CH — 拉里·罗曼诺夫(LARRY ROMANOFF) — 宣传与媒体:第一部分——导论 — 截止2021年5月10日


  By Larry Romanoff for The Saker Blog, May 10, 2021 截止2021510拉里罗曼诺夫的萨克博客

读者注意: 在大约十年的时间里,我经营了一个政治评论网站,里面有数千篇文章,其中许多是来自各种媒体的内容,但许多是我自己的作品。该网站经历了偶尔但持久的DDOS攻击和其他未知势力的攻击 几年前,我在那个网站上发表了一篇关于西方媒体的三页文章,内容与我在这里介绍的媒体系列相似。在我所有的书面作品中,只有这一篇文章经常受到攻击。通常情况下,页面无法正确加载,导致读者无法看到完整内容,也无法点击进入下一页。很明显,我已经引起了一些人的注意,他们不愿意在公共领域得到这些信息。

  几年前,我在那个网站上发表了一篇关于西方媒体的三页文章,内容与我在这里介绍的媒体系列相似。在我所有的书面作品中,只有这一篇文章经常受到攻击。通常情况下,页面无法正确加载,导致读者无法看到完整内容,也无法点击进入下一页。很明显,我已经引起了一些人的注意,他们不愿意在公共领域得到这些信息。   不久前,我写了一篇题为《寻找真理与理解》的文章。它为本系列提供了一个极好的引导,我建议您阅读它。时间不长 (1)   当我到达中国时,新闻报道形式是最早引起我注意的事情之一。有一些不同的,不寻常的东西;报道似乎有些呆板,有点枯燥或含蓄,也许很谨慎。谨慎和谨慎当然是中国的传统,但我很难评价它。我的第一个想法是,也许政府不仅控制了内容,而且还控制了方法——新闻报道的方式。   但我慢慢意识到,不寻常的一面只是我看到的新闻没有评论——一个简单的事件年表。我已经习惯了北美猖獗的以舆论为基础的新闻报道,以至于中国没有这样的报道,使得文章显得有些荒芜和空洞。但他们不是没有消息;他们没有任何观点、偏见、宣传、猜测和道德判断,而这些在西方总是与事实密不可分。纵观当今大多数西方报纸,当然也包括与政治、资本主义、宗教或美帝国主义有关的话题,似乎每一篇文章都包含3个事实、4个猜想、2个虚假假设、6个道德判断、12个毫无根据的观点和至少6个毫无根据的指控,都遵循一个连贯的议程。在今天的美国主流媒体中,不可能找到诚实的报道——事实上,在所有西方媒体中,被报道的“新闻”只不过是意识形态的激增,新闻业公开地只不过是帝国主义或政治权力的认知管理。   美国和加拿大,主要是所有英语国家,曾经有过真实的新闻报道。但随着读者或观众的竞争,媒体开始在新闻中添加他们称之为“色彩”的内容,这些附加信息旨在使新闻故事更有趣,例如,新闻中有人有一个儿子是奥运会运动员;与故事没有直接关系,但增加了人类的兴趣。色彩的问题在于没有太多的色彩,媒体也不失时机地用评论取代它,实质上是用意识形态观点来编辑新闻。   当然,西方政府和媒体对伯奈斯的秘密宣传理论非常熟悉,但到了20世纪80年代,“秘密”已不再具有可操作性,甚至被抛弃了微妙性,意识形态不仅无处不在,而且是公开的。在今天的英国媒体中,事实和观点不再分离。这是如此的真实,以至于许多文章除了对一些过去事件的间接引用之外,没有其他新闻,而且完全是意识形态上的社论,事实上,带有严重偏见的评论文章主要提供了精英们希望我们采纳的政治解释,造成了各种各样的滥用。美国人、加拿大人、英国人和澳大利亚人现在已经有两代人接触到这种虚假的报道,他们不再意识到这种广泛的宣传,尽管它不再被隐藏。   正如有人如此准确地写道:“传统的新闻编辑室文化在事实汇集之前就决定了一个故事的基本性质。”   “一个年轻的记者写了一篇报道,但编辑说,”我不认为我们会去运行它。“第二次记者去她的编辑,编辑说,”我不认为这是一个好主意。”她不研究和写的故事。第三次记者有了主意。但她不去找她的编辑。第四次她不明白。”——前联邦通信委员会委员尼古拉斯·约翰逊 (2)   的确,我们现在每天都有大量捏造的新闻。其中有些完全是捏造的,因为当时没有发生有新闻价值的事件,而是利用当前感兴趣的话题中的一些小事实为政治社论提供借口。其中大部分是由一种政治/资本主义意识形态所驱动的,这种意识形态的发布令人吃惊地缺乏对真理的尊重,对一些事实使用了严重扭曲的解释来编造一个完全错误的故事。新闻诚信在西方国家几乎消失了。事实上,情况比这更糟,因为我们的许多“新闻”实际上完全是捏造的,有必要的假视频和音频,误导性的标题,扭曲的信息和赤裸裸的谎言。我在这里指的是真实的捏造的混合物——发明的“新闻”——从未发生过的事情,或者根本没有发生过的事情。我们这里不是说“颜色”或“偏见”;我们说的是事实上捏造了一个事件,做出了明知故犯的坚定声明。我将提供一些典型的例子。你可以从杰西卡·林奇和奥萨马·本·拉登的故事开始  (3) (4)   对我们大多数人来说,新闻故事可能是虚构的,这似乎是不可思议的。我们显然无法接受我们的政府和媒体会撒谎。但他们会撒谎。几年前,CNN被他们的一位新闻主播起诉,因为他被命令在新闻广播中撒谎。CNN赢了这个案子。他们没有否认命令新闻主播撒谎。他们的辩护仅仅基于这样一个立场,即美国新闻媒体“没有义务说实话”。2003年2月,佛罗里达州一家上诉法院一致同意福克斯新闻的说法,即美国没有禁止歪曲或伪造新闻的规定。福克斯声称,没有书面规定禁止媒体歪曲新闻,认为根据《第一修正案》,广播公司有权撒谎或故意歪曲公共广播电台的新闻报道。福克斯电视台的律师们并没有反驳一位新闻主播的说法,他们向她施压,要求她播出一篇虚假报道;他们只是坚持认为这样做是他们的权利 (5)  在这些案件和其他案件中,美国法院的立场意味着《第一修正案》的权利属于少数拥有和/或控制整个媒体格局的个人,这是一种保护他们大规模宣传活动的盾牌。   我们已经到了西方媒体在进行一种心理战的地步。”我们都知道,我们的国务院、五角大楼和白宫明目张胆地宣称,他们有权利和权力管理新闻,告诉我们的不是真相,而是他们希望我们相信的 (6)   这是一个大而复杂的话题,但让我们从简单的事情开始。既然我们确实每天都在被自己的媒体宣传,我们如何认识到发生在我们身上的事情?我们如何区分宣传?我们如何区分真假?要找的主要东西是什么?  
  1. 暴行故事。
  第一种是今天有些人所说的“暴行色情”,实际上是从未发生过的暴力色情事件。为此,你可以回想一下我在早些时候的一篇宣传文章中对伯奈斯和利普曼的建议所作的评论,即制造对一个民族的仇恨和愤怒的最好方法是编造暴行故事。德国人的浴缸里装满了犹太人的眼球,他们用犹太脂肪制造肥皂和工业润滑油,他们用叉子叉婴儿和强奸修女 (7)  我们发展到萨达姆·侯赛因准备发射大规模杀伤性武器,他用碎木机消灭他的政治对手,用毒气杀死数百万库尔德人并将他们埋葬在万人坑里,他的士兵把婴儿从孵化器里扔出来。   我们让哈达菲给他的士兵发放伟哥,让他们强奸更多的妇女。我们有“证据”证明这一点,在一位妇女身上,她做了一项调查(在战争期间)受虐待的妇女。发出1300份问卷,1200份返回,所有1200名妇女都声称遭到强奸。当红十字会和人权观察组织追查这名妇女并要求采访一些受害者时,不幸的是,这名妇女与所有受害者都“失去了联系”。毕竟,这是一场战争。   我们让叙利亚的巴沙尔·阿萨德用氯气毒死他的人民。最终,没有证据——没有证据——被发现来证实这些说法,但为时已晚;这些国家已经遭到攻击和破坏。   今天,我们在中国的新疆发生了“种族灭绝”,集中营监禁了数百万人的强迫劳动,以及无限制的强迫绝育,强迫灭绝维吾尔语,毁坏穆斯林寺庙和墓地等等。事实上,在新疆发生的唯一一件事就是中国政府在消除几十万(受过西方训练的)潜在恐怖分子的极端化方面取得了惊人的成功,用有报酬的就业取代了宗教极端主义。我们有蓬佩奥的“证据”证明COVID-19是从中国的一个实验室逃走的。同样,没有任何证据证明这些说法;一如往常,闲置的索赔等同于证据。   2.仇恨文学   几乎无一例外,任何导致你对一个国家或它的人民形成(通常)负面看法的东西,都是宣传,通常是为了支持无耻的政治行动或为下一场战争做准备。你只需想想那些关于俄罗斯、中国、伊朗、古巴、伊拉克和利比亚、叙利亚、委内瑞拉、古巴的负面新闻就行了。在可能的范围内,暴行故事(1)是媒体攻击的一部分。   3.框架  

这是一个更阴险的宣传工具-指导我们“如何思考”一个特定的事件。对伊拉克的入侵和破坏被军方和媒体称为“伊拉克自由行动”。真正关心疫苗污染和危险副作用的人被称为“疫苗恐怖分子”。1950年,当自由欧洲电台(Radio Free Europe)开始广播其关于东方的谎言时,人们被要求捐赠“真相美元”来打击共产主义,有点像向利比亚和叙利亚派遣“自由战士”。正如乔治·卡林所说:“如果消防员扑灭大火,美国的自由斗士会做些什么?”香港的恐怖分子在媒体上被定义为“民主抗议者”。他们在一个大学实验室里制造了超过10000枚汽油弹,用于政府大楼和警察局(以及警察自己)。又把汽油倒在一个人身上,放火烧了他  在所有这些情况下 (8) 第一步是提供一个有用的宣传定义,如果被公众采纳,将一举消除独立思想。

  4.媒体泛滥   如果你回想一下最近发生的世界性事件,即使是像日本福岛核反应堆被毁和大量放射性物质泄漏到太平洋这样的重大事件,也只会在短时间内占据头条新闻,然后消失。大多数事件只是一两天的“新闻”。但每当我们看到一个项目在媒体上反复出现数周甚至数月,有时甚至数年,这是一个百分之百的迹象,表明我们正在被宣传,媒体的流动不会停止,直到民意测验告诉我们的主人,大多数人已经接受了被提升的职位,或者政治压力已经达到了预期的结果。   其中一个例子就是中国人民币的汇率。你可能还记得,40年前,当日本处于与中国相似的竞争地位时,美国将广场协议强加于日本,使日元升值近300%,摧毁了日本经济,消灭了日本的竞争者地位。同样的计划也适用于中国,由纽约时报的人民币蓝宝保罗•克鲁格曼(paulkrugman)领导,他高呼中国需要将人民币升值“至少25%到40%”。这些“中国欺骗”人民币和必要的人民币升值40%的故事,至少每周都会在西方媒体和美国国会出现,可能持续十年。但事实上,人民币一直在一个适当的区间内交易,这一点已被后来的事件所证明,中国政府并没有屈服于媒体和政治压力。   今天的中国新疆故事,昨天的寨卡恐怖故事等等。其中一个更引人注目的是“性偏好”这一新宗教,它在媒体上被不停地炒作,以至于很少有政客有勇气(或死亡愿望)拒绝参加同性恋骄傲游行。宣传的力量(9)   中国的华为是另一个这样的项目,它吸引的媒体关注远远超过实际情况所需,而且有充分的理由。华为在G1、G2、G3和G4期间一直在美国、加拿大和许多其他国家,从来没有暗示过间谍活动或任何对“国家安全”的威胁,那么G5突然发生了什么?你可能想看看这个,了解细节 (10)   5.改变你的价值观   任何暗示你改变你的道德价值观的东西,特别是性,或堕胎,协助死亡,色情,移民,家庭价值观,今天的西方白人垃圾。在这一类中,我们对所有这些主题都有大量的论述。我想在这里包括纽约时报最近的一篇文章,免除企业高管对所有罪行的责任,包括过失杀人 (11) (12),电影《美丽的女人》,以及上文提到的关于我们新的性变态行为的“偏好”。   6.重头戏   每当你看到一位作者或一份出版物在媒体上被糟蹋时,你就知道有些东西是他们不想让你知道的。最好的办法是马上去那里看看是什么。几乎无一例外,每当人们被妖魔化时,你知道那是宣传;你被灌输了避免他们不想让你得到的信息。   当詹姆斯·巴克(James Bacque,(12) (13) 发表了他关于战争结束后在欧洲的美国集中营中被杀害的数百万德国人的历史性令人惊讶的作品时,(14) 他在北美媒体上受到了严厉的谴责,他的研究被嘲笑为“比无用还要糟糕”,尽管他完全依赖美国军事记录,而且他的书的导言是由一位美国高级军官写的。他的作品被指责为“有严重缺陷的书” (15).  有人不想让美国人知道,而巴克尔的书已经被翻译成了大约15种语言,在欧洲,他作为一个重要的历史学家广受赞赏。  

当坦桑尼亚总统嘲笑西方疫苗的COVID-19,并声称坦桑尼亚将拒绝参与全球疫苗赚钱机器,英国卫报发表了一篇惊人的文章,指出“这个人必须被撤职”从他的办公室(16)。不久之后,马古富利神秘地倒在一个公共舞台上,被宣布死亡,《卫报》写了十几篇文章庆祝这一事件。至少可以说,《卫报》对这样一个不起眼的人和物品有任何兴趣,这是一个意外。马古富利就是那个谴责美国病毒测试的人,他声称一只山羊和一只番木瓜测试呈阳性(17) (18)

  亨利·福特关于国际犹太人的系列文章也是如此 (19) (20) 这100多年来一直被恶毒地谴责为“反犹太主义的咆哮”,但是,读了这些,我们惊讶地发现它们不是这样的东西,福特在许多情况下赞扬犹太人的才华。但是这些文章包含了一些人不希望在公共领域广泛传播的信息,而且,最好的防御是良好的进攻,攻击是为了抢先检查。   7.信息混乱   每当一个媒体的宣传话题出现,相反的观点和结论渗透到公共领域,我们总会看到大量的文章制造大量的无关信息,只会在公众头脑中制造混乱,妨碍理性的思考和结论。通常,大量不受欢迎的信息被用来将公众的思想引向错误的方向,并尽可能避免关注问题的核心。COVID-19就是这样一个例子,专栏作家,显然有医学资格,证明封锁要么有用,要么是危害人类罪,口罩要么防止感染,要么让你缺氧,让你的孩子脑死亡。或者病毒源于蝙蝠或穿山甲或香蕉,或冷冻鲑鱼,或德特里克堡或武汉大学,或四川的洞穴,它是故意释放的,或是意外释放的,或是实验室博士为了咖啡钱在街上出售患病的动物。以及至少100个“事实”来支持这些说法。   每当我们读到一个严重的时事,突然发现许多人的意见和结论都很明显是合格的,我们知道我们正在遭受宣传攻击。否则就永远不会发生。   8.NGO   宣传人员在发布有关一个国家的事件或指控的可疑理论时,一个常见的策略是产生“现成的”非政府组织,其名称听起来合法,是有关指控或理论的实际作者。因此,我们突然看到“民主过渡中心”(CDT)在某处推动“诚实和负责任的政府”,或在“华盛顿国际私营企业中心”(CIPE)的支持下推动的恶性贸易协定。当然,我们在华盛顿有“世界维吾尔人大会”,由中情局和两个人创建,伪装成中国数百万新疆维吾尔人的唯一合法世界声音,更不用说“西藏流亡政府”,也是由中情局和两个人创建的,也是在华盛顿。   如果你以前没有听说过这个组织,那么它很可能以前就不存在了,它是昨天才创建的,目的是给一个不幸的故事增加一点可信度。     9.事实核查  


  我最近写了一篇关于这篇论文的文章(现在被广泛接受,我相信1918年的西班牙流感大流行不是流感,而是细菌感染(已被证实并被接受),这是洛克菲勒医学研究所(Rockefeller Medical Institute)错误地试验脑膜炎疫苗的悲惨结果,该疫苗始于美国的莱利堡(Fort Riley),并不是由士兵而是由洛克菲勒自己传播到世界各地(21) 路透社立即对这篇论文进行了“事实核查”,并宣布它是假的。路透社的证据?不存在,这一主张足以作为无可辩驳的证据 (22) 此外,他们的一些说法是完全错误的。   你会惊讶地发现,这些事实核查员在产生结果时耍的把戏,以及他们在追求自己的目的时所犯下的实际违法和罪行(至少是民事的)。据我所知,没有事实核查员不是这个全球网络的一部分。一些人喜欢依赖Snopes这样的网站,但这些网站也被增选,现在已经成为宣传链的一部分,填补了谎言高速公路上的最后一个漏洞。作为后者的一个简单例子,几乎每个人都看过蓬佩奥说“我们撒谎,我们欺骗,我们偷窃”的视频。斯诺普斯的事实核查专家告诉我们蓬佩奥说的只是“部分真实”。简单地说,当任何一个主要的媒体声称某件事已经被事实检查过时,从你的意识中删除这些信息,因为它几乎肯定是假的。   10.事先知道的故事太多  

这样的例子很多,都应该引起读者的极度警觉。在9-11事件中,第二天早上媒体上充斥着关于谁、如何以及为什么要这样做的全部故事,而在现实生活中,甚至没有足够的时间来完全意识到发生了什么。寨卡是另一个这样的故事,(23) 是叙利亚的毒气报告,充满了所有细节,后来被证明没有任何证据。

  11.消极和不愉快的情绪   任何引起负面情绪反应的东西,除了悲剧死亡或类似的故事。宣传很大程度上依赖于情感,通常主要是恐惧,通常是你不愿意公开讨论的恐惧。它还严重依赖仇恨和愤怒,激起对民众的不公正感或可怕罪行。规则是,每当你发现一条新闻在自己身上制造负面情绪反应时,你几乎肯定是被故意塞满了虚假宣传。想想所有关于伊朗,利比亚,伊拉克,叙利亚,俄罗斯,中国,这么多国家和这么多事件的故事,然而这些可怕的事情从来没有被证实。   12.基于观点的文章。   . . . 一些事实和许多谎言,文章没有提供细节或遗漏关键细节。如果没有自己的研究,你可能很难确定这些。我将提供一些很好的例子。   13.那些根本没有意义的事情   英国口蹄疫的两次流行(24),导致数百万头牛被宰杀,大多数小农户破产。”动物权利活动家“进入皮尔布赖特和波特顿的四级军事生物武器实验室,偷走了数千升这种致命病原体,并将其传播到全国各地。另一种选择是,波顿顿顿的“一条漏水的排水管”释放出一种病原体,导致500公里外的牛死亡。很遥远——没人注意到。任何试图进入军事生物武器实验室的人很可能会被枪杀,这一事实被忽略了,其他几十个事实也是如此。    “猪肉投机者”又获得了数千升致命的猪流感病原体,并使用小型无人机在中国杀死了数亿头猪。没有解释为什么他们会这样做,也没有解释他们是在最近的7-11还是在沃尔玛,以及所有其他地方获得了病原体。一位在美国的中国科学家宣布,他即将对COVID-19的起源有一个重大发现,(25a) 但一天后,这位婚姻美满的男子与一位同性恋情人发生了争执,后者杀死了他并自杀。发现号丢失了。两名从事COVID-19研究的中国科学家从加拿大温尼伯的一个政府实验室被解雇,(25b)警方介入,但没有指控,没有犯罪,只是一个“程序问题”,这个问题立刻从媒体上消失了,这意味着他们看到了不该看到的东西。中国医学生带回一些与COVID-19有关的“棕色液体”样本,并因“走私”而被捕——这通常是一种带进来的犯罪,而不是带出去的犯罪。    14.审查制度   宣传,无论是正面的还是负面的,如果相反的观点或真相能够同时传播给公众,那么宣传就会受到破坏,因此媒体控制对于消除其他观点或防止它们获得吸引力至关重要。死亡是终极的审查制度。问问加里·韦伯吧,他是唯一一个已知的自杀案例,他两次向自己头部开枪自杀。要确定事件报道是否被审查并不难,而且你可以非常肯定,即使是社交媒体de-platform你,引用你的“假新闻”,谷歌突然记不起你是谁。   15.为群众服务   这是一个确定的方式,知道你是饲料宣传。一个简单的例子是加拿大报纸上经常出现的文章,标题是“COVID-19疫苗中有什么?” (25c),这些文章忽略了真实人群真正关心的问题,没有提供任何有价值的信息,特别是没有提到铝和女性荷尔蒙以及其他被广泛报道含有的污染物。     16.投票   Interestingly, public polls can tell us much about the agenda underlying various propaganda campaigns. As one example, the Western media have been flooded for more than one year with anti-China hate propaganda, centered on the coronavirus but including much else.(26) We can almost sense the glee in Gallup or Pew in reporting that assaults against “Asians” have increased by 793% during the past year, since that was clearly the point of the propaganda. And this is far from the first time such has occurred; the practice began in England during the war years. You may care to read this (25). 有趣的是,民意测验可以告诉我们许多关于各种宣传运动的议程。例如,一年多来,西方媒体充斥着以冠状病毒为中心的反华仇恨宣传,但还包括许多其他内容。.(26)我们几乎可以感觉到,盖洛普或皮尤报道说,在过去一年中,针对“亚洲人”的袭击增加了793%,因为这显然是宣传的重点。这已经不是第一次了;这种做法始于战争年代的英国。你可以看看这.( (25) 17.你不知道你不知道的   宣传不仅仅是告诉你该想什么,该怎么想,或者不该想什么。还有一个巨大的行业,它确保很多新闻永远不会引起你的注意,这样你就不会对错误的人想“错误的事情”。一个例子是:2011年,沙特一名法官登广告招聘一名医生为一名男子做脊柱手术,目的是摧毁他的脊柱,让他终身残废。这名男子显然造成了一起交通事故,导致另一名男子脊柱受损,法官判定,适当的惩罚是“以眼还眼”。你读过这个吗?不,不在议事日程上。   18.宣传成功   最后,这里有两个例子说明了一场宣传运动是多么成功,有能力让所有的媒体都站在一边,粉碎不同的声音。第一个是1959年中国大饥荒的故事,这个故事在西方传播,把责任归咎于毛泽东,完全是垃圾 (27) 第二个是1989年中国天安门广场的真实故事,当然是有史以来最伟大的宣传胜利之一(28) 所引用的文章被认为是关于这一主题的权威性著作,至少是英文的,尽管互联网把关人不允许在任何网站上复制许多必要的照片。   我将在一个简短的媒体宣传系列文章中介绍所有这些以及更多内容。  * 罗曼诺夫的作品已被翻译成30语言,他的文章发表在30多个国家的150多个外语新闻和政治网站以及100多个英语平台上。拉里罗曼诺夫是一位退休的管理顾问和商人。他曾在国际咨询公司担任高级管理职务,并拥有国际进出口业务。他曾是上海复旦大学的客座教授,为高级EMBA课程提供国际事务案例研究。罗曼诺夫先生住在上海,目前正在写一系列与中国和西方有关的十本书。他是辛西娅·麦金尼新集《当中国打喷嚏》的撰稿人之一。 他的全部档案可以在  and 联系方式: * 注释 (1) (2) (3) Fake News and “The Naked Government”: Jessica Lynch 假新闻与“裸政府”:杰西卡·林奇
  • The Death of Osama bin Laden
本拉登之死 (5) (6) (7) Bernays and Propaganda – Part 2 of 5 — The Marketing of War 伯奈斯与宣传——第2部分,共5部分——战争营销 (8) (9) Social Change: If Greed is Good, Maybe Smoking is Gooder 社会变革:如果贪婪是好的,也许吸烟是好的 (10) Huawei, Tik-Tok and WeChat 华为、抖音、微信 (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) The 1918 Rockefeller-US Army Worldwide Pandemic 1918年洛克菲勒美国陆军全球大流行 (22) (23) ZIKA: (24) UK Foot and Mouth Disease 英国口蹄疫 (25a) (25b) (25c)
  • The Anger Campaign Against China
  • China’s 1959 Famine
  • Tiananmen Square: The Failure of an American-instigated 1989 Color Revolution
天安门广场:1989年美国挑起的颜色革命的失败   截止2021510拉里罗曼诺夫的萨克博   Copyright © Larry RomanoffMoon of ShanghaiBlue Moon of Shanghai, 2021 版权©拉里·罗曼诺夫 2021上海的月亮上海的月亮

CH — 拉里·罗曼诺夫(LARRY ROMANOFF)– 雀巢é 世界的水 — 2021年5月2日

雀巢é 世界的水

  By Larry Romanoff for PRAVDA, May 02, 2021 拉里罗曼诺夫为真理报,2021年5月2日

Nestlé chairman warns against playing God over climate change | Guardian sustainable business | The Guardian


  2013年,当一段视频上传到雀巢时,互联网几乎被引爆。雀巢公司主席兼首席执行官彼得·布拉贝克·勒马思说,“获得水不是一项公共权利”,水不是一项人权,它只是另一种食品和商品,应该“私有化”,赋予“市场价值”,由“自由市场”分配。不仅如此,他还表示,宣布水为“权利”或“人权”是“极端的” (1)以下是他在视频中的原话:    “有一种观点,我认为是极端的,是由非政府组织代表的,他们大声疾呼地宣布水是一项公共权利。这意味着作为一个人你应该有权得到水。这是一个极端的解决方案。另一种观点认为,水和其他任何食品一样,都是一种食品,它应该有市场价值。”    《赫芬顿邮报》写道,“人们对布拉贝克的声明的不人道感到震惊,这是正确的。”雀巢公司的产品虽然没有造成直接死亡的记录,但婴儿的饮水行为甚至比婴儿奶更为恶劣。但事实上,雀巢é 在这么多的国家,为了装瓶和销售他们的纯生命品牌的水,耗尽了当地的水资源,让社区完全干涸,遇到了巨大的麻烦。美国许多城市和州都发生过针对雀巢的暴力示威é 尤其是在已经遭受干旱的地区。这家公司似乎能够利用政治关系,以及直接或间接资助美国政客的竞选活动,在当地居民和农民要么没有水,要么遭受大量配给的情况下,将大量的水抽干倒卖。    几年前,佛罗里达州迈阿密戴德县刊登了一些广告,声称该县当地的自来水“比瓶装水更便宜、更纯净、更安全”,雀巢公司(Nestl)也这样做é 立即威胁要起诉当地政府做出这些(毫无疑问是真实的)声明(2) 全世界都是这样。在巴基斯坦的一个小社区,一位村委会成员说,雀巢公司生产的脏水让孩子们都感到恶心é’他挖了一口深井,把整个蓄水层都排干,村民们需要在几百英尺深的地方钻新井才能找到水(3)  像这样的故事到处都有,雀巢é 企业高管们在寻求瓶装水以供转售的过程中表现得非常残酷,在许多情况下,他们会将一个地区的大部分可用免费水排干,然后将他们在雀巢之前免费获得的水重新卖给同一个当地居民é’他来了(4)    当我们看看从几十个国家收集的全部图片,并考虑公司高管的声明时,我们会发现雀巢é 意欲在如此多的地方获得对如此多含水层的控制,使它们能够主宰世界人口的供水,就像它们主宰婴儿奶的分配一样。由于这些原因和其他原因,全球范围内出现了一场巨大的运动,反对整个瓶装水行业对自然环境造成的破坏,反对数以十亿计的不能再利用或回收的塑料瓶。    一家媒体报道称,雀巢称é, “一瓶水的价格与其他包装饮料的价格相似,因为它会产生与生产、质量保证、装瓶、储存和分销相关的类似成本。三分之一的成本来自水和原材料,三分之一来自生产,三分之一来自分销。”但一部名为“瓶装生活”的纪录片表明,在美国和其他许多地方,一卡车水的成本来自雀巢é 只有10美元,但在装瓶后,卖了5万美元(3) 纪录片的制作人显然联系了雀巢é 但该公司拒绝接受采访,声称这部影片不会以公平的方式代表他们,这听起来很可疑,似乎纪录片中的事实是真实的,公司没有任何辩护。    在中国,我和不止一家雀巢公司谈过é 声称该公司只是重新装瓶和销售自来水的员工,但无论如何,雀巢é’雀巢的瓶装水涨价似乎完全是基于品牌名称,我的信息与上述纪录片中所述一致,那就是雀巢é 免费获得水或以微不足道的成本购买水,然后在转售时获得10000%的利润。但我们要注意的是,雀巢的高管们é 他们不仅相信水是一种应该有价格的食品,而且还计划通过有效的征用,将水“私有化”,简单地假设水的所有权,然后给它一个市场价值,并通过他们自己的自由市场来分配。全世界饮用水水库及其供应链的大规模私有化,应该让各地的公民感到严重的震惊。   如果我能告诉你两个离奇的消息的话,第一个是加拿大的阿尔伯塔大学,尽管公众和它自己的教员提出了巨大的抗议,还是授予雀巢名誉法学博士学位é’公司董事长兼首席执行官。。。你准备好了吗?荣誉学位授予布拉贝克的伟大贡献,“保存,分配和管理人类最重要的资源之一:水。” (5) (6) 第二个是,我们的问题显然不仅限于婴儿奶和水。另一个发生在非洲的悲剧是可口可乐的名字,同样的可口可乐计划进入牛奶行业,因为“它会下雨钱”。西非的儿科医生报告了一种新的疾病的病例,这种疾病很常见,有一个名字叫“芬达综合症”,这是由于婴儿喝可口可乐的芬达橙汁汽水而不是牛奶(因为雀巢公司é’苹果的奶粉太贵了),而且可能含有与普通可口可乐相同的杀虫剂 (7) (8)  * 罗曼诺夫的作品已被翻译成30种语言,他的文章发表在30多个国家的150多个外语新闻和政治网站以及100多个英语平台上。拉里罗曼诺夫是一位退休的管理顾问和商人。他曾在国际咨询公司担任高级管理职务,并拥有国际进出口业务。他曾是上海复旦大学的客座教授,为高级EMBA课程提供国际事务案例研究。罗曼诺夫先生住在上海,目前正在写一系列与中国和西方有关的十本书。他是辛西娅·麦金尼新集《当中国打喷嚏》的撰稿人之一。 他的全部档案可以在  and 联系方式:   尾注: (1) Nestlé Chairman Peter Brabeck Says We Don’t Have a Right to Water; 雀巢é 主席彼得·布拉贝克说,我们没有获得水的权利; (2)Nestle Waters Threatens To Sue Miami-Dade Over Water Ads;雀巢水威胁就水广告起诉迈阿密戴德; (3) (4) Drinking Water Crisis in Pakistan and the Issue of Bottled Water;巴基斯坦的饮用水危机和瓶装水问题; (5) Nestle Chairman brings shame to the University of Alberta;雀巢董事长给阿尔伯塔大学带来耻辱; (6) CBC News; Nestlé CEO given honorary degree amid protests;加麻大广播公司新闻;雀巢é 在抗议声中,首席执行官被授予荣誉学位; (7) Coca-Cola enters dairy market with ‘Milka-Cola’;可口可乐以“米尔卡可乐”进入乳制品市场; (8) Babies Means Business; New Internationalist;婴儿意味着生意;新国际主义者;   本文的原始来源是 真理报   Copyright © Larry RomanoffMoon of ShanghaiBlue Moon of Shanghai, 2021  版权© 拉里罗曼诺夫, 上海的月亮, 上海的蓝月亮,2021年 译者:Pearl  


Kryon ~ Some Virus Truths for You to Consider ~z~一些病毒的真相让你考虑一下 苏珊娜·马雷斯卡2020年4月25日   April 14, 2020, From the Worldwide Channelling Retreat 2020年4月14日,来自世界通灵静修   They called this a quad channeling because there were four presenters.  The Kryon portion starts at 43:09, but for those of us who prefer to speed read, I made a transcript. 他们称之为四通道,因为有四个主持人。Kryon部分在43:09开始,但是对于那些喜欢快速阅读的人,我做了一个记录。   Audio Player 音频播放器   00:00 00:00   Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. 使用上/下箭头键增加或减少音量。   Greetings, dear ones. I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. 你好,亲爱的。我是磁性服务的克鲁恩。   We come to you at this time, and we know what time it is. Mid-April, 2020 it is, and we know what you’re going through. We have said this so many times, dear ones ~ Spirit knows your name, knows your situation, knows your feelings, knows your anxieties and your fears. 我们在这个时候来找你,我们知道现在是什么时候。2020年4月中旬,我们知道你正在经历什么。我们已经说过很多次了,亲爱的,灵魂知道你的名字,知道你的处境,知道你的感受,知道你的焦虑和恐惧。   It’s like we stand off to the side, sometimes watching you cry, and we stand there waiting. And we’ve talked about it so often and given it names, waiting for you to take our hand. That’s the spiritual free-choice of Humanity…to see it or don’t see it. To feel it or don’t feel it. 就像我们站在一边,有时看着你哭泣,我们站在那里等待。我们经常谈论它,给它起名字,等着你牵着我们的手。这是人类精神上的自由选择…看到或不看到它。感觉或不感觉。     We’ve said it so many times: this planet acknowledges one God, a beautiful loving God…totally acknowledges this, all over. And yet, there seems to be always a wall that Humans have built and made, designed and created that’s always between us. And that was not the design, dear ones…ever. 我们已经说过很多次了:这个星球承认一个上帝,一个美丽的爱的上帝…完全承认这一点,全世界。然而,似乎总有一堵墙,是人类建造、制造、设计和创造的,总是在我们之间。这不是设计,亲爱的…永远。   You’re never alone. Your Soul is filled with the essence of God…Your Soul. That means we are not somewhere else. This veil that you talk about is inside you. You realize that, don’t you? It’s not off in the sky somewhere. 你从不孤单。你的灵魂充满了上帝的精髓…你的灵魂。那意味着我们不在别的地方。你所说的面纱就在你的内心。你知道吗?它不在天空的某个地方。   And I say this and preface this so you’ll know why I’m going to give you this information that I’m giving you today. Yes! I’m going to talk about the elephant under the table. Yes…I’m going to talk about that which is…the virus. 我说了这句话,在这句话的开头,让你们知道我为什么要给你们今天要给你们的信息。对!我要谈谈桌下的大象。是的…我要说的是…病毒。   I’m going to talk about the aftermath. I’m going to talk about right now, I’m going to talk about some things you should know. It might be encouraging to some. And I’m going to do something that will make others roll their eyes and say, “Well I don’t think so, Kryon.” 我要谈谈后果。我现在要谈谈,我要谈谈一些你应该知道的事情。对某些人来说,这可能是令人鼓舞的。我要做一些事情,让其他人翻白眼说,“我不这么认为,克鲁恩。”   You’ll see that in a moment, in the future. Because I’m going to give you information, a little bit, about what you’re seeing as so sad that doesn’t have to be sad. About this microbe, this virus that you say is taking so many lives. 你很快就会看到,在未来。因为我要给你一点信息,关于你所看到的悲伤的东西,不必悲伤。关于这种微生物,你说的这种病毒夺走了很多人的生命。     I’m going to give you some information right now. That is not that new. It is something that has occurred to some on the planet already. It is being worked on, and I want to push it forward so many of you understand and know that this virus is not taking your lives, it’s something else, dear ones. 我现在就给你一些信息。这不是什么新鲜事。这是地球上一些人已经发生的事情。它正在研究中,我想推动它向前发展,让你们中的许多人明白并知道这种病毒并没有夺走你们的生命,它是另一种东西,亲爱的。   Oh, it gets you to that place where you’re very close to either death or recovery. But then suddenly, something else is taking place. I want to talk about the ‘something else.’ 哦,它会把你带到一个离死亡或康复都很近的地方。但突然,另一件事发生了。我想谈谈“别的事”   Because I want science to know, and I want medicine to know ~ this is already occurred to those who are working the puzzle. And yet, they’re not really certain what they’re seeing. 因为我想让科学知道,我想让医学知道~这已经发生在那些正在研究谜题的人身上了。然而,他们并不确定自己看到了什么。   What I’m going to tell you next, dear ones, I hope is taken to heart by Someone that may be listening here. Those who would listen to channeling are not necessarily on the front lines scientists on the planet, and I’m aware of that. 我接下来要告诉你们的是,亲爱的,我希望有人能把我的话放在心上。那些愿意听通灵的人不一定是地球上最前线的科学家,我知道这一点。   So let us turn to what the facts are showing right now. The virus will take an immune system of someone perhaps who is weak or to a level that is dangerous. And in that danger they will be put into that hospital and given the best care that you know how to give. 那么让我们来看看现在的事实。这种病毒会使虚弱或危险的人的免疫系统受损。在这种危险中,他们会被送进医院,得到你所知道的最好的照顾。     Some of them will go into that which you call the ICU, surrounded by ICU specialists and doctors and nurses who care about them and are doing their best to save their lives. 他们中的一些人会进入你所说的重症监护室,周围都是重症监护室的专家、医生和护士,他们关心他们,正在尽最大努力挽救他们的生命。   But instead of seeing that which is normal in an ICU protocol or that which is normal for any virus, even the ones before this one…instead of that, they’re seeing something completely different. They’re seeing a downturn and almost immediate death where there shouldn’t be. 但是,他们没有看到在重症监护室的治疗方案中是正常的,也没有看到对任何病毒都是正常的,即使是在这之前的病毒……相反,他们看到了完全不同的东西。他们看到了经济衰退和几乎立即死亡的地方不应该有。   And they’re scratching their heads and saying, “That should not have happened. That should not be that way.” 他们挠头说,“这不应该发生。不应该这样。”   And so there’s another complement, there’s something else happening. This is factual, dear ones, and you can ask the physicians at the front lines, and the nurses that have watched and seen those who are put in the ventilators who are recovering or seem to go to that place which would be next for a disease, and you lose them. 所以还有另一个补充,还有其他的事情发生。这是事实,亲爱的,你可以问前线的医生和护士,他们观察和看到那些被放在呼吸机里的人,他们正在康复或似乎要去下一个疾病的地方,而你却失去了他们。   There is something else going on. And now I will tell you what it is. And it’s not sinister. It’s just chemistry. And this hopefully will lead to those understanding that in the future, this does not have to be a killer flu. It’s just a flu. 还有别的事。现在我要告诉你这是什么。而且也不险恶。只是化学反应。希望这能让人们明白,在未来,这不一定是致命的流感。只是流感。   Because of what I’m telling you now, what will be developed and what’s going to be discovered. And if you roll your eyes, talk to me in a few years, and see if you’re going to roll your eyes then with what I’m going to tell you now. 因为我现在要告诉你们的是,将会发展什么,将会发现什么。如果你翻白眼,过几年再跟我说,看看你是否会翻白眼,然后看看我现在要告诉你的。     Dear ones, your immune system has never seen this. You have a robust immune system, most of you. But those who don’t will have an immune system that over-reacts to the virus. You might say that what is killing the Human Beings today is their own immune system, not the virus. 亲爱的,你们的免疫系统从未见过这种情况。你们大多数人都有强健的免疫系统。但是那些不这样做的人将会有一个对病毒过度反应的免疫系统。你可能会说,今天杀死人类的是他们自己的免疫系统,而不是病毒。   The virus will take it to a certain level, and then the immune system, which has never seen this before, is over-reacting. And the over-reacting immune system is causing the death. 病毒会把它带到一定的水平,然后免疫系统,这是从来没有见过的,是过度反应。过度反应的免疫系统导致了死亡。   Now I just gave you a key to look at, science. If you could encapsulate that immune system so it will not over-react, this flu will never kill another Human. 现在我给了你一把钥匙让你看看,科学。如果你能将免疫系统包裹起来,这样它就不会过度反应,这种流感就永远不会杀死另一个人。   You know the flu season, it’s coming back. It will, but it will simply be ‘the flu.’ And it won’t be a killer flu anymore because you’ll have figured it out. I just gave you something to work on and to know, and if you think I am wrong, ask those doctors in the ICU if they have seen this phenomenon. 你知道流感季节又来了。会的,但只是“流感”,不会再是致命流感了,因为你会发现的。我只是给了你一些需要研究和了解的东西,如果你认为我错了,问问重症监护室的医生他们有没有看到这种现象。   And they’ll tell you, “We’ve seen it. We know there’s something else and we wish we knew what it was.” 他们会告诉你,“我们看到了。我们知道还有别的事,我们希望知道是什么。”   Concentrate, not on the virus, but on the immune system and how to put it into a place where you can control reaction and keep it from going to that place which has been so devastating for so many, and hurt so many hearts. Inappropriate death, it is. 不要把注意力放在病毒上,而是放在免疫系统上,以及如何把它放在一个你可以控制反应的地方,让它不去到一个对很多人来说都是毁灭性的地方,伤害很多人的心脏。是不恰当的死亡。   That’s number one. 这是第一。   Number two, I would like to give you some information. It may seem cryptic, but it’s information about the aftermath. This all falls in perhaps even to previous channels, not about that which would be a pandemic but which would be a coming energy of change. 我想给你一些信息。这看起来很神秘,但这是关于善后的信息。这一切甚至可能都落在先前的渠道中,不是关于那将是一场大流行,而是关于那将是一种即将到来的变革能量。   Let’s get away from the health right now and take a look at the economies. There’s many who have said this is devastating to the economies. I will tell you something, dear ones…it is not devastating. It’s a pruning. Many have told you, books have been written, futurists have said so…that the stock market itself has systemic problems. That means that in it’s very design, it’s going to fail. 让我们现在远离健康,看看经济。有许多人说这对经济是毁灭性的。我要告诉你们,亲爱的,这不是毁灭性的。这是修剪。很多人告诉你,有人写过书,未来学家也这么说……股市本身就存在系统性问题。这意味着在设计上,它会失败。   And the way around that, we told you, was an integration so it wouldn’t fail. And there was a lot of head scratching to say. “Well what is that integration?” I will tell you what it is…it’s the virus. 我们告诉过你,解决这个问题的方法是整合,这样就不会失败。还有很多话要说。”什么是整合?“我会告诉你是什么…是病毒。   Because what is going to happen when the stock market comes back, and it will, it is set to rebound, dear ones. It is not set to fail. Watch it. On good news it starts to rebound, on bad news it doesn’t. It’s not dead, but what happens with it and the commerce around it is a re-boot. 因为当股票市场回来的时候会发生什么,它会,它会反弹,亲爱的。它不会失败。小心点。好消息是它开始反弹,坏消息不是。它还没有死,但是它和周围的商业发生了什么是重新启动。   And that re-boot starts to correct the systemic problems that it has naturally that it’s developed over years that would cause the failure. 重新引导开始纠正系统性问题,这些问题是多年来自然产生的,会导致失败。   Some who will say, “Well what about all the stores that are closed and they’re saying they’re not going to re-open and they’re right. Many will not re-open, and they’ll be the stores that shouldn’t have been there. Not with the economy as it should be. 有些人会说,“那么,所有关闭的商店怎么办,他们说他们不会再开了,他们是对的。很多商店不会重新开张,它们将是本不该出现的商店。而不是经济的现状。     A re-boot is a pruning out of the things that should not be, so when they rebound they will not then continue, do you see? So, systems that were not working, processes that were almost broken, when they come from zero and start coming back will not have those attributes. Do you see how this works? 重新启动是一个修剪出来的东西,不应该,所以当他们反弹,他们不会再继续,你看到了吗?所以,那些不工作的系统,那些几乎崩溃的进程,当它们从零开始返回时,将不会有这些属性。你知道这是怎么回事吗?   Let me put it in another way. If a Human Being is in trouble, and the Human Being really needs to have help with this and they go perhaps to a health worker or a psychiatrist or psychologist, what they’re going to tell the is this, “You’ve got to stop, take a breath, go to zero, and re-calibrate yourself.” 让我换一种说法。如果一个人遇到了麻烦,而他真的需要帮助,他们可能会去找卫生工作者、精神病医生或心理学家,他们会告诉他,“你必须停下来,深呼吸,归零,重新校准你自己。”   Re-calibrate yourself. Every Lightworker knows how this works. You go to a place of meditation. All over the world, they know how this works. You have to stop everything. You stop going to work, you stop with your family, you stop everything. And you stand there or sit there and understand for whatever length of time what is important to you and what is not. 重新校准自己。每个光之工作者都知道这是如何工作的。你去一个冥想的地方。全世界的人都知道这是怎么回事。你必须停止一切。你停止工作,停止和家人在一起,停止一切。你站在那里或坐在那里,无论时间长短,你都明白什么对你重要,什么对你不重要。   You have to go to that place where nothing is moving. Then the intuition starts to come in and says, “Oh, I see what’s wrong. I see these things over here. That doesn’t serve me, I thought it did. I was too busy to notice.” You see? 你得去一个什么都不动的地方。然后直觉开始进来说,“哦,我知道怎么了。我在这里看到这些东西。那对我没用,我以为是的。我太忙了,没注意到。“你看?   “Oh, I see this relationship over here…I thought it was one thing and now I realize that maybe it’s another. I better take another look.” “I was too busy with myself. I was too afraid of my surroundings.” “I’ve had this and that happen and I never could get any sleep and no wonder I couldn’t see these things.” “哦,我在这里看到了这种关系……我以为是一回事,现在我意识到也许是另一回事。我最好再看一眼。”“我太忙了。我太害怕周围的环境了。”“我经历过这样那样的事情,我一直睡不着觉,难怪我看不见这些东西。”   And so, just as Human to Human you understand that sometimes, the finish line, what you have to do to correct yourself is to stop, take a breath,balance yourself, breathe, meditate, take time. 所以,就像人与人之间的交流一样,有时候,在终点线,你要做的是纠正自己,停下来,深呼吸,平衡自己,深呼吸,冥想,花时间。     And then the intuition starts to flow in, and that intuition without all the busyness and without all the things that disturb you and the fears and those that talk to you about this and that and opinions, all of that goes away. 然后直觉开始流入,没有了所有的忙碌,没有了所有打扰你的事情,没有了恐惧,没有了那些和你谈论这个,那个和意见的人,所有这些都消失了。   Intuition flows in that is beautiful from your spirituality from your own Soul, from across the veil, perhaps that says number one, you are dearly loved. Number two, take a hard look at the things around you because now is the opportunity to eliminate them and start afresh. 直觉从你的灵性中流出,从你自己的灵魂中流出,从面纱的对面流出,这也许是说第一,你被深深地爱着。第二,仔细看看你周围的事物,因为现在是消除它们,重新开始的机会。   And as you do, you’ll be healthier, you’ll be a sweeter person because you’ll understand what works and what does not. 当你这样做的时候,你会更健康,你会是一个更可爱的人,因为你会明白什么是有效的,什么是无效的。   Dear Human Being, the Planet is in Re-Boot mode right now! 亲爱的人类,地球现在正处于重新启动模式!   There’s never been anything to create this kind of Unity on the Planet, not even a World War. This is new, take a look, it’s on purpose you might say, from a virus, by the way, that came from nature, but didn’t get to you naturally. We’ll talk on that some other time. 在这个星球上从来没有任何东西能创造出这种团结,甚至连一场世界大战都没有。这是新的,看一看,你可能会说,这是故意的,从一个病毒,顺便说一句,那是来自大自然,但不是你天生的。我们改天再谈。   I would like to tell you right now that when these things are over and it starts to come back, it may take a while, but it’s going to come back a different way.  It’s going to come back fresher. It’s going to come back with systems that are correcting themselves because they’re starting over New ideas!  Industries may disappear, and not because of the virus, but because they’re recognized as not being necessary. New industries, new inventions are going to pop up because of this. 我现在想告诉你们,当这些事情结束,它开始回来,这可能需要一段时间,但它会回来一个不同的方式。会更新鲜的。它会带着系统回来,这些系统正在自我修正,因为它们正在重新开始新点子!工业可能会消失,不是因为病毒,而是因为它们被认为是不必要的。新的产业,新的发明会因此而出现。     I’m telling you that whatever you think is going to happen, you’ll be wrong, because this is the re-boot we talked about, the energy-shift we talked about. When all around the naysayers say it can’t happen with the economy we have. They’re right. “It can’t happen with the stock market the way it is.” They’re right. 我告诉你,无论你认为会发生什么,你都是错的,因为这是我们谈论的重新启动,我们谈论的能量转移。当所有的反对者都说我们的经济不可能这样。他们是对的。”股市不可能像现在这样,他们是对的。   And it isn’t. You’re at zero right now and you’re going to come rebounding back differently. There is so much hope for this Planet because of this. 但事实并非如此。你现在是零,你会以不同的方式反弹回来。正因为如此,这个星球才有如此大的希望。   I tell you these things in Love and Compassion, because you’ll see it’s true. And you may have difficulty understanding why this had to happen or that had to happen. It’s the salvation of Humanity. Its the beginning of a higher consciousness and understanding of the togetherness of Humanity. 我用爱和同情告诉你这些事,因为你会明白这是真的。你可能很难理解为什么会这样或那样。这是人类的救赎。它是一个更高的意识和对人类团结的理解的开始。   You let a microbe bring you to your knees! 你让微生物把你带到膝盖上!   What if, instead, the next time it’s Love. We have more understanding and compassion for one another. 如果下一次是爱呢。我们对彼此有更多的理解和同情。   We can sweep this Planet with Love. We can make things happen that never happened before. This is not what you think. I give you these things in Love 我们可以用爱来清扫这个星球。我们可以让以前从未发生过的事情发生。这不是你想的。我在爱中给你这些东西   There’s not only hope for the future, there is hope for a different future. You’re not going to return to the same ‘ol, same ‘ol. That goes for politics. That goes for broadcast news. That goes for what you’re going to find out later…what really happened with what you call COVID-19. 不仅对未来有希望,还有对不同未来的希望。你不会回到原来的老样子,老样子。这也适用于政治。那是广播新闻。你以后会发现…你所说的COVID-19到底发生了什么。   These things will happen because you need them, and you will correct things because of it. And this will be a much better Planet to live on, believe me. You’re not returning to the old world ever again. 这些事情的发生是因为你需要它们,你也会因此而改正。相信我,这将是一个更好的星球。你不会再回到旧世界了。   I am Kryon, in Love with Humanity, and I’ll be back. And so it is. 我是克里恩,热爱人类,我会回来的。事实就是这 Translator: Pearl

CH — 拉里·罗曼诺夫(LARRY ROMANOFF)– 转场 — 2020年5月5日


A Change of Venue 转场 2020年5月5日


CH — BENJAMIN FULFORD: 17:05: 2021

  17:05:2021 Human Sacrifice on Temple Mount Won’t Save Satanists 圣殿山上的活人献祭仪式救不了撒旦教徒   Crime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel and his fellow Satanists staged a human sacrifice on the temple mount in a desperate bid to retain power and avoid war crimes tribunals, according to Mossad sources.  British intelligence also confirms a mass killing event took place but details of exactly what happened are scarce. 根据以色列摩萨德的消息来源透露,以色列犯罪总理内塔尼亚胡和他的撒旦兄弟们,在圣殿山上举行了一场活人献祭仪式,以此来希望保住权力,避免战争罪法庭。英国情报部门也证实发生了一起大规模杀戮事件,但具体发生的细节却很少。   MI6 sources say there was “some kind of massacre at the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount.  We have a suggestion this is all purely Khazarian Mafia with some CIA thrown in.” 英国军情六处的消息来源说:“圣殿山上的阿克萨清真寺发生了某种大屠杀。我们认为这些事件都是美国中央情报局介入下的纯粹可萨黑手党。”   We have previously reported the original Netanyahu is long gone and so, according to Mossad, the figure now presiding over the massacre of Palestinians is “Bibi the clone.” 我们之前报道过,内塔尼亚胡的原班人马早已不见了,因此,根据以色列摩萨德的说法,现在主持屠杀巴勒斯坦人的人物是“哔哔叨的内塔尼亚胡的克隆人”。   MI6 adds the “Jala Tower in Gaza was attacked to destroy servers with incriminating evidence relating to the mass murder of Palestinians.” 英国军情六处补充说:“加沙的贾拉塔遭到袭击,目的是摧毁服务器,并提供与大规模谋杀巴勒斯坦人有关的证据。”   The Satanists behind Netanyahu, in order to stay in power and avoid jail also ordered missile attacks on Israel and blamed it on the Palestinians.  The attacks were designed to cause minimal or no casualties.  Then “retaliation” begins as a part of a final push to wipe out the non-Jewish population of Israel.  It also enables martial law so that he and his goons can stay in power. 内塔尼亚胡背后的撒旦主义者为了继续掌权,避免坐牢,还下令对以色列发动导弹袭击,并将其归咎于巴勒斯坦人。袭击的目的是尽量减少或不造成人员伤亡。然后,作为消灭以色列非犹太人口的最后努力的一部分,“报复”就开始了。这件事还可以导致戒严,使他和他的手下可以继续掌权。   Remember these people are religious fanatics who think that as soon as they massacre all the Palestinians and ethnically cleanse Israel they can rebuild their temple and enslave humanity forever. 请记住,这些人是宗教狂热分子,他们认为,只要他们屠杀所有巴勒斯坦人,以种族清洗以色列,他们就可以重建自己的神庙,永远奴役人类。   The fact that a small majority of the Israeli people has woken up and voted to remove the criminal regime of Netanyahu is what forced these murderers into their desperate last-minute gambit. 事实上,以色列的一小部分人民已经觉醒并投票推翻了内塔尼亚胡的罪恶政权,正是这一事实迫使这些杀人犯在最后一刻采取了绝望的策略。   Netanyahu is also now being publicly blamed for the murder of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin 内塔尼亚胡现在也被公开指责谋杀了总理拉宾。   “Netanyahu” and his gang must be hunted down and killed. “内塔尼亚胡”和他的帮派必须被追杀。   Personally, as a genetic Jew, I find it deeply shameful to watch religious Jews who have been ritually castrated (circumcised) worshipping at the wall of a Roman fort in a mistaken tribute to their enslavers.  If it is to be built, the third temple needs to be built elsewhere. 就我个人而言,作为一个遗传犹太人,我看到宗教犹太人在罗马堡垒的墙壁上进行仪式性阉割(割礼)崇拜,错误地向他们的奴隶主致敬,感觉这是非常可耻的。如果要建第三座庙宇,就需要在别处建。   In any case, P3 Freemasons and others say their patience has run out and action will be taken against Israel.  Pentagon sources say the nuclear devices used by Israel to blackmail the rest of the world with their “Sampson option,” have now been neutralized.  That means the people of Israel will be forced to choose between the destruction of Jerusalem or the removal from power of the Satanists who use Netanyahu as their avatar. 无论如何,意大利P3共济会和其他人说,他们的耐心已经耗尽,将对以色列采取行动。五角大楼的消息来源说,以色列用来敲诈世界其他国家的“参孙的选择”核武器系统,现在已经失效。这意味着以色列人民将被迫在,摧毁耶路撒冷和将内塔尼亚胡的阿凡达替身等撒旦教徒下台之间,做出选择。   There is another reason for the desperate massacres going on in Israel and that is developments in Switzerland involving the Priory of Sion, the Knights of Malta, the Dragon family, and many other powerful groups.  These groups are on the verge of reaching an agreement that will change human history.  In the latest development on this front the Dragon family sent the following message to the Western power groups: 以色列正在进行的绝望屠杀还有另一个原因,并且那个原因涉及到瑞士的锡安隐修会、马耳他骑士团、龙族和许多其他强大团体的近况。这些团体即将达成一项改变人类历史的协议。在这方面的最新进展中,龙家族向西方权力集团传达了以下信息:   Dear Sirs, 尊敬的先生们,   We would like to introduce ourselves to all of you. 我们想向大家作自我介绍。   We represent the Chinese Royal Family, the so-called Red Dragon Family, which is mentioned in the World Bank documentation of all banks in the world. 我们代表中国皇室,也就是所谓的红龙家族,这在世界银行所有银行的文件中都有提到。   We do have access to different forms of financial instruments like Bonds, Bank Guarantees, and Stand-By Letters of Credit. 我们确实可以获得不同形式的金融工具,如债券、银行担保和备用信用证。   We also have access to movable gold bullion and cash deposits all around the world. 我们还可以在世界各地获得可移动金条和现金存款。   We also have some different historical boxes that we are able to redeem if any of you have access to these types of instruments to redeem them. 我们也有一些不同的可以赎回的历史性盒子,如果你们中的任何人有权使用这些类型的工具来赎回它们。   I will be able to meet you all in Switzerland or any other location that is possible for you and me to travel to, considering the Covid-19 traveling restrictions. 考虑到新冠疫情期间的旅行限制,我将能够在瑞士或任何其它可能让你和我去的地方与你们见面。   I am grateful to the White Dragon Society for introducing us to all of you. 感谢白龙会把我们介绍给大家。   I would be grateful for you all to come back with what form of financial instrument or cash funds you are capable to work with. 我将非常感谢你们所有人与你们有能力工作的形式的金融工具或现金基金一起回来。   Also, we do have heritage accounts that we have full access to if that is something we could do some arrangements so that we can fund all the projects that this world needs so much. 此外,我们确实有遗产账户,如果我们可以做一些安排,为这个世界如此需要的所有项目提供资金的话,我们完全可以使用这些账户。   Best regards, 顺致敬意,   The Ambassador of the Red Dragon Family 红龙家族的大使   The dragon family representative suggested the Western banking families could have their debts, running into the “quadrillions of dollars,” written off if they agreed to set up and jointly fund a future planning organization. He said: 龙族代表建议,如果西方银行业家族同意成立一个未来规划机构发改委并共同出资,他们达到“万亿美元”的债务可能会被一笔勾销。他说:   “For example, we have a Treaty of Versaille Box worth $33 trillion that we can let them have for 1% of face value [that is still $330 billion] and use that to set up the organization.” “例如,我们有一个价值33万亿美元的凡尔赛盒子条约,我们可以让他们以面值的1%(仍为3300亿美元)拥有,并用它来建立这个组织。”   The Dragon family can also offer physical gold, cash, or any of a range of bonds, he added. 他补充说,龙族还可以提供实物黄金、现金或一系列债券中的任何一种。   The representative also had an interesting story to tell about former Philippine leader and Dragon family head Ferdinando Marcos.  “Marcos survived his so-called death and remarried a Chinese woman,” he said.  Also, Marcos had a son from a marriage with a Dragon family member called Emota that took place before he married the infamous Imelda.  This son has many assets that can also be used, the representative noted. 这位代表还讲述了一个关于菲律宾前领导人、龙族首领费迪南多·马科斯的有趣故事。“马科斯在所谓的死亡中幸存下来,并与一名中国女子再婚。”此外,马科斯与恶名昭彰的伊梅尔达结婚前,与一个名叫埃莫塔的龙家族成员结婚,育有一子。这位代表指出,这个儿子有很多资产也可以使用。   The Dragon family says they will only work through the White Dragon Society in the West.  They also warned that if any dragon family member is killed, then the people responsible and their families going back 9 generations will be killed in retaliation. 龙族说他们只会通过西方的白龙会工作。他们还警告说,如果任何龙族成员被杀,那么负有责任的人们的9族亲属将被杀掉作为报复。   There is also a consensus that if the groups in Switzerland refuse to come to a deal there will be no choice but military action including nuclear weapons, the Dragon family, MI6, Pentagon, and P3 Freemason sources agree.  The ball is now in their court. 龙家族、英国军情六处、五角大楼和意大利P3共济会的消息来源同意,还有一个共识是,如果瑞士的组织拒绝达成协议,除了包括核武器在内的军事行动别无选择。现在该瑞士的组织采取行动了。   We realize this group, through Klaus Schwab (pictured below) 我们通过克劳斯·施瓦布认识到了这个群体(见下图)     of the Davos World Economic Forum, are offering their own “great reset.” 达沃斯世界经济论坛的主席们,都提出了自己版本的“金融大重置”。   If you read their words it sounds mostly good, filled with talk about reducing income inequality, protecting the environment, etc.  However, there is a catch: 如果你读到他们的话,你会觉得大部分都很好,充满了关于减少收入不平等、保护环境等的话题。然而,有一个问题:   “We will give you all these nice things but first you must take your vaccination.” “我们会给你所有这些好东西,但首先你们必须接种疫苗。”   They are trying to vaccinate the entire population of the planet with god knows what to fight a disease that they cannot even prove exists.  It is sort of like “drink your cool-aid and then you can go to heaven.” 他们正试图给地球上的所有人接种疫苗,“帮助”他们对抗一种他们甚至无法证明存在的疾病。这有点像“武大郎,来把药吃了。”   There is also a clear degeneration of the whole Covid-19 business into a farce.  The stories below are good examples saying that “Dracula’s castle will be used to administer vaccines,” and “China has deployed troops to the top of Mt.  Everest to stop Covid,” and that “Covid will enter your penis and make you infertile.” 整个新冠疫情大流行业务也明显退化为一场闹剧。下面的故事是很好的例子,“德古拉的城堡将被用来管理疫苗”,“中国已经部署军队到珠穆朗玛峰顶端阻止新冠病人偷渡”,“新冠病毒将进入你的阴茎,使你不育。”   Also how many cool-aid drinkers out there will believe this video about getting a daily Covid passport? 还有多少喝着廉价饮料的人们,会相信这段关于获得每日疫苗接种护照的视频?   Nonetheless, the fact that so many sheeple are wearing masks and lining up for vaccines shows just how insidious the Khazarian Mafia control grid really is. 尽管如此,但是还是有这么多人戴着口罩排队接种疫苗的事实表明,可萨黑手党的控制网到底有多阴险。     Here is an example of how this group controls most of the world’s so-called civilian governments.  Last week slave Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga of Japan read the wrong script when he was asked the following question by “opposition MP” Renho: 以下是一个例子,说明这个组织如何控制世界上大多数所谓的平民政府。上周,日本首相菅义伟在被“反对党议员”村田莲舫问及以下问题时读错了剧本:   “People are arriving in ambulances at hospitals around Japan and are not being admitted…The situation is getting worse…So Prime Minister if the Olympics are held and both Japanese citizens and Olympic athletes arrive at the hospital at the same time, who will be given priority?” “人们乘坐救护车抵达日本各地的医院,却没有被收治……情况越来越糟……所以,首相,如果奥运会举行,日本公民和奥运运动员同时抵达医院,谁会优先?”   Instead of answering the question, the slave Prime Minister read a script about how Pfizer was going to supply vaccines to Olympic athletes so it would not affect vaccine supplies in Japan.  Renho then angrily asked for the Prime Minister to be shown the proper page on the script to read from. 这位奴才首相没有回答这个问题,而是读了一篇关于辉瑞公司将如何向奥运会运动员提供疫苗的剧本,这样就不会影响日本的疫苗供应。随后,村田莲舫愤怒地要求向首相出示剧本中的适当一页,让他阅读。   This confirms what many bar hostesses who cater to politicians have told me over the years and that is that when they are drunk the politicians admit to being actors paid to read a script. 这证实了许多迎合政客的酒吧女招待多年来告诉我的话,那就是,当他们喝醉了,政客们承认自己是花钱看剧本的演员。   Please watch the video below to see for yourself what a sham so-called Democracy is in Japan. 请观看下面的视频,亲眼看看日本所谓的假民主是什么。   This is not just Japan.  The same is now true for the U.S., Canada, England, and many other countries.  Democratic processes have been subverted by stealth by the Khazarian mafia. 这不仅仅是日本。现在美国、加麻大、英国和许多其它国家也是如此。民主进程被可萨黑手党秘密颠覆。   Here is what a senior European royal had to say about the situation: 以下是一位资深欧洲皇室成员对形势的看法:   “We have taken note of the session of the lower house of the Japanese legislature.  All of the world’s civilian governments are the subject of the Nuremberg Protocols.  The call for evidence is ongoing in Germany.  Only Germany can know from its bones the chilling recollection of history and that has not evaded them nor all of us who swore no more of world war and the horrors of it.” “我们注意到日本立法院下院的会议。世界上所有的文官政府都是纽伦堡议定书的主体。德国的求证行动仍在进行。只有德国才能从骨子里知道对历史的令人毛骨悚然的回忆,这一点他们也没有回避,我们所有人也没有再对世界大战和战争的恐怖进行过宣誓。”   We note the military in France, the U.S., Canada, and elsewhere are finally beginning to take action against the stealth hijacking of governments by a Satanic mafia. 我们注意到,法国、美国、加麻大和其他地方的军队终于开始采取行动,打击一个恶魔黑手党秘密劫持政府的行为。   Despite firing a whole slew of Canadian military officers on spurious charges, Prime Minister Justin Sinclair Castro of Canada will go to jail, and so will many of his fellow gangsters. 尽管以虚假指控解雇了一大批加麻大军官,但加麻大总理贾斯汀·辛克莱·特鲁多·卡斯特罗将入狱,他的许多同伙也将入狱。   WATCH | Crimes Against Humanity Charges against Justin Trudeau and others will be heard by the Supreme Court 最高法院将审理针对贾斯汀·特鲁多和其他人的反人类罪指控   A military investigation has already started. 军事调查已经开始。   The fake Biden administration in the U.S. is also collapsing.  Their attempt to buy popularity by handing out money led to a record 8.1 million unfilled job openings (why work if you can get free money?).  They are also spending 90% more than they earn, racking up record trade deficits and stoking hyper-inflation. 美国假拜登政府也在崩溃。他们试图通过发放救助金来赢得人气,结果导致810万个就业岗位空缺(如果你能得到免费的钱,为什么还要工作?)。他们的支出也比收入高出90%,造成创纪录的贸易逆差,加剧了高通胀。   The Rockefeller crime family behind the Biden fake presidency is also shutting down gas pipelines, sabotaging bridges and engineering food shortages, etc. all in a doomed bid to retain power. 拜登假总统背后的洛克菲勒犯罪家族也在关闭天然气管道、破坏桥梁和工程、粮食短缺等,所有这些都是为了保住权力。   We also note China has made fun of NASA (Not A Space Agency) by announcing an obvious CG Mars landing. 我们还注意到,中国已经取笑美国宇航局发布了一个明显的电脑特效火星登陆。   Maybe next they could show aliens landing on Tien An Men square. 也许下一步他们可以展示外星人登陆天安门广场。   As the old curse goes, “May you live in interesting times.” 正如古老的诅咒所说,“愿你生活在有趣的时代。” oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo 10:05:2021 Without a Moral Compass the West Cannot Win 失去了道德制高点,西方就无法取胜   The West is losing the war for Planet Earth because it no longer represents good and currently has incompetent criminal leadership. The West many of us grew up in represented democracy, human rights, wealth, and progress. It now represents disease, economic inequality, war, and fascism. 西方正在输掉地球之战,因为它不再代表善良,而且目前正在被一群无能的罪犯所领导。笔者本人这一代的许多人在长大的时候,西方国家代表着民主、人权、财富和进步。而现在,西方世界却代表着疾病、经济不平等、战争和法西斯主义。   A poll sponsored by NATO of 53,000 people in 53 countries shows that 44% of people around the world consider the United States to be a threat to their democracy.  This compares to a figure of 38% and 28% respectively for China and Russia. 由北约组织发起的一项对53个国家5.3万人的民意调查显示,全世界44%的人认为美国对他们的民主构成威胁。而中国和俄罗斯分别为38%和28%。   That means the U.S. is losing ground in the soft power struggle with Asia. 这意味着美国在与亚洲的软实力斗争中正在失利。   Also, with record trade and fiscal deficits as well as looming hyperinflation, the West is also losing the economic war.  In March, the U.S. posted its largest trade deficit in history at $74.4 billion, up from the previous record of $71.1 billion set a month earlier.  This is only possible for the U.S. by becoming ever more indebted to China. 此外,随着创纪录的贸易和财政赤字,以及迫在眉睫的恶性通货膨胀,西方也在经济战中失利。2021年3月,美国公布了历史上最大的贸易逆差为744亿美元,高于一个月前创下的711亿美元的纪录。只有在美国对中国的债务越来越重的情况下,这才有可能实现。   China’s GDP in real world-based Purchasing Power Parity is $27 trillion compared to $20 trillion for the U.S.  With Chinese economic growth far surpassing that of the U.S. this gap will only continue to widen and will not change unless the West changes its system of economic management. 以世界实际购买力平价计算,中国的GDP为27万亿美元,而美国为20万亿美元,中国的经济增长远远超过美国。除非西方改变经济管理体制,否则这种差距只会继续扩大,不会改变。   The only thing the U.S. has left is military power, and war game after war game shows it losing in an all-out war against China. 美国唯一剩下的就是军事力量,一场又一场的战争表明,美国在对中国的全面战争中输了。   Unless the West restores real democracy, the rule of law, respect for human rights, and competent economic management, the next generation will become Chinese slaves. 除非西方恢复真正的民主、法治、尊重人权和称职的经济管理,否则下一代的西方人将成为中国的奴隶。   The reason for this decline is that the West has been taken over by a Satanic cult. 这种衰落的原因,是西方已经被一伙崇拜撒旦的邪教所取代。   In Japan, they have murdered prime minister after prime minister and many others in the post-war era to try to bring this country under the control of the same cult.  The process is easier to understand here because it has begun relatively recently.  However, in the West, it started at least with the murder of Jesus Christ by this same cult.  In the U.S. they murdered Abraham Lincoln, President Franklin Roosevelt, General George Patten, President John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and many others to cement their control. 在日本,这伙邪教在战后一个接一个地杀害日本首相和其他许多人,试图把这个国家置于同一邪教的控制之下。这个过程在这里更容易理解,因为这是最近才开始的。然而,在西方,邪教渗透的过程,至少从耶稣基督被同样的邪教谋杀的时候,就已经开始了。在美国,他们谋杀了亚伯拉罕·林肯、富兰克林·罗斯福总统、乔治·彭定康将军、约翰·肯尼迪总统、马丁路德金和其他许多人,以此来巩固他们的控制。   This group is now pushing the pandemic and the related totalitarian rule.  Take a look at the satanic family history of chief U.S. vaccine and pandemic pusher Anthony Fauci and his family crest. 这个组织现在正在推动目前这场疫情大流行和相关的极权统治。看看美国疫苗和疫情大流行推动者安东尼·福奇及其家族的徽章和撒旦家族历史。     Their castle headquarters is only 15 miles from the Davos World Forum that is pushing for universal human vaccination, with God knows what synthetic programmed poison, using a manufactured pandemic as an excuse. 他们的城堡总部距离达沃斯世界论坛只有24公里,达沃斯世界论坛正在利用人为的疫情大流行为借口,推动普及对人类接种的疫苗,天知道里边到底是什么人工合成的程序化毒药。   Now take a look at this video of pandemic pusher Davos frontman Klaus Schwab, chief promoter of the pandemic and the “great reset,” telling Swiss television in 2016 that all humans will have a microchip embedded in either their brain or under their skin to attach them to a centralized computer network. 现在来看看以下这段视频,疫情大流行推动者兼达沃斯世界论坛的领头人物——克劳斯·施瓦布,是疫情大流行和“金融大重置”的首席推动者,他在2016年告诉瑞士电视台,所有人的大脑或皮下都将嵌入一个微芯片,将其连接到一个集中的计算机网络。   According to Polish Intelligence, Klaus Schwab has a meeting set for July with power elites where they will discuss a mandatory ID for everyone.  Sources there say: 根据波兰情报部门的消息,克劳斯·施瓦布将于2021年7月与权力精英会面,讨论每个人的强制身份。有消息称:   “This will not only control their access to money but also their access to a totally censored internet.  The elites are in a panic and are pushing their plans forward because too many people have become aware of their existence and have begun to rebel.” “这种植入人体的微芯片,将不仅控制他们获得金钱的渠道,而且还将控制他们进入舆论受到完全审查的互联网。由于太多人意识到自己的存在并开始反抗,统治精英们陷入了恐慌,正在推进自己的计划。”   Also last week a strong push by the White Dragon Society and their allies to set up a meritocracy-based planning organization, to help navigate humanity toward a better future, has flushed out a powerful and ancient secret society straight from a Dan Brown novel.  This society contacted us after we approached the BIS, the central bank of central banks in Switzerland. This is the legendary Priory of Sion, which claims to date back to 1099 and from there to ancient Babylon.  They even have a website. 同样在上周,白龙会及其盟友大力推动建立一个以精英管理为基础的经济规划组织,帮助人类走向更美好的未来,这场行动直接从丹·布朗的小说中炸出了一个强大而古老的秘密社团。在我们联系了瑞士的国际清算银行——这个中央银行的中央银行之后,这个古老的秘密社团联系了我们。以下是锡安传说中的隐修会,据说可以追溯到1099年,从那里一直到古巴比伦。他们甚至有一个网站。   This is the central control group of world Zionism, and they have now been flushed out into the open. 这是世界锡安犹太复国主义的中央控制集团,他们现在已经从秘密运作中走出来,公开活动。   Here is some of what they say about themselves: 以下是他们对自己的一些看法:   The Merovingians are a line of Kings descended from a sea monster resembling a dragon.  A myth was created to pass down very essential knowledge designed to unravel the ancient origins of the Merovingians, which go back to ancient Babylon. 梅罗文吉亚人是一系列国王的后裔,这些国王又是一个像一条龙的海怪的后裔。他们创造了一个神话来传递非常重要的知识,意在解开梅罗文吉亚人的古代起源,这些起源可以追溯到古巴比伦。   The sea monster described in the legend is an ancient representation of Nimrod, who built the Tower of Babel and ruled Babylon. 传说中描述的海怪是尼姆罗德的古代代表,尼姆罗德建造了巴别塔并统治巴比伦。   They are ruled by a Grand Master, who is and always will be the highest spiritual authority and the sovereign of the Order.  There is NO position senior to this and never will be. 他们被一位大师所统治,他现在是并且将永远是最高的精神权威和秩序的君主。没有比这更高级的职位,也永远不会。   This group also claims that previous Grand Masters included Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, Sandro Filipepi, Robert Boyle, and Michel de Nostredame.  The current “Grand Master” is Marco Rigamonti. 该组织还声称,历届大师包括达芬奇、牛顿、菲利佩比、博伊尔和诺斯特雷达姆。现任“大师”是马可·里加蒙蒂。   Below the grandmaster is, “The Sacred Council of the 13 Rose-Croix [of the] Sacred Merovingian Order of the Priory of Sion (Prieuré de Sion).” 在大师这一阶级的下面,是“锡安隐修会神圣的梅罗文吉安教团的13玫瑰克罗伊的神圣委员会。”   We assume this council of 13 represents the 13 bloodlines of the Illuminati.  They also claim documentary evidence going back to the twelfth century that identifies the Holy Grail with the Real Blood of Jesus. 我们假设这个13人的委员会代表了光明会的13个血统。他们还声称可以追溯到十二世纪的文献证据表明圣杯中有耶稣的真血。   So basically we have a cult claiming it is reptilian in origin, which dates back to ancient Babylon and is led by descendants of Jesus Christ. 所以基本上我们有一个邪教,声称它起源于爬虫族外星人,这个邪教可以追溯到古代巴比伦,是由耶稣基督的后裔领导。   The problem is this cult has started two World Wars and killed countless millions of people in order to realize a delirious dream where “a descendant of Jesus Christ,” would rule all of humanity from Mt. Zion i.e. Jerusalem.  Don’t forget, the god of the temple they plan to build is known to us as Baal, Molech, Set, or Satan. 问题是这个邪教,为了实现“耶稣基督的后裔将从耶路撒冷的锡安山统治整个人类”这样一个疯狂的梦想,已经发动了两次世界大战,杀死了无数的人。别忘了,他们计划建造的圣殿的神,被我们成为巴尔、摩洛、塞特或撒旦。   Here is the message we sent to them: 以下是我们发给他们的信息:   “  Fr. Aurelius, 奥雷利乌斯神父,   It is good to hear at last directly from the Prieuré de Sion. Over a decade ago Japanese military intelligence told me it was the Order of Sion that was behind the ongoing attempts to start Armageddon and bring on End Times.  We apologize for having to resort to nuclear threats in order to get your attention.  However, the ongoing bio-warfare and gene-altering vaccine attack against humanity has been forensically traced to Switzerland and the elders of Zion.  If you are not responsible we would appreciate your help in finding those who are and getting them to cease and desist immediately. 最后能直接听到首席执行官的话真是太好了。十多年前,日本军事情报部门告诉我,正是锡安犹太复国主义教团,正在幕后策划一场末日善恶大决战。为了引起你们的注意,我们不得不诉诸核威胁,对此我们深表歉意。然而,正在调查的,针对人类的生物战和基因改变疫苗的攻击,已经在法庭上追踪到了瑞士和锡安犹太复国主义教团的长老。如果你并不是对这场巨大的阴谋负有责任,那么我们将感谢你的帮助,并找到那些真正负有责任的人,让他们立即停止这场阴谋。   What we are proposing is that only God does God’s work and that human attempts to artificially bring on End Times must stop. 我们的建议是,只有上帝才能做上帝的工作,人类试图人为地引发世界末日的这种行动,必须停止。   Instead, we are proposing the creation of a meritocratically staffed planning organization to help navigate humanity and all life on Earth towards a better future.  Such an agency would operate in harmony with existing organizations and not supplant or replace them. 相反,我们建议建立一个由精英组成的全球经济规划发改委组织,帮助人类和地球上所有生命走向更美好的未来。这样一个机构将与现有组织协调运作,而不是取代它们。   That is why I am planning to meet with a Dragon Family representative at the BIS in order to monetize some historical financial instruments and use the funds to set up this organization.  We need to know who our counter-party will be when we go there and have assurances that this will not be another wild goose chase. 这就是为什么我计划在国际清算银行会见一位龙族代表的原因,以便将一些历史金融工具货币化,并利用这些资金建立这个组织。我们需要知道,当我们去你们那里的时候,我们的对手是谁,并保证这不会是另一场白费力气的追逐。   I personally have no interest in running such an agency and merely wish to help set it up. 我个人对经营这样一个机构不感兴趣,只想帮助建立它。   Your kind understanding in this regard is most appreciated. 非常感谢你在这方面的理解。 oo00oo00oo00oo00oo00oo Benjamin Fulford 本杰明·富尔福德  ”   So far we have received no reply, therefore, the war continues.  The ouster of Benjamin Netanyahu (or whoever controlled his avatar) from power in Israel has been a big victory for humanity.  Now Israeli newspapers are reporting his secret partner in the ongoing attempt to start Armageddon, aka World War III, Ayatollah Khameini of Iran is dying of prostate cancer. 到目前为止,我们还没有收到任何答复,因此,战争仍在继续。本雅明·内塔尼亚胡(或是控制他阿凡达替身的人)在以色列被赶下台,是人类的一大胜利。现在以色列的报纸正在报道:他的秘密伙伴正在试图引发世界末日善恶大决战,又名第三次世界大战,伊朗的哈梅尼死于前列腺癌。   We also note a recent attempt to cover up the secret alliance between Israel and Iran, Swiss diplomat Sylvie Brunner, who represented U.S. and Israeli interests in Iran, plunged to her death last week after she was summoned to Switzerland to testify about Secret U.S.-Israeli connections with Iran, according to U.S. naval intelligence and other sources. 我们还注意到,最近有人试图掩盖以色列和伊朗之间的秘密联盟,根据美国海军情报部和其他消息来源说,瑞士外交官西尔维·布伦纳上周被传唤到瑞士,准备对美国、以色列和伊朗之间的秘密关系作证,随后坠楼身亡。   We also took note of an attempt by Hillary Clinton, or whoever controls her avatar, to justify the fake Biden regime in the U.S. 我们还注意到,希拉里·克林顿或控制她的阿凡达替身的人,试图为美国假拜登政权辩护。   “Hillary” talks about a “threat to democracy,” from “alternative realities.” (We assume she is referring to a reality where everybody is not vaccinated and issued mark of the beast vaccine passports). “希拉里”从“另类现实”谈起“对民主的威胁”(我们假设她指的那个现实,是每个人都没有接种疫苗,也没有签发《圣经》当中说的“兽的印记”微芯片疫苗护照)。   She also says the Trump administration represented “wholesale jettisoning of…boundaries for our leaders to operate within.”  So we have a “democracy” where leaders have “boundaries” set by who? 她还说,川普政府代表着“大规模抛弃……边界,让我们的领导人在其中运作”,所以我们有一个“民主”,在那里,领导人有谁设定的“边界”?   “Hillary” also says: “希拉里”还说:   “There’s no doubt that the Chinese are basically making the…case that democracy is messy, things take too long, people are in and out of office, and there’s no continuity.  You can’t have the kind of fixed goals that can be moved forward in a socially cohesive way, therefore choose us.  We are facing that struggle.” “毫无疑问,中国人基本上是在说……民主是混乱的,事情要花太长时间,人们总是在办公室里进进出出,政策没有连续性。你不能有一个固定的目标,可以在一个社会有凝聚力的方式向前推进,因此请选择我们吧。我们正面临这场斗争。”   The real struggle, of course, is that the satanic cult she represents gutted Western democracy and allowed unbridled greed to destroy Western economies. 当然,真正的斗争是,她所代表的撒旦崇拜邪教,摧毁了西方的民主,让肆无忌惮的贪婪摧毁了西方的经济。   Unless the West reforms its leadership system China is going to win, make no mistake about that. 除非西方改革其领导体制,否则中国将赢得胜利,对此不要搞错了。   Also, China is not the only threat.  Turkey is on the warpath as well.  Its leadership is trying to unite the Islamic world into an empire that runs from “deep into Africa” to the “borders of China,” and says Turkey is already “more effective” than the EU.  The Turks say global threats from the “West” transcend disputes between Turkey, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. 而且,中国不是唯一的威胁。土耳其也正在扩军备战。它的领导层正试图把伊斯兰世界联合成一个,从“深入非洲”到“中国边界”的帝国,并且说土耳其已经比欧盟“更有效”。土耳其人说,来自“西方”的全球威胁超越了土耳其、埃及和沙特阿拉伯之间的争端。   Turkish government-sanctioned media say: 土耳其政府刚刚制裁过的媒体称:   “A new and very powerful initiative may emerge between the Mediterranean, the Red Sea, and the Persian Gulf.  This will then spread all the way into the depths of Africa, from the Caucasus to the Chinese border and from the Mediterranean to Africa.” “地中海、红海和波斯湾之间可能会出现一个新的、非常强大的伊斯兰帝国的倡议。然后,这将一路蔓延到非洲的深处,从高加索到中国边境,从地中海到非洲。”   They also note that from the “ongoing battle in northern Syria and Iraq, the fresh initiative that has reached the Chinese border from the Caucasus after the Karabakh war is Turkey’s victory.” 他们还指出:“从叙利亚北部和伊拉克正在进行的战斗来看,卡拉巴赫战争后,从高加索地区到中国边境的新伊斯兰帝国,是土耳其的胜利”   Remember this talk is coming from a NATO country with the largest army in Europe, excluding Russia.  Please note this same country is working with NATO against Russia in Ukraine.  Remember too that Resident Joe Biden and his handlers were refused entry into the Pentagon and so instead they plan to go to NATO headquarters.  What does this tell you about NATO leadership? 请记住,这次谈话来自一个,不包括俄罗斯的,拥有欧洲最大军队的北约国家——土耳其。请注意,这个国家正在乌克兰与北约合作对付俄罗斯。还要记住,接纳难民的乔·拜登和他的手下被拒绝进入五角大楼,因此他们计划前往北约总部。对你来说,这说明了北约领导地位的哪些方面?   We also note that the Cabal appears to be targeting Yellowstone.  Dr. Jerzy Żaba is a geologist from the University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.  He predicts that an eruption of the Yellowstone Caldera similar to one the hit 640,000 years ago “would destroy most of the United States territories.” 我们还注意到,锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团似乎正在准备对黄石公园下手。杰贼·咋巴博士是波兰卡托维兹西里西亚大学的地质学家。他预测,不久的将来,黄石火山的喷发,将类似于64万年前发生的喷发,“将摧毁美国大部分领土”。   We assume that if the Yellowstone caldera is being targeted it is being done by Cabal members hiding in either Switzerland or Antarctica.  This is no time for the U.S. military to sit on its hands and we remind its members of their oath to the Constitutional Republic. 我们假设,如果黄石火山口是目标的话,那么这场准备摧毁美国的行动,是由隐藏在瑞士或南极洲的锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团成员策划的。现在不是美军袖手旁观的时候,我们要提醒他们对宪法共和国的誓言。   Finally, I’m looking forward to communicating with those of you who would like to participate in an exclusive live webinar(网络研讨会) each month where I will answer your questions and our private discussions can deep dive into the latest intel and issues of the day. A separate post with sign-up information will follow and also offer weekly audio reports for your convenience.  Hope to see you there! 最后,我期待着与那些,想参加笔者本人的每月独家研讨会网络直播的人,进行交流,我将回答你们的问题,我们的私人讨论可以深入到最新的全球地缘政治情报和当今的问题。另一篇含有会员付费内容的新闻通讯文章将会在接下来发表,并且为了给残障人士提供方便,我们会给读者们提供每周新闻通讯的音频版。希望在那里见到你们! Translator: Pearl oo00oo 07:05:2021 Geopolitical Mega Quake Ready to Blow 地缘政治大地震即将爆发 While the Western world wanders through the dystopia of a fake Joe Biden pre sidency and a manufactured pandemic, something huge is brewing.  A thousands-of-years-old regime is facing systemic collapse and secret negotiations about its replacement are ongoing.  We cannot talk in detail about the negotiations yet for security reasons.  All we can say is that it will be the biggest thing since monotheism began in ancient Egypt thousands of years ago.  When it happens it will be on all the screens and news outlets.  Until then operational secrecy is vital, so let’s look at the signs of systemic collapse. 当西方世界徘徊在假拜登总统任期和人为的疫情大流行反乌托邦中时,一些巨大的事情正在酝酿。一个拥有数千年历史的政权正面临系统性崩溃,有关其更替的秘密谈判正在进行中。出于安全原因,我们还不能说谈判的详细情况。我们只能说,这将是自几千年前一神教在古埃及开始以来最大的一件事。当它发生时,它将出现在所有的屏幕和新闻媒体上。在此之前,行动的保密至关重要,所以还是让我们看看体系崩溃的迹象。   The biggest thing visible is hyper-inflation emerging in the U.S.  This is something commonly seen during regime collapse.  The cause is the people behind the Biden avatar printing money like there is no tomorrow (for them it is probably true).  Government hand-outs exploded in March to an annualized $8.1 trillion, double the $4.1 trillion from February and $5 trillion above the pre-“pandemic” level of $3.2 trillion. 最明显的迹象是美国出现了高通胀,这是政权垮台时常见的现象。原因是拜登的阿凡达替身背后的人疯狂印钞,以至于就好像没有明天一样(对他们来说,这可能是真的)。3月份,政府发放的资金猛增至每年8.1万亿美元,比2月份的4.1万亿美元翻了一番,比“疫情大流行”之前的3.2万亿美元高出5万亿美元。   This is what it has done to commodity prices over last year, even though the party has just barely started: Lumber: +265%, WTI Crude: +210%, Corn: +84%, Copper: +83%, Soybeans: +72%, Silver: +65%, Sugar: +59%, Cotton: +54%, Platinum: +52%, Palladium: +32%, Wheat: +19%, Coffee: +13%. 尽管这场派对刚刚开始,但是疯狂印钞在去年对大宗商品价格造成的影响是:木材:+265%,美国西得克萨斯州轻质原油期货指数:+210%,玉米:+84%,铜:+83%,大豆:+72%,银:+65%,糖:+59%,棉花:+54%,铂金:+52%,钯:+32%,小麦:+19%,咖啡:+13%。   Supply-chain experts say they have never seen anything like what is now happening. 供应链专家表示,他们从未见过像现在这样的情况。   “There is a total, global log-jam; goods cannot be shipped in some cases; and supply-side inflation on a scale we have not seen for a long, long time looks imminent.” “有一个全面的,全球性的日志堵塞;在某些情况下货物不能装运;而且我们曾经到现在已经很久没有看到过的,这种规模的供给侧通货膨胀,似乎迫在眉睫。”   There is also a food shortage emerging in the U.S. with food prices rising and basic items like chicken meat running in short supply. 美国也出现了食品短缺,食品价格上涨,鸡肉等基本食品供不应求。   As of last December, one in seven U.S. households was suffering food shortages.  By January 41.8 million Americans were on food stamps — 13%, more than a year earlier. 截至2020年12月,美国每7户家庭中就有1户遭遇粮食短缺。截至2021年1月,4180万美国人领取了食品券,比一年前增加了13%。   Meanwhile, all of the Biden funny money being handed out to appease the masses is also removing their incentive to work.  The situation has reached the point where McDonald’s franchises are paying people $50 just to show up for a job interview and convenience store chains are paying $500 signing bonuses. 与此同时,拜登为安抚民众而发放的所有可笑的钱,也在消除他们工作的动力。目前的情况已经到了这样的地步:麦当劳快餐连锁店为了使人们来求职面试,而付给人们50美元,连锁便利店则支付500美元的劳动合同签约奖金。   “How do we get enough drivers, I don’t know,” was the answer Covenant Logistics CEO David Parker gave analysts last week when asked about the labor shortage. “我不知道我们怎样才能找到足够的司机,”这是圣约物流公司的首席执行官大卫·帕克上周在被问及劳动力短缺问题时给出的答案。   Uber insider Nathaniel Rothschild has given public hints – to those who pay attention – tweeting such things as: 优步网约车公司的内部人士纳撒尼尔·罗斯柴尔德在推特上向关注此事的人提供了公开提示,比如:   “What if tomorrow the world changes as we know it?” and “The next crisis will hit you during your sleep, and you will wake up poor.  It will happen lightning fast.  Music is still playing.  Few do realize that every market is deep faked.  So prepare.  Buy physical #Gold and #Silver!!” “如果明天我们所知道的这个世界发生了变化会怎么样?”和“下一次危机会在你睡觉的时候袭击你,你醒来时会很穷。它将以闪电般的速度发生。音乐还在播放。很少有人意识到每个市场都是伪造的。所以要做好准备。购买实物黄金和白银!!”   The question that needs to be asked in these circumstances is why is the U.S. dollar so strong?  The answer, of course, is that the Biden funny money is only being accepted inside the U.S.  In other words, the U.S. dollar is no longer American. 在这种情况下,需要问的问题是,美元为何如此坚挺?答案当然是,拜登的搞笑钱只在美国国内被接受,换句话说,美元不再是美国货币。   The Chinese are lending the Biden regime real money to buy their stuff because Chinese American Katherine Tai, the U.S. Trade Representative, is the de-facto president of the United States, according to Asian secret society sources. 根据亚洲秘密社团的消息来源透露,中国人借钱给拜登政权购买中国的商品,是因为美国贸易代表、美籍华裔凯瑟琳·泰是美国事实上的总统。   Here is the avatar they are using for day-to-day interactions with the corporate propaganda media Jen Psaki, aka David Rockefeller’s grandson Mark Zuckerberg. 以下是他们用来与企业宣传媒体的珍·普萨基(又名马克·扎克伯格,他是大卫·洛克菲勒的孙子)进行日常互动的阿凡达替身。       What this family that sold the U.S. corporate government to China fails to realize is that, according to a senior European Royal, “all of the world’s military intelligence agencies are allied and know what has happened.”  In other words, they know the West has been seized by a fanatic religious cult that is trying to vaccinate everyone on earth with gene-altering substances in order to permanently enslave them. 这个把美国企业政府卖给中国的家族没有意识到的是,根据一位高级欧洲王室成员说:“世界上所有的军事情报机构都已经结成了同盟,并且都知道发生了什么事。”他们知道西方已经被一个狂热的邪教所控制,这个邪教试图给地球上的每个人接种基因改变物质,以便永久奴役他们。   The agency sources say: 这些军事情报机构的消息来源说:   “The decision at top brass has been made to end this madness and get the world back to what was normal, not this so-called new normal this cult of lunatics are ramming down the global civilian population neck.” “军事情报机构高层所做出的决定是结束这种疯狂,让世界恢复正常,而不是这种所谓的常态——这些邪教的疯子正在冲击全球平民的脖子。”   Speaking about lunatics, the public dialogue about this pandemic and vaccine is getting weirder and weirder by the day.  They are now saying things like “vaccinated people will contaminate the non-vaccinated,” and we have so-called Pfizer executives saying things like the vaccines will sterilize you, give you mad cow disease, turn you into an atheist, etc. 谈到疯子,公众对这种流行病和疫苗的对话越来越奇怪。他们现在说的是“接种疫苗的人会污染未接种疫苗的人”,然后又有所谓的辉瑞制药公司高管说,疫苗会给你消毒,让你得疯牛病,把你变成无神论者等等。   While some of this is certainly fear porn, there can be no doubt that some of these vaccines really are murderous.  In India, it has now become clear their recent breakout of “new variants” of Covid-19 was directly linked to vaccinations.  That is why India’s vaccine czar has left the country for the UK due to “unprecedented” threats. 虽然这其中的一些肯定是恐怖色情片,但毫无疑问,其中一些疫苗确实是致命的。在印度,他们最近发现新冠病毒的“变种”与疫苗接种有直接关系。这就是印度疫苗沙皇因“史无前例”的威胁而离开印度前往英国的原因。   Then you have respected magazines like Scientific American noting how “influenza has disappeared,” but failing to reach the conclusion that it has disappeared because its name was changed to “Covid-19.” 然后像《科学美国人》这样受人尊重的杂志,注意到“流感已经消失了”,但是没有得出结论说它已经消失了,因为它的名字改成了“新冠病毒”。   Influenza did not disappear in Japan because the medical system refused to lie about it.  That is why the only Covid-19 cases in Japan come from hospitals owned by cabal front KKR. 流感并没有在日本消失,因为日本医疗系统拒绝对此撒谎。这就是为什么日本仅有的新冠病例来自于KKR集团旗下医院的原因。   The move to use the pandemic as an excuse for strict social control and vaccine passports is also connected to an attempt to initiate a mark of the beast type financial system.  “Mastercard – Paypal – Visa All working with [privately owned] central banks now,” tweets Nat Rothschild. 将流感大流行作为严格的社会控制和疫苗护照的借口的举动,也与试图启动《圣经》当中的“兽的印记”式金融体系有关。纳特·罗斯柴尔德在推特上写道:“万事达卡、贝宝支付网站、维萨信用卡现在都在与(私人所有的)中央银行合作。”   Here is the real explanation for the pandemic as forwarded to us by the CIA: 以下是美国中央情报局转交给我们的,关于此次流感大流行的真实解释:   “The Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan is owned by GlaxoSmithKline, which owns Pfizer!  The one who makes the vaccine against the virus that started at the Wuhan Biological Lab and was funded by Dr. Fauci who promotes the vaccine! “武汉的中国生物实验室归英国葛兰素史克制药集团所有,并且英国葛兰素史克制药集团还拥有美国辉瑞制药公司!这些制药公司制造了针对病毒的疫苗,这些病毒是由武汉生物实验室传播出来的,武汉生物实验室是由美国流行病学家福奇博士建立的,而福奇博士却正在推广疫苗!”   GlaxoSmithKline is managed by the finance division of Black Rock, which manages the finances of the Open Foundation Company (Soros Foundation), which manages the Soros owned German company Winterthur that built a Chinese laboratory in Wuhan and was bought by the German Allianz that (coincidentally) has Vanguard as a shareholder, who (coincidentally) is a shareholder of Black Rock, which (coincidentally) controls central banks and manages about a third of global investment capital. 葛兰素史克制药集团由黑石集团的财务部门管理,该部门负责管理开放基金公司(索罗斯基金会)的财务,开放基金公司管理着索罗斯旗下的德国公司温特图尔,温特图尔公司在武汉建立了一个中国实验室,并被德国安联保险集团收购,(巧合的是)德国安联保险集团拥有美国先锋集团的控股权,(巧合的是)美国先锋集团是黑石集团的股东,(巧合的是)黑石集团控制着各国央行,管理着全球约三分之一的投资资本。   Black Rock is also (coincidentally) a major shareholder of MICROSOFT, owned by Bill Gates, who (coincidentally) is a shareholder of Pfizer (which – remember? Sells a miracle vaccine) and (coincidentally) is now the first sponsor of the WHO!  Now you understand how a dead bat sold in a wet market in China has infected the WHOLE PLANET! ” 黑石集团也是微软的大股东,比尔·盖茨也是辉瑞公司的股东,还记得吗?(巧合的是)微软公司现在是世界卫生组织的第一个赞助商!现在你明白了,一只死蝙蝠在中国的水产品市场上销售,是如何感染了整个地球的!”   In some ways, this is all too contrived which brings the question; What if this is all just a giant initiation ceremony? 在某些方面,这看起来太做作了,这带来了问题;如果这只是一个巨大的共济会/光明会/邪教/秘密社团的入会仪式呢?   We were told last year that humanity would be put through the equivalent of a tribal coming of age ceremony and that the whole thing would last until the autumn of this year.  The idea would be to implement the type of changes to global governance usually involving a world war without actually having a world war. 去年有人告诉我们,人类将经历一个相当于部落成人仪式的过程,整个过程将持续到今年秋天。其想法是对全球治理体系进行一种变革,这种变革在过去通常涉及一场世界大战,而现在实际上没有一场世界大战。   In a sign this might be right, we are noticing more and more UFO and space opera stuff appearing in the “mainstream” corporate media.  Here is a sampling from last week, with even the New Yorker magazine getting in on the action. 有迹象表明这种说法可能是真的,我们注意到越来越多的不明飞行物和太空歌剧出现在“主流”企业媒体上。以下是上周的一个样本,就连《纽约客》杂志也参与了这一行动。   In any case, while the West is going through its nervous breakdown and seeing UFOs, the rest of the world is busy redrawing borders.  This is especially true in the Middle East.  The big story there continues to be the ongoing attempt by the Turks to revive the Ottoman Empire.  Here is the sort of talk they are publicly putting out: 不管怎样,当西方世界正在经历精神崩溃,看到不明飞行物的时候,世界其它地区正忙着重新划定边界。中东尤其如此。重要的是,土耳其人仍然在试图复兴奥斯曼帝国。以下是他们公开发表的言论:   “They are telling us to refrain from altering the post-World War I order, to remain as the West’s eastern front, to avoid any action that will bring the region to us and awaken the main axis of the Earth, which stretches from the Atlantic to the Pacific coasts.  Turkey is much more effective than all European Union countries put together…The West is no longer the world’s center.” “他们告诉我们不要改变第一次世界大战后的秩序,继续充当西方的东部边界这样一个角色,避免采取任何把这个地区纳入我们版图、唤醒从大西洋延伸到太平洋沿岸的地球主轴的行动。但是土耳其比所有欧盟国家加起来要有效得多……西方不再是世界的中心。”   These words are being backed with military action in Libya, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, etc. 这些话得到了利比亚、伊拉克、哈萨克斯坦、乌克兰等国军事行动的支持。   The country with the most to lose is the Israeli crypto colony of Saudi Arabia.  “The Saudis have no more power even with all that oil, Then can’t ‘buy’ respect anymore,” according to the CIA. 损失最大的国家是以色列的秘密殖民地沙特阿拉伯。根据美国中央情报局的说法:“沙特阿拉伯即使拥有那么多的石油也没有更多的权力,也就不能再‘购买’尊重了。”   In a desperate attempt to avoid a Turkish takeover, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and other Gulf countries have been trying to make peace with Iran.  “We are seeking to have good relations with Iran,” Saudi Crown Prince avatar Mohammed bin Salman told Saudi television this week 为了避免土耳其的接管,埃及、约旦、沙特阿拉伯和其它海湾国家一直在努力与伊朗实现和平。沙特王储穆罕默德·本·萨勒曼的阿凡达替身,本周对沙特电视台说:“我们正在寻求与伊朗保持良好关系。”   The Saudis need to make peace with Iran because the U.S. military is no longer willing to act as their enforcers.  That is why they are losing the war with Yemen’s Houthis and are in real danger of losing control over their oil fields.  The Yemeni people, who built 12 story tall buildings over a millennia ago, view the Saudis as upstart camel herders who just happened to get lucky with oil.  They want to return their historical place as the true powers in the Arab peninsula and will probably succeed in doing so.  The Saudi may soon get taken out of Arabia. 沙特需要与伊朗达成和平,因为美军不再愿意充当他们的执法者。这就是为什么他们在与也门胡塞人的战争中失败了的原因,并面临着失去油田控制的真正危险。也门人民在一千多年前建造了12层楼高的建筑,他们把沙特视为新兴的骆驼牧民,他们碰巧幸运地得到了石油。他们希望恢复自己作为阿拉伯半岛真正大国的历史地位,而且很可能会成功。沙特可能很快就会被赶出阿拉伯。   The other country that is losing its border war is the United States.  Sources along the frontier with Mexico say the border is disintegrating.  “I’ve never seen anything quite like this…it’s the Wild West on steroids,” says Goliad border county Sheriff Roy Boyd. 另一个正在输掉边境战争的国家是美国。来自墨西哥边境的消息来源说,美国边境正在瓦解。戈利亚德边境县警长罗伊·博伊德说:“我从来没有见过这样的事情……这简直就像是美国西进运动拓荒时期。”   Canada is keeping its border with the U.S. mostly shut for now but it is a good bet that a joint U.S.-Canadian military operation to remove Satanic cultist Justin Castro from power is just a matter of time.  At that point, the Biden-Rockefeller, Communist China freak show in the U.S. should also come tumbling down. 目前,加麻大与美国的边境大多处于关闭状态,但美国/加麻大联合军事行动,将撒旦崇拜者贾斯汀·特鲁多·卡斯特罗赶下台,无疑是个时间问题。到那时,美国的拜登·洛克菲勒、美国街头的5月1日共产主义游行也应该轰然倒塌。   There is a powerful group that wants to re-invigorate the West by restoring democracy, the rule of law, freedom of the press, and meritocracy.  If the West fails in its efforts, the United States will become a Chinese-owned farm whose management is sub-contracted to a bunch of Khazarian gangsters like the Rockefellers.  Eventually, the entire planet will forever be turned into a giant animal farm.  We all need to join the fight to make sure this never happens.  We will win but it will take a lot of hard work and brave determination. 有一个强大的组织希望通过恢复民主、法治、新闻自由和精英管理来振兴西方。如果西方的努力失败了,美国将变成一个中国人拥有的农场,其管理权将转包给洛克菲勒家族这样一群可萨黑手党。最终,整个地球将永远变成一个巨大的动物农场。我们都需要加入这场斗争,以确保这永远不会发生。我们会赢,但这需要很多努力和勇敢的决心。

Riots, Murders, Nuclear Terror and Chaos as Western Political System Implodes



First of all, I want everyone to know we are collectively over the target as our electronic systems suffered a massive attack while this report was being prepared.  Nevertheless, countermeasures were activated, and here is the latest intel that was intended not to reach you in a timely manner.



A series of high-level murders, an attempt to set off nuclear weapons in the Ukraine, riots, and other chaos all indicate the current Western political system is imploding.  The main problem is a group of Messianic fanatics who think they must fulfill end-times prophecies written in ancient books.



Let us start with the attempt by the end-times fanatics to start Armageddon in Ukraine.  After we conveyed a message from Russia’s FSB last week that a U.S. C-17 carrying nuclear weapons arrived in Ukraine we got the following message from the NSA:



“Thanks to your tips 3 nukes were located headed into South-Eastern Ukraine to be remotely detonated…  in about 2 weeks…  hopefully Russia will take them out … and the 4 weapons headed into south Western Russia will be rerouted by Russia…And we hope the 4 nukes headed to DC, NYC, Moscow in June  & Maybe London will also be rerouted into the depths of Langley East and West…  we can only hope.”



The intercepted nukes were clearly intended to be set off in Ukraine and blamed on Russia as we can see from the propaganda campaign now going on.  For example the U.S. Navy Information/Disinformation site Sorcha Faal and Jane’s report the following:



“President Putin authorizing the use of the nuclear-armed Iskander ballistic missiles being presently deployed near the Ukraine border.



Then we have reports about Russian “nuclear mortars” etc.



Of course, the mainstream corporate propaganda media is also beating the drums of war.



We also have the Israelis and their Iranian partners carrying on their ad-nauseum “Iran is about to get nuclear weapons” kabuki theater. The latest is a supposed Israeli attack on an Iranian nuclear site followed by Iranian promises of “revenge.” As usual, they are just trying to get “Gog” (the G7) to fight “Magog” (the Shanghai Cooperation Association) to start Armageddon.

还有以色列人和他们的伊朗伙伴,在歌舞伎剧院不厌其烦地上演他们的“伊朗即将获得核武器”的广告。最新的一次是以色列对伊朗核设施发动袭击,随后伊朗承诺进行“报复”。与往常一样,他们只是想让(七国集团)扮演《圣经旧约 以西结书》当中的“歌革”与(上海合作组织)扮演的“玛各”展开决战。


These fanatics just won’t give up.  That is why the Gnostic Illuminati have issued the following warning:



“If the Messianic fanatics try nuclear terror again, it will result in the obliteration of Jerusalem.”



OK, now let us talk about the announcement of the death of Prince Philip, the associated murders, and their connection to the nuclear terror attempts.  Prince Philip died two years ago, just when the current “pandemic” broke out, according to our CIA and Mossad sources.  Remember this infamous 1988 quote of his:



“In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation.”



Maybe his cabal friends carried out this entire scamdemic as a form of tribute to him.  The timing of the announcement of his death may also be linked to a fight between two cabal factions, the Davos “great reset” crowd, and the Armageddon group.  The deaths of Prince Charles socialist-globalist allies Sir Richard Sutton (murder) and Czech billionaire Petr Kellner (helicopter accident) are not coincidental, according to the Sorcha Faal information-disinformation site.



Our Mossad sources say the great reset group is planning to wind down the “pandemic” this summer and announce the death of Queen Elizabeth II this autumn.  This would be followed by a new leader of the committee of 300 (Prince William? Charles? Harry?) and an accompanying “great reset.”



The Armageddon group is apparently desperately trying to prevent this from happening because they still believe World War III and the death of 90% of humanity is necessary to bring forth their “Messiah.”



There is also a lot of confusion swirling around the ongoing scamdemic.  This is seen in the form of more and more contradictory information being pumped out about Covid-19 and vaccines; Vaccinated people are getting Covid; vaccines cause blood clots, mad cow disease, death, etc.  It is almost as if we are witnessing a campaign to awaken the sleepwalkers.



Perhaps the most credible reason for the fake pandemic and the accompanying vaccine campaign is contained in the following article from March 2020:



It talks about an injectable sensor that contains a “specially engineered molecule that sends a fluorescent signal outside of the body” and “an electronic component attached to the skin.”  The electronic part reads the fluorescent signal and sends it to a network.



Remember these end-time fanatics believe that everybody needs to have the mark of the beast implanted into them in order to bring on the “Messiah.”  Maybe that is why the new Pope Francis Avatar recently issued this call:



“I reiterate my call to government leaders, businesses and international organizations to work together in providing vaccines for all.”



He linked it with a call for communal property linked to people’s social scores.  If that is not the mark of the beast I do not know what is.



It is also clear the Western fanatical leadership is panicking because their whole plandemic scam is falling apart and mass vaccination is not happening on the scale necessary for depopulation.  There are more and more signs the campaign is now being wound down.  In the UK for example they are saying they reached “the threshold of herd immunity against Covid-19 on April 12.”



Opinion polls also show the pandemic fear campaign is failing as the public begins to wake up to the reality that people are not actually dying any more than they did before the “pandemic.”



There is also a growing body of evidence that the pandemic campaign was started with a massive 5G electromagnetic attack that really did kill lots of people before the 5G networks were dismantled.  Last week, for example, saw gravesites in Wuhan China being overwhelmed by mourners, confirming that hundreds of thousands if not millions of people were killed when they simultaneously fired up 10,000 5G towers in the city in late 2019.



The sheer terror of being exposed as war criminals is turning the Khazarian Mafia cabal into dangerous cornered rats.  This includes the Chinese Communist Party officials behind the Wuhan disaster.  Many of them, including Xi, have already been removed.  The current Xi is the brother of the previous one, Asian secret society sources say.



The Rockefeller faction behind the Joe Biden Avatar fake U.S. government is especially terrified because their crimes against humanity are far worse than just a single attack on Wuhan.  They have been deliberately poisoning the people of the world for over a century with cancer-causing chemicals.



For example, the label on this wholesale “vanilla oil” bottle warns the contents are carcinogenic, destroy fertility, cause organ failure and attack the central nervous system.




And yet this same “vanilla oil” is found in every Japanese supermarket without any warning whatsoever.  This form of attack has been repeated in shampoos, soaps, foodstuffs, cosmetics, etc. throughout the entire commercial ecosystem of the fortune 500 companies controlled by this Satanic clan.



That is why the vaccines pushed by this particular group, as the former VP of Pfizer warns, are going to kill all those who take them.



The other reason the Armageddon sub-group of the Khazarian Mafia wants to kill everybody is that their crimes against children are also about to be exposed.  According to a top CIA source:



“Ghislaine Maxwell is not in the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn as the MSM is saying.  She was removed from the MDC months ago, All the talk about her bail and court appearances are theatrics.  She is under the protection of military intelligence.  Maxwell turned over all her documents, photos, videos, ledgers and files to them.  MI has enough intelligence to bring down the top-level Cabal-Satanic members.  They are waiting to spring the trap.  It seems the announced death of Prince Philip is connected to this.”



We have been waiting and waiting for the U.S. military to act but hopefully this time they really will.



The other thing the Rockefeller group is doing is trying to raise oil prices.  Oil refineries and related facilities have been destroyed during the past month in Syria, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Mozambique, Indonesia, Texas, etc.  The cutting off of the Keystone Pipeline and the warmongering in Ukraine also fit the Rockefeller playbook.



Asian secret society sources are now telling us the real reason for the coup in Myanmar followed by the recent unrest is that the Rockefellers are trying to sabotage a major Chinese oil pipeline that is designed to bypass the Straits of Malacca chokepoint.



The Rockefellers have also gotten a lot of money from Communist China by promising them control of Japan, ASEAN, Australia, and New Zealand as we have previously reported.  That is why the U.S. was able to pay for the largest trade deficit in that nation’s history, $71.1 billion for the month of February alone.



Japanese right-wing sources close to the Emperor have now pointed out exactly who the Rockefellers are using to keep their promise to hand Japan over to the Communist Chinese: an imperial family pretender by the name of Fushimonomiya Hiroakio.  He is an adviser to Mobil Oil, which is how the Rockefeller family funnels money to him, the sources say.



This is the group mentioned in last week’s report calling for a “True World Religion Federation,” and “World Religion the Vatican.”  In other words, it is a good bet the current Pope Francis Avatar, together with the Biden Avatar, the Ben Johnson Avatar, etc. also all work for the Rockefellers and their bosses at the Octogon group in Switzerland.



This is personal for me because these people murdered my webmaster and probably murdered my former girlfriend and our child.  They are also linked to the Dalai Lama.  Their Chief Hitman Tenzan Nakai came out of hiding because his former Boss Hanabusa Goro of the Hanabusa gang died a few weeks ago and he is hoping to take over, the sources say.  These people need to be hunted down and destroyed ASAP.

这对我来说是个人恩怨,因为这些人谋杀了我的网站管理员,可能还谋杀了我的前女友和我们的孩子。他们还与达赖喇嘛有关。消息来源说,他们的头号杀手中井天赞从藏匿处抛头露面,是因为他的前老板 戈罗花浦沙 几周前去世,中井天赞希望能接手那个职业杀手公司。这些人需要尽快被追捕和消灭。


By the way, we were told last week that these are the precise coordinates for the headquarters of the Octogon group: 46.4555, 6.60052



If you punch those coordinates into Google Earth, they point directly to the center of Lake Geneva.  Removing these people from power is the only way to save the West from becoming a Chinese colony.



It seems the JP Morgan faction of the Khazarian Mafia has come to the same conclusion.  Last week JP Morgan CEO Jamie Diamond made the following observations:



“America has faced tough times before…This time may be different….The Chinese see an America that is losing ground in technology, infrastructure and education – a nation torn and crippled by politics, as well as racial and income inequality – and a country unable to coordinate government policies (fiscal, monetary, industrial, regulatory) in any coherent way to accomplish national goals.  Unfortunately, recently, there is a lot of truth to this.  Their long-term thinking and competent, consistent leadership have outshone America in so many ways.

“美国以前面临过艰难时期……这次可能不同了……中国人看到的是一个在技术、基础设施和教育方面正在失利的美国—— 一个被政治、种族和收入不平等撕裂和残废的国家——以及一个无法协调政府政策(财政、货币、工业、市场监管)以任何连贯的方式实现国家目标。不幸的是,最近几年,这种说法有很大程度上是真的。他们的长期思维和干练、始终如一的领导能力在很多方面都超过了美国。


Almost all institutions – governments, schools, media, and businesses – have lost credibility in the eyes of the public.  Americans know that something has gone terribly wrong, and they blame this country’s leadership:



We need a comprehensive, multi-year national Marshall Plan, and we must strive for healthy growth.  Proper budgeting and planning – on a multi-year basis – should be implemented at all levels of government.”



At the risk of sounding like a broken record, a new institution, i.e. a future planning organization, is the way to fix the West and the planet as a whole.  The messianic fanatics are trying to prevent this and must be removed.  There is no other choice.



One final note this week, we are seeing more and more reports of UFOs in the corporate media.  This one about pyramid-shaped UFOs



got my attention because the Dalai Lama linked people above used to like showing me pictures of such  UFOs.


Translator: Pearl


Khazarian Mafia Running Biden Psy-ops Out of Switzerland




The grotesque psychological warfare operation against the American people known as the “Biden presidency” is run out of an underground base in Switzerland, MI6, NSA, FSB, CIA, and other sources agree.  The base straddles the borders of Lichenstein, Austria, and Switzerland, allowing entry from any of those three countries, according to a CIA source. However, despite the overwhelmingly dark story of pandemic doom and “foreign enemies,” in the corporate media, the fact the ruling class has been forced to retreat to Switzerland is actually a sign they are losing the war for the planet.


Rockefeller-Biden Scam Falling Apart As World Shuns It



The coup carried out in the United States by the Rockefeller family and their Council on Foreign Relations slaves is falling apart as the world shuns this heinous crime family.  Following the exit of Donald Trump, there is a growing consensus among the power elite that Joe Biden’s fake presidency is becoming a disaster movie.  That is why a third alternative is being worked on at the highest levels of world power, multiple secret society sources say.
