CH — LARRY ROMANOFF — 第一册第一部分 — 第1卷——美国如何致富 — 第一部分








© Larry Romanoff, October, 2021

© 拉里·罗曼诺夫,2021年10月




From: James Bacque












《美国独立宣言》(“英语中最著名的词”,如果你是美国人;如果你不是美国人,那只是另一张Hello Kitty贺卡)的序言中写道:“我们认为这些真理是不言而喻的,所有白人生来都是优越的,他们的造物主赋予他们某些不可剥夺的权利,其中最重要的是奴隶制“在现代世界的近代史上,只有两个国家的人民如此彻底地接受了奴隶制,数百年来大规模地实行奴隶制:美国的基督徒和西藏的达赖喇嘛。只有这两个群体如此珍视奴隶制,他们为维护奴隶制的权利而进行了内战。这两组种族主义顽固分子都输掉了战争,而且在毛泽东清理西藏的同时,种族主义和偏见在美国又持续了200年(通常是暴力的),至今仍广泛存在,这几乎不是一个道德卖点。基督教的美德不会轻易消亡。

在国际上,美国政府及其领导人以一种绝对非道德的方式运作,其主要驱动力是他们的商业达尔文主义,他们的弱肉强食法则,可能会产生正确的哲学。然而,就个人而言,大多数美国人都认为这一切在他们的上帝眼中是正义和令人愉悦的。庞大的酷刑监狱网络,无数政府被推翻,无数残暴的独裁政权被建立和支持,如此多人口被商业和军事奴役,1 000万至2 000万平民被屠杀,不断干涉别国内政,如此频繁地破坏政府稳定,掠夺如此多国家的资源。所有这些都被原谅、辩护、宽恕、经常赞美,然后很快被这些有道德的基督徒遗忘。美国人可能对所有这些认知失调感到满意,但正如吉杜·克里希那穆提(Jiddu Krishnamurti)恰当地写道,“适应一个病入膏肓的社会并不是健康的衡量标准”。






a. 哪位美国国务卿拥有有史以来最多的杀婴儿世界纪录?

b. 哪位美国将军保持着现代史上最变态的大规模谋杀世界纪录?

c. 菲德尔·卡斯特罗在《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》中被列为美国政府638起谋杀未遂案的幸存者。他为什么受到惩罚?

d. 这位最近的美国总统的父亲在1933年与一群犹太银行家和实业家合谋,与一位著名的将军一起集结50万军队推翻美国政府并在美国建立法西斯独裁政权?e美国入侵加拿大多少次?

f. 美国已经成为一个国家大约245年了。在这些年中,美国有多少年处于战争状态?

g. 美国在其有生之年在其他国家建立了多少民主国家?美国在其有生之年在其他国家建立了多少残暴的独裁政权?

h. 二战期间,日本在中国进行了可恶的人体实验——石井史郎臭名昭著的731部队。为什么日本没有受到战争罪审判?

i. 美国有多少其他国家的总统、总理和高级政府官员因不服从或阻挠霸权而被暗杀?

j. 世界上哪一个国家有唯一的酷刑大学?

k. 几百年来,奴隶交易是美国收入最高的工作。第二高的薪水是多少?

l. 哪一个政府花了大约100年的时间向任何可能从其他国家窃取专利和工艺的公民支付终身工资?

m. 哪位尊敬的美国最高法院法官建议杀掉所有低智商的美国人?

n. 几十年来,哪个国家的政府通过实施额叶切除术并将其变成蔬菜来压制持不同政见者?

o. 哪一个著名的美国机构建议在当地毒气室对经济状况不佳的人进行“仁慈杀戮”?

p. 哪个美国国防部长召集了50万名平均智商在65左右的年轻人,把他们送到越南?有多少人回来了?他的惩罚是什么?

q. 哪位美国军医在哪一年出现在国会,要求1000万美元来资助HIV病毒的产生?他收到钱了吗?

r. 可口可乐是何时何地发明的?

s. 哪个名人发明了白炽灯泡?电话在哪?美国最著名的发明家是托马斯·爱迪生。爱迪生发明了多少东西?

t. 我们被告知德国在二战期间杀害了大约6000名犹太人。二战结束后有多少德国人在德国被杀?

u. 哪位著名物理学家写信给罗斯福,提出为制造原子弹的全部未知成本提供资金,并称资金已经确认可用?

v. 哪位著名的美国总统是犹太奴隶贩子的私生子?

w. 亚伯拉罕·林肯的妻子是个根深蒂固的鸦片瘾君子。谁是她的鸦片供应商?

x. 美国在哪一年废除了奴隶制?

y. 哪位美国总统让数千万美国公民暴露在露天原子弹试验的辐射下,然后指示医务人员告知患有白血病、脱发、流产的妇女,她们患有“家庭主妇综合症”?

z. 耐克设计了哪一款著名的鞋,使菲尔·奈特和比尔·鲍尔曼走上了成名和荣耀的道路?



A. 马德琳·奥尔布赖特;伊拉克,50万

B. 柯蒂斯·李梅;大约2000万,不给不给

C. 将犹太人驱逐出古巴

D. 乔治·布什

E. 到目前为止有五个

F. 235

G. 零超过50个,而且还在计算中

H. 石井和他的整个部队被送往美国,向美国人传授活体解剖和其他暴行的乐趣。Ishii是马里兰大学的教授,直到几十年后他去世。

I. 150多人(包括联合国秘书长达格·哈马舍尔德)


K. 杀害印第安人

L. 在19世纪,美国的收入为2万至5万美元

M. 奥利弗·温德尔·霍姆斯

N. 美国联邦调查局(FBI)


P. 罗伯特·麦克纳马拉。不多,但国防部拒绝公布统计数据。他被任命为世界银行行长。

Q. 唐纳德·麦克阿瑟博士,国防部研究与工程副主任。1969对

R. 西班牙小镇Aielo de Malferit,可口可乐窃取专利前40年。

S. 约瑟夫·斯旺,美国,爱迪生窃取专利前五年。安东尼奥·梅奇,意大利,贝尔窃取专利前五年。没有一个爱迪生的所有专利要么被偷,要么被欺负,要么被勒索,要么被购买。

T. 1200万至1400万之间;一些人被处决,大部分人被饿死。

U. 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦,罗斯柴尔德和其他欧洲犹太银行家提供的基金。

V. 亚伯拉罕·林肯;A.A.Springs(tein)和Nancy Hanks的儿子。林肯家族收养的。

W 一个叫约翰·威尔克斯·布斯的犹太毒贩。

X. 美国从未废除奴隶制。它只是改变了形式。

Y. 艾森豪威尔

Z. 日本大冢虎。耐克窃取了设计并开始在美国制造。美国法院裁定Onitsuka和Nike可以“共享”该专利。

















托马斯·爱迪生在美国历史书中被尊为有史以来最多产的发明家之一,但他从未发明过任何东西。关于他的故事都是虚构的历史神话,就像莱特兄弟进行第一次动力飞行或亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔发明电话的珍贵传说一样。可口可乐是一种世界著名的西班牙产品,被美国药剂师约翰·彭伯顿(John Pemberton)窃取并获得专利,美国政府拒绝承认先前的专利。美国发明和知识产权的故事几乎与事实相差180度,有确凿的证据表明,美国从更多国家窃取的知识产权数量超过了其他任何国家,从数量级上讲,美国向任何有能力窃取知识产权的人支付了2万至5万美元,而对于一个普通人来说,即使是2万美元也是一辈子的工资。这种模式在美国社会的每个领域都是一致的。美国的整个历史,正如历史书所描述的那样,从好莱坞到历届总统,每个人都在不断重复,几乎都是假的,而不是假的部分几乎总是被歪曲的。美国和美国所有的人民,都生活在谎言中。







美国政府及其机构向世界吹嘘言论自由,同时谴责其他国家的审查制度,但美国可能是所有国家中审查最严格的国家。媒体愿意充当阴谋家的事实并没有改变所有新闻和公共内容都受到严格控制以及95%的内容受到严格审查的事实美国人“知道“关于他们自己的国家和世界,这是错误的。美国新闻媒体总是只报道改变当前政治议程的事件的一个方面,让美国人民对真实情况一无所知。这是如此真实,以至于一位美国专栏作家指出,只有4%的美国人意识到以色列国在过去70年中对巴勒斯坦人民犯下的巨大暴行。美国历史书和其他教育资料大部分是历史神话,宣传美国的善良,关于其他国家的坏处,是关于美国本身的基础和整个历史。好莱坞是这方面最严重的罪犯之一,几乎每一部包含历史内容的电影都只不过是一部扭曲的宣传片,满足了一种或另一种意识形态,同时在他们自己国家的真相上完全误导了美国人。斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格(Stephen Spielberg)最近的《林肯》(Lincoln)电影就是这样一个例子,但还有数百部其他电影。




即将推出:第 2 部分(共 6 部分) – 殖民、劳工和奴隶制



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版权所有 © 拉里·罗曼诺夫,上海之月,上海蓝月,2021

CH — BENJAMIN FULFORD — 11:10:2021


First shots of WWIII fired on Polish/Belarus border as collapse of EU begins


Events are unfolding at a blistering pace now with huge changes in Europe, Japan, China and elsewhere. This should lead to the liberation of the United States before too long.


The most earth-shattering event was shots fired by the Belarus military against the Polish military at the two countries’ border. Here are some news quotes describing this: 最令人震惊的事件是,白俄罗斯军队在两国边境向波兰军队开枪。以下是一些新闻语录:

Anna Michalska, a spokesperson for Poland’s Border Guards, said Belarusian forces fired shots at Poland’s troops across the European Union’s eastern border Thursday…The area along the border is restricted as part of a state of emergency that Poland imposed in early September, They allege the Moscow-backed Belarusian government is organizing and encouraging people to enter EU territory as an element of “hybrid war” in retaliation for Western sanctions on the authoritarian government in Minsk.


This is a move by Russian patriot forces to fill the vacuum being created by the fall of Angela Hitler and her Nazi European Union, Russian FSB and other sources say. It is payback for the Nazi overthrow of the Russian spiritual heartland of the Ukraine and countless other abuses against the Russian people, the sources say.


Make no mistake, for Russian linked military forces to deliberately fire weapons against a NATO country is tantamount to a formal declaration of war. This is possible because the United States military is not going to fight Russia to protect the fascist forces who control the EU.


A public sign of this can be seen in this news:


The Department of Justice and the FBI are investigating a group of seven American fighters under the federal war crimes statute for war crimes [in the Ukraine] …no one, experts say, has ever been prosecuted, let alone convicted, under the US War Crimes Act.


Without US backing, the continental European nations (not the UK) will have no choice but to accept Russia as their new protector. Russia is planning to use the 47 member Council of Europe,the continent’s leading human rights organization- as the basis for a new organization to replace the EU, Russian and MI6 sources say.


There are many other signs the EU is collapsing. For example, there is now open talk of Poland leaving the EU or Polexit, after Polish courts declared themselves to be above the EU. Specifically -in a victory for democracy- Poland’s Constitutional Tribunal ruled that key articles of one of the EU’s primary treaties were incompatible with Polish law.


Another big sign the EU is collapsing is the near-simultaneous fall of governments in Austria and the Czech Republic. In something straight out of Hollywood, Czech President Milos Zeman was taken to a hospital after Prime Minister Andrej Babiš’s ANO party lost the election there. The Pandora Papers investigation revealed Babis secretly moved $22 million through offshore companies to purchase an estate on the French Riviera in 2009 before he entered politics. Zeman was certainly put in the hospital in a move to delay the installation of a new government that would look into these criminal dealings.


In Austria as well Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has stepped down because of a corruption scandal.


What these nations have in common is that they were part of the Autro-Hungarian Empire. Remember, it was at the very first Davos World Economic Forum meeting that Austro-Hungarian would be Emperor and Habsburg family heir Otto von Habsburg introduced Klaus Rothschild (Schwab) as his frontman. Schwab is the guy behind the “great reset” and the fake pandemic.


It won’t be long now before Rothschild henchman Emmanuelle Macron becomes the next domino to fall, French patriots promise. The guillotine was invented for people like him.


It is interesting in this context that the EU has called off trade talks with Australia; allegedly because they are no longer buying submarines and helicopters from them. In reality, it means the Rothschilds are also losing Australia now.


Here is one of many signs Canadians are waking up as well.


Justin Castro’s days are numbered for sure.


OK so now let us look at the situation in the US. Here we see open revolt in the form of pilot strikes, a military move into Facebook headquarters and much more.


What people need to still realize though, is that Donald Trump is not the man to lead the US back to democracy and independence. Remember, open-source information in places like Forbes and the Wall Street Journal show he was bailed out by the Rothschilds each time he went bankrupt as a businessman. Trump is also openly calling for everybody to be vaccinated for the non-existent pandemic.


General Michael Flynn has said the US military offered Trump a chance to overturn the stolen 2020 election and Trump betrayed them by refusing. For this reason, the White Dragon Society sent a representative to meet in person with Flynn last week. The idea was to offer Flynn the job of interim president of the US following the formal bankruptcy of the USA Corporation. According to this Dragon family member, Michael Flynn is not to be trusted. Flynn told the WDS representative that he had never heard of the dragon family or of this writer and his work. Since he was head of the Defense Intelligence Agency this means he is either lying, dumb, completely out of the loop or secretly working for the Khazarian mafia.


Russian intelligence corroborated doubts about Flynn by sending us evidence he is connected to a cult of fraudulent spiritualists linked to Adolf Hitler.


For this reason, the WDS is now recommending Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as a possible interim president following the chapter 11 bankruptcy of the USA. However, as a matter of disclosure, please note this writer is distantly related to Kennedy since he is descended from my paternal great-grandmother McCarthy’s sister (according to my grandmother). Kennedy is nonetheless clearly intelligent, articulate and well-informed, which is a rarity in US politics these days.


In any case, the Rothschild/Rockefeller clan behind the fake Biden regime is far from finished and they are fighting tooth and nail to stay in power. They have been using every trick in their arsenal to avoid being declared insolvent on October 18th.


For example, they are trying to issue a $1 trillion “coin,” backed by the SDR, to keep solvent, according to MI6 sources and media reports.


They also appear to be trying to loot Japan’s Norinchukin Agricultural bank for survival money. According to various news reports an outfit known as “Octagon Investment Partners,” was able to get $500 million worth of “Collateralized Loan Obligations” or CLOs from this bank last week. What this means, according to MI6 and other sources, is they are using real money deposited at Norinchukin as collateral and leveraging it 100 times to create “$50 billion.” This is part of the money they apparently used to kick the bankruptcy can down the road for a few weeks.


However, since the US posted a record $73.3 billion trade deficit in August alone you can see even $50 billion isn’t going to go very far.


The people behind the fake Biden regime also held emergency talks with the Chinese in Zurich Switzerland last week in a desperate bid to try to both blackmail and blowjob the Chinese into refinancing them.


The talks, “held behind closed doors in a Zurich airport hotel,” were led by US national security adviser Jake Sullivan and his Chinese counterpart, top diplomat Yang Jiechi. Public statements by both sides used phrases like “candid” and “wide-ranging.” The US side also said China should “avoid miscalculations that could cause competition to veer into conflict.” Sullivan later said, “I don’t think he [Yang] necessarily accepted our view.” In other words, threats and promises were made but no agreement was reached.


This is the sort of official commentary issued by China after the talks:


Raising the debt limit does not authorize new federal spending, but only allows the Treasury Department to borrow additional funds to cover expenditures that have already been approved by Congress but, with an extension lasting mere weeks, the United States still faces the real possibility of defaulting…”Because the United States has never defaulted on its obligations it is expected to be widespread and catastrophic for the U.S. (and global) economy,” economists at the White House Council of Economic Advisers said in a blog post earlier this week.


Also, the US side apparently began to make good on its threats by sabotaging a plant that supplies the Russian gas pipeline to China. This is a repeat of their old “you cut off our money, we cut off your energy” bluster.


There has also been a campaign to vilify Russia and blame it for jacking up gas prices in Europe. What has happened is that the spot market has been manipulated to make it appear gas prices are rising by several hundred percent. However, most of the gas is sold through long-term contracts and these spot market manipulations have little real effect.


According to Russia’s FSB, the Oligarchs hiding in Switzerland are jacking up food and energy prices around the world because people are refusing to become debt slaves by borrowing money created out of nothing. “They are trying to squeeze money out of the ordinary people by hiking the prices of necessities to pay their debts,” the source explained.


There is also a lot of intrigue in Switzerland centering around attempts to monetize historical Asian and other bonds, according to Asian dragon family sources. It turns out that a son of former Philippine leader Ferdinand Marcos (from an earlier marriage to an Asian royal) was allowing the Rothschilds and Rockefellers to cash historical bonds via UBS and Goldman Sachs. This was what was ultimately behind the Malaysian 1MBD financial scandal, the source says.


Apparently, this Marcos heir is now dead and all the associated funds have been “taken out of the system,” he says. “The Marcos era is over,” the source concluded.


The source also said, “there have been a lot of arrests in Zurich this week and a lot of would-be bond owners have been killed.”


The source said the Bank of China, the Bank of America, Wells Fargo and HSBC were now involved in setting up a new and uncorrupt quantum financial system.


In any case, yet another reason the Khazarian mafia is running out of money is that they are apparently losing heroin revenue from Afghanistan. That is why “ISIS” (Rockefeller/Rothschild mercenaries) are trying to terrorize Afghanistan and the Taliban are fighting back:


Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said Monday that the Taliban raided a hideout for the Afghan ISIS affiliate, known as ISIS-K in a “decisive and successful attack,”


This caused Michael Kugelman, deputy director of the Asia Program at the U.S.-based Wilson Center, to threaten that “Friday’s attack [on a mosque in Afghanistan] could be a harbinger of more violence.”


Nonetheless, Taliban political spokesman Suhail Shaheen told The Associated Press there would be no cooperation with Washington on containing the increasingly active “ISIS” group. In other words, despite the threats, “no more heroin money for you.”


The Khazarian mob is now getting ready to hold an emergency meeting of their top servants to try to save the day. That is why the fake Pope Francis met on Saturday with U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.


Pelosi is in Rome for a panicked gathering of G20 slaves.


In what may be related we also note this seemingly disturbing news item:


Private capital would be barred from news gathering and distribution operations, according to a public consultation paper posted on the website of National Development and Reform Commission, China’s top economic planner.


However, CIA sources in Asia say the target of this move may be the Rockefellers. They note that a certain “Jeff Shell works at Rockefeller Plaza and is endorsing China. He is THE ONLY EMPLOYEE at Peacock TV LLC, which controls 2,428 companies.”


Here is more about MSNBC & NBC (Remember, the MS in MSNBC stands for Microsoft) and Their China Partnership.


“Both MSNBC and NBC News are operated by NBC Universal, a company with extensive financial ties to the CCP. In November 2010, NBC signed an agreement with China’s state-run media organization, Xinhua, to establish a business cooperation in international broadcast news. This was the latest market expansion by the CCP into American media.


Since the signing of the business deal, the U.S. State Department identified Xinhua and five other Chinese state-run media organizations as “foreign missions.” They have been identified as direct CCP operations and do not function as independent news outlets.


What this means is the Rockefellers are trying to stay in business by handing over their US corporate propaganda networks to China.


If the Chinese are just trying to remove the Rockefellers, then great. If they are trying to strangle the free press then they will end up strangling the truth and thus, eventually, themselves.


In Japan meanwhile, the Rockefeller/Rothschild rule is clearly ending. The new government of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is planning to restart the economic planning agency that was key to Japan’s post-war high growth. The so-called Covid pandemic has also suddenly ended here.


This may be related to the fact that months ago Japanese police were given paper documents proving that a certain Robert Rothschild had patented a Covid detection method in 2015. This set off a slow Interpol fuse that is now blowing up Rothschild, Rockefeller and Khazarian mafia rule worldwide.




Biden regime defaults; is given until October 18th before all hell breaks loose


The fake “Biden” regime in the US defaulted on September 30th and has been given until October 18th before the plug is finally pulled on that evil regime, Asian secret society sources promise. The funding was cut off because the Rockefeller/Rothschild etc. crime families behind the “Biden” regime failed to meet their promise to hand Australia over to the communist Chinese, the sources say.


That is the real reason why “The bad relations between China and Australia took an unbelievable turn this week when China fired a ‘Long March 3B’ nuclear-capable missile, directly over Sydney, Australia.”


The change in Australia is reflected by the fact Premier of Gladys Berejiklian resigned as New South Wales Premier “after an investigation found she & others in the govt. were receiving millions of $ from Pfizer to push draconian vax laws,” according to Australian intelligence sources.


The fact it refused to hand itself over to communist China is also why the EU has entered the fray by cutting off trade talks with Australia, the sources say.


In any case, the cut-off of Asian funding is what prompted the fake Biden to say “We’re gonna get this done,…It doesn’t matter when. It doesn’t matter whether it’s six minutes, six days or six weeks. We’re gonna get it done.”


By openly flouting the Satanic 666 number the criminals using rubber mask “Biden” as a front have fully come out of the closet.


Since these criminals have carried out horrendous acts of mass murder every time they faced default in the past, you can be sure this statement by Biden was meant to be taken as a threat.


This time, with little doubt, they plan to surpass 911, Fukushima and the fake pandemic of 2020. The obvious candidate this time is La Palma. The volcano there is erupting with increasing intensity and is doing so in a manner that is increasing the chances of a massive tsunami hitting the East coast of the US etc.


That is why joint military action by Russia, the Pentagon and China is necessary to finish these criminals off permanently. The underground base in Norway -where the HAARP attack on La Palma is originating- is a prime target. The Khazarian mafia headquarters around Lake Geneva is another.


In these circumstances, the White Dragon Society is calling for a meeting in Tokyo to ensure that white hats receive funding to take over the functioning parts of the US government after the Biden criminals are removed. This meeting has the support of the British Commonwealth, the Vatican (P3 freemasons), the Russians (FSB) and Asian secret societies. The meeting has been called for Tokyo instead of Lichtenstein as proposed by the “Biden” people on the recommendation of the P3 freemasons.


Also, to keep up the pressure on the Khazarian mafia, a White Dragon Society representative had a meeting last week with a Mr. K, one of the top assassins of the Japanese underworld. Mr. K is known for chopping people’s fingers off one knuckle at a time until he gets the information he needs. He then wraps the bodies in lead and dumps them into the ocean, according to colleagues. In any case, Mr. K said the Black Dragon Society faction he was affiliated with has decided to ally itself with the WDS. The WDS subsequently gave Mr. K a list of the top Khazarian mafia agents in Japan. Mr. K promised he and his men would “look into this.”


The WDS also had a meeting last week with right-wing groups who have to ability to mobilize other factions of the Japanese underworld. This means the vaccine mafia in Japan is now doomed.


The selection of Fumio Kishida as Prime Minister of Japan was a part of this change. We can now reveal that we deliberately seemed to support Takaishi Sanae as Prime Minister in order to confuse the Khazarian mafia about her loyalties. Takaishi was supposed to be selected to cover up crimes by former Prime Minister Abe Shinzo. This included Tokyo Olympics corruption and the creation of a biological warfare laboratory disguised as a veterinary school.


The right-wing group, which has strong connections to Taiwan, also said that a massive Taiwanese underground base in China had been flooded recently “killing tens of thousands of Taiwanese generals and soldiers.”This is certainly related to a CIA report that a base under the Three Gorges dam that had been mining crypto-currency was destroyed. The Chinese government partially confirmed this by issuing a complete ban on all cryptocurrency trading.


The Chinese are also battling the KM in many other ways. The crackdown on mega-stars, for example, is designed to thwart the KM tactic of using “celebrities,” to manipulate public opinion. The Chinese are also cracking down on attempts to launder KM fiat funny money into China via US stock market hand-outs to Chinese high tech companies. They are also cracking down on attempts to turn Chinese men into effeminized wimps, as has happened in Japan and much of the West.


The Disappearance Of Chinese Megastars Is A Harbinger Of Another Cultural Revolution Underway


This information sent by CIA East Asia is almost certainly related:


Evergrande (3333 HK) and Evergrande Property Services (6666 HK) stock trading halted in Hong Kong.


“Trading in the shares (stock code: 03333) of China Evergrande Group (the Company’) will be halted at 9:00 a.m. today (4/10/2021). Accordingly, all structured products relating to the Company will also be halted from trading at the same time.”


It’s highly likely that Evergrande’s offshore bondholders will be wiped out. This includes all the foreign banks that have bought multiple $10’s of billions of the bonds.


MI6 and the real James Bond types are also on the warpath against the KM. “The Pandemic was a dirty bomb set off by the Rothschild mob of thugs. If the Jews don’t hang them all, we will” MI6 sources promise.


The “Pandora papers” release revealing offshore deals and assets of more than 100 billionaires, 30 world leaders and 300 public officials was a part of this offensive, MI6 says.


“The Pandora papers are a very firm warning from us that whilst the civilian population around the world live under the thumb of world fascism, we will only remain quiet for so long and nobody is above the law. We know all about what is going on in the world and are well able and prepared to deal with this…a lot of trees and a lot of rope are needed but we are not one bit afraid of using this,” they say.


The release of the Nuremberg trial files last week was meant as a reminder that justice for high-level criminals was sure to come this time, just as it did after World War II, Mossad sources say.


At this link, for example, you can find a list of 40 “billionaires” who will all be summarily executed for profiteering from the fake Covid pandemic.


Also, to understand we really are dealing with pedophile criminals here is actual proof of child trafficking. A cargo plane that took off from South Sudan was inspected by customs officers during a stopover in Niger. They discovered hundreds of abducted children in a cargo plane that was on the way to Spain. In the video, the officials are saying the children were destined to be sold to pedophiles or used for organ transplants. Notice the crew are being taken away in matching bracelets.


The KM of course is fighting back every way they can. For example, they are using propaganda mouthpieces like CNN to threaten to shut down world trade unless everyone is vaccinated. “The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and other industry groups warned of a ‘global transport system collapse’ if governments do not restore freedom of movement to transport workers and give them priority to receive vaccines recognized by the World Health Organization.”


We also see reports such as this: “a supply crunch is morphing into a full-blown crisis featuring a shortage of energy, labor and transport from Liverpool to Los Angeles, and from Qingdao to Queensland.”


We further see many panicky headlines like “Gas Crisis Hits Food as Giant Dutch Greenhouses Go Dark.”


Of course, these are all BS excuses for bankruptcy.


Speaking about excuses, Senior Fed Economist Jeremy Rudd last week said “the primary role of mainstream economics in our society is to provide an apologetics for a criminally oppressive, unsustainable, and unjust social order.”


This is a sign the brainwashed middle managers of the KM Babylonian debt slavery system are waking up and rebelling.


That is why the KM is also trying to escape justice by trying harder than ever to start their long-wished-for World War III. For example, they are now encouraging the Iranian slave leaders to try to start war. That is why Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh told the major Israeli national Hebrew-language daily newspaper Maariv that “the war with Israel has already begun.”


The Iranian slave leadership is also now trying to foment war with Azerbaijan.


Of course, the Russians are not about to allow any such war to start. Instead, the Russians are making big moves of their own. Last week senior Russian politician Yevgeny Alexeyevich Fyodorov told German patriots that if the US goes bankrupt as expected, Russia will immediately help liberate Germany.


However, before giving up on the US, please note that despite the take-over of the United States government by satanic criminals, the US is still way stronger than China in terms of soft power.


That means that as soon as the white hats remove the criminals, the US international rebound will be very fast indeed.


On a final note this week, we would like to mention a huge scientific discovery from India:


A team of scientists has, for the first time, developed a reactor that produces a substantial amount of hydrogen using sustainable sources like sunlight and water, which is a cost-effective and sustainable process, the Department of Science and Technology (DST) said on Wednesday. The INST team employed the low-cost organic semiconductor in carbon nitrides.


This is something that should make electric vehicles, with their expensive batteries, obsolete. In theory, cars should be able to use rooftop solar panels, or home solar panels, to generate enough hydrogen to drive virtually anywhere without cost.


It was India, together with China, that put an end to artificial Western oligarch moves to keep solar power un-competitively expensive. Solar power is now one of the cheapest forms of energy on earth.


Japanese car-makers and government officials have long complained it was Western interference that stopped them from switching to hydrogen power. Now it looks like India, which is more independent than Japan, is about to initiate the hydrogen age.


Translator: Pearl

CH — LARRY ROMANOFF — 改变文化价值观 — 至2021年10月1日

Changing Cultural Values


By LARRY ROMANOFF – September 19, 2020




Most domestic goods are a product of, and contain much of, a nation’s cultural and value-based heritage. It may be difficult to find much culture in a ballpoint pen, but Chinese Moon Cakes are all culture. Brands and products that become famous, popular, and even beloved, in a nation earn that position because of the intrinsic cultural heritage embedded within them. They resonate with the culture, the traditions and values of the people. And in the buy and sell of international commerce, these myriad products cross the oceans and travel the world’s continents carrying their cultural baggage with them, with that baggage unloaded in each other nation and assimilated in part or in whole by those societies from a conscious or unconscious adoption of their inherent cultural values.


Much of this cultural baggage is neutral in that it doesn’t detract from indigenous cultural elements but may add to them, perhaps even in a positive sense. Westerners have embraced chopsticks, dim sum, and Dragon Boat races while the Chinese embraced Valentine’s Day and the trappings of Christmas decorations, but these are superficial adaptations of charming and attractive foreign customs that do not replace local culture, and indeed the underlying cultural traditions are not even understood, much less adopted. Americans may enjoy watching Chinese lion dances and firecrackers during a Chinese New Year festival but these are appreciated only for their colorful visual appeal, the embedded values having been stripped out, with the underlying culture and philosophy holding no meaning. It is similar with Christmas in China, appreciated only for its colorful visual appeal and gift-giving to friends, the vast underlying cultural and religious traditions stripped out and irrelevant. The insertion of these items into a local culture is only superficial, and has been instinctively accomplished by local society in a non-intrusive way that does no harm and is not meant to replace local culture.


Foreign values and attitudes are sometimes embraced locally if recognised by the population as superior in some way or offering additional practical utility. Yoga might be one example of a foreign product willingly adopted by people from many cultures, and at least in part incorporating the underlying philosophy and values, a process accomplished by natural assimilation rather than promotion. It is similar with the adoption of Chinese Traditional Medicine in the West. But the entry of foreign firms into a nation’s markets also contains risks in that these cultural elements possess a powerful ability to alter and control domestic social values, often in a detrimental way. As we so often say, ‘the devil is in the details’, in this case in the marketing.


There are three great differences between American cultural baggage, the values embedded in American products, and those of other nations. The first is that American cultural values are false. They do not exist in real life but, as we have already seen, are simply utopian ideals that bear no relation to reality in the world of America. The second is that American values are heavily politicised, based on the fabricated myths that underlie the vast American political-religious ideology. The third is that they are predatory, aggressive and belligerent.


The cultural values in American products are not only false and deeply political, but are on a kind of ‘search and destroy’ mission. They don’t enter other nations, but instead invade them like a virus, with the intent of genocide. Americans do not promulgate their cultural beliefs to share them with you, but want their culture and beliefs to supplant yours. They want you to reject your beliefs, your culture and values, and adopt theirs, including the patently false ideas of American supremacy and moral superiority which are built into the cultural values of every American product, policy and system.


The Americans are so steeped in a belief in their natural superiority and God-given exceptionalism that they refuse to accept the validity or even the right to exist of other cultures. These deeply-implanted and false convictions, combined with their natural belligerence and thoroughly infected with a primitive and twisted evangelical moral superiority, result in not only an open contempt for other cultures but a reckless and even religious determination to eliminate them. Because of their intensive political-religious indoctrination and programming, Americans simply cannot abide a culture or a political-economic system different from their own and, in simple terms, they will either convert or kill anything different from them. The concept of “live and let live” does not exist in American hearts and minds when dealing with the world outside their own borders. American commerce and American religion are equally as predatory, equally as aggressive, and just as eager to conquer and colonise, as is the American military.


The cultural baggage attached to American commercial products is dangerous to other nations and societies precisely because it is political, white supremacist, predatory, and aggressively seeks to colonise. The US is the only country that practices this predatory policy, which is why most nations consider American products and values to be toxic. The American matrix destroys every culture it touches. This process is not accidental, but deliberate and carefully scripted. It is not by result of careless speech that an executive of an American industrial association recently claimed on behalf of Americans that “We will colonise China through products“. The man knew precisely what he was saying. The Jewish-American neo-con policy-maker Robert Kagan openly conceded that the West’s goal is to collapse China’s government. He wrote, “By embracing the Chinese, by exporting our Western ways through our Western goods, we will bring them down.” These are not idle claims, and the element of political destabilisation and control contained in them cannot be ignored.


One American wrote the following: “China has a choice: it can either accept Western values, or it can try to carve out an East Asian sphere to insulate itself from them. The latter course would provoke conflict not only with the US, but also with other Asian powers. China’s best possible future thus probably lies in accepting Western norms while trying to flavor them with “Chinese characteristics”.” This viewpoint is essentially stating there are no other possible alternatives, that the Chinese can choose to become American and accept all American ‘values’, or risk the US declaring war on China for refusal to assimilate.


Through their immense marketing power, these firms are attempting to turn the world into one homogeneous mass of American clones, all with the same superficial and manufactured valueless desires. There are grave dangers lurking in this surreptitious colonising of a nation by inculcating fabricated foreign values meant to change the thinking of a nation’s people, to make them discard their own heritage, silence their own good sense and adopt foreign, often foolish, and almost always empty, values. American business does not want to be profitable in China; it wants to dominate the markets in China. American commerce does not enter China to do business but to colonise it, to overwhelm and dominate every market segment, to control the market, the products and the pricing, and eventually the culture. It is all about supremacy and domination.


I have discussed elsewhere the US colonisation of the Philippines, where the Americans began by forcing their language onto the population, then following with literature, false history and propaganda, and eventually American products. They spent decades determining the best way to propagandise an entire nation of people to forget their own past, venerate their present colonial status, and learn to worship the Americans. The Americans then rewrote the history books to erase from consciousness those nations’ heroes, traditions and hopes of freedom from American imperialism. To say the Americans were successful would be a gross understatement. It is almost heart-breaking to read today American commentary on the Philippines, virtually classifying that nation as a failed state, identifying the lack of progress and apparent absence of social cohesion, and blaming the nation’s culture for these failings. A few years ago, James Fallows wrote an astonishingly insensitive and ignorant article on the Philippines titled “A Damaged Culture” which, to me, was typically blind and white supremacist American ideology masquerading as insight and wisdom. Fallows commented on “the dismal prospects” for that nation with classic blame-the-victim arrogance. The US did all possible to destroy and over-write the entire culture of that nation, but Fallows sees none of that in his repugnant moral superiority. Another article appeared in early 2014, written by Richard Javad Heydarian and titled “Why the Philippines Failed”, that had roughly the same attitude, blaming the people and their culture. He tells us other nations “shook off bad habits” and went on to prosper, but it wasn’t bad habits those nations shook off, but rather the pressure of American cultural colonisation. Japan today is successful because it is Japanese and not “American”, as is true for Korea and other nations mentioned. Both these men blame everything imaginable except the real cause – the brutal American attempt at the cultural colonisation of the Philippines and the deliberate, concerted effort to destroy and over-write its cultural heritage.

 我在其他地方讨论过美国对菲律宾的殖民,美国人开始将他们的语言强加给人民,然后是文学、虚假历史和宣传,最后是美国产品。他们花了几十年的时间来确定一种最好的方式来宣传整个国家的人民忘记他们自己的过去,尊重他们现在的殖民地位,并学习崇拜美国人。美国人随后改写了历史教科书,从人们的意识中抹去这些国家的英雄、传统和摆脱美帝国主义的希望。如果说美国人成功了,那就太轻描淡写了。今天读到美国对菲律宾的评论几乎让人心碎,几乎将该国归类为一个失败的国家,指出该国缺乏进步和明显的社会凝聚力,并将这些失败归咎于该国的文化。几年前,詹姆斯·法洛斯(James Fallows)写了一篇关于菲律宾的文章,标题是“受损的文化”,这篇文章令人惊讶地麻木不仁和无知。在我看来,这是一种典型的盲目和白人至上的美国意识形态,伪装成洞察力和智慧。法洛斯用典型的责怪受害者的傲慢态度评论了这个国家的“暗淡前景”。美国尽了一切可能摧毁和改写该国的整个文化,但法洛斯从他令人厌恶的道德优越感中看不到这一点。2014年初,理查德·贾瓦德·海德里安(Richard Javad Heydarian)撰写了另一篇题为《菲律宾为何失败》(Why the Philippine Faile)的文章,文章的态度大致相同,指责人民及其文化。他告诉我们,其他国家“摆脱了坏习惯”并继续繁荣,但这些国家摆脱的不是坏习惯,而是美国文化殖民的压力。今天的日本之所以成功,是因为它是日本人而不是“美国人”,韩国和其他提到的国家也是如此。这两个人都指责一切可以想象得到的事情,除了真正的原因——美国对菲律宾进行文化殖民的野蛮企图,以及蓄意破坏和过度书写其文化遗产的共同努力。

The same process occurred in the US and Canada with the native populations: ignorant, reckless and inhuman attempts to over-write the culture of a people, all of which failed miserably, leaving the remnants of a once independent and proud people as nothing but burnt-out drunks. The old culture was largely destroyed but the new version didn’t take, leaving an entire nation of people bereft of part of their soul in a way that cannot be repaired. The Australians did the same with their aboriginal peoples, quickly resorting to killing them when it became apparent that the Western culture would not be properly absorbed. It was only good fortune that prevented these people from being totally exterminated. New Zealand did better, facing reality and living with it, but almost no Western peoples have been willing to do this.


It must surely be obvious to thinking people somewhere that a nation’s culture cannot be over-written without permanently damaging the national psyche in ways that perhaps can never be repaired. The US invaded the soul of the Philippines as they did in no other nation, a grotesque experiment that failed miserably, and now lay all the blame on flaws in the ‘culture of the people’. Chinese and Russians, Germans and Italians, Dutch and Vietnamese, are entirely different people in their core, due to their culture. As an indication of the deep roots and subtle values embedded in a nation’s culture, it is an axiom that Englishmen claim to be only beginning to understand their French wives after 25 years of marriage.


To attempt to forcibly over-write the Italian culture with a German one, or the Chinese one with American, would leave a national psyche that is nothing but a schizophrenic social mess that might never fix itself. The people would survive, but nothing would be natural or normal to them. In simple terms, they wouldn’t know which way was up, and eventually society would cease to function normally. And yet this is what the Americans and their Zionist counterparts so deliberately and unconscionably do to other nations, driven by greed and by their infernal moral superiority fueling their lust for domination. Even worse, the real tragedy is that the Americans have no culture. They attempt to forcibly replace a real cultural heritage of a real nation with a fictional utopian concoction that is entirely fake, superficial and hypocritical, with so-called ‘values’ that the Americans themselves totally ignore in practice. The British did the same with India, which is why we have the schizophrenic mess in that country, Indians not now knowing if they are West or East, and that is one of the main problems with Hong Kong today.


A review on of Ethan Watters’ book, ‘Crazy like us: the globalisation of the American psyche’, stated that “The most devastating consequence of the spread of American culture across the globe has not been our golden arches or our bomb craters, but our bulldozing of the human psyche itself … In teaching the rest of the world to think like us, we have been homogenizing the way the world goes mad.” And in his long tome Tragedy and Hope, Carroll Quigley wrote:

 在Amazon.com上对伊桑·沃特斯(Ethan Watters)的书《像我们一样疯狂:美国精神的全球化》的评论指出“美国文化在全球传播的最具毁灭性的后果不是我们的金色拱门或弹坑,而是我们对人类心灵本身的推倒。。。在教导世界其他人像我们一样思考的过程中,我们一直在使世界变得疯狂。”卡罗尔·奎格利在其长篇巨著《悲剧与希望》中写道:

The destructive impact of Western Civilisation upon so many other societies rests on its ability to demoralise their ideological and spiritual culture as much as its ability to destroy them in a material sense with firearms. The Americans specialise in doing both. When one society is destroyed by the impact of another society, the people are left in a debris of cultural elements derived from their own shattered culture as well as from the invading culture. These elements generally provide the instruments for fulfilling the material needs of these people, but they cannot be organised into a functioning society because of the lack of an ideology and spiritual cohesive. Such people either perish or are incorporated as individuals and small groups into some other culture, whose ideology they adopt …”.


Quigley should have more clearly stated that in this process, society itself is destroyed, with no possibility of resurrection. He should also have clearly stated that this planned destruction of the cultures of nations is a template designed by the European Jewish Zionists and imposed upon the world through the power of (at first) the British military and then the US gunship diplomacy. 


I mention this here for a supplementary reason, one I will deal with in more detail in a later article, this relating to Hong Kong where the British did to the Chinese there precisely as the Americans did to the population of the Philippines: they attempted to colonise the souls of the people, and failed. The major factor underlying many of Hong Kong’s problems and symptoms today, most especially the political elements, was this century-long program of cultural genocide that left in its wake a schizophrenic emotional angst, which the US government is today milking for everything it’s worth. The British followed the teachings of Lippman and Bernays as thoroughly as did the Americans, first forcing the change in national language, then doing their best to force the population of Hong Kong to forget their own past, venerate their colonial status, and learn to worship the British Empire. Hong Kong had one stumbling block for the British that the Americans avoided in the Philippines, which was Hong Kong’s civil war in the late 1960s, a direct result of their savage cultural destruction of the Chinese people. There are many elderly Chinese in Hong Kong today who can tell you of being approached by small white children, being spat upon and called a “dirty yellow dog”. It was the pent-up outrage of a century of humiliation and cultural assault that exploded into an eight-month war that left Hong Kong uncontrollable and with Chinese troops massed at the border to prevent an overflow into the Mainland.


Few people, and no young people, in Hong Kong have any knowledge of this part of their history because the British did what the Americans did – they burnt all the history books and re-wrote Hong Kong’s history in an attempt to erase their sordid past from the consciousness of Hong Kong’s people. Today most people in Hong Kong believe their civil war was merely a ‘disturbance’ created by ‘leftists’ from Mainland China, one of the many lies they’ve been told about their own history. It is heart-breaking to look at Hong Kong today, to see both the cause and the effects, and the lack of understanding of the existentialist dread that infects that city, the uncertainty, anxiety and fear manifesting itself in American-incited and financed puerile political demonstrations, racism and even hatred of the Mainland Chinese – hatred of their own people, of themselves – the schizophrenic overflow from a century of mostly-failed psychic re-programming. For the sake of cheap political gain, Hong Kong as a whole is being pushed very hard by the Americans and the Jewish-owned media to abandon its own civilisation and national identity and to adopt reprehensibly false American values. The Hongkongnese today have little to no understanding of this, and are being pushed to make choices that will in the end tear them apart emotionally. All to give the internationalists a platform from which they can stab at China from underneath.


As I’ve noted elsewhere, the American education system is one of the main conduits for the transmission of these toxic values to citizens of other nations, even including the testing system itself. In late 2014, a Chinese SAT coach, Kelly Yang, wrote that “the new (SAT) test, with its heavy emphasis on knowledge of the country’s founding documents and civil liberties, has the potential to change the mindset and worldview of an entire generation of Chinese youth”. She is absolutely correct in her assessment, and I find it deeply troubling that many people choose to ignore informed warnings like hers. In particular, Wang Xiangbo, a vice-president of the College Board, foolishly attempted to dismiss concerns that the redesigned SAT would indoctrinate Chinese students, claiming that “one of the basic requirements of these assessment tests ‘is not to show any bias'”, a claim so obviously dishonest as to be offensive. But worse, the entire US educational curriculum, whether in the US or through American educational institutions resident in China, is so heavily loaded with political ideology that it is often difficult to breathe.

 正如我在其他地方提到的,美国的教育系统是将这些有害价值观传播给其他国家公民的主要渠道之一,甚至包括考试系统本身。2014年末,中国SAT教练杨凯莉(Kelly Yang)写道,“新的SAT考试非常强调对国家建国文件和公民自由的了解,有可能改变整整一代中国年轻人的心态和世界观。”。她的评估是绝对正确的,我发现许多人选择忽视像她这样的知情警告,这让我深感不安。特别是,大学董事会副主席王向波愚蠢地试图消除人们对重新设计的SAT将灌输中国学生的担忧,声称“这些评估测试的基本要求之一‘不显示任何偏见’”,这显然是不诚实的,令人反感。但更糟糕的是,整个美国教育课程,无论是在美国还是通过居住在中国的美国教育机构,都充满了政治意识形态,以至于常常难以呼吸。

This is one reason American polling firms like Pew, Gallup, Edelman and Nielsen conduct public polls and research in China; they are hired to look for the keys that will produce the most effective cultural resonance. Pew and Edelman especially do regular surveys in China, attempting to discover any weak points in Chinese public sentiment so US government agencies can better know where to direct their arrows of colonisation. They repeatedly question Chinese on their hopes for the future, on their loyalty to their country, their satisfaction with China’s government, their perceptions of education, family loyalties, social security, medical care, as potential targets for cultural assimilation. You should not underestimate this, and you should not participate in any of their polls because if you do, you will be giving them the rope they will use to hang you.

 这也是皮尤、盖洛普、埃德尔曼和尼尔森等美国民调公司在中国进行民意调查和研究的原因之一; 他们被雇佣来寻找能产生最有效的文化共鸣的关键。皮尤和埃德尔曼尤其在中国进行定期调查,试图发现中国公众情绪中的任何弱点,以便美国政府机构能够更好地知道他们的殖民箭头指向何处。他们一再质疑中国人对未来的希望、对国家的忠诚、对中国政府的满意度、对教育、家庭忠诚、社会保障、医疗的看法,这些都是文化同化的潜在目标。你不应该低估这一点,你不应该参与他们的任何投票,因为如果你这样做,你将给他们绞死你的绳子。

These American polling companies do not perform such research in all nations, but almost exclusively in countries like China and Russia, the reason being that both China and Russia are targeted for destabilisation and collapse, and these firms are tasked with finding the weak points. This is one more result of the discoveries and teachings of Lippman and Bernays. Just as P&G did with their Pampers, countless Departments, agencies and NGOs of the American government are looking for the hidden fears or weaknesses, to then fabricate key themes that will resonate with the Chinese population and to promote ‘American values’ to over-write China’s own values and culture. Firms like Bain & Company and Kantar retail do something similar, collecting information from local Chinese to tell the American firms how well they are doing in excluding domestic FMCG and other products from a share of their own market. Once again, there is no need whatever for Chinese citizens to participate in these personal surveys performed by American companies because the political implications are seldom if ever absent. 

 这些美国民调公司并不是在所有国家都进行这样的研究,但几乎只在中国和俄罗斯等国家进行,原因是中国和俄罗斯都是不稳定和崩溃的目标,而这些公司的任务是找出弱点。这是利普曼和伯奈斯发现和教导的又一个结果。正如宝洁对他们的宠儿所做的那样,美国政府的无数部门、机构和非政府组织正在寻找隐藏的恐惧或弱点,然后编造能与中国人民产生共鸣的关键主题,并宣传“美国价值观”,以凌驾于中国自身的价值观和文化之上。贝恩公司(Bain&Company)和坎塔零售(Kantar retail)等公司也做了类似的事情,从当地中国人那里收集信息,告诉美国公司在将国内快速消费品和其他产品排除在自己市场份额之外方面做得有多好。再一次,中国公民没有任何必要参与美国公司进行的这些个人调查,因为政治影响几乎是不存在的。

In 2014, UCLA published a study on the examination of the changes in China’s cultural values during the past 40 years, and evaluating the extent to which the Chinese are becoming Americanised. The authors of the study, UCLA professor Patricia Greenfield and Zeng Rong, a grad student at China’s Beijing Normal University and a visiting researcher at UCLA, used Google’s Ngram Viewer, a tool that scans digitised books for frequency of words, to examine almost 300,000 books that had been published in Chinese, to determine the increasing frequency of terms like “choose, take, compete, private, innovation”, equating the frequency of use of these words as equivalent to the Chinese people becoming more individualistic, materialistic, capitalistic, and less concerned with society, the family and the overall good of the nation. In other words, experiencing a dramatic shift in personal values to the American consumer-killer model. This might be less concern if the purpose were purely academic study but everything in America is heavily politicised, and the results of this study will find their way into the advertising world, the State Department and CIA, the NGOs, and a great many other places of concern.

 2014年,加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)发表了一份研究报告,对过去40年中国文化价值观的变化进行了考察,并对中国人的美国化程度进行了评估。这项研究的作者、加州大学洛杉矶分校教授帕特里夏·格林菲尔德(Patricia Greenfield)和中国北京师范大学研究生、加州大学洛杉矶分校访问研究员曾荣(Zeng Rong)使用谷歌的Ngram Viewer(一种扫描数字化图书词频的工具)对近30万本中文图书进行了检查,确定“选择、占有、竞争、私有、创新”等术语的使用频率,将这些词语的使用频率等同于中国人变得更加个人主义、物质主义、资本主义,更少关注社会、家庭和国家整体利益。换句话说,经历了个人价值观向美国消费者杀手模式的戏剧性转变。如果研究的目的纯粹是学术研究,那么这一点就不那么令人担忧了,但美国的一切都被严重政治化了,这项研究的结果将进入广告界、国务院和中央情报局、非政府组织以及许多其他关注的地方。

Whatever the intent of this research, it will eventually be used as an evaluation tool of the success of the American propaganda that is flooding China for the sole purpose of changing China’s cultural values. This is not a small thing. You might note the seriousness and determination of these Americans, to have examined more than half a million Chinese books, then selected, scanned and examined almost 300,000 of them, in an attempt to learn the extent to which Chinese values are changing to coincide with those desired by the Americans. Zeng should have known better than to participate in something like this, functioning only as a tool to further expose China to American cultural colonisation.


Few people, even inside China, realise the depth to which this goes. The Americans watch and record every word spoken by all Chinese leaders, then search for keywords to assess the effectiveness of their propaganda inside China. They record and publish, for example, every time a Chinese leader uses the words ‘innovate’, or ‘restructure’, or ‘rebalance’, or ‘privatisation’, and do the same with the Chinese media to determine the extent to which their propaganda messages are getting through. They count the words and compare the totals to those of the prior month and prior year. In the meantime, virtually every American in China is filling the ears of every available government official about the necessity to cease China’s development and become an American clone.


Neilson recently performed a survey (probably for Citibank) in China showing that only 13% of Chinese have ever had a bank loan, the main obstacle being that Chinese “don’t like the feeling of being in debt”. The Chinese are also averse to paying interest on debt because so many do their borrowing interest-free within the family. You don’t need to be very smart to imagine the advertising angle a Citibank will use to enhance its loan profits. The first task is to change your value system to glorify debt by rebranding it as “freedom” and “independence”, and “being in charge of your life”. But all you have to do is think. Nobody who is in debt is ‘free’. It is one thing to owe money on a house or other asset that will rise in value and where the debt is a small portion of the total value. You still aren’t ‘free’, though you are safe. But in listening to Citibank and borrowing money for consumption, as for a car, or using a credit card to the maximum, where is the ‘freedom’? The goods purchased on credit are either consumed or have no residual value, and the resale value of the car is dropping like a stone, leaving only liabilities with no corresponding assets. How, exactly, does that represent either freedom or independence, or all the other good Citibank words?


The People’s Daily published an article on this survey, parroting the words of Neilson’s CEO, telling us that “success requires a sharp understanding of changing consumer habits”. Yes, but it isn’t consumer ‘habits’ that will be changed, but China’s cultural values and the Americans, thanks to Bernays, do indeed have “a sharp understanding” of how to change your values. The article then foolishly claimed, “Chinese consumers will have a new understanding of loans and their consumption will be stimulated”. I have two violent exceptions to this statement. First, the insinuation is that Chinese are not sufficiently sophisticated to properly appreciate the American value of debt as a way of life, and so must be taught to “understand” the religious benefits of owing more money than they can repay. The second is the claim that, having accepted debt as a new “value”, Chinese will borrow to the limit and spend the money on useless American consumer goods. In response, I think it is necessary to say bluntly that borrowing money for investment can be sensible; borrowing money for consumption, and that includes cars, is usually an exercise in poor judgment. The article ended with the hopeful advice that if the Chinese are foolish enough to be seduced by the American promotion of personal consumer debt as a social value, “it will speed up China’s economic transformation”, as indeed it would – to a useless consumption-oriented spendthrift homeless society like the US. Is this what you want for your childrens’ future or for China? I was so disappointed in the People’s Daily, not so much for publishing the article but for the astounding demonstration of naïve ignorance.


Citibank staff have researched the psychological makeup of young Chinese, especially the 25 to 35 year-olds in the “emerging affluent class”, having concluded their mindset is “I’m the king”, and that these young people constitute the “me, me, me” generation and are asking for “more, more more”. According to Citibank, they derive prestige not from owning things but from having experiences that other people don’t have, and this means giving them “an elevated sense of premium status” with credit cards. Citibank’s “key insight” into these young people is that they want to be recognised and respected, hence the slogan, “You are ready for the world and the world is ready for you. VIP lounges around the world are ready to host you. Top Gourmet restaurants are ready to seat you. All airlines are ready to take you on board. The world knows you before you know it. All you need is … to grab your Citi Credit card and dive into it.” Citibank is preparing to fill the heads of young people with the charming temptation that “you deserve to have it all today”, and that “the world is waiting for you”.


As much as it pains me to disagree with Citibank, you do not deserve to have it all today. You don’t deserve it until you work for it and save the money to pay for it. Perhaps even more disappointingly, the world is not really waiting for you. The world doesn’t even know you exist and, if it did know, it wouldn’t care. Not only that, a credit card does not make you a VIP, no matter what Citibank tells you. You’re just another dumb kid with a credit card, and there are another 300 million in China just like you. That’s the truth. Live with it.


Citibank and the auto finance firms just want your money, and if you go bankrupt or lose your home in the process, that’s too bad. Prior to the economic and social collapse in 2008, Citibank was in the forefront of encouraging Americans to extract and spend the increased value of their homes, which is largely the reason tens of millions lost their homes when market prices collapsed. That was Citibank’s plan in America, and it is Citibank’s plan in China. In the US, the bankers and propagandists succeeded to the point where Americans are the most indebted people in the world, owing several times their annual income in credit card and other consumer debt.


Consider the Chinese habit of thrift. The Western media tell us the Chinese save money only because the ‘social safety net’ is not yet strong enough, but that’s disingenuous and self-serving. Thrift is a virtue almost embedded in Chinese DNA. But Citibank, even with their (so far) minor public exposure, are already promulgating one of America’s three most treasured values, that of living perpetually in debt. Even though most Chinese have a strong dislike for the feeling of being in debt, such thoughts can easily take root in an inexperienced public, and over time can result in dramatic cultural changes to the detriment of society as a whole. Of course, the banks’ marketing and PR departments will scoff at these claims, but one need only look at the spendthrift culture in the US and Canada to understand how successful are these marketing approaches. Recent statistics show that the average American family has mortgage debt of about $175,000, student loans of almost $50,000, auto loans of nearly $30,000, and credit card debt of more than $15,000. Canada and the UK are about the same. And if China listens to the Americans and permits them to over-write this fundamental part of Chinese culture, we can all guess where China will be in ten years. The solution is to not listen, to understand what are your core values and not permit greedy foreign bankers to change them.


We already see this cultural colonisation in many areas. Foreign cosmetics companies like L’Oreal are notably guilty, especially in their clever campaigns to promote make-up and skin care products for young men. A boy who thinks pretty skin is a virtue needs to have a long talk with his father, and soon. Another example is the foreign pharmaceutical firms selling their wares in China. According to one such company, birth control pills are not for preventing unwanted pregnancies, but are all about “freedom” and “being empowered” and “taking control of your body” and other such senseless American “values”. This is culturally dangerous, the attempted colonisation of a nation by broadcasting foreign and, in this case, foolish, values to change the thinking of a nation’s people.


Lest you think I exaggerate about the threats to society and values, let me relate a story from Canada. A number of years back, the major Canadian banks colluded and conceived what was in their estimation a royal road to riches by obtaining (illegally) personal information on all university students in the country, including mailing addresses, and sent every student a credit card. This was done without request from the students, without an application and with no credit checks; just free credit cards from the banks appearing in the mailbox like a gift from heaven. You can imagine the result. Countless thousands of kids, young, immature and thoughtless, with no financial experience, no education on dealing with debt, and no supervision or oversight. And very quickly countless thousands of young students and graduates beginning their careers in bankruptcy court, with a shattered credit rating and, too often, a cancellation of their studies. This would be a good case study in free-market capitalism and “letting the market decide”. As the results became publicly visible, the Canadian government tried without success to have the banks rein in what was clearly a socially-destructive process that was not only harmfully altering the culture and values of an entire new generation, but was devastating large numbers of young lives. Then, in an astonishing display of sanity and responsibility, the government passed a law stating that any credit card received without a request and proper signed application could be used to the maximum limit with the user having no responsibility for repayment of the debt. All student credit cards were cancelled by the banks and disappeared overnight, and life slowly returned to normal. Today, this ‘socialist’ government act would be an impossible feat because no Western politicians would have the courage to take such an aggressively defiant stance against the major banks or large MNCs. They would be bullied, bribed, bought, intimidated and threatened with personal destruction long before any such proposals were presented to a legislature.


It is frightening to me to see that this is already happening in China with automobiles. Young Chinese students and graduates are being increasingly targeted and persuaded to abandon their cultural dreams of purchasing a home in preparation for marriage, for the temptation of being a modern world citizen and ‘having it all now’ by buying a car today – and mostly on debt. This is the standard pattern for America today where 80% to 90% of all autos are purchased mostly or entirely with borrowed money, and the presentation is indeed tempting to almost every young man with his first job and money, because he’s immature. The American auto companies push debt financing for auto purchases because it is so lucrative. GM makes three times as much money on financing as it does on selling its cars. Foreign autos in China are already heavily overpriced, and financing will add another 20% or so to the cost, with most auto financing schemes being only borderline legal and consisting primarily of fraudulent advertising. The practice of pushing consumer debt onto primarily young people in China who have little or no debt experience, should be heavily controlled or banned outright, with absolutely no consideration given to the money-lenders since consumer debt is one of the most predatory and socially destructive of all American ‘values’. It is especially disturbing that auto dealers are focusing heavily on university students who are the most unaware and vulnerable, the most likely to exhibit poor judgment and the easiest to deceive.


In one media report, Cao Xiang, general manager at Shanghai Fande Automotive, a dealer for BMW and Mini brands, said at least four out of 10 cars his company sells are financed. “Auto finance looks attractive to consumers that are younger and better aware of international trends. These people either have not enough time to save, or want to manage cash flow in a more flexible way.” That is not true. It is not auto finance that ‘looks attractive’ to young people, but the automobile itself, and this attraction is not the result of being more ‘aware of international trends’ but of being young and foolish and having no money. To claim that a university student or a new graduate purchasing a first car, is so sophisticated as to employ debt because he wants to ‘manage cash flow in a more flexible way’ according to ‘sophisticated international standards’ is a lie that should be punished by public flogging. No Chinese student should be permitted to graduate from a university until he can demonstrate a full appreciation of the fact that the terms ‘auto dealer’ and ‘incorrigible common thief’ are interchangeable synonyms. Similarly, no Chinese student should be permitted to graduate without a demonstrated understanding that consumer debt is a disease, not a cure.

  在一份媒体报道中,宝马和Mini品牌经销商上海繁德汽车有限公司(Shanghai Fande Automotive)总经理曹翔表示,该公司销售的10辆汽车中至少有4辆是融资的。“汽车金融对那些更年轻、更了解国际趋势的消费者来说很有吸引力。这些人要么没有足够的时间储蓄,要么想以更灵活的方式管理现金流。”事实并非如此。对年轻人来说,吸引年轻人的不是汽车金融,而是汽车本身,这种吸引不是因为更“了解国际趋势”,而是因为年轻、愚蠢、没有钱。声称一名大学生或一名新毕业生购买了第一辆汽车,因为他想根据“复杂的国际标准”以更灵活的方式管理现金流,而利用债务是如此复杂,这是一个谎言,应该受到公开鞭打。在中国学生充分认识到“汽车经销商”和“不可救药的普通小偷”是可以互换的同义词之前,不应允许他从大学毕业。类似地,任何中国学生都不应在没有明确认识到消费者债务是一种疾病而非治愈方法的情况下毕业。

One of the most important set of values in China has been that related to the extended family, but family values and attitudes toward family are very different in the US and much of the Western world. In Western countries neither parents nor relatives will normally help their children buy a home. When children leave home after graduation, they are on their own and are expected to look after themselves as best they can. A rich family may help their children with money, but this is uncommon in other circles. In the US and most of the West, we would never expect, and would almost never ask, parents, brothers or sisters, uncles or cousins to lend us money to help with the purchase of a home. We do not lend money to family members any more than we would to friends or strangers. If you need money, go to the bank. Similarly, we are responsible for our own children and the extended family is not involved in the process. Parents seldom become involved in baby-sitting our children, perhaps doing so occasionally for a few hours or days at a time, but to do more would be unusual. This usually means hiring a full-time nanny or taking the child to a daycare center, often from the age of a few months so that the mother can return to work. Our children often are raised by strangers who may or may not be good mothers, and who may often have attitudes or values very different from our own. These day-care centers, which are businesses and not social services, normally hire the lowest-cost labor available, often from new immigrants, refugees, and the lowest class. The dangers and difficulties are obvious. In the English-speaking Western countries, it is extremely rare that families live together or that parents live with their children, the matter being partly tied to questions of sovereignty and individualism, these traits themselves largely responsible for the difference in family values. Such arrangements would almost always lead to antagonism and conflict. As well, the Western sense of responsibility for parents or grandparents is very different from the Chinese tradition of children tending to and supporting their elderly parents, one area where the American cultural values will be destructive to the Chinese.


American health care companies are heavily promoting nursing homes in China because of the enormous potential profits. But to succeed in China, they must first embark on a program to change the values of young Chinese to the point where abandoning your responsibility to your parents is the best way to fulfill it. If we consider the ambitions of American firms in China and critically examine their approach, we will see bold attempts at cultural colonisation on a grand scale, and almost all that cultural baggage will be toxic to China and devastating to the Chinese culture and family. These traditions and attitudes which do not exist in much of the West are part of the treasure of Chinese culture and an important part of China’s heritage. It is precisely these family values that the American corporations want to attack and destroy, because there will be no profits so long as these family loyalties exist. Executives of US corporations are well aware of Chinese cultural values and have obtained much assistance from psychologists and others in how to attack and change the values of a society. They will present their product on the basis of responsibility and “freedom”, all in terms of American values they need you to adopt and internalise before they can expect you to buy into their cultural values and the “American way of life”. And they will succeed, if you let them.


A perfect example of toxic cultural colonisation was reported in the Chinese media in July of 2014, this being a “house-for-pension” scheme that encouraged elderly Chinese to transfer full ownership of their home to a private vulture corporation in exchange for some extra cash in their hands and the “right” to continue living in the house, but with responsibility for maintenance and liability for loss. A pilot project involving insurance companies was begun in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and Wuhan, where it reportedly met with “absolute rejection” as it so richly deserved to do. I must say that reading of this plan made me angry. A home is the main asset and security for all Chinese, and is a legacy for their children after they die. I can scarcely imagine a more frontal assault on Chinese traditions and culture, or a greater betrayal of the Chinese people, than to promote such an idiotic scheme. There is no way this abomination originated in China; this is very much a Jewish attitude, where the vultures and vampires circle the vulnerable, looking for a revenue stream anyplace they can find one, regardless of the social or human costs. Any homeowner can obtain a bank mortgage on a partial value of a home, at far less cost and no risk, compared to what was being proposed. And most often, if they need cash, they could do this within the family, at no cost and no risk. This is truly a betrayal of the Chinese people, and a good example of Chinese financiers having been terminally infected by the American values of greed and anti-social capitalism. There are enough ways for insurance companies in China to make profits without preying on the elderly. As Warren Buffet once said, “There is enough money to be found in the middle of the road. You don’t have to look in the ditches”. The people who hatched this God-forsaken egg, including any Chinese who participated, should have been arrested on charges of treason, and then shot, along with the government officials who approved it.

 20147中国媒体报道了一个有毒文化殖民的完美例子这就是以房换养老计划这鼓励了中国老年人将他们的房子全部所有权转让给一家私人秃鹫公司,以换取他们手中的一些额外现金和继续住在房子里的“权利”,但要承担维修和损失责任。在上海、北京、广州和武汉启动了一个涉及保险公司的试点项目,据报道,该项目在那里遭到了“绝对拒绝”,因为它完全有理由这样做。我必须说读到这个计划让我很生气。房子是所有中国人的主要资产和安全,也是他们的孩子死后的遗产。我很难想象对中国传统和文化的正面攻击,或者对中国人民的背叛会比推行这样一个愚蠢的计划更严重。这种讨厌的东西不可能起源于中国;这在很大程度上是一种犹太人的态度,秃鹫和吸血鬼围着弱势群体,在任何他们能找到的地方寻找收入来源,而不管社会或人类的代价。任何房主都可以以房屋的部分价值获得银行抵押贷款,与目前的提议相比,成本要低得多,而且没有风险。大多数情况下,如果他们需要现金,他们可以在家里做这件事,而不需要任何成本和风险。这确实是对中国人民的背叛,也是中国金融家最终被美国贪婪和反社会资本主义价值观所感染的一个好例子。中国的保险公司有足够的方式在不损害老年人利益的情况下赚取利润。正如Warren Buffet曾经说过的:“在道路中央有足够的钱,你不必在沟渠里找。”孵化这枚被上帝抛弃的蛋的人,包括任何参与其中的中国人,应该以叛国罪被捕,然后连同批准这枚蛋的政府官员一起被枪杀。

The toxic cultural infections will never end, so long as the Americans and Jews are in China. Crappy American automobiles are sold in China as fashion accessories magically containing “freedom” and “independence”. American pharmaceutical companies today tell young Chinese women that oral contraceptives are not for preventing unwanted pregnancies, but are, magically, a ticket to the same “freedom” and “independence”, with the added benefits of being “empowered” and “taking control of your body”. It is always the same: moral superiority, political religion, the American dream, and social Darwinism, the sizzle without an underlying reality.


One of the more prominent features of American cultural homicides as they apply to commerce is that American companies will absolutely refuse to enter a foreign country, determine the products or kinds of products the local market would appreciate, then make and market these. This would be the logical path, but it never happens. Americans will persist in attempting to sell only those products they already make and, if rejected by the local population, will then spend unlimited amounts of time and money to change the cultural values of the nation to make their products accepted. One firm that boasts openly of its ability to do this in China is P&G who, with their psychiatric values-loaded marketing, created the perception that dandruff was a shameful health problem and social stigma deserving of and requiring urgent attention. Fortunately for China, P&G happened to have a product to solve the “problem”, and product sales soared. For this, we must once again give credit to Bernays who argued that marketing should avoid appealing to rationality by presenting a product’s true virtues, and instead find a way to feed off human weaknesses. And find a way, he did, by using psychology in advertising:


“to nurture deep-seated feelings of guilt and insecurity, and use these fabricated feelings to create emotional attachments to products. This projection of psychological needs onto a commercial product was to create a kind of idolisation of a commercial good, a way to twist fundamental human emotions to worshipping a product by placing in it hope of one’s spiritual or social fulfillment”.


Try to understand completely what that means. Bernays’ fundamental premise – as communicated to P&G, who were his first advertising customer – was to avoid marketing a product on its merits and instead to prey on human weakness. His approach was to awaken in customers their deepest unspoken fears and insecurities, and to attach the relief of these to a specific product. It was a thoroughly despicable way to entice innocent and unsuspecting consumers to almost worship a product in the secret belief that its purchase could eliminate those deep fears and fulfill our secret hopes. This is why people buy Apple’s iphones and Nike shoes, LV bags, and so many other products, but P&G had a head start and became masters of this manner of contemptible deception. Their marketing of Pampers in China is an excellent example. Chinese mothers did not often use diapers, and preferred washable cloth diapers in any case, strongly resisting P&G’s marketing efforts for what was seen as an expensive, wasteful, and unnecessary product. In 2010, Forbes Magazine published an article titled, “How Procter And Gamble Cultivates Customers In China”, from an interview with P&G’s then-CEO, Robert McDonald.

 试着完全理解这意味着什么。伯奈斯的基本前提——正如他与宝洁(P&G)沟通的那样,宝洁是他的第一个广告客户——是避免以产品的优点来营销产品,而是利用人类的弱点。他的方法是唤醒顾客最深的潜在恐惧和不安全感,并将其与特定产品联系起来。这是一种极其卑鄙的方式,诱使无辜和毫无戒心的消费者几乎崇拜一种产品,因为他们相信购买这种产品可以消除那些深深的恐惧,实现我们的秘密希望。这就是为什么人们会购买苹果的iPhone、耐克鞋、LV包和其他许多产品,但宝洁却抢先一步,成为这种卑鄙欺骗方式的大师。他们在中国的帮宝适营销就是一个很好的例子。中国母亲不经常使用尿布,而且在任何情况下都更喜欢可洗布尿布,强烈抵制宝洁的营销努力,因为它被视为昂贵、浪费和不必要的产品。2010年,《福布斯》杂志发表了一篇题为《宝洁如何在中国培育客户》的文章,这篇文章来自对宝洁时任首席执行官罗伯特·麦克唐纳(Robert McDonald)的采访。

“One of the things that interests me about China’s many markets … is observing Western consumer goods companies take a proven product from overseas and introduce it in an emerging market with no prior knowledge of the products’ use or existence. … I’m talking about taking a product and literally changing consumer behavior to create a market for it.”


In that article, Forbes wrote that P&G then conducted “some research to identify the qualities that might make a disposable diaper attractive in China”, but that statement is an enormous lie meant to disguise the essential truth. What P&G actually did was to conduct extensive psychological and psychiatric research in attempts to identify the hidden fears and weaknesses in Chinese mothers so as to prey on those. And they found what they needed: the mothers’ concern for their baby’s health and his longer-term development and success in life. P&G then first created a scenario based on claims that increased sleep would not only improve a baby’s health but would result in “improved cognitive development and academic achievement”, thereby presumably guaranteeing wealth and a successful career. The second step was to produce so-called “studies” with “scientific results” that were palpably fraudulent, with either fabricated or cherry-picked data, claiming that Chinese babies wearing Pampers fell asleep 30% faster than babies wearing cloth diapers, and further that their sleep while wearing Pampers would experience “50% Less Disruption”.


To add to the appeal, P&G then attached the insinuation that the parents would also receive much more sleep thereby transforming the earning power of a lower-middle-class family. So, if your baby wears my diapers, not only will you obtain so much extra sleep that your income will magically double, but your baby will become so smart he will earn a Ph.D. from an elite university. As a mother, how can you refuse? P&G were very proud of themselves for this manipulation. In an internal P&G staff promotional video, one Pampers brand manager boasted about his psychological fraud, saying, “We really had to change the mindset and educate [Chinese mothers] that using a diaper is not about convenience for you – it’s about your baby’s development.” Is that clear? P&G were “educating” mothers to believe that wearing disposable diapers would dramatically enhance their child’s mental development. And boasting about it. This is not clever marketing; it is evil manipulation.


There is a hidden issue here, critical to the understanding. This kind of marketing is psychological propaganda and, like all propaganda, it functions and survives only in the dark, meaning that the basic tenets cannot be openly stated. Consider the Pampers example: if P&G were to make the open claim as I stated above, that using disposable diapers would increase your child’s IQ and guarantee his future and your income, the statement is so obviously foolish it would be openly ridiculed. So P&G, and all marketers, are careful to only awaken the fears, then independently associate their product with a solution, and permit consumers to connect the dots themselves.


This is the most reprehensible of all forms of marketing. This is why poor people will spend unaffordable sums of money on an LV bag or a pair of Nike shoes promoted by some basketball star. It is why people buy iphones and why Americans buy American cars and drink Coca-Cola. This is why people will pay ten times the value for P&G’s shampoos and personal care products. It is the way most baby milk powder in China is marketed today, reprehensibly twisting a mother’s concern for her child into the purchase of a grossly-overpriced, and often substandard, foreign milk product. This is why Nestlé were so successful in marketing their baby milk powder in Africa, even at the cost of the deaths of millions of babies.


Almost all of us, in our quiet moments, will recognise our vulnerability in a very large and sometimes frightening world and, perhaps without ever giving voice to our feelings, would ask, “What will happen to me? Will I ever be loved? If people really knew me, would they still like me? What will happen to my child? Am I really a good mother?” Thanks to Bernays, the brand advertisers use clever phrases and images to awaken these deepest fears and longings, exposing our emotional vulnerability, then quickly offer salvation and dream fulfillment. Our deepest and most vulnerable hopes and fears are shamefully manipulated to make us believe a sport shoe, a shampoo, a handbag, a face cream, a brand of baby milk, an automobile, will make us happy, popular, admired and lovable, and will somehow fill that well of doubt and emptiness inside us. Christian religions do precisely the same thing in the same way, and even more shamefully.


If you buy this face cream, you will be as beautiful and popular as me. If you buy this handbag you will be admired, envied and respected. If you buy this dress and pair of shoes, you will feel confident and empowered, and your popularity will soar. If you buy our baby milk, you will be an excellent mother and your child will be beautiful, intelligent and successful. If you spend your entire life savings so your child can attend this American school, your child will become a king and will fulfill all your aspirations. If you buy our Pampers diapers, your income will double and your kid will get a Ph.D. If you buy this pathetically-engineered American car, you will be “empowered” and “free” and your life will be filled with adventure – mostly caused by wondering when your General Motors car will decide to turn off its ignition switch on the highway, killing you and your family in the process.


However, we have had at least one success in rejecting American “values”, indicating there are some American icons the Chinese will not accept. Mattel’s Barbie is dead. “After two years of living in her 4,000 square meter, six-story Shanghai mansion, Mattel’s Barbie doll is moving out. The dream house has officially closed and, according to analysts, it’s because Barbie didn’t quite cut it with Chinese shoppers in the big city.” Mattel spent hugely to open that flagship store that has now closed its doors. And good riddance. People say that the Chinese like to save face, but listen to Mattel: The hugely-expensive Shanghai Barbie store was “meant only to establish Barbie’s brand in China. It did that successfully, so it’s time to move on.”


For those of you who don’t know, Barbie was never intended for children. Barbie was a sex toy named ‘Lili’ that was created in Switzerland in the 1950s and was popular primarily with perverted single men in Europe. At the time, a Jewish-American woman named Ruth Handler, who with her husband, owned the then-small company named Mattel toys, was on holiday in Germany and apparently fell in love with this doll, brought it to the US and began marketing it as a “more mature” toy for little girls “exploring womanhood”. Most mothers were either disturbed or horrified by this, especially since Barbie’s “mature” body was essentially “borderline pornographic” and was seen as a serious danger and “potentially damaging to young girls’ psyches”. That view is still held very strongly by millions of mothers all over the world who have banned this doll from their homes. My friends in Shanghai tell me they too are bothered by the over-sexed appearance of this doll, and that Barbie negatively affects the image their little girls have of themselves. But Handler, like all Jewish marketers, brought in psychiatrists to learn how to change the values of American mothers in order to market this doll. The advice was to instruct mothers to consider Barbie as “a tool for teaching their daughters about the importance of appearance and femininity.” And the importance of promiscuous sex as a way of life. Just what every 3 year-old girl needed to help her grow up into a wholesome young woman – a plastic doll with big breasts and a sports car. I have always hated that doll. According to a recent article in the Wall Street Journal, Barbie and Mattel join a growing list of US brands that are struggling in China. Thank God.

 对于你们这些不知道的人来说,芭比娃娃从来就不是为儿童设计的。芭比娃娃是一种名为“莉莉”的性玩具,它于20世纪50年代在瑞士诞生,在欧洲主要受到变态单身男子的欢迎。当时,一位名叫露丝·汉德勒(Ruth Handler)的犹太裔美国妇女和她的丈夫在德国度假,当时她拥有一家名为美泰玩具(Mattel toys)的小公司。她显然爱上了这个洋娃娃,将它带到美国,并开始将其作为“探索女性身份”的小女孩的“更成熟”玩具进行营销。大多数母亲对此感到不安或恐惧,特别是因为芭比娃娃“成熟”的身体本质上是“色情边缘”,被视为严重的危险和“可能损害年轻女孩的心理”。全世界数以百万计的母亲仍然强烈地持有这种观点,她们已经禁止这种娃娃进入自己的家中。我在上海的朋友告诉我,他们也对这个娃娃的过度性感的外表感到烦恼,芭比娃娃对她们的小女孩的形象产生了负面影响。但和所有犹太商人一样,汉德勒也请来了精神病医生,学习如何改变美国母亲的价值观,以便推销这个娃娃。建议是让母亲们认为芭比是“教女儿们外表和女性气质的一个工具”,而滥交是一种生活方式的重要性。这正是每个3岁女孩成长为一个健康的年轻女性所需要的——一个大乳房的塑料娃娃和一辆跑车。我一直讨厌那个洋娃娃。根据《华尔街日报》最近的一篇文章,芭比和美泰加入了越来越多在中国苦苦挣扎的美国品牌的行列。感谢上帝。

It is a worthy question to ask why this is happening. Even the American stubbornness in the commercial aspects is by no means so simple as greed displacing ethics. There is something much deeper here. The Americans and the Jews are in China in full force attempting to forcibly change China’s family values, the country’s legal system, transportation policy, attitudes toward health care and education, and so much more. Why? Why are they working so hard to push China to completely revamp China’s legal system? Why would the Americans possibly care how China administers its laws? In August of 2016, Chinese media reported that Chinese courts were adopting on a trial basis the American practice of plea-bargaining for offenses. This is the first step in the dissolution of China’s entire court system, and the destruction of one of the most important pillars of China’s ‘socialism with Chinese characteristics’. The reason is simple: the process of plea-bargaining ensures that most of the evidence on a case will be buried, never to see the light of day, and the entire process of the presentation of evidence, the ascertaining of guilt, and the determination of punishment is now entirely removed from the courtroom and the control of the judges, and placed in the hands of the lawyers who will say and do whatever they are paid to say and do. And, as in the American system, this is where justice is subverted and the system becomes corrupt.


This is not nothing. Americans and Jews will absolutely not look to the culture of a foreign country and attempt to create products to suit that culture, but will in almost every case utilise psychiatry, psychology, marketing deceit, and gimmicks to force a change in that foreign culture to accept the products American firms want to make – in other words, attempt to inflict American values, attitudes and products on every nation in the world. This is commercial imperialism at its worst, since this process naturally results in the eventual destruction of most of the treasured national brands of each country, and a corresponding destruction of the culture itself. The Americans were so successful in the Philippines that no national brands remain in that country, resulting in a permanent destruction and loss of a fundamental portion of that country’s cultural heritage. The Americans did the same to Canada, with the result that pitifully few Canadian brands have survived and the few that remain are again being sold off to the Americans to destroy.


One of the few nations to escape this imperialistic net is Japan, whose citizens refuse to permit the Americans to corrupt or dilute their culture and consequently refuse to purchase American products. Apple’s iphone is a complete loser in Japan, whose people shun it in favor of their own preferred brands. Apple will never be able to compete in Japan because the company’s executives, being American, are both unwilling and unable to even recognise the existence of a Japanese culture, much less willing to fit into that culture by designing products for it. All US MNCs are determined to inflict American values and products on every nation. It is so very important that the Chinese people build this level of pride in their own country that they too will reject all American goods and values as substandard.


The propaganda so cleverly developed by Lippman and Bernays involved creating binary emotional responses to statements and proposals put before the public, in the same way that Starbucks wants to create an emotional response to give you an “experience”. Marketing is the same, looking to create an emotional response to a brand, and to do so it must rely on sizzle rather than steak, presenting false images that will produce an emotional resonance. Because of this, brands and branding are philosophical propositions involving culture, lifestyles and values, associating a brand or product with cultural values the marketers want you to adopt. Changing a society’s values follows the same process by awakening fears and attempting to create a positive emotional response strong enough to over-write the cultural values you now hold. The Chinese values of thrift and of being debt-free will be derided as old-fashioned, backward and unrefined, lacking the necessary sophistication of a modern world, and will be replaced by false “feel good” images of freedom, confidence, self-assurance, independence and a happy life that will result when you mortgage your home, use more credit cards, and spend every penny you have on things you don’t need. And it isn’t only debt and consumption; China’s family values are equally under attack, as are things like education, health care, the raising of children, the purchase of automobiles and so much more.


The main weapons in this cultural assault are American advertising and American movies, both of which are fully Jewish industries and controlled by Jews, and should be viewed with suspicion and caution, and deliberate effort made to isolate and identify the value-changing propaganda that is cleverly and deliberately built into them. It is important to appreciate that American culture and values consist primarily of historical and social myths that are “engineered values” assimilated into the commercial culture and now proselytised all over the world as truths, which they most emphatically are not. And that is how US companies believe they will succeed in colonising China with products – by a transfer of cultural values through identification with the brands.


People in other nations learn only the myths and seldom the reality of what is America, therefore the picture portrayed to the world of the US is essentially one very large lie, not unlike the contrived “experiences” that Starbucks wants to create, long on fiction and short on reality. Some Chinese lament the fact that China does not produce American-style movies and, while it is generally admitted that Hollywood produces some good movies, they are not in any sense “American” movies and it is not Americans who are producing them. It is the Jews who produce those movies, Hollywood being entirely a Jewish entity. All the major Hollywood studios are owned by Jews and a very high percentage of all the actors and actresses in all those movies are Jewish as well. In itself, that is no bad thing. The Jews as a people are good entertainers, and they seem to have the ability to make some great movies. The problem is not the people making the movies but the political and other values embedded in those movies, which serve two primary purposes: they keep Americans hopelessly ignorant about their own country and history while feeling good to be an American, and they are often exceedingly political while grossly misrepresenting historical truth and transmitting vacuous American ‘values’ to the rest of the world. Television is the same, with American sitcoms and serial programs transmitting the same false values.


The point I want most to make is that American brands and American values are just hype; they are myth and illusion without substance. The American government, the elites, the large corporations, the media, have created a vast collection of myths that they have successfully marketed to Americans, and increasingly attempt to market to the rest of the world. I am not much concerned about ‘the rest of the world’, but I am worried about China because the Americans are propagating a deception on an immense scale, a deception that increasingly affects all parts of daily life. Everything emanating from the US is polluted with American so-called “values”, most of which are heavily politicised, all of which are utopian rather than real, and all of which are destructive and culturally toxic. The US propaganda machine brands everything American with what appears as high values and prestige but is actually only the thinly-veiled myth of a white and racist moral superiority. I will say again, it is not possible to adopt American values without also adopting a de facto American supremacy and accepting American moral superiority. Think for a moment about a TV ad for Nike shoes or some such product, one typically featuring a black American basketball player demonstrating some superhuman prowess while dripping with cool. The entire message contained in that ad is: “I am better than you”, and that translates to “I am morally superior to you.” If you examine any ad for any American product, or watch any American movie or TV program, that same message of American moral superiority is embedded somewhere within it. The message is false, the very idea of American moral superiority is ridiculous, but that’s how American values are marketed to the world.


One serious problem is that as American firms purchase and kill ever larger numbers of Chinese brands, they not only permanently kill off important parts of Chinese culture and heritage, but when a foreign firm obtains about a 30% level of control in any market, it will then control virtually the entire cultural base of all products in that market. A 30% foreign domination of a product market or an industry sector is sufficient to gradually over-write a domestic culture with a foreign one, and by this means gradually change a nation’s basic values, and thus commercial market control becomes a de facto cultural colonisation. This is what has already happened to cosmetics, much clothing, some electronics, FMCG and personal care products, and many other areas within China, and the pace is not slowing. P&G until recently controlled about half of the shampoo market in urban China, the necessary prerequisite for an effective cultural colonisation, one reason market domination is important to them. But, and this is a message I will repeat constantly, the American commercial agenda is primarily political in nature, the real thrust being toward political domination, not commercial success.


In a Counterpunch article in November of 2014, Gary Leech wrote that the world needs a revolution against the United States, to eliminate the brutal authoritarian and imperialist results of American foreign policy against the other 96% of the world’s population. He wrote that national borders are repeatedly decimated in the name of free market capitalism so violently practiced by the Americans and their European banker friends that affect the lives of almost everyone on the planet. He stated that all nations are not equal, and that the US has adopted the old European colonial role with a disproportionate amount of military and political power that it is not the least hesitant to use. It is for this purpose that the US has overthrown the governments of more than 50 nations to install a puppet amenable to the plundering of his nation. In Leech’s words,

 2014年11月,加里·利奇(Gary Leech)在一篇反击文章中写道,世界需要一场反对美国的革命,以消除美国对外政策对世界其他96%人口的残酷独裁和帝国主义后果。他写道,在自由市场资本主义的名义下,美国及其欧洲银行家朋友如此猛烈地实施了自由市场资本主义,国家边界一再遭到破坏,几乎影响了地球上所有人的生活。他表示,并非所有国家都是平等的,美国已经扮演了旧的欧洲殖民角色,拥有不成比例的军事和政治权力,毫不犹豫地使用。正是出于这一目的,美国推翻了50多个国家的政府,建立了一个可以接受其国家掠夺的傀儡。用利奇的话说,

“When governments do come to power and challenge US interests then Washington inevitably responds with economic sanctions, support for a military coup and, if necessary, direct military intervention. The objective is to ensure that the capitalist model is the dominant social model throughout the world. And in order to ensure that this model is accepted as legitimate it is crucial that populations around the world internalize Western liberal values. The acceptance of Western liberal values is essential for the perpetuation of capitalism and many of these [American] individualistic values contravene some of the collectivist values found in [other nations].” Think about that.


And think about the quote earlier from Robert Kagan, in his open statement that the West’s goal is to collapse China’s government, where he wrote, “By embracing the Chinese, by exporting our Western ways through our Western goods, we will bring them down.” This is what is happening in China today. The signs are everywhere, for anyone who cares to look. Many people in China dismiss such concerns as exaggerated, but most Chinese have no idea of the depth and breadth of the American influences in the country that are dedicated to Westernising the values of the Chinese people, and not primarily for selling consumer products but with the intent of collapsing China’s government system and “bringing China down”. As I noted elsewhere, the US government spends more than $300 million inside China each year, on this ‘value-based’ political propaganda.

 再想想早些时候罗伯特·卡根(Robert Kagan)在他的公开声明中所说的话,西方的目标是推翻中国政府,他在声明中写道,“通过拥抱中国人,通过我们的西方产品出口我们的西方方式,我们将把他们打倒。”这就是今天中国发生的事情。标志随处可见,任何想看的人都可以看到。许多中国人认为这种担心是夸大了,但大多数中国人不知道美国在中国的影响有多深,有多广,这些影响致力于中国人的价值观的西化,主要不是为了销售消费品,而是为了颠覆中国的政府体系和制度“打倒中国”。正如我在其他地方提到的,美国政府每年在中国国内花费超过3亿美元用于这种“基于价值的”政治宣传。

There is another, even more sinister aspect to this. I wrote earlier that as a Chinese, you should never participate in any of the polls conducted by American firms like Pew, Gallup, Edelman and Nielsen, because they primarily conduct their “market research” in nations targeted for destabilisation, and are tasked with finding the weak points. If you participate, you will be giving them the rope they will use to hang you. I should note here that these polling firms and other similar groups have already mapped out China in these political terms, identifying the precise areas of each province where one can find a majority with a conservative political outlook. In April of 2015, Foreign Policy magazine published an article on a paper produced by researchers Xu Yiqing of MIT and Jennifer Pan of Harvard, in which they mapped political ideological trends within the Chinese population. Their data can identify those areas where people support China’s current socialist political system but, more importantly, those areas where Western “ideals” are viewed more favorably and where the people might tend to provide support for American promulgation of “free market” reforms and propositions to replace China’s government with a Western model. In fact, the conclusions already formed among American political analysts in the State Department is that Chinese society could be split along the ideological lines of those favoring Confucianism and those with an affinity for Western capitalism. If this doesn’t frighten you, it should, because these ideological rifts are the way all internal dissent and revolutions are caused by Westerners and our European banker friends. You can rest assured these plans are already in motion, and you cannot afford to be so naïve as to underestimate their destructive intent.

 这还有另一个更险恶的方面。我早些时候写道,作为一个中国人,你永远不应该参加皮尤、盖洛普、埃德尔曼和尼尔森等美国公司进行的任何民意调查,因为他们主要进行“市场调查”“在那些以破坏稳定为目标的国家,他们的任务是找出弱点。如果你参加,你将给他们绳子,他们将用绳子吊死你。我应该注意到,这些民调公司和其他类似团体已经用这些政治术语描绘了中国,确定了每个省份的确切地区,在这些地区,人们可以找到大多数持保守政治观点的人。2015年4月,《外交政策》杂志发表了一篇关于麻省理工学院研究人员徐一清和哈佛大学研究人员詹妮弗·潘(Jennifer Pan)撰写的论文的文章,他们在论文中描绘了中国民众的政治意识形态趋势。他们的数据可以确定哪些领域的人们支持中国当前的社会主义政治制度,但更重要的是,哪些领域的西方“理想”更受欢迎,哪些领域的人们可能倾向于支持美国颁布“自由市场”用西方模式取代中国政府的改革和主张。事实上,美国国务院政治分析人士已经得出的结论是,中国社会可能会沿着支持儒家思想和与西方资本主义有亲和力的思想路线分裂。如果这没有吓倒你,那应该吓倒你,因为这些意识形态上的裂痕是所有内部异议和革命都是由西方人和我们的欧洲银行家朋友引起的。你可以放心,这些计划已经启动了,你不能太天真而低估它们的破坏意图。

The media and political attacks and pressures exerted on other nations, especially including Russia and China today, are due to the challenges these nations represent to “the implementation of the Western liberal values essential for capitalist globalization”. Western values and cultural practices are vital for the success of the US-European (Judeo-Christian) form of anti-social capitalism, which is what has driven the US to support all those corrupt regimes for the past century. All the rhetoric about interfering for freedom and human rights is bitterly false propaganda and smoke; the truth is that it’s only about the money and control. Human rights and freedoms have always been irrelevant in this context, as they are today. International free-market capitalism priorises money over human beings, making the populations of all countries totally disposable if they refuse to accept this form of capitalism.


To accept Western capitalism, it is necessary to adopt American values, from the twisted and warped moral superiority to the cutting of social services and the privatisation and looting of the nation’s assets, and the immunity of corporate executives to criminal charges. These are the real “values” being promoted in China today. They are unrelated to democracy, freedoms, rule of law and all the other moralistic jingoisms that Americans spread so freely. Instead it is all about opening wide the nation for the plundering of every possible revenue stream, and to delude the population that this is a good thing by masking the attacks (and they are attacks) in high-sounding morality. To re-state simply, the task is to obtain total financial and political control over a nation so as to loot it to the maximum extent, and the primary tool for this invasion is the propagation of so-called “American values”. To ignore this warning is to be blind indeed.


Just as China’s leaders are adamant about preserving a national government system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, so must they also be equally adamant about products in the Chinese market having not only Chinese characteristics but containing Chinese cultural values. And that means preserving and protecting Chinese brands and their embedded culture, and rejecting most American brands and products for this same reason – the toxic embedded cultural values. Canada failed miserably both in anticipating this US predatory cultural onslaught and in its attempts to deal with it. And today, Canada is in many respects a US clone, having been surreptitiously colonised – in a real sense – by American products and values.


President Xi Jinping made some very important observations at an international conference to commemorate the 2,565th anniversary of Confucius’ birth. He said that China must preserve and develop its culture and promote exchanges between civilizations to make the world a better place. In his words,


 “Culture is the soul of a nation. If a country does not cherish its own thinking and culture, if its people lose their soul, no matter which country or which nation, it will not be able to stand.”


No words more true were ever spoken. And I must say I cheered when on January of 2015 I read in the news that China’s education minister vowed that “western values” will never be allowed into the country’s classrooms. In a Financial Times report on this issue, Jamil Anderlini, the famed semi-naked underwear model, claimed this was from an effort to “consolidate autocratic rule and stave off demands for democracy and universal human rights”. But not so. It was from an attempt to prevent Chinese children from being perverted by the so-called values of Anderlini and people like him.

 从来没有说过比这更真实的话。2015年1月,当我在新闻中看到中国教育部长发誓“西方价值观”永远不会被允许进入中国的课堂时,我必须说我为之欢呼。在英国《金融时报》关于这一问题的一份报告中,著名的半裸内衣模特贾米尔·安德里尼(Jamil Anderlini)声称,这是为了“巩固独裁统治,阻止对民主和普遍人权的要求”。但事实并非如此。这是为了防止中国儿童被安德里尼和他这样的人的所谓价值观所扭曲。

Foreigners in China quickly become aware that most Chinese have a vast network of friends and acquaintances upon whom they draw for assistance in accomplishing tasks large and small. No matter what we need to do, we always know somebody who knows somebody who can help us get it done. The West has nothing like it, and most certainly not the Right-Wing countries like the US. In discussing this with an American, her response was that (1) Americans were independent by nature and could function without a network of contacts, and (2) Americans anyway didn’t need many contacts because they had good rules and a system within which they could do things by themselves. But that is 180 degrees from the truth. Laws and rules develop in response to the mentality and attitudes of a population. The US developed a clear, black and white system of procedures because Americans had no network of contacts and were forced to accomplish things by themselves. By contrast, China has always had the vast networks of friends and contacts, and a black and white system of rules and policies was not so important, which is why Chinese society functions so well in their absence. These Chinese networks consist of friends and associates with real, and uniquely Chinese, emotional bonds. The American understanding of this is laughably superficial. Westerners coming to China expect to see the same simple processes they have at home, and are totally flummoxed when confronted with the labyrinthine Chinese system. They complain that China is too complicated, too difficult, too mysterious, when it really is none of those things. It is just Chinese. In their ignorance, Americans condemn China for being backward or for having confusing policies and no rule of law. They are completely wrong, but they will never understand. They do not have the cultural background to work within China’s system, and are too ideological and rigid to adapt.


The best they can do is rail at China, condemn the system, and demand that China recalculate all its laws, methods and policies in a way that will make the Americans more comfortable. Well, why should China do that? The US certainly won’t amend anything to make life more comfortable for its immigrants, Chinese or otherwise. In the US, you do it my way, or you can die in the parking lot. But the Americans, in their morally superior and propaganda-filled little minds, believe their way is the only right way and, in their arrogance, demand that you redesign your country in their image. But their way isn’t the “right” way – except for them – and they should keep it at home where it belongs. In your house, you do things the way you want. In my home, I set the rules and you do things my way.


China cannot afford to destroy its own heritage and culture in a misguided and foolish attempt to either emulate or please the Americans. To do so, would be an unforgiveable crime against the Chinese people. There is already far too much of this happening. This applies to laws, to courtroom procedures, to the mechanics of forming and registering companies, to buying and renting homes, to labor and employment, to holidays and hospitals, to air and train travel, to finance and banking, to thousands of large and small methods and processes that are part of China’s 5000-year-old culture. One refrain that all Chinese must learn, and learn soon, is this: “If you want to live here, you do it my way”. If you’re Chinese, this may sound harsh and unaccommodating, but this is the only way to deal with Americans because it is the only thing they will understand. If you’re Chinese, you really must clear your head of the foolish and uninformed notion that Western methods and culture, and especially American ways, are morally superior to yours. They are not. Again, in my home, you do things my way. If you don’t like it, you know where the door is.



Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chapt. 2 — Dealing with Demons)

His full archive can be seen at and

He can be contacted at:

Copyright © Larry RomanoffMoon of ShanghaiBlue Moon of Shanghai, 202



他的全部档案可在 和



CH — LARRY ROMANOFF — 外国欺诈在中国蔓延 — 2021年9月18日



 By LARRY ROMANOFF – September 19, 2020















    • Coddling Foreign Multi-Nationals
    • 纵容外国跨国公司

 Thom Hartman在《第三世界旅行者》上写了一篇关于美国外交政策的文章,题为“纵容外国跨国公司”,他在文章中说:








 在中国,许多外国人普遍蔑视中国,蔑视中国人民和文化,蔑视中国的规章制度公司犯罪只是这幅图的一部分。我最近在上海遇到一位美国人,他驾驶着一辆长江牌旧摩托车。我们聊天时,他告诉我,他在醉酒驾车时被当地警察拦住了。警察叫他的妻子开车送那个男人回家,而他(警察)则把摩托车开回家。他们没有逮捕或罚款他,但他们确实吊销了他的驾驶执照6个月。当我问他为什么还开着自行车时,他说:“这是中国。谁在乎呢?他们甚至不会说英语。他们不会对外国人做任何事。”在上海的一个类似例子中,有人看到三名美国年轻人,可能是25岁,把自行车带上了地铁,这在上海是不允许的。这些人知道这一点,所以他们从出口门进入地铁,将自行车抬过旋转栅门,然后进入地铁,显然他们也不付车费。在这种情况下,一些乘客扣留他们直到警察到来,但这种事情在中国各地不断发生。这种潜在的态度源于几乎渗透到美国所有事物中的令人无法忍受的道德优越感。我很抱歉补充一点,这也是种族主义。2016年末的一个更为明显的例子是,美国NBA篮球运动员博比·布朗(Bobby Brown)在互联网上用照片吹嘘自己是如何在长城上用大写字母刻下自己的名字和球队的。他的帖子是:“今天在中国的长城发生了爆炸”,照片中他诽谤了中国最珍贵的文化和历史遗迹之一。当他的帖子引发了一场愤怒的风暴时,布朗又发了一篇帖子,说:“我道歉。我没有恶意。我尊重中国文化。我犯了一个诚实的错误。”但在离开中国后,他立即删除了他的道歉。得出你自己的结论。

    • Wage Theft in China
    • 中国的工资盗窃





 几年前,可口可乐中国公司(Coca-Cola China)卷入了一场大规模的公共丑闻,涉及对大学生的恐吓和身体暴力,这些大学生是通过该公司的外包机构受雇从事暑期工作的。夏末,当学生们出现在公司办公室时,按照要求领取最终工资的指示,他们被拒绝加班和其他挣来的工资,并受到公司员工的威胁。一名名叫肖亮的学生显然没有受到恐吓,坚持要得到合法欠下的工资。他在劳动供应公司的办公室被两名经理殴打,一只眼睛和一只手严重受伤住院,并被诊断为耳膜破裂和永久性听力受损。事件发生在可口可乐劳务派遣公司志强公司副总经理办公室。可口可乐执行人员的反应是,在许多类似情况下,一如既往地否认对其机构的行为承担任何责任,并将暴力视为一个孤立的事件,但与可口可乐的说法相反,CLB的初步研究表明,这种工作场所暴力是一个严重和普遍的问题。可口可乐在中国的官员表示,这场纠纷与可口可乐无关。可口可乐中国公司副外事总监翟梅对媒体说,“我们对梁振英的遭遇感到非常抱歉,但这场冲突完全是梁振英和职业介绍所之间的冲突。装瓶厂和可口可乐都不知道这一情况。”他进一步声称,可口可乐及其灌装厂不仅“严格遵守有关劳动惯例的法律法规”,但其职业介绍所也“有严格的供应商指导原则”。





    • And Not Only the Corporations . . .
    • 不仅是公司。


 另一个更公开的欺诈行为是由犹太裔美国参议员查尔斯·舒默(Charles Schumer)发起的立法,他是世界上最著名的憎恨中国的人之一,发现了中国人民币被低估40%的恶名。在这种情况下,舒默构思了一个计划,通过从数亿渴望在美国生活但无法获得旅行签证的中国公民(在舒默的错觉中)的银行账户中吸走巨额现金,来帮助美国经济复苏(见上文)。这个计划很好。只要做两件简单的事,任何中国公民都可以获得三年自动续签的美国签证:(1)在美国以50万美元以上的价格购买一套住房,(2)同意向美国政府永久缴纳所有全球收入的税款。其他规定是,购房必须以现金支付,签证仅限于游客,不可能有绿卡、工作许可证或其他修改。正如我所说的,舒默的计划在构思上非常出色。2008年后,美国房地产市场陷入了低谷,没有复苏的希望,但现在,我们会突然有数亿渴望买房的中国人蜂拥而至,并将房地产价格膨胀到更高的水平,在不花美国政府一分钱的情况下解决了美国的房地产危机。这些希望在美国人中越来越普遍,近年来,中国新兴中产阶级的财富被视为解决美国所有问题的灵丹妙药。正如一位作家所指出的,“当美国工人需要工作时,有条件的绿卡可以换取50万美元和10个当地就业机会。当美国的农田需要耕种时,那些愿意购买大片土地并雇佣农民的人会获得有条件的绿卡。而现在,为什么不通过再次动用中国人的巨额资金来挽救陷入困境的房地产市场呢?如果运气好的话,中国将再次成为一台自动取款机,为美国经济提供数千亿美元的资金支持。然而,尽管舒默的计划在构思上可能非常出色,但在执行上却被证明是愚蠢的,完全没有中国公民利用机会永远向美国政府缴纳所得税,而他们既不是美国公民,也不是在美国挣钱的人。

    • Owe Money to a Chinese Company?
    • 欠中国公司的钱

这个话题最初是由加拿大《环球邮报》上发表的一篇文章引发的,该文章讲述了一位加拿大商人对在中国做生意的独特看法。Jim Tyler先生和他的跨太平洋公司向天津的一家中国公司发送了一批不合格木材。客户当然会抱怨,虽然Tyler承认他的产品不合格,但他拒绝接受退货或退款。天津公司最终向法院提出申请,并获得了对货物价值的判决。然而,Tyler无视法院判决,拒绝付款,因为他的律师告诉他,由于跨太平洋航空公司在中国没有资产,“中国法院的裁决无法执行”。不幸的是,对于泰勒来说,中国法院不同意,在他第一次逃出法庭后,他们就在等待他回来。他在出发前被捕,并在向法庭付款后才获释。《环球邮报》毫不羞耻地将这篇文章变成了他们所谓的“在中国做生意的警示故事”,但它本应该是一篇关于与加拿大人做生意的故事。不仅仅是加拿大人。似乎我们正在发展一种新的奥运项目——背弃对中国企业的债务理由是中国人不喜欢对抗和冲突而且可能不会起诉

 在此之后我们发现了一位美国律师丹·哈里斯Dan Harris发表的一系列有启发性的文章他公开建议不向中国公司偿还债务其依据与上述相同。这篇文章由美国律师Dan Harris200979日发布在[中国法律博客]上。Harris&Moure600 Stewart Street1200西雅图华盛顿98101电话:(206224-5657]










Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chapt. 2 — Dealing with Demons).

His full archive can be seen at and

He can be contacted at: 



他的全部档案可在  和




Copyright © Larry RomanoffMoon of ShanghaiBlue Moon of Shanghai, 2021


“Biden” controllers sue for peace after secret East/West agreement 当东方国家/西方国家达成了秘密协议之后,“拜登”的控制者们寻求和平   The controllers of the fake regime of “Joe Biden” are suing for peace, according to P3 freemason sources. They are asking for a conference in Lichtenstein “soon.” The reason for this is because a secret East/West agreement was reached in principle last week to pull the plug on the “Biden” regime, according to sources involved in the negotiations. The controlled implosion of this horrific regime would be followed by a massive East/West multi-trillion-dollar project to improve the planet, the sources said. 根据意大利P3共济会的消息来源说,“乔·拜登”假政权的控制者们,正在寻求和平。他们请求在欧洲小国列支敦士登“尽快”举行一场会议。根据牵涉进谈判的消息来源说,他们突然请求开会的原因是,东方国家/西方国家之间原则上达成了一项秘密协议,已经在上周原则上达成,去拔掉“拜登”政权的电源。消息来源说,对这个可怕政权定向爆破之后,将会有一场大规模的东方/西方数万亿美元的项目去改善地球。   Here is a message from an Asian secret society that Chinese President Xi belongs to: “We will hurry up our discussions to meet the September 30th deadline [to cut off the Biden regime] but the timing is sudden so, -while nothing may happen that will be visible to ordinary society- under the surface big moves will surely take place.” 中国主席???所属的亚洲秘密社团发来了一个消息:“我们将加快我们的讨论,以期望在2021年9月30日的最后期限[切断拜登政权的电源],但时间是如此紧迫,所以,虽然在明面上的日常生活中看不到任何变化,但是在幕后肯定会发生大的行动。” ([WDS]とお話したことはさっそくこちらで協議し30日がタイムリミットとして急がせるので、一般社会では現れることはないかもしれないが、大きな動きが水面下である起きることでしょう).   More details on the WDS negotiations and the agreement with the Asians will be posted further down in the story. 关于白龙会的谈判以及与亚洲人达成的协议的更多详情,将会在下文进一步说明。   However, it is interesting to note Canadian banks will be shutting down on September 30th for “national truth and reconciliation day.” Our sources say it is to prevent them from being looted by Biden’s controllers as they desperately try to meet their payments deadlines. 然而,值得注意的有意思的事情是,加麻大银行将会在2021年9月30日关闭,来应对“国家真相与和解日。”我们的消息来源说,这是为了阻止加麻大银行们被拜登的控制者们洗劫,因为他们正在绝望地试图在最后期限之前,还清美国欠国际社会的钱。   In any case, this agreement in principle follows all sorts of international subterfuge and real-life spy stories that will surely provide fodder for movies for decades to come. 无论如何,在东西方原则上达成这项秘密协议之前,经历了所有种类的国际尔虞我诈的花招,以及现实世界的间谍故事,这些故事已经足够在未来几十年拍成好莱坞大片了。   Let us start by taking another look at what was behind the so-called Australian submarine deal that has so mysteriously infuriated Beijing. 让我们先从一件事开始说起。我们先从另一个视角,来看所谓的法国和澳大利亚的潜艇交易被截胡的幕后故事,这件事莫名其妙的让北京方面非常愤怒。   US, Australian, and UK authorities took action in Australia after it turned out all sorts of politicians had been blackmailed and/or bribed to hand the country over to China by a combination of Chinese Communist and Rothschild/Rockefeller intrigue. This was part of a deal they had made to hand Australia over to China in exchange for the continued support of the “Biden” regime. ??????、罗斯柴尔德家族、和洛克菲勒家族,联手谋划了一场阴谋,去敲诈勒索/或贿赂澳大利亚所有的政客们,让他们将澳大利亚拱手交给中国。这件事被美国政府、澳大利亚政府、和英国政府发现之后,他们联合对澳大利亚采取了行动。   Here is a concrete example: Premier Daniel Andrews of the State of Victoria signed up to China’s Belt and Road Infrastructure initiative behind the back of the federal government. Also, after suffering a “back injury from falling down the stairs” he put his state under the longest and harshest “Covid” restrictions in the world. 这里有一个具体例子:澳大利亚维多利亚州州长丹尼尔·安德鲁斯,未经澳大利亚联邦政府批准,擅自签字同意了加入中国“一带一路”基础设施建设计划的倡议。同样,在遭受了一场“从楼梯上摔下来,背部受伤。”之后,他命令维多利亚州开始进行世界上最长时间和最严厉的“新冠疫情”封城措施。   This is the true story as revealed by Australian intelligence sources: 以下是澳大利亚情报部门解密的一个真实的故事:   “Daniel Andrews has a Chinese mafia business partner in the background. Multiple millions have been funneled to Andrews for green-lighting numerous projects in Victoria (Funds from his Chinese handlers).” “丹尼尔·安德鲁斯在幕后有一个中国黑社会的商业合作伙伴。数百万美元已经被贿赂给丹尼尔·安德鲁斯,换取他同意为中国在维多利亚州的众多项目大开绿灯(这些项目的资金都来自他的中国掌控者们)。”   “Andrews was caught in a hotel room with the young daughter of his Chinese boss. (could it have been a setup?) He was beaten close to death. His head was badly bruised resulting in a fractured skull. His vertebrae and several ribs were fractured. He was almost paralyzed. He was told that from that day onward he was their boy and must do everything they told him. (His wife knows the truth of what happened). Failure to abide by orders from his Chinese handlers means certain elimination for him and his family. As Andrews was told, ‘accidents happen every day’.” “丹尼尔·安德鲁斯被抓现行,在一家酒店房间里和他的中国老板的年幼女儿在一起。(这是否是一个美人计?)他差点被打死。他的头部严重擦伤,导致头骨骨折。他的脊椎和几根肋骨骨折了。他几乎半身不遂。他被告知从那一天开始,他就是中国黑社会老板的手下,并且必须去做中国黑社会让他做的每一件事。(丹尼尔·安德鲁斯的妻子知道发生的事情的真相)。如果未能遵守他的掌控者的命令,就意味着他和他的家庭的灭门。正如丹尼尔·安德鲁斯被告知的,‘意外事故每天都在发生’。”   “Now you understand the reason for shutting down the construction industry for 2 weeks in all of Victoria. Look at the riots that are taking place. Watch carefully what group comes back to work. Andrews must push the Vax on all Victorians. These are his marching orders” “现在你终于理解澳大利亚维多利亚州关闭建筑业2周的原因了吧。看看那里发生的骚乱吧。仔细观察到底是哪些团体又回来工作了。丹尼尔·安德鲁斯必须向全体维多利亚州的民众施压,这就是给他的命令。”   Now you know why such unreported (in the propaganda media) scenes like this are taking place every day in Australia. 现在你终于知道为什么这种未被(宣传媒体)报道的场面,每天都在澳大利亚发生的原因了吧。   The sudden flurry of shallow earthquakes in Australia is also related. Pentagon sources say the earthquakes are all related to the destruction of underground bases there. An Australian agency source explains “Australia contains the major underground facilities in the world, which are built like underground hotels where the Global Elite planned to take shelter after they implemented their original global extermination plan and then only come out once the dust settles.” No more. 澳大利亚突然发生的浅源地震也与此有关。五角大楼的消息来源说,这些地震都与摧毁那里的地下基地有关。一名澳大利亚情报机构的消息来源解释说:“澳大利亚有世界上最大的地下设施,这些设施被建造得看起来像是地下酒店,全球社会精英们准备在他们实施蓄谋已久的全球人口灭绝计划时,在这里避难,当一切尘埃落定之后才会出来。”没有更多需要说的了。   Australia isn’t the only country that is not being handed over to China as promised by the Rockefeller/Rothschild mafia and their “Biden” avatar. 澳大利亚并不是唯一一个,被洛克菲勒家族/罗斯柴尔德家族黑手党和他们的“拜登”替身,许诺拱手交给中国国家。   For example, there is a lot going on under the surface in Japan too. To illustrate, here is a photo of a US Navy prison ship that has arrived at the US base in Yokosuka. 比如,同样也有许多事情正在日本幕后发生发生。为了说明这一点,以下是一张,美国海军监狱船抵达日本横须贺海军基地的照片 The prison ship is being filled with vaccine pushers and Chinese Communist agents, according to Japanese right-winger and MI6 sources. While a lot cannot be said yet for operational security reasons, we can confirm that Japanese Ninkyo organizations (disparagingly referred to as Yakuza) are mobilizing against the Vaccine mafia and their handlers. The Japanese military, for their part, have made it clear they will occupy Parliament, the Prime Minister’s office, the Bank of Japan and the NHK national broadcast corporation if action is not taken. They finally decided to take action after it was proven 3.6 million doses of vaccines intended for the Japanese contained poison. 根据日本右翼势力和英国军情6出的消息来源说,这艘监狱船中装满了改变基因的、导致不孕不育的、断子绝孙的“疫苗”的推动者,以及?????的特工。尽管为了行动安全的原因,有许多事情还不能说,我们可以确认的是,(被轻蔑地成为黑帮的)日本“任侠道”组织,正在针对“疫苗”黑手党和他们的掌控者采取行动。日本自卫队已经明确表示,如果日本右翼势力和黑社会未能采取行动,他们将会占领日本国会、日本首相办公室、日本央行、和日本广播协会电视台。他们之所以最终决定采取行动,是因为有360万剂即将注射给日本人的疫苗中,含有有毒物质。   Now let us take a look at why Huawei Chief Financial officer Meng Wanzhou was put under house arrest in Vancouver, Canada. Her detention had nothing to do with Iran and everything to do with laundering Khazarian mafia money to install dangerous 5G facilities worldwide. China was fooled into believing the attack on Huawei was aimed at China. Many powerful Chinese have also been engaged in a cover-up operation to hide their involvement in the mass murder attack on Wuhan, China in early 2020. The Wuhan deaths, probably running into the millions, occurred only in the areas where 10,000 5G transmission towers had been activated. If it was a pandemic that caused the deaths, then people in the suburbs and in neighboring towns and cities should have died too, but they did not. Meng was released because China has finally figured this out and agreed to stop pushing 5G, according to CIA sources. 现在,让我们来看看为什么华为公司的首席财务官孟晚舟,在加麻大温哥华被软禁于家中的原因。她被拘留,与“违背美国制裁禁令,跟伊朗做生意”没有任何关系,而是因为帮助可萨黑手党洗钱,去在在全世界安装危险的5G信号发射塔。中国官方被愚弄,以至于相信针对华为的攻击是在针对中国。许多中国高官也已经参与了一场掩盖行动,去隐藏他们牵涉进2020年初针对中国武汉的大规模谋杀攻击的事情。在中国武汉死亡的人数,很可能已经高达数百万,这些死亡的人全都在瞬间启动的1万座5G信号发射塔的范围内。如果武汉的那么多人仅仅是死于一场疫情大流行的话,那么武汉郊区和相临城镇的人也早就已经死了,但是他们却没有死。根据美国中央情报局的消息来源说,孟晚舟之所以被释放,是因为中国最后终于明白过来,并且同意停止推广5G技术。   Asian secret societies have also been provided with evidence the entire pandemic was an attack on all humans and not just the Chinese. They were given detailed organizational charts of the groups behind the fake pandemic and the very real and dangerous vaccination campaign. 亚洲秘密社团同样也被提供了证据,证明整场新冠疫情大流行都是针对全人类的攻击,而不仅仅是针对中国的。他们被提供了详细的金字塔组织结构图,这张图表详细说明了处在虚假的新冠疫情大流行背后,以及处在非常真实和危险的改变基因、导致不孕不育、断子绝孙的“疫苗”运动背后的团体。   “This is the Western High Treason analysis – they will all be executed,” promises MI6. 英国军情6出的消息来源承诺:“这是西方的叛国罪分析——他们所有人都将被处死。”   The resignation of German Chancellor Angela Hitler has removed the last major protection these criminals had. To enlighten those who still do not know why we call her Hitler, Mossad has provided us with their analysis of her genealogy. 德国总理安吉拉·希特勒的辞职,使这些罪犯失去了最后的主要保护。对于那些仍然不明白为什么本新闻通讯网站称她为“希特勒”的读者们,以色列摩萨德向我们提供了她的家谱。 “Killary Rockefeller Clinton is a half-sister to Angela Hitler Kastner Merkel,” Mossad sources add. 以色列摩萨德的消息来源还说:“洛克菲勒家族杀人如麻的希拉里·克林顿,是安吉拉·希特勒·卡斯特纳·默克尔同父异母的姐姐。”   Here is what a British royal had to say about her: “Good riddance to bad rubbish. A horrible monster, a thug, a bully, and ugly to look at. The trouble that woman has caused us over the years, I hope she rots in hell.” 以下是英国皇室针对关于安吉拉·希特勒·默克尔的事情所要说的:“鲜花最终可算是摆脱了牛粪。一个可怕的怪兽、一个暴徒、一个恶霸、一个丑陋的人。那个女人已经给我们造成了多年的麻烦,我希望她腐烂在地狱里。” In any case, her removal has made the purge of the vaccine pushers possible by removing the Khazarian mafia’s highest level politician, sources say. You can be sure her stooge Emmanuelle Macron will soon follow her into political oblivion (if not outright execution). 消息来源说,无论如何,她的离职,已经使一件事成为可能,那就是通过移除可萨黑手党最高级别的政客,来清洗那些“疫苗”推动者。你可以肯定,她的走狗艾曼纽埃尔·马克龙将很快追随她的脚步,从政坛上消失(如果没有被送上断头台的话)。   Needless to say, German and French millionaires are fleeing in droves to Switzerland now that their Fuhrer has gone. 不用多说,德国和法国的百万富翁们,正在成群结队地逃往瑞士,就像他们的女元首现在去往瑞士一样。   That is also why the controllers of the fake Biden, including Killary Rockefeller, have asked for a meeting in Liechtenstein hosted by a group known as Guilderberg. “Guilderberg is a 570-year-old society of distinguished individuals originating in the principality of Liechtenstein, Europe.” 那同样也是为什么假拜登的控制者们,包括杀人如麻的希拉里·洛克菲勒,请求在欧洲小国列支敦士登举行一场,由一个被称为“吉尔德伯格”的团体举办的会议的原因。“吉尔德伯格团体有570年的历史,是一个由来自欧洲小国列支敦士登的杰出人士组成的社团。”     The WDS has a policy of sending representatives into lions’ dens so they will probably have someone attend the meeting. We will keep readers informed if and when such a meeting takes place. 白龙会的对外政策中有一条,就是派遣代表深入虎穴,所以他们将很可能会派人出席会议。如果这场会议如期召开,本新闻通讯网站将会持续通知读者。   Now let us present a more detailed account of the WDS and Asian secret society meeting that took place last week as provided by a witness to the meeting: 现在让我们更详细地介绍一下白龙会和亚洲秘密社团的会议,这场会议在上周召开,会议的见证人向我们介绍了以下情况:   Negotiations last week between a White Dragon Society representative and a representative of a major Asian secret society went well. There was an overall agreement to work together for world peace and to start a massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. 一名白龙会的代表和一个大型亚洲秘密社团的代表,上周举行了谈判,进展很顺利。一项全面战略伙合作伴协议已经签署,为了世界和平、为了一场大规模运动,去结束贫困和停止环境毁灭而共同努力。   However, the Asian representative said that previous discussions about a world future planning agency were opposed by many because, to quote, “Europeans speak with forked tongues and cannot be trusted.” Instead, they wanted to proceed via the BRICS and existing Asian development banks. It was explained to them that most so-called BRICS leaders were just servants and that going through them was not possible. 然而,亚洲代表说,之前所讨论的关于一个“世界未来规划机构发改委”的提议,被许多人反对,他们的原话说的是:“欧洲人用分叉的舌头说话,并且他们不能被信任。”相反,他们想要通过金砖四国和现有的亚洲开发银行来推进这些议程。我们已经给他们解释过了,大部分所谓的金砖四国领导人,仅仅是阴谋集团、秘密社团和影子政府的仆人,并且与他们合作是不可能成功的。   The WDS negotiator further responded with the parable of the frog and the scorpion. The story is that a scorpion arrived at a riverbank and asked a frog to carry it across on its back. The frog said, “but won’t you sting me?” The scorpion promised he would not, so the frog carried it on his back to cross the river. When they were halfway across the river, the scorpion stung the frog. The frog said, “Why did you do that?” The scorpion answered, “because that is my nature.” 白龙会谈判代表进一步用青蛙和蝎子的寓言来回应此事。这个寓言讲述的是,一只蝎子走到了一个河岸,请求一只青蛙背着它过河。青蛙说:“你不会用毒刺蛰我吧?”蝎子对青蛙承诺说它不会这么做,于是青蛙就背着蝎子过河。当它们过河过到一半的时候,蝎子用毒刺蛰了青蛙。青蛙说:“你为什么这么做?”蝎子回答说:“因为这是我的本性。”   So, the WDS representative explained, “you need to understand that when dealing with a scorpion you need to make sure it does not get the chance to sting.” The Asian representative laughed and said, “of course, so we will use a poison frog to make sure they both die if one betrays the other”. 所以,白龙会代表解释说:“你需要理解的是,当你与一只蝎子打交道的时候,你需要确保它不会得到用毒刺蛰你的机会。”亚洲秘密社团的代表笑着说:“当然,所以我们将会用一只有毒的青蛙,去确保蝎子蛰青蛙的时候,可以鱼死网破。”   The end result was that Chinese President Xi  will be soon presented with a proposal to create a new international organization to take care of issues that affect the whole planet. The details will be worked out by diplomats. 最终的结果就是,中国主席???将很快提出一个提议,创建一个新的国际组织,去处理那些事关整个地球的问题。具体细节将会通过外交手段制定出来。   The Asian society representative also agreed to check facts and take appropriate action to confirm the fake pandemic was an excuse to vaccinate humanity with DNA altering and possibly even fatal vaccines. They also said the Chinese and other Asians would soon stop wearing masks. They agreed that to deal with the source of the problem, it might be necessary to simply nuke Switzerland out of existence. 亚洲秘密社团的代表也同意,去核查事实,并采取适当的行动,去确认虚假的新冠疫情大流行是一个借口,目的是为了向全人类接种改变DNA的断子绝孙疫苗。他们同样也说中国人和其他亚洲人将很快停止戴口罩。他们同意,去对付引发这场严重问题的根源,很可能有必要去直接对瑞士进行核打击,将它从地图上抹掉。   The Asian society representative also had some interesting information about the US. They said a decision had already been made to pull the plug on the fake Biden administration even before the WDS asked for it. The Chinese said they expected Donald Trump to return as US president. 亚洲秘密社团的代表,同样也有一些关于美国的有趣的信息。他们说一个决定已经被做出,去拔掉假拜登当局的电源,这个决定甚至在白龙会呼吁这么做之前就已经定下了。中国人说他们期望唐纳德·川普重新成为美国总统。   The WDS advised that pulling the plug on the entire US government on September 30th was needed to “drain the swamp.” They suggested the return of Trump would be a good thing but only if he dropped his insistence on pushing vaccines. Otherwise, General Mike Flynn was recommended as the next US president to preside over a clean-up of the mess the country has become. 白龙会建议,不如直接拔掉整个美国政府在2021年9月30日的国际债务偿还期限的电源,这样可以“排干沼泽”。他们建议川普总统的回归是一件好事,但是只要他放弃推动“疫苗”接种的行动。否则,美国退役三星上将迈克尔·弗林,将被推荐为下一任美国总统,去主持一场清理行动,清理掉美国现在已经变成的烂摊子。   The other thing, confirmed by Japanese right-wingers as well as the Asian representative, was that Takaishi Sanae would be the next prime minister of Japan. She would become Japan’s first female Prime Minister. The WDS said Sanae could be Prime Minister but only if she presided over real change. 日本右翼势力和亚洲秘密社团的代表所确认的另一件事,是高市早苗将成为日本下一任首相。她将会成为日本历史上第一任女性首相。白龙会说高市早苗不是不可以成为日本首相,除非她主持一场日本真正的转变。   The WDS, to make sure things really do change, will meet with representatives of other secret societies such as the three-legged crow and the dragon family in the coming days, according to the source. 根据消息来源说,白龙会,为了确保事情真的发生了变化,将会在未来几天,去跟其它秘密社团的代表见面,比如日本“三腿乌鸦”秘密社团和“龙家族”。   On a more esoteric level, this writer was sent encrypted messages last week saying that “parasitic entities that feed on fear, hate, and other negative emotions,” had come out of the closet recently because they were desperate, hungry, and losing control over humanity. Even if you treat that as a metaphor, a tipping point has surely been reached where positive thinking and love are winning the battle for the planet earth. Stay tuned folks. 从神秘学的角度上来说,笔者本人上周收到了加密的信息说:“那些依靠恐惧、憎恨、和其它负面情绪为食的寄生实体,”已经在最近从幕后出来了,因为它们绝望、饥饿、并且正在失去对人类的控制。即使你把这条消息当做一个比喻,这也说明地球上的局势已经确实达到了一个转折点,积极的思想和互爱的信念,正在赢得地球上的战斗。拭目以待,伙计们。 Translator: Pearl 译者:珍珠

CH — LARRY ROMANOFF — 塔夫茨大学欺诈性的中国黄金大米“实验” — 2021年9月18日


Tufts University’s Fraudulent China Golden Rice “Experiment”


  By LARRY ROMANOFF – September 17, 2020 作者:拉里·罗曼诺夫——2020年9月17日  

The US Department of Agriculture and the US military used Tufts University as a tool under the guise of conducting innocent food health research, to carry out an illegal, deplorable and fraudulent biological weapons experiment on unwitting Chinese children. This is part of that story. 美国农业部和美国军方利用塔夫茨大学(Tufts University)作为工具,打着进行无害食品健康研究的幌子,对无意中的中国儿童进行非法、可悲和欺诈性的生物武器实验。这是故事的一部分。 Many groups have experimented with gene-splicing technology, inserting unrelated DNA into various seeds. In one case in Canada, a government department discovered an “anti-freeze” gene contained in the blood of fish living in Arctic waters, permitting them to survive in waters of sub-zero temperature. The scientists spliced this gene into Canadian wheat crops, permitting the wheat to withstand freezing temperatures without damage. An American research lab spliced the genes from fireflies into tobacco plants, producing a tobacco field that glowed in the dark. These examples may be harmless, but others are much less so. 许多研究小组已经试验了基因剪接技术,将不相关的DNA插入不同的种子中。在加拿大的一个案例中,一个政府部门在生活在北极水域的鱼类血液中发现了一种“防冻”基因,使它们能够在零下温度的水域生存。科学家们将这种基因拼接到加拿大的小麦作物上,使小麦能够经受严寒而不受损害。美国一家研究实验室将萤火虫的基因拼接到烟草植物上,形成了一片在黑暗中发光的烟草田。这些例子可能是无害的,但其他例子则不然。 The US Defense Department has invested huge sums in research directed to splicing lethal genes into these GM crop seeds, including smallpox, bird and swine flu viruses, the plague, AIDS, and more. As a military weapon, such science is priceless. Why bother with a shooting war when Monsanto can sell them rice, corn and soybeans that contain smallpox and the H5N1 virus? When the seed is harvested and passes into the nation’s food supply it could, within weeks, exterminate 50% or more of the population without firing a single shot and with no risk to the aggressor. I have seen US military documents that even included a handy “cost per death” chart, demonstrating that seeds are far cheaper and more effective than bombs in the search for military domination. The report also noted that 美国国防部投入巨资进行研究,将致命基因拼接到这些转基因作物种子中,包括天花、禽流感和猪流感病毒、鼠疫、艾滋病等。作为一种军事武器,这种科学是无价的。孟山都公司可以向他们出售大米、玉米和大豆,这些都含有天花和H5N1病毒,为什么还要费心打一场枪战呢?当种子被收获并进入国家的粮食供应时,它可以在几周内消灭50%或更多的人口,而无需开枪,也不会对侵略者造成任何风险。我看过美国军方的文件,其中甚至包括一张方便的“每死亡一人的成本”图表,表明在寻求军事统治的过程中,种子比炸弹便宜得多,也更有效。报告还指出 “As well, genetic weapons can be dispersed in a multitude of ways, using virus-infected insects or bacteria, or spliced into GM seeds. These weapons are difficult to detect and identify, and often a treatment or vaccine could be years in the making.” (1) “同样,基因武器可以通过多种方式传播,使用受病毒感染的昆虫或细菌,或拼接到转基因种子中。这些武器很难检测和识别,通常治疗或疫苗可能需要数年时间。” There is no shortage of direct evidence that GM seed was conceived, financed and developed by the US military in conjunction with the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) for its potential use as a biological weapon or, more precisely, a weapons delivery system. The ability to splice pathogens into GM seed is now beyond dispute, and has formed a major part of the US military’s bio-chemical warfare development programs. (2) A question no one seems to have asked is why, for more than 50 years, the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (AMRIID) has been part of the US military’s notorious bio-weapons labs at Fort Detrick, Md., under the pretense of researching “infectious” diseases. This was the source of the US military’s weaponised anthrax, among many other pathogens. 不缺乏直接证据表明,转基因种子是由美国军方与美国农业部(USDA)共同构思、资助和开发的,其潜在用途是生物武器,或者更准确地说是武器运载系统。将病原体拼接成转基因种子的能力现在已经无可争议,并且已经成为美军生化战发展计划的一个重要组成部分。(2) 一个似乎没有人问过的问题是,为什么50多年来,美国陆军传染病医学研究所(AMRIID)一直以研究“传染病”为幌子,成为马里兰州德特里克堡臭名昭著的美军生物武器实验室的一部分。这是美军武器化炭疽和其他许多病原体的来源。 The entire American Golden Rice program was funded by the US military through the USDA, a Department known to frequently cooperate with the US military especially in the production and development of bioweapons. The USDA was not only heavily involved in financing Golden Rice research but was clandestinely growing its own undocumented strains of this GM rice in its own private hydroponic systems, strains which were subsequently tested on unknowing populations. The dangers of GM seed for military use were recognised decades ago. In 1998, Time Magazine published an article which detailed the worldwide search for genetic material that might offer remarkable military applications. (3) (4)  整个美国黄金大米项目是由美国军方通过美国农业部资助的,一个经常与美军合作的部门,特别是在生物武器的生产和开发方面。美国农业部不仅大量参与资助金大米研究,而且在其私人水培系统中秘密种植其未经登记的这种转基因水稻品种,这些品种随后在未知人群中进行了测试。几十年前,人们就认识到转基因种子用于军事用途的危险性。1998年,《时代》杂志发表了一篇文章,详细介绍了世界范围内对可能提供卓越军事应用的遗传物质的搜索。(3) (4)  
  • Vitamin A
  • 维生素A

 Golden Rice: To Combat Vitamin A Deficiency for Public Health | IntechOpen

Vitamin A is not one thing, but rather a large group of related nutritional elements that include retinoids and carotenoids, retinol, retinoic acid and things like β-Carotene (beta-carotene). Foods that are high in Vitamin A include sweet potatoes, carrots, dark leafy greens, peppers, fish, liver, and tropical fruits. Most of these are part of the daily diet in China, requiring no artificial supplements, most Chinese obtaining all they need simply by eating a normal diet. 维生素A不是一种东西,而是一大类相关的营养元素,包括维甲酸和类胡萝卜素、视黄醇、维甲酸和β-胡萝卜素(β-胡萝卜素)。富含维生素A的食物包括红薯、胡萝卜、深色绿叶蔬菜、辣椒、鱼、肝脏和热带水果。这些食物大部分是中国人日常饮食的一部分,不需要人工补充,大多数中国人只需通过正常饮食就能获得所需的一切。 Like most vitamins, Vitamin A is essential for body health, but this one is unique in many respects in that its presence affects the body’s immune system and genetic functioning. It regulates gene transcription, which involves breaking the bonds and separating the two strands of a body’s DNA and re-combining and splicing the nuclei of cells, and thus plays a critical role in cell functioning. Portions of Vitamin A and its related compounds are used as medicines to modulate a body’s gene functions. This is not trivial, and is the subject of much very high-tech biological research today. It is also true that while even massive doses of other vitamins may not be harmful, excessive Vitamin A is toxic to the human body, especially to pregnant women and, given its extraordinarily complex genetic DNA functions and its effects on the body’s immune system, is not a chemical to be either under- or over-dosed. 与大多数维生素一样,维生素A对身体健康至关重要,但这种维生素在许多方面都是独特的,因为它的存在会影响身体的免疫系统和遗传功能。它调节基因转录,包括断裂键和分离身体DNA的两条链,重新组合和剪接细胞核,从而在细胞功能中发挥关键作用。部分维生素A及其相关化合物被用作调节人体基因功能的药物。这不是小事,也是当今许多高科技生物学研究的主题。诚然,即使是大剂量的其他维生素也可能无害,但过量的维生素A对人体有毒,特别是对孕妇。鉴于其异常复杂的基因DNA功能及其对人体免疫系统的影响,维生素A不是一种剂量不足或过量的化学物质。
  • Golden Rice
  • 黄金大米

Foreign group roots for 'golden rice' in India | Deccan Herald

This GM (genetically-modified) food has been controversial for more than a decade, from concerns that, like many other GM foods, it may be unsafe. GM food is especially controversial in China, with no consensus as to its safety, is under strict regulation and, given the substantial trust issues involved, is even more so when foreign entities or researchers are involved. So-called “Golden Rice” (for its yellow color) was developed to be rich in Vitamin A and therefore ostensibly of benefit especially to children. The rice does not actually contain any Vitamin A, but rather β-Carotene (sometimes called pro-vitamin A) which the human body synthesises into the vitamin. Golden Rice was developed jointly in the early 1990s by a Swiss professor of plant science named Ingo Potrykus, and a German professor of cell biology named Peter Beyer, with grants from the Rockefeller Foundation. This latter information is both discouraging and moderately frightening. Here is an explanation by one internet commenter: 这种转基因食品十多年来一直备受争议,因为人们担心,与许多其他转基因食品一样,它可能不安全。转基因食品在中国尤其有争议,对其安全性没有共识,受到严格监管,鉴于涉及大量信任问题,当涉及外国实体或研究人员时更是如此。所谓的“黄金大米”(因其黄色)富含维生素A,因此表面上对儿童尤其有益。大米实际上不含任何维生素A,而是人体合成成维生素A的β-胡萝卜素(有时称为维生素A原)。Golden Rice是在90年代初由瑞士的一位名叫Ingo Potrykus的植物科学教授和一位名叫Peter Beyer的德国细胞生物学教授共同开发的,并获得了洛克菲勒基金会的资助。后一种信息既令人沮丧,也有一定程度的恐惧。以下是一位互联网评论员的解释: “These are the same people that let millions die in the US over a period of 30 years from a simple lack of Niacin. Where were they then, if the Rockefellers want to save the lives of the poor? Why wouldn’t they begin in their own country, especially when it was widely known the disease [Pellagra] was easily curable? From all the available evidence, and in spite of all the propaganda and hype, I have seen nothing that tells me the Rockefeller Institute has ever been interested in anything but schemes for population reduction. And that means if they are financing projects to insert beta carotene into rice, it will be as an adjuvant for yet another GM sterilisation technique.” “正是这些人让美国数百万人在30年内死于烟酸缺乏。如果洛克菲勒一家想拯救穷人的生命,他们当时在哪里?为什么他们不从自己的国家开始,特别是当这种疾病(糙皮病)广为人知的时候很容易治愈?从所有可用的证据来看,尽管有所有的宣传和炒作,我没有看到任何迹象表明洛克菲勒研究所除了人口减少计划之外对任何事情都感兴趣。这意味着,如果他们资助在水稻中插入β-胡萝卜素的项目,它将成为目前的佐剂另一种转基因灭菌技术。” I am compelled to agree with the above assessment, since it is indisputably true that the Rockefeller Foundation has been for most of a century at the forefront of concocting schemes of worldwide birth control, fertility reduction and sterilisation in all non-Western countries, all for the stated purpose of severely reducing the undeveloped world’s population. It is also true that for many decades the Rockefeller Foundation (and the US government) did indeed observe millions dying in the US from a simple lack of Niacin (Vitamin B3, or nicotinic acid), and could easily have devoted resources to eliminating this scourge since the cause was well-known. They chose to ignore it because the deaths were almost entirely in the poor and black populations. 我不得不同意上述评估,因为毫无疑问地,洛克菲勒基金会在一个世纪以来一直是世界上所有非西方国家的计划生育计划、生育率降低和消毒计划的最前沿。所有这些都是为了严重减少不发达世界的人口。的确,几十年来,洛克菲勒基金会(和美国政府)确实观察到数百万人死于美国缺乏的烟酸(维生素B3或烟酸),并且可以很容易地投入资源来消除这一祸患,原因是众所周知的。他们选择忽视这一点,因为死亡几乎完全发生在穷人和黑人人口中。
  • The Golden Rice Propaganda Train
  • 黄金大米宣传列车

Experience from the Humanitarian Golden Rice Project

The promotion of this Golden Rice and the active public support of its field trials and human experiments arise not only from the Rockefeller Foundation, Syngenta and its so-called Golden Rice Humanitarian Board, but by the usual list of suspects that include Monsanto and Bayer, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Several authors have noted that Golden Rice has been heavily promoted by these major players in both the GM and population-reduction industries, but the rice achieved its primary fame for exhibiting what scientists refer to as “wildly erratic results”. 促进Golden Rice和积极的公众支持,它的实地试验和人体实验不仅来自洛克菲勒基金会、先正达及其所谓的“黄金大米人道主义委员会”,还包括通常的犯罪嫌疑人名单,包括孟山都和拜耳,以及比尔和梅林达盖茨基金会。几位作者指出,这些转基因和人口减少行业的主要参与者大力推广金大米,但这种大米因表现出科学家所称的“极其不稳定的结果”而获得了最初的声誉。   Even though Syngenta and other supporters sometimes viciously attack detractors, most aid agencies and a great many reputable scientists have consistently claimed that “Golden Rice is a technical and dangerous fix for a non-existent problem” since necessary vitamins can be easily provided by common vegetables. As Dr. Brian John wrote, 尽管先正达和其他支持者有时恶意攻击诽谤者,但大多数援助机构和许多著名科学家一直声称,“黄金大米是解决不存在的问题的一种技术性和危险的方法”,因为普通蔬菜很容易提供必要的维生素。正如Brian John博士所写 “Although the GM industry trumpets Golden Rice as the savior of humanity and the potential preventer of millions of cases of blindness or death, even the World Bank has stated that consumption of local green leafy vegetables and fruits have for more than 20 years dramatically reduced any deficiency of Vitamin A “in very cheap and efficient ways”.” (5) “尽管转基因产业吹嘘黄金大米是人类的救世主,是数百万失明或死亡病例的潜在预防者,但就连世界银行也表示,20多年来,食用当地绿叶蔬菜和水果“以非常廉价和有效的方式”大大减少了维生素A的任何缺乏。” (5) The US FDA, perhaps surprisingly, stated clearly that GM Golden Rice has no nutritional value, that the beta-carotene in carrots and spinach is 40 to 50 times greater and more easily and safely absorbed. It further noted that the beta-carotene in Golden Rice is very short-lived, being exceptionally unstable in the presence of Oxygen and degrades by 90% within about two months. (6) 也许令人惊讶的是,美国食品和药物管理局明确表示,转基因黄金大米没有营养价值,胡萝卜和菠菜中的β-胡萝卜素含量高出4050倍,更容易被安全吸收。它进一步指出,黄金大米中的β-胡萝卜素寿命很短,在有氧的情况下极不稳定,在大约两个月内降解90%。(6) According to David Schubert at the Salk Institute for Biological Sciences La Jolla, California, Golden Rice can be particularly dangerous because of unpredictable enzyme mutations and that many clinically toxic effects cannot even be identified or measured by today’s technology. It was stated further that excessive retinoic acid is “exceedingly dangerous, particularly to infants and during pregnancy“, that it can accumulate in the body and cause various birth defects. Results from these and many other longer-term studies indicate that “genetic modification is inherently dangerous”. It seems that only the biotech industry has consistently found genetically-modified seed and food as safe, perhaps in large part due to their very short-term studies, whereas a great many other industry researchers have found in their animal tests an almost consistent pathology related to consumption of these foods. 据加利福尼亚州拉荷亚索尔克生物科学研究所的大卫·舒伯特(David Schubert)称,由于不可预测的酶突变,金大米可能特别危险,许多临床毒性作用甚至无法通过当今的技术进行识别或测量。有人进一步指出,过量的维甲酸“极其危险,特别是对婴儿和怀孕期间”,它会在体内积聚并导致各种出生缺陷。这些和许多其他长期研究的结果表明,“基因改造具有内在的危险性”。似乎只有生物技术行业一直认为转基因种子和食品是安全的,这可能在很大程度上是由于他们的短期研究,而许多其他行业的研究人员在动物试验中发现了与食用这些食品有关的几乎一致的病理学。 This transgenic Golden Rice has been heavily promoted worldwide by a strategy of guilt-inducing fear-mongering. We’re told that millions of children suffer blindness each year and millions more die, from a simple deficiency of Vitamin A. GM Golden Rice, the savior of the world’s children, can prevent this. It is a matter of life and death. If you refuse GM rice in your country or frustrate the attempts of Bill Gates and the Rockefellers to consume it freely in every (poor) country, you are personally responsible for those millions of little tragedies. The fact that those children could have been saved by spinach or carrots is irrelevant; neither spinach nor carrots have been appointed by god or Bill Gates to save the world; only Golden Rice has this imprimatur. Even if you don’t want GM soybeans or maize to feed your pigs and depopulate your country, how can you be so heartless as to refuse GM Golden Rice that will prevent millions of deaths and injuries? In this context, Golden Rice has substantial propaganda value because it can function as the poster child for GM food, curing disease while feeding the world, a claim that cannot easily be made by other GM foods. 这种转基因黄金大米已经在全世界范围内通过一种制造罪恶感和恐惧的策略得到大力推广。我们被告知,每年有数百万儿童失明,还有数百万儿童死于维生素a的简单缺乏。世界儿童的救世主转基因黄金大米可以预防这种情况。这是生死攸关的问题。如果你在你的国家拒绝转基因水稻,或者挫败了比尔·盖茨和洛克菲勒夫妇在每个(贫穷)国家免费食用转基因水稻的企图,那么你个人就要为这些数以百万计的小悲剧负责。那些孩子本来可以用菠菜或胡萝卜来拯救的事实是无关紧要的;无论是菠菜还是胡萝卜,都不是上帝或比尔·盖茨指定用来拯救世界的;只有金大米有这个许可证。即使你不想让转基因大豆或玉米喂养你的猪,让你的国家人口减少,你怎么能如此无情地拒绝转基因黄金大米,这将防止数百万人伤亡?在这种情况下,黄金大米具有巨大的宣传价值,因为它可以作为转基因食品的海报儿童,在养活世界的同时治愈疾病,这是其他转基因食品无法轻易做到的。 But Golden Rice has a second and more important purpose, which is to function as a kind of Trojan horse. If you don’t know, this metaphor emerged from a story about the Trojan War between ancient Greece and Troy. The Greeks had besieged the city for a decade but were unable to subdue it, so they constructed a huge wooden horse which they filled with soldiers, left the horse at the city gate ostensibly as a farewell gift, and appeared to sail away. The Trojans naïvely pulled the horse into their city and, during the night, the Greek soldiers emerged, overcame resistance and opened the city gates to the Greek army who had quietly sailed back to Troy. The Greeks destroyed Troy (from the inside, rather than by external attack) and won the war. And this is the true function of Golden Rice – to force nations by fear and guilt to open their Gates (sorry, gates) to all GM food, removing import restrictions under the guise of humanitarian aid, overcoming internally that which cannot be overcome by direct external attack. 但是Golden Rice还有第二个也是更重要的目的,那就是充当一种特洛伊木马。如果你不知道,这个比喻来自一个关于古希腊和特洛伊之间特洛伊战争的故事。希腊人围困了这座城市十年,但没能征服它,于是他们造了一匹巨大的木马,里面装满了士兵,把这匹马放在城门前,表面上是作为告别礼物,似乎要启航离开。特洛伊人天真地把马拉进了他们的城市,在夜间,希腊士兵出现了,克服了阻力,向悄悄驶回特洛伊的希腊军队打开了城门。希腊人(从内部而不是外部进攻)摧毁了特洛伊并赢得了战争。这就是金大米的真正功能——通过恐惧和内疚迫使各国向所有转基因食品敞开大门(对不起,大门),取消以人道主义援助为幌子的进口限制,克服内部无法通过直接外部攻击克服的障碍。 The Journal Science published an opinion paper authored by a group of respected international scientists, which stated the US needs to provide better justification for military involvement in GM seed creation, instead of the US State Department merely claiming “the project is for peaceful purposes and does not violate the Biological Weapons Convention.” Guy Reeves, a biologist at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology in Germany, and one of the authors, said this technology “is more feasible as a weapon – to kill … than as an agricultural tool. Another co-author, Todd Kuiken, a senior research scholar at North Carolina State University, said, “The pure fact that this is a military program would naturally raise … questions“. (7) 《科学》杂志发表了一篇由一群受人尊敬的国际科学家撰写的意见论文,其中指出,美国需要为军事介入转基因种子生产提供更好的理由,而不是美国国务院仅仅声称德国马克斯·普朗克进化生物学研究所的生物学家盖伊·里夫斯(Guy Reeves)是该项目的作者之一,他说:“该项目是为了和平目的,并不违反生物武器公约。”。。。而不是作为一种农业工具。另一位合著者、北卡罗莱纳州立大学高级研究学者托德·奎肯(Todd Kuiken)表示,“这是一项军事计划这一纯粹事实自然会引起……问题”。(7)
  • The Tufts University Experiment
  • 塔夫茨大学实验
The official narrative of Golden Rice is that it can provide citizens of poorer nations with their daily requirement of Vitamin A. In 2012, Tufts University in Massachusetts conspired with the US Department of Agriculture, the US State Department and unknown other agencies, to conduct a Golden Rice experiment on Chinese children in China, ostensibly as a field trial to prove these claims. But this was done in a secretly-arranged and conducted experiment that had already previously been prohibited by China’s health authorities, and which was riddled with deplorable ethics and illegalities. It is of more than usual concern that the US government and an American university would presume to surreptitiously conduct a clearly unethical and illegal test of a GM food on Chinese children. (8) 金大米的官方说法是,它可以为较贫穷国家的公民提供他们每天所需的维生素A。2012年,马萨诸塞州塔夫茨大学与美国农业部、美国国务院和其他未知机构合谋,在中国对中国儿童进行金大米试验,表面上是为了证明这些说法的现场试验。但这是在一个秘密安排和进行的实验中完成的,此前中国卫生当局已经禁止该实验,该实验充满了可悲的道德和非法性。更令人担忧的是,美国政府和一所美国大学会冒昧地对中国儿童进行明显不道德和非法的转基因食品检测。(8) For this study, the Tufts researchers followed the standard American template for their “China” tests, which is to enlist a native-born Chinese researcher on staff to contact low-level officials in a poor Chinese province to obtain their cooperation in an American research project for which the real purpose is seldom if ever disclosed. I know from experience that these local officials are often badly misled as to the real intent of these studies, are without exception wined and dined, and are probably often paid as well. And, in virtually every case I’ve examined, the Chinese participants in these studies (I usually refer to them as “victims”) were never informed of the fact of the trial being an experiment, sometimes not informed of the trial at all, simply being unwitting participants, and not once therefore being in a position to provide consent – informed or otherwise. This case was not different. In fact, Chinese journalists found an email to the research team urging the organisers “to not speak openly” of the fact the children were being fed GM-modified food because the topic was deemed to be “too sensitive” to reveal to the childrens’ parents. (9) 在这项研究中,塔夫茨大学的研究人员遵循了“中国”测试的标准美国模板,即招募一名土生土长的中国研究人员与中国贫困省份的低级别官员联系,以获得他们在美国研究项目中的合作,而美国研究项目的真正目的很少披露。我从经验中知道,这些地方官员经常被严重误导,无法理解这些研究的真正意图,毫无例外地吃喝喝喝,而且可能还经常获得报酬。而且,在我所研究的几乎每一个案例中,这些研究的中国参与者(我通常称他们为“受害者”)从未被告知试验是一个实验的事实,有时根本没有被告知试验,只是不知情的参与者,因此,一次也不能提供知情同意或其他同意。这个案例也不例外。事实上,中国记者发现了一封发给研究小组的电子邮件,敦促组织者“不要公开谈论”孩子们食用转基因食品的事实,因为这个话题被认为“过于敏感”,无法向孩子的父母透露。(9) To conduct the tests, Tufts University sent unidentified personnel to China who may or may not have been Tufts University staff but may have been employed by the USDA, a US Pharma company, or another branch of the US government that could include the military. They arranged with local officials in a poor school district to feed their Golden Rice to a group of about 100 small children daily for several weeks, during and after which they conducted unidentified and undetermined blood and other tests on the children, then packed their data and returned to the US. 为了进行测试,塔夫茨大学向中国派遣了身份不明的人员,这些人员可能是或不是塔夫茨大学的工作人员,但可能受雇于美国农业部、一家美国制药公司或美国政府的另一个分支机构(可能包括军方)。他们与一个贫困学区的地方官员安排在几个星期内每天给大约100名幼儿喂食他们的金大米,在此期间和之后,他们对这些儿童进行了身份不明和未确定的血液和其他测试,然后打包数据返回美国。 Tufts and the USDA might have escaped with their duplicity and deceit, but for Greenpeace who noticed an article published in August of 2012 in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, which claimed that GM Golden Rice had been used in an experimental test on Chinese children in Hengyang City in China’s Hunan Province. Greenpeace informed China’s CDC of the tests, claiming “the parents likely were completely unaware or misinformed” of the fact and/or purpose of the study, an accusation that proved to be true. Questioning the trial’s legitimacy, and condemning the research as exposing the children to health risks, Greenpeace said the trial contravened a Chinese Ministry of Agriculture decision in 2008 to abort plans for the project, was a breach of scientific and medical ethics, and asked the government to launch an investigation. Fang Lifeng at Greenpeace said it was “incredibly disturbing” to think that an American institution had used Chinese children as the subjects of its experiment. “Chinese agriculture authorities stopped the same trial four years ago. How did the research come to be revived after that emphatic ban?” 塔夫茨和美国农业部可能已经逃脱了他们的口是心非和欺骗,但绿色和平组织注意到2012年8月在《美国临床营养学杂志》上发表的一篇文章,该文章声称转基因金大米已在中国湖南省衡阳市对中国儿童进行的实验测试中使用。绿色和平组织向中国疾病预防控制中心通报了检测结果,声称“父母可能完全不知道或误传了”研究的事实和/或目的,这一指控被证明是正确的。绿色和平组织质疑该试验的合法性,并谴责该研究使儿童面临健康风险,称该试验违反了中国农业部2008年关于中止该项目计划的决定,违反了科学和医学道德,并要求政府展开调查。绿色和平组织(Greenpeace)的方立峰(音译)表示,想到一家美国机构将中国儿童作为实验对象,“令人难以置信地不安”。“中国农业部门在四年前停止了同样的试验。在那次严厉的禁令之后,这项研究是如何恢复的?” Local officials initially denied the claims, stating there had instead been a study on the transformation of vegetable carotene into Vitamin A in children, and that the study had been conducted by the Chinese CDC in its Hunan branch. According to Xinhua News, the officials further stated that the study had not involved any American institution, that all parents had been notified and approved of the “experiment”, that the study “did not involve GM rice or other GM food”, that all food used in the experiment had been purchased locally and, finally, that all results from the study had been immediately submitted to the China CDC upon completion. According to them, the study was approved by the ethics review committee of the Zhejiang Academy of Medical Sciences, with both parents and pupils consenting to take part in the study. 当地官员最初否认了这一说法,称有一项关于儿童体内蔬菜胡萝卜素转化为维生素a的研究,该研究是由中国疾病预防控制中心湖南分公司进行的。据新华社报道,官员们进一步表示,这项研究没有涉及任何美国机构,所有家长都收到了“实验”的通知并获得批准,研究“没有涉及转基因大米或其他转基因食品”,实验中使用的所有食品都是在当地购买的,最后,研究的所有结果在完成后立即提交给中国疾病预防控制中心。据他们说,这项研究得到了浙江省医学科学院伦理审查委员会的批准,家长和学生都同意参与这项研究。 The Chinese government did indeed look into the matter immediately, and the China CDC conducted a three-month investigation that included sending representatives to the US to interview researchers at Tufts University and to obtain copies of the blood samples and other data that were removed from China without authorisation. Upon discovery of the facts, the government applied severe sanctions against the individuals involved and provided substantial compensation to the enraged parents and children who were victims of this clandestine experiment. Several Chinese scientists who participated in the scam were dismissed from their posts, including two members of the CDC staff itself and the head of science and technology at the Zhejiang Academy of Medical Sciences. 中国政府确实立即对此事进行了调查,中国疾病预防控制中心进行了为期三个月的调查,包括派代表前往美国采访塔夫茨大学的研究人员,并获取未经授权从中国带走的血样和其他数据的副本。在发现事实后,政府对涉案个人实施了严厉制裁,并向作为这一秘密实验受害者的愤怒的父母和儿童提供了大量赔偿。几名参与骗局的中国科学家被免职,其中包括两名CDC工作人员和浙江省医学科学院科技负责人。

The apparent leader of this experiment, a native Chinese named Tang, was the director of the (USDA-financed) Carotenoid and Health Laboratory at Tufts University. When the China CDC began its investigation, Tang insisted that the study had been conducted with all required regulatory approval, whereupon Tang was asked to provide a detailed report of her research and supporting materials to document her authorisation. The CDC discovered that Tang did not make the necessary application to the government to conduct her experiment, neglected to apply for ethical evaluation of the study, but instead fabricated (i.e., forged) all the government approval documents. 这项实验的明显领导者是土生土长的中国人唐,他是塔夫茨大学(美国农业部资助的)类胡萝卜素与健康实验室的主任。当中国疾病预防控制中心开始调查时,Tang坚持认为该研究已获得所有必要的监管批准,因此要求Tang提供详细的研究报告和支持材料,以证明其授权。疾病预防控制中心发现,Tang没有向政府提出必要的申请来进行她的实验,忽略了对研究进行伦理评估,而是伪造(即伪造)了所有政府批准文件。 Another serious ethical violation was that the consent forms did not mention GM rice and parents they were shown only the signature page of the consent form. Moreover, it appears that at least some consent forms from a local nutritional study had been dishonestly used to support this illegal Tufts study, and further that many other consent forms and supporting documentation had been either back-dated or forged in total. The CDC also discovered that Tang and Tufts University brought their Golden Rice from the US into China illegally, without declaration to Chinese Customs or other relevant authorities. The CDC stated that the American collaborators in their little conspiracy “meticulously concealed the reality” that the experiment involved golden rice. In summary, the CDC accused all participants at Tufts of concealing the main facts, shading the truth, repeatedly creating interference to discovery of the facts, and illegally obstructing the investigation. 另一个严重违反道德的行为是,同意书没有提到转基因水稻和父母,他们只看到同意书的签字页。此外,似乎至少有一些来自当地营养研究的同意书被不诚实地用于支持这项非法塔夫茨研究,此外,许多其他同意书和证明文件要么是过期的,要么是伪造的。疾病预防控制中心还发现,唐和塔夫茨大学在未向中国海关或其他相关部门申报的情况下,将他们的黄金大米从美国非法带入中国。疾病控制与预防中心表示,美国合作者在他们的小阴谋中“精心掩盖了实验涉及金大米的事实”。总之,疾控中心指控塔夫茨的所有参与者隐瞒主要事实,掩盖真相,一再干扰事实的发现,并非法阻碍调查。 The entire American Golden Rice program at Tufts was funded by the US military, through the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), from which originated these illegal experiments in China. Even more, the USDA was clandestinely growing undocumented strains of this GM rice in its own private hydroponic systems. It was in cooperation with, and perhaps at the specific directive of, the USDA, that Tufts researchers initiated the study on Chinese children, presented as an independent Tufts academic research project to disguise its true origin and purpose. 塔夫茨大学的整个美国黄金大米项目都是由美国军方资助的,通过美国农业部(USDA),美国农业部是这些非法实验在中国的发源地。更重要的是,美国农业部在自己的私人水培系统中秘密种植这种转基因水稻的未经登记的品种。塔夫茨研究人员正是与美国农业部合作,或许是在美国农业部的具体指示下,启动了对中国儿童的研究,作为塔夫茨的一个独立学术研究项目,以掩盖其真正的起源和目的。 Further, and more seriously, the USDA wasn’t the only government body involved in this experiment with Chinese children. Another US government health group called the NIDDK was heavily involved in financing and publicly defending this experiment, and therefore as well in the strategy and planning. The same NIDDK revealed that the US State Department had given approval and clearance for this China experiment after reviewing it for “any potentially negative foreign policy implications.” This latter quote is of enormous significance since the State Department is never involved in such matters except in conditions involving international illegalities or the contravention of national sovereignty, or perhaps the prospect of a public revelation of military subterfuge as for example a clandestine test of a biological pathogen on the citizens of a foreign nation. 此外,更严重的是,美国农业部并不是参与这项针对中国儿童的实验的唯一政府机构。另一个名为NIDDK的美国政府卫生组织大量参与资助和公开捍卫这项实验,因此也参与了战略和规划。同一份NIDDK透露,美国国务院在审查了这一中国实验是否“存在任何潜在的负面外交政策影响”后,批准并批准了这一实验后一句话意义重大,因为国务院除了在涉及国际不法行为或侵犯国家主权的情况下,从不参与此类事项,或者可能是公开披露军事诡计的前景,例如对外国公民秘密测试生物病原体。 For this medical trial which, on the surface, was apparently innocuous and almost trivial, to have required and obtained White House and State Department approval is virtually irrefutable proof that something much more important was occurring than the absorption of Vitamin A. 因为这项表面上看来是无害的、几乎微不足道的医学试验需要并获得白宫和国务院的批准,实际上是无可辩驳的证据,证明发生了比吸收维生素A更重要的事情。 I should note here that the above State Department quotation is not unique. It has been used in situations where the US military has planned bio-weapons experiments and field tests on an unwitting public, sometimes in foreign countries and often against American citizens. When US Defense Secretary Robert McNamara planned and executed his 150 simultaneous and different top-secret bio-weapons programs in the late 1960s and early 1970s, the wording then was the same. As I noted elsewhere, McNamara ordered the military Joint Chiefs of Staff “to consider all possible applications” of these agents against enemy nations in a coherent plan for a total “biological and chemical deterrent capability”, the plan to include cost estimates and an “appraisal of international political consequences”. I have little doubt the above review by the US State Department for “potentially negative foreign policy implications” has a similar origin. 我要注意的是,上述国务院的报价并不是唯一的。在美国军方计划对不知情的公众进行生物武器试验和实地试验的情况下,有时在外国,通常针对美国公民,使用了该技术。当美国国防部长罗伯特·麦克纳马拉(Robert McNamara)在20世纪60年代末和70年代初同时计划并实施了150个不同的绝密生物武器项目时,当时的措辞是相同的。正如我在其他地方所指出的,麦克纳马拉命令军事参谋长“考虑所有可能的应用”,以一个一致的计划来对抗敌国,这是一个“生物和化学威慑能力”的总体计划,包括成本估算和“国际政治后果评估”的计划。我毫不怀疑美国国务院对“潜在负面外交政策影响”的上述评估也有类似的起源。 It is not a secret that Tufts’ Golden Rice efforts in the past have been covered with scandals, both in the US and China, with their US trials attracting condemnation. In an article in The Chronicle of Higher Education, Tom Bartlett noted that “This isn’t the first time research on Golden Rice at Tufts has been criticized.” Tufts University had already done the same in New Zealand and other countries, and had attempted to conduct precisely such studies in China in prior years but were refused permission. A similar study that had begun in China in 2008 was discovered and ordered aborted, these particular trials and experiments then being specifically banned by China’s national government. 塔夫茨过去在美国和中国的黄金大米努力都被丑闻所掩盖,在美国的审判受到谴责,这已不是什么秘密。在《高等教育纪事》的一篇文章中,汤姆·巴特利特(Tom Bartlett)指出,“这不是塔夫茨大学第一次对黄金大米进行研究受到批评。”塔夫茨大学已经在新西兰和其他国家进行了同样的研究,并在前几年试图在中国进行精确的研究,但被拒绝。2008年在中国开始的一项类似研究被发现并下令中止,这些特定的试验和实验随后被中国国家政府明确禁止。 The Americans, whether Tufts researchers or USDA/Military officials, did not bring their GM Golden Rice into China through normal channels. Instead, they smuggled it into the country without declaring it to Chinese Customs officials. You don’t need to be a lawyer to recognise this as an illegal act of some magnitude, since the import of seeds and most foodstuffs is heavily regulated by all countries and, if caught, these people would almost certainly have been imprisoned. This is not normal conduct one would expect from a highly-regarded American university and a Department of the US government conducting a legitimate vitamin field trial. 美国人,不管是塔夫茨研究人员还是美国农业部/军方官员,都没有通过正常渠道将转基因黄金大米带到中国。相反,他们在没有向中国海关官员申报的情况下将其走私入境。你不需要成为一名律师就可以承认这是某种程度的非法行为,因为种子和大多数食品的进口受到所有国家的严格管制,如果被抓住,这些人几乎肯定会被监禁。这是一个不正常的行为,人们会期望从一所备受尊敬的美国大学和美国政府的一个部门进行合法的维生素现场试验。 The Americans cooked the rice before smuggling it into China, an action bereft of rational explanation, and to my best knowledge Tufts has refused to provide one. Since the rice was to be mixed with normal rice and eaten by the children during school lunches, both varieties should have been cooked at the time, immediately prior to eating. Given the clandestine nature of the entire affair, I see only a few possibilities for this, one of which may have been a questionable attempt to evade China’s prohibition on the import of GM products by claiming that cooked rice does not fall under this definition. A more serious – and more likely – possibility is that the rice was cooked to disguise viral or other biological material which may have been spliced into the rice DNA, and which would have been easily detectable in uncooked rice but perhaps detected only with difficulty in the cooked version. A third is that for this experiment a chemical or biological additive was necessary in the cooking process, which would have been problematic if done in China in the school kitchen, under the observation of Chinese staff. 美国人在偷运大米进入中国之前就把大米煮熟了,这是一种缺乏理性解释的行为,据我所知,塔夫茨拒绝提供一个。由于大米要与普通大米混合,并在学校午餐期间由孩子们食用,所以这两种大米都应该在食用前立即煮熟。鉴于整个事件的秘密性质,我认为只有少数几种可能性,其中之一可能是有人试图通过声称米饭不属于这一定义来逃避中国对转基因产品进口的禁令。一种更严重、也更可能的可能性是,煮饭是为了掩盖病毒或其他生物物质,这些物质可能已经拼接到大米DNA中,在未煮熟的大米中很容易检测到,但在煮熟的大米中很难检测到。第三,在这个实验中,化学或生物添加剂在烹饪过程中是必要的,根据中国工作人员的观察,如果在中国学校的厨房里进行,这将是有问题的。 Contrary to the claims of Tufts University that no harm had been done, there were repeated reports of children suffering reactions to the rice, such as nausea, upset stomach, vomiting and similar, with many children developing dizziness and fever during the trial. One mother reported that her daughter aged 11 was a participant in the program, receiving this GM rice for 15 days, but withdrew her from the tests after the girl developed a severe fever on at least three occasions. None of these are normal reactions to uncontaminated rice, and strongly suggest the possibility of an undisclosed biological pathogen. She also noted that the children received frequent blood tests without explanation, being informed the blood would be sent to the US for testing. As more than one set of parents asked, “If it’s safe, why did they need to deceive us into this?” Moreover, why would the childrens’ blood samples need to be spirited out of China (illegally) and sent to the US for testing? 与塔夫茨大学声称没有造成伤害的说法相反,反复有报道称儿童对大米有反应,如恶心、胃部不适、呕吐等,许多儿童在试验期间出现头晕和发烧。一位母亲报告说,她11岁的女儿是该项目的参与者,接受这种转基因大米15天,但在女孩至少三次发高烧后,她退出了测试。这些都不是对未受污染的大米的正常反应,强烈表明可能存在未公开的生物病原体。她还指出,这些孩子经常接受血液检测,没有任何解释,他们被告知血液将被送往美国进行检测。正如不止一组家长所问,“如果安全的话,他们为什么要欺骗我们?”此外,为什么孩子的血样需要从中国(非法)运到美国进行检测? It is not the result of excessive suspicion that these physical reactions, combined with the inordinate secrecy and overall illegality, have all the hallmarks of the delivery to the children of some kind of substitute vaccine or similar. Given the serious genetic role played by Vitamin A in the human body, and its role in the human immune system – or immune-suppression system – I find all of this worrying. I do not know what tests China’s CDC performed on these children during their investigation, but I would be surprised if further testing failed to reveal the existence of antibodies that should not be present. It would also be mandatory to examine whether the future fertility of these little victims had been compromised in any way by the USDA’s version of Golden Rice. It is possible these children may have been rendered sterile. 这些身体反应,再加上过度的保密性和总体的非法性,都具有向儿童提供某种替代疫苗或类似疫苗的所有特征,这并不是过度怀疑的结果。考虑到维生素A在人体中扮演着严重的基因角色,以及它在人体免疫系统——或免疫抑制系统——中的角色,我觉得所有这些都令人担忧。我不知道中国疾病预防控制中心在调查期间对这些儿童进行了哪些测试,但如果进一步的测试未能发现不应该存在的抗体,我会感到惊讶。还必须检查这些小受害者的未来生育能力是否受到美国农业部版本的黄金大米的影响。这些孩子可能已经不育了。
  • The Pathogenic Nature of the Tufts Experiment
  • 塔夫茨实验的致病性

There is one additional matter relating to the perpetration of this GM rice on Chinese children, that of the inherent pathogenic nature of all genetically-modified food. The fact that the USDA was so determined as to make repeated attempts over many years to secretly conduct this Golden Rice experiment on Chinese children in China, raises many warnings. If this were a simple matter of testing a spinach substitute for its Vitamin A content, there would be no need for secrecy or smuggling. The simple fact that these experiments were not conducted openly is sufficient proof in itself that the USDA was hiding something, perhaps even from the researchers themselves. And that ‘something’ will almost certainly be pathogenic. It is of even more concern when we consider the USDA’s determination to conduct these trials specifically in China and not in any other nation, leading immediately to a suspicion the pathogens were race-specific. 还有一件事与这种转基因大米对中国儿童的侵害有关,那就是所有转基因食品固有的致病性。美国农业部下定决心多年来反复尝试秘密对中国儿童进行这项金大米实验,这一事实引发了许多警告。如果这是一个简单的问题,测试菠菜替代品的维生素a含量,就没有必要保密或走私。这些实验没有公开进行,这一简单的事实本身就足以证明美国农业部在隐瞒什么,甚至可能对研究人员自己隐瞒。而“某些东西”几乎肯定是致病的。当我们考虑美国农业部决定在中国特别是在任何其他国家进行这些试验时,这一点更加值得关注,这导致了人们怀疑病原体是种族特异性的。 Given all the secrecy, the denials and cover-ups, and the documented fact that many of the Chinese children suffered physical reactions, in some cases rather serious, leads one to question the actual content and intent of Tufts’ experiment in China. This concern is exacerbated by the fact that the USDA created and produced this particular undocumented strain of Golden Rice in its own labs, and grew the rice itself in its own hydroponic stations. There is therefore no documentation or proof of precisely what was fed to the children, beyond only a vague claim by Tufts researchers that this strain contained large amounts of pro-Vitamin A, a claim that tells us precisely nothing about the genetic manipulation performed on the plants. Again, given the negative physical reactions by the children to this rice, reactions that would be impossible with normal rice, it is reasonable to theorise that the children were actually fed not a pro-Vitamin but a pro-pathogen. And, given the USDA’s suspicious repeated determination to conduct this experiment specifically in China on Chinese children (rather than in India on Indian children, or in Japan on Japanese children), it is also reasonable to theorise that the pathogen was race-specific. 考虑到所有的保密性,否认和掩盖,以及许多中国儿童遭受身体反应的记录事实,在某些情况下相当严重,导致人们质疑塔夫茨在中国实验的实际内容和意图。美国农业部在自己的实验室中创造并生产了这种特殊的未经证明的金大米品种,并在自己的水培站中种植这种大米,这一事实加剧了这种担忧。因此,除了塔夫茨大学的研究人员含糊其辞地声称该菌株含有大量的前维生素a外,没有任何文件或证据确切地证明给孩子们喂食的是什么,这一说法完全没有告诉我们对植物进行的基因操纵。同样,考虑到孩子们对这种大米的负面生理反应,这些反应对于普通大米来说是不可能的,因此我们有理由推断,孩子们实际上吃的不是一种维生素原,而是一种病原体。此外,鉴于美国农业部一再怀疑要在中国专门针对中国儿童(而不是在印度针对印度儿童,或在日本针对日本儿童)进行这项实验,因此也有理由推断病原体是种族特异性的。 One of the dangers voiced by many scientists is that the various strains of this Golden Rice were apparently made with ‘genetic modification techniques’ “that cause uncontrollable mutations and other collateral damage to the host plant genome, with many unintended, uncharacterized effects”. More frighteningly, ISIS wrote that the viral sequences “created for enhanced horizontal gene transfer and recombination, the main route to creating new pathogens.” Another ISIS article titled, The ‘Golden Rice’, An Exercise in How Not to Do Science, stated that the science involved was being promoted not for human health but “to salvage a morally as well as financially bankrupt agricultural biotech industry”, concluding that these clinical trials of “uncharacterized, unapproved, experimental (Golden Rice) on children … is morally inexcusable.” 许多科学家提出的危险之一是,这种金黄色水稻的各种品种显然是用“基因改造技术”制成的,“这种技术会对寄主植物基因组造成无法控制的突变和其他附带损害,并产生许多意想不到的、非特征化的影响”。更可怕的是,ISIS写道,病毒序列“是为了增强水平基因转移和重组而产生的,这是产生新病原体的主要途径。”ISIS另一篇题为“黄金大米”的文章,是一篇关于如何不做科学的练习,指出所涉及的科学不是为了人类健康,而是为了人类健康“拯救一个道德上和财政上都破产的农业生物技术产业”,结论是这些“未经鉴定、未经批准、实验性(金大米)儿童临床试验。。。这在道德上是不可原谅的。” A group of acclaimed international biologists and other scientists wrote a strongly-worded letter of protest to Professor Robert Russell at Tufts University, stating in part, “We are writing to express our shock and unequivocal denunciation of the experiments conducted by your colleagues which involve the feeding of genetically modified Golden Rice to (Chinese children) . . . These unethical and potentially dangerous trials MUST be stopped.” (10) 一群备受赞誉的国际生物学家和其他科学家给塔夫茨大学的罗伯特·拉塞尔教授写了一封措辞强硬的抗议信,其中部分写道我们写信是为了表达我们对你们同事进行的实验的震惊和明确谴责,这些实验涉及给(中国儿童)喂食转基因黄金大米。必须停止这些不道德和潜在危险的审判。” A news release by Dr Brian John at GM Free Cymru stated that these trials … “are shrouded in mystery, and may even have been illegal since Golden Rice has no regulatory approvals either in the USA or elsewhere for cultivation or use as a food. There are not even any published animal feeding trials. Other research results are shrouded in mystery and secrecy. It is almost unbelievable that any human feeding trials of Golden Rice should be contemplated by Tufts University and the American authorities, since this is a GM variety which is acknowledged to be very unstable and unpredictable in its behavior, and which has no authorizations for cultivation or food use anywhere in the world. The use of children in these experiments is profoundly disturbing, since they are in no position to understand the implications or the risks to their long- term health that might arise from eating an untested GM variety. The ethical issues are even more disturbing … the feeding of an untested GM rice to vulnerable and sick children is absolutely unforgivable.” 无转基因Cymru的Brian John博士在一份新闻稿中表示,这些试验“笼罩在神秘之中,甚至可能是非法的,因为Golden Rice在美国或其他地方都没有获得种植或用作食品的监管批准。甚至没有任何公开的动物喂养试验。其他的研究成果都笼罩在神秘和保密之中。几乎令人难以置信的是,塔夫茨大学(Tufts University)和美国当局竟然考虑对黄金大米进行任何人类饲养试验,因为黄金大米是一种转基因品种,其行为被认为是非常不稳定和不可预测的,并且在世界任何地方都没有种植或食用的授权。在这些实验中使用儿童是非常令人不安的,因为他们无法理解食用未经测试的转基因品种可能对他们的长期健康产生的影响或风险。道德问题更令人不安。。。将未经测试的转基因大米喂给易受伤害和患病的儿童是绝对不可原谅的。” In an ISIS report, the agency wrote that “One major hazard inherent to GM organisms is enhanced horizontal gene transfer and recombination (which) is considerably worse with transgenic plants like Golden Rice because … (it provides) a ready vehicle for … horizontal gene transfer to all species … including human cells. In general, horizontal transfer of transgenic DNA facilitates the creation of new pathogens. The identification of (these) sequences … raises questions as to whether the widespread use … in genetic modification has indeed resulted in creating a new pathogen for humans.” One of India’s most respected biotechnologists, Dr. Vandana Shiva, was a speaker at an international biotechnology conference where she said a Syngenta representative told her Syngenta’s goal was to “control food” by the end of the century. (11) 在ISIS的一份报告中,该机构写道,“转基因生物固有的一个主要危害是增强的水平基因转移和重组(这在转基因植物如金大米中相当糟糕),因为。。。(它)为……提供了一个现成的交通工具。。。所有物种的水平基因转移。。。包括人类细胞。一般来说,转基因DNA的水平转移促进了新病原体的产生。(这些)序列的识别。。。提出了关于是否广泛使用。。。印度最受尊敬的生物技术学家之一Vandana Shiva博士在一次国际生物技术会议上发言说,先正达的一位代表告诉她,先正达的目标是在本世纪末“控制食品”
  • Denial, Lies and Cover-Up
  • 否认、谎言和掩盖
Following the public disclosure of their illegal experiment and prior to China’s CDC investigation, Tufts University followed the standard American pattern (as exemplified by Harvard University in Anhui, China, for example) of denial, then repeated lying about the facts, followed by the typical obfuscation and mis-statements to cover up their ethical failures and illegalities. Then, as is also so typical, when finally forced to face the indisputable truths, Tufts exonerated themselves then blamed the Chinese for their lack of ethics. (12) 在他们的非法实验被公开披露之后,在中国疾病预防控制中心进行调查之前,塔夫茨大学遵循了标准的美国模式(例如,中国安徽的哈佛大学就是一例)塔夫茨否认事实,然后一再对事实撒谎,接着是典型的混淆和错误陈述,以掩盖他们的道德败坏和违法行为。然后,同样典型的是,当最终被迫面对无可争辩的事实时,塔夫茨为自己开脱,然后指责中国人缺乏道德。(12) Tufts did finally effectively admit it had used small Chinese children as guinea pigs in a GM food experiment without disclosing either the fact or the nature of their project, and admitted their researchers “were out of compliance” with multiple regulations and requirements. That’s a rather mild statement, considering that many of their actions were not only unethical but clearly criminal, but Tufts “firmly defended their experiment” even while confessing they “violated ethics rules”, though their definition of this violation was that “one researcher in China broke the rules” – by failing to inform parents of the fact of an illegal GM food experiment on their children, and by failing to obtain consent. Tufts’ statement clearly – and falsely – implies without stating that it was a Chinese researcher who committed these violations. 塔夫茨最终确实承认,在没有透露他们项目的事实或性质的情况下,他们在转基因食品实验中使用了中国儿童作为豚鼠,并承认他们的研究人员“不遵守规定”“有多种规定和要求。这是一个相当温和的说法,考虑到他们的许多行为不仅不道德,而且明显是犯罪行为,塔夫茨“坚定地捍卫了他们的实验”,即使承认他们“违反了道德规则”,尽管他们对这种违反的定义是“中国的一名研究人员违反了规则”-未告知父母在其子女身上进行非法转基因食品试验的事实,以及未获得同意。塔夫茨的声明清楚地——并且是错误的——暗示着没有说明是一名中国研究人员犯下了这些违法行为。 It was especially troubling that Tufts and various US government agencies tasked with the investigation, and the entire US media, neglected to address the obvious illegalities like the smuggling into China of prohibited genetically-modified food, all the forged documents and the false statements, and glossed over with a mere mention the fact that the consent forms, to the extent they existed at all, had been forged and/or back-dated, and were clearly fraudulent. Their so-called investigation ignored the fact that Tufts researchers lied about obtaining approval from the necessary Chinese authorities, and neglected in total to address at all the huge carpet of lies issued in what was indisputably a shameful cover-up. They also totally ignored the fact that their duplicity and outrageous illegal conduct left China’s national government with the responsibility of providing substantial compensation to all the enraged families involved in this affair. 尤其令人不安的是,塔夫茨和负责调查的美国政府各机构,以及整个美国媒体,忽视了处理明显的违法行为,如向中国走私违禁转基因食品、所有伪造文件和虚假陈述,仅提及同意书就其存在而言是伪造的和/或过期的,并且明显具有欺诈性,这一事实就被掩盖了。他们所谓的调查忽略了塔夫茨大学的研究人员在获得必要的中国当局的批准方面撒了谎的事实,并且完全忽略了在毫无疑问是可耻的掩盖中所散布的大量谎言。他们还完全无视这样一个事实,即他们的口是心非和令人发指的非法行为使中国国家政府有责任向所有卷入此事的愤怒家庭提供实质性赔偿。 I would end by stating that, given the repeated reprehensible ethical violations by American universities in China, no American university should ever be permitted entry to China for any research of any kind. All US universities and research institutions should be permanently banned from the country. 最后,我要指出,鉴于美国在华大学屡屡违反应受到谴责的道德规范,任何美国大学都不应获准进入中国进行任何类型的研究。所有美国大学和研究机构都应该被永久禁止进入美国。   * Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chapt. 2 — Dealing with Demons) His full archive can be seen at and He can be contacted at: * Notes: (1) Global Research, July 03, 2014; Monsanto’s GMO Food and its Dark Connections to the “MilitaryIndustrial Complex”; Steven MacMillan (2) The Guardian, June 19, 1999, published an article titled “The seeds of wrath”, in which was stated that GM seed was “Developed with the US government and military” participation and support. (3) Tim McGirk; “Gene Piracy”; Time Magazine; November 9, 1998 (4) In February of 2016, Director of US National Intelligence James R. Clapper, in presenting a “Worldwide Threat Assessment” testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee, asserted that gene editing had become a global danger to humanity and included it in the section of his report dealing with weapons of mass destruction. (5) THE “GOLDEN RICE” HOAX -When Public Relations replaces Science; (6) GMO Golden Rice Offers No Nutritional Benefits Says FDA; Allison Wilson, PhD and Jonathan Latham, PhD (7) Science, October 4, 2018; (8) Golden Rice Study Violated Ethical Rules, Tufts Says; September 17, 2013; (9) According to China’s Health Ministry, Tufts cooked the “golden rice” in the United States and brought the cooked rice to China on May 29, 2008, without due declaration to relevant Chinese authorities. Four days later, Tang and other research participants recooked the GM rice and mixed it with ordinary rice and served it for the children’s lunch. The research team did not tell the children’s parents or guardians that the test would be using GM food. (10) Scientists Condemn Human Experiment with GE Food; Thursday, 19 February 2009; ; (11) GM Seeds and the Militarization of Food (12) This has been common practice by Americans in China. A few years earlier, Harvard University conducted an even more fraudulent study in China, this one ostensibly conducting asthma research. However, according to police officials, Harvard researchers forged all the relevant approval documents, claimed approval of their study from a non-existent medical authority, exposed countless thousands of Chinese to various potentially lethal pathogens, then illegally collected and shipped back to the US hundreds of thousands of vials of Chinese DNA. And, in a truly despicable libel, the US government then claimed the DNA was sent to the US because of “the risks of the Chinese government misusing sensitive genetic information”. 罗曼诺夫的作品已被翻译成32种语言,他的文章发布在30多个国家的150多个外语新闻和政治网站上,以及100多个英语平台上。拉里·罗曼诺夫是一位退休的管理顾问和商人。他曾在国际咨询公司担任高级管理职位,并拥有国际进出口业务。他曾是上海复旦大学的客座教授,向高级EMBA课程介绍国际事务案例研究。罗曼诺夫先生住在上海,目前正在写一系列十本书,内容大致与中国和西方有关。他是辛西娅·麦金尼的新集《当中国打喷嚏》的撰稿人之一。(第2章-对付恶魔)。 他的全部档案可在 及 可通过以下方式联系他 * 笔记: (1) 全球研究,2014年7月3日;孟山都的转基因食品及其与“军事工业联合体”的黑暗联系;史蒂文·麦克米伦 (2) 《卫报》,1999年6月19日,发表了一篇题为《愤怒的种子》的文章,其中指出转基因种子是“在美国政府和军方的参与和支持下开发的”。 (3) 蒂姆·麦基克;“基因盗版”;时代杂志;一九九八年十一月九日 (4) 2016年2月,美国国家情报局局长詹姆斯·克莱珀(James R.Clapper)在向参议院军事委员会(Senate Armed Services Committee)提交“全球威胁评估”(Worldwide Threat Assessment)证词时声称,基因编辑已成为对人类的全球威胁,并将其纳入了其报告中有关大规模毁灭性武器的部分。 (5) “黄金大米”骗局——公共关系取代科学; (6) FDA称转基因黄金大米没有营养价值;Allison Wilson博士和Jonathan Latham博士
GMO Golden Rice Offers No Nutritional Benefits Says FDA
(7) 《科学》杂志,2018年10月4日; (8) 塔夫茨说,黄金大米研究违反了伦理规则;2013年9月17日; (9) 据中国卫生部称,塔夫茨在2008年5月29日在美国烹制了“黄金大米”,并在未向中国相关部门申报的情况下将该米饭运至中国。四天后,唐和其他研究参与者将转基因大米重新煮熟,并与普通大米混合,作为孩子们的午餐。研究小组没有告诉孩子的父母或监护人,测试将使用转基因食品。 (10) 科学家谴责人类对转基因食品的实验;2009年2月19日,星期四; ; (11) 转基因种子与食品军事化
GM Seeds and the Militarization of Food (And Everything Else)
(12) 这是美国人在中国的普遍做法。几年前,哈佛大学在中国进行了一项更具欺骗性的研究,这项研究表面上是在进行哮喘研究。然而,据警方官员称,哈佛大学的研究人员伪造了所有相关的批准文件,声称他们的研究得到了一个不存在的医疗机构的批准,让无数的中国人接触到各种可能致命的病原体,然后非法收集并运回美国数十万瓶中国DNA。而且,在一次真正卑鄙的诽谤中,美国政府声称DNA被送往美国是因为“中国政府滥用敏感基因信息的风险”。

Copyright © Larry RomanoffMoon of ShanghaiBlue Moon of Shanghai, 2021





Biblical floods or world peace; which is it to be?

《圣经》中所说的大洪水或世界和平;哪一个将会来临?   The eruption last week of a volcano on the Atlantic Island of La Palma has the potential to trigger a 100 meter (about 300 foot) tsunami that would devastate the East Coast of the US, the Southern coasts of Europe, and large parts of coastal Africa and South America. 上周,大西洋拉帕尔马岛上的一座火山爆发,有可能引发100米(约300英尺)的海啸,摧毁美国东海岸、欧洲南部海岸以及非洲和南美洲大部分沿海地区。   This comes after the three gorges dam in China came under heavy pressure from “once in a thousand-year flooding,” earlier this summer. If the dam burst, as many as 600 million Chinese would be affected and countless deaths would be recorded. 在此之前,今年夏天早些时候,中国的三峡大坝受到“千年一遇”洪水的巨大压力。如果大坝决口,多达6亿中国人将受到影响,无数人死亡。   It is no coincidence these events are happening as the fake, criminal administration of Joe “rubber mask” Biden faces a September 30th fiscal year-end payments deadline it cannot meet. 这些事件的发生绝非巧合,因为戴着“橡胶面具”的假乔·拜登美国当局,面临着2021年9月30日美国财政年度国际债务年终付款期限,而现在已经无法偿还。   On the surface, this looks like high-stakes geopolitical poker between the US and China, each threatening to flood the other. 从表面上看,这就像是中美之间的高风险地缘政治游戏,彼此都正在威胁用天气/地质控制武器和洪水淹没对方。   These threats seem to be connected to financial warfare as seen in the widely reported (in the West) imminent collapse of China’s Evergrande Group and corporate propaganda reports about “budget deadlock” in the US government. 这些威胁似乎与金融战有关,就像(西方)媒体所广泛报道的,中国恒大集团即将倒闭的新闻,以及企业宣传媒体所报道的,有关美国政府的“预算僵局”所展现的那样。   The Evegrande collapse, if related entities are included, would affect $1 trillion worth of debt and could impact the Chinese economy almost as much as a Biden regime default would affect the US, CIA sources estimate. 美国中央情报局的消息来源估计,如果将相关实体企业也包括在内,那么中国恒大集团的崩溃,将影响价值1万亿美元的债务,并可能使其对中国经济产生的影响,几乎与拜登政权违约对美国的影响一样大。   That is why this source initially suspected the La Palma and Three Gorges problems were linked to this US/China conflict. 这就是为什么该名美国中央情报局的消息来源,最初怀疑拉帕尔马岛火山爆发和三峡洪水,与中美冲突有关的原因。   However, fact-checking with multiple sources revealed a much deeper conflict involving the Thule Society, the French Grande Lodge de L’Orient freemasons, the Swiss-based Octagon group, the Italian P3 freemasons, and the Satanic pseudo-Jews who pull the puppet strings of most G7 so-called leaders. Parties such as the Chinese Lotus freemasons, the Scotts rite freemasons, the Russians, and others are also involved to varying degrees. 然而,当我去跟多名消息来源一起进行事实调查之后,一个更深层次的冲突浮出了水面,这场冲突涉及到德国图勒协会、法国大东方共济会、瑞士八角团体、意大利P3共济会和撒旦教假犹太人,他们操纵着大多数7国集团所谓的国家领导人的替身。中国莲花共济会、苏格兰仪式共济会、俄罗斯人等团体也不同程度地参与其中。   The startling discovery was that according to MI6, the thousands of earthquakes followed by the volcanic eruption in La Palma were traced to a “Haarp array” based not in China, but Norway of all places. 令人震惊的发现是,根据英国军情六处的说法,拉帕尔马岛发生数千次地震之后,紧跟着发生的火山爆发,是由一套“Haarp高频主动极光研究项目天气/地质控制武器阵列”引起的,这套武器阵列的基地不在中国,而是在挪威。   This is fascinating because last week a Japanese diplomat was murdered in Norway and Norwegian police seized $2 million in cash, according to Asian Dragon family sources. The money was to be used to finance the travel and protection arrangements for Dragon family members to monetize historical Asian bonds. These bonds, in turn, were to be used to finance a massive Western-led project to save the planet that would dwarf China’s belt and road initiative. 这种新闻实在是令人着迷,因为根据亚洲龙家族的消息来源说,上周,一名日本外交官在挪威被谋杀,挪威警方缴获了200万美元现金。这笔钱将用于资助龙家族成员兑现历史亚洲债券的旅行和保护安排。这些债券反过来又将用于资助一个大规模的西方主导项目,以拯救地球,这将使中国的“一带一路”计划变得黯然失色。   The Haarp array in Norway identified as the source of the imminent disaster in La Palma is located around a massive underground base complex there. This base came under temporary scrutiny in late 2009 as the place of origin of the mysterious “Norwegian spiral.” 挪威的Haarp高频主动极光研究项目天气/地质控制武器阵列,被确定为拉帕尔马岛即将发生的灾难的源头,它位于那里一个巨大的地下基地附近。2009年末,该基地作为神秘的“挪威螺旋”的发源地,而受到了临时审查。   In other words, the Northern European Thule society seems to be involved. We contacted a Thule society source who linked it to events at the Thule airbase in Greenland and “a complicated connection between Greenland and what’s under Lake Geneva.” 换句话说,北欧图勒协会似乎也参与其中。我们联系了图勒协会的一位消息来源,他将此事与格陵兰岛图勒空军基地的事件以及日内瓦湖下的复杂情况联系了起来。   Remember, the Octagon group that controls the fake Biden administration is headquartered around Lake Geneva in Switzerland. 请记住,控制假拜登政府的八角集团总部位于瑞士日内瓦湖附近。   Here is more from this source: 以下是来自这名消息来源的更多信息:   “Why do you think [Russian President Vladimir] Putin was really in Geneva on 16 June? To meet Biden? No, he wasn’t…Genoa, Italy, marks the entrance of a 275-kilometer underground tunnel that allows submarines coming from the Thule military base in Greenland to reach the CIA¹s global headquarters under Lake Geneva. This seems to confirm the connection by the fact that Geneva and Genoa have similar flags with red crosses. The coat of arms of Genoa bear a Roman cross, similar to the flag of Switzerland and identical to the logo of the Red Cross, which also happens to be headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.” “你为什么认为2021年6月16日,[俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔]普京真的在日内瓦?去见拜登?不,他不是……意大利热那亚,标志着一条275公里长的地下隧道的入口,该隧道允许来自格陵兰岛图勒军事基地的潜艇到达日内瓦湖下的美国中央情报局全球总部。这似乎证实了日内瓦和热那亚之间的联系带有红色十字架的类似旗帜。热那亚的盾徽上有一个罗马十字架,与瑞士国旗相似,与红十字会的标志相同,红十字会的总部也恰好位于瑞士日内瓦。”     “There is an ongoing clean-up in Switzerland. Besides flooding of DUMBS, mass arrests are taking place at Geneva global headquarters of the CIA, the Khazarian Mafia’s lair (Octagon), and other localities in the surrounding region.” “瑞士正在进行清理。除了哑巴泛滥外,美国中央情报局在瑞士日内瓦的全球总部、可萨黑手党的巢穴(八角集团)以及周边地区的其它地方,也发生了大规模逮捕事件。”   We have partial open-source confirmation this is all somehow connected to the US because of the huge amount of airliners flying from Washington DC to Thule Airbase, in Greenland. 我们能够从部分公开的消息确认,这一切都与美国有关,因为有大量的飞机从华盛顿特区飞往格陵兰岛图勒空军基地。     These flights contain prisoners, CIA sources say. 美国中央情报局的消息来源说,这些航班上有囚犯。   OK, now let us connect a few more dots to try to figure out what is really going on here. 好的,现在让我们再连接几个点,试图弄清楚这里到底发生了什么。   P3 Freemason, MI6, and Mossad sources all say they are attacking the Octagon group-controlled French branch of the Rothschild family and their Grand Lodge de L’Orient Freemason servants. 意大利P3共济会、英国军情六处和以色列摩萨德的消息来源都说,他们正在攻击,由瑞士八角集团控制的罗斯柴尔德家族的法国分支,以及他们的共济会大东方总会的仆人。   This, for example, is what is behind the Australian submarine incident that is being played up in the corporate media. 举个例子,这就是企业宣传媒体正在渲染的澳大利亚潜艇事件背后的原因。   As background, remember the Chinese Communist Party was set up by Chinese agents educated by the French freemasons. They call themselves Grand Lodge de L’Orient because they consider themselves to be the secret controllers of Asia. 作为背景,请记住,中国共产党是由受过法国共济会教育的中国代理人建立的。他们把自己称为“大旅馆”,因为他们认为自己是亚洲的秘密控制者。   General Douglas McArthur, who set up the post-war regime in Japan, for example, was a member of this lodge. 例如,在日本建立战后政权的道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟将军,就是这个组织的成员。   The Chinese Communists (CCP) agreed to finance the fake Biden regime because the French Rothschilds promised them control of Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and ASEAN, according to Dragon family sources. 根据龙家族的消息来源称,中国共产党同意资助假拜登政权,因为法国罗斯柴尔德家族承诺,中国共产党可以控制日本、澳大利亚、新西兰和东盟。   Here is some background provided by the CIA in East Asia: 以下是美国中央情报局驻东亚的消息来源提供的一些背景:   The CCP has taken over the Australian government. They have promised them bribes so that they could absolutely wipe out the British dominance on the continent island for communist China to take it over. 中国共产党已经接管了澳大利亚政府。他们答应贿赂澳大利亚的官员,这样他们就可以彻底消灭英国在大陆岛上的统治地位,让共产主义中国接管。   So the treasonous Australian government has taken billions of dollars, in exchange for what they’re doing and most likely this trickles down to the police and the military in Australia as well. 因此,背叛澳大利亚人民的澳大利亚政府,已经拿了数十亿美元来换取中国共产党所做的一切,很可能这些钱也会流入澳大利亚的警察和军队。   Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian has branded the covertly arranged AUKUS pact [the submarine deal] as “extremely irresponsible” double standards, urging the member nations to “abandon the obsolete cold war zero-sum mentality and narrow-minded geopolitical concepts.” 中国外交部发言人赵立坚,将秘密安排的奥库斯条约(潜艇交易)称为“极不负责任的”双重标准,敦促条约的成员国“放弃过时的冷战零和思维和狭隘的地缘政治概念。”   The state-backed Global Times went further, claiming Australia had turned itself into China’s adversary, and that “Australian troops are also most likely to be the first batch of western soldiers to waste their lives in the South China Sea.” 中国官方支持的《环球时报》更进一步,声称澳大利亚已经将自己变成了中国的对手,“澳大利亚军队也很可能是第一批在南中国海浪费生命的西方士兵。”   Why would the Chinese be so upset about Australians buying Anglo instead of French submarines? The answer is the British, Americans and Australians stopped the French freemason promise to hand Australia to China. They put Australia under their nuclear umbrella instead. 为什么中国会对澳大利亚人购买盎格鲁-撒克逊潜艇而不是法国潜艇如此不满?答案是英国人、美国人和澳大利亚人阻止了法国共济会将澳大利亚主权交给中国的承诺。他们将澳大利亚置于他们的核保护伞之下。   What is interesting is that the Russians are also helping in the fight against the French Rothschild freemasons and their Swiss-based Octagon overlords. That is why Russian troops have been sent to Africa to cut off French Rothschild theft of that continent’s resources, FSB sources say. 有趣的是,俄罗斯人也在帮助打击法国罗斯柴尔德家族共济会及其瑞士的八角形主人。俄罗斯联邦安全局的消息来源说,这就是为什么俄罗斯军队被派往非洲,以切断法国罗斯柴尔德家族公司盗窃非洲大陆资源的原因。   This is what’s behind corporate propaganda news stories denouncing the presence of Russian “mercenaries” in Mali. Remember, Mali is where the French Rothschilds steal gold to pay their debts to the Asians. 这就是为什么企业宣传新闻谴责俄罗斯“雇佣军”在马里存在的背后原因。记住,马里是法国罗斯柴尔德家族偷黄金来偿还欠亚洲人的债务的地方。   We also saw the British Intelligence linked site Alcuin and Flutterby signal British rapprochement with Russia by extensively quoting Putin on the criminal nature of the Khazarian mafia regime in the Ukraine: 我们还看到,英国情报网站Alcuin和Flatterby,广泛引用普京所说的关于乌克兰可萨黑手党政权所具备的犯罪性质的话,表明英国与俄罗斯恢复了友好关系:   “Why meet with [Ukranian President Volodymyr] Zelensky if he has accepted the full external management of his country? The main issues concerning Ukraine’s functioning are not decided in Kyiv but Washington, and partly in Berlin and Paris. What is there to talk about then?…the Ukrainian authorities take completely illegal actions that are even outside their competence. Dissidents are simply killed in the streets, and then after this kind of crime, nobody looks for the criminal Or people are burned alive,” etc. “在乌克兰彻底沦为外国代理人国家的情况下,我为什么要会见[总统弗拉基米尔]泽连斯基?乌克兰政府所作的决策,不是在基辅决定的,而是在华盛顿特区,部分是在柏林和巴黎决定的。那我普京去那里有什么好谈的呢?…乌克兰当局采取了完全非法的行动,甚至超出了他们的权限。持不同政见者在乌克兰被当街杀掉,还有人被活活烧死,但是在这种犯罪之后,却没有人寻找罪犯。”等等。   Maybe this shift to Russia, combined with the removal of German sleeper agents from the British government is why MI6 told us last Thursday: 也许英国对俄罗斯的这一种态度转变,再加上英国政府解除了隐藏在内部的德国卧底特工的职务,是由于英国军情六处上周四告诉我们的以下原因:   “We are under some kind of complex cyber-attack, it is so complex we have lost a whole day to this and have to ask a lot of people to work very hard overnight. The connections were sabotaged in the very early hours and the cyber-attack was so serious, it fell onto the radar of national security and police.” “我们正遭受某种复杂的网络攻击,它如此复杂,我们为此损失了整整一天的时间,不得不要求许多人通宵努力工作。网络连接在很早的时候就遭到破坏,网络攻击如此严重,英国国家安全部门和警方都注意到了这一点。”   Now, let us look at a few other things going on around the planet in what has turned out to be a busy week. 现在,让我们来看看在忙碌的一周里,地球上发生的其它一些事情。   Perhaps the biggest and most under-reported news was that Iran has been formally invited to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization as a permanent member. 也许最为重大、报道最少的消息是,伊朗被正式邀请成为上海合作组织的永久成员国。   This would mean that any further Israeli attacks on Iran would lead to retaliation by Russia, China, India, and Pakistan, who are all members of the SCO. And no, the US and NATO are not going to start WWIII by fighting the SCO to protect Israel, Pentagon sources promise. 这意味着以色列对伊朗的任何进一步袭击,都将导致俄罗斯、中国、印度和巴基斯坦的报复,这些国家都是上海合作组织的成员国。五角大楼的消息来源承诺,不,美国和北约不会通过打击上海合作组织,来保护以色列,来发动第三次世界大战。   That is why last week Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz broke with Israel’s longstanding opposition to freshen nuclear diplomacy with Iran, Mossad sources say. 以色列摩萨德的消息来源说,这就是为什么上周以色列国防部长本尼·甘茨一反常态,不再坚持以色列长期以来反对与伊朗重启核外交的立场的原因。   Has Gantz closed the gap with US over an Iranian nuclear threshold? 本尼·甘茨是否在伊朗核门槛问题上缩小了与美国的差距?   This news combined with ongoing US withdrawal from the Middle East, seen for example in the removal of US missile defense from Saudi Arabia, means a complete change in Middle East politics. Israel had hoped to convince Egypt to come to their defense, but Egypt snubbed them. It looks like now they have no choice but to sue for permanent peace with their neighbors. 这一消息加上美国正在从中东撤军,比如从沙特阿拉伯撤走美国导弹防御系统,意味着中东政治发生了彻底的变化。以色列曾希望说服埃及来庇护以色列,但遭到了埃及的冷落。现在看来,以色列别无选择,只能寻求与邻国缔结永久和平。   Meanwhile, in North America, more and more of the cool-aid drinkers (vaccine acceptors) are starting to wake up. Rapper Nicki Minaj helped by telling the vaccine truth to her tens of millions of followers by posting such comments as: 与此同时,在北美洲,越来越多喝着廉价饮料的尚未觉醒的民众(疫苗接种者)开始觉醒。说唱歌手尼基·米纳吉通过发表以下评论,向其数千万追随者讲述了疫苗的真相:   “80% of the artists y’all are following right now feel like I feel about the vaccines. And are too afraid to speak on it. If they assassinate me and assassinate my character and make me look crazy or stupid, guess what? No one else will ever ask questions again. Don’t you see what’s happening?” “你们现在关注的80%的艺术家都和我一样,对疫苗有相同的感觉。他们太害怕谈论疫苗。如果他们暗杀我,毁掉我的人设,让我看起来疯狂或愚蠢,你猜怎么着?没有人会再问有关疫苗的问题了。你们没看到正在发生什么吗?”   Also, when the fake Biden regime tried to stage another cockroach motel event for patriots in Washington on September 18th, there were way more police, reporters, and undercover intelligence agents than protesters. The only person they managed to arrest turned out to be an undercover agent. 此外,2021年9月18日,当假拜登政权试图在华盛顿特区为爱国者举办另一场蟑螂汽车旅馆活动时,警察、记者和秘密情报人员远远多于抗议者。他们唯一设法逮捕的人原来是一名卧底特工。   It means these criminals are losing the ability to fool and entrap patriots. 这意味着这些罪犯正在失去愚弄和诱捕美国爱国者的能力。 In California meanwhile, pentagon sources say military action is being prepared against Governor Gavin Newsom’s regime after it was determined a recall motion against him was a Satanic psyops. This was proven by his 66.6% “victory vote.” 与此同时,五角大楼消息来源说,在加利福尼亚州,在确定州长加文·纽森在反击针对他的罢免动议时,使用的是撒旦教的心理战后,正在准备对其政权采取军事行动。他的66.6%的“胜利票”证明了这一点。     The military attack will also target Facebook and Google headquarters in Palo Alto Californian and the CNN/AT&T disinformation node in Atlanta, Georgia, the sources say. 消息来源称,此次军事袭击还将针对位于加州帕洛阿尔托的Facebook和谷歌总部,以及位于佐治亚州亚特兰大的CNN/AT&T虚假信息节点。   We are also getting a lot of reports from Canada where Manchurian candidate Justin Castro is trying a communist totalitarian take over. It turns out Castro faked his own “Covid Vaccine” (Certificate Of Vaccine ID) to fool Canadians into getting injected with DNA altering vaccines. 我们也从加麻大收到很多报道,满洲人候选人贾斯汀·卡斯特罗,试图让共产主义极权主义者接管政权。事实证明,贾斯汀·卡斯特罗伪造了自己的“新冠病毒疫苗接种证明”(疫苗ID证书),以欺骗加麻大人注射改变DNA的断子绝孙的疫苗。   Castro and his Satanic regime are also involved in an attack on Canada’s Christians. Over 64 Canadian churches have been vandalized or burned over the past few months based on a false story that mass graves of first nations people were found. Investigative journalists who actually went to the sites to investigate found no evidence of mass graves. They also found that an overgrown graveyard that existed before residential schools were founded was labeled in multiple international media reports as a “mass grave.” What happened was that wooden crosses that had been placed on the graves had rotted away. “None of this narrative is supported by facts, there were no mass graves, there was no cover-up.” 贾斯汀·卡斯特罗及其撒旦政权,也参与了对加麻大基督徒的袭击。在过去的几个月里,有超过64座加麻大教堂被破坏或烧毁,原因是一个虚假的故事,即发现了土著民族的万人坑。采取实际行动前往现场调查的记者,没有发现万人坑的证据。他们还发现,在寄宿学校建立之前,就存在的一个杂草丛生的墓地,在多家国际媒体的报道中被贴上了“万人坑”的标签。事实上,放在坟墓上的木制十字架已经腐烂了。“这些说法都没有事实根据,没有乱葬坑,也没有掩盖行动。” The Canadian military needs to wake up to the fact the civilian government has been taken over by Satan-worshipping criminals. 加麻大军方需要清醒地认识到,文官政府已经被崇拜撒旦的罪犯们接管。   In any case, the White Dragon Society and Chinese Lotus Freemason representatives will be meeting later this week to try to put an end to all this strife and hopefully reach a win-win solution for the people of the planet. We should be able to provide details on this meeting to our readers in next week’s report. Hopefully, sane leadership will emerge soon. 无论如何,白龙会和中国莲花共济会的代表,将于本周晚些时候举行会议,试图结束这场冲突,并有望为地球人民达成多赢的解决方案。我们应该能够在下周的新闻通讯中,向读者们提供这次会议的细节。希望,理智的领导层很快就会出现。 Translator: Pearl 译者:珍珠

CH — LARRY ROMANOFF — 我们并不孤单 — September 11, 2021




By Larry RomanoffforThe Saker BlogSeptember 11, 2021






  Fake Biden Regime Begs China for Money as Sept. 30th Payments Deadline Looms 2021年9月30日付款截止日期临近,假拜登政权向中国乞讨金钱   The fake U.S. regime of the rubber-masked impostor “President” Joe Biden is in serious trouble.  They face a September 30th payments deadline they cannot meet.  Since there is a two-week grace period after the U.S. Corporation defaults, this means a repeat of the February 16th, 2020 market implosion is due on or around October 14th.  That is why U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is publicly warning the U.S. will default on its national debt in October, MI6 sources say. 戴着橡胶面具的冒名顶替者“总统”乔·拜登的假美国政权,陷入了严重的麻烦。他们面临着2021年9月30日的美国财政年度国际债务付款期限,而他们无法按时付清。由于美利坚合众国企业公司违约后有两周的宽限期,这意味着2020年2月16日的市场内爆将在10月14日左右重演。英国军情六处的消息来源说,这就是为什么美国财政部长珍妮特·耶伦公开警告美国将在10月份拖欠其国债的原因。   This is also why “Biden,” called Chinese President Xi last week.  When he failed to get promises for new funding, his boss, Angela Hitler called and was also told the money would only come if she vowed total obedience to China, Asian Secret Society sources say.  Here is how China’s official Global Times mouthpiece bragged about the conversation: 这也是为什么“拜登”上周打电话给中国国家主席XJP的原因。亚洲秘密社团的消息来源称,当拜登未能获得新资金承诺时,他的老板安吉拉·希特勒打来电话,并被告知只有在她发誓完全服从中国的情况下,这笔钱才会到来。以下是中国官方喉舌《环球时报》如何吹嘘这次对话:   “The first phone conversation between the two leaders in seven months amid escalating tensions…which took place at the U.S.’ request, highlighted Washington’s growing anxiety and need for China’s cooperation on key global issues.” “两国领导人在紧张局势升级的七个月来,进行了第一次电话交谈……这是应美国的要求进行的,凸显了华盛顿日益增长的焦虑,以及在关键全球问题上需要中国合作的必要性。”   China told “Biden,” the “U.S. should take actions to respect China’s basic interests, discard illusions of suppressing China,” and Xi “called on Washington to shoulder responsibilities to direct the ties back on the right track,” plus “the U.S. should take more action in correcting previous wrong deeds and respecting China’s basic interests, and not expecting China to cooperate while keeping it as an adversary.”  It also noted “the Biden administration is facing huge pressure domestically” so it must not “challenge, slander or even attempt to subvert the path and system of socialism with Chinese characteristics.” 中国告诉“拜登”,“美国应该采取行动尊重中国的基本利益,摒弃压迫中国的幻想”,XJP“呼吁华盛顿肩负起责任,将关系恢复到正确的轨道上。”“美国应该采取更多行动,纠正过去的错误行为,尊重中国的基本利益,不要期望中国在保持其作为对手的同时进行合作。”《环球时报》还指出,“拜登政府在美国国内面临巨大压力”,因此决不能挑战、诽谤甚至企图颠覆中国特色社会主义道路和制度。”   The Global Times further noted that “Hours after the Xi-Biden call, Xi also spoke to German Chancellor Angela Merkel” and ordered her “to urge the EU to adhere to the right policies on China.” 《环球时报》进一步指出,“XJP与拜登通电话后,XJP还与德国总理安吉拉·默克尔进行了会谈”,并命令她“敦促欧盟坚持对中国采取正确的政策。”   The “White House” responded by issuing the following veiled threat: “白宫”对此作出回应,发出了以下含蓄的威胁:   “The two leaders discussed the responsibility of both nations to ensure competition does not veer into conflict.” “两位领导人讨论了两国确保竞争不会演变为冲突的责任。”   China later responded by suggesting recognizing terrorism as a transnational threat and “a common enemy of mankind.” 中国后来作出回应,建议国际社会承认恐怖主义是一种跨国威胁和“人类的共同敌人”。   The White Dragon Society, for its part, is negotiating an alternative to the “Biden” regime with the Asian Dragon family that uses the Xi Jinping avatar. The proposal being discussed calls for ending “terrorism” by pulling the plug and letting the entire fake U.S. regime implode. The talks will continue this week after Dragon family negotiators consult with their elders over the next move, dragon family and WDS sources say. 白龙会,正在与使用XJP的阿凡达替身的亚洲龙家族进行谈判,讨论用什么来代替“拜登”政权。有一个提议正在被讨论,那就是通过拔掉资金的电源插头,让整个假美国政权内爆。亚洲龙家族和白龙会的消息来源称,在龙家族谈判代表与他们自己的长辈就下一步行动进行磋商后,谈判将在本周继续进行。   In any case, patriots in the West need to realize it is vital to overthrow the Khazarian Mafia before they sell the Western people into Chinese slavery. 无论如何,西方的爱国者需要认识到,在可萨黑手党把西方人民卖给中国当奴隶之前,推翻可萨黑手党是至关重要的。   As U.S. General Michael Flynn said last week, “We are in the fight of our lives.”  He notes “there is nobody in the White House,” and talk of things like “Donald Trump in 2024” is nonsense since “there will not be another fair election until we get the 2020 one resolved.”  Flynn also noted there is an ongoing psy-ops against the American people. He urged patriots to come forth while noting that during the revolutionary wars only 3% of the U.S. population of 4 million fought. 正如美国将军迈克尔·弗林上周所说的那样:“我们正在为自己的生存而战。真正的白宫里空无一人,像‘唐纳德·川普的2024年大选’这样的说法纯属无稽之谈,因为在我们解决2020年的选举作弊之前,不会再有一次公平的选举。”迈克尔·弗林将军还指出,针对美国人民的心理战正在进行中。他敦促美国爱国者挺身而出,同时指出,在美国独立战争期间,美国400万人口中只有3%的人参战。   We have a critical mass in the U.S. military, the intelligence agencies, the militias, etc. to fight a new revolutionary war.  To win means identifying the real enemy.  First of all, let’s look at the actions of President Donald Trump and consider if the cavalry is still coming. Die-hard Trumpers need to ask why he turned down the U.S. military when they offered him a chance to overturn the 2020 election theft.  Second of all, they need to explain why he is calling for everybody to be vaccinated even though, as Flynn notes, with a “99.5% recovery rate why are we going through this madness.”  Remember vaccine pusher Trump also failed to reveal the truth about 9.11.  In other words, U.S. patriots need to rally behind Flynn and not Trump. 我们在美国军队、情报机构、民兵当中都有一批关键多数人来进行一场新的革命战争。胜利意味着识别真正的敌人。首先,让我们来看看唐纳德·川普总统的行动,并考虑骑兵是否还将到来。川普的铁杆粉丝需要问的问题是,为什么川普会拒绝美军给他提供的一个机会,去扭转2020年大选当中出现的僵尸投票、幽灵投票、非法移民投票和计票作弊行为。其次,川普的铁杆粉丝们,需要解释为什么他呼吁所有人都接种疫苗,尽管迈克尔·弗林将军指出:“从新冠病毒中恢复过来的美国民众占99.5%——为什么我们还要经历改变基因、断子绝孙的‘疫苗’注射这种疯狂。”记住,疫苗推动者川普也未能揭示9.11的真相。换句话说,美国爱国者需要团结在迈克尔·弗林将军而不是川普的身后。   So, who is the enemy we need to target?  The forensic trail, as usual, points to Switzerland and the Octagon group.  These people, through about 700 high-level operatives, control 90% of transnational corporations.  We know that Klaus Schwab (whose mother was a Rothschild) of the “Great Reset” World Economic Forum reports to Carl von Habsburg. 那么,我们需要锁定的敌人是谁呢?法庭线索像往常一样指向瑞士和八角集团。这些人通过大约700名高级特工控制了90%的跨国公司。我们知道,推动“金融大重置”计划的世界经济论坛主席克劳斯·施瓦布(他的母亲是罗斯柴尔德家族成员)听命于卡尔·冯·哈布斯堡。   We also know the Agnelli brothers, who own the Economist together with the Rothschilds, report to Vittorio Emanuele.  These are the people who control the rubber masked replacement of Pope Francis who now wants all humans to be vaccinated with DNA altering concoctions. 我们还知道阿涅利兄弟,他们与罗斯柴尔德家族共同拥有《经济学人》杂志,他们向维托里奥·埃马努埃莱报告。这些人控制着教皇弗朗西斯的橡胶面具替身,教皇弗朗西斯现在希望所有人都接种改变DNA、断子绝孙的“疫苗”。,_Prince_of_Naples   We also know that Biden’s boss Angela Hitler of Germany is another member of the Octagon group (the real-life Spectre of James Bond fame) politburo. 我们还知道,拜登的老板——德国的安吉拉·希特勒是八角集团政治局的另一名成员。(《詹姆斯·邦德007:幽灵党》电影当中,反派组织幽灵党在现实生活中的例子,就是瑞士八角集团)   These people are pulling out all the stops now to stay in power.  That’s why their servant, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres (remember nobody elected him), last week issued a dire warning that the world faces “a pivotal moment.”  Guterres warns “conspiracy theories and lies [Orwellian speak for truth] fuel deep divisions within societies.”  He calls for an immediate global vaccination plan implemented by an emergency task force to invest “$50 billion in vaccinations now” and “to strengthen global governance of digital technology [i.e. censorshop].”  Guterres also reveals his masters control the G20, the U.N.’s Economic and Social Council and the heads of international financial institutions including the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. 这些人现在正竭尽全力继续掌权。这就是为什么他们的仆人——(在选举中未获得多数票就上台的)联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯上周发出了一个可怕的警告,称世界面临“关键时刻”的原因。古特雷斯警告说:“阴谋论和谎言[英格兰作家乔治·奥威尔在《1984》一书中所说的——为真理说话]在社会中制造出了深刻的分裂。”他呼吁“现在就在疫苗接种上投资500亿美元”,由一个紧急任务小组立即实施一项全球疫苗接种计划,和“加强数字技术的全球治理[即互联网传播的审查]。”古特雷斯还透露,他的主人们控制着20国集团、联合国经济及社会理事会以及国际货币基金组织和世界银行等国际金融机构的负责人。   In a sign of just what bold-faced hypocrites these people are he also proposed “global action to“tackle disinformation and conspiracy theories and to promote facts, science, and integrity in public discourse.”  OK Gutterface, why not start by providing scientific evidence SARS-Cov-2 and Covid-19 really exist, something nobody has done yet: as proven by multiple court rulings. 有一个迹象显示出这些人是多么的厚颜无耻和伪君子,联合国秘书长古特雷斯还提议“全球行动”来“处理虚假信息和阴谋论,并在公共话语中宣传事实、科学和社会凝聚。”说得好,古特雷斯,但是为什么不先提供科学证据,证明新冠病毒确实存在,这是迄今为止没有人做过的事情:正如多个法庭判决所证明的那样。   Anyway, if you are a patriot and want to protect people, shoot on sight anybody pushing DNA altering vaccines for this fake pandemic. 无论如何,如果你是一个爱国者,并且想保护人民,那么,一看到任何以虚假的疫情大流行为借口,推动接种改变DNA的断子绝孙的疫苗的人,就请立即开枪。   We note that a mass revolt against the pandemic and vaccine-pushing criminals is underway in all Western countries.  Take a look at the huge audiences of football games chanting “fuck Joe Biden,” in unison. 我们注意到,在所有西方国家,针对制造疫情大流行和推动疫苗注射的罪犯的大规模反抗正在进行。看看足球比赛中齐声高呼“乔·拜登,操你妈!”的广大观众吧。   Other fake leaders like Justin Castro of Canada and Emanuelle Macron of France cannot appear in public for fear of being ridiculed or even hung on the spot.  There are also trucker strikes in the UK, Australia, the U.S., and elsewhere aimed at forcing regime change. 其他假领导人,像加麻大的贾斯汀·卡斯特罗和法国的艾曼纽埃尔·马克龙等,因害怕被讥笑、奚落甚至当场吊死在路灯柱上,而无法公开露面。英国、澳大利亚、美国和其它地方,也发生了意在迫使政权更迭的卡车司机罢工。   In the UK, Health Secretary Sajid Javid says Covid jab passports won’t be introduced and that he did not expect the country to see any more lockdowns. 在英国,卫生部长萨吉德·贾维德说,不会推出新冠疫苗注射护照,他不期望英国出现更多的封城。   Also, multiple court cases against the fake pandemic and vaccine pushers are starting to have an impact.  For example, a Berlin court ruled in favor of a discothèque that sued over the city’s ban on indoor dancing, forcing the Berlin Senate to allow clubs to reopen.  The New York Times tried to spin this as only applying to the “vaccinated” but that was a bald-faced lie. 此外,针对假疫情大流行和改变DNA的断子绝孙的“疫苗”推动者的多个法庭案件,也开始产生影响。例如,柏林一家法院判决一家迪斯科舞厅胜诉,该舞厅因该市禁止室内舞蹈而提起诉讼,迫使柏林参议院允许舞厅重新开放。《纽约时报》试图将其歪曲为只适用于“接种疫苗者”但那是一个赤裸裸的谎言。   Even more dramatically, German prosecutors raided both the Justice and Finance ministries over “money laundering.”  This is a sign the post-war occupation of Germany is about to end, German patriots promise. 更引人注目的是,德国检察官以“洗钱”为由突击搜查了司法部和财政部。德国的爱国者们承诺,这标志着二战后对德国的占领即将结束。   In Japan, bars and restaurants are openly defying government orders to not serve liquor and shut by 8 PM. Japanese gangsters have been given detailed information about how their fake government tried to kill their own people using contaminated Moderna vaccines and have promised to take action. It won’t be long before Khazarian Mafia proxies like David Atkinson, Michael Greenberg, Kurt Campbell, and their ilk will be forced to flee the country, Japanese right-wingers promise. 在日本,酒吧和餐厅公然违抗政府的命令,开始提供酒类,并在晚上8点后仍然开放。日本黑社会已经获得了,关于他们的假政府,如何使用受污染的摩德纳疫苗,杀害自己人民的详细信息,并承诺采取行动。日本右翼势力承诺,不久之后,可萨黑手党代理人,像大卫·阿特金森、迈克尔·格林伯格、库尔特·坎贝尔及其同伙等人,将被迫逃离日本。   There are also signs of Khazarian rats trying to abandon ship.  This was seen when the long-dead “George Soros” (a Rothschild proxy) denounced the BlackRock fund’s move to China as a “tragic mistake” that would “damage the national security interests of the U.S. and other democracies.” 同样也有迹象表明,可萨黑手党的这些老鼠们试图弃船。早就已经死了的(罗斯柴尔德家族的代理人)“乔治·索罗斯”,谴责黑石集团贝莱德基金转移到中国的举动是一个“悲剧性错误”,将“损害美国和其它民主国家的国家安全利益”。从这件事中我们就可以看出这一点。   A BlackRock spokesperson responded to Soros’ comments by telling CNBC  “the United States and China have a large and complex economic relationship,” adding that “total trade in goods and services between the two countries exceeded $600 billion in 2020. 黑石集团贝莱德基金会的一位发言人回应索罗斯的评论,告诉美国全国广播公司财经频道说:“美国和中国有着庞大而复杂的经济关系,两国之间的商品和服务贸易总额在2020年超过6000亿美元。黑石集团贝莱德基金会,可以通过慈善基金会和其它基金会的形式,利用中国政府所说的‘第三次分配改革’,帮助中国的富豪托管财产和逃税。”   The Chinese government outlet Global Times responded by calling Soros a “global economic terrorist” Since the Chinese are calling “terrorism” the enemy of all humans, you can guess what will happen next. 中国政府的《环球时报》回应称,索罗斯是“全球经济恐怖分子”,并且又因为中国人称“恐怖主义”是全人类的敌人,你可以猜到接下来会发生什么。   MI6 says “They have all been found out and are fighting it out amongst themselves,” and adds “the Rothschilds are common filth and this is known around the world.” 英国军情六处说:“他们都被发现了,并且正在相互内斗,罗斯柴尔德家族是常见的污秽,这在全世界都是众所周知的。”   Of course, these criminals do not plan to go quietly into the night.  They are trying to engineer food shortages, start a war with Iran, and do god knows what else to try and stay in power. 当然,这些罪犯并不打算悄悄地退入黑夜。他们正在试图制造粮食短缺、与伊朗开战、并且正在做一些只有上帝才知道的其它事情,来试图继续掌权。   In order to stop attempts to start WWIII we find ourselves repeatedly warning the Asian elders the Iranian leadership works for the same people as the Israeli leadership does: 为了阻止发动第三次世界大战的企图,我们一再警告亚洲秘密社团的长老们,伊朗领导人和以色列领导人为同一批人工作:   “President Rouhani and Foreign Minister Zarif are rats, doing the bidding of the Rothschild Chatham House boys and the Royal Institute of International Affairs. 鲁哈尼总统和扎里夫外长都是老鼠,听命于罗斯柴尔德家族的英国分支——查塔姆庄园男孩和英国皇家国际事务研究所。   Rouhani spent 6 years in Scotland getting his Ph.D. in Sharia Law (of all things), hanging with Jack Straw and Lord Levy, one rung down from Rothschild. 伊朗总统鲁哈尼在苏格兰待了6年,获得了伊斯兰教法博士学位(包括所有法律),与杰克·斯特劳和洛德·利维在一起。   Zarif was 20 years in America and very close to Globalist John Kerry. They say half of the Iranian parliament (the pyramid with 33 windows) has a U.S. Green Card.” 伊朗外长扎里夫在美国生活了20年,与全球主义者约翰·克里关系密切。他们说,伊朗议会(有33扇窗户的金字塔)有一半的人拥有美国绿卡。”   It is also looking increasingly likely the KM is going to shut down the internet in a vain attempt to stop the ongoing global awakening. That’s why they are talking about a “once in a century superstorm that could knock out the internet.” 可萨黑手党也越来越有可能关闭互联网,徒劳地试图阻止正在发生的全球觉醒。这就是为什么他们在谈论“百年一遇的超级风暴,可能摧毁互联网”的原因。   On a final note this week, we would like to share the following exchange we had with Sean Stone, the self-described son of movie director Oliver Stone, about the death of Robert David Steele: 本周的新闻通讯最后需要指出的是,我们想与电影导演奥利弗·斯通的儿子肖恩·斯通,就关于罗伯特·大卫·斯蒂尔的死进行以下交流:   “The investigation into the death of RDS has revealed that he was murdered by injection because he was investigating the embezzlement of $300,000 of his funds.  You have emerged as a person of interest.  What do you know about all this?” “对罗伯特·大卫·斯蒂尔死亡的调查显示,他被注射毒药谋杀,是因为他正在调查30万美元的资金被挪用。你已经成为了一个利益相关的人。你对这一切了解多少?”   This was his non-answer: 他的回答是:   “Are you working with Gordon Duff? If so, please ask him to have Jack Heart contact me as I want to talk with him about his work…” “你和戈登·达夫一起工作吗?如果是,请让他让杰克·哈特联系我,因为我想和他谈谈他的工作……”   If somebody implicated me in a murder, you can be sure I would respond.  Remember Oliver Stone proved himself to be a controlled opposition when he made a movie saying almost everybody was involved in the assassination of President John F, Kenney and yet failed to say anything when released documents show Israeli President David Ben Gurion ordered the assassination. “如果有人把我牵连到一起谋杀案中,你可以肯定我会做出正面回应。但是你别忘了,奥利弗·斯通在拍摄一部电影时,证明自己是一个受控的反派人物,在电影中,他说几乎所有人都参与了约翰·菲兹杰拉德·肯尼迪总统的暗杀,但当最新公布的文件显示,正是以色列前总统大卫·本·古里安下达了暗杀命令时,奥利弗·斯通却连个屁都没放一个。”   To conclude, enough is enough folks, time for talk is long past, this is war. That means to kill or be killed. 总而言之,够了就是够了,伙计们,谈话的时间已经过去了,这是战争。这意味着要么杀了他们,要么被被他们杀 Translator: Pearl