CN — LARRY ROMANOFF: 生物战在行动 — 第2章——美国国内项目和实验


    December 06, 2023


    Biological Warfare in Action — 生物战在行动

      • Chapter 1  — Introduction                                                                     第1章—— 引言
      • Chapter 2 — US Domestic Projects and Experiments                       第2章——美国国内项目和实验
      • Chapter 3 — US Suspicious Outbreaks                                                第3章——美国可疑疫情
      • Chapter 4 — US Foreign Deployment                                                  第4章——美国海外部署
      • Chapter 5 — The WHO – Depopulation is Reality                             第5章-世界卫生组织-人口减少是现实
      • Chapter 6 — Pfizer’s Perfectly-Timed Epidemic                                  第6章——辉瑞公司对流行病把握的恰到好处
      • Chapter 7 — US Bird flu                                                                            第7章——美国禽流感
      • Chapter 8 — UK Foot and Mouth Disease                                             第8章——英国口蹄疫
      • Chapter 9 —  Italy’s Olive Trees                                                               第9章——意大利的橄榄树
      • Chapter 10 – Recent Bio-Weapons Attacks                                          第10章——最近的生物武器袭击
      • Chapter 11 – AIDS                                                                                      第11章——艾滋病
      • Chapter 12 – SARS                                                                                     第12章——非典型肺炎
      • Chapter 13 – MERS                                                                                    第13章——中东呼吸综合征
      • Chapter 14 – EBOLA                                                                                  第14章——埃博拉病毒
      • Chapter 15 –  ZIKA                                                                                     第15 寨——卡病毒
      • Chapter 16 – COVID Vaccinations and Oxitec’s “Flying Syringes”  第16章——新冠肺炎疫苗和Oxitec的“飞行注射器”
      • Chapter 17 – Epilogue                                                                      第17章——尾声


    Biological Warfare in Action — 2. Chapter 2 – US Domestic Projects and Experiments

    生物战在行动 — 2. 第2章 – 美国国内项目和实验

    ByLarry Romanoff  — 拉里·罗曼诺夫

    翻译: 珍珠

    DARPA Commits $65M to Brain Implant Program for Super Soldier Project. Source


    2.1. Introduction — 2.1. 简介

    2.2. A Brief Summary — 2.2. 简要总结

    2.3. Project Listing and Description — 2.3. 项目列表和描述

    2.4. Other Biological Tests — 2.4. 其他生物测试

    2.5. Some Notable “Experiments” — 2.5. 一些著名的“实验”


    2.1. Introduction

    2.1. 引言

    The Trinity Nulear Test. Source


    Covert nuclear, biological and chemical experiments on the American public are not new. For at least the past 75 years, the US government waged a war against its own citizens, a long history of performing illegal, unethical, and immoral experiments. [1][2][3] Countless millions of US civilians have been exposed to astonishing procedures and pathogens. According to a US Congressional investigation, by the late 1970s “at least 500,000 people were used as subjects in radiation, biological and chemical experiments sponsored by the US Federal Government on its own citizens”. [4][5][6] However, as with all US Congressional Investigations, the content was severely whitewashed, with the actual count of victimised Americans being almost certainly in the tens of millions. [7] BBC Radio 4 did a long series of podcasts on these experiments, the series titled “Hotel Anthrax”. [8] I am providing the link here, but the broadcasts have been archived and the pages don’t always load.

    对美国公众进行秘密的核、生物和化学实验并不是什么新鲜事。至少在过去的75年里,美国政府一直在向自己的公民发动战争,这是一个进行非法、不道德和不道德实验的悠久历史。[1][2][3] 数以百万计的美国平民已经接触到了令人震惊的程序和病原体。根据美国国会的一项调查,到20世纪70年代末,“至少有50万人被用作美国联邦政府对其公民进行的辐射、生物和化学实验的受试者”。[4][5][6]然而,与所有美国国会调查一样,内容被严重粉饰,受害的美国人的实际人数几乎肯定是数以千万计。[7] BBC广播4台就这些实验制作了一系列播客,题为“炭疽酒店”。 [8]  我这里提供了链接,但广播已经被存档,页面并不总是加载。


    For many decades, nobody in the US was safe from victimisation in these bio-warfare tests and experiments on civilians. At one time the CIA even infiltrated the drinking water supply of the FDA headquarters in Washington (I can hardly imagine a more worthy candidate for a biological experiment than the FDA) with a not altogether harmless chemical, to test its ability to poison drinking water supplies with LSD and other mind-altering agents. By 1950 the US military was actively conducting open-air tests throughout the country, experimenting with large numbers of viruses and harmful bacteria, and huge volumes of each, exposing millions of civilians to disease and death. Concurrently, the CIA was actively conducting their own experiments, using their authority to withdraw pathogens at will from the military’s bio-warfare arsenal.



    The US government exposed millions of Americans to chemical and biological agents, in clandestine experiments that spanned many decades. In the 1950s and sixties, scientists from the Fort Detrick biological weapons program ran a series of tests to determine how easy it would be to expose large numbers of people to a lethal bacterium. These tests were part of an experimental program originating mostly at Fort Detrick that began in the late 1940s and has not abated. During the first 20 years alone, the US military acknowledged that about 250 such tests had been conducted in which many tens of millions of civilians were unknowingly exposed. When these tests or programs were discovered, the military consistently claimed the agents employed were harmless to humans, but it has become abundantly clear over the years that many of these chemical and biological agents were far from harmless.



    Pentagon Records declassified in 2002revealed that the US government and military often conducted open-air Biological and Chemical Weapons Tests on US civilians until at least the 1970s. The documents disclosed that these hundreds of biological and chemical tests were far more widespread than the US military had previously acknowledged.



    For various reasons, the 1970s and 1980s experienced a flood of disclosures that opened a window into a vast array of literally hundreds of unethical and criminal enterprises of brutal and often fatal human experimentation conducted by the US government against its own citizens. Despite this, there still remain large numbers of experiments that are suspected but cannot now be proven, often because all documentation was destroyed in response to overwhelming public anger and realistic fears of increasing political instability, to say nothing of a potential flood of millions of lawsuits.



    These pages contain only a brief summary of the litany of biological warfare carried out the by the US government and its various agencies against the American people, with considerable evidence these experiments are still continuing today. The US government hypocritically claims the high moral ground in the area of human rights, but I am not aware of any nation in recent memory that has ever displayed such a consistent, despicable, and utter disregard for the lives of its own citizens. The content of this series of essays on bio-chemical warfare begins with unpleasant details of US government atrocities, and it becomes worse as we progress through the content.



    In May of 2009, James Corbett wrote an article titled “Governments and Biowarfare: A Brief History”, [9] in which he stated: “The American government’s approach to biowarfare is notable for its unabashed use of unwitting American citizens as guinea pigs in biological weapons research. The very people who helped establish the U.S. biological weapons programs openly bragged about their experiments on unwitting human test subjects. And there is no shortage of documentation proving that governments have used biological agents against their own citizens in bioterror false flag operations. It is no coincidence that two of the most well-known and devastating biological releases this decade have traced back to Fort Detrick (the home of the U.S. biological weapons research program since the 1950s and the current home of USAMRIID) and Porton Down (Fort Detrick’s British equivalent). UK foot and mouth disease, and US anthrax scare.”

    2009年5月,詹姆斯·科贝特写了一篇题为《政府与生物战:简史》的文章, [9] 在其中他指出:“美国政府对生物战的态度是,毫不掩饰地使用不知情的美国公民作为生物武器研究的豚鼠。帮助建立美国生物武器计划的人公开吹嘘他们在不知情的人类试验对象身上进行的实验。并且不乏文件证明政府在生物恐怖主义伪旗行动中使用生物制剂对付自己的公民。这十年中最著名和最具破坏性的两次生物释放可以追溯到德特里克堡(自20世纪50年代以来美国生物武器研究计划的所在地,也是美国陆军传染病医学研究所的所在地)和波顿道(德特里克堡的英国对应物)。英国口蹄疫和美国炭疽恐慌。”


    Before proceeding further, I would make a few initial comments. The first is that comprehensive information on this large topic is quite difficult to access. Many official documents have been destroyed, with others  still classified or otherwise unavailable and, while some information is accessible in the public realm, it is scattered and often lacking useful detail. Most sources provide only a small amount of information, often omitting the most serious and damaging events or experiments, while often attempting to “soften” the information by linking American atrocities to something imaginary Germany or Russia did (or might have done, or could have done, or would have liked to have done …) Also, in many cases, including some of the US mass media websites, viewers receive a notice that “This content is not available in your area”, or “You are not authorized to access this page”. I was disappointed to see that was especially useless except in a few isolated instances, providing only a few descriptive words on major atrocities.



    Another major disappointment is that websites we tend to trust, often prove untrustworthy, by glossing over or trivialising major atrocities and often by disparaging authors who attempt to expose these. Andrew Goliszek wrote a book titled “In the Name of Science”, [10] in which he exposes many of these human experiments and atrocities. His book is available for purchase, and limited previews are available on [11] In this context, I was very disappointed that Salon magazine chose to trash this whistle-blower and trivialise the insane medical experiments performed on Americans. [12] From their article: “Unfortunately, Goliszek is an aggravatingly overheated writer, and as an investigator he can be lazy, too often relying on dubious sources and presenting only one side of the story. He is also a poor analyst of the facts he presents. [H]e skips from scientific disgrace to scientific disgrace with the glee of a freak-show emcee.” Often, the National Geographic, the Smithsonian, and others similar, seem to do something similar, with perhaps less personal smear but with the same intent and result.And the intent is to circle the wagons when the truth escapes confinement, and to paint the whistle-blowers as deranged conspiracy theorists when they are not.

    另一个令人失望的地方是,我们倾向于信任的网站往往被证明不值得信任,它们掩盖或轻视重大暴行,并经常贬低试图揭露这些暴行的作者。安德鲁·戈里斯泽克写了一本名为《以科学之名》的书 [10] ,他揭露了许多这些人体实验和暴行。他的书可供购买,在archive.org上提供有限的预览[11]。在这种情况下,我非常失望的是,《沙龙》杂志选择诽谤这位举报人,并轻视对美国人进行的疯狂医学实验。[12] 他们的文章:“不幸的是,戈里斯泽克是一个令人恼火的过热作家,作为一名调查员,他可能很懒惰,经常依赖可疑的来源,只提供故事的一面。他对他所提供的事实分析也很差。他以怪诞秀主持人的喜悦从科学耻辱跳到科学耻辱。”通常,《国家地理》、《史密森尼》和其他类似机构似乎也做了类似的事情,也许没有那么多个人诽谤,但意图和结果是一样的。其目的是在真相逃脱束缚时抱团取暖,并在举报人不是疯子阴谋论者时将其描绘成疯子阴谋论者。


    I stated earlier that America’s human rights calculus excludes any atrocities committed outside its own borders and focuses only on what happens at home. That’s mostly true today, but it wasn’t always like this. In fact, all the strident and self-righteous moralising about human rights emanating from the US today is a relatively recent development that began only in the late 1970s and 1980s. Prior to that time, the CIA, every branch of the US military, many Departments of the US government, most prominent American hospitals and educational institutions, and even UN agencies like theWHO, were all very busy committing countless atrocities against the domestic US population. It was only after evidence of many of these events escaped confinement and became public knowledge that the US relocated its human-rights atrocities offshore. The increasing public outcries and dangers of civil uprising forced the US to terminate or relocate these activities and, having made this effort to clean up the mess at home, the propaganda machine worked overtime to distract the American public and deflect attention from these domestic crimes by focusing on real or imagined violations by others abroad. It was only at this point that the Americans began preaching their newly-obtained sanctity by condemning other nations for what were much smaller transgressions than those practiced at home for so long.



    Senate investigations produced substantial evidence that almost 250 populated areas of the US had been heavily contaminated with biological agents prior to 1970, with no information on the contamination since then. At that same time, the US experienced a major outbreak of the H1N1 flu strain that was apparently genetically identical to one that had disappeared more than 20 years prior, leading to the conclusion that the military had collected and preserved that strain for future application and had now deployed it in a test. The US military publicly admitted in 1977 that many hundreds of bio-warfare experiments had been conducted in the continental US since World War II, and that several dozens of those involved serious and potentially fatal biological agents.



    In 1994, the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs conducted what it described as “a comprehensive analysis stretching back 50 years of the extent to which veterans were exposed to potentially dangerous substances without knowledge or consent”. They produced what some termed “a damning report” concluding the Defense Department demonstrated “a consistent pattern of misrepresentation” of the hazards of its activity, and had “used” hundreds of thousands of unwitting military personnel alone, to say nothing of millions of civilians, in bio-warfare experiments spanning at least 50 years.A synopsis is available here: [13] The full report is available here: [14]



    The United States Government Accountability Office issued a report on September 28, 1994, which stated that between 1940 and 1974, the United States Department of Defense and other national security agencies studied hundreds of thousands of human subjects in tests and experiments involving hazardous substances. [15] A quotation from the report:

    美国政府问责局于1994年9月28日发布了一份报告,该报告指出,在1940年至1974年期间,美国国防部和其他国家安全机构在涉及危险物质的测试和实验中研究了数十万人类受试者。[15] 报告中的引文:


    Many experiments that tested various biological agents on human subjects, referred to as Operation Whitecoat, were carried out at Fort Detrick, Maryland, for about twenty years from 1953 to 1973. [16]. The human subjects originally consisted of volunteer enlisted men. However, the enlisted men soon staged a sit-down strike to obtain more information about the dangers of the biological tests, and many questions were raised about the “voluntary” aspect of the victims. No follow-ups of note were done, nor were records kept, of the participants. The US military later claimed it had contact information for only about 1,000 of the original participants. The official claim is that no one died in these experiments and that “only two” persons suffered “long-term medical complications”, but knowing the list of pathogens used and considering that the military refuses to declassify the records, we can be forgiven for harboring doubts.

    1953年至1973年,在马里兰州的德特里克堡进行了大约20年的各种生物制剂人体试验,称为白大褂行动”[16] 人体试验最初由志愿入伍的男性组成。然而,入伍的男性很快举行了静坐罢工,以获取更多关于生物试验危险的信息,并对受害者的“自愿”方面提出了许多问题。没有进行任何后续跟踪,也没有对参与者进行记录。美国军方后来声称,它只获得了大约1000名原始参与者的联系信息。官方声称这些实验中没有人死亡,“只有两人”患有“长期医疗并发症”但知道所使用的病原体清单并考虑到军方拒绝解密记录,我们可以原谅我们的怀疑。


    The official Government text, Medical Aspects of Biological Warfare (2007), [17][18] makes several interesting admissions. It states that between about 1950 and 1970, “at least 239 open-air ‘field tests’ were conducted in the US in which the general public and test subjects were uninformed”. These tests contained all manner of biological and chemical pathogens which were dispersed over heavily-populated areas that included Minneapolis, St. Louis, New York City, San Francisco, and several of the military’s own bases including Eglin Air Force Base, Florida. The report further states that “In conjunction with the US Department of Agriculture”, the military released “anti-crop agents” throughout the US, i.e. herbicides lethal to the nation’s food supply. It states further that the open-air releases of pathogens were performed “to study viability and infectivity”, the resulting massive flood of medical disabilities and the many deaths being either unexpected or perhaps irrelevant. However, the report notes plaintively, “These studies [performed without knowledge or consent of the victims] tainted the history of the offensive biological warfare program”. We don’t need an imagination to understand why.



    While we can appreciate his candor, the Surgeon-General failed to record the instances where, in testing “techniques of biological pathogen dispersion” the city of Minneapolis was sprayed with germ warfare materials 61 different times in tests lasting several months, or that the “assumption” the pathogens were “harmless” may have been incorrect in light of the enormous increase in respiratory illnesses experienced in the dispersal areas in and near Minneapolis. He also failed to record the test with the foolish code name of “Big Tom”, where the Department of Defense sprayed the entire population of Oahu in 1965 with a bacterium while practicing a planned attack on Cuba.He also failed to note that Big Tom caused serious infections in tens of thousands of people, particularly those young, elderly, or ill with weakened immune systems. The Surgeon-General informs us further that, included in these other environmental field tests, the military did indeed conduct many “controversial studies” that were meant “to determine whether African Americans were more susceptible”. They were.



    Finally, the report tells us that “Public disclosure of the testing program in the Washington Post on December 22 , 1976, and in US Senate hearings in 1977 resulted in harsh criticism …”. But then we are told the CDC investigated the matter of the US military poisoning the population and concluded that in 100 outbreaks of one particularly dangerous bacterium, “none was caused by the [strain used by the military], and the vast outbreaks of illnesses by the same bacteria were simply unfortunate accidents caused by “opportunistic pathogens”. Such a big lie. In a further attempt to un-blemish his record, the Surgeon-General also claims that “Numerous unsubstantiated allegations were made” about the US using biological pathogens against North Korea and China, and swears that “Biological weapons have never been used by the US military”, but that the US State Department “suspected” China, Russia and Cuba to have done so.



    2.2. A Brief Summary

    2.2. 简要总结



    Beginning around 1950, the US Army conducted at least 240 open-air bio-warfare attacks [19] on American cities, releasing deadly nerve agents and bacteria from Alaska to Hawaii. [20] In one of these cases in the 1950s, The CIA released whooping cough bacteria from the sea near Tampa Bay, Florida, to test their ability to infect human populations on a large scale. [21] causing an epidemic that left tens of thousands of people extremely ill and killing many others. Whooping cough (Pertussis) was chosen because it is a highly-contagious airborne disease that spreads easily and is often fatal, especially to small children. The disease causes such violent coughing that victims can break their own ribs, the coughing spells leaving them exhausted. An enormous number of people became seriously ill, and many died, none realising their distress was visited upon them by their own government.

    从1950年左右开始,美国陆军对美国城市进行了至少240次露天生物战袭击,从阿拉斯加到夏威夷释放了致命的神经毒剂和细菌。 在20世纪50年代的其中一起案件中,中央情报局从佛罗里达州坦帕湾附近的海域释放百日咳细菌,以测试它们大规模感染人类的能力。 导致流行病,造成数万人病情严重,并造成许多人死亡。 百日咳(百日咳)被选中,因为它是一种高度传染性的空气传播疾病,很容易传播,通常是致命的,特别是对小孩子。 这种疾病会引起剧烈咳嗽,受害者可能会折断自己的肋骨,咳嗽会让他们精疲力竭。 大量的人患了重病,许多人死亡,没有人意识到他们自己的政府正在遭受痛苦。





    In one long-running study that continued until at least 1970, the US Navy simulated biological warfare attacks by spraying large quantities of a bacteria over a 117 square mile area of the city of San Francisco, in which many citizens died and countless contracted serious pneumonia-like illnesses. [22][23][24] In one such test of many, the Military determined that San Francisco had received enough of a dose for nearly all of the city’s 800,000 residents to inhale at least 5,000 of the Serratia Marcescens bacteria particles. After news of this attack became public, military sources insisted the bacteria were ‘harmless”, but in fact resulting illnesses were widespread, with countless thousands incurring serious urinary tract infections, respiratory infections, pneumonia and other illnesses. According to authorities, these infections were permanent: “To this day, these bacteria are a leading cause of death among the elderly in the San Francisco area”. After revelation of the tests about 30 years later, some families filed suit against the US government claiming their relatives died and many families went bankrupt trying to pay the medical bills, but US courts all the way to the Supreme Court, declared the US government was immune from lawsuits.



    The US Military also experimented with widespread dispersal of dangerous bacteria in a secret release of another strain of bacillus at Washington’s National Airport and its main bus terminal.



    Operation Big Buzz was an experiment that took place in June 1955 in Savannah, Georgia and again in Avon Park, Florida in 1956 under the name Operation Drop Kick. Source



    In another famous study, US Army biological warfare experiments were conducted in Georgia and Florida where researchers released millions of infected mosquitoes to learn if the insects could potentially spread yellow fever and dengue fever. Hundreds of residents contracted a wide array of health problems ranging from respiratory difficulties to spontaneous abortions and stillbirths. No information was given to the public, and no treatment was offered to the ill and dying. Instead, Army researchers pretended to be public health workers, and visited the victims to collect photographs and to perform medical tests to determine “the success rate” of their experiments, with no permanent records kept, and illnesses and deaths attributed to “other causes”.



    Containers of semi-toxic bacteria were planted in the New York subway, and bacteria were secretly pumped into the Pentagon (another great candidate for a biological experiment) ventilation system and clouds of bacteria were released in San Francisco. The process never stopped. In 2005, US Homeland Security released a claimed (but unidentified) “nontoxic gas” into New York’s Grand Central Station to trace the flow of airborne chemicals through the terminal.



    During the widespread public protests against the Vietnam war in the 1960s, the US military asked President Nixon for permission to test its arsenal of biological and chemical weapons against the civilian war protestors, to (1) demonstrate the “efficacy” of the chemicals and biological agents, (2) “control” the protestors and eliminate future protests, and (3) “educate people” on gas weaponry.



    1966: ‘A Study of the Vulnerability of Subway Passengers in New York City to Covert Attack with Biological Agents,” military officials tried to see how easy it would be to unleash biological weapons using the New York City subway. They would break light bulbs full of bacteria on the tracks to see how they spread through the city. Source



    During the late 1960s, the US Army conducted an experiment they called, “A Study of the Vulnerability of Subway Passengers in New York City to Covert Attack with Biological Agents”, in which they released trillions of a strain of bacillus into the subway system during the rush hour. This was only one of many such experiments, which were not suspended until the 1970s. The US Army acknowledged that they conducted hundreds such tests in populated areas across the entire nation, and that US overseas territories like Hawaii, the Pacific Islands and others were repeatedly blanketed with various bacteriological organisms in order to determine the optimum dosages and placements as well as to measure effects of the weather on dissemination patterns.



    Following its grand success in obtaining the bio-warfare and human experimentation treasures from the Japanese atrocity programs conducted at Unit 731, the US government embarked on literally hundreds of these secret projects, many begun by one of America’s most morally-deformed psychopaths, US Defense Secretary Robert McNamara. One of the better-known efforts was labeled “Project 112”, which number was its position in a list of more than 150 clandestine bio-chemical projects operated by McNamara against American civilians and military personnel, with funds and operating staff from every branch of the US military and intelligence agencies. Many of the numbered projects in this series of 150, contained numerous sub-projects, and many of those contained further sub-projects. The truth of the total will never be known because the records have been destroyed. Perhaps the most famous and inclusive of these was Project 112. [25][26]



    On September 20, 1950, a US Navy ship just off the coast of San Francisco used a giant hose to spray a cloud of microbes into the air and into the city’s famous fog. The military was testing how a biological weapon attack would affect the 800,000 residents of the city. Source



    Project 112 was a series of biological and chemical weapons experiments that primarily involved the dissemination of airborne biological pathogens meant to incapacitate civilian populations, that was secretly conducted on a massive scale within the US, Canada, the UK, and in vast swatches of the Pacific and some other undeveloped countries as well. This vast program was the umbrella under which many hundreds of biological dispersion tests were carried out in the continental US  against the civilian population. Some of these experiments involved potentially harmless strains but many others were quite lethal and led to thousands of deaths and permanent debilitations within large sectors of the US civilian population, the tests in San Francisco and Florida being two obvious examples of the latter.



    There were many parts to this Project, with many of them covering extensive areas of both the US and Canada, some pathogen dispersals reportedly covering the entire United States. The names of some of the more prominent biological programs: Operation DEW, Operation LAC, Project SHAD, all part of the very extensive Project 112. Operation Dew[27] consisted of several separate experiments to determine the feasibility of maintaining a large aerosol cloud released offshore until it drifted over land, achieving a huge land coverage and poisoning or killing all the area inhabitants. Operation LAC[28] involved the spraying of carcinogens and pathogens over large areas of the US and Canada, intended to test the dispersal patterns and potential geographic range of chemical and biological weapons.



    Many of these “experiments” were conducted on US military servicemen without their knowledge, a major portion of which was conducted in a series of shipboard trials on unwitting American sailors, the project collectively known as SHAD, [29] or Shipboard Hazard and Defense. With project SHAD, the military initially claimed the tests were designed to identify US warships’ vulnerabilities to attack, but it gradually became clear the real purpose was a search for ways to overcome defenses of enemy ships, methods to guarantee the total destruction with biological pathogens of enemy naval forces at sea. One excessively ambitious effort involved attempts to literally envelop a vast section of ocean in a pervasive cloud of biological pathogens that would kill an entire enemy marine fleet while at sea. The military stoutly maintains that no one suffered injury from these tests, belied by the fact that the US government Veterans website contains instructions on claiming compensation for these injuries.[30]



    These were by admission very large-scale experiments that were expected to leave “significant or protracted effects on the physical or biological environment”. Understand what this means: the military fully expected their tests to do lasting or permanent harm to the environment and the people. At one time, for this program alone, the military developed – and tested – on US farms and citizens more than 1,000 anti-crop biological pathogens and defoliants. A vast array of pathogens was weaponised and prepared in cluster bombs for delivery to unfortunate victims. The tests used at least 20 different biological pathogens plus another 15 or 20 chemical agents that included Sarin and VX nerve gases, mustard gas, tear gas, and other unknown substances. The program went so far as to search desperately for methods of inducing biological epidemics in both plant and animal populations – in addition, of course, to entirely separate methods of killing off the human population.



    Since the victims were unaware of these projects and were unwitting participants, informed consent clearly did not exist, the document record further revealing the US Defense Department conducted many of the tests in foreign countries since they were considered too unethical to perform at home. Given the illegalities and international implications, to say nothing of the domestic deaths and injuries, the entire existence of Project 112 (and SHAD) was heatedly and categorically denied by the US military, repeatedly insisting that such a program had never existed. When a CBS news report revealed some dramatic evidence and indisputable proof of the programs, the Pentagon and Defense Department exhibited “total surprise”, then made pretenses of conducting “an internal investigation” to determine if such a program had really existed – presumably without their knowledge. Later, to mollify an enraged public, the requisite whitewashed Congressional hearings were held, after which the entire matter was quietly swept under the carpet.



    2.3. Project Listing and Description — 2.3. 项目列表和描述

    2.3.1. Insectology — 2.3.1. 昆虫学



    The program aims to develop virus-transmitting insects that infest crops. With the help of the genome editing tool Crispr-Cas the viruses can modify the plants’ genomes. Source

    该计划旨在开发侵染作物的病毒传播昆虫。在基因组编辑工具 Crispr-Cas 的帮助下,病毒可以修饰植物的基因组。 来源


    That is a new word I created to categorise the US military’s nearly 75-year pathological interest in weaponsing insects for use as biological weapons against unfavored nations.And these do not have to be countries with which the US is actively at war, but merely uncompromising anti-colonials who don’t want to obey the master.These tests and experiments began immediately after WWII and, if anything, have increased over time, with devious programs being carried out at USAMRIID, Dugway, and many other locations, and this has definitely emerged into the private sector as well, with many corporate entities now participating, in addition to US NGOs and UN agencies like the WHO.



    The United States has developed and stockpiled a variety of biological weapons agents since the late 1960s. The most prominent agents known to have been developed at the time were Anthrax, Tularemia, Brucellosis, Q-fever, Hantavirus, Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis virus, and Botulism, but there have been many more. The list is very long, and most of these can be communicated by insects in one form or another. Q-fever, Brucellosis, Botulism, Anthrax, and Tularemia are bacterial infections spread in various ways, and Botulism in particular can cause death if untreated. Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis (VEE) virus is a mosquito-borne virus that can cause serious neurological disorders. Anthrax is of course, very contagious and most often fatal.



    With nature not always being cooperative, there is no way to know or to foresee or even to predict the potential long-term results of some of these programs. Natural mutations could easily create insect Frankensteins that cannot later be corralled. Think of the innocent transplantation of rabbits to Australia. Live organisms are capable of chain reactions that would be unimaginable to us.There are also moral and ethical questions. It is scientifically possible to infect mosquitoes, for example, with a COVID vaccine and “force” an entire population to be infected against their will. This is very much the hope of Bill Gates and Oxitec but, just because something of this nature can be done, should it be done? What happened to “informed consent”? And where will our clearly psychopathic leaders be willing to stop? Will they ever stop?



    Below, we have a list of some of the insect-related biological warfare attempts, tests, experiments, and this is by no means a complete list.



    2.3.2. Project Bellwether — 2.3.2. 项目领头羊



    Project Bellwether went further and performed experiments where infected mosquitoes bit humans, though the mosquitos were infected with inert diseases.Source



    This was a long set of more than 50 experiments conducted at the Dugway Proving Ground that used the female mosquito Aedes aegypti (Yellow Fever Mosquito) to assess the possibility of transmitting fatal or debilitating diseases to an enemy’s forces and population[31][32] It was part of a very ambitious and determined program by the US military to weaponise insects, part of Project 112, and related to Projects Drop Kick, Big Buzz, Big Itch, and all the others similar.

    这是在杜格威试验场进行的一50多个实验,使用雌性埃及伊蚊(黄热病蚊子)来评估将致命或使人衰弱的疾病传播给敌方部队和人口的可能性。[31][32]这是美国军方一项雄心勃勃且坚定的计划的一部分,该计划旨在将昆虫武器化,是112项目的一部分,与Drop Kick、Big Buzz、Big Itch等所有其他类似项目有关。


    2.3.3. Operation Magic Sword — 2.3.3. 神剑行动



    Operation Magic Sword was a biological warfare experiment to determine whether mosquitoes infected with yellow fever and/or Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE) could be successfully bred and then released from a ship near an enemy shore. This was a cousin to the Operations Drop Kick, Big Buzz, and Big Itch. The military claim the mosquitos used for this Operation were uninfected, and that they never conducted such tests with these live pathogens, but the truth may be otherwise. One of the arsenals produced around 3,000 gallons of VEE and Q-fever, and there is no compelling evidence that these supplies were not used. It naturally arouses much suspicion since the US government and military have been proven to have lied about every such experiment in one way or another, one of the most common claims being that the pathogens used were “harmless” while the public were experiencing a virtual epidemic. [33][34][35]



    2.3.4. Florida GM Mosquitoes — 2.3.4. 佛罗里达州转基因蚊子


    A biologist in Brazil releases mosquitoes to combat a Zika outbreak. Source



    In 2022, Oxitec released over 750 million genetically engineered mosquitoes as part of a ‘mosquito control’ program. According to EPA’s Experimental Use Permit: “Oxitec will release into the environment male mosquitoes genetically modified to carry a protein that will inhibit the survival of their female offspring when they mate with wild female mosquitoes. The male offspring will survive to become fully functional adults with the same genetic modification, providing multi-generational effectiveness that could ultimately lead to a reduction in Aedes aegypti mosquito populations in the release areas.” [36][37][38][39]

    2022年,Oxitec作为“蚊子控制”计划的一部分,释放了超过7.5亿只转基因蚊子。根据美国环保署的实验使用许可证:“Oxitec将向环境中释放雄性蚊子,这些蚊子经过基因改造,携带一种蛋白质,当它们与野生雌性蚊子交配时,这种蛋白质会抑制雌性后代的存活。雄性后代将存活下来,成为具有相同基因修饰的完全功能成年人,提供多代有效性,最终导致释放区域埃及伊蚊种群减少。” [36][37][38][39]


    However, in “a previous experiment conducted from 2013 to 2015, Oxitec released mosquitoes in Brazil that carried an earlier engineered gene, OX513A, and eventually released those with OX5034 as well. While the company declared the release a success, scientists unaffiliated with Oxitec from Yale and a handful of Brazilian institutions published research in the journal Nature Scientific Reports claiming the mosquitoes had mated, produced viable offspring, and ultimately created a new genetic hybrid population capable of surviving in the wild.”



    To make matters worse, these are the same mosquitoes – and the same company – that Bill Gates enthused about and called “flying syringes”, in that the insects could be used to administer what would be essentially forcible COVID and other vaccinations. The prospects are terrifying, and it appears more likely than ever that ZIKA was a trial run. I covered this in an article you may care to read: “COVID Vaccinations and Oxitec’s “Flying Syringes”.[40]

    更糟糕的是,这些蚊子——以及同一家公司——就是比尔·盖茨曾热衷并称之为飞行注射器的蚊子,因为这些昆虫可用于施用基本上是强制性的 COVID 疫苗和其他疫苗。前景十分可怕,并且寨卡病毒似乎比以往任何时候都更有可能是一场试运行。我在一篇文章中谈到了这一点,你可能想读一下:“COVID 疫苗和 Oxitec 的“飞行注射器”。 [40]


    2.3.5. Insect Allies — 2.3.5. 昆虫盟友


    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, an arm of the U.S. Department of Defense, is planning to use insects to deliver genetically engineered viruses to crops, with the aim of altering the plant’s genetic traits in the field. Source



    The Insect Allies program is a recent (2016) DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) initiative ostensibly to protect American crops from various climatic and pestilential misfortunes, [41]But DARPA is not about protecting anything. These insect experiments were presented to the public as “gene therapy for crops”, methods of reducing the need for chemical insecticides and pesticides. But extreme concern has been expressed by competent scientists who believe the project is actually developing methods to deliver a new class of biological weapons, that this is really just another American insecticide warfare program. There is no question that, from the days of Dr. Ishii after WWII, the US military has taken very seriously the possibilities inherent in weaponising all manner of insects. One report at [42] states, “The critics charge that “the program may be widely perceived as an effort to develop biological agents for hostile purposes and their means of delivery. It’s hard to see such a justification for Insect Allies … because the method is hard to control and unlikely to be allowed in peacetime. Besides, there is an easier way to introduce viruses to plants: spraying.”



    2.3.6. Operation May Day — 2.3.6. 五一节行动



    Operation May Day: Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes were dispersed through ground-based methods in Georgia, USA, during a US Army operation codenamed May Day. Source



    Operation May Day involved a series of insect warfare tests (on the American population) to discover the best methods of dispersing yellow fever mosquitoes in an urban area. The tests were conducted primarily in Savannah, Georgia. [43][44]

    五一行动涉及一系列昆虫战争试验(针对美国人口),以发现驱散城市地区黄热病蚊子的最佳方法。这些试验主要在佐治亚州萨凡纳进行。 [43][44]


    2.3.7. Operation Drop Kick — 2.3.7. 踢球操作





    Then we had “Operation Drop Kick“, [45][46][47][48][49] designed to test various ways of dispersing mosquitoes infected with various biological pathogens over large geographical areas, these tests carried out over many parts of the continental US, including most of the East Coast. There were other of these programs of course, all with foolish names and all designed to assess the dissemination of infected insects and other lethal pathogens into civilian populations. These were not minor operations, with the military on occasion releasing one million or more infected mosquitoes into a single civilian area. They were kept very secret since they were illegal in terms of domestic law and contravened international law and many weapons treaties that other nations signed with the US in good faith. For those of you still adhering to the COVID religion, you might care to read this article titled COVID Vaccinations and Oxitec’s “Flying Syringes”[50] and see if you can make any connections.

    然后我们进行了“投掷踢”行动, [45][46][47][48][49] 旨在测试在广大地区驱散感染各种生物病原体的蚊子的各种方法,这些测试在美国大陆的许多地方进行,包括东海岸的大部分地区。当然还有其他这样的计划,所有这些计划都有愚蠢的名字,都是为了评估感染的昆虫和其他致命病原体向平民的传播。这些并不是小规模行动,军方有时会向一个平民区释放一百万只或更多的感染蚊子。这些行动非常保密,因为根据国内法律,这些行动是非法的,违反了国际法和许多其他国家与美国签署的武器条约。对于那些仍然坚持新冠宗教的人,你可能想阅读这篇题为 新冠疫苗和 Oxitec 的“飞行注射器”的文章[50] 看看你是否能找到任何联系。


    2.3.8. Operation Big Buzz2.3.8. 大嗡嗡行动



    Operation Big Buzz was an experiment that took place in Georgia and Florida under the umbrella of Operation Drop Kick. The tests involved dropping hundreds of thousands of aedes aegypti mosquitos from airplanes to determine whether they could disperse yellow fever among a population as a method of biological warfare. Millions of female mosquitoes were bred, and infected with yellow fever. It doesn’t appear that yellow fever-infected insects were dispersed in this particular case, but there exists much suspicion that the mosquitoes were infected with something. There were many reports of the Army sending officers disguised as health workers to interview the population and gather information on the resulting diseases and epidemics, a subterfuge the military has used many times when dispersing a pathogen on the American public. This was especially true of areas where the populations were mostly black.[51][52][53][54]



    2.3.9. Operation Big Itch2.3.9. 大痒行动


    A C-119 Flying Boxcar, the type of plane used to release the chemicals. Source



    This was a series of tests at Dugway, designed to determine coverage patterns and survivability of the tropical rat flea (Xenopsylla cheopis) for use in biological warfare as disease vector. The fleas were loaded into two types of munitions and dropped from the air. Each munition held 100,000 or 200,000 fleas, and which could survive the drop from an airplane and wreak the havoc they were meant to do on a civilian population. It was a copy of the Japanese biological warfare efforts at Unit 731 in China. 

    这是在Dugway进行的一系列测试旨在确定热带鼠蚤(Xenopsylla cheopis)作为疾病媒介用于生物战时的覆盖模式和生存能力。跳蚤被装入两种类型的弹药中并从空中投下。每枚弹药可容纳10万或20万只跳蚤并且可以在飞机上降落时幸存下来并对平民造成严重破坏。这是日本在中国731部队进行的生物战努力的副本。 [55][56][57][58][59]


    2.3.10. Operation LAC — 2.3.10. 拉美和加勒比海地区业务


    Operation LAC (Large Area Coverage) was a partner to Operation Dew, with similar aims, that of dispersing biological pathogens or microscopic particles of a chemical pathogen over very large land areas. Of particular interest was the range of geographical dispersion and the means of achieving this.[61][62][63]



    2.3.11. Operation Top Hat — 2.3.11.顶帽行动




    Operation Top Hat was an exercise conducted by the US military that involved the use of Chemical Corps personnel to test biological and chemical warfare decontamination methods. Military personnel were deliberately exposed to mustard gas, nerve gases, and biological pathogens so the army could test decontamination methods. The men used in the tests were not volunteers and were not informed of the tests.[61][62][63]



    2.3.12. Project 112 —项目

    Project 112/Project SHAD. Source



    Project 112 was a massive series of biological and chemical weapons experiments conducted by the United States Department of Defense from 1962 to 1973 thatprimarily involved the dissemination of airborne biological pathogens meant to incapacitate civilian populations, that was secretly conducted on a large scale within the US, Canada, the UK, and in vast swatches of the Pacific and some other undeveloped countries as well. It is necessary to note that the populations in the affected areas were not notified, meaning national sovereignty was violated in all instances.The Philippines and Japan were two such locations, but there were many others including Egypt, Liberia, South Korea, and much of the Pacific, and of course the domestic populations within the US, Canada and the UK were also kept ignorant of the tests. This ignorance applied equally to US military servicemen, hundreds of thousands of whom were exposed to many pathogens with varying levels of lethality, resulting in many deaths and disabilities as was also true among the tens of millions in the US civilian population. [64][65][66][67]

    项目112是美国国防部在1962年至1973年间进行的一系列大规模生物和化学武器实验主要涉及空中传播的生物病原体旨在使平民丧失能力这是在美国、加拿大、英国以及太平洋大片地区和一些其他不发达国家秘密进行的。有必要指出的是,受影响地区的人口没有得到通知,这意味着在所有情况下都侵犯了国家主权。菲律宾和日本是两个这样的地点,但还有许多其他国家,包括埃及、利比里亚、韩国和太平洋的大部分地区,当然还有美国、加拿大和英国的国内人口也对这些试验一无所知。 [64][65][66][67]


    The tests used at least 20 different biological pathogens plus another 15 or 20 chemical agents that included Sarin and VX nerve gases, mustard gas, tear gas and other unknown substances. Many of these “experiments” were conducted on US military servicemen without their knowledge, a major portion of which was conducted in a series of shipboard trials on unwitting American sailors while at sea. We cannot fail to be impressed by the passionate determination exhibited to infect populations under every imaginable circumstance and condition. The US military was determined to “penetrate” everything from “arctic inversion weather systems” to “destroying the population of an island complex”, from spreading pathogens over immense areas of open ocean to the penetration of “jungle vegetation”. The dispersal methods ranged from massive spray generators installed in ships or aircraft to miniatures contained in briefcases.



    McNamara ordered the military Joint Chiefs of Staff “to consider all possible applications” of these agents(testing biological agents on the populations of disfavored enemy nations), and to develop a coherent plan for the deployment of an “adequate but total” “biological and chemical deterrent capability”, the plan to include cost estimates and an “appraisal of international political consequences”. Understand that this was not meant primarily as a war-time measure, but simply to punish uncooperative nations. The plan was approved by then President Kennedy in National Security Action Memorandum 235 (NSAM 235), which meant it was a secret and highly-classified program directed to biological and chemical warfare against humans, animals, and plants, with testing performed in various combinations of climate and terrain. At least 50 different trials were conducted, many with biological pathogens and some with chemical agents including sarin and VX nerve gases, tear gas and mustard gas.

    麦克纳马拉命令军方参谋长联席会议“考虑这些试剂的所有可能应用”(在敌国不受欢迎的人群身上测试生物制剂),并制定一项部署“足够但全面”“生物和化学威慑能力”的连贯计划,该计划包括成本估算和“国际政治后果评估”。 了解这主要不是作为战时措施,而只是为了惩罚不合作的国家。 该计划在当时的肯尼迪总统的国家安全行动备忘录235(NSAM 235)中获得批准,这意味着它是一个针对人类、动物和植物的生物和化学战争的秘密和高度机密计划,在各种气候和地形组合中进行测试。 至少进行了50次不同的试验,许多是生物病原体,一些是化学试剂,包括沙林和VX神经毒气、催泪瓦斯和芥子气。


    An agreement was made between the US, the UK, Canada, and Australia to participate in “mutual interest research and development activity and field testing”, i.e., to permit the US military to poison their citizens as well as its own. These agreements and tests were classified Top Secret, and no civilian victims in any country were provided with an opportunity to give informed consent to what was about to happen to them.



    All means of dispersal were imagined and tested. Several such tests using Bacillus globigii, an “anthrax simulant”, were conducted in Washington DC, with the bacteria released from spray generators hidden in specially built briefcases. Another series of tests was done in the New York City Subway system by dropping light bulbs filled with various bacteria. For nearly ten years, the Rocky Mountain Arsenal grew plant pathogens intended for wheat crops that were tested in many areas, some outside the US, with stories of American-initiated crop failures in places like Japan and Okinawa persisting to this dayAt last report there were still nearly 100,000 pounds of this pathogen remaining in storage for potential future use.[68]



    2.4. Other Biological Tests — 2.4. 其他生物测试

    2.4.1. Operation Dew — 2.4.1. 露天作业


    Operation Dew was designed to test the feasibility of creating enormous aerosol clouds of biological pathogens from offshore military vessels and maintaining the clouds intact while they drifted over land to kill or incapacitate a local population. The military conducted a wide variety of these tests, at least one of which“dispersed and maintained a cloud of some 150,000 km² over a heavily populated coastal region that covered three US states and much of Central Canada.” Some tests were done with cadmium sulfide, many with various plant spores and other biological pathogens. Many of these tests were done on an astonishingly large scale, with the contaminant clouds covering virtually the entire continental US, stretching from the Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic Ocean and from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico.[69]



    2.4.2. Operation Sea-Spray — 2.4.2. 海浪行动


    This was the study that lasted nearly 20 years where the military practiced spraying clouds of bacteria over San Francisco in attempts to learn how to conduct a real-life biological weapons attack from a ship near a country’s coastline. [70][71][72][73][74]

    这项研究持续了近20年,军方在旧金山上空练习喷洒细菌云,试图学习如何在一个国家海岸线附近的船只上进行真实的生物武器攻击。 [70][71][72][73][74]


    2.4.3. Operation Big City (Also Operation Open Air) — 2.4.3. 大城市运营(也称为露天运营)


    This was one of the CIA’s many abominable pathogen experiments led by Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, head of the CIA’s secret Project MK-ULTRA. The intention was to find convenient methods of producing large-scale aberrant mental states on an unsuspecting population, by spraying a compound over an enemy city and rendering helpless both civilians and military personnel. They were searching for a substance and a method of producing“mental confusion”, physical disablement”, “shock”, “illogical thinking”, “hallucinations”, and anything else that might be possible. One dispersal method was to fit an automobile with specially-designed exhaust pipes that would disperse a pathogen widely on city streets. Another was to use a special suitcase that would exhaust such a pathogen as a person walked down a city street. In both cases, LSD was the CIA’s pathogen of choice.

     这是中央情报局由 Sidney Gottlieb 博士领导的许多令人憎恶的病原体实验之一,他是中央情报局秘密项目 MK-ULTRA 的负责人。其目的是通过在敌方城市喷洒一种化合物,使平民和军事人员都变得无助,从而找到一种方便的方法来“在毫无戒备的人群中制造大规模的精神异常状态”。他们正在寻找一种物质和方法来产生“精神混乱”、“身体残疾”、“休克”、“不合逻辑的思维”、“幻觉”以及任何可能的东西。一种驱散方法是给汽车安装专门设计的排气管,在城市街道上广泛驱散病原体。另一种方法是使用一个特殊的行李箱,当一个人走在城市街道上时,它会排放出这种病原体。在这两种情况下,LSD 是中央情报局选择的病原体。


    Another part of this project was to release massive clouds of biological or chemical gas off the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, intending to blanket the entire city with the pathogen and to then monitor and assess how powerful were the disorienting properties of the pathogen. As was typical, the CIA issued strong cautions in internal memos that the “utmost secrecy” was to be maintained to prevent the public from learning what had happened to them. The CIA was involved in many such “missions” as part of MK-ULTRA, including Operation Open Air where biological warfare tests were conducted repeatedly in the streets and tunnels of New York. [75][76][77][78][79]

    该项目的另一部分是从旧金山金门大桥释放大量生物或化学气体,意图用病原体覆盖整个城市,然后监测和评估病原体的定向能力。与往常一样,中央情报局在内部备忘录中发出了强烈警告,称要保持“最大的保密性”,以防止公众了解他们的遭遇。作为MK-ULTRA的一部分,中央情报局参与了许多此类“任务”,包括在纽约的街道和隧道中反复进行生物战测试的“露天行动”。 [75][76][77][78][79]


    2.4.4. Operation Dark Winter — 2.4.4. 黑暗冬季行动


    Operation Dark Winter was a simulation of a biological attack of smallpox conducted in June of 2001, a project designed by the Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Strategies. The simulated attacks were carried out in Oklahoma City, and other locations in Georgia and Pennsylvania. The plans were partly meant to test the weaknesses of the US health care infrastructure and its ability to handle such an occurrence. [80][81][82] It is noteworthy that many saw this as one of the eerie projects that resembled COVID a bit too closely for comfort. According to Foreign Policy,“… the fallout from the coronavirus pandemic bears an eerie resemblance to [this] simulation”.[83] You can decide.

    黑暗冬季行动是2001年6月进行的天花生物袭击模拟,由约翰霍普金斯大学平民生物防御战略中心设计。模拟袭击在俄克拉荷马城以及佐治亚州和宾夕法尼亚州的其他地点进行。该计划部分是为了测试美国医疗基础设施的弱点及其处理此类事件的能力。 [80][81][82]值得注意的是,许多人认为这是一个令人毛骨悚然的计划,与新冠肺炎疫情有点过于相似,令人不安。据《外交政策》报道,“……新冠病毒大流行的后果与(这个)模拟有惊人的相似之处。”[83]你可以决定。


    2.4.5. Operation Whitecoat — 2.4.5. 操作白大褂

    Operation Whitecoat was a medical research project conducted at Fort Detrick by the United States Army for about 20 years, ending around 175. Its stated purpose was to test the effects of biological agents and various tropical diseases. The participants were subjected to a variety of pathogens that included Venezuelan equine encephalitis, Q fever, and Sandfly fever, among others. This long-running project was supposedly conducted on volunteers, with the official story that the studies were conducted in “a controlled environment” and the volunteers “were closely monitored”. But the facts seem to indicate otherwise. As mentioned earlier, the enlisted men soon staged a sit-down strike to obtain more information about the dangers of the biological tests, and many questions were raised about the “voluntary” aspect of the victims. In reality, it appears that either few records were kept, or they were later destroyed. The US military later claimed it had contact information for only about 1,000 of the original participants. The official claim is that no one died in these experiments and that “only two” persons suffered “long-term medical complications”, but knowing the list of pathogens used and considering that the military refuses to declassify the records, we can be forgiven for harboring doubts.



    Wikipedia tells us that all the “volunteers” were all “conscientious objectors” mostly many members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, who were informed of the purpose and goals of each project before providing consent to participate in any project. [84] However, the Church tells stories of coercion and extortion to obtain these volunteers who were seldom informed of anything that was about to happen to them. PBS also has produced a very sanitised version of this study, [85] and the Washington Post calls them “The Military’s Medical Heroes”, [86] but the questions remain.

    维基百科告诉我们,所有的“志愿者”都是“出于良心拒服兵役者”,大多数是基督复临安息日会的许多成员,他们在同意参与任何项目之前,都被告知了每个项目的目的和目标。 [84]然而,教会告诉胁迫和勒索的故事,以获得这些志愿者,他们很少被告知即将发生的任何事情。PBS也制作了这项研究的一个非常净化的版本[85] ,《华盛顿邮报》称他们为“军队的医学英雄”[86],但问题仍然存在。


    2.4.6. Operation Polka Dot — 2.4.6. 操作波尔卡圆点

    Cluster Bomb, showing bomblets; U.S. Army photograph, ca. 1943 at Rocky Mountain Arsenal. Source



    Operation Polka Dot was a field test of the E133 cluster bomb at the Dugway Proving Ground in Utah. [87] It involved filling the munitions with various biological agents, most simulating lethal pathogens. They used the bacteria or other agents for anthrax, Botulinum, Tularemia, and the Venezuelan Equine encephalomyelitis virus, among others. It was the US Army’s labs at Fort Detrick that conceived the project to determine the military usefulness of the bacteria for Tularemia. This was one of the nastier projects conducted by the US military. The attraction was that infected persons generally become long-term medical cases since convalescence is slow and may extend to as long as a year, putting enormous strain on an enemy’s resources and medical facilities and effectively removing all infected troops from possible combat. Moreover, the mortality rate can be as high as 40%.

    波尔卡点行动是在犹他州杜格威试验场对E133集束炸弹进行的实地测试。 [87]它涉及在弹药中填充各种生物制剂,其中大多数是模拟致命病原体。他们使用细菌或其他制剂进行炭疽、肉毒杆菌、兔热病和委内瑞拉马脑炎病毒等。这是美国陆军在德特里克堡的实验室构想的项目,以确定细菌对兔热病的军事用途。这是美国军方进行的更糟糕的项目之一。其吸引力在于,感染者通常会成为长期医疗病例,因为康复缓慢,可能长达一年,给敌方的资源和医疗设施带来巨大压力,并有效地将所有感染部队从可能的战斗中撤出。此外,死亡率可高达40%。


    2.5. Some Notable Experiments — 2.5. 一些值得注意的实验


    From 1989 to 1991, Kaiser Permanente and the CDC  jointly conducted a secret measles vaccine experiment on poor and black children in Los Angeles. The high-potency experimental vaccine had been previously tested on infants in Mexico, Haiti, and Africa, but was discontinued when it was discovered that the children were dying in large numbers. The vaccine had never been licensed for use in the US, and the CDC later admitted the parents were never informed their children were being injected with an experimental vaccine that was potentially fatal. The CDC and FDA refused to release the raw data on the results of these experiments[88]



    Then we have the famous Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment conducted by the US Public Health Service and the CDC in which researchers collected about 600 black men, most of whom apparently were already infected with syphilis though none were aware of the fact. [89][90][91] Even after penicillin became known as a proven cure, the men were never informed of their diagnosis, and were not only discouraged from, but coerced against, seeking treatment that was freely available elsewhere. The reason was that they wanted to track the progress of the disease from inception to death, and treatment would have rendered the experiment useless. All the participants died.[92][93]



    In another case, as part of Operation LAC, [94] the US Army for many years sprayed toxic chemicals that included zinc cadmium sulfide over a large number of cities in both the US and Canada, in order to test dispersal patterns of chemical weapons. The US military mounted sprayers on rooftops and vehicles, and on low-flying aircraft, and proceeded to spray an entire section of downtown St. Louis and “at least” 33 other cities including some in Canada. The residents were told these were tests of a kind of “smoke screen” that could protect the residents if the Russians attacked. The US military managed to keep the secret hidden for more than 40 years before the facts leaked out. The public were never notified, and the cause of enormous number of respiratory and other illnesses was never publicly identified. The areas that were sprayed – and sprayed heavily – were densely-populated poor areas with about 10,000 residents each, probably 75% of whom were children. In some families, all members succumbed to cancer within a short time, and there were high rates of cancer in the sprayed areas of all cities but, since no records were maintained and no follow-ups ever performed, there is now no way to know the total number of cancers and deaths that resulted. [95][96][97][98]

    在另一个案例中作为LAC行动的一部分[94]美国陆军多年来在美国和加拿大的许多城市喷洒包括硫化锌镉在内的有毒化学品以测试化学武器的扩散模式。美军在屋顶、车辆和低空飞行的飞机上安装了喷雾器并开始对圣市中心的整个区域进行喷雾。路易斯和“至少”33个其他城市,包括加拿大的一些城市。居民们被告知,这是一种“烟幕弹”的测试,如果俄罗斯人发动袭击,它可以保护居民。在事实泄露之前,美国军方设法将这个秘密隐藏了40多年。公众从未得到通知,大量呼吸道疾病和其他疾病的病因也从未公开。被喷洒和大量喷洒的地区是人口稠密的贫困地区,每个地区约有10000名居民,其中可能75%是儿童。在一些家庭中,所有成员都在短时间内死于癌症,在所有城市的喷洒区,癌症发病率都很高,但由于没有记录,也没有进行过随访,现在无法知道导致癌症和死亡的总人数。 [95][96][97][98]


    From 1948 to 1975, and possibly much later, the US Army Chemical Corps conducted a long series of top-secret classified human research at the Edgewood Arsenal in the US military’s Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland. [99][100] The stated purpose was to evaluate the effect of chemical warfare agents and to test protective clothing, but even a cursory examination of the facts leads only to a conclusion that this was full-fledged biowarfare experimentation and testing program. And in fact, a portion of the tests involved psychochemical warfare which was driven by perceived need for new interrogation techniques, as evidenced by a 1949 classified report by L. Wilson Greene, Edgewood’s ‘scientific director’, titled “Psychochemical Warfare: A New Concept of War”. [101] The original report appears unavailable, but we have some references to it.

    从1948年到1975年,可能还有更晚的时间,美国陆军化学兵团在美国军方位于马里兰州的阿伯丁试验场的埃奇伍德兵工厂进行了一系列绝密的人类研究。 [99][100]声明的目的是评估化学战剂的影响并测试防护服,但即使粗略地检查事实也只能得出结论,这是全面的生物战实验和测试计划。 事实上,部分测试涉及心理化学战,这是由对新审讯技术的需求驱动的,正如埃奇伍德“科学主任”L. Wilson Greene 1949年的一份机密报告“心理化学战:战争的新概念”所证明的。[101] 原始报告似乎不可用,但我们有一些参考。


    This entire decades-long effort was referred to as the Medical Research Volunteer Program. According to the records, more than 7,000 military servicemen and more than 1,000 civilians were involved in the program and were exposed to more than 250 different chemicals and biological agents. Many of the toxins tested were deadly, such as the nerve agents VX and Sarin. According to government documents and class action lawsuits, the “volunteers” were subjected not only to Sarin and VX nerve gases, and various hallucinogens like LSD, mescaline and PCP, but to other psychoactive agents, tear gas, mustard gas, CS gas, BZ, anthrax, botulism, plague, tularemia, Q fever, dioxins, various pesticides and many other compounds. These experiments are described in detail in a previous article “The US government declares war on America, Part 2[102]



    This one is perhaps my favorite: Dugway – Dead Sheep and Soviet Trickery







    March of 1968 experienced one of the more famous events at the Dugway Proving Ground when a military aircraft released several thousand pounds of VX nerve gas into a large and inhabited area, and the next day 6,000 sheep were dead. And not only sheep. [103][104][105] One survivor, a man named Ray Peck, told the news that very soon after, a military helicopter landed in his yard, “disgorging officials who collected dead wildlife and performed blood tests on his frightened family”. He claimed that all family members soon began experiencing violent headaches, numbness, burning feelings, psychological loss of control, skin cancers and heart problems. A flood of miscarriages also occurred in area families immediately after this test. A military report that remained classified and buried for more than 30 years was finally obtained and made public by the Salt Lake Tribune. The report stated that the evidence was “incontrovertible” that the US military’s VX nerve gas was responsible for the sheep kill and the human conditions as well, but even with this, the military refused to admit negligence or to accept responsibility for the event. [106][107][108]

    1968年3月,在达格威试验场发生了一件更著名的事件,一架军用飞机向一个大型有人居住的地区释放了数千磅的VX神经毒气,第二天,6000只绵羊死亡。而不仅仅是绵羊[103][104][105]一名幸存者雷·佩克告诉新闻界,不久之后,一架军用直升机降落在他的院子里,“放出了收集死去的野生动物并对受惊吓的家人进行血液测试的官员”。他声称,所有家庭成员很快就开始出现剧烈头痛、麻木、灼热感、心理失控、皮肤癌和心脏问题。试验后不久,该地区的家庭也出现了大量流产。一份保密30多年的军事报告最终被《盐湖城论坛报》获得并公之于众。该报告称,有“无可辩驳的证据”表明,美国军方的VX神经毒气是造成绵羊死亡和人类健康状况的原因,但即使这样,军方仍拒绝承认疏忽或对事件负责。 [106][107][108]


    One of the serious problems in researching and documenting events such as these is that there exists a veritable army of individuals, many financed by the military or various of the sociopathic “Think Tanks” but others of indeterminate provenance, all of whom appear desperately determined to discredit the revelations of these atrocities. One such person is a Dr. Steven J. Allen, an apparent editor of something called the Capital Research Center – which receives funding from the Koch Brothers – and which is all you need to know. This so-called independent research center became famous some years back for its published “studies” condemning anti-tobacco lobbyists when it was revealed that substantial funding had been received from tobacco companies.



    In any case, our Dr. Allen, who appears to be an expert on almost everything, wrote an article on the US military’s VX nerve gas sheep-kill adventure, titled “Nerve gas, six thousand dead sheep, and Soviet trickery”.[109] To say he was desperately determined to exonerate the military is a bit of an understatement since he produced at least one monograph of about 50 pages to deal with an event that required a few paragraphs at best. Mostly, he attributed the “totally false” accusations against the US military to “muckraking journalists”, to various civilian criminals disguising their sins by blaming the US military, and to various other well-meaning but incompetent individuals. As one example, he noted that “A government official connected with the (biological weapons) program stated that after the VX nerve gas test the “roadsides were just covered with carcasses”, but dismissed this testimony as he did with others by stating that the man “wasn’t a scientist”. We are therefore to conclude that only ‘scientists’, by Dr. Allen’s definition, are competent to notice large numbers of dead animals littering a roadside.

    无论如何,我们的艾伦博士似乎是几乎所有领域的专家,他写了一篇关于美国军方VX神经毒气杀羊冒险的文章,题为“神经毒气、六千只死羊和苏联诡计”。[109] 说他拼命想要为军方开脱有点言过其实,因为他至少写了一本约50页的专着来处理一个最多需要几段文字的事件。他主要将针对美军的“完全错误的”指控归咎于“揭发丑闻的记者”,各种平民罪犯通过指责美军来掩饰自己的罪行,以及其他各种善意但不称职的人。举个例子,他指出,“一名与(生物武器)计划有关的政府官员表示,在VX神经毒气测试后,“路边到处都是尸体”,但他和其他人一样,通过声明该男子“不是科学家”来驳斥这一证词。因此,我们可以得出结论,只有艾伦博士定义的“科学家”才有能力注意到路边散落的大量死动物。

    The best part of Allen’s dissertation was his conviction that only the Russians had anything to gain by blaming a massive sheep kill on the US military, claiming that a couple of Russian saboteurs equipped with simple tools they could acquire on the local American market could have pulled off the entire sheep episode – and in fact did so. The benefit to the Russians, of course, would be that “the nationwide outburst of protest” (about the dead sheep) “shocked President Richard Nixon into putting a hold on the entire U.S. chemical weapons program”, leaving only the Russians with this military advantage. So, in Allen’s delusional world, two Russians brought into the US several thousand pounds of VX nerve gas (or purchased it at the local 7-11), then distributed it over a few thousand square kilometers, perhaps using water pistols, killed all the sheep (and people) while magically escaping contamination themselves, then caught the next plane to Moscow. All without being detected.



    Allen informs us that if US military involvement had been “at all plausible”, the Army “would have accepted responsibility in a timely manner”. And of course, we all know that to be true since neither the US government, the US military, nor the CIA have ever, ever denied their involvement in anything. Yes, that’s sarcasm. Unfortunately, our Dr. Allen is only one of a great many individuals who feverishly pounce on any and all revelations of US government misconduct and do their best to confuse, obfuscate, overwhelm with irrelevancies, and otherwise contaminate the historical record for the sole purpose of misleading the public. The mass media generally fall into this category, seldom engaging in what we used to call investigative journalism and instead most often producing overt propaganda to parrot the official – and generally unbelievable – story.




    Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chapt. 2 — Dealing with Demons).


    His full archive can be seen at

    他的全部文章库可以在以下找到 +

    He can be contacted at:





    [1] The US Government Declares War on America

    [1] 美国政府向美国宣战

    [2] The US Government Declares War on America: Biological, Chemical, and Radiation “Experiments” on Americans

    [2] 美国政府向美国宣战:对美国人进行生物、化学和辐射“实验”

    [3] US Army Has Admitted To Conducting 100s Of Germ Warfare Tests On Americans – image source

    [3] 美国陆军承认对美国人进行了100次细菌战测试——图片来源

    [4] Secret Government Experiments On The American People

    [4] 美国人民的秘密政府实验

    [5] Over and over again, the military has conducted dangerous biowarfare experiments on Americans

    [5] 军方一次又一次地对美国人进行危险的生物战实验

    [6] Of Microbes and Mock Attacks: Years Ago, The Military Sprayed Germs on U.S. Cities

    [6] 微生物和模拟攻击:多年前,军方向美国城市喷洒细菌

    [7] Hidden history of US germ testing

    [7] 美国细菌检测的隐藏历史

    [8] Hotel Anthrax

    [8] 酒店炭疽

    [9] Governments and Biowarfare: A Brief History

    [9] 政府与生物战:简史

    [10] In the Name of Science: A History of Secret Programs, Medical Research, and Human Experimentation

    [10] 以科学之名:秘密计划、医学研究和人体实验史

    [11] Andrew Goliszek “In the Name of Science”

    [11] Andrew Goliszek“以科学的名义”

    [12] In the Name of Science by Andrew Goliszek

    [12] Andrew Goliszek的《以科学的名义》

    [13] 1994: Senate VA Committee Hearing: Is Military Research Hazardous to Veterans’ Health?

    [13] 1994年:参议院退伍军人事务委员会听证会:军事研究对退伍军人的健康有害吗?


    [14] 军事研究对退伍军人的健康有害吗?跨越半个世纪的课程

    [15] Human Experimentation An Overview on Co1d War Era Programs

    [15] 人体实验——Co1d战争时期项目综述

    [16] Operation Whitecoat

    [16] 白大褂行动

    [17] Medical Aspects of Biological Warfare;

    [17] 生物战的医学方面;

    [18] Medical Aspects of Biological Warfare

    [18] 生物战的医学方面

    [19] US Army Has Admitted To Conducting 100s Of Germ Warfare Tests On Americans

    [19] 美国陆军承认对美国人进行了100次细菌战测试

    [20] Secret Government Experiments On The American People

    [20] 美国人民的秘密政府实验

    [21] Over and over again, the military has conducted dangerous biowarfare experiments on Americans


    [22] Serratia has dark history in region / Army test in 1950 may have changed microbial ecology


    [23] Navy Fogged Bay Area With Bacteria


    [24] In 1950, the U.S. Released a Bioweapon in San Francisco


    [25] Project 112

    [25] 112项目

    [26] About Project 112 and Project SHAD


    [27] Operation Dew


    [28] Operation LAC


    [29] Project SHAD


    [30] Exposure through Project 112 or Project SHAD


    [31] Outdoor Mosquito Biting Activities – Project Bellwether


    [32] Opening up Dugway Proving Grounds, the military’s secretive biological weapon testing unit


    [33] Operation Magic Sword




    [35] We Have Met the Enemy And They Are Small – A Brief History of Bug Warfare


    [36] Florida mosquitoes: 750 million genetically modified insects to be released


    [37] a U.S. Company Plans to Release 2.4 Billion Genetically Modified Mosquitoes


    [38] Thousands of genetically modified mosquitoes being released in Florida


    [39] First-ever US release of genetically modified mosquitoes begins in Florida Keys


    [40] COVID Vaccinations and Oxitec’s “Flying Syringes”


    [41] Insect Allies (Archived)


    [42] Crop-protecting insects could be turned into bioweapons, critics warn


    [43] Attack Of The Killer Mosquitoes


    [44] Operation May Day


    [45] Operation Drop Kick


    [46] Operation Drop Kick


    [47] How The U.S. Government Used Mosquitos To Secretly Experiment On Its Citizens


    [48] Summary of Major Events and Problems – US Army Chemical Corps fiscal year 1959


    [49] Summary of Major Events and Problems


    [50] COVID Vaccinations and Oxitec’s “Flying Syringes”


    [51] Blacks in Savannah haunted by memory of infamous mosquito experiment


    [52] Swarms of mosquitoes, the type notorious for transmitting yellow…


    [53] Operation Big Buzz


    [54] How The U.S. Government Used Mosquitos To Secretly Experiment On Its Citizens




    [56] Operation Big Itch


    [57] Operation Big Itch


    [58] Using the Flea as a Weapon




    [60] Operation LAC


    [61] Operation Top Hat


    [62] Moreno Jonathan D Undue Risk: Secret State Experiments on Humans

    [62]Moreno Jonathan D过度风险:对人类的秘密国家实验

    [63] Veterans at Risk: The Health Effects of Mustard Gas and Lewisite

    National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 1993. Veterans at Risk: The Health Effects of Mustard Gas and Lewisite. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

    [64] Project 112




    [66] Обо всем на свете: Проект 112


    [67] DoD Tested Weapons On Thousands


    [68] TX Anticrop Agent & Project 112


    [69] Operation Dew


    [70] Operation Sea-Spray


    [71] Blood & Fog: The Military’s Germ Warfare Tests in San Francisco


    [72] Serratia has dark history in region / Army test in 1950 may have changed microbial ecology


    [73] Navy Fogged Bay Area With Bacteria


    [74] In 1950, the U.S. Released a Bioweapon in San Francisco


    [75] CIA May Have Tested Biological Warfare in New York in ’50s, Church Says

    [75] Church说,美国中央情报局可能在50年代在纽约测试了生物战

    [76] Operation Big City


    [77] Operation Big City – Biological Weapons Testing On U.S Citizens


    [78] Operation Big City


    [79] Operation Big City Top-Secret Bioweapons Testing- NEWYORK 1956


    [80] Operation Dark Winter


    [81] Shining Light on “Dark Winter”


    [82] Two decades of pandemic war games failed to account for Donald Trump


    [83] America’s Pandemic War Games Don’t End Well


    [84] Operation Whitecoat


    [85] Operation Whitecoat


    [86] The Military’s Medical Heroes


    [87] Operation Polka Dot


    [88] CDC Says It Erred in Measles Study


    [89] The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment


    [90] The Syphilis Study at Tuskegee Timeline


    [91] Tuskegee Experiment: The Infamous Syphilis Study


    [92] The Tuskegee Syphilis Study


    [93] Tuskegee Syphilis Study


    [94] Operation LAC


    [95] U.S. Performed Radiation Experiments On Its Own Citizens, New Book Reveals


    [96] Army’s secret chemical testing in St. Louis neighborhoods during Cold War raising new concerns


    [97] The Army Sprayed St. Louis With Toxic Aerosol During A Just Revealed 1950s Test


    [98] Suit filed over government test-spraying in St. Louis during cold war


    [99] Edgewood Arsenal human experiments


    [100] Edgewood Arsenal human experiments


    [101] Wilson Greene, “Psychochemical Warfare: A New Concept of War”; Operation Delirium

    [101]Wilson Greene,“心理化学战:战争的新概念”;谵妄手术

    [102] The US Government Declares War on America — Part 2 — Biological Warfare


    [103] Dugway sheep incident


    [104] How the Death of 6,000 Sheep Spurred the American Debate on Chemical Weapons


    [105] The Skull Valley Sheep Kill




    [107] Nerve gas at Dugway


    [108] Dead Sheep at Dugway.


    [109] Dr. Steven J. Allen; “Nerve gas, six thousand dead sheep, and Soviet trickery”



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    Copyright © Larry Romanoff, Blue Moon of Shanghai, Moon of Shanghai, 2023
