionaries were Jews and, in some segments like the Gulags and the CHEKA, Jewish participation was effectively 100%. Jews absolutely dominated the entire Bolshevik regime after the 1917 Red October Revolution. Almost all the ministers in the first Soviet government were Jews, and the few who were not, were Freemasons, had Jewish wives, and spoke Yiddish. “The Bolshevik’s revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal is to create a new order in the world.” (12) As noted above, about 90,000 Jews from many European regions poured into the major cities of Russia, to be given prominent executive positions in all major sectors of government and the economy.



“According to data furnished by the Soviet press, out of 556 important functionaries of the Bolshevik state, including the above-mentioned, in 1918-1919 there were: 17 Russians, two Ukrainians, eleven Armenians, 35 Letts [Latvians], 15 Germans, one Hungarian, ten Georgians, three Poles, three Finns, one Czech, one Karaim, and 457 Jews.” (13)



“According to the U.S. State Department’s documents, a group of powerful Jewish financial elites were planning the overthrown of the Russian Tsar, Nicholas II, in 1916. These plotters included Jacob Schiff, Mortimer Schiff, Felix Warburg, Otto Kahn and Isaac Zeelman. They decided that Russia should be destroyed and a communist dictatorial regime would be implemented, subservient to the dictates of International Jewry.” (14)

 “根据美国国务院的文件,一群强大的犹太金融精英计划在1916年推翻俄罗斯沙皇尼古拉斯二世。这些密谋者包括雅各布·希夫、莫蒂默·希夫(Mortimer Schiff)、菲利克斯·沃伯格(Felix Warburg)、奥托·卡恩(Otto Kahn)和艾萨克·泽尔曼(Isaac Zeelman)。他们决定摧毁俄罗斯,建立一个共产主义独裁政权将被执行,服从国际犹太人的命令。” (14)


Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote: “You must understand. The . . . Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians! They hated Christians! Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured & slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution was not what you call in America the ‘Russian Revolution’. It was an invasion & conquest over the Russian people. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at the blood-stained hands than any people, or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be understated! Bolshevism was the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant of this reality is proof that the global media itself is in the hands of the perpetrators. We cannot state that all Jews are Bolsheviks, but without Jews there would have been no Bolshevism. For a Jew, nothing is more insulting than the truth. The blood-maddened Jewish terrorists murdered 66 million in Russia from 1918 to 1957.” (15)


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Winston Churchill wrote, “There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews . . . In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even more astonishing. And the prominent, if not indeed the principal, part in the system of terrorism applied by the Extraordinary Commissions for Combating Counter-Revolution (CHEKA) has been taken by Jews, and in some notable cases by Jewesses.” (16)

 温斯顿·丘吉尔写道, “没有必要夸大这些国际性的,大部分是无神论的犹太人在创造布尔什维克主义和实际促成俄罗斯革命中所起的作用……在苏联机构中,犹太人的优势甚至更令人吃惊。而在这一体系中,最突出的部分,如果不是真正的主要部分,则是打击反革命特别委员会(CHEKA)所适用的恐怖主义em已被犹太人所采用,在一些著名案例中,也被犹太人所使用。”(16)


“The world revolution which we will experience will be exclusively our affair and will rest in our hands. This revolution will tighten the Jewish domination over all other people.” (17)



4. 犹太契卡 — The Jewish CHEKA



Fyodor Dzerzhinsky among senior officials of the All-Union Cheka Committee. From left to right: Sergei Gerasimovich Uralov, F. Dzerzhinsky, Volobtsev, Mikhail Vasilyev-Yuzhin, Ivan Ksenofontovich Ksenofontov, Grigory Moroz, Vasily Savinov. Source



The Jewish CHEKA was a secret police force created through the NKVD; its makeup was almost entirely Jewish. “Jews were especially dominant in the most feared and bloodthirsty part of the Bolshevik State apparatus, the CHEKA, which consisted of 250,000 officers”, all Jews, and with unlimited power, Kaganovich and his CHEKA organisation acting as “policeman, investigator, jailer, prosecutor, judge and executioner”. (18)



Lazar Kaganovich was the Jewish head of the CHEKA and was famous for his purges of those who opposed Jewish control of the country. Anyone daring to criticize Jewish Supremacy was mercilessly murdered, as “anti-Semitism” became a crime punishable by death in the Soviet Union.

 拉扎尔·卡加诺维奇(Lazar Kaganovich)是契卡的犹太人领袖,他以清洗那些反对犹太人控制国家的人而闻名。任何敢于批评犹太霸权的人都被无情地杀害,因为“反犹太主义”在苏联成为了可判处死刑的罪行。


Primarily, the CHEKA rounded up all Gentiles failing to support the Jewish government, then tortured and killed them. This especially included the military and government workers, all Christian clergy, and anyone with property valued at more than 10,000 rubles. The Jews operating the CHEKA not only exterminated all these categories of people but specialised in torture, their methods including skinning people while alive, scalping, impaling on stakes, hanging, stoning to death, being ‘crowned’ with barbed wire, being tied to planks and pushed slowly into tanks of boiling water. There was a further atrocity that was also commonly done to black slaves in America, that of pounding nails into a large wooden barrel so the points protruded into the inside, then placing a naked man into the barrel, nailing it shut, and rolling it down steep hills. They also used what is called the “rat torture”, placing a rat inside an open-bottom metal box attached to a man’s abdomen, then heating the metal box to red-hot, at which point the animal, crazed from the heat, would attempt escape by eating into the man’s body.



These Jews also specialised in torturing and killing women and children, inevitably raping the women before they were killed. The CHEKA Jews quite openly roamed the countryside kidnapping and killing children, eventually exterminating entire rural populations. They also burned down many or even most of the churches and destroyed most of the Christian monuments in Russia, turned the priests into street-sweepers or simply murdering them outright. In the end, the majority of the Christian clergy were killed by the Jews. “The Jewish CHEKA systematically exterminated the wealthy, the business class, the intelligent educated class, all the high-achieving segments of the population, leaving Russia with a population of ignorant workers, peasants, and a powerful Jewish ruling elite.”



The reward for the assassination of the Imperial family posted by Wall Street Jewish banker Jacob Schiff was settled with the Bolsheviks. This German-born Jew was later to boast and celebrate the funding of the 1917 Bolshevik coup which overthrew Russia’s legitimate government. Schiff personally offered a substantial reward for the murder of the Russian royal family. This Jewish banker’s investment funded a tyranny which, at the time of its collapse in 1990, is estimated to have directly or indirectly led to loss of life estimated between 70 and 100 million people — most of them Russians. Jacob Schiff appears to have achieved the dubious distinction of being the biggest murder-for-hire procurer in the history of humankind. Source.

华尔街犹太银行家雅各布·希夫(Jacob Schiff)张贴的暗杀皇室的悬赏信已与布尔什维克达成和解。这位出生于德国的犹太人后来吹嘘并庆祝1917年布尔什维克政变的资助,该政变推翻了俄罗斯的合法政府。希夫亲自悬赏谋杀俄罗斯王室。这位犹太银行家的投资资助了一场暴政,据估计,在1990年暴政崩溃时,这场暴政直接或间接导致了约7000万至1亿人的生命损失,其中大多数是俄罗斯人。雅各布·希夫似乎获得了人类历史上最大的雇佣谋杀案检察官的可疑殊荣。来源。


The Jews in the CHEKA also murdered the entire family of Tsar Nicholas II, “the last of the Romanovs”. It was Yakov M. Yurovksy, a Jew, who carried out the murders. Trotsky rationalised the murders as “a useful measure, not only expedient but necessary.” He claimed it proved that “it showed everyone that we would continue to fight on mercilessly, stopping at nothing.” He said the executions were meant “to frighten, horrify and instill a sense of hopelessness” in the Gentile Christians, and also to show other Jews that “there was no turning back, that ahead lay either total victory or total doom.”



5. 犹太古拉格 — The Jewish Gulags






The Gulags consisted of about 500 Jewish concentration camps established under the CHEKA, and used primarily for forced labor, any dissenters in the population typically receiving sentences of 5 to 25 years of hard labor. Yagoda sent hundreds of thousands to work on the Baltic Sea canal project where countless numbers of Russians, Ukrainians, and others perished. The system was created and founded by two Jews, Naftaly Frenkel and Levi Berman, under the direct control of Genrikh Yagoda and with the camps commanded by Jews such as Rappoport, Solz, and Spiegelglas, all of whom are mentioned at length in the work of Solzhenitsyn:



Aleksandr Isaievech Solzhenitsyn slew the dragon of ideological despotism with rare eloquence, determination, and grit. For that alone, he deserves to be forever remembered. Source



“Millions of innocent people were incarcerated in these gulags which eventually became death camps. “Prisoners worked outdoors and in mines, in arid regions and the Arctic Circle without adequate clothing, tools, shelter, food, or even clean water. They trudged through mud in sub-zero -20C temperatures, cut down trees with handsaws, dug at frozen ground with primitive pickaxes and heaved huge rocks with primitive tools. Others mined coal or copper by hand, often suffering painful or fatal lung diseases from inhaling ore dust while on the job. These prisoners worked up to 14 hours a day on massive projects, including the Moscow-Volga Canal, the White Sea-Baltic Canal, and the Kolyma Highway.



Before Stalin’s death, nearly 20 million men and women were transported to these camps in Siberia and other outposts, many of them never to return. The prisoners suffered from starvation, illness, violence, and cold; an immense number of people died. Starvation was not uncommon, as prisoners were barely fed enough to sustain such difficult labor. Other prisoners were simply dragged out to the woods and shot by guards for little or no reason.” (19)

 斯大林死前,近2000万男女被送往西伯利亚的这些营地和其他前哨,其中许多人再也没有回来。囚犯遭受饥饿、疾病、暴力和寒冷;大量的人死亡。饥饿并不罕见,因为囚犯几乎没有足够的食物来维持如此艰难的劳动。其他囚犯只是被拖到树林里,被警卫无缘无故地枪杀。” (19)


6. 犹太集体化 — Jewish Collectivisation


A starving mother holds her child at the height of Holodomor. USSR. Circa 1933.Wikimedia Commons. Source

一位饥饿的母亲在大饥荒最严重的时候抱着她的孩子。USSR。Circa 1933,维基媒体共享。来源


The Jewish Bolsheviks implemented a policy known as “Collectivisation”, which meant confiscating all peasant land in the name of the state, and by the use of Red Terror at the hands of the CHEKA. “This is what Karl Marx himself described as the “essence of communism”, to abolish private property which belongs to the Gentiles“. After a dozen or so years, more than 90% of all the land had been ‘collectivised’. One direct result of this process was death by starvation, since the Jews confiscated not only the land but all the grain from these areas, directly condemning the peasants to death.



The famines created in Russia by the Jews were unimaginable. One historian, Yulia Khmelevskaya, wrote that “People were eating almost everything that could be swallowed. They ate straw from the roof.” The Jews deliberately organised three large waves of “man-made famines aimed at starving farmers in Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia. Millions of people died a slow death and people resorted to eating grass and some even to cannibalism.” And the Jews’ attitude toward this? Trotsky is famous for having stated, “You are Starving? This is not famine yet; when your women start eating their children, then you may come and say we are starving.” (20)

 犹太人在俄罗斯造成的饥荒是无法想象的。历史学家尤利娅·赫梅列夫斯卡娅(Yulia Khmelevskaya)写道,“人们几乎吃了所有可以吞下的东西。他们吃屋顶上的稻草。”犹太人故意组织了三次大规模的“人为饥荒”,旨在使乌克兰、白俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦和俄罗斯的农民挨饿。数以百万计的人缓慢死亡,人们依靠吃草,有些甚至吃人。犹太人对此的态度是什么?托洛茨基曾说过:“你在挨饿吗?”?这还不是饥荒;当你的女人开始吃他们的孩子时,你可能会说:“我们饿了。”(20)


7. 乌克兰的犹太大饥荒 — The Jewish Holodomor in the Ukraine


A cart full of dead bodies is dragged off to be burned. Ukraine. Circa 1932-1933.Wikimedia Commons. Source

一辆装满尸体的推车被拖走焚烧。乌克兰。Circa 1932-1933维基媒体共享。来源


The Encyclopedia Britannica estimates that around 8 million people, five million of them Ukrainian, were starved to death by one Kaganovich famine alone and the three Holodomor genocides together resulted in a death toll of 16.5 million people. The Jewish media and Jewish organisations of all stripes make enormous efforts today to dismiss the Ukrainian famines as a hoax when the evidence is overwhelming. They do so primarily to avoid competition for the Jews as the world’s only victims in WWII. This is worse than you might imagine; we have all seen photos of huge piles of emaciated dead bodies – literally skin and bones piled two or more meters high, which are presented to us as evidence of Jews starved to death by the Germans. But they are no such thing. They are instead evidence of Ukrainians, Russians and other Slavs starved to death by the Jews. (21)



Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn estimated that in total the Jewish regime in Russia managed to exterminate more than 60 million people, including victims of the forced Collectivisation, the starvations and famines, the purges, expulsions, banishments, executions, and mass deaths at Gulags. I believe he also said that “Industrial-scale murders like these are an essential part of [Jewish] communist theory.”

 亚历山大·索尔仁尼琴(Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn)估计,俄罗斯的犹太政权总共消灭了6000多万人,包括被迫集体化、饥饿和饥荒、清洗、驱逐、流放、处决和古拉格集中营大规模死亡的受害者。我相信他也说过,“像这样的工业规模的谋杀是[犹太]共产主义理论的重要组成部分。”


8. 哈扎尔:犹太人对受害者的同情 — Khazar Jewish Sympathy for the Victims


Trotsky said “We must turn Russia into a desert, populated by White negroes upon whom we shall impose a tyranny such as the most terrible Eastern despots never dreamt of. The only difference is that this will be a left-wing tyranny, not a right-wing tyranny.  It will be a Red (Jewish) tyranny, and not a White one. We mean the word “red” literally, because we shall shed such floods of blood as will make all the human losses suffered in the capitalist wars pale by comparison. The biggest bankers across the ocean will work in the closest possible contact with us. If we win the revolution, we shall establish the power of Zionism upon the wreckage of the revolution’s funeral, and we shall become a power before which the whole world will sink to its knees. We shall know what real power is. By means of terror & bloodbaths, we shall reduce the Russian intelligentsia to a state of complete stupefaction & idiocy and to an animal existence.

Lenin said that “Three-quarters of mankind may die, if necessary, to ensure the other quarter for Communism”.


  Lenin said that “Three-quarters of mankind may die, if necessary, to ensure the other quarter for Communism”.



Grigori Zinoviev, the head of the Jewish Communist International (Comintern), wrote in an article in the Krasnaya Gazeta, in 1918 where he stated, “We will make our hearts cruel, hard and immovable, so that no mercy will enter them, and so that they will not quiver at the sight of a sea of enemy blood. We will let loose the floodgates of that sea. Without mercy, without sparing, we will kill our enemies in scores of hundreds. Let them be thousands. Let them drown themselves in their own blood. Let there be floods of the blood of the bourgeois; more blood, as much as possible.” (22)

 1918年,犹太共产主义国际(共产国际)主席格里戈里·齐诺维耶夫在《克拉斯纳亚报》上撰文指出, “我们将使我们的心残忍、坚硬、不可移动,这样,他们就不会有怜悯之心,他们不会在看到敌人的血海时颤抖。我们将打开这片海洋的闸门。没有怜悯,没有宽容,我们将杀死成百上千的敌人。让他们在自己的土地上淹死。”很好。让资产阶级的鲜血泛滥;尽可能多地流血。”(22)


9. 斯大林的犹太人 — Stalin’s Jews


拉扎尔·卡冈诺维奇 — Lazar Kaganovich


Lazar Kaganovich was a close associate of Joseph Stalin and the brother of Stalin’s wife. As noted above, Kaganovich was the Jewish head of the CHEKA and famous for his purges of those who opposed Jewish control of the country, having ordered the deaths of millions. Kaganovich openly boasted of personal responsibility for killing at least twenty million people. It was Kaganovich also who presided over the total destruction of Christian churches and clergy, the man famous for standing atop the rubble of a Russian church and proclaiming, “Mother Russia has been cast down! We have torn away her skirts!”. (23)



This Jew truly “made life a living hell” for the people of Russia, killing countless millions of innocent peasants in a sea of blood. Not everyone objected: One Jew in Hollywood was reported to have said, “You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs” and, in a statement variously attributed to both Stalin and Kaganovich, “The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of a million is a statistic.” On the other hand, the Jewish Virtual Library seems to know only that Kaganovich “managed the construction of the Moscow underground”, and that, rather than being Stalin’s main Jewish handler, his “subservience to Stalin was made abundantly clear” in some obscure article he supposedly wrote. (24) Kaganovich was just one of the Jewish mass murderers; there were many other Jews who contributed to the massacre of Russians under the cruelest circumstances.



雅科夫·斯维尔德洛夫 — Yakov Sverdlov

Yakov Sverdlov, known as the “devil of the revolution”, was the Jew’s executive secretary and head of the Jewish government. It was this man who created and unleashed what became known as “The Red Terror”. It was also Sverdlov who initiated the so-called “decossackization”, where about 1 million Don Cossacks were brutally killed, including women and infants, often by being buried alive. For the first several years after 1917, it seems that every single bloody action against the Russian people was instigated by Sverdlov, being “the brains of the party”. The writer P. Paganuzi said that “the monstrous crimes of the [Jewish] Bolsheviks which exceeded all measures of cruelty, were committed on orders from the center, and the main responsibility for them lay with Sverdlovsk.” (25) (26) (27) (28) (29)

 雅科夫·斯维尔德洛夫(Yakov Sverdlov)被称为“革命恶魔”,是犹太人的执行秘书和犹太政府首脑。正是这个人创造并释放了后来被称为“红色恐怖”的东西。也正是斯维尔德洛夫发起了所谓的“解封”,约有100万堂·哥萨克被残忍杀害,其中包括妇女和婴儿,通常被活埋。1917年后的头几年,似乎每一次针对俄罗斯人民的血腥行动都是由斯维尔德洛夫煽动的,他是“党的头脑”。作家P·帕加努齐(P.Paganuzi)说,“[犹太]布尔什维克犯下的滔天罪行超出了所有残忍的手段,是在中央的命令下犯下的,他们的主要责任在于斯维尔德洛夫斯克。”(25) (26) (27) (28) (29)


It was Sverdlov who gave the order to kill the Russian Royal Family. “Research in 1990 by the Moscow playwright and historian Edvard Radzinsky uncovered Sverdlov’s role in ordering the execution of Tsar Nicholas II and his family.” The Jews were so proud of him that the city of Yekaterinburg where the Tsar and his family were killed, was renamed Sverdlovsk in his honor.

 是斯维尔德洛夫下令杀死俄罗斯王室。莫斯科剧作家和历史学家埃德瓦尔德·拉津斯基(Edvard Radzinsky)在1990年的一项研究中发现,斯维尔德洛夫在下令处决沙皇尼古拉二世及其家人中扮演了角色犹太人为他感到骄傲,为了纪念他,沙皇及其家人被杀害的叶卡捷琳堡市被重新命名为斯维尔德洛夫斯克。


亨里希·雅戈达(真名:亨利希·格申诺维奇 — Genrikh Yagoda (real name: Genakh Gershenovich)

Genrikh Yagoda was described as “Stalin’s leading terror chief responsible for keeping him in power”, and who was unquestionably “one of the greatest Jewish mass murderers of the 20th Century“. He was the GPU’s deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. It was Yagoda who implemented the Collectivisation of peasant lands and crops and was responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. It was Yagoda’s Jewish deputies who established & managed the Gulag system, of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn fame. (30) Yagoda was later demoted and replaced as chief hangman by Nikolai Yezhov, “the bloodthirsty dwarf”.

 Genrikh Yagoda被描述为“斯大林的主要恐怖头目,负责让他掌权”,他无疑是“20世纪最伟大的犹太大屠杀凶手之一”。他是GPU的副指挥官,也是NKVD的创始人和指挥官。正是雅戈达实施了农民土地和作物的集体化,并对至少1000万人的死亡负责。正是亚戈达的犹太副手建立并管理了古拉格制度,亚历山大·索尔仁尼琴因此而声名鹊起。(30)雅戈达后来被降级,由“嗜血侏儒”尼古拉·耶兹霍夫取代为首席刽子手。


拉夫伦蒂·巴甫洛维奇·贝利亚 — Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria

Lavrentiy Beria, certainly Stalin’s most powerful and vicious Jewish Lieutenant, was a mass murderer of peasants and a bloodthirsty sex maniac and pedophile who buried children in his basement, apparently many while still alive. Beria was the notorious police chief and powerful lieutenant who initiated the Katyn massacre. (31) Beria joined the CHEKA and became head of the NKVD in Georgia and eventually a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, then deputy prime minister and member of the Politburo. After Stalin’s death in 1953, Beria attempted to replace him as dictator of the Soviet Union, but was defeated by Nikita Khrushchev, Molotov and Malenkov.

 拉夫伦蒂·贝利亚(Lavrentiy Beria)无疑是斯大林最有权势、最邪恶的犹太中尉,他是一名大规模杀戮农民的凶手,也是一名嗜血的性狂人和恋童癖者,他将儿童埋在地下室,显然许多人还活着。贝里亚是臭名昭著的警察局长和有权势的中尉,他发起了卡廷大屠杀。(31)贝利亚加入了契卡,并成为格鲁吉亚内务部的负责人,最终成为共产党中央委员会的成员,当时是副总理和政治局委员。1953年斯大林去世后,贝利亚试图取代他成为苏联独裁者,但被尼基塔·赫鲁晓夫、莫洛托夫和马林科夫击败。


As an example of how history is spun, consider this apparently trivial statement: “Beria has long symbolized all the evils of Stalinism . . .” Stalinism? This immense Russian tragedy, planned and executed entirely by Jews, is suddenly reduced to a single adjective that pins the entire blame on one man not apparently Jewish. In fact, Beria symbolises all the evils of “Jewish-ism”, still “haunting the public imagination both in the West and in the former Soviet Union”. Yet the man’s name (along with a few others) has been expunged from history and almost no one has heard of him.



伊利亚·爱伦堡 — Ilya Ehrenburg

There was also Ilya Ehrenburg, who is perhaps most famous as the Jew who taught people to hate – to “Kill all Germans because they are not human”. (32) It was Ehrenburg who incited troops to rape and maim German, Polish, and Czech women as a form of punishment, as part of his agitation for genocide against all Germans. (33)

 还有伊利亚·埃伦伯格(Ilya Ehrenburg),他可能是最著名的犹太人,他教导人们仇恨——“杀死所有德国人,因为他们不是人类”。(32)正是埃伦堡煽动军队强奸和残害德国、波兰和捷克妇女,作为惩罚的一种形式,这是他煽动对所有德国人进行种族灭绝的一部分。(33)


The Germans are not human beings. From now on, the word ‘German’ is the most horrible curse. From now on, the word ‘German’ strikes us to the quick. We have nothing to discuss. We will not get excited. We will kill. If you have not killed at least one German a day, you have wasted that day … If you cannot kill a German with a bullet, then kill him with your bayonet. If your part of the front is quiet and there is no fighting, then kill a German in the meantime … If you have already killed a German, then kill another one – there is nothing more amusing to us than a heap of German corpses. Don’t count the days, don’t count the kilometers. Count only one thing: the number of Germans you have killed. Kill the Germans! …  – Kill the Germans! Kill!”



And in another leaflet:  “The Germans must be killed. One must kill them … Do you feel sick? Do you feel a nightmare in your breast? … Kill a German! If you are a righteous and conscientious man – kill a German! … Kill!” (34)



But according to Wikipedia, Ehrenburg was a nice man, a quiet journalist who is most famous for his written works detailing “the genocide of Russian Jews”. (35) Oddly, his fanatical writings demanding the genocide of all German Gentiles has been deleted by our history book publishers. (36)



10. 还有更多 — And Many More


The Taboo Crucifixion 

Top L-R Leon Trotsky (Lev Bronstein), Vyacheslav Menzhinsky, Felix Dzerzhinsky Bottom L-R Nikolai Yezhov , Genrikh Yagoda (Yenokh Gershevich Iyeguda), Lavrentiy Beria




There was Leonid Reichman who was head of the NKVD’s special department and the organization’s chief interrogator, and a particularly cruel sadist. (37) There are many more, names that will mean little to you: Alexander Parvus, Solomon Lozovsky, Moisei Uritsky, Adolph Abramovich Joffe, Dmitry Bogrov, Lev Kamenev (real name Rosenfeld), Maxim Litvinov (born Meir Henoch Mojszewicz Wallach-Finkelstein), Karl Radek (real name Karol Sobelsohn), Grigori Zinoviev, Ilya Ehrenburg, Natalfy Frenkel, Mathias Berman. All Jewish mass murderers in their own right.



11. 犹太人的匿名性 — The Anonymity of the Jews


Who is  Jew? Source



It is not always easy to know with certainty the Jewish identity of some people due to attempts of so many natures to disguise and obfuscate the facts. Merely by changing their names so often, Jews make the truth of their ethnicity difficult to discern. Lenin (Vladimir Ulyanov) was a Jew. (38) (39) (40) (41) It is widely speculated now that Stalin was a Georgian Jew, with even the Los Angeles B’nai B’rith Messenger crediting him as being a Jew. Certainly, he spoke Yiddish, he had three Jewish wives, and had no Gentiles anywhere in his inner circle. And certainly, part of the issue is that identifying Stalin as a Jew, eliminates his usefulness as a poster boy for Russian psychopathology, leaving no Gentile to blame for Jewish atrocities. As mentioned above, this permits the Jews to categorise the entire “Russian” revolution and all the atrocities as “Stalinism”, i.e., an entirely Gentile event when the destruction of Russia and the extermination of more than 60 million Russians was entirely of Jewish creation and execution. It should be noted that Russia’s population at the time, was only 125 million.

 由于许多人试图掩盖和混淆事实,因此,很难确定某些人的犹太身份。仅仅通过频繁地更改姓名,犹太人就很难辨别其种族的真相。列宁(弗拉基米尔·乌里扬诺夫)是犹太人。(38) (39) (40) (41)现在,人们普遍猜测斯大林是格鲁吉亚犹太人,甚至洛杉矶的B’nai B’rith信使也认为他是犹太人。当然,他讲意第绪语,他有三个犹太妻子,在他的核心圈子里没有任何异教徒。当然,问题的一部分在于,将斯大林认定为犹太人,将消除他作为俄罗斯精神病理学的招牌男孩的作用,也不会让犹太人的暴行受到指责。如上所述,这使得犹太人可以将整个“俄罗斯”革命和所有暴行归类为“斯大林主义”,即,当摧毁俄罗斯和消灭6000多万俄罗斯人完全是犹太人的创造和处决时,这是一个完全的氏族事件。应该指出的是,当时俄罗斯的人口只有1.25亿。


There are some Jewish websites such as Jew or Not Jew that are often very helpful in offering their determination of the ethnicity of various people, and usually one can write and ask for an opinion or determination. But there are some individuals who appear to be verboten in this respect. One such is Reimert Ravenholt, the former head of USAID, surely one of the greatest sociopaths and psychopaths of all time, having forcibly sterilised literally hundreds of millions of women in undeveloped countries, and causing only God knows how many deaths. I have attempted through these Jewish websites to obtain information or opinions on Ravenholt’s ethnic background, and in only this one case have all websites unanimously refused to reply to me.

 有一些犹太网站,如犹太人或非犹太人,通常非常有助于确定不同民族的种族,通常人们可以写信询问意见或决定。但有些人在这方面似乎是禁止的。美国国际开发署(USAID)前负责人雷默特·拉文霍特(Reimert Ravenholt)就是其中之一,他无疑是有史以来最伟大的反社会者和精神变态者之一,在不发达国家强行绝育了数亿妇女,造成了只有上帝知道的死亡。我曾试图通过这些犹太网站获取有关拉文霍尔特种族背景的信息或意见,只有在这一次,所有网站一致拒绝回复我。


“The difficulty in arriving at an accurate understanding of the problem of the Jews lies in the fact that there is a distinct Jewish religion and a distinct Jewish race. Where one ends and the other begins. Jews will, however, reply with assurance that they are not a race but a religion and that to differentiate between them and other religious bodies is sheer prejudice and bald Anti-Semitism.” (42)

 “准确理解犹太人问题的困难在于,存在着一种独特的犹太宗教和一个独特的犹太种族。这是一个结束和另一个开始的地方。然而,犹太人会保证他们不是一个种族,而是一种宗教,并将他们与其他宗教区分开来。”死亡是纯粹的偏见和赤裸裸的反犹太主义。” (42)


“Judaism is a religion, not a nation.” That may be true, but we aren’t discussing the religion of Judaism; rather, we are focused on Jews as a people. The preceding statements deny that Jews are a people, a race, or a nation, and can be identified only as members of a religion. Well, maybe, but how is it that I – and hundreds of millions of others – can look at a face and tell you instantly that person is a Jew? It would be a very powerful religion indeed if it can alter the facial features of its adherents.



There is more to this. Many years ago, the Jewish Kehillah in New York heavily pressured the US government to avoid altogether the ethnic or racial identities of Jews and to record only their passport status. This resulted in the government having no firm knowledge of the number of Jews in the US, the NYC Kehilla being the only body possessing such records. The Jews have gone much further in the recent past by pressuring the US government to make illegal any request of a person’s religion on the basis that this amounted to “religious discrimination”. Having succeeded in this, the Jews then conflated the two and heavily promoted the thesis that “Jewishness” is solely a religion and not a race or nation, thus making it impossible to have any legal means to discover if someone is a Jew. Quite clever. And, since so many Jews frequently change their names, the identification effort becomes almost impossible.



Yet, the effort is necessary because it is only when we can make this identification that we can form the links necessary to connect all the dots and understand both our history and the current affairs of the world. It is only with this identification that we can realise that pornography is almost exclusively a Jewish talent, that the alphabet soup of “sexual preferences” is being promoted nearly entirely by Jews. It is only by this identification of Jews as a race and a nation that we can realise that the “Russian Revolution” was in actuality entirely a Jewish Revolution against Russia, and that the destruction and colonisation of Yugoslavia, Iraq and Libya were entirely Jewish events even though effected by the US military on the Jews’ behalf. For example, the so-called “provisional orders” issued for the colonisation of Iraq by Paul Bremer, take on a very different light when we learn that Bremer, the “Temporary President of Iraq” was a Jew, and a close affiliate of Henry Kissinger. (43) Bremer was clearly taking his direction from the City of London and not from George Bush. Thus, Iraq was also a “Jewish Revolution”, as were Yugoslavia and Libya.

 然而,这种努力是必要的,因为只有当我们能够作出这种认同时,我们才能形成必要的联系,把所有的点联系起来,了解我们的历史和世界的时事。只有通过这种认同,我们才能意识到色情几乎完全是犹太人的天赋,“性偏好”的字母汤几乎完全是由犹太人推广的。只有通过将犹太人视为一个种族和民族,我们才能认识到,“俄罗斯革命”实际上完全是一场针对俄罗斯的犹太革命,南斯拉夫、伊拉克和利比亚的毁灭和殖民化完全是犹太人的事件,即使是美国军队代表犹太人进行的。例如,保罗·布雷默(Paul Bremer)为伊拉克殖民发布的所谓“临时命令”,当我们得知“伊拉克临时总统”布雷默是犹太人,是亨利·基辛格(Henry Kissinger)的密友时,就有了完全不同的看法。(43)布雷默显然是从伦敦金融城而不是从乔治·布什那里走出来的。因此,伊拉克也是一场“犹太革命”,南斯拉夫和利比亚也是如此。


There is yet more. I once had an acquaintance in Shanghai named Steven Wood – hardly a name one would identify as a Jew. At the time, Steven had a high HR position with Huawei, and confided that he possessed both American and Israeli passports and traveled to Israel several times a year. One day he sent me a file of about 50Mb, if I recall correctly, containing the technical details of all of Huawei’s products. I was surprised because it seemed to me that was information he should not have had, since engineering and design were not part of his job description. He never told me anything directly but, from the context, I assumed that whenever he traveled to Israel all of Huawei’s information went with him. Huawei of course would have no way of knowing they had been infiltrated.



Given the difficulties, it is possible to make occasional errors in the identification, and classify someone provisionally as a Jew when they are not. I would argue that such occasional errors are almost always trivial. Most of those so identified are dead, and these errors, though unfortunate, are unlikely to do particular harm. This is by no means an excuse for carelessness or a casual attitude, but I would argue that so much is at stake that “it is better to be safe than sorry”.



There are many other items of immense historical significance whose flavor is considerably altered if we can accurately make these identifications. For example, the greatest criminal organisation in the history of the world was Rothschild’s British East India Company, followed closely by the Dutch East India Company, both of which were created and controlled by Jews. Rothschild and his Jews killed at least 200 million people in India by execution and famine, with some estimations being much higher. Similarly, the business of growing opium in India and forcing it onto China, were entirely Jewish enterprises – which our history books, thanks to Jewish publishers, blame on “the British”. Again, Rothschild and Sassoon killed that least 100 million in China by slaughter and at least an additional 50 million by other means. The CIA’s MK-ULTRA program was entirely Jewish at the top and at least through the middle ranks, with atrocities that may never have an equal. The decision to do incendiary bombing of Germany’s residential areas was the result of one of Churchill’s Jewish advisors. Similarly, Holland’s Tulip Bubble and the South Seas Bubble were Jewish concoctions. There is so much more.



Enormous historical crimes are thus covered up, with the blame assigned to the wrong persons and leaving the Jews free to present themselves as the world’s victims instead of the perpetrators.



I would add a final note. Readers often complain they are unable to locate evidence of certain historical events such as the expulsions of Jews from Cuba or China, stating that their searches uncover nothing. They seem unable to fathom that Google heavily censors any topic dealing with the Jews, with Israel, with history (especially any history involving the Jews), with most political topics and much more. It is almost amusing that Google has no knowledge of the expulsion of Jews from China after the war, but instead knows a great deal about Jews who remained in China and who carried much influence. As someone wrote, “It would be better to not know so many things, than to know so many things that are wrong.”



It shouldn’t be necessary to point out that Google is as Jewish as Israel, and that the historical facts it permits to escape through the net on these topics, are those with a particular propaganda point of view and are, more often than not, factually wrong. For this reason, and because Google assiduously tracks (and saves in perpetuity) every search, every topic, every keyword, every clicked link, every website visited, I haven’t used Google for 20 years.



And, in spite of having no Google-related programs or apps on my computers, I am still warned of more than 500 attempts every month by Google attempting to track my online movements.



 12. 犹太人大屠杀 — The Jewish Pogroms


Refugees try to escape the Ukraine flood by hopping onto a train. Some cling to the roof to get out. Ukraine, USSR. 1933.Wikimedia Commons. Source



These were events of punishment (by imprisoning or killing Jews) in Russia and some other countries, events which are presented (and which may have been) “witch hunts” against Jews for the crimes committed during and after the Revolution of 1917.



We have all seen enough of the Dr. Zhivago and Fiddler on the Roof-type movies to give us a sense of the sympathy-seeking approach by the Jews about the Russian Revolution. Because of their media and Hollywood control, much or even most of the world’s public consciousness about this enormous event has been resolved to only two items: One, Stalin was evil, and two, the Jews in Russia suffered terribly from these “anti-Semitic” pogroms, persecutions which the ever-chaste and stellarly-virginal Jews absolutely did not deserve because no Jew anywhere has ever done anything to anybody. It is almost unimaginable that the Jews have so much control over the media and book publishing that they have been able to perpetrate such an enormous and truly unforgivable hoax on the world’s public consciousness. Compared to what the Jews did to the Russian people, the so-called “pogroms” were too trivial to warrant mention.



I am obviously of Russian extraction. If you and your friends come to my country, brutally exterminate nearly half of our population, kill my King and his entire family and steal most of the Royal Treasures, torture millions, create famines to kill millions more, destroy the nation and the economy, then loot my country of most of its most priceless art treasures while also emptying my government’s central bank on your way out, I might be tempted to hunt you down and kill you too.



13. 后记 — Epilogue


“We mustn’t forget that some of greatest [mass] murderers of modern times were Jewish.”



Does anyone recall Hitler writing: “The Jews are not human beings. From now on, the word ‘Jew’ is the most horrible curse. The Jews must be killed. One must kill them … If you cannot kill a Jew with a bullet, then kill him with your bayonet … Kill a Jew! If you are a righteous and conscientious man – kill a Jew! If you have already killed a Jew, then kill another one… Kill!”



No, of course not. Then, it is reasonable to ask why Hitler has become the poster boy for historical atrocities when most of these Jews were far worse, especially considering that much, if not most, of the so-called Nazi atrocities were merely “atrocity porn” proven later to have been entirely fabricated by the Jews. Why is it that we are inundated with tales of Hitler’s evils, both real and imaginary, but we have never heard of Beria, Kaganovich, Yagoda, Ehrenberg or Sverdlov? Who is it that controls the media and the book publishers? Who is it that labels you an “anti-Semitic Nazi Jew-hater” for revealing historical truths?



Think of the attitudes of the Jews mentioned in this article, of their actions. What kind of man boasts about having personal responsibility for killing “at least” 20 million innocent people? What kind of man says “If you are righteous and conscientious, kill a German”? What kind of man confiscates all the farm crops and thus sentences tens of millions to die? These are the Khazar Jews, as murderous and savage today as they were 700 years ago.



Brutal massacre of Palestinian protesters in the Gaza Strip by the Israeli regime on 2018. Source



Moreover, these are the same people who today populate the City of London which is where the planning for all these atrocities has originated for centuries and continues still. Today, they dress nicely, drink afternoon tea with Royalty, and always brush their teeth after every meal. But they are responsible for one million deaths in Iraq, and many more recent tragedies. If COVID-19 was planned, this is where it was planned. These are the people who want a Third World War with Russia, China and Iran, and they will almost certainly have it because the Americans so under their control are stupid enough to launch it.

The end.





Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chapt. 2 — Dealing with Demons).

罗曼诺夫先生 他的文章被翻译成32种语言,并在30多个国家的150多个外语新闻和政治网站以及100多个英语平台上发表。拉里·罗曼诺夫是一位退休的管理顾问和商人。他曾在国际咨询公司担任高级管理职务,并拥有国际进出口业务。他曾是上海复旦大学的客座教授,向高级EMBA课程介绍国际事务案例研究。罗曼诺夫先生住在上海,目前正在写一系列与中国和西方有关的十本书。他是辛西娅·麦金尼(Cynthia McKinney)的新集《当中国打喷嚏》的撰稿人之一。(第一章。2-对付恶魔).

His full archive can be seen at


https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/  + https://www.moonofshanghai.com/

He can be contacted at:






(1) Stalin’s Jews

(1) 斯大林的犹太人


(2) Jews and Revolutions

(2) 犹太人与革命


(3) 1881 March 13 Czar Alexander II assassinated in St. Petersburg

(3) 1881年3月13日,沙皇亚历山大二世在圣彼得堡遇刺



(4) 亚历山大二世遇刺宣言(1881年)


(5) Russian Famine of 1891-1892

(5) 1891-1892年俄罗斯饥荒


(6) 1905 Russian Revolution

(6) 1905年俄国革命


(7) Russo-Japanese War

(7) 日俄战争


(8) Jacob Schiff would help industrialize and militarize non-Christian Japan to fight against the Christians of Russia’s Tsar.

(8) 雅各布·希夫将帮助非基督教的日本工业化和军事化,以对抗俄罗斯沙皇的基督徒。


(9) Stolypin, Peter

(9) 斯托利平,彼得


(10) Dmitri Bogrov

(10) 德米特里·博格罗夫


(11) Dmitry Bogrov

(11) 德米特里·博格罗夫


(12) The American Hebrew, 1920

(12) 美国希伯来人,1920年


(13) Robert Wilton

(13) 罗伯特·威尔顿


(14) The Jewish-Led Russian Revolution

(14) 犹太人领导的俄国革命


(15) The Jewish-Led Russian Revolution

(15) 犹太人领导的俄国革命


(16) The Jewish-Led Russian Revolution

(16) 犹太人领导的俄国革命


(17) Peuple Juif, February 8. 1919.

(17) Peuple Juif,2月8日。1919


(18) Jewish Bolsheviks mass-murdered 66 million Christians in Russia

(18) 犹太布尔什维克在俄罗斯大规模杀害了6600万基督徒


(19) The Jewish-Led Russian Revolution

(19) 犹太人领导的俄国革命


(20) The Jewish-Led Russian Revolution

(20) 犹太人领导的俄国革命


(21) Holodomor Denial — A Crime against Humanity



(22) The Jewish-Led Russian Revolution



(23) Lazar Kaganovich – Stalin’s Mass Murderer



(24) Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich



(25) Yakov Sverdlov. 100 years since the death of the “devil of the revolution”



(26) Yakov Sverdlov: the demon of the Leninist Revolution. 6 facts that are not found in textbooks



(27) Grandson of a merchant and brother of the American banker Y. M. Sverdlov (Gauchmann Aaron Moishevich)



(28) Yakov Sverdlov-biography



(29) The secret of Yakov Sverdlov’s death



(30) The first NKVD commissar to be shot. Genrikh Yagoda



(31) Katyn massacre



(32) Ilya Ehrenburg agitated for genocide against Germans



(33) Ilya Ehrenburg – Kill all Germans because they are not human



(34) Ilya Ehrenberg – The Man Who Invented The ‘Six Million’



(35) Ilya Ehrenburg



(36) Ilya Ehrenburg



(37) Stalin’s Jews



(38) Lenin was a Jew



(39) Lenin’s Jewish roots



(40) (Israel Moses) Blank in Odessa in the early 1800s.


The grandfather of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov — he began to take the pseudonym Lenin when he was around 30 — was born Sril Moiseyevich

(41) Was Lenin Jewish?






(43) Humanity at the Crossroads




This article may contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not been specifically authorised by the copyright owner. This content is being made available under the Fair Use doctrine, and is for educational and information purposes only. There is no commercial use of this content.



Copyright © Larry RomanoffBlue Moon of Shanghai, Moon of Shanghai, 2024

版权©拉里·罗曼诺夫上海的蓝月亮, 上海的月亮, 2022


CN — LARRY ROMANOFF: 生物战在行动 — 第6章——辉瑞公司对流行病把握的恰到好处

January 09, 2024


Biological Warfare in Action


Biological Warfare in Action

6. Chapter 6 – Pfizer’s Perfectly-Timed Epidemic

By Larry Romanoff


Manhattan, New York USA – July 9, 2011: Pfizer letter sign on the building’s Headquarters. Pfizer’s is the largest pharmaceutical company in the world.Source


The WHO, Pfizer, and Nigerian Meningitis




It is by now well-known that many new drugs are accompanied by serious side-effects such as irreversible liver damage, and are often fatal to children. In 1996 Pfizer developed a new antibiotic called Trovan to treat a variety of infections – meningitis being one example. Many of these new antibiotics are very powerful and with side effects that normally make them too dangerous to use for children, often causing permanent liver damage, joint disease and many other debilitating complications. Inexplicably, Pfizer decided to perform test trials on infants. However, Pfizer had the standard problem that FDA certification in the US required clinical trials on humans, and these are almost impossible to conduct in developed countries because no parents are willing to allow their children to take part in such risky clinical trials, to say nothing of the lawsuits resulting from trials gone bad. Therefore, these pharma companies tend almost universally to take their trials to poor countries in Africa, Asia and South America where the laws are unprepared and the people don’t understand the risks of untested and unapproved drugs. The American (and European) pharma companies therefore transformed the developing world into an enormous test laboratory that carries no financial liability.


A doctor vaccinates a child against meningitis in Dakwa village, Bwari, Nigeria. Source


As luck would have it, at precisely the moment when Pfizer was ready to commence clinical trials of this new drug, Nigeria was suddenly and inexplicably hit with one of the worst meningitis epidemics in history. And of course, Pfizer was there to help the Nigerian government deal with the outbreak. But Pfizer didn’t exactly deal with the outbreak; what it did was to conduct a reprehensible clinical trial for its new medication, on a group of victims unlikely to complain. Rather than “helping” as it claimed, Pfizer gathered a trial group and a control group, giving one group Pfizer’s new medication and a competitor’s product to the other. It quickly became obvious that the Americans were not on a humanitarian mission but were saving the expense of live trials. After experimenting on about 200 victims, they gathered their test information and left – right in the middle of the meningitis epidemic, without having saved any lives. The Nigerian government tallied the deaths at about 11,000.


The Infectious Diseases Hospital in Kano, Nigeria, was treating meningitis patients in 1996 when Pfizer administered the experimental drug Trovan to children. (2000 Photos By Michael Williamson — The Washington Post) Source


That would have been the end, except that a controversy erupted soon after about the relationship between Pfizer’s need for test trials and the meningitis outbreak. As it happened, the WHO was in Nigeria immediately prior to that time on another of its “life-saving” vaccination programs, this time for polio, and the timing and location of the meningitis outbreak apparently matched perfectly the WHO’s polio vaccination program. And of course, it perfectly matched Pfizer’s need for large numbers of test subjects. There were lawsuits and payments, accusations and denials, but to this day Nigeria refuses WHO entry into the country and will not participate in any further “humanitarian” aid from the UN or the WHO.


We cannot definitively say that the WHO deliberately created the meningitis epidemic for the benefit of Pfizer’s tests, but it’s the only theory that fits all the known facts and it’s the kind of thing the WHO appears to do on a regular basis. We should note Pfizer’s intention to market Trovan in the US and Europe after its trials on these African children, but the FDA refused to approve Trovan for American children due to the severe dangers.




Pfizer’s behavior after these “field trials” ended was, if anything, even more reprehensible. The lawsuits were based on claims that Pfizer did not have proper consent from parents to use an experimental drug on their children, the use of which not only left many children dead but others with brain damage or paralysis. Pfizer eventually reached a settlement with the Nigerian state government to pay $75m in damages and to create a fund of $35m to compensate the victims. This, after what the Guardian described as “a 15-year legal battle against Pfizer over a fiercely controversial drug trial”. Pfizer not only resisted to the end, forcing the poor families through 15 years of hell before finally relenting, but resorted to extortion and blackmail of Nigerian government officials in attempts to avoid making any payments to the families of the tiny victims of its illegal drug trial. The UK Guardian reported that leaked US government diplomatic cables revealed that “Pfizer hired investigators to look for evidence of corruption against the Nigerian attorney general in an effort to persuade him to drop the legal action”, with the apparent full knowledge and assistance of the US State Department.


The Guardian stated the diplomatic cables recorded meetings between Pfizer’s country manager, Enrico Liggeri, and US officials at the Abuja embassy on 9 April 2009, stating, “According to Liggeri, Pfizer had hired investigators to uncover corruption links to federal attorney general Michael Aondoakaa to expose him and put pressure on him to drop the federal cases. He said Pfizer’s investigators were passing this information to local media.” The Guardian also reported there was no suggestion or evidence Nigeria’s attorney general was swayed by this pressure. Pfizer of course claimed the entire notion was “preposterous”, but we can assume the cables – which were classified as “Confidential” – didn’t lie.


It seems Pfizer was dissembling in all its statements, not only with claims of government approval and parental knowledge, but their claim a Nigerian doctor was in charge and directed the experiments. The government’s study found the local doctor was the director “in name only” and most often was not even informed of the procedures of the study and was typically “kept in the dark”. As well Pfizer used the fake letter from a non-existent department to obtain FDA approval for these clinical trials. Pfizer finally admitted the forged letter was “incorrect”, but I’m not sure that is the most appropriate adjective to use. Pfizer also made the infuriatingly dishonest claim that its antibiotic “Trovan demonstrated the highest survival rate of any treatment at the hospital. Trovan unquestionably saved lives.” Well, maybe, but the data on which Pfizer based this claim were the fact that in one location five patients died after using Pfizer’s drug while six patients died after using another medication, with no data as to infection severity or anything else. At best, an empty and fundamentally dishonest claim.


To deflect the issue of Pfizer’s Trovan being lethal to children, the company claimed that the international body Doctors Without Borders (Médecins sans Frontières) were administering Pfizer’s drug in their own large treatment program, a claim MSF vehemently denied, saying, “We have never worked with this family of antibiotic. We don’t use it for meningitis. That is the reason why we were shocked to see this trial in the hospital.” It was Pfizer’s Liggeri who claimed the lawsuits against Pfizer “were wholly political in nature”, and Liggeri as well who concocted the accusation that MSF had administered Pfizer’s Trovan to children.


In 2006 the Washington Post reported on a lengthy Nigerian government study that concluded Pfizer violated international law by testing its unapproved drug on children with brain infections. The Post apparently obtained a copy of the confidential report which had been hidden away for five years, and which stated Pfizer had never received authorisation from the government for its clinical trial, the apparent authorisation letter having been forged on the letterhead of a non-existent department and backdated to a date prior to the study. According to the Post’s article, the government claimed Pfizer’s ‘humanitarian effort’ was “an illegal trial of an unregistered drug, and a clear case of exploitation of the ignorant.” [1] [2]


The American response was not one of shame for participating in this fraud, nor did the State Department condemn Pfizer for either conducting the drug trials or attempting the extortion and blackmail. Instead, the US ambassador condemned the leak of US embassy cables, as if publicly revealing a crime constituted a worse action than the crime itself. The State Department rushed the high moral ground to condemn “endangering innocent people” and “sabotaging peaceful relations between nations”, ignoring the facts that Pfizer’s trials did far more to ‘endanger innocent people’ and ‘sabotage relations’ than could be done by the revelation of a crime. But in the eyes of the US government, Americans do not commit crimes, and in any case the victims weren’t white. The cables further claimed Pfizer settled only because legal and ‘investigative’ fees had been costing the company more than $15 million per year, which leads one to wonder what occurs in the minds of these people who will spend $15 million a year for 15 years, to avoid paying half that sum to compensate lives they destroyed.




And there is still more. We have seen so many documented examples of the US courts assuming jurisdiction where they have none, agreeing to try cases without any US involvement that occurred wholly outside the US, in flagrant violations of international law, and indicative only of imperial arrogance. But when Nigeria attempted to file claims against Pfizer in the US, the American courts refused to hear the cases, oddly claiming they had no jurisdiction. And this isn’t the first time the US government, the State Department and the US courts have circled the wagons to protect a US multinational by closing the courts. [3] [4] [5]


In 2004 and 2007, the Nigerian media carried reports which were heavily suppressed in US and Western media that the country was refusing to permit UN health authorities to carry out further administration of polio vaccines. The government adamantly blamed the WHO for having initiated the meningitis epidemic with their polio vaccination campaign, which occurred immediately prior to, and in the same areas as, the meningitis outbreak. Nigerian leaders were also concerned that polio and other foreign vaccines were deliberately contaminated with sterilising and other agents, as occurred in the Philippines and other nations at around the same time. In much of Africa, there appears to be little remaining of the trust that once existed in international agencies and US and European pharma companies. Today, they are viewed primarily as imperial predators with a distinctly anti-human agenda, or at least an agenda that is anti non-white. The portions of Nigeria and other African nations that do still permit vaccinations now insist these be prepared in a trusted non-Western country with no involvement of the WHO or other Western agencies.




Many nations today insist the WHO is a tool to reduce Muslim populations, a claim that is increasingly difficult to dismiss as simple paranoia, and in fact Nigeria also discovered sterilants in WHO vaccines in that country that were clearly capable of preventing fertility in women. The Western media steadfastly ignore the body of evidence supporting these claims and suspicions, and focus instead on a moralistic concern that “the world might be slipping in its efforts to wipe out polio”, categorising the valid concerns of so many nations as ignorant and uninformed suspicion. The Western media of course are all reading from the same page as the perpetrators of this outrage, and the more damning reports have all seemingly been removed from the Internet.


We also have the ever-present corporate apologists, weaving their tapestries of misinformation attempting to irreversibly confuse an issue with irrelevancies and so as to place doubts in the minds of the public. One perennial favorite is a claim that “these attacks on pharmaceutical companies could encourage countries to enact legislation that would lower drug profits, which in turn could hamper the development of new medications”. This foolish statement from Roger Bate, a “fellow” at the International Policy Network, which is a lobby group for big pharma, funded by the usual Foundations and corporations, and dutifully reported by London’s Daily Telegraph in its campaign to confuse the uninformed public. The statement is actually rather clever, suggesting that our condemnation of the atrocities and illegalities of big pharma are somehow unjustified violent “attacks” on undeserving corporations.


Hajara, photographed in 2007, survived the trials but became deaf afterwards and is unable to speak. Source


In the case of Pfizer and its Nigerian Trovan trials, The Telegraph gives us an added incentive to sympathise with big pharma by telling us – without evidence or documentation – that “the Nigerian government’s motives (in condemning Pfizer) have also been questioned”, the issue being morphed from reprehensible drug trials resulting in death of children into one of an untrustworthy government with questionable political motives. Thus will the Western media will spin and weave until truth in all its forms disappears from the landscape forever.



Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chap. 2 — Dealing with Demons).

His full archive can be seen at

https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/ + https://www.moonofshanghai.com/

He can be contacted at: 2186604556@qq.com




[1] Panel Faults Pfizer in ’96 Clinical Trial In Nigeria


[2] Secret report surfaces showing that Pfizer was at fault in Nigerian drug tests


[3] Nigerian Families Sue Pfizer


[4] Pfizer pays out to Nigerian families of meningitis drug trial victims


[5] Pfizer: Nigeria drug trial victims get compensation




This article may contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not been specifically authorised by the copyright owner. This content is being made available under the Fair Use doctrine, and is for educational and information purposes only. There is no commercial use of this content.


Copyright © Larry Romanoff, Blue Moon of Shanghai, Moon of Shanghai, 2023

CN — LARRY ROMANOFF: 生物战在行动 — 第5章-世界卫生组织-人口减少是现实

December 31, 2023


Biological Warfare in Action


Biological Warfare in Action

5. Chapter 5 – The WHO – Depopulation is Reality

By Larry Romanoff




5.1. Introduction

5.2. And Polio, Too . . .

5.3. And Meningitis . . .

5.4. And EBOLA . . .

5.5. A Chinese “Experiment”?

5.6. Back to Depopulation

5.7. A Successful Genocide

5.8. And Yet More . . .

5.9. Epilogue


5.1. Introduction

Doctors in Kenya have accused UNICEF, the World Health Organization and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation of secretly trying to sterilise millions of women in Africa via a tetanus vaccine program. Source


This qualifies as one of the largest false-flag operations in human history, a story that almost beggars belief but with the facts too clear to refute. It began its life as yet another “conspiracy theory” but soon lost that label because overwhelming and irrefutable evidence was uncovered which moved this series of events from ‘conspiracy’ mode to ‘proven fact’ mode.


The story is not complicated. During the early 1990s, the WHO had organised and been overseeing massive tetanus vaccination campaigns in Nicaragua, Mexico, the Philippines, Tanzania, Nigeria, and a few other countries. Shortly after the initiation of these programs, concerns began to emerge about spontaneous abortions and other complications arising exclusively within the vaccinated populations.


Tetanus is a disease whose onset we often associate with stepping on a rusty nail or similar event. It should be clear that men and children would be at least as likely, if not more likely, to encounter this circumstance than would women, and perhaps careless children more than adults, but the WHO vaccination program was directed only to females from 15 to 45 years of age – in other words, child-bearing ages. In Nicaragua, the targets were females from 12 to 49 years of age. Also, a single tetanus shot is universally accepted as sufficient to provide protection for ten years or more, but the WHO inexplicably insisted on vaccinating these women five times within several months.


Mexico was suspicious of the WHO tetanus campaign because it excluded all males and children and called for injections of the vaccine only in females of child-bearing age, and insisted on the multiple vaccinations. Based on its suspicions, Mexico had vials of the tetanus vaccine analyzed, and it was discovered the WHO’s “tetanus” vaccine contained the Human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) hormone.


This hormone is critical to the female body during pregnancy. It causes the release of other hormones that prepare the uterine lining for the implantation of the fertilised egg. Without it, a woman’s body is unable to sustain a pregnancy and the fetus will be aborted. This hormone was injected into the subjects along with the tetanus serum, causing a female body to then recognise both as foreign agents and to develop antibodies to destroy either if they were to ever appear in the body in the future. Upon becoming pregnant, a woman’s body would fail to recognize hCG as a friend and would produce anti-hCG antibodies, the prior vaccination now inducing her body’s immune system to attack the hormone that is needed to bring an unborn child to term, preventing subsequent pregnancies by killing the hCG which is necessary to sustain them. This means each woman who received the WHO tetanus inoculation was vaccinated not only against tetanus but also against pregnancy. [1] [2] [3]

Note that Mexico resisted population control policies, but the World Bank “insisted the country do something to cut down its population growth.”. Source


The Mexican authorities immediately notified representatives in more than 60 countries, and it was discovered that similar tetanus vaccines laced with hCG were used in the other countries as well. When this information became public, the WHO at first denied the facts and disparaged the results of the initial tests, assuming an offensive and repugnant stand, mocking and ridiculing the nations that had performed the tests and revealed the contamination, condemning them as incompetent, having “unsuitable” testing laboratories, and using improper samples or procedures. WHO officials claimed these nations had “Not the right kind of lab to do the test. The labs know only how to test urine samples . . .” Then, in the face of repeated similar discoveries, the WHO finally admitted that “perhaps” “a small percentage” of the vaccines had been “contaminated” with hCG, but stated that it was “harmless”. When Nigeria discovered the same hormone in the vaccine, Nigerian physicians reported that WHO doctors assured them the hCG hormone “would have no effect on human reproduction”statements that they knew to be false.


This is the standard response by Western agencies, governments, and corporations, when caught with adulterated products. When Coca-Cola’s drinks in China were found to contain frightening levels of pesticides and chlorine, the immediate accusation was that China’s biological laboratories were all incompetent. When Nestle’s noodles in India were found to contain dangerously toxic amounts of lead, India’s laboratories were all incompetent. The next step is to carefully produce a few samples known to be uncontaminated, provide them to an “independent” laboratory that inevitably pronounces them clean, then move the story off the front page.


However, following this revelation, and the WHO’s admission of “contamination”, each nation had extensive tests conducted by expert independent labs, and in all cases the hCG hormone was identified as existing in the tetanus vaccination serum. The WHO eventually went silent and discontinued their program, but by this time about 150 million women had been vaccinated – and rendered sterile.



One important fact is that the three different brands of tetanus vaccine being used in this project were developed, produced, and distributed in secrecy and that none had ever been tested or licensed for use, sale, or distribution, anywhere in the world. The companies that produced them were the Rothschild-owned Connaught Laboratories in Canada, Intervex from Canada, and Australia’s CSL Laboratories. Connaught is the same firm that, along with the Canadian Red Cross, knowingly distributed AIDS-contaminated blood products for several years during the 1980s, a criminal organisation that should have been executed along with its owners. You can read the essay, “Canada’s Tainted Blood”. [4] Following its outstanding criminal history in Canada, Connaught was sold to Rothschild and now forms part of his Sanofi Group, the criminality clearly continuing and now on a worldwide scale.


Further damning evidence that the Western media censored, was the fact that the WHO had been actively involved for more than 20 years prior in the development of an anti-fertility vaccine utilizing hCG tied to tetanus toxoid as a carrier – precisely the same combination as in these vaccines. According to the WHO’s own reports, they had spent 20 years and more than $400 million on this specific sterilisation research. More than 20 research articles have been written on this subject, many of these by the WHO itself, that document in detail the WHO’s attempts to create an anti-fertility vaccine utilizing tetanus toxoid.


PubMed reported that in 1972 the WHO established a special “Task Force on Vaccines for Fertility Regulation” (read sterilisation), which consisted of “international, multidisciplinary groups of scientists and clinicians collaborating in research” on the specific goal of [finding] “substances capable of mounting antifertility responses in women“. And again, “Over the past 18 years, the WHO Task Force on Vaccines for Fertility Regulation has been supporting basic and clinical research on the development of birth control vaccines…” [5] You can’t be more clear than that.


I examined carefully the WHO website and discovered more than a dozen articles written by WHO researchers, documenting in detail the WHO’s attempts to create an anti-fertility vaccine utilizing tetanus toxoid as a carrier. One need only search the WHO website for hCG to find the reports. Some leading articles included:


“Clinical profile and Toxicology Studies on Four Women Immunized with Pr-B-hCG-TT,” Contraception, February, 1976, pp. 253-268.

“Observations on the antigenicity and clinical effects of a candidate antipregnancy vaccine: B-subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin linked to tetanus toxoid,” Fertility and Sterility, October 1980, pp. 328-335.

Anti-hCG Vaccines are in Clinical Trials,” Scandinavian Journal of Immunology, Vol. 36, 1992, pp. 123-126.


Europe PubMedCentral published articles specifically on the antigenicity effects of hCG in tetanus toxoid. For those who don’t know, “antigenicity” is the capacity of a substance to produce an immune response, in this case whether the hCG in the vaccination would be sufficient to render females “immune” to pregnancy:


“Observations on the antigenicity and clinical effects of a candidate antipregnancy vaccine: B-subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin linked to tetanus toxoid,” Fertility and Sterility, October 1980, pp. 328-335. And: “Observations on the antigenicity and clinical effects of a candidate antipregnancy vaccine: beta-subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin linked to tetanus toxoid. [6]

The Lancet published “Phase 1 Clinical Trials of a World Health Organisation Birth Control Vaccine” June 11 1988, pp. 1295-1298. “Vaccines for Fertility Regulation,” Chapter 11, pp. 177-198, Research in Human Reproduction, Biennial Report (1986-1987), WHO Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction (WHO, Geneva 1988). [7]

The US NCBI published an article essentially boasting of “A vaccine that prevents pregnancy in women“. [8] The Lancet published records of a WHO “Phase 1 Clinical trials of this same vaccine, [9] the NCBI doing the same. [10] Europe PubMed Central published another article confirming the success of the trials. [11] PubMed also published a review of three such vaccines developed, which displayed “progressively better attributes” in sterilising women, stating that the clinical trials proved the “effective prevention of pregnancy” in sexually active women of proven fertility. [12]


Worthy of note is that both the WHO and these august medical journals told one huge lie. According to PubMed, “clinical trials have proven … the reversibility of the anti-hCG vaccine(s) in women”. Europe PubMed Central stated that “the vaccine prevents pregnancy” but that clinical trials “indicated the reversibility” of these vaccines. (See references 4 and 5). However, what they didn’t mention was that the “reversibility” resulted merely from the immunisation naturally wearing off after a period of time, and that this was for a single vaccination. They didn’t mention that the reason for the 5 injections was to make all females permanently “immune” to pregnancy.


The WHO has been in the depopulation business for decades. Source


As early as 1978, the WHO was actively exploring ways to eradicate much of the population of the Third World. A paper published by the WHO [13] was titled, “Evaluating … placental antigen vaccines for fertility regulation”. The paper acknowledged “substantial progress” in its worldwide eugenics program of culling non-whites, but yet identified “an urgent need for a greater variety of methods” of preventing fertility, and gushed over the fact that “immunisation as a prophylactic measure is now so widely accepted”, that the employment of sterilisation vaccines would be widely appealing (to those dispensing the vaccines) and would offer “great ease of delivery”.


If that isn’t clear, the WHO is saying that vaccinations for other purposes – protection against diseases – are so common and widely-accepted, that inoculation is probably the easiest way to sterilise the populations of undeveloped countries. The paper then notes the accumulation of evidence that “there exist proteins specific to the reproductive system” which “could be blocked” by vaccinations and provide a new method of “fertility regulation”. Among the stated advantages of a sterilisation vaccine is that it could prevent or disrupt implantation of the fertilised egg onto the uterus wall, and thereby guarantee that every conception would result in a miscarriage or spontaneous abortion, i.e., an anti-hCG vaccine. The paper continues:


Testing … will reveal whether a single injection is sufficient to achieve the desired level of immunization, or whether several boosting injections will be required. The main desired effect is to achieve a degree of immunization sufficient to: (a) neutralize the hormonal activity of hCG in vivo; and (b) prevent or disrupt implantation at a very early stage of pregnancy. It is not yet established whether immunization with the β hCG peptide conjugate will cause an irreversible biological neutralization of hCG … This will probably vary from individual to individual. In the first case, the indication for immunization will be restricted to sterilization, whereas in the second eventuality … immunization may be considered as a long-lasting but reversible anti-fertility measure.”


On August 17-18, 1992, the WHO produced a report titled “Fertility Regulating Vaccines”, resulting from a large meeting in Geneva of scientists and ‘women’s health advocates’ “to review the current status of the development of fertility regulating vaccines.” The meeting was from a joint Special Program of research in reproduction of the UNDP, UNFPA, the WHO and the World Bank. The report stated, “… applied research on FRV’s (fertility-regulating vaccines) has been going on for more than twenty years …”, and discussed not only the anti-hCG vaccines already receiving clinical trials, but the development of other vaccines such as an anti-GnRH vaccine that would extend the temporary infertility due to breast-feeding.


Even more chilling is that one WHO report – still on their website – discusses the certainty of the vaccinations causing spontaneous abortions since some significant number of the inoculated females would be pregnant at the time of vaccination. The report offers no commentary on this. It was clear the WHO had no intention of performing pregnancy tests prior to administering the vaccines, thus coldly accepting the fact that they would be killing at least some millions of unborn fetuses.


This vaccine was also being field-tested at the time, with the possible intention of employing both antigens in the same vaccine on the assumption that a single vaccine might not sterilise all victims. They recognised the dangers of administering such a vaccine to women who were already pregnant, and expressed awareness the antibodies would almost certainly be present in the milk and might therefore render the infants permanently sterile as well – with the massive understatement that this “might not be acceptable to all potential users …”


From the outset, WHO planners realised that during mass vaccinations, many pregnant women would also be inoculated with the anti-hCG serum, which would inevitably result not only in sterilisation, miscarriages and spontaneous abortions but also incurable autoimmune disorders and birth defects.


Critical Periods of Prenatal Development. This image summarizes the three developmental periods in prenatal development. The blue images indicate where major development is happening and the aqua indicate where refinement is happening. As shown, the majority of organs are particularly susceptible during the embryonic period. The central nervous system still continues to develop in major ways through the fetal period as well. Source


The same paper went on to state, “In addition to women being immunized inadvertently during an established pregnancy, fetuses could be exposed to potential teratological effects of immunization …”. In other words, WHO staff would freely inoculate pregnant women, those embryos or fetuses not spontaneously aborting would experience pathological growth from which would result various undefined birth defects.


The WHO was not researching ‘reproductive health’, but reproductive impossibility, and their tetanus-hCG vaccine is not in any sense ‘regulating’ the fertility of women but rendering their fertility biologically impossible, which is not quite the same thing. Their own paper stated the vaccination likely “will cause an irreversible biological neutralization of hCG”, which means the permanent sterilisation of innocent women who agreed to receive tetanus shots.


Try to understand what this means: the WHO was for decades receiving hundreds of millions of dollars in funding (largely through Bill Gates) for research and testing, to produce a vaccine that would make a woman’s immune system attack and destroy her own babies in the womb, a vaccine they would surreptitiously combine with a tetanus vaccination without informing the victims. To say their deceit was successful would be an understatement. The WHO inoculated approximately 150 million women in 52 countries with this vaccine, permanently sterilising the entire lot of them without their knowledge or consent.


To recap:


It was only when an enormous number of women in all countries experienced vaginal bleeding and miscarriages immediately after the vaccinations, that the hormone additive was discovered as the cause. Suspicions were aroused when the WHO selected only females of child-bearing age and further specified the unheard-of practice of five multiple injections over a three-month period, but the health officials in these undeveloped countries still had faith in the white man’s medicine.


When the discovery of the hCG was made, many nations enacted immediate legal restraining orders against WHO and UNICEF vaccine programs. WHO and UNICEF officials said the “grave allegations” were “not backed up by evidence”, which was nonsense. UNICEF, USAID and the WHO refused to address the evidence like vaginal bleeding, miscarriages and spontaneous abortions. They also refused to discuss the reasons for a series of five closely-spaced vaccinations when one had always been sufficient for tetanus, ignoring the content of their own published papers stating that multiple injections of a tetanus-hCG vaccine would be necessary for effective sterilisation.


When faced with documented results, WHO officials admitted the hormone did indeed exist “in small amounts” in “some” of the vaccine material, but that this was an inconsequential result of “accidental contamination”. Nobody at the WHO attempted to explain the source of the hCG hormone in sufficient volume to contaminate about 750 million doses of a vaccine, nor how that “contamination” could “accidentally” have inserted itself into all those vaccines. Anyone familiar with large-scale vaccine or drug manufacture knows that the process is mechanical and fully-automated, essentially a closed system. It is not possible in such an environment to introduce contaminants of any kind, unless done deliberately. And the amount of hCG necessary to contaminate 750 million doses of a vaccine would have to consist of tens of thousands of liters, hardly ‘small amounts’.

The Lancet reported that the US National Institute of Health supplied much of the hCG hormone for WHO experiments and testing. For the NIH to have submitted this amount of hormone to Canada, where Connaught’s labs are located, would absolutely have attracted the attention of Canada’s customs officials and thus Canada’s national government, which has to mean that Canada was fully aware of what was happening, and why. Let me state again that this vaccine was created surreptitiously, was never declared, was never tested, and was never approved for use on humans.


The WHO went silent for a while, but in 2015, Vatican Radio charged that the UN organisations WHO and UNICEF were again executing vast international programs of depopulating the earth by using vaccines to surreptitiously sterilise women in Third World countries, this time in Kenya. It stated that “Catholic Bishops in Kenya have been opposed to the nationwide Tetanus Vaccination Campaign targeting 2.3 million Kenyan women and girls of reproductive age between 15-49 years, terming the campaign a secret government plan to sterilize women and control population growth”. [14] In May of 2018, it was reported that fertility-regulating vaccines were being used in India. [15]


The media were too busy at the time telling us of the evils of Iran, to notice the small issue of Rothschild manufacturing 750 million doses of a vaccine meant to sterilise 150 million women. As I’ve often mentioned elsewhere, the Western (Jewish) media are excessively fond of demonising Hitler, but Hitler didn’t sterilise 150 million Jews without their knowledge or consent. Yet Rothschild (a Jew) produced the vaccine to sterilise 150 million women without their knowledge, so where is the moral outrage against the Jews?


5.2. And Polio, Too . . .


Polio workers hold up a banner during a 5-day campaign to vaccinate 2.6 million children in Kenya in July 2019. ©WHO/Kenya. Source


Something similar is true for polio. Few people are aware that polio cases in the world today no longer result from any natural spread of the disease but are now the result of WHO vaccination campaigns. [16] The WHO’s cheap and easily-administered oral polio vaccines have proven responsible for the increasing recurrence of polio in many countries. An independent medical group tasked with monitoring these events, wrote that polio [because of the WHO practices] was “spreading uncontrolled in West Africa, bursting geographical boundaries and raising fundamental questions . . .” It further described the WHO’s attitude toward terminating this pandemic of vaccine-caused polio cases as “relaxed”. I might have used a stronger term.

Banned in Western countries and Israel, the oral polio vaccine is not trusted in poor countries and is often met with resistance among parents in places like Pakistan and Afghanistan where they are forced upon the population at gunpoint. Photo by Asif Hassan/ AFP. Source


In 2009, there was a spreading outbreak of Polio in Nigeria, a direct result of yet another WHO vaccination program, this time directly linked to the vaccine which was made from a live polio virus which always carries a risk of causing polio instead of protecting against it – as the Americans learned to their chagrin many years ago. Today in the West, polio vaccines are made from a killed virus that cannot cause polio. This latest WHO-sponsored outbreak actually began several years prior, which the WHO blamed on the live virus in their vaccines that had somehow “mutated”. So once again, the WHO is causing polio in the undeveloped world, amid evidence that for every case of identified polio there are hundreds of other children who don’t develop the disease but remain carriers and pass it on to others. It has long been recognised that the live oral vaccine used by the WHO can easily cause the very epidemics it pretends to be eliminating. Of course there is no published evidence that the polio virus had in fact “mutated”. The same occurred in Kenya, this time using the hCG hormone tied to polio vaccinations, with the same tragic results but with the added benefit of permanently sterilising the survivors. [17]


Syrian health workers administer polio vaccination to a girl at a school in Damascus, in this file photo taken by Syria’s national news agency SANA on October 20, 2013. (REUTERS/SANA/Handout). Source


In late 2013, Syria experienced a sudden outbreak of polio, the first in that country in about 20 years, and in an area that had been under the control of US-backed revolutionary mercenaries. The Syrian government claimed to have evidence that these foreigners brought the disease into the country from Pakistan, from Western (US) agencies. The WHO was active in Pakistan in yet another of its “humanitarian vaccination programs” that strangely coincided in geographic area with a severe outbreak of polio,and Syrian authorities were adamant that the West transmitted it to their nation when 1.7 million doses of polio vaccine were purchased by UNICEF, in spite of the fact that no cases of polio had been seen since 1999. After the mass vaccination program started, cases of polio began to reappear in Syria.


It all began when French pharmaceutical firm Sanofi Pasteur released a statement in November 2017 that its new dengue vaccine, Denvaxia, posed a risk of more severe dengue for people who have not been previously infected by the virus. It led to a congressional investigation into the deaths of 600 children who had received the vaccine and a dramatic drop in public confidence about all vaccines, including measles and polio. Source


UNICEF began a similar mass vaccination program with 500,000 doses of live oral polio vaccine in the Philippines in spite of the fact there were no reported cases of polio in the Philippines since 1993. This would fit the pattern from other instances of sudden disease emergencies. I have not managed yet to reconstruct the WHO’s vaccination and other programs in all locations, but sudden outbreaks of viruses are always suspicious since they cannot be created from nothing and must be introduced into a population, and with surprising regularity appear on the heels of some WHO vaccination program. The sudden and inexplicable appearance of the Bubonic plague in Peru and Madagascar are two such events and, increasingly often, the pathogens do not appear to be natural in origin. In particular, the SARS-related camel virus in the Middle East had some obvious signs of human engineering as did the SARS coronavirus itself. There are many other such cases which are far too often linked with the presence of some program of the WHO. In the cases I have identified, it is uncanny that the outbreaks of all these new diseases appear to follow immediately upon yet another WHO vaccination campaign, and inevitably in the precise geographical locations of the WHO activities.


5.3. And Meningitis . . .



In 1996 Pfizer developed a new antibiotic called Trovan to treat a variety of infections – meningitis being one example. Many of these new antibiotics are very powerful and with side effects that normally make them too dangerous to use for children, often causing permanent liver damage, joint disease and many other debilitating complications. Inexplicably, Pfizer decided to perform test trials on infants. However, Pfizer had the standard problem that FDA certification in the US required clinical trials on humans, and these are almost impossible to conduct in developed countries because no parents are willing to allow their children to take part in such risky clinical trials, to say nothing of the lawsuits resulting from trials gone bad. Therefore, these pharma companies tend almost universally to take their trials to poor countries in Africa, Asia and South America where the laws are unprepared and the people don’t understand the risks of untested and unapproved drugs. The American (and European) pharma companies therefore transformed the developing world into an enormous test laboratory that carries no financial liability.


As luck would have it, at precisely the moment when Pfizer was ready to commence clinical trials of this new drug, Nigeria was suddenly and inexplicably hit with one of the worst meningitis epidemics in history. And of course, Pfizer was there to conduct a reprehensible clinical trial for its new medication, on a group of victims unlikely to complain. Pfizer gathered a trial group and a control group, giving one group Pfizer’s new medication and a competitor’s product to the other. After experimenting on about 200 victims, they gathered their test information and left.


Anas Mustapha, one of the children given the experimental drug Trovan, pictured in 2007. Photograph: George Osodi/AP. Source


That would have been the end, except that a controversy erupted soon after about the relationship between Pfizer’s need for test trials and the meningitis outbreak. As it happened, the WHO was in Nigeria immediately prior to that time on another of its “life-saving” vaccination programs, this time for polio, and the timing and location of the meningitis outbreak apparently matched perfectly the WHO’s polio vaccination program. And of course, it perfectly matched Pfizer’s need for large numbers of test subjects. There were lawsuits and payments, accusations and denials, but to this day Nigeria refuses WHO entry into the country and will not participate in any further “humanitarian” aid from the UN or the WHO.


We cannot definitively say that the WHO deliberately created the meningitis epidemic for the benefit of Pfizer’s tests, but it’s the only theory that fits all the known facts and it’s the kind of thing the WHO appears to do on a regular basis.


The NCBI revealed a “secret report” showing that Pfizer was at fault in the Nigerian drug tests. [18] A website on the History of Vaccines reported on the Origins of Vaccine Hesitancy, attributing this to Pfizer’s abominable experiment. [19] The UK Guardian [20] and Science Magazine [21] reported on the lawsuits by Nigerian families, and the Washington Post reported on permanent fears in the country about any vaccine rollouts. [22]


5.4. And EBOLA . . .



There were reports of the Ebola virus emerging simultaneously in several African countries in the middle of 2014. It was surprising to learn that the variety of Ebola that appeared was “an especially powerful mutated strain that had no apparent natural origin and immediately raised questions in many minds of having been engineered.” This caught my attention because the circumstances seemed so familiar – (a) a sudden, inexplicable outbreak of a new, unusual, and deadly disease, (b) in dispersed but focused locations, (c) with nobody searching for the origin, (d) claims that the virus was primarily race-specific, affecting primarily Africans, and (e) the WHO once again in full attendance. Several physicians wrote an article titled, “There is no natural disease called Ebola”,  and the Wall Street Journal ran an interesting article titled, “Scientists Search For Human Hand Behind Jungle Virus”. [23]


I managed to locate some records of the WHO’s vaccination programs for the countries in Africa where this Ebola virus erupted, and was not surprised to learn of the correlation with WHO inoculations since there has been a good correlation with other similar incidents to date. [24]

Dr Cyril E. Broderick points an accusing finger at the United States for the outbreak of Ebola. The sprawling haemorrhagic virus has killed close to 3,000 and infected close to 6,000 in West Africa since March this year. The countries seriously affected are Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Nigeria, DR Congo and Senegal. He says Ebola, a genetically modified organism (GMO), is a biological weapon of mass destruction, just like AIDS. Source


Dr. Cyril Broderick, a former Liberian professor of plant pathology on tenure at Delaware University in the US, wrote an article claiming that the Ebola virus raging in western Africa was a GMO, made in a lab by western pharmaceutical companies and administered to unsuspecting civilians through UN vaccination programs. Of course, the Washington Post called it a “wild conspiracy theory”, but there was a basis to his claims. Organizations implicated were the WHO, Médecins sans frontiers, UNICEF, the US CDC and NIH, and USAMRIID. Links to the L’Oréal group, owned by The Rothschilds, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation were also implicated. [25] According to Dr. Broderick, Fort Detrick was known as “the EBOLA building” over thirty years ago, and went so far as to claim there is sufficient evidence and clearly “the need to pursue criminal and civil redress for damages”, against the US government, Tulane University, the WHO, and at least one pharma company.



Dr. Broderick’s claims are solidly backed up by Yoichi Shimatsu, a Thailand-based science writer who pointed out that the Ebola outbreak coincided exactly with UN vaccination programs in West Africa, and he named some very high-profile players. He said the reason for suspecting a vaccine campaign rather than an individual carrier is due to the fact that the EBOLA contagion did not start at a single geographic center and then spread outward along the roads. Instead, simultaneous outbreaks of multiple cases occurred in widely separated parts of rural Guinea. Shimatsu noted what he calls “the strange coincidence of the earliest breakout in Guinea with major vaccine campaigns conducted by the WHO and UNICEF. [These involved] a cholera oral vaccine effort by Médecins Sans Frontières under the WHO, and UNICEF-funded prevention programs against meningitis and polio.” Shimatsu wrote, “How one of the deadliest viral strains in human history could have jumped a distance of 4,000 kilometers undetected from Central to West Africa defies logic”, and I would certainly have to agree with his assessment. [26] [27] I covered the EBOLA outbreak in some detail here. [28]


Anthony Lake was National Security Advisor to President Bill Clinton responsible for US military interventions, including: the Bosnia-Herzegovina war against the Yugoslav federation; the Battle of Mogadishu in Somalia better known as “Blackhawk Down”; and Operation Uphold Democracy in Haiti. An ardent Zionist converted to Judaism, he is the perfect boss to dispense risky vaccines in Muslim-majority Guinea. Source


The items above are by no means the only circumstances where the WHO has conducted a vaccination campaign that was immediately followed by a pathogen outbreak. The participants appear many: inevitably, there is a Rothschild-owned pharma or vaccine company, and Bill Gates and his Foundation. The WHO is always in attendance, as are (usually) UNICEF, the UNFPA, the UNDP, the World Bank, the ubiquitous Rockefeller Foundation, the US NIH and often the CDC as well, the Doctors Without Borders, and a few others. The Government of Norway was also a partner in the WHO’s sterilisation travesty, contributing more than $40 million to develop the Tetanus-abortion vaccine.


5.5. A Chinese “Experiment”?

Dr Bernhard Schwartländer. Source


The WHO is also becoming active in China with alarming potential for disaster. As one example, in late 2013, a number of newborn Chinese babies died immediately after being inoculated by the WHO against hepatitis B. The WHO China representative, Dr. Bernhard Schwartlander, called China’s program “very successful”, but I find myself with knawing suspicions about his definition of ‘success’. The infant deaths may indeed have been an unfortunate accident, but I was not encouraged by Schwartlander’s comment that it is “difficult to establish a causal link between the vaccines and the babies’ deaths”. Knowing the past history of the WHO and their infectious inoculations, the ‘difficulty of establishing a causal link between the WHO vaccinations and civilian deaths’, may have been the part that was ‘successful’.


5.6. Back to Depopulation


In 2016, doctors in Kenya accused the WHO and Bill Gates of secretly trying to sterilise millions of women in Africa via a tetanus vaccine program. Source


Specifically on the sterilisation vaccine, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has been heavily funding the distribution of tetanus birth-control vaccine in Africa by UNICEF, which is the agency that provided Kenya with the vaccine laced with hCG. Gates said: “The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps ten or fifteen percent.” The only way to interpret those words is through the anti-fertility vaccinations. And yes, Bill Gates really did say that, although there must be 25 or 30 websites now “fact-checking” this and claiming he was either taken out of context or that the videos have been “doctored or manipulated”. But I have seen the original video, and yes Bill Gates did say precisely that. The Rockefeller Foundation also heavily funded this vaccine research and distribution. [29] All this amounts to genocide on a planetary scale.


5.7. A Successful Genocide

Men in name only: New study shows testosterone levels in American males are dropping dramatically. Why would that be? Source


In April of 2023, the WHO released a comprehensive study which stated that around one in six people worldwide are unable to conceive, around 18% of the global population. [30] A landmark study found that male sperm counts have fallen by 62% in the last 50 years, from 104 to 49 million per milliliter, more or less at the threshold of complete infertility.


Given all of this effort worldwide, and the plethora of contaminated vaccines produced in the US (including one that contaminated around 100 million Americans with a cancerous simian virus), it is hardly a surprise that the WHO published a report that “reveals staggering infertility statistics”. The Atlantic Magazine followed with an article titled “Sperm Counts Continue to Fall“, [31] and one by Science Direct [32] and an op-ed by RT titled “Men in name only“. [33]


5.8. And Yet More . . .



There are many other strange things about the WHO. Yoichi Shimatsu pointed out that “the WHO sponsors the secretive International Vaccine Institute (IVI) in Seoul, which is headed by a US military officer named Jerome Kim who was formerly the head of the Molecular Virology and Pathogenesis Department at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in Rockville, Maryland, and that sitting on the Board of Directors of this WHO-IVI chimera is a Dr. Claudio Lanata, the science director of the US Naval “Medical Research Unit 6” (NAMRU-6) in Callao, Peru, which is a leading military center for bioweapons research.” If you are at all familiar with the MERS outbreak in South Korea, Shimatsu theorised that it may have been caused by a laboratory accident at the JUPITR biowarfare project which, given the odd behavior of the WHO, is quite likely. [34] [35]


New facts about the World Health Organisation that have destroyed trust. Source


Oddly, the WHO appeared quite unconcerned about this new potential epidemic, specifically stating it did not recommend the screening of passengers to or from Korea, and that no travel restrictions should be imposed. The WHO’s Director-General, Margaret Chan, said she believed South Korea could control the spread of the disease without these restrictions. One would have thought that with the worldwide panic still fresh in everyone’s mind from the SARS experience only a few years prior, they would have taken a more cautious approach. But then the WHO wasn’t entirely cautious during the SARS outbreak either; in Hong Kong, Margaret Chan specifically advised against taking many precautions, including screenings, isolations and quarantines, all advice that was later much resented because those precautions would have spared many lives. In fact, it was Margaret Chan’s curious combination of aloofness and what appeared to be outright incompetence and dishonesty that resulted in two politicians resigning and Chan leaving Hong Kong in disgrace, only to come to rest as head of the WHO.


But then only three days after a report stating no precautions should be taken, a team of WHO “experts” surprisingly stated that “The deadly MERS outbreak in South Korea” was “large and complex”, and that “more cases should be anticipated”. And in fact the disease had been spreading at an increasingly rapid pace, with 150 confirmed infections in less than one month. At the time, it really seemed that the MERS outbreak did occur from an escape at the US biological weapons lab but that the WHO assumed the immediate quarantine of the military base would corral it, and thus their assurance that no restrictions were necessary. But then, it leaked, and hence the later “deadly MERS outbreak” warning that urged multiple restrictions of all kinds.


It was similar with SARS, where Margaret Chan and the WHO took a very strange stance, as if they expected the virus to just disappear. I would remind you that SARS, although apparently intended for the Han Chinese in the mainland – and SARS was definitely a Chinese-specific virus, infecting almost no one else, it ended by being a Hong Kong epidemic. The virus was released on the Mainland in Guangzhou, but the patient zero, unwittingly but immediately, traveled to Hong Kong, sparing the Mainland but giving Hong Kong an experience to remember. [36] Still, Margaret Chan behaved as if SARS would quickly die in HK but continue to ravage the Mainland. I see no other way to interpret her strange behavior, which would indicate the WHO knew a lot more about SARS than they were telling us.


There was something else very strange, from the outbreak of swine flu in the US – the epidemic that wasn’t. For that event, the WHO changed its definition of a “pandemic” as soon as the first cases were reported, greatly alarming the scientific community. Prior to this, a pandemic was an event that would be expected to have “severe” consequences on a population, but now it encompassed a pathogen with “relatively mild symptoms”, and the WHO also lowered the threshold for the declaration of a pandemic. Whatever the intention, the primary result was a financial windfall for the pharmaceutical industry, since vaccines would be mandatory. In the event, billions were spent on a largely-useless vaccine for a non-existent pandemic, and which vaccines appeared to kill as many victims as did the virus itself. It wasn’t a secret at the time, that the membership list of the WHO’s 16-member “Emergency Committee”, instrumental in changing the definitions and then declaring the pandemic, remained secret – a lack of transparency strongly attacked by almost everyone. Since then, the information available indicates that the majority of these members have a vested interest in the pharmaceutical industry.


5.9. Epilogue


As shocking as the accusation might seem, there appears to be no shortage of claims (and evidence) from multiple informed and independent sources that the WHO has two primary functions, the first as a tool for world population reduction on behalf of its masters in The City of London, and the second as a powerful marketing agent for big pharma, specifically the vaccine manufacturers (owned by the same people). Many critics have pointed out that the ‘vaccination experts’ at the WHO are “dominated by the vaccine makers standing to gain from the enormously lucrative vaccine and antiviral contracts awarded by governments.” And indeed, the advisory and other committees involved with the WHO’s vaccine programs seem heavily populated with those who profit directly from those same programs.


Equally, the claims and concerns about population control and reduction are far from conspiracy theories today, with far too much evidence, some of it frightening, that this is indeed a major agenda of the WHO today. We have already seen too much hard evidence of this body’s involvement in both areas to justify dismissing the concerns as implausible fears. Moreover, there is a disturbing list of individuals closely associated with the WHO, who have had either population reduction or mass vaccinations as a pet project.


It is difficult, on the basis of all the evidence, to avoid the conclusion that the WHO is an international criminal enterprise under the control of a core group of European Khazars in The City of London at its center which, as one writer noted, “provides the strategic leadership and funds the development, manufacturing and release of synthetic, man-made viruses solely to justify immensely profitable mass vaccinations”. We have seen so many instances of an unusual and apparently laboratory-made virus appearing without warning, the onset followed immediately by urgent worried pronouncements from the WHO of yet another mandatory mass vaccination.


We have the rampant production of viruses in secretive labs around the world, and the repeated “accidental” release of those into various populations (think ZIKA) – seemingly inevitably without explanation, apology, or even a semblance of actual investigation, much less censure or criminal or civil charges. We also have the blanket legal immunity for all pharma companies in their creation and dissemination of deadly pathogens by vaccination. When we add into this mix the WHO’s history of criminality as with their now-famous tetanus/hCG international sterility program (the subject of this essay), the curious timing of the onset of AIDS, the release of SARS, MERS, and EBOLA, and the many occurrences of the WHO’s vaccination programs perfectly coinciding with a sudden outbreak of yet another unusual disease in the same areas and populations, one would have to be a hard-core ideologue to not become damned suspicious.


And finally, we have a Croatian MP who says that the WHO Should Be Declared a Terrorist Organization: “Worse Than the WEF”. [37] His comments: “I would like to briefly make the people aware of the upcoming danger for humanity,” said Kolakusic. “The World Health Organization wants all countries to sign an agreement on handing over the authority to declare a pandemic, procure vaccines, and drugs. It will be healthier and safer for humanity to sign an agreement with the Colombian drug cartel. They know all about drugs for sure.”


There is much more to this story. You may care to read a companion piece titled, “The Pleasures of Depopulating the Earth”, to learn the origin and vast reach of this enterprise. [38]



Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chap. 2 — Dealing with Demons).

His full archive can be seen at

https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/  + https://www.moonofshanghai.com/

He can be contacted at: 2186604556@qq.com



[1] Tetanus vaccine may be laced with anti-fertility drug. International / developing countries https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12346214/

[2] HCG found in WHO tetanus vaccine in Kenya https://nexusnewsfeed.com/article/human-rights/hcg-found-in-who-tetanus-vaccine-in-kenya/

[3] Vaccines and Population Control: A Hidden Agenda https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/are-new-vaccines-laced-with-birth-control-drugs/

[4] Canada’s Tainted Blood https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/politics/5973/

[5] The WHO Task Force on Vaccines for Fertility Regulation. Its formation, objectives and research activities https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1874951/

[6] Observations on the antigenicity and clinical effects of a candidate antipregnancy vaccine: beta-subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin linked to tetanus toxoid https://europepmc.org/article/MED/7418885

[7] PHASE I CLINICAL TRIAL OF A WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION BIRTH CONTROL VACCINE https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(88)92117-4/fulltext

[8] A vaccine that prevents pregnancy in women https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC44640/

[9] PHASE I CLINICAL TRIAL OF A WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION BIRTH CONTROL VACCINE https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(88)92117-4/fulltext

[10] Anti-hCG vaccines are in clinical trials https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1514026/

[11] Anti-hCG vaccines are in clinical trials https://europepmc.org/article/MED/1514026 The available data suggest that the vaccine prevents pregnancy above antibody titres of 50 ng/ml hCG bioneutralization capacity. completed Phase I clinical trials, indicating the reversibility and safety of these vaccines.

[12] Advances in development of a contraceptive vaccine against human chorionic gonadotropin https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26160491/

[13] Clin. exp. Immunol. [1978] 33, (360-375); February 8, 1978

[14] Vatican: UNICEF and WHO are sterilizing girls through vaccines https://vaccinefactcheck.ca/2015/03/20/vatican-unicef-and-who-are-sterilizing-girls-through-vaccines/

[15] Fertility-Regulating Vaccines are Being Tested in India; https://vactruth.com/2018/05/30/fertility-regulating-vaccines-india/

[16] Fertility-Regulating Vaccines are Being Tested in India; https://vactruth.com/2018/05/30/fertility-regulating-vaccines-india/

[17] More polio cases now caused by vaccine than by wild virus https://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/polio-cases-now-caused-vaccine-wild-virus-67287290

[18] Secret report surfaces showing that Pfizer was at fault in Nigerian drug tests https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1471980/

[19] Origins of Vaccine Hesitancy: The 1996 Pfizer Drug Trials in Nigeria https://historyofvaccines.org/blog/origins-vaccine-hesitancy-1996-pfizer-drug-trials-nigeria

[20] Pfizer pays out to Nigerian families of meningitis drug trial victims https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/aug/11/pfizer-nigeria-meningitis-drug-compensation

[21] Nigerian Families Sue Pfizer https://www.science.org/content/article/nigerian-families-sue-pfizer

[22] In this Nigerian city, Pfizer fears loom over the vaccine rollout https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2021/03/20/nigeria-pfizer-kano-coronavirus-trovan/

[23] Scientists Search For Human Hand Behind Jungle Virus https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10559743167269800

[24] The Ebola Breakout Coincided With UN Vaccine Campaigns https://rense.com/general96/ebobreakout.html

[25] Ebola Made by Pharma & DOD, Injected by UN – Dr. Broderick https://eclinik.net/ebola-made-in-the-usa-by-big-pharma-dept-of-defense/

[26] The Ebola Breakout Coincided With UN Vaccine Campaigns https://www.21cir.com/the-ebola-breakout-coincided-with-un-vaccine-campaigns/

[27] Rebirth of Empire & The American Role: The Global Biowarfare and Ebola Serum https://www.21cir.com/rebirth-of-empire-the-american-role-the-biowar-ebola-serum/

[28] EBOLA https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/politics/1087/

[29] Rockefeller-Funded Anti-Fertility Vaccine Coordinated by WHO https://www.globalresearch.ca/rockefeller-funded-anti-fertility-vaccine-coordinated-by-who

[30] WHO reveals ‘staggering’ infertility statistics https://www.rt.com/news/574235-who-infertility-rate-study/

[31] Sperm Counts Continue to Fall https://www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2018/10/sperm-counts-continue-to-fall/572794/

[32] A study from Jauary 2020: Trends in Serum Testosterone Levels Among Adolescent and Young Adult Men in the US https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1743609519315292

[33] Men in name only: New study shows testosterone levels in American males are dropping dramatically. Why would that be? https://www.rt.com/op-ed/478234-testosterone-crisis-america-future/

[34] South Korea MERS Emerged Out Of The Pentagon’s Biowarfare Labs https://rense.com/general96/merspenta.html

[35] MERS https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/politics/mers-november-18-2020/

[36] SARS https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/politics/860/

[37] Croatian MP Says the WHO Should Be Declared a Terrorist Organization: ‘Worse Than the WEF’ https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/croatian-mp-says-the-who-should-be-declared-a-terrorist-organization-worse-than-the-wef/

[38] The Pleasures of Depopulating the Earth https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/politics/5760/


This article may contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not been specifically authorised by the copyright owner. This content is being made available under the Fair Use doctrine, and is for educational and information purposes only. There is no commercial use of this content.

Copyright © Larry Romanoff, Blue Moon of Shanghai, Moon of Shanghai, 2023




Benjamin Fulford Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis 2024 April 15th


Iran attacks Israel, brought to you by Coca Cola, Vanguard and BlackRock


Iran attacks Israel, brought to you by Coca Cola, Vanguard and BlackRock

The corporate theater of the absurd that passes off as news in the West reached a new low with the so-called Iranian attack on Israel that was “99% stopped” by Israel. The Israeli cabinet then issued a photograph and video with bottles of Coca Cola prominently displayed. Coca Cola is owned by Vanguard, BlackRock and the usual suspects so you know who is sponsoring this “Iranian attack.” Of course the Israeli government had to obey the orders of their corporate sponsors with product placement.



This theater though, hides a very real war that is now raging between two alternative timelines for the planet earth. This war is heading for a climactic battle in May. That is when the Khazarian Mafia will be trying to use their privately owned WHO to impose totalitarian rule over humanity via their “pandemic treaty.” The KM are planning to release bio-weapons to create a pandemic just in time for the discussion. This is probably why people reported chemtrails being sprayed all over the US before the April 8theclipse.


This “emergency” they create will then be used to justify forced vaccinations, forced internment in concentration camps, total censorship etc.


The KM, headed by David Rene de Rothschild, Klaus Schwab Rothschild etc. say they are not going to give up control of the financial system. Instead they propose to use crypto currencies to continue their unelected rule. Under their plan everyone will be given a “basic income” that will be tied to their “social credit score.” If you obediently take all their vaccines etc. you will be allowed to eat insect protein, travel outside your “zone” and get other benefits, Those who are disobedient will have their income restricted or cut off and have their travel restricted etc. Real dissidents will be systematically killed off.


The KM offered the head of MI6 a $48 billion bribe payable in bitcoin to support their plan. He declined the bribe and instead opted to support the white hat plan.


The alternative proposal put forth by white hats and their Asian allies can be seen in the document they are about to sign:


In reflection of the original creation, the White Dragon Foundation hereby authorizes the issuance of $100 trillion. This money will be backed by gold in possession of the Santa Romana Clan.


Upon issuance, $50 trillion will be sent to the bank account designated by the Santa Roman clan to finance their humanitarian projects.


The other $50 trillion will be used by the White Dragon Foundation to set up a future planning organization. As per agreement between East and West, the purpose of this organization will be to increase the amount and variety of life, including human life.




Representative of the White Dragon Foundation


Representative of the Santa Romana Clan


The Santa Romana clan sent us these images showing some of the gold in their possession and said they were willing to provide all necessary proof the $100 trillion worth of gold is real and in their possession. They plan to use their $50 trillion share for humanitarian projects of their choosing and design.


The Western white hats will use their share as described in the document. Under this plan the future planning organization will be set up under the light of full public scrutiny. It will hire the most intelligent people on earth. It will ask everybody what sort of future they want for the planet and then figure out the best way to make that future come true.


There are some clear things everybody agrees on. For example disease, poverty and environmental destruction must be ended. Then a massive effort will be made to end death, the number on enemy of life.


To summarize, the KM timeline calls for the planet to be turned into a giant animal farm controlled by them. The other calls for the people to decide what future they want and for their public servants to turn that into reality.


Serious turmoil is expected between now and May as the two sides duke it out.


The Israeli theater now appearing on your screens is ultimately sponsored by the Black Sun organization as well as the KM families. P3 Freemason Honcho Vincenzo Mazzara says the Black Sun “will keep carrying out mayhem and destruction until a World Federation Government is established.”

现在出现在你屏幕上的以色列表演,最终由黑太阳组织和可萨黑手党家族赞助。意大利P3共济会会员大石匠 文森佐·马扎拉表示,黑太阳“将继续制造混乱和破坏,直到世界联邦政府成立。”

According to them, while the theater in Israel is mostly fake; there is real warfare going on. As an example, they sent us this image of the illegal US green zone in Iraq being totally destroyed.



In addition, the special naval forces of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) have seized Israel-linked MSC Aries container ship near the Strait of Hormuz, official news agency IRNA reports.

此外,根据伊斯兰革命卫队官方通讯社报道,伊斯兰革命卫队的海军特种部队,在霍尔木兹海峡附近扣押了与以色列有关的MSC Aries集装箱船。


Let’s see if it is child slaves they find in the containers.


Things could rapidly escalate. US Space Force officials warn that Israel is planning to attack Iran with an earthquake weapon within the next 24 to 48 hours. If this happens, Iran is likely to retaliate using the neutron bomb tipped missiles given to them by George Bush Sr.


This is why visible de-escalation measures are being seen in the Middle East. Nobody wants this to escalate into all out thermonuclear war and the destruction of the planet. Except for the KM of course


The Russians are also planning very big moves. Russian FSB sources say their operatives are targeting the Rothschild/Rockefeller etc. families.


The Russian Investigative Committee says their criminal inquiry into the recent terrorist attack in Moscow has established “the funds were received through commercial organizations, such as the oil and gas company Burisma Holdings operating in Ukraine.” Burisma, as is well known, is linked to Hunter Biden who is a front for the Rockefeller/Rothschild KM nexus.



“This is how it will go down in history: an inhuman and misanthropic regime of terrorists and Nazis who betrayed the interests of their people and sacrificed them for Western money and handouts for Zelensky and his inner circle,”says Russian Permanent Representative Ambassador to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya. In a recent example of “inhumanity,” official test results show a mass die off of birds was caused by feeding on Ukrainian grain that had been deliberately poisoned, according to Polish intelligence.


The Ukraine issue is just part of a much larger investigation by the Russian FSB of the KM. They have uncovered the hidden history of the operation to destroy the Soviet Union and the trail leads directly to Glencore Commodities. This is the Rothschild front that also now controls the Vatican Bank, the Bank of Japan etc.


It turns out the Rothschilds (through their front man Marc Rich) set up trading houses in Switzerland that bought Soviet oil, aluminum, zinc, chromium, steel, etc. “for only 5% to 10% of its market value then sold the commodity through its Swiss trading house at market value and pocketed the difference.” Over time this program “evolved into operating businesses for off-budget revenues, and from there into avenues for squirreling away funds for the safe retirement or political comeback of embattled communist leaders. Lines of business came to include money laundering, arms and drug trafficking and other plainly criminal activities. Before long, intelligence, business, politics and crime blurred indistinguishably into each other.”


After this scheme bankrupted the Soviet Union in 1991, the looting intensified. Lloyds of London estimates somewhere from $200 billion to $500 billion was looted from Russia between 1993 and 1998.


A key player in this scheme was the original Vladimir Putin. He was head of Russia’s presidential property management department from July 1996 to March 1997. There he was responsible for both the former Soviet Union’s property and the Communist Party’s property worth hundreds of billion-dollars. “Putin created schemes involving Joint Ventures, LLCs, and JSCs as front companies in order to claim large stakes in the transfer of state property to other persons and entities: for example, in East Germany, he fraudulently leased the huge cultural center of Russia in Berlin to a company for almost nothing but the company then leased the building for a very large amount. Putin pocketed the money that the company received from the expensive lease.”


A lot of this operation was run through Banco del Gottardo, a Swiss based successor to the notorious Banco Ambrosiano of Roberto Calvi.



In other words it was a Vatican Bank front. Most of the looted money found its way to London, the FSB sources say.


Russia’s chief prosecutor Yuri Skuratov uncovered this scheme in February 1999. Putin retaliated with a smear campaign that included releasing a video where “Skuratov allegedly has sex with two prostitutes.”


This is why Putin was killed and replaced with avatars loyal to the Russian Orthodox Church. They took over his operations and stopped the looting of Russia.


So, now we know why so many fabulously wealthy Russian oligarchs appeared after the fall of the Soviet Union. We also know why the KM hate Russia for cutting off this huge wealth stealing scam.


The details of all this can be found in the very detailed Wikipedia article linked below.



Here is more corroborating evidence. A current CIA/Former FBI agent describes seizing a Russian oligarch’s yacht “Because we could. No need for it. We just did it. It was there…We seize all kinds of other countries, people we don’t like, we seize all kinds of shit…Because everything’s based on the US dollar.”


Russian FSB sources say they are working methodically to uncover the entire Rothschild/Rockefeller criminal network and will aim to get justice, including having the stolen funds returned and the criminals responsible prosecuted.


This is only one of the dragnets closing in on the Rothschilds, the Agnelis, the Rockefellers and other KM families.


The one they fear the most is the multiple investigations into their Covid and vaccine mass murder campaign.


German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich –who is being held in prison on false charges- issued to following statement about this:


German journalist Paul Schreyer won a huge victory in court under the German version of the Freedom of Information Act. His court victory forced the German equivalent of the CDC to make secret documents available, which proved that the so-called pandemic was in reality a plandemic.


In light of the fact that the same thing happened simultaneously all over the world, it is very likely that — I mean, it was a lockstep thing — that this victory will have massive implications and ramifications worldwide.


This very, very important piece of news, this victory did not get stuck in the alternative media alone. Rather, it was impossible for the mainstream media to ignore it because now many people,many of them personally affected by the so-called measures, want to know the truth about Corona. And there will be more that they want to know.


And now there will be an official investigation here in Germany. Well, that is exactly what I did for three years



In the US, Senator Rand Paul is leading a Congressional investigation into the plandemic.



A CIA white hat medical doctor comments as follows:


“Rand Paul knows where the Covid trail leads. He is already honed in on the CIA. However, a Congressional investigation is not going to get the job done. These are international crimes against humanity. Accountability for Covid is going to require a Nuremberg-type of reckoning. It’s going to require a coalition between the world superpowers. We are not the only ones who have a claim on the heads of those responsible for Covid. Americans are not the only ones who suffered and died. The WH International Military Tribunal would be the appropriate entity to prosecute such crimes, but the UN isn’t exactly working either. This is an unprecedented situation that requires unprecedented solutions.”


The Japanese are also on the warpath about Covid. On this front Professor Masayasu Inoue held a press conference in Geneva, Switzerland where he threw major truth bombs at the WHO and the entire pharmacidical industry. Inoue says the Covid pandemic was a man- made hoax designed to “drive vaccinations” into the bodies of billions of people worldwide. The “false” pandemic was orchestrated by the WHO along with other globalist organizations and global governments. The resulting global vaccination agenda was a fraudulent use of “experimental gene therapy” that was pushed onto “healthy people.”


He also warned that Japan’s first mRNA vaccine manufacturing plant opened in February 2023 and others are in the works. “There is a high risk that Japan-made vaccines will be exported under the guise of false trust,” he says.



The Japanese population suffered over 400,000 excess deaths immediately after the first vaccinations were pushed on the public according to Japanese Health and Welfare Ministry data.


This has prompted massive anti-pandemic treaty demonstrations in Japan that the corporate media is ignoring.




The Japanese military are also now fighting back. The KM invited Japanese slave Prime Minister Fumio Kishida to Washington DC last week with the plan to put the Japanese military under the control of a US general. They issued this statement: “The United States reaffirms its determination to protect Japan, including with the use of nuclear weapons.”



Translation: They used nuclear blackmail against Japan to try to force it submit its’ military to KM and control and to hand over more money.


Our Japanese military sources confirm the KM used earthquake and nuclear weapon threats against Japan. The Japanese responded by saying the next time they were attacked in this manner, they would use their own weapons on the Atlantic Island of La Palma to cause a 100 meter tsunami to hit the East coast of the US and the South Coast of England.


As a result of this stance, the Japanese military remains independent and a new Emperor is now in de facto command in Japan. This new group has informed the US military they will work with the white hats to nationalize the Bank of Japan and fight the KM.


The Japanese are also working with Asian secret societies to resurrect the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere they fought to create during World War II. An Asian royal source tells us that “all eyes are on Israel now, but something very big is happening in China NOW, with no media coverage allowed.” Other sources tell us communist rule is ending in China.


The KM, meanwhile are still pushing ahead with their dystopian plans. Here you can watch Klaus Schwab Rothschild make veiled threats to create multiple black swan events.


In what may be overdue justice, preliminary reports indicate Schwab may have been rushed to hospital for an undisclosed emergency. We shall see.


In the meantime his flunkies keep following orders to carry out his evil plans.


In the UK, they plan to ban beef and lamb and close all airports by 2029 as a part of their “climate change” scam. They want to confine you and control your food supply.



Meanwhile, the Polish government under KM agent Donald Tusk has unveiled a censorship law that calls for a punishment of 3 years in prison for truths that are inconvenient for gender ideologists and LGBT activists. Under this law people will be sent to jail for saying such things as:


“There are two genders.”


“Gender is a biological fact, not a matter of choice.”


“Gender is written in the genes and cannot be changed.”


“Transsexualism is a gender identity disorder.”


“Cutting off the breasts and genitals of teenagers is an irreversible mutilation of their bodies.”


“Homosexual acts are sinful.”


“Men who identify as women should not compete in women’s sports.”


At exactly the same time another KM slave, Justin Castrudeau, is passing a similar law that calls for criminal liability and a $25,000 fine for offensive statements against the LGBTQ community and protests against their promotion


Don’t worry though, it will still be legal to criticize heterosexual Christians, white people etc.


Castrudeau also talked about how the new social credit score based social engineering will make life more expensive for those who don’t sign up for his WEF/KM vision of the future


These are just some of the idiots they parade before the cameras as if they were leaders.


For example it looks like they just wheeled out another yet another “Defense Secretary” Lloyd Austin avatar to say “No evidence of genocide” in Gaza.


They are also still using Nancy Pelosi, the eighth so far, as far as we can tell. The video below indicates these avatars are used in part for money laundering.


Greg Reese from the Reese report shows nobody in the current so-called Federal Government took oaths of office. This means they are all traitors.


Here is an example of what the KM has turned the US Congress has into. A Democrat from Texas, born in New York, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee tells students the moon is a ‘planet made up mostly of gases’


Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) stunned attendees at a high school solar eclipse event Monday by claiming the rock-solid moon is a “planet” that is “made up mostly of gases” — before adding she still wants to be “first in line” to learn how to live there.



Another KM puppet, the UK’s Rishi Sunak, apparently is so ignorant he does not even know how to use a hammer.


Let’s not forget the top Dodo Joe Biden. In the video below Donald Trump speaks on Biden’s incompetence, his senility, and that we are on the verge of being dragged into a world war


A fake Trump, meanwhile is still being trotted out to appear in fake court case dramas etc. However, even the corporate media is starting to ask questions as this report about Melania Trump indicates.


Melania Trump is keeping observers guessing whether she will appear, however warily, on the campaign trail alongside her husband.


Aloof and enigmatic, the Slovenian-born former model has been noticeably absent as husband Donald Trump makes his third bid for the White House.


Nor has she attended any court hearings with her husband as he navigates a myriad of cases.



There is also new evidence that some of the people they are trotting out may actually be clones. Take a look at the pictures of Mark Zuckerberg – founder of Facebook, and David Scott Portnoy – American businessman and social media personality, founder and owner of Barstool Sports, a sports and culture company- and former White House Spokesperson Jens Psaki. Are they clones?


If so, who is creating them and why? Soon it may be possible for their puppet masters to be exposed without fear of repercussions. A case in point is Alex Jones of Infowars:


CIA contractor admits CIA targeted Alex Jones, FBI had agents at Jan 6


A Sound Investigations sting has recorded footage of a CIA Contracting Officer, and former FBI worker, appearing to admit to a string of questionable activities, including pressuring the families of the victims of Sandy Hook to sue Alex Jones and having agents present at the January 6 Capitol Incident.



Alex Jones is now on the counter-offensive saying: “I’m planning on launching a lawsuit against the CIA & FBI. I’ve retained firms to sue for Civil Rights violations Gov. Racketeering operation.”


The KM seem to be taking the collapse of their control grid as if it was the end of the world. Or at least the Israelis seem to think so. The Israeli government plans to slaughter and sacrifice red heifers on April 22, 2024, the beginning of Passover, according to Mossad sources. “The red heifer sacrifice…involves the sacrifice of a red heifer that must be without blemish and entirely red, without a single non-red hair. The ashes of this sacrifice are then used in a purification ritual, essential for individuals seeking to access sacred spaces or engage in certain religious practices.”



This in preparation for building the third temple, the sources say.


Finally, in a sign we really are facing unprecedented events something massive left Antarctica during the solar eclipse and was caught on radar.


“What seems like a Blob moving from Antarctica all the way into the Atlantic ocean over the next few days! What is this mass?? A weather system or something else?” a Pentagon official asks.



Japanese military sources confirm it is not just a digital anomaly and that ocean buoys have recorded massive 80 foot waves in the region of the blob. US Space force sources confirm a “massive blast of energy” came out of Antarctica. They are investigating what the blast was and what its’ purpose was. We can only speculate but it may be related to an attack on the Nazi Antarctic base. We are definitely entering uncharted waters.




Benjamin Fulford Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis 2024 April 8st 本杰明•富尔福德每周地缘政治与分析的新闻通讯2024年4月8日

The battle of the eclipse will decide the future of humanity 日食期间发生的战斗,将决定人类的未来

The battle of the eclipse will decide the future of humanity

The secret war for the planet raging between Satanists and the forces of light is headed for a decisive battle centered on the eclipse due to start shortly after this report goes live. 撒旦教徒和光明势力之间为争夺地球而展开的秘密战争,将在本篇新闻通讯上线不久后展开,这场战争将围绕如何利用日食而展开。

There can be no doubt this eclipse is not an ordinary event. It passes over seven towns called Nineveh, a Babylonian city mentioned in the bible as the center of sin and depravity. It also passes through seven towns called Salem, known in the bible as the dwelling place of god. 毫无疑问,这次日食不是一次普通的事件。它经过七个名为尼尼微的城镇,这是一座巴比伦城市,在《圣经》中,这些城市是罪恶和堕落的中心。日食还经过七个叫塞勒姆的城镇,在圣经中被称为上帝的居住地。

We also note there was a 4.8 earthquake in New York just days before 4/8 and that the Statue of Liberty was hit by lightning. It is also the case that states of emergency have been declared along the whole path of the eclipse. 我们还注意到,就在2024年4越8日前几天,纽约发生了4.8级地震,自由女神像被闪电击中。同样的情况是,在日食的整个过程中都宣布了紧急状态。

There is a lot more that is being covered extensively elsewhere but it is clear something very unusual is going on. This 7:17-minute video covers a lot of it. 其它地方正在广泛报道更多的内容,但很明显,一些非常不寻常的事情正在发生。以下这段7分17秒的视频,涵盖了很多内容。


Also of interest is Simpson’s take on the eclipse. 同样令人感兴趣的是,动画片《辛普森一家》对日食的看法。

More and more people are now aware of the war between Satanists who want to enslave us and white hats who want to free us. If the Satanists win, humanity will be enslaved forever in horrific conditions. If the forces of light win, humanity will preside over the evolutionary equivalent of a big bang that will make the Cambrian explosion look like a champagne bubble by comparison. 现在,越来越多的人,已经意识到想要奴役我们的撒旦教徒和想要解放我们的白帽子之间的战争。如果撒旦教徒获胜,人类将在可怕的高科技反乌托邦下永远被奴役。如果光明势力获胜,人类将发生一场相当于寒武纪大爆发的进化,甚至使寒武纪大爆发看起来仅仅像一个香槟气泡。

Let us start by looking at what the dark side is up to. According to a report sent to us by German intelligence, the Satanists’ plan for the eclipse is as follows: 让我们先来看看黑暗势力在干什么。根据德国情报部门发给我们的一份报告,撒旦教徒对日食的计划如下:

They are planning a biological attack on April 8th, just before the totality of the eclipse. This is how it’s going to go down. Planes will be delivering their payload at three intervals. The first will be 2 hours before totality, 1 hour before totality, and final one 30 mins before totality. The planes will be deploying a dry powder (bacterial bioweapon). It will not be visible…Symptoms will begin appearing 7 – 10 days after infection. 30 days after infection the media will notice. 60 days after infection the panic will be at all-time highs. 90 days after infection the newly agreed upon UN/WHO pandemic powers will be enacted. 他们计划在2024年4月8日,也就是日全食之前进行生物武器攻击。这就是它的走向。飞机将每隔三段时间运送有效载荷。第一次是在日食前2小时,日食前1小时,最后一次是在日食前30分钟。这些飞机将部署一种干粉(细菌生物武器)。它将不可见……症状将在感染后7-10天开始出现。感染后30天,媒体会注意到。感染60天后,恐慌将达到历史最高水平。感染90天后,将颁布新商定的联合国/世界卫生组织流行病权力。

That is why the “Q” site warns: “Do not look at the eclipse.” 这就是为什么“Q”网站警告说:“不要看日食。”的原因。


Satanist “Climate Czar” John Kerry’s daughter Vanessa says “billions of people must die for ‘New World Order’” and that “the time is ripe for a globalist coup that uses the control mechanisms of the World Health Organization’s pandemic treaty to create a world government that is not accountable to anyone.” “They” scrubbed the video of her saying this at the WEF from the internet but both German and Polish intelligence confirm she said it. 撒旦主义者“气候沙皇”约翰•克里的女儿瓦妮莎表示,“数十亿人必须为‘世界新秩序’而死”,“利用世界卫生组织疫情条约的控制机制,建立一个不对任何人负责的世界政府的全球主义政变时机已经成熟。”。

John Kerrys Tochter sagt, dass Milliarden Menschen für die „Neue Weltordnung“ sterben müssen (Video)

The WHO is not a government entity but is privately owned by mass murderers like Bill Gates. The treaty they are trying to impose will allow for such things as: “Forced vaccinations” “Forced Medical procedures” “Forced Lockdowns” 世界卫生组织不是一个政府实体,而是比尔•盖茨等大屠杀凶手的私人组织。他们试图强加的条约将允许以下内容: “强制接种疫苗” “强制医疗程序”

Russian FSB intelligence has already warned the vaccines they will be forced on the vast majority of the people will make them dumb, passive and unable to resist Khazarian mafia authority. 俄罗斯联邦安全局情报部门已经警告说,他们将强制给绝大多数人接种疫苗,这将使他们变得愚蠢、被动,无法抵抗可萨黑手党的权威。

This process of turning us into mistreated farm animals has already started in Ukraine. EU MP Marcel de Graaf confirms the Satanic Ukraine is the largest supplier of children to pedophile networks and human and organ traffickers. It has set up nurseries with foster mothers for this purpose. These forced fertilization facilities get women to give birth to both “super soldiers,” and children to be used for adrenachrome “harvesting.” 把我们变成被虐待的农场动物的过程,已经在乌克兰开始了。欧盟议员马塞尔•格拉夫证实,犹如撒旦国度的乌克兰,是恋童癖网络、人口和器官贩运者的最大儿童供应国。为此,它设立了有养母的托儿所。这些强制受精设施可以让妇女生下“超级士兵”,也可以用孩子来“收割”肾上腺红色素。

New Evidence Emerges of Ukraine’s Horrific “Forced Fertilization” Program, Inspired by Nazi Lebensborn

By the way want to know where a lot of your Ukraine tax money went other than for building child torture facilities: Nice new mansions for corrupt Zelensky cronies. 顺便说一句,你想知道除了建造儿童酷刑设施外,你在乌克兰的很多税款都去了哪里:为腐败的泽连斯基亲信建造了漂亮的新豪宅。

Of course, they are also drug dealers and not just child torturers. Interpol reportedly intercepted a conversation between two Argentine drug traffickers regarding the delivery of a large consignment of drugs, at least 300 kg of cocaine, which was to take place at the Buenos Aires airport on the day Zelensky and his delegation arrived in Argentina to attend the presidential inauguration Milei. 当然,他们也是毒贩,而不仅仅是虐待儿童的人。据报道,国际刑警组织截获了两名阿根廷毒贩之间的一次谈话,内容涉及泽连斯基及其代表团,趁着参加阿根廷总统米莱的就职典礼时,运送一大批毒品到布宜诺斯艾利斯机场,至少300公斤可卡因。


The worst part of it is the Satanists admit they take orders to do such things from non-human entities. 最糟糕的是,撒旦教徒承认他们听命于非人类实体。

If this enslavement is allowed to go ahead, humans will suffer the fate of the T Rex. It went from a long-lived apex predator to battery farmed chicken whose lifespan is often measured in months. 如果这种奴役被允许继续下去,人类将遭受霸王龙的命运——那就是,从一种长寿的顶级捕食者,变成在一间又一间牢房中养殖的鸡,寿命通常以月为单位。

The white hats are NOT GOING TO LET THIS HAPPEN. A major offensive is underway that will permanently remove this Satanic threat from this planet. We assume for example the disease spraying planes will be shot down. 白帽子地球解放军事联盟不会让这种事情发生的。一场重大攻势正在进行,这场攻势将永久消除这个星球上的撒旦教威胁。例如,我们假设喷洒病原体的飞机会被击落。

Once the Satanists are defeated the planetary liberation alliance plans to help the creator by increasing the amount and variety of life in an exponential manner. This will be based on the 3,6,9 sequence that the genius Nikola Tesla was obsessed with. It will be combined with the Fibonacci sequences of previous evolution to create entirely new paradigms of life. 一旦撒旦教徒被击败,白帽子地球解放军事联盟紧接着就会计划通过以指数方式增加生命的数量和种类来帮助造物主。这将基于天才尼古拉•特斯拉痴迷的3,6,9序列。它将与先前进化的斐波那契序列相结合,创造出全新的生命演化模式。

But, we jump ahead of ourselves. In the here and now Pentagon white hats, Russian military and Asian royals have just finished a meeting where they concluded the Vatican paid Israeli Crime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu $100 billion to attack the Iranian embassy in Syria. The plan was to provoke Iran to retaliate. After the Iranian retaliation, the Israelis plan to destroy every major city in Iran with Nuclear missiles. The aim would be to destroy Persia (what they call Iran) in order to get their hands on the Persian treasure hoard. 但是,我们超越了自己。在此时此地的五角大楼白帽子中,俄罗斯军方和亚洲王室刚刚结束了一次会议,他们在会上得出结论,梵蒂冈向以色列犯罪总理本雅明•内塔尼亚胡支付了1000亿美元,以袭击伊朗驻叙利亚大使馆。该计划旨在激怒伊朗进行报复。在伊朗的报复之后,以色列人计划用核导弹摧毁伊朗的每一个主要城市。其目的是摧毁波斯(他们称之为伊朗),以获得波斯的宝藏。

What the Israelis and their Vatican backers fail to understand is that Iran and Russia have secret weapons that will vaporize the missiles before they reach Iran. 以色列人和他们的梵蒂冈支持者不明白的是,伊朗和俄罗斯拥有秘密武器,可以在导弹到达伊朗之前将其蒸发。

The meeting also revealed that while the Arctic was completely under white hat and Russian control, a fierce secret war is raging in Antarctica. The white hats are winning but it is far from over, a meeting participant says. 会议还透露,当北极完全处于白帽子地球解放军事联盟和俄罗斯的控制之下时,一场激烈的秘密战争正在南极洲肆虐。一位与会者表示,白帽子地球解放军事联盟正在获胜,但还远远没有结束。

There has also been a fierce war raging in Japan. Barack “Thunder of Satan” Obama and his flunky fake ambassador to Japan Rahm Emmanuel tried to force the Japanese government to hand over control of the telecommunications giant NTT. They want to get their hands on it because they are literally scraping the bottom of the barrel: the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve is down to 17 days of supply and “Biden” just canceled the refill order. 日本也爆发了一场激烈的战争。“撒旦之雷”奥巴马和他的走狗——假驻日大使拉姆•埃曼纽尔,试图迫使日本政府交出电信巨头NTT的控制权。他们想得到它,因为撒旦教的资源和资金真的正在枯竭:美国战略石油储备已经减少到17天的供应,而“拜登”刚刚取消了补充订单。

A mass revolt by both Japanese industry and the Japanese military put an end to this plan. 日本工业界和日本军方的大规模反抗阻止了抢占日本电信公司的计划。

In addition to this, Obama and his Rockefeller/Rothschild puppet masters also tried to get “2.5 quadrillion dollars” based on fictitious Philippine gold hoards, according to White Dragon Foundation sources. 根据白龙会的消息来源透露,除此之外,奥巴马和他的洛克菲勒家族/罗斯柴尔德家族木偶操纵者们,还试图根据虚构的菲律宾黄金储备,凭空印钞“2.5万亿美元”。

That is why the slave Prime Minister Fumio Kishida of Japan and President Bongbong Marcos of the Philippines were summoned to Washington this week. 这就是为什么日本奴才首相岸田文雄和菲律宾总统邦邦•马科斯,本周被传唤到华盛顿的原因。

The US military in Japan also provoked the Japanese military to threaten to attack their New Sano Hotel headquarters when they tried to revive the osprey-linked military bribery network, the sources say. 消息来源称,驻日美军还挑衅日本军方,威胁要袭击他们的新三野酒店总部,因为他们试图重振与鱼鹰有关的军事贿赂网络。

The US military dark hats further tried to start a war with China using their base in Taiwan. The base was destroyed. This was what was behind the 7.5 Richter scale magnitude earthquake in Taiwan. “The Chiashan Air Force base near Hualien was the epicenter of the quake. The depth of the explosion (earthquake) was 9 miles. This was a WH military alliance Op. A DUMB was taken out. There are many deep underground facilities at the base with tunnels going in several directions,” Pentagon sources say. 美国军方的黑暗势力,进一步试图利用他们在台湾的基地与中国开战。基地被摧毁了。这就是台湾发生里氏7.5级地震的原因。五角大楼的消息来源称:“台湾花莲县附近的嘉善空军基地是地震的震中。爆炸(地震)深度为9英里。这是白帽子地球解放军事联盟的一次行动。一座深层地下军事基地被炸毁。基地有许多深层地下设施,隧道通向多个方向。”

The alliance has also been given actionable intelligence by the Japanese military that exposes the real owners of the Bank of Japan. The Japanese government document in the picture below shows the BOJ is not Japanese but is instead owned by: Edmond de Rothschild based in Luxembourg. 日本军方还向白帽子地球解放军事联盟提供了可行动的情报,揭露了日本央行的真正所有者。下图中的日本政府文件显示,日本央行不属于日本人,而是由总部位于卢森堡的埃德蒙德•德•罗斯柴尔德所有。


APSA Bank aka the IOR or Vatican Bank and Barclays Bank based in the United States. APSA银行,又称IOR或梵蒂冈银行和巴克莱银行,总部设在美国。

This intelligence will be acted on by the Asian secret societies unless control of the BOJ is returned to Japan. Restoring the BOJ to the Japanese imperial family will end the Khazarian Mafia’s control of the world’s financial system. 除非日本央行的控制权归还给日本,否则亚洲秘密社团将会采取行动。将日本央行恢复为日本皇室所有,将会结束可萨黑手党对世界金融体系的控制。

By the way, Japanese imperial family sources tell us someone has been forging the signature of a certain Edmond de Rothchild who died 15 years ago to pay off certain imperial family members. The Edmond de Rothschild bank is now headed by Ariane de Rothschild. 顺便说一句,日本皇室得消息来源告诉我们,有人伪造了15年前去世的埃德蒙德•德•罗斯柴尔德的签名,以偿还某些皇室成员的债务。埃德蒙德•德•罗斯柴尔德银行,现在由阿里安•德•罗斯柴尔德领导。

As far as the Vatican Bank is concerned, we also know someone is using a rubber-masked fake Pope Francis to keep control of the Vatican Bank. This would be the Satanic P2 Freemasons who just paid Netanyahu the $100 billion to try to start nuclear Armageddon. 就梵蒂冈银行而言,我们也知道有人正在使用一个戴着橡胶面具的假教皇弗朗西斯来控制梵蒂冈银行。这肯定是撒旦教意大利P2共济会,他们刚刚向内塔尼亚胡支付了1000亿美元,试图启动核末日。

As far as Barclays is concerned, MI6 informs us “Barclays collapsed into a bankruptcy agreement with a law firm in London called Allen and Overy.” The head of MI6 claims they now own Barclays which has an “asset sheet of $2 trillion and the Times Square former Lehman Brothers building.” 就巴克莱银行而言,英国军情六处告诉我们:“巴克莱银行与伦敦一家名为‘阿伦欧沃瑞’的律师事务所签订了破产协议。”

These are likely the people behind BlackRock and Vanguard who are now being outed by many people including Croatian MEP Mislav Kolakušić. 这些人很可能是黑石贝莱德金融集团和罗斯柴尔德先锋集团背后的人,他们现在正被包括克罗地亚MEP Mislav Kolakušić在内的许多人揭露。


Regardless, MI6 says they support the WDS plan for a future planning organization. Hopefully, this means the white hat plan can now be implemented. However, believe it when you see it. 无论如何,英国军情六处表示,他们支持白龙会的计划,建立一个未来规划组织。希望这意味着白帽子地球解放军事联盟的计划现在可以实施了。然而,我们还是老生常谈地说,眼见为实。

Something big is definitely going down though. Both Russia’s FSB and Pentagon sources sent us a video clip from 2017 of Donald Trump saying a storm was coming. They sent it together with this April 3 cover of the Tehran Times saying “We shall pray in Quds [Jerusalem] soon. Storm is Coming.” 不过,一些大事肯定会发生。俄罗斯联邦安全局和五角大楼的消息来源,都向我们发送了一段2017年唐纳德•川普说风暴即将来临的视频片段。他们将这段视频与《德黑兰时报》在2024年4月3日的封面一起发送,并表示“我们将很快在圣城(耶路撒冷)祈祷。风暴即将来临。”

We assume the fall of the Satanic Israeli regime of Netanyahu is part of this storm. The situation there is definitely critical. Last week demonstrators in Israel broke through security barriers and entered both the Parliament and Netanyahu’s house looking for him. You can be sure he would have been hung on the spot if they found him. 我们认为内塔尼亚胡的撒旦以色列政权的倒台,将会成为这场风暴的一部分。那里的情况肯定很危急。上周,以色列的示威者冲破安全屏障,进入议会和内塔尼亚胡的家中寻找他。你可以肯定,如果他们找到他,他会被当场绞死的。


Mossad sources tell us there is “NO WORD ABOUT THE WHEREABOUTS OF THE AVATAR NETANYAHU. Is he allegedly still in the hospital, Recovering from the hernia operation? All is silent.” 以色列摩萨德的消息来源告诉我们:“没有关于内塔尼亚胡的阿凡达替身下落的消息。据称他还在医院里,正在从疝气手术中恢复吗?一切都沉默了。”

With or without Netanyahu Israel is completely isolated internationally. “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm put the Israeli regime on the brink of extinction and dealt an irreparable blow to the Zionist project in Palestine,” says Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah the secretary-general of Lebanon’s resistance movement Hezbollah. 无论有没有内塔尼亚胡,以色列在国际上都是完全孤立的。黎巴嫩真主党抵抗运动秘书长赛义德•哈桑•纳斯鲁拉表示:“阿克萨风暴行动,已经使以色列政权濒临灭绝,并对巴勒斯坦的犹太复国主义项目造成了不可挽回的打击。”


The Iranians make it clear they will not be conned into an all-out attack against Israel but instead will insist the entire world deal with the Israeli, Ukrainian and US rogue states. 伊朗人明确表示,他们不会上当受骗,对以色列发动全面袭击,而是会团结整个世界都去对付以色列、乌克兰和美国等流氓国家。


“Russia and China have had enough of the KM Satanic Israeli attacks. Israel will be no more, as we know,” a Mossad source says. 摩萨德的消息来源表示:“俄罗斯和中国已经受够了高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党和以色列的袭击。我们所熟知的那个以色列,将不复存在。”

The US Corporation’s days are also numbered. These reports are a snapshot of the collapse: 美利坚合众国企业公司的日子也屈指可数。以下这些报告是崩溃的征兆:

Since March 2023, the number of full-time workers has collapsed by 1.347 million while the number of part-time workers exploded by 1.888 million! All the job gains since 2018 have gone to immigrants, mostly illegal immigrants 自2023年3月以来,全职员工数量暴跌了134.7万,而临时工数量激增了188.8万!自2018年以来,所有的就业机会都流向了移民,其中大部分是非法移民。


A combination of failed ‘Bidenomics,’ i.e., elevated inflation, disastrous progressive social justice reforms that ignited a tsunami of retail theft nationwide, and snarled supply chains left over from the Covid era have led to the demise of “99 Cents Only” stores nationwide, which began the liquidation process on Friday. 失败的“双基因组学”,即通货膨胀加剧,灾难性的渐进式社会正义改革,在全国范围内引发了针对零售商店的打杂抢海啸,以及新冠疫情大流行时代遗留下来的混乱供应链,导致“99美分”商店在全美国范围内倒闭,并于周五开始清算程序。


In answer to their incompetence, the US Corporation sent Janet Yellen and others to China to politely ask them to both deindustrialize and buy more from the US. 他们接下来的所做所为,显示出他们的无能,美国公司派遣珍妮特•耶伦和其他人前往中国,礼貌地要求中国去工业化,并从美国购买更多商品。

Yellen obviously got the polite thumbs down to her begging mission because she turned from polite to hostile and “is now demanding China stop selling components to Russia because Russia might use those components to make weapons and defeat U.S. / NATO weapons which are often a decade behind the Russians in terms of design and engineering,” a Pentagon source comments. 一位五角大楼的消息来源评论道,耶伦的乞讨任务显然遭到了礼貌的拒绝,因为她从礼貌变成了敌意:“现在要求中国停止向俄罗斯出售各种零部件,因为俄罗斯可能会使用这些部件制造武器,并击败美国/北约的武器,而这些武器在设计和工程方面往往落后于俄罗斯人十年”。

“The U.S. still thinks it can dictate all global trade, finance and technology. It is wrong. China and Russia have already proved that U.S. sanctions only make them STRONGER. The U.S. empire is collapsing, and that’s why the U.S. is trying to take us to war,” the source says. 消息来源表示:“美国仍然认为自己可以支配所有全球贸易、金融和技术。这是错误的。中国和俄罗斯已经证明,美国的制裁只会让他们更加强大。美帝国正在崩溃,这就是美国试图将全人类托入战争中的原因。”

US Corporation representatives are clearly being snubbed. White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan just postponed a trip to the Middle East because of a “cracked rib.” 美利坚合众国企业公司的代表团,显然受到了中国的冷落。白宫国家安全顾问杰克•沙利文因“肋骨破裂”而推迟了中东之行。

Then, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and an American delegation were forced to drive from Paris to Brussels to attend a NATO meeting Wednesday after his plane was again grounded due to a “mechanical issue,” the State Department said. 随后,美国国务院表示,国务卿安东尼•布林肯的飞机因“机械问题”再次停飞,美国代表团被迫于周三从巴黎驱车前往布鲁塞尔参加北约会议。


The US has also surrendered to Yemen militarily and is not asking for a “diplomatic solution” to Red Sea crisis. They will be told to pull the plug on Israel for sure. 美国也在军事上向也门投降,并没有要求“外交解决”红海危机。也门肯定会要求美国停止援助以色列。


The French are also freaking out as their international anti-Russia coalition collapses and Russian justice looms. French Defense Minister Sebastien Lecornu called Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu to try to convince him Kiev and the West weren’t involved in the Crocus City Hall attack, blaming ISIS. The problem is Russia knows ISIS stands for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service. 随着国际反俄联盟的崩溃和俄罗斯的正义制裁迫在眉睫,法国人也吓坏了。法国国防部长赛巴斯蒂安•莱科努致电俄罗斯国防部长谢尔盖•绍伊古,试图说服他基辅和西方没有参与对莫斯科音乐会的袭击,并指责伊斯兰国。但问题是俄罗斯知道伊斯兰国的背后是以色列秘密情报局。

They also know France is the main backer of the Ukraine regime now and that “Ukraine’s involvement in numerous acts of terrorism carried out in Russia, including the attack on Crocus City Hall, is beyond doubt.” 俄罗斯人还知道,法国现在是乌克兰政权的主要支持者:“毫无疑问,乌克兰参与了在俄罗斯实施的许多恐怖主义行为,包括对克罗库斯市政厅的袭击。”

In a sign French President Emanuelle Macron Rothschild is terrified of the Russians, he says “France needs to cooperate with any country facing the risk of terrorist attacks,” in comments on the recent phone talks between French and Russian defense ministers. 法国总统埃曼纽埃尔•马克龙•罗斯柴尔德,在评论法国和俄罗斯国防部长最近的电话会谈时表示:“法国需要与任何面临恐怖袭击风险的国家合作”,这表明他对俄罗斯人感到恐惧。


“I instructed the minister and the relevant services to have a technical exchange of information with their [Russian] counterparts to communicate a message of solidarity, and also because we had useful information, which I will not disclose here, about who was behind this terrorist attack,” Macron said. 马克龙说:“我指示部长和相关部门与(俄罗斯)同行进行技术信息交流,以传达团结的信息,也因为我们掌握了关于这次恐怖袭击幕后黑手的有用信息,我不会在这里透露。”

The Russians are now working behind the scenes with French resistance to end the Macron regime. The French patriots know Macron himself is the highest-ranking member of the Rothschild family to hold a formal political office and that his overthrow would help end KM rule. 俄罗斯人现在正在幕后与法国抵抗力量合作,以结束马克龙政权。法国爱国者知道,马克龙本人是罗斯柴尔德家族中担任正式政治职务的最高级别成员,一旦他被推翻,将有助于结束可萨黑手党的统治。

The Russians are also getting closer to the truth. “International terrorism supported by shadowy sponsors remains a global threat to the entire world,” Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces and Deputy Defense Minister Valery Gerasimov says. 俄罗斯人也越来越接近真相。俄罗斯武装部队总参谋长兼国防部副部长瓦列里•格拉西莫夫表示:“由幕后赞助者支持的国际恐怖主义仍然是对整个世界的全球威胁。”


He is referring to the Cult of Ba’al or the Satanists. 他指的是崇拜巴尔的邪教或撒旦教徒。

This diagram reveals the history of a powerful Death Cult that has ruled Earth for all recorded human history. The timeline is trisected and proceeds from top to bottom. 以下这张图,揭示了一个强大的亡命邪教的历史,它统治了地球所有有记录的人类历史。时间线是三等分的,从上到下依次进行。

At present this group is represented by the movement traced by the Russians to the theosophical writer Alice Bailey. She claims her books were dictated telepathically to her by “a Master of Wisdom.” These are the Satanic thought-forms able to hijack human minds that Pentagon sources discovered in their own research into the New Age movements. 目前,这一群体以俄罗斯人追踪到神智作家爱丽丝•贝利的运动为代表。她声称自己的书是由“智慧大师”通过心灵感应口述给她的。五角大楼消息来源在自己对“新时代运动”的研究中,发现了能够劫持人类思想的撒旦思想形态。

Anyway, the Russians say that, spurred by these thought forms, Bailey founded the Lucis [Lucifer] trust. It’s located in the UN headquarters building and “is actually the root of all globalist agendas.” The trust controls the program for 90% of the US educational system via the Fetzer Institute, the FSB says. “The trust is the origin of language used by the WEF, Schwab, Harari, along with Tavistock Institute, MI6 and CIA, and they have the same masonic occult bosses/or boss,” they add. Their aim is to “replace, interpret all religions.” 无论如何,俄罗斯人说,在这些思想形式的刺激下,贝利创立了路西法信托基金。它位于联合国总部大楼内,“实际上是所有全球主义议程的根源”。俄罗斯联邦安全局表示,该信托基金通过费策研究所,控制着美国90%的教育系统。他们补充道:“这个信托基金会是世界经济论坛、施瓦布、哈拉里、塔维斯托克研究所、英国军情六处和美国中央情报局使用语言的起源,他们有着相同的共济会神秘主义老板。”他们的目标是“取代、解释所有宗教”。

They are trying desperately to ramp things up. In the US Marjorie Taylor Greene says “Mike Johnson Plans to Suspend Rules and not Place the Bill through the Rules Committee.” In other words impose a totalitarian dictatorship. 他们拼命想把事情搞上去。在美国,玛乔丽•泰勒•格林说:“迈克•约翰逊计划暂停规则,而不是将法案提交规则委员会。”换言之,实施极权独裁。

In Germany the domestic intelligence chief is trying to police the “thought & speech patterns” of citizens and introduce the the novel offence of “systematic delegitimization of state conduct.” In other words, he wants to punish thought crimes. 在德国,国内情报局长正在试图监督公民的“思想和言论模式”,并引入“系统性地剥夺国家行为合法性”这一新颖罪行。换句话说,他想惩罚思想犯罪。


This is an example of this sort of policy at work: 以下是这类政策的一个例子:

Jesse Watters: “Trump is banned from talking about the judge’s family. Why? Because the judge’s family was paid by the Biden campaign. The judge’s family is currently being paid by Adam Schiff over $10 million.” 杰西•沃特斯:“川普被禁止谈论法官的家人。为什么?因为法官的家人是由拜登竞选团队支付的。法官的家人目前由亚当•希夫支付超过1000万美元。”

Elon Musk describes how killer AI drones could punish thought criminals. 埃隆•马斯克描述了杀手级人工智能无人机如何惩罚思想罪犯。

Is this some sort of threat to compensate for a 20% drop in Tesla sales and a 43% decline in BYD sales from the previous quarter? This is not year on year meaning sales have fallen off a cliff and his company is no longer viable. He must be secretly feeling desperate. 这是为了弥补特斯拉销量比上一季度下降20%和比亚迪销量下降43%的某种威胁吗?这并不意味着销售额已经跌落悬崖,他的公司不再赚钱。他心里一定很绝望。

This killer AI drone technology is already being used. “Israel’s Lavender artificial intelligence system is automatically identifying potential targets in the Gaza Strip based on alleged links to Hamas. As a result, tens of thousands of civilians are in mortal danger! Alarmingly, life and death decisions were made by machines, with human staff taking just 20 seconds to authorize the bombing. This brutal digitization of the killing process, where people are reduced to a set of data, is a threat to humanity and our civilization,” Polish intelligence warns 这种杀手级的人工智能无人机技术已经在使用。波兰情报部门警告称:“以色列的拉文德人工智能系统,正在根据与哈马斯的数据链自动识别加沙地带的潜在目标。因此,数以万计的平民处于致命危险之中!令人担忧的是,生杀大权的决定是由机器做出的,人类工作人员只需20秒就可以批准轰炸。这种残酷的杀戮过程数字化,人们被简化为一组数据,对人类和我们的文明构成威胁。”

It would also be criminal to doubt government stories such as these: 怀疑政府的故事也将被列为犯罪行为,比如:

Reuters has published perhaps the most bizarre article ever, warning that climate change is having a detrimental impact on the income of Indonesian transgender sex workers. Yes, really. 路透社发表了可能是有史以来最奇怪的一篇文章,警告气候变化正在对印尼变性性工作者的收入产生不利影响。是的,真的。


Here is another one that is not an April fools’ article: 以下是另一篇不是愚人节的文章:

“Now scientists say wearing JEANS is bad for the environment.” “现在科学家们说穿牛仔裤对环境有害。”


There are many such bizarre articles appearing saying such things as “water vapor is a greenhouse gas,” and not just cow farts anymore. It is all a sign of some sort of mental breakdown. But we are supposed to believe it all or else. 出现了许多这样奇怪的文章说,不仅牛放屁,就连“水蒸气也是一种温室气体”。这一切都是某种精神崩溃的迹象。

We are also supposed to believe the fear porn they are pumping out at record rates such as the following: 我们也在以创纪录的速度推出恐惧色情片,比如:

Next epidemic to spill out of China could be SUPER GONORRHEA – where the rate of antibiotic-resistant STIs are 40x higher than US and UK. 下一个从中国蔓延出来的流行病可能是超级淋病——那里的抗生素耐药性性传播感染率是美国和英国的40倍


Then we have this: “Bird flu pandemic could be ‘100 times worse’ than COVID, scientists warn.” 然后我们还看到报道说:“科学家警告说,禽流感大流行可能比新冠肺炎‘严重100倍’。”


And if that isn’t enough, here is more Fear Porn being released. 如果这还不够的话,还有更多的恐惧色情正在上映。

Bird flu dairy cow outbreak widens in Ohio, Kansas, New Mexico…The spread to an increasing number of species and its widening geographic reach have raised the risks of humans being infected, the head of the World Organization for Animal Health said on Thursday. 世界动物卫生组织负责人周四表示,禽流感奶牛疫情正在俄亥俄州、堪萨斯州和新墨西哥州扩大……传播到越来越多的物种及其不断扩大的地理范围,增加了人类被感染的风险。


It seems they are desperately looking for cover stories for vaccine damage. On this front the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released 780,000 reports received shortly after the COVID-19 vaccines were pushed showing “people experienced a wide range of post-vaccination problems, including heart inflammation, miscarriages, and seizures.” 他们似乎在拼命寻找一些故事,来掩盖疫苗对各国人民造成的重大伤害。在这方面,美国疾病控制与预防中心发布了在新冠疫苗推出后不久收到的78万份报告,显示“人们在接种后出现了广泛的问题,包括心脏炎症、流产和癫痫发作。”


Justice is coming. A criminal complaint has s been filed against European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen for “usurpation of functions and title, destruction of public documents, illegal interests-taking and corruption.” 正义的制裁即将到来。欧盟委员会主席乌尔苏拉•冯德莱恩,因“篡夺职能和头衔、破坏公共文件、非法获取利益和腐败”被提起刑事诉讼。

This is about a €35 billion contract between the EU and Pfizer. Her husband Heiko von der Leyen, was a director of Orgenesis, a company that has played a central role in the EU’s vaccination campaign. Orgenesis and Pfizer have the same major shareholders. Also, the EC awarded €320 million in grants to Orgenesis in 2022. On top of that millions of doses of anti-Covid mRNA drugs (mislabeled as “vaccines”) worth $4 billion were lost. 这是欧盟和辉瑞公司之间约350亿欧元的合同。她的丈夫海科•冯德莱恩是Orggenesis公司的董事,该公司在欧盟的疫苗接种运动中发挥了核心作用。Orggenesis和辉瑞公司拥有相同的控股股东。此外,欧盟委员会在2022年向Orggenesis提供了3.2亿欧元的捐款。除此之外,价值40亿美元的数百万剂抗新冠mRNA药物(被误称为“疫苗”)损失。


In Italy, former Health Minister Roberto Speranza, who enforced vaccinations, can no longer move without police protection. The Italians are waiting for him everywhere and shouting “Murderer” 在意大利,强制接种疫苗的前卫生部长罗伯托•斯佩兰扎,在没有警察保护的情况下,无法出现在公开场合。意大利人到处等着他,高喊“杀人犯”。

In Canada, Justin Castrudeau cannot appear in public without being chased by and angry mob. Here is a recent example from Hamilton, Canada 在加麻大,贾斯汀•特鲁多•卡斯特罗,在公共场合露面时会被愤怒的暴徒追赶。以下是加麻大汉密尔顿最近的一个例子。

Also, Bill Gates was just called a pedophile on LIVE television. Watch the attached video with Clay Clark saying the truth as it should be, on Newsmax 此外,比尔•盖茨刚刚在电视直播中被称为恋童癖。观看以下视频,克莱•克拉克在Newsmax上说了实话。

In a sign action is being taken, more evidence is emerging that something happened to the British Royal family. Where have they all gone? Kate, the kids, her parents, and her sister are MIA!! 有迹象表明正在采取行动,越来越多的证据表明,英国王室发生了一些事情。他们都去哪儿了?凯特王妃,孩子们,她的父母,还有她的妹妹都失踪了!!

Credit: cristinabrunothemusecreation75 来源:cristinabrouthmusecreation75

If I was a senior KM leader, I would not be sleeping very well. Justice is coming. 如果我是可萨黑手党的一名高级领导人,我就会睡不着觉。正义即将到来。



Benjamin Fulford Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis 2024 April 1st 本杰明•富尔福德每周地缘政治与分析的新闻通讯2024年4月1日

Western governments are a sick April fools’ joke even as war looms 战争一触即发,西方政府却成了愚人节笑话

Western governments are a sick April fools’ joke even as war looms

With this week’s report appearing on April 1st, we thought about writing an April Fools’ joke article. However, the real situation is already like a sick joke so we didn’t bother. Just think about so-called President Joe Biden officially declaring Easter as “Transgender Day of Visibility.” This appears to be either a twisted April Fools’ joke or a direct middle finger to Christians, from the allegedly Catholic, Joe Biden. 随着本周的新闻通讯于2024年4月1日发布,我们本想写一篇愚人节笑话文章。然而,现实情况已经像是一个病态的笑话,所以我们没有费心去写这种文章。想想所谓的乔•拜登总统正式宣布复活节为“变性人可见日”。这似乎是一个扭曲的愚人节笑话,或者是一个来自所谓的天主教徒乔•拜登对基督徒的直接中指。

In reality what is happening is no joke but a prelude to a very likely massive military move by Russia, North Korea and China to take Western Europe, South Korea and Taiwan out of Western control. The West is so paralyzed by criminally incompetent governments that this will not be a war so much as a walkover. 事实上,正在发生的事情并非玩笑,而是俄罗斯、朝鲜和中国极有可能采取大规模军事行动的前奏,以使西欧、韩国和台湾脱离西方的控制。西方被无能的政府所麻痹,这与其说是一场战争,不如说是一次罢工。

Let us start with Russia. The Russian Orthodox Church issued an “order” to the Russian people saying the special military operation in Ukraine is “a new stage in the national liberation struggle…to fulfill the mission of those who defend the world from the onslaught of globalism and the victory of the West, which has fallen into Satanism”. 让我们从俄罗斯的情况开始说起。俄罗斯东正教会向俄罗斯人民发出“命令”,称在乌克兰的特别军事行动是“民族解放斗争的新阶段……以完成那些保卫世界免受全球主义冲击和西方胜利的人的使命,西方已经陷入撒旦主义”。


Let’s make it clear, Russia is run by the Orthodox Church and you don’t declare Holy War unless you are deadly serious. The Russian FSB has made it known they consider the Federal Reserve Board and the families that own it to be their real enemy. 让我们明确一点,俄罗斯是由东正教会管理的,除非你非常严肃,否则你不会宣布圣战。俄罗斯联邦安全局已经宣布,他们认为美联储以及拥有它的那些家族,是他们的真正敌人。

That is why FRB puppet Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk warns of the “real” threat of conflict in Europe, saying “literally any scenario is possible. We haven’t seen a situation like this since 1945.” 这就是为什么美联储的傀儡——波兰总理唐纳德•图斯克,警告欧洲冲突的“真实”威胁,他说:“实际上任何情况都有可能发生。自1945年以来,我们还没有见过这样的情况。”

Polish PM Tusk warns Europe has entered ‘pre-war era’

If Russia moves into Western Europe, the French and German military high command have admitted they could not resist for more than a few weeks. 法国和德国的军事指挥部承认,如果俄罗斯打到了西欧,他们无法抵抗超过几个星期。

Lieutenant General Rob Magowan, deputy chief of the country’s defense staff admitted in Parliament the UK would be unable to “fight a full-scale war against Vladimir Putin” for more than two months due to a lack of ammunition and equipment reserves. 英国国防部副部长罗布•马戈万中将,在议会上承认,由于缺乏弹药和设备储备,英国在面对“对弗拉基米尔•普京发动的全面战争”时,将无法抵抗超过两个月。

The US military is no longer going to be able to help either. The demolition of the bridge in Baltimore has ensured that. 美国军方也将不再能够提供帮助。巴尔的摩大桥的拆除已经确保了这一点。

By the way, if you are one of the few remaining cool aid drinkers who still believe the “official” story this was an accident, please look at the videos and visuals below. 顺便说一句,如果你仍然是少数不明真相的群众,仍然相信轮船撞桥是一场意外事故,那么就请观看下面的视频和图像。

My initial suspect for this attack was Barack Obama because his Netflix movie predicted a similar event. 我最初怀疑这次袭击是巴拉克•奥巴马发动的,因为他的网飞电影预测了类似的事件。

However, if you ask the question qui bono or who benefits from this, it has to be Russia. The bridge collapse trapped four ships the US military would absolutely need to transport equipment quickly across the Atlantic in the event of a war in Western Europe. These are: The Cape Washington, a Cape W Class roll-on/roll-off vessel. The Gary I. Gordon, a Gordon-class roll-on/roll-off vessel. The SS Antares (T-AKR-294), an Algol-class fast sealift vehicle cargo ship. The SS Denebola (T-AKR-294), another Algol-class fast sealift vehicle cargo ship.

然而,如果你想要问谁从中受益最大,那一定是俄罗斯。这座桥的倒塌使四艘船被困,如果西欧发生战争,美国军方绝对需要这些船只迅速将设备运过大西洋。这些船只包括: 华盛顿角号,一艘W级滚装船。 加里•I•戈登号,一艘戈登级滚装船。 SS Antares(T-AKR-294),是一艘大陵五级快速密封运输车货船。 SS Denebola(T-AKR-294),另一艘大陵五级快速海运车辆货船。

These Are the Ships Stuck Behind the Baltimore Key Bridge

This means if Russia moved into Western Europe the US would not be able to transport enough military equipment on time to be able to do anything about it. Field Marshall Douglas MacGregor says Russian submarines could take out any remaining US transport ships. 这意味着,如果俄罗斯进入西欧,美国将无法及时运送足够的军事装备,无法对此采取任何行动。美军上将道格拉斯•麦克格雷格表示,俄罗斯潜艇可以摧毁任何剩余的美国运输船。

In any case, we know from our own Pentagon contacts the US military does not intend to fight to protect KM puppet governments in Europe anyway. 无论如何,我们从五角大楼的线人那里得知,美国军方无论如何都不打算保护可萨黑手党的欧洲傀儡政府。

This matters because Russia has all but declared war. The Russian Foreign Ministry is demanding the arrest and extradition to Russia of all people involved in the March 22 (322) terrorist attacks on Russian territory, including Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) head Vasyl Malyuk. 这很重要,因为俄罗斯几乎已经宣战。俄罗斯外交部要求逮捕并引渡所有参与2024年3月22日(322)俄罗斯领土恐怖袭击的人,包括乌克兰安全局局长瓦西里•马柳克。


Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova made it very clear the US government incriminated itself by immediately blaming ISIS despite it being well-known ISIS etc. are US and British creations. 俄罗斯外交部发言人玛丽亚•扎哈罗娃明确表示,尽管众所周知,伊斯兰国等组织是美国和英国的产物,但美国政府立即指责伊斯兰国,这使美国和英国逃不了干系。


Alexander Bortnikov the chief of Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) has also publicly accused the United States, Britain and Ukraine for the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall. 俄罗斯联邦安全局局长亚历山大•博尔特尼科夫,也公开指责美国、英国和乌克兰对克洛库斯市政厅的恐怖袭击。


Our own FSB sources say Russia is further demanding the arrest of fake US President Joe Biden and his boss Barack Obama. They are also asking for the arrest of Charles Mountbatten Windsor. 我们自己的FSB消息来源说,俄罗斯进一步要求逮捕假美国总统乔•拜登和他的老板巴拉克•奥巴马。他们还要求逮捕查尔斯•蒙巴顿•温莎。

That is why Russian ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov says improving relations with Washington under President Joe Biden is “impossible”. 这就是为什么俄罗斯驻美国大使阿纳托利•安东诺夫说,只要华盛顿特区还在乔•拜登总统的领导下,俄罗斯改善与华盛顿特区的关系就是“不可能的”。


There are also signs that any attack by Russia would take place simultaneously with a North Korean move on South Korea. 还有迹象表明,俄罗斯的任何大规模攻击都将与朝鲜对韩国的行动同时发生。

In what looks like preparation for war, North Korea is importing huge amounts of fuel for military vehicles from Russia. At least five North Korean tankers sailed this month with oil products from the port of Vostochny in the Russian Far East. 朝鲜正在从俄罗斯进口大量军用车辆燃料,这似乎是在为战争做准备。本月至少有五艘朝鲜油轮从俄罗斯远东地区的沃斯托尼港运送石油产品。

North Korean tankers may have delivered more than 1.5 mln barrels of oil products between January 1 and September 15, 2023, the Russian Tass News Agency reports. “Moscow and Pyongyang have promised to strengthen their military-technical cooperation,” it adds. 跟据俄罗斯塔斯社报道,朝鲜油轮可能在2023年1月1日至9月15日期间,运送了超过150万桶石油产品。“莫斯科和平壤已承诺加强军事技术合作。”


Russia also used its veto power last week to stop UN monitoring of arms transfers between Moscow and Pyongyang. 俄罗斯上周还利用其否决权,阻止联合国监督莫斯科与平壤之间的武器转让。


Amid this tension Japan has been desperately trying to talk to North Korea but North Korean Foreign Minister Choe Son Hui reiterated Pyongyang’s stance Friday that it will reject any contact with Japan 在这种紧张局势中,日本一直在拼命试图与朝鲜进行对话,但朝鲜外交部长崔善姬周五重申了平壤的立场,即朝鲜将拒绝与日本进行任何接触。


Our own North Korean sources say they control the Japanese underground and are preparing to remove the slave government in Japan because it murdered over 400,000 people with vaccines. 我们自己的朝鲜消息来源说,朝鲜人控制着日本的地下组织,并准备推翻日本的奴才政府,因为它用《圣经•启示录》“兽的印迹”氧化石墨烯微芯片转基因绝育“疫苗”谋杀了40多万人。

Another sign something fundamental has changed is that Goldman Sachs is shutting down its’ banking business in Japan. 还另一个迹象,表明某些根本性变化正在发生,那就是高盛正在关闭其在日本的银行业务。


When I was working for Forbes I remember going to GS parties where the likes of former US Vice President Walter Mondale were employees. It was the de facto government of Japan. Their leaving is big news. 当我在福布斯工作时,我记得去外国记者俱乐部聚会,在那里,前美国副总统沃尔特•蒙代尔等人是员工。 这是日本事实上的政府。 他们的离开是个大新闻。

Japan is about to have a new Emperor and a new government according to my own sources connected to the greater (Fujiwara) imperial family. 根据我自己的消息来源说,日本即将有一位新天皇和一个新政府,他们与大(藤原)皇室有关。

“I’ve described the security environment as the most dangerous I’ve seen in 40 years in uniform,” said U.S. Adm. John Aquilino, head of Indo-Pacific Command, before the House Armed Services Committee this month. 美国海军上将、印太司令部司令约翰•阿基利诺,在本月众议院军事委员会上表示:“我将安全环境描述为我在40年军旅生涯中见过的最危险的环境。”

Rising global threats force ‘epoch-making’ shift in world order

China and Taiwan though, will reunify without any war, Asian secret society sources say. They say a deal has already been made for peaceful reunification. 亚洲秘密社团的消息来源说,中国和台湾将会在没有任何战争的情况下统一。他们说,为了和平统一,一项协议已经达成。

In any case, the situation is so tense an emergency meeting has been called this week with representatives of the Habsburg family (European Royalty), the Pentagon, the CIA, the Russian FSB, the people in Antarctica and Asian royals. A person who will be attending the meeting says they will discuss replacing the WEF and UN-based Khazarian mafia-controlled international system. They say construction has already begun in South East Asia for a new headquarters for a UN replacement organization. 无论如何,局势如此紧张,哈布斯堡家族(欧洲皇室)、五角大楼、中央情报局、俄罗斯联邦安全局、南极洲人民和亚洲皇室的代表,本周召开了紧急会议。一位将出席会议的人表示,他们将讨论取代世界经济论坛和可萨黑手党控制的联合国国际体系。他们说,一个新的组织即将替代联合国,总部大楼已经在东南亚开始建设。

The meeting will also discuss a White Dragon Society proposal to issue $100 trillion worth of bonds to kick-start a new age. As mentioned before, the process would start with a jubilee involving a one-off cancellation of all debt, public and private. It would also involve a one-off redistribution of assets stolen over the decades by fraudulent central banking. After this meritocratically staffed future planning organizations (one global and seven regional) would figure out how best to deploy the $100 trillion. 会议还将讨论白龙会提出的发行价值100万亿美元债券以启动新时代的提议。如前所述,这一过程将以天下大赦喜年运动开始,包括一笔勾销所有公共和私人债务。这也将涉及一次性重新分配欺诈性中央银行几十年来窃取的资产。在此之后,精英管理的未来规划组织(一个全球性组织和七个地区性组织)将找出如何最好地部署这100万亿美元。

The WDS proposal also calls for the Western military-industrial complex to stop stealing resources for Satan-worshipping KM oligarchs and start protecting the living creatures of this planet. Generous funding will be made for this purpose in order to prevent war. 白龙会的提案还呼吁,西方军工复合体停止帮助崇拜撒旦的可萨黑手党寡头窃取资源,并开始保护这个星球上的生物。为了防止战争,将为此目的提供慷慨的资金。

The West will also start making amends for centuries of pillage, conquest and murder around the world by carrying out a massive campaign to end poverty, disease and environmental destruction. It will also release technology that will allow us all to live like millionaires for thousands of years. 西方也将开始对几个世纪以来在世界各地的掠夺、征服和谋杀进行补偿,开展大规模运动,消除贫困、疾病和环境破坏。西方还将发布技术,使我们所有人都能像百万富翁一样生活数千年。

No matter what comes of this meeting, the current Western-led financial system is mathematically doomed. 无论这次会议的结果如何,当前的西方主导的金融体系,在数学上是注定要崩盘的。

The National Bureau of Economic Research estimates up to 385 American banks could fail over commercial real estate loans alone. “Major cities such as San Francisco are already sporting zombie-apocalypse downtowns, with abandoned office buildings baking in the sun.” Half of downtown Pittsburgh office space is expected to be vacant in four years. 美国国家经济研究局估计,仅商业房地产贷款一项,就有多达385家美国银行可能倒闭。“像旧金山这样的大城市,已经在市中心上演僵尸末日,废弃的办公楼在阳光下炙烤。”匹兹堡市中心一半的写字楼,预计将在四年后空置。


This real estate apocalypse comes on top of the 45% devaluation of all bond holdings caused when the Fed panic-hiked interest rates. 在这场房地产大灾难发生之前,美联储恐慌性的加息,已经导致所有人手中的债券贬值了45%。

The US Stock market is also a giant hallucination with such things as the tiny car company Tesla supposedly worth more than all the other car companies in the world combined. 美国股市也是一个巨大的幻觉,比如小汽车公司特斯拉的股票市值,据称已经超过了世界上所有其他汽车公司的总和。

More and more pundits are coming to the conclusion that “America may be on the brink of its Minsky moment…This process, which moves from slowly, slowly, to suddenly and now, goes back decades.” 越来越多的专家得出结论:“美国可能正处于明斯基时刻的边缘……这个过程慢慢地、慢慢地……然后突然、现在发生,使经济倒退到几十年前。”


The FRB is in no position to bail out banks, it hasn’t printed new money since 2019 and lost a record $114 billion last year. 美联储没有能力救助银行,自2019年以来,它没有印制新的钞票,去年损失了创纪录的1140亿美元。

High-level insiders know it is all coming to an end. For example, Bill Gates Bill Gates just sold off all of his “Magnificent Seven,” (Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta, Microsoft, Nvidia, and Tesla) stock holdings. 高层内部人士都知道这一切即将结束。例如,比尔•盖茨刚刚卖掉了他持有的所有“七巨头”股票(Alphabet、亚马逊、苹果、Meta、微软、英伟达和特斯拉)。


It looks like the people controlling the fake Biden administration have been looting all they can before the collapse. 看起来,控制假拜登政府的人,在崩溃前一直在掠夺他们所能掠夺的一切。

The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) estimates the Biden administration made off with $236 billion last year. Furthermore, the GAO believes the $236 billion estimate “potentially does not represent the full extent of improper payments.” 美国政府问责局估计,拜登政府去年的收入为2360亿美元。此外,美国政府问责局认为,2360亿美元的估计“可能不能代表不当付款的全部程度”

The amount of such payments under the Biden administration since 2021 totaled more than $764 billion. GAO estimates the cumulative incorrect payments since fiscal year 2003 to total around $2.7 trillion………. 自2021年以来,拜登政府的此类付款总额超过7640亿美元。美国政府问责局估计,自2003财年以来,累计错误付款总额约为2.7万亿美元………。


Similar waste is being seen in Canada. A Canadian intelligence agent sent us the video below with the following comment: 加麻大也出现了类似的废物。一名加麻大情报人员向我们发送了下面的视频,并发表了以下评论:

Watch and listen to how arrogant this KM – WEF Nazi puppet is as she evades the question again and again. Chrystia Freeland refuses to answer how much the government has collected in carbon tax when called out on $2 billion that has not been accounted for. 观察并倾听这个可萨黑手党世界经济论坛纳粹傀儡是多么傲慢,因为她一次又一次地回避这个问题。克里斯蒂娅•弗里兰拒绝回答政府对20亿美元的碳税征收了多少。

The Nazi Feeland will be tried for treason and crimes against humanity. Found guilty and the rope will be waiting. 纳粹弗里兰将以叛国罪和反人类罪受审。被判有罪,绞刑将等待着她。

This is the sort of thing that happens at the end of a regime. 这是一个政权结束时发生的事情。

The KM thought they got funding until September after FRB’s US slave government promised a UN “Summit of the Future” in September to create a “better more fair and peaceful world.” The problem is they just tried to murder us all with vaccines and bioweapons so nobody trusts their promises to suddenly do good. 在美联储的美国奴隶政府承诺,在2024年9月举行联合国“未来峰会”,以创造一个“更美好、更公平、更和平的世界”后,可萨黑手党以为他们将会在2024年9月得到资金。但问题是,他们只是试图用疫苗和生物武器谋杀我们所有人,所以没有人相信他们的承诺会突然带来好处。


The Asians, for good reason, don’t want to finance the people behind Ukraine’s criminal regime. Secretary General of the National Defense and Security Council, Oleksiy Danilov says Russians are “less human” than other people because they are “Asian”. Last week, he provoked a very serious diplomatic incident with China when made an obscene pun on the name of China’s special envoy, Li Hui. 亚洲人有充分的理由不想资助乌克兰犯罪政权背后的人。乌克兰国防和安全委员会秘书长奥列克谢•丹尼洛夫表示,俄罗斯人比其他人“不那么人性化”,因为他们是“亚洲人”。上周,他对中国特使李辉的名字使用了下流的双关语,引发了一场非常严重的对华外交事件。


Not only that, more and more government-run media are reporting now on the organ trafficking and killing of babies being carried out by that regime. 不仅如此,现在越来越多的政府媒体,报道了乌克兰政权贩卖器官和杀害婴儿的行为。


Even the BBC is reporting healthy newborn babies may have been killed in Ukraine to feed a flourishing international trade in stem cells. 就连英国广播公司也报道称,健康的新生儿可能在乌克兰被杀害,以喂养蓬勃发展的干细胞国际贸易。


The Russians should have eliminated the criminal Ukrainian regime a long time ago. It will fall soon for sure. 俄罗斯人早就应该消灭犯罪的乌克兰政权。这个政权肯定很快就会倒台。

The Nazi government of Benyamin Netanyahu in Israel is also about to fall. The public genocide in Gaza has made sure of that. So have comments by the likes of Michigan Republican Congressman Tim Walberg that, instead of sending aid to Gaza, the US government should consider using a nuclear bomb on the region. 以色列本雅明•内塔尼亚胡的纳粹政府也即将倒台。加沙的公开种族灭绝确保了这一点。密歇根州共和党众议员蒂姆•沃尔伯格等也发表了评论,认为美国政府不应该向加沙提供援助,而应该考虑在该地区使用核弹。

We have Trump’s Zionist Son-in-Law Jared Kushner calling for Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza to ‘Finish the Job’…Kushner, who served as a key Middle East adviser to Trump, said that Gaza’s “waterfront property could be very valuable” and urged Israel to “clean it up.” 我们有川普的犹太复国主义女婿贾里德•库什纳,呼吁对加沙进行种族清洗,以“完成任务”…库什纳曾担任川普的关键中东顾问,他表示,加沙的“海滨财产可能非常有价值”,并敦促以色列“清理它”。

“What we are seeing in Gaza now, represents the blatant violation of international humanitarian law on a mass scale,” Irish Foreign Minister Micheál Martin said as he announced his country would help South Africa with its war crimes charges against Israel. 爱尔兰外交部长米歇尔•马丁在宣布爱尔兰将帮助南非解决对以色列的战争罪指控时表示:“我们现在在加沙看到的情况,代表着大规模公然违反国际人道主义法。”


Under threat of an international trade boycott, the US government refused to veto a call by 14 members of the United Nations Security Council for an “immediate ceasefire” between Israel and Hamas and the “unconditional release of all hostages”. 在国际贸易抵制的威胁下,美国政府在联合国安理会14个成员国关于以色列和哈马斯之间“立即停火”和“无条件释放所有人质”的决议案中,投了弃权票。


US politicians who still support the current Israeli cannot appear in public without triggering riots as this scene outside President Biden’s re-election fundraiser in Manhattan shows. 正如拜登总统在曼哈顿举行的连任筹款活动外的这一幕所显示的那样,仍然支持以色列人的现任美国政客,在公开场合露面时,总是会遭遇骚乱。

In Israel “Tens of thousands of Israelis demonstrated Saturday night in front of the military’s headquarters in Tel Aviv, in the biggest protest against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu since the terrorist attack of Oct. 7.” 在以色列,“周六晚上,数万名以色列人在特拉维夫军方总部前举行示威,这是自2023年10月7日恐怖袭击以来针对总理本雅明•内塔尼亚胡的最大抗议活动。”


Now an Israeli Supreme Court ruling that freezes funding to ultra-Orthodox seminaries unless their students serve in the military is forcing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government to contend with its survival as the war in Gaza deepens the country’s political divisions. 现在,以色列最高法院的一项裁决,冻结了对极端正统派神学院的资助,除非这些神学院的学生在军队服役,这显示出本雅明•内塔尼亚胡总理的政府,在加沙战争加深该国政治分裂之际,正在为生存而挣扎。


Also now Netanyahu “has been diagnosed with a severe hernia, and he will undergo emergency surgery tonight under full anesthesia; his deputy will take his duties.” 同样现在,内塔尼亚胡“被诊断出患有严重的疝气,今晚他将在全身麻醉下接受紧急手术;他的副手将履行职责。”


A Mossad source comments: “Is this the end of the Avatar Netanyahu? The ole gone to the hospital story. Maybe he is planning his escape? I doubt if the same man comes out of sick bay. If he comes out?” 摩萨德的一位消息来源评论道:“这是内塔尼亚胡的阿凡达替身的结局吗?这个人去了医院。也许他正在计划逃跑?我怀疑康复出院的,还是不是原来的他。”

No matter what though, Israel is bankrupt because its’ US sponsor is no longer getting Asian money to waste on it. 不管怎样,以色列已经破产了,因为它的美国赞助商再也没有亚洲的钱浪费在它身上了。

The US government has been using Asian money for many other immoral causes as well. For example, the National Science Foundation has been spending taxpayer money to create AI tools for censoring Americans on various social media platforms. They targeted conservatives, minorities, rural Americans, older adults, and military families. This censorship, for example, targeted people, such as this writer, who cite scientific evidence showing COVID-19 vaccines are harmful. In other words, the government was using AI to hide the fact they have been trying to kill us. 美国政府还将亚洲的资金用于许多其他不道德的事业。例如,美国国家科学基金会,一直在花费纳税人的钱,来创建人工智能工具,用于审查各种社交媒体平台上的美国人。他们针对的是保守派、主体民族、美国农村、老年人和军人家庭。例如,这种审查针对的是像笔者本人这样的人,我们这些人引用科学证据,表明新冠疫苗是有害的。换句话说,政府正在使用人工智能来掩盖他们一直试图杀死我们的事实。

NSF paid universities to develop AI censorship tools for social media, House report alleges

This fact-based report on massive Covid-linked corruption is the sort of thing they have been trying to censor. 以上这份基于事实的关于与新冠肺炎有关的大规模腐败的报告,正是他们试图全网封杀的事情。

Billions spent on Covid deals….. Innova Medical Group a US company gets 9 contracts for lateral flow tests worth £3.7 Billion. Of course an inside deal. Number 10 Downing Street was involved of course. 在新冠肺炎交易上花费了数十亿美元…。Innova Medical Group是一家美国公司,获得了9份价值37亿英镑的侧流测试合同。当然是内部交易。英国政府当然也参与其中。

Meanwhile, Scottish Police are planning to stop investigating crimes like theft and criminal damage so they can investigate every report they receive under the new Hate Crime Act, such as posting an anti-LGTB comment on Facebook. 与此同时,苏格兰警方计划停止调查盗窃和刑事损害等犯罪,以便根据新的《仇恨犯罪法》调查他们收到的每一份报告,例如在脸书上发布反LGTB的评论。


Pro LGTB speech is another thing. During a speech at the Human Rights Campaign Dinner in LA Sunday, Jill Biden suggested that not having gay porno books available in children’s libraries in schools is akin to Nazi Germany. 支持LGTB的言论是另一回事。周日,吉尔•拜登在洛杉矶举行的人权运动晚宴上发表演讲时表示,学校的儿童图书馆里没有同性恋色情书籍,这类似于纳粹德国。


We are further not supposed to criticize illegal immigrants. For example, we are not supposed to say foreigners are responsible for 100% of serious sexual assault cases and 57.4% of all crimes in Frankfurt, Germany. 我们在网上批评非法移民也遭到了更多的限制。例如,我们不应该说外国人对德国法兰克福100%的严重性侵案件和57.4%的所有犯罪负有责任。

Germany: Foreigners responsible for 100% of serious sexual assault cases in Frankfurt, 57.4% of all crimes

The KM media is also trying to silence things like this riot that broke out at Paris airport as illegals try to stop deportation. 可萨黑手党媒体也试图平息巴黎机场爆发的骚乱,因为非法移民试图阻止被驱逐出境。

As the guy in the image below says, people are realizing the Moloch-worshipping, blood-drinking pedophiles who run Western governments do not have the people’s best interests in mind. 正如下图中的那个人所说,人们意识到,管理西方政府的崇拜邪神莫洛赫、嗜血的恋童癖者,并没有考虑到人民的最大利益。

Despite this awakening, the KM is desperately trying to make it seem it is business as usual by trotting out “King Charles” and “Pope Francis” in public after long disappearances. 尽管人民已经意识到了这一点,但可萨黑手党仍在尽力让人们觉得一切如常,在“查尔斯国王”和“教皇弗朗西斯”长期失踪后,可萨黑手党仍在公开场合推出他们的替身。



Also judging from the German Press report linked below it looks like all the British Royals have been trotted out after not being seen in public for months. It is impossible to confirm if they are real or not in this age of digital fakery and rubber masks. What we can confirm is that while we got analog confirmation from Queen Elizabeth in the form of signed letters, no such thing has been received since her murder. 同样,从下面链接的德国媒体报道来看,似乎所有的英国皇室成员,在几个月没有公开露面后都被赶了出去。在这个数字图像技术造假和橡胶面具盛行的时代,人们无法确认它们是真是假。我们可以确认的是,虽然我们以签名信的形式从伊丽莎白女王那里得到了类似的确认,但自她被谋杀以来,还没有收到这样的消息。


Our own MI6 sources say King Charles or whoever controls his avatar has been charged with high treason. Something fundamental has changed. Guillotines are being called for and with good reason. 我们自己的军情六处消息来源称,查尔斯国王或控制其阿凡达替身的人,已被指控犯有叛国罪。一些根本的东西已经改变了。人们要求使用断头台,这是有充分理由的。

Criminality and corruption aside, the KM are incompetent managers of the countries they control. 撇开犯罪和腐败不谈,可萨黑手党是他们所控制国家的无能管理者。

An Ipsos survey shows widespread distrust of government in most Western countries. In France, the UK and Canada 82%, 79% and 70% respectively of citizens believe the country is heading in the wrong direction, a new historic low. 益普索的一项调查显示,大多数西方国家普遍不信任政府。在法国、英国和加麻大,分别有82%、79%和70%的公民认为,国家正朝着错误的方向前进,这是历史新低。


KM-controlled governments are very worried. A secret RCMP report warns Canadians may revolt once they realize how broke they are. The report notes for example many Canadians under 35 are unlikely ever to be able to buy a place to live.” 可萨黑手党控制的政府非常担心。加麻大皇家骑警的一份秘密报告警告说,一旦加麻大人意识到自己有多破产,他们可能会反抗。例如,报告指出,许多35岁以下的加拿大人不太可能买得起房子。”

Think about that, in a country with the second biggest land area on earth (after Russia) a small population and huge lumber supplies, the government is so incompetent it cannot even provide basic housing. 想想看,在一个拥有地球上第二大土地面积(仅次于俄罗斯)、人口少、木材供应量大的国家,政府非常无能,甚至无法提供基本住房。


Another Canadian government report says: 另一份加麻大政府报告说:

Threats against politicians have become “increasingly normalized” due to extremist narratives prompted by personal grievances and fuelled by misinformation or deliberate lies…[Canada] has seen the proliferation of conspiracy theories, a growing lack of trust in the integrity of the state and more political polarization…Baseless theories, disinformation and misinformation have spread to larger audiences, exposing online users to a vast network of narratives that undermine science, systems of government and traditional figures of authority, the report says. 由于个人不满引发的极端主义叙事,以及错误信息或蓄意谎言的助长,对政客的威胁已经“越来越正常化”……报告称,[加麻大]已经看到阴谋论的泛滥,对国家完整性越来越缺乏信任,政治两极分化加剧……毫无根据的理论、虚假信息和错误信息已经传播到更多的受众,使在线用户暴露在一个庞大的叙事网络中,这些叙事网络破坏了科学、政府体系和传统权威人物。


Never mind that the Castrudeau government embezzled billions of dollars while trying to kill people with toxic vaccines eh. 别介意,特鲁多•卡斯特罗政府在试图用《圣经•启示录》“兽的印迹”氧化石墨烯微芯片转基因绝育“疫苗”杀人时,贪污了数十亿美元。

People are starting to take direct action. For example, Santa Rosa County Sheriff Bob Johnson is telling citizens to shoot to kill home invaders to ‘save taxpayers money’ 人们开始采取直接行动。例如,圣罗莎县警长鲍勃•约翰逊,要求市民直接开枪杀死占据自己房屋的人,以“节省纳税人的钱”。

During a press conference in April 2022, Santa Rosa County Sheriff Bob Johnson said, “If someone is breaking into your house, you’re more than welcome to shoot. We prefer you to do that, actually.” The comments have gone viral again in juxtaposition to a story in New York where a woman was arrested for trying to remove squatters from her property. 在2022年4月的一次新闻发布会上,圣罗莎县警长鲍勃•约翰逊说:“如果有人闯入你的房子,我们非常欢迎你开枪。事实上,我们更希望你这么做。”这些评论再次在网上疯传,与纽约的一个故事并列,一名女子因试图将擅自占用者从她的房子里赶走而被捕。

“I said [at the press conference] if you shoot accurately, and you kill the guy, you save taxpayers money. And I also said that if somebody gets killed during a home invasion, the odds of them re-offending are zero. And we like those odds, which we do,” he told Fox News Digital. 他告诉福克斯新闻数字频道:“我(在新闻发布会上)说过,如果你开枪准确,杀死了那个人,你就可以节省纳税人的钱。我还说过,如果有人在入室盗窃中被杀,他们再次犯罪的几率为零。我们喜欢这种几率,我们确实喜欢。”

And in Santa Rosa County, we have a very high percentage of the population that have weapons, and I promote the use of them if you’re in your house. And somebody kicks your door in because they’re not coming in to give you a hug or to give you cookies, they’re coming in to commit felonies,” he continued. 他继续说道。:“在圣罗莎县,我们有很高比例的人口拥有武器,如果你在家里,我提倡使用武器。有人踢你的门,因为他们不是来拥抱你或给你饼干的,他们是来犯重罪的,”

Since he made the remarks, he claims there has not been a single home invasion. “You don’t have to retreat. You don’t have to give them a warning. You don’t have to go barricade yourself in a room. You can shoot and kill them. And in the state of Florida, that’s perfectly legal,” he said. “And in these other states where they don’t have that, people are afraid to own guns, and they’re afraid to protect themselves. That’s why you have the crime rate in New York, in California.” 自他发表上述言论以来,他声称没有发生过一起入室盗窃事件。他说:“你不必退让。你不必警告他们。你不需要在房间里设置路障。你可以开枪打死他们。在佛罗里达州,这是完全合法的。在其他没有枪支的州,人们害怕拥有枪支,也害怕保护自己。这就是为什么纽约和加利福尼亚的犯罪率如此之高。”


The KM are looking for an escape. It might even involve an attempt to escape from this universe. 可萨黑手党正在寻找逃亡路线。甚至可能涉及试图逃离这个宇宙。

CERN has restarted the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) -the world’s most powerful particle accelerator- after a two-year hibernation to “search for ‘invisible’ matter that secretly powers our universe” during April’s solar eclipse. 欧洲核子研究中心重启了大型强子对撞机(LHC)——世界上最强大的粒子加速器——在经历了两年的冬眠后,在2024年4月的日食期间“寻找秘密为我们的宇宙提供动力的‘隐形’物质”。


“Activating CERN is a Huge Deal. Yeah you know the one they say is looking for the God particle while in reality it has been opening portals and crashing timelines,” a US Space Force official comments. 一位美国太空军官员评论说:“激活欧洲核子研究中心是一笔巨大的交易。是的,你知道他们说的是在寻找上帝粒子,而实际上它一直在打开门户,破坏时间线。”

Also, is it a mere coincidence that NASA chose the April 8 solar eclipse to unveil Mission APEP? 此外,美国国家航空航天局选择2024年4月8日的日食来公布APEP任务,这仅仅是巧合吗?

APEP is also the name of the serpent deity from ancient Egyptian mythology, the nemesis of the Sun deity Ra. It was said that Apep pursued Ra and every so often nearly consumed him, resulting in an eclipse. APEP也是古埃及神话中大蛇神的名字,是太阳神Ra的克星。据说Apep追杀Ra,并且每隔一段时间就会吃掉他,导致日食。

NASA is launching 3 rockets into this eclipse: Ra, Ba, and Sekhmet. 美国国家航空航天局向这次日食发射了3枚火箭:Ra、Ba和Sekhmet。

1. Ra leads the charge, launching 45 minutes before the eclipse. 1.Ra在日食前45分钟率先起飞。

Ra, the Sun god in ancient Egyptian mythology, represents light, warmth, and vitality. Ra’s interactions with Apep, the serpent deity, were often depicted as a battle between light and darkness. Ra,古埃及神话中的太阳神,代表光明、温暖和活力。Ra与蛇神Apep的互动经常被描绘成光明与黑暗之间的战斗。

2. Ba will be launched into the darkness of the peak of this eclipse. 2.Ba将被发射到这次日食高峰的黑暗中。

In ancient Egyptian mythology, Ba represents the individual’s personality or soul, often depicted as a bird with a human head. Ba was believed to be a part of a person’s identity that could separate from the body after death and journey to the afterlife. 在古埃及神话中,巴代表个人的个性或灵魂,通常被描绘成一只长着人头的鸟。Ba被认为是一个人身份的一部分,可以在死后和死后的旅程中与身体分离。

3. Sekhmet will trail the eclipse by 45 minutes. 3.塞克米特将在日食后45分钟出现。

Sekhmet was another ancient Egyptian deity, often associated with fire, war, and healing. She was believed to have the power to repel Apep and protect Ra during his journey through the underworld. Sekhmet是另一位古埃及神,经常与火、战争和治疗联系在一起。她被认为有能力击退阿普,并在拉穿越冥界的旅程中保护他。


Next week’s report will go live immediately before the eclipse but we will try to give you heads up on what to expect. All we know for sure is the world is about to change dramatically. We will fight hard to make sure the change is one of vast improvement. 下周的新闻通讯将在日食前立即上线,但我们将尽力让您了解预期情况。我们所确信的是,世界即将发生巨大变化。我们将努力确保这一变化是一个巨大的进步。
