CH — BENJAMIN FULFORD: 15: 03:2021


Attack on Khazarian Mafia Leadership Intensifies



Attack on Khazarian Mafia Leadership Intensifies


The hunt is now zeroing in on Khazarian mob leaders such as members of the Habsburg family and their henchmen like Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Fascists, Mossad, and other sources say.




Gnostic Illuminati Targets Bloodline Elite 2021 Offensive Begins



The Gnostic Illuminati has announced that Special Forces will be hunting down and arresting or, if necessary, executing the following war criminals: Queen Elizabeth II, Pope Francis, Aga Khan IV, the Dalai Lama, Ayatollah Khameini of Iran, David Rockefeller Jr., the Swiss and French branches of the Rothschild family, Gianmario Ferramonti of the P3 Freemasons, Victor Emanuel, the Agnelli brothers, Benyamin Netanyahu, Baron Jarod Kenneth Wilhelm Thyssen DeCoste and many others.



These people have been put on the target list because they have been publicly promoting mass injection of experimental gene therapy “vaccines” that change DNA function based on a provably fraudulent pandemic.  This is attempted genocide and merits the death penalty under current international law, MI6, Pentagon, CIA, Asian Secret Society, and Gnostic Illuminati sources agree.



These people are also the highest-ranking identifiable members of the politburo of the Khazarian Mafia, the sources agree.  By arresting and questioning them, a clear path towards planetary liberation can be made possible.



This is the group that controls an ancient system of totalitarianism known as Babylonian debt slavery and is symbolized by an eye at the top of a pyramid.



This system of slavery has been traced back to the group that handed the Ten Commandments to Moses.  If you read the uncensored versions of the Bible, you will find that the so-called “God,” who handed over these commandments threatened to kill people with arrows, murdered a series of Jewish leaders, and demanded tribute in the form of gold, silver, sheepskins dyed red, aroma oil, etc.  This is not a “God,” but rather a highly sophisticated group of human slavers known to the common people as “Satan.”



This writer has a personal reason to agree with the Illuminati, the world’s intelligence agencies, and thousands of lawyers that this ongoing pandemic fraud needs to be the subject of a Nuremberg-style war crimes tribunal.  Last week I got the following letter:



公益社団法人日本外国特派員協会The Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan

100-0005 Japan, Tokyo-to, Chiyoda-ku, Marunouchi, 3-2-3, Marunouchi Nijubashi Building 5F E-mail: Tel:+81-3-3211-3161 Fax:+81-3-3211-3168

March 5, 2021     Re: Masks in the Club



100-0005日本东京至千代田区丸内町丸内町5号楼3-2-3Fhttp://www.fccj.or.jp电子邮件: front@fccj.or.jp电话:+81-3-3211-3161传真:+81-3-3211-3168



Dear Mr. Benjamin S. Fulford. The FCCJ Board would like to remind you it is Club policy that everyone should wear a mask while on the premises, except while eating or drinking, while the pandemic continues.  The scientific evidence indicates this is an effective way of reducing the risk of infection with a virus that can otherwise result in death or serious, long-term illness.  The Board has been informed that you have at times refused to comply with this requirement.  While we value your contributions to the Club, it is unfair to cause other members or staff to fear for their lives or health, whatever your own personal beliefs may be about Covid-19 or masks.  While on Club premises, please wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth.  If you feel unable to do so, we ask that you avoid visiting the Club during the pandemic.  Thank you for your cooperation.  The FCCJ Board



Here was my reply:



Please inform the board that I would be happy to comply if they are willing to provide me with the scientific evidence.  Otherwise as a journalist who seeks truth from facts I will be informing the world they are acting based on superstition.  Neither the CDC nor the WHO have provided proof the virus exists.  So in the interests of journalism, I challenge them to a fact-based debate on the subject.  If they refuse to debate me I will not comply.



Since they did not answer me, I suspect the real reason they wanted to force the mask issue is that on March 2nd, I ruined their attempt to whitewash the March 11, 20011 mass murder attack on Fukushima, Japan.  They had Kiyoshi Kurokawa, who headed the Japanese Parliamentary inquiry on Fukushima, come to try to whitewash the incident by blaming it on Japanese government incompetence.



However, I asked Kurokawa why the deep sea drilling ship Chikyu was drilling into the ocean floor at the exact epicenter of the earthquake in the weeks prior to the disaster.  I also pointed out that Japanese and Australian military intelligence said a nuclear weapon had been placed on board the ship.  I also asked why the Israeli Company Magna BSP had been put in charge of security at the Fukushima plant immediately before the disaster.  This prompted Kurokawa to go rogue on his handlers by saying “The Japanese people were not protected by military force.” In other words, the U.S. and Japanese military failed in their duty on that day.



Getting back to the “pandemic,” it is a basic tenet of logic that you cannot prove something does not exist but that you can prove something exists.  So someone can say, “there is a galaxy made out of purple spaghetti” and nobody can prove them wrong.  However, if the elite wants people to choke themselves with unhygienic masks to “fight a virus,” they need to prove it exists.  So far, neither the CDC nor the WHO nor anybody else has been able to produce a single sample of the so-called Covid-19, or Sars Cov 2, or whatever else they are calling it.  By contrast, there is an overwhelming body of evidence that the vaccine pushers are using insurance fraud and other means to force doctors to label illnesses such as influenza, pneumonia, the common cold, and tuberculosis as “Covid-19.”



That is why a military and legal campaign has begun against the Khazarian Mafia politburo.  Here is what MI6 has to say on the subject:



“The evidence we have points back to the World Bank in 1975 being the root cause analysis of preplanning [of the “pandemic”].  What gave the military concern was SIONICS in tandem with the nano particulates contained in the vaccines and then all hell broke loose and we went into the offensive over defensive.


SIONICS means Systems of Insurgency Negation and Counter Subversion – basically zapping your political opponents or quelling population uprisings.  Genocide is not far off what this is all about and the population reduction madness of the Luciferian Cult controlling the United Nations.”



Also, last week the Asian Secret societies and the White Dragon Society and their allies contacted the Knights of Malta and Western Secret Societies about improving the manner in which this planet we all share is run.  The leaders of the Western Secret Societies said nothing as of the time this report went live.  We presume the Knights of Malta leader who conveyed our message ran into the above-mentioned politburo of Western Monotheism aka Babylonian tyranny and they refused to come to the table.



That is why the hunt for their leadership has begun in earnest.



In an effort to identify the root cause of the problems MI6 asked us to look into these comments posted on my site that summarized a talk between Kim Goguen and Charlie Ward.



In the talk, they discussed who was in charge of the multi-layer control system of the planet.  They also note that the long-promised “financial reset” never happens.



They thought it was the Chinese Dragon family but then they realized they always wait for answers; meaning the Dragon family answers to somebody else.  Ward said there is an 8-layer control system.



The commentator who summarized their talk notes that they did not mention the “Black Sun in Europe/USA, the Nazi Fourth Reich Masonic/Demonic Templars based in Switzerland.”



Based on decades of experience dealing in person with both the visible leaders of the world and the heads of various secret societies that pull their strings, we agree with the Gnostic Illuminati:



“The problem lies with the group of individuals who control Western monotheism.  This group is led by a committee.”



What we can detect is that a leadership group exists above the publicly visible pope, queen Iranian ayatollah, and U.S. president, etc.  This group is able to get them to promote untested vaccines for a provably non-existent pandemic.  We can also see that Africa and Africa and most of Asia remain outside of this control group because they are not going along with the pandemic scam.



That is why we agree with the Gnostic Illuminati, MI6, etc, that to find answers we must go after visible leadership.  The Queen and Pope who now appear in public are obvious impostors.  MI6 has been unable to get analog confirmation that Queen Elizabeth II is alive so the one pushing vaccines on TV is a fraud.  Ditto the Pope.



As far as the secret leadership of the East is concerned, this is what I have learned from decades of interacting with their visible and invisible leadership.



In Asia, the secret societies such as the three-legged crow that controls Shinto, the North Korean regime and other groups trace their roots back to Tibet.  The leaders of these groups say they split from the group that controls Western Monotheism about 3000 years ago.  Both groups claim to have originated with the Egyptian pharaohs and practice sun worship.



There is also a lot of talk about Asian elders and the dragon family.  These are separate from the Tibetan group.  They trace back to the various Chinese imperial lineages.  So, for example, the Li family name goes back to the Tang dynasty.  People of interest here include Li Keqiang, China’s number 2, and the Tycoon Richard Li.



The other powerful group is the Mei Hwa or Plum Blossom group based in Taiwan.  These are the heirs to the Ming.  They have offered this writer life-saving protection in the past, so I will be keeping their names secret.



The Sung dynasty heirs are also very important.  They have been represented in the past by the Sun (Sung) Yat Sen, the founder of modern China and the Soong sisters.  The most visible member of this family now is Son (Sung) Masayoshi of the Softbank group.  Son was given control of the Musashi election stealing machinery in Japan by the Rockefeller family some years ago.  He needs to be questioned.



This is what Asian royals and CIA in South East Asia had to report about the Rockefellers and their Chinese connection:



“Over 100 years the Rockefeller family reportedly invested billions of dollars in China, extending their focus from medicine-related subjects such as biology, chemistry and physics to a broader version of studies in archaeology, genetics, agriculture, economy etc.  The Rockefeller family’s investment history in China dates back to 1863 when David Rockefeller’s grandfather John Rockefeller Sr. sold kerosene to the Chinese.  Over the course of the 20th century the Rockefeller foundation has supported several hundred Chinese institutions and many thousands of Chinese scholars and practitioners.”




Also, David Rockefeller has been known to “sow his seed,” fathering at least 30 children in China between 1973 and the 1980s, according to the CIA.  Remember his Grandson Mark Zuckerberg has a Chinese wife.  The Rockefellers made the United States dependent on China, they note.  “Could this be why China is following the Rockefeller Foundation ‘lockstep’ playbook during this “Coronavirus” outbreak,” the CIA asks.



The above information provides the answers to the following questions and observations sent by the NSA:



“DC Live Traffic Cameras… no traffic in front of the Trump Hotel 3 blocks from the White House.  Traffic Cameras…  U.S. Treasury Buildings in DC are vacant, New York Stock Exchange is Vacant..  No Congress, No U.S. Supreme Court, No President, no U.S. Treasury, no New York Stock Exchange ..  all vacant ..  who in managing the U.S. Dollar???”



The answer, according to the Dragon family, is China.



That is why Joe Biden is now the first U.S. President in 100 years NOT to hold a press conference in his first 30 days in office. If the leadership of the West wants to do something about this hand-over of U.S. control to China by the Rockefellers and their ilk, they need to overthrow the Khazarian Mafia politburo and replace their system with a hybrid of meritocracy and democracy.



The Gnostic Illuminati tried to overthrow the Rockefellers by putting Donald Trump in power in 2016 instead of Hillary Rockefeller Clinton.  However, while Trump managed a partial purge, he failed to stave off the bankruptcy of the U.S. Corporation.  That is why the Rockefeller handover of the U.S. to China through the stolen election of 2020 has succeeded so far.



Admittedly, the Pentagon and Gnostic Illuminati did manage to take control of the Joe Biden CG and turn it against China.  That is why China then tried and failed to invade Taiwan, as reported in previous newsletters.  There is now an uneasy stalemate.



However, China has the advantage to win in the long run because they have a future planning function that serves the people.  You can see this by looking at their just-announced 5-year plan.



In the West long-term planning has been about enslavement and centralizing control under Satanic Khazarian Mafia rule.  The result has been the overwhelming concentration of wealth into the hands of the top 0.01% and the environmental/societal collapse it is causing.



Until the West sets up a future planning function better than the one-China uses, the more time passes, the weaker they will become.


Translator: Pearl


Middle East Power Struggle Tip of the Iceberg



Middle East Power Struggle Tip of the Iceberg


The U.S. administration learned an important lesson in real politics last week when it tried to get justice for murdered Jamal Khashoggi.  What became obvious is that Western power is essentially a mendacracy or liarcracy; rule by liars.  That means that if you believe the reality as described by the corporate media, you understand next to nothing.



Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS) deserved to be publicly blamed for the brutal murder of Washington Post columnist Khashoggi as outlined by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence report blaming MBS for the murder.



Massive March Campaign Planned Against Global Idiocracy 大规模游行运动已经计划好,去反对全球反智主义
Massive March Campaign Planned Against Global Idiocracy
The Khazarian Mafia Cabal that controls the West and Communist China is rejecting the Gnostic Illuminati’s demand to surrender and is about to face a massive March campaign to permanently eradicate its membership, multiple agencies and secret society sources say. 多家机构和秘密社团的消息来源说,控制西方国家和共产主义中国的可萨黑手党锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团,拒绝了诺斯底光明会的劝降要求,并且即将面临一场大规模的运动,被永久地根除其成员。   The Cabal is now in panic mode after planning to institute global idiocracy featuring diminished mental capacity and population reduction through a series of vaccines. 锡安犹太复国主义阴谋集团现在正处于恐慌状态,他们计划通过一系列疫苗,来建立一个以智力下降和人口减少为特征的全球白痴体系。   This is because proof has been sent to the world’s military and intelligence agencies that the entire “Covid-19” plandemic is a fraud designed to trick the global population into being injected with experimental gene therapy “vaccines” that will alter their DNA in order to permanently enslave them. 这是因为世界军事和情报机构收到的证据表明,整个“新冠病毒”疫情大流行是一场骗局,旨在欺骗全球人口注射实验性的转基因“疫苗”,将改变人口的DNA,以永久奴役他们。


Gnostic Illuminati Demands Khazarian Mafia Surrender



Gnostic Illuminati Demands Khazarian Mafia Surrender


The city of Jerusalem will be “utterly obliterated” unless the Khazarian Mafia surrenders, according to a Gnostic Illuminati source.  The destruction of that city is needed to “put an end to messianic delusions” held by religious fanatics including U.S. President Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, the source says.



Any move against Jerusalem would be part of a massive worldwide counter-attack against the Khazarians following their recent offensive actions against Russia, the UK, the United States, Japan, and other countries, multiple intelligence agency sources agree.



As a part of this offensive, the U.S. and Japanese military are ready to respond because the recent attack on their forces near Mt. Fuji (fire at base of mountain on left side) has been traced to that city.  This is in part because Kiyosu Takayama, a self-declared Knight’s Templar, has been traced as the source of disinformation about the February 3rdattack.  He claims that in the attack the “U.S. Navy destroyed the world’s largest adrenochrome factory.”




In fact, according to an official in the Pentagon’s Space Command:



“The Mt.Fuji fire was caused by a directed energy weapon very similar to what was used 2+ years ago in Paradise, California.  It was a warning by the dark forces to the U.S. and Japanese military forces conducting joint exercises in the area.  The very top brass in both countries knows what it was.  There is a gag order in place.  The Chinese Communist Party was involved.  The 7.1 magnitude earthquake off the coast of Fukushima on February 13th was done with a DE weapon as well.  The dark side is throwing everything they have at Japan to stop them from breaking free from the Khazarian cabal.”



The fact that this message appeared on the Telegram messenger service on my iPhone, but not on the same application on my Windows PC, indicates that Bill Gates et al, –including the Rockefeller family– were involved in the attack and subsequent attempt at misdirection.

这条消息出现在我iPhone上的Telegram messenger应用app上,却没有出现在我的Windows电脑的同一款应用程序上,这表明比尔·盖茨等人——包括洛克菲勒家族——都参与了这次攻击和随后的造谣。


In any case, Takayama’s source in turn was a senior Mossad agent in Tokyo who reports ultimately to the Duke of St Petersburg, according to the NSA.  We are now trying to find out who currently holds that title but apparently it is no longer held by a British Royal family member, the sources say.



Russian FSB sources for their part directed our attention to the following video showing then U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo standing in front of a model of the Third Temple to be built in Jerusalem that does not contain the Al Aqsa Mosque. (minute 1:01):



The sources also say the link below shows a “photo of the Super Intellect Logos, in the underground Synagogue 3 Temple in Jerusalem.  Super Intellect is a golden shell was dug up in Karabakh.”



Whatever this item may or may not be; what people need to understand is that these messianic fanatics want to build a temple of death where living beings will be murdered as offerings to Molech, Ba’al, Set aka Satan.



The White Dragon Society and its allies will support the creation of a third temple when this war ends but it will be a temple of life, not death.  Here offerings will consist of pledges to promote life,  i.e. like environmental protection of vulnerable species that will support Earth’s biodiversity not destroy it.



In any case, the civil war raging in the west involving these fanatics has now pitted MI5 again MI6, and the CIA against the FBI among others.



In the UK, after MI6 triggered Article 5 of The United Nations Universal Declaration on Human Rights in both Great Britain and Ireland the head of Britain’s Armed Forces, General Sir Nick Carter took the side of MI6 when he went on the record on February 11th to say his nation was about to go on a war footing:



“What you generally find with a crisis like this [Covid-19], which becomes an economic crisis, is that it then undermines the security and stability situation as well.  And what often follows a very significant economic event is a security challenge.  If you look at the Thirties, that started as a very significant economic crash and that acted as a very destabilizing feature.”



These public comments by the current head of the UK armed forces are tantamount to a declaration of war.



The UK is not alone.  On February 12th Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Russia is ready to sever ties with the EU if the bloc imposes new, economically painful sanctions.  Again in diplomatic speak severing relations is one step behind a formal declaration of war.



What is interesting is that just as in World War II, the traditional enemies Russia and the UK have found themselves allied against a common enemy.  In this case, the enemy has taken over the EU and is waging economic warfare against both Russia and the UK.



In case you missed it, the EU is now Khazarian Nazi-occupied territory.  That is why “Goldman Sachs asshole” Mario Draghi has taken over Italy, P3 Freemason sources say.  France, Germany, and Holland have also been taken over by Satanic regimes, the sources say.



What the criminals who took over the EU fail to realize is that when Russia and the UK attack the EU and attack they will, the United States will not defend the EU or the NATO pedophile murderers holed up in Belgium.  This means they would be defeated within a matter of weeks by a Russian, UK alliance.



There was also a declaration of war in Asia by the Japanese, the U.S. military, and patriotic Chinese against the Khazarian Mafia and their proxies inside the Chinese Communist Party.



As a sign of this war, former Prime Minister Yoshihiro Mori, the top Khazarian Mafia proxy in Japan, was removed from power on February 11th, National Foundation Day.  This means the Japanese Imperial Family and Shinto priesthood have taken the highly unusual move of intervening in day-to-day politics, according to Japanese right-wing sources close to the Emperor.



Officially Mori was removed as head of the Tokyo Olympic committee, but unofficially it means Japan has declared its independence from the Khazarian Mafia.  That is why Fukushima was hit with an earthquake weapon shortly after this declaration.



The attack on Japan was also linked to the fact the Japanese government refused to sell itself to un-named “private interests,” as can be seen on page 30 of Japan’s annual report submitted to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on August 6th, 2020.



The report notes that in 2015, the Japanese Parliament passed an act allowing the Japanese government to maintain a veto-wielding “in excess of one third” share in the Development Bank of Japan.  Furthermore, it states it will control “one half or more for DBJ’s special investment operations.”



Since this bank basically owns Japan financially, it means former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, for all his faults, refused to hand over control to the Khazarian mafia and their proxies like KKR Japan.



By the way, we noted the United States Corporation has vanished from the SEC listings and has been replaced by the “United States Corp Co” with an SEC CIK#000101575.  The SEC noted, the “United States Corp Co has not filed any forms with the SEC apart from initial company registration.”

顺便说一下,我们注意到美利坚合众国企业公司已经从美国证券交易委员会的上市列表中消失了,并且被证券交易委员会CIK#000101575的“United States Corp Co”所取代。证券交易委员会指出,“除了首次公司注册外,美利坚合众国企业公司没有向证券交易委员会提交任何表格。”


We did not have the time to deep dive further but did note that entities such as the People’s Republic of China and the Government of Mexico are also registered with the SEC.





The Mexico corporation:


Also interestingly enough we found a registration for the planet Earth under Earth Co. and that “Security and Exchange Commission registration information for Earth Co.  Documents include ownership statements, and insider trading documentation,” and that “Earth Co. has not filed any forms with the SEC apart from initial company registration.” Our own sources tell us it is the Rothschild family who claims ownership of the Planet Earth.



Now let us take a bit of a deep dive at the sort of thing the self-appointed “owners” of Planet Earth are doing.  The biggest business seems to be mass mind control.  Take a look at this picture:





If that is too esoteric for you, then look at what they have done to so-called news on the corporate propaganda.  Last week they staged a fake “impeachment trial,” against “ex-President Trump,” (never mind how you impeach an ex-president).



It looks like since the previous set of jokers who used to appear on the “government” reality show have been rounded up, the show was staged mostly with a whole new set of actors.  However, two people who were not there were the accused himself, and Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, whose refusal to preside meant the whole act did not even have a shred of legitimacy.



They were also forced to end the farce after being caught using fake evidence.



MI6 sources noted:



“The January 6th incident at the House gave rise to the impeachment hearings that were infiltrated by ANTIFA (Soros for Rothschild et al.)  A second impeachment would rule out any possible future second term for Mr. Trump.



In Illuminati speak this is the ‘stay dead card;’ never enough to simply do a person over once; they put a few extra shots into the coffin as it were.”



“I think that the American people, like I said, I think they’re just absolutely tired of everything that they’ve seen in our political establishment,” General Mike Flynn said in an interview with the Western Journal.



Flynn also noted:



“If there’s one thing that I have personally witnessed and the American public has witnessed throughout the last four years, was incredible levels of corruption inside of our Department of Justice and the FBI and other elements within our U.S.  government…But as we all know and have seen throughout the last almost three months now, we’ve seen incredible levels of election fraud, both foreign interference and homegrown [The job of the military is to defend American’s freedom and]…one of those freedoms is the freedom to go vote for whoever we choose to vote for in a free, fair and transparent system.  And we clearly don’t have that.  So we will continue this fight…The relationship between Big Tech and big government that now is in every aspect of our lives.”



We note that Flynn’s brother, Army Lt. Gen. Charles Flynn, was assigned late last month to be the commander of the U.S. Army Pacific forces.  Hopefully, he will work with the Russians, British, Japanese, Taiwanese, etc. who want to finish off Khazarian Mafia rule once and for all.



In any case, the Khazarian Mafia is beginning to totally lose control of its “Covid-19” justification to vaccinate everybody into permanent slavery with gene-altering CRISPR technology.



As proof of this, Pfizer has abandoned India rather than submit to safety tests for its vaccines.  Pfizer executives are being actively hunted down and killed and will soon be an extinct species, WDS sources promise.



Furthermore, riots and demonstrations against the Covid-19 fascism are breaking out all over the world.  For example, take a look at this unmasked crowd telling police to choose sides.



A general revolt is also underway in Israel, the most brainwashed nation on Earth.



Even China’s Chief epidemiologist, Dr. Wu Zunyou, says: “The Wuhan virus has never been isolated and that is the problem.”  That is as close as he can say to Covid-19 is fake.



The WHO is trying to keep up appearances by pursuing a useless probe into the origins of “Covid-19” in Wuhan.  The Chinese Communist Party does not want to admit they killed millions of their own citizens with a misguided 5G launch despite being warned by Western intelligence services that 5G was an area denial weapon.



In any case, the Covid-19 campaign is now being unwound and will be over by May, Russia’s FSB insists.



The Khazarian Mafia will go down tooth and nail and appears to be carrying out multiple acts of sabotage such as destroying a German power plant and trying to poison Florida’s water supply.



They also apparently used a space-based weapon to destroy 500 gas-transporting tankers on the Iran/Afghan border.



The sudden polar vortex hitting Texas is also a space-based attack, U.S. Space Force sources say.  That is why, as one trader memorably told Zero Hedge about the gas market: “We’ve officially hit ‘Holy fu*king $hit levels’ here.”




It is no wonder an increased number of observers note the U.S. establishment has gone “crazy.”



On a final note, we wish to point out a couple of growing hints at some sort of imminent disclosure event.  One is the massive earthquakes prompting Antarctic base evacuations.



The other is disclosures by the Pentagon that they are testing materials taken from crashed UFOs.



We are definitely in uncharted waters now so keep your feet in the boat.


Translator: Pearl



Transition to a New Age for the American Continent Set to Begin 

P3 sources say Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is now the de facto Director calling the shots as interim caretaker, so-called President Joe Biden is holding his oval office appearances at the Castle Rock, Amazon Studios in Culver City, California.


 he White House in Washington DC remains unoccupied.  According to a colleague with a White House Press pass:


China Suffers Taiwan Air Battle Defeat As U.S. Military Goes On The Offensive



The battle for Planet Earth is intensifying on all fronts. Last week the Chinese attacked Taiwan because the U.S. military gave the Joe Biden CG puppet president a new script.  We received direct confirmation from a U.S. three-star general that “the U.S. military knows the election was stolen; all hell is about to break loose.”



Now China has suffered a major defeat in an air war and “Taiwan is now effectively an independent country,” according to Japanese military intelligence.  The news item below about a Chinese “mock attack,” against a U.S. aircraft carrier was actually about a real attack that was decisively repelled, the sources say.



They say these news items reflect a real air war going on between the U.S. and Taiwan and China, with possible assistance from Iran.



What people need to understand is that Communist China is run at the highest level by the Khazarian Mafia headquartered in Switzerland.  Remember, Communism was a Jesuit invention and the P3 Freemasons who run the Jesuits say they report to an alien entity known as the Black Sun.



Take a look at this article noting that there is very little real information about Chinese President XJP.



The fact is, that, according to high-level Asian secret society sources, Xi was chosen because he is tall and would look good in a G20 photo shoot.  He is a symbol, rather than a genuine leader. Furthermore, the sources say, the original Xi was killed after the electromagnetic attack on Wuhan, China in early 2020. The person now appearing in public is his younger brother, who has a very similar appearance.



What is now going on is that the U.S., Russia, and China all now have figurehead leaders who act as spokespeople for collective leadership. In other words, the real leadership works in secret and behind the scenes.  This is not meritocracy because real meritocracy would be completely transparent and anybody, from the most remote goat herder on up, could try to climb to the top.  In such a system everybody could see exactly who got to the top as well as why and how they got there.



As this report was about to go live we were contacted by a trusted Russian FSB source who said China and Pakistan decided to merge politically, economically, and militarily.  The decision was made to counter a U.S. build-up of India that was meant to weaken China, the source says.  We will try to confirm this with Asian Secret Society and other sources and let readers know if we get confirmation.



Taiwan is run by the traditional, native, Earth-human leadership of China and moves are afoot to liberate Mainland China, along with the rest of the world.



What we are dealing with is something, as described in a secret Apache leadership meeting last week as “the final battle against a 5,000-year-old evil that has invaded our planet.”



We are also now getting credible reports about the Secret Space Force, from sources like Japanese military intelligence that do not normally talk about such stuff.  According to both Japanese military intelligence and CIA sources, the U.S. Space Force is active at the Thule Airbase in Greenland.





There they are tunneling for minerals and rare earth metals essential to the operations of the space fleet, the sources say.  They also say the Space Force is about to make its presence known to the surface population.  As usual with such talk, we add the caution “believe it when you see it.”



However, it is a fact that U.S. President Donald Trump did talk about buying Greenland in order to get the resources needed to keep the U.S. government solvent so, at the very least, a resource grab is going on.



Speaking about space, the FAA is shutting down Elon Musk’s SpaceX program.  This is what is behind the news item that the DOJ is going after Musk for not hiring illegal aliens.  The real reason, according to NSA sources is that SpaceX is a fraud. Mice have been spotted running on SpaceX rockets that were supposedly in outer space. In other words, he is filming rocket launches and space exploration in studios to get money out of the U.S. government.



The DOJ investigation is really a fraud investigation.  Musk did not respond to an attempt to get a comment as this report went live but if we hear from him, we will let our readers know.



There is also a lot of backlash going on from U.S. patriots who want to restore the Republic but are opposed to the United States of America from Argentina to Alaska. As one listener to a podcast noted:



“No way other countries from South America want to be part of the United States of America from Alaska to Argentina. We do not want to be part of the same egocentric culture that has created so many wars. We are independent countries and cultures that have been dominated already by this sick culture that is falling down. “



Or as another listener wrote:



“I guess the question on the street is:  Decentralization for the EU, but Centralization in America? Isn’t this a Tip-Toe towards World Gov?  Hasn’t the EU proved this doesn’t work?”



What these people need to understand is that existing countries ruled by genuine humans will remain intact.  However, just like you do not let the garbage collector into your house, you understand the need to have a garbage collector take your garbage off the street. The planet as a whole does not have that function. The result is that transnational criminals like the Khazarian mafia act above world interests and are trying to permanently enslave us.



Remember this comic book put out by the EU on January 31st, 2012?



It has the exact plot of what is now happening.  They are creating a pandemic in order to use medical tyranny to create a world government controlled by them that will enslave us and vaccinate us with gene-altering CRIPR vaccines in order to genetically modify us into obedience to them.



Going back to the republic and isolationism is not the answer.  We need to provide a pathway to save the natural world, the planet we all share, without turning the planet into a giant animal farm.



Last week a source close to the Rockefeller family sent this writer a link to a video appearing to show a space-based laser weapon setting off a volcanic eruption in Japan in late December.  This act of intimidation came in response to criminal charges filed against the Rockefeller/Rothschild gangsters trying to vaccinate the Japanese population with gene-altering mRNA vaccines.





Our answer has been to intensify the hunt against the Khazarian Mafia leadership.



The highest priority target is now Klaus Schwab of the Davos forum.  That is because he can lead us to the remaining leaders of the Khazarian mafia politburo and thus force an end to the fake pandemic and associated vaccine crimes.



On that front, we note patriots have begun attacking vaccination sites.



The Russians and MI6 have both informed global military and intelligence organizations that first, the pandemic is fake, and second, the gene-altering vaccines they are pushing to cure this fake pandemic are highly criminal.  Russian FSB sources promise the entire pandemic scam will be over by May.



For their part, the Davos elite last week held a “virtual Davos,” where they tried to put on a nice face.



For example Chinese leader “XJP,” told the Davos folk:



“What does ring the alarm is arrogance, prejudice and hatred; it is the attempt to impose a hierarchy on human civilization or to force one’s own history, culture and social system upon others.



“No global problem can be solved by any one country alone.  There must be global action, global response and global cooperation… the future of the world is decided by everyone working together.”



However, Xi then showed who he really works for by saying:



“We should strengthen the [Khazarian mafia owned] G20 as the premier forum for global economic governance [and] safeguard the international system centered around the [Rockefeller owned] UN.”



The Davos folk say they want to have a “great reset,” and create a more fair society while helping the environment.  However, when you look at what they are actually doing you can see they are struggling to remain in control of the planet by vaccinating everybody into obedience and mollifying them with a digital basic income linked to vaccination.  At the same time, they are hunting down and killing the leaders of the ongoing rebellion against their rule.



Look at what Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi told the Davos people last week:



“Today, India is saving the lives of citizens of many countries by sending Covid vaccines and helping set up vaccination infrastructure there.  In the first phase, we are vaccinating our 30 million health and frontline workers.  You can imagine the speed with which India is vaccinating its people.



“In just 12 days, India has vaccinated more than 2.3 million health workers.  In the next few months, we will meet the vaccination target of about 300 million elderly and co-morbidity patients…Today, more than 1.3 billion people in India have a Universal ID – Aadhaar Card.”



“People have bank accounts and the Universal IDs are connected to their phones…India has transferred more than 1.8 trillion rupees directly to bank accounts of more than 760 million people during this period”. ”



There it is in the words of the sitting prime minister of the second-most populous country on earth: vaccinate everybody and link it to a mark of the beast ID and digital wallet.



Modi is far from alone.  So-called leaders from all over the world are calling for “vaccine passports,” universal IDs, and associated digital wallets.



Here also is confirmation that using chips as remote controls for human brains is a real thing.  They want to be able to remotely cause you extreme pain or extreme pleasure etc. in order to ensure you will never be able to free yourself from slavery.



Fortunately for us all, these guys have really lost the plot.  As a sign they are panicking, they are saying for the zillionth time in 30 years that “Iran is weeks away from getting a nuclear bomb.”



The problem is they have cried wolf so often, nobody believes their BS.  They are losing the ability to manipulate us with fear.  Furthermore, no military is going to start their long-planned WWIII and Armageddon.  As Russian President “Vladimir Putin” said last week: “A global, hot conflict is principally impossible now… It would mean the end of civilization.”



That does not mean more limited warfare is impossible.  As this report was going live we noted a military coup took place against top leader Aung San Suu Kyi in Myanmar for example.  This may be a sign that China has responded to the Taiwan defeat by grabbing an easy target: Myanmar.  However, CIA sources in South East Asia said: “Just too much Biden in the lady’s blood.  She cheated too much.”



Nonetheless, keep your eyes on Thailand as it may be next.  There is also a battle for the Philippines that may be about to start.



There also appears to be a battle to liberate Africa from resource stealing multinationals.



Finally, we note with great interest the rebellion against the banksters in the U.S. that started with an attack on short-sellers in the stock market and is now focusing on the short sellers in the silver market.  To quote from the Lone Ranger “Hi-Yo Silver and away!” and note that “After a roundup, the selfless, anonymous Lone Ranger leaves behind a single silver bullet, a reminder of his steadfast vigilance against evil.”


Translator: Pearl