CH — BENJAMIN FULFORD: 17:05: 2021




Human Sacrifice on Temple Mount Won’t Save Satanists



Crime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel and his fellow Satanists staged a human sacrifice on the temple mount in a desperate bid to retain power and avoid war crimes tribunals, according to Mossad sources.  British intelligence also confirms a mass killing event took place but details of exactly what happened are scarce.



MI6 sources say there was “some kind of massacre at the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount.  We have a suggestion this is all purely Khazarian Mafia with some CIA thrown in.”



We have previously reported the original Netanyahu is long gone and so, according to Mossad, the figure now presiding over the massacre of Palestinians is “Bibi the clone.”



MI6 adds the “Jala Tower in Gaza was attacked to destroy servers with incriminating evidence relating to the mass murder of Palestinians.”



The Satanists behind Netanyahu, in order to stay in power and avoid jail also ordered missile attacks on Israel and blamed it on the Palestinians.  The attacks were designed to cause minimal or no casualties.  Then “retaliation” begins as a part of a final push to wipe out the non-Jewish population of Israel.  It also enables martial law so that he and his goons can stay in power.



Remember these people are religious fanatics who think that as soon as they massacre all the Palestinians and ethnically cleanse Israel they can rebuild their temple and enslave humanity forever.



The fact that a small majority of the Israeli people has woken up and voted to remove the criminal regime of Netanyahu is what forced these murderers into their desperate last-minute gambit.



Netanyahu is also now being publicly blamed for the murder of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin



“Netanyahu” and his gang must be hunted down and killed.



Personally, as a genetic Jew, I find it deeply shameful to watch religious Jews who have been ritually castrated (circumcised) worshipping at the wall of a Roman fort in a mistaken tribute to their enslavers.  If it is to be built, the third temple needs to be built elsewhere.



In any case, P3 Freemasons and others say their patience has run out and action will be taken against Israel.  Pentagon sources say the nuclear devices used by Israel to blackmail the rest of the world with their “Sampson option,” have now been neutralized.  That means the people of Israel will be forced to choose between the destruction of Jerusalem or the removal from power of the Satanists who use Netanyahu as their avatar.



There is another reason for the desperate massacres going on in Israel and that is developments in Switzerland involving the Priory of Sion, the Knights of Malta, the Dragon family, and many other powerful groups.  These groups are on the verge of reaching an agreement that will change human history.  In the latest development on this front the Dragon family sent the following message to the Western power groups:



Dear Sirs,



We would like to introduce ourselves to all of you.



We represent the Chinese Royal Family, the so-called Red Dragon Family, which is mentioned in the World Bank documentation of all banks in the world.



We do have access to different forms of financial instruments like Bonds, Bank Guarantees, and Stand-By Letters of Credit.



We also have access to movable gold bullion and cash deposits all around the world.



We also have some different historical boxes that we are able to redeem if any of you have access to these types of instruments to redeem them.



I will be able to meet you all in Switzerland or any other location that is possible for you and me to travel to, considering the Covid-19 traveling restrictions.



I am grateful to the White Dragon Society for introducing us to all of you.



I would be grateful for you all to come back with what form of financial instrument or cash funds you are capable to work with.



Also, we do have heritage accounts that we have full access to if that is something we could do some arrangements so that we can fund all the projects that this world needs so much.



Best regards,



The Ambassador of the Red Dragon Family



The dragon family representative suggested the Western banking families could have their debts, running into the “quadrillions of dollars,” written off if they agreed to set up and jointly fund a future planning organization. He said:



“For example, we have a Treaty of Versaille Box worth $33 trillion that we can let them have for 1% of face value [that is still $330 billion] and use that to set up the organization.”



The Dragon family can also offer physical gold, cash, or any of a range of bonds, he added.



The representative also had an interesting story to tell about former Philippine leader and Dragon family head Ferdinando Marcos.  “Marcos survived his so-called death and remarried a Chinese woman,” he said.  Also, Marcos had a son from a marriage with a Dragon family member called Emota that took place before he married the infamous Imelda.  This son has many assets that can also be used, the representative noted.



The Dragon family says they will only work through the White Dragon Society in the West.  They also warned that if any dragon family member is killed, then the people responsible and their families going back 9 generations will be killed in retaliation.



There is also a consensus that if the groups in Switzerland refuse to come to a deal there will be no choice but military action including nuclear weapons, the Dragon family, MI6, Pentagon, and P3 Freemason sources agree.  The ball is now in their court.



We realize this group, through Klaus Schwab (pictured below)




of the Davos World Economic Forum, are offering their own “great reset.”



If you read their words it sounds mostly good, filled with talk about reducing income inequality, protecting the environment, etc.  However, there is a catch:



“We will give you all these nice things but first you must take your vaccination.”



They are trying to vaccinate the entire population of the planet with god knows what to fight a disease that they cannot even prove exists.  It is sort of like “drink your cool-aid and then you can go to heaven.”



There is also a clear degeneration of the whole Covid-19 business into a farce.  The stories below are good examples saying that “Dracula’s castle will be used to administer vaccines,” and “China has deployed troops to the top of Mt.  Everest to stop Covid,” and that “Covid will enter your penis and make you infertile.”



Also how many cool-aid drinkers out there will believe this video about getting a daily Covid passport?



Nonetheless, the fact that so many sheeple are wearing masks and lining up for vaccines shows just how insidious the Khazarian Mafia control grid really is.




Here is an example of how this group controls most of the world’s so-called civilian governments.  Last week slave Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga of Japan read the wrong script when he was asked the following question by “opposition MP” Renho:



“People are arriving in ambulances at hospitals around Japan and are not being admitted…The situation is getting worse…So Prime Minister if the Olympics are held and both Japanese citizens and Olympic athletes arrive at the hospital at the same time, who will be given priority?”



Instead of answering the question, the slave Prime Minister read a script about how Pfizer was going to supply vaccines to Olympic athletes so it would not affect vaccine supplies in Japan.  Renho then angrily asked for the Prime Minister to be shown the proper page on the script to read from.



This confirms what many bar hostesses who cater to politicians have told me over the years and that is that when they are drunk the politicians admit to being actors paid to read a script.



Please watch the video below to see for yourself what a sham so-called Democracy is in Japan.



This is not just Japan.  The same is now true for the U.S., Canada, England, and many other countries.  Democratic processes have been subverted by stealth by the Khazarian mafia.



Here is what a senior European royal had to say about the situation:



“We have taken note of the session of the lower house of the Japanese legislature.  All of the world’s civilian governments are the subject of the Nuremberg Protocols.  The call for evidence is ongoing in Germany.  Only Germany can know from its bones the chilling recollection of history and that has not evaded them nor all of us who swore no more of world war and the horrors of it.”



We note the military in France, the U.S., Canada, and elsewhere are finally beginning to take action against the stealth hijacking of governments by a Satanic mafia.



Despite firing a whole slew of Canadian military officers on spurious charges, Prime Minister Justin Sinclair Castro of Canada will go to jail, and so will many of his fellow gangsters.



WATCH | Crimes Against Humanity Charges against Justin Trudeau and others will be heard by the Supreme Court



A military investigation has already started.



The fake Biden administration in the U.S. is also collapsing.  Their attempt to buy popularity by handing out money led to a record 8.1 million unfilled job openings (why work if you can get free money?).  They are also spending 90% more than they earn, racking up record trade deficits and stoking hyper-inflation.



The Rockefeller crime family behind the Biden fake presidency is also shutting down gas pipelines, sabotaging bridges and engineering food shortages, etc. all in a doomed bid to retain power.



We also note China has made fun of NASA (Not A Space Agency) by announcing an obvious CG Mars landing.



Maybe next they could show aliens landing on Tien An Men square.



As the old curse goes, “May you live in interesting times.”




Without a Moral Compass the West Cannot Win



The West is losing the war for Planet Earth because it no longer represents good and currently has incompetent criminal leadership. The West many of us grew up in represented democracy, human rights, wealth, and progress. It now represents disease, economic inequality, war, and fascism.



A poll sponsored by NATO of 53,000 people in 53 countries shows that 44% of people around the world consider the United States to be a threat to their democracy.  This compares to a figure of 38% and 28% respectively for China and Russia.



That means the U.S. is losing ground in the soft power struggle with Asia.



Also, with record trade and fiscal deficits as well as looming hyperinflation, the West is also losing the economic war.  In March, the U.S. posted its largest trade deficit in history at $74.4 billion, up from the previous record of $71.1 billion set a month earlier.  This is only possible for the U.S. by becoming ever more indebted to China.



China’s GDP in real world-based Purchasing Power Parity is $27 trillion compared to $20 trillion for the U.S.  With Chinese economic growth far surpassing that of the U.S. this gap will only continue to widen and will not change unless the West changes its system of economic management.



The only thing the U.S. has left is military power, and war game after war game shows it losing in an all-out war against China.



Unless the West restores real democracy, the rule of law, respect for human rights, and competent economic management, the next generation will become Chinese slaves.



The reason for this decline is that the West has been taken over by a Satanic cult.



In Japan, they have murdered prime minister after prime minister and many others in the post-war era to try to bring this country under the control of the same cult.  The process is easier to understand here because it has begun relatively recently.  However, in the West, it started at least with the murder of Jesus Christ by this same cult.  In the U.S. they murdered Abraham Lincoln, President Franklin Roosevelt, General George Patten, President John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and many others to cement their control.



This group is now pushing the pandemic and the related totalitarian rule.  Take a look at the satanic family history of chief U.S. vaccine and pandemic pusher Anthony Fauci and his family crest.




Their castle headquarters is only 15 miles from the Davos World Forum that is pushing for universal human vaccination, with God knows what synthetic programmed poison, using a manufactured pandemic as an excuse.



Now take a look at this video of pandemic pusher Davos frontman Klaus Schwab, chief promoter of the pandemic and the “great reset,” telling Swiss television in 2016 that all humans will have a microchip embedded in either their brain or under their skin to attach them to a centralized computer network.



According to Polish Intelligence, Klaus Schwab has a meeting set for July with power elites where they will discuss a mandatory ID for everyone.  Sources there say:



“This will not only control their access to money but also their access to a totally censored internet.  The elites are in a panic and are pushing their plans forward because too many people have become aware of their existence and have begun to rebel.”



Also last week a strong push by the White Dragon Society and their allies to set up a meritocracy-based planning organization, to help navigate humanity toward a better future, has flushed out a powerful and ancient secret society straight from a Dan Brown novel.  This society contacted us after we approached the BIS, the central bank of central banks in Switzerland. This is the legendary Priory of Sion, which claims to date back to 1099 and from there to ancient Babylon.  They even have a website.



This is the central control group of world Zionism, and they have now been flushed out into the open.



Here is some of what they say about themselves:



The Merovingians are a line of Kings descended from a sea monster resembling a dragon.  A myth was created to pass down very essential knowledge designed to unravel the ancient origins of the Merovingians, which go back to ancient Babylon.



The sea monster described in the legend is an ancient representation of Nimrod, who built the Tower of Babel and ruled Babylon.



They are ruled by a Grand Master, who is and always will be the highest spiritual authority and the sovereign of the Order.  There is NO position senior to this and never will be.



This group also claims that previous Grand Masters included Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, Sandro Filipepi, Robert Boyle, and Michel de Nostredame.  The current “Grand Master” is Marco Rigamonti.



Below the grandmaster is, “The Sacred Council of the 13 Rose-Croix [of the] Sacred Merovingian Order of the Priory of Sion (Prieuré de Sion).”



We assume this council of 13 represents the 13 bloodlines of the Illuminati.  They also claim documentary evidence going back to the twelfth century that identifies the Holy Grail with the Real Blood of Jesus.



So basically we have a cult claiming it is reptilian in origin, which dates back to ancient Babylon and is led by descendants of Jesus Christ.



The problem is this cult has started two World Wars and killed countless millions of people in order to realize a delirious dream where “a descendant of Jesus Christ,” would rule all of humanity from Mt. Zion i.e. Jerusalem.  Don’t forget, the god of the temple they plan to build is known to us as Baal, Molech, Set, or Satan.



Here is the message we sent to them:



“  Fr. Aurelius,



It is good to hear at last directly from the Prieuré de Sion. Over a decade ago Japanese military intelligence told me it was the Order of Sion that was behind the ongoing attempts to start Armageddon and bring on End Times.  We apologize for having to resort to nuclear threats in order to get your attention.  However, the ongoing bio-warfare and gene-altering vaccine attack against humanity has been forensically traced to Switzerland and the elders of Zion.  If you are not responsible we would appreciate your help in finding those who are and getting them to cease and desist immediately.



What we are proposing is that only God does God’s work and that human attempts to artificially bring on End Times must stop.



Instead, we are proposing the creation of a meritocratically staffed planning organization to help navigate humanity and all life on Earth towards a better future.  Such an agency would operate in harmony with existing organizations and not supplant or replace them.



That is why I am planning to meet with a Dragon Family representative at the BIS in order to monetize some historical financial instruments and use the funds to set up this organization.  We need to know who our counter-party will be when we go there and have assurances that this will not be another wild goose chase.



I personally have no interest in running such an agency and merely wish to help set it up.



Your kind understanding in this regard is most appreciated.



Benjamin Fulford

本杰明·富尔福德  ”


So far we have received no reply, therefore, the war continues.  The ouster of Benjamin Netanyahu (or whoever controlled his avatar) from power in Israel has been a big victory for humanity.  Now Israeli newspapers are reporting his secret partner in the ongoing attempt to start Armageddon, aka World War III, Ayatollah Khameini of Iran is dying of prostate cancer.



We also note a recent attempt to cover up the secret alliance between Israel and Iran, Swiss diplomat Sylvie Brunner, who represented U.S. and Israeli interests in Iran, plunged to her death last week after she was summoned to Switzerland to testify about Secret U.S.-Israeli connections with Iran, according to U.S. naval intelligence and other sources.



We also took note of an attempt by Hillary Clinton, or whoever controls her avatar, to justify the fake Biden regime in the U.S.



“Hillary” talks about a “threat to democracy,” from “alternative realities.” (We assume she is referring to a reality where everybody is not vaccinated and issued mark of the beast vaccine passports).



She also says the Trump administration represented “wholesale jettisoning of…boundaries for our leaders to operate within.”  So we have a “democracy” where leaders have “boundaries” set by who?



“Hillary” also says:



“There’s no doubt that the Chinese are basically making the…case that democracy is messy, things take too long, people are in and out of office, and there’s no continuity.  You can’t have the kind of fixed goals that can be moved forward in a socially cohesive way, therefore choose us.  We are facing that struggle.”



The real struggle, of course, is that the satanic cult she represents gutted Western democracy and allowed unbridled greed to destroy Western economies.



Unless the West reforms its leadership system China is going to win, make no mistake about that.



Also, China is not the only threat.  Turkey is on the warpath as well.  Its leadership is trying to unite the Islamic world into an empire that runs from “deep into Africa” to the “borders of China,” and says Turkey is already “more effective” than the EU.  The Turks say global threats from the “West” transcend disputes between Turkey, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia.



Turkish government-sanctioned media say:



“A new and very powerful initiative may emerge between the Mediterranean, the Red Sea, and the Persian Gulf.  This will then spread all the way into the depths of Africa, from the Caucasus to the Chinese border and from the Mediterranean to Africa.”



They also note that from the “ongoing battle in northern Syria and Iraq, the fresh initiative that has reached the Chinese border from the Caucasus after the Karabakh war is Turkey’s victory.”



Remember this talk is coming from a NATO country with the largest army in Europe, excluding Russia.  Please note this same country is working with NATO against Russia in Ukraine.  Remember too that Resident Joe Biden and his handlers were refused entry into the Pentagon and so instead they plan to go to NATO headquarters.  What does this tell you about NATO leadership?



We also note that the Cabal appears to be targeting Yellowstone.  Dr. Jerzy Żaba is a geologist from the University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.  He predicts that an eruption of the Yellowstone Caldera similar to one the hit 640,000 years ago “would destroy most of the United States territories.”



We assume that if the Yellowstone caldera is being targeted it is being done by Cabal members hiding in either Switzerland or Antarctica.  This is no time for the U.S. military to sit on its hands and we remind its members of their oath to the Constitutional Republic.



Finally, I’m looking forward to communicating with those of you who would like to participate in an exclusive live webinar(网络研讨会) each month where I will answer your questions and our private discussions can deep dive into the latest intel and issues of the day. A separate post with sign-up information will follow and also offer weekly audio reports for your convenience.  Hope to see you there!


Translator: Pearl



Geopolitical Mega Quake Ready to Blow


While the Western world wanders through the dystopia of a fake Joe Biden pre

sidency and a manufactured pandemic, something huge is brewing.  A thousands-of-years-old regime is facing systemic collapse and secret negotiations about its replacement are ongoing.  We cannot talk in detail about the negotiations yet for security reasons.  All we can say is that it will be the biggest thing since monotheism began in ancient Egypt thousands of years ago.  When it happens it will be on all the screens and news outlets.  Until then operational secrecy is vital, so let’s look at the signs of systemic collapse.



The biggest thing visible is hyper-inflation emerging in the U.S.  This is something commonly seen during regime collapse.  The cause is the people behind the Biden avatar printing money like there is no tomorrow (for them it is probably true).  Government hand-outs exploded in March to an annualized $8.1 trillion, double the $4.1 trillion from February and $5 trillion above the pre-“pandemic” level of $3.2 trillion.



This is what it has done to commodity prices over last year, even though the party has just barely started: Lumber: +265%, WTI Crude: +210%, Corn: +84%, Copper: +83%, Soybeans: +72%, Silver: +65%, Sugar: +59%, Cotton: +54%, Platinum: +52%, Palladium: +32%, Wheat: +19%, Coffee: +13%.



Supply-chain experts say they have never seen anything like what is now happening.



“There is a total, global log-jam; goods cannot be shipped in some cases; and supply-side inflation on a scale we have not seen for a long, long time looks imminent.”



There is also a food shortage emerging in the U.S. with food prices rising and basic items like chicken meat running in short supply.



As of last December, one in seven U.S. households was suffering food shortages.  By January 41.8 million Americans were on food stamps — 13%, more than a year earlier.



Meanwhile, all of the Biden funny money being handed out to appease the masses is also removing their incentive to work.  The situation has reached the point where McDonald’s franchises are paying people $50 just to show up for a job interview and convenience store chains are paying $500 signing bonuses.



“How do we get enough drivers, I don’t know,” was the answer Covenant Logistics CEO David Parker gave analysts last week when asked about the labor shortage.



Uber insider Nathaniel Rothschild has given public hints – to those who pay attention – tweeting such things as:



“What if tomorrow the world changes as we know it?” and “The next crisis will hit you during your sleep, and you will wake up poor.  It will happen lightning fast.  Music is still playing.  Few do realize that every market is deep faked.  So prepare.  Buy physical #Gold and #Silver!!”



The question that needs to be asked in these circumstances is why is the U.S. dollar so strong?  The answer, of course, is that the Biden funny money is only being accepted inside the U.S.  In other words, the U.S. dollar is no longer American.



The Chinese are lending the Biden regime real money to buy their stuff because Chinese American Katherine Tai, the U.S. Trade Representative, is the de-facto president of the United States, according to Asian secret society sources.



Here is the avatar they are using for day-to-day interactions with the corporate propaganda media Jen Psaki, aka David Rockefeller’s grandson Mark Zuckerberg.





What this family that sold the U.S. corporate government to China fails to realize is that, according to a senior European Royal, “all of the world’s military intelligence agencies are allied and know what has happened.”  In other words, they know the West has been seized by a fanatic religious cult that is trying to vaccinate everyone on earth with gene-altering substances in order to permanently enslave them.



The agency sources say:



“The decision at top brass has been made to end this madness and get the world back to what was normal, not this so-called new normal this cult of lunatics are ramming down the global civilian population neck.”



Speaking about lunatics, the public dialogue about this pandemic and vaccine is getting weirder and weirder by the day.  They are now saying things like “vaccinated people will contaminate the non-vaccinated,” and we have so-called Pfizer executives saying things like the vaccines will sterilize you, give you mad cow disease, turn you into an atheist, etc.



While some of this is certainly fear porn, there can be no doubt that some of these vaccines really are murderous.  In India, it has now become clear their recent breakout of “new variants” of Covid-19 was directly linked to vaccinations.  That is why India’s vaccine czar has left the country for the UK due to “unprecedented” threats.



Then you have respected magazines like Scientific American noting how “influenza has disappeared,” but failing to reach the conclusion that it has disappeared because its name was changed to “Covid-19.”



Influenza did not disappear in Japan because the medical system refused to lie about it.  That is why the only Covid-19 cases in Japan come from hospitals owned by cabal front KKR.



The move to use the pandemic as an excuse for strict social control and vaccine passports is also connected to an attempt to initiate a mark of the beast type financial system.  “Mastercard – Paypal – Visa All working with [privately owned] central banks now,” tweets Nat Rothschild.



Here is the real explanation for the pandemic as forwarded to us by the CIA:



“The Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan is owned by GlaxoSmithKline, which owns Pfizer!  The one who makes the vaccine against the virus that started at the Wuhan Biological Lab and was funded by Dr. Fauci who promotes the vaccine!



GlaxoSmithKline is managed by the finance division of Black Rock, which manages the finances of the Open Foundation Company (Soros Foundation), which manages the Soros owned German company Winterthur that built a Chinese laboratory in Wuhan and was bought by the German Allianz that (coincidentally) has Vanguard as a shareholder, who (coincidentally) is a shareholder of Black Rock, which (coincidentally) controls central banks and manages about a third of global investment capital.



Black Rock is also (coincidentally) a major shareholder of MICROSOFT, owned by Bill Gates, who (coincidentally) is a shareholder of Pfizer (which – remember? Sells a miracle vaccine) and (coincidentally) is now the first sponsor of the WHO!  Now you understand how a dead bat sold in a wet market in China has infected the WHOLE PLANET! ”



In some ways, this is all too contrived which brings the question; What if this is all just a giant initiation ceremony?



We were told last year that humanity would be put through the equivalent of a tribal coming of age ceremony and that the whole thing would last until the autumn of this year.  The idea would be to implement the type of changes to global governance usually involving a world war without actually having a world war.



In a sign this might be right, we are noticing more and more UFO and space opera stuff appearing in the “mainstream” corporate media.  Here is a sampling from last week, with even the New Yorker magazine getting in on the action.



In any case, while the West is going through its nervous breakdown and seeing UFOs, the rest of the world is busy redrawing borders.  This is especially true in the Middle East.  The big story there continues to be the ongoing attempt by the Turks to revive the Ottoman Empire.  Here is the sort of talk they are publicly putting out:



“They are telling us to refrain from altering the post-World War I order, to remain as the West’s eastern front, to avoid any action that will bring the region to us and awaken the main axis of the Earth, which stretches from the Atlantic to the Pacific coasts.  Turkey is much more effective than all European Union countries put together…The West is no longer the world’s center.”



These words are being backed with military action in Libya, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, etc.



The country with the most to lose is the Israeli crypto colony of Saudi Arabia.  “The Saudis have no more power even with all that oil, Then can’t ‘buy’ respect anymore,” according to the CIA.



In a desperate attempt to avoid a Turkish takeover, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and other Gulf countries have been trying to make peace with Iran.  “We are seeking to have good relations with Iran,” Saudi Crown Prince avatar Mohammed bin Salman told Saudi television this week



The Saudis need to make peace with Iran because the U.S. military is no longer willing to act as their enforcers.  That is why they are losing the war with Yemen’s Houthis and are in real danger of losing control over their oil fields.  The Yemeni people, who built 12 story tall buildings over a millennia ago, view the Saudis as upstart camel herders who just happened to get lucky with oil.  They want to return their historical place as the true powers in the Arab peninsula and will probably succeed in doing so.  The Saudi may soon get taken out of Arabia.



The other country that is losing its border war is the United States.  Sources along the frontier with Mexico say the border is disintegrating.  “I’ve never seen anything quite like this…it’s the Wild West on steroids,” says Goliad border county Sheriff Roy Boyd.



Canada is keeping its border with the U.S. mostly shut for now but it is a good bet that a joint U.S.-Canadian military operation to remove Satanic cultist Justin Castro from power is just a matter of time.  At that point, the Biden-Rockefeller, Communist China freak show in the U.S. should also come tumbling down.



There is a powerful group that wants to re-invigorate the West by restoring democracy, the rule of law, freedom of the press, and meritocracy.  If the West fails in its efforts, the United States will become a Chinese-owned farm whose management is sub-contracted to a bunch of Khazarian gangsters like the Rockefellers.  Eventually, the entire planet will forever be turned into a giant animal farm.  We all need to join the fight to make sure this never happens.  We will win but it will take a lot of hard work and brave determination.


Riots, Murders, Nuclear Terror and Chaos as Western Political System Implodes



First of all, I want everyone to know we are collectively over the target as our electronic systems suffered a massive attack while this report was being prepared.  Nevertheless, countermeasures were activated, and here is the latest intel that was intended not to reach you in a timely manner.



A series of high-level murders, an attempt to set off nuclear weapons in the Ukraine, riots, and other chaos all indicate the current Western political system is imploding.  The main problem is a group of Messianic fanatics who think they must fulfill end-times prophecies written in ancient books.



Let us start with the attempt by the end-times fanatics to start Armageddon in Ukraine.  After we conveyed a message from Russia’s FSB last week that a U.S. C-17 carrying nuclear weapons arrived in Ukraine we got the following message from the NSA:



“Thanks to your tips 3 nukes were located headed into South-Eastern Ukraine to be remotely detonated…  in about 2 weeks…  hopefully Russia will take them out … and the 4 weapons headed into south Western Russia will be rerouted by Russia…And we hope the 4 nukes headed to DC, NYC, Moscow in June  & Maybe London will also be rerouted into the depths of Langley East and West…  we can only hope.”



The intercepted nukes were clearly intended to be set off in Ukraine and blamed on Russia as we can see from the propaganda campaign now going on.  For example the U.S. Navy Information/Disinformation site Sorcha Faal and Jane’s report the following:



“President Putin authorizing the use of the nuclear-armed Iskander ballistic missiles being presently deployed near the Ukraine border.



Then we have reports about Russian “nuclear mortars” etc.



Of course, the mainstream corporate propaganda media is also beating the drums of war.



We also have the Israelis and their Iranian partners carrying on their ad-nauseum “Iran is about to get nuclear weapons” kabuki theater. The latest is a supposed Israeli attack on an Iranian nuclear site followed by Iranian promises of “revenge.” As usual, they are just trying to get “Gog” (the G7) to fight “Magog” (the Shanghai Cooperation Association) to start Armageddon.

还有以色列人和他们的伊朗伙伴,在歌舞伎剧院不厌其烦地上演他们的“伊朗即将获得核武器”的广告。最新的一次是以色列对伊朗核设施发动袭击,随后伊朗承诺进行“报复”。与往常一样,他们只是想让(七国集团)扮演《圣经旧约 以西结书》当中的“歌革”与(上海合作组织)扮演的“玛各”展开决战。


These fanatics just won’t give up.  That is why the Gnostic Illuminati have issued the following warning:



“If the Messianic fanatics try nuclear terror again, it will result in the obliteration of Jerusalem.”



OK, now let us talk about the announcement of the death of Prince Philip, the associated murders, and their connection to the nuclear terror attempts.  Prince Philip died two years ago, just when the current “pandemic” broke out, according to our CIA and Mossad sources.  Remember this infamous 1988 quote of his:



“In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation.”



Maybe his cabal friends carried out this entire scamdemic as a form of tribute to him.  The timing of the announcement of his death may also be linked to a fight between two cabal factions, the Davos “great reset” crowd, and the Armageddon group.  The deaths of Prince Charles socialist-globalist allies Sir Richard Sutton (murder) and Czech billionaire Petr Kellner (helicopter accident) are not coincidental, according to the Sorcha Faal information-disinformation site.



Our Mossad sources say the great reset group is planning to wind down the “pandemic” this summer and announce the death of Queen Elizabeth II this autumn.  This would be followed by a new leader of the committee of 300 (Prince William? Charles? Harry?) and an accompanying “great reset.”



The Armageddon group is apparently desperately trying to prevent this from happening because they still believe World War III and the death of 90% of humanity is necessary to bring forth their “Messiah.”



There is also a lot of confusion swirling around the ongoing scamdemic.  This is seen in the form of more and more contradictory information being pumped out about Covid-19 and vaccines; Vaccinated people are getting Covid; vaccines cause blood clots, mad cow disease, death, etc.  It is almost as if we are witnessing a campaign to awaken the sleepwalkers.



Perhaps the most credible reason for the fake pandemic and the accompanying vaccine campaign is contained in the following article from March 2020:



It talks about an injectable sensor that contains a “specially engineered molecule that sends a fluorescent signal outside of the body” and “an electronic component attached to the skin.”  The electronic part reads the fluorescent signal and sends it to a network.



Remember these end-time fanatics believe that everybody needs to have the mark of the beast implanted into them in order to bring on the “Messiah.”  Maybe that is why the new Pope Francis Avatar recently issued this call:



“I reiterate my call to government leaders, businesses and international organizations to work together in providing vaccines for all.”



He linked it with a call for communal property linked to people’s social scores.  If that is not the mark of the beast I do not know what is.



It is also clear the Western fanatical leadership is panicking because their whole plandemic scam is falling apart and mass vaccination is not happening on the scale necessary for depopulation.  There are more and more signs the campaign is now being wound down.  In the UK for example they are saying they reached “the threshold of herd immunity against Covid-19 on April 12.”



Opinion polls also show the pandemic fear campaign is failing as the public begins to wake up to the reality that people are not actually dying any more than they did before the “pandemic.”



There is also a growing body of evidence that the pandemic campaign was started with a massive 5G electromagnetic attack that really did kill lots of people before the 5G networks were dismantled.  Last week, for example, saw gravesites in Wuhan China being overwhelmed by mourners, confirming that hundreds of thousands if not millions of people were killed when they simultaneously fired up 10,000 5G towers in the city in late 2019.



The sheer terror of being exposed as war criminals is turning the Khazarian Mafia cabal into dangerous cornered rats.  This includes the Chinese Communist Party officials behind the Wuhan disaster.  Many of them, including Xi, have already been removed.  The current Xi is the brother of the previous one, Asian secret society sources say.



The Rockefeller faction behind the Joe Biden Avatar fake U.S. government is especially terrified because their crimes against humanity are far worse than just a single attack on Wuhan.  They have been deliberately poisoning the people of the world for over a century with cancer-causing chemicals.



For example, the label on this wholesale “vanilla oil” bottle warns the contents are carcinogenic, destroy fertility, cause organ failure and attack the central nervous system.




And yet this same “vanilla oil” is found in every Japanese supermarket without any warning whatsoever.  This form of attack has been repeated in shampoos, soaps, foodstuffs, cosmetics, etc. throughout the entire commercial ecosystem of the fortune 500 companies controlled by this Satanic clan.



That is why the vaccines pushed by this particular group, as the former VP of Pfizer warns, are going to kill all those who take them.



The other reason the Armageddon sub-group of the Khazarian Mafia wants to kill everybody is that their crimes against children are also about to be exposed.  According to a top CIA source:



“Ghislaine Maxwell is not in the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn as the MSM is saying.  She was removed from the MDC months ago, All the talk about her bail and court appearances are theatrics.  She is under the protection of military intelligence.  Maxwell turned over all her documents, photos, videos, ledgers and files to them.  MI has enough intelligence to bring down the top-level Cabal-Satanic members.  They are waiting to spring the trap.  It seems the announced death of Prince Philip is connected to this.”



We have been waiting and waiting for the U.S. military to act but hopefully this time they really will.



The other thing the Rockefeller group is doing is trying to raise oil prices.  Oil refineries and related facilities have been destroyed during the past month in Syria, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Mozambique, Indonesia, Texas, etc.  The cutting off of the Keystone Pipeline and the warmongering in Ukraine also fit the Rockefeller playbook.



Asian secret society sources are now telling us the real reason for the coup in Myanmar followed by the recent unrest is that the Rockefellers are trying to sabotage a major Chinese oil pipeline that is designed to bypass the Straits of Malacca chokepoint.



The Rockefellers have also gotten a lot of money from Communist China by promising them control of Japan, ASEAN, Australia, and New Zealand as we have previously reported.  That is why the U.S. was able to pay for the largest trade deficit in that nation’s history, $71.1 billion for the month of February alone.



Japanese right-wing sources close to the Emperor have now pointed out exactly who the Rockefellers are using to keep their promise to hand Japan over to the Communist Chinese: an imperial family pretender by the name of Fushimonomiya Hiroakio.  He is an adviser to Mobil Oil, which is how the Rockefeller family funnels money to him, the sources say.



This is the group mentioned in last week’s report calling for a “True World Religion Federation,” and “World Religion the Vatican.”  In other words, it is a good bet the current Pope Francis Avatar, together with the Biden Avatar, the Ben Johnson Avatar, etc. also all work for the Rockefellers and their bosses at the Octogon group in Switzerland.



This is personal for me because these people murdered my webmaster and probably murdered my former girlfriend and our child.  They are also linked to the Dalai Lama.  Their Chief Hitman Tenzan Nakai came out of hiding because his former Boss Hanabusa Goro of the Hanabusa gang died a few weeks ago and he is hoping to take over, the sources say.  These people need to be hunted down and destroyed ASAP.

这对我来说是个人恩怨,因为这些人谋杀了我的网站管理员,可能还谋杀了我的前女友和我们的孩子。他们还与达赖喇嘛有关。消息来源说,他们的头号杀手中井天赞从藏匿处抛头露面,是因为他的前老板 戈罗花浦沙 几周前去世,中井天赞希望能接手那个职业杀手公司。这些人需要尽快被追捕和消灭。


By the way, we were told last week that these are the precise coordinates for the headquarters of the Octogon group: 46.4555, 6.60052



If you punch those coordinates into Google Earth, they point directly to the center of Lake Geneva.  Removing these people from power is the only way to save the West from becoming a Chinese colony.



It seems the JP Morgan faction of the Khazarian Mafia has come to the same conclusion.  Last week JP Morgan CEO Jamie Diamond made the following observations:



“America has faced tough times before…This time may be different….The Chinese see an America that is losing ground in technology, infrastructure and education – a nation torn and crippled by politics, as well as racial and income inequality – and a country unable to coordinate government policies (fiscal, monetary, industrial, regulatory) in any coherent way to accomplish national goals.  Unfortunately, recently, there is a lot of truth to this.  Their long-term thinking and competent, consistent leadership have outshone America in so many ways.

“美国以前面临过艰难时期……这次可能不同了……中国人看到的是一个在技术、基础设施和教育方面正在失利的美国—— 一个被政治、种族和收入不平等撕裂和残废的国家——以及一个无法协调政府政策(财政、货币、工业、市场监管)以任何连贯的方式实现国家目标。不幸的是,最近几年,这种说法有很大程度上是真的。他们的长期思维和干练、始终如一的领导能力在很多方面都超过了美国。


Almost all institutions – governments, schools, media, and businesses – have lost credibility in the eyes of the public.  Americans know that something has gone terribly wrong, and they blame this country’s leadership:



We need a comprehensive, multi-year national Marshall Plan, and we must strive for healthy growth.  Proper budgeting and planning – on a multi-year basis – should be implemented at all levels of government.”



At the risk of sounding like a broken record, a new institution, i.e. a future planning organization, is the way to fix the West and the planet as a whole.  The messianic fanatics are trying to prevent this and must be removed.  There is no other choice.



One final note this week, we are seeing more and more reports of UFOs in the corporate media.  This one about pyramid-shaped UFOs



got my attention because the Dalai Lama linked people above used to like showing me pictures of such  UFOs.


Translator: Pearl


Khazarian Mafia Running Biden Psy-ops Out of Switzerland




The grotesque psychological warfare operation against the American people known as the “Biden presidency” is run out of an underground base in Switzerland, MI6, NSA, FSB, CIA, and other sources agree.  The base straddles the borders of Lichenstein, Austria, and Switzerland, allowing entry from any of those three countries, according to a CIA source. However, despite the overwhelmingly dark story of pandemic doom and “foreign enemies,” in the corporate media, the fact the ruling class has been forced to retreat to Switzerland is actually a sign they are losing the war for the planet.



We are getting word that not only the White House is unoccupied, but also Congress, Senate, Supreme Court, Federal Reserve Board, Treasury Department, etc. in Washington DC as well.  We are also now hearing from the NSA that state government buildings too are unoccupied.  We urge our readers who live in DC and near state government buildings to become citizen reporters and try to confirm if this is true.  Certainly, live camera feeds indicate this is the case but, in this day of digital trickery, human eyes are the most reliable source.



In any case, the group that controls the Biden psy-ops is definitely the Rockefeller clan and their Swiss handlers, the sources concur.  Last Friday MI6 sent the following message:



“We had confirmation today of the CIA involvement in the counter-coup of the coup that installed Mr.  Trump.  It appears Hillary Rodham Clinton [Rockefeller] is running the show in the background.”



The NSA for their part says the current Hillary is the sixth one being used.  We all remember how during the 2016 presidential campaign Hillary was stuffed into a black van and ABC news subsequently reported her death.  However, she appeared 20 pounds lighter and much younger several hours later.  Also, the picture below clearly shows the current “Hillary” is much shorter than the original.





Nonetheless, whatever Hillary avatar, body double, or clone they are using: the group known as the Rockefellers are clearly running the Biden horror show.



Their plans were outlined in a March 2020 article in the Rockefeller flagship magazine Foreign Relations that was supposedly written by Joe “green screen” Biden.



What this shows is the group now in charge of U.S. corporate media and the fiat money computers inside the U.S. are planning to take us back in time to the 1980s and the cold war with its easy to identify enemies.  Lets’ face it “commies” are easier to rally against than amorphous “terrorists” who keep changing their brand name.



NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg described this new cold war against China and Russia as “a unique opportunity.” While he tried to peddle this as an opportunity for Europe and North America “to open a new chapter in the relationship,” it is obvious he is talking about a huge fiat money bribe to the military-industrial complex.



Russian FSB sources, for their part, say a very serious attempt to start World War III was now underway in Ukraine.  On Monday, April 5th, Japan time, they sent us this message:



“A couple of hours ago a C-17 military transport aircraft (95-0107) with a certain military cargo arrived directly from the USA (with refueling in Seville, Spain) to Lviv Airport in Western Ukraine.”



The FSB said the “military cargo” was a nuclear device that was destined to be used in yet another attempt to start WWIII.

The FSB notes:




“Ukraine does not control its own troops.  Each brigade has NATO supervisors.  They deeply do not care how Russia will act.  Their task is to drag Russia into the war.  Ukraine will be ordered to go on the offensive and they will follow that order.”



The Russians said the operation was going to be carried out by NATO’s Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF) which is under the command now of Turkish President Recep Edogan.  The president of Ukraine is going to visit this task force in a few days, the FSB notes.



Needless to say, this group now promoting a new cold war will also be staging other weapons advertising events or “crises,” featuring the usual suspects such as North Korea, Iran, China etc.



This group has also used its fake pandemic and vaccine campaign to install fascist rule across much of the G7.  Since we have covered this previously in great detail we will only mention here that the fake pandemic campaign is so full of self-contradiction that more and more people are waking up.  An army of whistleblowers is also pointing out this campaign is a massive war crime.



Last week Russian doctors dissected multiple COVID 19 victims confirmed what a Japanese doctor told us last week and that is that the real cause of death was “extended electromagnetic radiation.”



Now court battles against scamdemic start to bite.  Last week a Belgian court ruled that all COVID 19 restrictions be lifted within 30 days because they had no legal basis.



In Japan meanwhile, Tokyo slave Governor Koike Yuriko was forced to stop pretending people were dying of COVID when she got sued by restaurant owners who provided evidence her pandemic measures had no scientific basis.



Speaking about Japan, we have been warned that the following Creep with a capital “C” has come out of hiding.



His name is Nakai Tenzan and he is so despised in Japan that even gangsters shun him.  He went into hiding after an associate of his told me he had bragged about killing my webmaster with a cancer-causing poison.  He also once tried to get me to drink orange juice laced with amphetamines so he could film me in a high state and use that to ruin my reputation with Asian secret societies.





Tenzan has previously interrupted my public speaking engagements to tell the audience that the murder of 90% of humanity was inevitable and there is nothing we can do to stop it.



The fact that he has come out of hiding now probably means the Rockefellers could not find any other assassin to do their bidding in Japan.  He needs to be hunted down ASAP and taken in for vigorous questioning.  If anybody can provide actionable intelligence for taking down the mass-murdering Khazarian Mafia, he is it.



He is now hiding behind the banner “World religion the Vatican,” and “Unify Shinto, Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity.”



However, make no mistake, he is a cold-blooded murderer.  Actually, no he is not a “cold-blooded” murderer because he definitely takes great pleasure in torturing and killing people.  He and his associates need to be all removed from circulation before they participate in another mass murder event.



The fact that these people have come out of hiding and are openly meeting in Kyoto is also a strong signal that some sort of mass casualty event is planned for Tokyo.  They were promised the capital of Japan would move to Kyoto after Fukushima but it never happened.  They seem to expect that this time it will.  It is a good bet the Tokyo Olympics are being set up as a massive sacrifice to Satan.  The fact that foreigners are banned is a further sign this event is meant as punishment for Japan.  Remember, it’s allegedly for a disease that hasn’t been scientifically proven to exist in an isolated and purified state for repeatable confirmation.



Nakai also once told me he took orders “from aliens,” i.e. the people hiding under the Swiss Mountains.



At this point, I should clarify that last week when I mentioned the Khazarian mafia bosses told me they took orders from “space aliens,” I used quotes to make it clear that is what they say.  My own view is that we are dealing with humans using “aliens,” as a deception.



Regardless, think about the dystopia that these people are burdening us with.  It is all hate, fear, disease, death, and everything negative.  They have betrayed their fellow living beings and are working to destroy life.  They need to be exterminated like vermin, without hesitation or guilt.



Certainly, people are looking to take action.  For example, somebody set fire nearly simultaneously to three freemason lodges in Vancouver, Canada last week.



Another person hacked the Rockefeller Facebook mind control operation and leaked personal data on 533 million users, including Mark Zuckerberg Rockefeller.



Anonymous individuals are also making their voices heard which is why the Rockefellers were forced to delete 2.5 million dislikes of their Biden CG videos on their Google mind control operation.



We also notice Israel has been unable to form a government because their former dictator Benjamin Netanyahu has vanished, according to Mossad sources.  The Mossad sources say Netanyahu blabbed about his masters before being “disappeared.”  Presumably, he pointed the finger at Switzerland.



It’s important to understand the real enemy is hiding at the underground base complex in Switzerland.  The forensic trails this writer has followed from the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, P3 Freemasons, etc. all led to Switzerland.



Our advice to the Russians, U.S. special forces, MI6, etc. has been to stop fighting the arms of the Octopus and instead go for the head.  The most likely candidate to be the current Pindar or head of the pharaonic Octogon group is Karl von Habsburg.  Find him and take him in for questioning.



If Habsburg is not the Pindar, at the very least he can point us to who is.  Then maybe we can finally put an end to the messianic, satanic disease at the heart of the global power structure.



On a final note, if the Gnostic Illuminati is right and the real problem is a rogue AI, then below you can find a possible diagram of its brain structure.



Maybe we really do need to temporarily shut down the internet and see what happens.  This needs to be done before it’s too late and the AI acquires the ability to completely hijack human minds.  It could be quite liberating.
