As World is Distracted by Afghanistan, Germany and Japan Declare Independence



The collapse of the post-war Western “globalist” regime is accelerating.  The U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan and much of the rest of the Middle East is just the beginning of the end for the Khazarian Mafia.  Perhaps the biggest overlooked story is regime change in Germany and Japan, their opponents during WWII.



This is not just about the resignation of German Chancellor Angela Hitler (Merkel) and Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga.  This is about these countries reasserting their independence for the first time since 1945 (see below for details).  Without Germany and Japan, the G7 will become the G5 and eventually the G0.



Of course, if you live in the ever-shrinking bubble of the KM corporate propaganda media, you will be told the U.S. is withdrawing from the Middle East in order to focus on China.  However, since the fake U.S. Biden regime depends on Chinese money for survival, they are trying to convince people that China is going to finance their war against China.



As Qin Gang, China’s ambassador to the United States told a group of U.S. “leaders” last week, the U.S. “government” is depicting China as “its rival and imaginary enemy, just like when Don Quixote tilted at windmills.”



This nonsense is just part of what can only be described as chaos.  The tired old metaphor about running around like a headless chicken best describes the situation in the West now.



To understand how the G7 dominoes are destined to fall let us look at the real impact of what happened in Afghanistan.  Here is how a senior CIA official in Asia describes the situation:



“Don’t let this Afghanistan preplanned scenario get to you.  It is mostly all turned around by the MSM and their puppet masters.



For example, the prisoners that were released from jail were not terrorists or Isis.  They were political prisoners who were against the cabal that had been controlling the country for the last 20 years.



Now 90% of the opium fields were burned to the ground by the Taliban.  This has stopped the cash flow for the cabal/deep state.  They are very desperate now.   They cannot get cash from the Federal Reserve.  London is also not issuing any more cash.  The ECB is not printing any more cash as well…Watch for a big false flag.”



Speaking about big false flags, it is no coincidence that as the 20th anniversary of 9.11 approaches, we are seeing a systematic reversal of the neocon “Project for a New American Century” plan for world dominance it kicked off.



Let us look at Afghanistan again.  The real reason the U.S. invaded that country was to secure a pipeline and to protect heroin production.  Before the U.S. invasion, the Afghan government supported a plan by Bridas Corporation for a Chinese/Argentine/Turkmenistan pipeline.



When the Neocons controlling George Bush Jr.’s regime proposed giving the pipeline deal to the U.S. company Unocal, they were told it was too late and that a deal had already been signed.



The neocons famously responded, “if you do not accept our carpet of money, you will get a carpet of bombs.”  Then, as soon as the Americans invaded, Bush named former Unocal consultant Zalmay Khalilzad as his special envoy to Afghanistan.



Now the original Bridas/Chinese/Argentine/Turkmenistan plan is back in play.



An alliance between Pakistan and China made this possible.  So now, Iran, Turkmenistan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and India are all building their own pipelines in the central Asian region the neocons had tried to conquer.



So what did the Americans achieve after spending over $2.3 trillion on 20 years of war in Afghanistan?  Afghanistan is the world’s seventh poorest nation with 47 percent of the population living below the poverty line, while over 75% of the hopelessly corrupt former Kabul regime’s budget came from international aid.



Remember though, Afghanistan was not a U.S. military defeat.  In those 20 years of war, only 2,448 U.S. troops died in battle there.  So the U.S., an economic superpower, with a population 10 times that of Afghanistan, was killing impoverished Taliban at a rate of about 100 to 1.  And yet they lost.  What this shows is that even if the military wins all the battles, if they do not have the financial backing and proper strategic goals, they will lose.  You can win all the battles you want but if your paycheck bounces, it’s game over.



The question now is what will the U.S. military do to stop all of their paychecks worldwide from bouncing after the September 30th fiscal year-end?



On this front, the White Dragon Society is setting up a meeting with the Asian Dragon family in Japan this month to obtain financing for a swords-to-plowshares transformation of the Western military-industrial complex.  As this report was going live, funds were still being blocked by the Khazarian Mafia.  The people behind the blockage are now being hunted down.  We will keep readers posted if there are new developments.



The Khazarian overlords of the G7, for their part, are hoping to forestall this by trying to organize a meeting with Russia and China to “discuss Afghanistan.” In other words, they are trying to set up a last-minute begathon.



Since this will fail, it means that unfortunately for the West, systemic collapse is going to continue for the foreseeable future.  The ongoing attempt by the KM to stay in power using toxic “vaccines” and a fake pandemic is not going to make any real difference.



As CIA Europe explains:



“The real reason for Covid-19 and the Great Reset is that the ECB is as good as broke and can only print money artificially.  The European banking system is bankrupt and people will not get their pensions paid out later.



That’s why they are “vaccinating to the devil’s teeth” so that as few as possible survive and so that people are sick or dead and can’t fight back when they learn that they will no longer get pensions/retirement benefits.  All this has been initiated by the infamous Davos Mafia and the great reset group.”



However, Germany and Japan both went through war crimes tribunals and remember the Nuremberg code.  That is why the ongoing pandemic-related war crimes have led to regime changes in these countries first.



In Japan, Sheila Smith, a senior fellow for Asia Pacific studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, is fighting to keep the criminal Rockefeller slave regime in power.  However, an execution warrant has been signed for her because she has been openly pushing for mass vaccination without safety testing.



Now, the discovery that millions of Moderna vaccines in Japan contained toxic substances has sent Japanese patriots on the warpath against all Rockefeller/Rothschild proxies in this country.  That is the real reason slave Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga was forced to resign, Japanese right-wing sources close to the Emperor say.



In Germany, legal actions by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich have had the same effect.  The replacement of Angela Merkel will formally signal the end of the post-war occupation of Germany, CIA sources in Europe say.



Regime change in Canada and France are also now expected.  In Canada, Crime Minister Justin Castro called a snap election for September 20th in expectation of an easy victory.  Instead, he is being booed and harassed so badly on the campaign trail about his vaccine crimes that he is afraid to get off his bus.



This brother-killing Manchurian candidate is also embezzling Canadian taxpayer money to buy 293 million covid vaccine doses (for a country of 37 million) in order to finance his KM overlords.



In France, the country is in a state of semi-anarchy as protests against Rothschild slave Emmanuel Macron intensify.



There are also legal battles, demonstrations, and various push back in Australia, Austria, Canada, Greece, Portugal, and Spain.  In Spain, a Pfizer vaccine factory was blown up.



Truckers are shutting down commerce from Australia to Sweden.  A “shortage of lorry drivers” (corporate propaganda speak for strikes) is causing supply shortages for companies running from Ikea to McDonalds to General Motors.



A shortage of semiconductor chips “due to Covid” is idling GM, Ford Motor, and other carmaker’s assembly plants in North America and elsewhere.



Meanwhile, U.S. welfare programs covering a combined 12.1 million people will end today.   These people are refusing to work for slave wages even as there are over 10 million job openings and over half of the small businesses say they have staff shortages.



Since people are refusing to work or only have slave wages, a lack of tax revenue is forcing U.S. state and local governments to go on an even bigger borrowing spree than at the time of the Lehman shock of 2008 just to pay pensions.



Perhaps the most outrageous sign of how far the U.S. has degenerated is that the city of San Francisco has decided to pay people $300 a month to “not shoot each other.”



Meanwhile the criminal fake “Biden” regime – facing a failed vaccine mass murder campaign – is trying to engineer mass starvation by paying farmers not to grow food.



Next, the KM is also planning to force people to take the jab if they want to access ATMs, according to the P3 freemasons.   Just like when the Soviet Union collapsed, it is certain the ruling class will keep trying to repress the people until they are finally brought before firing squads or hung from lamp posts by mobs.



The KM slave state of Israel, meanwhile, is facing an existential crisis.  Their military and intelligence agencies already know it is game over.  That is why former Mossad chief Tamir Pardo came out of the closet and said “the fun part” about working for the Mossad was that the agency is “basically a crime syndicate with a license”.



However, if you come out of the closet as a crime syndicate, you lose friends.  That is why when the U.S. and Israel called for a naval exercise in the Red Sea last week neither the Saudi nor the Egyptian navies took part.



The lack of allies forced Israeli President Isaac Herzog to go to Jordan and meet King Abdullah II to discuss “deep strategic issues.” Begging Jordan for help is not going to stop the brainwashed, vaccinated slave population of Israel from being finally liberated from their Satanic Khazarian masters.  The rest of the world is already being liberated.  This is no time to be an armchair warrior though.  We must all fight.


Translator: Pearl