
Benjamin Fulford Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis 2023 September 4th 本杰明·富尔福德每周地缘政治与分析的新闻通讯2023年9月4日   End game approaches as $500 billion dollar Rockefeller bribe attempt fails 随着洛克菲勒家族未能使用5000亿美元成功贿赂全世界,他们即将游戏结束  
End game approaches as $500 billion dollar Rockefeller bribe attempt fails
  Reporting on world events once a week these days is like taking still-motion pictures of an ongoing train wreck. During the past week, a lot of damage has taken place at an accelerating pace. Revolution, civil war, permanent slavery or anarchy for Americans and the West could happen as early as October, multiple sources agree. 如今,每周报道一次世界上所发生的各种事件,就像是对正在发生的火车失事进行连续抓拍静态照片一样。在过去的一周,人与人之间互相伤害的事,正在以越来越快的节奏上演。多方消息来源都同意,在美国和西方国家,最早可能会在2023年10月份爆发革命、内战、永久奴役或无政府状态。   The people supporting revolution, nationalization of the Federal Reserve Board and restoration of democracy in the West are not part of the current establishment. These include people like Colonel Douglas MacGregor and Judge Anna Von Reitz (We have received a handwritten postcard from her and can now confirm she is a genuine human being and not an AI). 那些支持革命、想要国有化美国联邦储备委员会、恢复西方国家民主的人,正在与美国政府当中的建制派剑拔弩张。这些进步人士包括美军上校道格拉斯·麦克格雷格和美国法官安娜·冯·雷茨(本新闻通讯网站团队收到了安娜·冯·雷茨手写的明信片,现在可以确定她是一个真正的人类,而不是一个人工智能)。   MacGregor was a longtime supporter of Donald Trump who now realizes he is not the man to save the USA. 美军上校道格拉斯·麦克格雷格,曾经是唐纳德·川普的长期支持者,而现在他意识到川普并不是拯救美国的人。   “People are wrong if they think if we elect him, he will save us,” he says. With Congress, the Judicial system is compromised, and getting “elected” president in the current system is meaningless. They are sailing the ship of state into its’ biggest storm in history. This ruling class in Washington needs to go away, the question is how do you get rid of them? That’s what has to be done. The American people need to understand the two-party system is an illusion. The bankers think we will become happy serfs on their plantations. 美军上校道格拉斯·麦克格雷格说:“如果美国人民认为只要选川普上台,他就能拯救美国,那么美国人民错了。”美国的国会、司法系统早就已经向美国的政治正确建制派妥协了。在现有的美国政治体制中,“当选”总统是一件毫无意义的事情。他们正在把美国这艘船,驶向未来几年内即将来临的,人类历史上最大的惊涛骇浪当中。华盛顿特区的那些政治正确建制派权贵阶层社会精英们,他们需要滚蛋,可问题是,你如何摆脱他们?那就是必须要解决的问题。美国人民需要明白,两党政治体系就是一个幻觉。美国的银行家们认为,我们将会变成他们种植园中快乐的奴隶。   https://ourcountryourchoice.com/   Those pushing towards civil war are the backers of establishment candidates like Donald Trump and the Obama avatar “Joe Biden.” Their mud-slinging and lawfare against each other is dominating the corporate news cycle. It is now obvious only civil war will resolve the situation unless people wake up to the fact they are all actors working for the KM. A civil war would turn the US into a mega Ukraine and help enslave the American people further. 那些正在推动美国爆发内战的人,都是美国总统候选人的幕后金主,像唐纳德·川普、巴拉克·奥巴马、“乔·拜登”这样的总统候选人,实际上都服务于美国政治正确建制派。他们的互相诽谤和法律战,充斥着企业宣传媒体的新闻播报循环。现在清楚的是,只有内战才能够解决目前的情况,除非人民大众能够觉醒,意识到一个事实:那就是,这些总统候选人全都是演员,他们听命于高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党。一场内战将会把美国变成一个大号的乌克兰,并且使美国人民进一步陷入奴役之中。   The Khazarian mafia is pushing a series of manufactured “emergencies” such as a civil war in an attempt to scare people into farm animal-style submission. These emergencies include a new “pandemic,” “climate change,” all-out nuclear war and an “alien invasion.” 高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党,现在正在推动一系列人为制造的“紧急情况”,比如一场内战,试图让受到惊吓的美国人民自愿把人身自由拱手交给权贵社会精英们,使美国人民屈服,变成像农场中的动物那样温顺的SM受虐倾向奴隶。这一系列的“紧急情况”同样也包括新一轮的“疫情大流行”;天气控制武器引发的“暴雨”、“洪水”、“气候变化”,把多少个杭州西湖一口气从天上全部倒下来;激光卫星武器引发的“火灾”,只点燃房屋,房屋旁边的树木毫发无伤;全面核战争;“外星人入侵”,等等……   If none of these forces prevail, then anarchy and social collapse are certain in the US and most of the West. This would be the worst possible alternative. 如果这些手段都不成功,那么美国和西方国家将会注定陷入无政府状态和社会崩溃。这是最坏的可能性、最坏的替代选项。   In any case, multiple events show things are quickly coming to a head. 无论如何,多个事件表明事情正在迅速发展到紧要关头。   The biggest was the failure of a last-ditch attempt by the Rockefellers etc. to stay in power with a $500 billion bribe. 上周发生的一个最大的事件,是洛克菲勒家族即使花费5000亿美元,孤注一掷地贿赂政界、媒体界的关键少数,也未能成功地保持继续掌权。   Here is how a North America based CIA source describes the situation; 以下是美国中央情报局驻北美的消息来源所描述的情况:   “Many deep state people were expecting money from the Rockefellers today [September 1st] but NOBODY got a penny-they went all around the world to various banks and found out their accounts were either not there or drained of funds % of the money the IRS collects is supposed to go to Rocky’s banks but not anymore-that is the only way right now the US is barely floating-very many big boats may sink in the next while.” “许多深层国家派系的人员,都预期会在今天(2023年9月1日)收到洛克菲勒家族打给他们的钱。但是没有一个人收到一份钱——那些深层国家派系的人员,走遍了世界各地的多家银行,发现他们的银行账户要么已经不复存在、要么账户里边没有钱。在以前通常情况下,美国国税局从美国人民那里搜刮上来的税收,会有一定的比例转账给洛克菲勒家族的银行,而现在,这种情况已经停止了——那就是为什么美国经济现在摇摇欲坠的原因——可以预见的是,在接下来的一段时间里,会有更多的大银行、‘大船’相继沉没。”   Another huge and under-reported event was a split between India and China at the last BRICS meeting over control of the global financial system. A visible sign is Chinese President Xi Jinping not going to his week’s G20 meeting in India. 世界主流媒体所没有报道的另一个巨大的事件,是印度和中国之间的分道扬镳,这两个国家在最近的金砖国家峰会上,围绕着有关全球金融系统的控制权这个问题上,闹翻了。一个明显的迹象是,中国主席习近平,将不会出席本周在印度举行的20国集团会议。   The KM has been sucking up to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi by offering him a cornucopia of promises including leadership of the KM-controlled G20. 高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党,现在正在跪舔印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪,他们向莫迪许下了很多美妙而又不切实际的诺言,包括让印度来领导20国集团。要知道20国集团本来就是被高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党所控制的。   The Chinese say the G20 has been replaced by the BRICS 11 and thus there is no point in attending Western-controlled G20 meetings. The Russians agree. That’s why their presidential avatar Vladimir Putin will also skip the event. 中国人说,西方权贵社会精英20国集团,现在已经被金砖国家11国集团所代替,因此,参加20国集团峰会现在已经毫无意义。俄罗斯人也同意这一点。那就是为什么俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京的阿凡达替身,同样也不参加20国集团峰会的原因。   Things are expected to come to a head on September 18th and 19th as the UN General Assembly convenes in a last-minute KM push to use “Agenda 2030” to create a totalitarian world government controlled by them. 随着高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党,准备在最后一刻召开联合国大会,推动“2030年议程”,建立一个由他们控制的极权主义世界政府,预计情况将会在2023年9月18日到19日到达紧要关头   The failure of the Rockefellers’ $500 billion bribe attempt means this agenda is almost certainly doomed now. The fact is the UN is a privately owned, unelected organization and most of the so-called leaders attending their events are bribed and blackmailed puppets, Asian secret society sources note. This is why they cut off funding for the UN, the BIS, the IMF, the World Bank and other KM-controlled institutions. 洛克菲勒家族未能用5000亿美元成功贿赂西方国家和联合国的政客们,意味着这项“2030年议程”现在肯定是毁于一旦了。亚洲秘密社团的消息来源指出,事实的真相是,联合国本来就是一个私人拥有的、未经选举机构,并且出席联合国会议的大部分所谓的各国领导人们,都是一些傀儡。他们当中有些人要么接受了贿赂;要么自己的把柄、弱点、黑材料都掌握在别人手里。这就是为什么亚洲人切断了联合国、国际清算银行、国际货币基金组织、世界银行、以及高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党所控制的其它机构的资金来源的原因。   The lack of money is flushing out deep-state actors who have tried to stay hidden until now. One example is an individual by the name of Matthew Hornby contacted the White Dragon Society asking for help (a huge bribe offer was made) in getting Neil Keenan to cash gold-backed bonds in his possession. These are the seized $134.5 billion US Treasury bonds that were part of the 2009 Chiasso affair. Hornby’s people also tried to claim that Keenan was: 资金的缺乏,现在正在暴露出那些试图潜伏到今天的深层国家派系演员们。其中一个例子是,一个名叫马修·霍恩比的人联系了白龙会,希望白龙会帮助他找到尼尔·基南,兑现马修·霍恩比所持有的黄金支撑的债券。这些都是2009年基亚索事件中被扣押的1345亿美元美国国债。马修·霍恩比等人同样也声称,尼尔·基南就是:   THE ONE AND ONLY – who has possession of the sealed Black Book and foisted by his predestined superior authority and pinnacle power over the world’s financial systems – inclusive of the eastern Dragon Family Financial Instruments 唯一拥有封印黑皮书的人——他被命中注定赋予了世界金融系统的最高权力和权威——甚至包括对东方龙族金融系统的控制权。   https://neilkeenan.com/neil-keenan-update-an-exclusive-its-a-keenan-thing-soft-disclosure/   The problem is Keenans’ colleagues say he was murdered in 2014. He was replaced by a Rothschild impostor who did not even know Keenan had a son in Bulgaria. Hornby contacted the WDS because the Rothschilds were told by Asian secret societies to do so. The WDS, however, will only negotiate directly with the Rothschilds and not with one of their agents. 现在比较麻烦的是,尼尔·基南的同事说他在2014年被谋杀了。洛克菲勒家族用一个替身代替了他,而这个替身居然不知道尼尔·基南有一个儿子在保加利亚。马修·霍恩比联系了白龙会,因为罗斯柴尔德家族被白亚洲秘密社团要求这么做。然而,白龙会只愿意直接跟罗斯柴尔德家族谈判,不愿意仅仅去跟罗斯柴尔德家族的一名特工谈判。   No matter what though, according to the Dragon family, the bonds in question are their property. The original Keenan had absconded with them, they say. 不管怎样,根据龙家族的消息来源说,这些有问题的黄金债券是他们的资产,真正的尼尔·基南携带着这些债券潜逃了。   So, the Rothschilds stole stolen property and naively thought they would be able to use it to stay in control of the world’s financial system. 所以,罗斯柴尔德家族偷走了别人的财产,并天真地认为他们能够利用这些财产来控制世界金融体系。   Another deep-state actor who needs to be exposed is Leo Zagami of the P2 Freemasons. For some reason, Zagami fails to mention Pope Francis was killed in 2020 and replaced with a mask-wearing impostor who takes orders from the Rothschilds. Why is that? Zagami did not respond to an email asking about this. 另一个需要被曝光的深层国家派系演员,是意大利P2共济会的利奥·扎加米。出于某种原因,利奥·扎加米并没有提到一件事,那就是教皇弗朗西斯在2020年被谋杀,然后被一个戴着橡胶面具的替身所代替,这个替身听命于罗斯柴尔德家族。为什么会这样?利奥·扎加米从没有在电子邮件中回答过这个问题。   Zagami told me when I met him that his people put Barack Obama in power. He also said the P2 Freemasons created communism. 当我与利奥·扎加米见面时,他告诉我,他的组织让巴拉克·奥巴马赢得了美国大选。他还说正是意大利P2共济会发明了“共产主义”意识形态。   As former Speaker Newt Gingrich notes, Obama controls the “clearly cognitively disadvantaged,” Joe Biden, who is just “the tip of the iceberg” of the “real corruption” involving Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and other deep state actors. 正如美国国会保守派共和党领袖纽特·金里奇所指出的那样,奥巴马在幕后控制着“明显患有老年痴呆的”乔·拜登,这两个人都只是“真正的腐败的冰山一角”,牵涉到希拉里·克林顿、巴拉克·奥巴马、和其他深层国家派系演员们。   https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/newt-gingrich-joe-biden-barack-obama/2023/08/28/id/1132387/   Since Biden is just a puppet for Obama and their actions are clearly communist; this implies Zagami is involved in supporting the horrific fake Biden regime. 既然拜登仅仅是奥巴马的一个傀儡,并且他们所扮演的明显是共产主义者;那么这意味着利奥·扎加米涉嫌策划、参与、支持了这整个惨烈的假拜登政权。   Regardless, Obama is now being outed. His brother, Malik Obama, will be interviewed by Tucker Carlson on Tuesday, September 19th. “Will Malik Obama survive until the 19th? That is the billion-dollar question,” a Mossad source asks. 无论如何,奥巴马现在已经被曝光了。他的哥哥马利克·奥巴马,将会在2023年9月19日星期二接受塔克尔·卡尔森的访谈。以色列摩萨德的消息来源询问说:“马利克·奥巴马真的能活到9月19日吗?大家赶快下赌注吧,我赌10亿美元。”   https://x.com/obamamalik/status/1697670593531822364?s=46&t=DtI-ALvvgA2qc_6ffPh3NQ     Video Player 00:00 01:19     《那些曾经逮捕了他们的政治对手的国家领导人们》   Another KM power broker who has tried to stay hidden is UK Cabinet Secretary Simon Case. Two separate MI6 sources say Case and the KM tap all MPs’ phones and those of senior judges. 高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党手下的,另一个试图隐藏的权力中介代理人,是英国内阁大臣西蒙·凯斯。英国军情6处的两名不同的消息来源都说,西蒙·凯斯和高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党,一直在窃听历届英国首相和高级法官的电话。   “The operation is run out by GO2, based at Vauxhall Cross. MI6 are powerless to shut them down. GO2 (director Sir John Scarlett, implicated in the Diana assassination) in turn supplies blackmail summaries to Case and the Cabinet Office. Sunak is gay but not out and GO2 has given Case the details of his gay partners,” the MI6 sources say. 英国军情6处的消息来源说:“窃听行动是G02机构负责的,总部在英国伦敦沃克斯豪尔十字路口附近。就连英国军情6处都没有权力叫停这个行动。(G02机构的负责人约翰·斯嘉丽爵士,与戴安娜遇刺案有牵连)。G02机构也反过来向英国内阁大臣西蒙·凯斯和英国内阁办公室,提供英国首相和英国高级法官的把柄和黑材料。现任英国首相苏纳克是一个还没有出柜的同性恋,但是英国G02机构已经把苏纳克的同性恋伴侣的详细资料交给了西蒙·凯斯。”   They add Case and Sunak know about “two bribes paid by the EU to [former PM] Boris Johnson re the EU withdrawal treaties, each of 10m euros.” 他们补充说,英国内阁大臣西蒙·凯斯和苏纳克都知道“欧盟在英国脱欧问题上,向前往欧盟总部进行脱欧谈判的[前首相]鲍里斯·约翰逊行贿两次,每次1000万欧元。”   This is why British defense secretary Ben Wallace resigned. Sunak replaced him with Grant Shapps and look who is lurking behind him. 这就是为什么英国国防大臣本·华莱士辞职的原因。英国现任首相苏纳克任命格兰特·沙普斯来代替他的位置。那么谁又在幕后操纵着格兰特·沙普斯呢?我们拭目以待。   Video Player 00:00 00:28   As soon as Shapps was announced, British arms company BAE Systems set up a legal entity in Ukraine to offer “more direct support” to the country at war with Russia. MI6 says this is just a massive money laundering operation. 格兰特·沙普斯一上任,英国军火公司BAE系统公司就在乌克兰成立了一个法律实体,为英国与俄罗斯交战提供“更直接的支持”。英国军情六处表示,这只是一次大规模的洗钱行动。   Needless to say, the UK military is not going to follow orders from Shapps, Case or Sunak, MI6 sources say. 英国军情6处的消息来源说,不用说,英国军方将不会服从格兰特·沙普斯、西蒙·凯斯、或苏纳克等人的命令。   In any case, Keenan, Zagami and Case are just some of the many people vying for control of the world’s financial system. The problem is they are all Westerners. 无论如何,尼尔·基南、利奥·扎加米、西蒙·凯斯等人,仅仅是争夺世界金融系统控制权的一个缩影。问题是这些人都是西方人。   The rest of the world wants to replace Western rule with something that actually represents the real world. As Russian Presidential avatar Vladimir Putin notes, the shift of the center of economic, political activity outside of the West is “a completely objective and inevitable process,” that is above and beyond the “current global political situation.” 世界其它国家想要用某种实际上能够代表真实世界的东西,来代替西方的统治。正如俄罗斯总统的阿凡达替身,弗拉基米尔·普京所指出的那样,世界经济、政治的中心,从西方转到东方“是一种客观而又不可避免的进程,不会受到目前全球的政治形势所影响。”   https://tass.com/politics/1668773   Here are some recent signs of this process, which is especially evident in Africa. 以下是一些迹象,显示出这个进程正在发生,在非洲发生得尤为明显。   In Gabon, the military seized power, following the re-election of President Ali Bongo. 在加蓬,阿里·邦戈总统再次当选后,军方夺取了政权。   Video Player 00:00 00:25   https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/9/2/gabon-coup-leader-no-rush-to-elections-and-the-same-mistakes   Bongo was an Obama protégé who was feted from Washington to Davos. He was a key player in the war on Libya by the KM. The huge cash stash Bongo was found with is typical of KM-controlled puppet leaders. 阿里·邦戈是奥巴马的门徒,从华盛顿到达沃斯受到款待。在高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党发动利比亚战争,推翻卡扎菲期间,阿里·邦戈起到了关键作用。加蓬军方从阿里·邦戈的住处搜出来的巨额现金,是典型的高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党贿赂手段,目的是为了控制各国的傀儡领导人。     Meanwhile, in Niger, thousands rallied in the capital Niamey to demand that former colonial ruler France withdraw its troops from the country. 与此同时,在尼日尔,数千人在首都尼亚美集会,要求前殖民统治者法国从该国撤军。   Video Player 00:00 00:30   This is part of an Africa-wide revolution against the KM. The map below shows African Countries where the military has seized power. 这还都只是一部分,现在整个非洲都在爆发革命,反对高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党。以下这张地图显示的是,那些被军方夺权的非洲国家。     Since the countries form a line across Africa on the Southern edge of the Sahara it looks like some sort of major transport corridor is being prepared there, presumably as part of China’s belt and road initiative. 由于这些爆发革命的非洲国家,在撒哈拉沙漠的南部边缘形成了一条横跨非洲的线路,看起来那里正在准备某种主要的交通走廊,想必是中国“一带一路”倡议的一部分。   In East Asia, ex-PM Thaksin has returned to Thailand and asked for a royal pardon. His return last week coincided with political ally and fellow tycoon Srettha Thavisin winning a parliamentary vote to become prime minister that same day. 在东亚地区,前总理他信已返回泰国,请求王室赦免。上周,他的回归恰逢政治盟友赛塔·他威信在同一天赢得议会投票,成为总理。   Thai royal family sources say a deal has been made with the military and the monarchy. This almost certainly means the Rothschilds and Rockefellers have now lost control of the Royal Thai gold that was helping keep them (barely) afloat. 泰国王室的消息来源称,军方和王室之间已经达成了协议。几乎可以肯定的是,这意味着罗斯柴尔德家族和洛克菲勒家族,现在已经失去了对泰国皇家黄金的控制权,而正是这些黄金现在帮助罗斯柴尔德家族和洛克菲勒家族(勉强)维持生计。   https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/8/31/thailands-ex-pm-thaksin-has-submitted-request-for-royal-pardon   North Korea chipped in with a simulated tactical nuclear strike against the US mainland. 朝鲜对美国本土进行了模拟战术核打击。   Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) 朝鲜中央新闻社   A revolution is definitely needed in the US and Japan, North Korean sources say. 朝鲜的消息来源说,美国和日本肯定需要一场革命。   Meanwhile in Israel, more and more Jews are fleeing the country as it turns into a Satanic theocracy that is no longer capable of defending the country. Russia is trying to lure many of them back. 于此同时在以色列,越来越多的犹太人正在逃离那个国家,因为那个国家变成了撒旦教神权政治,而这个撒旦教政权不再能够保护那个国家。俄罗斯正在试图引诱许多犹太人到俄罗斯。   Video Player 00:00 00:52   The NATO defeat in Ukraine is accelerating this process because it is shutting down a money laundering operation that kept the KM going. “The Ukraine is [was] a cash cow for the uni party in Washington,” says Colonel Douglas MacGregor. He ads “The Ukrainians have admitted to 400,00 dead, that’s more dead than we suffered in 3 years of fighting World War II 北约在乌克兰的溃败,正在加速犹太人从以色列逃往俄罗斯的进程,因为北约的战败,正在关闭乌克兰的洗钱行动,而这场洗钱行动,是维持高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党当运转所必需的。美军上校道格拉斯·麦克格雷格说:“乌克兰是华盛顿特区政治正确建制派的摇钱树。乌克兰人已经承认,他们在战场上已经阵亡了40万人,美国在二战中都没死这么多人。”     This war’s over it has been lost.” 这场战争已经结束了,乌克兰输了。”   http://futuredefensevisions.blogspot.com/   With defeat comes finger-pointing and corruption investigations. 战败带来的是指责和腐败调查。   The Hungarian government is demanding EU and Ukrainian authorities provide a detailed report on how exactly the 50-70 billion euros previously allocated to Ukraine were spent, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto says. 匈牙利外交部长彼得·西亚尔托说,匈牙利政府正在要求欧盟和乌克兰政府提供一份详细报告,解释他们之前给乌克兰的500亿到700亿欧元到底是怎么花的。   In the US meanwhile, Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio), the chairman of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, wants to know what the U.S. Department of Justice is doing to recover an estimated $280 billion in U.S. COVID-19 relief spending that allegedly flowed to criminals inside and outside the United States. 与此同时在美国,众议院新冠疫情大流行特别小组委员会主席、兼俄亥俄州共和党众议员——布拉德·温斯特鲁普,想知道美国司法部到底正在做什么,以便追回2800亿美元的新冠病人救济指出,这笔钱现在落入了美国国内和国外的犯罪分子手中。   https://www.ntd.com/gop-lawmaker-questions-doj-about-280-billion-in-lost-covid-relief_939162.html   Already, Ukrainian oligarch Igor Kolomoisky -who is widely seen as President Vladimir Zelenskys’ puppet master- has been detained pending trial for alleged money laundering. 乌克兰寡头伊戈尔·科洛米斯基——被公认为乌克兰总统泽连斯基的幕后傀儡主人——因涉嫌洗钱而被拘留候审。   https://www.rt.com/russia/582281-kolomoysky-ukraine-laundering-arrested/   Also, Ukraine’s Defence Minister Oleksii Reznikov has been dismissed from his post…His dismissal comes amid a wider anti-corruption drive, 此外,乌克兰国防部长阿列克谢·列兹尼科夫被免职了……他的免职,意味着乌克兰的反腐运动正在扩大。   https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-66702893   Polish intelligence has also supplied evidence of the sort of atrocities this money laundering operation funded. They say 13 out of “15 Russian spies” who were detained in Poland turned out to be Ukrainians. From them, they found out about ads circulating on the darknet offering Ukrainian children for sale. One ad reads “There are 6/7/9 bunnies, we will bring them to Poland. Payment in bitcoins.” It says the children will be sent from Lviv. “Some advertisements even mention the blood type of children, suggesting that it is not just sexual slavery, but organ harvesting. Let us recall the existence of the website ‘Children of War’, created by the regime in Kyiv,” the sources say. 波兰情报部门还提供了一些证据,证明美国在乌克兰的洗钱行动,也被用来资助一些暴行。他们说,在波兰被拘留的“15名俄罗斯间谍中”,有13人被发现原来是乌克兰人。波兰情报部门从这13人的身上搜出了暗影网络上贩卖乌克兰儿童的广告。其中一个广告是“我们手中有6岁/7岁/9岁的小兔崽子,我们将会把他们从利沃夫带到波兰。用比特币支付。”波兰情报机构的消息来源说:“有些广告甚至把孩子们的血型都写出来,这意味着这些孩子们不仅仅是性奴隶,而且是器官来源。这让我们联想到了基辅政权创建的网站‘战争中的孩子们’。”           《乌克兰受战争影响的儿童   死亡:503人。受伤:1116人。失踪:1162人。找到:16639人。遭到驱逐和强迫流离失所:19546人。归还:386人。性侵犯受害者:13人。   由于激烈的战斗和暂时占领乌克兰领土,受伤儿童的确切数量无法确定。   点击此按钮,上传失踪儿童的资料》     《欢迎光临本暗网网站,你喜欢小萝莉吗?   5岁的小萝莉,受过专业的性教育和训练,会各种姿势——30000欧元(比特币)   6岁的小萝莉,没有任何性经验——20000欧元(比特币)   来自乌克兰的姐妹花,我们将会把他们快递到欧洲的任何地方,当然,最好的交易地点还是在波兰   这一对姐妹花的伪造的出生证明和其它的相关文件,我们已经准备好了   洋葱浏览器.com 》     《欢迎光临本暗网网站,我们手里现在有6岁/7岁/9岁的小兔崽子,完全健康。我们会把他们送到波兰,或者你自己亲自来利沃夫把他们买走   6岁的那个——20000欧元 7岁的那个——18000欧元 9岁的那个——15000欧元   我们只接受比特币交易   所有的问题我们都已经解决好了(出生证明、海关通关手续、医学健康证明、各种伪造的文件等等)     《欢迎光临本暗网网站,我们手里有一个7岁的男孩,(血型2),肺和肾脏有问题,所有文件都在手边,其它一切都已经准备好。   我们可以根据您的需要查看(在请求中注明血型和年龄),5小时内送到波兰,加急的话,需要出3倍的运费   1万欧元——用比特币支付 》   Now ask yourself, why did Netflix and Amazon Prime just turn down the anti-child trafficking movies Sound of Freedom (One of the most popular movies of the year)? 亲爱的读者朋友们,问问你们自己,为什么美国电视剧付费网站奈飞和亚马逊优选,直接下架了揭露儿童人贩子的电影《自由之声》(美国年度最受欢迎的电影之一)?     The Polish further also say their country is being destroyed by a KM “carbon sequestration” program covering 75 percent of their territory. This means the KM can seize without any compensation your house, flat, plot, etc. if it is located on the land intended for the construction of a carbon capture facility. 波兰方面还说,他们的国家,正在被高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党的“碳封存”项目摧毁,这个项目已经覆盖了波兰75%的国土面积。这意味着,如果你家的宅基地正好处在高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党的碳捕捉设施的范围内,那么他们可以无偿没收你的房屋。   In a sign of just how absurd things have become, Bill Gates has invested in a project to chop down 70 million acres of forests mostly in the US. The cut trees will then be buried. “Scientists” on the rich parasites’ payroll falsely claim that burying the trees can reduce (the fake) global warming. 有一个迹象,显示出事情变得有多么荒谬,比尔·盖茨已经投资了一个项目,这个项目即将砍伐7000万英亩的森林,这些森林大部分在美国,小部分在世界其它地方。   A total of 1,609 real scientists and professionals from around the world have signed a declaration dismissing the existence of a climate crisis and insisting that carbon dioxide is beneficial to Earth, 来自世界各地的1609名真正的科学家和专业人士,签署了一份声明,否认气候危机的存在,并坚称二氧化碳对地球有益,   https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/science/over-1600-scientists-sign-no-climate-emergency-declaration-5482554?utm_source=Morningbrief&src_src=Morningbrief&utm_campaign=mb-2023-08-30&src_cmp=mb-2023-08-30&utm_medium=email&est=km%2Fv51mD1Lv9YABUgQ9oVp%2FoNROAwcNM0s8GoNGZRsPMquJ%2FE4O6bf4EhGQh9TUjjA%3D%3D   This sort of truth-based opposition is causing the KM to switch from global warming to “climate change.” This mid-summer snowstorm in Germany is a sign of this. One theory is that the weather manipulation attempts by the UN, trying to make it hotter by steering cooler weather up North, is now bouncing back. 这场基于真相的反对行动,导致高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党,放弃了“全球变暖”这个借口,转而开始用“气候变化”作为借口,企图建立世界单一极权主义政府。其中一个迹象就是,在这个炎热的夏天,德国突然下了一场暴风雪。其中一个理论认为,联合国企图用天气控制武器,把较冷的空气排挤到地球两极,从而使极地以外的地区变得更热,以此来支持他们的“全球变暖”谎言和议程。但是没想到,冷空气竟然在盛夏时节一口气全部反弹回来了。   Video Player 00:00 00:08   Another well-publicized KM “climate change” crime is the DEW attack on Maui. The videos below provide the latest details on this. 高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党所犯下的,另一个广为人知的“气候变化”罪行,是激光卫星对夏威夷毛伊岛的纵火。以下这个视频显示了最新的细节。   Video Player 00:00 00:35   Video Player 00:00 03:43   Video Player 00:00 02:59   Note also that for some reason the Hungarian government has begun providing victims of the Maui DEW attacks with temporary housing. What has FEMA been doing? Nothing. 请注意,出于某种原因,匈牙利政府已开始为毛伊岛激光卫星袭击事件的受害者提供临时住房。但是与此同时,美国联邦紧急事务管理局在做什么?他们什么都没做。   Video Player 00:00 00:22   In addition to these and other climate atrocities, the KM is still trying to promote a pandemic. Didn’t Bill Gates develop GMO mosquitoes in at least 3 different places around the world? Didn’t Bill Gates also invest heavily into malaria vaccines? Didn’t malaria and leprosy show up in the USA in recent months? 高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党,除了上演这些残暴行为之外,仍然不死心,还想要发动新一轮的疫情大流行。大家难道忘了比尔·盖茨投资研发出来的转基因蚊子,已经在全世界至少3个地区投放了吗?大家难道忘了比尔·盖茨对疟疾疫苗进行了巨额投资吗?大家难道真的以为最近几个月美国爆发的疟疾和麻疯病是巧合吗?   Video Player 00:00 00:44   Now Gates is saying experimental mRNA jabs are set to replace all of our medicines, according to Bill Gates and the globalist elite, who are warning that we will be forced to take hundreds of mRNA jabs every year if we wish to participate in society. 现在,比尔·盖茨、全球主义者、权贵社会精英们正在说,实验性的信使核糖核酸疫苗将取代我们所有的药物,并且警告说,如果全世界人民想要参与进社会活动的话,将被迫每年接种数百种信使核糖核酸疫苗。   https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/bill-gates-people-who-resist-mrna-tsunami-will-be-excluded-from-society/   However, Gates is likely to fail in this forced vaccination campaign thanks in large part to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Del BigTree. 然而,多亏了罗伯特·菲兹杰拉德·小肯尼迪和德尔·毕格特利,比尔·盖茨的这场强制接种疫苗运动很可能将要失败。   They proved the long-held statement that; “Vaccines don’t cause autism” is completely false. And they have forced the CDC to remove the statement from their website. 有一个长期以来的说法:“疫苗不会导致自闭症。”而罗伯特·菲兹杰拉德·小肯尼迪和德尔·毕格特利证明了这句话说错的。并且他们迫使美国疾病预防控制中心把这句话从他们的网站上删除了。   The CDC can no longer claim VACCINES DO NOT CAUSE AUTISM because they do: 美国疾病控制与预防中心不能再声称疫苗不会导致感染,因为它们会:   In 1980 autism was 1 in 10,000 1980年,美国自闭症发病率是万分之一   1986: Then vax industry lost liability and the massive increase in unsafe childhood immunizations began 1986年:随后,vax行业失去了可靠性,不安全的儿童疫苗接种开始大幅增加   1990’s: autism 1 in 500 1990年:美国自闭症发病率是500分之1   2018: 1 in 36 children with autism. 2018年:美国自闭症发病率是36分之1   2021: American children will get 72 doses of vaccines and there are over 250 in the pipeline. 2021年:美国儿童一生中将接种72剂疫苗,目前有250多剂疫苗正在研制中。   At this increasing rate, autism is projected to be 1 in 2 children by 2030 按照这一增长速度,到2030年,自闭症预计将占儿童总数的1/2     If you want a peek into the minds of the KM criminals who do such things listen to WEF agent Yuval Noah Harari say: “What do we need humans for? At the moment our best solution is to keep them happy with drugs and computer games”. 在高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党干出这些事之后,如果你想窥探他们到底是怎么想的,那么就请听听世界经济论坛特工尤瓦尔·诺亚·哈拉里是怎么说的:“我们需要人类做什么?目前,我们最好的解决方案是通过毒品和电脑游戏让他们开心。”   Video Player 00:00 00:21   Despite their arrogance, enough people are now awake to these monsters that they can no longer safely appear in public. A recent example can be seen here as avatar Nancy Pelosi gets totally humiliated by a group of young Latinos. 尽管他们是如此的自负,但是现在已经有足够多的人民大众已经觉醒了,以至于这些衣冠禽兽不在能够安全地出现在公开场合。在以下这个视频中,可以看到最新的例子,南希·佩洛西的阿凡达替身,被一群年轻的拉丁人羞辱。   Video Player 00:00 00:28   It is obvious this is NOT the real Pelosi; this one is too young 很明显,这不是真的佩洛西;这个佩洛西太年轻了。   For another example watch a grade school child tell Jill Biden to “Shut the fuck up” 还有另外一个例子,在以下这两个视频中,一名小学生让乔·拜登“闭嘴”   Video Player 00:00 00:15   Video Player 00:00 01:07   Finally, in a sign the KM are desperately reaching for their alien invasion card, the Pentagon has a new website to release declassified UFO photos, videos and reports. 在本周的新闻通讯的最后,有迹象显示,高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党,即将绝望地上演“外星人入侵”的戏码:在全球范围内,用地球人制造的飞碟开展大规模屠杀,然后把这一切嫁祸给那些在地球轨道上隐形、随时准备与人类建立外交关系的真正外星人。最近,五角大楼建立了一个新的网站,用来发布一些解密的不明飞行物照片、视频、的目击报告。   https://www.aaro.mil/

CN — 艾昂·科嘉对拉里·罗曼诺夫的采访: “可萨犹太人的计划一个世界政府”


AUGUST 31, 2023      The Khazar Jews Plan for a One-World Government


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One-World Government”




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    Interview from ION COJA to Larry Romanoff

The interview is taken for the website https://IonCoja.ro with questions for Professor Larry Romanoff, coming from Professor Ion Coja as well as from CD, the external collaborator of the website https://IonCoja.ro.

采访是为网站拍摄的https://IonCoja.ro拉里·罗曼诺夫教授的问题来自Ion Coja教授以及该网站的外部合作者CDhttps://IonCoja.ro.

The website https://IonCoja.ro is a Romanian website of discussions and opinions of a nationalist nature contextualized to the international political scene. Many of the translated materials posted on the  https://IonCoja.ro website originate from the https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com website, belonging to Professor Larry Romanoff.


Professor Romanoff’s writings have been translated into 32 languages, and his articles have been posted on over 150 foreign language news and political analysis sites and over 100 English language platforms. He was a professor at Fudan University in Shanghai, in the EMBA courses. Now we have the happy opportunity to interview this prolific and very kind author to answer some questions that concern both us and the readers of the https://IonCoja.rowebsite.


    • CD– But let’s give Professor Ion Coja the floor for the questions he has for Professor Larry Romanoff.
    • CD-但让我们让Ion Coja教授发言,回答他为Larry Romanoff教授提出的问题。
    • IC – I was greatly pleased by your Lordship’s response to accept this interview and I thank you for your kindness. Please, Professor Romanoff, make an overture – an opening for the subject of this interview.
    • IC-我对阁下接受本次采访的回应感到非常高兴,并感谢阁下的好意。罗曼诺夫教授,请做一个序曲——这是本次采访主题的开场白。

LR – The most necessary introduction would be to emphasise that the Khazar Jews really do have a plan for a one-world government which will hold all the nations of the world in a kind of massive fascist dictatorship that will in turn be controlled exclusively by Jews. It has been easy in the past to dismiss this as a “conspiracy theory”, but the facts are solid and the evidence is everywhere. It hasn’t even been a secret. As early as 1950, James Warburg testified to the US Congress that “We shall have world government, whether we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest.” James was the son of Paul Warburg who was the father of the Jewish-owned US FED, and very active in promoting the Morgenthau plan for the permanent destruction of Germany after the Second World War. The main issues are then how this is to be achieved and what the landscape will look like at the end.

LR-最必要的介绍是强调,哈扎尔犹太人确实有一个单一世界政府的计划,该政府将把世界上所有国家置于一种大规模的法西斯独裁统治之下,而这种独裁统治反过来将完全由犹太人控制。过去,人们很容易将其视为“阴谋论”,但事实是确凿的,证据无处不在。这甚至都不是秘密。早在1950年,James Warburg就在美国国会作证说:“无论我们喜欢,我们都会有世界政府。问题只是世界政府是通过同意还是征服实现的。”James是Paul Warburg的儿子,Paul Warburg是犹太人拥有的美国联邦储备委员会的父亲,并积极推动第二次世界大战后永久摧毁德国的摩根索计划。主要问题是如何实现这一目标,以及最终的前景如何。

    • IC – Is there a conclave at the top of the Jewish congregation that also includes non-Jews? How does this conclave work?
    • IC-犹太会众的高层是否有包括非犹太人在内的秘密会议?这个秘密会议是如何运作的?

LR – Yes, there is definitely a ‘conclave’ of the International Khazar Jews, and it exists in layers, centered on The City of London. Some speculation is necessary since this in an intensely private organisation and they do no publish staff lists. I am told there are 13 families who are at the core of this group, headed by a Rothschild who is generally deemed “The King of the Jews”. This is the heart of the Hydra. This group would contain several Rothschilds but the other names are not so easy to identify. It would likely contain a Sebag-Montefiori, a Sassoon, an Israel Moses Seif, perhaps one or two Warburgs – the usual names. These are also the people who own the US FED and the central banks of many other Western nations. It absolutely does not include any non-Jews.

LR-是的,肯定有一个国际哈扎尔犹太人的“秘密会议”,它以伦敦市为中心,层层存在。一些猜测是必要的,因为这是在一个非常私人的组织中,他们不会公布员工名单。我听说有13个家庭是这个群体的核心,由一位被普遍认为是“犹太人之王”的罗斯柴尔德家族领导。这是九头蛇的心脏。这一组可能包含几个罗斯柴尔德家族,但其他名字不太容易识别。它可能包含一个Sebag Montefiori、一个Sassoon、一个Israel Moses Seif,也许还有一两个Warburgs——通常的名字。这些人还拥有美国联邦储备委员会和许多其他西方国家的中央银行。它绝对不包括任何非犹太人。

According to the most reliable evidence I have available, this core is surrounded by a group of 300 men, all of whom know each other and who would be in frequent contact with those in the core. The membership of this group has never been accurately identified, but it would include major bankers and industrialists – those who own and control companies like Royal-Dutch Shell, Nestlé, Goldman Sachs and so on. It is this group that would receive instructions and policy from The City of London, formulate detailed policies, and transmit these to the next layer. This group acts as an effective insulator for those in the core, to keep the core totally anonymous, out of the media spotlight, and to ensure no connections can be made by the general public between the core and the resulting execution of policies.


The next layer is subject to even more speculation, but would likely number in the thousands of individuals. These are the people who would actively work for the execution of the determined policies and various international events such as the overthrow of the Ukraine government, the invasions of Iraq, Libya and Syria, and so on. It would prepare further detailed policies and tactics for dealing with Russia, China, Iran, and others, and would then pass these along to what would probably be “middle-men” and then to the final recipients who would carry out the policies. This would be to provide a further level of insulation. Henry Kissinger might be in this group.


There will be no non-Jews anywhere in these levels. The Goyim are merely lieutenants who serve the Jews in their efforts, a large category of educated lawyers, accountants, business professionals and others. These people are essentially compradors, traitors to their ideals and their countries, but who benefit from high salaries and some legal immunity, and thus are happy to feed at the trough.


They are not only well-paid but well-deluded; they believe they are part of “us” when they are really “them”, and that means that when the final curtain comes down, they will be disposable Goyim like all the others.


As an example, it would be determined in The City of London that the anti-Western government in Ukraine should be overthrown and that NATO should expand to encircle and surround Russia, all in preparation for the eventual control and partition of Russia. The strategy would be planned in The City of London, and then passed to the group of 300 who would further flesh out the strategy. The larger group surrounding this would be comprised of highly-educated bankers, industrialists and professionals who would determine the details and tactics, and possibly assign eventual execution responsibilities to various named individuals. Once all this had been done, the “middle-men” would deliver the final instructions to those named for the execution of these plans.


As another example, the seeds of creation of the World Economic Forum, the WEF led by Klaus Schwab, would have originated in The City of London with a general plan as to purpose and execution, being yet one more part of the planned World Government. From here, the next layer would discuss and plan the details and tactics, and obtain confirmation and agreement from The City. Following this, the individuals would be chosen to lead the effort, and the plans communicated to the next level who would then organise the entire program and select the individuals to execute the program.

另一个例子是,世界经济论坛,即克劳斯·施瓦布领导的世界经济论坛的创建种子,起源于伦敦金融城,有一个关于目标和执行的总体计划,是计划中的世界政府的又一个组成部分。在这里,下一层将讨论和规划细节和战术,并获得the City的确认和同意。在此之后,将选择个人来领导这项工作,并将计划传达给下一级,下一级将组织整个计划,并选择个人来执行该计划。

    • IC – What would be the most visible and destructive actions of the Khazarian machine to destroy the world order as we know it?
    • IC-卡扎里机器破坏我们所知的世界秩序的最明显和最具破坏性的行动是什么?

LR – The stillborn Trans-Pacific Partnership, the TPP would have been another of these portions of the planned World Government. This plan was too aggressive, too ambitious, and it failed. Had it succeeded, humanity would have been doomed because it would have removed the sovereignty of nations almost entirely and placed all the power in the hands of Jewish bankers and multi-national industrial companies. The International Khazar Jews have made it plain that the concept of “nation-state” is archaic and useless, and a new world organisation is necessary.


The TPP would in fact have removed the power of nation-states to control their own military, financial matters, economy, health regulations, transferring virtually all power to the Jewish bankers and industrialists, all of this controlled ultimately from The City of London. It is very important to realise that National governments would have been left with only two functions: tax collection and population suppression. The WEF is taking us in the same direction by a more circuitous route and not so aggressively done.


Keep in mind that the Jews have been preparing and training national leaders for this new world, for decades now. Justin Trudeau of Canada is one such, and a brief search will provide the names of many others who are already psychologically prepared to betray their own nations into this Hydra. Trudeau already boasts of Canada being the first “post-nation state”, and that means precisely what it seems to mean: Canada is no longer a sovereign nation, but a kind of subsidiary political unit that is entirely controlled from The City of London. All Western nations are going in the same direction. The current foreign migrations into all Western nations are an integral part of this process. The intent is to reduce national ethnic populations below the level necessary to produce effective resistance and to help eliminate the concept of nationality. It is an accepted fact that as a country like Romania or Germany   obtains a level of foreign migrants above about 30%, the society loses its cohesion and Germans or Romanians are no longer able to function effectively as a national group.


    • IC – So the Khazars know from scientific studies what is the critical figure in altering national cohesion?
    • IC——因此,Khazars从科学研究中知道,改变民族凝聚力的关键人物是什么?

LR – This is not difficult to understand.


Imagine a future Romania where citizens are upset with some new government policies and 100 persons have gathered to discuss protests and tactics to oppose those measures. Now imagine that 30 of that 100 are foreigners – Jews, persons from Haiti, Algeria, Cambodia, Uganda. Those people do not think as you do; your ideas are not theirs. They do not share your values, your ethics, history, traditions,  religion. Your concerns with your government are not their concerns. They do not see things the way you see them, and their natural opposition will serve to sabotage all your efforts. You will never be able to obtain the critical mass of public support necessary for this effort or for any other. Those people do not in any sense see themselves as Romanian, and your society will have lost much of its cohesion. This is one more part of the plan to eliminate the very concept of nationality, and intermarriage between national citizens and foreigners will serve over several generations to virtually eliminate “real” Romanians. This is a planned cultural genocide, and needs to be taken much more seriously than is done today.


Western European nations are being flooded today with migrants from Africa. If we look at Germany, France, Italy, England, the social situation is bleak. There already exists an astonishing animosity between the native population and the immigrants, much as exists today in the US between the blacks and whites. This is not accidental; the animosity is a feature of social disintegration, and in many countries could easily lead to a kind of civil war, not between government factions but between kinds and classes of people. A society overloaded with immigrants that are “too foreign” will eventually collapse into anarchy: the post-nation state where a main function of the selected government will be population suppression.


Here are a few comments by a reader in Western Europe, on the present condition of society. This is not promising.


“Paris is completely flooded by Africans. To ride their subway, you have to cover your nose and mouth — the stench is overwhelming.”


The fabled Riviera, especially Marseille, is now a third-world shanty town, with garbage lying everywhere. Switzerland and Germany were flooded with Middle Easterners, Afghans, and others speaking every language except German. The once great city of London is now filled with an undulating mass of black and brown humanoidal protoplasm. London is a multicultural toilet, maybe worse than NYC if that’s possible. Look at Luxembourg; the place looks like Africa, tons of them, hanging out, loitering, clownish behaviors, screaming yelling, defecating/urinating all over Ettelbruck and Dunkirk.


Canada is quickly following suit – thanks to Justin “Jackboot” Trudeau and his right-hand Jewess Chrystia Freeland.” “The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.”


Another tool in this box is NATO. If Romania joins the EU, a condition is that the nation must surrender its military to NATO. Thus, Romanian soldiers are no longer Romanian, but part of a multi-national military. It is not widely-known, but new NATO soldiers are taught that they are not part of their former national military but now owe their loyalty to this supra-national force, and are further told that one day they may be engaged in battle against their own country.



NATO is entirely a Jewish construct. It has not had, and does not have now, any valid reason for existence. Its only purpose is to function as the Jews’ military when the time comes. With the exception of the British East India Company, the Jews have never had their own armies. For 200 or more years they used the British army due to their control over the government of England. That is why it was the British army that effectively invaded South Africa in the Boer wars so that one of the Rothschilds could obtain control of the vast gold and diamond mines. They functioned truly as what I call “The Bankers’ Private Army’.  The Jews destroyed the British Empire in the two World Wars, but that was of no consequence because they had already transferred their flag to the US. They are today destroying the US in a similar manner, socially, economically, and politically, but that is also of no consequence because the plan is to transfer their flag to NATO. The Jews will use the US to execute one last World War, which will almost certainly end with the destruction of the US as a military and political force, but NATO will already be there as the Jews’ supra-national military to control the appointed governments and populations of all their “post-national states”. And this supra-national military will be controlled and directed by The City of London.


    • IC – In their plan to unify and blend nations, the culture, traditions or religions are not forgiven, what are the actions that are easiest to detect in this campaign against humanity?
    • IC-在他们统一和融合国家的计划中,文化、传统或宗教是不被原谅的,在这场反人类运动中,最容易发现的行动是什么?

LR – There are further issues. Inherent in the plans for the kind of world government we will eventually have, is not only the removal of national governments and militaries, but the destruction of society, the family, morals, and religion. All of these are happening at the same time, as integral portions of the same plan. We tend to look at all these sectors as disconnected items, but they are all closely related and form a unit.


The US is perhaps the country that has progressed the farthest in these directions, but all Western nations (and eventually all nations everywhere) will follow the same pattern. In terms of society, the US has opened the floodgates to ‘very’ foreign immigration in huge numbers, while at the same time animosities are being openly encouraged between white Americans and all others. Black on White crime is increasing exponentially in the US, and it may not be long before the Whites begin to retaliate in kind and we have civil strife that will be essentially a civil war. Already, social cohesion is disintegrating.


    • IC – As we can see, no aspect of economic, political or social life is forgiven, everything must be destroyed beyond recognition, probably the family is condemned to the same process of identity destruction…



LR – In terms of the family, the US leads the world in single-parent families, in unmarried young people, in single-person households. The Jewish-owned news media are promoting “swinging”, which is men trading their wives for sexual use, and the young generation are being led into gross sexual perversions. Canadian and American newspapers during COVID were openly promoting the use of “glory holes” which is a walled partition with small openings through which a man would insert his penis and a woman on the other side would offer her mouth or vagina to satisfy it. They also published instructions on how to conduct orgies during the pandemic.


When I was a young man, the rule was that a girl would never kiss you on a first date. Today, young American girls of 14 and 15 are saying boys want oral, anal, and vaginal sex, and expect it all on the first date. That is not a small change in morals or values.


When Bela Kuhn (Cohen) initiated the Jewish Communist Revolution in Hungary, his first acts were attempts to destroy the family, morals, and religion. He instituted new programs in elementary schools encouraging young children to engage in open sexuality and intercourse, and married women to freely engage in adultery. This plan has never changed. The program further contains all the overheated media onslaught today about “trans-gender” and changing the genders of children, and an increasingly extreme program in the sexualization of children. The UN agencies are part of this, with the WHO now stating that children should have “sexual partners” from elementary school onward. With the genders, new laws are being implemented – as in Canada – that teachers can encourage children to change their genders, that the parents must not be notified by either the teachers or the children, and that parental “interference” in these surreptitious gender changes will be a crime that would result in arrest and imprisonment. This is real. It is the same with another program of “assisted suicide” where, again in Canada, a child as young as ten years can request an assisted suicide, and the parents are legally prohibited from interfering.

当Bela Kuhn(科恩饰)在匈牙利发起犹太共产主义革命时,他的第一个行为是试图摧毁家庭、道德和宗教。他在小学制定了新的计划,鼓励年幼的孩子进行公开的性行为和性交,并鼓励已婚妇女自由通奸。这个计划从未改变。该节目进一步包含了今天所有关于“跨性别”和改变儿童性别的过热媒体攻击,以及一个日益极端的儿童性化节目。联合国机构也是其中的一部分,世界卫生组织现在表示,儿童从小学开始就应该有“性伴侣”。在性别方面,与加拿大一样,正在实施新的法律,即教师可以鼓励儿童改变性别,教师或儿童不得通知父母,父母“干涉”这些秘密的性别改变将是一种犯罪,可能导致逮捕和监禁。这是真实的。这与另一项“协助自杀”计划相同,在加拿大,十岁以下的儿童可以要求协助自杀,法律禁止父母干涉。

The destruction of morality began in earnest in the 1960s with the Jewish invention of the contraceptive pills for females and the resulting widely-promoted “sexual revolution”, and that was the beginning of the end for the family. This was further enhanced by the so-called “Women’s’ Liberation Movement” in the 1970s and 1980s.


The theory was that marriage was a millstone for women, and served only to prevent their full development as individuals, leaving women to conclude that without the anchor of a family, they would all achieve great success. This propaganda was so successful that divorce rates in the US and Canada jumped by over 200% in about ten years. Not long after, a similar anti-marriage propaganda campaign reappeared, heavily promoted by the Jewish-owned media,that increased the divorce rate by another 60%. None of this was an accident or a natural social evolution, but part of a long-term concentrated plan to destroy the family.


One of the propaganda tactics used by the Jews in these social engineering programs is to change the meanings of words to force the public to accept that “red is the new blue”. As one example, the definition and meaning of “family” have been substantially altered in the West, a family no longer consisting of a husband, wife and children. We have been heavily programmed to accept a “marriage” between two men, their being designated “husband” and “wife”, and having legal permission to adopt small boys. In the popular press we no longer have the concept of heterosexual husband and wife; instead, we have “partners” and “significant others”. This isn’t simply terminology; the actual concept of “family” is being destroyed, turned into a kind of confusing nothingness.


Coinciding with this, the intense push for free abortions that has been occurring for the past 100 or more years, was entirely Jewish in construct and execution.


    • IC – These not only immoral but even criminal actions to influence and distort human behavior, especially among young people, have intensified recently. What is your opinion?
    • IC——这些不仅是不道德的,甚至是影响和扭曲人类行为的犯罪行为,尤其是在年轻人中,最近愈演愈烈。你的意见是什么?

LR – This is also true for pornography and for the legalisation of drugs like marijuana and cocaine. There is no difficulty in tracing all of these to Jewish roots, and it is obvious that these measures are all heavily supported by the Jewish media.


Respected national newspapers in the US and Canada carry articles advising women on the “best places to find pornography”.


Coincident with the sexualization of children is child sexual trafficking which is apparently increasingly widespread and originating from the same sources. There is no shortage of stories of US Secret Service men bringing small boys into the White House through the back door in the late evening. It appears that most Western government leaders are well-acquainted personally with this issue, including European royalty.


There is more to do with children. The Jewish bible, the Talmud, contains extensive discussions about whether a girl of three years old can be used for sexual intercourse or if one must wait until she is “three years plus a day”. It also states that when a small girl is repeatedly used for sexual intercourse, her hymen repairs itself repeatedly, and she remains “undamaged”.


These Jewish social engineering programs – all part of the coming New World Order – are sexualising and corrupting the children in ways that can never be repaired even if the ambitions eventually fail. In the West, we can never revert to where we were during sane times.


    • IC – Beyond the lack of respect for the Christian religion or even other religions, it seems that there is a clear mission to destroy religions by any means provided or not allowed.
    • IC——除了不尊重基督教甚至其他宗教之外,似乎还有一个明确的使命,即通过任何提供或不允许的手段摧毁宗教。

LR – The destruction of religion, most especially Christianity, is a vital part of this plan.


When I was a young man, Sunday was a special day, reserved for worship and family. Only vital commercial establishments were open.


If I were stranded in another city over a weekend and had friends in that city, I might contact one of them on the Saturday, but I would never call or interrupt them on the Sunday. That would have been an almost inexcusable violation of privacy. The Jews began there, with an intense push to open cinemas on Sundays. With that success, they progressed to grocery stores, supermarkets, and eventually Sunday as a special religious day was destroyed.


To say that many Jews detest Christianity and have an intense hatred for it, is a serious understatement. This hatred for Christianity and the Jews’ determination to eliminate it, is far more serious than commonly understood. I will give you here a brief quote from one of my earlier articles. It is instructive to understand the contempt that Jews hold for Christianity in general and Jesus Christ in particular.


“Puterea din spatele tronului”




Gary Aldrich was an FBI agent for 26 years who spent the latter part of his career investigating security clearances to White House staff.

加里·奥尔德里奇(Gary Aldrich)在美国联邦调查局(FBI)当了26年特工,他职业生涯的后半段都在调查白宫工作人员的安全许可。

In his book, Aldrich tells what it was like decorating Hillary Clinton’s White House Christmas Tree, with ornaments created by various Jewish artists, featuring pornography, “sex toys and self-mutilation devices”.


Aldrich wrote, “I couldn’t believe the disrespect that these ornaments represented. Many of the Jewish artists invited to make and send something to hang on the tree must have had nothing but disgust, hatred, and disrespect for the White House and the citizens of this country, a disgust obviously encouraged in the name of artistic freedom … Here was another five golden rings ornament — five gold-wrapped condoms. I threw it in the trash. There were other condom ornaments, some still in the wrapper, some not.


Jews write and publish articles in the mass media titled, “F… you, Jesus”. This trash is everywhere to be found, if one takes the time to look. And it will increase in intensity. By contrast, a person writing or doing such things against the Jewish religion would be in prison.


After all, the Jews are “victims”.


    • IC – How real is Jewish hatred of the goyim, non-Jewish world? Who maintains it? At what level of the Jewish hierarchy is this policy cultivated? Is there also a racial, anti-goyim basis to Jewish aversion to Christianity? An aversion inherited from the days of ancient Rome? Or Carthage?
    • IC-犹太人对犹太世界的仇恨有多真实?谁维护它?这项政策是在犹太等级制度的哪个层面上制定的?犹太人对基督教的厌恶是否也有种族、反犹太复国主义的基础?源自古罗马时代的厌恶?还是迦太基?

LR – As you can see from the above, the hatred is real. The policies originate in The City of London and executed by lieutenants all over the world. The bias is certainly related to contempt for the Goyim (non-Jews) generally. It is not true that all Jews hate all non-Jews or hold them in contempt, but it certainly is true that the Jews who oversee this massive “control the entire world” program do indeed hold the Goyim in utter contempt. Their feelings toward non-Jews and Christianity cannot be separated.


And the Jewish bible, the Talmud, reinforces this attitude, stating that a male Jew can treat a Goyim woman “like a piece of meat”, that Goyim can be killed without blame, cheated without blame. One of the most prominent Jewish prayers is the Kol Nidre, through which these Jews pray to their god (presumably Satan) to permit them to renege on any and every promise made to a Goy during the coming year.

犹太圣经《塔木德》强化了这种态度,指出男性犹太人可以“像对待一块肉一样”对待戈伊姆妇女,戈伊姆可以被杀而不受指责,被欺骗而不受谴责。最著名的犹太祈祷之一是Kol Nidre,这些犹太人通过它向他们的上帝(可能是撒旦)祈祷,允许他们在来年违背对Goy的任何和每一个承诺。

Many Jewish writers (and including the Talmud itself) state clearly and openly that the Goyim are merely “cattle” for the Jews, not really human, and have no purpose but to serve Jews. This attitude and writing are so widespread they cannot be denied.


    • IC – The concern of the Jews to promote their representatives is notorious!The Nobel prizes are particularly targeted. I know a little bit about literature and I realized that most of the award-winning Jews are impostors! Are there just as many impostors among the other Jewish Nobel laureates?
    • IC-犹太人关心提拔他们的代表是臭名昭著的!诺贝尔奖尤其具有针对性。我对文学有一点了解,我意识到大多数获奖的犹太人都是骗子!其他犹太裔诺贝尔奖获得者中也有同样多的冒名顶替者吗?

LR – The Nobel Prizes are largely fraudulent, mostly controlled by European Jewish bankers, and far too often granted to Jews. The Nobel Peace Prize is especially notorious for its use as a political tool. The Economics Prize is not really a Nobel Prize although it is presented as such, but it seems that nearly all recipients are Jews. A group of Jews petitioned for more than ten years for Albert Einstein to receive a prize for physics, but he was so undistinguished and incompetent, to say nothing of being an outrageous plagiarist, that they could find no basis for such an award. Finally, he was granted a Nobel Prize for “contributing to the field of physics”. In other words, they could find nothing deserving a reward so they fabricated a new general category.


    • IC- In recent years, several hundreds of thousands of Jews have secretly obtained Romanian citizenship in Romania, many of them have owned real estate, have successful businesses. Is there a political strategy to this population movement? What would be the Zionist goal?
    • IC-近年来,数十万犹太人在罗马尼亚秘密获得了罗马尼亚公民身份,其中许多人拥有房地产,拥有成功的企业。这场人口运动有政治策略吗?犹太复国主义的目标是什么

LR – I didn’t know about this, but I would certainly worry about it.


With these large numbers, this cannot be accidental; it must be part of a plan. I would guess that Romania’s strong Christian roots are playing a part in this, because these roots will have to be ripped out.



    • IC – What is the number of those considered Jews? How many are the true Jews?
    • IC-被认为是犹太人的人数是多少?真正的犹太人有多少?

LR – There are two races of Jews. One is the Semitic Jews originating in the Middle East. The other is the Ashkenazi, who are not Jews at all but are of European stock, the original Khazars. They adopted the Jewish (Babylonian) Talmud as their bible and present themselves as Jews, but they are not. Benjamin Freedman insists on calling them “so-called Jews”, which is accurate. Most Jews today, more than 95% by Jewish estimates, are European Khazars. I covered this in some detail in an article titled “Who is a Jew?”.


Rather than provide much detail here, readers could review this article.



    • IC – Is there a real opposition within the Jewry to the crimes committed by the Jewish leaders? Are there dissensions among the Jews? At what level?
    • IC-犹太人内部真的反对犹太领导人犯下的罪行吗?犹太人之间有分歧吗?在什么级别?

LR – There certainly is opposition within the two classes of Jews as to the crimes committed and to the concept of a one world government. Unfortunately, the media at all levels is almost entirely controlled by the Khazar Jews and they permit no such discussion or reports to reach the general public. It is thus very difficult to estimate the number of “conscientious objectors”. We do see occasional articles in the print media, generally objecting to the Jewish crimes and challenging all the historical lies being propagated, but there is not much of this. Jews occasionally write books exposing the crimes and lust for control, but usually these books meet with silence; Amazon and the book-sellers will not carry them, the New York Times will never publish a book review, and so the general public are unaware they exist.


A Jew, Norman Finklestein, wrote a book titled “The Holocaust Industry”, which was a significant exposure of this immense fraud. It is available for free download in pdf format from the archive, and worth reading:



There are few Jews at a high level who would dare to contradict those in The City of London. The few who have done so, have either been killed or have had their reputations and careers hopelessly destroyed. These Khazars are gangsters and will turn on their own as quickly as on anyone else, with a viciousness that is surprising.


Dominique Strauss-Khan was the President of the IMF and touted to become the next President of France, when he crossed these people and was totally ruined. I wrote an article about this, if readers are interested:


Dominique Strauss-Kahn Revisited



I mentioned earlier the membership in the various layers of authority. Consider that Strauss-Khan, as prominent and highly-placed as he was, was in no way part of the inner circles. In referring to them, he told his wife “They are out to get me”, clearly suggesting he was far removed from the real power.


And persons like George Soros would be only in the outer circle.


I think it’s best to stop here. It would be distracting to also include discussions on other topics about economics or Germany or Hitler.


Perhaps this one topic is sufficient.


End of the interview.



Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chapt. 2 — Dealing with Demons).

His full archive can be seen at

https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/ + https://www.moonofshanghai.com/

He can be contacted at:






Benjamin Fulford Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis 2023 August 28th


The US, the West and KM about to fall into the abyss


The US, the West and KM about to fall into the abyss

The Khazarian mafia-controlled West is about to fall over a cliff despite frantic attempts by its leadership to scare us back into submission with fire, plague, war, alien invasion etc. What is interesting is that the collapse could include the government of Xi Jinping in China and not just the West. That is why Jews are fleeing Israel and 11,000 Chinese millionaires are fleeing China.


The other sign we are headed for some sort of earth-changing event – including world war- is a breakdown in military communications between the West and its’ “adversaries.” China is “refusing any phone calls from Washington regarding defense-related topics,” according to US officials. The same is true with Russia so the situation is “getting potentially dangerous,” the officials warn.


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Russia has upped the ante by getting its ally Nicaragua to kick out the Jesuits and confiscate their assets.



Following this, the President of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, allowed Russian military bases and the deployment of cruise missiles in the “US backyard” country.



In order to get Russia’s attention, it appears MI6 killed Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin. Former UK intelligence officer Christopher Steele (of anti-Trump “Russian dossier” fame) claims his plane was blown up by a bomb inside a “wine crate.” The specific mention of a “wine crate,” makes it seem almost as if Steele was bragging about killing him. Since Steele’s “dossier,” was designed to help Hillary Clinton Rockefeller in her campaign against US President Donald Trump, you can guess the ultimate hand behind this murder. 



Our own MI6 sources hinted their agency was responsible and told the Russians as much in an attempt to restart negotiations over the Ukraine etc. This effort to use the assassination as a way to open a back channel failed, both Russian FSB and MI6 sources say. Instead the Russians are opening criminal investigations into the murder of Prigozhin.


The proposal by the US military to open negotiations with Russia in Malta this month (August) was also rebuffed by the Russians, MI6 sources say.


Another rejection of the West came last week when China vetoed participation by French President Emmanuel Macron in the BRICS summit in South Africa, according to CIA sources.


Russian and Asian Secret Society sources explain the current Western KM leadership has broken so many treaties and promises that negotiating with them is futile.


However, Western white hats have warned the Russians the KM is very strong in their Russia as well and are pushing for all-out nuclear war. In particular, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev is a KM agent pushing for WWIII and must be neutralized.



Photographs of him standing in front of Putin while displaying a satanic hand sign have been removed from the internet but, not from our memories.



In order to stop the plans for nuclear Armageddon, the white hats are working with their Russian counterparts to overthrow the KM and their Federal Reserve Board.


There are many signs this is happening. The most obvious sign is the extreme isolation the current Western leadership finds itself in. Right now they are outnumbered ten to one on the 195-nation global stage.


Evidence of this came when only 13 countries joined a G7 declaration on long-term security guarantees for Ukraine, according to Ukrainian President Andrey Yermak. These are: Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Sweden. Only one of those countries, Romania, has borders with the Ukraine,



What is interesting is that Poland was not included. The flag of Ukraine has disappeared from the logo of the Polish Press Agency, from the Parliament and the central Bank. They had all been displaying it until recently, according to Polish intelligence. The Poles say they plan to partition Ukraine with Russia and its other neighbors. 



Meanwhile, the European Union’s sanctions policy against Russia has turned into a laughing stock on the global stage, says Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto, warning that Europe is “destroying” itself in the name of supporting Ukraine.



By contrast, the BRICS summit held in South Africa last week added Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the UAE as full members. They will hold their first meeting on January 1, 2024.


“We already live in a post-American, post-Western world. A truly multipolar one, where the group of BRICS countries is larger than the group of G7 countries,” admits Western establishment “moderate” Geoffrey Sachs.


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With the addition of major oil exporting countries the BRICS 11 (as they are now tentatively called) control about 80% of the world’s oil market. This gives them the ability to replace the petrodollar with their own currency.


However, the BRICS meeting also revealed an interesting imbalance between China and the other BRICS nations. Chinese leader Xi Jinping is secretly pushing for Chinese domination while the rest of the BRICS want a multi-polar world, CIA sources say.


China has also been publicly and repeatedly pushing for all countries to obey the privately owned UN and follow its 2030 agenda.



However, the other BRICS countries want reform of the World Trade Organization, the BIS, the World Bank, the IMF and the UN etc. In particular, they want greater representation in the Security Council where China is the only non-European permanent representative, according to Russian and other sources.



The fact the BRICS failed to announce a highly anticipated gold-backed currency reflected this secret split with China. This is especially true of India and Russia who have been pushing hard for de-dollarization. The reason China vetoed this is because it has a secret relationship with the Federal Reserve Board over the US dollar.


The Chinese Communist Party has been offered control over the US dollar and even the US itself by the owners of the FRB, according to MI6 and Japanese imperial family sources. According to them, the US dollar is already an asset-backed BRICS currency controlled mainly by China and to a lesser extent Taiwan and Japan.


The KM have been offering China control of the dollar and the world in exchange for protection. The various bribes taken by Joe Biden from China were meant by the KM to show the Chinese they could even buy the US presidency, Asian Secret Society sources say.


Fired Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin confirms Joe and Hunter Biden DID take BRIBES – and were behind his ousting: ‘Isn’t that corruption alone?’ he says in the preview of a bombshell interview.


By the way, in more evidence, the entire Ukraine war is a massive bribery and money laundering scheme, Ukrainian dictator Vladimir Zelensky’s mother-in-law spent $4,800,000 on a villa next to one owned by Angelina Jolie El Gouna, Egypt.


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The evidence of Biden and others accepting bribes from China itself and financing bio-terrorism research in China is also overwhelming. They couldn’t have done that without high-level Chinese collusion.


In another sign of collusion, Xi Jinping has embraced the World Economic Forum’s totalitarian goals through a combination of a fake pandemic, social credit scores and central bank digital currency. “You can’t even buy food in China without a digital ID. This will 100% go to the EU and the US, in fact, the US gave China the technology, to do it. China was chosen as the testing ground. The mark of the beast is not a physical object, it is a system,” a Mossad source warns.


This has made Xi lots of enemies in China and elsewhere, Asian secret society sources say.


In a sign of this, Xi canceled his BRICS summit speech at the last minute and had it read out instead by Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao. Chinese intelligence sources explain they had received credible reports Xi would have been killed with an electromagnetic weapon if he had shown up to read the speech as scheduled. Another sign of intrigue was the detention of Xi’s bodyguard in South Africa just as Xi entered a public space.


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The fact the Japanese are “dumping radioactive Fukushima water” into the ocean and Xi is reacting angrily is also actually an anti-KM move. The water being dumped is not in fact radioactive, according to Japanese military intelligence. By getting rid of it, the Japanese are cutting off billions of dollars in payments to the KM. This is part of an ongoing campaign by the Japanese, Taiwanese and Koreans to kick the KM out of East Asia, the Japanese sources say.


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At a deeper level, the threats against Xi and the murder of the head of Wagner are just some of the many signs of KM desperation.


The biggest source of their desperation remains the ongoing collapse of the US.


This is now widely understood. For example, Colonel Douglas MacGregor discussed this with Tucker Carlson. Both are relative newcomers to the anti-KM movement (although they never explicitly mention the KM) but they, together with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and others have begun pointing the finger at the “oligarchs” who run the US.


RFK Jr. blows the whistle on BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street -which own each other as we know- outbidding individuals for homes all across America. All you need to do is figure out who owns them and you will find the Rockefellers and other KM “oligarchs.”


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“We are on the verge of a national come to Jesus moment, we want a say in what our government does and we really don’t have one. We are going to be pushed over the brink and into the abyss,” MacGregor warns.


The Colonel, who could turn out to be a strong Putin-like leader for a restored Republic of the United States, sums up some of the current problems facing Americans:


The Ukraine war has saddled every adult working American with about 240,000 dollars in debt [in addition to the $600,000 already owed by every man woman and child in the US].


The average American ears 31,000 dollars a year and spends about 16,600 dollars9 a year [in taxes]


The average American who works their whole life gets $1400 a month in social security if they are lucky. Illegal immigrants who arrive here are given $2200 per month.



As we mentioned in previous reports, the mortgage payments for the median American house is more than the entire salary of the median American.


These financial injustices are causing a breakdown of the social order in the US. Here are recent examples:


Macy’s Department stores suffered a $84 million loss in the second quarter due to credit card delinquencies.



Mobs continue to attack and loot high-end retailers across the country.



Rich people are dressing down and leaving their watches and jewelry at home as they are increasingly targeted by poorer Americans. In the past year $1.4 billion worth of high-end watches, for example, were stolen.



Anger is understandable since one out of three private renters has been forced to borrow money in the past month to pay rent in a country where CEOs earn 400 times more than full-time workers.


Even stores that cater to the average worker and lower-income people are under attack. In recent examples, Dick’s Sporting Goods and Dollar Tree both reported a big increase in shoplifting.




The so-called Biden administration tried to calm the masses with the biggest increase in food stamp spending in history. However, the result of this money printing for the poor has been a 15% spike in grocery store prices. 



They have also jacked up gasoline and other energy prices. As a result “Right now, truckers are taking rates 15 to 25 percent below their costs. That can’t last forever,” says John Stenderup, vice president of sales and marketing for Vektor Logistics.



The problems are so widespread that the entire financial system is about to collapse.


As the Goldbug King World News explains, the banking system is not ready to cope with this:


Effective March 15, 2020, the Federal Reserve reduced the reserve requirement for depository institutions, (banks), to ZERO. Having a zero-reserve requirement has allowed the overall money supply to hyper-balloon.



The collapse of the financial system is coinciding with a collapse in support of public institutions:


The U.S. Supreme Court: 27 percent


Banks: 26 percent


The public schools: 26 percent


The presidency: 26 percent


Large technology companies: 26 percent


Organized labor: 25 percent


Newspapers: 18 percent


The criminal justice system: 17 percent


Television news: 14 percent


Big business: 14 percent


Congress: 8 percent



The KM is aware of this impending collapse. In a sign this might come right after the September 30th US Corporate fiscal year-end, FEMA, in coordination with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), will conduct a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) this fall. Messages will be sent to all TVs, radios and cell phones.


There are also signs the KM is preparing to restart the pandemic and vaccine lockdown campaign this fall. The corresponding Corona variants have already been made available.



“There will consistently be new variants and we will consistently have new vaccines,” says Canada’s new Liberal Health Minister Mark Holland. His “advice” is that “people keep up” with booster vaccine routines, currently suggested as one mRNA jab approximately every six months.


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The KM is also still hoping to impose the final version of the WHO Pandemic Treaty by May 2024. This would make terrorist and war criminal Tedros Ghebreyesus of the WHO the absolute leader in international health policy. Tedros works for KM leaders like Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates. They want to use a global health emergency or “an imminent potential threat” to impose, for example, mandatory medication, mandatory vaccinations, mandatory test certificates, travel restrictions etc.


The fires being set all over the world make it likely that “climate change” is an alternative emergency they are pushing in case the new pandemic fails.


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This was certainly behind the recent attacks on Hawaii, the Canary Islands, Canada and elsewhere with satellite weapons and arson.


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The fact is though fire has burned lowest in the US in a decade Have you seen that reported anywhere? Yes, Canada burned much more (constantly reported), but the US, Europe, Africa, and Asia burned less In total, the world burned less



These fires are often a justification for a money grab. For example, FEMA officials are staying at $1,000-a-night luxury hotels in Maui amid recovery efforts, while the government is giving Hawaii residents whose lives just went up in flames a $700 “one-time” payment. 


There is evidence the fires in Canada are also part of some sort of money and resource grab. The forced evacuation of Northern Canadian towns near large diamond etc. mines (Yellowknife) may also be a KM resource grab.


As an example, the Shuswap BC Fires were INTENTIONALLY LIT By Canadian Authorities With PLANNED IGNITION!


This all means that if an emergency is declared this fall, it will be vital to make sure it is declared by the white hats and not the KM.


The widespread public disgust with the current KM leadership means any white-hat move will have broad public support.


In the latest example watch how people react to the fake Biden when he visits Maui and Lake Tahoe.


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Finally, if the white hats want legal justification for removing KM-controlled governments, note that not a single court in the Western world is willing to examine the COVID 19 “Crimes against Humanity” revealed by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich.


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When the government is taken over by criminals it is the duty of the military and police agencies to move in and restore order. The alternative will be either anarchy or totalitarian dictatorship.


This fall the white hats will be pushing hard to the KM. We ask readers to do the same.




Benjamin Fulford Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis 2023 August 21st


Russia will not negotiate peace with current US regime


Russia will not negotiate peace with current US regime

The US and Western authorities are trying to start peace negotiations with Russia over Ukraine and elsewhere. The Russians -for good reason- do not trust the current Western leadership. “The problem, however, is that the United States has no intention of ending the conflict,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov explains, noting that “their officially declared objective is to inflict a ‘strategic defeat’ on Russia.” 



Russian FSB sources and Asian Secret Society sources say that as much as they would like to reach a peace agreement with the West, centuries of broken promises and ignored treaties mean the current Western leadership is not trusted.


In a recent example, Western leaders like former German Chancellor Angela Merkel say they deliberately deceived Russia over the 2014 Minsk Agreement in order to buy time to build up the Ukrainian military. Their plan was/is to conquer Kazakhstan, re-establish the Khazarian empire and destroy Russia, multiple sources agree.


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The Russians know they are dealing with Satan-worshipping religious fanatics who can only be stopped, not reasoned with. In other words, the only solution they see to the ongoing crisis in Ukraine is regime change in the West.


The non-Western BRICS alliance leaders will be meeting this week in person for the first time in three years to discuss exactly such a change. Chinese President Xi Jinping will go to Johannesburg, South Africa to “join other BRICS leaders to discuss…the international community.”



However, the real agenda will be the “liberation” of Africa and France. The BRICS realize ending the theft of African resources by KM-controlled countries, in particular France, will lead to the overall collapse of Khazarian Mafia rule.


This was seen in an African Russia summit held in Moscow before the BRICS meeting where African leaders thanked Russia for liberating them from US, French and UK oppression by singing the Russian anthem and saying farewell to the West, Polish intelligence reports. It also comes as about 50 other countries have applied to join BRICS including Indonesia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Turkey etc.


Russia has also used their victory in the Ukraine war as a huge weapons marketing tool by staging an arms fair whose central theme was “the process of establishing a multipolar world order.” Last week over 800 representatives from 76 countries and 82 corporations attended this event. In a sign of just how good the Ukrainian war has been for the Russian arms industry, the number of visitors to their arms fair was almost three times higher than the previous such event. Furthermore, no Western countries were invited this time. “Today, all companies, all countries taking part in the exhibition take into account the experience of the latest development, including in the zone of the special military operation,” Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu told the visiting delegates.


As Tass reports: Russia is open to military and technical cooperation on equitable terms with all countries that are seeking to defend their sovereign interests, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Monday in remarks at the opening of the Army-2023 International Military-Technical Forum outside Moscow.




This is not just talk either. A serious military campaign is now unfolding in Africa and Asia that could decisively tip the scales against the current Western leadership.


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The crisis now unfolding in Niger is expected to be just the first in a series of planned events. “Niger is the base of many of the military and intelligence operations for the Pentagon” in Africa, says Abayomi Azikiwe, an editor at the Pan-African News Wire.


The overthrow of the pro-Western regime there is a potentially mortal blow to France since Niger is the source of most of the Uranium France needs to keep its nuclear power generators going.



In what is likely a related move, the French army general appointed by Emmanuel Macron to oversee the reconstruction of the fire-ravaged Notre Dame Cathedral has apparently been thrown off a cliff. Mountain gendarmes discovered the body of Jean-Louis Georgelin, 74, the former chief of the defense staff after he failed to return to a mountain refuge on Friday.



French sources say the removal of this general is part of a move to oust the entire regime of KM stooge Emanuelle Macron, certainly, Macron showed his upset with the death of his general by tweeting “With the death of General Jean-Louis Georgelin, the nation has lost one of its great soldiers, France one of its great servants.”



The Macron regime is even more threatened because the new government in Niger is putting a stop to a planned project to send natural gas by pipeline to France and the EU from Nigeria via Niger.


A hike in French energy prices caused by the lack of uranium, gas and other resources from Africa is bad news not only for the KM slave Macron, but for his KM masters elsewhere.


US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, war criminal and KM honcho Victoria Nuland rushed to Niger to try to persuade, bribe and threaten the new leadership. The threats included a cut off of “financial assistance,” a blockade and military intervention.


However, seeing what Nuland and her partners in crime have done elsewhere, she was sent packing after only being allowed to talk to junior officials.


“Niger is not attracted by the fate of Ukraine, formerly the most successful Soviet republic, and now a beggar with a destroyed economy and an eternal outstretched hand,” according to an FSB source.



The fall of Niger means that France is losing control over a $500 billion per year “colonial tax” it gets from 14 African “former French colonies.” This process allows France to appropriate around 85 percent of the former colonies’ annual income.


When counties like Guinea tried to become truly independent of France, the departing French took all their property with them. They also destroyed anything which could not be moved: schools, nurseries, public administration buildings, cars, books, medicine, research institute instruments and tractors. In addition horses, cows and other farm animals were killed and food in warehouses was burned or poisoned. That is why other French colonies caved into continued French rule.


This time though, Russians and Chinese as well as the rest of the BRICS are all working together to liberate Africa.


In other words, if the French or even the Pentagon try to move against the new government in Niger, they will be facing Russian and possibly Chinese troops.


The Chinese, by the way, appear to have all sorts of new secret weapons they will be able to deploy in any possible war. For example, this video shows Chinese workers using laser guns to trim trees. This is technology that not long ago was considered science fiction. If gardeners are now openly using this technology, imagine what’s hidden from us?


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Not only that, new anti-KM military/economic campaigns are about to start or have already started in Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Syria, the former Yugoslavia, Argentina and elsewhere.


The situation in Korea is the one most likely to cause serious trouble for the current KM-controlled Western power structure.


Speaking at the above-mentioned Russian arms fest, North Korean Defense Minister Kang Sun Nam said “Now, the question is not in whether a nuclear war on the Korean Peninsula breaks out or not, the question is how, when and who unleashes it.”


North Korean government sources say now that they have “over 100,” nuclear weapons of various sorts, they are going to issue an ultimatum to the US to liberate South Korea or face the destruction of New York, Washington DC and Silicon Valley. The Koreans are ready to abandon major population centers and move into nuclear shelters in preparation for a nuclear showdown with the US, the sources say.


This ultimatum is the real reason why fake White House national security spokesman John Kirby says “We are willing to sit down and negotiate [with North Korea] without preconditions,”



The North Koreans are demanding the reunification of the Korean peninsula with supreme leader Kim Jong Un becoming an Emperor-style symbolic ruler.


The push by North Korea to “liberate the South” is being coordinated with planned moves in Japan and Taiwan, Asian Secret Society sources say. One Japanese underworld source says a military coup in Japan and an electoral coup in Taiwan is more likely than actual war breaking out with China, Other sources predicted a “night of long knives” to eliminate KM lackeys in these countries.


The moves in East Asia, Africa and elsewhere will take place around the same times as a Russian offensive to retake the entire Black Sea Coast and move as far as Serbia, Russian FSB sources say.


The military push is being coordinated with more systematic exposure of Western crimes in Ukraine. For example, Western propaganda media failed to mention that Russian soldiers last week discovered a mass grave with the remains of raped and tortured women in a forest near the former positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Polish intelligence reports.


The Polish sources also say Polish gangster Piotr Kapuściński, wanted in Poland for fraud, is a high commander of the international legion in Ukraine.


“He is responsible for numerous abuses, and his orders are described by soldiers as suicide missions. Soldiers from the International Territorial Defense Legion of Ukraine say they have been reporting abuses by their commanders to Ukrainian law enforcement for a long time. Their written testimonies even reached the parliament and the desk of President Volodymyr Zelensky. However, the text shows that the soldiers saw no reaction from the authorities, so they turned to journalists as a last resort,” they say.


The Russians have already provided the UN with over 2000 pages of evidence of bio-terror and other war crimes. As Indian news sources report: Russia has made public allegations suggesting that Big Pharma and certain individuals within the US Deep State orchestrated the Covid-19 pandemic with the intention of global domination. They have named figures like Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and George Soros as co-conspirators.



By presenting evidence of KM war crimes to the BRICS nations, Russia is getting international backing for a new military campaign in Syria and the Middle East against Pentagon forces deployed in the region, CIA sources say.


So, in other words, the KM-controlled West will be facing simultaneous military pushes in Africa, East Asia, Europe, the Middle East and possibly Latin America.


These military pushes are being coordinated with economic warfare intended to bankrupt the KM.


A big move on this front is taking place with the creation of the Moscow World Standard (MWS), as an alternative to the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA), which Russia says systematically manipulates the precious metals markets to drive prices down.


According to the Russian Ministry of Finance, this new independent international structure is needed to “normalize the functioning of the precious metals sector” and its creation is “critical”. “The basis of the new structure will be a new international broker specializing in precious metals based in Moscow.


Russia is proposing to create a market for gold, platinum, etc. to be regulated by countries that control the resources of these metals. It would be, in short, a revolution. Based on this new market, it intends to continue a system of bilateral trade in national currencies, which specifically excludes dollars, euros and sterling. 



This could be enough to tip the already teetering Western-dominated financial system over the edge. Last week, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned that 52 countries had no way to reduce their debt burden and were approaching default. “This is more than a systemic risk – it’s a systemic failure,” Guterres said last Wednesday.



In yet another related and revolutionary move, Argentina’s leading presidential candidate Javier Milei – a self-described anarcho-capitalist – pledged to close the nation’s central bank. He calls it “one of the greatest thefts in the history of mankind.”

在另一个相关的革命性举措中,阿根廷主要总统候选人哈维尔·米利 —— 一位自称无政府资本主义者 —— 承诺关闭阿根廷中央银行。他把阿根廷中央银行称之为“人类历史上最大的盗窃案之一。”


If Milei takes power in October -as opinion polls suggest- he is likely to shut down KM attempts to create –and seek shelter in- an independent state in Southern Argentina.


They need shelter because the flood of news about the KMs crimes means it is only a matter of time before lynch mobs go after them.


In the latest example, the CIA was running an organization called “The Finders” that kidnapped children from daycares, locked them in cages on a farm in Virginia, subjected them to satanic ritual abuse, had them participate in orgies, blood rituals, and the sacrifice of other children, and then sold them as sex slaves overseas.


The FBI discovered this during an investigation. What did they do? Covered it up. 



In another example, Oprah Winfrey allegedly trafficked children 11 times from her school in Arica to Epstein’s Island, on her private jet.


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A sign the KM leadership is panicking and under attack, in what appears to be an MSNBC interview with Rachel Maddow, “Killary Clinton Rockefeller. Take note that this is a masked Killary. You can see the seam in her neck. Plus she is a lot younger,” a Mossad source comments.


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This comes as a hurricane called “Hilary” hits Southern California. You don’t need to be a weather expert to know that hurricanes never hit California.


A CIA weather warfare expert says “Hilary” was at “category 4 in the beginning as it came North but due to the cooler current it became weaker.


It is now a tropical storm. No worries about a hurricane.”


Nonetheless, he expects major flooding in southern California, the Sierras and Nevada. “It hasn’t flooded in the summer like this for nearly 100 years. Now there are many urban areas, that that were not in this area 100 years ago, that will be seriously affected,” he says. He thinks it will be a major disaster from the severe flooding. 


Speaking about weather warfare, there is mounting evidence Northern and Western Canada, the Canary Islands and elsewhere are being attacked with space-based weapons just like Maui was. For example, evacuees from Northern Canada are reporting their cars were melting as they tried to escape. Any normal fire hot enough to melt metal would have killed nearby humans long before the cars began to melt but, it all makes sense if we think of it as a Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) attack. Speaking about DEW, do you think these labels on Mountain Dew are just a coincidence?


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In the case of Maui, it looks like the KM are not even trying to hide their crimes there.


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For example, a book about the fires was published while Lahaina was being torched with a DEW laser. MSM propaganda is trying to claim the book was written by an AI but even then, veteran publishers say it would be impossible to write, print, publish and distribute a book in such a short time. 


Fire and Fury in Maui Hawaii


In other words, the attack on Hawaii was clearly planned in advance.


《还在等待这张照片的真实性,但这可以解释为什么最近发生了这么多火灾》   Video Player 00:00











Many people have also noted none of the billionaires’ properties near the fire were harmed.


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  Lady GaGa在毛伊岛拥有一座豪宅;毫发无伤







Brazil’s KM slave president Lula appears to have exposed the KM’s true motivations when he says we need a “new global governance” to enforce “climate change action” and make sure that “everyone” complies.


Khazariam mafia EU “founding father” Richard Coudenhove Kalergi revealed what people are supposed to “comply” with many years ago when he said “We intend to turn Europe and North America into a mixed mongrel race of Asians and Negros ruled over by Jews”






Benjamin Fulford Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis 2023 August 14th


The White Dragon Society plan for the planet.


The White Dragon Society plan for the planet.

The ancient ruling bloodlines of the planet are trying to negotiate a surrender with the White Dragon Society and their white hat allies. The main obstacle to replacing the current dystopian regime ruling the West is now the question of what alternative is going to replace it.


For this reason, the WDS is presenting a set of proposals. These are not meant to be a definitive conclusion but rather a starting point for constructive debate about how we as a species are to navigate into the future.


Before we do this, though, let us confirm the current system is going to collapse. Thomas Jefferson was prophetic when he said:


If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered…. I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies…. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.


He was right. If a privately owned central bank creates $1 trillion out of thin air and then distributes it to its cronies, it will be in effect stealing that trillion from the American people. By one calculation “$450 trillion in income was siphoned away from US workers between 1975 and 2018: Due largely to the effects of inflation, a massive and invisible decline in real wages was experienced by US workers in the form of forgone income that went unnoticed by most US families.”



This works out to $1.46 million stolen from every man, woman and child in the United States. If you start with 1972, when the US dollar was taken off the gold standard, update that to 2023 and use real inflation data it works out to more than $2 million per person.


Now though, the banksters have killed the goose that laid the golden egg. They cannot steal anymore from the American People.


Here is the math: The US median income is $31,000 while the median home price is $437,000 so, at the current mortgage interest rate of 7.12% the monthly mortgage payment would be $2,942. That means the annual payment would be $35,304. In other words, if the average American did not pay for food, utilities or anything else, they still could not afford to buy a home. This means the system is broken beyond repair.


The FRB criminals use various statistical lies to try to cover this up. For example, they will say per capita GDP is $70,000. However, that number hides income inequality by dividing total income by total population. For example, if Bill Gates walks into a cafeteria and starts buying everything, the per capita income of the people there shoots up even though they will not be able to buy any food. The median income is the level at which half the people are above and half below and so reflects reality.


This is why the WDS is proposing to start by returning the $2 million or so that was stolen from each person. The propagandists of the FRB will scream “That will lead to hyperinflation!” However, not with the WDS proposal because the money will be given back to the people in the form of real things. For starters, everybody will be given ownership of their current place of residence and all debts, public and private, will be written off. In other words, a jubilee will be declared.


The WDS also calls for returning control of the process of creating and distributing money to the elected representatives of the people. This means government money could be used to pay any previous landlords who relied on rental income to live.


Canada, from 1938 until 1972, was also able to pay for World War II expenses, public health insurance, education, public works like the TransCanada highway etc. all without debts or taxation simply by using government money. There was no inflation either because the money was backed by gold and silver.


This is the sort of system that needs to be put back into place at least for North America.


On a world-wide level, something similar also needs to be done. In other words, an international write-off of all debt and a redistribution of assets is needed. This is obviously going to have to be tailored to meet the needs of individual countries and regions and will require a lot of careful planning.


The other thing the WDS is proposing is replacing the World Bank, the UN, the WEF, the BIS, the IMF etc. with new institutions.


This writer originally came to Japan in 1980 to study their economic and social system. At the time, Japan had just gone through decades of double-digit economic growth. They had the highest per capita GDP in the world. The gap between the rich and the poor was the lowest of any developed country. They also had the world’s lowest crime rate and rivers in downtown Tokyo were filled with fish at a time when pollution had killed all living creatures in other cities around the world.


The economic system they used was one they copied from Nazi Germany and then improved upon.


We all know about the nasty Nazi habit of genocide and the horrific medical experiments etc. they carried out. What they do not teach us is how good their economic management was. They were pioneers in making sure everyone had a Volkswagen, paid holidays, health insurance etc. They also built the wonderful German highway system. Again, by using government money; all without taxes or debt. However, they did use gold that was borrowed from Asian royals for this purpose and for setting up the BIS, UN etc. This in effect, handed over long-term control to Asian royal families. This is a problem that is now leading to an Asian take-over of the world as these royals demand the return of their gold. 


The Japanese system was similar and, unlike the German system, did not rely on borrowed Asian royal gold. Let us look at how it worked. The Bank of Japan would start the process by sending its’ officials all over the country. They would check prices at supermarkets and other stores, ask small, medium and big businesses about their spending plans etc. They would use that data to come up with an amount of money that could be created without causing inflation.


The next step was taken by an organization known as the Economic Planning Agency. This group was headed by a committee of politicians, businessmen, bureaucrats etc. They would decide where they wanted the country to be in five years. For example, in one plan they decided to hook up all the houses in the nation to sewer systems over the coming 5 years and proceeded to do just that.


This was not communist central planning though, because the actual work was put out to the private sector through competitive bids. Private companies were also free to pursue their own plans regardless of the central 5-year plan. For example, the bureaucrats originally discouraged automobile companies but that did not stop the likes of Honda and Toyota from going ahead anyway.


In any case, Communist China studied this system and copied it. They added their own twists. So, for example, promotions are decided by having bureaucrats vote for anyone except themselves who they think deserves to be promoted. The result is they are growing their economy so quickly they have left the West eating their dust. The longer they are allowed to outgrow the West, the stronger they will become and the less they will have to listen to us.


That is why the West needs to create a similar -but hopefully better- system to prevent China from taking over the world.


The other thing that needs to be pointed out here is that copying the economic planning system of places like Singapore does not mean copying the totalitarian control grids these places use. In Singapore chewing gum is illegal and they execute people for marijuana possession: none of us want to imitate aspects like that.


In any case, as a result of backroom negotiations between the WDS and other groups, the British Commonwealth, the Pentagon and the Russians are among those who support the setting up of various complementary international future planning organizations to replace the failing IMF, BIS, World Bank etc. system. 


As mentioned at the top, the details will need to be worked out to make sure the new structures work for the people and are staffed by the people in a transparent, democratic and meritocratic way.


The final obstacle that needs to be worked out before the new, improved systems can be set up is to get the current ruling bloodlines to step aside and hand over control of their central banks.


The bloodline families are asking, as a condition for a hand over, that a jubilee also apply to crimes and criminal behavior. They admit they have been torturing and murdering children on an industrial scale. They know many mass graves will be uncovered. The excuse they give is that “this has been going on for thousands of years.” The other excuse they make is that they were born into this system and had no choice but to go along or else be killed themselves.


The WDS has supported a South African-style truth and reconciliation process in the past. However, there are so many people in the military and the agencies -not to mention the families of the countless victims- who are not feeling very forgiving.


The only compromise the WDS can think of is that when the Khazarian Mafia are forced to hand over power, the people they hand power to will support truth and reconciliation. However, what happens after that is another question. An example to study is Argentina. The government that took over after the military government stepped aside, kept its promise and did not prosecute any generals. However, future governments did and the generals ended up in jail.


In any case, we sincerely hope that a peaceful transition can be arranged either late this year or early next. The alternative will be chaos, poverty and bloodshed as the current system heads for its mathematically certain collapse.


Finally this week, we are going to share the following information sent to us by the Secret Space Program people to share with our summer audience:


The Secret Space Program people say we live in a multiverse. In their view, there are an infinite amount of realities. Some are so similar that the only difference is the color of the shirt you are wearing. Others are so different that even the basic laws of physics as we know them do not apply.


These self-described real-life men in black say they deal with travelers who move freely between similar realities. The main faction we are dealing with claims they are from a civilization that broke away from our own around the time of World War II. This group, known to many as the space Nazis, developed anti-gravity and colonized many of the nearby planets. They claim to have reached as far as the fifth dimension before being stopped at the sixth dimension and sent back to this earth.


Here is an abbreviated version of what one of their representatives has to say:


Of course, the UFO story is distorted, manipulated, diluted and weaponized! The author of the “confusion” is Satan and the Satanists who ruled the Earth, so no, we will NOT get a clear truth. We will have thousands of small pieces scattered around the puzzle, with many pieces completely missing….Fear is the main ingredient in all stories… A report ‘confirming’ the existence of giant aliens has been declassified by the FBI …All official accounts speak only of military-type gear, grays or reptilians, etc. They never talk about beings of light, healers, divine interventions or miracle workers…As above, as below – there are elements present that are far more advanced than anything the Earthlings have here. The gap between what humans have and what exists is like the difference between an ant and a human being. Many observe the Earthlings like an anthill….Old Technology – Reverse Engineering…Many “alien crash sites” have been staged – with fake and real craftsmanship. All this to misinform the public. A few “real ships” were used as crash sites to allow certain groups of humans to salvage the ships – for reverse engineering purposes…Some extraterrestrial species weren’t allowed to donate technology or make deals with Earthlings due to their free will – so crash sites were “staged” with real starships.


The SSP people also sent us the following visuals for summer use:


These are from declassified files from Russia. And The “ cleaned” western versions of Admiral Richard Byrd’s expedition to Antarctica, known as Operation High Jump or Task Force 68. The battle with the Extraterrestrials actually happened. These were not German Nazis. Admiral Byrd’s group was warned not to come back again with weapons of destruction. 


ANTARCTICA – Op. Highjump – Russian and Western versions


A synopsis of the Russian version and the Western version of “Operation High Jump” All original takes.


The truth about Operation High Jump,


performed by Admiral Bird in 1947 in Antarctica.


Based on the “cleaned” archives of the US Navy and the Russian government’s declassified archives. This is Russian speaking with French subtitles.




As usual with these tales, while they are fascinating, they still do not actually affect our real, daily lives in any way that I can detect. We ask these Secret Space Program people to please come out of hiding and share their technology with us. Otherwise, we will have to keep dismissing them as interesting stories combined with videos of flying objects that remain elusive in the here and now world. They say they will come out of the closet when our Satanic leadership is overthrown. That will happen when the nexus around Lake Geneva is overthrown. Perhaps then we shall finally see.


This marks the end of Ben’s pre-written report, the following information is recent news updates from Windlander.


Here are some updates, starting with the latest on the Lahaina DEW Hit….  It is so obvious.


The fire damage in Hawaii leaves open the question of whether the fire was caused by a Direct Energy Weapon (DEW)




(Were they used to start the Lahaina fires, yes)


They are spilling the beans. Interesting that this comes out now. Sure feels like a WH Alliance release.


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“I made 10 times more than a Barbie movie”


Republicans placed ads with Zelensky in New York.


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This is interesting for sure :


WEF bioethicist wants to genetically modify humans so they become allergic to meat.


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Then this happened


Bill Gates Funded Research Into Genetically Engineered Cattle Ticks—Now 450,000 Americans Have Red Meat Allergies From ‘Alpha-Gal Syndrome’ Caused by Tick Bites As alpha-gal syndrome (AGS), a tick-borne disease that triggers an allergic reaction to red meat, sees a steep rise in cases, eyebrows are being raised over a coincidental alignment with research funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation……


In June 2023, after Oxitec reported high efficacy in its tick experimentation, the Gates Foundation provided an additional $4.8 million in funding.


However, the intertwining of Gates’s interests and this rise in AGS cases is drawing scrutiny. Gates holds stakes in pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer Inc. that produce antibiotics such as doxycycline, commonly used to treat tick-borne illnesses like Lyme disease. Moreover, in 2017, his foundation granted over $1 million to Ceres Nanosciences, a diagnostics company specializing in Lyme disease detection.

然而,盖茨家族的利益和“阿尔法-加尔综合征”病例的增加交织在一起,正在引起人们的关注。盖茨家族持有辉瑞股份有限公司等制药公司的股份,这些公司生产多西环素等抗生素,通常用于治疗莱姆病等痒传播疾病。此外,2017年,他的基金会向专门从事莱姆病检测的诊断公司Ceres Nanosciences捐赠了100多万美元。

In the food industry, Gates has significant investments in plant-based and lab-grown meat companies. He has backed companies such as Upside Foods, Good Meat, Beyond Meat, and Impossible Foods, some of which which have been approved by the U.S. Department of Agriculture for the production and sale of meat substitute products.

在食品行业,盖茨家族对植物和实验室培育的肉类公司进行了大量投资。他曾支持Upside Foods、Good Meat、Beyond Meat和Impossible Foods等公司,其中一些公司已被美国农业部批准生产和销售肉类替代产品。


Brazil’s leftist president Lula says we need a “new global governance” to enforce “climate change action” and make sure that “everyone” complies.


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Benjamin Fulford Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis 2023 August 7th


The Hidden History Taught by Secret Societies


The Hidden History Taught by Secret Societies

As a reporter, my job is to get information first-hand directly from sources whenever possible. What I did not realize is that first-hand reporting on secret societies takes you to places and mysteries that do not fit into our current scientific framework.


That does not mean they are not real. Thomas Jefferson, when told of a theory about meteorites coming from space, once famously said “I would rather believe that two gentleman scholars from Harvard would tell a lie than that rocks would fall from the sky.”


So with that in mind this week let us look at some of the very otherworldly experiences I have had in dealing with the top levels of world power and the various secret groupings found there.


The first esoteric contact I had came from studying under a Shipibo Shaman in the Amazon. The Shipibo would use the drug Ayahuasca to communicate with the spirits of the Amazon. As I participated in these ceremonies, inside the hollow trunk of a giant tree deep in the virgin rainforest, the impression I got was that the Amazon itself was sentient. The trees were all part of a worldwide psychic network that connected all the plants and could observe the minds of the various animals. The Amazon rainforest itself seemed to be a sentient being. The spirit of the Amazon told me it was under attack and that I needed to head to Asia to get help. That is one of the reasons I went to Asia. Now, 40 years later, this venture is bearing fruit as Asian secret societies have agreed to help the planet. 


The connection with the Asian secret societies (which I have written about extensively previously) led to the Pentagon contacting me via their “men who stare at goats,” psychic warfare division. The person they sent was Paul Laine. At the time I met him, his cover was that he worked for the Oracle Corporation owned by tech billionaire Larry Ellison. Laine provided information about fantastic inventions from the past that had since been suppressed. One example was all the telegraph cables you see in the old Western movies. They were powered by electricity harvested from the ground. This technology is now lost to us.


Another and more esoteric suppressed ancient technology was the harvesting of a mysterious form of moon energy People known as lunatics were often especially sensitive to this form of energy. It is supposed to open windows to alternative realities and long-distance viewing of places and events in this reality. It was this remote viewing capability the Pentagon was interested in.


Among the many things I learned from this group was that NASA stood for Not A Space Agency. It turns out NASA is just a giant movie studio stealing vast amounts of taxpayer money to create the illusion we are exploring space.


The Pentagon pointed out that all manned space exploration had mysteriously stopped in the 1970s and that someone, or something, was preventing us from leaving this planet. That appears to be why all of Elon Musk’s spaceships on missions to Mars get blown up when they try to leave the planet. The conclusion they have reached is that our planet is under some form of quarantine.


The Pentagon people also said their research indicated advanced civilization was destroyed at least twice on this planet. They claim they have seen evidence atomic weapons were used in these events. For example, there is very convincing evidence of a devastating nuclear war in ancient India, including radioactive skeletons, molten glass, etc. This seems to be an event at the date of 26,000 years ago whose survivors created many of the secret societies existing today. For background please read the information at the following link.



Also, there is evidence of a mysterious genetic bottleneck indicating humanity was nearly wiped out 74,000 years ago supposedly “by a massive volcano.”



Then there is clear evidence that the sea level was 122 meters lower during the last ice age about 14,000 years ago.



Not only that, data from ice cores indicate this ice age ended extremely abruptly 11,600 years ago. This caused a sudden rise in sea levels around the world that put entire continents and coastal plains under water.



This is why cultures around the world have legends and memories of a giant flood. For example, in Asia, there is plenty of talk of the lost continent of Lemuria. What we know of as the various Island countries of East Asia like Indonesia and the Philippines were part of a large land mass that got flooded at the end of the ice age.


The point I wish to make though, is that I was told about these events by very powerful secret societies that control much of our civilization to this day. In particular, the Gnostic Illuminati and the Black Sun groups hold such beliefs. They both claim to be founded by survivors of pre-flood civilizations.


Let us start with the Gnostic Illuminati version of history. They say their group was founded by the mathematician Pythagoras who lived from 570 to 490 B.C. Pythagoras taught his disciples:


(1) that at its deepest level, the reality is mathematical in nature,

(1) 在最深层次上,现实本质上就是数学,

(2) that philosophy can be used for spiritual purification,

(2) 哲学可以用于精神净化,

(3) that the soul can rise to union with the divine,

(3) 灵魂可以与神圣的源头结合,

(4) that certain symbols have a mystical significance, and

(4) 某些符号具有神秘的意义

(5) that all brothers of the order should observe strict loyalty and secrecy.

(5) 骑士团的所有兄弟都应该遵守严格的忠诚和秘密。

However, the Gnostic Illuminati I ran into say Pythagoras -who was trained by Egyptian Priests and Babylonian Maggi- was the heir to a much older pre-flood body of knowledge. For example, according to them, the Mediterranean Sea was a giant river valley that was suddenly flooded and became an ocean.


The survivors of this massive destruction came to the conclusion the entity that caused this flood was evil and had to be overthrown. To this end, they recruit 3000 geniuses of each generation to carry on their traditions and their dedication to overthrowing the creator. They are opposed to bloodline rule because the bloodline rulers claim a divine right to rule through this “evil god” of theirs.


So why does this matter today? Well, the Gnostic Illuminati claim to have started the American, French and Russian revolutions. More the point, they claim they are now undertaking the first-ever world revolution.


The signal to start their now unfolding world revolution was 911. Their Grand Master Sasha Zaric aka Alexander Romanov said former world Chess Champion Bobby Fischer planned this event to overthrow the secret rulers of the planet. Fischer’s idea was to convince the bloodline rulers to go along with a plot that would backfire and expose their existence. This is why they deliberately sabotaged the 911 show by doing things like deliberately placing a BBC reporter in front of Building 7 and having her report it collapsed before it actually did.


Their plot appears to be succeeding because it was the truth about 911 that woke many people –including myself- to the existence of some secret group that was manipulating history by staging horrific events. The gnostic Illuminati also warned me in advance of the Fukushima tsunami and nuclear mass murder attack of March 11, 2011. They did not know all the details but did warn that a nuclear device had been smuggled into Japan for this purpose and even told the authorities where this device could be found. The Japanese authorities who tried to stop this attack were removed from power by the Federal Reserve Board. The FRB itself is controlled by the Octagon group in Switzerland. It is headed by people who claim descent from the Egyptian Pharaohs.


This brings me to another secret society, the three-legged crow. As reported last week, they say they are from the lost Israeli tribe of Ephraim. They are linked to the Japanese imperial family who also say they are descended from Egyptian pharaohs.


They sent Kaoru Nakamaru, a cousin of Emperor Hirohito, to warn me of the existence of a secret evil group running the planet. She was the first person to provide me with convincing evidence that 911 was an inside job. So in effect, one of the most ancient bloodline ruling families pointed me towards 911 as evidence of evil, while the perpetrators of 911 claimed they did it to overthrow evil being perpetrated by ancient bloodlines.


It turns out that this was not a simple story of bloodline versus meritocracy because the ancient bloodlines and the meritocratic groups were divided into two huge factions. To make a long story short, I found myself stuck between two ancient groups who have been fighting each other literally for thousands of years. They each described the other as evil and needing to be overthrown.


My involvement with these groups led to yet another group involved in this ancient esoteric battle, the Black Sun worshipers. The first person they sent was Leo Zagami who claimed also claimed he was Illuminati. However, this group, unlike Romanov’s, was linked to ancient Roman bloodlines of the Caesars.


The story they told was they were descended from an advanced civilization that was destroyed 26,000 years ago. They claim to be heirs to scientific knowledge from this civilization that allows them to contact demons, djins, angels and other entities that we now refer to as extra-terrestrials.


Again, this is relevant because they claim to control both the Vatican and the Italian mafia. They proved it by telling me they were going to fire Pope Benedict XVI and Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi of Italy and then doing just that.


When I went to Italy to visit them, he introduced me to Vincenzo Mazzara, a Cavalier of the Teutonic Knights, as his highest contact. Mazzara claimed to belong to the Black Sun group. He told me his group took orders that were sent to them via gamma rays from the Black Sun, an ancient alien who resides at the center of the galaxy.


Yes, I know this is weird stuff but the same Mazzara was caught with a gun and a sophisticated lock-picking device near the house of a senior Bank of International Settlements (BIS) banker who was working with the Asian secret societies. It was also these people who took credit for the March 11, 2011, Tsunami and Nuclear attack against Japan (known in Japan as 311).


Immediately after the 311 attack on Japan, the Island of La Palma in the South Atlantic was hit by hundreds of earthquakes. There is a crack running through the center of that island and geologists say it is only a matter of time before an earthquake sends half the island into the ocean, causing a 100-meter tsunami to hit Southern Europe and the US East Coast. This series of earthquakes combined with threats to retaliate for 311 with a tsunami counterattack stopped Black Sun’s plans to cause Mt. Fuji to erupt and led to a fragile truce between the battling secret societies that continues to this day.


It also led to yet another mysterious group popping out of the woodwork: the dragon family. Again, as a reporter, I will write about what I learned from first-hand contact with this group, not what others have written. My meeting with the dragon family was set up by the head of MI6. He arranged the meeting via a descendant of Puyi, the famous “last emperor.” I was told, “If you want to talk to China, this is as high as it gets.”


The dragon family envoy said his group was also in contact with extra-terrestrial entities. Their message was that if humans did not get their act together and achieve world peace, the planet would be put under an extremely strict dictatorial regime. They say that when they asked their alien contacts why they cared about such a tiny speck of a planet like Earth they were told: “You had better really, really know what you are doing if you want to mess with the planet Earth. Your galaxies are like are like molecules in a teacup to the entities that watch over it. They care about this tiny speck because they think it is their home of origin.”


Again, the reason why all this weird talk matters is because the forensic trail following the financial system and world power to its ultimate source leads to these groups. The main rival to the FRB in the ongoing global financial war is this mysterious dragon family. It is the dragon family that controls most of the world’s gold and precious metals. They trace their own history back 6000 years to maritime trading networks of Asia. This means they are relatively young compared to Western secret societies which claim to go back 26,000 years or more. Nonetheless, they seem to be winning the battle for control of the world’s financial system because they are focused on real here-and-now physical and economic reality. They cut off the FRB’s gold supply in the early 1970s and are now cutting off their supply of oil, minerals and other physical commodities so it is only a matter of time before they finish them off.


To be sure I have only barely scratched the surface on this topic but the conclusion I have reached from direct contact with these and other secret societies is that they all value the planet Earth and do not want to see it destroyed. That is why they have all agreed to stop the Khazarian Mafia’s plan to yet again subject this planet and humanity to a near-death experience by unleashing Armageddon. The KM work against the life force. The other secret societies have agreed to increase the amount and variety of life. They have all pledged to never again let humanity go through a near-death experience. Hopefully, this will lead to world peace soon.  


Note to readers: The following two weekly reports will cover non-time-sensitive but important topics so that your correspondent may take his annual sabbatical in the Canadian wilderness.


This marks the end of Ben’s pre-written report, the following information is recent news updates from Windlander.


In a sign that Japan is liberated from the oppositions control, we are now seeing Japanese street billboards displaying:


“Stop War – Stop Zelenskyy”


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The KM may be looking for another lockdown excuse.


They are constantly probing the public to see what will trigger the most fear, in order to push another Plandemic.


We all know they are drooling over locking us down again.


Never again


Lastly we have some updates regarding president Trump.


President Trump promises to rid America of migrants in the country illegally:


“We will use all necessary state, local, federal, and military resources to carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history.”


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Watch former assistant to President Trump, Sebastian Gorka define who the Deep State is and how Trump is the only one who can destroy it.


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Senator Tommy Tuberville on fire:


“Democrats are after our country. I’ve been in DC for 2 years & I’ve never been so embarrassed. It’s Americans vs anti-Americans. They like living here but they don’t like America. They want this country to burn. We’re not going to let it happen.”


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Benjamin Fulford Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis 2023 July 31st


First hand experiences with various secret societies that control the world: updated


First hand experiences with various secret societies that control the world: updated

Since many readers are new to this report, it would be a good thing to discuss how your correspondent became directly involved with secret societies that control the planet.* We need to take another look at these groups because no real change is possible unless we identify them and deal with them. The various secret societies are forms of group minds that act collectively and use secrecy to disguise their influence and control. They also tend to be ancient with roots often going back thousands of years. They are intimately linked to many of the world’s major religions and oldest societies.


My involvement started because, as a journalist, I had been exposing a group that was systematically murdering Japanese politicians, industrialists, and government officials. The forensic investigative trail led to David Rockefeller Sr. and members of the Rothschild family. By exposing these people in a way that could be used against them in a court of law, I opened a Pandora’s box.


The first secret group to contact me was sent by Rockefeller bagman Henry Kissinger via former Japanese Finance Minister Heizo Takenaka. The envoy they sent, a self-described assassin, said he represented “the elders of Zion.” He told me (and I have this on tape) they needed to kill 90% of the world’s population through disease and starvation in order to “save the environment.” His group offered me great wealth and the position of Finance Minister of Japan if I agreed to go along with their genocidal plans. They also told me I would be killed if I continued exposing them. This is the group I now refer to as the Khazarian mafia. Their ring-leaders are known as the Swiss-based Octagon group and include the Rothschild and Rockefeller families as well as the various royal families of Europe.


The second secret group to contact me was the Red and Blue. They claim to have originated in the warring states period of China around 400 BC. In their latest incarnation, they fought to overthrow the Manchu Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty. They claimed to have over 6 million members (a lot more now) including “100,000 assassins.” They said their society could only be used for the greater good and not for personal benefit. I chose to join them in a battle against the Khazarians. This is what I reported about them at the time:


They told me their society could only be used for the greater good and not for personal benefit. Their book of rules reads like a book of ethics filled with instructions to do things like help the weak, fight injustice, help your comrades etc.”


“They approached me and asked if they could help after I made a speech in Tokyo describing the Bush regimes‘ use of race-specific biological weapons. For me, it was like a ghost from the history books appearing right in front of me. At first, I thought of silly things like having them play 911 truth videos in Chinatowns around the world. However, then I remembered the scene from the movie Kill Bill where Uma Thurman snatches out her opponent’s eye. I soon realized these people could save the world by directly attacking the eye at the top of the pyramid on the one-dollar bill.” So, I handed them a list of 10,000 people associated with the Illuminati, mainly members of the BilderbergCFR and Skull and Bones.


By threatening these people at the time, this group was able to successfully stop a genocide planned for 2012.


The third group to contact me was the US military-industrial complex. They sent Paul Laine, a former member of the Pentagon’s psychic warfare unit. He also claimed to be with the CIA. Laine provided me with lots of esoteric information. He pointed out the US space program had been stopped dead in its tracks by some unknown force. He also provided evidence this planet had been nearly destroyed before. This group agreed with the Red and Blue goal of preventing World War 3 because all the Pentagon war games showed that such a war would destroy 90% of humanity and leave the Northern Hemisphere of the planet unfit for human habitation.


Also belonging to the third group are people who identify themselves as the Secret Space Program. The main point of contact with them is a relative of Admiral Richard Byrd of Antarctic Exploration fame. 



They claim to have already colonized many nearby solar systems and say they have returned to Earth to help what they call “the surface population.” He promises I will be able visit and report on SSP facilities at the Thule Airbase in Greenland and in Antarctica. So far this has not happened but I keep hoping it will happen soon.


The fourth group to contact me was “the family,” often referred to as the Rothschilds. This group is the European royal bloodline and includes the Saxe Gotha family, the Rothschilds, the Hapsburgs and other European royal bloodlines “moderate factions”. This is the group behind the so-called “global warming” campaign. This campaign, while based on fraud, was presented by them as a way of saving the environment without genocide. Scottish Rite Freemasonry reports ultimately to this group. They also control the committee of 300. Queen Elizabeth II was the leader of this group until she was recently murdered. We started a correspondence via handwritten letters and then switched to secure digital communications via MI6. The new head is still in contact with us and we can confirm it is not King Charles.


Their former representative -Dr. Michael Van de Meer AKA Meiring- referred to the people behind the planned genocide as the “Jews.” Further research revealed it was the Satan (Ba’al, Molech, Set etc.) worshipping non-Jewish leadership of the Jews, historically known as the Hyksos, who were the problem. To avoid confusion with the Jews I began referring to them as the Khazarian Mafia. This is now common knowledge but it was not when this research started. 


The Jews, by the way, have their own secret society. The story they tell is that when the Jews were defeated by Babylon, all the male heirs to King David were killed. The secret police who protected King David decided to preserve his bloodline by protecting his female descendants. Since King Solomon married a Pharoah’s daughter, it also means they protected pharaonic descendants. This is where the Jewish thing about you can only be Jewish if your mother is Jewish comes from. Over the years, they intermarried into various royal and aristocratic families of the world. They advertise their descent from David by using the lion of Judah as their symbol.


This is the bigger “family” the Rothschilds would like to be kings of. It may well be that many of the true Jews are descended from David or it may just be a cultural tradition. It would be a good subject for research using modern genetic technology.


The fifth group to contact me was the Gnostic Illuminati. Their representative, self-described Illuminati Grandmaster Alexander Romanov (aka Richard Sorge, Sasha Zaric, Gordon Moore etc.), said this group was behind the Russian, French and American revolutions. They are opposed to the bloodline rule. This group also warned me in advance of the planned 311 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan. Romanov claimed he has been recruited by former chess champion Bobby Fischer. It was Romanov who first mentioned Isis long before it appeared in the news. Romanov is now believed to be heading anti-KM operations in Australia.


The sixth group to make contact was the P2 Freemason Lodge who sent Leo Zagami to visit me in Japan. This group also calls themselves Illuminati and claims to control the Vatican and the Mafia. Their leaders claim to be the descendants of the Roman Caesars. When I visited the P2 Lodge in Italy I was introduced to generals, journalists, politicians, etc. The highest-ranking P2 member I met was Vincenzo Mazzara, a Cavalier of the Teutonic Knights. This group worships the Black Sun and claims they were behind communism and other big political movements. They displayed their power by removing Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and Pope Benedict (maledict) XVI from office. They now call themselves the P3 Freemasons and claim to have split with Zagami. Zagami is in self-imposed exile in Palm Springs, California to avoid being arrested in Italy. The P3 leadership now says that because they are all in their 80’s they are handing control over to Elon Musk.


The seventh group I ran into was the Dragon family. I was inducted into this group after meeting their representative in Singapore. The Rothschild representative said that “If you want to talk to China, this is as high as it goes,” when they arranged the introduction. This group claims to be composed of various Asian royal bloodlines. This includes the Tang (Li), Song (Son/Sun), Ming (Zhou) and Manchu (Yi) dynastic bloodlines. They also claim to have ET backers. They have legitimate historical claims to most of the world’s gold.


The eighth group that approached me was the Black Dragon Society. Although several groups claim this title, at present Chodoin Daikaku, head of the world’s Japanese martial arts societies (Karate, Ninjutsu, Aikido etc.) with over 50 million practitioners around the world, seems to represent them best.


The Rise and Spread of Japan’s Black Dragon Secret Society



A ninth powerful group that made contact was the Hong Men, with 55 million members, mostly located in China and in Asian communities around the world. Chinese President Xi Jinping is a member of this group. It can be seen as a sort of combination between a chamber of commerce and a gangster group. This sort of thing, by the way, is true of Western secret societies, too, because wielding big money and big power requires protection. The Hongmen are closely linked to, but not the same as, the Chinese Communist Party. Their hierarchy is based on meritocracy and not bloodlines. The Chinese communist party youth league or the meritocratic part of the Chinese government can be seen as a Hongmen stronghold. Their agent in Japan, Mr. K, is a major conduit I have for contact with the Chinese authorities.


According to the mythological origins reported by the affiliate Kelvin Bechkam Chow, the sect originated during the reign of Emperor Kangxi (1654-1722). Other studies report the 60s of the eighteenth century as the most likely period.



A tenth group to contact me is the Yatagarasu or three-legged crow secret society. This group says they founded the Shinto religion after a three-legged crow led them to Japan in ancient times. The members of Yatagarasu claim to be descended from the ancient lost Israeli tribe of Ephraim as well as from members of the priestly tribe of Levi. They claim they can recite their ancestry back over a hundred generations to the biblical Jacob in Egypt. It is interesting in this context to note Shinto is very similar to ancient Egyptian religion featuring worship of the sun god and the annual parading of shrines. The Japanese imperial family is intimately connected to his group and members of this family also claim to be descended from the Pharaohs of Egypt. The mysterious Octagon group in Switzerland also claims ancient Egyptian origins. However, the Yatagarasu say they split from the Octagon people 3000 years ago.


“[Yatagarasu] is seen as a messenger of the gods. Why three legs? Kumano’s priests confessed that no one really knows, but told us they may represent the three ancient clans that dominated Kumano’s history. Or perhaps the three main virtues of the gods: chi (wisdom), jin (benevolence) and yuu (valor). Then again, the three legs may stand for heaven, earth and mankind. [As in the Taoist triad]


Why is the crow, often seen as an evil omen, Kumano’s symbol and protector? Legend points to the crow’s skill as a navigator, always able to find the way in unknown lands. Yatagarasu was said to have guided an emperor who had lost his way to the place. A sign at the shrine notes that the Japanese soccer association has adopted the crow as its mascot to make sure the ball finds its way into the goal. Helping those who are lost to find a path is the essence.”



There are many other groups that also made contact including:


The French Grande Lodge De L’Orient Freemasons


The Inagawa Ninkyo (yakuza) group


The Sumiyoshi Ninkyo group


The Yamaguchi Gumi Ninkyo group,


The Assassins (Persia)


The Nigerian mob


The Moghul Dynasty of India,


The Indonesian Royal Family,


The Thai Royal Family


British MI5 and MI6 intelligence


The Rosicrucians (BIS/Red Cross)


The Sokka Gakkai Buddhist group


Etc. etc.


When the Red and Blue asked me to find benevolent Western secret societies, the above are some of what I encountered. An informal network containing members of all the above groups has now been formed and is called the White Dragon Society.


Like the Red and Blue, the WDS can only be used for the greater good and not for personal benefit. So far the WDS and its allies have stopped all KM attempts at igniting World War 3, creating pandemics and causing widespread starvation.


However, it has been 16 years since the WDS began to do battle and the recent KM plandemic, mass vaccination program and war in Ukraine makes it clear we still have not defeated them. What we have found out is that the KM control grid was far more extensive and powerful than we imagined.


This does not mean they are not on the ropes though. When this battle started, there was literally only one sentence in the entire internet about the Rothschilds. The phrase Khazarian Mafia did not yet exist. Now the existence of a secret inbred elite in charge of the financial system is common knowledge. The KM required secrecy to stay in power and they have lost that entirely.


The rise of the BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization means the KM control grid is now down to the US, Canada and Western Europe. This means they only control 11% of the world’s population and 27% of GDP. Their big 2020 plandemic and vaccine push failed in its aim to kill a large percentage of the worlds’ population. They face lawsuits, mass demonstrations and systematic attacks on their power in the countries they still control.


Their so-called leaders like US “President Joe Biden,” Canadian Crime Minister Justin Castrudeau, French President Emmanuelle Macron, and German President Olaf Scholz cannot appear in public without immediately being attacked by a mob.


The bottom line of all of these “secret” societies is that, unlike open societies, they require secrecy from the majority of the people in order to be able to wield their power effectively. Now that they are being exposed, their ability to manipulate us is ending. This is especially true of the West. That is why the phrase “the truth shall set you free,” is so important in these troubled times. For this reason we will continue providing truth to our readers until we really are free.


Note to readers: The following three weekly reports will cover non-time-sensitive but important topics so that your correspondent may take his annual sabbatical in the Canadian wilderness


* A lot of this information is an updated version of an article written in the summer of 2015.


This marks the end of Ben’s pre-written report, the following information is recent news updates from Windlander.


We begin with this statement from the UN chief claiming “the era of global warming has ended, the era of global boiling has arrived Unelected globalist and Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, dials the Climate Scam fear mongering up to 11:


“It is a disaster, and for scientists, it is unequivocal: humans are to blame… Climate change is here, it is terrifying, and it is just the beginning. The era of global warming has ended, the era of global boiling as arrived.”


“It is still possible to limit global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius, and avoid the very worst of climate change, but only with dramatic, immediate climate action.”


And by “dramatic, immediate climate action”, he means surrendering national sovereignty, representative democracy, economic prosperity and individual freedom to unelected globalist bodies like the UN and WEF.


Video Player



We are also bringing you the latest on avatar Senator Mitch McConnell glitch…. They have him propped up again for an explanation as to why he “spaced out” and went blank.


Video Player



JPMorgan Chase in an attempt to get ahead of the curve, too little too late we might add, filed this suspicious activity report on Hunter Biden, suggesting his potential involvement in “human trafficking.”


Lastly we will leave you with an update on the Russia-U.S tensions and an update from Putin:


PUTIN: We do not want a military clash with America in Syria, but we are ready for any scenario.


Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that although Moscow does not seek a direct confrontation with the US-led NATO military alliance, it is ready for “any scenario” involving Washington’s provocations in Syria.


“We are always ready for any scenario, but no one wants this, and on the initiative of the American side we once created a special mechanism to prevent these conflicts,” Putin told reporters in St. Petersburg on Saturday, when asked about US provocations in the Arab country.


He added that Washington and Moscow are in direct communication with each other and have the opportunity to consult on any potential crisis.


“This shows that no one wants clashes,” the Russian leader reiterated.


Since early 2023, the Russian military has reported a total of 23 dangerous incidents involving Russian aircraft and those of the US-led coalition.


Rear Admiral Oleg Gurinov, the head of the Russian military’s Reconciliation Center for Syria, said on Thursday that most such incidents took place in July.


Gurinov added that the Russian pilots recorded 11 cases where they were targeted with Western aircraft-targeting systems, which led to the automatic engagement of onboard defense systems.


Also, the Russian Defense Ministry said the US drones have violated flight safety in Syria 340 times since the beginning of the year.



Remember the famous statement:


Their childhood was stolen from them?


This marks the end of this week’s real-time updates, thank you for reading and we will see you next week!


CN — 采访对象 Larry Romanoff: “宣传、媒体和阴谋的行动”。




Interview with Larry Romanoff


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Edited by Elvia Politi for Saker Italia

Elvia PolitiSaker Italy编辑


上海的藍月亮檔案館 拉里·羅曼諾夫(Larry Romanoff)的相關文章


We present the interview we had the honor of doing with one of the world’s leading experts on “propaganda.” Larry Romanoff has been dealing for years with the topic of manipulation and consensus management as a tool of governments (and those who maneuver these governments) towards public opinion. That is, toward each of us. Through his lucid analysis and simple evidence of “facts,” he not only reveals some of the most recent cases but also teaches us how to recognize propaganda campaigns. And how to fight them.



In the interview:


– What is propaganda and what is its purpose


– The Covid case and the two World Wars

-新冠肺炎案和两次世界大战- Reality and fiction, the conspiracy theory


– How propaganda has changed, how and where it applies now


– Geopolitical propaganda


– Avoiding brainwashing



Elvia Politi (E.P.)A very timely and urgent topic, propaganda is a phenomenon that everyone understands but is difficult to codify. Larry, can you explain to us what propaganda is and what its purpose is?

Elvia Politi (E.P.)宣传是一个非常及时和紧迫的话题,是一个人人都能理解但难以编纂的现象。拉里,你能向我们解释一下什么是宣传,它的目的是什么吗?


LARRY ROMANOFF (L.R.) — A simple definition of propaganda is that it is the dissemination of information used to influence public opinion to adopt a certain point of view or to promote a particular political cause. It is generally a method of population control by those who have political or financial power. Propaganda is almost always associated with information of a biased or misleading nature, consisting of a mixture of facts, half-truths, and outright lies. Propaganda is not only psychological manipulation but actually “psychiatric” manipulation, directed to affecting the emotions of people and through this to control their thinking and behavior. It employs behavioral theory extracted mostly from the teachings of Sigmund Freud and, in its worst form, it is always insidiously manipulative, using the deepest fears or longings of people to create acceptance of a particular point of view, to become emotionally charged about that point of view, and to lead to action of some kind.



The two primary uses of propaganda have been to inflame a nation’s public to support a war, and to engineer and promote social changes.



Propaganda avoids facts because it is designed to evoke emotional responses in support of some purpose and thus it actively discourages rational examination of the process. Propaganda deals in insinuations. In almost every propaganda campaign, if the facts, the actual underlying thesis, were openly stated, they would be rejected outright and subject only to ridicule.



An important aspect of propaganda is the tenacious emotional hold it exercises on us. Because this contrived psychological process taps into our deepest fears and longings, we are astonishingly reluctant to let go of it after it takes hold. Once we adopt the premises contained in a propaganda campaign, we strongly resist any pressure to reverse our position. The psychological process is so powerful that even when presented with irrefutable evidence to the contrary, we will still doubt and hesitate and believe there may be some other explanation. We simply refuse to accept that we have believed lies.



(E.P.) —We often see in your articles a tight relationship between “psychic” and “in vivo” tests. We may think Covid pandemic belongs to this category too, and maybe it is not the first case. An interesting point is the link between mass manipulation (psychological level) and a real, tangible action, such as the spread of a virus and vaccines. That is something affecting, not only the cognitive level, but also the physical level…



(L.R.) — Yes, most propaganda is intended to produce an emotional response followed by concrete action. This was the intent of the City of London’s “anger campaign” against Germany prior to WWI and WW2; using what we call “atrocity porn” to inflame the emotions of the British, then Europeans and Americans, to not only hate Germans but to become sufficiently angry to want a war. COVID was the same, as was ZIKA: propaganda of many varieties all meant to raise emotions sufficiently to guide the public to become eager to be vaccinated in the case of COVID, and to force Latin governments to reverse their prohibitions on free abortion in the case of ZIKA.



However, it also works in reverse. Both Bernays and Huntington[1] claimed that for democracy to work properly it required a great degree of “apathy and non-involvement” by the people, so in this case the propaganda was designed to encourage disinterest and a lack of participation in “the democratic process”. The public emotions were (and still are) geared entirely to participation in the election process but to then revert to the desired non-involvement in the actual government of the country and the behavior and actions of the elected representatives.



(E.P.) — Can we think that excessive use of propaganda techniques can make them overstep their bounds? I am thinking of when, for example, when information campaigns cross the line from factual reality, despite obvious economic / political / military failures. Is there then a moment when propaganda moves from reality to fiction?

(E.P.) — 我们能认为过度使用宣传技巧会使他们越界吗?例如,我想到的是,尽管在经济/政治/军事方面存在明显的失败,但信息宣传活动何时偏离了现实。有没有一个时刻,宣传从现实转向虚构?


(L.R.) — Propaganda always is a shift from fact to fiction. It is based on falsities or half-truths, feeding us misinformation in a psychological context to not only lead us to an incorrect conclusion but to inflame our emotions about the event or circumstance and to provoke us to support inappropriate actions.



One obvious example today is the propaganda about China “militarising the South China Seas”. China discovered those islands (very close to home) thousands of years ago, and they were always recognised by the world as belonging to China. But, in the interests of starting a war, the gnomes in The City of London, using the Americans as their tools, encouraged other Asian nations to suddenly claim and occupy the most strategic of these islands and to militarise them in preparation for the US to install nuclear weapons on them. The Chinese, of course, not being blind to what was happening, immediately began construction on some of the remaining islands so as to have some defense against what was clearly a serious military provocation. But the media, being owned by the propagandists, give us none of the critical detail or background. We are simply told that China is creating military installations in the South China Seas (true), apparently threatening all its neighbors without provocation (false). The story is told in a way to inflame an emotional reaction, and a harsh judgment, and lead us to support aggressive actions against China. The stories about Russia, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria, Venezuela are precisely the same, based on lies and half-truths in a way that literally forces us to an emotional response in support of the actions the propagandists have already planned.



• (E.P.) — Very often, when we talk about facts, truth and lies, we think of so-called conspiracy theories. What is the fine line between truth/analysis and conspiracy theory?

(E.P.) — 很多时候,当我们谈论事实、真相和谎言时,我们会想到所谓的阴谋论。真相/分析和阴谋论之间的界限是什么?


(L.R.) — There may be no such line. In the real world, virtually all public commentary is either critical or interrogative and would qualify as “analysis in search of truth”. The actual number of people who imagine conspiracies where none exist, would be vanishingly small and can be ignored, their imaginative versions usually being both obvious and foolish. Suspicions of lying or malfeasance by our governments and authorities are perfectly valid when they deprive us of all the necessary facts – which they usually do.



The term “conspiracy theory” has been transformed into a derogatory adjective that is surprisingly damaging to the reputations of those to whom the label is applied, suggesting mental instability and various psychological deformities that cause persons to concoct a version of events that is purely fantasy. The term today is used by authorities and the media to denigrate anyone who rejects the official explanation of an event, effectively dismissing such a person as childishly insane with ideas worthy only of ridicule. This is so true that even highly-qualified doctors, scientists, engineers who challenge any part of an official story are dismissed in this fashion. The use of this adjective is itself a vicious form of propaganda intended to damage or even destroy a person’s reputation, so much so that the threat of being so labeled prevents a great many conscientious persons from speaking out.



But in reality, the rejection of “official” explanations or narratives is justified by the obvious fact that governments, authorities, and the media today appear to increasingly lie about almost everything, or at least provide only half-truths and attempt to mislead. The very existence of these conspiracy theories and the accompanying rejection of the official narrative is a direct result of a deep lack of trust in our governments, authorities, corporate and religious leaders, and the media. Societies have become increasingly cynical, and with good reason. Many of these past suspicions (“conspiracy theories”) “have eventually proven to have been true, though usually only after many decades have passed and all participants deceased.



In practice, anyone challenging a propaganda campaign by revealing the crucial hidden details of an event, is derided unanimously by governments and the media as a deranged “conspiracy theorist”. And the general public, who have no immediate access to the truth and the detail, will also tend to dismiss these individuals, and the truth most often remains hidden.



(E.P.) — If we apply a historical and temporal criterion to propaganda, we can analyze its evolution from the past to the present. What is its present stage?

(E.P.) — 如果我们将历史和时间标准应用于宣传,我们可以分析其从过去到现在的演变。它现在的阶段是什么?


(L.R.) — Propaganda probably began more or less innocently with governments wanting to encourage patriotism and loyalty, and to avoid popular discontent by publishing messages styled as “See how well we are doing” or “See how good we are”. This is still done today by all governments, although the intent is generally buried in various news events and opinion articles in the media. However, as knowledge of the fundamentals of human psychological manipulation increased, the uses of propaganda increased with understanding of the techniques, and generally turned to more nefarious ends. We have always been taught in the West that the old USSR was the worst example in history of such unsavory practices but, in facts easily provable, it was the Western countries that perfected the practice and utilised it to extremes.



One of the first and most extensive uses of propaganda related to the creation and dissemination of the concept of a democracy being the pinnacle of all forms of government, so much so that the theory of electoral democracy has been transformed into a religion so holy that it is now by nature unquestionable. Yet the very creation of this form of government was invented by the European Jews as a way of removing omnipotent monarchs and dividing nations for the purpose of fragmenting political power. This was done primarily for the purpose of putting an end to their frequent expulsions from most nations, as well as providing the framework for control of that power from behind the scenes. I covered this in one Chapter of an E-book on Democracy, which can be accessed here.[2]



Following this grand success, propaganda was for many decades used primarily to conduct hate campaigns against some unfavored nation, to rally the people in support of a war. Having proven the efficacy of the principles of propaganda, in other words the effectiveness of mass manipulation of “the public mind”, the theory and practice of what we now call propaganda was extended to virtually every aspect of daily life. It became a prominent feature of education, business, advertising, and widely recognised as the principal tool for effecting desired social changes. Unfortunately, it is now increasingly apparent that these social changes are “desirable” only by those who want to implement them, the uninformed public being truly the “bewildered herd” who are manipulated and herded into any direction chosen by the masters of propaganda.



The advertising agencies today utilise precisely the same tactics to make us buy, whether outrageously expensive LV bags or disposable diapers. One example from advertising and product marketing is that of Proctor and Gamble (P&G) in their determination to market disposable diapers in China. P&G were Bernays’ first corporate client in the early 1900s and have mastered the art of manipulative propaganda to an outstanding degree. The problem was that Chinese mothers preferred cloth diapers and strongly resisted the disposable plastic substitutes. P&G hired teams of psychologists and psychiatrists to overcome this reluctance. They did so by discovering that a mothers’ deepest fears were for the future success of her child, then contrived a scheme where they proved by “studies” that a child wearing disposable diapers would have a longer and more comfortable sleep than with cloth diapers, leading to higher intelligence and greater success. This is obviously ridiculous and, if stated openly, would be met only with derision.



But the clever manipulations of propaganda do not state the premises openly. The advertising merely awakens the fears at a deep emotional level, and provides insinuations and hints as to the solution, leaving the mothers to connect the dots and conclude that P&G’s disposable diapers are the key to her child’s success. It worked beautifully; the company having engineered a large social change in Chinese society using the same propaganda techniques that have been used to start wars.



(E.P.) — Looking internally at how propaganda is structured, we understand that it is a complex mix of many disciplines, techniques, and levels of actions/tools. Since no one is going to put the label “propaganda” on an advertisement or news broadcast, how can we recognize a propaganda campaign? What are the most commonly used tools today?



(L.R.) — I prepared two series of articles on Propaganda, the first outlining the discovery and uses to which propaganda was put, Bernays and Propaganda,[3] and the second on Propaganda and The Media.[4] These are available online for interested readers so I won’t dwell on them here.



It is not difficult to recognise when a planned propaganda campaign is being inflicted on us. All such initiatives require a literal flood of coverage in the mass media – which is the primary tool for influencing the public mind. With the COVID virus, for example, no illness anywhere, not even a pandemic, requires that the public be inundated 24/7 with doomsday news from all forms of media. A propaganda campaign on the other hand, does require this. Whenever we see media coverage that appears unnecessarily frequent, we know we are being subjected to a propaganda campaign.



But it is perhaps not so important to understand the mechanisms and techniques of propaganda as it is to be aware of the areas where intense planned propaganda was used in the past and is being used today.



Propaganda is still used primarily to start wars and to effect social changes, neither of which the world’s public would want if they were given a clear choice. To accomplish this, the message must be repeated hundreds of times until all the world’s public are infected with the message. No other “news” or “events” fall into this category. Thus, a “flood” of negative media exposure against any race or nation is so necessary as war preparation that by definition it is an orchestrated propaganda campaign designed to inflame our emotions against that race or nation.



Consider the case of Kamila Valieva, the 15-year-old Russian figure-skater who apparently failed a chemical test. In every Olympics, there are perhaps 50 individuals who fail a test for one reason or another. These are scarcely if ever even mentioned in the media, but Kamila’s test (and only Kamila’s test) was a daily feature in all the world’s media for months. There was never any proof that this little star failed a test, but the event was created as a vicious campaign to denigrate Russia, destroying the brilliant career of a child in the process. I covered this in an extensive article, if readers are interested.[5] Yet it was a non-event; many Americans, Europeans, Asians, also failed drug tests in the same Olympics. Why weren’t they mentioned? Because the gnomes in The City of London saw an opportunity for a spectacular propaganda victory over Russia. No other reason.



I mentioned above the islands in the South China Seas, and there have been many more such media events involving Russia, China, Iraq, Iran, and other countries. We have read about the Chinese firms Huawei, Tik-Tok, and many others, interminably in the news. All these have had the same purpose: to inflame emotions, evoke harsh judgments against a nation, and prepare populations emotionally to support a war that the propagandists want. And, just as with COVID, when our media are flooded 24/7 with these topics, we know we are being subjected to war propaganda, one hate at a time.



Any frequent media coverage involving any kind of social change is an almost certain identifier of a propaganda campaign. Social changes, by nature and definition, are evolutions that occur naturally and spontaneously without engineering, and they occur so slowly as to seldom if ever attract more than occasional attention. But consider today the media onslaughts about the benefits of GM food, of climate change, of the re-gendering and sexualisation of children, of the sudden barrage of media coverage for LGBTQ+ “sexual preferences”, of the recent flood of media praise for same-sex marriages, of the constant push for (very) foreign immigration, especially in Europe. All of these are vast social changes, none occurring naturally or spontaneously, and all subject to the necessary “flood” of media coverage, the repetition of the message hundreds of times, all including the psychological tools to trigger the required emotional responses and the appropriate action (or at least non-action and compliance).



(E.P.)Broadening the view, can we talk about “geopolitical” propaganda? In your writings, you have focused on propaganda in the United States, which is probably the “best in class.” While the U.S. was practicing propaganda, what was happening in Europe and around the world? Are there other countries that followed the same experience?



(L.R.) — Yes, of course. Today, all foreign affairs are propaganda adventures. We have the “hate campaigns” against Russia, China, Iran, and Venezuela. We have been propagandised to accept and believe that so-called “sanctions”, which are outrageously in contradiction of all law and morality, are now part of the high moral ground, and that the seizures of the foreign exchange and gold of the governments of Russia and Venezuela are justified by law and morality. We also have the seizures of assets and properties of individual Russians, again supposedly justified by some inherent evil in their being Russian. And once again, if the underlying premises were openly stated, they would be rejected outright as being illegal and criminal, totally lawless behavior. But the premises are not openly stated and we are given no facts, left to connect the dots ourselves and conclude that all Russians “deserve” this.



It is not possible to separate the US and Europe in terms of propaganda, since it all stems from a single source in the City of London, and all the world’s media, especially in the Western countries, are owned by the same small group of people who are simply following instructions. The US appears more prominent because it is the largest economy with by far the largest military and State Department, and because the US excels in promoting itself as the greatest country and the world’s policeman. But everything of consequence that occurs in the US and Europe is coordinated, all reading from the same script. Countries like Russia and China are mostly irrelevant to all this. Any “propaganda” they employ is intended for domestic audiences only, and hardly qualifies as propaganda because they are gravely under attack and are merely defending themselves. It is entirely the West, the US and Europe, that conduct worldwide propaganda campaigns.



One of the main features of propaganda today is the almost total information control that exists in the West. A group of like-minded people adhering to the same agenda can propagandise most of the Western population without anyone being aware that anything unusual is occurring. The mainstream media in all Western countries, being almost entirely Jewish-owned or controlled, will echo these sentiments, this misinformation reaching a very wide Western audience. And Google, being an egg from the same nest, will then create an algorithm that will select only these articles and documents while suppressing all contrary information in the searches. The result is that anyone wanting to research this topic will obtain only the propaganda. To assist in this, the Western social media like Facebook and Twitter will delete, suppress, or ban altogether the truth of events as “misinformation”. And no one will realise that this is happening.



The same is true for all important current affairs. It is being done today with the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, including the destruction of the Nordstream pipeline. It was done in the same way with all the facts on COVID while burying the detrimental effects of the mRNA spike injections that are promoted as “vaccines”. It is being done today in many other areas, perhaps the most notable being the sudden thrust for LGBTQ+ and the emphasis on gender selection beginning in kindergarten, and another frightening topic is the silent adoption by all Western nations of assisted suicide. In these matters, parents are being removed from the information loop, with schools and teachers suddenly having the legal right to encourage gender changes in children without notifying the parents, and children as young as 10 years old now having the legal right to request as assisted suicide with the parents prohibited from interfering.



The same is being done to prepare Western populations for World War Three, with the incessant hate campaigns being conducted against Russia, China and Iran, the entire Western media being flooded with deliberately-fabricated false and hateful “news” about these countries. It was done exactly and precisely in the same way to condition people for the first two World Wars. The template being followed is identical, and will almost certainly once again produce the desired result.



Another category is the World Economic Forum (WEF), with its promoted mantra of “you will have nothing, and you will be happy”. All these and more are clandestine propaganda campaigns in effect today, concocted by a small group of people in The City of London and promulgated throughout the world by the power of the media.



Propaganda has become a kind of art form, honed to precision from long practice and experience by its perpetrators, and is used to engineer vast social changes as well as military conflicts. It is most important for us to recognise that none of these issues are “accidental” in any sense, nor do they represent natural social development or evolution. Instead, they have all been carefully planned and are being just as carefully executed.



The world’s problems with propaganda today are not so simple as our governments lying to us. In the past, propaganda was primarily supported by what we called “moral suasion”, using high-minded precepts as psychological manipulation to pressure the public to accept the tenets being proposed. The situation has changed. The enhanced use of propaganda today is associated with a frightening increase in a clearly fascist “police-state” mentality in Western governments, their power used as the “enforcer” of the propaganda being imposed on their own populations. European countries have had many such experiences, notably of astonishing police brutality against the citizenry. Many propaganda campaigns in effect today are subject to an alarming measure of this enforcement. With the LGTBQ+ initiative, parents are threatened with legal action if they resist government efforts to “re-gender” their children.



In the COVID vaccination campaigns, people were threatened with loss of employment, withdrawal of social services, even the freezing of their bank accounts, as enforcement pressure. Doctors had their medical licenses revoked for daring to question the official COVID narrative. In Canada, during an anti-vaccination protest by a group of truckers, the government enacted a law permitting police to seize and sell the trucks (value $200,000 each) to “help pay the costs” of the protest. All protestors who could be identified, had their bank accounts frozen, leaving them with no access to cash or credit. Funds that were raised by the general public to help support the protestors, were seized by the government.



All this is in support of the propaganda, to make resistance too painful to bear. Governments have dramatically adjusted their tactics, no longer appearing concerned with public acceptance of or belief in the propaganda, but in enforcing compliance with the desired behavior, increasingly resorting to force to ensure this compliance, and increasingly doing so openly and without hesitation.



The mass media have always been an integral part of any propaganda campaign, proof in itself that the media owners are acting in concert with the propagandists, which is by definition a “conspiracy”. Media tactics have also been adjusted, with what appears to be an increased forcefulness in their eagerness to condemn any public refutation of the propaganda tenets or desired actions. The combination of government edicts, draconian laws, police and other violence, and the intense media pressure, create a virtually omnipotent force and resistance appears futile.



(E.P.)So, having clear how and where propaganda moves, can you give us your tips for “surviving” the propaganda itself and the major changes in our lives that it is advocating?



(L.R.) — First, we must recognise that any news topic, even a severe disaster like Japan’s Fukushima reactor meltdown, appears in the news for only a few days before giving way to other more current events. Whenever a topic appears in the mass media frequently and for an extended period, that is prima facie evidence of a propaganda campaign being leveled against us. Understand this.



Next, ask yourself if you agree with what the propaganda is proposing or the direction in which it is pushing you. Do you really think it’s necessary to have public parades (which include your Prime Minister) to “celebrate” incest, sodomy, bestiality, sex with small children, as social “preferences”? Does your country have parades to “celebrate” heterosexual activity? Do you agree that teachers should be able to re-gender children without their parents’ knowledge? Do you really believe GM food is safe? Do you really have a reason to hate Russians and Chinese so much that you want to kill them all? Do you really want your country full of foreigners who don’t share your culture, your beliefs, or your values? Do you really want to have nothing and be happy?



Inform your government and the media that you recognise what they are doing and that you refuse to accept their direction. Street protests can be put down with police violence, but no one can put down a vast public that refuses to be brainwashed.




Mr. Romanoff’s writing  has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chapt. 2 — Dealing with Demons).


His full archive can be seen at


https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/ + https://www.moonofshanghai.com/

He can be contacted at:







[1] Democracy, the Most Dangerous Religion

[1] 民主,最危险的宗教


[2] Democracy, the Most Dangerous Religion

[2] 民主,最危险的宗教


[3] Bernays and Propaganda

[3] 伯纳斯与宣传


[4] Propaganda and The Media

[4] 宣传与媒体


[5] Kamila Valieva – The World’s Ice Angel

[5] 卡米拉·瓦利耶娃世界冰天使



This document may contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not been specifically authorised by the copyright owner. This content is being made available under the Fair Use doctrine, and is for educational and information purposes only. There is no commercial use of this content.



版权所有 © Larry RomanoffMoon of ShanghaiBlue Moon of Shanghai, 2023




Benjamin Fulford Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis 2023 July 24th


Ukraine peace deal reached between NATO and Russia


Ukraine peace deal reached between NATO and Russia

An agreement to end the Ukrainian war was reached in principle last week following high-level negotiations between British MI6 Intelligence and the Russian FSB. The details will be negotiated over the coming months sources in both agencies confirm.


The basic outline of the agreement is as follows:


Russia will get the entire Ukrainian Black Sea coast.


The city of Odesa will become a demilitarized free trade zone to allow Ukrainian trade to proceed smoothly.


The country of Abkhazia will be internationally recognized and be turned into a free trade zone. 


The war criminals in Ukraine, including Vladimir Zelinsky, will be removed from power and face justice.


A fully modernized 300,000-man NATO army will be established in Germany. It will be strong enough to deter Russian invasion but too weak to threaten Russia. It will also keep the military-industrial complex in business until a swords-to-plowshares transition can be managed.


Also, a Polish/Lithuanian confederacy may take over the non-Russian parts of Ukraine. Russian President Vladimir Putin himself says “Plans may be in the works to use an intended Polish-Lithuanian-Ukrainian joint military unit as an occupation force in western Ukrainian territories, and any Polish forces entering Lviv are certain to remain there,”



He also says that if the Ukrainians “want to relinquish or sell off something in order to pay their bosses, as traitors usually do, that’s their business. We will not interfere.” In other words, the Russians seem to be OK with this as long as “they leave Belarus alone.”



Of course, there are hotheads in both Russia and the West who are not satisfied with this arrangement.


Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko says he is “starting to get tense with the Wagner group because they want to march on Warsaw”.



The Khazarian mafia propaganda rag the New York Times for its part, is still clinging to the illusion that a thoroughly defeated Ukraine can still somehow win this war “if only they get more weapons and money.


This is delusional as Putin notes:


“…the whole world sees that the vaunted Western, supposedly invulnerable, military equipment is on fire, and is often even inferior to some of the Soviet-made weapons in terms of its tactical and technical characteristics [and] the West does not have the production capacities quickly replenish the consumption of reserves of equipment and ammunition.”


In addition “People in Ukraine are asking a legitimate question more often: for what, for the sake of whose selfish interests, are their relatives and friends dying.”


This is why cooler heads prevail. The alternative is all-out nuclear war which is something only the KM wants.


Diplomats are expected to start working on the details of the peace agreement in Malta during the month of August, MI6 sources say.


They sent us a press release by the Anglo-Saxon military group known as the Patriots International Alliance. It calls for an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine “to prevent a potential nuclear conflict.” It also recognizes the atrocities committed against ethnic Russians in Ukraine and “the installation of US DoD bioweapons laboratories in Ukraine” as war crimes.


Since these military veterans have not accepted bribes from the KM, they are looking for financial sponsors for the peace conference in Malta. They can be contacted as follows: MG Paul E Vallely US Army (Ret) Chairman – suaus1961@gmail.com

由于这些退伍军人没有接受高加索可萨突厥撒旦教锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团黑手党的贿赂,他们正在为马耳他的和平会议寻找资金赞助商。他们可以通过以下方式联系:MG Paul E Vallely美国陆军(Ret)主席——suaus1961@gmail.com

Let’s face it; Ukraine was a catastrophic military defeat for the KM. As Colonel Douglas MacGregor notes


“Ukrainian service personnel are surrendering at the first opportunity owing to the belief that they are being treated as ‘nothing more than cannon fodder’….we have not even talked about the estimated 60,000 children who have disappeared coming out of Ukraine.”


The lesson learned in Ukraine is that “American military power consists of boutique forces designed for safari in Africa and the Middle East, not decisive combat operations against great continental powers like Russia or China….It is time for Washington to turn its attention inward and address the decades of American societal, economic, and military decay that ensued after 1991. It’s time to reverse the decline in American national prosperity,”



The Europeans are also sick and tired of supporting a dying US regime. P3 Freemason sources say that in the past 2.5 years, EU countries paid $1.12 trillion for expensive US natural gas which would have been enough for 10 years’ worth of Russian gas before the Ukrainian war started. This is why the Europeans voted against the Americans and with the British at the recently ended NATO summit.


History shows that whenever there is a decisive military defeat, regime change follows. The parade of Rockefeller stooges from the fake Biden administration visiting China recently has been part of a desperate attempt by the old US regime to stay in power. Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Anthony Blinken and Janet Yellen all went to China on begging missions and returned empty-handed. This led to top Rockefeller bagman, the hundred-year-old Henry Kissinger himself, being sent to China. Chinese government sources say they told Kissinger they respected him as an “old friend,” who helped normalize relations between the US and China in the 1970s. However, they also told him they knew he ordered the murder of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Abe was a member of the Chinese Li royal family. For this and other reasons, they would not support his Rockefeller masters and their fake Biden.


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Also -in a very clear sign Taiwan does not intend to go along with any KM plot to turn that island into a new Ukraine- Chiu Kuo-cheng, head of Taiwan’s defense said “Taiwan does not plan on reselling Hawk surface-to-air missile systems (SAMS) to the US just so they can turn around and send them to Ukraine.” He added “Deadlines have already been set in accordance with which the Hawk SAMS will be got rid of every year; they will be replaced with Tien Kung (Sky Bow – TASS) SAMS. After that, they will be destroyed.”


In other words, they are telling the Rockefellers, “We are not going to trade used weapons for your fake dollars so that you can buy time by selling them to other countries.”


By the way, if the US really wants to fight China, they should start with schools. According to the Department of Education’s own report scores in every subject and grade level have been declining over the years, especially in reading and mathematics. Things would be worse without immigrants.


Polish intelligence pointed out that at the just-ended International Mathematical Olympiad in Japan, the team win was won by the Chinese team composed of: Shi, Liang, Zhang, Sun and Chang. The second place was taken by the USA team composed of: Lin, Liu, Lu, Shen, Wang and Zhao.



They add there were 6 Poles at IMO in Japan who won one silver and five bronze medals.



As things stand, if the ethnic Chinese are attacked in the US, that would probably pull the plug on much of the US tech industry.


The Chinese are already pulling the plug on the current Rockefeller/Rothschild-dominated financial system. Last week China’s one-time property giant Evergrande reported long-delayed results showing that in 2021 and 2022, the company generated losses of $113 billion on $340 billion in liabilities.



A similar implosion is happening in the US. A 30-story building in downtown Baltimore was sold in June for $24 million, a 63.6% discount versus the tower’s 2015 sale of $66 million, according to The Baltimore Sun


This is just the beginning. In Japan, commercial real estate prices fell 90% from their bubble peak and it is a mathematical certainty the same will happen in the US. Since the Chinese are not going to help, this will definitely wipe out the Federal Reserve Board.


The FRB is already long past bankruptcy. The amount of federal debt is so extreme that even a return of interest rates to their historical average would mean paying an interest expense that would consume more than half of tax revenues. Interest expense would eclipse Social Security and defense spending and become the largest item in the federal budget. In short, allowing interest rates to rise high enough to entice natural buyers would bankrupt the US government because of the higher interest costs.


This means that without Chinese support the Rockefellers will not have the funds they need to bribe and murder their way out of the frontal assault on their Joe Biden avatar that is now unfolding in Congress. By the way, if any readers believe that “Joe Biden” is still alive, they need to check out the evidence below to confirm he is just an avatar.


Nonetheless, publicly taking down the avatar will expose the puppet masters behind him. The reason the long-anticipated mass arrests have still not concluded is because the US military is going by the book. The wheels of justice grind slowly but they grind to dust. Now, they are finally grinding their way to the top people.


For example, Senator Chuck Grassley released an FD-1023 form, alleging that Mykola Zlochevsky, Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma’s founder, paid a $5 mil bribe each to Vice President Biden and Hunter Biden to have Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin fired.


Also, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer said “The Democrats kept saying, ‘Oh, we don’t have any evidence. You don’t have any evidence.’ Well, [Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene] showed them evidence,…“She showed them evidence of the president’s son committing a crime, violating the Mann Act. She showed the plane tickets, she showed the pictures, she showed the evidence. You know, there’s no question he violated it. That’s another thing that he could have been charged with.”



More importantly, Sen. Ted Cruz said if the “damning” whistleblower testimony before the House “is truthful, it means Merrick Garland, Joe Biden’s Attorney General, committed multiple felonies.”


PIA Press Release 16 JUL 2023


Impeaching Garland would remove the main legal obstacle to the prosecution of “Biden,” and the exposure of his handlers.


That is why the “Biden” people are circling the wagons by putting CIA Director William Burns in his Cabinet last Friday. Burns, of course, is one of the chief architects of the entire Ukraine disaster.


CIA sources say the “Biden” people are going to try to avoid prosecution by announcing the “death” of the long-dead Biden. They will then find an excuse to avoid the no-brain Vice President Kamala Harris taking over and jump straight to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.


McCarthy, of course, would be the person who would have to hand over controls of government to an entirely new group, presumably centered around US President Donald Trump and vaccine truther Robert F., Kennedy Jr.


When asked if he’s thought about RFK Jr. as a running mate Trump said


“No, but people have suggested it… there are a lot of people suggesting it… I’ve known him over the years. He’s a smart guy and well-intentioned.”


That was not a definite ‘no’…


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Of course, a Trump/Kennedy regime would go after both the child traffickers and the vaccine pushers.


After screening the movie Sound of Freedom Trump said you “have to see it,” and added, “The Biden administration has done absolutely nothing to protect these children.”


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He could have gone further and said the Biden administration has been actively involved in the trafficking of children. They are even coming out of the closet now with HBO trying to normalize pedophilia as the clip below shows. Warning: This is extremely disturbing. 


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We also have a letter from Barack Obama supporting pornography for children. 


The facts are these children aren’t being “loved;” they are being tortured to death to harvest adrenochrome. During the “Biden” administration 60,000 children were sold in the Ukraine and 85,000 children were taken from Latin America. This is in addition to the 40,000 children who go missing each year in the United States. These children will finally get justice because the whole world now knows about these crimes by the Western KM elite.


This will also mean the liberation of the Jewish people from thousands of years of Satanic control. A Mossad source said a sign of this could be seen when Israel’s President Herzog told Congress: “America is irreplaceable to Israel, and Israel is irreplaceable to America.” 


“What’s interesting is that I don’t see one man in the crowd wearing a kippah [Jewish skull cap] ? Very unusual,” he said. This is a public sign the Jews do not want to be seen as separate from other people.


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In Israel meanwhile, massive crowds of protestors march daily towards the parliament building in Jerusalem to voice their opposition against the Netanyahu government’s attempt to turn that country into a dictatorship. Military veterans, intelligence agency officials, pilots etc. have also renounced this power grab.


Benyamin Netanyahu -the would-be God king of Isreal- meanwhile is nowhere to be seen. After saying he was down with heat stroke now the story they are putting out is he has had heart surgery for a pacemaker. “They will keep the story going for as long as possible. There are definitely CGI, holograms and doubles in the mix,” Mossad sources say. 



Another KM leader who is on his last ropes is Justin Castrudeau in Canada. The videos below speak for themselves. The man is so hated by Canadians it is surprising he is still clinging to power. He is definitely on his way to jail and possibly execution for war crimes.


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The cornered KM are now desperately trying to use a combination of “climate change” and UFOs to try to cling to power.


The “climate change” hysteria is being fanned by putting temperature measuring stations at hotspots like airport runways and changing weather reports to make it look like we are all burning. The problem is it is all just a big lie and the people know it.



The UFO thing might be more interesting. Last week they trotted out White House National Security chief John Kirby to say UFOs are having an “impact on our training ranges” and need to be treated as a “legitimate issue.”


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“Watch for the genuine UFO government file to be released at the end of August or first week in September. They don’t have any more cards to play,” a Secret Space Program source says.


Other suppressed technology is already coming out. Finally, after many decades of waiting the U.S. just certified its first fully electric flying car The $300,000 Model A is a true flying car — it can be driven on roads as well as flown in the air. And it’s one step closer to your garage. Business logic means it will not be much longer to wait before $20,000 models become available and our Jetson’s future finally arrives.

其它被打压的技术已经问世。最后,经过几十年的等待,美国刚刚认证了其首款全电动飞行汽车。价值30万美元的Model A是一款真正的飞行汽车,既可以在公路上行驶,也可以在空中飞行。它离你的车库又近了一步。商业逻辑意味着,在2万美元的车型上市和我们Jetson牌飞行汽车的未来最终到来之前,等待的时间不会太长。


More importantly, we are on the brink of being able to live for thousands of years. In the latest sign of this, Harvard scientists say they have discovered a ‘cocktail of drugs that can reverse aging in less than a week.



Long and prosperous lives becon.




Benjamin Fulford Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis 2023 July 17th


World War II ends as Nazi faction finally defeated


World War II ends as Nazi faction finally defeated

The big NATO meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania last week marked the real end of World War II and the final defeat of the Nazis, according to British MI6, Russian FSB and Mossad sources. This means the Khazarian Mafia, also known as Sabbatean-Frankist Jews, have been defeated in their plan to kill 90% of humanity.


However, the KM faction that wants to turn this planet into a giant animal farm ruled by “a good shepherd,” remains to be defeated. As the saying goes, the sheep spends his life in fear of the wolf but it is the shepherd who kills him. This means that while the genocide has been called off, the battle against digital slavery continues.


From a bloodline perspective, this battle has been between the British faction headed by Queen Elizabeth II and the German Nazi faction related to Adolf Hitler. Hitler’s relatives include former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Hillary Clinton Rockefeller and Barack Obama. 


As with the “official” end of World War II in 1945, we have to thank the Russians. Their total victory over the Nazi regime in the Ukraine ended the centuries-old plan KM to restore the ancient Satanic kingdom of Khazaria and rule the world from there.


People in the West know this too. A Twitter poll of British politician David Courten showed 77.5% of voters would prefer to be led by Putin. Note that “Biden” can’t get even 5%, but somehow got 80 million votes in 2020? 


Next take a look at these photographs released to the press of Nazi avatar Vladimir Zelensky being publicly shunned by Jens Stoltenberg, the head of NATO and other NATO leaders. This makes Zelensky a dead man walking.


As you can see from the interview below Zelensky himself now sounds like a defeated head coach at the end of a football season who -speaking in the past tense- says “You gave us huge support. I want to thank all Americans who understand,”


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This defeat prompted a US State Dept. spokesman to say:


“We believe the war has been a strategic failure for Ukraine…”  


Reporter: “Don’t you mean a strategic failure for Russia?”


Spokesman: “I’m sorry — excuse me — a strategic failure for Ukraine! Thank you for the correction!”


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Even Vincenzo Mazzara from the fascist P3 Freemasons admits: “The NATO summit in Vilnius was the beginning of the end of Western unity on the Ukrainian conflict… fortunately for Russia, China and the rest of the world, including Europe and probably Ukraine as well, this endeavor is unequivocally failing.”


“No matter what NATO does, it will fail. There is no way to reverse this process,” chimes in Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko.  



The US military agrees. Zelensky “is in this extraordinarily desperate situation, he is disintegrating. His forces are in ruins, hundreds of thousands of people have been killed for nothing…. There is no leadership in the White House…We are in the hands of a man who is not entirely mentally stable. Increasingly we are becoming a third world country…. Somebody needs to be fired. Obviously we know the man at the top needs to go away. The rest of these people, they need to be held accountable,” says Colonel Douglas MacGregor, the de facto leader of the US military white hats.



More importantly -just like the Nuremberg war crimes trials followed the first NAZI defeat at the end of WWII- new war crimes trials are inevitable.


Remember, the Russian government has presented exhaustive evidence at the UN over the past 18 months proving the US funded biological weapons production at laboratories in Ukraine. In particular, the Russian military has accused “Joe Biden” (or rather his Rockefeller/Nazi puppet masters) of orchestrating bioweapons production through his Ukraine-based bio-lab company Metabiota.

请记住,从2023 年7月开始算起,在过去18个月,俄罗斯政府在联合国提交了详尽的证据,证明美国在资助乌克兰实验室生产生物武器。特别是,俄罗斯军方指责“乔·拜登”(或者更确切地说是他背后的洛克菲勒家族/纳粹傀儡主人们)通过乌克兰的生物实验室公司Metabiota,来策划生物武器生产。

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As a condition for peace, Russia is demanding -and is now about to get- a UN Security Council investigation of crimes against humanity via violations of the Biological Weapons Treaty. This is punishable by death.


In case you didn’t connect the dots, the Russian military action against Ukraine put an end to the release of new variants of COVID-19.


Here you can watch Russian General Igor Kirillov brief the public on the US Biological Warfare network and Hunter Biden’s Metabiota.  


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Evidence is also being presented in the West. A systematic review of 325 autopsies showing COVID-19 vaccination caused or significantly contributed to 74 percent of deaths was removed without good reason from The Lancet’s preprint SSRN server within 24 hours, adding to an increasing number of censored studies on the potential harms of COVID-19 vaccines.


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These clumsy cover-up attempts are failing as even magazines like Science now admit to evidence of vaccine damage.



Meanwhile, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. addressed the elephant in the living room when he tweeted:


“The U.S. and other governments are developing ethnically targeted bioweapons…a 2021 study of the COVID-19 virus shows [it] appears to disproportionately affect certain races…, The furin cleave docking site is most compatible with blacks and Caucasians and least compatible with ethnic Chinese, Finns, and Ashkenazi Jews. In that sense, it serves as a kind of proof of concept for ethnically targeted bioweapons.”



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This confirms the KM Neocons Project for a New America Century report calling ethnic-specific bio-weapons “a useful political tool.”


That is one of the many reasons why the KM is going to be taken down hard.


The Khazarian Mafia, with nowhere left to hide, have tried a coup d’etat in Israel in an attempt to turn that country into a modern-day Masada where they plan to fight to the bitter end.


This prompted a schism with non-Satanic Jews. Even the New York Times posted an editorial by Thomas Friedman saying “…when the interests and values of a US government and an Israeli government diverge this much, a reassessment of relations is inevitable.”


More importantly, would be Israeli God King Benyamin Netanyahu, collapsed after his attempted seizure of power in Israel. News reports say he is in the hospital recovering from “heat stroke” but Mossad sources say“the Bibi story is not what is being portrayed in the MSM. He had a stroke and is currently out of public view. The extent of the damage is not yet known. What is being shown are CGIs and doubles.” 


Meanwhile, Israeli protesters blocked highways and converged on the Tel Aviv airport Tuesday, stepping up resistance to the hard-right government’s judicial overhaul package opponents say threatens democracy. Regime change in Israel is looking inevitable.


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Similar things are happening in Europe. In Germany, the strongly supported far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) is making the controlled dissolution of the EU one of its key targets for the upcoming European elections. It is also calling to dissolve the EU monetary union and restore the Deutschemark. Both Austria and Hungary are also in support of such moves. In other words, the situation in central Europe is moving back to the way it was before World War I, with strong German and Austro-Hungarian allies in control.



In France meanwhile, former head of France’s DGSE counter-intelligence agency Pierre Brochand warns of the looming threat of civil war. “If we do nothing or if we do little, we are going to head either towards a progressive implosion of social trust in France…, towards confrontations that will make France a country where one will not be able to live at all…In everyone’s eyes, we are now the ‘sick man’ of the continent, the Security Council, the G7, and the G20.”


The situation has reached the point where 74 percent of French people now think there are too many immigrants in their country and 62 percent want France to disobey EU treaties and EU law to stop immigration.



The British “victors” meanwhile, propose keeping NATO military contractors happy with a plan to turn Germany into a key logistical hub for a 300,000-man army. They promise to spread gravy with increased production of ammunition and heavy weapons. In their plan Germany, Great Britain and Canada will protect Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia. The Polish government for its part is having wet dreams over a revived Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.


Another big prize will be the “rebuilding of the Ukraine.” The defeated Zelensky signed contracts that turn over vast stretches of Ukraine, some of the most fertile farmland in the world to BlackRock. Now that his faction has lost, a lot of those contracts will be null and void. The British hope to cash in instead and use the money to buy friends in central Europe, MI6 sources say.


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Meanwhile, back at the US ranch, the government is visibly falling apart. One sign of this is increasingly erratic behavior by the current “leaders.” First, we saw the fake masked Biden raise eyebrows as he was filmed nibbling and sniffing on a baby Finnish girl.


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Then so-called Vice President Kamala Harris says: “When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and REDUCE POPULATION, more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water.”


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They have good reason to be mentally unstable.


For one, FBI Director Wray confirmed Joe Biden is under criminal investigation for Ukrainian bribes before trying to backpedal after realizing what he disclosed.


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Next, watch Wray squirm as Rep. Matt Gaetz enters Hunter Biden’s smoking-gun WhatsApp message into Congressional record, then EXPOSES Wray about it UNDER OATH during testimony:


“You seem deeply uncurious about it— almost suspiciously uncurious. Are you protecting the Bidens?”


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Speaking about protecting the Bidens, the DOJ removed ‘International Sex Trafficking of Minors’ as an ‘Area of Concern,” just as the anti-child trafficking film “Sound of Freedom,” dominates the box office.


We also saw an author named Mike Rothschild on CNN saying the film is created out of a “moral panic” and “QAnon concepts.”





These criminals are so desperate for access to children to torture to harvest adrenalin that they are now going after vaccine-damaged autistic children, according to Polish intelligence sources. They say Dutch doctors have found a “cure” for autism:] “It is … euthanasia.”


“How many more satanic rituals will the KM throw in the peoples’ faces, before they are arrested, tried and executed?” a Mossad source asks.


JUSTICE IS MOVING FORWARD. For example, last week Florida Attorney General has called on Mark Zuckerberg [Rockefeller] to testify before the human trafficking council.


The other thing that is happening is a complete collapse of the social order in the US.


In the latest example, the “Washington, D.C. Council voted on July 11 to pass an emergency public safety bill granting judges and law enforcement officials more power.


This was a response to homicides, sexual abuse, robberies, violent crime, theft and arson going up 17, 35, 52, 33, 117 and 300 percent respectively during the past year from already record-high levels, according to the Metropolitan Police Department data.



This crime wave is not restricted to mainly black areas like Washington DC. In mostly white Washington State, for example, homicides are up 96% -an all-time high- compared to 2019.



This is only going to get worse as the recent hike in interest rates pushes more and more Americans into financial desperation. In just one example:


“It’s probably the worst period for auto insurers it’s been in 30 years at least,” said Neil Alldredge, chief executive of the industry body National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies. 



This sort of trend is reflected right across the country and sectors of the economy. That is why cash-strapped Americans are panic-searching “pawn shop near me.” The search trend spiked to a record high at the start of July



Economic collapse or notwithstanding, the KM, still does not plan to go quietly into the night. They are pushing to remain in control with digital censorship, central bank digital currencies and totalitarianism justified by “climate change.”


The digital dictatorship push started with an attack on Twitter. The brief window of freedom of the press seen there is being shut down with people like Jewish liberation fighter Henry Makow, and Catholic freedom fighter Archbishop Carlo Vigano having their accounts shut.



An insider told the Rumour Mill News Room that New Algo’s have been put in place. They are deleting posts, deleting accounts and keeping track of how many posts per account, etc. Those accounts are now stifled. Twitter won’t last much longer.


In the EU meanwhile, the Digital Services Act becomes law on August 25th. The usual lingo is that it’s about keeping you “safe” on larger platforms but it’s simply about allowing Brussels to police so-called “hate speech” and “disinformation” even more.






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This crackdown on digital truth is coinciding with a worldwide push for “programmable” central bank digital currencies (CBDC).


Glenn Beck on programable digital currencies


According to Polish intelligence, the World Economic Forum is telling governments to brace for billions of ‘social credit prisoners’ as spy laws are passed around the world The WEF has quietly gained backdoor access to billions of mobile phones in a plot to create “blacklists” of users who hold “politically incorrect” views and use “wrong words.” According to a person familiar with the WEF, these blacklists of the so-called “regrettables” will be used to assign people a “social credit score” ahead of the official introduction of the social credit system and CBDCs in the next few years.


CBDCs are a cashless system with no privacy in transactions and the ability to shut down the buying power of individuals and groups at will. It’s a totalitarian’s dream scenario.



The BIS itself says in a new type of financial market infrastructure (FMI) –money or assets become “executable objects” that are maintained on programmable platforms.



This is happening all over the world now. In Nigeria, they are destroying banknotes for this purpose. 


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Russia’s central bank digital currency (CBDC) project, the digital ruble, will be backed by gold but it will still give them the ability to turn that “gold” off.



France and India have also now agreed to use India’s Unified Payments Interface (UPI) payment mechanism. Indian tourists will be able to make payments in Rupees, through UPI, in the Eiffel Tower,” Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said. Presumably if the tourists “misbehave,” this ability will be stopped. Stand strong! Never let them remove cash.



In the rest of the West “climate change” doom and gloom is being pushed to promote this agenda. That is why they started all the fires in Canada.


Now they are talking about a “record heat wave.” Check out the color overlay of doom on the weather chart below. Yes, summers are hot in Spain. Last year the color overlay was barely red when it reached 45 in Madrid. Now it’s a scorching violet at only 36. The sheep are so easily fooled


What is happening is that now that the genocidal Nazi faction of the KM has been defeated, the global warming faction is going on an all-out offensive to try to grab trillions of dollars.


Here you can watch John Kerry speak to “Biden,” a fake-looking “King Charles”, and a room full of “Trillion Dollar” investors about “accelerating climate change.”


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Just in time for this event, the German police have again been unable to stop climate activists from stopping air traffic by gluing themselves to the runways. In an airport, every door has codes, all entrances are strictly controlled, and security is everywhere, military, dogs, etc. then how does a woman stick to the runway? Who let her in?


In any case, it is all based on lies. CO2 levels are now lower than they have been for more than 95 percent of Earth’s history. “But you’ll never know if you listen to all those who profit from the lie that the Earth will soon become too hot for life and that CO2 will be higher than in the entire history of the Earth,” said Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace. “Almost all commercial greenhouse growers around the world buy CO2 to inject into their greenhouses to increase yields.”


The climate change pandemic and hoax are the ways they can achieve both greater control and destruction of the current economic system through lockdowns, fines, carbon taxes and more regulation while they print money like there is no tomorrow to generate devastating inflation. This all leads to higher prices and less economic power for the masses. They have to make sure they put us in a blind, desperate position to make sure we accept their meager universal basic income.


They try to shut us down, change our eating habits, prevent us from traveling, kill cows, and switch to inefficient forms of energy, all in the name of 0.04% carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which happens to be the main building block of life on this planet.


Real experts say “We are about 1°c above the coldest it’s been in the last 10 thousand years.”


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Dr. John F. Clauser, a joint recipient of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics, has criticized the climate emergency narrative calling it “a dangerous corruption of science that threatens the world’s economy and the well-being of billions of people.”


On a final otherworldly note, Polish intelligence says “otherworldly masked energy consumption ships” have been detected harvesting human energy from the places of assembly like stadiums, churches, hospitals, concerts, etc. and people still pay for it.


I don’t know if this is true, but certainly, privately owned central banks are acting metaphorically like these “energy consumption ships” by sucking the life energy out of us with money created out of nothing. Let’s shoot them down.
