“Biden” controllers sue for peace after secret East/West agreement



The controllers of the fake regime of “Joe Biden” are suing for peace, according to P3 freemason sources. They are asking for a conference in Lichtenstein “soon.” The reason for this is because a secret East/West agreement was reached in principle last week to pull the plug on the “Biden” regime, according to sources involved in the negotiations. The controlled implosion of this horrific regime would be followed by a massive East/West multi-trillion-dollar project to improve the planet, the sources said.



Here is a message from an Asian secret society that Chinese President Xi belongs to: “We will hurry up our discussions to meet the September 30th deadline [to cut off the Biden regime] but the timing is sudden so, -while nothing may happen that will be visible to ordinary society- under the surface big moves will surely take place.”




More details on the WDS negotiations and the agreement with the Asians will be posted further down in the story.



However, it is interesting to note Canadian banks will be shutting down on September 30th for “national truth and reconciliation day.” Our sources say it is to prevent them from being looted by Biden’s controllers as they desperately try to meet their payments deadlines.



In any case, this agreement in principle follows all sorts of international subterfuge and real-life spy stories that will surely provide fodder for movies for decades to come.



Let us start by taking another look at what was behind the so-called Australian submarine deal that has so mysteriously infuriated Beijing.



US, Australian, and UK authorities took action in Australia after it turned out all sorts of politicians had been blackmailed and/or bribed to hand the country over to China by a combination of Chinese Communist and Rothschild/Rockefeller intrigue. This was part of a deal they had made to hand Australia over to China in exchange for the continued support of the “Biden” regime.



Here is a concrete example: Premier Daniel Andrews of the State of Victoria signed up to China’s Belt and Road Infrastructure initiative behind the back of the federal government. Also, after suffering a “back injury from falling down the stairs” he put his state under the longest and harshest “Covid” restrictions in the world.



This is the true story as revealed by Australian intelligence sources:



“Daniel Andrews has a Chinese mafia business partner in the background. Multiple millions have been funneled to Andrews for green-lighting numerous projects in Victoria (Funds from his Chinese handlers).”



“Andrews was caught in a hotel room with the young daughter of his Chinese boss. (could it have been a setup?) He was beaten close to death. His head was badly bruised resulting in a fractured skull. His vertebrae and several ribs were fractured. He was almost paralyzed. He was told that from that day onward he was their boy and must do everything they told him. (His wife knows the truth of what happened). Failure to abide by orders from his Chinese handlers means certain elimination for him and his family. As Andrews was told, ‘accidents happen every day’.”



“Now you understand the reason for shutting down the construction industry for 2 weeks in all of Victoria. Look at the riots that are taking place. Watch carefully what group comes back to work. Andrews must push the Vax on all Victorians. These are his marching orders”



Now you know why such unreported (in the propaganda media) scenes like this are taking place every day in Australia.



The sudden flurry of shallow earthquakes in Australia is also related. Pentagon sources say the earthquakes are all related to the destruction of underground bases there. An Australian agency source explains “Australia contains the major underground facilities in the world, which are built like underground hotels where the Global Elite planned to take shelter after they implemented their original global extermination plan and then only come out once the dust settles.” No more.



Australia isn’t the only country that is not being handed over to China as promised by the Rockefeller/Rothschild mafia and their “Biden” avatar.



For example, there is a lot going on under the surface in Japan too. To illustrate, here is a photo of a US Navy prison ship that has arrived at the US base in Yokosuka.


The prison ship is being filled with vaccine pushers and Chinese Communist agents, according to Japanese right-winger and MI6 sources. While a lot cannot be said yet for operational security reasons, we can confirm that Japanese Ninkyo organizations (disparagingly referred to as Yakuza) are mobilizing against the Vaccine mafia and their handlers. The Japanese military, for their part, have made it clear they will occupy Parliament, the Prime Minister’s office, the Bank of Japan and the NHK national broadcast corporation if action is not taken. They finally decided to take action after it was proven 3.6 million doses of vaccines intended for the Japanese contained poison.



Now let us take a look at why Huawei Chief Financial officer Meng Wanzhou was put under house arrest in Vancouver, Canada. Her detention had nothing to do with Iran and everything to do with laundering Khazarian mafia money to install dangerous 5G facilities worldwide. China was fooled into believing the attack on Huawei was aimed at China. Many powerful Chinese have also been engaged in a cover-up operation to hide their involvement in the mass murder attack on Wuhan, China in early 2020. The Wuhan deaths, probably running into the millions, occurred only in the areas where 10,000 5G transmission towers had been activated. If it was a pandemic that caused the deaths, then people in the suburbs and in neighboring towns and cities should have died too, but they did not. Meng was released because China has finally figured this out and agreed to stop pushing 5G, according to CIA sources.



Asian secret societies have also been provided with evidence the entire pandemic was an attack on all humans and not just the Chinese. They were given detailed organizational charts of the groups behind the fake pandemic and the very real and dangerous vaccination campaign.



“This is the Western High Treason analysis – they will all be executed,” promises MI6.



The resignation of German Chancellor Angela Hitler has removed the last major protection these criminals had. To enlighten those who still do not know why we call her Hitler, Mossad has provided us with their analysis of her genealogy.


“Killary Rockefeller Clinton is a half-sister to Angela Hitler Kastner Merkel,” Mossad sources add.



Here is what a British royal had to say about her: “Good riddance to bad rubbish. A horrible monster, a thug, a bully, and ugly to look at. The trouble that woman has caused us over the years, I hope she rots in hell.”


In any case, her removal has made the purge of the vaccine pushers possible by removing the Khazarian mafia’s highest level politician, sources say. You can be sure her stooge Emmanuelle Macron will soon follow her into political oblivion (if not outright execution).



Needless to say, German and French millionaires are fleeing in droves to Switzerland now that their Fuhrer has gone.



That is also why the controllers of the fake Biden, including Killary Rockefeller, have asked for a meeting in Liechtenstein hosted by a group known as Guilderberg. “Guilderberg is a 570-year-old society of distinguished individuals originating in the principality of Liechtenstein, Europe.”




The WDS has a policy of sending representatives into lions’ dens so they will probably have someone attend the meeting. We will keep readers informed if and when such a meeting takes place.



Now let us present a more detailed account of the WDS and Asian secret society meeting that took place last week as provided by a witness to the meeting:



Negotiations last week between a White Dragon Society representative and a representative of a major Asian secret society went well. There was an overall agreement to work together for world peace and to start a massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.



However, the Asian representative said that previous discussions about a world future planning agency were opposed by many because, to quote, “Europeans speak with forked tongues and cannot be trusted.” Instead, they wanted to proceed via the BRICS and existing Asian development banks. It was explained to them that most so-called BRICS leaders were just servants and that going through them was not possible.



The WDS negotiator further responded with the parable of the frog and the scorpion. The story is that a scorpion arrived at a riverbank and asked a frog to carry it across on its back. The frog said, “but won’t you sting me?” The scorpion promised he would not, so the frog carried it on his back to cross the river. When they were halfway across the river, the scorpion stung the frog. The frog said, “Why did you do that?” The scorpion answered, “because that is my nature.”



So, the WDS representative explained, “you need to understand that when dealing with a scorpion you need to make sure it does not get the chance to sting.” The Asian representative laughed and said, “of course, so we will use a poison frog to make sure they both die if one betrays the other”.



The end result was that Chinese President Xi  will be soon presented with a proposal to create a new international organization to take care of issues that affect the whole planet. The details will be worked out by diplomats.



The Asian society representative also agreed to check facts and take appropriate action to confirm the fake pandemic was an excuse to vaccinate humanity with DNA altering and possibly even fatal vaccines. They also said the Chinese and other Asians would soon stop wearing masks. They agreed that to deal with the source of the problem, it might be necessary to simply nuke Switzerland out of existence.



The Asian society representative also had some interesting information about the US. They said a decision had already been made to pull the plug on the fake Biden administration even before the WDS asked for it. The Chinese said they expected Donald Trump to return as US president.



The WDS advised that pulling the plug on the entire US government on September 30th was needed to “drain the swamp.” They suggested the return of Trump would be a good thing but only if he dropped his insistence on pushing vaccines. Otherwise, General Mike Flynn was recommended as the next US president to preside over a clean-up of the mess the country has become.



The other thing, confirmed by Japanese right-wingers as well as the Asian representative, was that Takaishi Sanae would be the next prime minister of Japan. She would become Japan’s first female Prime Minister. The WDS said Sanae could be Prime Minister but only if she presided over real change.



The WDS, to make sure things really do change, will meet with representatives of other secret societies such as the three-legged crow and the dragon family in the coming days, according to the source.



On a more esoteric level, this writer was sent encrypted messages last week saying that “parasitic entities that feed on fear, hate, and other negative emotions,” had come out of the closet recently because they were desperate, hungry, and losing control over humanity. Even if you treat that as a metaphor, a tipping point has surely been reached where positive thinking and love are winning the battle for the planet earth. Stay tuned folks.


Translator: Pearl
