

Benjamin Fulford Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis 2023 June 26th

Black Sun group calls for emergency world military summit after failure of first act of Wagner opera


Black Sun group calls for emergency world military summit after failure of first act of Wagner opera

The P3 Freemasons-who control the Black Sun organization, the Vatican and large parts of the Pentagon- are calling for the world’s military forces to take action because “all the politicians are corrupted by the financial system.”This call comes after the Khazarian Mafia failed in the first phase of their plan to use the Wagner mercenary group to overthrow the Christian government of Russia. Russian FSB sources say The second phase will be worse, they warn.


The recent attempt by the Wagner militia to take over Russia actually originated with an Artificial Intelligence located in Silicon Valley,both the P3 and the Russians say. The P3 say it may be necessary to destroy Silicon Valley to end the ongoing madness. The Russians say the key is to arrest the leadership of the Chabad death cult.











This is the Russian FSB analysis of the Wagner move against Russia:


It was a psy-war using an Al generated voice and story. First, they took all media data and fed it to a system like Chat GPT. They also used behavioral experts to create a psy-profile of Wagner head Yevgeny Prigozhin. Also, a psy-operation was done on Prigozgin, he seems to have been fed with heavy narcotics to alter his brain and behavior. Nobody has seen him for the past two days.

这是一场使用人工智能捏造的的声音和故事的心理战。首先,他们将普里戈金在社交媒体上发布的所有视频,提供给像Chat GPT这样的系统。他们还邀请心里专家为瓦格纳的首领叶夫根尼·普里戈津制作了一份心理分析档案。此外,普里戈津本人也遭到了心理战行动,他似乎服用了大量麻醉剂来改变他的大脑和行为。过去两天没人见过他。

The accounts of Wagner were hacked, then it blocked all content. All voice messages from there were recorded once at 19.45 on June 24th as an mp3 file and then released over time as a kind of scenario.


The Ukrainians were saying they had some sort of surprise in store. Everybody thought it was about blowing up a dam or pipelines or an atomic power plant and blaming it on the Russians.


Instead,they came up with an Al deep fake story in an attempt to destabilize the Russian army.Please tell the people this was a fake and secret operation using Al-generated voice and scenario.


CIA sources agree with the Russian analysis and say “It is all a psy-ops.” Basically, the CIA tried topay off the Wagner Group $6.2 billion to turn against Russia. That is what is behind this headline:


“$6.2 Billion accounting error discovered by the Pentagon last week.”




Russia and Wagner ended up shaking hands and pocketing the money. The FSB reminded us of a Russian saying “Promising to marry someone is not the same as marrying them.”


The FSB say that unlike the fake Wagner in the Western media propaganda campaign “The real Wagner is going to turn towards Fascistngton and not Moscow.”


However, the Wagner opera is not over yet and part II has begun unfolding even as this report was about to go live. The story of Prigozhin going to Belarus is meant to carry out a plotline involving him taking over Belarus, invading Poland and starting a nuclear war with NATO, the FSB sources say.


There is a lot of Western propaganda news indicating this scenario is underway.First Belarusian”opposition leader,”Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya told the military and civilians in Belarus to “wait fora signal”.



This signal has now come as Ukrainian border guards used loudspeakers to call for the overthrowof “their dictator.”



Now the Ukrainian propaganda site Pravda reports a plane used by top Belarusian officials and members of Alexander Lukashenko’s family landed in Türkiye.



Mossad sources warn this is part of an attempt by the KM to start a nuclear war with NATO.However, Russian FSB sources say the nuclear weapons in Belarus are under Russian control and will not be used. In other words, do not be fooled by any new Al-generated nuclear war story”coming out of Belarus.”


The Russians are actually more worried about some sort of “climate event.” They note an organization called the Global Military Advisory Council on Climate Change (GMACCC) is calling for a massive NATO and EU project to fight “Climate Emergencies.”



In Canada, for example, the Ministry of Climate Change is building a facility with interrogation rooms,armories, biological laboratories etc. “to fight climate change.”


Apparently, the recently set forest fires in Canada are just the initial phase of this new attempt by NATO to grab large amounts of money.


The World Health Organization is also now linking diseases with climate change.




To get this going WHO named Vanessa Kerry, daughter of former Us Secretary of State John Kerry and the US President’s Special Envoy for Climate, as”Director General for Climate Change and Health.


Meanwhile,the German Ethics Council is calling for “One Health” to combat the global”Climate Crisis.” The GEC says “Only collectives can be ‘healthy not individuals.”


Deutscher Ethikrat: „Klimakrise“ als globaler Notfall, “OneHealth” als Rettung

In Poland, the slave government there voted on “fundamental changes to the geological and mining law,which threatens the health and life of people and animals,takes away our basic rights and property,and leads our country to a complete collapse.” Polish intelligence warns.


All this comes as the World Economic Forum calls for religious scripture to be “rewritten”by artificial intelligence to create a globalized “new Bible”


Yuval Noah Harari,who serves as Klaus Schwab’s right-hand mah at the WEF,argues that the Bible is “fake news” and full of hate speech,and the elites can use Al to replace the Bible and create a unified “religion that is actually correct” According to the WEF,God,Jesus and Christianity is “fake news” that must be dismissed by humanity.


WEF Orders Govt’s To BAN The Bible and Issue ‘Fact-Checked’ Version Without God

Meanwhile,Italian fascist leader Giorgia Meloni, who came into power on an anti-immigration pledge, has allowed more than 100,0o0 illegal immigrants to land in the past 9 months, all of them military-aged men.

















No wonder the Russian government is unilaterally withdrawing from a series of international bodies, including the World Trade Organization and the World Health Organization,the Russian Duma’s Deputy Speaker Pyotr Tolstoy said on Tuesday.


The Russians also point to a huge series of unnatural earthquakes from around the world in the past month. And think this may be a prelude to some sort of massive,possibly volcanic,”climate event.”




The KM are desperately trying to trigger something dramatic enough to get them a big payday because they are running out of money.


The US money supply has now fallen by $2.6 trillion (or 12.0 percent) since the peak in April 2022. Two-thirds of the money created by US since its’ founding in 1776 was created after Asians foolishly allowed them to do so in 2009 with the promise of a communist black president. This Asian money was cut off in January 2020, triggering a massive $7.4 trillion KM money laundering operation disguised as a pandemic.This was cut off in April of 2022 as the chart below illustrates.



The entire fake Biden presidency is now running on vapor as well as money earned by selling off Ukrainian organs, slaves and drugs along with obsolete weapons.


That’s why Rockefeller slave Secretary of State Anthony Blinken,European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen,Polish Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau and German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock gathered last week to ask for $750 billion “for the reconstruction of Ukraine”


Blinken was sent to China where he said whatever he thought the Chinese wanted to hear including:”Taiwan belongs to China, the US does not want a new Cold War or to change China’s system” etc.to try to con them out of more money.



This was a quick turn-around from Biden comparing Taiwan to Ukraine recently. Take a look at the body language of Blinken next to Xi Look to confirm he is an errand boy.


The Chinese were not fooled:


“Beijing will not buy its double-dealing ploy of seeking cooperation and communication while containing China in the name of’competition.”



This prompted the fake Biden to insult China as soon as Blinken returned empty-handed by saying:


“The reason why Xi Jinping got very upset in terms of when I shot that balloon down with two box cars full of spy equipment is he didn’t know it was there.I’m serious. That was a great embarrassment for dictators when they didn’t know what happened..”


Biden equates China’s Xi with ‘dictators’ at donor reception

The KM propaganda press then started putting out stories about how”China has real economic difficulties”.


The truth is the opposite. Raytheon Chief Executive Greg Hayes admitted Beijing effectively has the US military’s supply chain by the balls thanks to its reliance on rare earths and other materials which come from or are processed in China.



With the move to suck up to China ending in failure, the KM next tried to butter up Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Here is what Modi had to say to US politicians:


When I first visited the US as a PM, India was the 10th largest economy in the world. Today, India is the 5th largest economy. India will be the 3rd largest economy soon. We became the only G20 country to meet its Paris commitment. We made renewables account for over 40% of our energy sources 9 years ahead of the target of 2030.



Modi was offered all sorts of goodies when he visited the fake Biden but, he refused to promise not to share them with Russia and China. “We live by the motto of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’-the world is one family,” Modi explained. So, the attempt to induce him to join the KM failed.


The result was propaganda stories attacking him in places like Reuters.


https://www.reuters.com/world/india/modis-denial-discrimination-against-minorities-india-is-lie-activists-say-2023-06-23/?utm source=reddit.com

Even worse for the fake Biden presidency than not getting money from China or India,they are about to lose their biggest existing cash cow: Japan. Last week Japan’s Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako visited a cemetery dedicated to people, including Japanese military, who fought for Indonesia’s independence against the Dutch after the end of World War Il.


https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20230620 21/

Japanese right-wingers close to the emperor say the Japanese establishment used this visit to show their intent to break with the KM.


This visit comes immediately after the Dutch royals tried to extort resources from Indonesia by threatening it with earthquake weapons before being forced to back down by the BRICS alliance,CIA sources say.


The Europeans themselves are now getting ready to dump the fake Biden administration and its’ KM puppet masters.


As Geographer Manlio Dinucci notes “The recession that is rearing its head in the European Union was caused by high energy prices resulting from the [Rockefeller-ordered] sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipelines.”


Rockefeller slave Antony Blinken called the Nord Stream blockade “a tremendous opportunity” that has made the United States the leading supplier of liquefied natural gas to Europe. As a result,Exxon,Chevron and other Rockefeller companies “have made record profits”by impoverishing the Europeans.



Polish intelligence for their part note the country was able to increase GDP by 2.5 times between 1971 and 1976 by investing $3 trillion to build 557 new enterprises. This was the sort of thing that was possible before the KM impoverished the Polish people by putting them under a regime of debt slavery. That is why Poland is turning against the KM.


France for its part has already asked to join the BRICS alliance. The rest of Europe is soon to follow, P3 Freemason sources say.


Inside the US itself:


The “Je Biden” presidency is whirling around the drain in plain sight, and with it, likely, the Globalist hopes and dreams of making everybody eat bugs while they take away everything you own.



For example, in a move that alienated many “President Biden” missed a key deadline set by a bipartisan law he signed that called for the declassification and release of intelligence on the Wuhan lab and its possible links to the origins of COVID-19.



Even the corporate propaganda media is turning against the fake Biden show now as these videos show. In the first one Biden walks about after being asked if his son was getting special treatment.


In the next,the White House National Security Council Coordinator WALKS OUT after being asked about Hunter Biden’s WhatsApp messages with China implicating President Biden.


This sort of performance has led to former establishment supporters like Lawyer and Legal Analyst Margot Cleveland to say:


“In the wake of the Hunter Biden sweetheart plea deal, calling D.C. a swamp is an insult to swamps…”



The mainstream is also now waking up to the true controllers of the Biden swamp.James O’Keefe’s new undercover media venture got a BlackRock executive to brag on tape that:


BlackRock is able to “run the world,” It’s not who is the president it’s who is controlling the wallet of the president. You could buy your candidates. senators are fuckin cheap.Got 10 grand you can buy a senator It doesn’t matter who wins they’re in my pocket.





The mass murder of children by the KM is also now being exposed for all to see. The passion of the Christ Actor Jim Caviezel exposed the institutional sex trafficking of children in his new film Sound of Freedom. It is based on a true story of a former government agent on a mission to rescue children from sex traffickers in Colombia.


“The three-letter agencies, they’re all involved…adrenochrome is ten times more potent than heroin…A barrel of Adrenochrome and children’s body parts…it’s $77,000…which gets sent to Ukrainian Bioweapons Labs…all organized by the three-letter agencies…There are multiple Epstein Islands run by intelligence agencies/governments, Who is NATO? Who is the UN? Who are the Central Banks? They are the Rothschilds banks.”

“所有那些三个字母的机构们,他们都参与其中……肾上腺红色素的药效是海洛因的十倍…… 一小管肾上腺红色素和儿童身体部位……价值77000美元……被送往乌克兰生物武器实验室……所有这些都是由三个字母的机构组织的……情报机构/政府管理着多个爱泼斯坦群岛,北约算什么?联合国算什么?各国的中央银行算什么?他们只不过都是罗斯柴尔德家族的分支罢了。”

Watch ‘The Sound Of Freedom’: A Spotlight on the Global Movement to End the Trafficking of Minors

‘Passion of the Christ’ Actor Jim Caviezel Implicates U.S. Government Agencies in Child Sex Trafficking [VIDEO]

The Jewish lobby is also turning against the KM as their links to the holocaust and Nazis are being exposed for all to see. Last week for example, Israeli Ambassador to Ukraine Mikhail Brodsky referred to fascist leaders like Stepan Bandera as Ukrainian “national heroes.”


The Jewish newspaper “The Forward” in 2021 said the Ukraine had 362 monuments around the world dedicated to Nazis and Nazi collaborators. This is the most of any country.



Even though Bandera and his group presided over the death of about 1.4 million Jews”not a single organization for protecting the memory of Holocaust survivors raised an eyebrow”at Brodsky’s remarks.



The French have provided us with actionable intelligence by listing Satanists pretending to be Zionists who are working with the genocidal Ukrainian Nazi faction. These are:


Benyamin Netanyahu whose father Bension Netanyahu was a Nazi


Former Soviet dissident Natan Sharansky,


Andriy Yermak, chief of staff to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky.


Rabbi David Niederman, president of the United Jewish Organizations of Williamsburg


Oligarch Boris Lozhkin, former chief of staff to President Petro Poroshenko and current president of the Jewish Confederation of Ukraine;


Professor Hannah Lessing,Secretary General of the General Fund for Compensation of Victims of National Socialism;


Lubavitch Rabbi Raphael Rutman, executive chairman of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine.


Israeli Attorney General Gali Baharav Miyara and the state prosecution have already taken action by refusing to back down on the 4000 filebribery charges against crime minister Binyamin Netanyahu.



With the KM realizing they are about to face justice. Many are trying to escape. For example,they staged a media event where the submarine “Titan” imploded near the Titanic wreck. “The entire show was probably faked to allow Epstein perpetrators to escape justice by faking their deaths,” a Canadian intelligence officer says. For example, Hamish Harding a key contributor to the World Economic Forum (WEF) since its inception in 1971 is one of the people who disappeared.


Meanwhile, traitors like Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley are being promised personal security details to protect them from threats-including “embarrassment.”


Pentagon’s Secret Service Trawls Social Media for Mean Tweets About Generals

There is also increased space opera activity and “disclosure” going on. For example, a video has been released of former senator Barry Goldwater speaking about UFOs at Wright Patterson airbase.


As a part of this disclosure, the Secret Space Program has sent us an “exclusive” video of a reverse-engineered SSP craft. SSP reverse engineered craft.






They also sent us this:


  1. UFOS over Malaysia and Indonesia
  2. 马来西亚和印度尼西亚上空的不明飞行物

  1. UAP over Florida. USA 20-05-2023
  2. 2023年5月20日美国佛罗里达州上空的不明大气现象。

  1. UFO over the ocean of S. California, USA
  2. 美国南加州海洋上空的不明飞行物

4.UFO over Arizona USA 23-01-2023


As usual with this stuff, we urge readers to fully believe in flying saucers when they actually get a chance to ride one.
