CH — LARRY ROMANOFF — 辉瑞的完美时机流行病 — 2022年3月31日


Pfizer’s Perfectly-Timed Epidemic



By Larry Romanoff, March 31, 2022




This essay is part of my series on Big Pharma titled “A Litany of Pharma Crimes” (1) This is of special importance because it relates to our current COVID-19 catastrophe and all these separate segments form dots that need to be connected to fully appreciate and understand what is happening to our world today. In addition to my articles on COVID-19 specifically, these other segments illuminate the criminality that pervades the entire pharma industry but which includes collusion at the highest levels of Western governments and UN agencies like the WHO and UNICEF, Foundations like the Rockefeller Institute and individuals like Bill Gates. The extent of what can only be termed a homicidal criminality is almost impossible to believe at first reading. On reading these stories, we have an instinctive tendency to tell ourselves that “This cannot possibly be true. They would never do that.” It is painful and upsetting to be finally forced to the conclusion that “Yes, they bloody well would do that.” There are several extremely shocking essays to come, not the least of which will cover the COVID-19 injections (vaccinations) and Pfizer’s extensive criminal history.

 这篇文章是我关于大型制药公司的系列文章的一部分,题为“一连串的制药犯罪”(1) 2019冠状病毒疾病的发生,这与我们当前的COVID-19灾难有关,所有这些单独的片段形成了需要连接到充分理解和理解今天世界发生的事情的点。除了我的文章2019冠状病毒疾病之外,这些其他的部分也说明了整个制药工业的犯罪行为,其中包括西方政府和联合国机构的联合勾结,如世界卫生组织和联合国儿童基金会,洛克菲勒研究所和比尔盖茨这样的基金会。一读之下,人们几乎不可能相信这种只能被称为杀人犯罪的程度。在阅读这些故事时,我们会本能地告诉自己,“这不可能是真的。他们永远不会那样做。”最终被迫得出“是的,他们会这么做”的结论,这是痛苦和令人不安的有几篇2019冠状病毒疾病的报道,其中包括最令人震惊的文章,其中包括了CVID-19注射疫苗和辉瑞广泛的犯罪史。


It is by now well-known that many new drugs are accompanied by serious side-effects such as irreversible liver damage, and are often fatal to children. In 1996 Pfizer developed a new antibiotic called Trovan to treat a variety of infections – meningitis being one example. Many of these new antibiotics are very powerful and with side effects that normally make them too dangerous to use for children, often causing permanent liver damage, joint disease and many other debilitating complications. Inexplicably, Pfizer decided to perform test trials on infants. However, Pfizer had the standard problem that FDA certification in the US required clinical trials on humans, and these are almost impossible to conduct in developed countries because no parents are willing to allow their children to take part in such risky clinical trials, to say nothing of the lawsuits resulting from trials gone bad. Therefore, these pharma companies tend almost universally to take their trials to poor countries in Africa, Asia and South America where the laws are unprepared and the people don’t understand the risks of untested and unapproved drugs. The American (and European) pharma companies therefore transformed the developing world into an enormous test laboratory that carries no financial liability.


As luck would have it, at precisely the moment when Pfizer was ready to commence clinical trials of this new drug, Nigeria was suddenly and inexplicably hit with one of the worst meningitis epidemics in history. And of course, Pfizer was there to help the Nigerian government deal with the outbreak. But Pfizer didn’t exactly deal with the outbreak; what it did was to conduct a reprehensible clinical trial for its new medication, on a group of victims unlikely to complain. Rather than “helping” as it claimed, Pfizer gathered a trial group and a control group, giving one group Pfizer’s new medication and a competitor’s product to the other. It quickly became obvious that the Americans were not on a humanitarian mission but were saving the expense of live trials. After experimenting on about 200 victims, they gathered their test information and left – right in the middle of the meningitis epidemic, without having saved any lives. The Nigerian government tallied the deaths at about 11,000.


Hajara, photographed in 2007, survived the trials but became deaf afterwards and is unable to speak


That would have been the end, except that a controversy erupted soon after about the relationship between Pfizer’s need for test trials and the meningitis outbreak. As it happened, the WHO was in Nigeria immediately prior to that time on another of its “life-saving” vaccination programs, this time for polio, and the timing and location of the meningitis outbreak apparently matched perfectly the WHO’s polio vaccination program. And of course, it perfectly matched Pfizer’s need for large numbers of test subjects. There were lawsuits and payments, accusations and denials, but to this day Nigeria refuses WHO entry into the country and will not participate in any further “humanitarian” aid from the UN or the WHO. We cannot definitively say that the WHO deliberately created the meningitis epidemic for the benefit of Pfizer’s tests, but it’s the only theory that fits all the known facts and it’s the kind of thing the WHO appears to do on a regular basis. We should note Pfizer’s intention to market Trovan in the US and Europe after its trials on these African children, but the FDA refused to approve Trovan for American children due to the severe dangers.


Pfizer’s behavior after these “field trials” ended was, if anything, even more reprehensible. The lawsuits were based on claims that Pfizer did not have proper consent from parents to use an experimental drug on their children, the use of which not only left many children dead but others with brain damage, paralysis or slurred speech. Pfizer eventually reached a settlement with the Nigerian state government to pay $75m in damages and to create a fund of $35m to compensate the victims. This, after what the Guardian described as “a 15-year legal battle against Pfizer over a fiercely controversial drug trial”. Pfizer not only resisted to the end, forcing the poor families through 15 years of hell before finally relenting, but resorted to extortion and blackmail of Nigerian government officials in attempts to avoid making any payments to the families of the tiny victims of its illegal drug trial. The UK Guardian reported that leaked US government diplomatic cables revealed that “Pfizer hired investigators to look for evidence of corruption against the Nigerian attorney general in an effort to persuade him to drop the legal action”, with the apparent full knowledge and possibly assistance of the US State Department.


The Guardian stated the diplomatic cables recorded meetings between Pfizer’s country manager, Enrico Liggeri, and US officials at the Abuja embassy on 9 April 2009, stating, “According to Liggeri, Pfizer had hired investigators to uncover corruption links to federal attorney general Michael Aondoakaa to expose him and put pressure on him to drop the federal cases. He said Pfizer’s investigators were passing this information to local media.” The Guardian also reported there was no suggestion or evidence Nigeria’s attorney general was swayed by this pressure. Pfizer of course claimed the entire notion was “preposterous”, but we can assume the cables – which were classified as “Confidential” – didn’t lie.


It seems Pfizer was dissembling in all its statements, not only with claims of government approval and parental knowledge, but their claim a Nigerian doctor was in charge and directed the experiments. The government’s study found the local doctor was the director “in name only” and most often was not even informed of the procedures of the study and was typically “kept in the dark”. As well Pfizer used the fake letter from a non-existent department to obtain FDA approval for these clinical trials. Pfizer finally admitted the forged letter was “incorrect”, but I’m not sure that is the most appropriate adjective to use. Pfizer also made the infuriatingly dishonest claim that its antibiotic “Trovan demonstrated the highest survival rate of any treatment at the hospital. Trovan unquestionably saved lives.” Well, maybe, but the data on which Pfizer based this claim were the fact that in one location five patients died after using Pfizer’s drug while six patients died after using another medication, with no data as to infection severity or anything else. At best, an empty and fundamentally dishonest claim.


To deflect the issue of Pfizer’s Trovan being lethal to children, the company claimed that the international body Doctors Without Borders (Médecins sans Frontières) were administering Pfizer’s drug in their own large treatment program, a claim MSF vehemently denied, saying, “We have never worked with this family of antibiotic. We don’t use it for meningitis. That is the reason why we were shocked to see this trial in the hospital.” It was Pfizer’s Liggeri who claimed the lawsuits against Pfizer “were wholly political in nature”, and Liggeri as well who concocted the accusation that MSF had administered Pfizer’s Trovan to children.


In 2006 the Washington Post reported on a lengthy Nigerian government study that concluded Pfizer violated international law by testing its unapproved drug on children with brain infections. The Post apparently obtained a copy of the confidential report which had been hidden away for five years, and which stated Pfizer had never received authorisation from the government for its clinical trial, the apparent authorisation letter having been forged on the letterhead of a non-existent department and backdated to a date prior to the study. According to the Post’s article, the government claimed Pfizer’s ‘humanitarian effort’ was “an illegal trial of an unregistered drug, and a clear case of exploitation of the ignorant.” [2]


 Leaked US cables claim Pfizer hired investigators to find evidence of corruption against the Nigerian attorney general to persuade him to drop legal action over a drug trial for children with meningitis. Photograph: AFP/Guardian



The American response was not one of shame for participating in this fraud, nor did the State Department condemn Pfizer for either conducting the drug trials or attempting the extortion and blackmail. Instead, the US ambassador condemned the leak of US embassy cables, as if publicly revealing the crime constituted a worse action than the crime itself. The State Department rushed the high moral ground to condemn “endangering innocent people” and “sabotaging peaceful relations between nations”, ignoring the facts that Pfizer’s trials did far more to ‘endanger innocent people’ and ‘sabotage relations’ than could be done by the revelation of a crime. But in the eyes of the US government, Americans do not commit crimes, and in any case the victims weren’t white. The cables further claimed Pfizer settled only because legal and ‘investigative’ fees had been costing the company more than $15 million per year, which leads one to wonder what occurs in the minds of these people who will spend $15 million a year for 15 years, to avoid paying half that sum to compensate lives they destroyed. [3] [4] [5] [6]

 美国的反应并不是因为参与了这场欺诈而感到羞耻,美国国务院也没有谴责辉瑞进行药物试验或试图敲诈勒索。相反,美国大使谴责了美国大使馆电文的泄露,似乎公开披露犯罪构成了比犯罪本身更糟糕的行为。美国国务院在道义上仓促谴责“危害无辜人民”和“破坏国家间的和平关系”,无视辉瑞的审判对“危害无辜人民”和“破坏关系”的作用远大于揭露罪行的事实。但在美国政府看来,美国人并不犯罪,而且在任何情况下,受害者都不是白人。这些电报进一步声称,辉瑞和解的唯一原因是,法律和“调查”费用每年给该公司造成的损失超过1500万美元,这让人不禁想知道,这些人在15年内每年将花费1500万美元,以避免支付一半的金额来补偿他们所摧毁的生命,他们的想法是什么。[3] [4] [5] [6]

And there is still more. We have seen so many documented examples of the US courts assuming jurisdiction where they have none, agreeing to try cases without any US involvement that occurred wholly outside the US, in flagrant violations of international law, and indicative only of imperial arrogance. But when Nigeria attempted to file claims against Pfizer in the US, the American courts refused to hear the cases, oddly claiming they had no jurisdiction. And this isn’t the first time the US government, the State Department and the US courts have circled the wagons to protect a US multinational by closing the courts.


Pfizer Vaccine Now Available to SDSU Community | NewsCenter | SDSU

Today, they are viewed primarily as imperial predators with a distinctly anti-human agenda


In 2004 and 2007, the Nigerian media carried reports which were heavily suppressed in US and Western media that the country was refusing to permit UN health authorities to carry out further administration of polio vaccines, blaming the WHO for having initiated the meningitis epidemic in 1996 that resulted in Pfizer’s highly questionable drug trial in that country. Nigerian leaders were also concerned that polio and other foreign vaccines were deliberately contaminated with sterilising and other agents, as occurred in the Philippines and other nations at around the same time. In much of Africa, there appears to be little remaining of the trust that once existed in international agencies and US and European pharma companies. Today, they are viewed primarily as imperial predators with a distinctly anti-human agenda, or at least an agenda that is anti non-white. The portions of Nigeria and other African nations that do still permit vaccinations now insist these be prepared in a trusted non-Western country with no involvement of the WHO or other Western agencies.


Many nations today insist the WHO is a tool to reduce Muslim populations, a claim that is increasingly difficult to dismiss as simple paranoia, and in fact Nigeria also discovered sterilants in WHO vaccines in that country that were clearly capable of lowering fertility in women. The Western media steadfastly ignore the body of evidence supporting these claims and suspicions, and focus instead on a moralistic concern that “the world might be slipping in its efforts to wipe out polio”, categorising the valid concerns of so many nations as ignorant and uninformed suspicion. The Western media of course are all reading from the same page as the perpetrators of this outrage.


We also have the ever-present corporate apologists, weaving their tapestries of misinformation attempting to irreversibly confuse an issue with irrelevancies and so as to place doubts in the minds of the public. One perennial favorite is a claim that “these attacks on pharmaceutical companies could encourage countries to enact legislation that would lower drug profits, which in turn could hamper the development of new medications”. This foolish statement from Roger Bate, a “fellow” at the International Policy Network, which is a lobby group for big pharma, funded by the usual Foundations and corporations, and dutifully reported by London’s Daily Telegraph in its campaign to confuse the uninformed public. The statement is actually rather clever, suggesting that our condemnation of the atrocities and illegalities of big pharma are somehow unjustified violent “attacks” on undeserving corporations.

 我们还有经常出现的公司辩护者,他们编织着虚假信息的织锦,试图不可逆转地将一个问题与无关紧要的问题混淆起来,从而在公众心中制造怀疑。长期以来最受欢迎的一种说法是,“对制药公司的这些攻击可能会鼓励各国颁布立法,降低药品利润,进而阻碍新药的开发”。罗杰·贝特(Roger Bate)是国际政策网络(International Policy Network)的“研究员”,他发表了这一愚蠢的声明。国际政策网络是一个大型制药公司的游说团体,由通常的基金会和公司提供资金,伦敦《每日电讯报》(Daily Telegraph)在其迷惑不明真相的公众的活动中尽职尽责地报道了这一声明。该声明实际上相当聪明,表明我们对大型制药公司的暴行和违法行为的谴责在某种程度上是对不值得的公司进行的没有道理的暴力“攻击”。

In the case of Pfizer and its Nigerian Trovan trials, The Telegraph gives us an added incentive to sympathise with big pharma by telling us – without evidence or documentation – that “the Nigerian government’s motives (in condemning Pfizer) have also been questioned”, the issue being morphed from reprehensible drug trials resulting in death of children into one of an untrustworthy government with questionable political motives. Thus will the Western media will spin and weave until truth in all its forms disappears from the landscape forever. [7]



Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chapt. 2 — Dealing with Demons).


His full archive can be seen at

他的完整档案可在 and

He can be contacted at:






Pfizer: Nigeria drug trial victims get compensation



Panel Faults Pfizer in ’96 Clinical Trial In Nigeria;



Pfizer pays out to Nigerian families of meningitis drug trial victims



Pfizer faces $8.5 bln suit over Nigeria drug trial



Nigeria Takes On Pfizer over Controversial Drug Test



In this Nigerian city, Pfizer fears loom over the vaccine rollout



UK Telegraph – Pfizer Nigerian Trovan trials – “the Nigerian government’s motives have also been questioned”



More Reading:



Drugs companies fund patient groups which attack NHS;


Patient groups which have attacked decisions made by the NHS drugs watchdog are funded by pharmaceutical companies, an investigation claims.



Copyright © Larry RomanoffBlue Moon of Shanghai, Moon of Shanghai, 2022

版权所有(拉里·罗曼诺夫上海的蓝月亮, 上海之月, 2022