

Kryon ~ Some Virus Truths for You to Consider




April 14, 2020, From the Worldwide Channelling Retreat



They called this a quad channeling because there were four presenters.  The Kryon portion starts at 43:09, but for those of us who prefer to speed read, I made a transcript.



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Greetings, dear ones. I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.



We come to you at this time, and we know what time it is. Mid-April, 2020 it is, and we know what you’re going through. We have said this so many times, dear ones ~ Spirit knows your name, knows your situation, knows your feelings, knows your anxieties and your fears.



It’s like we stand off to the side, sometimes watching you cry, and we stand there waiting. And we’ve talked about it so often and given it names, waiting for you to take our hand. That’s the spiritual free-choice of Humanity…to see it or don’t see it. To feel it or don’t feel it.




We’ve said it so many times: this planet acknowledges one God, a beautiful loving God…totally acknowledges this, all over. And yet, there seems to be always a wall that Humans have built and made, designed and created that’s always between us. And that was not the design, dear ones…ever.



You’re never alone. Your Soul is filled with the essence of God…Your Soul. That means we are not somewhere else. This veil that you talk about is inside you. You realize that, don’t you? It’s not off in the sky somewhere.



And I say this and preface this so you’ll know why I’m going to give you this information that I’m giving you today. Yes! I’m going to talk about the elephant under the table. Yes…I’m going to talk about that which is…the virus.



I’m going to talk about the aftermath. I’m going to talk about right now, I’m going to talk about some things you should know. It might be encouraging to some. And I’m going to do something that will make others roll their eyes and say, “Well I don’t think so, Kryon.”



You’ll see that in a moment, in the future. Because I’m going to give you information, a little bit, about what you’re seeing as so sad that doesn’t have to be sad. About this microbe, this virus that you say is taking so many lives.




I’m going to give you some information right now. That is not that new. It is something that has occurred to some on the planet already. It is being worked on, and I want to push it forward so many of you understand and know that this virus is not taking your lives, it’s something else, dear ones.



Oh, it gets you to that place where you’re very close to either death or recovery. But then suddenly, something else is taking place. I want to talk about the ‘something else.’



Because I want science to know, and I want medicine to know ~ this is already occurred to those who are working the puzzle. And yet, they’re not really certain what they’re seeing.



What I’m going to tell you next, dear ones, I hope is taken to heart by Someone that may be listening here. Those who would listen to channeling are not necessarily on the front lines scientists on the planet, and I’m aware of that.



So let us turn to what the facts are showing right now. The virus will take an immune system of someone perhaps who is weak or to a level that is dangerous. And in that danger they will be put into that hospital and given the best care that you know how to give.




Some of them will go into that which you call the ICU, surrounded by ICU specialists and doctors and nurses who care about them and are doing their best to save their lives.



But instead of seeing that which is normal in an ICU protocol or that which is normal for any virus, even the ones before this one…instead of that, they’re seeing something completely different. They’re seeing a downturn and almost immediate death where there shouldn’t be.



And they’re scratching their heads and saying, “That should not have happened. That should not be that way.”



And so there’s another complement, there’s something else happening. This is factual, dear ones, and you can ask the physicians at the front lines, and the nurses that have watched and seen those who are put in the ventilators who are recovering or seem to go to that place which would be next for a disease, and you lose them.



There is something else going on. And now I will tell you what it is. And it’s not sinister. It’s just chemistry. And this hopefully will lead to those understanding that in the future, this does not have to be a killer flu. It’s just a flu.



Because of what I’m telling you now, what will be developed and what’s going to be discovered. And if you roll your eyes, talk to me in a few years, and see if you’re going to roll your eyes then with what I’m going to tell you now.




Dear ones, your immune system has never seen this. You have a robust immune system, most of you. But those who don’t will have an immune system that over-reacts to the virus. You might say that what is killing the Human Beings today is their own immune system, not the virus.



The virus will take it to a certain level, and then the immune system, which has never seen this before, is over-reacting. And the over-reacting immune system is causing the death.



Now I just gave you a key to look at, science. If you could encapsulate that immune system so it will not over-react, this flu will never kill another Human.



You know the flu season, it’s coming back. It will, but it will simply be ‘the flu.’ And it won’t be a killer flu anymore because you’ll have figured it out. I just gave you something to work on and to know, and if you think I am wrong, ask those doctors in the ICU if they have seen this phenomenon.



And they’ll tell you, “We’ve seen it. We know there’s something else and we wish we knew what it was.”



Concentrate, not on the virus, but on the immune system and how to put it into a place where you can control reaction and keep it from going to that place which has been so devastating for so many, and hurt so many hearts. Inappropriate death, it is.



That’s number one.



Number two, I would like to give you some information. It may seem cryptic, but it’s information about the aftermath. This all falls in perhaps even to previous channels, not about that which would be a pandemic but which would be a coming energy of change.



Let’s get away from the health right now and take a look at the economies. There’s many who have said this is devastating to the economies. I will tell you something, dear ones…it is not devastating. It’s a pruning. Many have told you, books have been written, futurists have said so…that the stock market itself has systemic problems. That means that in it’s very design, it’s going to fail.



And the way around that, we told you, was an integration so it wouldn’t fail. And there was a lot of head scratching to say. “Well what is that integration?” I will tell you what it is…it’s the virus.



Because what is going to happen when the stock market comes back, and it will, it is set to rebound, dear ones. It is not set to fail. Watch it. On good news it starts to rebound, on bad news it doesn’t. It’s not dead, but what happens with it and the commerce around it is a re-boot.



And that re-boot starts to correct the systemic problems that it has naturally that it’s developed over years that would cause the failure.



Some who will say, “Well what about all the stores that are closed and they’re saying they’re not going to re-open and they’re right. Many will not re-open, and they’ll be the stores that shouldn’t have been there. Not with the economy as it should be.




A re-boot is a pruning out of the things that should not be, so when they rebound they will not then continue, do you see? So, systems that were not working, processes that were almost broken, when they come from zero and start coming back will not have those attributes. Do you see how this works?



Let me put it in another way. If a Human Being is in trouble, and the Human Being really needs to have help with this and they go perhaps to a health worker or a psychiatrist or psychologist, what they’re going to tell the is this, “You’ve got to stop, take a breath, go to zero, and re-calibrate yourself.”



Re-calibrate yourself. Every Lightworker knows how this works. You go to a place of meditation. All over the world, they know how this works. You have to stop everything. You stop going to work, you stop with your family, you stop everything. And you stand there or sit there and understand for whatever length of time what is important to you and what is not.



You have to go to that place where nothing is moving. Then the intuition starts to come in and says, “Oh, I see what’s wrong. I see these things over here. That doesn’t serve me, I thought it did. I was too busy to notice.” You see?



“Oh, I see this relationship over here…I thought it was one thing and now I realize that maybe it’s another. I better take another look.” “I was too busy with myself. I was too afraid of my surroundings.” “I’ve had this and that happen and I never could get any sleep and no wonder I couldn’t see these things.”



And so, just as Human to Human you understand that sometimes, the finish line, what you have to do to correct yourself is to stop, take a breath,balance yourself, breathe, meditate, take time.




And then the intuition starts to flow in, and that intuition without all the busyness and without all the things that disturb you and the fears and those that talk to you about this and that and opinions, all of that goes away.



Intuition flows in that is beautiful from your spirituality from your own Soul, from across the veil, perhaps that says number one, you are dearly loved. Number two, take a hard look at the things around you because now is the opportunity to eliminate them and start afresh.



And as you do, you’ll be healthier, you’ll be a sweeter person because you’ll understand what works and what does not.



Dear Human Being, the Planet is in Re-Boot mode right now!



There’s never been anything to create this kind of Unity on the Planet, not even a World War. This is new, take a look, it’s on purpose you might say, from a virus, by the way, that came from nature, but didn’t get to you naturally. We’ll talk on that some other time.



I would like to tell you right now that when these things are over and it starts to come back, it may take a while, but it’s going to come back a different way.  It’s going to come back fresher. It’s going to come back with systems that are correcting themselves because they’re starting over New ideas!  Industries may disappear, and not because of the virus, but because they’re recognized as not being necessary. New industries, new inventions are going to pop up because of this.




I’m telling you that whatever you think is going to happen, you’ll be wrong, because this is the re-boot we talked about, the energy-shift we talked about. When all around the naysayers say it can’t happen with the economy we have. They’re right. “It can’t happen with the stock market the way it is.” They’re right.



And it isn’t. You’re at zero right now and you’re going to come rebounding back differently. There is so much hope for this Planet because of this.



I tell you these things in Love and Compassion, because you’ll see it’s true. And you may have difficulty understanding why this had to happen or that had to happen. It’s the salvation of Humanity. Its the beginning of a higher consciousness and understanding of the togetherness of Humanity.



You let a microbe bring you to your knees!



What if, instead, the next time it’s Love. We have more understanding and compassion for one another.



We can sweep this Planet with Love. We can make things happen that never happened before. This is not what you think. I give you these things in Love



There’s not only hope for the future, there is hope for a different future. You’re not going to return to the same ‘ol, same ‘ol. That goes for politics. That goes for broadcast news. That goes for what you’re going to find out later…what really happened with what you call COVID-19.



These things will happen because you need them, and you will correct things because of it. And this will be a much better Planet to live on, believe me. You’re not returning to the old world ever again.



I am Kryon, in Love with Humanity, and I’ll be back. And so it is.


Translator: Pearl