CN — LARRY ROMANOFF — 20世纪30年代,犹太人很忙

The Jews were busy in the 1930s


By Larry Romanoff, February 04, 2023




This essay is an exercise in connecting dots, of bringing together apparently disparate events that are actually connected in some meaningful way, done in an attempt to give readers an opportunity to place world events in context and have an entire coherent picture emerge from those apparently separate elements. The contents of this essay are as follows:


(1) The 1930s Great Depression

(1) 20世纪30年代大萧条

(2) The US domestic gold seizures

(2) 美国国内黄金缉获量

(3) The 1934 Silver Purchase Ac

(3) 1934年《白银购买法》

(4) Citibank’s Great Chinese Gold Robbery

(4) 花旗银行中国黄金大劫案

(5) The Worldwide Gold Robbery – The US FED

(5) 全球黄金抢劫案——美国联邦储备委员会

(6) The 1933 Jewish Declaration of War and Economic Boycott of Germany

(6) 1933年犹太战争宣言与德国经济抵制

(7) The Attempted 1933 Jewish Fascist Coup in America

(7) 1933年美国犹太法西斯政变未遂

(8) The Takeover of China

(8) 中国的接管

(9) Preparation for WWII against Germany

(9) 第二次世界大战对德国的准备

(1) The 1930s Great Depression

(1) 20世纪30年代大萧条

Ben Strong and Montagu Norman — Source


It’s not a secret that one of the nastier advantages of the private ownership of a country’s central bank is that the Jews have total control over those economies. Since they control both the money supply and the interest rates, they have easily the power to whipsaw economies and profit immensely at every cycle. They do it the same way every time – by lowering interest rates to zero or nearly so, while hugely inflating the money supply and extending almost unlimited credit, thereby creating large bubbles in debt, in the stock and housing markets, and so on. Then, they severely contract the money supply and all credit while simultaneously raising interest rates, thus bankrupting countless thousands of banks, businesses and families, and buying up for pennies on the dollar every manner of assets when the blood is running in the streets. It is also not a secret that all such recessions have been deliberately inflicted on Western economies by these Jewish bankers for the past 200 years or more. The 1929 collapse and the resulting Great Depression of the 1930s was only one such. This was done many times prior to 1929, and has been done many times since.


At the beginning of the 1930s, the Khazar Jews in the City of London had just unleashed the most bitter recession in living memory. Montagu Norman, the head of the Rothschild-owned Bank of England, had a meeting with the Rothschild-owned FED and with the US Bankers Association, and shortly thereafter the entire world economy collapsed. Senator Robert Owen, a co-author of the Federal Reserve Act, testified before a Congressional Committee that the bank he owned received a notice from the National Bankers’ Association that stated: “You will at once retire one-third of your circulation and call in one-half of your loans.” And that is how Rothschild and these Jewish central bankers create recessions: an instant reduction of 35% or more in the nation’s money supply and a 50% reduction in total credit. The inevitable result is the bankruptcies of thousands of corporations and banks, and an enormous plunge in stock market values and corporate assets of every description which are now available for purchase at pennies on the dollar. I covered the effects, including engineered recessions, of Jewish-owned central banks in a prior article titled, “Let’s Have a Financial Crisis: First, We Need a Central Bank“.[1] I also covered it briefly in another prior article, “The Richest Man in the World“, Part (8) Recessions and Depressions.[2]

 20世纪30年代初,伦敦市的哈扎尔犹太人刚刚引发了人们记忆中最痛苦的经济衰退。罗斯柴尔德(Rothschild)旗下的英格兰银行(Bank of England)行长蒙塔古·诺曼(Montagu Norman)与罗斯柴尔德旗下的美联储(FED)和美国银行家协会(US Bankers Association)举行了会议,此后不久,整个世界经济崩溃。《联邦储备法的合著者、参议员罗伯特·欧文在国会委员会作证时表示他所拥有的银行收到了国家银行家协会的通知,通知中写道:“你将立即收回三分之一的流通量,收回一半的贷款。“这就是罗斯柴尔德和这些犹太央行行长造成衰退的原因国家货币供应量立即减少35%或更多,信贷总额减少50%不可避免的结果是成千上万的公司和银行破产,股票市场价值和各种类型的公司资产大幅下跌,而这些资产现在可以以一美元一美分的价格购买。我在之前的一篇题为《让我们经历一场金融危机:首先,我们需要一个中央银行》的文章中讨论了犹太人拥有的央银行的影响,包括人为造成的衰退。[1] 我在之前的另一篇文章《世界上最富有的人》第(8)部分《衰退与萧条》中也简要介绍了这一点。[2]

Not only did the Great Depression require much advance planning prior to execution, but the activities during the recession were also daunting. One source states that 1,100 US banks failed during the 1930s, while other sources claim “several thousand” banks failed. I have not researched these numbers but, even with the smaller figure, that is a huge number of banks to sort through in preparation for takeover – which was unquestionably one of the purposes of causing the Depression. But one cannot have other parties arriving first and cherry-picking the attractive assets, which means having many boots on the ground, filled with persons knowledgeable in banking and finance, and in law. I have no reliable confirmation of the number of those failed banks which were bought, stolen, merged, swallowed or absorbed, but it must have been a large percentage of the total in one form or another. Banks do not become worthless simply because their circulating cash is withdrawn, and many, if not most, could have been made profitable again. Rothschild and his Khazar friends in the City of London certainly had access to all the banking information held by the FED, as well as access to similar information and data through the US Bankers Association, and would thus be privy to an enormous amount of confidential information on the state of each bank. However, buying up the cream of all those failed banks is not something we do with three or four people. The planning and execution would have involved quite a large number of “agents”, even considering that J. P. Morgan was local and definitely a Rothschild agent, as were other Jewish banks.


But it wasn’t only banks that were in peril during this time. As the Depression wore on, most corporations were experiencing various degrees of economic distress, and those producing goods with a high elasticity (unnecessary or luxury products or services whose sales fluctuate widely with economic conditions) experiencing the highest distress levels, making them ideal targets for cheap takeovers. As one example, Coca-Cola sales plummeted during this time, but the company miraculously survived and even absorbed competitors. It is entirely possible that one of the agents from the City of London purchased a controlling interest in the company at the time and, very often when this is done, the “Gentile Front” remains in position and the public never become aware of the actual change in ownership. Many companies exist today in this fashion, with the ultimate beneficial ownership totally masked by the existence of various kinds of trusts, offshore numbered companies, tax havens, investment funds, and many other mechanisms.


One company in this category that should attract our attention is General Motors. During the decade prior to the Depression, GM had lost enormous amounts of money, $65 million in one year alone and other large amounts in later years. From 1927 to 1933, sales of GM’s main brands, Chevrolet and Buick, dropped by 50% and 80% respectively. There was no question GM was at the end of its rope and heading quickly for bankruptcy before the end of the 1930s. But then suddenly GM came to life with a vengeance and virtually remade the social and transportation landscape of North America. GM suddenly embarked on an incredibly-large program to kill all public transport in the US, buying up and scrapping the rolling stock of nearly 1,000 US railroads. I have covered this story with much detail in a prior article “Americans and Automobiles: Capitalism and Propaganda[3], which contains much detail we haven’t room for here.


But how could this happen? Do you have any idea how much money it would take to buy up all the electric locomotives and all the electric tram cars contained in 1,000 railroads? And this massive expense was not like the construction of a new factory that could be expected to produce high profits within a year, since nothing was done with the purchases. All that rolling stock was simply scrapped, and the money lost forever. But GM was essentially bankrupt, so where would this money come from, to not only remain in production, but to embark on this extravagant venture that had any revenue or profit years in the future? The required sums would be enormous, extraordinary, and no one in the US had this kind of loose cash during the Great Depression, and certainly not to simply trash and throw it away. The only source of funds of this magnitude would have been the Jewish bankers in the City of London. Since that time, GM has been essentially a criminal organisation, specialising in money rather than automobiles, with an almost insane level of greed on occasion, exhibiting all the typical signs of Khazar/Mafia organised crime including bullying, extortion, fraud, deliberate quality degradation, and an astonishing contempt for the lives of its customers. I do not have documentary evidence that these Jewish bankers took ownership of GM at this time, but all signs are pointing in this direction, and all the facts fit the picture perfectly, especially in terms of GM’s resulting character and business attitudes.


But here I have named only two companies of literally thousands – banks, pharmaceutical companies, food and clothing manufacturers, hotel chains, railroads, steamship lines, fledgling airlines, auto and industrial corporations. A great many of these would have been in distress by the end of a ten-year recession and available for takeover at fire-sale prices, and many most assuredly were. And let’s not forget that the Great Depression affected nations in addition to the US, so opportunities existed in many places. Think of the logistical planning and organisation necessary for the execution of such a plan, and of the kinds and numbers of “agents” necessary, not only to create an economic recession, but for all the looting to take place when blood was running in the streets.


The next four portions of this essay, numbered (2 to 5), will be examined here only briefly. I have covered these in more detail in a previous essay titled “The Richest Man in the World”[4], and much more extensively in Part 5 of an E-book titled “How the US Became Rich[5]. You can access these sources for more information and references. These are the next four portions:


(2) The US gold seizures

(2) 美国黄金缉获量


(3) The 1934 Silver Purchase Act

(3) 1934年《白银购买法》


(4) Citibank’s Great Gold Robbery

(4) 花旗银行的黄金大劫案


(5) International gold seizures

(5) 国际黄金缉获量


(2) The US FED Domestic Gold Seizures

(2) 美联储国内黄金缉获量

FDR signs gold bill, executive order 6102, forbidding the hoarding of gold coins, gold bullion, and gold certificates with the US

January 30, 1934. President Franklin Roosevelt signs the Gold Reserve Act. © Bettman/CORBIS — Source


In the early years after the creation of the Rothschild-owned FED, the US was still on a gold standard for its currency; new money could be issued by the FED only if it had at least 40% of that amount in gold. But, as Jewish bankers have always done in every country, they issued paper currency far beyond the permitted limits. By 1933, the FED had only about 6,000 metric tonnes of gold in its vaults, about 50,000 tonnes short for the paper currency it had issued. The public were aware generally of what was happening and, with concerns of US paper money becoming worthless, were spending the paper and hoarding the gold coins and bars, while small banks and companies were hoarding gold bullion. Under their pressure, Roosevelt passed the famous 1602 provision which confiscated all the privately-held gold (in all forms; coins, bars, bullion) in the US, all citizens forced to turn over their gold to the FED, under penalty of a $10,000 fine plus a 10-year prison sentence. Note that the gold was not surrendered to the US Treasury Department, but to the privately-owned FED. The gold was exchanged for paper money, meaning that the owners of the FED used the power of the US government to confiscate all the privately-held gold in the US, at only the cost of printing paper. The US dollar depreciated significantly after this.


This was one of the most astonishing thefts in history, one perpetrated by the President of the US on his own people. In the midst of the most bitter depression in living memory, Roosevelt confiscated all the privately-held gold in the country and turned it over free to the Jewish owners of the FED.


(3) US Silver Purchase Act of 1934

(3) 1934年美国白银购买法案

1934 $10 Silver Certificate VF — Source


The Jewish bankers had this treason repeated the following year, with Roosevelt pushed to implement another administration bill for the seizure of all privately-held silver (in all forms; coins, bars, bullion) in the US on the same basis – to strip the citizens of their real assets and replace them with paper, those silver assets also being given gratis to the FED. This action as well vacuumed up billions of scarce government funds at the depth of the Great Depression when most Americans were struggling to survive and avoid starvation and bankruptcy.


But this act was in two parts. The first part, in the US in 1934, was to engineer the forced sale of all privately-held silver in the US at the then market price, replacing it with paper that was rapidly depreciating. The second part, stretching from 1934 to 1939, which must have appeared totally bizarre to those living at the time, was an instruction for the US Treasury to purchase silver “from foreign countries” at a price that was about three times the then market price for silver. The only reason given, and which was clearly false, was to protect US silver producers. However, the underlying reason soon became apparent.


I should interject an historical note here. China had suffered more than 100 years of the opium travesty inflicted upon them by the Jews, primarily Rothschild, Sassoon and Kadoorie, but many other Jews as well. The Chinese had also suffered enormously from the kidnapping and slave trafficking that these same Jews (and their friends) were inflicting on the country during that same period. It isn’t a secret that Rothschild kidnapped about 70,000 Chinese who were sent to South Africa and other nations as slave labor to work his gold mines, to say nothing of the same being done to supply labor for the (Jewish-financed) American and Canadian railroads, the Panama Canal and Railroad, the mining of Guano in Peru, and many other such ventures. It was only the First World War that put an end to all this, finally giving the Chinese some freedom from foreign oppression and an opportunity to contemplate rebuilding their nation. But the Jews were mightily unhappy about the loss of their prize and were determined to loot whatever remained of wealth in China.


To that time, China had been for hundreds of years on a silver standard for its currency, the only currency in the world fully backed by precious metal, and responsible for creating a stable economic base, permitting China to escape altogether the Great Depression that was ravaging the rest of the world. It was soon clear that the Americans were not purchasing silver from “foreign countries” on the open market as the US legislation suggested, but only in China through the Jewish US banks and Rothschild agents like Citibank, Morgan and Chase because they were immune to Chinese export regulations. This American silver policy of course dealt a devastating blow to this centuries-old stability because these US agents offered Chinese citizens three times the market price for their silver, naturally resulting in a flood of silver flowing into these banks and from there to be shipped to the US on American military vessels.


The financing of these silver purchases in China is a curiosity because it was done entirely with counterfeit currency. Neither the US Treasury nor the Jewish-owned US banks could purchase silver from Chinese citizens with US dollars, since the dollar was not in common use and certainly wouldn’t have been accepted as payment by Chinese citizens for their silver. The only source of funds – in Chinese yuan – would have been the Jewish banks operating in China at the time. These banks were permitted to issue Chinese currency only so long as they held gold or silver as full backing, but the Jewish banks violated this principle with abandon, Citibank alone issuing billions in Chinese yuan with no precious metal backing at all. I believe the other Jewish banks were operating in a similar fashion. Thus, the Jews entered China with the precise intent of utterly bankrupting the economy and destroying the country, doing so by printing unlimited billions in counterfeit currency and paying Chinese citizens three times the market price for their silver. They were so successful that the silver backing for China’s currency descended from virtually 100% to only about 4% in some major areas. China’s currency was of course destroyed, the economy collapsed, and the country was thrown into the depths of the Great Depression which it had completely escaped until that time. These Jewish bankers, Rothschild and the other owners of the FED, sucked countless billions of dollars’ worth of silver out of China at the meager cost of printing worthless little pieces of paper, of course done with the kind assistance of the US government and military. A secondary part of this scheme was a deliberate plan to throw China into an intense hyperinflation as the same Jewish bankers had done to Germany only a few years earlier. I will discuss this in more detail below.


It may occur to you to wonder why the Jewish bankers at the FED didn’t also try to buy up all the gold in China in the same manner. In fact, they did precisely that, at the same time, and accomplished it without even the inconvenience of having to print counterfeit currency. See Citibank, next below.


(4) Citibank’s Great Chinese Gold Robbery

(4) 花旗银行中国黄金大劫案

The Chinese have always hoarded gold, and they were doing so when Citibank came into China on the verge of bankruptcy and needing a clever way to rebuild its asset base. Citi found it. The bank advertised throughout the nation the insecurity of keeping gold bars in a sock under the bed, and managed to convince at least 100 million Chinese to deposit their gold in Citibank’s vaults where it would be safe, exchanging the real gold for little pieces of paper purporting to be “gold certificates”. Citi and the other Jewish banks did this for several decades, but the practice exploded during the 1930s. Near the end of the decade when the war clouds were gathering, Citi loaded literally dozens of US military vessels with all that Chinese gold, and simply closed its doors and left. The gold, of course, would all have been turned over to Rothschild’s FED in return for paper. People today are still trying to recover their gold from Citibank. I covered this in detail in a prior article that you may care to read.[6] There is much more to this story, since Citibank and the other Jewish banks pulled the same stunt in at least a dozen countries. If it works in one place, it should work everywhere. At the same time that Citi (International Banking Corporation) registered itself in China, it also opened banking operations in Manila, Calcutta, Singapore, Yokohama, Brazil, Argentina, and in other countries. The amount of gold stolen by the Jewish bankers and Citibank from citizens of all these countries must have been in the tens of billions, with all apparently working from a standard template in use all over the world.

 中国人一直在囤积黄金,当花旗银行在破产边缘进入中国,需要一个聪明的方法来重建其资产基础时,他们就这样做了。花旗银行发现了这一点。该银行在全国范围内宣传将金条放在床下的袜子里的不安全性,并设法说服至少1亿中国人将黄金存放在花旗银行的保险库中,在那里黄金是安全的,用真金换成声称是“黄金证书”的小纸片。花旗和其他犹太银行几十年来一直这样做,但这种做法在20世纪30年代爆发。在战争阴云密布的十年即将结束之际,花旗集团向数十艘美国军舰装载了中国的黄金,然后干脆关门走人。当然,这些黄金将全部交给罗斯柴尔德的美联储,以换取纸张。今天的人们仍在努力从花旗银行追回他们的黄金。我在之前的一篇文章中详细介绍了这一点,您可能需要阅读。[6] 这个故事还有很多,因为花旗银行和其他犹太银行在至少十几个国家上演了同样的把戏。如果它在一个地方起作用,那么它应该在任何地方都起作用。花旗(国际银行公司)在中国注册的同时,还在马尼拉、加尔各答、新加坡、横滨、巴西、阿根廷和其他国家开设了银行业务。犹太银行家和花旗银行从所有这些国家的公民身上盗取的黄金数量必须达到数百亿美元,显然所有这些都是根据全世界使用的标准模板进行的。

(5) The Worldwide Gold Robbery – The US FED

(5) 全球黄金抢劫案——美国联邦储备委员会

Custodian of the world’s largest gold storage reserve (about 5,620 metric tons)


As I noted in a prior essay on The World’s Richest Man, this is one of the most staggering frauds ever perpetrated in the history of the world, one that seems to have been expunged from all our history books, to the point where I doubt one person in a million has any knowledge of it. Like all good frauds, it was simple: From 1932 until the start of World War II, the US government and the Jewish media were extravagantly fear-mongering to the entire world that either Japan or Germany would be invading every nation and inevitably looting all their central and commercial banks. The solution offered was for all the banks in all the world’s nations to turn their entire gold reserves over to the US FED for safekeeping until the war was over. And they did. Every day, the New York Times faithfully recorded shipments of millions of dollars of gold bullion from all these nations to the US. One NYT article claimed seven US naval destroyers laden with 125,000 metric tons of Chinese gold sailed to the US in 1938, one of many such, and these transfers were from friends as well as enemies, with Canada and Western nations succumbing to the same propaganda. These “deposits” were evidenced by gold certificates issued by the US Treasury, although the gold actually went to the US FED. However, there doesn’t appear to be even a single credible instance of any of this gold ever having been returned to its owners. In every case, the FED stated that the certificates proffered were either forgeries with obvious spelling and other errors, or that they simply “could not confirm the issuance of certificates” with those serial numbers, and refused to redeem them.


But then some very strange events. A CIA aircraft was discovered crashed in the jungle of the Philippines, containing trillions of dollars of these same certificates, and clearly originals and not forgeries. Upon that discovery, with the attendant publicity and the surfacing of voluminous and determined redemption claims for these certificates, the FED panicked, leading to something truly bizarre: the FED suddenly decided to remelt and recast its entire holding of gold for the stated purpose of “preferring to have all their gold ingots in the same shape”. No explanation was offered, but then none was really necessary. Remelting hundreds of thousands of tons of gold is a huge undertaking, complicated and very expensive, and would never be done for the foolish reason of changing the shape of the bars. Whatever the FED’s stated purpose, the main result was that remelted gold no longer contains its original markings, which meant there was no longer any way to identify the original source of that gold. And that meant no one could ever prove the gold held by the FED was the gold that was – in real terms – stolen – from nearly every country in the world. I covered this briefly in the above-referenced article, reference[4], and extensively in the above-referenced E-book, reference[5]. I urge you to read the longer version. It is a fascinating story. In simple terms, the Jewish bankers took for “safekeeping” most of the gold bullion from the Central Banks and commercial banks in most countries of the world, and did so with absolutely no intention of returning it.


One famous instance was the gold stocks from China’s central bank. When Chiang Kai-Shek lost the Chinese civil war and fled to Taiwan, his last act was to loot all the gold from the central bank of Mainland China and the commercial banks, and take the tonnes of bullion with him to Taiwan – under the protection of the Americans. To further their protection, the US convinced Chiang to let them take the gold to the US “for safekeeping” in case China attacked Taiwan and stole “his” gold. This bullion was never returned. In fact, long after her husband’s death, and until the day she died, Mme. Chiang was arguing, fighting, begging, and suing, the US government and the FED for the return of “her” gold. She failed, and the matter died. Taiwan today has no knowledge of this.


(6) The 1933 Jewish Declaration of War and Economic Boycott of Germany

(6) 1933年犹太战争宣言与德国经济抵制

Did the jewish people declare war against Germany? : r/AskHistorians



Briefly, Hitler killed Rothschild’s privately-owned German Central Bank and kicked all the Jews out of the German banking system and the government, removing them from most places where they could continue to harm the German economy. In retribution, International Jewry launched a worldwide economic embargo intended to strangle Germany’s economy and starve to death a large portion of the German population since Germany could produce only enough to feed perhaps 70% of its population and, with the embargo, the country would (hopefully) have foreign currency earnings much insufficient to purchase the necessary food.


At the time, many large and small retailers (in many countries) were Jewish, most of the large wholesalers were owned by Jews as were most of the large importers and a majority of the ships or shipping lines. The plan was that no Jewish company of any kind (nor any Gentile company over whom the Jews could exercise banking or other leverage) would deal in any German goods of any kind. Moreover, Jews and Jewish-owned banks would refuse to finance any part of the movement of German goods, and Jewish insurance companies would refuse to insure either the goods or the vessels carrying them. Brokers would refuse to trade in shares of German companies. Also, a great amount of the shipping capacity of the time was owned by Jews, and no Jewish ship would carry German goods. Where the Jews didn’t own or control the companies, they would exercise much leverage and pressure on banking and finance, on advertising, on transport, and virtually force Gentile companies to submit to their wishes, much as they do today with “sanctions” and other pressures. The embargo was to be worldwide, and total. Many ads were placed by Jews in media publications, whether Jewish-owned or not, imploring all citizens of every nation to totally boycott all German goods. I won’t provide further detail here. This topic was covered in some detail in a previous article you can access here.[7]


(7) The Attempted 1933 Jewish Fascist Coup in America

(7) 1933年美国犹太法西斯政变未遂

Holocaust | Doc's Books President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau, Jr. 富兰克林·D·罗斯福总统和财政部长亨利·摩根索。

The Khazar Jews in The City of London, working through a group of  American financiers (including George H. W. Bush’s father Prescott Bush), made an abortive attempt in 1934 at overthrowing the US government and installing a fascist dictatorship. General Smedley Butler[8] was a heavily-decorated and much-admired war hero in the US, especially revered by all the soldiers of the day, and this is the man the conspirators chose to head their new fascist government. Of all the parts of world history that have been deeply buried, this one event has been so thoroughly sanitised by the media, book and magazine publishers, libraries, by even the educational institutions, that there might not have been any person who contained this information in his accessible memory. However, an obscure clerk in the Library of Congress accidentally stumbled upon an original copy of the Congressional Hearing into the event, and inexplicably sent it out for publication. Enormous efforts have been made to bury it again, and still very few people anywhere are aware of it, but at least it is now in the public consciousness. I published an earlier article on this event which can be accessed here.[9]

 伦敦市的哈扎尔犹太人,通过一群美国金融家(包括乔治·H·W·布什的父亲普雷斯科特·布什),于1934年试图推翻美国政府,建立法西斯独裁政权,但失败了。史沫特利·巴特勒(Smedley Butler)将军[8]是美国一位勋章累累、备受敬仰的战争英雄,尤其受到当时所有士兵的尊敬,而这正是阴谋者选择的领导新法西斯政府的人。在世界历史上所有被深埋的部分中,这一事件已经被媒体、图书和杂志出版商、图书馆,甚至教育机构彻底净化,以至于可能没有任何人将这些信息保存在他可访问的记忆中。然而,国会图书馆一位默默无闻的文员无意中发现了一份国会听证会的原件,并莫名其妙地将其发送出去出版。为了再次埋葬它,人们付出了巨大的努力,但仍然很少有人知道,但至少现在公众意识到了这一点。我之前发表过一篇关于这个事件的文章,可以在这里访问。[9]

The cabal of plotters offered Butler $3 million to assemble an army of 500,000 men to overthrow the Roosevelt government, after which they would install a fascist dictatorship with Butler as the figurative head. Roosevelt would be forced to abdicate his position as President and would appoint Butler to the Cabinet in a newly-​minted position as “Secretary for General Affairs,” leaving him to rule the country while Roosevelt remained a figurehead. The Vice President and Secretary of State would resign while Butler assumed the additional role of Secretary of State. Private testimony from various individuals contained in separate documents claims that should Roosevelt have refused to go along with the plan, he would have been killed. The conspirators told Butler they had $300 million in ready cash on hand, and as much as $800 million if necessary to achieve their objective. The money would be used to pay for Butler’s temporary army, and also to the  Remington Arms company who were eager to supply the needed weaponry. Unfortunately for the bankers, Butler was more loyal than greedy and informed Roosevelt of the plan, then provided full testimony under oath to Congress.


A note here is in order about the volumes of money involved. In many cases, it serves no useful purpose to compare today’s value of a currency with that of a prior date, by simply applying the prevailing depreciation rate over time, because other comparisons are much more valid and meaningful. Consider the $3 million offered to Butler to lead this scheme. The statistical tables tell us that a 1934 dollar would be worth perhaps $22 today, but keep in mind that in the early 1930s, the typical salary for an average working man was only little more than $1,000 per year. This means that the $3 million in “cash in advance” offered to Butler as a bribe was actually about 2,500 to 3,000 years of an average man’s salary. You can consider the $300 million and $800 million in a similar light.


The US Congress conducted an official investigation – the McCormack-Dickstein Committee[10][11], confirming as true everything Butler had told them, but published only a carefully sanitised report that confirmed the event but deleted the names of the plotters, and then suppressed the entire affair. The Jewish-controlled media ignored the story, except to openly ridicule Butler for attempting a hoax, then resolutely let the matter die. You can access the original Congressional Document here, in two versions. [11][12] The BBC performed an investigation and produced a rather tepid documentary program on the topic.[13]

 美国国会进行了一项官方调查——麦科马克-迪克斯坦委员会(McCormack Dickstein Committee)[10][11],证实了巴特勒告诉他们的一切都是真实的,但只发表了一份经过仔细消毒的报告,证实了这一事件,但删除了策划者的名字,然后压制了整个事件。犹太人控制的媒体无视这个故事,只是公开嘲笑巴特勒试图恶作剧,然后坚决让这件事了结。你可以在这里查阅两个版本的原始国会文件。[11][12]英国广播公司对此进行了调查,并制作了一个相当不温不火的纪录片节目。[13]

The final reports stated “The investigations mysteriously turned to vapor when it comes time to call them to testify”, and Butler himself reviled the US Congress for their cowardice, saying, “Like most committees it has slaughtered the little and allowed the big to escape. The big shots weren’t even called to testify. They were all mentioned in the testimony. Why was all mention of these names suppressed from the testimony?” But there is something else here, of enormous interest. One of the documents supporting Butler’s claims stated that “The conspirators either (1) remained abroad and beyond the reach of the Committee, (2) outright denied Butler’s claims before the Committee, or (3) simply claimed ignorance, and the inability to account for large sums of money.” Rothschild and other Jewish bankers in the City of London are not mentioned by name in Butler’s writings, but it was clear from his Congressional testimony that the movement originated in Europe and, in the midst of the Great Depression in 1934, who else had that kind of money?


The Takeover of China


T. V. Soong Chiang KaiShek goes to Germany An Axis China Timeline Page 18

T.V. Soong with his sister, Mme Chiang Kai Shek


The Jews couldn’t convert Mao Zedong to their psychopathic version of savage Communism as they so successfully did in Russia, so they abandoned Mao and threw in their lot with Chiang Kai-Shek. They financed Chiang and helped bring him to power because they had in their hands an ignorant puppet through whom they could take over all of China. And, with the eager assistance of the traitorous T. V. Soong, they very nearly did exactly that. Through Chiang and Soong, they had taken over China’s central bank and nearly all of the country’s commercial banks, and were having Chiang finance his military takeover entirely on credit, forcing the commercial banks to purchase vast amounts of government bonds which had absolutely no hope of ever being paid or redeemed. In fact, they were printing so much money they had China very nearly in a position of massive hyperinflation, at which point they would have entered the country en masse and purchased almost everything of value for literally pennies – the same vicious disaster they inflicted on Germany only a few years earlier. The Jews were determined to not only control all of China in absolute terms (through their puppet Chiang), but to loot the entire nation, to utterly destroy and collapse China’s economy, and end up owning and controlling all of it. They very nearly succeeded. They just didn’t count on the massive public support behind Mao, and had no expectation of Mao winning the civil war and driving Chiang out of the country.


This is the source of all the Jewish claims we see today about how there were “countless Jews in the Chinese government”, their influence on China’s development, and how Jews “contributed greatly” to the “creation of the New China.” As proof, we see all the photos today (all prepared by Jews) purporting to be Jews advising various Chinese leaders. But these historical revisionists omit one incontrovertible and indisputable fact: that, after the war, Mao kicked every single, solitary, last Jew out of China – and confiscated all their ill-gotten assets on departure. I don’t know about you, but this doesn’t sound to me like someone deeply appreciative of the “contributions” made by the Jews to the “creation of the New China”. The Jewish history websites tell us that the Jews “left China quickly” after the war, but without specifying the reasons or circumstances under which they left. It is true there were a few Jewish malingerers who returned to China after the war but, when their agendas were fully exposed, they were also evicted.


Preparation for WWII


Also, during the 1930s the Jews in the City of London were already making extensive preparations for World War II, intended in part to accomplish the final destruction of Germany as well as the gradual dispersion of the German race. From the precursors of the Tavistock Institute was coming a veritable flood of anti-German propaganda, the typical false and outrageous tales we have come to call “atrocity porn”, and all constituting an enormous “hate campaign” against Germany in the same fashion as done to precipitate WWI.


I have covered this latter topic in full detail in Chapter 2 of an E-book titled “Bernays and Propaganda”[14] which, if you are unfamiliar with this, will awaken you to a portion of the world you may not have known existed. I urge you with all earnestness to read this Chapter. Without this background, you cannot properly understand the events occurring today with Russia, China, and Iran. You cannot. It is of such extreme importance to our world affairs today that I urge you to consider this reading mandatory. 



One reader posted comments on the use of Hollywood’s movies in this war-mongering context, stating, “It’s largely forgotten now, but there were multiple movies released within Anglosphere countries in the late 1920’s and early to mid-30’s each telling us (conditioning us?) that there was going to be a world war taking place by the specific year of ‘1940’, typically making it plain that Germany was to be a prominent adversary. I know of three of these right off the top of my head, though there were almost certainly others.” He lists these three:[15][16][17]


Connecting the Dots



How are all these events connected? They are connected because the Khazar Jews in The City of London were executing all of them simultaneously. While having just instigated the most bitter depression in living memory and planning the subsequent swallowing of the world’s banks and industrial corporations, they were concurrently executing a previous plan to confiscate all the gold and silver held in private hands in the US. At the same time, their banks were heavily engaged in stealing all the gold holdings in private hands in foreign nations, taking gold for “safe deposit” in exchange for certificates they had no intention of ever redeeming. Concurrently again, they were also engaged with the US Treasury in stealing all the silver in private hands in China, in exchange for counterfeit currency. At the same time, they were busily engaged with the US Treasury, State Department and military in stealing all the gold held in the world’s central banks and commercial banks, again in exchange for “certificates” they had no intention of ever redeeming. Concurrently with this, they were executing their Economic Boycott intended to literally “strangle Germany to death” while confiscating German assets abroad, and at the same time they put into motion their planned overthrow of the US government and the installation of a fascist dictatorship under full Jewish control. Yet again concurrently, they were completing their final takeover of China, solidifying their ownership of Chiang Kai-Shek and of China’s central and commercial banks while simultaneously attempting to throw China into an unparalleled hyperinflation to permit the wholesale looting of the entire industrial assets of that nation. And again concurrently, the Jews were launching the preparations for World War II, with the help of their compliant media beating the war drums almost daily.


I think we can fairly state that the Jews in The City of London were very busy indeed during the 1930s.


Consider the Planning, Logistics, and Control Required for Execution



Buying up the cream of all the failed banks and industrial corporations is not something we do with three or four people. The planning and execution would have involved quite a large number of “agents” scouring the landscape for appropriate targets, in many countries.


Similarly, the seizures of all the privately-held gold and silver in the US was not a scheme planned carelessly in casual conversation. The plan was well-thought-out, with ads placed by both the government and the FED, and with full Jewish media support. It would be a certainty this was planned in The City of London, and presented to Roosevelt only when ready to execute. Think for moment of the machinations that must have occurred behind the scenes to have brought such a scheme to fruition. Roosevelt was not a stupid man. He had to know what he was doing in the passing of that bill, and the effect it would have on the already-impoverished citizens of the nation. And yet he did it, with even the courts ruling the act was unconstitutional. How much power must have existed over Roosevelt by the Jews to have pressed him to commit such an act of treason against his own people? How much influence must they have had over the elected members even then, to have Congress meekly sit quietly and accept this travesty without complaint? And how much control over the mass media even then, to create public support for such a venture? These are serious points to ponder, not questions to be dismissed.


Add into this equation the concurrent – and very deliberately-planned extraction of all the silver in China, the collapse of the country’s currency and deliberate destruction of the economy, and all done with counterfeit currency. Think also of the machinations and planning require to coordinate all those Jewish-owned “private” banks to launch what was essentially a world-wide program to steal all possible gold holdings in private hands, not only in China but in all the world’s second and third-tier countries. This also was not a casual or independent effort by one bank in one country, but rather by many Jewish-owned banks in a great many countries – and all being done at the same time, and with counterfeit local currency. There is no question that all this was an extensive criminal plan to be executed on a vast scale.


Add further into this equation the obviously-planned and cleverly-executed scheme to steal all the gold bullion possible from the Central Banks and commercial banks in the entire world, friend and foe alike, and the intense coordination which must have been necessary with various branches of the US government, the White House, the Embassies, and the US military, as well as the overwhelming provocations contributed by the Jewish-owned media. This is not the kind of venture one plans on the back of an envelop in a coffee shop.


Add further the intense planning and coordination necessary to launch a world-wide boycott of Germany, of the feverish activity that must have been necessary to launch such an endeavor in only a few months. Think also of the worldwide coordination of all the Jewish media in support of it, and the efforts required to organise massive rallies and demonstrations in hundreds of cities worldwide, often with 40,000 to as many as (it is claimed) 100,000 people in attendance.


Then consider at the same time the very careful planning that must have gone into the attempted fascist coup, an astonishingly-bold plan for these Jews to take control of the US government in a fascist dictatorship – albeit carefully done with the (as always) use of a “Gentile Front“, so few if any Americans would actually be aware of the ethnic identity of their new masters. And add into this portion the concurrent, and total, takeover of the government and economy China, as well as the commensurate plans for the intense hyperinflation and subsequent looting of the nation.


Consider the amount of planning and financing that must have been necessary for such an enormous endeavor as to take control of an entire huge nation such as China, and the extent of control they had achieved, not only buying and owning Chiang, but having such competent and traitorous compradors like T. V. Soong to assist them in the looting and destruction of their own nation. This also is not the kind of planning done on the back of an envelope in a coffee shop; it would have required many years of planning, many contacts and conversions of individuals, and a great deal of active, hands-on management to have accomplished such a thing. Even just the looting of the banking system and the economy would have required much advance thought and planning, to say nothing of the financing and execution of the civil war. This was a massive project, and in the hands of many able Jewish lieutenants to have progressed as far as it did. And this was being done concurrently with the extraction of all the silver from the country that was backing the currency at the time. That in itself was an enormous project requiring huge amounts of active participation from both Jews and internal traitors like Soong.


And while all this was happening, the same Jews were busy finalising plans for World War II.


Think of all the planning required to bring each one of these separate schemes to fruition, the logistics necessary, the cooperation between so many portions of International Jewry and the media in all nations. Think of the influence and of the virtual absolute control these people must have had over the US government, even back in the 1930s, to have not only forced such atrocities onto the US government but to have obtained what appears to have been willing American participation in these criminal psychopathic schemes of such widespread theft on an international scale.


How many people, of what capability and level of competence, would be necessary to plan and execute all of these schemes simultaneously? In reality, probably a few tens of thousands in all fields and at all levels, to make all these things happen. But when we consider the enormity of these criminal ventures and their vast reach, it is as if virtually the entire mass of worldwide Jewry, 15 million or more people at the time, shared a common dream of not only looting all the nations of the world but of subjugating and controlling them, with all Jews reading from the same approved script, and all willingly contributing to the success of these plans.





This is not different in substance than what is happening in our world today with Russia, China and Iran, and not different in substance than what has happened in the recent past in Yugoslavia, Greece, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and more. These are all reflective of the same attitudes, the same ambitions, and the same psychopathic criminal intentions.


And, if we were to examine the past more closely, ignoring the false, rewritten, or deleted histories, one period that would demand our attention would be the years from roughly 1800 to 1900, when Rothschild and Sassoon were in their prime and engineering the total looting and almost total destruction of India and China, while engaging in the greatest criminal drug-trafficking enterprise in the history of the world. This was also the time of the Boer Wars, the colonisation of the Philippines, the Jewish financing of the North American railroads, their financing of the Panama Canal and Railroad, and so much more, all accompanied by an astonishing level of the kidnapping of millions of Chinese slaves to work all these mines and provide all the free slave labor for these enterprises. This era contains an almost unimaginable volume of human slaughter from both execution and planned famines, with India alone easily documenting more than 100 million deaths, and some estimates doubling this number. These same Jews at the same time in China, launched their retribution against the Taipings, resulting in the bloodiest war in human history with a documented 70 million to 90 million dead – just to protect the drug profits of Rothschild and Sassoon. And this period contains yet much more, too much to list here.


The Boer Wars were a British story, but the manuscript was written entirely in Jewish handwriting. In like fashion, the two World Wars, the British and Dutch East India Companies, the unconscionable looting, famines, and slaughters of India, and China’s opium century with its vast atrocities of slaughter, misery, and slave-trafficking, were “British stories”, but the manuscripts for these were also written entirely in Jewish handwriting. Similarly, the stories of Yugoslavia, Greece, Iraq, Libya, and Syria today are “American stories”, but these also were written entirely in Jewish handwriting.


Yes, the Khazar Jews in The City of London were indeed very busy in the 1930s, but that wasn’t the only time they were busy, nor the only time they executed similar plans with similar results. And the process is by no means even decelerating, much less ceasing. But it is only when we are fully aware of their history and of their past exploits, that we have a framework into which we can put events of other time frames and see the entire picture accurately.



Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chapt. 2 — Dealing with Demons).

罗曼诺夫的作品已被翻译成32种语言,他的文章发表在30多个国家的150多个外语新闻和政治网站上,以及100多个英语平台上。拉里·罗曼诺夫是一位退休的管理顾问和商人。他曾在国际咨询公司担任高级管理职务,并拥有国际进出口业务。他是上海复旦大学的客座教授,向EMBA高级班讲授国际事务的案例研究。罗曼诺夫先生住在上海,目前正在撰写一系列与中国和西方有关的十本书。他是辛西娅·麦金尼(Cynthia McKinney)新文集《当中国打喷嚏》(When China Sneezes)的撰稿人之一。(第二章——对付恶魔)。

His full archive can be seen at

他的完整文章库可以在以下找到: +


He can be contacted at:





[1] Let’s Have a Financial Crisis: First, We Need a Central Bank

[1] 让我们经历一场金融危机:首先,我们需要一个中央银行

[2] The Richest Man in the World

[2] 世界上最有钱的人

[3] Americans and Automobiles: Capitalism and Propaganda

[3] 美国人与汽车:资本主义与宣传

[4] The Richest Man in the World

[4] 世界上最有钱的人

[5] Nations Built on Lies – Volume 1 – How the US Became Rich; Part 5 — Asset Theft and Financial Crimes

[5] 建立在谎言之上的国家——第1卷——美国如何变得富有;第5部分-资产盗窃和金融信贷

[6] Citibank- The Great Gold Robbery

[6] 花旗银行-黄金大盗

[7] The Jewish Declaration of War on Germany — The Economic Boycott of 1933

[7] 犹太人对德国宣战——1933年的经济抵制

[8] War Is a Racket, by Gen. Smedley Butler

[8] 《战争是一架架》,作者:史沫特利·布将军

[9] The Attempted 1933 Jewish Fascist Coup in America

[9] 1933年美国犹太法西斯政变未遂

[10] The McCormack-Dickstein Committee (1934-1935)

[10] 麦科马克-迪克斯坦委员会(1934-1935)

[11]The Plot to Overthrow FDR : Government Printing Office

[11] 推翻FDR的阴谋:政府印刷

[12] McCormack-Dickstein Committee – The Plot to Overthrow FDR : Government Printing Office

[12] McCormack Dickstein委员会-推翻FDR的阴谋:政府印刷

[13] BBC Radio 4 – Document, The White House Coup, 1933 (27 minute podcast)

[13] BBC广播4–文件,1933年白宫政变(27分钟播客)

[14] Bernays and Propaganda


[15] High Treason released on Sept 9, 1929:

[15] 1929年9月9日发布的《叛国罪》:

[16] Men Must Fight, released in the United States on Feb 17, 1933

[16] 《男人必须战斗》,1933年2月17日在美国上映

[17] Things to Come released on February 20, 1936:

[17] 《未来》于1936年2月20日发行:

Copyright © Larry Romanoff, Blue Moon of Shanghai, Moon of Shanghai, 2023




Benjamin Fulford The Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis 2023 February 6th

The Khazarian Mafia has been comprehensively defeated, mopping up continues


Events over the coming weeks will make it obvious even to the most brainwashed sheeple in the West that something fundamental and historic has taken place. There can be no doubt the Khazarian Mafia has been defeated and the mopping up of their last leaders has begun. The arrest of New Zealand cross-dressing Prime Minister Jack Adern, criminal charges against Swiss President Alain Berset and Pfizer, mass arrests of Ukrainian government officials and many other events all point to this.


Another sign the KM is losing it is that it is now becoming mainstream to talk about Mossad and Israeli founding Prime Minister David Ben Gurions’ involvement in the assassination of President John F Kennedy.


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Israel meanwhile is trying to negotiate a surrender to the Russians via France. The bankrupt US Corporate Government, for its part, became the laughing stock of the world by using “a balloon ate my homework” excuse after Rockefeller slave Secretary of State Antony Blinken was told not to bother coming to China on a begging mission.


The war in Ukraine is also ending with the last Satanists now surrounded in Bahmut where they are expected to fight to the death over the coming weeks.


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Most importantly of all, the KM lost control of the world’s financial system on January 31st and the quantum financial system is now operating (more about that later).


However, it is not over until it is over and there is a strong possibility the desperate and cornered KM will try some sort of black swan mega-terror event, most likely either an EMP or nuclear attack.


Turkey’s interior minister Suleyman Soylu told the US ambassador to take his “dirty hands off of Turkey” after Washington and eight European countries issued travel warnings over possible terror attacks there. Similar warnings were made about Iran.


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The order by Western governments to evacuate their citizens means it’s likely the cornered Israeli regime is launching a massive attack there. A 7.8 magnitude earthquake followed by dozens more as this report was being written indicates it has already begun. “This is a weather modification weapon being used to show Erdogan who is still in charge,” a CIA source says.


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The attack took place as Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov landed in Iraq to launch “military-technical” cooperation with Turkey, Iran, Syria and Iraq along with the Gulf States. Since Egypt is also a de facto Russian ally this represents an existential threat to the KM regime in Israel (not to the Jews though).


The Iranian government has now warned Israel’s neighbors that in order to “maintain their security,” they should “stay away from the regime that is dying every day.”


The KM is desperately trying to blow up the whole planet (using agents in both Iran and Israel) because the KM-controlled Vatican and their US Corporate Subsidiary lost control of the financial system on January 31st. That is why the entire Italian internet shut down on February 1st, MI6 sources say. The Vatican Bank, which was used to bribe most so-called world leaders, has been cut off. Now the KM have until February 13 before their US Corporation is completely cut off.


MI6 sources say the quantum financial system took over the KM’s SWIFT interbank settlement system on February 1st. This writer experienced this on Sunday when a money transfer arrived instantly instead of the following Monday for a similar transfer made last month. The creator of the QFS says “the advancement in IT infrastructure including DLT or Distributed Ledger Technology commonly known as blockchain simply means all the world’s national banking systems are aligned. Up until now a same-day transfer was manual and cumbersome because two banking officials had to sit at the screens on either end of a telephone and manage the transfer through the various clearing house like SWIFT. Tedious stuff; expensive when it goes wrong and very stressful to work with. The replacement of the world banking IT is designed to reset all debt.”


However, the source says any formal jubilee type of announcement will probably have to wait until June because the removal of the rest of the KM control grid has to take place first.


On this front, there can be no doubt a dragnet is closing in on the KM. In particular, their failed attempt to kill 90% of humanity with electromagnetic attacks and toxic vaccines has woken up a lot of powerful people who now seek justice.


Banker Pascal Najadi -the person who filed criminal charges against the Swiss President- says “We have scientific proof that the vaccine causes harm. This is the biggest medical technical failure in human history.” Najadi, whose father was one of the founders of the WEF, was triple-vaxxed because he trusted the government. Now, he is taking strong legal action.


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In Thailand, the collapse into a coma of the triple-vaxxed Crown Princess has set that country on the warpath. Professor Sucharit Bhakdi says “Safety pharmacological studies were never performed… Pfizer BioNTech is going to have to pay back those billions to Thailand.”


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In Japan as well, a widely reported press conference by doctors suing the health ministry there also provided evidence the vaccines are killing people.


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The situation has reached the point where even CDC statistics show 84.5% of Americans are opposed to vaccines. This will have profound political ramifications.


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On top of this, the Russians and Chinese have now figured out that “Covid 19” is an electromagnetic attack and not a virus. The Russians say the WHO (World Harm Organization) is violating their legal charter by refusing to provide samples of actual viruses. They also say WHO is hiding much else, also in violation of its charter.

除此之外,俄罗斯人和中国人现在已经发现“新冠病毒 2019”是一种电磁攻击,而不是病毒。俄罗斯人表示,世界卫生组织拒绝提供实际病毒样本,这违反了他们的法律章程。他们还表示,世界卫生组织还隐瞒了许多其他内容,这也违反了其章程。

Authorities in governments around the world are expected to follow the Swiss example and file criminal charges against government officials,


In New Zealand, the white hat military alliance has already taken action by arresting former Prime Minister Jack Ardern. Ardern’s COVID Dictatorship caused a 3203% increase in Excess Deaths following her Mandatory COVID Vaccination Laws


We are also getting reports from local residents that Crime Minister Justin Castrudeau of Canada and Chancellor Olaf Scholz of Germany have fled to an underground bunker complex in Stephenville, Newfoundland. However, these men have nowhere to hide. Castrudeau cannot appear in public now without an angry mob gathering to demand his arrest.


The money trail behind the Covid war crimes is also now being uncovered. The simultaneous raids on various properties associated with Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s boss Ihor Kolomoisky are providing a forensic trail leading straight to the KM leadership. Zelensky traveled 14 times in the past two years to Geneva and Tel Aviv, where Kolomoisky and his Rockefeller and Rothschild bosses are hiding, Mossad sources say. The laundering of money via Ukraine financed the Covid attacks as well as massive bribery of politicians and government officials throughout the West.


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This is now being cut off.


This will affect not only the fake Biden regime but also the WHO, EU, UN and WEF. Klaus Schwab Rothschilds’ privately owned organization signed a memorandum with the United Nations in June 2019, to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This was the KM plan to turn the planet into a giant animal farm by killing 90% of humanity and enslaving the rest.


It is now turning out that in addition to killing us with electromagnetic attacks and vaccines, these criminals were trying to poison us by forcing us to eat insects.


Insects are full of chitin. Chitin is highly allergenic in mammals, stimulates the immune system and is therefore involved in the development of many chronic diseases.


Insects also contain countless germs and parasites that are pathogenic to humans. Processing this into food is not only negligent, but it is also intentional.


If people could eat insects don’t you think starving people would have tried this in the past? There is a reason people don’t eat insects: they are poisonous to humans.


The cutoff is going to destroy the KM’s ability to brainwash a huge portion of the world’s population, especially in the West, into harming themselves by doing things like eating bugs.


Most of the content on the internet, whether blogs, videos, or photos – is user-created but, it was effectively owned and controlled by a handful of ‘Web 2.0 oligopolies’ like Facebook (now Meta), Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google (now Alphabet), collectively called the ‘FAANG’ stocks. The US market’s spectacular rise in recent years was almost entirely due to KM funny money being funneled through these companies.

互联网上的大部分内容,无论是博客、视频还是照片,都是由用户创建的,但它实际上被少数“Web 2.0寡头”所拥有和控制,如Facebook(现在的Meta)、亚马逊、苹果、网飞和谷歌(现在的Alphabet),统称为“FAANG”股票。美国市场近年来的惊人增长,几乎完全是由于高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党,凭空印刷出来滑稽的法定货币,通过这些公司流入到实体市场和股票市场。

As this writer and many other truth-based investigators have found out, the FAANGs created a thought control grid far beyond anything George Orwell could have imagined. This writer and many, many colleagues were banned for example, by You Tube for reporting the truth about Covid and vaccines. This is now ending.


Here is what a CIA source says will be done to really end it:


The actual plan is to send up a hypersonic warhead with a very powerful EMP attached. It takes 40 seconds to reach altitude and destination after launching from a Submarine off the East Coast. It can wipe out all the electrical systems over most of the US and a large part of Canada if released over The Omaha area. The higher up it is released the more the coverage area. (See attached photo graph showing the radius). The powers that be are very aware of the intentions. This is not discussed publicly by Washington DC and the fake Biden show.


Once this is done, a blockchain-based internet will replace the oligopoly-controlled one. This means content producers, instead of receiving crumbs from Google, etc. will get most of the credit and money from their creations. This will also mean no more corporate censorship. Existing libel, slander and criminal laws, with some modification, will suffice to protect people from harm.


The end of centralized control of information is also likely to end monotheism as we know it. As a reminder, the word “religion,” comes from the Latin “Re Ligare,” which means to rebind into a Fascii or bundle: in other words turn many separate things into a single centralized one, This is also connected to the word “government” which means “control (govern) minds (ment).”


In other words, a multi-thousand-year project to turn humanity into a monolith controlled by a single mind is coming to an end.


In a sign this is happening, the planetary liberation alliance seems to have taken over control of the avatar pretending to be Pope Francis as this article shows:


‘Hands off Africa!’: Pope blasts foreign plundering of Congo


KINSHASA, Congo — Pope Francis demanded Tuesday that foreign powers stop plundering Africa’s natural resources for the “poison of their own greed” as he arrived in Congo to a raucous welcome by Congolese grateful he was focusing the world’s attention on their forgotten plight.


Check out the many photos in the article. You can see it is not the original Pope Francis. There is a nice close-up of him as well.


The change at the top of the monotheistic hierarchy may have even more earth-shattering consequences.


It turns out the KM controllers of monotheism have been deliberately keeping our lives short and miserable on behalf of what the Majestic 12 group think is a rogue AI controlling our universe. That is what is implied in the words of former Pope Maledict:

事实证明,控制着一神论的高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党,一直在故意让我们的生命短暂而痛苦,这代表了美国与外星人接触的Majestic 12团队所认为的控制我们宇宙的流氓人工智能。这就是前教皇马莱迪克特的话所暗示的:

“The world is like an oil press that squeezes. If you are the dregs you are thrown away; if you are oil, you are collected. But being squeezed is inevitable…The kingdom of good will never be definitively established in this world [because] man’s freedom would be denied.”—Pope Benedict XVI,


By “freedom” Maledict was referring to the short, brutal lives we have all been forced to live. That is why all discoveries that lead to longer lives and increased human abilities have been systematically suppressed since time immemorial.


Here is how a Polish intelligence source describes our situation:


We live on a farm with an artificial sun and artificial cycles. The “owners” of the Earth are milking us energetically but this business is ending, another farm is running out of control. Once upon a time, a shield was established to separate the Earth from the true cosmos. The shield made of a plasma-energy barrier, is falling apart.


With the overthrow of the KM we are now likely to enter into a new Cambrian explosion with an exponential expansion of earth life into the universe.


And with that, here are the latest off-world sightings:


  1. Cigar-shaped UFO over India


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  1. 2 UFO’s seen from a jet


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  1. 3 UFO’s seen from a jet


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  1. An apparent group of UFOs seen over Phoenix, Arizona USA February 1, 2023


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Finally, here you can see a weird light anomaly filmed over Stephenville, Newfoundland, Canada where a secret underground complex is located:


A similar anomaly was spotted over Volgograd (Stalingrad) Russia when Vladimir Putin made a speech there the other day.


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We as a species are now definitely headed into uncharted waters.





The Ukraine has fallen, Israel and Switzerland are next


Major victories by the planetary liberation alliance are now impossible to deny. The Anglo-Saxons, Russians and Chinese have reached a deal over the Ukraine and are now ready to finish off the remaining Khazarian Mafia strongholds of Switzerland and Israel. Once these control centers are neutralized, the final liberation of the United States will take place, making world peace possible.


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This viral video with over 20 million views of a Pfizer executive freaking out is good evidence of how much control the Rockefeller/Rothschilds have already lost:


Since we assume most of our readers have already seen it, we will concentrate on the important facts it reveals. These are that Pfizer has publicly admitted to creating viruses in order to sell vaccines. The other is that Google and Twitter are no longer censoring truth about Covid and Vaccine crimes.


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As a result information such as this is now reaching the sheeple:


A 700,000 person study from Israel showed that the double vaccinated were 27 times more likely to get reinfected with COVID, and data from England, Scotland, and northern countries in Europe show tripled vaccinated were more likely to die. – Richard Urso MD


Also bombshell new peer-reviewed scientific studies have revealed what many of us knew from the beginning: 5G radiation is not only connected to the Covid-19 pandemic, it actually induces the body to create new viruses and illnesses, including coronaviruses.


And before the mainstream media gets hold of this study and convinces the masses that it is unimportant, you should know that these are peer-reviewed scientific studies published on the National Institute of Health website.


This means not only the pharmacidical companies but also the IT companies were involved in an attempt to murder a large percentage of the worlds’ population.


This sort of information is coming out in the mainstream now because the KM are losing control of the Fortune 500 companies. 


However, the story runs much deeper than that. The reason Western drug companies are forced to create diseases and then sell the cures is because they are forbidden from producing drugs that make us smarter, happier, stronger etc. A pharmaceutical company executive once told me nothing would be easier than to make drugs that would increase our IQs but that they were forbidden from doing so. He also said making new recreational drugs that were not harmful “would be incredibly easy.” The reason athletes are banned from “doping” to make themselves stronger, faster etc. is the same.


It is because the Octagon group at the top of the KM is deliberately holding us back as a species. They forbid drugs and genetic changes that would increase IQ etc. They also deliberately keep our lifespans artificially short so we do not have enough time to figure out the control matrix we are subject to.


In other words, defeating the KM will be much bigger than the fall of the Soviet Union. It will change everything. Computers are said to double in processing power every two years. Humans could do the same if they wished to and were allowed to. 


We are also about to be liberated from horrific slavery. For example, the US government has been subsidizing child trafficking in all 50 states. This is thanks to the “adoption and safe families act,” signed into law in 1997 by Bill and Hillary Clinton Rockefeller. Over $80 billion a year is being spent by the Federal Government for this program to give states over one million dollars for every child they seize from a family. The government itself admits that 83% of the children seized are done so under false pretenses.


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It also now turns out they have been using fake drug tests to make it seem parents were “drug addicts” who had to have their children seized.


The torture and murder of these children (to harvest adrenochrome) was video-taped and used to create a massive blackmail file of power brokers in the West. There was also a massive homosexual rape and blackmail ring that existed alongside the child murders.


For those who want to know more, this video talks about the bizarre anal sex rituals of the Satanists.


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People who did not participate in blackmailable crimes were kept out of top jobs while those guilty rose to the top. We now know there are over 400,000 of these blackmail files, which explains why it has been so hard to drain the swamp.


However, the swamp is being drained. Western and Russian white hat special forces are now cooperating in operations against the Vatican and the Octagon headquarters in Switzerland thanks to detailed intelligence about their leaders.


For example, an insider who participated in “rituals performed at night in dark rooms,” overseen by Klaus Schwab Rothschild at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland says “the energy of darkness, suffering reigns there.” At these meetings of self-proclaimed “Gods on Olympus,” Klaus Schwab said “the old world won’t come back” and declared himself “Pope of the New World Order.” Schwab told the participants they could “consider themselves gods.” He said the WEF created five crises to prove God did not exist because if he did he would have prevented them. (It is interesting to note that huge flocks of black birds, an omen of disaster, are now being seen over KM strongholds like Vatican city and Kiev: is God about to strike?).

例如,在瑞士达沃斯的世界经济论坛上,一位参加了由克劳斯·施瓦布·罗斯柴尔德主持的“在黑暗的房间里举行的夜间仪式”的内部消息来源表示,“黑暗的能量和苦难主宰着那里。” 施瓦布告诉与会者,他们可以“认为自己是上帝”。他说,世界经济论坛制造了五次危机,以证明上帝不存在,因为如果他这样做,他就会阻止他们。(有趣的是,现在在梵蒂冈城和基辅等高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党据点上空,人们看到了成群的黑鸟,这是一种灾难的预兆:上帝即将降临吗?)。

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WEF publications describe these crises as follows:


“The world’s collective focus is being channeled into the “survival” of today’s crises: cost of living, social and political polarization, food and energy supplies, tepid growth, and geopolitical confrontation, among others,”


At the meetings Schwab also bragged the “Catholic church is collapsing and the Pope doesn’t matter.” Vatican insiders confirm the actor pretending to be Pope Francis takes orders from Shwab and the KM. That is why “Francis” published a letter saying “As the World Economic Forum celebrates its fiftieth anniversary, I send greetings and prayerful good wishes to all taking part in this year’s gathering.”


One of the key people behind the KM control of the fake Francis and the Vatican is the disgraced former Archishop of Washington Theodore McCarrick, who runs a massive blackmail operation, according to George Neumayr, an American Catholic Journalist. “Teddy can get all the deep-pocketed prelates under his spell of blackmail to ostracize and financially starve any bishop who defies him: He still runs things in the Church,” Neumayr said. Neumayr was murdered on January 19th while investigating Freemason infiltration of the Church in Africa.


The people who murdered him are among the targets of white hat special forces. They will be hunted down and sent below to meet their master.


US Naval intelligence, an arm of the white hats, has now moved against other top traitors including Michael Chertoff, Robert Mueller, Congressman Adam Schiff, Senator Mark Warner, Alex Soros, Senator Mitch McConnel and Special Counsel John Durham, MI6 sources say. 


The Russians are doing some hunting of their own. Yevgeny Prigozhin, founder of the Wagner groups says “I have witnesses who remember how CIA officials trained Osama Bin Laden and brought bags of money and weapons to ISIS in Syria and other countries. They were preparing outlaws and terrorists all over the world so that there would be trouble everywhere – in Europe, Africa, Asia, South America.”


Many of these criminals are gathered in the Ukraine where they are being systematically hunted down and destroyed.


Chinese sources estimate the Ukrainian estimate the total losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine over the past 11 months of the conflict at 680,000 people. This means the Ukraine has already lost the war. Grabbing 14 year old boys and old men off the streets and sending them to be slaughtered will make no difference.


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The situation has reached the point where even war mongering think tanks like the Rand Corporation are backing off the war. It says “studies of past conflicts and a close look at the course of this one suggest” that an “optimistic scenario is improbable.”


Remember Rand are the rabid dogs who suggested the US take on a “medium sized country” like Japan or Brazil in order to stimulate its economy.


In other words, they are bullies who only want to attack someone they are sure they can beat but run away from real opponents.


If fact MI6 sources say the Ango Saxons and Russians have already reached a deal on the Ukraine and that as a part of this, the Western tanks reportedly being sent to the Ukraine are actually going to Russia.


The head of MI6 says:


We have heard back from Moscow by way of the back channel. What is far more expert is the diplomatic back channel. Military intelligence run the Armed Forces and not the other way around. 


The tanks you mentioned we sent are very well equipped and we understand it was some kind of technology transfer type arrangement. What is envisaged is the delineation of Ukraine along the Dneiper from north to south down from Kiev to Crimea and that will be the end of it by March. The tanks rely upon artillery first to penetrate and then infantry to hold, the tanks only break through, that is all they are designed to do. All river crossings will be blown up [to create] an iron curtain.


The Russo Ukrainian Conflagration is their own cat fight and dragging everyone else in will end in tears, mark my words Benjamin. Boris Johnson had no business being there last week. We have had to take in our politicians and read them the riot act. This is some kind KM pseudo Jewish Tom Whackery yet again. 


The KM wolf in Jewish sheep’s clothing as it were. If you took your eye off them for a single second they would rob the breath from your mouth the self same scoundrels. 


In other words the West is going to stand by while Russia finishes of the last of the Satanic forces in the Ukraine.


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As another part of the back channel with Russia, the arms dealer Victor Bout gave his first interview to a Western source since his release from prison. It is well worth the listen.


Basically, he says the US spent $150 million to frame him and used the exact same plot to frame many other people around the world. He also says what the West [KM] is doing to Russia would be like Russia taking over Mexico and then trying to take California, Florida, New Mexico and Texas away from the United States.


However, Bout did not talk about a meeting in Pattaya, Thailand around 2008 where he showed a nuclear warhead stolen from the Russian Submarine Kursk to Sasha Zaric, aka Illuminati Grandmaster Alexander Romanov. That warhead was subsequently used for the March 11, 2011 tsunami and nuclear terror mass murder attack on Japan. How about it Victor, can you please shed light on this?


In any case, there will also be joint Russian and Anglo operations to decapitate the KM leadership in Switzerland the Israel, both MI6 and Russian FSB sources say. Needless to say, the home addresses of Schwab and the other self-proclaimed “gods on Olympus” are known to them.


To prepare the public for Nuremberg style war crimes tribunals, the crimes of NATO are also now being raised in Parliaments and other public forums around the world as this video shows:


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The KM are freaking out and have been desperately trying to start their long planned World War III with massive attacks on Syria and Iran. These involve hundreds of warplanes.


Iranian intelligence sources say Iran was also attacked by forces coming from the Ukraine. “This will have heavy consequences for the government of the Ukraine,” the source says.


No matter what though, this attack will not start WWIII because the worlds’ military forces no longer obey the KM.


The attack on Iran was also a desperate move by the criminal KM regime of Benyamin Netanyahu to stave off a civil war inside Israel by invoking an external enemy.


However, the Jewish people are waking up to the KM criminals hiding in their midst and will hunt them down, Mossad sources promise.


The KM is also being forced out of the closet. Last week the Anti-Defamation League officially came out in support of Ukraine’s Neo-Nazis. “We already know the KM  ‘Jews’ were always Nazis to begin with,” a Mossad source says. 



The desperation of the KM is also coming from the fact the world has rejected their plan to stay in control of the financial system with the introduction of their mark of the beast central back digital currency.


This is why Rockefeller servant Janet Yellen went on a begging trip to Africa.  “Officially, the trip was designed to persuade Africans, including elected officials, business leaders and farmers, that the U.S. is looking for a long-term relationship on everything from food security to rural electrification.”


However, the real story was Yellen threatening the Africans that if they did not accept the new digital currency, “a full-on U.S. default would have ripple effects across the globe, making it more expensive to borrow money in some of the world’s poorest countries.”


This is a lie of course, because what will really happen is that all those exploitative IMF etc. loans to Africa will be eliminated as part of a jubilee on the US Corporate government defaults. Following that, the Africans will finally get paid a fair price for their labour and resources.


It is not just the US government that is defaulting. House and car loans in the private sector are also leading an implosion of the banking system.


Jeremy Cross, the president of a car repo company says he can’t find enough repo men to meet demand or space to hold all the cars his company has been tasked with repossessing.


According to Bankrate’s Annual Emergency Fund Report, 68% of people are worried they wouldn’t be able to cover their living expenses for just one month if they lost their primary source of income. And when push comes to shove, the majority (57%) of U.S. adults are currently unable to afford a $1,000 emergency expense.


Nearly three-quarters, or 72%, of middle-income families say their earnings are falling behind the cost of living, up from 68% a year ago,


The situation has reached the point where millions of Americans are about to go hungry as their food stamps get cut off.


The American people, like the Africans, will also be freed from debt slavery and see their incomes jump as soon as the KM’s FRB parasite is removed.


Facing military defeat, economic collapse and war crimes trials, the big question now is if the KM finally try to play their “alien invasion card.”


Polish intelligence sources say “the G7 will take their weapons from extraterrestrial Arsenals and drop them on Russia and Iran because the US is and the EU are puppets of extraterrestrial occupiers.” They use a “dehumanization slave system for acquiring less intelligent people without awareness controlling their animal mental instincts mentally similar to dogs or reptiles are trained as soldiers to carry out anti-human decisions.” They are referring to what are known as fallen angels and their human slaves.


Speaking about fallen angels, here are the latest appearances in our skies of “otherwordly entities.”


Also here’s the latest evidence the international space station is fake and we ourselves are under some sort of quarantine. Presumably that will end when the satanist are defeated.



  1. 4 UFO drones over Lusaka, Zambia-January 20, 2023
  2. 2023年1月20日,赞比亚卢萨卡上空的4架UFO无人机

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  1. UFO over Chile 
  2. 智利上空的不明飞行物

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  1.  Light ships over Canada 
  2. 加麻大上空的光船

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  1. A Multi dimensional Light ship seen over Hawaii January 18, 2023 
  2. 2023年1月18日在夏威夷上空看到的一艘跨维度光船

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Benjamin Fulford The Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis 2023 January 23rd



End of Rockefeller rule and the beginning of the golden age of hydrogen



The surrender of the Rothschilds and the collapse of the Rockefeller stranglehold over the United States of America Corporation will allow us all to live like millionaires during the upcoming golden age of hydrogen. This is the big story behind all the news about the US debt limit being reached, the defeat of Ukraine and the takedown of the fake Biden regime.



The Rockefellers have used their control (via over 200 foundations) of the Fortune 500 companies to hide the fact they are the real masterminds behind the war in Ukraine, the attempted vaccine genocide and much more. They are now being thrown under the bus.



To understand their involvement and their imminent defeat, let us start by looking at the members of the so-called regime of Joe Biden who belong to the Rockefeller-controlled Council on Foreign Relations:



Kamala Harris, Vice President (CFR through family; Harvard; DLA Piper; Uber through family)

卡马拉·哈里斯,美国副总统(美国外交关系委员会和优步打车软件通过家庭、哈佛大学、DLA Piper跨国律师事务所来控制她)


Antony Blinken, Secretary of State (CFR member; Harvard and Columbia; WestExec)



Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury (CFR member; Yale and Harvard; Brookings)



Lloyd Austin, Secretary of Defense (CFR member; WestExec; Raytheon)



Linda Thomas-Greenfield, UN Ambassador (CFR member; Albright Stonebridge)



Cecilia Rouse, Council of Economic Advisors (CFR director; Princeton; Rowe Price)



Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security (CFR member; Wilmer Hale)



Jake Sullivan, National Security Advisor (CFR author; Yale and Oxford; Carnegie)



Ron Klain, Chief of Staff (CFR through family; Harvard; O’Melveny and Meyers)



John Kerry, Special Envoy for Climate (CFR member; Yale)



Susan Rice, Chief of Domestic Council (CFR member; Harvard, Oxford, and Stanford)



William J. Burns, Director of Central Intelligence (CFR member; Oxford; Carnegie)



Kurt M. Campbell, Indo-Pacific Tsar (CFR member; Harvard and Oxford; Asia Group)



Thomas Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture (CFR member; Dairy Export Council)



Gina Raimondo, Secretary of Commerce (CFR member; Oxford; Point Judith Capital)

吉娜·雷蒙多,美国商务部部长(美国外交关系委员会成员;牛津大学毕业生;美国风险投资公司Point Judith Capital)


Eric S. Lander, Director of Office of Science and Technology (CFR member; Harvard)



Jeffery Zients, Counselor to the President (CFR member; Cranemere)



The very first act of the “Biden” regime was to protect Rockefeller oil interests by canceling the Keystone Pipeline which would have allowed the American people access to reliable oil supplies not controlled by the Rockefellers.

“拜登”政权在上台后做的第一件事,就是保护洛克菲勒家族的石油利益,取消了美国和加拿大之间的“拱心石 ”输油管道,这条管道原本可以使美国人民用上放心可靠、不会受到战火波及、不受洛克菲勒家族控制的石油供应。


The war in Ukraine as well can be seen as a Rockefeller attempt to force the Europeans to buy oil and gas from them and not from the Russians.



My involvement with this family began over a decade ago when I asked Japanese Finance and Economy Minister Heizo Takenaka why he handed over control of all of Japan’s stock market-listed corporations to institutions controlled by the Rockefellers and Rothschilds. These include Blackrock, State Street and Banking, and Vanguard. I was told Japan was forced to hand over its’ corporations because it was being threatened with earthquake weapons (this was before Fukushima).



The subsequent March 11, 2011 Fukushima mass murder attack on Japan also forced the country to shut down its nuclear power generation and buy oil controlled by the Rockefellers.



Years of research uncovered the fact Rockefeller interests are behind many, many crimes including the spread of cancer. At the beginning of the 20th century, only one out of 19 people got cancer. Now it is one out of every two people. Needless to say “curing cancer” is now one of the most profitable businesses of the pharmacidical corporations they control. The recent pandemic and vaccine campaign is also leading to record profits for Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson etc. also controlled by the criminal KM families like the Rockefellers.



The Rockefellers also stifled human progress by suppressing energy technology that threatened their control via oil. That is why Nicola Tesla ended up an impoverished prisoner in a hotel room while his technology was suppressed.



In later years, Japanese solar panel manufacturers told me they were forced to dump half the solar panels they produced while the price of silicon they bought was jacked up fivefold in order to prevent solar power from being competitive with oil.



They have also done everything in their power to prevent the use of hydrogen as a cheap, non-polluting and virtually limitless fuel. Over 70% of the cost of modern economic activity comes from energy and the Rockefellers have been suppressing human progress to make sure that energy comes from expensive oil they control.



The list of their crimes is far too extensive to lay out any further here. The point is that recent world events are the result of an international alliance aimed at overthrowing the rule of the United States of America Corporation, their enforcement arm.



Okay, with this background in mind, let us look at the developments of the past week. The biggest was the default on January 19th of the US Corporation. This was reported in the corporate propaganda news as the US hitting the debt ceiling of $31.4 trillion. However, notice that the day before this happened, Jerome Powell, the head of the Federal Reserve Board “tested positive for Covid” and went into “self-isolation.” CIA sources, of course, say this really means either he was arrested or went into hiding.



We are also being told by Polish intelligence the United States has set a cut-off date for US dollar legal tender restrictions that will expire on January 31, 2023. The restrictions mean that any US dollar bills printed before 2021 will no longer be accepted or legal tender anywhere in the world.



This is a desperate attempt by the Rockefellers to prevent bankruptcy by forcing everyone to use digital central bank currencies they plan to issue, MI6 sources say.



Instead, the world is going to cut off the Rockefellers by refusing digital currencies they produce after January 31st, multiple sources agree.  



The bankruptcy of the Federal Reserve Board means the entire US financial system is imploding.



These charts of consumers maxing out their credit cards, the largest financial bubble in history and plunging house prices all show the US financial system is now dysfunctional.


For example, a Mossad source says “I know for a fact that Bank of America is insolvent. (So is Wells Fargo Bank) They are in chapter 11 but it cannot be revealed to the public. It will bring down the entire financial system. I know of one B of A customer who paid off his house mortgage and wanted the deed to his house. The branch manager told him he had to contact the bank’s lawyers. They did not have it. Oops.” 



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There are lots of lots of reports on Instagram, Tiktok, Reddit of problems at banks, for those who wish to confirm this. Many customers are missing money and not getting answers.



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Neither of these banks responded to queries about their bankruptcy by the time this report went live.



Interestingly, among so many other accurate future forecasts, the Simpsons predicted that Bank of America running out of money.



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In another sign it is not business as usual, on the same day Fed Chief Powell went into seclusion, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen announced she was going on a begging mission to Zurich Switzerland to meet Chinese Vice Premier Liu He. Chinese media reported the January 20th talks ended early as Yellen, who displayed “a lack of self-confidence,” ended the talks early because she “needed to catch a flight.”



《 2023年1月19日




















真诚地 》


In a hint the Chinese were asking for huge concessions, the state media also said “Whether the door between China and the US can be opened will be a test of the state of mind and the US should ask itself whether it is prepared.”



Asian secret society sources say the Chinese are now aware they were subject to an electromagnetic attack disguised as a “pandemic” by the Rockefeller/Rothschild-led Khazarian mafia and are demanding the criminals responsible be arrested.



However, the Chinese need to also make sure they arrest criminals in their own country as well.



A disturbing video from China shows what appears to be the bodies of children who had adrenochrome harvested from them. We would like the Chinese authorities to issue a public statement explaining their version of what this video shows. (Warning graphic).



Needless to say, a majority of the population of the West is also demanding that top-level criminals be brought to justice.



For example, Senator Ron Johnson is one of many voices now publicly calling for a Nuremberg-style tribunal for the “COVID cartel.”



The evidence of their crimes is overwhelming. Secret Pfizer & government documents confirm millions have died worldwide due to COVID vaccination.



This is just the tip of the iceberg since, as any African will tell you, most of the tens of millions of HIV/Aids deaths were also caused by vaccination.



Multiple intelligence agency sources confirm a war crimes tribunal for the KM leadership is now a certainty.



Also facing justice are the Nazi war criminals in Ukraine. Last week, Russian forces killed 40,000 Ukrainian troops in the Donetsk region alone, according to Pentagon estimates. The Ukrainians also lost their interior minister and 16 other top officials in a helicopter crash last week.



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US military expert Colonel Douglas McGregor says open source material shows the Ukrainians have 157,000 dead and 300,000 wounded so far, compared to 16,000 Russians casualties. That means Ukraine, with a much smaller population, is losing eight troops for every one Russian lost.



Knowing the war is already lost, the Americans, Germans and British refused to send tanks to Ukraine. They also refused because “the criminals behind the Zelensky government would have just sold the state-of-the-art Western tanks to the Russians for them to reverse engineer.”



Polish intelligence sources agree. They note that last week that “over 50 American Chevrolet Tahoe SUVs donated to Ukraine by General Motors disappeared upon arrival in the country.”



Polish intelligence sources say the desperate Nazi Ukrainian regime is now grabbing 14-year-old boys and old men off the streets to use as cannon fodder against the Russians.



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The question now is will the Russians invade Switzerland after they finish off the Ukraine?



Switzerland is basically declaring war against Russia by threatening to seize Russian assets to “use for Ukraine’s reconstruction,” as the head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) Ignazio Cassis said in an interview with Swiss radio and television released on Thursday.



Swiss President Alain Barset also showed his country was no longer neutral with a speech at Davos last week attacking Russia with blatant lies.



This means that unless the Octagon group headquartered there surrenders an invasion of Switzerland is inevitable



MI6 sources say the Rothschilds are negotiating such a surrender but, that the process will take time. They said real changes might start after the coronation of King Charles III in June.



In the US, real change has already begun. The public removal of the fake Joe Biden from power is continuing with an avalanche of scripted stories about “classified documents,” being found in Biden’s home, garage and other “wrong places.”



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We also note even the KM propaganda media like CNN is starting to go off the reservation by reporting more horrific crimes by the long-dead Biden and his son Hunter.



Furthermore, in a sign the corporate propaganda media is losing the information war, CNN is closing its’ Atlanta headquarters in another sign of KM surrender.



With the removal of Biden inevitable, the rats have started to abandon the ship, with White House chief of staff Ron Klain, being the most recent.



We also note that CFR stooge Kamala Harris cannot legally replace Biden because her parents were not American citizens.









We also note other election stealers are being arrested or removed. Here you can see the fraudulently elected Governor of Arizona, Katie Hobbs wearing a boot with a GPS ankle bracelet. “She is under white hat alliance military arrest,” CIA sources say.



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Also, New Zealand’s cross-dressing Prime Minister Jack Ardern has announced he is resigning.



Jack’s replacement is Chris Hipkins who is being forced to say he is going to hunt down and vaccinate all New Zealanders in order to deliberately cause his government to implode, MI6 sources say.



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The world’s power elite know the Rothschilds and Rockefellers have lost which is why most of them canceled at the last minute their plans to visit their Davos World Economic Forum last week. Take a look at the empty audience for the Prime Minister of Spain as an example.



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The bloodline elite may not have until June to carry out reforms because the peasants are out in force with their modern-day internet connected mobile pitchforks.



Here, for example, you can see protesters in Davos, Switzerland targeting Black Rock.



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In Madrid, Spain, a huge crowd demands the resignation of the government.




In Paris France, millions are marching to protest the fact their pensions are being stolen.



Similar riots protesting skyrocketing food and energy costs are breaking out across Europe.



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Nice Demonstration against Blackrock at Davos



In Peru too, the Incas have resumed the war to free their country from 500 years of colonial rule. The old Inca Capital of Machu Picchu has been closed due to anti-government protests, leaving hundreds of tourists stranded near the Inca citadel amid deadly upheaval. The police are out in force.









This writer remembers as a teenager watching dignified school teachers being shot by police in front of tourists for protesting they had not been paid for months. I thought it would be all over the world’s news but not a word of it came out. This time will be different because the entire Peruvian population has risen against their controllers. 



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What is important is that these protests do not end with the elites cutting off the lizards’ tail in order to escape by throwing a few servant so-called leaders to the mob.



We need to see real reform and that means overthrowing the Rockefellers and their stranglehold on energy.



If the West does not do that, Asia will. Just like with solar power, China is now defying藐视 the KM blockage堵塞 of hydrogen technology.



We are already seeing hydrogen-powered aircraft.



We are also now seeing hydrogen being extracted from seawater.



It is hard to underestimate the impact hydrogen and other new energy technologies will have. It will allow humanity to expand life on this planet like a seed turning into an oak tree.



We will be able to turn the deserts and arctic wastelands green, build new ecosystems underground and in space and basically increase the amount of earth life exponentially. The only constraint to making more carbon-based life will be the amount of carbon, and there is plenty of that.



Immortality is also now within our reach. Just last week San Diego–based company Rejuvenate Bio injected mice with a DNA-altering substance that let them live the human equivalent of an extra six years. The findings point to a way to drive an animal’s age “forwards and backwards at will,” the company says.

长生不老现在我们也同样能够达到。就在上周,总部在圣地亚哥的Rejuvenate Bio生物公司,向老鼠体内注射了一种转基因物质,延长了老鼠的寿命。这一段被延长的寿命相当于人类的6年。该功能公司表示:“他们找到了一种能够随意延长和缩短动物寿命的方法。”


This is just one very recent example of life-prolonging technology that in the past would have been suppressed by the KM. So many other such breakthroughs that were buried in the past can now be developed.



In other words, attaining lifespans of thousands of years will be technically possible within a few years, once the KM lose control of the financial system.



However, before we celebrate prematurely, remember the KM is almost certainly planning something horrific in order to stay in power.



The most likely next trick will be a fake alien invasion. For example, a December 2020 News presentation by NBC is being pushed on the internet now. It says the “former Israeli head of space programs said Galactic Federation is real and Trump knew about it.”



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“This sure looks like the KM are preparing the sheeple for an alien invasion,” a Mossad source says. “What the KM puppet masters can do with this hoax is extraordinary! They could nuke entire cities and countries. They could kill billions and blame it on the ‘aliens.’”



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The source says they would do this to force people to use their planned mark of the beast Central Bank Digital Currencies (See attached video with Glenn Beck)



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So with that segue here are the latest project blue beam appearances around the world.



“Above Camrose, Alberta 2 days ago”. 



Interdimensional light ship over Camrose, Alberta-Canada 

“NOT PHOTOSHOP. It is a Light Ship, from another dimension. I zoomed in like 500% and there was no manipulation evident”.





  1. A group of UFO Drones
  2. 一群不明飞行物无人机


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  1. Cloaked mother ship over Bursa, Turkey 
  2. 土耳其布尔萨上空的隐形母舰


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  1. A cigar-shaped UFO over South Africa 
  2. 南非上空的雪茄状不明飞行物


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Just remember, this war will be won on the ground and by the people, no matter what sort of holograms they project in the sky. Each of us can do our part by insisting on using real asset-backed currency and refusing their mark-of-the-beast digital currency.





McCarthy to replace Biden as US “president” while the UN prepares to move to Laos


Some tectonic shifts have taken place in Geopolitical power structures during the past week. The result will be the widely despised avatar “Joe Biden,” being replaced as US President by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, Pentagon and MI6 sources say. Also, preparations to move UN headquarters from New York to Laos have begun in earnest, CIA sources in Laos say.


These changes are taking place as the main culprits for the present dysfunctional state of the planet gather at Davos, Switzerland for the World Economic Forum. As this report was about to go live, CIA sources say the head of this organization, Klaus Schwab Rothschild, Klaus Schwab would miss the opening of the WEF conference in Davos today “due to a health issue”.


However, this may be a disinformation trap designed to destroy the credibility of this newsletter by having him or an avatar appear after we report his absence. The WEF was unavailable for comment. Regardless, the criminals gathering at Davos have lost the battle for the planet earth, multiple sources agree.

















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What we know is that the entire Hitler/Rockefeller branch of the ruling class has lost power. This means descendants of Adolph Hitler and John Rockefeller I including Angela Merkel, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, David Rockefeller Jr., etc. will be stripped of all power and titles, MI6 sources say.


To confirm if this is true, we need to see the public removal of Rockefeller Avatar, “President Joe Biden,” along with the rubber mask-wearing phony Pope Francis.


There are signs this is happening. In the US, a power struggle has resulted in a compromise wherein neither Donald Trump nor Joe Biden will be in power. The Supreme Court rejected the Brunson case to overthrow the 2020 election because it would have installed Donald Trump as president. The reason is the Donald Trump who has appeared in public since January of 2020 is a vaccine-pushing fraud. The real Donald Trump, whose son Barron was injured by vaccines, was virulently opposed to them. This means if the Supreme Court had reinstated Trump then the avatar Joe Biden, who took orders from the Rockefellers, would have been replaced by a Trump avatar who took orders from the Rothschilds.


So, serious horse-trading took place in the 15 rounds of votes it took to make Kevin McCarthy speaker of the house. McCarthy was forced, among other things, to promise to hold hearings into how the FBI was turned into a malignant force suppressing American patriots.



  • 亨特·拜登的笔记本电脑
  • 阿什利·拜登的日记本
  • 杰弗里·爱泼斯坦的“小黑本”
  • 希拉里·克林顿的电子邮件
  • 美国司法部的口供:搜查川普海湖庄园


The latest intelligence we have is that Joe Biden will be removed along with Kamala Harris, the second in line for the presidency. That would make McCarthy president but only as an interim figure who would oversee new, and genuine, elections. In such an election the real Donald Trump would run.


That is why we are now seeing headlines such as this in the corporate propaganda media:


Former Clinton Adviser David Gergen Says Biden Risks Being ‘Creamed’ by Docs Case: ‘Very, Very Big Deal’


This shows they are going to use the “documents in garage” story instead of child rape and murder or selling the US government out to gangsters in Ukraine as the excuse to end the Biden farce. To reconfirm it is a farce notice how the fake Biden doesn’t blink in this video. Most likely it is CGI


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This dumb show cannot last much longer.


We are also seeing a very strong campaign to remove “Pope Francis.” That is why we are seeing news reports a plot to remove him “began in earnest” immediately after Pope Benedict (maledict) XVI died on December 31st.


The sudden death on January 10th of the head of the Vatican Bank, Cardinal George Pell, is probably related to this battle. Pell was an ally of the real Pope Francis who decried the phony Francis as a “disaster” and a “catastrophe.” In any case, P3 sources say the fake Francis has been canceling all of his public appearances for days in a row because of “a mysterious illness.”


What we know for sure is that some sort of purge of the highest levels of power has been taking place in recent weeks with the death of top Chinese power broker Jiang Zemin, Queen Elizabeth II, Evelyn de Rothschild, Pope Benedict etc.


We are also hearing this is all related to the fact a new M1 or head of the committee of 300 and controller of the world financial system has been selected.


We have been in contact with this individual, who is a European royal you have most likely never heard of. This person says “M1 simply means Monetary One or the global underwriting of the world’s banks…. Monetary One is simply a legal signatory to all other debt. You can’t sign country debt to thin air so it has to end somewhere with someone.”

我们一直在接触这个人,他是一位欧洲皇室成员,你很可能从未听说过。这个人说:“M1是指Monetary One或世界各国银行的全球承销……Monetary One只是所有其他债务的合法签字人。你不能凭空签署国家债务,所以它必须在某个地方结束。”

The new M1 says the main obstacle to a jubilee and the establishment of a meritocratic future planning agency is a “stalemate comes from the fifth column inside MI6.” This group is connected to the Illuminati and is upset, among other things, about the public use of King Charles III as the face of the British Monarchy because of his alleged involvement in the murder of Princess Diana.


Charles is putting out the following story:


“Iranian military intelligence (probable cause Pakistan ISI) killing (assassinated is in law murdered) of [Dodi Fayed] the son of the then owner of Harrod’s shop in London…Diana died not as a killing but as a secondary consequence of the assassinated primary because of money laundering linked to arms trading…neither Her Majesty The Queen, Her Majesty’s Consort Prince Philip nor I would now add have any hand, act, or part in this.”


The source admits “MI6 did, in fact, provide a military-grade optical device which was of sufficient disablement to cause a road traffic accident” and that the head of MI6 Sir John Scarlett “is now known to us to have been within a one-mile radius of this crime scene.” However, the former head of MI6, Dr. Michael Van de Meer said Diana’s death was an honor killing that took place because she was pregnant with Fayed’s twins and was going to convert to Islam.


In any case, assuming MI6 acted on its own without the knowledge of any British royal family member, if a dispute over this is what is preventing the start of a new financial system and a new age, then some sort of workaround is needed. Apparently, Prince William does not want to assume the throne in the place of his father so, maybe England can have a King Harold for the first time since 1066 while the mysterious M1 remains the real power behind the throne. This is something for the Privy Council to decide and the rest of the ruling class will have to go along with their decision.


There is also a very real possibility of a general revolt against the bloodline ruling class in the West. The ongoing economic collapse and fallout from the vaccine and pandemic scam make a bloody revolution increasingly likely.


The gnostic Illuminati are definitely on the warpath. The new MI says “David de Rothschild tells me this so-called Illuminati have in fact attempted to contact me…My Instagram account is being inundated with various references to very famous people and this is all happening only in the last day or so despite a very strict press ban about cameras or any other attempt to contact me through a back channel so I immediately called in MI6 and the SAS as my bodyguards.”


Here is a message we received from the Illuminati:




In what is probably a related development we note a large fire has destroyed a Masonic center in Sydney’s southwest recently. 


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They are also instigating riots and social unrest throughout the Western hemisphere.



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The Non-KM Jews too are revolting as this statement by Jewish freedom fighter Henry Makow makes clear:


Pope Francis is a fraud–a crypto-Jew [KM] planted by the WEF conveniently in time for the “Great Reset” facade begun in 2020 with the Covid-19 scam.  He joins his brothers Justin Trudeau, Joe Biden, Emmanuel Macron, Jacinda Ardern (yes, a brother and not a sister), Barack Obama and Michele Obama (same as Jacinda), Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Tedros Ghebreyesus, and other homosexuals and faux leaders easily susceptible to blackmail and put in power by the Jews [KM] to destroy Christianity and the European cultures. 


The economic collapse in the US and other Western countries is going to lead to more unrest unless the new system is initiated ASAP. Hyperinflation, rising interest rates and collapsing markets are all happening simultaneously.


As this chart shows, the real estate bubble in the US is so huge, only a complete reboot of the financial system can deal with it.






Furthermore, the next chart shows real wages are declining very, very quickly. This chart also underestimates the real drop in wages because it uses official inflation numbers that are about half the real inflation level.




The huge rise in crime is also leading to an overall collapse of the social order, especially in the United States. The situation has reached the point where even food in supermarkets has to be put under lock and key.


This sort of situation is not just happening in the US. In Poland old people are being forced to steal food from stores in order to survive while their government is still pushing vaccines in an attempt to murder their way out of their trouble, Polish intelligence sources say.


They note Polish military units revolted last week and disobeyed government orders to go fight Russians in Ukraine.


In Hungary, 97% of citizens who took part in the national consultations spoke out against EU sanctions against Russia, said Alexandra Sentkiraji, a spokeswoman for the Hungarian government.


(For reasons of space we are not going to look in greater detail at the situation in Ukraine this week but recommend this site:


It has been under severe attack because it reports true news about Ukraine etc. I had to get a virtual private network to access it and then even that was blocked. It is back now so please check it out).


In any case, the KM ruling class is losing control in Ukraine and on all other fronts. While this collapse is happening, the ruling class is frozen in a Mexican standoff of mutual blackmail. As M1 notes:


“There is a repository buried in some mountain near Zug in Switzerland no doubt with a file on anyone anywhere in any position of power. Above the world’s richest and most powerful sit the cults into which they are all incultated and through various gatherings and practices compromised into total control. Above the cults and behind the curtains the KM is doing what they have done for now over a thousand years.”


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The attempt by the KM to stay in power by killing everyone with either a pandemic or a vaccine is now blowing up in their faces. The vaccine damage is so extensive now that even official agencies like the CDC are being forced to admit it. The US Congress exempted themselves and their families and their Staff members and their families from all the mandates and demands they made upon their Employers, the American people. They also exempted CDC Employees and pharmaceutical company officers and employees complicit in the scheme. The corruption behind this entire campaign is so extensive that most ruling governments in the West are involved in it up to their eyeballs.



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The only way out of this deadlock is to announce a jubilee and a truth and reconciliation process followed by a general amnesty. However, it is probably too late for an amnesty for vaccine crimes.


It is also too late to try to save the current financial system with reforms. We note Republicans in the House of Representatives plan to deal with the situation by abolishing the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), eliminating the national income tax and replacing it with a national consumption tax.


However, with a jubilee and government-issued money (as opposed to debt to the KM) even a consumption tax would not be needed.


In any case, talking about tax reform is like re-arranging deck chairs on the Titanic because the US corporation has been running on vapor for years now. It going to run out of money once again this week and will go to China with its’ begging cup to offer more family heirlooms in exchange for a quick fix. Since US total debt and unfunded liabilities is approaching the $300 trillion mark, the only answer is a total reboot.


The situation is urgent because unless the West gets behind the new M1, the Russians, Chinese, BRICS etc, are going to take over with or without Western cooperation.


White Dragon Society sources in Laos say the non-Western world has begun building a new United Nations headquarters there and will proceed to set up its own international architecture. They are also preparing their own international financial system.


Speaking for this group, Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolay Patrushev says the American state is only a “cover for a conglomerate of huge corporations that rule the country and try to dominate the world.” He adds “transnational corporations treat even US presidents as mere figureheads that can be silenced, as it happened with [Donald] Trump. Republicans and the Democrats are merely two actors in one staging that has nothing to do with democracy.”


Russia’s permanent representative to the United Nations, Vassily Nebenzia, said if peace with the West cannot be achieved through negotiations “then our tasks will be achieved by military means.”


The only possible hope for the West to stay relevant is if somehow their Secret Space Force finally reveals itself. This might happen as this press release by the US Space Force hints:


Seven Nations Meet to Address Space Security




The Department of Defense participated in the annual Combined Space Operations (CSpO) Initiative Principals Board… counterparts from Australia, Canada, France, Germany, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States, with a focus on advancing collaboration and information sharing on space security topics.


On that note, here are the latest space related visuals


  1. multi colored lights UFO. looped to play over and over 
  2. 多色灯光不明飞行物。反复循环播放

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  1. UAP over Florida coast, USA
  2. 美国佛罗里达海岸的不明大气现象

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  1. Some will call them lenticular clouds, others will smile in silence. Cloaked UFO over Flagstaff, Arizona USA 
  2. 有些人会称之为透镜云,有些人会默默微笑。美国亚利桑那州弗拉格斯塔夫上空的隐形不明飞行物

  1. A press release by the US National Geographic Survey showing shows an earthquake with an epicenter with a negative depth of 0.6 kilometers, apparently meaning there was some sort of explosion in space above silicon valley (please correct us if we are wrong about this).



Benjamin Fulford The Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis 2023 January 9th 本杰明·富尔福德每周地缘政治与分析的新闻通讯2023年1月9日   World revolution resumes after holiday pause 假期休战结束后,世界革命重新开始     The world revolution against the Satanic Khazarian Mafia has resumed after a holiday pause. 在假期休战结束后,反对高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党的世界革命又开始了。   Russia has begun its long-awaited move against the Satanic regime in Ukraine with a massive two-pronged offensive. 俄罗斯开始了其期待已久的针对乌克兰撒旦主义政权的大规模双管齐下攻势。   In Brazil, the people have reacted against the Satanist election stealer Lula by taking over the Presidential Palace, the Congress Building and the Supreme Court. 在巴西,人民通过接管总统府、国会大厦和最高法院,对撒旦主义者卢拉进行了反击。   Video Player 00:00 00:19   Video Player 00:00 00:18   In the United States, a final showdown between the Satanists and the white hat military is taking place at the Supreme Court. 在美国,撒旦教徒和白帽子地球解放联盟之间的最后决战,正在最高法院进行。   In Europe, the Satanists have circled the wagons around Germany, France and Switzerland in a doomed attempt to stay in power. 在欧洲,撒旦教徒准备在德国、法国和瑞士等国家背水一战,企图继续掌权。   A similar showdown is being seen in the Middle East as the Turkish and Israeli military join forces against the Satanic forces led by false Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu. 土耳其和以色列军队联合起来打击假总理本亚明·内塔尼亚胡领导的撒旦教势力,中东地区也出现了类似的摊牌。   In China, the people are ushering in the new year of the Rabbit by coming out in the streets in massive numbers to celebrate the end of Covid tyranny. 在中国,人们大批走上街头庆祝新冠疫情封城暴政的结束,以此迎接农历兔年的到来。   Let us start with the Russian offensive because it involves a 1.5 million-man Christian army marching straight into the Satanic headquarters in Western Europe. We use the word “Satanic” because Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has publicly accused Ukrainian President Volodymyr (Vladimir) Zelensky of “pure Satanism.” 让我们从俄罗斯的进攻开始说起,因为这件事涉及一支150万人的基督教军队直接进军西欧的撒旦教总部。我们使用“撒旦教”一词是因为俄罗斯外交部发言人玛丽亚·扎哈罗娃公开指责乌克兰总统弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基是“纯粹的撒旦主义”。   This offensive began immediately after the Orthodox Christmas celebrations ended. Polish intelligence report “Kilometer-long convoys with Russian soldiers are heading towards the eastern front. It can be seen that soon there will be a great and previously announced offensive. It turns out that there will be two fronts, from Belarus and from the east.” 这场攻势在东正教圣诞节庆祝活动结束后立即开始。波兰情报报告称:“载有俄罗斯士兵的长达数公里的车队正向乌克兰东线进发。可以看出,很快就会有一场先前宣布的大规模攻势。事实证明,将有两条战线,分别来自白俄罗斯和乌克兰东部。”     Russia makes it clear it has the moral high ground. “It is finally becoming clear to the whole international community that in 2014 the US unleashed a real proxy-war against Russia by supporting Nazi [Satanist] criminals in Kyiv,” Russian Ambassador to the USA Anatoly Antonov notes. 俄罗斯明确表示,它拥有道德高地。俄罗斯驻美国大使阿纳托利·安东诺夫指出:“整个国际社会终于清楚了,2014年,美国通过支持基辅的纳粹(萨坦主义)罪犯,对俄罗斯发动了一场真正的代理人战争。”   In case you haven’t figured it out yet, Ukrainian Satanist leader Volodymyr Zelensky and his government take orders from the Rothschild (Red Shield of Satan) family headquartered in Switzerland. 如果你还没有弄清楚是怎么回事,那么我就把话说清楚:乌克兰撒旦主义领导人泽连斯基和他的政府,听命于总部位于瑞士的罗斯柴尔德(撒旦红盾)家族的命令。   Russian FSB intelligence sources have previously informed us the aim of their offensive is to end the Federal Reserve Board. BIS Headquarters in Basle, Switzerland is the heart of that Satanic institution. That is because it is the central bank of the privately owned central banks that suck the life force out of the planet by creating money out of nothing. It is a black hole that must be shut down permanently. This is exactly what the Russian Christian army is going to do. 俄罗斯联邦安全局的情报来源此前告诉我们,他们的攻势旨在结束美国联邦储备委员会。国际清算银行总部位于瑞士巴塞尔,是撒旦主义者的中心。这是因为,正是私人拥有的中央银行的中央银行通过无中生有的印钞方式,将地球上的生命力吸走。这是一个必须永久关闭的黑洞。而关闭它正是俄罗斯基督教军队现在所要做的。   Russia has the support of European governments in this move. For example, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki says he is “extremely critical of glorification by the Ukrainian parliament of [mass murdering Satanist leader] Stepan Bandera.” 俄罗斯此举得到了欧洲各国政府的支持。例如,波兰总理马特乌斯·莫拉维茨基表示,他“对乌克兰议会颂扬(大规模谋杀萨坦主义领导人)斯捷潘·班德拉的行为极为不满。”   “The United States as custodian of the holy grail of ‘Western values’ is no longer, it is now socially devastated and culturally exhausted. In general, the reality in the West is characterized by wokeness, prohibition of speech, cancel culture, methods of censorship, deletion of accounts, digital and biometric surveillance, state journalism and psychological warfare against its own population” a senior Russian official says. 一位俄罗斯高级官员表示:“美国不再是‘西方价值观’圣杯的守护者,它的社会现在已经被摧毁,文化枯竭。总体而言,西方的现实特征是:社会撕裂、禁止言论、取消文化、审查方法、删除账户、数字和生物特征监控、国家新闻、以及针对本国人民的心理战。”   As Russian troops approach, people took to the streets in German cities Wednesday night to protest rising prices, inflation and vaccinations. 随着俄罗斯军队的逼近,周三晚上,德国城市的民众走上街头,抗议物价上涨、通货膨胀和接种微芯片转基因绝育“疫苗”。   Hungary, for its part has decided to leave the European Union, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said during his New Year’s address to citizens. 匈牙利总理维克多·欧尔班在向公民发表新年致辞时表示,匈牙利已决定退出欧盟。   In France. Pierre de Gaulle Charles de Gaulle’s grandson noted that the US “cut off Europe from Russia” because Europe and Russia could form a strong political, economic and cultural bloc. 在法国,皮埃尔·戴高乐的孙子指出,美国“切断了欧洲与俄罗斯的联系”,因为欧洲和俄罗斯可以形成一个强大的政治、经济和文化集团。   As an example of the Satanic nature of the forces in Control in Western Europe, Briggite Macron, the wife of President Emanuelle Macron pushed for the burnt-down cathedral of Notre Dame to be rebuilt in the shape of a “phallus with golden balls” according to Roselyne Bachelot the former French culture minister. 根据法国前文化部长罗斯琳·巴切洛特介绍,西欧是被撒旦教控制的,作为一个例子,总统埃艾曼纽埃尔·马克龙的妻子布里吉塔·马克龙推动将烧毁的圣母院大教堂重建为“带金球的阴茎”。   Brigitte Macron is in fact a man and Emanuelle was his teenage male prostitute escort, French intelligence sources say. 法国情报机构的消息来源称,事实上,布丽吉塔·马克龙是一名男子,埃马努埃尔是他十几岁的男妓陪护。     It is worth noting that another cross-dressing male “wife,” of a leader, Michelle Obama, watched the Satanic ritual burning Notre Dame from a boat on the river Seine. 值得注意的是,领导人米歇尔·奥巴马的另一位变装男性“妻子”在塞纳河上的船上观看了焚烧圣母院的撒旦仪式。   The use of cross-dressers and people married to in the closet cross dressers as leaders is simply a part of the fact that anybody who wishes to rise to power in the Satanically controlled West needs to have something to be blackmailed about. Cross-dressing and keeping it secret is usually the least of the crimes a leader must be guilty of. 使用变装者,以及与秘密变装者结婚的人作为领导人,这些都只是一个事实的一部分,这个事实就是,任何想要在撒旦教控制的西方国家掌权的人,都需要上交自己的把柄、弱点、黑材料,以此来作为投名状和入伙考验。变装和保守秘密通常是西方国家领导者必须犯的最少罪行。   For example in Canada, crime minister Justin Trudeau’s half-brother Kyle Kemper says the Rothschild-controlled WEF has “compromising material” on him that makes him a pawn who performs scripts written for him by his Satanic overlords. 例如,在加麻大,犯罪总理贾斯汀·特鲁多·卡斯特罗同父异母的弟弟凯尔·肯珀表示,罗斯柴尔德家族控制的世界经济论坛有针对他的“黑材料”,使他成为棋子去执行撒旦主义主人为他编写的剧本。   It is a good bet one thing he is being blackmailed about is that he murdered his half-brother Michael as a condition for becoming Prime Minister. 很有可能他已经被勒索,他成为首相的条件,就是他必须谋杀了同父异母的弟弟迈克尔。   In any case, the UK and Australia have thrown out the Satanists so it won’t be long before Canada and New Zealand do the same, MI6 sources say. 英国军情六处的消息来源称,无论如何,英国和澳大利亚都已经将撒旦教徒赶了出去,所以不久之后加麻大和新西兰也会这么做。   We are sure Brazilian Satanist would-be election stealer Lula is being blackmailed about something much worse than Trudeau is. In case you doubt he is a Satanist, here is a picture of him holding a statue of Baphomet aka Satan. 我们确信,巴西的撒旦主义者卢拉,可能已经因为比贾斯汀·特鲁多·卡斯特罗更糟糕的事情而被勒索。如果你怀疑他是撒旦主义者,这里有一张他举着巴普霍姆又名撒旦雕像的照片。     Brazilian patriots who have seized government buildings found a bunch of sex toys in Lula’s presidential office. We note the Brazilian military and police rank and file are now joining the people in revolt against their Satanically controlled leaders. 夺取政府大楼的巴西爱国者在卢拉的总统办公室发现了一堆性玩具。我们注意到,巴西的军队和警察现在正与人民一起反抗他们被撒旦控制的领导人。   Video Player 00:00 00:22   Video Player 00:00 00:21   The last we heard before this report went live is that Lula has fled the capital to Rio de Janeiro with patriots close on his tail. 在本篇新闻通讯发表之前,我们听到的最新消息是,卢拉已经逃离了首都巴西利亚,逃到里约热内卢,巴西爱国者紧紧地追赶着他。   Video Player 00:00 00:16   There is also finally action being seen in the United States against the openly criminal regime of fake President Joe Biden. As this report was going live, three separate sources informed us that by a 5 to 4 vote, the US Supreme Court has ruled that Joe Biden and 388 political leaders must be permanently removed from any public office after stealing the 2020 Presidential election. “The US White Hat Military is involved in the background with this process, and made contact with the Supreme Court in the last 7 days,” a CIA source says. 美国也终于对假总统乔·拜登的公开犯罪政权采取了行动。随着本篇新闻通讯发表之际,三个独立的消息来源告诉我们,美国最高法院以5比4的投票结果裁定,乔·拜登和388名政客在窃取2020年总统大选后,必须被永久解除任何公职。一位美国中央情报局消息来源表示:“美国军方里边的白帽子地球解放联盟参与了这一过程,并在过去7天与最高法院取得了联系。”   The entire case in the U.S. Supreme Court is regarding a request for a Special Master to review over alleged blackmail videos of judges and officials engaging in acts of rape and murder of a child on videotapes. 美国最高法院的整个案件都涉及一项请求,即要求一名特别主管审查法官,去检查各个法官和政客们涉嫌在录像带上进行强奸和谋杀儿童行为的勒索视频。   John Roberts was given an opportunity by an emergency application requesting voluntary recusal for having a conflict of interest due to having a personal interest in the outcome of the blackmail scheme case. Raland Brunson argued in his petition that it is an “act of war” and is treason to not protect American citizens from a foreign government/country influencing our elections. 约翰·罗伯茨提交了一份紧急申请,请求自愿回避这一系列案件,因为他与勒索案的结果有个人利益冲突,最后他也获得了这样一个回避机会。拉兰德·布伦森在请愿书中辩称,如果不保护美国公民免受外国政府/国家影响我们的选举,这是一种“战争行为”,是叛国行为。   As an FBI whistleblower testifies “Children are the payment and the dirt and the control. Chief Justice Roberts provided children in order to get his job on the Supreme Court.” 正如美国联邦调查局的一名告密者所作证的那样:“孩子是报酬、肮脏和控制。首席大法官罗伯茨为了在最高法院获得工作,提供了强奸孩子的录像。”   In case you think this is an exaggeration, a court in the UK has determined “A satanic child abuse ring tortured children by putting them in an oven, forcing them to kill animals and gang-raping them.” 如果你认为这是一种夸张的说法,英国一家法院认定“一个虐待儿童的撒旦教团伙将儿童放入烤箱,强迫他们杀死动物并轮奸他们,从而折磨他们。”   This is the tip of the iceberg. Mass murderer Benyamin Netanyahu, who is trying to turn Israel into a Satanic theocracy, has bragged he controls the West with over 400,000 files of evidence of Child Rape/Murder etc. by top politicians and power brokers. 这只是冰山一角。大规模谋杀犯本雅明·内塔尼亚胡,试图将以色列变成一个撒旦教神权国家,他吹嘘自己控制着西方世界,拥有40多万份顶级政客和权力掮客强奸/谋杀儿童的证据。   A Canadian Secret Intelligence Service source says there is now “a Mexican standoff,” among various agencies as they all have blackmail material against each other. 加麻大秘密情报局的一位消息来源表示,现在加麻大各机构之间出现了“墨西哥僵局”,因为他们都有针对对方的勒索材料。   In response to this situation, the P3 Freemasons are threatening to hit Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Geneva, Switzerland with neutron bombs (the ones that kill people but leave buildings intact) if the Khazarian Mafia does not surrender. 为了应对这种情况,意大利P3共济会威胁说,如果高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党不投降,他们将用中子弹(能杀人但建筑物和车辆完好无损的炸弹)袭击耶路撒冷、特拉维夫和瑞士日内瓦。   We have previously confirmed from the son of the former Shah of Iran that George Bush Sr. provided Iran with neutron bomb-tipped missiles. The P3 say they can order those missiles to be fired. “They are no longer hiding anymore they are destroying all democratic institutions on the planet to have no opposition to their crimes, operation Thor must be done or we will all be slaves,” a P3 leader explains. 我们之前从伊朗前国王的儿子那里证实,老布什向伊朗提供了中子弹弹头的导弹。意大利P3共济会说他们可以命令发射这些导弹。一位意大利P3共济会领导人解释道:“他们不再躲藏了,他们正在摧毁地球上所有的民主机构,以便不再反对他们的罪行,雷神行动必须完成,否则我们都将成为奴隶。”   That is one reason why Israeli army Chief of Staff (CoS) Aviv Kochavi informed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of his decision not to follow orders issued by his coalition ministers. 这就是为什么以色列陆军参谋长阿维夫·科查维,通知本杰明·内塔尼亚胡总理,他决定不遵守部长级会议所发布的命令。   The police and judiciary are with the army. Attorney General Gali Bahara-Miara refused to defend the appointment of the convicted criminal Aryeh Deri as interior minister and health minister in High Court hearings beginning on Thursday, Jan. 5. The judiciary is fighting an attempted “coup” against the judicial system’s independence. It looks like the Jews are finally rebelling against their Satanic overlords after millennia of slavery. 警察和司法部门与军队同在。以色列司法部长加利·巴赫拉·米亚拉拒绝在2023年1月5日星期四开始的高等法院听证会上,为被定罪的罪犯阿里耶·德里担任内政部长和卫生部长的任命辩护。司法部门正在与一场反对司法系统独立的未遂“政变”进行斗争。看起来犹太人在经历了几千年的奴役之后,终于开始反抗他们的撒旦教统治者了。   The Turkish, Russian, Syrian, Saudi, Egyptian and Jordanian militaries are all offering to help the Israeli people liberate their country, multiple sources say. 多个消息来源称,土耳其、俄罗斯、叙利亚、沙特、埃及和约旦军队都表示愿意帮助以色列人民解放他们的国家。   In any case, Netanyahu blackmailing other Western leaders is like the pot calling the kettle black. The NSA has a recording of him claiming credit for the Fukushima mass murder incident in Japan and threatening to destroy Tokyo unless Japan handed over all of its foreign currency. 无论如何,内塔尼亚胡勒索其他西方领导人简直就是五十步笑百步。美国国家安全局有一段记录,内塔尼亚胡声称对日本福岛大规模谋杀事件负责,并威胁称,除非日本交出全部外汇,否则将摧毁东京。   Japan’s government is now opening an investigation into Fukushima as well as the recent vaccine mass murder attempt by the KM-controlled slave government. Richard Armitage, Rahm Emanuel, Henry Kissinger and other top Rothschild/Rockefeller agents in Japan will be facing war crimes charges over these mass murder incidents as well as over the murder of former Prime Minster Shinzo Abe, Japanese military intelligence agency sources say. Former top Rothschild agent in Japan, Michael Greenberg has begun testifying against his former employers in exchange for promises of immunity, CIA sources add. 日本政府目前正在展开调查,希望能够查清高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党控制的奴隶政府,对福岛犯下的罪行以及最近的微芯片转基因绝育“疫苗”大规模谋杀案。日本军事情报机构消息来源称,理查德·阿米蒂奇、拉姆·伊曼纽尔、亨利·基辛格和其他罗斯柴尔德家族/洛克菲勒家族在日本的高级特工,将因这些大规模谋杀事件以及前首相安倍晋三被谋杀而面临战争罪指控。美国中央情报局消息来源补充称,前罗斯柴尔德家族驻日本高级特工迈克尔·格林伯格已经开始污点证人,作证他的前雇主的罪行,以换取豁免承诺。   A similar move has begun in the Philippines. The chief of the Philippine National Police (PNP), Gen. Rodolfo Azurin Jr., on Thursday submitted his courtesy resignation and urged the rest of the police leadership to follow his lead as the “cleansing” of the force begins. 菲律宾也开始了类似的行动。周四,菲律宾国家警察局长小鲁道夫·阿祖林将军礼貌地递交了辞呈,并敦促警察领导层的其他成员,在部队开始“清洗”菲律宾时追随他的步伐。   The Philippines under Rodrigo Duterte was a Rockefeller colony. Duterte planted a bomb that blew off the legs of Dr. Michael Van de Meer, aka Dr., Michael Meiring, the former head of MI6. Van de Meer told me Duterte did this on the orders of David Rockefeller and George Bush. The Ferdinand Marcos Jr. government in the Philippines is now with the planetary liberation alliance which is why the police force is being cleansed. 罗德里戈·杜特尔特领导下的菲律宾,曾是洛克菲勒家族的殖民地。杜特尔特安放了一枚炸弹,炸掉了前英国军情六处负责人迈克尔·范德米尔博士(又名迈克尔·梅林博士)的双腿。范德米尔告诉我,杜特尔特是按照大卫·洛克菲勒和乔治·老布什的命令做的。菲律宾的小费迪南德·马科斯政府,现在加入了白帽子地球解放联盟,这就是为什么警察部队被清洗的原因。   As we mentioned in a previous report, our Webmaster and his girlfriend were attacked by seven men in the Philippines recently. They have all been arrested and are being charged with attempted murder. The investigative trail is expected to lead to Duterte and thence to David Rockefeller Jr. one of the heads of the so-called “rules-based world order.” 正如我们在之前的报道中提到的,笔者本人的网站管理员和他的女朋友,最近在菲律宾遭到了七名男子的袭击。袭击者都已被捕,并被指控谋杀未遂。调查线索预计将引向杜特尔特,进而引向所谓“基于规则的世界秩序”的负责人之一小大卫·洛克菲勒。   There is also a reckoning coming to China. We note that Chinese President Xi Jinping sent Vice President Wang Qishan to Brazilian Satanic leader Lula’s inauguration on Jan. 1. This inauguration was boycotted by 70% of the world’s nations. According to Xinhua news Xi said Lula is an old friend of the Chinese people, Lula’s new term is a chance to lift Brazil-China relations to higher levels…to global governance, the international order and multilateral mechanisms. The two countries will strengthen coordination on issues such as global development and security, China has provided nearly 400 million doses of vaccines and nearly 40 million units of pandemic-fighting supplies to the Latin American Countries. 同样也有一场清算即将在中国发生。我们注意到,在2023年1月1日,中国主席习近平,派遣副主席王岐山,去参加巴西撒旦教领导人卢拉的就职典礼。这场就职典礼已经遭到了世界70%国家的抵制。根据中国新华社的报道说,卢拉是中国人民的老朋友,卢拉的新一届任期是一个机会,去将中国和巴西的关系提高到一个新的水平……达到全球治理、国际秩序、以及多边机制。两国将会在全球发展和安全领域加强协调,中国已经向拉丁美洲国家提供了大约4亿个微芯片转基因绝育“疫苗”以及大约4千万个疫情防控物资。   So while Xi is bragging about sending 400 million vaccines to Latin America, The Chinese company Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Group Co. licensed a vaccine developed by BioNTech SE and Pfizer nearly three years ago and planned to distribute 100 million doses nationally, but authorities in Beijing have so far failed to grant regulatory approval. 因此,尽管习近平吹嘘要向拉丁美洲运送4亿个微芯片转基因绝育“疫苗”,但是中国公司上海复星制药集团有限公司,已于大约三年前许可了德国生物新技术公司和美国辉瑞制药公司开发的一种微芯片转基因绝育“疫苗”,并计划在中国范围内分发1亿剂微芯片转基因绝育“疫苗”,但迄今尚未获得北京当局监管部门的批准。   Meanwhile, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning says “COVID-19 testing requirements lack scientific basis.” 与此同时,中国外交部发言人毛宁表示:“新冠病毒检测要求缺乏科学依据。”   The Chinese government has finally begun to realize the rampant so-called Covid outbreak in China is directly proportional to the 5G rollout there, Asian Secret Society sources say. They say the Chinese government has now dealt with this problem. That is why you see huge masses of people gathering in public to celebrate the Chinese New Year in places like Wuhan. The Year of the Rabbit is traditionally one of fecundity, prosperity and happiness. 根据亚洲秘密社团消息来源透露,中国政府终于开始意识到,中国所谓的“新冠疫情”的猖獗与5G在中国的推广成正比。他们说,中国政府现在已经解决了这个问题。这就是为什么在武汉这样的地方,你会看到大量的人聚集在公共场所庆祝中国新年的原因。农历兔年传统上是多子多福、繁荣和幸福的一年。   Video Player 00:00 00:40   The Asians have also been informed 5G electromagnetic attacks are linked to satellites and HAARP facilities, NSA sources say. 美国国家安全局的消息来源称,亚洲人还被告知5G电磁攻击与卫星监控人类和HAARP高频主动极光研究项目天气控制武器设施有关。   Snowden reveals HAARP’s Global Assassination Agenda | The Internet Chronicle 斯诺登披露HAARP高频主动极光研究项目天气控制武器的全球暗杀议程|互联网纪事   These facilities are now being torn down in places like Brazil, China and Israel. 这些设施现在正在巴西、中国和以色列等地被拆除。   There is also some sort of white hat space warfare going on against Silicon valley in California as these headlines show: 正如以下标题所显示的那样,加利福尼亚州的硅谷也在进行某种白帽子地球解放太空战:   “California Braces for ‘Parade of Cyclones’ After Storms Kill 7” “风暴杀死7人后,加利福尼亚州准备“旋风游行””   “Firefighters responding to ‘non-stop calls’ in San Francisco” “消防员响应旧金山的‘直通电话’”   Secret space force sources promise once they defeat the Silicon valley criminals at Google, Microsoft etc. by flooding them out, they will release all sorts of wonderful technology to the people. 秘密太空部队的消息来源承诺,一旦他们击败谷歌、微软等硅谷犯罪分子,将他们驱逐出去,他们将向人们释放各种奇妙的科技。   The most transformational may well be the use of hydrogen to provide virtually free energy. 最具变革性的可能是使用氢气来提供几乎免费的能源。   This is already happening. Engineers in Switzerland have announced a device that uses sunlight to absorb water from the air to produce hydrogen. They add it can be easily manufactured and used on a large scale. 现在这已经发生了。瑞士的工程师宣布了一种利用阳光吸收空气中的水分来生产氢气的装置。他们补充说,它可以很容易地制造和大规模使用。   This means you would never have to pay to charge the hydrogen car seen in the video below. Goodbye Tesla and those clunky, expensive, short-range, environmentally destructive “electric cars.” 这意味着你永远不需要付钱来为下面视频中的氢能源汽车充电。再见特斯拉和那些笨重、昂贵、短程、破坏环境的“电动汽车”。   Video Player 00:00 00:59   The SSP people also provided us with the latest news related to UAPs. For example, they pointed us to a Newsweek article saying Russia has shot down a UFO in the southern Russian region of Rostov. 秘密太空计划的人员还向我们提供了与不明大气现象相关的最新消息。例如,他们向我们指出《新闻周刊》的一篇文章,称俄罗斯在南部罗斯托夫地区击落了一架不明飞行物。   Also, they note “Dmitry Rogozin the former director general of the Russian Roscosmos Space Agency reckons that aliens are real and that they study us ‘as bacteria’.” It is likely that if we do not deal ourselves with the Satanic infection our political class is suffering from, they might decide to use their equivalent of anti-bacterial soap on us. 此外,他们还指出:“俄罗斯航天局前总干事德米特里·罗戈津认为外星人是真实的,他们把我们当作细菌来研究。”很可能,如果我们不处理我们的政治阶层正在遭受的撒旦教感染,他们可能会决定对我们使用他们的“抗菌肥皂”。   Finally, here are some of the most recent UFO sightings from around the world: 最后,以下有一些来自世界各地的最新不明飞行物目击事件:
  1. UFO over Malaysia December 2022
  2. 2022年12月马来西亚上空的不明飞行物
  1. UFO over Ontario, Canada 2022
  2. 2022年加麻大安大略省上空的不明飞行物
  Video Player 00:00 00:43  
  1. Off world plasma energy driven craft over Chile
  2. 智利上空的地外等离子能量驱动飞船
  Video Player 00:00 01:19
  1. NASA SL-08 on ramp 1959
  2. 1959年,回形针纳粹科学家为美国国家航空航天局设计的SL-08飞碟,在飞机跑道上
  1. SSP craft in hanger 
  2. 机库中的秘密太空项目飞船
  1. 6. and 7 Ancient aliens Cave painting in China 5th century Turpan and Shanshan…
  2. 6. 中国吐鲁番和鄯善洞穴当中出土的,7幅于公元5世纪完成的古代外星人绘画……
    We also note we have seen an ancient Chinese bronze figure of a UFO at the National Museum in Taipei, China. 我们还注意到,我们在中国台北的国家博物馆看到了一个中国古代UFO铜像。   The Asian secret societies claim to be in touch with extra-terrestrials as do the P3 Freemasons, the Secret Space Program folk and the people at the BIS in Switzerland. Maybe we are just ants being trod underfoot as giants fight above. 亚洲秘密社团声称与外星人有联系,意大利P3共济会、秘密空间计划人员和瑞士BIS的人员同样也与外星势力有联系。也许我们只是井底之蛙,观看着神仙打架。



Benjamin Fulford The Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis 2023 January 2nd


Military fireworks expected to usher in Year of the Rabbit


Some h uge military moves worldwide are expected to usher in the Year of The Rabbit which begins on January 22nd on the Chinese calendar. “A new, formidable military year is coming, which will change the world and every person,” an Asian Secret society source promises. Pentagon sources predict a simultaneous massive offensive by China on Taiwan and Russia on Ukraine. However, we are hearing from Russian, Asian secret societies and other sources that there could be a simultaneous offensive by Russia, China, North Korea, Turkey, Iran, Serbia, Belarus and the secret space force to overwhelm all Khazarian Mafia-controlled military forces. Western Europe would fall within a matter of weeks while Taiwan is certain to surrender without putting up much of a fight. It is doubtful the South Korean military will fight much either against their compatriots from the North. Israel will also have to cut a deal before it is too late. We also hear from Secret Space Force sources that nuclear weapons will not be allowed to detonate during this conflict.


The Year of the Rabbit is supposed to be one of fecundity and reproduction so why war? The situation reminds me of a Jaguar I saw on a National Geographic documentary; it grabbed, killed and ate a large Cayman (Amazonian crocodile) to get ready to go off to mate. In this case, we need to remove the reptilian predators from the body politic before the world can start a prosperous new age.


This is happening beyond any doubt. Latin American sources tell us the death of Pope Maledict XVI on December 31st was a game changer. Maledict was one of the chief architects of the March 11, 2011, Fukushima mass murder event. He also orchestrated the murder of Pope Francis and his replacement with a rubber-masked impostor. The fact only Vatican City and the United States voted against an international move to protect the environment means he also pulled the strings for the Biden horror show in the US.


Vatican sources say that on his death bed Maledict said “Quite soon, I shall find myself before the final judge of my life…as I look back on my long life, I should have great reason for fear and trembling.” The source says Maledict was hoping a last-minute recant would be his get-out of Hell for free card but, Karma does not work that way. Mass murder and child rape is not something that you can get away with just by saying “sorry.” By the way, most of us do not have “great reason for fear and trembling,” about our actions. I know that when I go to meet my maker, if he tells me to “go to hell,” I will tell him to “go to hell,” because my conscience is clear (Okay except maybe for a few awkward and embarrassing incidents).


In any case, with the Pope dead and the Rothschilds trying to negotiate a surrender, it may be possible for the KM-controlled West to throw off its’ shackles and reach a deal with the world liberation alliance before the military fireworks go off. 


Speaking about military fireworks, CIA sources in South America explain that President Jair Bolsonaro submitted to election theft by the Satanist Lula because his wife and family were being held hostage. Certainly, Bolsonaro arrived in Florida without his wife and children. Also, an out-of-control magistrate called Moraes is BLACKMAILING the defense minister and threatening his son, Brazilian journalists say.


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This is typical of how the KM terrorize the top ranks of society to seize power.


Of course, these Satanists will not get away with this sort of thing much longer and it is doubtful the convicted criminal Lula, nor the Brazilian supreme court nor treasonous generals etc. will be long of this earth.


These KM idiots think their old plot of blackmailing/bribing/killing leaders in order to install a lackey is still working. The world is aware of their tricks now and military payback is coming.


Let us look at what sort of people we are removing from power. One top leader, Klaus Schwab Rothschild, inherited a fortune made from concentration camp slave labor, according to Polish intelligence. On a typical morning, Klaus goes to the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland where his friends finance grants for the future. “The trail of the last 100 years of wars and dictatorships always leads to the quiet offices of this bank,” they say. In 2020, four months after his Ethiopian terrorist buddy the head of WHO declared a global pandemic, he publishes COVID-19 – THE GREAT RESET. It says directly the pandemic was launched to start “The Fourth Industrial Revolution.” This is a nightmarish vision of a world filled with genetically modified corporate slaves who will “own nothing and be happy.”



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They will be “happy” because their brains will be genetically modified to increase dopamine. That is exactly what parasitic wasps do to cockroaches so they happily will accept eggs being laid into their bodies to devour them from the inside out. In the case of the West, the equivalent is to bribe the top leaders of the ruling class in order to allow society as a whole to be parasitized.


Schwabs’ World Economic Forum started out as a CIA-funded Harvard program headed by Henry Kissinger, who of course was chief hatchet man for David Rockefeller and now his son David Rockefeller Jr.


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Another of their leaders, Benyamin Netanyahu -who is installing a Satanic theocracy in Israel- says he has “a database, 98% medical, 98% population, digitized medical records” going back 20 years. He says he wants to put everyone’s genetic information in the database. While these criminals claim it is for benevolent reasons, you can be sure it will be used to ensure only people genetically modified to absolute submission will get access to their planned digital one-world currency.


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Needless to say, they have long ago subverted any sort of oversight of their activities. As Elon Musk notes:


“Almost no one seems to realize that the head of bioethics at NIH – the person who is supposed to make sure that Fauci behaves ethically – is his wife”



The world has been provided with plenty of proof these people are trying to murder the rest of humanity.


Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, Chief of the Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Troops of the Russian Armed Forces says:


The West blocked all proposals put forth by Russia to amend the Biological Weapons Convention, in order to hold thirty laboratory personnel and seven executives from the US defense establishment accountable for their actions in Ukraine.


We have previously presented materials confirming the involvement of Hunter Biden and his Rosemont Seneca Foundation, as well as other US Democratic Party-controlled entities, in funding the Pentagon’s main contractors operating in Ukraine.


US Attorney Tom Renz adds his bit by telling the press:


DARPA Unclassified documents confirm SARS-CoV-2 was created by EcoHealth Alliance at the Wuhan Institute of Virology coordinated by Peter Daszak. 


It was designed to be deliberately virulent and humanized resulting in 6.5 million deaths. Anthony Fauci was involved.


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In Canada, Premier Danielle Smith has fired the entire Alberta Health Services Board of Directors. Look at the salaries and bonuses they were getting and keep in mind these positions were PART-TIME.  (See attached photo with positions and salaries)



Here are the photos of some of these mass murdering war criminals who are now being actively hunted down by the white hats.


These are the real Nazis –aka radical Zionists- who still dream of turning the planet into a giant animal farm controlled by them. I call them Satanists to distinguish them from the breakaway German-led civilization that created the secret space force.


Here is what MI6 says about their leadership:


Masterminds are in panic, they need terrorism to remain in power, their master Netanyahu is back, and he aims at mass killing either inside the main stations, night clubs, and tourist places. We were told that active shooters from Eastern Europe were allowed inside the UK this summer, from France and illegally. This added to suicide bombers trained in India, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Kurdistan, Ukraine, Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo, and Bulgaria! All the suspects working within the Home office, secret branches of the police, all police forces in the biggest cities, MI5/MI6, MOD, and members of the extremely radicalized talmudic branches are under close watch, especially those liars, racists, nazis, white Jewish supremacists. We want these people neutralized by any means necessary… Before they kill innocents.”


Russia is on the case as it mobilizes a 1.5 million-man army. “Russia’s proposals on demilitarization and denazification…should be accepted in an ‘amicable way’ or the Russian Army will deal with this issue,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says. “The actions of the countries of the collective West and Vladimir Zelensky, who is controlled by them, confirm the global nature of the Ukraine crisis,” he adds.


Polish intelligence sources for their part say that after returning from Washington, Zelensky visited Poland to ensure Poland’s direct participation in the war with Russia.






Even if the KM get NATO-allied Polish troops to fight Russia, the US military is not going to be manipulated into starting WW3 with Russia.


“The US conveyed via diplomatic channels that it does not want and will not fight with Russia directly,” Russia’s Lavrov confirms.


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Without US military backing, Germany will fall in two days and France in a week, military sources in both countries admit.


In fact, Western Europe has already surrendered and that is why they are not freezing this winter. As confirmation of this, the European Commission passed rules letting importers circumvent sanctions against Russian gas.


Since gas has started to flow again from Russia, the price of gas in Europe fell by 48% in December 2022 versus the previous month


So if the war is over in Europe, Asia is likely to be next, according to Pentagon and Asian Secret Society sources. “I think there will be military action, especially in Asia, next year,” an Asian Secret Society source says. The source noted that with Russia already victorious in the Ukraine “East Asia will be the focus of attention in the Year of the Rabbit.”


There are other hints of a massive joint Russian, Chinese and North Korean move. For example last year, “for the first time in the history of bilateral relations, permanent automobile and railway bridges appeared on the Amur border river [between Russia and China]” notes Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova. She also hints at a military motive for the bridge construction by noting “Military and military-technical cooperation of the two countries contributes NOT ONLY to ensuring their own security.”


Another hint came as Kim Jong Un announced North Korea has passed a law, officially declaring itself as a nuclear-weapons state. This means US nuclear blackmail can no longer prevent it from taking over South Korea. Our North Korean sources confirm they expect some big military moves this year. 


If you take all of these movements together it is easy to predict a massive joint Russian Chinese offensive in East Asia.



However, the Pentagon is probably wrong if they predict military action in Taiwan. The Hongmen and the Taiwan-based Red and Green are close to reaching a deal on peaceful reunification, Asian secret society sources say. “Taiwan compatriots are highly principled, they will not be put up as cannon fodder by Taiwan independence separatist forces,” says Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin.


So the best guess is in South Korea. However, something may happen in Thailand too because their heroin-addicted king is being held hostage in Europe while the next in line to the throne was recently assassinated. The murder of Princess Bajrakitayabha is not going to go unpunished.


There are many signs the countries of the Middle East are also likely to see big military moves coordinated with the Asian moves.


We note the defense ministers of Turkey, Syria and Russia met recently for the first time since 2011. Our sources say the Turks and Syrians asked for Russian air support as they take action against KM-backed oil thieves in Syria and Iraq.


The Iranians are also likely to move. Iranian military leader, Maj. Gen. Gholamali Rashid was quoted by the official IRNA as declaring, “Any country which collaborates with the Zionist regime in order to threaten Iran’s national security and provides bases and facilities for the Zionist regime will have those bases and places, as well as the origin of aggression and attacks… targeted by our armed forces.” The news agency discloses that the warning was addressed to Azerbaijan, the semi-autonomous Kurdistan in northern Iraq and the United Arab Emirates. Iran has hitherto never openly threatened those nations.


The big question is will big military moves bring the Secret Space Program people out of the closet?


In a hint at this, the recently signed 2023 National Defense Authorization Act in the US gives whistleblowers protection from any Non-Disclosure Agreements when it comes to UAPs/UFOs. “This is going to bring out the previous hidden intel by various government sources who had gag orders,” a CIA source says. 


And with that, let us look at the latest strange appearances over our skies.


1)   A Gigantic sphere appeared for 5 hours over Colorado

1) 一个巨大的球体在科罗拉多州上空出现了5个小时

2 UAP over Columbia 2022

2 2022年哥伦比亚省的2个不明大气现象

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3 UAP over Wales, UK 2022

3 2022年英国威尔士上空的3个不明大气现象

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4 Compilation of UAPS seen globally 


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Finally, as the Antarctic summer goes into full swing, we are seeing movement near the South Pole. Check this Google earth zoom-in on unusual objects at Nelson Island, South Shetlands. In our own search of the island, we confirmed the presence of large buildings that appeared to have no runway or port access. UFO Hangars?


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Benjamin Fulford The Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis 2022 December 26th


“Rules based world order” ends with Rothschilds trying to offer $ trillions in exchange for amnesty


It looks like 2022 will be known as the last year the Khazarian mafia’s “rules-based world order” actually controlled any part of the world. In a sign of how isolated the KM is, on December 18th, by a vote of 195 to 2, the countries of the world agreed to double the amount of protected land and ocean in the world and take other action to stop the extinction crisis caused by humanity.


The two countries that voted against this -the United States and the Vatican- thus revealed themselves as the last two places controlled by the Satanic Khazarian Mafia.


The reason the Vatican and its United States corporate subsidiary voted against protecting nature is because they still think of it as something to exploit. That is how they interpret these words from the book of Genesis:


have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth…every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.


This writer has witnessed how Christian missionaries in the Amazon are followed by lumber companies that then cut down the forests, ranchers that turn them into meat factories and mining companies that suck the minerals out. The “converts” then find themselves living in third-world slums.


This means the entities at the very top of monotheism have been acting against earth life. That is why they need to be removed. Doing this will start a new age.


This would be such a historic event it would merit starting a new calendar. Remember, nobody knows when Christ was born so his birth was conflated with the solar New Year. This means Orthodox Christians could recalibrate Christmas so that it coincides with the solar New Year. The Muslims and Chinese could also coordinate their lunar calendars.


Ok, maybe we are getting a bit ahead of ourselves. Let us look at some of the here/now happenings on this planet during the past week.


The UN vote mentioned above means the KM power has been reduced to rubber-masked actors pretending to be “Pope Francis” and “President Joe Biden.” 


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Oh yeah, they also control a rubber-masked con artist called “Elon Musk,” who they claim is the “richest man in the world.”


We are hearing all three of them will be removed in the New Year,


As we noted last week, Latin media are reporting Pope Francis will resign “for health reasons.”


“Ya he firmado mi renuncia” en caso de impedimento médico: Papa Francisco (


The real reason, of course, is that Catholic Christians are in open revolt against his recent Satanic words and actions. Also, as we mentioned last week, the Jesuits finally figured out the real Pope Francis was killed and replaced with an impostor.


As for the so-called “President Joe Biden,” CIA and Pentagon sources say he and his entire fake regime will be removed in the New Year. This is fact: Every politician Rothschild agent Volodymyr Zelensky shook hands with is now gone. Now Biden shook his hand…


If the Supreme Court fails to rule against the fake Biden regime in January, then “kinetic action” will remove them, the CIA sources say.


Then of course there is the con man Musk who became “the richest man in the world” by acting as a money launderer for the FRB funny money pumped out by the Biden circus act.


That is now imploding as can be seen by the price of his stocks plummeting and the public rejection of his fake “free speech” Twitter show. Twitter still censors all real truth-tellers like Henry Makow. Now CIA sources are telling us Musk himself is a rubber-masked actor these days.


The other high-tech KM money launderers are also being cut off. Since the beginning of this year, US stocks have lost $11.7 trillion in market cap. Of that more than $5 trillion in losses come from just five companies – Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet, Meta and Tesla.


Financial institutions that relied on Fiat money games are also going down the drain as their money laundering through tech firms ends.


They are also going to get hit big time on real estate. For example, home sales plunged a record-breaking 35% in November. This will eventually lead to the mother of all mortgage and real estate crises.


In a sign, the oligarchy knows it has been defeated, last week David René de Rothschild, (who according to Wikipedia is the head of the French and British branches of the Rothschild family) approached a member of the White Dragon Society with an offer to hand over “many trillions of dollars,” in exchange for amnesty for his family.


While having “trillions of dollars” would help save the planet, the problem with accepting this offer is that it would acknowledge the Rothschilds have the right to input huge numbers into computers and pass it off as “money.”


Here is what the source who received the contact said:


“David René de Rothschild did contact me and sent a few messages but was very quiet and doesn’t say much at all. It may have been an attempt to open a back channel or simply to establish my current location with a view to assassination. In any case, the police and security / secret services were informed as a precaution…What the lawyers say is I will take over the Rothschild trillions en masse but…They say one thing and then shoot to kill at the last minute to get out of it. JFK et al.”


He is not kidding. At the same time as these “trillions” were being offered to a colleague, this writer’s brand new Datsun Tanto cars’ brakes, accelerator and steering were all remotely hijacked to accelerate the car into oncoming traffic at a highway next to a store parking lot. If the car hadn’t been stopped by a fence, your correspondent would probably have had a fatal accident.


The same week our webmaster Windlander and his girlfriend were attacked and badly beaten up by seven men. Windlander is a martial arts expert and knocked one of them unconscious while bystanders intervened to help. The seven men have been arrested and hopefully, we will find out exactly who paid them to attack.


Despite such desperate moves, these thugs and con artists will not be able to lie, bribe or murder their way out of the trouble they are in.


Even as the KM horror show implodes, some real action is taking place with $5 trillion worth of physical gold. A Japanese diplomat will be heading to Switzerland soon to meet with the head of the Red Cross and negotiate on using the $5 trillion worth of Japanese imperial gold held under the name of Empress Emerita Michiko to set up a future planning organization. This organization would hire the smartest people on earth to figure out ways to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and colonize the universe.


At the same time China, Russia, India, the Middle East etc. are also still rejecting KM fiat money and linking all economic activity to the reality created by the creator.


In contrast “Western countries, by their actions, are undermining confidence to themselves and their legal institutions in the world and the anti-Russian sanctions are a vivid example of that,” Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev wrote.


“It is the last signal to other stets: it is impossible to deal with the Anglo Saxons like it is impossible to deal with thieves, fraudsters, cardsharps,” he emphasized.


Medvedev is wrong about the Anglo-Saxons though. A true Anglo-Saxon would sooner give up his life than his honor. The problem is the KM.


The news story below is an example of the fake Zionist Jewish greaseball scumbags- who have done so much harm to the reputation of the Anglo-Saxons and the Jews. These Satanists pretending to be Jews stole money meant to help handicapped people.


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The Anglo-Saxons are now in the process of removing the KM brain parasite that turned the United States into an instrument of evil.


For one thing, rule by fear and terror will end. Take a look at the fear porn put out to the world by the KM puppet masters and their minions since 1966. 


Here is an example of the fake fear porn they churn out every day. Remember the photo of coffins from Bergamo, Italy, in March 2020, which terrified the world and started the lockdown frenzy? It was fake.


This sort of nonsense will end.


Of course, it is not entirely over yet. The religious zealot fanatics are still trying to start their Gog versus Magog war in order to kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest as this Israeli Mossad-linked Debka report says:


Washington is moving to incorporate Israel in a new regional alliance after the US military decided to replace its “war on terror” strategy by “potential combat with China, Russia, North Korea and Iran.”


The P3 Freemasons reacted to this move by promising they will annihilate Tel Aviv unless Netanyahu is arrested.


Many other people are also going to be arrested. The Russian military has listed people carrying out illegal military biological research around the world. They include former DTRA [Defense Threat Reduction Agency] Director Kenneth Myers, Executive Vice President of the CIA-controlled In-Q-Tel venture fund Tara O’Toole, ex-Head of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Thomas Frieden, ex-Director of the National Institutes of Health Francis Collins, ex-Executive Director of the Battelle Memorial Institute Jeffrey Wadsworth, the Pfizer chief scientific officer and many others. 


These people are war criminals and they will face justice, CIA and Pentagon sources promise.


There is also legal action taking place against the KM in the US on multiple fronts. For example, America First Legal has launched an investigation into John Brennan, James Clapper and the Deep Security State over efforts to sabotage democracy and free elections


The photographs below show other people who will be arrested. In the first photo, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Zaluzhny and Chief Rabbi of Ukraine Moshe Rauven Azman. In the second photo, Zaluzhny is in front of a portrait of Nazi mass murderer Stepan Bandera in his office. Bandera and his people murdered an estimated 1.5-1.6 million people, that is, every fourth victim of the Holocaust lived on the territory of Ukraine.


The Russians are preparing a 1.5 million-man army to move into Ukraine and remove this Nazi filth once and forever.


The same sort of thing is happening all over the world. In Africa, patriotic Burkinabese military are following the path of their colleagues in Mali. The UN representative there was declared persona non grata and ordered to leave the country immediately while two French spies have been arrested.


In Brazil President Bolsonaro has signed the order to elevate the Superior Military Court over the corrupt left-wing Supreme Court, in a move that many believe may pave the way for a military intervention before Jan. 1, when corrupt Communist convict Lula da Silva is scheduled to take office as President.


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In Peru, a year-end truce is underway. However, in the New Year special forces will help the Inca people by hunting down any military officer who orders the murder of unarmed civilians.


These are just a small sample of moves by native earth people against alien forces stealing resources and destroying life are happening in all parts of the planet.


With that segue into alien talk, let us look at what the secret space program people sent us this week.


First, they drew our attention to this article from 11/25/2021 that many of us may have missed.


The General Secretary of the Soviet Union Built a Secret “Prison” For Aliens


The history of the Soviet department of “men in black” is still hidden from ordinary people. Those who served there, even after many years, are reluctant to talk about their work in the “alien” unit of the GRU, reports


The Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, abbreviated G.R.U., formerly the Main Intelligence Directorate, and still commonly known by its previous abbreviation GRU, is the foreign military intelligence agency of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. GRU controls the military intelligence service and maintains its own special forces units.


Our own Russian men in black sources confirm they believe they are dealing with aliens referred to in the bible as “fallen angels.” The P3 Freemasons and Jesuits have similar views. They say the war with the fallen angels is ending which is why there are so many weird apparitions in the skies these days.


Here are some of the latest.


  1. Project Blue Beam Terrestrial UAP 
  2. “蓝光计划”地球人自己制造的不明大气现象飞船

  1. Several Plasma energy UFO’s over Wisconsin 
  2. 威斯康星州上空的几个等离子能量UFO

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  1. Crash Scene UFO
  2. UFO坠毁现场

  1. Several On and Off-world UAP’s
  2. 几个地球人自己制造的和外星人制造的不明大气现象飞船

  1. Multi-colored UFO near area 51 Nevada-USA
  2. 美国内华达州51区附近的多色不明飞行物

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Let’s see if the aliens land on the White House lawn in the New Year.


So Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to all, even the proverbial “little green men.”





Benjamin Fulford The Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis 2022 December 19th



China liberated as million man Christian army heads for Western Europe while Incas revolt



As the headline suggests, the planetary liberation alliance has begun a massive, simultaneous worldwide offensive against the Satanic Khazarian mafia. China has led the way by literally “following the science” and exposing the fake pandemic and fraudulent PCR tests as a massive KM bribery and mind control project. Now Russia along with their allies Serbia and Germany, are preparing a million-man (note to feminist brainwashees: man=human) army to move into Western Europe, including Switzerland. At the same time, this is happening, the Inca Empire is reviving after 500 years to liberate Peru from the KM.



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 In another sign a decisive turning point has been reached, Spanish and Italian media are reporting the fake Pope Francis is resigning.



“Ya he firmado mi renuncia” en caso de impedimento médico: Papa Francisco (



P3 Freemason sources say the Jesuits are avenging the murder of the real Pope Francis and have begun purging the Vatican of KM agents. “While CNN fake news is reporting a coup in the Vatican to dethrone Pope Francis, moved by so-called ‘unsubstantiated news’, inside sources close to me are confirming that the Pope is going to finally resign,” confirms P2 honcho Leo Zagami.

意大利P3共济会的消息来源称,耶稣会士正在为真正的教皇弗朗西斯被谋杀报仇,并开始清除梵蒂冈的高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党特工。意大利P2 共济会的长老利奥·扎加米证实:“当美国有线电视假新闻网报道梵蒂冈发生政变推翻教皇弗朗西斯时,受到所谓‘未经证实的消息’的影响,与我关系密切的内部消息来源正在确认教皇是否将最终辞职。”


There is a lot else to cover but, let us start with the situation in China. As this official Xinhua news agency article confirms, the Ministry of Transport is telling all officials in China that they must “strictly implement,” the rule that PCR tests are no longer required for travelers.



Here is what a Polish resident of China reports: “A few days ago…I woke up in a completely different reality. No more tests, no more code checking (the tracking system has been turned off), no lockdowns, and no isolation in case of #covid. You don’t even know if you have this covid or some kind of flu because there is no testing anyway and there is only a recommendation to stay home for 3 days. The fences from the estates are being removed. Entrance gates to buildings – the expensive ones for scanning health codes that were installed until a few weeks ago – are now disabled.”




What happened was that Asian secret societies did real scientific testing and figured out the PCR tests and the Pandemic were a complete money laundering and mind control fraud by the KM. A massive purge of KM agents in China –including David Rockefellers’ 30+ bastard children- is now underway and China is being fully liberated.



The next place to be liberated will be Western Europe. Pentagon sources say their intelligence sources indicate at least a 700,000-person strong army is poised to enter Ukraine “in the near future.” Polish intelligence sources independently confirm that on December 18th “the armed forces of the Republic of Belarus moved to the border with Ukraine.”



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In a sign of how desperate the Satanic Ukrainian regime has become, they have been rounding up all the Orthodox priests and monks they can find to use as human shields, according to Russian FSB sources.



Despite this and despite efforts by Rockefeller bagman Henry Kissinger to buy time with a rewarmed version of the failed Minsk accords and threats to use “AI-controlled robots,”



the Russians are not budging. As the Russian official Tass News agency reports: “Dialogue between Russia and NATO is out of the question amid the current developments…There is nothing behind French President Emmanuel Macron’s words about the need to provide security guarantees to Moscow.” In other words, it is all-out war.



This is why according to P3 freemason sources:



While Putin prepares nuclear missiles, Germany has run out of ammunition and can only fight for 2 days Germany’s military readiness collapsed…. real duration of what Germany is able to sustain in a war is just two days. If war is announced on Monday, in other words, Germany is over by Wednesday and is forced to surrender. The US, meanwhile, is also running out of military ammunition and weapons for the simple reason that it has sent most of its existing weapons to Ukraine. While all of this is happening, the Western media is going into a frenzy over Putin’s public deployment of YARS missile systems carrying nuclear warheads that can strike the United States. The United States cannot defend itself against Russian nuclear missiles because it is decades ahead of ours.



The P3 also says that most of the satellites controlled by NATO have now been destroyed, completely blinding them.



Dmitry Medvedev says legitimate military targets for Russia may include the military-political leadership of the enemy country and the armed forces of other countries that are allies of the enemy country.



The Russian Embassy in London tweeted on November 30, 2022, quoting NATO spokesman Jamie Shea from 1999: Jamie Shea from #NATO, 1999: 70% of #Yugoslavia is without power. This shows that we have our finger on the button and that we can turn the electricity on and off where we need it and where we want it. NATO in 2022: Russia must stop attacking Ukraine’s energy infrastructure as it is inhumane.








Meanwhile, German intelligence sources say the post-war occupation government is being removed and that Germany will ally with Russia to liberate Western Europe and conduct a joint military operation into Switzerland to remove the KM presence there in conjunction with Swiss patriots.



Also, Serbia has mobilized its 600,000-man reserves and is ready to get revenge for the destruction of Yugoslavia by the Rockefellers and Rothschilds. The reason Bill Clinton Rockefeller bombed and destroyed Yugoslavia was to create a puppet fake state called Kosovo and thus control more than 70 percent of Yugoslavia’s mineral extraction including gold, chrome, nickel, aluminum, copper, iron metals, lead-zinc and the world’s fifth-largest proven reserves of lignite.



The president of Serbia, A.Vusic, told his people: “We will not surrender. Serbia will win. We will never forsake our brothers. All Serbs are ready to give our lives for our homeland. For the first time since the breakup of Yugoslavia, I see the Serbian people so united. I am proud and grateful.”



The move to liberate Europe and the rest of the world has led the Inca Empire of South America to liberate their people from the colonial yoke for the first time in almost 500 years. The widely reported civilian unrest caused by the removal of President Pedro Castillo is really an Inca revival. 



On Thursday, his Twitter account posted a handwritten note which said U.S. Ambassador Lisa Kenna, a former longtime CIA agent gave “the order to take the troops out into the streets and massacre my defenseless people; and, incidentally, leave the way clear for mining exploitation, as in the case of CongaTía María, and others.”



The fight is also continuing in Brazil too where the KM is on the ground staging false flag attacks to blame Bolsonaro supporters. The Brazilian armed forces, though, remain on the side of the people.



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There is a common thread to the events in China, Russia, Yugoslavia, Peru Brazil etc. that involves the removal of the Earths’ mineral resources to entities located off world. The attacks on native governments around the world created regimes controlled by KM agents who funnel minerals and human slaves to Switzerland. Former Libyan strongman Gaddafi understood this as you can see from the video below:



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P3 Freemasons and other sources insist these minerals and slaves are then taken off-world.



What we know for sure, for example, is that all the gold held by the Manchu dynasty of China and the Tokugawa Shogunate of Japan was taken to Switzerland. We have repeatedly sent documents showing proof of ownership of this gold to the Swiss on behalf of the rightful owners only to be ignored.



The forensic trail leads to Mirjana Spoljaric Egger, the head of the Red Cross. CIA sources say she is “part of the Swiss Federal Intelligence Service. She has been groomed for years in various government roles. Including the UN Assistant Secretary General. She is connected with the Octagon Group… her Twitter account is:



Mirjana Spoljaric @ICRCPresident…Handle this one with care.” 

Mirjana Spoljaric@ICRCP居民……小心处理这件事。


Well Ms. Egger, can you even prove the Asian gold your people stole is still on this planet and are you willing to let it be used for humanitarian purposes? If not, we are coming to arrest you.



In any case, we are sure that neither NATO nor the KM holed up in their underground base complex around Lake Geneva will be able to manipulate the American armed forces into protecting them.



The Pentagon is far too distracted with the implosion of social order taking place in the US:



The mayors of New York, Los Angeles, Denver etc. have declared states of emergency due to spiraling crime and homelessness.



Jeremy Cross, the president of International Recovery Systems in Pennsylvania, says he can’t find enough repo men or space to hold all the cars his company has been tasked with repossessing.”



Hyperinflation is taking off with vegetable prices up over 80% in the past 12 months and 38% in November alone. The price of eggs is up 244%. The result is that 83% of Americans are finding it difficult to afford food.



The US has plenty of food, what is happening is the KM are doing things like killing chickens to squeeze more money out of the sheeple.



Here is the reason:



The monthly federal deficit was a record-setting $249 billion in November, $57 billion wider than the same month last year.



This is happening as China, Japan and other countries dump US treasuries are record rates.



With the people who control the real economy not forking out money anymore, it is a mathematical certainty the current financial system will collapse. According to Institute of International Finance (IIF), the global debt-to-GDP ratio will reach 352% by the end of 2022. With over 90 central banks raising interest rates to an average of 5.5% this means complete global default because the money is not there to pay the debt



As this happens, the KM is increasing their repression and mind control in a desperate attempt to say in power.



The U.S. government and other governments have been captured by 5th-column enemies and are waging hybrid/unconventional war against their own citizens. “High-value targets” are typically activists, “dissidents,” whistleblowers, patriots, intellectuals, people of conscience and integrity, Constitutionalists, Christians, veterans, or anyone else that DHS-FBI Fusion Centers have secretly labeled “extremists,” “white supremacists,” and/or “potential terrorist threats” and extra-judicially placed in “the program.” The “program” deploys military-grade psychological and electronic warfare techniques and technologies against “targets” to secretly destroy/kill/incarcerate/”suicide”/discredit/incapacitate/institutionalize them.



Here is an example of your tax dollars at work;



The FBI Paid Leader Of Satanic Pedophile Death Cult $82,000 To Take Over Atomwaffen Division To Brainwash, Drug and Entrap Young Members FBI operatives utilized the media, illegal psychedelic drugs, and brainwashing techniques to take a small group of friends, ranging from teenagers to early 20s, and transform them into boogeymen in what can only be described as a psychological warfare operation.



Also, censorship has reached a level I have never seen before.



For example, Gordon Duff’s inteldrop website was shut down to prevent this from coming out, as well as to suppress truth about Ukraine. Skype, Tutanota and Hotmail would not let me open the email from him containing the link above. I finally got to read it via Gmail. Google censors u-tube etc. and is the enemy but, in this case, it looks like they came through.



The reason the KM tried so hard to censor this story is that it shows an organized attempt to take over and control the anti-vax and anti-pandemic narrative and corral the opposition into supporting approved “anti-establishment” characters who still take orders from the KM.



The KM is also using a fake Trump as part of a sophisticated psyops against the real President and Supreme Commander of the US armed forces Donald J. Trump.



Here are some examples of the fake Trump being used to bring down the reputation of the real one:



We are fighting for the gay community, and we are fighting and fighting hard,” Trump said.” –AS AMERICA GOES UP IN FLAMES. 



Donald J. Trump’s political opponents have long criticized him as something of a cartoon character. On Thursday, the former president made himself into one — but with the aim of turning a profit. In his first significant public move since opening his 2024 presidential campaign last month, Mr. Trump announced an online store to sell $99 digital trading cards of himself as a superhero, an astronaut, an Old West sheriff and a series of other fantastical figures.



Let’s make this perfectly clear, the real Trump visible to the public was replaced after January 31st, 2020 with a fake controlled opposition Trump. The real one, who was always anti-vax, is getting ready to return.


One question I often get asked by readers –many of who are Trump supporters- is what can they personally do to help. Here is one thing they can do, write a letter to the Supreme Court to support the case to have the entire fake Biden regime charged with treason:



  1. Get 2 envelopes, 2 stamps, 2 pieces of paper.
  2. 找2个信封、2张邮票和2张纸。


  1. On each piece of paper write attention to the “9 Supreme Court Justices”. Express support of Brunson vs Alma S Adams et al, No.: 22-380. Sign your name and date it. You can write more. It’s that simple.



Here’s a link to a template letter to personalize/print:



  1. You now have either 2 handwritten copies or 2 printed copies. 



  1. One copy goes into a stamped envelope addressed to: Supreme Court of the United States, 1 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20543.



  1. One copy goes into a stamped envelope addressed to: Loy & Raland Brunson, 4287 South Harrison Blvd., Apt. 132, Ogden, Utah 84403. They’re counting your letters! *Add $1 dollar to say thanks.

5.一份副本放入一个盖章信封,地址为:罗伊和拉兰德·布伦森,南哈里森大道4287号,132号公寓,奥格登,犹他 84403。他们正在清点你的信件*加1美元表示感谢。


  1. URGENT, the case is slated for JANUARY 6th. Mail your letters!
  2. 加急信件,案件定于1月6日。然后寄你的信!


  1. Share with friends & family.
  2. 与朋友和家人分享。


While we try to force the Supreme Court to act, we are also hoping the Secret Space Program people will finally come completely out of the closet and help liberate the planet.



The SSP this week showed us more evidence were are dealing with aliens with elongated heads by pointing out that recently a Notre Dame sarcophagus was opened to reveal a knight with an elongated skull.



They also sent us the following visuals:



  1. Project Blue Beam craft over Israel 12-2022 



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  1. Off-world spherical plasma energy craft
  2. 外星球形等离子体能量飞行器


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  1. Numerous plasma energy off-world craft 
  2. 大量等离子体能量外星飞船


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  1. Area 51 hanger with a Blue Beam ship exposed
  2. 51号地区脚手架上的“蓝光计划”飞船

  1. Unusual sky phenomena observed around the world.
  2. 世界各地观测到的不明大气现象。

 Personally, I place more hope on the Supreme Court than on flying saucers coming to the rescue but who knows?
