

Benjamin Fulford Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis 2022 August 22nd



Is someone trying to overthrow the US, the EU AND communist China?





Is someone trying to overthrow the EU, the US and communist China at the same time? There is certainly evidence the rulers of all three regions all work for the same people. This was proven by the coordinated vaccine and lock-down response to a fake pandemic. The moves made by the Chinese communist government to create social credit scores and constantly monitor the population in great detail also, for sure, fits in with the World Economic Forum plans. The EU and the fake US administration of Joe Biden tried to do the same but ran into stronger resistance.



Now, the EU, China and the US are facing simultaneous economic crises being aggravated by simultaneous and historically unprecedented droughts.



















In addition to the economic crises, the leaders of the old regime are facing social unrest triggered by the totalitarian pandemic response.



Let us look at the situation in China first to understand why the upcoming battle for that country is so important to the planet. The visit by US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan was intended to provoke some sort of regime change in China. This news item about the involvement of her son helps explain why:



Paul Pelosi Jr is not only a major investor in Borqs, a player in the Chinese internet-of-things and 5G sector, but has also worked as a consultant for the firm, rewarded for his services with 700,000 shares in the firm, at which time his holdings were exceeded only by CEO Pat Sek Yuen Chan…53-year-old did not publicly disclose his stake before accompanying his mother on the taxpayer-funded trip to Taiwan. 





The important part about this is that it is a 5G company. Readers of this newsletter will recall that the original outbreak of the so-called COVID 19 (Certificate Of Vaccine ID 2019) in Wuhan, China came immediately after that city activated 10,000 5G transmission towers. The simultaneous arrival of “Covid” in many other countries defied the speed of light and was thus not possibly spread by a “germ.” Actual germs need to be transmitted by people getting on airplanes etc, and cannot travel faster than the speed of light. However, however, the original start of the “pandemic” did fit exactly with the rollout of 5G in the other centers where “Covid” broke out. There is a lot more evidence showing this, including the fact there was no outbreak in the suburbs of Wuhan where no 5G towers had been set up. If it was a germ then people going home to the suburbs of Wuhan should have spread it there.



The fact the Chinese communist party failed to mention 5G as the cause of the initial outbreak means high-level involvement of the CCP. Furthermore, the widespread use of bribery to promote fraudulent PCR tests around the country is further proof of the corruption of the CCP. This PCR testing of fish in China shows how ridiculous the scam has become. The officials are just using an excuse to make huge profits on PCR by testing whatever.



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Asian Secret Societies have been informed about all this and are responding with a major purge across China. That is why so many people dropped out of buildings in Shanghai during their recent lockdown, the sources say.



The intensive parallel crackdowns in Europe and North America using “Covid” as an excuse show the three regions now being hit by drought were all working according to the same playbook.



P3 Freemason sources say the real plan behind the fake pandemic and subsequent crack-downs was to provoke enough popular anger in all three regions to overthrow their existing governments. This process is now well underway.



Here is what a CIA Asian expert had to about China:



There is an interesting detail in a recent statement about China by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. He says Russia makes it very clear they only recognize the People’s Republic of China as the legitimate government representative of China. This seems to be the similar narrative being pushed by former CIA Director Mike Pompeo, Senator Chuck Grassley and other US power brokers say, Many governments are now realizing that the issue is the CCP, not the PRC. The Alliance is making it clear there is a distinction between the two. 



Trump, Xi and Putin are working together to rid the world of the KM deep state and their CCP




This article from the US State Department propaganda paper the Epoch Times shows the policy of trying to isolate the CCP:



400 Million Cut Their Ties With the CCP in Defiance of Communist Control.



NEW YORK—Chinese entrepreneur Chen Quanhong had one message he wanted to tell the world: “Tuidang.”



It’s a Chinese phrase that means “quit the Party.”



The words were emblazoned on a yellow flag Chen held up at a parade in Washington on July 21 to draw attention to the Chinese communist regime’s myriad human rights abuses.



Chen is now one of 400 million Chinese people who have renounced their ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliate organizations.





In a sign of just how corrupt the CCP is, only about 40 percent of the country’s research funding was actually spent on science and technology research and development, and 60 percent was spent on meetings and business trips, according to Chinese state media Sina Finance.



This sort of massive corruption has few political consequences as long as the overall economy is doing well. However, the collapse of the real estate market, where Chinese people keep over 70% of their savings, has made the Chinese people intolerant of such waste. The fact the CCP was also carrying out the Khazarian mafia agenda of turning the country into a totalitarian slave camp did not help. History shows the Chinese people will put up with a lot but when things reach a boiling point they simultaneously revolt and remove entire regimes.



What people need to realize though is that the Taiwan, China situation affects the whole world. The Kuomintang Chinese government in China was one of the victors of World War II. As such it was given control over Japan. That means Japan is still secretly ruled by Taiwan. So, any deal to reunify China involves Japan and the Korean peninsula.



This means reunifying the Korean Peninsula and ending the post-war occupation of Japan are part of the agenda to reunify China. Changes of this sort in the region would doom the “rules-led world order” by cutting off their most important money supply.



That is why the crackdown on the Unification Church (moonies) in Japan is so significant. The moonies were set up by Japanese imperial military intelligence to carry on their international activities after the defeat of Japan during WWII. They worked with the Khazarian mafia branch of the CIA to control Japan. This means the ongoing purge of moonies from the Japanese political world is really aimed at Japanese independence.



Another country set up by Japanese intelligence after the end of WWII is North Korea. The Chinese always viewed North Korea as a secret US military colony. That is no longer the case as the North Korean government has officially joined the planetary liberation alliance. This has been reflected in recent news events such as Russian President Vladimir Putin telling North Korean leader Kim Jong Un the two countries will “expand the comprehensive and constructive bilateral relations with common efforts,” according to Pyongyang’s state media. Also, both China and Russia are now vetoing US demands for sanctions against North Korea at the UN Security Council.



The recent stories about North Korean missiles and North Korean nuclear weapons are all fake propaganda because North Korea is no longer helping US arms dealers sell weapons to Japan and South Korea by creating missile “incidents.” Donald Rumsfeld, the former US defense secretary, told this writer once that the US supplied North Korea with both nuclear and missile technology. The idea was to use a North Korean “boogeyman” to sell arms to Japan etc. he said.



There is also a possibility that some sort of Ukraine-style war may be needed to usher in the new age in the region, according to Asian secret society sources.



For example, although not much was said in the media about Jokowi visiting Xi Jinping in Beijing in July, it was very importaning. MI6 sources say the real reason for the meeting was as follows:



A private agreement was made between Jokowi and Xi Jinping that if any hostilities occurred between China and Taiwan or ANY OTHER South East Asian countries, Indonesia would remain neutral and not interfere. This includes any disputes in the South China Sea over which country owns/controls what islands or sea area. In the meantime, off the record, Xi promised to invest $80-100 Billion for new projects in Indonesia over the next 3 years. (off the record) 



In the media, the visit reported that Indonesian leader Jokowi was one of only a few leaders allowed to visit Xi Jinping recently. They discussed a “five-year action plan.” They also announced Indonesia and China will also cooperate with the financing of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the Global Maritime Fulcrum (GMF).”





This means the most powerful member of ASEAN has bolted from the G7 agenda.



It is not the only loss of a major ally in the region for the “rules-based world order” group supporting the fake Biden regime. An even bigger shock was the announcement that India, China and Russia would all be carrying out joint military exercises inside Russia along with a slew of other countries. India was long touted as a counter-balance to China but now it has sided with the Shanghai Cooperation group against the “rules based world order” people.





Russian presidential avatar Vladimir Putin summarized the views of most countries in the world with the following recent statement:



Western globalist elites, who provoke chaos, fanning long-standing and new conflicts and pursuing the so-called containment policy, which in fact amounts to the subversion of any alternative, sovereign development options.



Their hegemony means stagnation for the rest of the world and for the entire civilization; it means obscurantism, cancellation of culture, and neoliberal totalitarianism. to divert the attention of their own citizens from pressing socioeconomic problems, such as plummeting living standards, unemployment, poverty, and deindustrialization.



The fact that a Chinese government spokesperson is publicly blaming the US for 911 and a host of other crimes is a sign they are preparing for some sort of military move, multiple sources agree. 






The people who control the UN, the EU, the fake Biden administration and the CCP are clearly getting nervous. That is why the UN has declared war on “Dangerous’ Conspiracy Theories” and warns that George Soros, the Rothschilds and the State of Israel must not be linked to any alleged conspiracies.










The UN is under attack because of the criminal activities it has been involved in, especially via the Swiss-based WHO (World Harm Organization).



The US secret space force and many inside Western intelligence agencies say the UN, the EU, the CCP and the fake Biden administration will all be taken down soon with their leadership being guilty of fomenting fake pandemic used as the pretext.



Certainly, a flood of news is now appearing on corporate propaganda as well as citizen-based media about the damage caused by the vaccines and the fake pandemic. See the two videos below as examples.



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We are also getting information from CIA, MI6 and other sources about action that will be taken soon against the Khazarian mafia but, we have been asked not to write about it yet for “strategic reasons.” In other words, we do not want to give the bad guys any chance to respond or react before it is too late.



However, what is clear for sure is that the economic crisis in the EU is going to reach the point where governments will be overthrown amid gas shortages as the cold weather comes in the autumn.



In the US, meanwhile, we are hearing that neither Joe Biden nor Donald Trump will be in charge when a replacement for both the US and Canadian regimes is announced, MI6 sources say.



Finally this week, here are the latest appearances of mysterious flying craft that are linked to the secret space program and their ongoing operation blue beam campaign to usher in a new age.



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