米拉和昴宿星集体 20190226 坚持住


米拉和昴宿星集体 20190226 坚持住

Greetings grounded team we are the Pleiadian Collective.


We see the weariness of spirit and body with many of our ground team and we wish to offer specific encouragement for these ascension symptoms this day. For you hear much is proceeding which is indeed true and we know that you feel it in your physical bodies greatly. You are morphing into 5D crystalline – you are. Your DNA is coming online. Many of you are glowing and looking younger. Have you not noticed this? And yet the human part of you is exhausted. And so may we infuse you with a little bit of Pleiadian wit and wisdom?


We assure you, we we lovingly watch you from your skies we see a new glow – radiance about you that was not there even yesterday and we see many of you choosing humor and joy more often, being fiercely protective of your vibration. All of these are signs of the inward growth that is occurring moment by moment, breath by breath. And yet you doubt. Doubt no longer friends and be at peace. Try to find the beauty in this most sacred now of ascension within the physical, a rare experience indeed. And may we lovingly remind you that you wanted to be here to lend your mettle, your light and to test your levels of compassion? Yes.


And so friends and family members all over the globe who are reading these encoded words please show yourselves that same loving compassion that you so readily show the others. All of you are responding differently to these high vibe waves from the central sun. Be patient, be gentle. Rest. Laugh! It is good for the soul. And we assure you this will be worth it on the end. Find your inner place of peace and stay there, nurtured in your own strength of spirit and firm resolve to love and to ground your light.


We love you. I am Mira of the Pleiadian Council. We all hold you in the highest of esteem. Be at peace. Wave to us up in the skies and say hello, and we will energetically hug you back. I am Mira. I wipe tears from my eyes seeing all that you are going through. Hang on – not too much longer now. But the peace you don’t have to wait for. You can choose this oasis of




翻译:Nick Chan