圣哲曼 20190212 从干旱到洪水-到底怎么了?


圣哲曼 20190212 从干旱到洪水到底怎么了?

In different parts of Australia people are coping with extremes in weather and in Queensland they have copped a double whammy – terrible, long-lasting drought that never seemed to be ending, suddenly replaced by devasting floods. In other parts of Australia, fires have raged through pristine wilderness and destroyed farmland, homes and some lives. Overseas, the plummeting temperatures have, in some places, been unprecedented. What the heck is going on!


St Germain says:


“The extreme weather is a symptom of man’s control over the Earth. Global warming is, indeed, a fact and the rise in temperatures around the world due to gas emissions continues. The other factor causing unpredictable or extreme weather is free will. Let me explain.


Every soul living as a human on Earth has free will to make decisions for their own benefit. Every time a person makes a decision and acts upon it, a reality is created. Others get caught up in the reality and the consequences affect the world. When individuals, groups of people, governments or corporations make decisions based on financial, rather than humanitarian or environmental, needs, the consequences on individuals, communities and the environment are immense and wide-reaching. They are also often irreversible, such as the resulting extinction of many animals, major pollution of waterways, weakening of the ozone layer or loss of marine or forest reserves. The natural wonders upon the Earth are disappearing at an alarming rate because money rules over all else, including human life, and Man is also in danger of losing many of his own habitats, i.e. villages, towns and once-beautiful holiday destinations, because decisions made in the past on monetary, rather than sustainability, bases begin to show their effects. The weather is not immune to the choices Man makes  either and the extremes in temperatures are a direct result of the poor environmental choices that have been made in the last two centuries. Unsustainable practices of waste removal, excessive packaging, consumption of fossil fuels and illegal dumping of chemicals all affect the climates around the world as toxic gasses continue to be pumped into the atmosphere. The Earth is being used as a waste dumping ground and a plaything, with disastrous consequences.


Believe it or not, the weather is also affected by the extreme way some people interact with each other and the toxic emotions and thoughts they emit, such as hatred, revenge, terrorism and war. Acts of violence against other humans radiate their own vibrational energy, which is absorbed by the Earth and retained in the places it has occurred, sometimes for centuries. Just as the human body holds emotions in the organs and cells, so does the natural environment. Every element on Earth, water, fire, air and earth, are connected and all are as equally affected by human decision, action and interaction. When the energy becomes too toxic, Mother Earth cleanses and, in some cases, purges. How does she do it? With wind, flood, fire and earthquake.


The natural state of any system is to purge toxins for continued growth and sustained health. The human body is a system, as is any living thing. The natural world is also a complex system that is symbiotically linked through never ending cycles of birth, growth and death. As for any system, the build-up of toxins, whatever form it stems from, such as physical (chemicals, poisons or other pollutants), or the energetic remains from violence, war, terrible grief, genocide or hatred, must be cleansed eventually or the place or body will become inhabitable. If one were to examine the places that have experienced repeated drought, flood, earthquake, fire or cyclones, particularly outside seasonal weather expectations, one could expect to find a dark history that has previously remained hidden. Mother Earth is a living, breathing energy who is constantly battling against the abuse of humans who plunder, damage and take unfair advantage of her beauty and abundant resources. She cannot possibly survive under the weight of it all without at least attempting to purify herself. As it is happening more and more, it would be wise for humans to take note – things must change or the consequences will be dire.


Another, lesser reason that extreme weather and natural disasters occur can be attributed to two laws: the Law of Attraction and the Law of the Greater Good – be careful what you ask for, as the Universe will always give you what you want! When people who have been in repeated drought or flood ask for rain or dry, they must always be specific in their requests and ask that it happen for the highest and best of all. Without boundaries to their request the delivery may be brutal, but it will still be what has been asked for! Asking for it to happen for the Greater Good is not always the best idea, however, as what is good for the world in general will never suit everyone and sacrifices of energy, including lives, may occur. Asking for help outside of your own family circle is also fraught with difficulties, as sending help to individuals or communities without their permission can equate to intervention upon their free will. If a whole community is in danger, requesting that help be sent to innocent souls caught up in the catastrophe is one way to avoid karmic debt, as is sending angels to offer assistance, as they will absorb any karma caused by unwitting intervention, even though the intention was good. Sending love, however, is never intervention because love just is and forms the basis of the fabric of Creation.


It is time to stop and consider the impact human behaviour is having on the Earth’s natural systems, including the weather. Although the common man may feel helpless against governments, cartels, corporations and those in control of decisions in their community, city, country or on a global level, every individual can make an enormous difference by working on themselves and changing their behaviours. If even a tenth of the human population did that, the difference to the natural kingdom and the human collective consciousness would be tangible.


I AM Saint Germain. Blessings be to you all.



通灵:Victoria Cochrane

翻译:Nick Chan